Means for disinfection in medical organizations. Disinfectants What is it? Disinfectants include solutions

11.08.2020 Products

Tools containing chlorine, bromine, iodine as disinfectants in its composition as disinfectants (halogen-containing connections):Dibromantine, Aquabor, Zavlyl, Sports, Aquatabs, Zavelion, Prepaque, Purezhavel, Klorspet, dehlor, etc.

Group of drugs active substance which is oxygen (oxygen-containing): Pharmadez, Vircon, Pyroxime, Hiroshan, Sitex, Desokson, absoliscation 1000, etc.

A group of drugs that are currently the beginning of which is glutar, orthoptale or amber aldehydes (AldegTD-containing): Glutaral, Dulbak, Coldworn, LizoFormin - 3000, Dezoform, Sexpt-Forte, Incider, Melzapept, Microcard, Aldesol, Bianol.

Surfactants (surfactants):Blanisol, deseffect, Samota, etc. Disadvantages:

Most of them are ineffective with respect to sustainable types and forms of microorganisms;

Rapid and frequent formation of sustainability to them;

Have an irritant effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the eye;

Form a difficult film.

The means acting by the substance of which are complex organic compounds (Guanidines): Deesin, Biore, Disofran, Slavin, etc.Effective in terms of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, but do not show activity for viruses, mushrooms, disputes.

Alcohol- A group of drugs based on ethanol, propanol, isopropanol. Efficiency against vegetative microorganisms, mushrooms, mycobacteria.

Disinfectants are produced in the form of the following forms:

Solid (tablets, granules, powders);

Liquid concentrates (solutions, emulsions, pastes, creams, etc.);

Ready-made application forms (working solutions, bactericidal napkins, varnishes, paints, aerosol cylinders).

Toxicity, all disinfectants are divided into 4 grams:

I. Funds 1 class extremely dangerous - chemicals of this group are not allowed for use in the field of medical disinfection.

II. Funds 2 - highly hazardous - to this group of inhalation effects (admission in the form of vapor, gases or aerosol or combined arrival - pairs + aerosol) include well-known chemicals: chlororal, some aldehydes, hydrogen peroxide, etc. work with such means , applying respiratory protection, eyes, skin and in the absence of patients.

III. Funds 3 hazard class - moderate - this group includes the largest number of chemicals used in the disinfection area. Working with data disinfectants in the presence of patients is allowed, but it is necessary to use the means of protection.

IV. Funds 4 hazard class - low-hazard - among them: Septabic (Israel) - powder, permeal (Germany) - powder, wellleen (Russia) - solution, Samota (Russia) - concentrate, etc. Working with these disinfectants can be in the presence of people, Including in children's institutions. When working should be protected by the skin of the hands of rubber gloves.

All destroyers must be tested for activity against a new strain - mycobacterium terrae (MYCOBACTERIUM terrae).

(R 4.2.2643 - 10 "Methods of laboratory research and testing of disinfectants to assess their efficiency and security").

Disinfectants may have a bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect. Bactericidal disinfectants destroy bacteria, and bacteriostatic brakes inhibit bacteria (for example, quaternary ammonium compounds (hour) and ampholites).

Methods of application disinfectants:


Irrigation using spray equipment

Spraying with an aerosol generator

Immersion in solutions


Using ultrasound installations

All objects around us, air and even the surface of your own bodies are populated by microscopic organisms. Despite small sizes, they can harm health and life. For example, pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi cause most of infectious diseases. The most popular way of struggle is disinfection, with which we are able to reduce the number of microbes to a safe level. This article lists the types and methods of antiseptics, as well as the classification of disinfectants.

Types of disinfection

Depending on the time, the following types of disinfection distinguish:

Disinfection methods

There are several methods with which we can get rid of malicious microorganisms:

  • Mechanical. It implies the utilization of an infected subject or its part. It is often used to disinfect the soil by removing its top layer.
  • Physical. The microbes are affected by boiling objects and food, irradiation of premises UV lamps, autoclaving, etc.
  • Biological. To combat pathogenic microbes use their natural enemies. This method is often used to clean wastewater.
  • Chemical. This is the most popular and effective method Reliable pathogens. For this, various groups of disinfectants are used, which are able to destroy the walls of bacteria and viruses, as well as neutralize biotoxins.

Today it is customary to use several methods of disinfection at the same time to increase its efficiency. Wet cleaning can be combined with subsequent UV irradiation of the room, mechanical methods (filtration), physical (boiling) and chemical (chlorination) are used to clean water.

Types of chemical disinfectants

For disinfection items use chemicals In the form of aerosols, solutions, pastes, emulsions, tablets, powders and soluble granules. The most common next classification of disinfectants:

  • Disinfection in rabbit breeding
  • Disinfection in dog breeding and fur animal
  • Disinfection of beekeeping objects
  • Disinfection and disinvasia of objects of fish farms
  • Disinfection with individual fish diseases
  • Disinfection of scotching and slaughter-sanitary points
  • Disinfection of raw materials of animal origin
  • Disinfection when identifying disadvantaged in the Siberian ulcers and the browse of the raw materials of animal origin in enterprises by its workpiece, storage and processing
  • The disinfection of the raw materials of animal origin, is immunified by viruses and non-relative pathogens of infectious diseases.
  • Disinfection of workwear, shoes, animal care items
  • Quality control disinfection workwear
  • Quality Control Disinfection of Livestock Objects
  • Check questions and tasks
  • Chapter 3. Disinsection
  • Epizootological importance and economic damage caused by insects and ticks
  • Methods of combating insects Preventive and fightering events
  • Insecticidal agents used in veterinary sanitation
  • Physical means
  • Biological means
  • Chemicals
  • Chapter 4. Deratization
  • Epizootological and epidemiological importance of rodents
  • Biological features of some miserable rodents
  • Methods of combating miserable rodents
  • Preventive and Fighter Events
  • Derativational remedies and their use in veterinary medicine
  • Chemicals
  • Means
  • Biological means
  • Physical means
  • Methods and forms of use of deratization
  • Biming method of deratization
  • Undmatic way to deratization
  • Method of gas
  • Chapter 5. Deodorization
  • Chapter 6. Veterinary and Sanitary Activities in Livestock, with the slaughter of animals, transportation, storage and recycling of livestock products
  • Veterinary and sanitary events in the fish farm enterprise
  • Warning of drift in the farm of infectious fish diseases
  • Tab 19. Disinfection of cars II category
  • Veterinary and sanitary processing of road transport and other vehicles
  • Disinfection of manure and wastewater discharged from vehicles
  • Quality control of vehicle disinfection
  • Chapter 7. Recycling of biological waste, disinfection of environmental objects
  • Disinfection of manure, litter and stocks of various methods
  • Chemical method
  • Physical method
  • Wastewater, cleaning them and disinfection
  • Dung Stoki.
  • Quality control of the disinfection of manure, litter, drains and wastewater
  • Disinfection of soil
  • Chapter 8. Means of Mechanization of Veterinary Sanitary Works
  • Machines and equipment for farms and complexes with industrial production production
  • Portable disinfection devices.
  • Chapter 9. Safety, Labor and Environmental Protection for Veterinary Sanitary Events
  • Chapter 10. Veterinary Sanitary Activities for Radioactive Infection
  • Check questions and tasks
  • For disinfection
  • Combating rodents
  • Insect control measures
  • Disinfection
  • First aid kit
  • Content
  • Chapter 1.
  • Chapter 2. Disinfection.
  • Chapter 3. Disinsection.
  • Chapter 4. Deratization.
  • Chapter 5. Deodorization ............................................. .. ..................... 311
  • Chapter 6. Veterinary-sanitary activities in animal husbandry, with animal slaughter, transportation, storage and processing of livestock products .................................................................................................................................. .320
  • Chapter 7. Recycling of biological waste, disinfection of objects of the external environment ......................................................................................................389
  • Chapter 8. Means of mechanization of veterinary and sanitary works .......... ... ..419
  • Chapter 9. Safety, labor protection and environmental protection during veterinary and sanitary events .............................. 439
  • Chapter 10. Veterinary-sanitary events for radioactive infection ........................................................................... ... ... ..453
  • Modern disinfectants used in veterinary sanitation

    Modern disinfection means, depending on the inactivating factors, are divided into several groups: chemical, physically, biological and combined. Among these groups, funds based on the use of chemical inactivating substances - disinfectants received the greatest distribution.


