List of mandatory literature on the topic of organic diseases. List of educational literature. Historical essay of professional pathology

10.07.2020 Sport

List of mandatory and additional literature on discipline Professional diseases

Main literature:

Professional diseases. Education /,. - 4th ed., Pererab. And add. - M.: Medicine, 2004 (2006).

2.The order of PO professional diseases. In 2 tons. For universities / under the editor. - M.: Medicine, 1983.

3. Professional diseases / ,. - M. Gootar - Media, 2008.

4. Professional pathology. National Guide / Ed. Acad. N.F. Measurements. - M. Gootar - Media, 2011. \u003d 778 p.

5. Summing in military-field therapy.-War'ovdat, 1988.-s.

6.The Field Therapy: Textbook / ,.-M.: Medicine, 1983.-

7.Reography to practical training in military field therapy.-M.: Medicine, 1983

8. Domestic diseases. Military field therapy / ed. and prof. .-SPb., 2003.-s.

Advertised literature:

2 Total hygiene: studies. /, - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Medicine, 2002 (2005)

4 General hygiene: studies. Handbook for universities / ,. - M.: Gootar - Media, 2006 (2009)

5 Clinical pharmacology medicinesused in the treatment of some professional respiratory diseases: method. Recommendations for the Maintenance Protocols / ,; Chelyab. State honey. Acad.; cafe. Profitology and clinical pharmacology. - Chelyabinsk: Replen, 2004. - 96 p.

6 Diagnostics and treatment of occupational diseases of the respiratory organs (patrols of patients) / ,. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing House of Chelkma, 2005. - 66 p.

7 Pharmacotherapy of some professional respiratory diseases: method. rivers. to patient support protocols. - 2nd ed., Pererab and add. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing House of Chelkma, 2005. - 138 p.

8 variability heart Rhythm With ischemic heart disease / ,. - Chelyabinsk: Replen, 2006. - 137 p.

9 Chronic professional intoxication of manganese and fluorine compounds, pharmacotherapy of the disease: Tutorial For students honey. universities and doctors / ,. Recommended by UMO on the medical and pharmaceutical education of Russian universities as a teaching aid for students. UMO - - Chelyabinsk, 2007. - 112 p.

10 Tests for students on the discipline "Clinical Pharmacology" (Tutorial) Collection of test tasks for monitoring knowledge of students of higher educational institutions in the specialties 060101.65 (040100) - therapeutic case, 060103.65 (040200) - Pediatrics, 060104.65 (040300) - Medical and Preventive 060105.65 (040500) - Dentistry, 060109.65 (040600) - Nursing. In 7 parts. Part III. Therapeutic case /, et al .// Chelyabinsk: Publishing House: Chelyabinsk State medical Academy, 2007.

11 Tests for students on the discipline "Profitology" (Tutorial) /, // - p.157-165.

12 Professional bronchial asthma /, - Chelyabinsk: Chelgmarosprava Publishing House, 2010. - 107 p. Recommended by the educational and methodological association of Russian universities as a textbook for students studying in the specialties and. Decision No. 17-28 / 535 dated 01.01.2001

Educational and methodical literature:

1 Methodology for the diagnosis of secondary cardiopathiopathy and rhythmocardiographic predictors of cardiovascular pathology in patients with vibration disease from local vibration. / Tutorial for the system of postgraduate professional education doctors in the specialty 040114 Profitology /, Chelyabinsk, 201c.

2 Methods for diagnosing secondary cardiopathiopathy and rhythmocardiographic predictors of cardiovascular pathology in patients with pneumoconiosis. / Tutorial for the postgraduate system vocational education doctors in the specialty 040114 PROFTOLOGII /, Chelyabinsk, 201c.

3 Methods of diagnostics of secondary cardiopathiopathy and rhythmocardiographic predictors of cardiovascular pathology in patients with chronic professional intoxication of manganese and fluorine compounds. / Tutorial for the postgraduate professional education system of doctors in the specialty 040114 Profitology /, Safronova, 201S.

4 Instructions for the phase treatment of struck with battle therapeutic pathology.-1983.-C.

5 Naval Surgery Tutorial / Ed. . -L., 197c.

6 On the procedure for conducting military medical examination in the Armed Forces Russian Federation. Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2001-s.

7 Regulation on the examination of the flight-lifting composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Order of the Russian Federation of 12.09.95-s.

8 Emergency Surgery: Guide for Naval Surgeons / Ed. ,.-S.-Petersburg, 1996.-s.

9 Naval Surgery.-S.-Petersburg, 1996.-s.

10 Nechaev-Visor injury / ,.-S.-Petersburg, 1994.-

11 course of lectures on military field surgery / ed. .-Volgograd, 1996.-s.

12 Military Medicine and Catastrophe of Peace Time /,.-1994.-C.

13 Surgical infection. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment: Guide for military doctors. - m., 1993.-

14 Traumatic disease / ed. ,.-L., 1987.-s.

15 Diagnostics and treatment of injuries / ed. .-M., 1984.-s.

17 Guidelines for military transfusion / ed. .-M., 1991.-s.

18 Regulations on medical examination in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 1995.-C

19 Regulations on Medical Examination in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 1995.-s

1. Artamonova VG, N.N. Staffs "Professional Diseases", Medicine 2006

2. Avakyan G.N. Structural and functional characteristics motor disorders With diseases of nervous and neuromuscular systems: author. Dis ... Dr. honey. science - M., 2005. - 30 s.

3. Ananin V.F., Velhover E. On the role of the reticular formation in the regulation of the cardiovascular system. Message 4 // Bionics problems. Kharkov: Higher School, 2007. 33. 108-120.

