Horoscope for october for woman scale sign. Horoscope for october for woman sign scales horoscope scale monkey for october

28.04.2021 Sport

There is nothing surprising that weights in October 2017 will be able to achieve a lot. Otherwise, it could not be, because the most powerful, most authoritative celestial leaders will be called representatives of this zodiacal sign.

So, to protect your peace in the middle of the autumn 2017 will be caused by two celebrity - Venus and the sun. It is not difficult to guess that the "Truck of Love" will give up his attention and warmth your personal front, and therefore for the whole October you are reliably fenced from major problems in love or in friendship. Moreover, Venus will help you solve a very difficult question that you have fought for several months (it is possible that we are talking about final reconciliation with someone from your loved ones or to restore harmony within your pair).

The sun (another your faithful October "buddy") will take care that you have enough forces to move towards your large-scale successes. Having charged the solar energy (which, you see, for October, you can consider great luck), you will stop worrying because of small problems with well-being (if you feel more accurate, these problems will not be).

But in your life, somewhat different kinds will occasionally arise. Their provocateur will be Mars (your only antagonist on this segment of time). A militant planet will try to confuse you, knocking down from the right path, bringing in your character arrogance and arrogance. As you have already guess, Martian aggression can be quite easy to suppress if you do not allow yourself emotional breakdowns and any manifestations of anger.

In October 2020, the sign representatives will differ in their irritability and aggression, which can lead to big problems in work and make it difficult to promote their career ladder.

October for you will be a very difficult period, when all inconsistencies and waste from the developed plan will strongly annoy and output. This will be especially sad on working relationships with leadership, whose solutions will go into incision with your plans.

Stars recommend during this period the weights take their legitimate outdoors or unused vacation, so as not to bring the working conflicts to dismissal. If the representatives of the sign have long thought about the change of work or the working sphere, now the most favorable time to implement their plans. Left at the same workplace, with such a negative attitude towards their duties, you will not achieve anything good.

Woman Scales: Horoscope Work and Career for October 2020

Women's scales in October will be in constant, internal tension, which will be very bad to affect the quality of performance of their working duties. That is why it is ultimately not recommended to enter into some disputes and conflicts with management, because the bosses will be fully justified. It is best to accept comments to note and try to be more attentive.

If the problem lies in the fact that you do not want to continue working in that organization in which you work now, it is in October it is recommended to change the work. Options that will be at this time will first seem not particularly attractive, however, they should be considered carefully, to pass interview, communicate with future colleagues. In the event that problems at work arise due to personal carelessness of the representatives of this sign, it is worth take a couple of extra weekends, sleep, bring your mood in order and proceed to work with new forces.

It is not worthwhile to make their ideas during this period and take the initiative to improve the quality of work. Your opinion on a good account for the leadership and you will definitely listen to.

Male Scales: Horoscope Work and Career for October 2020

Male-scales in October will be at the peak itself of their working enthusiasm, the only thing that can spoil the working mood is internal disharmony and irritation. Try to disconnect from personal and family problems at work, do not drag a bad mood from home to work, it will be very much to interfere with and impede your improvement in office, affecting the quality of your work.

In October, a certain part of working events will occur without your knowledge. At all, it is not necessary to look for some trick or conspiracy in this. Representatives of the sign in principle can not control and keep abreast of all working nuances and features. The main thing is that you should remember during this period, do not climb yourself where you guide you. You have your duties and working questions that it is important to do well, that's what they do.

The work of colleagues should take you the least. Attempting to stick his nose in the business of the team will end with failure, and will entail many unnecessary issues to you, which will negatively affect the attitude towards you from the leadership.

Are there any difficulties in dealing with the opposite sex in October? How will their feelings and emotions affect the development of available and new relations? Many ready-made tips expects in an exact love horoscope for scales for October 2017.

