Chlorine is harmful to the body. What is dangerous by the smell of chlorks. Harbor harm as a disinfectant. Is it safe to boiled water

21.08.2020 Complications

Chlorine is a yellow-green gas, with a sharp smell (the smell of chlorine lime), 2.5 times heavier than air, so when the chlorine leaks primarily fills the ravines, the basements, the first floors of the buildings, steels on the floor.

Gaseous chlorine and chemical compounds containing chlorine in active form are dangerous to human health (toxic). When inhaling this gas is possible acute and chronic poisoning. Clinical forms depend on the concentration of chlorine in the air and the duration of the exposition. There are four forms of acute poisoning chlorine: lightning, heavy, moderate gravity and light.

For all these forms, the sharp primary reaction to the exposure to gas is typical. Non-specific irritation by chlorine mucous membrane receptors respiratory tract Causes reflex protective symptoms (cough, throat, tear, etc.). As a result of the interaction of chlorine with moisture mucosa of the respiratory tract formed hydrochloric acid and active oxygen, which have a toxic effect on the body.

With high chlorine concentrations, the victim may die in a few minutes (lightning form): there is a resistant laryngospasm (narrowing of the voice slot leading to the respiratory stop), loss of consciousness, convulsions, cyanosis, swollen veins on the face and neck, involuntary urination and defecation.

With severe poisoning, a short-term respiratory stop occurs, then breathing is restored, but not normal, but superficial, convulsive. A person loses consciousness. Death occurs within 5-25 minutes.

In poisoning, the chlorine of the middle severity consciousness in the victims persists; The reflex stop of breathing is short, but during the first two hours the attacks of suffocation can be repeated. There is a burning sensation and thread in the eyes, tearing, pain behind the sternum, attacks of painful dry cough, and after 2-4 hours, toxic pulmonary edema develops. With a light form of acute poisoning with chlorine, only signs of irritation of the upper respiratory tract are expressed, which are stored for several days.

The long-term consequences of transferred acute poisoning of chlorine are manifested as chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, pneumosclerosis, lung emphysema, broncho-ecotatic disease, pulmonary heart failure. The same changes in the body arise with a long stay under conditions when the air is constantly containing chlorine gaseous in low concentrations (chronic chlorine poisoning). The impact on the unprotected skin of chlorine-containing compounds causes chlorine acne, dermatitis, piederma.

The first assistance of the victim includes:

Washing eyes, nose, mouth 2% solution of drinking soda;

Installing vaseline or olive oil into the eyes, and with pain in the eyes - 2-3 drops of 0.5% of the dicaine solution;

Chlorine is a gas with a sharp specific smell. It is heavier than air, when evaporated, like fog.

As an effective bactericide chlorine began to be used for almost two centuries ago. On the one hand, saved hundreds of thousands of lives due to their ability to destroy harmful bacteria and viruses, but at the same time it has a poison effect on a person.

In addition, chlorine is one of the most important products of the chemical industry in terms of production and application field.

Properties chlorine

Under normal conditions, chlorine is a greenish-yellow gas gas with a sharp annoying smell, in the liquefied state of chlorine can only be reduced or at temperatures below minus 34 ° C.

In case of leakage, chlorine smokes, at a temperature of -34 ° C liquefied, at a temperature of -101 ° C hardens. Chlorine is malicious in water - in one volume of water, about two volumes dissolves. Liquid chlorine is 1.5 times heavier than water, chlorine gaseous 2.5 times heavier than air.

One kilogram of liquid chlorine during evaporation gives 315 liters of gaseous chlorine, during evaporation in air in significant quantities, it gives a white fog with water vapors. In a mixture with hydrogen (more than 50% hydrogen), chlorine is explosive, and when the container is heated with chlorine explodes.

Liquid in vessels withstanding overpressure is stored and transported. One liquid chlorine cylinder with depressurization becomes a bomb with a radius of lesion from 150 meters to 1 kilometer, with action in the area of \u200b\u200blesion more than a day.

What is dangerous chlorine?

The greatest danger is chlorine in liquefied state. In emissions of liquid chlorine, a deadly danger zone is an area within a radius of about 400 m from the release point.

The danger of chlorine lies in the interaction of chlorogas with the mucous membranes of a person - a hydrochloric acid is formed, causing the edema, eye and nose damage, skin irritation. With inhalation of high chlorine concentrations, death is possible - getting into the lungs, it burns the light fabric and causes suffocations.

Scientists suggest that, as well as the products of its interaction with other substances, increases the risk cardiovascular diseases, allergic reactions and miscarriages in pregnant women.

Signs of poisoning chlorom

When inhalation, chlorine causes a convulsive, painful cough, in heavy cases there is a spasm of voice ligaments and the edema of the lungs. Chlorine annoyingly acting on wet skin, causing her redness, can take place chemical burns and frostbite. Also chlorine has a reproaching effect on the central nervous system.

The first obvious signs of poisoning chlorine are:

- sharp chest pain,

- Dry cough,

- vomiting,

- Root in the eyes (tear),

- Violation of coordination of movements.

Accident Actions with chlorine emissions

When receiving information about the accident you need:

- Protect the respiratory organs and body surface. The face, nose and mouth can be protected using gas masks of all types, gauze bandages, moistened with water or 20% solution of soda (1 teaspoon on a glass of water). Skin protection can serve any cape.

- Leave the area of \u200b\u200bthe accident in the direction indicated in the message. Outside the room to leave the chemical contamination area follows, perpendicular to the direction of the wind. Avoid transition through tunnels, ravines and dell, since in low places the chlorine concentration will be higher.

- If it is impossible to get out of the danger zone, you need to stay indoors and produce it to seal: close the windows, doors, ventilation holes, chimneys, compute the slots in the windows and at the junctions of the frame. Entrance doors to shine using blankets and any dense tissue. If possible, raise the upper floors of the building. It is impossible to hide on the first floors of multi-storey buildings, in basements and semi-linations.

- Outside the danger zone, you need to remove the upper clothes and leave it on the street.

- As soon as possible, take the shower, rinse your eyes and the nasophal.

- Watch your well-minded, when the first appearance of signs of poisoning appeal to the doctor. In anticipation of help, the victim need peace and warm drinking.

How to help the victim?

Chlorine victims of poisoning need to be made as soon as possible from a dangerous zone. When transporting the victim should be in a horizontal position.

Out of a dangerous zone, remove with the victims of all the clothes, embarrassing breathing, and put in a horizontal position. It is necessary to ensure peace, heat, the influx of fresh air.

- abundant warm drinking - 2% solution of soda, borzhomi, milk with soda, tea, coffee;

- in the cough or trio in the throat, warm-wet inhalation is needed with 2% soda solution, antitussive preparations;

- When tearing, burning in the eyes - washing the eye with water or 2% solution of soda. The same solution needs to rinse the nose. A 30% albucid solution can be drunk in the eyes;

- with difficulty breathing, voices, is administered subcutaneously 1 ml of 0.1% atropine solution;

- With fainting - you need to give a sniffing alcohol. In the absence of breathing, immediately proceed to its recovery.

Chlorine, you can say already a permanent companion of our daily life. Rarely in which house there will be no household products based on the disinfecting effect of this element. But at the same time, it is very dangerous for a person! Chlorine can penetrate the body through the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, digestive paths, skin cover. You can choose at home and on holiday - in many pools, water parks it is the main means of water purification. The influence of chlorine on the human body sharply negative, it can cause serious dysfunctions and even death. Therefore, everyone needs to be aware of the symptoms of poisoning, first aid methods.

Chlorine - what is this substance

Chlorine is a gaseous element of yellowish color. It has a sharp specific smell - in a gaseous form, as well as in chemical forms, which implies its active condition, is dangerous, toxic to humans.

Chlorine is 2.5 times heavier than air, so when leucing will be made to ravine, the spaces of the first floors, by the floor of the room. If you inhalation, the victim can develop one of the forms of poisoning. We will talk about it further.

Symptoms of poisoning

Both long-term inhalation of vapors and other effects of the substance are very dangerous. Since it is actively, the influence of chlorine on the human body is manifested quickly. The toxic element is more affecting the eyes, mucous and skin.

Poisoning can be both acute and chronic. However, in any case, when untreated assistance faces a fatal outcome!

Symptoms in poisoning chlorine couples can be different - depending on the specifics of the case, the duration of exposure and other factors. For convenience, we distinguished signs in the table.

Degree of poisoning Symptomatics
Easy. The safest - passes on its own, on average, for three days. Irritation, redness of mucous membranes, skin.
Average. Required health care and comprehensive treatment! Violation heart Rhythm, suffocation, pain in the area chest, lack of air, abundant tearing, dry cough, burning sensation on mucous membranes. The most dangerous symptom-consequence is the swelling of the lungs.
Heavy. We need resuscitation measures - the fatal outcome may occur in 5-30 minutes! Dizziness, thirst, cramps, loss of consciousness.
Lightning. Unfortunately, in most cases, help is useless - death comes almost instantly Cramps, swollen veins on the face and neck, breaking disruption, stopping heartbeat.
Chronic. The consequence of frequent work with the substance that contains chlorine. Cough, convulsions, chronic diseases of the respiratory system, frequent headaches, depression, apathy, frequent cases of loss of consciousness.

Such is the effect of chlorine on the human body. Let's talk about where you can choose to be poisonous couples and how to provide first assistance in this case.

Poisoning at work

Gas chlorine is used in many industries. You may well get a chronic form of poisoning, if you work in the following industries:

  • Chemical industry.
  • Textile factory.
  • Pharmaceutical industry.

Recovery on vacation

Although many people know about the influence of chlorine on the human body (of course, in large volumes), not in all saunas, pools, entertainment water complexes are strictly followed using such a budget disinfectant. But his dosage is very easy to accidentally exceed. Hence the chlorine poisoning of visitors who happens in our time quite often.

How to notice that in your visit a dose of element in the water of the pool exceeded? Very simple - you will feel a strong specific smell of substance.

What happens if you often visit the pool, where you violate the instructions for the use of "des-chlorine"? Visitors should alert permanent dry skin, nail fragility and hair. In addition, it hosted in highly chlorinated water, you risk obtaining easy poisoning with an element. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • cough;
  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • in rare cases there is inflammation of the lungs.

House poisoning

The poisoning may threate your home and at home, if you have violated the instructions for the use of Dz-Chlorine. Also often occurs a chronic form of poisoning. It develops if the housewife often uses the following means to guide purity:

  • Bleach.
  • Preparations designed to combat mold.
  • Tablets, detergent liquids, as part of which is this item.
  • Powders, solutions for general disinfection of the room.

Consequences of the effects of chlorine on the body

Constant impact of even small doses of chlorine (aggregate state can be any) on human body Faced for people as follows:

  • Pharyngitis.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Bronchitis (in acute or chronic form).
  • Various skin diseases.
  • Schimorite.
  • Pneumosclerosis.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Worsening vision.

If you have noticed one of the ailments listed above, provided that constantly or once (cases of visits to the pool here also applies to) were influenced by chlorine vapors, then this is a reason for the speedy contact of the specialist! The doctor will appoint a comprehensive diagnosis to study the nature of the disease. Having studied her results, then he prescribes treatment.

First aid for poisoning

Chlorine - gas, inhaling which is very dangerous, especially in large volumes! With the average, heavy form of poisoning, the victim must be immediately provided:

  1. In whatever condition a person is not a panic. You should first take yourself in hand, and then calm it.
  2. Display the victim to fresh air or in a ventilated room where there are no chlorine vapors.
  3. As soon as possible, call ambulance.
  4. Take care so that the person is warm and comfortable - cover it with a blanket, blanket or sheet.
  5. Make it easy and freely breathe - remove close clothes, decorations from the neck.

Medical assistance in poisoning

Before the arrival of the ambulance brigade, you can independently help the victim using a number of household and drugs:

  • Prepare a 2% solution of food soda. This liquid rinse the injury, nose, oral cavity.
  • Drink him in vaseline or olive oil.
  • If a person complains about pain, in the eyes, then in this case there will be a 0.5% solution of dicaine. For each eye 2-3 droplets.
  • Prevention also impose an eye ointment - syntomic acid (0.5%), sulfanyl (10%).
  • Albucid (30%), zinc sulfate solution (0.1%) can be used as replacement of the eye ointment. These drugs bury the victim twice a day.
  • Intramuscular intravenous administration Injection. "Prednisolone" - 60 mg (intravenous or intramuscularly), "hydrocortisone" - 125 mg (intramuscularly).


Knowing how dangerous chlorine, which substance has an action on the human body, it is best to take care of the reduction or exclusion of its negative impact on his body. It is possible to achieve this in the following ways:

  • Compliance with sanitary standards in the workplace.
  • Regular passage of medical examinations.
  • The use of protective equipment when working with chlorine-containing drugs at home or at work is the same respirator, dense protective rubber gloves.
  • Compliance with safety instructions when working with a substance in an industrial environment.

Working with chlorine always requires caution both on industrial scales and in domestic ones. You know how to diagnose signs of substance poisoning. Help the victim need to be immediately appropriate!

Chlorine as an element of the Mendeleev table was opened back in the XVIII century by a chemical scientist Carl Shelele. For greenish yellow color, the substance received the name "chlorine". In Russia, this name did not fit, the shorter and understandable "chlorine" spread. What is the benefit and harm and how does it act on the body?

