Montae: Briefly about the philosopher: Montaen's experiments. Michelle Montaen Experienced Montaen Experiments

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Experiments Michelle Monten

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Title: Experience

About the book "Experiments" Michelle Monta

French philosopher Michel Montana about ten years has spent on writing a collection of reflection, published entitled "Experiments". For the most part, the book is a collection of a quotation of antique wise men framed by the author's fabrications on the themes that exciting it.

Treatise "Experiments" is divided into chapters. Each section is dedicated to one topic - friendship, fear, glory, repentance, so on. In chapters, the author sets out his vision of the issue, which is applied as a confirmation of the saying of the ancient philosophers.

Michel Montagus serves Materially, it feels that he had to postpone the work aside and occasionally return to him to finish a couple of new thoughts. Ideas are often worn out the opposite character.

The affected vice can condemn, and after a couple of pages are extolled. The change in opinion is always reinforced by the quotes of the Great. Michelle Montae is looking for and safely finds support for his words in the ancient philosophical treatises.

"Experiments" once again prove that human nature does not change in centuries. Progress walks with seven-world steps, and philosophical thoughts are imperishable and unchanged. Thinkers with a two-thousandst history and ideas of Montenen who lived in the Renaissance era are echoing with the worldview of a modern person.

"Experiments" Montutenya is mostly devoted to the internal problems of the author. The reading of the book causes the effect of the presence of a pleasant interlocutor who has emerged from the depths of the centuries and has been near the reader in the same room. The philosophical ideas of Montenech are fastening easily due to this effect, which makes the work of the author priceless.

The French philosopher's book can be interesting to lovers of intellectual literature, thinkers, scientists who want to comprehend the nature of things.

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Quotes from the book "Experiments" Michelle Monta

If you want to cure with ignorance, it is necessary to admit it in it.

I appreciate myself only for knowing the true price of myself.

And there is no other creature, which would be equally unfortunately and as well as a person: the first - because of his vices, the second is due to its nature.

Michel de Montaigne.

To the reader

This is a sincere book, reader. She from the very beginning predicts you that I did not put any other goals other than family and private. I did not even think about your benefits or my glory. My forces are insufficient for such a task. The appointment of this book is to deliver a kind of pleasure to my relatives and friends: Losing me (and this will happen in the close future), they will be able to find some traces of my character and my thoughts in it and, thanks to this, to fill and revive the idea that They were created about me. If I wrote this book to save the favor of the light, I would be enthusiasticized and showed myself in a full parade. But I want me to see me in my simple, natural and ordinary form, casual and undisputed, for I do not draw someone, and myself. My disadvantages will appear here as alive, and all the appearance of my way, what is it in reality, as far as, of course, it is compatible with my respect for the public. If I lived between those tribes that they say, and now also enjoy the sweet freedom of initial laws of nature, I assure you, the reader, I would have painted myself with the greatest hunt for myself in full, and moreover Nagish. Thus, the content of my book is myself, and this is not the reason that you give your leisure item as lightweight and insignificant. Goodbye!

De Monten.

March 1, a thousand five hundred eight-day years.

First book

Various means can be achieved by the same

If we insulted someone and he, going to celebrate us, is free to deal with us at your discretion, then the most common way to soften his heart is to tighten him with its humility and cause a feeling of pity and compassion in it. And, however, courage and hardness - the means are directly opposite - they posed the same action.

Eduard, Prince Wales, the one who has so long held in his power of our land, a person whose character and whose fate is marked by many devils, being insulted by the Loible and capturing their strength, remained deaf to the screams of the people, women and children, doomed For a slaughter who prayed him about mercy and laying in his feet, while coming deeper into the city, he did not stumbled upon three Frenchmen, who with unprecedented courage, some restrained the onslaught of his victorious troops. The amazement caused in him by the spectacle of such an exceptional value, and respect for her stuck the edge of his anger and, starting with these three, he spared the rest of the citizens.