4. Akhmetov V.M. Dynamics of professional morbidity in the oil, refinery and petrochemical industry for 40 years Honey. Labor and prom. ecology. 2009. 5 pp. 913.

5. Arkhipov Yu.V. Strategic efficiency of management decisions // Problems of the theory and management practices. 2007. №5. P. 117-122.

6. Baevsky P.M. Evaluation and classification of health levels from the point of view of the theory of adaptation // Bulletin of AMN USSR. 2009. №8. P. 73 78.

7. Safety of vital activity: textbook / ed. S.V. Belova. - M.: Higher. Sk., 2009

8. Berezin FB Mental and psychophysiological adaptation of a person. L.: Science, 2008. 270 s.

9. Goltseva TP Features professional activity Employees affecting the emergence of negative mental states, 2012.

10. Zelenova M.E. Individual self-regulation style as an internal stress resistance resource of subjects labor activity // Social psychology and society. 2013. №1 - s. 69-80

11. Information collection of static and analytical materials<< О состоянии профессиональной заболеваемости в Российской федерации в 2010 году >\u003e, under. ed. Chief Doctor VBUZ FTSHie Rospotrebnadzor Ph.D. A.I. Vereshchagin, M.: 2011. - s. 76.

12. Lapin L.V., Serdyuk N.I. Office of labor protection at the enterprise. - M.: MIPK MATI, 2008.

13. International Labor Organization. Prevention of occupational diseases. 2013.

14. Human Resource Management Dictionary [Electronic resource] - Access mode, registration.

15. Human Resource Management Dictionary [Electronic resource] - access mode, registration.

16. Human Resource Management Dictionary [Electronic resource] - Access mode, registration.

17. Human Resource Management Dictionary [Electronic resource] - Access mode, registration.

18. Human Resource Management Dictionary [Electronic resource] - Access mode, registration.

19. Human Resource Management Dictionary [Electronic resource] - Access mode, registration.

20. Human Resource Management Dictionary [Electronic resource] - Access mode, registration.

21. Human Resource Management Dictionary [Electronic resource] - Access mode, registration.

Dermatovenerology: Tutorial for students of higher educational institutions / V. V. Chebotarev, O. B. Tamrazova, N. V. Chebotareva, A. V. Odinnets. -2013. - 584 p. : IL.



Main literature

Dermatovenerology. National Guide / Ed. Yu.K. Skipka-on, Yu.S. Butova, O.L. Ivanova. - M.: Gootar Media, 2011. - 1024 p. - (Series "National Guidelines".)

Dermatovenerology / Under Ed.A.A. Kubanova. - M.: Daxpress, 2010. -428 p. - ( Clinical recommendations. Russian Society dermatovenerolo-gov)

Chebotarev V.V., Bida A.P. Guide for general practitioners (family doctors) on dermatovenerology. - Stavropol: Seventh Sky, 2009. - 328 p.

additional literature

Krouchuk DP, Mancini A.J. Children's dermatology: reference book / trans. Sangle. Ed. N.G. Short. - M.: Practical Medicine, 2010. - 608 p.

Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia of July 25, 2003 No. 327 "On Approval of the Master of Patients. Syphilis".

Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 04.24.2003 No. 162 "On approval of the industry-standard" Protocol for the conduct of patients. Scabies".

Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia of 20.08.2003 No. 415 "On approval of the Master of Patients. Gonococcal infection. "

Bullous dermatoses (questions of clinical and morphological diagnosis of neurpogenesis according to electronic and atomic microscopy) / imaging. IN AND. Prokhorenkova, A.A. Gaidasha, L.N. Tits. - Krasnoyarsk: IPTS CASS LLC, 2008. - 188 p.

Genital herpes / ed. A.A. Kubanova. - M.: Dax press, 2010. -12 p. - (clinical recommendations. Russian Society dermatovenerolo-gov.)

Graham Brown R. et al. Practical dermatology / R. Graham Brown, d. Bourke, T. Cantiff; per. from English Ed. N.M. Ball. - M.: Medpress Inform, 2011. - 360 p.

European leadership for the treatment of dermatological diseases: per. from English / Ed. HELL. Casambas, TM Lottie. - M.: Medpress Inform,

2008. - 736 p.

Clinical dermatovenerology: in 2 tons / ed. Yu.K. Skripkin, Yu.S. Bout. - M.: Goeotar Media, 2009.

Herpes Single / Ed. A.A. Kubanova. - M.: Damex Press, 2010. - 24 s. - (Clinical recommendations. Russian Society of Dermatov-Nerologists.)

Papillomavirus infection - clinic, diagnosis, treatment. The assumption of doctors. - Studio "Mirada Viva", 2010. - 32 p.

Samtsov A.V. Acne and acneform dermatoses: monograph. - M.: Hom,

2009. - 288 p.

Sokolova T.V., Lopatina Yu.V., Malarguk A.P., Kiseleva A.V. Scabies: study.-method. benefit. - M.: Adamant, 2010. - 72 p.

Tarasenko T.N., Tarasenko Yu.G. Basics of practical micrology. - M.: Oasis-Design, 2008. - 120 s.

