How to properly provide first medical care - on points. Providing first assistance to victims in burns, bleeding, fractures, bruises, electric shock (recommended) How to recognize internal bleeding

19.07.2020 Complications

First medical care during bleeding. Bleeding is called blood flow from the damaged blood vessel. Depending on the type of damaged vessel, bleeding arterial, venous and capillary are distinguished. Depending on the direction of blood flow of bleeding, they are divided into external and internal.
In outer bleeding, blood is poured into an external environment. Most often, the outer bleeding happens when the upper and lower extremities are injured, the neck, head and does not represent difficulties in diagnosing.
With internal bleeding, blood accumulates in any cavity, for example, the abdominal, chest or skull cavity. This type of bleeding is dangerous for the life of the victim, since it is difficult to immediately detect. With significant inner bleeding, the victim pale, he has a sharp weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, darkens in the eyes, stands cold sweat, falls arterial pressureThe pulse becomes frequent, weak filling.
Depending on the nature of the damaged vessel, bleeding happens to the following types:

  • arterial bleeding It is characterized by the leakage of the blood of a bright color, pulsating jet ("beats the fountain");
  • in venous bleeding, blood flows smooth strong jet, dark red;
  • with capillary bleeding - the whole wound surface is bleeding. Capillary bleeding from internal organs having abundant blood supply (liver, kidneys, lungs, spleen), called parenchymal. The severity and danger of each type of bleeding, as well as its outcome depends:

A) on the amount of spectacular blood;
b) from the caliber of the damaged vessel;
c) from the duration of bleeding.
The degree of blood loss is divided into light, medium, heavy.
With a light degree of blood loss, the body loses about 10-15% of the blood volume circulating in the vascular bed (the amount of blood in an adult is about 4-5 liters, a teenager has 3 liters). Moreover, the amount of blood circulating in blood vessels is an approximate 50%, the second half of the blood is in the so-called blood "depot" - liver, spleen. Such a small blood loss is compensated by the body due to the redistribution of blood from the "depot" and the reinforced generation of uniform elements in bone marrow, spleen and liver. The average degree of blood loss is a decrease in the volume of circulating blood by 15-20% and requires the introduction of blood-changing solutions.
With severe blood loss, the body loses up to 30% of the circulating blood volume. In this case, it is necessary to transfusion of blood, blood substitutes, saline solutions, etc.
The loss of 50% of blood volume quickly leads to death, and a loss of 25% - to severe blood circulation disorders.
When first aid, it is necessary to quickly assess the degree of crumbling, the view and duration of bleeding and choose the most an effective way temporary stopping bleeding.

The methods of temporary stopping of bleeding include:

  1. The sublime position of the limb.
  2. Tight gulling bandage.
  3. Method of maximum flexion of limb in the joint.
  4. Finger pressed vessels (arteries) at their length.
  5. Overlaying harness or twist. The sublime position of the limb or part of the body is used when bleeding from the limbs.

Tight grazing bandage is used to stop venous bleeding. The finger pressure of the vessels is a method based on the presses of the artery in certain anatomical points to the subject to bone formations.
So, bleeding from wounds of neck and heads are stopped by pressed by fingers:

a) temporal artery to temporal bone in the field of temple, ahead and above the ear goat;
b) jaw artery to lower jaw 1 cm in front of the corner of the lower jaw;
c) Sleepy artery to the cross-cervical sprinkler of the cervical vertebra at the inner edge of the stern and curable nose muscle.

When bleeding from wounds of the upper limbs pressed:

a) a subclavian artery to 1 edge in the subclavian hole;
b) the axillary artery to the head shoulder bone in the axillary depression;
c) shoulder artery to the shoulder bone in the middle third of its inner edge of the two-headed muscles;
d) radiation and elbow artery to the bones of the forearm in the lower department.

When bleeding from wounds of the lower extremities pressed:

the femoral artery to the Lonatic bone below the middle of the tipparent bundle;
a) the popliteal artery to the head of the tibia in the popliteate jam;
b) the front tibial artery to the front surface of the ankle joint (when bleeding from the rear of the foot);
c) rear tibia artery to the inner ankle (when bleeding from the plantar surface).

With arterial bleeding finger pressed Vessels are produced above the place of injury (on the neck and head - below the wound). It should be remembered that it is impossible for a long time for a long time, especially when the skin and clothes are moistened with blood.
With severe arterial bleeding, harness is used. This is the most reliable and long method of temporary bleeding, which use three types of hemostatic harnesses: rubber ribbon, rubber tubular and clutch with a twist. Rubber belt harness has a hook on one end, on the other - a chain. Materly harness consists of a cluster tape and clamp. Often use undergraduate means (handkerchief, belt, etc.).

Method of imposing harness:

  • on the naked part of the limb above the wound laying from clothing, bandage, gauze;
  • rim up limb to 20-30 cm to provide outflow venous blood;
  • harness capture right hand At the edge with a chain, and left - by 3040 cm closer to the middle;
  • harness stretch and make the first round around the limb, each subsequent turnover is superimposed with a large tension (before cessation of bleeding);
  • the end of the harness is fixed with the hook and chains;
  • aseptic bandage is superimposed on the wound, the patient is given an anesthetic agent (analgin, amidopyrin, etc.) and immobilization of the limb is carried out;
  • under the harness is put a note, which indicates the exact time of the imposition of the harness. It should be remembered that the harness is superimposed on a strictly limited time: in summer - by 1.5-2 hours, in winter - for 1 hour. In the case of long-term transportation, the bleeding vessel pinch, the harness is removed and imposed on a new place. When applying a cloth harness, the same rules comply with the use of rubber harness.

With the correct imposition of the harness, the skin of a pale marble color, bleeding from the wound ceases, and the pulse on the peripheral arteries is not forgiven.

