Divine comedy content in songs. Dante Hell in the "Divine Comedy. Scientific moments, delusions and comments

31.05.2021 Treatment

Year of writing: 1307-1321

Genre: poem

Main characters: Dante, Vergili

This work is difficult to understand the children, it leaves an indelible impression and useful for general development, but its volume is not even planted, so we offer a summary of the poem "Divine Comedy" for the reader's diary.


Dante meets Vergilia, an ancient poet that offers to go to the other world. They fall into hell, consisting of 9 circles descending down. In every circle, souls suffer for a certain sin. In the 9th circle they saw the devil himself. Then travelers fell in purgatory and passed through 7 of its circles. Then they rose into the sky and began to cross the circles of heaven - the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, etc., meeting the souls of the righteous, until they reached the highest point of the universe, where the Most High was held. Then Dante returned to Earth.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Seeing that a man is waiting after death and as a trample of sinners, the hero has rethought a lot. The Most High sees everything and watches them, he is all knowing, and only he knows that in life a good, and what - evil. Following his orders and beware of his prohibitions, we will achieve happiness in both worlds.

The tragedy he could not call his work only because those, like all genres of "high literature," wrote in Latin. Dante also wrote it in his native Italian. "Divine comedy" is the fruit of the entire second half of the life and creativity of Dante. In this work, the worldview of the poet was reflected with the greatest completeness. Dante acts here as the last great poet of the Middle Ages, the poet that continues the development of feudal literature.


Translation into Russian

  • A. S. Norova, "Excerpt from the 3rd song of the Poem Hell" ("Son of the Fatherland", 1823, No. 30);
  • F. Fan Dim, Hell, translation from Italian (St. Petersburg, 1842-48; prose);
  • D. E. Min "Hell", translation of the script size (Moscow, 1856);
  • D. E. Min, "First Song Purgatory" ("Russian West.", 1865, 9);
  • V. A. Petrov, "Divine Comedy" (per. With Ital. Tercins, St. Petersburg, 1871, 3rd Edition 1872; Translast only "hell");
  • D. Minaev, "Divine Comedy" (LPC. And St. Petersburg. 1874, 1875, 1876, 1879, Transl. Not from the original, tercins);
  • P. I. Vainberg, "Hell", Song 3rd, "Vestn. Heb. ", 1875, No. 5);
  • Golovanov N. N., "Divine Comedy" (1899-1902);
  • M. L. Lozinsky, "Divine Comedy" (, Stalin Prize);
  • A. A. Ilyushin (created in the 1980s, the first partial publication in 1988, full edition in 1995);
  • V. S. Lemport, "Divine Comedy" (1996-1997);
  • V. Maranzman, (St. Petersburg, 2006).


"The Divine Comedy" is built extremely symmetrically. It disintegrates into three parts: the first part ("hell") consists of 34 songs, the second ("purgatory") and the third ("paradise") - 33 songs. The first part consists of two introductory songs and 32, describing blood pressure, as there can be no harmony in it. The poem is written by tercins - strangers consisting of three lines. The Dante attached to them a mystical interpretation - so the number 3 is connected with the Christian idea about Trinity, the number 33 should remind about the years of Earth's life of Jesus Christ, etc. Total in the "Divine Comedy" 100 songs (number 100 - symbol of perfection).


Dante with versgil and the beginning of their wanderings on the Merbal Mire (medieval miniature)

According to the Catholic tradition, the afterlime world consists of adwhere you fall forever convicted sinners purgatory - the location of the sinners of sinners, and raya - The abode of blissful.

Dante details this view and describes the device of the afterlime world, with graphic definition fixing all the details of its architectonics. In the introductory song, Dante tells how he, having reached the middle of the life path, was lost once in the dense forest and as a poet Virgil, having relished him from three wild animals who blocked him the path, suggested that Dante had a journey on the afterlife. Having learned that Vergilius was sent by Beatrice, the died of Dante's deceased beloved, he was given to the leadership of the poet without a thrill.


Hell has a form of a colossal funnel consisting of concentric circles, the narrow end of which rests on to the center of the Earth. Having passed the run-up of hell, inhabited by the souls of insignificant, indecisive people, they enter the first circle of hell, the so-called Limb (A., IV, 25-151), where the souls of virtuous pagans, who did not know the true God, but approaching this knowledge and That depleted from hellish torment. Here Dante sees the outstanding representatives of ancient culture - Aristotle, Eurypid, Homer, and others. The next circle is filled with the souls of people who have once made an unbridled passion. Among the wearable wild swirl Dante sees Francesca and Rimini and her beloved Paolo, who fell victim to the Forbidden Love to each other. As the Dante accompanied by versic, descends all the lower and lower, it becomes a witness to the torment of worstics, forced to suffer from rain and hail, buying and wasting, without tired rolling huge stones, angry, tied in a swamp. They are followed by an eternal flames of heretics and heresyarh (among them the emperor Friedrich II, Dad Anastasii II), tyranans and killers floating in boiling blood streams, suicides, turned into plants, blasphemers and rapists, burners, flour which are very diverse. Finally, Dante penetrates the last, 9th round of hell, designed for the most terrible criminals. Here the abode of traitors and traitors, of whom the greatest - Judas Iskariot, Bruut and Cassius, - Lucifer nibbles them, which rising once on God Angel, the king of evil, doomed to conclusion in the center of the Earth. The description of the terrible type of Lucifer ends the last song of the first part of the poem.



Moving a narrow corridor connecting the center of the Earth with the second hemisphere, Dante and Vergili goes on the ground surface. There, in the middle of the island surrounded by the ocean, it snaps in the form of a truncated cone mountain - purgatory, like the hell consisting of a number of circles, which are narrowed as they approach the top of the mountain. The guarding entrance to the purgatory angel admits the Dante to the first circle of purgatory, drawing the Sword of Seven P (peccatum - sin) in his forehead, that is, a symbol of seven mortal sins. As Dante rises higher, bypassing one circle after another, these letters disappear, so when Dante, reaching the top of the mountain, enters the last "earth paradise" on top of the last "earth", it is already free from the signs injecting politicism. Circles of the latter are inhabited by souls of sinners, which reaches their souls. Here the pride is cleared, forced to bend under the burden of their backs of their back of gravity, envious, angry, negligent, greedy, etc. Vergil brings Dante to the gates of Paradise, where he, as not to know the baptism, no access.


In the earthly paradise, Vergil is replaced by Beatrice, presserving on the thumbnail chariot (allegory of the triumphant church); She encourages Dante to repentance, and then hesitated him, enlightened, on the sky. The final part of the poem is devoted to Dante's wanders on heavenly paradise. The latter consists of seven spheres of the land and appropriate seven planets (according to the ptolema-wide system): the spheres of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, etc., followed by the spheres of fixed stars and crystal, - the crystal sphere is the Empires - the infinite The area inhabited by the blessed, contemplating God, is the last sphere that gives life to everything essentially. By the spheres of Bernard, Dante sees the emperor of Justinian, who knows him with the history of the Roman Empire, teachers of faith, martyrs for faith, whose shining souls form a sparkling cross; Ascending higher and higher, Dante sees Christ and Mary Maria, Angels and, finally, the "Heavenly Rose" is revealed in front of him - the location of blissful. Here Dante acquires the highest grace, reaching communication with the creator.

"Comedy" is the last and most mature product of Dante.

Analysis of the work

In the form of the poem - the afterlife of which there were many in the medieval literature. Like medieval poets, it holds on an allegorical rod. So a dense forest, in which the poet was inhabited by halfway the earthly being, is a symbol of life complications. Three beasts who are attacked there: Lynx, Leo and Wolf - the three strongest passions: sensuality, credit, greed. These allegories also give a political interpretation: Lynx - Florence, spots on the skins of which must be denoted by hostility of guvf and deaths. Lion - a symbol of rough physical strength - France; Wolf, greasy and lustful - Papal Kuria. These animals threaten the national unity of Italy, which Dante dreamed of, unity, fastening the feudal monarchy (some of the historians of literature give a political interpretation to the entire poem). The Beast saves Vergili's poet - the mind sent to the poet Beatrice (theology - faith). Vergil leads Dante through blood pressure in purm and on the threshold of paradise is inferior to Beatrice. The meaning of this allegory is the fact that a person from passions save the mind, and the knowledge of the divine science gives eternal bliss.

The "divine comedy" is imbued with the political trends of the author. Dante never misses the case to count with his ideological, even with personal enemies; He hates Roshovshchikov, condemns a loan as "Likhva", condemns his age as a century of profit and sober. In his opinion, money is a source of all kinds of angry. Dark real, he opposes the bright past Florence bourgeois - Florence feudal, when simplicity of morals, moderation, Knight's "defense" ("Paradise", Katchchagvid's story), a feudal empire (cf. Dante Treaty "about monarchy"). Tercines "Purgatory", accompanying the appearance of Sodella (AHI SERVA ITALIA), sounds like a real estate of death. To the pap, as the principle of Dante refers to the greatest revelation, although individual representatives of it, especially those who contributed to the consolidation in Italy of the bourgeois system hates; Some data data meets in hell. His religion is Catholicism, although the person's person's alien, alien to the old Orthodoxy, although the Mystic and Franciscan Pantheistic Religion of Love, which are accepted with all passion, is also woven, although the Mystic and Franciscan Pantheistic Religion are also a sharp deviation from classical Catholicism. His philosophy is theology, his science - scholasticism, his poetry is an allegory. Ascetic ideals in Dante have not yet died, and he honors free love (hell, the 2nd round, the famous episode with France and Rimini and Paolo). But not a sin for him love, which leads to the subject of the worship of a pure platonic impulse (cf. "New Life", Love Dante to Beatrice). It is the Great World Force, which "drives the sun and other shining." And humility is no longer unconditional virtue. "Who in the glory of forces does not update the victory, does not taste the fruit mines in the struggle." Both the Spirit of Initiousness, the desire to push the circle of knowledge and acquaintance with the world connected to the "virtue" (Virtute E ConoScenza), which encourages heroic curses, is proclaimed by the ideal.