    The wide use of disinfective means in disinfection contributes to their high efficiency in combination with the simplicity and efficiency of operation. The range of antimicrobial substances suitable for use in disinfection is limited to a number of requirements for disinfection tools. They must have good solubility in water or the ability to form persistent emulsions in it; high antimicrobial activity (the tool must ensure the inactivation of microorganisms in a short time under the action of small concentrations of the active substance (DV); disinfecting effect in the presence of foreign substances (organic and inorganic); low corrosive activity for various structural materials; high stability during storage; low toxicity For humans, farm animals and birds; must be accessible and cheap; convenient during transportation and storage. The most important indicator of chemical disinfectants, which determine the expediency of their application is environmental safety.

    The means of disinfection for the chemical structure of the unit are divided into several classes: alkali; chlorine-containing drugs; oxidizers; formaldehyde; acids and their salts; phenols, cresols and their derivatives; Salts of heavy metals, gases, etc.

    Alkali. In the practice of disinfection, alkali and alkaline drugs are used, such as caustic soda, caustic potassium, fresh lime, calcined soda, Caspos, Demp, DPK-1, DPK-2, compocide, nirtan.

    Alkali - well-soluble bases that create a large concentration of hydroxyl ions in an aqueous solution. The action of alkali on the microbial cell depends on the concentration of hydroxyl ions, which cause the bactericidity of the drug. The higher the concentration, the stronger the disinfection effect of alkali.

    The penetration of sodium hydroxide (NaOh) into the microbial cell leads to an increase in pH in it and causes coagulation (thickening) of its protoplasm, the washing of fats. These phenomena disrupt the normal life of the microbial cell and lead it to death.

    After disinfection, the hot solution of caustic alkalis should be carefully ventilated, since under the influence of them from ammonium urine compounds, a large amount of ammonia is formed, which can lead to animal poisoning.

    Sodium hydroxide (sodium hydroxide, NaOH) is a colorless, hygroscopic crystalline substance, obtained by electrophoresis of the aqueous solution of the cook salt. In addition, to obtain a caustic soda, they use the exchange decomposition of soda hawed lime. Dissolution in water is accompanied by the release of a large amount of heat.

    For sale, the caustic natra comes in the form of a natron liquor (liquid preparation), which contains at least 42% NaOH or in solid form 90-95% NaOH, the rest is impurities (salt and water).

    On the air, the caustic soda interacts with carbon dioxide, turns into a carbonate sodium. The caustic satro interacts with some metals (aluminum, zinc).

    The bactericidal effect of the drug is caused by its strongly worn properties. The addition of the cooking salt up to 10% increases the sporing effect of the caustic soda solution.

    For disinfection, a technically crude caustic soda (caustic soda), 2-3% hot (70 ° C) solution in non-health and viral infections and 10% solution - in dispute infections are used.

    Caustic (Potassium hydroxide - con) is obtained by electrolysis of potassium chloride. Apply in the same cases as sodium hydroxide, but due to its high cost in veterinary practice it is rarely applied.

    Lime (Calcium oxide - CAO) are obtained by burning limestone. First, it turns out the overtime lime - non-bacterial. Bactericidity it acquires only after quenching.

    Slaked lime (calcium oxide hydrate, calcium hydroxide - sa (it) 2) - loose white powder, very poorly soluble in water. Prepared from negated lime by quenching it with water.

    Sao + H 2 O \u003d SA (OH) 2 + 16 calories. If 70-100% of water is consumed for quenching to the mass of lime, it is obtained by a hawed lime in the form of a powder (used for sprinkling passes). With an increase in the amount of water, a lime suspension is obtained.

    Soda. Distinguished the calcined soda (carbonate) - Na 2 CO 3; The bicarbonate (drinking soda is NaHCO 3) and crystalline - Na 2 CO 3 10H 2 O. 5% solutions of calcined soda are used for disinfection. It has a weak disinfectant, but as cheap Means Indispensable for laundering of oily surfaces, bathrobes, tarpaulin clothing. Hot solutions are disinfected by facilities for food, dairy space, leather raw materials at Fox.

    Kaspos (Caustified coat mixture) - a liquid containing 40-42% of caustic alkalis, not poisonous, is well soluble in water. For disinfection of animal husbandry, the inventory uses aqueous solution of the main preparation of CASPOS, which contains at least 40% of caustic alkalis, in the same cases as sodium hydroxide, but at a concentration of 1.5 times greater.

    Demp (disinfectant detergent) - white powder, well soluble in water. Consists of calcined soda, trinitium phosphate, sulfonic and casp. The drug does not cause corrosion of metals. It is widely used for washing and preventive disinfection of the premises of the dairy and meat industry (0.5% solution).

    Composide - Bulk white powder without smell, well soluble in water. It includes caustic soda, trinitium phosphate with sulfonol or alkyl sulfate. It is used as a washes and disinfectant for premises and equipment of enterprises of meat and dairy industry, animal farms. 3% solution is used for brucellosis, FMD; 5% - with salmonellosis, exposure - 3 hours.

    DPK-1. and DPK-2. This granular white powders with a yellowish tinge, which are not smell, well soluble in water, is stored during storage. They have a weak corrosion action, non-toxic and do not irritate the skin of animals.

    They are used hot for washing and disinfection of premises surfaces, as well as for disinfection of inventory on meat processing plants and incubators. They are suitable for washing and disinfection at dairy plants, meat-controlled stations, markets and other enterprises. Solutions of drugs are prepared before applying.

    Nirtan. A yellowish powder with a weak specific smell. The current beginning of it is the Quaternary Ammonium Salt. The drug does not corrosive metals, there is little toxic, which allows it to be used in the presence of animals on livestock complexes.

    It is successfully used for disinfecting of means of transport, overalls, animal skin, for processing nipples of udder cows after milking. Apply also with mastitis, polyarthritis, calibration, piglets, and in other cases.

    Soloki. Alkaline drugs deserves ash solisulies (in the form of hot solutions 80-90С), which is basically the same as the soda, as an auxiliary means for disinfection, as well as disinfectant with prophylactic disinfection.

    Oxidizers are called such chemical compounds, atoms or ions of which have the ability to take electrons from other substances of inorganic or organic origin, including microbial cells. Oxidation is one of the most important chemical methods of destructive effects on microbial cells.

    Chlorine In the gaseous state as an oxidizing agent acts mainly on organic matter, in particular, on the microbial cell protein. When the chlorine contained in the microbial cell contained in the microbial cell, hydrochloric and chlorinous acid are formed. Oxygen released at the same time, oxidizes cell components. Chlorine atoms actual on cells and cell protoplasm proteins, translating them into an inert state. Chlorine is used to disinfect drinking and wastewater, disinfecting wagons, etc.

    Bleaching powder. This granular white powder, depending on the composition of more or less hygroscopic. Chlorine lime is obtained by passing a gaseous chlorine through a dry hawed lime (fused). The composition of chlorine lime includes various basic calcium salts, but its main component is calcium hypochlorite Ca (CLO) 2. When accessing air and moisture, it decomposes, turning into a semi-liquid or lumpy mass.

    In the dissolution of chlorine lime in water, a chlorothic acid is formed, which, due to its weak stability, decomposes on hydrogen chloride and oxygen: 2hclo \u003d 2HCl + O 2. The oxygen distinguished at the same time has an energetic oxidative property. Its quality is estimated by the number of active chlorine. In sales of chlorine lime should contain at least 25% of the active chlorine; If it is less than 15% chlorine, it is not suitable for disinfection. For disinfection, chlorine lime is used in the form of clarified solutions, suspension and dry powder. It is used for disinfection in diseases caused by spore-forming pathogens, in solutions containing 5% of the active chlorine, and with non-relative and viral infections - 2% of the active chlorine.

    Calcium hypochlorite neutral brand b - CA (CLO 2) - white powder with chlorine smell. The preparation of two varieties is available: the content of active chlorine in grades 1 products is at least 30%, in products 2 products - at least 24%. The drug is well soluble in water. Apply for prophylactic and forced disinfection under a number of viral and bacterial infections in the form of aqueous solutions with a content of 3-5% active chlorine.

    DP-2 - a mixture of trichloride duplex acid and additives, white powder or cream color with chlorine smell. Contains at least 30% of active chlorine.