1. Artanov V.G., Shatalov N.N. Professional diseases. Uch. For high. honey. Schools. M., 1982.

2. Bunin K.V. Infectious diseases. Uch. For high. honey. Schools. Ed. 6. M., 1984.

3. Vasilenko V.Kh., Grevnev A.L. Diseases of the stomach I. duodenal gut. M.: Medicine, 1981.

4. Vinogradov A.V. Differential diagnosis internal diseases. Ed. 2, 1987.

5. Vorobyev A.I. Reference practice. Doctor. Ed. M., 1981.

6. Golikov A.P., Zakin A.M. Emergency therapy. Reference. For doctors. M., 1986.

7. Loginov A.S., block Yu.G. Chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. M.: Medicine, 1987.

8. Measnikov A.L. Internal illnesses. Uch. For high. honey. Schools. M., 1981.

9. Neiko E.M. Ambulator reception therapist. Kiev, 1986.

10. Poutine E.F. Elements of medical equipment. Uch. benefit. M.: Ed. UDN, 1987.

11. Putov N.V. Pulmonology guide. Ed. 2. M., 1984.

12. Ruda M.Ya., Zyasko A.I. Myocardial infarction. Guide for doctors. M., 1986.

13. Ternovaya K.S. et al. Prevention urgent diseases internal organs. Kiev, 1983.

14. Chazov E.I. Emergency and emergency care. M., 1977.

15. Shebanov F.V. Tuberculosis. Uch. For high. honey. Schools. Ed. 3. M., 1981.

16. Cardiology Guide. Ed. E.I. Schazov. M.: Medicine, 1982.

17. Clinical nephrology. Ed. E.M. Tareeva. M.: Medicine, 1983.

18. Hematology Guide. Ed. A.I.Vorobyva. M.: Medicine, 1985.

19. Laboratory methods Research in the clinic. Directory Ed. V.V. Menshikova. M.: Medicine, 1987.

^ 1.2. Qualifying characteristics of a specialist doctor of a precinct workshop medical site

In accordance with the requirements of the specialty, the doctor therapist, the district medical site must know and be able to:

^ 1. Common Knowledge:

The main issues of social hygiene and the organization of medical care workers;

Principles of organization of work of health care services, its structure and main directions in work;

The procedure and regulations of the organization of workshop medical sites;

Planning of preventive and therapeutic work at the workshop area;

The state of the health of working in this enterprise, the incidence, disability issues and mortality and their connection with the working conditions (the latter together with the SanEpidemstation);

The main forms of medical records;

Questions of organization and preliminary medical examinations of workers in the organization and periodic medical examinations

The basis of the workshop of working;

Issues of health treatment in the sanatorium-pretentia;

Principles of developing and implementing sanitary and hygienic engineering and technical measures aimed at improving the working conditions (jointly with the doctors of SanEpidemstation, the administration of the enterprise, the technical inspection of trade unions in the engineering and medical team);

Principles of primary and secondary prevention of general and occupational diseases;

Sanitary and educational issues;

Basics clinical diagnostic general therapeutic and occupational diseases, as well as acute states and other pathologies found in the practice of a doctor of the territory of a precinct shop medical site;

Modern methods of laboratory, instrumental and hardware examination of patients with therapeutic profile;

Principles of pharmacotherapy, indications and contraindications for use medicinal preparations, side effects;

Indications and contraindications to the use of other methods of treatment (diet and physiotherapy, physiotherapy, physiotherapy, spa treatment, etc.);

Issues of temporary disability for general and occupational diseases;

Questions of medical and labor examination with a rack and long-lasting disability in general and occupational diseases;

Rehabilitation issues (medical, labor) with general and occupational diseases; Principles of employment of patients.

^ 2. General skills:

Develop and implement comprehensive measures to reduce morbidity and injuries with the administration of the enterprise and the trade union organization;

Render medical care in professional poisoning in production; urgent states;

To identify persons subject to dispensarization in a timely manner, to provide a survey and dynamic observation of the dispensary contingent, active treatment of closerizable, including in the sanatorium-pretentia;

To analyze the effectiveness of the dispensarization and give recommendations for the employment of the dispensary;

To send in the prescribed manner to the examination and inpatient treatment of patients who need hospitalization, as well as suspected a professional disease to clarify the diagnosis;

Conduct an examination of temporary disability in accordance with the current situation;

Implement together with the trade union organization control over the rational employment of employees;

Together with the administration, FNMK and SanEpidemstation, carry out the organization and qualitative conduct of preliminary during admission to work and periodic medical examinations;

Carry out guidance and control over the work of the Feldsher Swells with its organization at the workshop medical section;

To develop jointly with a sanitary doctor on labor hygiene Proposals to bring the working conditions of workers and serving in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards;

Emergency notice for SanEpidstation in identifying an infectious and occupational disease;

Conduct an analysis of the general and professional morbidity with the temporary and resistant disability of workers and employees of their workshop, including long and often ill, persons with disabilities and develop proposals for its decrease;

Exercise control over the preparation of authorized sanitary teams and putting self-help;

Conduct a complex of anti-epidemic events in the workshops;

Conduct sanitary and educational work;

Make up the quarter and annual plan of your work.


The therapist therapist area of \u200b\u200bthe medical site should be able to determine the diagnosis and conduct necessary treatment With the following urgent states:

Shock (toxic, traumatic, hemolytic, anaphylactic, cardiogenic);

Coma (hepatic, brain, diabetic, uremic);

Sharp blood loss;


Asthmatic status;

Hypertensive crisis;

Acute cardiac and respiratory failure;

Acute hepatic I. renal failure;

Acute toxicosis.

The therapist of the district medical center must be able to determine the diagnosis of acute caregings (profinexication), non-professional general therapeutic diseases, assign and conduct comprehensive treatment, in chronic caregings, establish a preliminary diagnosis, to consult with a tradecologist to clarify the final diagnosis and the recommended complex of medical and preventive and rehabilitation activities.