Dante has built his vision from pieces of real life. Separate corners of Italy, which are placed in pigtone with graphic circuits, went to the design of the afterlife. And so many living human images are scattered in the poem, so many typical figures, so many vivid psychological situations that literature also continues to draw from there. People who suffer in hell are carrying repentance in purgatory (and the nature and nature of sinus corresponds to the volume and nature of punishment) are in Bliss in Paradise - all living people. In these hundreds there are no figures and two are the same. There is not a single image in this huge gallery of historical figures, which would not be lit by the unmistakable plastic intuition of the poet. No wonder Florence was experiencing a strip of such a tense economic and cultural lifting. The sharp feeling of the landscape and man, which is shown in the "comedy" and which the world studied at Dante, was possible only in the social setting of Florence, far away the rest of Europe. Separate episodes of the poem, such as Francesca and Paolo, Farinat in their grilled grave, Ugolino and Children, Kapani and Ulysses, not similar to antique images, black cherubs with a thin devilish logic, prepare on his stone, to this day produced Strong impression.

Hell's concept in "Divine Comedy"

Dante and Vergil in hell

Before the entrance is a miserable soul that did not work with good, nor evil, including the "Angels of a bad flock", which were not with the Devil, and not with God.

  • 1st Circle (Lamb). Unresolved babies and virtuous non-Christians.
  • 2nd round. Sweet Affairs (clouds and adulteurs).
  • 3rd circle. Greenshots, roasters.
  • 4th round. Powers and patrols (love for excessive spending).
  • 5th Circle (Stygian Swamp). Angry and lazy.
  • 6th Circle (City DIT). Heretics and false teachers.
  • 7th round.
    • 1st belt. Rangers over the neighbor and over its property (tyranny and robbers).
    • 2nd belt. Austerities over themselves (suicides) and over their own property (players and moots, that is, meaningless fighters of their property).
    • 3rd belt. Ranges over the deity (blasphemy), against the nature (sodomitis) and art (Lucchimacy).
  • 8th round. Deceived non-distilled. Consists of ten pvov (mallazha, or evil slits), which are separated from each other shafts (rolling). In direction to the center, the region of evil slots shows, so each next ditch and each next shaft are located slightly below the previous, and the external, concave slopes of each RVA above the internal, deposit ( Hell , XXIV, 37-40). The first shaft is adjacent to the circular wall. In the center gambs the depth of a wide and dark well, at the bottom of which lies the last, ninth, circle of hell. From the foot of the stone heights (art. 16), that is, from a circular wall, to this well go radius, like the spokes of the wheels, stone ridges, crossing the rs and shafts, and above the Rips they are bent in the form of bridges or archs. In evil slots, deceivers who were deceived by people who are not related to the special bonds of confidence.
    • 1st ditch. Summists and seductors.
    • 2nd ditch. Lytz.
    • 3rd ditch. Tops, high-ranking spiritual persons who traded church posts.
    • 4th ditch. Songs, gadels, star, sorcerers.
    • 5th ditch. Mtzompi, bribes.
    • 6th ditch. Hypocrites.
    • 7th ditch. The thieves .
    • 8th ditch. Drying advisers.
    • 9th ditch. Schedules of discord (Magomet, Ali, Prelimico and others).
    • 10th ditch. Alchemists, false witnesses, counterfeiters.
  • 9th round. Deceived trusted. Ice lake Kocit.
    • Belt Cain. Traitors of relatives.
    • Antenna belt. Traitors of the Motherland and like-minded people.
    • Toltolia belt. Traitors of friends and sotraznikov.
    • Belt Judecca. Traitors of benefactors, the Majesty of the Divine and Human.
    • In the middle, in the center of the Universe, inserted into the ice (Lucifer) torments in the three pastes of traitors of the Majesty of earthly and heaven (Judah, Bruta and Cassia).

Building a model of hell ( Hell , XI, 16-66), Dante follows Aristotle, which in its "ethics" (KN. VII, Ch. I) refers to the 1st discharge of the sins of irritant (Incontinenza), to 2 - sins of violence ("violent Scottle "or Matta Bestialitade), to the 3rd - sins of deception (" malice "or Malizia). Dante 2-5-e circles for the unemployed, the 7th round for rapists, 8-9th - for deceivers (8th - just for deceivers, the 9th - for traitors). Thus, than a sin is material, the more excuses.

Heretics - apostates from the faith and negatives of God - allocated especially from the sonma of sinners that fill the upper and lower circles, in the sixth circle. In the abyss of the Lower Hell (A., VIII, 75), three croups, like three steps, are three circles - from the seventh in the ninth. In these circles, anger is punishable, manual or by force (violence) or deception.

The concept of purgatory in the "Divine Comedy"

Three holy virtues are the so-called "theological" faith, hope and love. The rest are four "main" or "natural" (see approx. Ch., I, 23-27).

Dante depicts it in the form of a huge mountain, towering in the southern hemisphere in the middle of the ocean. It has a truncated cone. The coastal strip and the lower part of the mountain form the preservation, and the top of the Oboyacean family of the ledge (the seven circles actually purifying). A desert forest of earth paradise is placed on a flat top of Dante Mountain.

Vergilia sets out the doctrine of love as a source of all good and evil and explains the gradation of circles of purgation: Circles I, II, III - Love for "Alien Evil", that is, Zechlantia (pride, envy, anger); Circle IV is insufficient love for true good (despondency); Circles V, VI, VII - Excessive Love for False Goods (Corestatrolubiye, Creation, Sweistance). Circles correspond to biblical mortal sins.

  • Prostril
    • Footage of the mountain purgatory. Here, the newly applied souls of the dead are waiting for access to purgatory. Dead under the church exconance, but repentable before death in their sins, are waiting for a period of time, thirty times the time they stayed in the "crushing of the church".
    • The first ledge. Reademorable, slower with repentance.
    • Second ledge. Real, dead violently death.
  • The valley of the earth's rulers (not belongs to fitting)
  • 1st round. Pride.
  • 2nd round. Envious.
  • 3rd circle. Angry.
  • 4th round. Sad.
  • 5th round. Powers and patrols.
  • 6th round. Greenshots.
  • 7th round. Sweatsens.
  • Earth paradise.

The concept of paradise in the "Divine Comedy"

(in brackets - examples of personalities given by Dante)

  • 1 sky (Moon) is the abode of observing debt (Ifafay, Agamemnon, the Constance of Normannskaya).
  • 2 sky (Mercury) is the abode of reformers (Justinian) and innocently affected (infidencies).
  • 3 sky (Venus) - the abode of lovers (Karl Martell, Kunitz, Female Marseille, Didona, Rhodopean, Raava).
  • 4 sky (Sun) - the abode of wise men and great scientists. They form two circles ("dance").
    • 1st Circle: Thomas Akvinsky, Albert Background Truchdt, Francesco Graziano, Peter Lombard, Dionysius Areopagitis, Pavel Orezia, Boeation, Isidor Seville, Bed Honorable, Ricard, Siger Brabantsky.
    • 2nd Circle: Bonaventure, Franciscans Augustine and Illuminat, Gorant, Peter Feeders, Peter Spanish, John Zlatoust, Anselm, Ely Donat, Raban Maur, Joachim.
  • 5 sky (Mars) - the abode of warriors for faith (Joshua Navin, Judas McCaway, Roland, Gottfried Boulevard, Robert Gwiscar).
  • 6 sky (Jupiter) - the abode of fair rulers (Biblical kings David and Ezekias, Emperor Traian, the King of Gulielmo II, good and the hero of "Aneida" Rifey).
  • 7 sky (Saturn) is the abode of theologian and monks (Benedict Nurstiesky, Peter Damiani).
  • 8 sky (sphere stars).
  • 9 Sky (First motor, crystal sky). Dante describes the structure of the celestial residents (see the ranks of the angels).
  • 10 sky (Empires) is a flaming rose and a radiant river (the core of the rose and the ison of the celestial amphitheater) is the abode of the deity. On the banks of the river (the stages of the amphitheater, which is divided into another 2 semicircles - the Old Testament and New Testament) squeeze the blissful souls. Maria (Our Lady) - headed, under her - Adam and Peter, Moses, Rachel and Beatrice, Sarah, Rebek, Judifie, Ruth, and others. Opposite Site John, under it - Lucia, Francis, Benedict, Augustine, etc.