Scanderbeg, the ruler of Epirus, chased somehow for one of his soldiers to kill him; He, after vain attempts to soften his anger by the humiliated molubs about mercy, decided at the last moment to meet him with a sword in his hand. This determination of the soldier suddenly cooled his boss's rage, who, seeing that the soldier behaves with respectfulness, granted him life. Persons who have not read about the striking physical strength and courage of this sovereign could interpret the present example completely differently.

Emperor Conrad III, besieged Velf, Duke Bavarian, did not want to make concessions, although the deposited were ready to accept the most shameful and humiliating conditions, and agreed only to the ladies of noble title, locked in the city, together with the Duke, allowed It was from there on foot, retaining his honor in immunity and carrying out everything they can take. They, leading to a generous impulse, decided to hoisp on their shoulders, children and duke himself. The emperor admired their noble and bold act that he was crying from the dignity; It went out the flame of an irreconcilable and deadly hostility to the defeated duke, and since that time he began to treat him and his subjects.

The largest thinker of the European Renaissance, which had a significant impact on the development of cultural thought, was a prominent public and politician of France Epoch of Heinrich IV Michel Montane (1533-1592), which can be considered the last humanist revival and the first moralist of the new time.

1554 - At 21, finishing the study of antique authors, philosophy and law in Toulouse University, Monten inherit the position of Father in the Chamber of Fees. Here he meets his colleague Humanist Etienne de la Boes, who became his best friend. The early death of La Boheii in 1563 left a deep trail in the soul.

1557 - After the abolition of the chamber of charges, Monten becomes a member of the Bordeaux Parliament.

1565 - Monten marries Francoise de Shassan; The bride brings him a solid dowry.

1568 - After the death of the Father, he is inherited by the generic manor Monten.

1571 - selling your judicial position and having retired, Montaye settle down in his estate.

1572 - The earliest of the Essay of Montenech belong to the year of the Bartholomeev night and the beginning of the civil war. At first it was notes about read. Favorite books Monteney at that time - Messages of Seneki, Plutarch in French Translation Zhamio, Latin poets and several modern historical and memoir writings. Most of the Montiton occupy such things as the management of the state, war and the peculiarities of human behavior. Traveler stories also cause his interest. On one of these stories, an essay "On cannibals", where Monten is in two centuries to Zh.Zh. RUSSO develops the idea of \u200b\u200b"noble dick."

1580-1581 - Monten travels in Germany, Switzerland and Italy. The fruit of these travel was the "travel diary" (Journal de Voyage) with observations and notes, many of which moved further on the "experiments" pages.

1581 - Monten is elected by the mayor of Bordeaux; in 1583 - Secondary. During his 4-year-old magistracy, Montae plays a prominent role in the political life of southern France, which was the center of the Calvinist antimonarchical movement. The second term of his stay on the position of mayor was marked by the resumption of civil war and visiting Bordeaux by the heir to the throne, Heinrich Navarre. Montaen takes the prince and deserves its location. Subsequently, friendly relations between the writer and Heinrich IV are supported by the correspondence.

IN 1586–1587 gg Montae, already free from the duties of the mayor, continued literary classes and wrote the third book of "experiments." Later, he again had to take part in political battles and for his commitment to the king, he even found himself a short time concluded in Bastilia (1588).

In the same year, in Paris, Montang produces the first complete edition of the "experiments" in three books - the arch of the diverse reflection on philosophy, history, politicians, religions, morality, natural sciences, etc. Monten continued to work on the "experiments" to the end of his Days (his amendments and additions were taken into account in the posthumous publication of 1595, prepared by Marie de Gurne, a young girl, a fervent admirer of the ideas of Monteneya, with whom she met in 1588).

1590 - Heinrich IV invites Monteni to come to him, but Montae, feeling not healthy, refuses.

Michel de Montane died on September 13, 1592 from the exacerbation of a long-suffering stone disease.