^ Professional diseases of chemical etiology:

With preferably lesion of respiratory organs (acute toxic rinofaring, tracheitis, bronchitis and bronchitis, toxic pulmonary edema, toxic pneumonia, chronic toxic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, lung cancer) with sharp and chronic inxications of chlorine and its compounds, sulfur gas, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen oxides , fluorine and its compounds, chrome and its connections, etc.;

With preferably damage to blood and blood formations (hypoplastic states of blood formation, leukemia, hypersidermine anemia, sharp and chronic hemolytic anemia, hypochemic syndrome) with acute and chronic intoxication with aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene and its homologues, lead, arsenic hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methemoglobinomators, etc.;

With a preferably lesion of the hepatobiliary system (acute toxic-chemical lesions of the liver, chronic toxic hepatitis) with acute and chronic intoxications, the main hepatotropic poisons chlorinated hydrocarbons of the fat row, amino and nitro compound of benzene, galovaks, phosphorus, styrene, pesticides, etc.;

With preferably defeat urinary tract (nephropathy, papillomas and cancer bladder) When exposed to major urotropic poisons - benzidin, carbon tetrachloride, diagnomy, beta and alpha naphthylamine, cadmium, mercury, organic compounds, etc.;

With preferably defeat nervous system (Toxic coma, toxic psychoses, syndromes vascular dystonia, astenonevrologichesky and asthenovegetative syndromes, toxic encephalopathy, cerebellar-vestibular, hypothalamic, extrapyramidal and epileptiform syndrome, polyneuropathy, entsefalomielopolinevropatii syndrome), acute and chronic intoxications neurotropic poisons - mercury and its inorganic compounds, manganese , tetraethylswisen, arsenic, serougerium, etc.;

With predominantly lesion of the skin (contact and allergic dermatitis, eczema, toxidermy, toxic melanomium, oil acne, professional mycoses, etc.) when exposed to dermatotropic poisons - acids and alkalis, salts of heavy metals, chromium, tar, pitch, naphthenic hydrocarbons, drugs, etc.

^ Professional diseases of dust etiology:

Maintenance clinical manifestations The effects of dust: rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, pneumoconiosis, dust bronchitis, pneumonites, bronchial asthma.

^ Professional diseases caused by the action of physical factors:

Vibration disease;

Radiation sickness;

Cochlear neuritis from the effects of industrial noise;

Decompression (caisson) disease from the effects of increased atmospheric pressure;

Thermal lesions (thermal blow) from the effects of high temperatures;

Cold neurovasculite, refruding endarteritic from exposure to low temperatures;

Clinical syndromes (asthenic, asthenovegetative, asthenonevironment, vegetative dystonia) from the effects of non-ionizing radiation - laser, electromagnetic radiation of the radio frequency range, constant and variable magnetic fields, etc.

^ Professional diseases due to overvoltage separate organs and systems:

Diseases of peripheral nerves and muscles (neuralgia, neuritis, polyneuropathy, cervical and lumbar-sacral radiculopathy, cervical plexitis, myophaccites, fibromyophasscites, vegetomyophaccites);

Coordinator neurosis;

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (tendovaginites, legaments, bursts, arthritis, arthrosis, epicondylitis, aseptic necrosis, osteochondrosis);

Peripheral vessel diseases ( varicose extension veins of the lower extremities);

Diseases of the organ of vision (asthenopia, progressive myopia).

^ Allergic, infectious and oncological occupational diseases:

Allergic diseases (conjunctivitis, rhinosinussopathy, laryngoparing, asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, dermatosis) in contact with industrial allergens;

Infectious diseases (tuberculosis, brucellosis, Yasher, Siberian ulcers, tularemia, sap, tick-borne encephalitis, ornithosis, toxoplasmosis) in individuals who have production contact with patients with people, animals, with cultures of infectious diseases;

Oncological diseases (skin cancer, lungs, stomach, liver, bladder, leukemia) in contact with reliable carcinogens (nickel, chromium, benzidine, benzopyrin, benzene, etc.).

^ Questions of general pathology:

Respiratory diseases (acute susceptible diseases, sharp bronchitis and pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, bronchiectatic disease, pneumosclerosis, lung emphysema, bronchial asthma, alveolitis);

Cardiovascular diseases (rheumatism acquired heart defects, hypertonic disease, symptomatic hypertension, ischemic disease Hearts - sudden coronary death, angina, myocardial infarction, post-infarction cardiosclerosis, heart rhythm disorders, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis; myocardits, cardiomyopathy);

Disease of the digestive organs (acute and chronic gastritis, ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, acute and chronic enterocolitis, acute and chronic pancreatitis, hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm);

Liver and biliary diseases (chronic hepatitis, acute and chronic cholecystitis, dyskinesia of biliary tract, bile disease);

Kidney disease and urinary tract (acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, acute and chronic pyelonephritis, acute and chronic cystitis, urolithiasis);

Diseases of the blood system (anemia, hemoblastoma, hemorrhagic diathesis);

Diseases endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, obesity);

Diseases of the joints (infectious-allergic and metastic polyarthritis);

Diffuse diseases connective tissue (Systemic red lupus, systemic sclerodermia, dermatomyomyomy, nodular periaryitis, rheumatoid arthritis);

Infectious diseases (adenoviral diseases, viral hepatitis, botulism, influenza, dysentery, food toxicoinfection, tetanus, tuberculosis, face, helminthiasis, etc.);

Oncological diseases (cancer of various location);

Drug addiction, toxicization, alcoholism.

4. Manipulations:

Intravenous administration drugs (including antidotes and complexones);

Artificial respiration;

Indirect heart massage;


Inhalation of oxygen (including the use of defoamers);

Stomach wash;

Puncture of abdominal and pleural cavities;

Determination of a blood type and its species;

Recording and decoding ECG.