Scientific moments, delusions and comments

  • Hell , XI, 113-114. The constellation of fish climbed over the horizon, and (Constellation of Big Bears) bowed to the northwest (Kavr; Lat. Caurus. - Name of the North-West Wind). This means that before the sunrise, two hours remained.
  • Hell , XXIX, 9. That their path is twenty-two district miles. (About the inhabitants of the tenth of the eighth circle) - judging by the medieval approximation of the pi number, the diameter of the last circle of hell is 7 miles.
  • Hell , XXX, 74. Baptist captured alloy - Golden Florentine coin, Florine (Fiormo). The patron of the city was depicted on the front side - John the Baptist, and on the revolving - Florentine coat of arms, Lily (Fiore - flower, from where the name of the coin).
  • Hell , XXXIV, 139. The word "shining" (stelle - stars) ends each of the three Cart of the "Divine Comedy".
  • Purgatory , I, 19-21. Lighthouse of love, beautiful planet - That is, Venus, ecliping with its brightness of the constellation of the fish in which it was located.
  • Purgatory , I, 22. To Astyia - That is, to the heavenly pole, in this case South.
  • Purgatory , I, 30. Chariot - Big Major, hidden behind the horizon.
  • Purgatory , II, 1-3. On Dante, a mountain of purgatory and Jerusalem is located at opposite ends of the earth diameter, so they have a common horizon. In the northern hemisphere, the top of the heavenly Meridian ("half-day circle"), crossing this horizon, falls over Jerusalem. In the hour described, the sun visible in Jerusalem was slightly to the sunset, so as to appear in the heaven.
  • Purgatory , II, 4-6. And night ... - According to medieval geography, Jerusalem lies in the middle of the sushi, located in the northern hemisphere between the polar circle and the equator and extending from the west to the east only on longitude. The remaining three-quarters of the globe are covered with ocean waters. In an equal distance from Jerusalem, there are: at the extreme east - the mouth of Ganges, in the extreme west - Hercules poles, Spain and Morocco. When the sun comes in Jerusalem, the night comes from the side of the gang. In the time of year described, that is, at the time of the spring equinox, the night keeps the scales in the hands, that is, is in the constellation of the scales, oppose the Sun in the constellation of Aries. In the fall, when she will "overcome" the day and will become more suitable than he, it will come out of the constellation of scales, that is, "relieves" them.
  • Purgatory , III, 37. Quia. - Latin word meaning "because", and in the Middle Ages, also in the sense of QUOD ("What"). Scholastic science, following Aristotle, distinguished twofold knowledge: scire Quia. - knowledge of the existing - and scire Propter Quid. - Knowledge of the causes of the existing one. Vergilius advises people to be content with the first kind of knowledge, not adhering into the reasons for is.
  • Purgatory , IV, 71-72. The road where unhappy rules Faeton - Zodiac.
  • Purgatory , XXIII, 32-33. Who is looking for "omo" ... - It was believed that in the features of the human face, you can read the "Homo Dei" ("Man of God"), and the eyes depict two "o", and eyebrows and nose - the letter M.
  • Purgatory , XXVIII, 97-108. According to Aristotel Physics, "wet pairs" are generated by atmospheric precipitation, and "dry pairs" - the wind. Mailda explains that only below the level of the gate of the purgatory is observed by this kind of troubles, generated by the ferry, which "Following the heat", that is, under the influence of solar heat rises from water and from the ground; At the height of the earthly paradise, only a uniform wind remains caused by the rotation of the first solid.
  • Purgatory , XXVIII, 82-83. Twelve even masted elders - Twenty-four books of the Old Testament.
  • Purgatory , XXXIII, 43. Five hundred fifteen - Mysterious designation of the upcoming deliverer of the church and the reducing agent of the empire, which destroys the "thief" (the Bludnitsa of the Song XXXII, who took someone else's place) and the "Giant" (French King). DXV numbers form, when the signs are permutable - the word DVX (leader), and the oldest commentators are so interrupted.
  • Purgatory , XXXIII, 139. The account is laid out - In the construction of the Divine Comedy, Dante complies with strict symmetry. In each of the three parts (Cint) - 33 songs; "Hell" contains, moreover, another song that serves the entry to the whole poem. The volume of each of the hundred songs is approximately the same.
  • Paradise , XIII, 51. And the mid-wing in the circle there is no other - There can be no two opinions, just as one center is possible in the circle.
  • Paradise , XIV, 102. Of the two rays, a sacred sign was staggered, which in the borders of the quadrants is hidden - Segments of contacting quadrants (quarters) circles form the sign of the cross.
  • Paradise , XVIII, 113. In Lilea M. - Gothic M reminds Heraldic Lily.
  • Paradise , XXV, 101-102: Be at the cancer, a similar pearl ... - From December 21 to January 21, at sunset, the constellation

"The Divine Comedy" is the most brilliant work of the Great Italian poet and the thinker Dante Aligiery. This is his last work, which reflected the worldview of the poet. The poem consists of three parts, it is hell, purgatory and paradise, and describes the state of the soul that fell after death in the afterlife. Everyone who fell into the kingdom of this world should reassure and recognize his sins, go through all the circles of hell to enter the kingdom of heaven, and appear to the Creator. The main character of the "Divine Comedy" - Dante himself, who passed all the circles of hell, and ascended to enlightenment.

Characteristics of the heroes "Divine Comedy"

main characters

Minor characters


The shadow of the Great Poet, Mentor and Dante Explorer. Virgil explains Dante, how best to go through the circles of hell, what to choose the way. It breaks up with Dante, passing him by Beatrice.


Guard, or mediator, first circle of hell.


The watchman of the second circle of hell, pulling sinners as sins magnants.


Guard of the third circle of hell, jumping the skin from sinners.


The watchman of the fourth round, where sinners are punished for the manifestation of miserism and waste.


Guardian of the fifth circle of hell, carrying sinners through the Swamp.


Tysiphon, Meghera, Alektto, circling over the sixth circle of hell.


Guards the seventh circle of hell, punishing sinners committing violent actions.


The guard of the eighth circle of hell, where they are punished for deception.


The devil, in the middle of the center of the Universe, has three grazers, which torments the most important sinners: Judas, Bruta and Cassia. It is a fallen angel of huge sizes with a terrible appearance, having six wings and three faces.


The shadow of the Katon will fit purity. His shadow is an personification of human freedom. I committed suicide without surviving the fall of the republic. Made by guard of primordiality for his true devotion.


Dante's beloved, which is his conductor in the earthly paradise. She encourages Dante to repentance and after that, cleaned and re-born, he ascended to Heavenly Paradise.

In the Divine Comedy, Dante involved a huge number of characters in the afterlife, and, in order to understand the philosophical depth of this ingenious work, it is necessary to study it completely. The work gives food for reflection, and makes every person think how to live their lives.

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The most popular materials of February for grade 8.

Song first

"Earth life passed to half," Dante "found himself in the gloomy forest" of sins and delusions. The middle of the human life, the top of her arc, Dante considers thirty-five years old. He was reached in 1300, and by this year she brings his journey to the afterlife. Such a chronology allows the poet to resort to the reception of the "prediction" of events that made this date.

Above the forest of sins and delusions, the saving hill of virtue, illuminated by the sun of truth. The ascent of the poet on the hill of salvation is hampered by three beasts: Lynx, personifying creature, lion, symbolizing pride, and a wolf - embodied borestip. The spirit of frightened Dante, "Running and Missing, reversed turned around, seeing the path, all who leading to the death of the predetermined."

Before Dante is Virgilius, the famous Roman poet, author "Aneida". In the Middle Ages, he enjoyed the legendary glory sage, sorcerer and the presenter of Christianity. Virgilius, who leads Dante through blood pressure and purgatory, is a symbol of mind, guiding people to earthly fortune. Dante appeals to him with a request to rescue, calls "Honor and the light of all singers of the Earth", with his teacher, "example of loved one." Virgilius advises the poet to "choose a new road", because Dante has not yet been prepared to defeat the Wolf and go to the Otradny Hill:

Wolf, from which you are in tears,
Co. Everything is happening
She is tempted to tempt, but glorious
Give the dog, and she will end.

The dog is the coming deliverer of Italy, he will bring with him the honor, love and wisdom, and wherever "his jog will neither strive, she, nain, he covers in hell, from where the envy of the predator faded."

Virgilius announces that he will accompany the Dante on all nine Circles of hell:

And you will hear the screams of across
And ancient spirits who are distinguished there
About the new death vain messengers;
Then see those who are alien to sorrow
Among the fire, hoping to join
Someday to blissful tribes.
HO if you want to go up above,
The soul is waiting for you.

The owner of the "decent soul" is not anyone else, like Beatrice, a woman who Dante loved since childhood. She died at the age of twenty-five, and Dante gave vow "To say about it, which has never been told on any one." Beatrice is a symbol of heavenly wisdom and revelation.

Song Two

Is a powerful pusher enough
So that I am called such a feat?
And if I go to the country of shadows,
I'm afraid I will be madman, not more.

After all, the visit to hell was to Dante for only the literary hero of Enai (who descended into the underground insidency of shadows, where the late father showed him the soul of his descendants) Yes, the Apostle Paul (who visited Hell and Paradise, "so that others have strengthened in faith, to save Go "). Virgin responds calmly:

It is impossible to fear overlook the mind;
I was designed so much
What pledged to serve it in everything.

It was Beatrice requested Virgilius to provide special attention to Dante, to spend it on the underworld and to protect against danger. She herself is in purgatory, but by moving love, not afraid of Dante to go down to hell:

Only to be afraid of what harm
For the near lurking is intimate.

In addition, at the request of Beatrice, on the side of Dante and Virgin Mary ("there is a graceful wife in the sky; Sorrowfully who will suffer so sternly, she bowed to grace she), and the Christian Holy Lucia. Virginia encourages the poet, assures that the path to which he ventured will end safely:

Why is the shameful timidity confused?
Why did not know the boldly pride,
When three blessed wives
You in Heaven found the word protection
And the marvelous path to you?

Dante calms down and asks Virginia to go ahead, pointing to him the path.

Song Third

On Dante Ada Gates read the inscription:

I carry out the rejected seleniums,
I carry through the enemy moan,
I carry the dead genera.
It was true of my architect inspired:
I am the highest strength, completeness of the beggar
And the first love is created.
Ancient me only eternal creature,
And with the eternity there is a par.
Inbox, leave hope.

Ho Christian mythology, Hell is created by the Triune Deity: Father (Higher Power), Son (Full Viscoun) and the Holy Spirit (first love) to serve as a place of execution for fallen Lucifer. Hell was created earlier than the transient and will exist forever. The ancient hell is only land, sky and angels. Hell is an underground funnel-shaped abyss, which, narrowing, reaches the center of the globe. Its slopes of obscure concentric ledges, "circles" of hell.

Virginia notes: "It is necessary that the soul has been firm; Here fear should not file advice. "

Dante enters "Mysterious Seni". It turns out to be on the other side of the gate of hell.

There sighs, crying and an inflated cry
In the darkness of the sadness were so great
Scraps of all the adverbs, ropot wild,
Words in which pain and anger, and fear,
Splashing hands and complaints and shorts
Merged into the rumble, without time, in centuries,
Mulled in the MGL of unreasonable,
As a turbulent swirl, indignant ashes.

Virgilius explains that there are "insignificant" here, those pitiful souls, "that they lived, not knowing nor glory, nor shame of mortals. And with them angels are a bad flock ", which, when Lucifer rebelled, did not joined him or towards God. "They overthrew the sky, not tortured stains; And the abyss of hell does not accept them. " Sinners are spread in despair because

And the death hour for them is unattainable,
And this life is so unbearable,
That everything else was lighten to them.
They are as if he is chasing and tested to the waves,
How it may seem from afar.

Virgilia leads Dante to Aheron - the river of ancient underworld. Stacking down, Aheron forms a swamp stycase (the sting swamp, in which angry), even lower it becomes a phlegetone, an annular river of boiling blood, into which rapids are immersed, crosses the suicide forest and the desert, where the fire rain falls. Finally, Aheron noisy waterfall falls deep into the center of the earth to turn into an ice lake in the center of the Earth.