    DP-2 solutions are prepared on cold water. In disordinate and viral infections, 1-1.5% aqueous DP-2 aqueous solution is used; With spore-forming - 5% concentration.

    Calcium hypochlorite - Lightly yellowish powder with chlorine smell. Contains 80-90% active chlorine. In water dissolves well. The action of calcium hypochlorite in 2.2. times stronger to chlorine lime. It is used for disinfection of sewing and drinking waters, rooms (10% solution - with a dispute, 5% - with non-food microflora).

    DTSGK preparation (dutreti basic calcium hypochlorite salt). Powder resembling chlorine lime. Two varieties are available: 1 grade contains 52% of active chlorine, 2 - 47%. Apply in the same cases as well as chlorine lime.

    Hypochloron - Liquid with a weak smell of chlorine. The main advantage is a wide range of action, whitening and deodorizing properties, corrosion exposure of 10-15 times weaker than the solutions of chlorine lime and caustic soda.

    Chloramines - Strong oxidizing agents containing up to 30% of active chlorine. The disadvantage is poorly dissolved in water. Chloramine b is often used in 2-10% concentration.

    Single-christ iodine - The drug number 74-b is prepared in inter-district laboratories: 10 g of iodinous-acid potassium and 11 g of iodide potassium are dissolved when shaking or low heating in 875 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid and, after cooling the fluid, up to 1 liter is added. This solution is used for 100%, solutions of the required concentration are prepared from it.

    The drug is long stored, it has pronounced oxidative properties and significant bactericidity. Suitable for disinfection of animal bedrooms, destroying mold in refrigeration chambers on meat processing plants, for disinfecting the skin of animals in tricochy, Siberian ulcers and other diseases. It is used in a 100% concentration in Siberian ulcers, in 5% - with non-planic infections.

    IOTEZ. - Disinfectant of a wide range of action. Preparative form: Water-soluble iodine complex on a polymer basis (iodofor). Yodez destroys the lipid-protein protection of microorganisms, penetrates through the cytoplasmic membrane of the microbial cell, vital vital functions leading to her death. Yodez has a wide range of action against causative agents of infectious diseases of bacterial (including spore-forming), viral and fungal etiologies, inhalation is inhalation of respiratory tracts of birds and animals.

    Yodez is used for preventive and forced (current and final) disinfection of animal bedrooms, vehicles used to transport animals and raw materials of animal origin. Disinfection of livestock facilities are carried out in the absence of animals with wet or aerosol methods, using 1-4.5% of iodesium solutions. For the preparation of a working solution into the container of the dissertation, water is poured and added when stirring, itezes in the required quantity is added to obtain the desired concentration.

    The only drug that is used for wet, aerosol, foam disinfection of veterinary oversight objects, upper reservations respiratory tract and the treatment of wounds in animals and birds.

    Pharmiode - 2.. A disinfectant of a wide range of action. The drug consists of a iodopolymer complex. Designed to carry out preventive and forced (current and final) disinfection and disinference of animal husbandry (poultry, animal) premises, vehicleused to transport animal and raw materials of animal origin, with infectious diseases of bacterial (except infections caused by sporing-forming bacteria, and mycobacteriums) and viral (paragripp, rinotracheit, laryngotrachite, etc.) and fungal etiology; Sanitation of air and respiratory tract of birds and animals in respiratory diseases, as well as disinfecting the skin and wounds.

    Potassium permanganate (KMNO 4) has a good oxidative ability, deodorizing and disinfecting properties. In the form of 0.5-2% solution is used for disinfection of hands, 2-4% solutions - for disinfection of tables of meat tents, containers from under intestinal raw materials, etc.

    Hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2) - refers to the group of oxidizing agents. Manufactured by industry in the form of an aqueous solution of 30-40% concentration, medical and technical brand A and B, which are liquid without smell and color, bitter-binding taste. The drug has strongly pronounced bactericidal and sporing properties. The mechanism of action of hydrogen peroxide is associated with the fact that when contacting tissues and microbial cells under the influence of the catalase enzyme contained in them, hydrogen peroxide decomposes with the release of molecular and atomic oxygen, oxidizing the organic components of the microbial cell.

    Ecocide C (EcoCid. S.) Crk Pharmaceutical Plant. Disinfectant of a new generation of virucid, bactericidal and fungicidal action. It is a balanced mixture (fine-grain powder, pink-gray, with a weak lemon smell, well-soluble in water) compounds of peroxide, surfactants, organic acids and inorganic buffer systems. The main components are potassium peroxomonosulfate (triple salt). It has a pronounced oxidative effect.

    The drug is active in relation to most bacteria strains, viruses and mushrooms. The working solutions of the Ecocide C have a weak corrosive activity, practically do not damage the materials of the treated surfaces and retain antimicrobial activity within 5 days.

    For preventive disinfection of exemplated premises, as well as forced disinfection (current and final) for diseases of bacterial and viral etiology (1 and 2 The resistance group of the pathogen), use a 1% solution of an ecocide with a spraying method, with a flow rate of 0.3-0.5 l / m 2 surfaces (depending on the complexity of the profile and surface material) and exposure 30-60 minutes.

    For thermal aerosol disinfection (preventive and forced) livestock breeding rooms, incubators, premises for processing and storing products of animal origin and feed, slaughter points are used by a 4% working solution of C. Ecocide

    For disinfection of water supply systems for animal watering use 0.5% working solution of C. Ecocide

    A group of formaldehydes. Formaldehyde (aldehyde of formic acid, methanal) is a gaseous colorless substance with a characteristic sharp smell, irritating mucous membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory tract. It is well soluble in water, it is easily oxidized by air oxygen to form formic acid, therefore, and received its name (from lat. Formica - ant). Formaldehyde in the form of gas or aqueous solutions is destructive effect on dispute forms of microbes, for non-relative microorganisms, viruses and some mold mushrooms. The bactericidality of formaldehyde depends on the humidity in the room, where it is used: the higher it is higher, the higher its bactericidal effect.

    Formaldehyde - gas, inconvenient in circulation, therefore comes in the form of a 35-40% aqueous solution of formaldehyde (formalin). Formalin technical (Non) is a 40% solution of formaldehyde. This is a transparent, colorless liquid with a sharp annoying smell, poisonous. For disinfection, solutions are prepared, taking into account the content of formaldehyde in it. The basis of the sporocidal and bactericidal properties of formaldehyde lies its ability to react with protein. This is one of the universal means for disinfecting objects of animal husbandry. It is recommended to use formalin in combination with other disinfectants, reinforcing its actions. Thus, alkaline solution of formaldehyde (2% of formaldehyde and 1% sodium hydroxide) are used against dermatomycosis, 3% formaldehyde and 3% sodium hydroxide - against the pathogen of tuberculosis.

    A 4% solution of formaldehyde at minus temperatures is polymerized, falls into a precipitate (white flakes or thick mass). In this form, formalin is not suitable for disinfection. In the initial period of polymerization, formalin can be restored by placing it in the warm room at the battery.

    With long-term use of formalin in the same room, the pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora develops resistance to it. The drug is highly toxic, has a carcinogenic effect. With its use, careful sealing of premises and strict personal prevention measures are required. For veterinary purposes, it is issued in minor quantities.

    Paraformaldehyde brand "C" - Dry white powder. Contains at least 92% of formaldehyde. Within working concentrations (2-5%) in water completely soluble. A more concentrated solution is obtained by adding 0.5-3% sodium hydroxide or calcined soda. Apply as formalin.

    Metaphor - Contains from 16 to 24% of formaldehyde. Liquid is well soluble in water. The metaphor solutions do not cause corrosion of metals, have a bactericidal and sporing effect. For prophylactic disinfection of animal farms, metaphor solutions with a content of 1% formaldehyde, with tuberculosis - 2% of formaldehyde, with a Siberian ulcer - 4% of formaldehyde.

    Parasod. - Contains 50% paraformance and 50% sodium carbonate. White powder, well soluble in hot water (50-60 ° C), does not cause corrosion of metals. It has a high bactericidal effect. Aqueous solutions are used for disinfection of animal husbandry and poultry houses, vehicles and other equipment, in 3% concentration - bacterial infections, with iShther - in 4% concentration (0.5 l / m 2). Exposition 3 hours.