Many scales in October may feel dissatisfaction from their personal life. The lack of interesting events and previous failures in relationships can cause a large number of scales for the sign of the scales. The desire to revise all their past decisions and plans relating to the Love Front. The love horoscope warns seeking the second half of people born under the sign of the scales, which is not always a sharp change come for the benefit of creating relations, especially if they are not considered.

Sophisticated many scales in October may suffer because of their desire to get new emotions. The confusion and dissatisfaction with themselves and their lives can provoke from people belonging to this sign of the zodiac, long-term conflict situations in the family and even become the cause of further rupture of marriages. Whether the desire is to diversify their life, only the scales themselves will be able to answer. Stars warn them that in October it should be more careful in their actions and statements, so as not to cause pain and disappear to the beloved person.

Love horoscope for women scales for October 2017

Need to feel something new can capture single weights-weights. Their desire to fundamentally change their own life can lead to rapid acts and unpleasant consequences. However, despite the oppressive loneliness, the girls born under the constellation of the scales will be very selective in the choice of new acquaintances. It is not intended to rush on the neck to the first person who addressed their attention to them. Many representatives of the strong half of humanity will still have to make sufficient efforts to cause response among girls-scales.

Dissatisfaction and reproaches can cause their chosen women in married women. As a rule, the representative of this sign of the zodiac rarely consciously go to the conflict with its second half, trying to soften the offenses. However, in October 2017, many women who appeared under the sign of the scales will not be too tacty in the choice of words to the spouse. Irritation and frequent quarrels can deliver such family relationships to the drawing, followed by only the gap. Love horoscope for weights for October advises them not to get involved in clarifying relationships and creating conflict situations. The emotions obtained in the course of such disassembly will be boiled inside both spouses, without giving them peace.

Love horoscope for men-scales for October 2017

Single Male Scales in the middle of autumn can be consciously abandoned new acquaintances and meetings in a friendly company. The reason for this may become internal mental experiences that do not allow the scales to relax and pay attention to their beautiful girls around them. Against the background of these torments, the free representatives of this sign of the zodiac may not use the ability to make promising in terms of building a dating relationship. Caprises and hysteries do not paint men, so one hundred and emotions stand in October in October.

In October, representatives of the Sign Sign, which may expect some disappointment in their own family life. The stability in communicating with his beloved may seem routine, and a decrease in the number of bright manifestations of love - a sign of cooling the feelings of the spouse. The presentation of undeserved claims to their second halves at the weights in October 2017 will rarely lead to good results. Therefore, married men will need to think firmly before visiting their discontent. After all, in the mouth of a quarrel so easily offend the beloved person and go to the allowable borders.

In the ability to adapt to a partner a woman scales are practically no equal. Competition could not except fish. This does not mean that it does not matter to feel the return. On the contrary, such a woman will throw everything without blinking, barely felt that it is used. From the nature of the zodiac representative possess an extraordinary charm, and the ability to maintain composure impressive almost immediately after acquaintance with them. And what is happening in their soul in the fall will help you learn the horoscope for October. Scales The woman caught a good luck for the tail, if it works well on himself.


Those ladies who endured the lack of feelings from the object of love, in October it will be bored. Libra firmly decide to put a point in the relationship. The horoscope foreshadows the gap, after which a decent fan will appear soon. Woman will be rewarded for the period of unrequency.

  • Twins;
  • Aries;
  • Scorpio;
  • Aquarius.

It will exclude a speed mimic novel with them. Immediately there will be a focus on marriage.

By nature, this woman is practically unable to fall in love at first sight. Ahead of Her mind is walking, and then feelings. In order for her like, you need to be a successful man and take a certain position in society. As the horoscope says, the poor, without family and without a tribe, she will not choose in October.

According to the horoscope, dependence on public opinion will manifest themselves in the scales especially brightly. Young girls will be ready to marry not love solely from practical considerations. Warm feelings will certainly come, but a lot of time will pass.