The victim with the superimposed harness should be immediately delivered to the medical institution for the final stop of bleeding.
With suspected internally bleeding, it is necessary to ensure the affected absolute rest, put cold and quickly deliver to the medical institution to the area of \u200b\u200bthe intended source of bleeding.
First medical care for wounds. Wound is called any damage associated with the impaired integrity of the skin or mucous membranes. Regardless of the origin of the wound is characterized as follows: pain, gaping (discrepancy) of wound edges, bleeding and impairment of functions.
The intensity of pain depends on the number of nerve endings in the field of damage, on the nature of the wounding weapons and on the individual characteristics of the body.
The gaping or discrepancy between the edges of the wound depends on the size of the wound, the reduction of soft tissues, the nature of damage. Bleeding force is determined by the type and number of damaged vessels in the area of \u200b\u200binjury.
The function disorder depends on the area of \u200b\u200bdamage and most significant during damage to the joints, spine, skulls, internal organs.
The classification of wounds is different. Most convenient division of wounds depending on the type of wounded subject.
From acute weapons:
a) cut wounds arise from the effect of an acute cutting subject (knife, scalpel, razor, glass, etc.) and are characterized by a relatively small depth, smooth edges, significant bleeding (vessels crossed at an angle, along or across badly tomb) and good healing with the formation of a good linear scar;
b) Cover wounds are the result of the impact of the bayonet, sewn, nail, etc. The wound of the wound is characterized by a deep convoy-wound channel, a small size of the outer opening, a lack of or weakly pronounced outer bleeding with dangerous damage to internal organs and large vessels;
c) chopped wounds are formed when they strike a sharp and heavy object (saber, ax, etc.), accompanied by damage not only by soft tissues, but also bones, and internal organs. Healing of such wounds long-term with various complications (osteomyelitis, bone deformation, violation of the limb function).

From stupid items distinguish wounds:

a) bruised;
b) torn;
c) swollen.

These wounds arise from the impact of a stupid subject (stick, stone, etc.) and are characterized by extensive damage to soft tissues,
A small depth, uneven edges and weakly pronounced bleeding. Wounds applied with stupid objects slowly heal, in most cases caught up (scraps of dead tissues are a good nutrient medium for microbes), and are accompanied by not only damage to soft tissues, but also a bone skeleton.
From firearms distinguish:
a) end-to-end wounds in which there is an inlet (smaller size with drawn edges), a wound channel and an outlet (larger size with stunned edges);
b) Blind wounds under which there is a wound channel and only one inlet. A bullet or fragment remains in human tissues;
c) tangent wounds are characterized by the presence of a wound furrow, because A bullet or fragment only hurts skin.
Much less often occur:
a) busted wounds (as a result of a human or animal bite). The course of such wounds is complicated by the development of infection or infection of rabies virus;
b) poisoned wounds occur in the bite of snakes, scorpions;
c) Combined wounds - when infected with radioactive and poisoning substances ("wounds-mixtures").
Depending on the penetration of the body (abdominal or thoracic cavity, the skull cavity), all wounds are divided into penetrating and impermealing.
In addition, it is customary to divide the wounds on clean (applied by a sterile instrument at the time of surgical intervention) and infected (random).
First aid for any injury is, first of all, in the foundation of the wound, removal of clothing and shoes with the victim. Pants, shirt, gymnaster cut down on the side of the side of the injury, shoes - rear. Removal of clothing is performed primarily with a healthy limb and only then with the patient.
It is impossible to touch the wound with his hands in any way, to extract deeply foreign bodies, remove the remnants of clothing. The wound is washed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, then the skin around the wound should be treated with alcohol, gasoline, green or iodine, then applay a bandage using a sterile bandage, an individual dressing pack or any clean tissue. If necessary (bleeding), impose a harness or a twist from the girlfriend. In case of extensive injuries, immobilization (immobility creation) is performed using tires or remedies.
First medical care for burns. The burn is damage to the tissues under the action of high temperature, caustic chemicals, electric cooker and radiation. Accordingly, the damaging factor of burns are divided into thermal, chemical, electrical and radial. Most often there are thermal burns. Depending on the temperature and the duration of its impact, burns are formed various degrees.
Burning of the I degree is characterized by redness and swelling of the affected skin and burning pain.
With a burn of the II degree against the background of red-free skin, small bubbles filled with transparent content appear, and there is a sharp pain.
Buds III are characterized by extensive bubbles, some of which are open. There is a wet pink surface with sections of a pale whitish color or a tight dry darkness stamp (crust) on the spot of the bubbles. Burns I, II degree called superficial, because Only the surface layer of the skin is affected (to the growth layer). The healing of such burns occurs spontaneously. All layers of skin are affected by the burns of the III, and the skin, subcutaneous fiber and subject to tissue are affected by the IV degree burns (charring). Healing burns

III and IV is impossible without skin transplantation. The severity of the burn is characterized not only in depth, but also an area of \u200b\u200blesion. The lesion area is determined in two ways:

  1. Palm rule: Palm area of \u200b\u200bhuman is approximately 1% of the body surface (1.6 m2).
  2. Rule Dozens: The entire body surface is broken into areas, multiple 9 from the total surface of the body, adopted for 100%. The head and neck make up 9%, the upper limb is 9%, the lower limb is 18%, the rear and front surface of the body - 18% and the crotch area is 1%. With extensive burns, there is always a violation of the vital activity of various organs and systems of the body, which manifests itself in the form of a burn disease.

First aid to the victim provides:

  1. Takeaway from the fire zone.
  2. Carving a burning clothing (covered with a blanket, bag, coat, i.e. stop air access to fire).
  3. Clothes sticking to the wound, and cut off with scissors.
  4. The imposition of a sterile dry bandage on the burn area (if there is no sterile dressing material, you can use any clean freshly depressed cotton fabric, sheet). The dressings with ointments, fats, coloring substances contaminate the burn surface, make it difficult to follow the subsequent diagnosis and treatment of burns, so not recommended for use.
  5. Conduct immobilization with extensive burns.
  6. Create full peace of the victim.
  7. In order to the anesthesia and the prophylaxis of shock - warm the victim (give 100-150 ml of wine or vodka), give inside 2 grams an analin or other non-nucleic analgesic.
  8. Call a health worker, ambulance.

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First aid for bruises, dislocations, fractures, burns and frostbite. Radiation infection. Deactivation


1. Characteristics of injuries: bruises, dislocations, fractures. FIRST AID

2. Burns and frostbite, first aid

3. Radiation infection. DEACTIVATION


1. Characteristics of injuries: bruises, dislocations, fractures. FirstHELP

Injury This is an impact on the human body of the external factor (mechanical, physical, chemical, radioactive, x-rays, electricity, etc.), which violates the structure and integrity of tissues, and the normal course of physiological processes.

Injury- It is damage to the soft tissues without disruption of the intentional intercession. Often they are accompanied by damage to blood vessels and the development of subcutaneous hemorrhages (hematoma).

Characteristic signs. In place of the injury, pain, swelling arises, the skin color changes as a result of hemorrhage, the functions in the field of joints and limbs are disturbed.