    Fospar. - consists of 50% paraformance and 50% trinitium phosphate. White powder. It has the same properties as a parasod. It is used in the same cases at the same concentration.

    Group of aldehydes.

    Glutar aldehyde - Liquid of yellowish or brown with a weak characteristic odor. The drug does not have corrosive properties, small-toxic, but acts bacteric and spine and virulicide. The drug is used for disinfection with non-relative pathogens, as well as with tuberculosis and Siberian ulcers. Glutar aldehyde is used for disinfection in an aerosol condition (25% concentration of 25 ml / m 3, exposure 24 hours).

    Preparation iron. The drug is a glutaraldehyde composition with a cationic surface substance that enhances the effect of the eye.

    The drug has bactericidal, virulicide and spore properties and does not cause corrosion of metals.

    Glutek (gluther aldehyde, glyoxal, diacyldimethylammonium) is effective against viral and bacterial diseases of animals, especially in low temperature conditions and strong pollution. Glutex is used by aerosol spraying methods, spraying, irrigation and wicker. The working solution of glutex for prophylactic disinfection is prepared at the rate of 1l: 200 liters, and for forced disinfection 1l: 100 liters. Does not cause corrosion of metal structures, does not destroy rubber and plastic products, does not spoil the wood. It is possible to use in the presence of animals, including birds.

    Acid As a disinfectant applied less frequently than alkali. They come into contact with proteins and other organic substances and lose their disinfecting properties, very toxic and roads.

    Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is used for disinfection of water, urine and wastewater. The most widely used in disinfection of the leather raw materials from animals, paining the Siberian ulcer, by the method of pickelevic.

    Sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4) is used to prepare the sulfur carbolic mixture.

    Out of organic acids are used dairy, ant, acetic and oxalic acids, as well as non-reflexus acid and desoxon.

    Pelonic acid (CH 3 coxy) - a strong oxidizing agent, 2-3% solution can be used in the presence of animals.

    Oxalic acid (Soonoxon) can be used in the form of aerosols and solutions for disinfection of premises and intestinal raw materials at Foxhore and other infections.

    Formic acid (NSON) - can be used for disinfection of rooms in the form of aerosols.

    Lactic acid (Food alpha-oxypropionic acid, with 3 H 6 o 3). Pair of lactic acid possessing strong bactericidal properties in the air, in particular, in relation to staphylococci and streptococci. In the aity, the milk acid is obtained by food fermentation of hydrocarbon-containing raw materials with milk-acid bacteria of Delbruck. It is a mixture of lactic acid (40 and 80%) and lactomar acids.

    Dezoks. - Colorless or slightly greenish solution containing hydrogen peroxide and acetic or reflexus acid. The drug of universal action, it can be used at a minus temperature. The disadvantage - causes corrosion of metals, greatly discoloring objects.

    Estrosteril - Colorless liquid with a sharp smell of vinegar. It is used for prophylactic and forced disinfection in viral and non-relative infections in the form of aqueous solutions with a content of 0.3-0.5% of the reflexus acid at the rate of 0.3 l per 1 m 2 area.

    Phenol. From phenols, carbolic crystalline acid (phenol) is used. She has not pleasant odor, irritates the skin and mucous membrane, easily absorbed through them, can cause poisoning, 0.5-2% solutions are used for disinfection of drugs and vaccines.

    Creins (C 7 H 7) - is obtained from a coal, shale tar, as well as from amine-derived toluene, is poorly dissolved in water, so it is used in a mixture with sulfuric acid (sulfur-carbolic mixture in a 1: 3 ratio).

    Fenosmoline - a mixture of phenolic resin, ethanol of technical and aqueous sodium hydroxide solution. This is a brown-inquiry with a pleasant smell. Fenosmoline contains at least 80% of the active substance. In case of bacterial and viral infections, used in the form of a 3% emulsion, in the Siberian ulcer - 18%, with tuberculosis - 8% concentration.

    Kerol and hudronol - Present a thick dark-color liquid, well soluble in water. Their solutions have detergent and disinfectant properties, do not cause corrosion of metals. The composition includes sulfonic acids and sulfuric acid. Apply for soil disinfection during brucellosis in a 10% concentration at the rate of 10 liters per 1 m 2.

    Creilin. Oily liquid, dark brown, with the smell of tar and cresol. Contains 48-50% coal oil, 10-12% - phenols. Creilin in the form of a 5% water emulsion (60-70 ° C) is used in non-planic infections to disinfect livestock, poultry houses and various items.

    Xylonaf-5. Oily liquid of dark brown color, which contains about 43% xylene (dimethylphenols) and no more than 15% water. For disinfection of livestock objects, a hot (60 ° C) 2-5% emulsion is used.

    Sodium oxidifensivet (The drug F-5) is well soluble in water, not poisonous, strong-toxic for mold fungi. To combat molds, it is better to use sodium oxidifenolate in a mixture with lime. The preparation in the form of a 2-3% solution is used to disinfect refrigerator surfaces.

    Desonol - Lizol of the sanitary brand, light-brown liquid with a specific smell. Active substances are phenol and cubic residues of butyl alcohols. It is recommended to use for disinfection with bacterial (excluding tuberculosis) and viral infections. For the prophylactic disinfection of animal husbandry and poultry houses, 5% dissenol emulsion was used at the rate of 0.5 l / m 2, once during the exposure of 24 hours or 7% - when exposed 5 hours.

    Of salts of heavy metals In veterinary practice, copper canopy (sulfate copper, CUSO 4 5H 2 O) is more often used. Well soluble in water. It is used as a fungicide, deodorator and disinfectant. For disinfection of the navigation, a 2.5% aqueous aqueous solution of copper sulfate with sulfuric acid was used for the disappointment of infections with sulfuric acid at the calculation of 5-10 liters. When dealing with molds, a mixture of copper sulfate is used with aluminum-potassium alums along the register: copper mood - 2 parts, alum - 1 part.

    Ethylene oxide (C 2 H 2 O) - a colorless liquid with a sharp smell, with water mixed in any ratios. Suitable for disinfection and sterilization of various materials, disgraced as not forming a dispute with microflora and viruses and sporing microorganisms and mushrooms. The main disadvantage of ethylene oxide is high fire and explosion hazard. In this regard, mixtures prepared on the basis of ethylene and inert substances, for example, methyl bromide are used for disinfection.

    Metyl bromistic (CH 3 BR 2). At temperatures up to 4c, colorless transparent liquid. Breaks at 3.6, while gas is formed. Liquid bromine methyl is not lit, not explosive. Metyl bromide is one of the main insecticidal agents.

    Mixtures of ethylene oxide and methyl bromide (OCEBM). The mixture consists of 1 water part of ethylene and 2.5 parts of methyl bromide. Produced in steel cylinders. It is a liquid with a sharp odor, when contacting with fire is easily flammable. It has a high disinfecting activity in disinfection of surgical instrument, suture material, cells, the coil, the raw materials of animal origin, the soil and other objects are dissected by the vegetative and dispute shapes of microbes.

    Developed and implemented in the production of disinfecting detergent "Demos". Demos is made from domestic components, does not contain chlorine, alcohols, ammonia, acids, alkalis, aldehydes, organic solvents and other harmful substances.

    "Demos" It is a transparent blue liquid with a pleasant coniferous smell (Composition: an aqueous solution of LDV, surfactants and dye, natural fir oil); Produced in the form of a concentrate. Due to the polymer nature of the active substance, it is capable of forming a long antiseptic effect on the treated surfaces. The working solutions do not spoil the surface, do not destroy the fibers of the tissues, do not cause corrosion of metals.

    "Demos" is a disinfectant of a wide range of action, which also has a detergent and flavoring effect. Active against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, mushrooms and dermatophytes.

    Demos is used to carry out preventive and forced (current and final) disinfection in all sectors of the national economy without restrictions. Contraindications for use in the presence of people and animals have not been detected. The shelf life of the concentrate is 2 years, the working solution is 25 days. The degree of dilution is from 0.15% to 10%, depending on the scope of application.

    Virocid.. Dissense has international registration, consists of four different groups of active ingredients: two differentiated quaternary ammonium compounds, glutar aldehyde, isopropanol, high purification turpentine, stabilizers and non-ionic surfactants.