To meet the poets floats in the Floor "The Old Man, whoed Ancient Sedino". This is Charon, the carrier of the shower of the ancient underworld, who in Dan-Tov hell turned into a demon. Haron is trying to drive Dante - a living soul - from the dead, the napel God. Knowing that Dante is not convicted of eternal flour, Charon believes that the poet's place in a light chely, where Angel transports the souls of the dead to the fitting. Ho for Dante takes into Virginia, and the poet is included in the gloomy Chelon Charon.

Removed the wind the depth of the earth
The mourning desert broke out around
Baghrous shine feeling blinding ...

Dante is deprived of feelings.

Song fourth

Waking up from sleep-fainting, Dante turns out to be in the first round of Catholic Hell, which is otherwise called Lamb. Here he sees unreleased babies and virtuous non-Christians. They did not commit anything wrong with life, however, if there is no baptism, no merit will save a person. Here and the soul of Virginia, who explains Dante:

Who lived to the Christian teaching
That God honored not as we need.
That is me. For these omissions,
He for other, we are convicted,

Virgilia says that Christ, between his death and resurrection, came to hell and brought away the Old Testament Saints and Patriarchs (Adam, Abel, Moses, Tsar David, Abraham, Israel, Rachel). They all hit the paradise. Returning in Limb Virgin greet the four greatest poet of antiquity:

Homer, stretched from singers of all countries;
The second - Horace, whisen of morals;
Ovid - the third, and behind him - Luban.

Dante turns out to be sixth in this company of great verse, considers it a great honor for himself. After a walk with poets in front of him, there is a high lock, surrounded by a seven walls. The famous Greeks-Trojans - Electra (Atlanta's daughter, Beloved Zeus, Mother Dardan, Troy Founder) appear Hector (Trojan hero); Aeneas. Followed by the famous Romans: "Caesar, a friend of battles" (commander and statesman who laid the foundations of one); Brut, the first Roman Consul; Caesar's daughter Julia and others. Sultan Egypt and Saladin Siladin, known to his mental nobility. The sages and poets are sitting in a separate circle: "Teacher of those who know", Aristotle; Socrates; Plato; Democritis, which "The World Random believes"; Philosophers Diogen, Fales with Anaksagor, Zenon, Empedocl, Heraclit; Dioscarid doctor; Roman Philosopher Seneca, mythical Greek poets Orpheus and Lin; Roman speaker Tully; geometer Euclide; Astronomer Ptolemy; Doctors Hippocrat, Galen and Avicenna; Arabic philosopher Averrois.

"Leaving the starting circle", Dante goes down, in the second round of hell.

Song Fifth

The border of the second Dante circle meets the fair Greek king Minos, the "Crete Legislator", which became one of the three days of the afterlife after death. Minos appoints sinners a degree of punishment. Dante sees around the flying souls of sinners.

Then hellish wind, rest is not knowing,
Michit Songs Shower among the surrounding MGLL
And torment them, turning and toning.
... is a circle of torment
For those whom the earthly flesh called,
Who betrayed the mind of the power of lusts.

Among the solvents, languishing in the circle of the second, is the Queen of Semiramid, Cleopatra, Elena, "the uncertainty". Flour Achilles, "Thunderstorm battles, who was defeated by love, was recognized and tolerated here. Paris, Tristan.

Dante appeals to a pair of inseparable even in hell of lovers - Francesca da Rimini and Paolo Malast. Francesca was married to a ugly and chrome man, but soon loved his younger brother. The husband of Frances killed both. Francesca calmly replies Dante that, despite the flour of hell,

Love, love loving loved ones
I was so powerfully attracted me
That this captivity you see unbreakable.

Francesca tells Dante the story of their love with Paolo. The reason to join the love relationship, for them there was a joint reading of the novel about Lanchelote, Knights of the Round Table, and about his love for the Queen of Jinevore. "Their hearts" covers the forehead of Dante "mortal later", and it falls without feelings.

Song sixth

Dante, accompanied by Virginia, enters the third round, the entrance to which triggeless Dog Cercher, the demon with the features of the PSA and Human:

His blagrov's eyes will break the belly,
Fat in a black beard, claws;
He torments the soul, the skin with meat River.

In a circle, the third, where the vigorous curves, "rain flows, damned, eternal, cargo, ice". Virginia leans, hesitates two handfuls of the earth and throws them into "voracious grazing". Cherberian. So far, the land is given, poets get to pass by him.

Dante meets the chakco, the well-known Florence of the Obzhor. Chakko predicts the nearest fate of Florence, torn by enthusiastically between two noble childbirth (black and white gulevro, to which Dante belonged to and Dante):

After a long sorry
Blood and the power of forest
(White) will deliver
And their enemies - exile and shame.
When the sun is three times his face,
They will fall, and the way will help get up
The hand of the one who is in our day Lukavit

(Pope Boniface VIII).

Black Guelphs will attach whites, according to the prophecy of the chakco. Many white, including and Dante, will be exposed.

Virginia explains Dante that when Christ comes to judge the living and the dead, each of the souls will hurry to his grave, where her body buried, will enter him and hear his sentence. Virgilia refers to the works of Aristotle, which says that "than the nature of perfect in the judgment, the fastenness of the burrow in it, and the pain of the hurt." This means that the creature is perfect, the fact that it is more susceptible to pleasure and to suffering. The soul without a body is less perfect than connected to him. Therefore, after the resurrection of the dead, the sinners will experience even greater suffering in hell, and the righteouss are even greater bliss in paradise.

Song seventh

In the next Circle of Dante, the Greek God of Wealth Plutos, a beastly demon, guarding access to the fourth round, where the buyers and waste are executed. These two groups lead a peculiar dance:

Two Sonmitsa Stegali, Raint on Raint,
Then they stumbled and again
With difficulty Brere back, shouting each other:
"What to save?" Or "what to twitch?"

Virgilius reproaches Dante for his mistaken thought, as if Fortuna keeps human happiness in his hands, and explains that the goddess of fate is only a performer of the fair Will, it disposes of worldly happiness, while each of the heavenly spheres corresponds to their angelic circle, who knows heavenly happiness.

Virgilia and Dante cross the fourth round and get

Before the jets of the stream, which are spacious,
I am absorbed by them, the depression rushed.
The color of them was a crimson-black ...
The sullen key subsides and grows
In the styagia swamp, falling ...

In the National Bog, Dante sees a fierce crowd of naked people.

They fought, not only in two hands,
Ho head, and breast and legs
Loking each other to shit into the nurses.

Virgilia explains that the perpetual kara is angry here. Under the waves of the Swamol, people are also punishable, "whose throats Tina Cero". These are those who deeply taillouchew anger and hatred in life and as if heaven from them. Now their punishment is terrible than those who splashed their anger to the surface.

Virgily leads Dante to the foot of the Tower of the underworld City, located on the other side of the Swamp.

Song eighth

Dante notices two grilled lights. This is the signal of the arrival of two shower, which from the diet city tower serves a response signal and the carrier sails from there.

The evil guard of the fifth circle, the shower carrier through the Schigi Swamp - Flegi, according to the Greek Miof the King of Lapiphov. Flyegeh burned the Dolphic Temple and was injected with an angry Apollo in Aid.

Flygija is lucky in Venya Virginia with Dante. "In the middle of the dead stream" Dante sees a supporter of black guelphists, a rich Florentine knight on Clearing Argenti ("Silver"), because he set up his horse with silver. During his life between him and Dante, there was a personal enmity, Ardenti was distinguished by arrogance and mad temper. He wures both hands around the neck of Dante, trying to pull him into dark waters, but "all the dirty people in fury is great" will be thrown on Argenti and does not allow him to fulfill his vile intention. Ardenti "River his own teeth in the wrath of wild."

Before Dante, the city of Dit grows (Latin name Aida), in which "joyless people, sadness sad". The eternal flame buzzes the city's fence and paints the towers with crimson color. So before Dante appears the bottom hell. At the gate of Dante, many hundred devils "rain offended from the sky" sees. They were once angels, but together with Lucifer rebelled against God and are now overtaken in hell.

The devils require Virgili to approaches them, and Dante continued to stand pronounced. Dante is afraid to death, but Virginia assures him that everything will be fine, you just need to believe and hope. The devils talk to Virgilius for a short time and quickly hide inside. Bucks iron internal gates of dita. External gates were broken by Christ when he tried to bring the soul of righteous from hell, and the devils blocked his way. Since then, hellish gates are open.

Song ninth

Seeing that when he was returning, Dante turned from fear, Virgini overwhelning his own pallor. The poet of antiquity tells that he had no time here, "the evil Erichto sworn, that he knew how to call the soul back to the bodies." (Erichto is a wizard who resurrected the dead and forced them to predict the future).

Before Dante and Vergil, "Three Furies, Blood and Pale and Green Hydrais are wounded." They call the jellyfish, from whose view Dante must become. However, Vergil warns in time for Dante closed his eyes and turned away, and even closes his face with his palms. Furias regret that at one time did not take a teeskey, which penetrated Aid to steal the Persephone: then the mortals would finally disappear wish to penetrate the underground world.

In a circle, Six Dante sees "only desert places, performed by sorrowless".

The tombs are fruitless, -
Then that there are lights here. Lights crawled,
So their kalya, like in the flame
Iron did not calm the enconitor.

In these mournful tombs tomorrow the heretics.

Song tenth

Suddenly, from one grave, the voice of the pharyn of Deli Randa, the heads of the Florentine gibellin (parties of hostile glevropam) are heard. He asks whose descendant Dante. The poet honestly tells his story. Farinata is accepted to insult him, and Vergili will continue to Dante not to talk about himself on himself. Before Dante, a new ghost, Gwelf Cavalkanti, the father of the nearest friend Dante, Guido Cavalkanti. He is surprised that he sees Guido next to Dante. The poet explains that he is given in Hell Virginia, whose works Guido "did not honor."

Vergilia warns that when Dante "will enter the gracious light of beautiful eyes, all seeing truthfully", that is, will meet Beatrice, she will give him to see the shadow of Kachchagvida, who will open Dante his coming fate.