"Experiments" Montita

If we talk about the philosophical views of Montenech, it should be noted - in its spiritual development, he experienced a passion for various philosophical teachings. So, from the first book of "experiments" it can be seen that philosophical preferences are given by Montenem Stoicism. Then an epicureism was then a significant impact on his worldview. Nevertheless, the main direction of the arguments of the French thinker lies in line with another teaching known from antiquity - skepticism.

Doubt - in the forces of the human mind, in the possibility of compliance by the man of moral principles, performed by some common ideals for all people - that's what perpetates all the content of the "experiments." No wonder the main question that is put in this essay sounds as follows - "What do I know?".

The answer to this question, which gives Monten, in principle, disappointing - a person knows too little, and, even more disappointing, can not even know much. The reason for this situation is concluded in the nature of the person himself: "Amazingly vanity, truly, non-permanent and ever-oscillating creature is a man. It is not easy to make a sustainable and uniform idea about him."

About the fumes, impermanence and imperfection of the human nature said long before Montitu. But he was the first one who suddenly discovered - the whole charm of human existence is hidden in this imperfection. Montae seems to call on its readers - admit your imperfection, agree with your own mediocrity, do not seek to rise above our inferiority. And then it will be easier for you to live, for the meaning of life will open in the most commonness and everyday life, and not at all in serving some kind of reality from reality. "Life is my occupation and my art," says Monten.

Montaen claims that it is not necessary to indulge in suffering or, on the contrary, in every way to strive for pleasures - both, and the other only hide from a person the joy of everyday life. So, Monten is surprised in the desire of people to accomplish the "great cases" and the fact that people are tormented by their own mediocrity, exclamation - "I didn't accomplish anything today!" "How! But didn't you live?" The French thinker asks and continues: "Just live - not only the most important thing, but also the most significant of your affairs ... And did you think about your daily life and use it as you should? If you? Yes, you have already committed the greatest thing. "

And Montaen comes to the conclusion - you need to live like that tells you your mind, without claiming anything more: "We must not compose smart books, but to know yourself in everyday life, you need to not win the battles and conquer the earth, but to make order and establish The world in ordinary life circumstances. "

In fact, in their "experiments" Michel de Monten, as it should completes the ethical search for thinkers of the Renaissance. Separate human consciousness, personal I am free from finding answers to the "eternal", "damned" questions about the meaning of life - this is what the whole human society is being held. Humanistic slogan "Great Miracle - Man!" Finds in the arguments of montenex its logical conclusion and practical application. For all the wisdom of the centuries consists only in one - to recognize the imperfection of a person, calm down and enjoy life. "We strive to be something else, not wanting to delve into our creature, and go out for our natural borders, not knowing what we are truly able to," Montane writes. "There is no need to get up to the stilts, for and in stilts it is necessary. Move with your feet. And even at the highest of earthly thrones we sit on your own way. "

Based on such a worldview, Monten solves the problem in a new way, which worried many thinkers since the emergence of Christianity - the problem of the relationship between faith and mind, religion and science. The French philosopher simply shares the scope of these forms of the human consciousness: religion should deal with the issues of faith, and science - knowledge of natural laws.

At the same time, only faith is able to give a person at least some kind of inviolability in this vanity and non-permanent world: "The bonds that should associate our mind and our will and which should strengthen our soul and combine it with the Creator, such bonds should be resting on human judgments, arguments and passions, and on the divine and supernatural basis; they must rest on the authority of God and His grace: this is their only form, the only look, the only light. "

The teachings of Michel de Montenya on the wisdom of everyday life became extremely popular in the XVI-XVII centuries, and his "experiments" is one of the most readable books. This was due to the fact that the works of Monten were completely consistent with the new socio-political and spiritual reality, in which the Western Europe began to live in the XVI-XVII centuries. The bourgeois lifestyle is increasingly gaining strength gradually led to Western European civilization to the celebration of the principles of individualism.