    The remedy has bactericidal, virulicidal, sporing and fungicidal properties. Effective at any temperatures, universally used (can be applied by irrigation, spraying, foam, aerosol, for refueling dezivricors and disables, etc.). Bacterial efficiency 1: 400, antifungal and antiviral 1: 200-1: 400.

    For airborne sanitation in poultry and livestock rooms, as well as for the sanitation of the mucous membranes of animals and birds use 0.5% solution of the virocide at the rate of 1-2 ml / m 3. For better fog distribution, when using aerosol generators, the Saga is recommended to add 5-10% glycerol to the total volume of the virocidal working solution. Exposition 20 min.

    Bianol. - a disinfectant containing glutar aldehyde (4%), glyoxal (2.8%) and alkyldimethylbenzemmonium chloride (4%), as well as the additives of the surfactant (Pav-Neonol AF) and the dye (methylene blue) ).

    In appearance is a clear solution of blue with a weak specific smell. Water mixed in any ratios. When calculating the concentration of working solutions, the agent is taken for 100% substance.

    Bianol has a wide range of action against bacteria, including spore-forming forms, viruses and mushrooms.

    Bianol is used for preventive and forced disinfection:

      premises for the content of animals, including birds, auxiliary objects of animal husbandry, which are in them technological equipment and inventory for animal care;

      territories for the precedean content of animals, premises of sanitary warheads, slaughter points, Kormokuhogo, halls for shooting skins in bevererability;

      road transport, railway cars and other types of vehicles used for the transport of animals, raw materials and livestock products, as well as open objects (ramps, overpass, platforms) and animal accumulation sites (markets, exhibitions, sports grounds);

      premises, equipment and equipment for animals in zoos, circuses, nurseries, vivariums, veterinary hospitals and clinics;

      the disinfection of fur-fur raw materials (skeins of mink and sheepskin) in some infections caused by the sporing-forming microflora.

    Disinfection is carried out by a wet method by fine-closed irrigation of the surfaces of the premises and elements of technological equipment in the absence of animals, slaughter products, raw materials and finished products using DUK DUK, UPD-M, VDS, LDS and others.

    Working solutions are prepared by adding the corresponding quantities of concentrate to tap water. Before the preparation of the working solution, the concentrate is thoroughly stirred in a tightly closed canister by turning it out.

    Preventive disinfection of objects and forced (current and final) disinfection with infectious diseases of bacterial and viral etiology The pathogens of which are resistance to chemical desecenes relate to the 1st group (small-resistant) and control of the quality of disinfection at which they are carried out using the bacteria of the intestinal stick group.

      in rooms with a predominance of smooth surfaces (metal, tile, Metlah tiles, painted wood, non-porous plastic, etc.) 1% solution at consumption 0.25-0.3 L / m 2 and exposure 1 hour;

      in rooms with a predominance of rough surfaces (brick, cement, concrete, surfaces painted by a chicken mixture, rubber, porous plastic) 2% solution at 0.5 l / m 2 and 3 hours exposure.

    Disinfection of infectious diseases of bacterial and viral etiology, whose pathogens on resistance to the discrepancies belong to the 2 group (sustainable) and control of the quality of disinfection are carried out on the allocation of staphylococci, are carried out, taking into account the above types of surfaces of the disinfectable objects, respectively, 2% and 3% of the Bianola solutions with a flow rate In both cases, 0.5 l / m 2 and exposure 3 hours.

    Forced disinfection in exotic infectious diseases of unexplained etiologies is carried out with a 4% solution at the rate of 0.5 l / m 2 and exposure of 6 hours.

    Disinfection under the Siberian ulcers and other dispute infections are carried out with a 5% double-hour solution with an interval of 2 hours at the rate of 0.5 l / m 2 for each processing. Exposure during current disinfection - 12 hours, final - 24 hours.

    Bromospt 50. - a highly concentrated disinfectant, which is a 50% aqueous alcohol solution of bromide diacylmethylammonium. Designed and produced by ABIK (Israel).

    Bromosptte 50 is a third-generation drug from a group of quaternary ammonium compounds (Ch.A.S.). It has a powerful biocidal action in relation to:

      Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including pathogens of tuberculosis. Especially effective in respect of mycoplasm. Kills the disputes of the pathogen of the Siberian ulcers;

      Pathogenic viruses (pathogens of influenza birds, infectious bronchitis, diseases of Aueseki, Gamboro, Newcastle, Marek, Rota and coronavirus infections, plague of pigs, transmissive gastroenteritis, infectious rinotracheit, paragrippa-3, etc.);

      Microscopic mushrooms, including Candida and Triofiton, as well as yeast, mold, algae and simplest.

    Due to its surfactant properties, the drug easily penetrates various cracks and cracks and disinfects them. Does not coagulate the protein on the surface of disinfectable objects. Does not lose its properties in rigid water. The working solution is kept up to 7 days. Disinfectant activity is maintained at temperatures + 2 + 4С. Maximum safe for animals and birds - does not contain phenol, glutaraldehyde, chlorine. Does not have carcinogenic and teratogenic action. Can be applied in the presence of animals and birds. In the recommended concentrations, it does not irritate the skin and practically does not irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract. It is used for disinfection of drinking water in dilution 1: 5000 and 1: 20,000. Does not cause corrosion of metals, destruction of plastics, rubber and equipment. It can be used in any disinfection method (irrigation, spraying, aerosol and thermo-aerosol methods). The drug can be stored at negative temperatures -25 ... -30 ° C.

    Bromosptte 50 is designed for the preventive and forced disinfection of animal husbandry and poultry houses, incubators, incubation eggs, water supply systems, drinking water, equipment, transport, veterinary instruments, as well as for disinfection of equipment, inventory, containers and surfaces of the industrial facilities. For prophylactic and forced disinfection, bromospt 50 is usually used in a working concentration of 0.05-0.1% (1: 2000-1: 10,000).

    Degol (Bayer) is a disinfectant containing as active parameters of parachlorometharesol (4.5%), orthophenylphenol (7.0%), glutar aldehyde (3.75%), auxiliary substances and water (up to 100%).

    Delegol is a transparent, slightly viscous liquid of blue-green color with a pH value of equal to 3 at 20С. Working solutions in tap water (0.5-0.2%) are pH neutral and muddy. The active ingredients that are part of the drug have a synergistic effect, which makes it much more efficient than formaldehyde. The drug has a wide range of activity in terms of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, mycoplasmas, mycobacterium tuberculosis, various types of viruses, pathogenic fungi and their dispute. Due to the unique combination of auxiliary components, the drug has a cleansing and deodorizing effect, does not cause corrosion of metals, no negative effect on rubber, wood, plastics. Well mixed with water. Preserves its biocidal properties in the presence of organic substrates, in water of any rigidity, in a wide range of pH and temperatures. Water solution The drug when entering the soil is subjected to a biorescape in a few days.

    Madegol is used for cleaning and disinfection of premises, surfaces of various equipment in medical institutions, veterinary medicine, agriculture, transport, industry and everyday life.

    Depending on the type of disinfection, the working solution of the drug is prepared in dilution 1: 200, 1:50 (0.5% -2% solution) and applied to the surfaces of wiping or irrigation at the processed surfaces at the rate of 150-200 ml / m 2. Pre-surface is cleaned of dirt and dust. If there is no possibility to determine the pathogenic microorganism, it is recommended to use dilution 1: 100 and the exposure time of 30 minutes or to completely dry. After completing the exposure time, it is thoroughly solid all the processed surfaces and air the room.

    "Maxi-Dz"- The disinfectant for the production of FSUE SSC NOPEC (Russia) is a transparent green liquid, well mixed with water in any ratios. As an active substance, the means contains alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride (hour) - 4.0%; In addition, the composition includes non-ionic surfactants and dye, pH of a 1% aqueous solution of 7.5.

    Workers aqueous solutions The means are transparent, almost odorless, do not spoil the treated surfaces from various materials (metals, plastics). Relief solutions are stable and retain their properties for 14 days, subject to storage in closed containers in a dark cool place.

    The Maxi-Dzhe has antimicrobial activity against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, including bacteria of the Salmonella group.

    Working solutions The means are intended for disinfection at the enterprises of the dairy and meat industry with manual and mechanized methods of any types of technological equipment made of stainless steel, chromine steel, as well as from low carbon steel and plastics.

