How to calculate gross collection. Gross grain production and its distribution structure. What is yield

20.05.2021 Popular treatment
Product type, culture Area, G. Yield, c / ha Gross Collection, C
Grain: Winter wheat barley grainbobov
Total grains
Feed beet
Hay: natural hayfosses of improved hayflower perennial herbs
Total hay
Senage: Perennial herbs annual herbs
Total Senaga
Seeds of perennial herbs
Straw: winter grain tark grain seeds of perennial herbs
Total feed straw
Silo: Corn Other Cultures
Total silo
Green mass: perennial herbs annual herbs
Green Pasture Mass: Natural Cultural
Total green mass

P rometer.Green mass yield: Silo - 75%, Senge - 55%.

The number of specific types of feed is calculated in two stages. Initially, the number of feed units of feed, taking into account the specific weight of this type of feed in the total amount of the need. For example, if the overall need for all types of feed on the production of milk production installed in the project is 56,500 c food, units, and the proportion of the hay in the structure of the diet is 12%, then it will be 6780 C feeds. units. (56500 x 12: 100). Then the total number of feed units of each particular feed for all groups of animals is determined (line 9 tab.15), which is translated into a natural calculus by dividing it to the nutritional value of the feed. If the overall need coming to the share of hay is 8800 tred food, units, and the nutritional value of 1t - 0.46 C feeds, units, then the amount of this feed in natural terms will be equal to 19330 C (8800 C feed, un.: 0.46 C feed. Units).

When determining the need for a litter, they proceed from the following standards of consumption for 1 animal head (C): Bulls-manufacturers - 5, cows -5, young cattle - 4, whiffs-manufacturers - 4, sows - 5, young pigs - 2 .

The sizes of the feed fund are created depending on the type of feed and the working conditions of the enterprise. The insurance fund of concentrates is set in the amount of 8.3 annual needs (monthly need).

Enterprises consuming in significant quantities of purchase of feeds, the concentrate funds do not create. When creating the Sena Insurance Foundation, Senge Silos is limited to the limits of 10-15% of the overall need.

The number of cattle feeds, which is in personal use is not normalized and is established on the basis of their enterprise capabilities. These data can be determined by the reporting or planned materials of the enterprise.

The overall need for feed, calculated on line 14 Table. 15 is reflected in Table 16 (Count 5). At the same time, the lines "total" are filled in groups of feed groups, then those sources whose areas cannot be changed (Senokos, pastures) in the size of the gross fees for a minus loss and, finally, the missing feed volumes are written to sowing herbs ( Perennial, annuals), in cases of lack or excess feed can be corrected. For example, if the entire green feed is required 155810 c, and natural and cultural pastures minus losses are given, respectively, 2679 and 72191 C, then the remaining part (80940 C) is recorded on the line of annual herbs, according to which the sowing area should be adjusted to achieve the balance of this species. stern. Similarly, this issue is solved by coarse feed, in particular, in Seine.

The size of consumption of products on other channels (issuance and selling employees of the enterprise in the order of remuneration, consumption for public catering, other need) is determined by each enterprise independently. In the course work, this data is established on the basis of reporting over the last year or planned materials for the coming year.

Product loss during storage may be normalized. Thes of them are determined by a pre-established ratio of losses and gross collection, expressed as a percentage: Feed root roots - 15, potatoes - 10, hay - 15, Senge and Silo - 10, green feed - 5, feed and underlining straw - 5, seeds of perennial herbs - 3.

Table 15.

Calculation of food needs

No. p / p Group of animals Livestock, gross products The need for feeds on 1 head of livestock, c.K. Irm.edinits The need for feeds on the entire livestock, Ts.Kor.edinits
1. Bulls manufacturers, goal
2. Cows (milk herd), c
3. Molten cattle, growth
4. Khryaki - manufacturers, goal
5. Sows (with piglets up to 2 months), goal
6. Young pigs and pigs on fattening, circulation
7. Horses workers, goal
8. Young workers horses, goal
9. Results are required feed, C feedback. units. H. H.
10. Nutritional value of feed, food. units / c H. H. H.
11. The need for feeds in physical calculation, C H. H. H.
12. Insurance Fund:% C H. H. H.
13. In addition, for livestock in personal property H. H. H.
14. The need for feed - total, C (11 + 12 + 13) H. H. H.