Song eleventh

Vergilius explains to his satellite that in the abyss of the Lower Hell, three circles are located. In these last circles, anger is punishable, man-made or violence or deception.

Deception and power - that's the evil.
Deception, vice, only akin to a person,
Gnusny Creator; It fills in the bottom
And the torture is executed by hopeless.
Violence in the first round is concluded
Which is thrown into three belts ...

In the first belt, killing is punished, robbery, arson (i.e. violence over near). In the second belt - suicide, game and motorcycle (i.e. violence over his own property). In the third belt - blasphemy, sodomy and lechimetas (violence against deities, nature and art). Virgil mentions that "there is a delicate of just three hated heavens of trimming: incapbate, malice, violent stovery." At the same time, "the demand is a smaller sin before God, and he does not make so punish for him."

Song twelve

The entrance to the range of the seventh, where the rapists are punishable, guarding the minotavr, "Shame of Cityry", the monster, conceived by the Cretan queen of Pacifia from the bull.

In the circle, the seventh are centaurus. Dante and Virgilius meet the fair from Centaurs, Hiron, the educator of many heroes (for example, Achille). Chiron manages that Centaur Ness has become a guide to Dante and drove away those who could prevent the poet.

Along the shore, over scarlet boiling water,
The counselors led us without stopping.
There was a scream of the cooked alive.

In the boiling bloody river, Tiranians, mahedening gold and blood, - Alexander Macedonian (commander), Dionysius Sirakuz (Tirant), Attila (Europa devastator), Pyrrr (War War with Caesar), Sext (Extermining residents of the city of Gabi).

Song thirteenth

Stone on the second belt of the seventh circle, where the rapists are punished over them and above their property, Dante sees Garpi's nests (mythical birds with devili persons). They with Virgilia pass through the "fire desert". Virgilia says that when Eney began to break their altars to the branches to decorate the branches, blood came out of the bark, and the plaintive voice of the Trojan Trojan Tsarevich Polydor was heard. Dante, following the example of Eney, stretches his hand to the thorns and breaks the bitch. The trunk exclaims that he hurts him.

So Dante enters the forest suicide. They are the only ones on the day of a terrible court, having left for their bodies, will not reunite with them: "He our what we dropped themselves."

Suicians whose "soul, growing up, sprouts self-rooted body," there is no forgiveness, even if the person "thoughtful death to prevent Zrossov." TE, which voluntarily deprived of life, appealed to plants after death.

Grain in escape and B, the barrel was turned out;
And harpia, feeding his sheets,
Pain create ...

Song fourteenth

Dante follows the third belt of the seventh circle, where in the eternal torments languishing rapists over the deity. Before him, a steppe opened where there is no live sprout. " Blaspholes are defeated by chant, lie up face, Lychihimens are sitting, crumpled, sodomites will sink without tired.

An irreconcilable blasphemy, which in hell does not refuse his opinion, "Himself, in the frenzy is great, executes the tough of every trial." He "begged God - and did not become humble."

Dante and Virginia are moving toward the high mountain of Ida.

In Mount, there is a great old man;
He shines golden,
And the chest and hands are silver cast,
And then - copper, dotood, where bliss;
Then - iron donis is simple,
Ho clay right plus
All flesh, from the neck down, dissected,
And droplets tears through cracks flowing
And the bottom of the cave is gnawing their wave.
In the underground depths of them
And Aheron, and Styx, and Phlegeton.

This is a Cretan old man, the emblem of mankind who has passed through the golden, silver, copper and iron century. Now it is (humanity) relies on a fragile clay foot, that is, an hour of his close is close. The elder is turned back to the east, the area of \u200b\u200bthe ancient kingdoms who have learned the age of ancient kingdoms, and the face of the world's global monarchy and from where Dante believes, can still adsat the salvation of the world, reflected.

Fifteenth song

Before Dante flows the hellish river, "burning phlegeton", over which "abundant couples" rises. From there, the voice of Florentine Brunetuto, a scientist, poet and the State Worker of Dante, on which the poet himself looks like on his teacher. He is accompanied by a guest for a while. Dante

... did not dare to go to the plain zhug
Side by side with him; but head smoke,
As a person respectfully coming.

Dante sees how "people of the Church, the best to know them, scientists, known to all countries, are tormented in the bubble scurvations of the hellish river.

Sixteenth song

Three shadows from the crowd, which consists of a shower of military and statesmen, are poured to Dante and Virgilia. "They ran the ring all three, because in the third belt of the seventh circle of hell, the souls are forbidden to stop even for a moment. Dante recognizes the Florentine Glevo Gvido Gverra, Teggiaio Aldobrandi and Pyctikucci. We have glorified themselves in Dante times.

Virginia explains that now it's time for them to descend into the worst place of hell. A rope is found on the belt at Dante - he hoped "she trot to catch once." Dante Hands Virginia Rope.

He, sideways becoming and so that
He hook behind the ledges of the cliff,
She threw it in the gaping darkness.

I saw - to us from the abyss, as a swimmer, soared some kind of an increase in, wonderful and for dangling hearts.

Song seventeenth

Gerion appears from the hellish abyss, the guard of the eighth circle, where the deceivers are punishable.

He was clear was face and magnifies
The challenges of the features of friendly and clean,
Ho the rest of the snake was the composition.
Two paws, hairy and claws;
His back, and belly, and sides -
In the stains pattern and flowery nodes.

Dante notes "the crowd of people who sat near the glowing dust." This is a usurist. They are placed on the most intimidation, on the border with the area where deceivers faces flour. Virgilia advises Dante to find out, "What is the difference between their lot".

Everyone on the chest Mosna hung,
Having a special sign and color
And the eyes of them seemed to be delighted.

Empty midges are decorated with empty coat of arms, which indicates their noble origin. Dante and Virgiili sit on the back of Gerion, and he rushes them into the abyss. Horror Dante Volume when he sees that

... around one
Empty air abyss black
And only the beast rises a back.

Gerion lowers poets to the bottom of the failure and disappears.

Song eighteenth

Dante enters the circle of eighth (evil slits), which is elected by ten concentric Ravs (slots). In evil slots, deceivers who cheated people who are not related to them with some special bonds. In the first Riva, sinners go to two counter streams, tested demons and therefore "the latter walking" than Dante and Virginia. The closest to the poets is moving towards them. These are futsmen who seduced women for others. Far row form seductors who seduced women for themselves. Among them -

... wise and brave lord,
Jason, the rune chaser Golden.
He deceived, decorating the speech or
Mlady Hypsypil, in his turn
Faces deceived once.
Her he threw the frozen fruit there;
For this, he is so bad viciously ...

Dante is closed "to the bridge where there is a scope for a look." The crowds of sinners appear to his eyes, "in the feces" in the second RBV. This is a lets. Dante recognizes Alessio Interminelli, who admits that he suffers such a kara "due to the flattering speech that wearing in the language."

Song nineteenth

In the third RVI, the tacitors are punishable, "Church Torgashi". Here Dante sees Pope Nicholas III, which has been cramped up with his legs up. The poet lets himself at him as a confessor over the killer (in the Middle Ages in Italy, the killers were buried to the ground down her head, and the only way to delay the terrible execution to ask the confessor to approach the convict again). Dante displays a symbol of Papal Rome, merging the image of the harmnica and the beast (following the example of the author of the Apocalypse, who called Rome "Great Bludnitsa", sitting on the seminal and a decade of the beast).

Srebro and Zlato - now God for you;
And even those who pray to the idol,
You read one, you honor one hundred prases.

Song twentieth

In the fourth RIVE of the eighth circle, there are obsequers affected by a little. Dante recognizes the FVAN SEEBENT Tires, who, by hitting the staff in two woven snakes, turned into a woman, and after seven years he made the opposite transformation. Here and the daughter of Tiresia, the Moto, too, the priest.

Song twenty first

In the fifth rally of the eighth circle, Mtzoimtsy is punishable. Ditch guard the demons of Zagrabli. Dante sees how a thick resin boils into the rock, notes, "as a kind of devil black on the nicknamed tailing up the steep path runs."

He piled up as a bag,
On a sharp shoulder and rushed on the rocks,
Holding him for the tendon feet.
... and teeth up to one hundred
The sinner in the sinner went there.

Song twenty-second

Virgiliy and Dante go "with a dozen demons" for the fifth RBV. Sometimes, "for facilitating MUK", one of the sinners pops up from a boiling resin and hurryly dives back, because on the shores they are zealously erased demons. Someone is illuminated on the surface, one of the guards, the Zabyaka, tears to him the "bug of the forearm" and snatches the "meat block of the whole".

Barely Mazomets disappeared with his head
He immediately moved his nails
And the devils clung over the resin.

Song twenty-third

In the sixth RBU contains hypocrites, closed in lead mantles, which are referred to as cloaks. The hypocrites are very slow moving forward under the severity of the armor. Virgilius advises Dante wait and go with someone from familiar in the leg along the road.

One of the sinners admits that they are with a comrade - assholes (in Bologna, the Order of the Knights of the Virgin Mary was established, the assumed the purpose of which was considered to reconcile the warring and defended by the order. Since the members of the Order took over their pleasures, they were called "fun brothers "). Gaudent suffer punishment for the hypocrisy of their Order.

Dante sees the "crucified in dust by three stakes." This sinner is the Jewish High Priest of Caiaf, who submitted to Pharisees, according to the Gospel Legend, the Council to kill Christ. Kaiafa hypocrisically said that the death of one Christ would save all the people from the death. Otherwise, the people can make anger of Romans, who was Judea, if he went under whose power, if he continues for Christ.

He thrown across the trails and goal
As you can see, and feels all the time
As far as everyone who goes is hard.

The Pharisees themselves led a furious struggle with early Christian communities, so the Gospel calls them hypocrites.

Song twenty-fourth

Thieves are punishable in the seventh Riva. Dante with Virgilius rose to the top of the collapse. Dante is very tired, but Virgiliya reminds that there is a much higher staircase ahead of him (having in mind the path in purgatory). In addition, the purpose of Dante is not to just get away from sinners. This is not enough. We must achieve internal perfection.