Monten was one of the first who frankly declared the needs and desires of the "personal me" in the conditions of a new historical era. And no wonder many thinkers of the next time so often turned to the wisdom of the "experiments" of the French philosopher. Summing up a peculiar result of the development of humanistic teachings, the ideas of Monteni were facing the future. Therefore, today "experiments" stand in a number of books in which modern person discovers the charms of everyday life.

Montutenna's experiments are the tests that he has its own opinions on various issues. Education, friendship, parental love, freedom of conscience, power over his own will - everything is considered from the point of view of personal experience and supports quotes. Montaen comes to the conclusion about the relativity of all things. The work of Montenea had a huge impact on the philosophical and artistic culture of the late revival and subsequent era. A roll call with "experiments" is heard in the Gamlet, as well as in the later plays of Shakespeare, who had an instance of "experiments" in English translation 1603. Many owes his youngest contemporary, English philosopher Francis Bacon.

The French critic of the nineteenth century Sh. Sent-Bev wrote about the "experiments" of Montita:
"This book is a treasury of experience and observations on the moral nature of man; Whether the page is and in any arrangement of the Spirit to deploy it, you can be sure that you will find a wise thought in it, clothed in a bright and durable form, which will immediately be brought into the eye and captures in memory: some full-blooded and talent expression, A simple or sublime, concluding in one strong line the deepest meaning. [...] ... In the "experiments", you can learn a lot of things that can directly console a decent person born for a private life and involved in the whirlpool and revolutions. "

Monten was born in a noble-bourgeois family, his father took care of his son from childhood Latin and Greek and thereby absorbed the spirit of humanism. Monten was the adviser to the parliament of the city of Bordeaux, but early left the service and in the privacy of his castle the last thirty years of life worked on his main book. His works were interrupted by returning to social activities: he was appointed twice by the Royal Bordeaux, and, therefore, participated in the religious civil wars, engaged in France in the second half of the XVI century, speaking for the cessation of conflict between Catholics and Huguenots (the French Protestants were called). He condemned the cruelty of the Catholics in relation to Huguenots, especially the Bartholomeev night, but also the Huguenotes, from his point of view, were dangerous to the integrity of France: "The rule and the most important law of laws is that everyone is obliged to obey the laws of the country in which he lives" (Book I, Essay 23). Like all the humanists, Montae defended VERT and welcomed the wells of Heinrich Navarre, the only legitimate king, which put the end of the cross-visitor. The main business of the life of Montene was the book Essay, already with his life withstood four editions.

She begins with reference to the reader:

This is a sincere book, reader. She from the very beginning predicts you that I did not put any other goals other than family and private. I didn't even think about your benefits or about my glory ... I want me to see me in my simple, natural and ordinary form, casual and undisputed, for I draw not anyone else, and myself. My disadvantages will appear here like alive, and all my appearance is so, what is it in reality ... Thus, the content of my book - I myself ...

This application already reflects a cardinal change in the concept of personality in the Renaissance literature compared with the medieval.

In fact, Montaen reveals his thoughts and feelings, his spiritual warehouse, his smallest habit:

People usually consider each other, I ascertain my look inside myself; I immerse him there, there I am in every same way. Everyone is peering into the fact that in front of him; I look at myself. I only deal with myself: I continuously contemplate myself, check, I feel ... I'm getting back inside myself. (Book II, Essay 17.)