First aid. The victim needs to ensure complete peace. If there are abrasions on the scene, they are lubricated with an alcoholic solution of iodine or diamond greens. For the prevention of hematoma development and reducing pain, the injury place is irrigated by chloroethyl, put a bubble with ice, snow, cold water Or slices of ice wrapped with polyethylene film, a towel (napkin), moistened in cold water and slightly pressed, after which the gulling bandages are imposed. If the hematoma was formed, then for its rapid resorption on the third day to the place of the bruise, dry heat is applied: heating with hot water or a bag with heated sand.

With the injections of the limbs provide the immobility of the bruised area by applying a tight bandage.

Dislocation - Complete displacement of the joint surfaces of the bones, disruption Functions of the joint. Dislocations occur when falling on the elongated limb, with a sharp turn of the shoulder, breaking bundles that strengthen the corresponding joints.

Characteristic signs. When dislocation, the limb takes a forced position, the joint is deformed, the soreness and restriction of active and passive movements are felt.

First aid. The victim needs to ensure complete peace of the damaged limb by imposing a fixing bandage. The hand is suspended on a hench, percked through the neck, put an improvised bus on the leg. After which the victim is sent to the medical institution.

Do not independently go out. This can lead to severe consequences for a long time to delay the treatment and will adversely affect the restoration of the normal function of the joint.

Fracture- This is a complete or partial disruption of bone intake.

Fractures are closed (without damage to the intendency of common cover and mucous membranes), open (with damage to the intendency of common cover), without displacement (bone fragments remain in place), with a displacement (fragments are shifted depending on the direction of the current force and cutting muscles).

Characteristic signs. In case of injury, there is a sharp pain in the place of the fracture, amplifying when trying to move; Plows, hemorrhage, sharp restriction of movements occur. When fractures with displacement of fragments - the shortening of the limb, its unusual position. With open fractures, general covers are damaged, sometimes bone fragments are visible in the wound.

First aid. The victim needs to ensure complete peace and immobility of the damaged limb. For this, they use special standard, and in their absence - improvised tires from the girlfriend: plywood, boards, sticks, lines, skis, umbrellas, which are imposed on top of clothing.

To create complete immobility of the damaged limb, it is necessary to fix at least two joints - above and below the fracture. The tire must be imposed so that its middle is at the level of the fracture, and the ends captured the neighboring joints on both sides of the fracture.

Before you impose a standard or adapted bus, it is necessary to carefully inspect the damaged limb. In the case of an open fracture on the wound impose a sterile bandage. It is forbidden to return to the wound of sticking sharp fragments or their removal.

With hip fractures, the tire is superimposed so that it fixes the immobility in the hip, knee and ankle joints.

In the tire of tire fractures, the knee and ankle joints fix.

At the turn of the shoulder of the tire, the immobility of the shoulder and elbow joints is fixed, and the arm bent in the elbow is hanging on a shell, bandage, scarf.

With a fracture of the forearm, the elbow and ray-tank joints are fixed.

If there is nothing at hand, so that it would be suitable for an improvised tire, then the broken upper limbs is born to the body, the lower - to a healthy limb.

2. BurningAND Frostbite, first aid

Burn - this is damage to the tissues caused by the impact of thermal, chemical, electrical, radial energy. Accordingly, thermal, chemical, radiation, electric burns are distinguished.

In the foci of continuous fires, the top burns are possible respiratory tract Hot air, as well as poisoning by carbon monoxide. Light radiation nuclear explosion causes unprotected people "profile" burns, i.e. Burns on the part and surface of the body, which is addressed to the explosion site, and at more significant distances - the damage of the retina of the eye or temporary blindness. Frames of burns and with natural disasters, major production accidents, accompanied by fires, as well as in everyday life. The severity of thermal burns depends on the depth of the lesion of the skin and the fabrics, the area of \u200b\u200bthe burn and its localization.

In everyday life there are burns of boiling water, ferry, solar radiation. In case of accidents, natural disasters (for example, during an earthquake) there may be heavy burns with a flame as a result of an explosion on a gas network, electrical stroke in electrical networks, hot steam in the destruction of heating systems. Depending on the depth of the lesion of the skin and the burns subject to tissues are divided into 4 degrees: light (1st), middle severity (2nd), heavy (3rd) and extremely heavy (4th).

Burn 1st It is characterized by redness of the skin, swelling, pain. These phenomena in 2-5 days pass, the skin peeling is marked at the burn site.

2th degree burn It is characterized by a sharp redness of the skin, the formation of water-serous bubbles, burning pain. If bubbles do not break through (the integrity of the burn surface is not disturbed) and does not infection, then after 10-15 days, the affected fabrics are restored without the formation of scars, if bubbles are broken, the burn surface of the skin is contaminated, the healing is delayed for a longer time and on the burn site may form scarring.

Burn 3rd degree It is characterized by a death of all layers of skin. The burn surface is covered with a dense gray-brown film (paper), dead fabrics are caught up and rejected, and the scarring of fabrics is developing on the spot, which takes considerable time.

4th degree burn It occurs when exposed to tissue of very high temperatures. There is a coagulation of the skin to be soft tissues and even bones. It is characteristic that when burns 3-4 degrees, the pain is less pronounced than in burns 1-2 degrees, which is explained by the defeat with deep burns of nerve endings that perceive painfulness. Burns cause general defeat organism: violation of the central functions nervous system, changes in the composition of blood, deviations in the work of the internal organs. The deeper the damage to the skin and the fabrics to be fabricated and more area of \u200b\u200bthe burn, the heavier the overall state of affected.

Burning disease is not developing immediately, not at the time of the burn, and later, when the body intoxication appears, its exhaustion due to loss through the burning surface of the liquid, nutritional disorders and others functional disorders internal organs. An early complication of burns is shock, which can continue from several hours to 2-3 days. The estimated definition of the burning surface in combination with the evaluation of its severity allows for first aid to determine the severity of the state of affected.

First aid A man in burning clothes should be rendered without delay. You can not extinguish with the flame with your hands, knock it down by any object. The victim should be pouring into water, and in the absence of water, put it and cover it with a blanket, clothing, dense cloth to stop accessing oxygen to burning clothes. Small clothes need to be removed or cutting, while trying to prevent disruption of the integrity of the burn surface. It is not recommended to quite undress the affected, especially in the cold season. Clothes adhesive to burn cut. It is impossible to pierce bubbles, lubricate the surface of the burn with fat, various ointments, sprinkle with powder, touch the burn with the hands. A sterile bandage is applied to the burn surface, the accurate position is affected, in which it is less disturbed by pain. With extensive burns, medium, severe and extremely serious degree, if there is an opportunity, a syringe with a tube should be introduced to the victim, drink it with hot tea, heat heat. At home, affected with extensive burns of the body or limbs, you need to wrap a sheet into a stroke iron. At the same time, it is necessary to trace the burned surfaces on the bibs of the joints and in other places did not touch. Amazing needs to be careful.