1 According to groups of animals, giving products (2, 3 and 6th groups), the amount of products in centners, in groups of animals, not giving products, is the livestock. And products, and the livestock justifies the prospect of the student.

2 Curvage rate of feed on productive animals are installed in the food. units. On 1 C products, according to an unproductive animal - in C feedback. units. on 1 head.

3 at an annual fish for 1 cow equal to 3800 kg.

Deciding all channel consumption channels, its overall need is compared with gross harvest, excess and disadvantages of individual types of products are detected in Table 16.

The excess and insufficient amount of products by dividing it on the design yield is translated according to excess and insufficient areas (Table 17), as a result of which the following respectively solved situations may occur.

1. The sum of the areas of cultures, the products of which are not enough, equal to the sum of the areas of cultures whose products are in excess. In this case, a simple arithmetic refinement is made, that is, the corresponding increase in either a decrease.

2. The sum of the areas of cultures, the products of which are not enough, less than the sum of the areas of cultures whose products are in excess. This situation forms a reserve of sown area. The solution to the question of which products should be made additionally on this area and in which amount is determined by the specialization of the enterprise, other factors and conditions. Enterprises buying or receiving concentrated feed in order, it is advisable to use this area for additional grain production; The increase in crops of industrial crops is advisable in areas of their cultivation; In the farms of the livestock direction, it is possible to expand the crops of feed crops in order to increase the level of animal feeding, increasing their livestock and the volume of production of livestock production.

3. The sum of the areas of cultures, the products of which are not enough, more than the amount of culture areas, the products of which are in excess. In this situation, a general drawback of the sowing area is formed; It is necessary to provide solutions that allow you to increase the yield of gross products. Sowing areas can be expanded by introducing repeated or promotional crops to the crop rotations, involvement in the agricultural turnover of the additional area of \u200b\u200bnon-agricultural land (shrubs, etc.), revising the transformation of land and the necessary additional measures to develop new lands; increase yields, providing additional agrotechnical activities; Change the structure of crops in order to increase the crops of the most damned interchangeable crops. If these measures are insufficient, a certain reduction in the need for products should be provided.

Table 16 Mapping gross collection of crop production and need for it, c

Types of products Gross collection Channels consumption Result
Sale by the state in the market Change with insurance funds Feed with insurance fund and personal cattle Enterprises and food Losses TOTAL Excess Disadvantage
Grain - total
In all.: Wheat Wheat
Torny barley
Vico mix
Purchased feeding
Total concentrators
Feed beet
Natural Senokosov
Improved hayfields
Perennial herbs
Senag perennial herbs - Total
winter grains
Skin grain
Green mass:
Natural pastures
Cultural pastures
Perennial herbs
annual herbs

Including by types of feed: concentrates, hay, siene, straw, silo, root, green food,
Concentrates Senage straw straw silage Cornploda Green feed
Share in the diet,% C feedback. units. Share in the diet,% C feedback. units. Share in the diet,% C feedback. units. Share in the diet,% C feedback. units. Share in the diet,% C feedback. units. Share in the diet,% C feedback. units. Share in the diet,% C feedback. units. on 1 head

Table 17.

Calculation of seeds on products in excess and disadvantage


a) the amount of products and the yield of crops on the silage and the Senage must be taken into account in the green mass;

b) crop yields, the products of which are used for seeds (grain, potatoes, etc.) is taken out by deduction of the seeding norms and the insurance seed fund.

The final data characterizing the sown areas and their structure is made in Table 18.

Table 18.

Size and structure of sowing

Specialized vocabulary is used for settlement and calculations in the agricultural industry. Its value may sometimes be unavailable to a person who does not carry out activities in this sector and are not interested in any way. Especially difficult to understand the definition associated with the calculations of the volumes of manufactured products. So, for example, some explanations require the term "gross collection of products". He seems simple at first glance, but actually hides the difficulties of calculation and definition.