Montae Right, emphasizing his innovation in sincerity and fearlessness of self-surveillance. The reader of his book feels that he knows the author of an intimate and closer, reliable and more reliable than many of his real acquaintances. But "experiments" - something more than the peak of self-observation and self-reflection. Montae is an outstanding nature, a thin and educated person who has learned deeper than other humanists an antique philosophy lessons. He knows himself (emphasizing the incompleteness of this task) to know the surrounding. He will surely believe the analytical mind, wisdom, hoped from scientists of books. As a result of the "experiments", except for a strikingly lively portrait of the author, which is born from the whole totality of the essay, became one of the best philosophical books about a person - a man of late revival and a person in general. Montana claims that every person embodies the whole human nature. This statement is strikingly different from medieval views on a person, according to which the favorite creation of God, a man, endowed with God is a ready-made character. A new look at a person as a creature is always mobile, which cannot be compiled a sustainable and uniform presentation, gives rise to the need for new literary forms, new methods of presentation. Montain accents the impermanence in himself, the tendency to the oscillations, reflects on the dependence of its solutions from external circumstances - in short, it displays such mental states, the preceding literature passed by. The toolkit of psychological analysis is sophisticated, Montaye seems to show a mental peace of man from the inside, extremely close-up.

Although the name of God, Monten draws quite often, his man is no longer guided by the dogmas of church morality. Montitu-Humanist the best life principle seems to follow the law of nature, compliance with the measures prescribed. Montae in the spirit of revival glorifies the value of everyday life.

We are all - great madmen! "He lived in complete inactivity," we say. "I did not accomplish anything today." How! But didn't you live? Just live - not only the most important thing, but the most wonderful of your affairs. "If I had the opportunity to participate in big matters, I would show what I was able to". And you managed to think about your daily life and use it as follows? If so, you have already committed the greatest thing. Nature does not need any particularly happy share to show themselves and manifest themselves in Acts. She is the same at any level of being, the same behind the veil and without it. We must not compose smart books, but to know yourself in everyday life, you need to not win the battles and conquer the Earth, but to restore the order and establish peace in ordinary life circumstances. The best of our creation is to live according to reason. All so on - to reign, accumulate wealth, build, - all this, at most additions and affiliates. (Book III, Essay 13.)

So, the reflections of the montenesis give a new, sober and stoic, more bourgeois compared to the Knight's era, attitude to life. The private nature of his worldview is emphasized will be increasingly rooted in subsequent literature, and for its contemporaries it was a stunning innovation.

Such unlike any known samples were the form of "experiments." According to the German scientist E. Auerbach, here "reflected a realistic understanding of a person, coming from experience and first of all from self-surveillance: it is the experience that says that a person is a non-permanent, hesitating and exposed with all means of change of environment, fate, internal development. Therefore, the method MONTENYA, so well-taking into account all changes in its being, externally capricious and whimsical, not subject to any plan, essentially there is a strictly experimental method - the only one that corresponds to a similar subject. "

Therefore, the composition of the book as a whole impresses impressability; Individual chapters - independent essays - are not lined up in either thematic, nor in a logical sequence, the transitions between them obey, it seems, only the author's whim. But this happens because Montaen wants to be visible a natural course of thoughts, every zigzag is reproduced, and this principle of free development of thought determines not only the plan of the book as a whole, but also the composition of each individual essay.

Always live and relaxed, they are surprisingly diverse. The first book consists mainly of essays that grow from thinking of montenex over his favorite Latin authors, from a kind of comments to the ancient books. These are relatively short essays, still using rhetoric techniques; They are more logical, "one-bedroom" compared to the mature essay of the second and third books. The peaks of Montiton talent reaches in the third book consisting of a tens of tens of pages. The title of them very relatively indicate the maintenance: so, in the essay "On verse verse", antique poetry becomes a reason for talking about love and marriage; In the essay "On the means of movement", we are talking about the feeling of fear, generosity of sovereigns and the cruelty of conquistadors when conquering a new light; In the final book Essay "On Experience", the author talks about the ratio of the laws of nature and laws established by people, about the commandments of "Know yourself" and about your book, about the art of healing and about their own health, about their philosophical views, the result of which it becomes conclusion:

In my opinion, those people who are equal in the universal measurement, in the spirit of the mind, are wonderful life, in my opinion, but without any wonders and extraordinary miracles. (Book III, Essay 13.)