"Suddenly, the voice from the ruine rang out, which did not even sound like." Dante does not understand the meaning of words, does not see where the voice comes from and to whom it belongs. Inside, Dante sees "a terrible companion, and so many different things it was clear that the blood is fastened."

Medium of this monstrous
Naked people, sword, nor a corner
He waited to hide either heliotrope.

Twisting their hands behind his back, sides
Tail and head pierced snakes,
To bind the ends of the tangle in front.

Here you suffer a porridge. Snakes are incubated to the thief, he burns, loses his body, falls, falls apart, but then his dust makes it closes and returns to the previous one, so that the execution began to begin first.

The thief admits that there was a lover of "live in scotch, and he could not in human." Now he is "so deeply thrown into the pit that such that the utensils in the siege stole."

Song twenty-fifth

Understanding speech, throwing hands
And putting two Kukishov, villain
Exclaimed like this: "On, God, both pieces!"
Since then, I became another snake:
I do not in one of the dark circles of hell
The shower of God did not appear ...

Snakes are dug in the bodies of thieves, and the thieves themselves turn into a snake: they are divided into their languages, the legs are growing into a single tail ", after which

Shower in the guadina creek
And with a spike removes in the hollow.

Song twenty sixth

In the eighth RIV, the fishing advisers are executed. "Here every spirit is lost inside the fire, which he burns." In the eighth Rvu, Ulysses (Odysseus) and Diomed (Trojan Heroes, always jointly acting in battles and ingenious enterprises), "And so together, as they went to anger, they are by pumped."

Odyssey tells Dante, which is responsible for the fact that all his life was knocked out people from the true path, deliberately suggested by the cunning, incorrect exits from the situation, manipulated them, for which the flour of hell would be tolerated. He repeatedly, his sly advice cost him satellites of life, and Odyssey had to "replace our celebration."

Song twenty-seventh

Another cracked adviser - Count Gwido de Montefeltro, the leader of Romanesque gleaflines, a skillful commander, who was begging with Papal Rome, who grown with him. Two years before death, he touched the monks to the monks, which and notify Dante now:

I changed the sword on the Cordillera belt
And believed that she accepts grace;
And so my faith would turn
When in sin did not introduce me again
Supreme Shepherd (evil fate!);
I knew all kinds of secret ways
And I won the tricks of any suit;
The edge of the light heard the sound of my clauses.
When I realized that it reached the part
My luckee, where a wise man,
Removing your sail, saving tackle,
All that captivated me, I comply;
And, crushing confession to preferably -
About grief to me! - I would save forever.

However, the Count could not dismiss him from his usual hectares of tricks and lucavia, perverted logic, with the help of which he spoil less far-sighted people. Life. Therefore, when Guido de Montefeltro's death came, the devil came down from heaven and picked him up his soul, explaining that he was logic too.

Song twenty eighth

In the ninth RBU suffer from discord. According to Dante, "surpass a hundred times the ninth monstrous violence" All other circles of hell.

He so breathing, losing bottom, eared,
How is the lather in one zone
lips of the Dotut, where they are mercy:
Pokhok kishok between knees whisal
The heart was visible with a vague mosper,
Where eaten goes into Calo.

One of the sinners is Troubadur Bertram de Bourne, who fought a lot with his native brother and with the neighbors and encouraging others to war. Under his influence, Prince Heinrich (whom Dante calls John) raised the rebellion against his father, who also crowned him during his lifetime. For this brain Berrama cut off forever, the head is uncalled in half.

Song twenty ninth

View of these crowd and this Torzanya
So sipped my eyes that
I wanted to cry, not taaya suffering.

The tenth ditch is the last refuge of the fakers. Metals, fakes of people (i.e., outstanding themselves for others), fakers of money and fakers of words (liar and slanders). Dante sees two people sitting back to back, "From the feet on the theme of the plenty". They suffer from silent scabies and be relaxed.

Their nails leather the skin ruling
How to scaly with big fish

Or withbream scraps knife.

Song thirtieth

Before Dante are

... two pale bare shadows,
Which, biting all the circle,
Rushed ...
One completely like a lute was arranged;
He would only cut off in PAho
The whole bottom, which in people is twisted.

This is Gianni Skisci and Mirra, who gave themselves for other people. Mirra, the daughter of the Cypriot king kiniir, walked with love for his father and under his stranger quenched his passion. Having learned about this, my father wanted to kill her, but Mirra Benhal. The gods turned her into a mirror tree. Gianni Skikki pretended to be a dying rich and dictated a notary test for him. Compiled a fake testament was in many ways in favor of the Skisci himself (which received an excellent horse and six hundred gold, while the pennies sacrificed).

In the tenth of the eighth circle, Potifara's wife, who tried in vain to seduce an excellent Joseph, who served in their home, and as a result she slandered him before her husband, and he signed Joseph to prison. In the tenth RIV, the eternal shame "Trojan Greek and Liar. Synonym" is executed, the oath of the Trojan, who has fallen a false story, convinced the Troyans to introduce a wooden horse into three.

Song thirty first

Virgilius is angry at Dante for the fact that he pays such a lot of attention to such rascals. HO Language Virgin, who was horrible by Dante reproach and called in his face the paint of shame, heals him heals his sincere wound with consolation.

From the gloomy light in the distance towers arise. Going closer, Dante sees that it is a well of the giants (giants, in Greek mythology, trying to take the sky and overthrow zeus lightning).

They stand in a well, a boron around
And the bottom of them, from the nap, the fence is embedded.

Among the giants, Tsar Nemlevrod languishes, who knew to build a tower to heaven, which led to a displacement before a single language, and people stopped understanding each other's speech. The gigid of Efalt is punished by the fact that no longer can move with his hands.

Titan Antey arises from a dark brand. He did not participate in the fight of giants with the gods. Virgilius instructs Antea, praises his supernatural power, and he transfers them with Dante "In the failure, where the Judas of the Timmest and Lucifer is absorbed."

Song thirty second

The bottom of the well guarded by the giants turns out to be an ice lake Kocyt, in which they punished deceiving trusted, i.e. traitors. This is the last circle of hell, divided into four concentric belts. In the first belt, traitors of relatives are executed. They are immersed in the ice, and their faces are drawn by the book.

And their eyes swollen from tears
Poured moisture, and she froze,
And the eyelids were outlined by frost.

In the second belt, the traitors of the Motherland suffer. By chance, Dante hits one sinner with the foot in the temple. This is a loaf of deli Abbati. He cut off the banner of the Florentine calender in battle, which led to confusion and defeat. Broke is accepted to scandal, refuses to introduce himself to Dante. Other sinners with contempt are collapsed by the traitor. Dante promises that loyalty with its help "forever will strengthen its shame in the world."

Two other sinners are choking in the pit together.

One, like a cap, was covered with another.
How the bread nibbles hungry, sterque,
So the upper teeth below imposed
There, where the brain is closed and neck.

Song thirty-third

In the third belt, Dante sees traitors of friends and sotraznikov. Here he listens to the history of Count Ugolino della Gerardesska. He ruled in Pisa together with his grandson Nino Visconti. Ho soon between them a discord appeared between them than and the enemies of Ugolino took advantage. Under the distortion of friendship and promising assistance in the fight against Nino, Bishop Rujero raised a folk rebellion against Ugolino. Ugolino, together with the four sons, was sharpened to the tower where he was before locked his prisoners, where they were worn by hunger. At the same time, sons repeatedly asked her father to eat them, but he refused and saw the children one after another died in torment. Two days thomitically called the dead with screams of longing, but he killed him not grief, but hunger. Ugolino asks to remove the oppression from his gaze, "so that sorrow though on a moment a tear, while the frost did not drag it."

The ink of Alberigo is tormented by Ink Alberigo, who, when a relative gave him a slap, as a sign of reconciliation invited him to his feast. At the end of the meals, Alberigo exclaimed to make fruit, and on this sign, his son and brother, along with hired killers, attacked the relative and his young son and solenol both. "Fruit brother Alberigo entered the saying.

Song thirty fourth

Poets enter the last, fourth belt, or more precisely, in the central disk of the ninth circle

Hell. The traitors of their benefactors are executed here.

Some lie; Other frozen standing,
Who is upwards who are frozen on the book;
And who is the arc, the face of the feet of Croy.

Lucifer on the chest rises from ice. The once most beautiful of the angels, he headed their rebellion against God and was overthrown from heaven in the bowels of the earth. Turn into a monstrous devil, he became the Lord of the Underworld. So in the world evil appeared.

In the three pastes of Lucifer, those whose sin, on the thought of Dante, terrible all: traitors of the Veligovnya of God (Judas) and the Majesty of Human (Brut and Cassia, the republics who killed Julia Caesar).

Juda Israariot is swallowed inside the head and heels outward. Bruut hangs out of the black grazing of Lucifer and draws in a mute sorrow.

Virgilius announces that their wandering on the circles of hell approached the end. They make a turn and rush to the southern hemisphere. Dante, accompanied by Virginia returns to the "Clear Light". Dante completely calms down, hardly his eyes illuminates the "the beauty of heaven into the gaping lumen."


Dante with Virginia leaves Hell to the foot of the gripping mountain. Now Dante is preparing to "touch the second kingdom" (i.e., seven circles of purgation, "where the souls acquire cleansing and to the eternal go rise to being").

Dante depicts purgatory in the form of a huge mountain, towering in the southern hemisphere in the middle of the ocean. It has a truncated cone. The coastline and the lower part of the mountain form a pre-tribal, and the upper Oboyacea of \u200b\u200bthe seven ledges (seven circles of purgatory). A desert forest of earth paradise is placed on a flat top of Dante Mountain. There, the human spirit acquires the highest freedom to then go to heaven.

The guardianship is an old man of Caton (the State Worker of the Recent Times of the Roman Republic, who, not wanting to survive her crash, committed suicide). He "climbed freedom" - spiritual freedom, which is achieved by means of moral cleansing. This freedom, not feasible without freedom of civilian, Caton devoted and gave life.