Decoding the concept of "gross"

In itself, this word is found everywhere in economic science and practice. It appears in such a most important macroeconomic indicator as GDP (gross domestic product), GNP and VRP - national and regional varieties. In itself, the word can be explained as a totality of anything, total amount, mass, volume. This may be an action performed by a group, some set. For example, gross span cranes, that is, the aggregate of the cranes. If you see a list of synonyms for this concept, you can find the following words: mass, solid, general and others in the same vein.

In the economy, this term is used to designate income from the sale of goods and services, for the characteristic of the general collection of products, for example, the collection of vegetables or fruits. The concept of income should not be confused with the concept of profit, since the key line of income is the absence of any deductions from the total amount during calculations. If the term gross is used together with the concept of collecting, then most often a similar combination can be seen in the agricultural industry. In this case, the gross collection is the characteristic, or rather the measure of the harvest with all the sowing square.

Agricultural crops

Sometimes the term is used abbreviated as abbreviation SSC. This definition means the cumulative volume of cultivated plants collected from sowing fields. And with crops and basic, and intermediate. It can be a calculation as in individual cultures (for example, potatoes, wheat, rye, etc.) and by whole groups of crops (feed, grain, vegetable, fruit, etc.).

As for the settlement of the entire country, they are divided into two categories: to the agricultural agricultural and separate in agricultural crops on all categories of agricultural crops on all categories of agricultural crops. Separate subjects (farms, organizations) are eventually calculated within the framework of the administrative regions of the edges and regions. As for the measurement values, units of mass are used as them - from kilograms to tons.

This is a concept that can be expressed in different ways. It is also sometimes called actual fees. Weighing is carried out during the harvest period, and after all the sowns were collected from the fields. A rather long period of time The actual collection was characterized by bunker weight. Its distinctive feature is the weighing of the harvested harvest along with weeds, crude land, unreleased moisture. Until 1990, the bunker weight was the most important crop. After him, a weight indicator comes to shift, which eliminates the presence of moisture, earth, dirt and other elements that are not directly related to products. Then this volume is 10% less than primary collection.

Harvest and gross collection

In essence, this is the same thing, they are synonymous to each other. But only with some reservations. The fact is that in agriculture there are several types of harvest. In addition to the actual, which is mentioned above, which will be gross collection, distinguish three more types of crops:

  • Species. He, in contrast to the actual, is the expected harvest. On the data obtained in the analysis of the potential harvest, it is built in the future collection tactics and management decisions are accepted. As the main method of mining information about the possible future level of products, the imposition of a rover or simply determining the eye is used. To determine the visa harvest, the state of germination, their density and appearance are also important.

  • Vintage on the root. In fact, this is the same as a species harvest. That is, it is measured and it is calculated on the same technique. The only and key difference is that the harvest of the root is already grown, but not yet obtained harvest. The gross collection is the previous step.
  • Clean. This is a final level of harvest. After cleansing from any foreign objects, the share of seeds, which is necessary for future crops, is also deducted from it. For example, if wheat bunker was 308 thousand tons, then a pure harvest, taking into account the deduction of garbage, moisture and part of the seeds for further work will be only 208 thousand tons.


The yield and gross collection are interacting phenomena and complementary concepts. The first is an agricultural indicator, which speaks of the average collection of cultivated plants with a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe square. It can be calculated from 1 m 2, with 1 weaving or 1 hectare.

Each type of harvest, from the species and to clean, you can pick up your yield indicators. They are calculated in different ways for one specific culture (individual) and for a group of cultures (average). These individual and average indicators are extremely important in that they show the degree of efficiency of use of agricultural land.

How to calculate gross collection?

Calculate the actual harvest is very simple. To do this, you only need to multiply the area of \u200b\u200ball sowing from which products are collected, an index of yield. As part of the calculation of gross collection, it is difficult to determine the numerical indicator of yield. In this case, the average yield is described above.

It can be found according to the following formula of an average arithmetic suspension:

In it, the letter S is an area on which crops grow, and y is an individual yield rate.