Frostbite - This is a local damage to the cold of the skin and deeper - lying fabrics.

The reason for the occurrence of frostbite is the effect of low temperatures, and under certain conditions (wet and close shoes, a fixed position in the cold air, alcoholic intoxication, and blood loss) frostbite can be at temperatures above 0С. We are more often subjected to ears, nose, brushes (fingers) hands, feet feet. When frostbite, the feeling of cold and burning is felt first, then numbness appears. The skin becomes pale, sensitivity is lost. In the future, the action of the cold is not felt. It is possible to establish a degree of frostbite only after heating the victim, sometimes in a few days. Distinguish 4 degrees of frostbite.

Degree frostbite It is characterized by pale of the skin, insignificant swelling and decrease in its sensitivity, i.e. Small reversible circulatory disorders. When heating the injured blood supply is restored, the skin acquires the original color, the swelling gradually disappears. Later, peeling and itching of the skin may occur, the increased sensitivity of the skin to the cold is preserved.

Frostbite of the 2nd degree It is characterized by a deeper lesion of the skin. When heating, the pale skin becomes becoming a buggy-blue, rapidly developing edema extends beyond the limits of frostbite, bubbles filled with transparent liquid are formed, severe pain appear. The victim has chills, an increase in temperature, sleep and appetite are disturbed. Damaged surface layers of leather are rejected. Healing in the absence of complications (suppuration) occurs within 15-30 days. The leather of the wound surface remains a blue, its sensitivity is reduced.

Frostbite 3 degree It is characterized by the defeat of all layers of the skin and to be soft tissues to different depth. In the first days, bubbles filled with dark brown fluid appear on the skin, around which inflammation develops, a sharply pronounced edema shaft is formed. After 3-5 days, deep damage to the tissue (wet gangrene) is revealed. The solid pain is disturbed, the temperature rises to 38-390 s, the stunning chills replaced later, the general state is significantly deteriorated.

Frostbite 4th degree It is characterized by damage to the skin, soft tissues and bones. At the same time develop irreversible phenomena. The skin is covered with bubbles with black liquid. After 10-17 days around the damaged zone, the frostbite line is determined, which carries out, dries and disgusts after 1.5-2 months. The wound heals very slowly. General state The victim is severe, an increase in temperature alternates with chills, changes in the internal organs, which violate their normal operation are noted.

First Medical Help when frostbite It is to protect against low temperatures, immediately gradual warming of the victim. First of all, it is necessary to restore blood circulation in the frostate part of the body. It is impossible to allow rapid warming of the surface layer of the skin on a damaged area, since the heating of deep layers is slower, the bloodstream is poorly restored in them, and, therefore, the nutrition of the upper skin layers does not normally normal. Therefore, the use of hot baths, hot air, is contraindicated. The supercooled parts of the body need to be protected from heat exposure by imposing heat insulating dressings on them (wool, thorough-gauze materials). The bandage must close only the changed areas of the skin and until the sense of tangible heat appears in the damaged part. In order to replenish heat in the body and improving blood circulation, hot sweet tea gives the victim. Damaged body sections need peace. With prolonged exposure of low temperatures on the entire body, freezing and death is possible. Especially promotes the freezing of alcoholic intoxication. When freezing, a person feels fatigue, drowsiness, indifference, and with further cooling the body arises snowstanding condition (loss of consciousness, respiratory disorders and blood circulation).

3. Radiation infection. DEACTIVATION

The radiation accident is an accident on a radiation-hazardous object, leading to the output or emission of radioactive substances and ionizing radiations for the boundaries provided in quantities exceeding the established safety limits of its operation.

Under the influence of ionizing radiation in the human body arise biological processesleading to a violation of the vital functions of various organs (mainly blood formation organs, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract and etc.).

A person who is in polluted territory is subject to external irradiation from the effects of radioactive clouds and radioactive substances that have seen on the ground; contact irradiation of the skin when radioactive substances appeals on them; internal irradiation when inhaling polluted air and consuming contaminated food and water.

Prevention and protection measures for radiation accident . The main measures to prevent and reduce the action of affecting factors under the radiation accident are: notification of the population on the accident and informing it on the procedure for actions in the established conditions; shelter; use of personal protective equipment; preventing consumption of contaminated food and water; Evacuation of the population; Limiting access to contaminated territory.

Protection measures: to protect the respiratory organs by means of protection - a gas mask, respirator, and with their absence - a marlevary bandage, a scarf, a towel, moistened with water; close the windows and doors, turn off the ventilation, turn on the radio, radio, TV and wait for further instructions; Hide food in polyethylene bags. Make a stock of water in tanks with tight adjacent lids. Products and water are placed in the refrigerator, cabinets, storage rooms; Do not eat vegetables, fruits, water, harvested after an accident; strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene; Prepare for possible evacuation. Collect documents, money, products, medicines, personal protective equipment; Help when the team arrives in the nearest protective construction.

Full Special processing is disinfection of the entire body of a person with disinfectants, processing mucous membranes, kneading, linen and clothing. It is required for everyone after exiting the zone of infection. Stationary kneading points (SOP) and special sites are deployed for this purpose. Disinfectant solution Welcome parts of the body, go fishing and rubbing the skin of the body. After washing, people go to the dressing department, where the treatment of mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and oral cavity is carried out. Here are the clothes and shoes after disinfecting or from the exchange fund, as well as the means of protecting the respiratory organs.

C. astichn and I Special processing is a mechanical cleaning and processing of open areas of the skin, exterior surfaces of clothing, shoes, personal protective equipment. It is carried out in the zone of infection, the character of the temporary measure and is aimed at preventing the risk of secondary defeat of people.

Deactivation - this is the removal of radioactive substances from individual sections of the terrain, facilities, transport, clothing, food, water, human body and other items to permissible norms Pollution. It is carried out by mechanical and physico-chemical methods.

Mechanical method Processing - removal of radioactive substances from the surface (swelling with infected objects with brushes and other infrident means, shaking, knock out clothes, laundering a stream of water, etc.). This method is most accessible and can be used immediately after exiting an infected area.

Deactivation of clothes and shoes .

Partial decontamination is organized by the population itself after entering the contaminated area and is carried out by the simplest mechanical methods - shaking, dying with the use of brushes, brooms and sticks. As a result of twofold processing, contamination is reduced by 90 - 95%.

After decontamination, each thing is subjected to re-dosimetric control, and if the level of pollution is higher than permissible norms, the work is carried out again.