The most important source of chlorine is a stone salt. In antiquity, she helped the ancestors to extend the shelf life of meat killed game and fish. However, not only the chlorine is valuable. With the development of medicine, people learned that this substance participates in exchange processes In the body and extremely necessary for normal digestion. It is it that helps to keep the fluid in the tissues, due to which the body is not dehydrated and does not lose moisture. When changing his dosage in one or another side, a person begins to hurt: he swears the limbs and face jumping pressure, the heart works with interruptions. Chlorine is responsible for the health of red blood cells - red blood taurus.

Almost all the daily rate of chlorine, a person gets from salt, food and chlorinated water from under the tap. The maximum allowable dose of this substance is 7000 mg. If a person does not drink a crude water and consumes a minimum of salt, for example, sitting on a volatile diet, a lack of chlorine may arise in his body. The increased acidity of the gastric juice is capable of aggravating the situation, in which the need for chlorine increases, as well as excessive motor activity. Sports classes make people sweat, as a result of which chlorine is output from then and its amount in the body falls below the maximum permissible level.

With a violation of the acid-alkaline balance, a person can fall out and crumble her teeth. Dehydration adversely affects not only at work internal organsbut on appearance: The skin sharply agrees and covered with wrinkles. Such a person feels the loss of forces, appetite and weakness. It is constantly clone to sleep, it cannot concentrate and suffers in memory failures.

The lack of chlorine in the body can be taking some medicines - laxatives, diuretics, corticosteroids, etc. The increasing decrease in the concentration of this element can lead to a coma and even death.

But it is with chlorinated water causing an excess chlorine in the body, scientists associate the overall deterioration of people's health. In the world, cases of heart disease, cancer and dementia. Although the proportion of patients with liver and kidney cancer is only a small percentage of the total number of cases, more than 80% of the immune system suffering from diseases is obliged to this chlorinated water. The negative impact of this element experiences respiratory organs, and toxins contained in drinking water with which chlorine is not able to cope, cause violations at the genetic level.

The chlorine couples are particularly dangerous, which in large concentrations can cause burns of the throat and mucosa of the esophagus, disruption of breathing. The risk group includes people working in harmful industries - in the textile and chemical industry, etc.

It should be borne in mind that chlorine gets into the body not only with drinking water, but also through the skin during bathing, with the number of toxins entering blood in such a way increases 10-20 times.

About the symptoms of the overabundance of chlorine should know every person in order to ask for help for the doctor. These include a caustic dry cough, a feeling of dryness and irritation in the mouth and throat, headacheThreading in the eyes causing elevated tearing, heaviness in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach and frequent colds with increasing temperature.

The effects of chlorine on the human body. Chlorine has a strong toxic and irritant action. It has an irritant effect on the eyes and respiratory organs. When inhalation causes convulsive, painful cough. In severe cases, spasm of voice ligaments, pulmonary edema. It has a stinting effect on the central nervous system.

Gaseous chlorine annoying

t on wet skin, causing her redness. If you get on the skin of liquid chlorine there may be chemical burns, frostbite. The maximum permissible concentration of chlorine in the air of work premises 1 mg / m3, in the atmospheric air of populated places is the maximum possible - 0.1 mg / m3, the average daily - 0.03 mg / m3. The minimum tangible chlorine concentration is 2 mg / m3.

The presence in the air is already about 0.0001% chlorine affecting the mucous membranes. Permanent stay in such an atmosphere can lead to a disease of the bronchi, dramatically impairs appetite, gives a greenish tone of the skin. If the chlorine content in the air is 0.1%, then a sharp poisoning may occur, the first sign of which is the attacks of the strongest cough. In case of poisoning, the chlorine requires absolute peace. It is useful to inhale oxygen or ammonia (sneaky ammonia), or a pair of alcohol with ether.

1.2 The main causes of emergency situations and the consequences of accidents on chemically hazardous facilities using chlorine in production

Hazardous chemicals entering the environment can occur in industrial and transport accidents, with natural disasters.

Causes of such accidents:

Disorders of safety and storage of poisonous substances;

Failure of aggregates, pipelines, depressurization of storage containers;

Excess regulatory reserves;

Violation of established norms and rules for placing chemically hazardous objects;

Exit to the full production capacity of enterprises of the chemical industry caused by the desire of foreign entrepreneurs to invest in harmful production in Russia;

Increasing terrorism on chemically hazardous objects;

Worniness of the life support system of the population;

Accommodation by foreign firms in Russia of ecologically dangerous enterprises;

The importation of hazardous waste from abroad and their burial on the territory of Russia (sometimes they are even left in railway wagons).

Accident data is a set of results of the impact of chemical infection on objects, population and the environment. As a result of the accident, emergency and chemical settings are developing. The scale of the possible consequences of the accident largely depend on the amount of chlorine and storage conditions, the nature of the accident, meteo conditions and a number of other factors that are determined by local characteristics and traditions.

The main affecting factor in chemically hazardous sites using chlorine in the production of chlorine is chemical infection, the depth of the zone of which can reach tens of kilometers. Chlorine emission accidents may be accompanied by explosions and fires. Consequently, in chemically hazardous objects, the emergence of the zone of infection with chlorine is accompanied, as a rule, a complex fire atmosphere.

Airspace, terrain, water sources, the population can be infected with chlorine in a vapor-shaped, fine and coarse aerosol, drip-enforcement, liquid and solid states. Chlorine in a vapor-shaped state infects airspace, including the internal volumes of structures, affect people and animals. Infection occurs due to the evaporation of chlorine, desorption from infected surfaces, when the air is spread over the air, when chlorine gets into the room.

Food contamination, food raw materials and water occurs under the deposition of chlorine or sorption of its vapor from the air, as a result of entering them from an infected area with raindrops and groundwater or directly from the destroyed object. Of particular danger represents infection of continuing water sources.

The duration of chemical infection of the surface layer of air with chlorine couples can reach several days. Hazardous chlorine concentrations in non-flow waters can be saved from several hours to 2 months; in rivers, canals, streams - for an hour; In the mouth of rivers from 2 to 4 days.

The striking effect of chlorine on people is caused by their ability to violate the normal activity of the body, causing various painful states, and under certain conditions - a fatal outcome. People and animals get lesions as a result of chlorine in the body through - respiratory organs (inhalabo), skin cover, mucous membranes wound surfaces (resorbative), gastrointestinal (orally).

1.3 Historical certificate

January 1, 1966 - in the city of Gorky there was a leak of 27.7 tons of chlorine at the station on his spill. The reason is the gap of the tank of the tank. 1 person died, gained more than 4.5 thousand people.

On December 3, 1968, 0.5 tons of chlorine flowed out of a broken pipeline on the territory of the Sterlitamak Chemical Plant. The lesions received more than 50 people.

Times Beach, 1970. In the city of Times Beach, during the paving roads, they were pre-flooded by oils of oils from a chemical plant in Missouri, where an "orange reagent" was produced. As a result, about 2,500 residents from the surrounding area had to be evacuated. In 1983, the US government still discussed the plan for compensation to residents of these places of losses in the amount of 33 million dollars for the loss of dwellings. There is information that in the state of Missouri there is still no less than 100 contaminated dioxions.

July 10, 1976 - Accident at the factory in the city of Sevezo (Italy). Due to the increase in internal pressure, due to the uncontrolled reaction in the reactor, the jet of trichlorophenol was released. This caused serious diseases 1 thousand people. The territory of 17.1 km has undergone infection.

November 15, 1983 - at the Kemerovo Production Association "Progress" - the release of chlorine from the tank of 60 tons. It is infected with an area of \u200b\u200babout 5 thousand sq.m. Died 26 people.

February 11, 1994 - Chlorine's leakage on the Titanoagnetic Combine in the city of Berezniki Perm region. 40 people were injured, of which 7 people were in intensive care.

As a result of the study of the theoretical part of this issue, it can be concluded that chlorine is a greenish-yellow gas with an acute suffocating smell and high poisonousness. It quickly and easily enters the chemical reaction with blood, causing a pronounced toxicological effect. The symptoms of the lesion are manifested in the form of burning and cutting in the eyes, tears, dry cough, the feelings of the pressure behind the sternum, edema and hyperemia of the mucous membrane and larynx, moderate swings, wheezing and weakened breathing in the lungs, suffocation, is possible loss of consciousness.

From this article you will learn:

  • Why do you need chlorine in water
  • How much should chlorine in water
  • What is harmful chlorine in water for health and technology
  • What is harmful chlorine in the water of the pool
  • How to clean the water from chlorine

Residents of Russian cities are subject to the influence of chemicals that disinfect the tap water. Some consider them harmless, others - deadly. Today we will tell you what the chlorine is dangerous in the water and how to protect your body from his action.

Why do you need chlorine in water

Everyone knows that chlorination is the processing of drinking water with chlorine solutions. This method Disinfection is the most common. Chlorine affects the enzyme system destructive harmful microorganismsBy binding their livelihoods and distribution. If the water was supplied to the house without purifying chlorine, the infections of entero and rotaviruses were not limit.

Even at the beginning of the last century, the water was not chlorically, but the effectiveness of this element was proved by disinfecting natural water and conservation already purified for a long time.

Today, chlorination is used not only for disinfection, but also to reduce the chromaticity of water, eliminate the extraneous lift and unpleasant odors. In addition, disinfection when preparing water treatment for consumers at water treatment stations makes it possible to reduce the consumption of coagulants and stably maintain a satisfactory condition of the treatment facilities.

Currently, more than 90% of technological equipment for water purification worldwide work with chlorine and its derivatives for discoloration and disinfection of water. Each year, the liquid solution of this reagent is consumed in the amount of about 2,000,000 tons.

For the population of large cities, the disposal of water from chlorine by filtering, settling and freezing is of great importance.

Why can not be replaced by dangerous chlorine in the water by other reagents? There are reasons for it:

  1. chlorine is as efficient as possible by the pathogenic bacteria, microbes and microorganisms;
  2. it is publicly available;
  3. has a minimal price that does not change the final cost of water supplied to consumers;
  4. the effectiveness of chlorine has been proven by tremendous experience.

Even taking into account all the flaws without chlorine, it is difficult to do when effective cleaning is needed.

Of course, the chlorination process does not solve most of the problems associated with the use of drinking water. Many of the dangerous compounds obtained by interacting with chlorine fall into the body after consuming raw water from the crane, under water procedures. This is exactly the cause of purification of water from chlorine before serving consumers.

Chlorine content requirements in water

The proportion of active chlorine, sufficient for disinfection of water, should be calculated not to the volume of pathogens, but for the total mass of microorganisms and organic substances (including inorganic components that can oxidize), which can be in chlorided water.

It is very important here that the dosage of this reagent is correct. The small content of chlorine in water will not have sufficient bactericidal impact, and its oversupply will spoil the taste properties. Therefore, a portion of the reagent must be installed, taking into account the characteristics of the water purified and guided by its study.

In the process of designing wastewater treatment facilities, the calculated dose of chlorine should be taken, relying on the need to purify water during its critical pollution (for example, in flooding).

The reagent dosage adequacy measure will be the presence of residual chlorine (which remains from the introduced portion after the oxidation of the substances available in water). According to the norms of the GOST 2874-73, the accumulation of residual chlorine before the supply of water into the municipal highway should reach 0.3-0.5 mg / l.

As the calculated value, the dose of the reagent is taken, which will provide the specified concentration of residual chlorine in water. The calculated dosage is determined by experimental chlorination.

For the clarified water of rivers, the chlorine content, as a rule, fluctuates in the range of 1.5-3 mg / l, and during chlorination groundwater It is usually not higher than 1-1.5 mg / l. But in some situations, increased chlorination may be required due to the presence of a bivalent zakashi of iron in water. The required dose of chlorine increases with the increased accumulation of humic substances.

Consequences of the effects of chlorine on the body

First of all, the chlororganic compounds (HOS) of the chlorine used with organic substances of water, which is about 300. The researchers argue that one of these types of hosted trigalometans - lead to cancer bladderwhich annually detects in tens of thousands of the inhabitants of the planet. If we reduce the standard TGM content in water with only 20 MGK / l, it will reduce the incidence of almost 20%!

The compounds for pregnant women are greater danger. First, the most frequent consequence of regular use of such water is spontaneous miscarriage in the first trimester of the fetus development. If this, fortunately it did not happen, chlorinated water can cause congenital hearts of the heart, spinal and brain, underdevelopment of the oral cavity ("Hare Guba"). Often in women who used water tap water during pregnancy, weak children with insufficient weight and growth are born.

In essence, chlorine is poison. Back in the years of the First World War, it was used as a chemical basis. Due to the huge ability to oxidation, Chlorine fell into the top 3 of the most powerful halogens.

The question of the destructive influence of chlorinated water was first tapped in the 1970s of the last century. The reason was the high activity of the reagent, which causes it to interact with a large number of inorganic and organic substances in the composition of water, creating chlorine-containing toxins, carcinogens, mutagens, immunotoxins, and even poisons. They slowly accumulate in the body, representing a dangerous threat to health.

All listed substances can cause oncological diseases of the stomach, esophagus, liver, bladder, straight and colon, larynx, lungs and breasts. In addition, they provoke anemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart disease, inflammation of the joints and respiratory organs.

Chlorine in water dries the skin, irritates the mucous eye, disrupts the structure of the hair, making them weak, dull and brittle, causes dandruff.

Harm chlorine in water for household appliances

In addition to harm to the body, chlorinated water causes damage to even household appliances, various materials and communications.