General conclusion

What does gross collection mean in the framework of economic science? First of all, it is one of the fundamental concepts in agriculture. It denotes the cumulative collection of products from the entire area of \u200b\u200bcrops. The concept as "gross collection" and "harvest" are synonymous with each other. Also in practice, they often bear the name of the actual harvest. His distinguishing feature is the calculation of the entire volume of products collected without deducting seeds for further sowing. If this deduction was produced, the actual harvest flows into the "clean" variety. Calculate gross collection is not difficult: you need to multiply the area of \u200b\u200bcrops on the middle yield.

The volume of produced (real-collected) products on the entire area of \u200b\u200bsowing. S.-H. cultures. It is calculated on the Depth. Cultures (cotton, potatoes, sah. Swimmed, sunflower, etc.) or dep. Groups of crops (legumes, grain and leguminous, vegetable, messenger, feed root roots, etc.). Statistical authorities take into account the size of V. p. from. k. In general, in all categories of X-B and separately on collective farms, state farms, subsidiary, etc. H-You, in the predimental sites of all groups of the population in the scale of the republics, Kralev, regions and the USSR as a whole, and on collective farms and state farms - also for each administrative district.

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The requirement for the quality of seeds of the main cultures cultivated in the Vologda region is shown in Table 1.4.

Table 1.4.

Sowing seeds

3.2. And the selection of machinery and equipment

3.2.1. And the gross collection of grain (seeds) and the necessary bandwidth of ZOS

Gross grain harvest is determined by the formula:

where GB is gross grain collection, t;

F - the maximum possible sowing area of \u200b\u200bgrain, ha;

Y - the maximum possible scheduled yield of grain, t / ha;

GB \u003d 1000 * 25 \u003d 2500 t

To calculate the number of grain verys to be treated at the point, it is necessary to take into account the original (initial) moisture content of the grain and the relative content of it in the beats coming from the combines.

When calculating the average initial moisture and the average relative content of grain in the pile of all crops, the total weight of the grain mustache to be processed at the point will be:

PZV \u003d (100-WC) * ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ (1.2)

(100-WPC) * LSR

where the PZV is the total mass of the grain mustache to be processed

at paragraph, t;

WC-conventional humidity,%; Wq \u003d 14%;

GB - planned gross harvest grain of conditioned humidity

for the period of cleaning, t;

WWSR - the average initial moisture content of the grain mustache for the period

cleaning,%; WWSR \u003d 26%;

l Wed - the average relative grain content in the pile

for the period of cleaning; L \u003d 0.9.

JV \u003d 86 * 37,5 \u003d 3225 t

Operating experience in the farms of the Vologda region shows that the calculation of the necessary productivity of the point, the number of machinery and equipment should be carried out on the maximum possible daily flow of the grain very.

The maximum possible daily arrival of the grain mustache or the necessary daily productivity of the point is determined by the formula: PZV * KSUT

Max \u003d ¾¾¾¾¾¾ (1.3)

where the max Max is the necessary daily performance of the point, T / day;

KSUT - the coefficient of daily unevenness of the receipt of grain

voroch; Ksut \u003d 1.5 ... 2.0; we accept ksut \u003d 1.5;

T is the duration of the cleaning period, days.

According to the norms of technological design for the conditions of the North NZ of Russia, T \u003d 20 ... 25 days.

Max \u003d 4837.5 / 25 \u003d 193.5 t / day

The maximum possible hour arrival of the grain very:

Max * kch

GC MAX \u003d ¾¾¾¾¾¾ (1.4)

where GC Max is the maximum possible hours of grain

voroha, t / h;

KC - the coefficient of the clock unevenness of the receipt of grain

voroch, kch \u003d 1,2 ... 2.0; accept KC \u003d 1.2;

tK - the duration of the work of combines per day, calculated

the value of TK for the conditions of the North NZ of Russia is 10 hours.

GC Max \u003d 193,5 * 1.2 / 10 \u003d 23.22 t / h

3.2.2. Current machine performance

and equipment

The main unit that determines the bandwidth of the ZOS, and which to a certain extent affects the choice of other machines and equipment, is a dryer.