Deactivation of clothing and shoes should be carried out in reliable means of protection (gas masks, respirators, cottage-gauze bandages, protective suits).

Timely conducted partial decontamination and sanitary treatment can completely prevent or significantly reduce the degree of degradation of radio activists in substances.

Full deactivation of clothes and shoes is carried out on Statsio four kneading points Equipped with appropriate installations and appliances.


1. V.K. Veltytchenko "Physical culture without injury."

2. Agradan defense "/ Edited by the Army General A. T. Altunin -M.: Milivdat, 1982.

3.Rate Defense / Ed. V. I. Zavyalova. - M: Medicine, 1989.

4.V.V. Kuzmenko, S.M. Zhuravlev "Traumatological and orthopedic assistance".

5. Summing at the medical service of civil defense / Ed. A. I. Burnazhan. - M: Medicine, 1983.

6.Shururgy V.M.Buyanov, Yu.A.Nesterenko.

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First medical care during bleeding.Bleeding is called blood flow from the damaged blood vessel. Depending on the type of damaged vessel, bleeding arterial, venous and capillary, and from the direction of blood flow of bleeding outdoor and internal.

With external bleeding, blood is poured into an external environment. Most often, the outer bleeding happens when the upper and lower extremities are injured, the neck, head and does not represent difficulties in diagnosing.

With internal bleeding, blood accumulates in any cavity, for example, the abdominal, chest or skull cavity. This type of bleeding is dangerous for the life of the victim, since it is difficult to immediately detect. With significant internal bleeding, the victim pale, he has a sharp weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, darkens in the eyes, the cold sweat appears, the blood pressure drops, the pulse becomes frequent, weak filling.

Types of bleeding:

Arterial bleeding is characterized by leakage of bright red blood, pulsating jet ("beats the fountain");

In venous bleeding, blood flows smooth, more or less severe jet, dark red;

With capillary bleeding - the whole wound surface is bleeding. Capillary bleeding from internal organs having abundant blood supply (liver, kidneys, lungs, spleen), called parenchymal.

The severity and danger of each type of bleeding, as well as its outcome depends:

a) on the amount of spectacular blood;

b) from the caliber of the damaged vessel;

c) from the duration of bleeding.

The degree of blood loss is divided by light, middle, heavy.

With a light degree of blood loss, the body loses about 10-15% of the blood volume circulating in the vascular bed (the amount of blood in an adult is about 4-5 liters, a teenager has 3 liters). Moreover, the amount of blood circulating in blood vessels is an approximate 50%, the second half of the blood is in the so-called blood "depot" - liver, spleen. Such a small blood loss is compensated by the body due to the redistribution of blood from the "depot" and the reinforced generation of uniform elements in the bone marrow, spleen and liver.

The average degree of blood loss is a decrease in the volume of circulating blood by 15-20% and requires the introduction of blood-changing solutions.

With severe blood loss, the body loses up to 30% of the circulating blood volume. In this case, it is necessary to transfusion of blood, blood substitutes, saline solutions, etc.

Loss of 50% of blood volume quickly leads to death.

When providing first aid, it is necessary to quickly assess the degree of blood loss, the appearance and duration of bleeding and choose the most effective way to temporarily stop bleeding.

To methods of temporary stopping bleeding include:

1. The elevated position of the limb.

2. Tight grazing bandage.

3. Method of maximum flexion of limb in the joint.

4. Finger pressed vessels (arteries) at their length.

5. Overlaying a harness or twist.

The sublime position of the limb or part of the body is used with insignificant bleeding from the limbs.

Tight grazing bandage is used to stop venous bleeding. The finger pressure of the vessels is a method based on the presses of the artery in certain anatomical points to the subject to bone formations.

In case of arterial bleeding, the finger pressure of the vessels is produced above the place of injury (on the neck and head - below the wound). It should be remembered that it is impossible for a long time for a long time, especially when the skin and clothes are moistened with blood.

With severe arterial bleeding, harness is used. This is the most reliable and long method of temporary bleeding, which use three types of hemostatic harnesses: rubber ribbon, rubber tubular and clutch with a twist. Rubber belt harness has a hook on one end, on the other - a chain. Materly harness consists of a cluster tape and clamp. Often use undergraduate means (handkerchief, belt, etc.).

Method of imposing harness:

On the naked part of the limb above the wound laying from clothing, bandage, gauze;

Lifting the limb by 20-30 cm to provide outflow of venous blood;

Harness capture with the right hand at the edge with a chain, and left - by 30-40 cm closer to the middle;

Harness stretch and make the first round around the limb, each subsequent turnover is superimposed with a large tension (before cessation of bleeding);

The end of the harness is fixed with the hook and chains;

Aseptic bandage is superimposed on the wound, the patient is given an anesthetic agent (analgin, amidopyrin, etc.) and immobilization of the limb is carried out;

Under the harness is put a note, which indicates the exact time of the imposition of the harness. It should be remembered that the harness is superimposed on a strictly limited time: in summer - by 1.5-2 hours, in winter - for 1 hour. In the case of long-term transportation, the bleeding vessel pinch, the harness is removed and imposed on a new place.

When applying a cloth harness, the same rules comply with the use of rubber harness.

With the correct imposition of the harness, the skin of a pale marble color, bleeding from the wound ceases, and the pulse on the peripheral arteries is not forgiven.

The victim with the superimposed harness should be immediately delivered to the medical institution for the final stop of bleeding.

With suspected internally bleeding, it is necessary to ensure the affected absolute rest, put cold and quickly deliver to the medical institution to the area of \u200b\u200bthe intended source of bleeding.

First medical care for wounds. Wound is called any damage associated with the impaired integrity of the skin or mucous membranes. Regardless of the origin of the wound is characterized by the following signs: pain, gaping (discrepancy) of wound edges, bleeding and impairment of functions and limbs or other parts of the body.

First aid for any injury is, first of all, in the foundation of the wound, removal of clothing and shoes with the victim. Pants, shirt, gymnaster cut down on the side of the side of the injury, shoes - rear. Removal of clothing is performed primarily with a healthy limb and only then with the patient.

It is impossible to touch the wound with their hands in any way, to extract deeply entered foreign bodies from it, remove the remnants of clothing. Wound is washed with hydrogen peroxide solution, then the skin around the wound It should be treated with alcohol, gasoline, green or iodine, after that impose a dressing with a sterile bandage, an individual dressing package or any clean fabric. If necessary (bleeding), impose a harness or a twist from the girlfriend. In case of extensive injuries, immobilization (immobility creation) is performed using tires or remedies.