Due to the high concentration of chlorine, stainless steel products are darker and destroyed by corrosion. A visual example is washing and sinks from the "stainless steel". This is caused by the tendency of chlorides to the formation of strong acids in aqueous medium.

Water with chlorine "eats" color of fabrics and blurs their drawing, gives white linen gray raid.

The active oxidation of chlorine can cause leakage, to fail the household appliances and parts constantly in contact with water.

Chlorine in water leads to the formation of microcracks or small holes in the pipes, causing their proceeding and premature wear. In combination with the rest of the harmful substances, it can provoke large leaks and malfunctions in communications systems.

Than harmful chlorine in the pool

Adherents of an active lifestyle, especially pool lovers, perfectly know that the water is disinfected with chlorine. It is necessary to do this according to sanitary standards.

Undoubtedly, there are other pools, where water is cleaned by more modern ways. But this is practiced in very prestigious establishments and only in major cities of Russia. Ozonating or cleaning with ultrasound can be used for water antisheptics in such basins. And maybe even applied sea water. Of course, these techniques are not available to everyone, since their cost is quite high and reflected on customer wallets.

What is dangerous chlorine in water for the body? You can discuss this topic long. But medical experts argue that it is not particularly worried about the chlorination of water. Moreover, doctors assure that the chlorine brings more benefits than it is harmful, fencing people from a variety of infections. But still, it is impossible to completely exclude the consequences of regular contact with the reagent.

You may encounter the following problems:

  • harmful effect on the hair (they lose natural shine and weaken up to the fallout);
  • negative impact on the skin (dryness, irritation, itching is possible);
  • special danger to eye cornea (risk of inflammation and conjunctivitis, mucosal burn).

Before visiting the pool, you need to make sure in the absence of allergies to chlorine. If the result is positive, you do not need to risk your health, it will be wiser to refuse your venture.

If the desire to swim is still large, it is possible to admonish antihistamine drugs that need to take a certain time. At the same time, for some period, trips to the pool are possible, since you will be protected from allergic reactions. However, it is constantly undesirable to use this technique, because your own health is more important than a couple of hours of pleasure.

If you have no allergy to chlorine, then swimming in the pool is almost no longer threatened, you only need to protect your hair and skin. To do this, show shower to "dive" and after the end of the swim. Cosmetics will be useful in the form of moisturizing creams, lotions, softening body milk.

The rational option for protecting the eyes from chlorine in water will be glasses specially designed for these purposes. Lovers dive and swim underwater they are always necessary. Swimming glasses need to choose responsibly. Tightly shaped skin, frame should not have excessive pressure.

Floating in glasses, you protect your eyes from chlorine, and skin from random damage. Otherwise, the consequences may be irreparable. Swimming glasses are necessary. Savings in this case is unfounded.

How to clean the water from chlorine

There are methods of absolute removal of chlorine from tap water, as well as a significant reduction in its concentration. Which one will choose, is determined by the volume of water, the margin of time and money that you have.

This is an excellent way to purify water for drinking and watering plants, which completely removes solid particles from it. To filter a large amount of water, you can refer to the specialists to connect the reverse osmosis system with a convenient accommodation for it under the sink. It is possible to clean the entire water supplied to the building. This will make it one hundred percently clean the water from chlorine with all its derivatives. In addition, it is one of the rare effective methods To remove heavy metals.

In order for the reverse osmosis to be actually effective, you need to use a coarse filter that will not miss the dirt into the membrane. Try to change filters with the frequency that requires an instruction, because the captured filter will be harmful than useful.

A large water consumption can be found to the disadvantages of the method. In domestic systems, only 10% of the incoming water will be supplied to the output, and the rest will go into the sewer.

  • Activated and catalytic coal.

The at home filter on activated carbon reduces the proportion of pollutants and improves the taste of water. However, a longer contact with water is required to remove chlorine. Catalytic coal is a liquid type of activated, which is capable of much better to clean the water from chlorine even when quickly filtering.

If you need to filter the limited amount of water, you can consistently install two filters, achieving greater purity. Activated coal, in contrast to the previous method, does not affect the mineralization of water.

  • Chemical cleaning.

In the chlorine molecule, the chlorine atom is unstable, and therefore is dangerous for living organisms. Chloride, on the contrary, is a stable atom (for example, in a sodium salt or sodium chloride). In addition, it is necessary for plant growth.

Chemical methods of neutralization of chlorine in pipeline water turn it into chloride and other harmless third-party products. The substances that are involved in this contain sodium thiosulfate, sulfur dioxide (Cambden pills) and, imagine, vitamin C (conventional ascorbing).

Tyosulfate sodium tablets (which is used for aquariums) and Cambden Tablets (popular in private brewing) are a reliable means for the destruction of chlorine, but they are even more mineralized water enriching it sodium and sulfur molecules.

Ascorbic acid is a pretty new method. Meanwhile, it is also effective and does not affect the mineral composition of water. Being an antioxidant for a person, Vitamin C is doing the same with water.

  • Ultraviolet.

UV Rays are perfectly neutralized by chlorine, at the same time destroying microbes. Therefore, ultraviolet often plays the role of one of the initial filters in purification by reverse osmosis to protect the membranes from chlorine and bacteria.

  • Settlement.

This method is considered the most affordable and simple. There is nothing unusual in it - fill the bucket with water and leave for the night. In the morning, it is overflowing into another veduce of 2/3 of the volume of water, which can be used for drinking. And at the bottom there is a lime sediment, if we are talking about water from wells. Similarly, you can defend water water and in the apartment - overnight it will free from chlorine.

By the way, this water can be boiled for tea, and in the kettle will not be assembled. Of course, this technique has an important disadvantage - settling does not save from infections and does not remove heavy metals that are present in water.

Do you know that a 30-minute settling is almost halved reduces the content of dissolved chlorine? The advantage of the technique is the lack of financial costs. The disadvantage is that harmful chlorine compounds in the form of salts do not leave the water.

  • Water purification by ozone.

This method of purification allows you to enrich the water with oxygen. Ozone for processing is formed directly in the installation, the residual O 3 goes into oxygen. This gas binds hazardous chlorine compounds in water and turns them in suspension, detained by the filter. The advantage of the method is its environmental friendliness, reliability and simplicity.

  • Ion exchange method.

This method provides for water purification by passing it through a filter from ion exchange resins. The latter acts on the principle of replacing chlorine compounds on sodium salts. The advantage of the technique is the one hundred percent release of water from chlorine. The disadvantage is the need for constant saturation of the cartridge salts, which include sodium ions.

This is a simple type of purification of water, which is easy to spend on their own. Fill the water into an enameled ass and place in the freezer. After the half of the volume of the container knows, pull the ice, you will need it.

Consider its structure - the edges of the ice will be clean, and inside it is gathered all the dirt from which to get rid of. To this end, the middle of the ice piece water boiling water until the mud-containing part is dissolved.

As a result, these manipulations will remain an ice "bagel". It must be melt, and clean water for drinking is ready! You do not need to use fluid on the bottom, as it is saturated with heavy metals, salt and iron. The disadvantage of melt water can be considered its weak mineralization. To fix it, add there a simple mineral water at the rate of 100 ml per 1 liter of melt water.

  • Cleaning with silicon.

It has long been proven that silicon destroys many bacteria. To purify water, it is necessary to lower the mineral into it and put the container in a dark place for two days. Drain the water into clean vessel and tightly close the lid. Clean silicon water is suitable for eating and cooking.

By the way, silicon can be used repeatedly. But before this it needs to carefully inspect. If pebbles are clean, it is suitable for re-cleansing. And if a white film appeared on it, it must be cleaned. Wipe the mineral with a toothbrush and well wash.

  • Cleaning with silver.

This is not fiction - silver really cleans the water. Principle of operation is simple: Put one of the silver jewelry or a cutlery in dishes with water (spoon, plug). AG ions destroy harmful bacteria present in water. True, this method is not suitable for cleansing the key water, since silver powerless before the remnants of heavy metals.

Is it safe to boiled water

Boiling water is carried out for:

  • disinfection;
  • reduction of water rigidity;
  • elimination of impurities.

When boiling with a temperature of 100 ° C, most pathogenic microbes die, and the water is significantly cleaned.

But not everyone knows that it is necessary to observe the duration of this procedure. For high-quality cleaning, boiling time should be at least 10-15 minutes. Admit to honestly when you purposefully left the kettle on the stove for so long if you just did not forget about him?

Skip, which accumulates on the walls of the kettle and the saucepan, and there is a notorious chlorine in water plus salted salts dissolved in it.

When pouring tea (coffee), chemical compounds, which the body does not go back and put in the kidneys. Subsequently, these waste will turn into stones.

Indeed, crystallized magnesium and calcium salts reduce water rigidity. But there are advantages in it, and disadvantages. The most suitable composition and maximum benefit for the body has the water of medium hardness, balanced by content.

Many of us do not recognize the harm of boiled water and even believe that all microorganisms and harmful inclusions can be "removed" by double boiling. But after all, the experts have proven that it is unrealistic to radiate water with this method! You can only make it a little softer. And if you boil water several times, you can cause great damage to the body.

The harmfulness of boiled water confirm the following facts.

  1. When boiling, nitrates and phenols, herbicides, pesticides, petroleum products and heavy metals are not destroyed.
  2. At boiling point, the structure of chlorine-containing compounds is disturbed, which fall into the precipitate, react with other elements and form dioxins (carcinogens) and trigalometans. And this is much more dangerous than chlorine in water, since these substances are the cause of oncology! Even in small doses, global ecotoxicants can cause genetic cell changes and have a mutagenic effect on the body.
  3. With secondary boiling, scale, which is assembled on the walls of the kettle, together with water penetrates the body. Thus, accumulate harmful substances, provoking kidney disease, heart, joints, blood and even heart attacks.

Very risk health Those who fasten the crude water in boiled and boil again. Previous water is saturated with heavy hydrogen isotopes that enter into connection with elements of raw water. The deuterium released from hydrogen when heating the deuterium tends to accumulate.

As a result, each subsequent thermal processing is increasingly "poisoning" water. After repeated boiling, it becomes dangerous for drinking. Moreover, not only the taste of water will deteriorate (the taste of metal appears), its use impairs the work of important organism systems and slows down the regeneration of tissues.

How to minimize the effects of chlorine on the body

Since the tap water is chlorized everywhere, then the problems created by this universal disinfection should be solved by the state. To date, a complete refusal to add chlorine to drink water is impossible. To do this, it will be necessary to replace all the water communications of the country and introduce expensive treatment facilities.

The introduction of this project needs large financial expenses and stretches for years. But still the first steps to the global refusal of water chlorination are already scheduled. A consumers can already take action today to protect their family from the dangerous influence of Chlorine.

Stick Multiply simple SovietsAnd you reduce the harm from the contact with the chlorine-containing water from the crane:

  • Buy a special shower nozzle filter to reduce chlorine concentration in water falling on the skin.
  • Be sure to take a shower after public swimming pools, use safety glasses during swimming.
  • Mitigating cosmetics will restore the balance of the skin after the pool or soul, removing irritation and eliminate dryness and itching.
  • Do not bathe small children in chlorinated water.

To remove chlorine from water, use the compositions listed below.

  • Lime milk. For its preparation, one part of the hazed lime is diluted with three parts of the water, they are well mixed and the resulting solution into the tank with water (by 30 liters of water is 10 kg of hydrate lime).
  • The solid soda solution (5% -ipish soda is mixed with water in a ratio 2:18 and dissolved (for example, 5 kg of soda by 95 liters of water).
  • Sodium hydroxide solution (5% caustic Natro). Dissolve alkali in the water in proportion 2:18 and carefully interfere with dissolution (for example, 5 kg of NaOH on 95 liters of water).

If the quality of water leaves much to be desired ...

The problem of dirty water in the house can be partially solved by setting a high-quality filter. But it may be gradually the need to replace components in such systems, because this directly depends on the quality of water purification to drink.

At the same time, the question remains unresolved: how to achieve the best quality water in our workplace or in a child at school? The decision will buy water with delivery.

The company "Iceberg" offers favorable conditions for servicing its customers:

  • Free shipping water to the house or office: Buyers pay only the cost of goods;
  • Wells, of which our water is gained, have documents of registration in the State Water Cadastre of the Russian Federation.
  • For mining and bottling water uses advanced technologies, which helps to maintain and multiply its quality and natural purity.
  • We also implement modern water coolers and other equipment made by famous European brands, taking into account existing quality standards. The size of the pumps and racks for bottles vary, allowing you to install appliances even in small rooms.
  • Delivery of drinking water to the house or office is carried out at the minimum price thanks to the permanent shares from our company.
  • Together with water, you can purchase disposable dishes, tea, coffee and other products.

Clean water is value, but it should not be on gold weight. Our mission is to provide every home and workplace High-quality drinking water, so we have prepared the most favorable conditions for our customers.

Infections in water - the problem that has long remained intact, until the beginning of the 19th century did not come up effective method Disinfection of water. As a disinfectant agent, chlorine was used, which to this day is a fairly convenient and cheap way to disinfect the tap water. So, after chlorination, water becomes more or less clean from microorganisms, which allows a person not to worry about possible negative consequences.

However, having solved the problem with pathogenic bacteria, we encountered another more dangerous reality. As is known, chlorine is an unsafe substance, and when entering the body can provoke the development of many pathological processes.

Infections in the pool - true or fiction?

They chloride not only tap water, but also water in the pools. It should be said that to disinfect in public pools relate to special severity, because, if this is not done, you can easily pick up some kind of infection. Then, if water is chlorinated in the pools, then it can harm us, because we do not drink it.