1. Guidelines on occupational diseases, TT.i, II (ed. N.F.Ismerov). M.: Medicine, 1983.

2. Handbook of professional pathology (ed. L.N.Gacianskaya, V.E.Okvilo). L.: Medicine, 1981.

3. Harmful substances In industry, TT.i, II (ed. N.V. Lazarev, E.N.Livina). L.: Chemistry, 1976.

4. Harmful substances in industry, vol. Iii (ed. N.V. Lazarev, N.D.Gadskina). L.: Chemistry, 1977.

5. Harmful substances in industry (ed. E.N.levina, N.G.Gadskina). L.: Chemistry; 1985.

6. Luzhnikov E.A. Clinical toxicology. M.: Medicine, 1982.

7. Mattovsky I.M. Doctor in engineering team. Chelyabinsk, South Ural Book Publishing House, 1977.

8. Shahgeldianz A.E. Therapeutic and preventive assistance to workers industrial enterprises. M.: Medicine, 1978.

9. Blueman A.F., Novitsky I.N. Practical hematology. Riga, 1984.

10. Gastroenterology. M.: Medicine. 1985, TT.I, II, III.

11. Clinical nephrology. M.: Medicine, 1983, TT.I, II.

12. Clinical immunology and allergology. M.: Medicine, 1986, TT. I, II, III.

13. Pulmonology Guide. L.: Medicine, 1984.

14. Cardiology Guide. M.: Medicine, 1982, TT.I-IV.

15. Hematology Guide. M.: Medicine, 1985, TT.I, II.

16. Guide to endocrinology. M.: Medicine, 1973.

17. Guide to SG and OZ in 2 volumes (ed. Yu.L.Lisitsiana). M.: Medicine, 1987.

18. Polyclinic business (ed. V.A.Minyaeva). M.: Medicine, 1987.

^ 1.3. Qualification characteristics of a teenage doctor doctor

In accordance with the requirements of the specialty, the teenager teenager should know and be able to:

^ 1. Common Knowledge:

Fundamentals of legislation on health and policy documents that determine the activities of bodies and healthcare institutions;

General issues of organizing therapeutic assistance in the country, the work of medical and preventive institutions, the organization of the work of ambulance and emergency assistance to the adult population and adolescents;

Anatomy-physiological features of the body of adolescence, the causes of pathological processes in the body, the mechanisms of their development and clinical manifestations;

Basics of water and electrolyte exchange, acid-alkaline balance, possible types of their violations and treatment principles;

The system of blood formation and hemostasis, physiology and pathophysiology of the coagulation system of blood, the foundations of thermal therapy;

Determining the level of physical and sexual development;

Clinic, symptoms and pathogenesis of the main therapeutic diseases in adolescents and adults, their prevention, diagnosis and treatment;

Clinical symptoms of border states in the therapeutic clinic;

General and functional methods of research in therapy, pulmonology, cardiology, gastroenterology, nephrology and endocrinology; Special research methods in therapy (X-ray, radiological, ultrasound, endoscopic, etc.);

The basics of pharmacotherapy in the clinic of internal diseases, the mechanism of action of the main groups of medicinal substances, complications caused by the use of drugs;

The basics of rational nutrition, the principles of diet and therapy in therapeutic patients;

Organization of intensive care services and resuscitation in the therapeutic clinic, equipment chambers of intensive therapy and resuscitation;

The use of physiotherapy, medical physical education and medical control, testimony and contraindications to resort treatment;

Anti-epidemic measures in the event of a focus of infection;

Issues of temporary and disability, organizations of VTE; Questions of vocational guidance and trade protection;

Prevention and early detection of cases of drug use, alcohol;

Dispensary observation of patients, disease prevention problems;

Medical support for youth training in the Armed Forces of the USSR;

Principles of organization of the medical service of civil defense;

The procedure for transferring adolescents from children's medical and preventive institutions to clinics for adults;

Forms and methods of sanitary and educational work.

^ 2. General skills:

Obtain information about the disease, to apply objective methods of examination of the patient, identify general and specific signs of the disease, especially in cases that require emergency care or intensive therapy;

Estimate the severity of the patient's status, take necessary measures To eliminate it from this state, determine the volume and sequence of resuscitation activities, to provide the necessary urgent assistance;

Determine special research methods (laboratory, functional, instrumental) required to clarify the diagnosis, correctly evaluate the data obtained, determine the readings for hospitalization;

Carry out differential diagnostics, justify clinical diagnosis, scheme, plan and tactics of patient maintenance;

Carry out the necessary anti-epidemic measures in identifying an infectious disease;

Determine the degree of disability of the patient (temporary, persistent), to organize a translation to another job;

Issue medical documentationstipulated by legislation on health care;

Make up the plan and conduct sanitary and educational work.

^ 3. Special knowledge and skills

Teenager Teenager should be able to determine the diagnosis and carry out the necessary treatment in the following diseases:

^ Cardiovascular disease


Violation of the rhythm and conductivity of the heart;

Acute and chronic blood circulation deficiency (levo and right-handed, combined);

Congenital and acquired heart defects (open arterial dashingHeart partition defects, aortic coarse, Eisenmegera syndrome, mitral stenosis and failure mitral valve, aortic stenosis and lack of aortic valves); mitral valve prolapse;

Ischemic heart disease (angina, myocardial infarction and its consequences);

Arterial hypertension (primary arterial hypertension, border arterial hypertension);

Non-immimatic myocardits;

Functional cardiopathy.

^ Diseases of the respiratory organs

Dry and exudative pleurisy;

Spontaneous pneumothorax, hydrotorax and pneumothorax;

Acute and chronic bronchitis; recurrent bronchitis;

Acute and chronic pneumonia;

Bronchiectatic disease, lung atelectasis, abscess and lung gangrene;

Bronchial asthma;

Pneumosclerosis, chronic lonantic Heart, acute respiratory failure;

Tuberculosis lung and pleura.