Let us turn to the shortest, second essay of the third book - "On repentance". It opens with an extensive reflection of the author about its method:

The strokes of my sketch do not distort the truths at all, although they change all the time, and these changes are extremely diverse. The whole world is the eternal swing ... I am unable to secure the item depicted by me. He wanders at random and piercing, cross from birth, for such it is created by nature. I take it to this, what is he in front of me for a moment when it takes me. And I do not draw it in immobility. I paint it in motion, and not in motion from age to age or, as they speak in the people, from the seven years to the seven years, but from one day to another, from minute to minute. It must be remembered that my story belongs to a certain hour. I can change soon, and not only involuntarily, but also intentionally. These my writings are no more than a protocol that registers all sorts of piercing phenomenon of phenomenon and indefinite, and sometimes contradictory fantasies, or because I myself become different, or because I will comprehend objects under other circumstances and from other points vision.

The "Protocol" of self-surveillance experience is the author's definition of the essence of its method, and then Montae justifies the choice of its observation facility. He himself becomes this object, in his daily and simple life, because he belongs to himself and as a representative of mankind in general ("every person has everything that is characteristic of human race"), and as a unique, unique personality (" I am the first narration of my essence as a whole, as about Michele de Montitne, and not as a philologist, poet or lawyer "). Montigna justifies the novelty of his book in the eyes of readers in that he is a scientist and the truthful man in the world. Here, as well as everywhere in the book, the arguments of Monteney rely on the mind, and as if defiant, unusually not perceived by his idea from the point of view of the literary tradition, - from the point of view of the abstract mind, his arguments are unable. Along with frankness, refusal to teach the new attractiveness of the author's position.

After such an extensive accession, the author finally affects the essay theme designated in the title. He displays, as he often mentioned in his book that it was rarely repents to whatever. The concept of "repentance" naturally leads to reasoning that there is a vice and virtue. Montae does not agree with the fact that society should judge them:

In our corrupted, mocked in ignorance, the time of good thanks in the people, it can be said, even offensive: After all, who can you entrust the assessment of what exactly do pravas deserve?

A decent person who lives private life relies in distinguishing good and evil only to his conscience:

For a trial, I have my own laws and my own litigation chamber, and I appeal to her more often than anywhere.

And in the thread of thinking about what constitutes the decency of a person, as if between the case, the determination of repentance arises:

Remaining is nothing but a renunciation of our own will and the suppression of our desires ...

A number of examples from antiquity illustrates the behavior of people who caused admiration for the immutability of their behavior in public and private life.

Monten wisely notes the inexperiencedness of innate property properties:

Refer to your experience testimony; There is no man who, if only he peers in herself, would not open any other essence, the essence that determines his behavior and opposing education, as well as the booth of his hostile passion.

And continues the characteristic transition to his own example:

As for me, I do not feel any concussion from the shock; I am always almost staying in my place, as it is typical of bulky and heavy bodies. If I find yourself sometimes beside myself, then still be somewhere nearby.

An example of sin, aware of himself, the story of the peasant-thief from Armagnaca becomes a sin; This is a kind of plug-in novel, giving material for thinking about the difficulties of delimitation of good and evil and about the complex nature of repentance. The stud in the address of the church can be considered a doubt expressed by the Montenem in the values \u200b\u200bof such virtue, as a piety - after all, its external manifestations are easiest to fake.

Then Montaen recalls without concretization of those episodes of their activities that cause not repentance in it, but regrettable and disadvantage - so he distinguishes the consequences of his mistakes admitted not because of the lack of mind, but due to bad luck, countering fate, and essay essay So characteristic of the third book by reasoning about changes occurring with a man in old age:

... Old age imposes wrinkles not only on our faces, but even more our minds, and something is not visible to shower - or they are extremely rare - which, growing, would not give to mold and kislyatina. Everyone in man goes along with him to the mountain and under the mountain ... I feel that, despite all my defensive structures, she will pose for his span of me. I hold down how much I can. But I do not know where, in the end, she will start me. In all cases, I want to know where exactly I fell.