To ensure continuous reception of the entire mass of the grain very, entering the Zosp during the day, it is necessary that the total capacity of the receiving bunkers with euro-ellobes and the bins of active ventilation for temporary storage of seeds before drying was equally magnitude of the maximum daily flow of the beam on the Zosp (Max Max).

The capacity of the receiving bunkers with aeroblobes should be at least 0.5 rout MAX (T or M3).

The capacity of bunkers is determined by the formula:

V \u003d 0.5 ¾¾¾¾¾ (1.5)

where V is the capacity of bunkers, m3;

r is the calculated density of the grain very, t / m3; For Voroha

wheat, rye, barley r \u003d 0.7 ... 0.8 t / m3; For oats R \u003d 0.45 ... 0.5 t / m3.

V \u003d 0.5 * 193.5 / 0.6 \u003d 161.25 m3;

In the absence of adopted bunkers with aeroblobes, the capacity of the bins of active ventilation for temporary storage of seeds before drying should be no less than the Max. In such cases, the capacity of the receiving hopper (fusion pit) should be at least the magnitude of the maximum hourly receipt of the grain mustache (GC MAX).

The total capacity of receiving bunkers and bins of active grain ventilation before drying can be taken equal to half of its daily arrival on the Zosp (0.5GSUT MAX).

In such cases, with a forced time stop of the machines and equipment of the Zosp (breakage, turning off electricity, etc.), there will have to stop the work of combines in the field.

We accept the total required capacity of bunkers with aeroops and bunkers of active ventilation before drying the maximum possible daily arrival of the grain very gas Max,

those. VSUM \u003d 322.5 m3.

The required productivity of machines for pre-purification of grain (soap-inchors) in the presence of receiving bunkers with aeroblobami can be calculated by the formula:

QПР.O \u003d ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ (1.6)

t * T * KE * KP

where qpr.o - the required performance of steam chops, t / h;

t - the duration of the work of the groovers per day, h;

when working in two shifts - T \u003d 20 hours;

t - Weighted Wighted Working Coefficient

machine time; t \u003d 0.95;

cE - equivalence ratio, taking into account the change

performance of the grain cleaning machine when cleaning

grains of various cultures; Ke \u003d 0.8;

kP - coefficient taking into account the decline in productivity

machines compared to passport depending on humidity

and grain tornness coming to the preliminary

The total sowing area, as well as the distribution of sowing areas for cultures for the estimated and reporting year, is determined by the areas of the area of \u200b\u200bthe station of the specified density of crops, the structures of the sowing space, the growth of sowing areas for the settlement year.

The total sown area is determined by the formula:

, (5) N is sowing density for the reporting year.

Sowing area is determined by:

, (6) - the proportion of agricultural culture.

For the estimated period, taking into account the growth of sowing areas:

, (7)

Gross collection of C / X culture in the settlement year is determined:

, (8) - yield J H / X culture.

Table 4. Distribution of sowing areas for crops on calculation. Time

Art. Indicators Dates, year All sowing square, thousand ha C / x Culture
Grain Food Grain fodder potatoes The rest of the culture
BUT Reporting 46,7 - - - -
Specific weight of cultures,% Reporting 100%
Reporting - 19,6 10,3 2,3 14,5
Calculated 50,1 20,8 11,5 2,4 15,4
B. General Sowing Square, Thr.Ga Reporting 71,0 - - - -
Specific weight of cultures,% Reporting 100%
Sowing crops, thousand ha Reporting - 29,8 15,6 3,5 22,0
The percentage of the growth of the sowing space for the calculation year,% -
Sowing area with increasing growth, thousand g Calculated 76,1 31,6 17,5 3,7 23,3

Having calculated the sowing area of \u200b\u200bcultures and the yield of them for the estimated year it is possible to calculate gross fees of agricultural products.

Gross collection is defined as a product of the seed area on yield.

Table 5. Gross Cultures for Estimated Year

The need for agricultural crops for the needs of the population for the settlement year

Table 6. The need for C / x cultures for the needs of the population on year

Need \u003d number * norm