What can be infected in the pool?

Of course, it is not a fact that it is from you that you will have these diseases, but warned - it means armed. Iphic diseases and ways of infection with them when visiting the pool:

Warts - This is viral, mainly benign in the form of a node. After classes in the pool, they can be quite formed. If you are disturbed by the skin, then you can get infected not only when contacting the sick person and the items that he used, but also coming to the place where he stood. The risk of infection increases with a decrease in immunity and severe legs.

Nail fungus (onichomicosis) - Very frequently found disease, difficult to treatment and repeatedly appearing again. In most cases, it is legs and stop. Pick up the fungus in the pool is difficult. But about him it is very possible. To avoid this, be sure to wear in the pool and souls slippers.

Hepatitis A - This is an infectious acute liver disease caused by the hepatitis A. virus it can be transmitted through food and water that are infected with the virus. In the pools in which there are violations of sanitary standards, and in those where water is poorly proceeds, it is possible to get infection. Since the hepatitis A virus is settled in polluted water, in no case do not allow it to penetrate your mouth when diving.

Bacterial dysentery - This is sharp infection. The source of infection is a sick person, as well as microbial pollution of products and water. Therefore, it is necessary to keep in mind that infection can occur when the water in the pools in the mouth is hooked. This disease is manifested by the following symptoms: nausea, heat, vomiting, diarrhea and cramps.

Giardiasis - This infection occurs mainly with the damage to the small intestine and allergic reactions. Although a source of infection can be a man, soil, products infected with cysts giardia, nevertheless giardia is considered a disease of dirty water. This disease can be infected through the pools, as well as in the fall of polluted water into your body.

Infectious conjunctivitis - It causes swelling of the mucous membrane of the eye, which in turn disrupts the nutrition of the cornea, causing her defeat. Bacterial conjunctivitis occurs if the water in the pool is not cleaned enough. Therefore, always watch the water in which you float, it was not muddy.

How to choose a pool during pregnancy?

When pregnancy, when many loads are contraindicated and physical activity, you need to choose with caution, the pool is one of the few options to actively move with health benefits. But, in the first pool, the pool is better not to go.

I will choose a place where high-quality chlorination and there will be no danger to the health of mom and baby. And better, the so-called "specialized version" - group classes for young mothers.

Pool is preferable to running or sea water. At the courses or in the pool you will require a certificate from the doctor - to take this with understanding.

Choosing an instructor, pay attention to how it leads classes. If the instructor only distributes general teams, almost without looking, as they are executed - this is not the best way. Good instructor will try to pick up individual program For each future mom and will definitely follow how correctly you will perform this or that exercise.

  • very strong toxicosis (which is accompanied by indomitable vomiting);
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • systematic grapple-shaped pain after classes;
  • preeclampsia;
  • eclampsia;
  • tuberculosis in the aggravation stage;
  • blood system diseases;
  • chronic appendicitis;
  • diseases in the acute period;
  • infectious diseases.

Personal hygiene rules in the pool

Infectious diseases can be avoided by adhering to lungs, and then visits to the pool will only benefit you and health:

Wearing slippers in the pool- All microbes are usually located on the tile at the water, as well as in shower cabins, so to avoid fungi, it is better to always have rubber shoes with you. From the room in which you undress, and the water needs to go in slippers or slippers that best bring from home.

Rinsing in the soul- Before entering the pool, even if you wash your own bath before going out of the house.

Proper clothes - Visit the pool in sports closed swimsuits, rubber caps, and for diving, always take special glasses.

Bring your towel - In the pool, you will definitely offer it, but there are no guarantees that after the next use it has been washing with sufficient disinfection. People's sick mushrooms have a feature usually survive with a simple wash, but also they move to nearby towels.

After classes, always take a shower- Especially thoroughly rinse all the skin folds and gaps between the fingers, especially the legs.

Verified places - Visit closed pools, and only with good disinfection.


1 Statistics on accidents on railway transport in the territory Russian Federation

2 Causes of emergence on the railway during the transportation of dangerous goods

3 Emergency protection during the transportation of dangerous goods by railway tanks

4 Sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemiological measures

5 Events on the localization of pollution, neutralization and degassing of dangerous goods


List of sources used


Chlorine in terms of production and scope is one of the most important products of the chemical industry. In 1996, about 2 million tons of chlorine were produced in Russia. The widespread use and large volumes of chlorine production determine the high potential danger of emergency emergencies caused by its emergency emissions into the environment. These circumstances are exacerbated by the physicochemical and toxicological properties of chlorine, which is potent poisonous substance suffocating. The toxicological and physicochemical properties of chlorine are the main affixing factors in its emergency emissions.

The large-scale use of chlorine and the imperfection of the main and auxiliary technological equipment used has led to a high level of emergency in enterprises using chlorine. Obviously, in combination with a place low level Professional training of production personnel in emergency situations This may lead to the chain nature of the development of the accident and uncontrolled increasing its scale.

In connection with the above, the solution of issues of organizing the actions of production personnel and special forces in emergency situations and increase their efficiency and efficiency is an extremely important task.

Properties chlorine

Chlorine refers to a group of halogens. Molecular weight of chlorine - 70.9.

Under normal conditions, chlorine is a greenish yellow gas with a sharp annoying smell. In a liquefied state, chlorine can only be reduced or at temperatures below minus 34 ° C. Liquid chlorine in vessels withstanding overpressure is stored and transported. The pressure of saturated chlorine vapors in the vessel depends on temperature and increases with its increase. The dependence of the pressure of saturated chlorine vapors in the vessel from temperature is shown in Table 1.

Table 1

The density of liquid chlorine at boiling point (-34 ° C) is 1560 kg / m3.

When evaporation of one volume of liquid chlorine at 0 ° C, 457 volumes of gaseous chlorine are formed. Gaseous chlorine is heavier than air 2.5 times, so during emergency leaks it is spilled on the bottom, creating a steady gas cloud. The chlorgaz density at 0 ° C and a pressure of 101.3 kPa is 3.21 kg / m3.

Chlorine obtained in electrolyzers may contain an extremely dangerous admixture - nitrogen trichloride (NCl3). The latter is a heavy oily liquid with an unpleasant smell resembling chlorine smell. The density of NCl3 is 1.65 kg / l; Boiling point 71 ° C. Nitrogen trichloride is an explosive with extremely high sensitivity to impact, friction and heating. The presence of nitrogen trichloride in chloride may cause cotton and explosions of pipelines, receivers, evaporators and containers for the storage and transportation of liquid chlorine.

Cotton and explosions on a number of enterprises of the chemical industry, non-ferrous metallurgy, in the chlorine economy of water treatment stations were accompanied, as a rule, the release of large quantities of chlorine into the environment. Given the explosive properties of nitrogen trichloride, GOST 6718-93 allows its content in liquid chloride of the first grade not more than 0.004% (by weight).

Chlorine is a strong oxidizing agent. Do not fuel. Reacts with most organic compounds, in some cases with an explosion. A mixture of chlorine with hydrogen under the action of light explodes.

Chlorine has a different corrosion impact on structural materials depending on due, "wet" he or "dry". In the presence of moisture flows a reversible reaction of chlorine hydrolysis to form salt and chlorothy acids:


In addition to this reaction, under certain conditions, a reaction is flowing at the same time to form a chlorinic acid (HCLO3), chlorides of iron, hydrogen and oxygen. Therefore, in the "wet chlorine" (water content\u003e 0.04% of the mass.) Carbon and low-alloyed steel are exposed to point and ulcerative corrosion, and in hermetic vessels (for example, in chlorine containers), the likelihood of the formation of explosive mixtures of hydrogen with oxygen and chlorine is increased.

For the manufacture of technological and pipeline equipment operated in the "wet chlorine" (heat exchangers, pumps, pipelines, fittings, etc.) use titanium, which does not interact with "wet chlorine" even with increased temperature (100 ° C). However, it should be borne in mind that with the "dry" gaseous and liquid chlorine (water content of less than 0.04% of the mass.) Titanium reacts very violently, right up to self-burning and explosion.

With carbon and low-alloyed steel "Dry chlorine" practically does not interact to a temperature of 100 ° C.

The effects of chlorine per person.

Chlorine has a strong toxic and irritant action. It has an irritant effect on the eyes and respiratory organs. When inhalation causes convulsive, painful cough. In severe cases, spasm of voice ligaments, pulmonary edema. It has a stinting effect on the central nervous system.

Chlorine gaseous is annoying on wet skin, causing her redness. If there is chemical burns, frostbite can occur on the skin of liquid chlorine.

The maximum permissible concentration of chlorine in the air of work premises 1 mg / m3, in the atmospheric air of populated places is the maximum possible - 0.1 mg / m3, the average daily - 0.03 mg / m3.

The nature of the action of chlorine on the human body, depending on its concentration in the air, is shown in Table 2.

Chlorine is known to us most as a substance that is treated with water. A characteristic unpleasant smell and the fact that the chlorine wipes door handles, floors and toilets - that's all we know about Chlorine. How in fact chlorine affects the human body? Why do you need to handle the surfaces and throw into the water? When chlorine becomes dangerous?

A few words about chlorine history

This trace element - chlorine - opened in 1774 Karl Shelele, Chemist and Swede. He conducted chemical experiments with hydrochloric acid and suddenly learned the smell that reminded him of the familiar smell of royal vodka. Do not be mistaken, Karl Shelele was not a fan of alcohol. The royal vodka was called the solvent, which contained nitrogen and hydrochloric acid, capable of dissolving even the key from the apartment or the golden ring of his wife.

The scientist was alerted and began to conduct experiments on. He allocated a green-yellow gas from the resulting substance and began to study its effect on other gases and liquids. Thus, chlorine was obtained - a complex substance that Shelele, and then his colleague Davy called chlorine (green and yellow translated from Greek). Such a name is preserved until today in the USA and England, and we have become shorter and understandable - chlorine. This name also fastened thanks to the famous French chemist Gay-Loussaka, the experiments of which are studying today's schoolchildren in physics lessons. This trace element took its decent place in the Mendeleev table under atomic number 17.

What is chlorine?

This is a substance, a macroelent that enters our body with mineral salts, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and other microelements. The first and simple source of chlorine is a stone salt, which our ancient ancestors used. Chlorine in the composition of the rock salt helped to preserve the fish and the killed game. The salt as a source of chlorine necessary for a person was mined during the times described by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, which lived around 425 to our era.

Chlorine is contained not only in shopping, but also in our blood, bones, intercellular fluid, as well as the largest organ of our body - the skin. Just as it enters the body, chlorine is capable and output. About 90% chlorine is excreted with decay products - urine and then.

Why man chlorine?

Sources chlorine

Almost the whole daily rate - namely 90% chlorine - enters the human body when it hurts products, that is, with salt. In chlorine products, there is enough enough, much is that in bread or cheese. Most of all chlorine enters the human body with chlorinated water. If a person drinks water from the crane, then chlorine can even be a surplus. Interesting fact: Although people are divided into vegetarians and meatseeds, no people have a shortage or overaffect of chlorine due to the choice of products. Even if people are not sinking food or solid her little, modern technologies involve increased doses of chlorides in the composition of the products themselves.

Chlorine content in various products (mg / 100 g)
name chlorine content
Rye bread 1025
Cheese 880
Bread white 621
Butter 330
Big kidney 184
Fish Mintai 165
Fish Moiva 165
Fish Heck 165
Fat cottage cheese 152
White mushrooms 151
Cow's milk, 3.2% 110
Kefir, 3.2% 110
Egg 106
Milk non-fat 106
Oatmeal 69
Beet 58
Fig 54
Potatoes 38
Carrot 36
Peas 35
Cabbage 24
Pears 11
Apples 5

How much chlorine do we need per day?

For healthy people It is enough 4000-6000 milligrams chlorine per day. But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that this includes chlorine, which is also contained in the already finished food, and in water, and in salt, which we throw in dishes. Maximum dose Chlorine - 7,000 milligrams - still does not harm a person, but constantly such doses cannot be used - the following chlorine will come. If a person is hot, he is actively engaged in sports and sweats (and chlorine is displayed with decay products), chlorine needs more. As with diseases of the digestive tract.

The need for chlorine for children in milligrams is from 300 mg at the age of 3 months to 2300 mg at the age of 18. Chloride doses in more detail can be considered in the table.

What threatens to man a lack of chlorine?

If chlorine is not enough in the body, it is broken acid Alkaline Balance, carbohydrate exchange. A person can fall out and crumble her teeth, the skin ages and sharply covered with wrinkles. There may be dehydration, in which heats up in the mouth, the person can nausea, tear, is disturbed by the process of urination. The kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract can no longer work normally, from this violates the work of other organs. The lack of chlorides in the body can lead to loss of forces, equilibrium and appetite. Such people begin to complain about drowsiness, failures in memory, the inability to concentrate.

As it turned out as a result of the experiments conducted by scientists at the Institute of Neurobiology Max Planck in 2012, chlorides are necessary for the normal activity of nerve cells. The experiments on mice have shown that the lack of chlorides in the body can lead to the overexcixation of nerve cells and the aggravation of such dangerous diseaseslike epilepsy.

The reason for the lack of chlorine in the body can be low-oscillating or invalid diets, especially long, more than a week. The state of health with the lack of chlorine is worsening even more if a person has suffered from hypertension or poor kidney work.