    The agent is used to disinfect various types of technological equipment (tanks, containers, heat exchangers, packaging and packaging lines), pipelines, equipment parts, machinery and installations, fittings, inventory and containers.

    The working solutions of the Maxi-Dza are prepared in the container by mixing the means with tap water.

    TN4 +. (French firm SOGEVAL LABORATORIES) - New generation disinfectant. This disinfectant as active substances contains a composition of four quaternary ammonium compounds, glutaraldehyde, fir oil, thermal, solvent, dye and purified water. In appearance is a transparent green liquid with a smell of needles. Easily mixed with water.

    The preparation is used in humid processing of the room by aerosol spraying in the form of aqueous solutions in the following concentrations: antiviral action - 0.5-2%, antobacterial and antifungal - 0.5%. It is possible to use the thermal method. Aerosol use of means 1.5-2.5 ml per 1 m 3 0.5% concentration. In the presence of a bird - 1.5-2 ml per 1 m 3 0.2-, 0.3%.

    It is possible to share the disinfectant of TN4 + with insecticides, as well as in the food industry.

    Currently, work is underway to create environmentally friendly disinfecting solutions based on electrochemistry. It was approved "Advancement on the use of electrochemically activated sodium solutions of chloride (Catholyte and Anolyte), obtained on settings of stal, for washing and disinfection in veterinary medicine and animal husbandry."

    One of the main directions of disinfectology is recognized as the improvement of chemical means of disinfection. Improvement of disinfectants is aimed at obtaining activated forms of known desecessions and to a lesser extent to the creation of new biocidal agents.

    New foaming disinfectants are developed:

    Penochlore based on chlorine b and sulfonate; iodes based on iodine and block copolymer MAG-540-90DT; SELODESS-based Step and TEAS foaming agent, with high disinfection and adhesive activity, as well as highly efficient environmentally friendly recipes for preparative forms based on disinfectants: hydrogen peroxide, glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde, chlorine b and anionactive surfactant surfactant, SAMPO, 6K with disinfection activity in the form of bactericidal foam.

    The effect of the disinfectant + surfactant solution on the population of cells of the echerykh and staphylococcus cells causes disruption of the permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane, which causes the yield of vital components from cells that cause irreversible changes leading them to death.

    Physical means

    Physical means are used to neutralize objects of the external environment: mechanical cleaning, radiant energy, drying, high temperature, high frequency and ultrasound currents.

    Mechanical cleaning Allows you to remove the pathogen of infectious diseases with manure, dust, feed residues, bedding, etc., with the help of ventilation and air ventilation, air and water filtration.

    Radiant energy.Of the natural sources of radiant energy, the most effectively sun, from artificial - gas-driving mercury lamps. Sources of ultraviolet radiation are widely used for disinfection of premises. The greatest bactericidal ability have rays with a wavelength of 254-257 nm. Buccide lamps (bactericidal sevo) are four types: BoW-15, BoW-30, BoW-30P and BoW-60P (with a power of 15 to 60 W). The radiant energy of these lamps causes three stages of change in bacteria: stimulation, oppression and dying. In the cell under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the depletion of proteins with the destruction of the protein structure occurs.

    These lamps are used to disinfect air veterinary hospitals, operating, bacteriological laboratories, insulators, chambers intended for disinfection of leather raw materials, premises and equipment of meat and food control stations, refrigerators, incubators.

    You can disinfect air in the room as in the presence of animals and without them. Place the lamps are necessary so that the animals cannot enter the irradiation zone.

    For this, bactericidal lamps are placed at an altitude of at least 2 m from the floor and be sure to in a special fittings that guides the bactericidal stream into the upper zone with such a calculation so that no rays (both directly from the lamp and reflected from the parts of the reinforcement) did not fall at an angle 5 up from the horizontal plane passing through the lamp. H60 (Wall) or P60 (ceiling) type irradiators satisfy these requirements.

    The air of the room where animals cost are irradiated continuously for 1.5-2 hours, after which the lamps are turned off and the room is ventilated for 30-60 minutes. A characteristic feature of the need to ventilate the premises (with insufficient ventilation) earlier than 1.5-2 hours will be the appearance of a tangible odor of ozone.

    In rooms where there are no animals, or in food enterprises, during operation breaks, the air is disinfected with powerful unshielded lamps, which are set at the rate of at least 2-2.5 W consumed from the power network by 1 m 3 of rooms.

    With small breaks, when the room is only released for a short time from people and animals, for example, in operating or bacteriological boxes, the power of the lamp can be increased several times, depending on the operation time of the installation.

    The surface of the meat is disinfected only by ultraviolet rays. The power of the electricity used by 1 m 3 of the room varies in the range of 0.3-2.5 W with a duration of irradiation 12 hours per day at intervals of 6 hours.

    The distance from the lamps to the irradiated objects is crucial. Practice has shown that the microbes do not affect the lamps located further than 2m from the surface of the products. Only when the lamps are located from food at a distance of 50 cm ultraviolet rays act bactericidally. It is necessary to ensure that meat products do not come into contact with each other.

    Of great importance when irradiation with bactericidal lamps, the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air have. It is established that the best temperature for the manifestation of bactericidality of the lamps will be 18-25c. A decrease or increase in ambient temperature significantly reduces the bactericidal efficiency of the lamps, just like an increase in relative humidity over 65-75%.

    Air disinfection is carried out with the help of ultraviolet irradiation sources - the "pendant" and "Cup" installations.

    Installation "Pendant" Used in premises for the cultivation of young birds, the contents of the parent and industrial herd of chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys for cleaning, deodorization and disinfection of air, as well as preventing environmental pollution. Its kit consists of a control panel and 60-100 pcs. Unified irradiators, each of which is equipped with a bactericidal dB-30 or dB-60 lamp, erythene LE-30 and LB-30 light lamp. To mount the installation, the room should have a height of at least 3 m and serviceable supply and exhaust ventilation. In the outdoor content of the bird, the irradiators are installed in a checker order at an altitude of 2.3 m from the floor, and with a cell -1.0-1.1 m from the top tier of the bird at a distance of 5-6 m from each other. The flow of rays from bactericidal dB-30 or dB-60 lamps is sent to the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe room, from the erythemical and light - to the bottom.

    Sources of bactericidal ultraviolet radiation operate in premises for the cultivation of young 10-12 hours, and for an adult bird - 8-9 hours a day.

    In case of aerogenic infectious diseases on the poultry farcity, infectious laryngoreit, influenza, staphylococcosis, etc.) bactericidal lamps work around the clock until completely eliminating the disease.

    The calculation of the demand in the irradiators is shown in Table 3.

    Installation "Cup" Used in the ventilation channels of premises for the content of parental herd and industrial herd of chickens, geese, turkeys and young birds, incubatory, etc. It serves for cleaning, disinfection and deodorization of air. Installation has a control panel and four cassette block. In each block there are three cassettes with six bactericidal dB-30 lamps and dB-60.

    The premises must be equipped with exhaust and air ventilation channels with the possibility of recycling air and centralized inflow and air emissions. In the supply ventilation chambers, the blocks of bactericidal lamps are installed after a canopy, and in exhaust - in front of air emission fans.

    In the intake ventilation chambers, one bactericidal lamp of dB-60 is set to disinfect 540 m 3 / h air, in poultry rooms - 1200-1270 m 3.

    Cleaning, disinfection and deodorization of ventilation air in incubatories and poultry rooms are carried out around the clock.

    Table 3. Calculation of the demand for irradiators

    Age group of birds, days

    The volume of rooms processed by one emitter with a lamp, m 3

    Parent and industrial herd chickens



    Repair young:



    Repair young






    Growing ducks


    Fattening ducklings 21-65



    turkey 1-20.


    Outpacked turkey


    Drying Adversely for the livelihood of microorganisms, dehydrates the medium, changes the pH and thus destructively acts on the vegetative forms of microbes. Drying is used in disinfecting the skin, wool, wetlands, etc.

    High temperatures Used for disinfection in the form of boiling hot steam, dry heat, burning fire. Under the action of dry and wet heat (70 ° C), the soluble protein of the cell protoplasm is coincided, and the microbe dies. Dry heat can be used to disinfect cotton fabrics, felt, laboratory dishes, tools in drying cabinets.

    Ironing It is used to disinfect linen, bathrobes, workwear, dressing material.