At the foot of the mountain, the nipples of the dead souls are crowded. Dante recognizes the shadow of his friend, composer and singer Casella. Kasella tells the poet that the souls of those, "who will not attract Aheron," that is not convicted of the flour of hell, they fly away after death towards the mouth of the tiber, from where the angel will take them in Chelny to the island of purgatory. Although the angel did not take Casella with him for a long time, he did not see in this offense, being convinced that the desire of the carrier angel "with the highest truth is similar." Ho is now spring 1300 g. (The time of the "Divine Comedy"). In Rome, starting from Christmas, the church "anniversary" copes, generously discharges the sins alive and facilitated the fate of the dead. Therefore, for three months already, as an angel "takes freely" in his root of everyone who will ask.

At the foot of the Mount Cultivation, they are dead under church excavation. Among them - Manfred, the King of Naples and Sicily, an irreconcilable opponent of the papacy, excommunicated from the church. To combat him, the papal throne called Karl Anjou. In the battle of Benevento (1266), Manfred died, and his kingdom went to Carlo. Each warrior of the enemy troops, the charm of the King, threw a stone on his grave, so grew up a whole hill.

On the first ledge of the primordial, there are negotiating, slowly slowly with repentance. Dante sees Florentine Belakva, who is waiting for the living for him - his own prayers from the primordial is no longer heard to God.

the larger, the undisguised, who died a violent death. Here and those who fell in battle and who was killed by treacherous hand. The soul of Count Buonkonte, who fell in the battle, an angel takes into paradise, "using the tear" of his repentance. The devil decides to take possession of at least "other", that is, his body.

Dante meets the Father, the poet of the XIII century, who wrote in Provencal and the deceased, for legend, violent death. The sidello was a native of Mantua, like Virginia.

Virginia says that he is deprived of the appearance of God (Sun) not because he sinned, but because he did not know the Christian faith. He was "late to learn later" - after death, when Christ came to hell.

In a secluded valley, the souls of the earth's lords, which were absorbed by worldly affairs. Here Rudolph Habsburg (the emperor of the so-called "Sacred Roman Empire"), the Czech King of Prezhdysl-Ottokar II (fell in the battle with Rudolph in 1278), Krynosta French King Philip III brave (suffered a defeat, "overshabizing the honor of the lilies" of his coat of arms) And so on. Most of these kings are very unhappy in their offspring.

Two bright angels descend to earthly sifolds to serve the valley, because "closely the appearance of Zmia." Dante sees Nino Visconti, a friend and rival of Count Ugolini, whom the poet met in hell. Nino complains that the widow soon forgot him. Three bright stars, symbolizing faith, hope and love spare over the horizon.

Virginia and other shadows do not need a dream. Dante falls asleep. While he sleeps, Holy Lucia appears, she wants to transfer the poet to the gates of purgatory. Virginia agrees and submissively follows Lucia. Dante should rise in three steps - whiteramor, purple and fire-scarlet. On the latter sits the Bulletin of God. Dante asks a reverence to be opened by the gate. He, drawing on the forehead dance with a sword seven "p", takes out silver and gold keys, opens the gates of purgatory.

In the circle of the first purulent of the soul, the sin of pride. The circle path for which Dante with Virginia is moving along the marble wall of the mountain slope, decorated with bas-reliefs, which depict examples of humility (for example, the gospel legend about the humility of the Virgin Mary in front of an angel, who heralds that she will give birth to Christ).

The shadows of the dead pay praise to the Lord, they ask for the instructions of people on the path of the true, about the insistence of them, for "finding the road himself is powerless." They walk along the edge, "until the darkness of the darkness does not fall from them." Among those located here - Odresisi from Gubbio, a famous miniaturer. He tells that "to be the first to be diligently methyl", which should now redeem.

"The trail with the souls is cast by plates that" who were among the living. "Dante's attention, in particular, attracts the image of the terrible Niobay Muki, who was proud of his family and family her daughters and miped over Laton, the mother of just two twins. - Apollo and Diana. Then the children of the goddess killed the arrows of all the children of Nobay, and she petrified from grief.

Dante notes that in the purgatory souls enter each new circle with chants, while in hell - with screams of flour. The letters "P" on the forehead Dante fake, everything is easier to rise to him. Virgin, smiling, draws his attention to the fact that one letter has already completely disappeared. After the first "r" rod, the pride sign, the root of all sins, became dull and the rest of the signs, especially since pride was the main sin of Dante.

Dante gets to the circle of the second. The poet is aware that he sinned envy much less than proud, but the flour of the "Lower Cliff", where the pride "is niche".

Dante enters the third grid circle. He first hit the bright light. This is a heavenly ambassador who announces the poet that he is opened further path. Virgil explains Dante:

Wealth, you are inhabit, the bad
What, than you more, the more meager part,
And envy fur swollen sighs.
And if you rushed passion
To the supreme sphere, your anxiety
It should be inevitably disappear.
After all, there - the more speaking "our",
Especially share is endowed
And that love is burning light and more.

Virginia advises Dante to achieve the healing of "five scars", of which two already erased with repentance of the poet in their sins.

The blind smoke, in which the poets enter, envelops the souls of those who were blinded by anger. Before Dante's inner eyes, Virgin Mary appears, which, who, after three days of his missing son, twelve-year-old Jesus, talking in the temple with a teacher, tells him meek words. Another vision is the wife of the Athenian Tirana of Piscistrata with pain in his voice requested from her husband to revenge the young man, who kissed their daughter in humans. The pcsistratus did not obey his wife, demanding that the daring was punished, and the matter ended the wedding. This dream was sent by Dante, so that his heart could not disgusted the "moisture of reconciliation" - meekness, the fire of anger.

The Circle Fourth Purgatory is set up sad. Vergilia sets out the doctrine of love as a source of all kind and evil and explains the gradation of the circles of purgation. Circles I, II and III are cleaned with the soul love for "Alien evil", that is, the zelation (pride, envy, anger); Circle IV - insufficient love for true good (despondency); Circles V, VI, VII - Excessive Love for False Goods (Corestatrol, Czechoda, Sweistance). Natural love is a natural desire of creatures (whether it is a primary substance, a plant, an animal or a person) to the fact that they are beneficial. Love is never mistaken in choosing a goal.

In the circle, the fifth looks of Dante appear memorials and worst workers, in the sixth - heaven. The poet marks Erisichton among them. Erisikhton quit Ceres, and the goddess lowered such an unfulfilled hunger on him that, all the sake of food, even his native daughter, Erisikhton began to have his own body. In the sixth round, the cleansing of the Bonifacea of \u200b\u200bFiesta is the Archbishop Ravennsky. Fidescas not so much sat down his spiritual flock of moral food, how many of their approximate - with lackless dishes. Dante compares stupid sinners with hungry Jews in the days of the siege of Jerusalem Romans (70 g), when the Jewish Mariam ate his infant baby.

The poet Bonjunta Lukksky asks Dante, whether he is who the best of all melted love. Dante formulates the psychological basis of its poetics and in general a "sweet new style", developed by him in poetry:

When love I breathe
Then I am attentive; She is only necessary
I tell me the words, and I write.

In the circle, the seventh Dante sees the deseprints. Some of them were hospitalized God, indulging sodomy, the others, like the Poet of Guido Guiniecli, are tormented by shame for the unrestrained "Skotan passion". Gwido already "his sin began to redeem how those that early with the heart of Ranchatsky." They commemorate the Pacifa in shame.

Dante falls asleep. He dreams like a young woman collects flowers in the meadow. This is a liar, a symbol of life activity. She collects flowers for sister Rachel, who loves to look in the mirror framed by flowers (symbol of the life of contemplative).

Dante enters the Lord Forest - that is, earthly paradise. Here he is a woman. This is Mat. She sings and collects flowers. If Eve had not broken the prohibition, humanity would live in the earthly paradise, and Dante from birth and to death would have tasted the bliss, which he now opens.

Creator of all benefits, pleased only
Introduced a person good, for good,
Here, in the forever to the eternal peace.
Of people stopped by that time
And turned into pain and crystal on old
Sure laughter and sweet game.

Dante is surprised by what sees water and wind in the earthly paradise. Mally explains (leaning on the "physics" of Aristotle) \u200b\u200bthat atmospheric precipitations are generated by "wet pairs", and "dry pairs" - the wind. Only below the level of the gate of the purgation is observed by this kind of troubles, generated by steam, which under the influence of solar heat rises from water and from the ground. At the height of the earthly paradise there are no random winds. There is only a uniform circulation of the earthly atmosphere from the east to the West, caused by the rotation of the ninth sky, or the leading motor, which leads to the movement of the eight heavens.

The flow current in the earthly paradise is divided. Left flows the summer river, the exterminating memory of the perfect sins, to the right - Even, resurrecting a memoil in man about all his good deeds.

To meet Dante marching mystical procession. This is the symbol of a triumphant church, which comes to meet the sinner to meet. The procession opens with family lamps, which, by apocalypse, "essence seven spirits of God." Three women at the right wheel of the chariot - three "theological" virtues: Alaya - love, green - hope, white - faith.

Holy Rimniet stops. Before Dante appears his beloved - Beatrice. She died aged twenty-five years. Ho here Dante again raised the "Wasy Love Charm". Virginia disappears into this moment. Further the poet's guide will be his beloved.

Beatrice Coriuse the poet for the fact that on earth after her death he was wrong for her and as a woman, and as heavenly wisdom, looking for answers to all his questions in human wisdom. To Dante "did not fix the steps of bad paths," Beatrice arranged his journey along nine Circles of hell and seven circles of purgatory. Only in this way, the poet was convinced of the poet: to give him salvation can only be "the spectacle of those killed forever."

Dante and Beatrice talk about what the poet is unrighteous ways. Beatrice washes Dante in the waters of the Letya River, giving the oblivion of sins. Nymphs sing that Dante will now be forever faithful Beatrice marked by the Higher Beauty, "Harmony of Heaven". Dante opens the second beauty of Beatrice - her mouth (first beauty, eyes, Dante has learned even in the earthly life).

Dante after the "ten-year thirst" to see Beatrice (ten years have passed since her death) does not bring her eyes off her. Holy army, mystical procession turns back to the east. The procession overshadows the biblical "tree of knowledge of good and evil", from the forbidden fruits of which they tasted Eva and Adam.