Man is able to reduce chlorine concentration in the body when he takes medications without control of the doctor. These may be laxatives leading to dehydration, diuretics (diuretic), corticosteroids (steroid hormones that produce adrenal bark). If chlorine in the body is too small and its amount is dramatically lost, a person can go to whom and even die.

What threatens the overabundance of chlorine in the human body?

Dr. Price from the clinic Sagino writes that Chlorine is the main killer of our days, which prevents one disease, but immediately causes another. It binds water chlorination with a general deterioration in people's health. "After the water chlorination began in 1904, a modern epidemic of heart disease, cancer and dementia began," says Dr. Price. Is it so?

On the one hand, crude water causes - no matter how much you thought - up to 80% of all diseases in the world. If we drink crude water, the aging process occurs on a third faster than if we drank purified water. This is how important it is to correctly perform only one point of our diet - to drink normal water. And it is usually cleaned by the chlorine. Is it correct?

Scientists Finland and the United States proved through research that liver cancer and kidney tumors in 2% of cases occur due to excessively chlorinated drinking water. This is not such a big percentage compared with the diseases of the immune system - due to the increased content of our chlorine the immune system It suffers in 80% of cases, and with constant drinking of chlorinated water, all internal organs suffer.

For example, with elevated doses of chlorides derived from drinking water, a person more often begins to hurt with bronchitis and pneumonia - first of all, respiratory authorities suffer. But the water continues to chlorine, although it has long been proven that chlorine today destroys not all harmful microorganisms - most of them remain alive, healthy, continuing to poison our body to toxins. These toxins, interacting with chlorine, are able to cause violations at the genetic level.

Not only aqueous solutions can affect our organism, but also chlorine pairs. They are more dangerous. It is very good that the tendency to chloride clothing and beds, which used to be used in everyday life, today ceased. Chlorine's couple, which inhales a man at great concentration, can cause a burn of the mucosa of the esophagus and the throat, disrupt the frequency of breathing, although such situations are rare. In risk groups - people working in harmful production, in Himprom, in the textile industry, as well as in working with cellulose and with pharmaceuticals. Chronic diseases of the respiratory and digestion among such people are not uncommon.

Symptoms of the overabundance of chlorine

  • Pain in chest
  • Eat dry cough
  • Irritation of the mucous membrane
  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhea
  • Tear
  • Root and dry eyes
  • Headaches (often strong)
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Violation of gas formation
  • Gravity in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach
  • Frequent colds with high temperatures
  • Elevations of the lungs

Sources of the overabundance of chlorine may be not only a large dose of salt or chlorinated water that you drink, but also the usual bathing under the shower. If you often take a hot shower with an excess of choir, then a person gets a much larger dose of chlorine through the skin than with a drink of chlorinated water. And the number of toxins that fall into the blood with such a bathing increases 10-20 times.

Water can be cleaned of chlorine in several ways. First of all, throw in it activated carbon for 15-30 minutes. Or, in extreme cases, boil and defend water during the day - but this path is less effective, moreover, with boiling in water, all useful substances are destroyed, first of all, mineral salts.

Chlorine in the body must necessarily be, only its dose needs to be monitored so that your health always remains at the height.

Every day, during the adoption of the shower, washing, hair washing, we arrange stress for the body. After all, most of us, for compliance with hygiene, uses conventional tap water, the chlorine content in which is often the mark of "harmlessness".

The harmful chlorine from the point of view of external influence on the body, and how to deal with this, this article will tell.

Influence of chlorine on the human body

Fortunately, the concentration of chlorinations in tap water is not so great so that negative consequences manifest themselves from the first application. However, with regular use of such water to comply with hygiene (on average 2 times a day), the chlorine, acting on the skin, hair and the human body, in general, leads to a variety of negative consequences.

Impact of chlorine on hair

Hair most often the first react to the increased content of chlorine in tap water. The main "signals" of negative hair reactions can be:

  • Enhanced hair loss
  • Increased dryness and "fluffyness"
  • Dehydration and dullness (painted hair is quickly losing color, as the chlorine "eats" paint)
  • Hair fragility and cross-section tips

Impact of chlorine on the skin

Skin irritation is also one of the main indicators of the high chlorine content in water. Most people have skin reactions to be expressed in:

  • Increased dryness and peeling
  • Weak reaction to moisturizers
  • Early aging and appearance pigment spots, as well as mimic and age wrinkles
  • Redness and itching
  • Feeling "pinching"
  • Sharp reactions (irritation) on the familiar cosmetics

If you feel about people inclined to manifest dermatitis, skin diseaseAllergies, then the reaction to water with a high content of chlorine can manifest itself after the first contact (strong itching, "mocking" spots, eczema).

The effect of chlorine on the body as a whole

In addition to local hair and leather reactions, chlorinated water can cause much more serious health problems. With regular perennial contact, the chlorine may cause:

  • Oncological diseases
  • Pulmonary diseases (including asthma)
  • Exacerbations of allergies
  • Exacerbations of psoriasis

Also, chlorine compounds with other substances contained in tap water can cause food poisoning (with regular swallowing) and intoxication of the body as a whole.

How to protect yourself from the effects of chlorine

In many countries of the world, including in Ukraine, today's issues of replacing the use of chlorine, as the main disinfection method, to more modern and gentle - ozonation and disinfection of ultraviolet are actively discussed. However, while from our cranes flows water with chlorine, the problem remains relevant.

There are two ways that make it possible to significantly reduce the harm from the effects of chlorine on the body:

Installing special filters

This method is most convenient, although quite expensive. His advantage is that fixing the filter on the crane, you get almost the same continuous flow of water, which before, but almost without chlorine.

The main minus of this method is that the device itself and interchangeable filters cost a lot of money. And since the volumes of passing water are large enough, then the filters will have to be changed often.

Water settling

The second way is more economical, but it is unlikely to suit the majority of us, as it is very labor. The way is to gain water into large containers, give it to stand at least 48 hours. This will lead to the fact that most of the chlorine from the water will evaporate, and it will be suitable for use.

This way is difficult to call comfortable. After all, you will practically stop using the usual crane, and all the hygienic procedures will have to perform, heating water in advance and using the old good bucket.

The indisputable plus of this method is its cost. And rather her absence. After all, you do not have to bear any additional spending, except for the usual water fee. In addition, the regular followation of this method, involuntarily lead to more economical use of water.

Take care of yourself. Be beautiful and healthy!

Auto: Natalia Kay

Poisoning with chlororganic compound or chlorine, due to their penetration into the human body. These substances penetrate the skin, mucous membrane not only the respiratory tract, but also digestive organs. Is one of their most dangerous chemical elements often used in the means household chemicals.

Each person keeps in his house all sorts of household chemicals, the basis of which is chlorine. It can happen not only at home, but also in the pool. This is due to the fact that in such establishments as the pool, water is regularly cleaning and disinfection using chlorks.

That is why you should know signs of chlorine poisoning and symptoms, ways to treat and first aid. Such a chemical element has a harmful and dangerous influence not only on human health and general state organism, but also life. In the case of chlorine poisoning, operational assistance will be required and the subsequent professional medical treatment. Also find out important information about alcohol poisoning.

Symptoms of poisoning

When poisoning, the symptoms appear quite quickly and clearly, the treatment of which should be urgent. It is very toxic, long inhalation of vapors or effect on the body in other ways, threatens serious consequences. Also, chlorine substance poisoning has a negative, harmful effect on the eyes, mucous membranes, skin cover. If you do not provide timely help and treatment, there is a fatal outcome.

Poisoning in pairs of chlorine substance is chronic and sharp. The severity of the impact of chlorine on the body may be as follows:

  • Lightweight is the safest form of chlorine poisoning, passes independently for three days. It is expressed by redness, irritation of the skin, mucous membranes.
  • The average degree is accompanied by such signs as a strong suffocation, a shortage of air, disturbed heart rhythm, painful feelings In the chest, a dry cough appears, abundant tearing, burning mucous membranes, as well as pulmonary swelling. Required urgent Care and medical treatment.
  • The heavy form of chlorine poisoning - fainting, dizziness, thirst, cramps are possible, the fatal outcome occurs within five to thirty minutes.
  • Lightning - convulsions are developing, stopping the heart, breathing disorders, all veins, located on the face and neck, are repelled, then instant death comes.
  • Chronic chlorine poisoning and chlorine pairs are manifested as follows - cramps, cough, various diseases of the respiratory system, apathy, depression, frequent headaches and loss of consciousness. It occurs in the case of frequent use of a similar substance.

Poisoning from inhalation chlorine can occur on the textile, pharmaceutical, chemical industry, as well as when visiting the pool and at home. Do not be surprised that the emergency may occur at home, since you use the following substances:

  • bleach;
  • funds intended to fight mold;
  • detergent liquids, tablets used in the dishwasher;
  • powder, solution for disinfection.

As for the poisoning of chlorine in the pool, this is a fairly common incident. The most efficient and cheap method of water purification in the pool is chlorine, which has a large number of flaws, minuses that have a harmful effect on the body. It is necessary to strictly control the concentration of this substance in, as it is easy to exceed. How to notice a dose? Very simple. You will feel a sharp smell that is characterized by this chemical element.

People who are often visited by the pool may indicate its negative impact, namely: brittle / dry nails, hair, skin aging. If you swim in such water - there is a slight poisoning. The person develops vomiting, nausea, cough, lung inflammation.

Chlorine poisoning is accompanied by the following disappointing consequences, manifested in the body:

  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • acute, chronic bronchitis;
  • pneumosclerosis;
  • various skin diseases;
  • impairment;
  • hymorite;
  • tracheitis.

The above symptoms and consequences may manifest themselves through an indefinite amount of time, gradually progressing.

If you find the symptoms, then you must pass the examination and start treatment if necessary. Chlorine poisoning carries severe health effects.

First aid

Timely treatment affects a successful result. Therefore, you must focus, retain panic and follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • call an ambulance;
  • provide a patient with a sufficient amount of air;
  • take care that the victim was warm and comfortable;
  • remove close clothes from it, cover with a slight blanket;
  • prepare weak soda mortar, then rinse the nose, eyes, oral cavity;
  • you can drip a special solution - Dicaine 0.5%;
  • intramuscularly prednisone.

Chlorine poisoning requires urgent assistance, which should be performed quickly and efficiently.

Mandatory preventive measures

To avoid health problems and tragic consequences, the following is necessary:

  • compliance with sanitary standards;
  • regular medical examinations;
  • means of protection;
  • observe security requirements.

Be careful, when symptoms are detected - contact ambulance. Chlorine poisoning - can apply weighty damage to your life.

Discussion of the topic than the harmful chlorine is worth starting with clarifying that, in fact, it is. Chlorine is a chemical element that is very much in nature. People have long discovered chlorine and most often use it for the purposes of disinfection. Unfortunately, chlorine toxicity potential is not limited to fighting mold and fungi, and actually the harmful properties of chlorine can really be associated with a serious danger to human health.

What is chlorine: common facts

Chlorine is a chemical used in industry and in domestic cleaning products. For room temperature Chlorine is a yellow-green gas with a sharp, annoying smell similar to the smell of bleach. As a rule, chlorine is stored under pressure and cooling and shipped in the form of liquid amber color. Chlorine itself is not very fuel, but in combination with other substances, forms explosive connections.

Using chlorine

Chlorine has many applications. It is used for disinfection of water and is part of the sanitation process for wastewater and industrial waste. In the production of paper and tissue, chlorine is used as a whitening agent. It is also used in detergents, including both household bleach, which is chlorine dissolved in water. Chlorine is used to prepare chlorides, chlorinated solvents, pesticides, polymers, synthetic rubbers, and refrigerants.

Than chlorine is dangerous for people

Because of its widespread use in industrial and commercial premises, the effects of chlorine can occur from random spill or emission, or conscious action. The most harmful effects of chlorine from inhalation of gaseous chlorine. Problems can also arise from skin or eye contact with chlorine gaseous or after swallowing food or water with chlorine.

Gaseous chlorine is heavier than air and originally remains in lowlands, if the wind or other conditions do not contribute to the air movement.

Than harmful chlorine: what happens to chlorine in the body

When chlorine enters the body as a result of breathing, swallowing, or when contact with the skin, it reacts with water to form acids. Acids contribute to corrosion and damage to the cells in the body upon contact.

Harbor harm: the coming consequences for the health of the impact of chlorine

Most of the harmful effects of chlorine are the result of inhalation. Health consequences, as a rule, begin within a few seconds to minutes. After exposure to chlorine, the most common symptoms are noted:

  • Respiratory irritation
  • Wheezing
  • Labored breathing
  • Pain Horla
  • Cough
  • Streking in the chest
  • Eye irritation
  • Skin irritation

The severity of health consequences depends on the method of exposure, dose and duration of the effect of chlorine. Inhalation of a large amount of chlorine causes the accumulation of fluid in the lungs, a state known as swelling of the lungs. The development of pulmonary edema can be postponed several hours after the exposure of chlorine. Contact with compressed liquid chlorine can lead to frostbite of the skin and eyes.

What if you were exposed to chlorine

If you have already encountered chlorine secretions, follow these steps:

How is chlorine poisoning

To limit health effects from the effects of chlorine, rinse your eyes and skin as quickly as possible with large volumes of water.

Modern medicine does not know the antidote during chlorine poisoning, but chlorine effects are treatable, and most people after chlorine poisoning, recover. People who experience serious health effects (for example, heavy forms of eye irritation and respiratory tract, a very strong cough, difficulty breathing, pulmonary edema) may need inpatient treatment.