    Boiling water causes the death of non-food and dispute forms of microorganisms. Most of the vegetative forms of bacteria and boiling viruses are dying in 15-30 minutes, dispute forms - in 45-120 minutes. This method is used to disinfect the tool, overalls, dishes. The beginning of boiling water is considered to be the beginning of disinfection.

    Water par - One of the most reliable disinfectants. It is more bactericiden than dry heat. Used under pressure in autoclave for sterilization. At a pressure of 1.5-2 atm and a temperature of 115-120 ° C, the total destruction of microbes, viruses, mushrooms is achieved. The duration of disinfection depends on the type of pathogen, infected material. In addition to autoclaves, steam cameras are used: a grain chamber, a movable steam disinfection chamber.

    the fire As a disinfectant is used for burning bedding infected with microbes, manure, feed residues, animal corpses; Disinfect grounds of the soil, inventory, metal dishes, and also disinfection of rooms for dogs, poultry houses, cells, etc. The burning equipment can be disinfected with laboratory equipment, tables for opening, cobby, carts for transportation of corpses, etc. For disinfection, fire is often used by a soldering lamp. It gives a long (up to 70 cm) flames with a temperature of 400-600.

    Gamma rays Definitely act on microorganisms. They are used for disinfection of wool, leather raw materials, etc. For disinfecting food, they are not recommended to be applied. Electronic rays are used for these purposes, they deeply penetrate and leave induced radiation.

    Ultrasoundit is capable of mechanically destroying microorganisms. Sometimes it is used to sterilize liquid media. The most promising method based on the use of bactericidal ultraviolet radiation and ozone is most promising. To this end, the VESCH has developed a irradiative-ozonatorial unit "OZF", where, for obtaining ozone-wide mixture, a short-wave radiation of a quartz bactericidal lamp of the Low Pressure DBK-36 is used. Air disinfection is 94.6-99.3%, surfaces 83.4-100%.

    Biological means

    The destruction of causative agents of infectious diseases in the external environment is possible and means of biological nature, for example, with the help of antagonists, thermophilic microbes. They are effective for disinfection of manure, wastewater in the fields of irrigation and filtration, garbage, garbage and corpses in composhes, biothermal pits, etc.


    Disinfectants, antiseptics, preservatives - chemicals capable of killing microbial cells or inhibition of their growth, i.e. Introducing bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect on microorganisms.
    . Disinfectants are used to handle rooms, products or materials.
    . Antiseptics are used for human skin and mucous membranes, so they should not be toxic in concentrations used.
    Factors determining the choice of antimicrobial agent:
    1. The properties of the chemical: the effectiveness of the antimicrobial agent is determined by its chemical nature, concentration, temperature, pH, the duration of contact with an infected object.
    2. The nature of microbiota: the sensitivity of the microorganism to the substance and the level of microbial contamination determine the effectiveness of its action.
    3. The influence of environmental factors: - water ensures the penetration of antimicrobial substances into the cell - organic substances reduce the activity of antimicrobial agents due to adsorption, inactivation - some polymeric materials (tissues, rubber) adsorb antimicrobial agents, reducing their concentration
    Requirements for chemical disinfectants and antiseptics
    . Good solubility or ability to mix with water to form resistant mixtures;
    . Low toxicity and absence of irritant action on the skin and mucous membranes of personnel; Posted on site site
    . Wide spectrum antimicrobial activity, its manifestation in the shortest possible time;
    . The ability to make it well to make objects and do not have a corrosive or other destructive action on them;
    . The ability to remove traces of substances from the object;
    . Stability during storage;
    . The presence of a permit for the use of a substance as a disinfectant in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry.

    Basic groups disinfectants

    Basic groups of antiseptics
    .Spirts: ethanol, propanol, isopropanol;
    . Manufacturing Biguanidine: chlorhexidine Bigluconat;
    . Oducals: hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate;
    .Phenol compounds: carbolic acid;
    . Half: iodine;
    . Manufacture of nitrofuran: furacilin;
    . Diamond green, methylene blue

    The mechanism and target of the action of disinfectants and antiseptics. Combined disinfectants and antiseptics: target creation, examples.

    Combinations of antimicrobial substances
    Cause of creation: There is no perfect antimicrobial agent that combines a wide range of antimicrobial action, low toxicity, stability, compatibility with other substances.
    The combinations allow to improve the properties of disinfectants and antiseptics by combined applications.
    The most commonly used combinations:
    . Alcohols + Biguanidine derivatives + surfactants + halogen-containing substances
    . PAVE (Quaternary ammonium compounds - hour) + phenols + aldehydes
    Examples of combined antimicrobial agents manufactured by the domestic industry
    I Disinfectants:
    . Polytez: Contains benzalconium chloride, water-soluble polymer based on guanidine derivatives, surfactant.
    It has bactericidal (including tuberculosis mycobacteria), fungicidal, virulicidal activity.
    . Combined disinfectant surfaces (CDP): Contains surfactant (hour), gluther aldehyde and isopropyl alcohol. Shows pronounced bactericidna (including tuberculosis mycobacteria), fungicidal, virulicidal, spore activity.
    I Antiseptics:
    . Septicide Syneszhi: Contains Ethanol, cosmocil. It has a pronounced bactericidal, fungicidal, virulicidal effect.
    . Septicide P Plus: Contains three alcohol - isopropanol, butanediol, ethanol. It has pronounced bactericidal, fungicide, virulicidal effects.,
    The mechanism of action of disinfectants and antiseptics
    Distribution constants of microorganisms: temperature, osmotic pressure, ion equilibrium. Antiseptic and disinfectants change these constants and thus disturb the metabolic processes in the microbial cell, having a bacteriostatic action - the temporary suppression of the ability of microorganisms to reproduction in the body.
    If the antiseptic or disinfectant penetrates the protoplasm of the microbial cell and leads to the coagulation of its proteins, the death of a microbial cell occurs, which is indicated as a bactericidal action.
    The targets of the action of antiseptics and disinfectants are in:
    . The cell wall (aldehyde, formalin, phenols violate the structure of the cell wall)
    . The membrane is a violation of the membrane potential (phenol) - inhibiting the enzymes associated with the membrane, which leads to a violation of metabolic processes (chlorhexidine and ethylene oxide inhibit membrane atfasis) - disruption of the permeability of the membrane, which is accompanied by a cytoplasm leakage (surfactant, alcohi, phenols)
    . Cytoplasm - actually cytoplasm (chlorhexidine, phenol)
    - Ribosomes (hydrogen peroxide)
    - DNA (acridine dyes)
    - Proteins (halogens, formaldehyde, glutar

    Methods for determining the antimicrobial activity of disinfectants and antiseptics

    Qualitative and quantitative tests, definition of the influence of the bio-load, test with a culture on a carrier, in vivo test.

    Methods for testing antimicrobial activity of antiseptics and disinfectants
    1. Complete test: the suspension of microorganism is introduced into the solution of the antimicrobial drug. After a certain exposure (2 to 60 min.) Aliquot (0.1 ml) is made in a tube with a neutralizer and are made to the agar medium to determine the viability of test culture.
    2. Quantitative test: The suspension of microorganism is introduced into the solution of the antimicrobial preparation. After a certain exposure (2 - 60 min.) Aliquot (0.1 ml) is made in a tube with a neutralizer and are made to an agarized medium with the subsequent calculation of the grew colonies. Control - the same suspension of microorganism, not exposed to the action of the antimicrobial substance. Antimicrobial activity is determined by the formula:
    Ma \u003d logn C - Logn D
    Where: n c is the number of colonies that have grown when sowing the control suspension N D are the number of colonies that have grown when sowing a suspension with an antimicrobial agent
    3. Determination of the influence of the bio-pharmacy: - A certain amount of microbial suspension is added to the solution of the antimicrobial substance and withstand a certain time - they are aligned and determine the number of grew colonies - after 10 minutes. The same solution make a new dose of microorganism and withstand a certain time - they are aligned and determine the number of grown colonies - repeat the operation after another 10 minutes.
    The method allows you to determine the ability of the antimicrobial agent to maintain activity in the presence of an increasing microbial load, as well as the time of conservation of antimicrobial activity.
    4.Conal test with a culture on a carrier (fabric, filter paper, etc.): allows you to estimate the effectiveness of the drug when disinfection of surfaces, materials.
    - Standard carrier samples are placed in a microbial suspension, dried - brought into a solution of the antimicrobial preparation and withstand 10 minutes.
    - placed in neutralizing solution
    - transfer to nutrient broth and visually determine the viability of the microorganism.
    5. Determination of antimicrobial activity in soft and solid forms: spend on a dense nutrient medium, sewn test culture.
    - Biocide samples are placed on the surface of the nutrient medium or in wells, incubated
    - Measure the diameter of growth delay zones in comparison with the standard preparation.
    6. Test approxed to the conditions of practical application (for antiseptics): is carried out on people-volunteers.
    - A microorganism (E. Soli) is applied to the skin of the hand of the hand, dried 3 minutes in the air.
    - Wipe the skin with a test solution of antiseptic
    - Do washing with the hands of a liquid nutrient medium
    - determine the amount of viable cells in the washes
    Similarly, the microbial suspension is applied to the surface of equipment, walls, floor of the room, followed by processing and determining the number of viable cells.