First medical care for burns.The burn is damage to the tissues under the action of high temperature, caustic chemicals, electric cooker and radiation. Accordingly, the damaging factor burns are divided on thermal, chemical, electrical and radial.Most often there are thermal burns. Depending on the temperature and the duration of its impact, burns are formed varying degrees.

Burning of the I degree is characterized by redness and swelling of the affected skin and burning pain.

With a burn of the II degree against the background of red-free skin, small bubbles filled with transparent content appear, and there is a sharp pain.

Buds III are characterized by extensive bubbles, some of which are open. There is a wet pink surface with sections of pale whitewood color or a dense dry dark gray lap (crust) on the spot of the bubbles.

Burns I, II degree called superficial, because Only the surface layer of the skin is affected (to the growth layer). Healing such burns occurs spontaneously.

With burns of III, all layers of leather are affected, and the skin, subcutaneous fiber and subject to tissue are affected by the IV degree (charring). Healing of burns III and IV degree is impossible without skin transplantation.

The severity of the burn is characterized not only in depth, but also an area of \u200b\u200blesion. The lesion area is determined in two ways:

First aid to the victim provides:

1. Takeaway from the fire zone.

2. Avenue of burning clothes (covered with a blanket, bag, coat, i.e. stop air access to fire).

3. Clothes sticking to the wound, do not tear off, but cut off with scissors.

4. Overlaying a sterile dry bandage on the burn area (if there is no sterile dressing material, you can use any clean freshly depressed cotton fabric, sheet). Bandages with ointments, fats, painting substances contaminate the burn surface, make it difficult to subsequent diagnostics and for the treatment of burns, so not recommended for use.

5. To conduct immobilization with extensive burns.

6. Create full peace of the victim.

7. For the purpose of anesthesia and the prophylaxis of shock - warm the victim (give 100-150 ml of wine or vodka), give inside 2 g of analgin or other non-nucleic analgesic.

8. Call the health worker, ambulance.

Rate: 4 people

Fractures of bones

Bone fractures can occur as a result of a strong impact, fall, etc. They distinguish closed fractures when the bone is broken, but the intake of the skin at the site of the fracture is not broken, and open fractures, when in the fracture area there is a wound. By providing first assistance in the fracture, it is necessary to ensure fixedness of the fracture location than the pain decreases and further displacement of bone fragments is prevented. This is achieved by imposing on a damaged part of the body of immobilizing, that is, creating a blanket imitation. For immobilization, use ready, standard tires. However, in some cases, they may not be in the area of \u200b\u200bthe defeat. Therefore, assisting should be able to use to shining a healthy material (stick, canes, skis, umbrellas, suitable boards, pieces of plywood, ruler, pen bunchers, etc.).

When the tire is overlapping, it is necessary to provide immobility, at least two joints - one above the place of the fracture, the other - below the fracture site, and with a fracture of large bones even three.

Outing tires, you must follow the following rules:
- the damaged limb can not be pulled out;
- if there is an open wound at the place of the fracture and strong bleeding is observed, then first the wound and fracture are harnessed, then the bandage is on the wound, and then the tires on both sides of the extremities;
- both tires should capture the joints above and below the fracture;
- Tire before overlaying should be wrapped with cotton or soft cloth.

In the case of a closed fracture, first aid should be reached carefully so as not to cause additional damage as a result of bone fragments offset. The tire must be seamless to the broken limb.

With a fracture of the bones of the forearm, the hand bend in the elbow joint at a right angle in such a way that the palm is turned to the chest, then the bus is superimposed so that the fingers of the hands cover one end, and the second one visited the elbow joint. In this position, the tire is fixed by a bandage or other material, and the hand is suspended on the shell.

With a fracture of the shoulder bone, the forearm must be bent at a right angle in the elbow joint, and on the broken shoulder bone to impose two tires as possible:
one - from the outside of the shoulder so that one of her end was above the shoulder joint, the second is slightly lower elbow Sustava,
And the other - from the axillary depression to the elbow joint.

Then both tires are recorded to the shoulder and the bent forearm suspended on the belt, a shock, etc.

To overlay the bus bandage at a fracture of the thigh, you must have at least two large tires. One bus is applied by outdoor surface The damaged limb, while the tire must be of such a length so that one end of its end is the armpit, and the other slightly played behind the foot. The second bus is applied along the inner surface of the leg with such a calculation so that one end it reached the crotch area, and the other - several played over the edge of the foot (soles). In this position of the tires are born. In this case, a wide bandage, a belt belt or a towel, the top of the outer tire to attach to the body. In the fracture of the leg, the first aid turns out to be the same as at the fracture of the hip.

When first aid, when the clavicle is turned first, you must first hang your hand on the groovka, then sew two cottage-gauze rings, put on their victims and move them to the shoulder joints, the shoulders of the victim as much as possible back, and the rings behind the blades, tie.

With a fracture of the wounded pelvis, you need to put on your back, bend the legs in the knees and put a rolled coat under the roof joints area, and the like. In order to reduce the tensions of the abdominal muscles.

In case of damage to the spine of the victim, it is necessary to put on a solid litter (board, phaneur, door, etc.) - on the back ill stomach, depending on what position it is. To raise the victim should be very careful, attracting three to four people for this, to avoid with the rise of any shocks and bends of the spine.

With fractures of ribs on chest You need to put a tight circular dressing. When the jaw fractures, you need to cover the mouth, then fix the jaw with a prashoid bandage.


These are damage caused by the action of the light radiation of the nuclear explosion, as well as high temperatures (flame, hot steam, boiling water) or caustic chemicals (strong acids, alkali).

Distinguish burns:
I degree when there is redness on an exhaled place and pain;
II degree when there are bubbles on the place of the burn;
III degree characterized by alignment of all layers of skin;
IV degree when not only leather, but also fabrics are amazed: tendons, muscles, bones.

The burns of more than 1/3 of the body surface are life-threatening.

The provision of first aid consists, first of all, in the extension of ignited clothing on the victim. To this end, it needs to be pouring into water, and if it is not, sketching a blanket, a jacket or coat on it to stop access of oxygen. Then the burned part of the body is free from clothes. If you need clothes cut, the parts for the body do not break down, but cut around and leave on the spot. Cut and disrupt bubbles can also be. With extensive burns after removing the clothes of the victim, it is best to wrap in a clean sheet, take steps against shock and send it to a medical institution.