Laboratory tests for making a decision on treatment if someone is exposed to chlorine

Laboratory tests on the effect of chlorine will not be useful in making decisions on treatment. A person who is exposed to a harmful amount of chlorine will notice immediately due to unpleasant odor and skin problems, eye, nose and / or irritation of the throat. Thus, the diagnosis and treatment of chlorine poisoning will primarily be based on the history of the patient's disease and the effects of health chlorine.

Chlorine harm as a disinfectant

Chlorine is contained in many household cleaners, it is used as a fumigant, and since it prevents the growth of bacteria, such as e. Wand and giardia, then often added to the water systems as a disinfectant. While disinfection of drinking water is necessary measure To reduce diseases, chlorine security issues are associated with some serious adverse health effects, including dementia in older patients.

Why can I choose Chloka in the pool?

Water swimming pools should be cleaned with some means to prevent contamination and bacterial growth. Chlorine is not the safest method, but probably the most common. Remember that chlorine is poison. Dilute it enough so that it is strong enough, but not so much to kill a person.

Some studies confirms that long-term swimming in chlorinated basins can cause asthma symptoms at swimmers. This may affect athletes who were previously healthy, especially for adolescents. In addition, there is a hypothesis that eye irritation and skin in swimmers are also associated with chlorine.
By the way, scientists of the College of Dentistry of the New York University revealed that chlorinated water adversely affects dental enamel.

Than chlorine is dangerous at home

Millions of accidents and injuries occur every year in residential premises and many of them are affected by the effects of toxic chemicals, in particular in the bleach. Its composition can produce chlorine gaseous, which annoys the respiratory system when inhaled. If you have ever used a chlorine to clean the bath in a closed space, you probably experienced a chlorine burn. Remember that chlorine is sufficient toxic to be considered a real chemical weapon and is classified as a respiratory stop agent. Inhalation of chlorine can cause difficulty breathing, chest pain, cough, eye irritation, heart rate, rapid breathing and even death. Long snuff bleach or cleaning agent will be very traumatic experience. By the way, chlorine poisoning has repetitive symptoms.

How to protect yourself from the effects of chlorine

  1. Try to reduce the risks of the effect of chlorine. If you have a swimming pool, avoid products containing chlorine. There are alternative methods that can be used to disinfect water, including with silver ions, copper generators and salted water.
  2. To protect yourself in chlorinated pools, put the mask to protect your eyes, and after swimming, leave the pool and breathe fresh air to get rid of gas from your "system". Shower quickly and carefully mock chlorine with your skin.
  3. Sun cream will not protect you from the effects of chlorine. Choose public pools that are not cleaned by chlorine, but more modern and safe methods Disinfection. Many use a silver and copper ion generator.
  4. Avoid home cleaning products containing chlorine. There are natural and organic alternatives. You can even make your own.
  5. One of the most significant events that can be taken to always drink purified water is to solve the issue of installing water purification system for your home. This will help reduce the number of toxins before water even go into the crane.

Disclaimer: the information presented in this article about the harm of the chlorine is intended only to inform the reader. It can not be a replacement for consultation by a professional medical worker.

Chlorinated tap water is an indispensable thing in large cities. For the first time, chlorine for purification and disinfection of water began to apply in London in the second half of the XIX century, due to the cholera epidemic. In Russia, the water was first chloriced in 1908, and this, as in England, was also accepted in order to combat an outbreak of infection.

It was originally believed that this water does not adversely affect the human body. But very soon, the opinions of scientists have changed, studies have shown that chlorine contained in water speeds up the processes of aging, negatively acts on the skin, hair, eyes, as well as the whole body as a whole.

Influence on hair

Statistics show that about 90% of the inhabitants of large cities have problems with hair and scalp. And it is easily explained: when using chlorinated water, the "rat mix" in the form of calcium and magnesium salts, phosphates, chlorine acid, etc. is collapsed. It is not surprising that sooner or later the hair becomes dry and brittle, shine is deprived, and the head of the head acquires a new satellite - dandruff. The above chemicals cover the hair with a practically imperceptible tap, which, when drying, turns into a crystalline film, damping the hair of flexibility and plasticity. In this case, expensive shampoos, balsams, air conditioners, masks become powerless.

To facilitate this problem, cosmetologists advise to wash the hair to be watered, which previously sat six or eight hours (during this time, most of the harmful chemical compounds will destroy), if you do not want to wait a few hours, then just add a few drops of lemon juice, ammonic alcohol or same teaspoon of borax or glycerin.

Impact on the eyes

It did not carry chlorinated water with their negative influence and our eyes. If water gets into the mucous membrane, water can cause irritation (expressed in the redness of the eyelids, the feeling of burning, cutting). With long-term exposure, chlorine may threaten significant problems in the form of the development of dry eye syndrome, constant voltage and, as a result, impaired vision.

Impact on the skin

With regular washbasin, the skin chlorinated water becomes dry, thin and dehydrated. If the holders of oily and normal skin can stand this irritant, then for people with dry and combined skin, it can become a real catastrophe: the appearance of peeling, inflammation, allergic eczema.

Influence on the body as a whole

Excessive use of chlorinated water can cause or provoke such diseases like gastritis, pneumonia, respiratory diseases. In addition, American and Finnish scientists have proven that the contribution of chlorine, as well as its derivatives (chloroform, chlorophenol, chlorides, etc.) in cancer - 5-15%. Chlorine also has carcinogenic and mutagenic effects, which does not have a positive effect on human health. Especially the act of concern is intensified when water heating: use warm (or hot) shower, cooking, etc.

Solve the problem of chlorinated water is simple enough: settling, installing filters, buying purified water and very soon you will notice that your hair has been pushed, eye irritation and skin, stop disturbing internal organs.

From this article you will learn:

  • Why do you need chlorine in water
  • How much should chlorine in water
  • What is harmful chlorine in water for health and technology
  • What is harmful chlorine in the water of the pool
  • How to clean the water from chlorine

Residents of Russian cities are subject to the influence of chemicals that disinfect the tap water. Some consider them harmless, others - deadly. Today we will tell you what the chlorine is dangerous in the water and how to protect your body from his action.

Why do you need chlorine in water

Everyone knows that chlorination is the processing of drinking water with chlorine solutions. This method of disinfection is the most common. Chlorine destructively affects the enzyme system of harmful microorganisms, binding their livelihoods and distribution. If the water was supplied to the house without purifying chlorine, the infections of entero and rotaviruses were not limit.

Even at the beginning of the last century, the water was not chlorically, but the effectiveness of this element was proved by disinfecting natural water and conservation already purified for a long time.

Today, chlorination is used not only for disinfection, but also to reduce the chromaticity of water, eliminate the extraneous lift and unpleasant odors. In addition, disinfection when preparing water treatment for consumers at water treatment stations makes it possible to reduce the consumption of coagulants and stably maintain a satisfactory condition of the treatment facilities.

Currently, more than 90% of technological equipment for water purification worldwide work with chlorine and its derivatives for discoloration and disinfection of water. Each year, the liquid solution of this reagent is consumed in the amount of about 2,000,000 tons.

For the population of large cities, the disposal of water from chlorine by filtering, settling and freezing is of great importance.

Why can not be replaced by dangerous chlorine in the water by other reagents? There are reasons for it:

  1. chlorine is as efficient as possible by the pathogenic bacteria, microbes and microorganisms;
  2. it is publicly available;
  3. has a minimal price that does not change the final cost of water supplied to consumers;
  4. the effectiveness of chlorine has been proven by tremendous experience.

Even taking into account all the flaws without chlorine, it is difficult to do when effective cleaning is needed.

Of course, the chlorination process does not solve most of the problems associated with the use of drinking water. Many of the dangerous compounds obtained by interacting with chlorine fall into the body after consuming raw water from the crane, under water procedures. This is exactly the cause of purification of water from chlorine before serving consumers.

Chlorine content requirements in water

The proportion of active chlorine, sufficient for disinfection of water, should be calculated not to the volume of pathogens, but for the total mass of microorganisms and organic substances (including inorganic components that can oxidize), which can be in chlorided water.

It is very important here that the dosage of this reagent is correct. The small content of chlorine in water will not have sufficient bactericidal impact, and its oversupply will spoil the taste properties. Therefore, a portion of the reagent must be installed, taking into account the characteristics of the water purified and guided by its study.

In the process of designing wastewater treatment facilities, the calculated dose of chlorine should be taken, relying on the need to purify water during its critical pollution (for example, in flooding).

The reagent dosage adequacy measure will be the presence of residual chlorine (which remains from the introduced portion after the oxidation of the substances available in water). According to the norms of the GOST 2874-73, the accumulation of residual chlorine before the supply of water into the municipal highway should reach 0.3-0.5 mg / l.

As the calculated value, the dose of the reagent is taken, which will provide the specified concentration of residual chlorine in water. The calculated dosage is determined by experimental chlorination.

For clarified water of the rivers, the chlorine content, as a rule, fluctuates in the range of 1.5-3 mg / l, and in the chlorination of groundwater, it is usually not higher than 1-1.5 mg / l. But in some situations, increased chlorination may be required due to the presence of a bivalent zakashi of iron in water. The required dose of chlorine increases with the increased accumulation of humic substances.

First of all, the chlororganic compounds (HOS) of the chlorine used with organic substances of water, which are about 300. The researchers argue that one of these types of housing agents - lead to bladder cancer, which annually detects in tens of thousands of planet inhabitants. If we reduce the standard TGM content in water with only 20 MGK / l, it will reduce the incidence of almost 20%!

The compounds for pregnant women are greater danger. First, the most frequent consequence of regular use of such water is spontaneous miscarriage in the first trimester of the fetus development. If this, fortunately it did not happen, chlorinated water can cause congenital hearts of the heart, spinal and brain, underdevelopment of the oral cavity ("Hare Guba"). Often in women who used water tap water during pregnancy, weak children with insufficient weight and growth are born.

In essence, chlorine is poison. Back in the years of the First World War, it was used as a chemical basis. Due to the huge ability to oxidation, Chlorine fell into the top 3 of the most powerful halogens.

The question of the destructive influence of chlorinated water was first tapped in the 1970s of the last century. The reason was the high activity of the reagent, which causes it to interact with a large number of inorganic and organic substances in the composition of water, creating chlorine-containing toxins, carcinogens, mutagens, immunotoxins, and even poisons. They slowly accumulate in the body, representing a dangerous threat to health.

All listed substances can cause oncological diseases of the stomach, esophagus, liver, bladder, straight and colon, larynx, lungs and breasts. In addition, they provoke anemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart disease, inflammation of the joints and respiratory organs.

Chlorine in water dries the skin, irritates the mucous eye, disrupts the structure of the hair, making them weak, dull and brittle, causes dandruff.

Harm chlorine in water for household appliances

In addition to harm to the body, chlorinated water causes damage to even household appliances, various materials and communications.

Due to the high concentration of chlorine, stainless steel products are darker and destroyed by corrosion. A visual example is washing and sinks from the "stainless steel". This is caused by the tendency of chlorides to the formation of strong acids in aqueous medium.

Water with chlorine "eats" color of fabrics and blurs their drawing, gives white linen gray raid.

The active oxidation of chlorine can cause leakage, to fail the household appliances and parts constantly in contact with water.

Chlorine in water leads to the formation of microcracks or small holes in the pipes, causing their proceeding and premature wear. In combination with the rest of the harmful substances, it can provoke large leaks and malfunctions in communications systems.

Than harmful chlorine in the pool

Adherents of an active lifestyle, especially pool lovers, perfectly know that the water is disinfected with chlorine. It is necessary to do this according to sanitary standards.

Undoubtedly, there are other pools, where water is cleaned by more modern ways. But this is practiced in very prestigious establishments and only in major cities of Russia. Ozonating or cleaning with ultrasound can be used for water antisheptics in such basins. And maybe even applied sea water. Of course, these techniques are not available to everyone, since their cost is quite high and reflected on customer wallets.

What is dangerous chlorine in water for the body? You can discuss this topic long. But medical experts argue that it is not particularly worried about the chlorination of water. Moreover, doctors assure that the chlorine brings more benefits than it is harmful, fencing people from a variety of infections. But still, it is impossible to completely exclude the consequences of regular contact with the reagent.

You may encounter the following problems:

  • harmful effect on the hair (they lose natural shine and weaken up to the fallout);
  • negative impact on the skin (dryness, irritation, itching is possible);
  • special danger to eye cornea (risk of inflammation and conjunctivitis, mucosal burn).

Before visiting the pool, you need to make sure in the absence of allergies to chlorine. If the result is positive, you do not need to risk your health, it will be wiser to refuse your venture.

If the desire to swim is still large, it is possible to admonish antihistamine drugs that need to take a certain time. At the same time, for some period, trips to the pool are possible, since you will be protected from allergic reactions. However, it is constantly undesirable to use this technique, because your own health is more important than a couple of hours of pleasure.

If you have no allergy to chlorine, then swimming in the pool is almost no longer threatened, you only need to protect your hair and skin. To do this, show shower to "dive" and after the end of the swim. Cosmetics will be useful in the form of moisturizing creams, lotions, softening body milk.

The rational option for protecting the eyes from chlorine in water will be glasses specially designed for these purposes. Lovers dive and swim underwater they are always necessary. Swimming glasses need to choose responsibly. Tightly shaped skin, frame should not have excessive pressure.

Floating in glasses, you protect your eyes from chlorine, and skin from random damage. Otherwise, the consequences may be irreparable. Swimming glasses are necessary. Savings in this case is unfounded.