It is fearless, non-relieved analysis, as seen from the disassembled essay, a montmost is standing out among all its contemporaries. He stands for a mansion and among the humanists, because in general the revival, as well as the Middle Ages, operated on the general ideas that Montae does not recognize. For him, the perception of life by each person is unique and unique, so each idea belongs to a specific person, and anyone else. Montae since childhood was raised on an ancient culture, but came to the fact that the ability to understand Cicero and Vergile less valuable than the ability to sort oneself. According to P. M. Bitsilli, Monten "deliberately shaves with the idea that the specific person is exhausted by any one time forever this property of nature: a person - the creature is too complex and volatile so that its nature can be expressed by one formula. This Monta Together with Shakespeare and Cervantes, opens a new era in the history of culture. " In addition, it should be noted that Montae in philosophy is a direct predecessor of René Descartes, Bleza Pascal; The confessionalness of his book served as a model for the first autobiography of the new time - "confession" Jean Jacques Rousseau.

Italian Florio translated "experiments" into English, and in England, the late XVI century, they won wide fame; This book was familiar not only by Francis Bacon, but also William Shakespeare.

Michel Monten is a French philosopher of the Renaissance. But would have to study the next philosopher of the Renaissance, if he would simply (or difficult) loved his wisdom in a rich manor, the court salon or the capital mansion? Probably he enriched the world with something big than letivated spellings. This "something" is now far from philosophy and familiar with us from school bench. The first flour words, the first white sheet, gaping the void, is inextricably linked to the essay, which we called "the writing-reasoning". He was created by the author, writing a collection of such works called "Experiments".

Let's start with the fact that Michel Monten (and not Marseille, do not confuse), contrary to the problem, is not related to the artistic literature. He introduced the essay genre in use, writing a whole collection of essays. "Experiments" - a detailed diary of the thought of the philosopher, which covered and appreciated many phenomena, problems and events of the era. The author showed his personal attitude to what is happening.

These essays are more than reflection. Their author is an outstanding, thin and educated, thinker who has learned better than other humanists an antique philosophy lessons. He knows himself (stressing that the mission is impossible) in order to know the whole world. He necessarily checks the analytical intelligence, wisdom, hoped from scientists, experience gained over the years. The work has become one of the best books about a late revival and man in general. The writer argues that people embody the All Divine Nature. This statement is strikingly different from medieval views on the person, according to which the favorite creation of God is erased and guilty to him (original sin). Each of us, as an essayist considered, his own way and the ability to manage it. Of course, in the Middle Ages it was believed that fate peaks divine predestination. The publicist went against the conventions, was not afraid to say a new word.

Montaen keeps himself from morality (and this is not easy in conditions when medieval morals are dominated). His opinion does not look like a priori truth, he always provides the reader to judge and reflect. He was right: he liked his book even by the French average man. The collection acquired broad fame. His innovation is manifested in the sincerity of the narrator and fearlessness of his self-surveillance. The reader recognizes the writer closer than many real acquaintances.


In the work of Montita, genre borders are blocked: the essay is at the junction of fiction and documentary. In fact, the author only reflects, gives its criteria for estimating one or another phenomenon. Hardly such a thinking process can be equated to fantasy, which is an artistic fiction. The philosopher does not come up with a bright shell for his agents, does not play the theater action, where one of the heroes says that, according to the Creator, you need to do. He writes seriously, but it is so simple, so it is clear that the reader becomes clear: without the magic of creativity it did not cost. A person who wrote "experiments" is not only a thinker, but also a writer, and today, probably, he would become Non-Ficzna's star.