^ Diseases of digestive organs

Esophageal diseases (dyskinesia, cardia ahlasia, esophagitis, peptic ulcer, esophagus cancer);

Acute and chronic gastritis;

Ulcerative disease stomach and duodenalist, sickness of the operated stomach;

Chronic enteritis and colitis;

Acute and chronic pancreatitis;

Dyskinesia biliary tract, benign hyperbilirubinemia, acute and chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis, liver cancer and gallbladder;

Acute and chronic hepatitis, hepatosis, liver cirrhosis, liver failure;

Food toxicoinfection.

^ Kidney disease

Acute I. chronic jade, acute and chronic renal failure;

Amyloidosis kidneys;

Renal hypertension.

^ Blood disease

Iron deficiency, postgemorrhagic, in - scarce, hemolytic and electoral anemia;

Acute leukemia, chronic lympholoicosis, myelolomicosis;

Leukemoid reactions;

Lymphogranulomatosis, agranulocytosis;

Hemorrhic diathesis.

^ Endocrine system diseases


Thyroiditis, diffuse toxic goiter, hypothyroidism;

Diseases of the pituitary and adrenal system; Incenko-Cushing disease, acromegaly, pheochromocytoma;


Penal delay;


^ Diseases of the joints, diffuse diseases of the connective tissue and osteochondropathy bones

Rheumatic diseases;

Rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, systemic red lupus, systemic sclerodermia, dermatomyositis, nodule periaryitis; reactive arthritis, irregular chronic arthritis;

Spinal deformation (kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis); bone osteochondropathy (Lege-Calve-Percept disease, Kening's disease, Osguda Schlather's disease, Keler's disease I and II);


^ Hereditary diseases allergic diseasesDiseases immune system, febrile conditions and infectious diseases

Influenza and ORVI;

Food toxicoinfection, salmonellosis, botulism, abdominal typhoid and paratyphones, brucellosis, dysentery;

Infectious mononucleosis, yersiniosis, tularemia, ornithosis, toxoplasmosis, leishmaniasis, cholera, malaria, staphylike infection, raw tit, Siberian ulcers, plague, rabies, meningococcal infection, genuine case, tetanus, poliomyelitis;

Viral hepatitis.

^ Urgent states In the clinic of internal diseases

Acute respiratory failure, hypotoxic coma, pulmonary artery thromboembolism;

Asthmatic status with bronchial asthma;

Tense pneumothorax;

Acute cardiovascular insufficiency, fainting, myocardial infarction, cardiac asthma, lung edema;

Heart rhythm disorders, arrhythmic shock;

Sudden death;

Hypertensive crisis, acute violation of cerebral circulation;

Anaphylactic shock and sharp allergic conditions;

Liver failure;

Acute renal failure, acute toxic kidney, renal colic;

Coms for sugar diabetes; thyrotoxic crisis;

Acute poisoning.

^ Teenager teenage doctor should know:

Clinic, diagnosis and treatment of major acute surgical diseases ( acute appendicitis, disgraced hernia, perforated stomach and duodenal ulcers, intestinal obstruction, acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis, acute gastroduodenal bleeding, peritonitis, thrombosis of mesenteric vessels, acute urine delay, ectopic pregnancy).

^ Must be able to appreciate:

Morphological and biochemical indicators of blood, urine and sputum;

Forms of violation of water-salt metabolism;

Indicators of the coagulogram;

Radioscopy data and organ radiography chest and abdominal cavity;

Electrocardiography data, echocardiography, phonocardiography, cyergometry;

Sphigmography, phlebography and renowmography;

Indicators of the study of central hemodynamics;

Indicators of isotope research methods;

Indicators of external respiratory functions;

Data of functional research gastrointestinal tract (gastric juice, bile, intestinal function);

Urine clearance data and kidney functional samples;

These functional research of the lungs (pneumotimetsis, spirometry and spirography, gas composition).

4. Manipulations:

Resuscitation activities ( artificial respiration, indirect heart massage, tracheobronchial drain drainage, stopping outdoor or internal bleeding);


Pneumatic meter;

Definition of the group and species affiliation of blood, intravenous blood transfusion and intraarterial blood injection;

Immobilization during injury, imposition of bandages on the wound;

Bladder catheterization;

Puncture of abdominal and pleural cavities;

Bloodletting with hypertensive crisis;

Heart defibrillation;

Gastric and duodenal probing;

Determination of blood loss in specific weight, hemoglobin and hematocrit;

Washing the stomach, lavage of the tracheobronchial tree;


^ 5. List mandatory literature

1. Vasilenko V.Kh., Grebenlev A.L., Sheptulin A.A. Peptic disease. M.: Medicine, 1987.

2. Gasilin V.S., Sidorenko B.A. Angina. M.: Medicine, 1987.

3. Gogin E.E., Sennenko A.N., Tyurin E.I. Arterial hypertension. Leningrad: Medicine, 1983.

4. Dorofeyev G.I., Uspensky V.M. Gastroduodenal diseases at a young age. M.: Medicine, 1984.

5. Dovecin V.L. Practical electrocardiography. M.: Medicine. 1987.

6. Kostyurin G.N., Korenev N.M. Features of the flow of internal diseases in adolescents. Kiev: Health, 1986.

7. Loginov A.S., block Yu.E. Chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. M.: Medicine, 1987.

8. Makolkin V.I. Acquired heart defects. M.: Medicine, 1986.

9. Mukhin N.A., Tareeva I.E. Diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease. M.: Medicine, 1985.

10. Pyymova S.D. Diseases of the kidneys. M.: Medicine, 1984.

11. Pulmonology guide edited by N.V. Putova and B. Fedoseev. L.: Medicine, 1984.

12. Chuchalin A.G. Bronchial asthma. M.: Medicine, 1986.

13. Clinic of diseases, physiology and hygiene in adolescence edited by G.N. Serdyukovskaya, L.N.ANtonova, I.A. Marnold. M.: Medicine, 1979.