How to clean the water from chlorine

There are methods of absolute removal of chlorine from tap water, as well as a significant reduction in its concentration. Which one will choose, is determined by the volume of water, the margin of time and money that you have.

This is an excellent way to purify water for drinking and watering plants, which completely removes solid particles from it. To filter a large amount of water, you can refer to the specialists to connect the reverse osmosis system with a convenient accommodation for it under the sink. It is possible to clean the entire water supplied to the building. This will make it one hundred percently clean the water from chlorine with all its derivatives. In addition, it is one of the rare effective methods for removing heavy metals.

In order for the reverse osmosis to be actually effective, you need to use a coarse filter that will not miss the dirt into the membrane. Try to change filters with the frequency that requires an instruction, because the captured filter will be harmful than useful.

A large water consumption can be found to the disadvantages of the method. In domestic systems, only 10% of the incoming water will be supplied to the output, and the rest will go into the sewer.

  • Activated and catalytic coal.

The at home filter on activated carbon reduces the proportion of pollutants and improves the taste of water. However, a longer contact with water is required to remove chlorine. Catalytic coal is a liquid type of activated, which is capable of much better to clean the water from chlorine even when quickly filtering.

If you need to filter the limited amount of water, you can consistently install two filters, achieving greater purity. Activated coal, in contrast to the previous method, does not affect the mineralization of water.

  • Chemical cleaning.

In the chlorine molecule, the chlorine atom is unstable, and therefore is dangerous for living organisms. Chloride, on the contrary, is a stable atom (for example, in a sodium salt or sodium chloride). In addition, it is necessary for plant growth.

Chemical methods of neutralization of chlorine in pipeline water turn it into chloride and other harmless third-party products. The substances that are involved in this contain sodium thiosulfate, sulfur dioxide (Cambden pills) and, imagine, vitamin C (conventional ascorbing).

Tyosulfate sodium tablets (which is used for aquariums) and Cambden Tablets (popular in private brewing) are a reliable means for the destruction of chlorine, but they are even more mineralized water enriching it sodium and sulfur molecules.

Ascorbic acid is a pretty new method. Meanwhile, it is also effective and does not affect the mineral composition of water. Being an antioxidant for a person, Vitamin C is doing the same with water.

  • Ultraviolet.

UV Rays are perfectly neutralized by chlorine, at the same time destroying microbes. Therefore, ultraviolet often plays the role of one of the initial filters in purification by reverse osmosis to protect the membranes from chlorine and bacteria.

  • Settlement.

This method is considered the most affordable and simple. There is nothing unusual in it - fill the bucket with water and leave for the night. In the morning, it is overflowing into another veduce of 2/3 of the volume of water, which can be used for drinking. And at the bottom there is a lime sediment, if we are talking about water from wells. Similarly, you can defend water water and in the apartment - overnight it will free from chlorine.

By the way, this water can be boiled for tea, and in the kettle will not be assembled. Of course, this technique has an important disadvantage - settling does not save from infections and does not remove heavy metals that are present in water.

Do you know that a 30-minute settling is almost halved reduces the content of dissolved chlorine? The advantage of the technique is the lack of financial costs. The disadvantage is that harmful chlorine compounds in the form of salts do not leave the water.

  • Water purification by ozone.

This method of purification allows you to enrich the water with oxygen. Ozone for processing is formed directly in the installation, the residual O 3 goes into oxygen. This gas binds hazardous chlorine compounds in water and turns them in suspension, detained by the filter. The advantage of the method is its environmental friendliness, reliability and simplicity.

  • Ion exchange method.

This method provides for water purification by passing it through a filter from ion exchange resins. The latter acts on the principle of replacing chlorine compounds on sodium salts. The advantage of the technique is the one hundred percent release of water from chlorine. The disadvantage is the need for constant saturation of the cartridge salts, which include sodium ions.

This is a simple type of purification of water, which is easy to spend on their own. Fill the water into an enameled ass and place in the freezer. After the half of the volume of the container knows, pull the ice, you will need it.

Consider its structure - the edges of the ice will be clean, and inside it is gathered all the dirt from which to get rid of. To this end, the middle of the ice piece water boiling water until the mud-containing part is dissolved.

As a result, these manipulations will remain an ice "bagel". It must be melt, and clean water for drinking is ready! You do not need to use fluid on the bottom, as it is saturated with heavy metals, salt and iron. The disadvantage of melt water can be considered its weak mineralization. To fix it, add there a simple mineral water at the rate of 100 ml per 1 liter of melt water.

  • Cleaning with silicon.

It has long been proven that silicon destroys many bacteria. To purify water, it is necessary to lower the mineral into it and put the container in a dark place for two days. Drain the water into clean vessel and tightly close the lid. Clean silicon water is suitable for eating and cooking.

By the way, silicon can be used repeatedly. But before this it needs to carefully inspect. If pebbles are clean, it is suitable for re-cleansing. And if a white film appeared on it, it must be cleaned. Wipe the mineral with a toothbrush and well wash.

  • Cleaning with silver.

This is not fiction - silver really cleans the water. Principle of operation is simple: Put one of the silver jewelry or a cutlery in dishes with water (spoon, plug). AG ions destroy harmful bacteria present in water. True, this method is not suitable for cleansing the key water, since silver powerless before the remnants of heavy metals.

Is it safe to boiled water

Boiling water is carried out for:

  • disinfection;
  • reduction of water rigidity;
  • elimination of impurities.

When boiling with a temperature of 100 ° C, most pathogenic microbes die, and the water is significantly cleaned.

But not everyone knows that it is necessary to observe the duration of this procedure. For high-quality cleaning, boiling time should be at least 10-15 minutes. Admit to honestly when you purposefully left the kettle on the stove for so long if you just did not forget about him?

Skip, which accumulates on the walls of the kettle and the saucepan, and there is a notorious chlorine in water plus salted salts dissolved in it.

When pouring tea (coffee), chemical compounds, which the body does not go back and put in the kidneys. Subsequently, these waste will turn into stones.

Indeed, crystallized magnesium and calcium salts reduce water rigidity. But there are advantages in it, and disadvantages. The most suitable composition and maximum benefit for the body has the water of medium hardness, balanced by content.

Many of us do not recognize the harm of boiled water and even believe that all microorganisms and harmful inclusions can be "removed" by double boiling. But after all, the experts have proven that it is unrealistic to radiate water with this method! You can only make it a little softer. And if you boil water several times, you can cause great damage to the body.

The harmfulness of boiled water confirm the following facts.

  1. When boiling, nitrates and phenols, herbicides, pesticides, petroleum products and heavy metals are not destroyed.
  2. At boiling point, the structure of chlorine-containing compounds is disturbed, which fall into the precipitate, react with other elements and form dioxins (carcinogens) and trigalometans. And this is much more dangerous than chlorine in water, since these substances are the cause of oncology! Even in small doses, global ecotoxicants can cause genetic cell changes and have a mutagenic effect on the body.
  3. With secondary boiling, scale, which is assembled on the walls of the kettle, together with water penetrates the body. Thus, harmful substances accumulate, provoking the diseases of the kidneys, heart, joints, blood and even heart attacks.

Very risk health Those who fasten the crude water in boiled and boil again. Previous water is saturated with heavy hydrogen isotopes that enter into connection with elements of raw water. The deuterium released from hydrogen when heating the deuterium tends to accumulate.

As a result, each subsequent thermal processing is increasingly "poisoning" water. After repeated boiling, it becomes dangerous for drinking. Moreover, not only the taste of water will deteriorate (the taste of metal appears), its use impairs the work of important organism systems and slows down the regeneration of tissues.

How to minimize the effects of chlorine on the body

Since the tap water is chlorized everywhere, then the problems created by this universal disinfection should be solved by the state. To date, a complete refusal to add chlorine to drink water is impossible. To do this, it will be necessary to replace all the water communications of the country and introduce expensive treatment facilities.

The introduction of this project needs large financial expenses and stretches for years. But still the first steps to the global refusal of water chlorination are already scheduled. A consumers can already take action today to protect their family from the dangerous influence of Chlorine.

Stick up a few simple tips, and you reduce the harm from the contact with the chlorine-containing water from the crane:

  • Buy a special shower nozzle filter to reduce chlorine concentration in water falling on the skin.
  • Be sure to take a shower after public swimming pools, use safety glasses during swimming.
  • Mitigating cosmetics will restore the balance of the skin after the pool or soul, removing irritation and eliminate dryness and itching.
  • Do not bathe small children in chlorinated water.

To remove chlorine from water, use the compositions listed below.

  • Lime milk. For its preparation, one part of the hazed lime is diluted with three parts of the water, they are well mixed and the resulting solution into the tank with water (by 30 liters of water is 10 kg of hydrate lime).
  • The solid soda solution (5% -ipish soda is mixed with water in a ratio 2:18 and dissolved (for example, 5 kg of soda by 95 liters of water).
  • Sodium hydroxide solution (5% caustic Natro). Dissolve alkali in the water in proportion 2:18 and carefully interfere with dissolution (for example, 5 kg of NaOH on 95 liters of water).

If the quality of water leaves much to be desired ...

The problem of dirty water in the house can be partially solved by setting a high-quality filter. But it may be gradually the need to replace components in such systems, because this directly depends on the quality of water purification to drink.

At the same time, the question remains unresolved: how to achieve the best quality water in our workplace or in a child at school? The decision will buy water with delivery.

The company "Iceberg" offers favorable conditions for servicing its customers:

  • Free shipping water to the house or office: Buyers pay only the cost of goods;
  • Wells, of which our water is gained, have documents of registration in the State Water Cadastre of the Russian Federation.
  • For mining and bottling water uses advanced technologies, which helps to maintain and multiply its quality and natural purity.
  • We also implement modern water coolers and other equipment made by famous European brands, taking into account existing quality standards. The size of the pumps and racks for bottles vary, allowing you to install appliances even in small rooms.
  • Delivery of drinking water to the house or office is carried out at the minimum price thanks to the permanent shares from our company.
  • Together with water, you can purchase disposable dishes, tea, coffee and other products.

Clean water is value, but it should not be on gold weight. Our mission is to provide every home and workplace with high-quality drinking water, so we have prepared the most favorable conditions for our customers.

Infections in water - a problem that has long remained intractable, while at the beginning of the 19th century did not come up with an effective way to disinfect water. As a disinfectant agent, chlorine was used, which to this day is a fairly convenient and cheap way to disinfect the tap water. So, after chlorination, water becomes more or less clean from microorganisms, which allows a person not to worry about possible negative consequences.

However, having solved the problem with pathogenic bacteria, we encountered another more dangerous reality. As is known, chlorine is an unsafe substance, and when entering the body can provoke the development of many pathological processes.

Infections in the pool - true or fiction?

They chloride not only tap water, but also water in the pools. It should be said that to disinfect in public pools relate to special severity, because, if this is not done, you can easily pick up some kind of infection. Then, if water is chlorinated in the pools, then it can harm us, because we do not drink it.

What can be infected in the pool?

Of course, it is not a fact that it is from you that you will have these diseases, but warned - it means armed. Iphic diseases and ways of infection with them when visiting the pool:

Warts - This is viral, mainly benign in the form of a node. After classes in the pool, they can be quite formed. If you are disturbed by the skin, then you can get infected not only when contacting the sick person and the items that he used, but also coming to the place where he stood. The risk of infection increases with a decrease in immunity and severe legs.

Nail fungus (onichomicosis) - Very frequently found disease, difficult to treatment and repeatedly appearing again. In most cases, it is legs and stop. Pick up the fungus in the pool is difficult. But about him it is very possible. To avoid this, be sure to wear in the pool and souls slippers.

Hepatitis A - This is an infectious acute liver disease caused by the hepatitis A. virus it can be transmitted through food and water that are infected with the virus. In the pools in which there are violations of sanitary standards, and in those where water is poorly proceeds, it is possible to get infection. Since the hepatitis A virus is settled in polluted water, in no case do not allow it to penetrate your mouth when diving.

Bacterial dysentery - This is an acute infectious disease. The source of infection is a sick person, as well as microbial pollution of products and water. Therefore, it is necessary to keep in mind that infection can occur when the water in the pools in the mouth is hooked. This disease is manifested by the following symptoms: nausea, heat, vomiting, diarrhea and cramps.

Giardiasis - This infection occurs mainly with the damage to the small intestine and allergic reactions. Although a source of infection can be a man, soil, products infected with cysts giardia, nevertheless giardia is considered a disease of dirty water. This disease can be infected through the pools, as well as in the fall of polluted water into your body.

Infectious conjunctivitis - It causes swelling of the mucous membrane of the eye, which in turn disrupts the nutrition of the cornea, causing her defeat. Bacterial conjunctivitis occurs if the water in the pool is not cleaned enough. Therefore, always watch the water in which you float, it was not muddy.

How to choose a pool during pregnancy?

When pregnancy, when many loads are contraindicated and physical activity, you need to choose with caution, the pool is one of the few options to actively move with health benefits. But, in the first pool, the pool is better not to go.

I will choose a place where high-quality chlorination and there will be no danger to the health of mom and baby. And better, the so-called "specialized version" - group classes for young mothers.

The pool is preferable to running or sea water. At the courses or in the pool you will require a certificate from the doctor - to take this with understanding.

Choosing an instructor, pay attention to how it leads classes. If the instructor only distributes general commands, almost without looking, as they are executed - this is not the best option. A good instructor will try to pick an individual program for each future mother and will surely make how correctly you will perform this or that exercise.