The line of her behavior with a strong partner in October is reduced to adaptation to it. With weak, she will immediately show itself as a leader and will keep the situation. In order not to escape in the future from such a woman, it will take the lion's share of patience.

Horoscope for October Scales The woman says, the ladies of the elements of the air will appreciate the incredible changes in the spouse for the better. He will begin to show high attentiveness to her affairs at work and periodically present pleasant surprises. To add fire and for his part, the horoscope recommends adding a variety of your bed scenes. Air representatives at least periodically must be capable of madness in the intimate side of life, otherwise the marriage risks to hit.

From Vasilisa

By the horoscope October somewhat restless month. For a week, the scales will fall under the influence of Mercury. This will make confusion to the business sphere. Problems on the personal front will also overcome on the other hand. The lady risks to get confused and undermine their impeccable reputation at work.

The issue of health is also not necessary to ignore. Judging by the horoscope, in October it is worth doing gymnastics or yoga. Physical exertion in the fall must be not intense and contribute to the improvement of the psychological state. Choose a suitable diet, dance in your free time and October will become one of the best months a year. The injuries associated with work should be a tiger woman.

On the advice of the Horoscope, vacation is better planned for November. Despite the fact that in the summer I really want to break out of a stuffy office, it is worth working. While everyone is resting, a woman scales will find an excellent opportunity to provide for yourself the best wealth.

On October from Vasilisa there is advice. Make an analysis of what is happening in the company where you work. Scales easily determine its strengths and weaknesses. Tapping the leadership of the right strategic pathways, you can safely count on a highly paid position. Some scales still do not know their huge potential, now it's time to plunge into work.

Some problems are expected with the older children on the horoscope. Women scales try to raise their chod to self-sufficient and provide a lot of independence. Be careful! Excessive freedom to children will not lead to anything good, at least they are not ready to live independently. In October, according to the horoscope, the conflict "Fathers and Children" will be obvious. Woman Sign Signs will have to call all their proudness and patientity to resolve the situation.


In October, the work begins to bring good fruits ladies sign of scales. The return will most feel the scales goat. If she compemically put all the priorities in the summer, then a good position is expected to fall.

Some representatives wish to go not quite honest to goal. The horoscope claims such methods only delay the successful result. Scales can perfectly handle everything, although some trick does not hurt at all. This is especially true of those ladies, in which competitors appeared.

To win on the background of competitors, a woman's scales should add a lot of purposefulness to its analytical mind and logic. Otherwise, the palm of the championship will be completely at another person. Motivate yourself to achieve the result and every time the task is completed, do not forget to reward. For example, a new jewelry or a stunning dress.

Scales Woman whose work is not yet found, in October will receive a great offer. Not only will it be associated with his beloved occupation, so also the salary promises considerable. Horoscope advises in no way to lose the opportunity and postpone doubts "in a long box." Stars favor in October exactly to those who were engaged in searching work.

2017 year

The horoscope for 2017 says that at his time luck will not leave the woman. At some moments, she certainly will retreat, giving the opportunity to fight for their happiness, but in general, a year is not quite bad. The main thing is that the zodiac representative should learn should not be amenable to provocate and be patient.

According to the horoscope for the middle of the month, an increase is expected in office with a leaking worthy earnings . The financial plan, compiled in February, will be excellent to the end of the year. Year is favorable for shopping, real estate transactions and personal development.

In the Love Sphere October 2017 promises a lot of experiences. Save self-control and a positive attitude will be oh as not easy. Horoscope recommends, think about what you are. Maybe in the unrequency of feelings from a partner, do you look like a masochist? Doesn't you have such a state of affairs?

2018 year

Horoscope favor the weights that are actively engaged in self-development. You can safely take on business and experiment on a business field. All errors, as the horoscope claims for 2018, will be easy to go with your hands.

October 2018 marked doubtfulness. The horoscope warns, staying on the spot you can miss a lot of opportunities. Take the courage in the end, and act resolutely. You have nothing to fear, because all the moves of the scales have long calculated.