    The resistance of microorganisms to the action of disinfectants and antiseptics. Natural and acquired resistance. Factors that determine the development of microorganis resistance to disinfectants and antiseptics.

    Resistance of microorganisms to the action of disinfectants and antiseptics
    In terms of resistance to the action of antimicrobial drugs, microorganisms are distributed as follows (in decreasing order):
    . Prions
    . Spore prokaryota
    . Mycobacteria
    . Cysts simplest
    . Viruses
    . Gram-negative bacteria, mushrooms
    . Gram-positive bacteria
    Types of resistance:
    . Natural resistance
    . Acquired resistance
    Natural resistance - natural features of the structure of the microbial cell: the presence of protective covers, the ability to form biofilms;
    - Metabolism: the ability to enzymatic degradation of biocides.
    . Mechanism resistant dispute: - the structure of the cell shell, which prevents the penetration of biocides inside the cell.
    . Mechanism of the stability of gram-negative bacteria:
    - the presence of a cell wall
    - Ability to adhesion on surfaces with the formation of biofilms.
    Bioplenka - organized community of cells combined with a mass of exopolisaccharide - glycicalis. Cells living inside biofilms are limited in nutrient access, slowly grow, which helps to increase their resistance to adverse conditions.
    The role of glycicalis in resistance:
    - the upper layers of glycocalcix protect the inside from the penetration of antimicrobial;
    - The extracellular enzymes of bacteria are located on the surface of the glycocalx, which take part in metabolism, incl. Can destroy antimicrobial substances present in the medium
    Acquired resistance - appears as a result of changes in the genetic apparatus and the emergence of sustainable variants of microorganisms located in an environment containing biocides.
    Causes (sources) of acquired resistance:
    . Mutations resulting in the modification of the target of the antimicrobial substance or the change in the permeability of the shell;
    . Distribution of resistance genes with plasmid and transposon.
    Factors defining the development of the stability of microorganisms to the action of antimicrobial preparations (disinfectants and antiseptics):
    . Usility of solutions of drugs with a concentration, below recommended;
    . Ensuring the timing of the storage of biocides, which leads to a decrease in the content of the active ingredients;
    . Adding use of any antimicrobial agent;
    . Fability development and cell reproduction rate (slow-growing cells are less sensitive to the action of biocides than fast-growing);
    . The environment, temperature, cell culture time.
    To effectively carry out all activities that provide aseptic working conditions, the rotation of antimicrobial drugs is rotated, i.e. Several chemicals use them in a certain order.

    Lecture, abstract. Disinfectants and antiseptics. Requirements for chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. - Concept and species. Classification, essence and features. 2018-2019.

    Table of Contents Open Close

    1. Pharmaceutical microbiology. The subject and tasks of pharmaceutical microbiology.
    2. Pharmacy and pharmaceuticals: the history of emergence and development.
    3. Drug: Definition, Classification.
    4. Drug composition | Pharmaceutical substance, excipient.
    5. Original and generic drugs. Name of medicines.

    10. The action of damaging factors for microorganisms. The effect of the temperature factor and its use in pharmaceutical.
    11. Effect of radiation on microorganisms, radiation types.
    12. Impact on the microorganisms of chemical damaging factors
    13. Sterilization. Sterilence warranty level (SAL). Criteria for selecting the method of sterilization.
    14. Thermal and chemical sterilization
    15. Control of the efficiency of sterilizing devices.
    16. Industrial disinfection
    17. Disinfectants and antiseptics. Requirements for chemical disinfectants and antiseptics.
    18. Preservatives and their use in pharmaceutical production
    19. Quality assurance in pharmaceutical production.
    20. Microbiological requirements for organizing the production of sterile and non-sterile products.
    21. Control of microbial contamination of air, surfaces, personnel in the production of pharmaceutical products.

    4. Reference standard:

    All disinfectants can be divided into the following main groups of compounds:

    Oxygen-containing compounds are a group of preparations that the substance of which is oxygen in the composition of hydrogen peroxide, peroxidation compounds, Načislot. Representatives: Hydrogen peroxide, PVC, PERIorn, PFC - 1, Peroxymed, Vircon, Perform, Desokson - 1, Desokson - 4, Dremzozon - Pur, Sexpt - Pulver, etc. Oxygen-containing drugs are lifted by a wide range of antimicrobial action, do not have sharp odors (unlike halogen-containing), environmentally friendly. Used for D. surfaces, dishes, linen, patient care objects, plumbing equipment, honey products. Appointments in infections of bacterial (including tuberculosis), viral and fungal etiology.

    The disadvantages of some means of this group include: the need to comply special Mer Precautions for the preparation of working solutions from concentrate and corrosion activity.

    Surfactants (surfactants) are a group of drugs in which disinfectants include funds based on quaternary ammonium compounds and amphoteric surfactant compounds. Representatives: Alaminol, Deconeks, Dental BB, Dulbak, Sanifect - 128, microbac in Forte, Catimin AB, Septabic, Septodore, etc.

    A significant advantage of drugs of this group, along with the detergent properties, is the absence of sharp odors and low level Toxicity. Therefore, they can be widely used in the facilities of the LPU, where patients and medical staff are long. When working with preparations of group surfactants, it suffices to apply rubber gloves as a means of personal protection. For long use Preparations of the group surfactant, they can develop the stability of microorganisms.

    Guanids - a group of drugs that are active in which are complex organic compounds such as chlorophenylguanidogexane. Representatives: Demos, Kataspet, Lizoform Special, Lisetol AF, PlivaSept 5%, Polyisept, Fogucid, alcohol solutions Chlorhexidine Bigluconata (Hibitan), aseptanol spray, AHD - 2000 specialties, spiaders, etc.

    Guanids are active with respect to gr (+) and gr (-) microorganisms, with the exception of mycobacterium tuberculosis, do not show activity for viruses, mushrooms, disputes. The expansion of the spectrum of antimicrobial activity occurs when a guanido is combined with surfactant.

    Aldehyde-containing means - a group of drugs that have been the onset of which is glutarized or amber aldehyde. Preparations: Formaldehyde, Formalin, Gigasept FF, Sitex, Glutaral - H, Dulbak soluble, lysoming - 3000, Coldwares, Dezoform, Corzolin, Sexpert Forte, Septodor Forte, Aerodesin - 2000, Corzolin FF, Deconex 50 FF, etc.

    Preparations of this group have a wide range of antimicrobial effects: bactericidal, tuberculocidal, virulicidal, fungicidal, and in concentrations 2% and higher in glutaraldehyde - and sporing effect.

    The positive quality of this group of drugs are:

    Lack or low corrosion activity in terms of metals;

    The absence of sharp odors (with the exception of formalin);

    Wide spectrum of antimicrobial action.

    The disadvantages of this group of drugs are the need to work with them in the absence of patients and the pronounced ability to fix organic pollution (blood, mucus, pus, etc.), which requires preliminary cleaning of products.

    Alcohols are a group of drugs based on ethanol, propanol, isopropanol. Preparations: Ethyl alcohol, Deconex Salsept, Kutaacept f, octaniders, Spederm, etc.

    Ethyl alcohol has bactericidal (except mycobacterium tuberculosis), virulicidal (including HIV and hepatitis viruses) action. Thanks to special additives, a number of drugs have bactericidal, tuberculocidal, virulicidal, fungicidal action: Dekonx Solacept, incident - spray, etc.