He not only boldly argues, he risked to put his psychological portrait on the universal review. The genre of "experiments" of Montenea - Essay, which differs from other formats by the fact that the identity of the narrator is pronounced, the text is not separate from the author's "I". This is a very emotional type of literary creativity. The publicist made a giant leap from medieval lightness, anonymity to expressive flow of its point of view.


Collection "Experiments" consists of 4 volumes. Each essay is dedicated to a separate topic, so it is easy to navigate in the book. It can be compared with the creation of the Lucretia "On Nature of Things". Simply, Montae, unlike him, writes a clear language. Its compositions embody the genre freedom characteristic of the "dawn" of the Renaissance. The arguments consist of two parts:

  • statement of problem (theory)
  • an example illustrating the problem (practice)
  • Topic

    By the origin of Monten - the nobleman, got a classic education, worked in parliament. However, at 38, he decided to completely change his way of life. He graduated from all the things and retired in the Borodnoy Castle near Bordeaux and lived there until the end of his days. Every day he wrote small notes. He was what to reflect, as - in no way, behind the shoulders was a solid life experience. The subject of the collection essay "Experiments" is the widest: from deep philosophical issues to household turmoil.

    A new look at man as a creature is dynamically developing, which cannot be compiled a sustainable and uniform presentation, gives rise to the need for new literary forms, new methods of presentation. The author accents the impermanence in himself, the tendency to fluctuations, reflects on the dependence of its decisions from external circumstances - in short, it displays such spiritual states, the preceding literature passed by. The toolkit of psychological analysis is sophisticated, the publicist, as it were, shows the inner world of the personality, extremely close-up. Although he draws himself quite often to the name of God, people are no longer guided by the dogmas of church morality.

    Montitu-Humanist the best life principle seems to follow the law of nature, compliance with the measures prescribed. The author in the spirit of Renaissance glorifies the value of everyday life, not the ground.

    the main idea

    The author of the collection "Experiments" - Skeptic. He admits that a person drives the egoistic desire to "live in a buzz", as sings the misconceptions of Max Korzh. He recognizes and ... does not blame it, but proves the justice of such a position. The formation of the worldview of the philosopher, the antique sages of Epicur, Seneca, Plutarch, who believed that the highest goal was to achieve happiness. If a askew was taken in the Middle Ages for the norm, then in the antiquity of pleasure was a fundamental value. M. Montaen proves that only the Egoist can create harmony within himself, because it is impossible to perceive his troubles equally, and others. Otherwise, the sophisticates will not end, and after all, the person is born to be happy. That is why the thinker pushes morality into the background, believing that the infinite follow by imposing moral installations makes from a follower either a hypocriser or a slave. Any violence over its nature in the name of an abstract defense idea seemed to him devoid of sense of an abuse of himself.

    I live from day to day and, speaking on conscience, I live only for myself

    So why then cognition, if it is imperfect and "the mission is not fulfilled"? It is necessary to just enjoy and choose "life in a buzz", as the apologists of the mass culture suggest us. But de Monten deepened in the study of the phenomenon of happiness and found out that it depends on how much man succeeded in self-digging. He must know what kind of activity brings him satisfaction, what way of life is suitable for him, in other words, is there happiness specifically for him? It is necessary to determine not only its inclined, but also the antipathy, the causes of irritation and sadness, pain points and the weak points of the person. If you try to avoid them and choose the most appropriate job, a pretty environment, comfortable accommodation and so on, then life will really "make sure". It will be good not only to such an egoist: the society will also win when his members will be located in its place.

    The philosophy of "experiments" was almost divine revelation for a whole generation of artists. Montae released their talent from under the oppression of medieval conventions and prohibitions. Many researchers note that in Shakespeare's works there are many references to this work. They referred to them and much later: Bacon, Gassendi, Malbransh, Bossey, Bale, Montesquieu, Didro, Rousseau, Lameter, Pushkin, Herzen, Tolstoy and other thinkers, writers and publicists often quoted the inventor essay, half alarmed with him or agreed with his judgments.

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