Family ladies have a complete pacification most of the year. Spouses will live peacefully, fully observing the balance between the concept of "work" and "family." However, in October there are quarrels on the basis of the education of children. According to the exact horoscope, the spouse will take the opposition and will sometimes enter into conflict with weights. In order not to aggravate the situation of the wisp of everything will agree, otherwise the scales risk meeting the New Year alone.

2019 year

The horoscope career draws the attention of women of scales on the opportunities. In the struggle for achieving the company's goals, they will show themselves with purely competent employees. In order for the process to go more efficient, you will be offered a partner to help. Do not regard it as a catch. Together you can achieve much more.

A favorite husband or chosen one may need help in mid-October. In a woman, scales he can find a good and caring friend. Do not cube it for the gamble perfect, but let it be able to completely spoke. After that, just look for ways out of the situation.

October 2017 gives excellent romantic opportunities. Among new dating, a decent man can be caught, with whom you build a long-term connection. Horoscope for 2019 does not recommend reflecting exclusively in the practical plane. Make focus on the positive qualities of a person and make a share of romanticism in the meeting. If a woman's scales take an exceptionally passive role, the Union will not last for a long time. In addition, it will be helpful to practice initiative.

Be sure to find the time to be alone with you and your thoughts. It will help you keep the inner balance and maintain harmonious relationships with others.

Tips October 2017 for weights

Green colour
Talisman: spruce
Take: 1, 10, 14, 23, 28
DANGER: 3, 4, 7, 17, 30
The motto: "I easily achieve the desired."

Lightweight in October 2017

October will enan the new opportunities in his career and personal life. However, not too encouraging and do not hurry to believe everything and everything is furious. Rely on experience. And then the results of your efforts will exceed the most courageous expectations that will pay off both in moral and in the material plan.

Excellent prevention of health and well-being - care activities for their appearance. So do not regret the time for yourself, take care of the skin of the face and body, experiment with makeup, change the image.

When choosing clothes, more oriented on your own sensations, and not the impression that makes on others.

Working scales in October 2017

There are star backgrounds to the fact that your professional positions will strengthen and very soon you will go on life confidently and with a highly raised head. Try not to waste time wasted, but also do not take too much duties - can take more. Those who think about changing work, the stars favor. Just do not rush. In the first half of the month, collect information, send a summary, and after October 20, you can make decisions.

In cash, help will be brothers and sisters. But you will also need active participation in the material side of the family life, as well as in the working and financial fate of friends and the closest relatives.

Love scales in October 2017

At the end of October, the arrival of a person from afar, once close and beloved. Perhaps you will want to return the former feelings. The same, who will not wait for the promised meeting, not to miss either. In the adorables and fans the lack there will be no. The problem is only in your willingness to answer reciprocity. Heart in October falls into the state of the half. That's good. Let a little rest, and in the meantime you will work your head and you make the right choice.

Family scales use the ability to conduct competent home policy. Be diplomatic. Probably, large employment at work may not leave time for full-fledged communication with loved ones and close people. Do not take a claim to your heart to your address and try to find a solution that would suit everyone.

On the Chinese book Change October will take place under the sign of the symbol The power of the Great. She warns that excessive pressure and the desire for anything to come out forward can harm you. So, seeking your goals, think about people around you. Remember that it is impossible to build your well-being on the failures of others. No one needs to sacrifice any ambition. We are more modest, tactful, and you will do as you think and wish. Try to adhere to the golden middle.

By October you had a map Tuz Swords,which carries with them abundance, triumph of strength and great prosperity. Try to fully manage the opportunities. To achieve success, use Intellect and Will Power. Boldly and resolutely overcome obstacles on the way, do not leave before difficulties and under any circumstances do not lower your hands. Ahead of the new period of life and the well-deserved reward for the work. Moreover, favorable conditions for significant accomplishments add up in everything, for which they will take. All undertakings, especially creative orientation, are successful.