^ 1.4. Qualifying characteristics of a ship doctor

In accordance with the requirements of the specialty, the ship doctor should know and be able to:

Fundamentals of legislation on health and policy documents that determine the activities of bodies and healthcare institutions;

Features of health care organizations on water transport;

^ On the list of investments included in the first aid kit for rescue boats and rafts of sea courts, see the order of the USSR Ministry of Health of 16.07.87 N 896

The main issues of the normal and pathological physiology of organs and human systems, the relationship of the body's functional systems and the levels of their regulation, the basics of the topographic anatomy of the body;

Causes of pathological processes in the body, the mechanisms of their development and clinical manifestations;

Basics of water and electrolyte metabolism and acid-alkaline balance, possible types of their violations and principles of correction;

Blood formation systems and homeostasis, physiology and pathophysiology of coagulation and anticular blood systems, the foundations of bloodary therapy;

Clinical symptoms and pathogenesis of major diseases of therapeutic and surgical profile: diseases internal, infectious, skin and venereal, nerve and mental, surgical, gynecological, obstetrics, injury, ear disease, throat, nose, dental, ophthalmologic; their prevention, diagnosis and treatment;

Major laboratory and functional methods of research in pathology of therapeutic and surgical profile;

Indications and capabilities of special research methods (X-ray, electrophysiological, ultrasound, endoscopic, etc.);

The basics of pharmacotherapy, the mechanism of action of the main groups of medicinal substances; complications caused by drugs;

Fundamentals of immunobiology and organism reactivity;

Clinical symptoms of border guards in the clinics of therapeutic and surgical profile;

Organization of intensive care services and resuscitation in the clinics of the therapeutic and surgical profile, equipment chambers of intensive therapy and resuscitation;

The use of physiotherapy, medical physical education and medical control;

Testimony and contraindications to sanatorium-resort treatment;

The basics of rational nutrition of a healthy body, the principles of diet and therapy with major diseases of the therapeutic and surgical profile;

Anti-epidemic measures in cases of the emergence of the focus of infection;

Hygienic bases of nutrition, water supply and vital;

VTE in diseases of therapeutic and surgical profile;

Dispensary observation of patients, problems of prevention;

Principles of organization and activities of the medical service of civil defense;

Forms and methods of sanitary education.

List of educational literature Department of Hospital Therapy

for students of the 6th year of LF (specialty 06.01.01 - therapeutic case)


1. Internal diseases in 2 volumes. Ed. A.I. Martynova M.: Gepotard, 2004. (Griff UMO)

2. Domestic diseases. Textbook for medical universities ed. S.I. Ryabova 4th edition. Spb. Specialist. Lit, 2006. (RF RF RF)

3. Vinogradov A.V. Differential diagnosis of internal diseases. M.: Mia. 2001.

4. Makolkin V.I. Internal illnesses. Tutorial for students. 5th edition. M.: Medicine, 2005. (Griff UMO).

5. Murashko V.V., Stratsky A.V. Electrocardiography. Tutorial. M.: Medicine, 2004. (Griff UMO).


3. Orlov V.N. Manual for electrocardiography. M.: Mia, 2003.

4. Guide for emergency medical doctors. Aid. Edited by V.A. Mikhailovich, A.G. Miroshnichenko. 3rd edition. St. Petersburg, 2005.

5. Sumin S.A. Urgent states. Educational literature for the student of Vizzov and faculties. 3rd ed., M.: Mia, 2002. (Grying MZ).

6. Tabulets GD, Ivanova N.A. Syndromic pathology, differential diagnosis and pharmacotherapy. M.: Forum infra-m. 2004 (Griff UMO).

1. Kugaevskaya A.A. Modern principles of diagnosis and treatment arterial hypertension. Tutorial. Yakutsk: Publishing House Yagu. 2007.

2. Makarov V.M. Kylbanova E.S., Khorunov A.N., Argunova A.N., Palshina A.M., Pharmacotherapy of nonspecific lung diseases. Toolkit. Yakutsk, Publishing House Yagu, 2008.

3. Makarov V.M., Khorunov A.N., Argunova A.N., Asthma School. Methodological manual Yakutsk, Publishing House Yagu, 2005.

4. Mesnikova S.I., Bezonova N.G., Bessonov P.P. Medical and labor examination. Tutorial. Yakutsk, Publishing House Yagu, 2006.

5. Palshina A.M. Selected questions of cardiology. Tutorial. Yakutsk, Publishing House Yagu, 2004.

For students of 5 courses (specialty 06.01.01 - therapeutic business)


Educational and methodical materials

1. Bessonov P.P., Bezonova N.G. Syndrome diagnosis of chronic liver diseases.

1. Methodological manual, Yakutsk, Publishing house Yagu, 2005.

2. Kuhaevskaya A.A. Modern principles of diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension. Tutorial. Yakutsk: Publishing House Yagu. 2007.

3. Makarov V.M. Kylbanova E.S., Khorunov A.N., Argunova A.N., Palshina A.M., Pharmacotherapy of nonspecific lung diseases. Toolkit. Yakutsk, Publishing House Yagu, 2008.

4. Makarov V.M., Khorunov A.N., Argunova A.N., Asthma School. Methodological manual Yakutsk, Publishing House Yagu, 2005.

5. Mesnistova S.I., Bezonova N.G., Bessonov P.P. Medical and labor examination. Tutorial. Yakutsk, Publishing House Yagu, 2006.