In the burns of individual parts of the body, the skin around the burn should be wiped with alcohol, cologne, water, and put a dry sterile bandage on the burned surface. Lubricate the burned surface with fat or some ointment should not. With small, I degree burns on red-free skin should be applied with a gauze napkin moistened with alcohol. The first time burning and soreness will increase somewhat, but soon the pain will swell, redness will decrease. With burns II, and moreover, the III and IV degree of victim, after providing first aid, should be sent to the medical institution.

First aid with shock is primarily in the elimination of pain. When a fracture, for example, one overposition of the tire has a beneficial effect on the overall condition of the victim, as the elimination of mobility in the fracture area reduces pain. If there is an opportunity, you should enter a patient with painkillers (promidal) from an individual aid kit (nest number!) And apply heartfelt - camphor, caffeine.

The victim should be warm, to cover the blanket, put the heating, if there is no damage abdominal cavity, give it a hot sweet strong tea, wine, in the cold season to make it in a warm room.


The condition evolving due to the nervous shock, fright, large blood loss.

Signs of fainting:
a sharp pale
cold sweat,
Weakening of cardiac activity
loss of consciousness.

To assist you need to unzipped the collar from the victim, remove the belt, take it into an open place, where fresh air comes freely. The legs of the victim need to be raised above the head. As a result, the blood supply to the brain improves and in most cases the victim comes into consciousness. If the fainting is deep and consciousness not returns, the affected should be given to sniff the ammonia alcohol, spray the chest and face with cold water.

Electric shock

When damaged by electric shock, first of all, the further effects of electric current should be stopped. To do this, turn off the current or remove the wire from the body of the affected, strictly observing the safety regulations. The current cannot be concerned with unprotected hands. You can swinging the wire only with a dry stick, board or hand protected by a rubber glove. Under the feet you need to put a dry board or glass. In the extreme case of the victim, you can drag off the wiring for clothes. In order not to be affected, it is necessary to wear dry gloves into the hands or wrapped with dry rags.

After turning off the current (removal of the wire from the body), the victim is placed on the back, slightly lift the body, unbutton the belt and collar. Fainted leads to feeling. If the victim has stopped his breath, it makes artificial.

Then impose bandages on the burnt places. A man affected by a current can not be buried to the ground or laid the earth. It is not only useless, but also harmful, since wounds and burnt places are contaminated, the body is cooled and breathing difficult.

Knowledge and skills for the first prefiguration assistance at all kinds of damage are necessary to all, since the accident caused by damage can occur at any time and in any atmosphere - at home, in production, on the street, in physical education and sports, etc. At the same time, on how correctly and in a timely manner, the first trial assistance will be rendered, its continued state of health often depends.

In some cases, delay in providing assistance can lead to a fatal outcome of the affected occurrence. Sometimes the wrong and inept assistance may be the cause of all kinds of complications that are tightened by the recovery of the victim or even leading to disability.

With natural disasters, accidents and in wartime, various damage becomes mass, therefore, to assist the victims, in addition to medical workers, the population is attracted to which, first of all, knowledge and skills in providing first medical care are attracted.

The first medical care includes a temporary stopping of bleeding, imposition of bandages, revealing fractures, conducting artificial respiratory and other events.

An injury is called violent damage to body tissues, any organ or the whole organism as a whole. Ears and injury of soft fabrics, bone fracture, brain concussion, burns - all these different types of injuries.

The indispensable condition for the improvement of knowledge and practical skills to assist victims is the active participation of trainees in training activities, competitions and exercises.

Takes and methods for stopping bleeding, bandage imposition rules

If a person has bleeding RAS, it is important to stop the bleeding as soon as possible. The most quickly can be done by pressing the blood vessel with a finger to the adjacent bone.

When bleeding from wounds head prescrat the temple artery in front of the ear of the ear, at the eyebrow level; When bleeding from wounds, cheeks or lips pressed the mandibular artery on the lower jaw against a small indigenous tooth; Bleeding from wounds Heads and Persons can also be stopped by pressing one of the carotid arteries (from the side of the larynx) to the cervical vertebrae.

Bleeding from the shoulder artery can be stopped, pressing a tight roller from cotton in the armpit; From the Russian Academy of Sciences on the leg - by pressing the femoral artery in the middle of the inguinal bend.

Strong arterial bleeding from the Russian Academy of Sciences on the limbs is stopped by applying higher wound harness or spins. Before the imposition of a harness (rubber) under it, it is necessary to put a soft lining from matter, cotton wool or gauze. The harness slightly stretch and make several turns around the limb one to another to form a wide grace surface; The ends of the harness fasten with the hook and chains or tie.

Materly harness - cotton braid - attach to the limb and wind in several layers. The free end of the braid is then fought in buckle, tighten as much as possible and fixed with a spin. In the absence of a harness, you can use a screwdriver (rope, handkerchief, bandage, trouser belt), with which the spin is superimposed. The harness (spin) is superimposed by no more than 1.5-2 hours in the warm season, and in the cold time - no more than 1 hour, otherwise the fines may occur. The laying time of the harness (twist) must be noted (pencil, handle) on the dressing or on paper, which is put under the harness (twist). Another reliable way to stop bleeding from wounds of limbs is the maximum flexion of the limbs in the joints with its fixation in this position. Any wound can become dangerous not only as a result of bleeding, but also due to its microbes. To avoid this, it is forbidden to touch the wound with his hands, extract deeply seated fragments from it (foreign bodies), remove the remnants of clothing. The wound usually put a piece of sterile gauze or bandage. Bifunut, as a rule, from left to right, closing each new twist the previous half of the bandage width, from a narrow part of the body to wider, i.e. down up.

With penetrating injuries of the abdomen, the wound is closed with a sterile napkin, and when the internal organs fall out of the internal organs, a cotton-gauze ring is applied, a sterile napkin and not tightly bogged down. Fall into the wound fell internal organs Forbidden. You can not drink a victim with such an injury, you can only make lips water.

Providing first aid for fractures

When fractures, the victim need to ensure peace and immobility (immobilization) of broken bone. Immobilization is achieved by overlaying standard or manufactured tire materials. As a primary agent, you can use sticks, canes, skis, umbrellas, boards, fane, branches of branches, etc.

Tires are applied to the outer and inner surface of the broken limb. They must necessarily provide the fixedness of the two fractures of the joints. When you apply tires to the nude surface, they must be laid with cotton or any soft sweater, and then fasten the bandage, towel, jams, belts, etc.

With open fractures, first with the help of a harness stop bleeding, and then the bandage is applied to the wound. After that, the affected by an anesthetic agent is introduced and ensure the immobilization of the limb. If, with a primary inspection it is difficult to distinguish your bumps and dislocation from bone fractures, then help must be reasons like when fractures.