  • very strong toxicosis (which is accompanied by indomitable vomiting);
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • systematic grapple-shaped pain after classes;
  • preeclampsia;
  • eclampsia;
  • tuberculosis in the aggravation stage;
  • blood system diseases;
  • chronic appendicitis;
  • diseases in the acute period;
  • infectious diseases.

Personal hygiene rules in the pool

Infectious diseases can be avoided by adhering to lungs, and then visits to the pool will only benefit you and health:

Wearing slippers in the pool- All microbes are usually located on the tile at the water, as well as in shower cabins, so to avoid fungi, it is better to always have rubber shoes with you. From the room in which you undress, and the water needs to go in slippers or slippers that best bring from home.

Rinsing in the soul- Before entering the pool, even if you wash your own bath before going out of the house.

Proper clothes - Visit the pool in sports closed swimsuits, rubber caps, and for diving, always take special glasses.

Bring your towel - In the pool, you will definitely offer it, but there are no guarantees that after the next use it has been washing with sufficient disinfection. People's sick mushrooms have a feature usually survive with a simple wash, but also they move to nearby towels.

After classes, always take a shower- Especially thoroughly rinse all the skin folds and gaps between the fingers, especially the legs.

Verified places - Visit closed pools, and only with good disinfection.

Chlorine, you can say already a permanent companion of our daily life. Rarely in which house there will be no household products based on the disinfecting effect of this element. But at the same time, it is very dangerous for a person! Chlorine can penetrate the body through the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, digestive paths, skin cover. You can choose at home and on holiday - in many pools, water parks it is the main means of water purification. The influence of chlorine on the human body sharply negative, it can cause serious dysfunctions and even death. Therefore, everyone needs to be aware of the symptoms of poisoning, first aid methods.

Chlorine - what is this substance

Chlorine is a gaseous element of yellowish color. It has a sharp specific smell - in a gaseous form, as well as in chemical forms, which implies its active condition, is dangerous, toxic to humans.

Chlorine is 2.5 times heavier than air, so when leucing will be made to ravine, the spaces of the first floors, by the floor of the room. If you inhalation, the victim can develop one of the forms of poisoning. We will talk about it further.

Symptoms of poisoning

Both long-term inhalation of vapors and other effects of the substance are very dangerous. Since it is actively, the influence of chlorine on the human body is manifested quickly. The toxic element is more affecting the eyes, mucous and skin.

Poisoning can be both acute and chronic. However, in any case, when untreated assistance faces a fatal outcome!

Symptoms in poisoning chlorine couples can be different - depending on the specifics of the case, the duration of exposure and other factors. For convenience, we distinguished signs in the table.

Degree of poisoning Symptomatics
Easy. The safest - passes on its own, on average, for three days. Irritation, redness of mucous membranes, skin.
Average. Medical care and comprehensive treatment are required! Violation of heart rhythm, suffocation, chest pain, air shortage, abundant tearing, dry cough, burning sensation on mucous membranes. The most dangerous symptom-consequence is the swelling of the lungs.
Heavy. We need resuscitation measures - the fatal outcome may occur in 5-30 minutes! Dizziness, thirst, cramps, loss of consciousness.
Lightning. Unfortunately, in most cases, help is useless - death comes almost instantly Cramps, swollen veins on the face and neck, breaking disruption, stopping heartbeat.
Chronic. The consequence of frequent work with the substance that contains chlorine. Cough, convulsions, chronic diseases of the respiratory system, frequent headaches, depression, apathy, frequent cases of loss of consciousness.

Such is the effect of chlorine on the human body. Let's talk about where you can choose to be poisonous couples and how to provide first assistance in this case.

Poisoning at work

Gas chlorine is used in many industries. You may well get a chronic form of poisoning, if you work in the following industries:

  • Chemical industry.
  • Textile factory.
  • Pharmaceutical industry.

Recovery on vacation

Although many people know about the influence of chlorine on the human body (of course, in large volumes), not in all saunas, pools, entertainment water complexes are strictly followed using such a budget disinfectant. But his dosage is very easy to accidentally exceed. Hence the chlorine poisoning of visitors who happens in our time quite often.

How to notice that in your visit a dose of element in the water of the pool exceeded? Very simple - you will feel a strong specific smell of substance.

What happens if you often visit the pool, where you violate the instructions for the use of "des-chlorine"? Visitors should alert permanent dry skin, nail fragility and hair. In addition, it hosted in highly chlorinated water, you risk obtaining easy poisoning with an element. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • cough;
  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • in rare cases there is inflammation of the lungs.

House poisoning

The poisoning may threate your home and at home, if you have violated the instructions for the use of Dz-Chlorine. Also often occurs a chronic form of poisoning. It develops if the housewife often uses the following means to guide purity:

  • Bleach.
  • Preparations designed to combat mold.
  • Tablets, detergent liquids, as part of which is this item.
  • Powders, solutions for general disinfection of the room.

Consequences of the effects of chlorine on the body

The constant impact of even small doses of chlorine (aggregate state can be any) on the human body threatens for people as follows:

  • Pharyngitis.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Bronchitis (in acute or chronic form).
  • Various skin diseases.
  • Schimorite.
  • Pneumosclerosis.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Worsening vision.

If you have noticed one of the ailments listed above, provided that constantly or once (cases of visits to the pool here also applies to) were influenced by chlorine vapors, then this is a reason for the speedy contact of the specialist! The doctor will appoint a comprehensive diagnosis to study the nature of the disease. Having studied her results, then he prescribes treatment.

First aid for poisoning

Chlorine - gas, inhaling which is very dangerous, especially in large volumes! With the average, heavy form of poisoning, the victim must be immediately provided:

  1. In whatever condition a person is not a panic. You should first take yourself in hand, and then calm it.
  2. Display the victim to fresh air or in a ventilated room where there are no chlorine vapors.
  3. As soon as possible, call ambulance.
  4. Take care so that the person is warm and comfortable - cover it with a blanket, blanket or sheet.
  5. Make it easy and freely breathe - remove close clothes, decorations from the neck.

Medical assistance in poisoning

Before the arrival of the ambulance brigade, you can independently help the victim using a number of household and drugs:

  • Prepare a 2% solution of food soda. This liquid rinse the injury, nose, oral cavity.
  • Drink him in vaseline or olive oil.
  • If a person complains about pain, in the eyes, then in this case there will be a 0.5% solution of dicaine. For each eye 2-3 droplets.
  • Prevention also impose an eye ointment - syntomic acid (0.5%), sulfanyl (10%).
  • Albucid (30%), zinc sulfate solution (0.1%) can be used as replacement of the eye ointment. These drugs bury the victim twice a day.
  • Intramuscular, intravenous injection injection. "Prednisolone" - 60 mg (intravenous or intramuscularly), "hydrocortisone" - 125 mg (intramuscularly).


Knowing how dangerous chlorine, which substance has an action on the human body, it is best to take care of the reduction or exclusion of its negative impact on his body. It is possible to achieve this in the following ways:

  • Compliance with sanitary standards in the workplace.
  • Regular passage of medical examinations.
  • The use of protective equipment when working with chlorine-containing drugs at home or at work is the same respirator, dense protective rubber gloves.
  • Compliance with safety instructions when working with a substance in an industrial environment.

Working with chlorine always requires caution both on industrial scales and in domestic ones. You know how to diagnose signs of substance poisoning. Help the victim need to be immediately appropriate!

Discussion of the topic than the harmful chlorine is worth starting with clarifying that, in fact, it is. Chlorine is a chemical element that is very much in nature. People have long discovered chlorine and most often use it for the purposes of disinfection. Unfortunately, chlorine toxicity potential is not limited to fighting mold and fungi, and actually the harmful properties of chlorine can really be associated with a serious danger to human health.

What is chlorine: common facts

Chlorine is a chemical used in industry and in domestic cleaning products. At room temperature, chlorine is a yellow-green gas with a sharp, irritant odor, similar to the smell of bleach. As a rule, chlorine is stored under pressure and cooling and shipped in the form of liquid amber color. Chlorine itself is not very fuel, but in combination with other substances, forms explosive connections.

Using chlorine

Chlorine has many applications. It is used for disinfection of water and is part of the sanitation process for wastewater and industrial waste. In the production of paper and tissue, chlorine is used as a whitening agent. It is also used in detergents, including both household bleach, which is chlorine dissolved in water. Chlorine is used to prepare chlorides, chlorinated solvents, pesticides, polymers, synthetic rubbers, and refrigerants.

Than chlorine is dangerous for people

Because of its widespread use in industrial and commercial premises, the effects of chlorine can occur from random spill or emission, or conscious action. The most harmful effects of chlorine from inhalation of gaseous chlorine. Problems can also arise from skin or eye contact with chlorine gaseous or after swallowing food or water with chlorine.

Gaseous chlorine is heavier than air and originally remains in lowlands, if the wind or other conditions do not contribute to the air movement.

Than harmful chlorine: what happens to chlorine in the body

When chlorine enters the body as a result of breathing, swallowing, or when contact with the skin, it reacts with water to form acids. Acids contribute to corrosion and damage to the cells in the body upon contact.

Harbor harm: the coming consequences for the health of the impact of chlorine

Most of the harmful effects of chlorine are the result of inhalation. Health consequences, as a rule, begin within a few seconds to minutes. After exposure to chlorine, the most common symptoms are noted:

  • Respiratory irritation
  • Wheezing
  • Labored breathing
  • Pain Horla
  • Cough
  • Streking in the chest
  • Eye irritation
  • Skin irritation

The severity of health consequences depends on the method of exposure, dose and duration of the effect of chlorine. Inhalation of a large amount of chlorine causes the accumulation of fluid in the lungs, a state known as swelling of the lungs. The development of pulmonary edema can be postponed several hours after the exposure of chlorine. Contact with compressed liquid chlorine can lead to frostbite of the skin and eyes.

What if you were exposed to chlorine

If you have already encountered chlorine secretions, follow these steps:

How is chlorine poisoning

To limit health effects from the effects of chlorine, rinse your eyes and skin as quickly as possible with large volumes of water.

Modern medicine does not know the antidote during chlorine poisoning, but chlorine effects are treatable, and most people after chlorine poisoning, recover. People who experience serious health effects (for example, heavy forms of eye irritation and respiratory tract, a very strong cough, difficulty breathing, pulmonary edema) may need inpatient treatment.

Laboratory tests for making a decision on treatment if someone is exposed to chlorine

Laboratory tests on the effect of chlorine will not be useful in making decisions on treatment. A person who is exposed to the harmful amount of chlorine will notice immediately due to the unpleasant odor and skin problems, eyes, nose and / or irritation of the throat. Thus, the diagnosis and treatment of chlorine poisoning will primarily be based on the history of the patient's disease and the effects of health chlorine.

Chlorine harm as a disinfectant

Chlorine is contained in many household cleaners, it is used as a fumigant, and since it prevents the growth of bacteria, such as e. Wand and giardia, then often added to the water systems as a disinfectant. While disinfection of drinking water is the necessary measure to reduce diseases, chlorine security problems are associated with some serious adverse health effects, including dementia in elderly patients.

Why can I choose Chloka in the pool?

Water swimming pools should be cleaned with some means to prevent contamination and bacterial growth. Chlorine is not the safest method, but probably the most common. Remember that chlorine is poison. Dilute it enough so that it is strong enough, but not so much to kill a person.

Some studies confirms that long-term swimming in chlorinated basins can cause asthma symptoms at swimmers. This may affect athletes who were previously healthy, especially for adolescents. In addition, there is a hypothesis that eye irritation and skin in swimmers are also associated with chlorine.
By the way, scientists of the College of Dentistry of the New York University revealed that chlorinated water adversely affects dental enamel.

Than chlorine is dangerous at home

Millions of accidents and injuries occur every year in residential premises and many of them are affected by the effects of toxic chemicals, in particular in the bleach. Its composition can produce chlorine gaseous, which annoys the respiratory system when inhaled. If you have ever used a chlorine to clean the bath in a closed space, you probably experienced a chlorine burn. Remember that chlorine is sufficient toxic to be considered a real chemical weapon and is classified as a respiratory stop agent. Inhalation of chlorine can cause difficulty breathing, chest pain, cough, eye irritation, heart rate, rapid breathing and even death. Long snuff bleach or cleaning agent will be very traumatic experience. By the way, chlorine poisoning has repetitive symptoms.

How to protect yourself from the effects of chlorine

  1. Try to reduce the risks of the effect of chlorine. If you have a swimming pool, avoid products containing chlorine. There are alternative methods that can be used to disinfect water, including with silver ions, copper generators and salted water.
  2. To protect yourself in chlorinated pools, put the mask to protect your eyes, and after swimming, leave the pool and breathe fresh air to get rid of gas from your "system". Shower quickly and carefully mock chlorine with your skin.
  3. Sun cream will not protect you from the effects of chlorine. Choose public pools, which are not cleaned by chlorine, but more modern and safe disinfection methods. Many use a silver and copper ion generator.
  4. Avoid home cleaning products containing chlorine. There are natural and organic alternatives. You can even make your own.
  5. One of the most significant events that can be taken to always drink purified water is to solve the issue of installing water purification system for your home. This will help reduce the number of toxins before water even go into the crane.

Disclaimer: the information presented in this article about the harm of the chlorine is intended only to inform the reader. It can not be a replacement for consultation by a professional medical worker.