6. Palshina A.M. Selected questions of cardiology. Tutorial. Yakutsk, Publishing House Yagu, 2004.

For students of 6-7 courses (specialty 06.01.01 - therapeutic case)

Form of learning - evening (term of study 6.5 years)


1. Artamonova V.G., Shatalov N.N. Professional diseases. 3rd ed., M., Medicine. 1996

2. Internal diseases in 2 volumes. Ed. A.I. Martynova M.: Gepotard, 2004. (Griff UMO)

3. Internal diseases. Textbook for medical universities ed. S.I. Ryabova 4th edition. Spb. Specialist. Lit, 2006. (RF RF RF)

4. Vinogradov A.V. Differential diagnosis of internal diseases. M.: Mia. 2001.

5. Makolkin V.I. Internal illnesses. Tutorial for students. 5th edition. M.: Medicine, 2005. (Griff UMO).

6. Murashko V.V., Stratsky A.V. Electrocardiography. Tutorial. M.: Medicine, 2004. (Griff UMO).


1. Emelyanova E.A., Kozhevnikov A.A., Koval N.V., Dundina S.G. Internal illnesses. Tutorial. Yakutsk, LLC Media-Holding Yakutia, 2007.

4. Baskov A.P. Heart arrhythmias: diagnosis and treatment. Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing House NGMA, 2003

5. Orlov V.N. Electrocardiography manual, 2003.

6. Guide for emergency medical doctors. Aid. Edited by V.A. Mikhailovich, A.G. Miroshnichenko. 3rd edition. St. Petersburg, 2005.

7. Sumin S.A. Urgent states. Educational literature for the student of Vizzov and faculties. 3rd ed., M.: Mia, 2002. (Grying MZ).

8. Tabulets GD, Ivanova N.A. Syndromic pathology, differential diagnosis and pharmacotherapy. M.: Forum infra-m. 2004 (Griff UMO).

Educational and methodical materials

1. Bessonov P.P., Bezonova N.G. Syndrome diagnosis of chronic liver diseases.

2. Methodological manual, Yakutsk, Publishing house Yagu, 2005.

3. Kuhaevskaya A.A. Modern principles of diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension. Tutorial. Yakutsk: Publishing House Yagu. 2007.

4. Makarov V.M. Kylbanova E.S., Khorunov A.N., Argunova A.N., Palshina A.M., Pharmacotherapy of nonspecific lung diseases. Toolkit. Yakutsk, Publishing House Yagu, 2008.

5. Makarov V.M., Khorunov A.N., Argunova A.N., Asthma School. Methodological manual Yakutsk, Publishing House Yagu, 2005.

6. Mesnikova S.I., Bezonova N.G., Bessonov P.P. Medical and labor examination. Tutorial. Yakutsk, Publishing House Yagu, 2006.

7. Palshina A.M. Selected questions of cardiology. Tutorial. Yakutsk, Publishing House Yagu, 2004.

For students 5 courses PF

Specialty 06.01.03 - "Pediatrics"


1. Artamonova V.G., Shatalov N.N. Professional diseases. 3rd ed., M., Medicine. 1996

2. Internal diseases in 2 volumes. Ed. A.I. Martynova M.: Gepotard, 2004. (Griff UMO)

3. Internal diseases. Textbook for medical universities ed. S.I. Ryabova 4th edition. Spb. Specialist. Lit, 2006. (RF RF RF)

4. Vinogradov A.V. Differential diagnosis of internal diseases. M.: Mia. 2001.

5. Makolkin V.I. Internal illnesses. Tutorial for students. 5th edition. M.: Medicine, 2005. (Griff UMO).

6. Murashko V.V., Stratsky A.V. Electrocardiography. Tutorial. M.: Medicine, 2004. (Griff UMO).


1. Emelyanova E.A., Kozhevnikov A.A., Koval N.V., Dundina S.G. Internal illnesses. Tutorial. Yakutsk, LLC Media-Holding Yakutia, 2007.

4. Baskov A.P. Heart arrhythmias: diagnosis and treatment. Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing House NGMA, 2003

5. Orlov V.N. Electrocardiography manual, 2003.

6. Guide for emergency medical doctors. Aid. Edited by V.A. Mikhailovich, A.G. Miroshnichenko. 3rd edition. St. Petersburg, 2005.

7. Sumin S.A. Urgent states. Educational literature for the student of Vizzov and faculties. 3rd ed., M.: Mia, 2002. (Grying MZ).

8. Tabulets GD, Ivanova N.A. Syndromic pathology, differential diagnosis and pharmacotherapy. M.: Forum infra-m. 2004 (Griff UMO).

Educational and methodical materials

1. Bessonov P.P., Bezonova N.G. Syndrome diagnosis of chronic liver diseases.

Methodological manual, Yakutsk, Publishing House Yagu, 2005.

6. Kugaevskaya A.A. Modern principles of diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension. Tutorial. Yakutsk: Publishing House Yagu. 2007.

7. Makarov V.M. Kylbanova E.S., Khorunov A.N., Argunova A.N., Palshina A.M., Pharmacotherapy of nonspecific lung diseases. Toolkit. Yakutsk, Publishing House Yagu, 2008.

8. Makarov V.M., Khorunov A.N., Argunova A.N., Asthma School. Methodological manual Yakutsk, Publishing House Yagu, 2005.

9. Mesnikova S.I., Bezonova N.G., Bessonov P.P. Medical and labor examination. Tutorial. Yakutsk, Publishing House Yagu, 2006.

10. Palshina A.M. Selected questions of cardiology. Tutorial. Yakutsk, Publishing House Yagu, 2004.