With a fracture of bones of the forearm, the hand in the elbow joint is bent at the right corner of the palm to the body. The bus takes such a length so that one of her end covered his fingers, and the second went beyond the elbow joint. In this position, the tire is fixed by a bandage, and the hand is suspended on a shell or belt.

With a fracture of the shoulder bone, the forearm is bent at a right angle in the elbow joint, and two tires are applied to the broken bone of the shoulder: one from the outdoor side of the shoulder, and the other - from the axillary dam to the elbow joint. Then both tires are recorded to the shoulder and the bent forearm suspended onto the belt or golk.

In the absence of a tablet tire or undergraduate agents, the hand bent into the elbow, the hand is suspended on the shelter, the belt is born to the body.

To overline the tire dressing, with a fracture of the thigh, you must have at least two large tires. One of them is applied along the outer surface of the limb, while one end of its end should be under the arm, and the other is a bit at the foot. The second tire is applied along the inner surface of the legs so that one end to reach the crotch area, and the other played over the edge of the foot. In this position, the tires are born to the body.

In the absence of tabletime tires or girlfriend, damaged leg should be brought to a healthy foot.

With a fracture of the leg, the first help is also provided as at the fracture of the thigh.

With a fracture of the pelvic of the victim, it is necessary to put horizontally on the back and put the roller on your knees (a coat, jacket, pillow, to reduce the tensions of the muscles of the thighs and abdomen).

The wounded in the spine should be very carefully put on a solid litter (shield, board), while avoiding any concussions and flexion of the spine.

When fractures, the ribs on the chest must be superposed a tight circular bandage.

With a fracture of the clavicle in the armpit, with the injured side, put the wool and the shoulder tightly bogged down to the body, and the forearm suspended on the gathering, the second sheep is attached to the body to the body.

When jaw fractures, you need to cover your mouth and fix the jaw with a bandage.

Help with burns

Burns - tissue damage arising from high temperature, electric current, acids, alkalis or ionizing radiation. Accordingly distinguish thermal, electrical chemical and raughter burns. Thermal burns Most often, they account for 90-95% of all burns.

The severity of burns is determined by an area and depth of lesion of tissues. Depending on the depth of the lesion, four degrees of burns are distinguished. Surface burns under favorable conditions are heal independently. Deep burns are striking except skin and deep tissue, so there are skin transplantation with such burns. Most of the struck usually there is a combination of burns of various degrees.

Inhalation of flame, hot air and steam can cause burns of the upper respiratory tract and larynx swelling with the development of respiratory disorders. The overall condition of the victim also depends on the extensity of the burn surface. If the burn area exceeds 10-15% (in children more than 10%) of the body surface, the injured is developing the so-called burn disease, the first period of which - burn shock. First aid consists in the termination of the striking factor. With a burn, flames should be extended by burning clothes, to endure the victim from the fire zone, with hot liquids or molten metal burns - quickly remove clothing from the burns area. The parts of the clothes are not dried to the body, but cut around and leave on the spot. You can not cut and disrupt the resulting bubbles, touch the burn with your hands.

In the burns of individual parts of the body, the skin around the burn is wiped with alcohol, cologne, water, and an exhabin surface is imposed with a dry sterile bandage. To stop the effects of the temperature factor, it is necessary to quickly cool the affected portion of the body by immersing in cold water, under a stream of cold water or chloroethyl irrigation.

Chemical skin burns arise as a result of the skin of acids (acetic, salt, sulfur, etc.), alkalis (caustic soda, ammonia alcohol, negascinated lime). The cutting depth depends on the concentration of chemical agent, temperature and exposure duration. If the first medical care is not provided in a timely manner, chemical burns can be significantly delighted in 20-30 minutes. The deepening and dissemination of burns contributes also impregnated with acid or alkali clothing. In case of contact with the skin of concentrated acids on the skin and mucous membranes, dry dark brown or black scaps with clearly bounded edges quickly occurs, and when concentrated alkalis is hit, a wet gray-dirty color of stamp without clear outlines. In this case, it is necessary to quickly remove scraps of clothing impregnated with a chemical agent. It is necessary to reduce the concentration of chemicals on the skin. To do this, the skin is richly washed with flowing water for 20-30 minutes.

When she burns after washing with water, you can use alkaline solutions (2-3% solution of drinking sodium hydrocarbonate - in soapy water) or impose a sterile napkin moistened with a weak alkaline solution. With sulfuric acid, water is not recommended, because In this case, heat isolation occurs, which can increase the burn.

For burns, alkali also, after washing, water can be used to process the burn surface of weak solutions of acids (1-2% solution of acetic or citric acid). It is advisable to give painkillers and be sure to send the victim to the burn branch. In case of impregnation of clothing, a chemically active substance needs to quickly remove it. Contraindicated any actions on burn wounds.

In order to the anesthesia, Analgin (Pentalgin, Temalgin, Sadalgin) give the victim. For large poisoning, the victim takes 2-3 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and 1 dimeedrol tablet.

Before the arrival, the doctor is given to drink hot tea and coffee, alkaline mineral water (500-2000 ml) or the following solutions: sodium bicarbonate solution (food soda) 1/2 teaspoon, sodium chloride (sodium salt) 1 teaspoon for 1 liter of water; A solution of tea, per liter of which add 1 teaspoon of a cooking salt, 2/3 of a teaspoon of bicarbonate or sodium nitrate.

The chemical burns (acids and alkalis) of the eye arise in case of random contact with acids and alkalis in the form of solutions, drops, powders.

In case of contact with concentrated acids and alkalishes, human eyes appear in the eyes, light-friendly, impairment of vision. Objectively determines the sharp redness of the mucous membrane of the eye, clouding the cornea.

For chemical burn eye in order first emergency care It is necessary to wash the face with closed eyes, and then rinse the eyes with running water for 10-15 minutes. To do this, you can send a stream from a plumbing crane to the eye or pour water from any pure vessel to it, can also rinse from the rubber spray, glass (eye) bath, etc. You can use a lump of clean wool, which is first immersed in water, and then, without pressing, spend it from the outside end of the eye to the inner, barely touching it.

For burns with acids, if there is an opportunity, food soda is slightly added to the water (2% soda solution). When burns alkalis, you can wash your eyes with a weak (1-2%) acetic acid solution, 2% solution boric acid or milk.

With strong pains, the victim must be given inside the painkillers (analgin 1-2 tablets), and in the eye to roll 10-30% sodium sulphazyl solution (albucid), 2% novocaine solution or 0.25-0.5% Dicain solution. After that, the victim should be immediately sent to the hospital.