Beatrice instructs the poet to describe everything he will see. Before Dante, past, present and future fates of the Roman Church appear in allegorical images. The eagle descends to the chariot and shines her with his feathers. These are wealth that Christian emperors gave the church. Dragon (the devil) pulled off the part of her bottom from the chariot - the spirit of humility and poverty. Then she instantly dressed in feathers, hurt wealth. Pernata chariot turns into an apocalyptic beast.

Beatrice expresses confidence that the chariot kidnapped by the giant will be returned and will take its own former look. Events will show who will be the coming delight of the church, and the resolution of this difficult riddles will not cause disasters, but to the world.

Beatrice wants Dante, returning to people, handed them down her words, not even delight in their meaning, but simply retaining them in memory; So the pilgrim returns from Palestine with a palm branch tied to the staff. Sleep refers Dante to the link river, which returns to him lost forces. Dante goes to paradise, "clean and worthy to visit the shining."


Dante, by drinking from jets, returns to Beatrice. She will lead him to heaven, Genadent-Virginia cannot go to heaven.

Beatrice "lies" with a look in the sun. Dante is trying to follow her example, but, without preserving the shine, rushes his eyes to her eyes. It is imperceptible for himself the poet begins with his beloved to be taken into the heavenly spheres.

The celestial spheres rotate the ninth, crystal sky, or the leading motor, which in turn rotates with incomprehensible speed. Each of its particle is eager to connect with each of the particles of a comprehensive immobile empire. According to the explanation of Beatrice, heaven does not rotate themselves, but are driven by angels that give them strength of influence. Dante denotes these "drivers" of Dante: "Deep wisdom" "Mind" and "minds".

Dante's attention has been attracted by the harmonic consonances produced by the rotation of heaven. Dante seems to cover them with a transparent smooth dense cloud. Beatrice raises the poet to the first sky - the moon, the nearest luminaire. Dante and Beatrice are immersed in the moon.

Dante asks Beatrice, "It is possible to reimburse the gap by new things." Beatrice replies that a person can do it only likeing the Divine Love, which wants all the inhabitants of the celestial kingdom to be like her.

Beatrice and Dante fly to the "second kingdom", the Second Nebu, Mercury. To meet them is rushing "nonsense of brilliants." These are ambitious soors of good. Dante asks some of them about their fate. Among them is the Byzantine Emperor of Justinian, who, during his reign, "in the laws, everyone eliminated the flaw," joined the path of true faith, and God "noted him." Here a "MZDA according to the merit" of Cincinnatu, the Roman consul and the dictator that became famous for the severity of the Nrava is granted. Torquat, Roman commander IY V.Do N.E., Pompey, Great and Scmpion, African is glorified.

In the second sky, Romeo's light shines inside the pearls, a modest wanderer, i.e. Rome de Vilna, the minister who, according to the legend, as if came to the court of Graph of Oboven Poor Pilgrim, led his property affairs, issued his daughters Beyond the four kings, but the envious courtesy stated it. The Count demanded that the report of the report in the Office, he filed his inaccurate riches and left the county courtyard in the same beggar, which came. Count executed slanders.

Dante incomprehensible way with Beatrice takes off on the third sky - Venus. In the depths of the luminous planet Dante sees a grind of other shining. This is the souls of loving. They are moving at different speeds, and the poet suggests that this speed depends on the degree of "their eternal people", that is, the contemplation of God affordable.

The most bright turns out to be the fourth sky - the sun.

Draw soul did not see such
Saint Rvenya and give your dust
The creator was not ready,
Like me, attentive, it felt;
And so my love is absorbed by them,
What am I about Beatrice forgotten -

recognized the poet.

Choragles of brilliants wrapped Dante and Beatrice, as if the "singer's singers burning row". The voice of the Thoma Aquinas, Philosopher and the Theologian is heard from one sun. Next to him - Grazian, Monk-Rovel, Peter Lombard, Theologian, Biblical Tsar Solomon, Dionisa Areopagitis, First Athens Bishop, and Dante Ave., surrounded by the Horovod of the wise men, exclaims:

About mortals reckless effort!
As a scoomman all sillogism,
Which will guide your wings!
Who disassemble the law, who is aphorism,
Who to the degrees of the priesthood was jealous,
Who is to power through Nasilie Ile Sophism,
Who manifes the robbery, someone
Who, in the enjoyment of the body is immersed,
Izazelved, and who dreamed lazily,
While, from the troubled,
I'm with Beatrice in the skies of the distance
Such a great glory was Maison.

Deexyar appears to Dante in the fourth celestial sphere of the souls of the saints, whom God-Father is the sacrament of the separation of the God's Spirit and the birth of God-Son. Dante convey sweet voices, which compared to the sound of "Earth Sires and Muses", that is, earthly singers and poets are inexplicably beautiful. Over one rainbow rises the other. Twenty-four sages surround Dante with a double wreath. He calls them colors sprouted from the grain of true faith.

Dante and Beatrice are raised to the fifth sky - Mars. Here they are celebrating Warriors for faith. In the depths of Mars, "the stars will be bought from two rays a sacred sign", that is, a cross. There is a wonderful song, the meaning of which Dante does not understand, but admires wonderful consonants. He guesses that this is a laudatory song of Christ. Dante, absorbed in the vision of the cross, even forgets to look into the beautiful eyes Beatrice.

Down, along the cross, alone from the stars, "Whose shines glory there." This is Kachchagvida, Prapraded Dante, who lived in the XII century. Kachchagvida blesses the poet, calls himself a "avenger of evil deeds", deservedly now we have a "peace". Kachchagvida is very pleased with his descendants. He just asks Dante with good deeds to reduce the tenure of his grandfather.

Dante hits the Sixth Sky - Jupiter. Separate sparks, particles of love are the souls fair here. Flocks shower, flying, loss in the air different letters. Dante reads words that arise from these letters. This biblical saying "Love Justice, Suspended Earth." At the same time, the Latin letter "M" resembles Dante Heraldic Lily. The lights flying to the top "M" turn into the head and neck of the heraldic eagle. Dante prays the mind "angry indomitically on the fact that the place of the trading is made by the temple." Clubs of smoke, looming a fair mind, Dante compares with papal smoke, which does not give the earth to climb the ray of justice, and the Pope themselves are famous for their borestip.

Beatrice again calls Dante to move on. They are ascended on the Planet Saturn, where the poet appears the souls of those who devoted themselves to the contemplation of God. Here, in the seventh heaven, there are no sweet songs that are heard in the lower circles of Paradise, because the "death is mortal." The contemplates explain the Dante that "the mind, here shy" is powerless even in heavenly spheres. So on Earth, his power is all the more Brenna and it is useless to look for answers to eternal questions with the means of the human mind alone. Among the contemplates, many humble monks whose "the heart was strictly".

Dante is asked in the eighth, the starry sky. Here the challenging righteous enjoy the spiritual treasure, which they copied in a sorting terrestrial life, rejecting worldly wealth. Soul solemnies form many circling rounds. Beatrice with delight draws the attention of Dante on the Apostle Yakov, known for his message about the generosity of God, symbolizing hope. Dante is peering into the radiance of the Apostle John, trying to see his body (there was a legend, according to which John was brought by Christ alive). Ho in paradise possess the soul and body only Christ and Maria, "Two Susiana", shortly before the "won by empires."

The ninth, crystal sky, Beatrice otherwise calls the firstwother. Dante sees a point, pouring unbearably bright light around which nine concentric circles diverge. This point, immeasurable and indivisible, is a kind of symbol of deity. The point is surrounded by a circle of fire, which consists of angels divided into three "three-part guests"

Dante wants to know, "Where, when and how" angels are created. Beatrice replies:

Out of time, in the ease of
Empty love itself revealed
Gameless, inconsistency of Lyubay.
She was before
He in oblique dream then that deity
Neither "before" nor "after" over the water was worn
Apart and together, essence and substance
In the world of perfection, they rushed his flight ...

Dante penetrates the empires, the tenth, already inventiful, the sky, the radiant abode of God, angels and blissful souls.

Dante sees the shining river. Beatrice tells him to get ready for the spectacular, which quit him "the great thirst to comprehend what was before you." And what the Dante seems to be like a river, sparks and flowers, it will soon turn out to be different: the river - a circular lake of the light, the core of the paradise rose, arena, the sky amphitheater, the shore - his steps; Flowers - blissful souls, squeezing on them; Sparks - Flying Angels

Empires are unpacked by the universal light, which allows the creations to contemplate the deity. This light continues the beam, which falls from the height to the top of the ninth sky, the leader, and informs him the life and power to influence below the underlying heavens. Reasoning the top of the original motor, the ray forms a circle, much greater than the circumference of the sun.

Around the light-base circle are located, forming over thousands of rows, amphitheater steps. They are similar to the revealed rose. On the steps, sends in white clothes "Everything, to the heights who have acquired a refund", that is, all those souls that reached the paradise bliss.

The steps are crowded, but the poet with bitterness notes that this heavenly amphitheater "few now waiting", i.e. it indicates the spoilness of mankind, and at the same time reflects the medieval faith in the proximity of the end of the world.

Overlook the overall structure of Paradise, Dante is accepted to look for Beatrice, but it is no longer there. Having performed a guide mission, Beatrice returned to his place in the Heavenly Amphitheater. Instead, Dante sees the elder in a snow-white rize. This is Bernard Clervos, a mystic Theologian, who has taken a living participation in the political life of his time. Dante considers it a "contemplator." In empire, Bernard is the same mentor of the poet, which in the earthly paradise was active Mally.

In the middle of the amphitheater, Virgo Mary is sitting, and smiles to everyone whose eyes are addressed to her. Opposite Mary sits John the Baptist. Leeter Mary, the first in the Old Testament half-area, sits Adam. The right of Mary, the first in the New Testament half-area, sits the apostle Peter.

The old man of Bernard calls "MAVE HAPPY ON OLD TO PRACTIVE", that is, to God, and praying the godmother about mercy. Bernard starts a prayer, says that in the womb, the love of God between God and People was again built, and thanks to the heat of this love, a paradist color increased, that is, the paradise in the righteous.

Dante looks up. His gaze appears "Light, over the thoughts of earthly so ascended." The poet lacks words to express all the inflicitness of the endless strength, the light of the ineumble, his delight and shock.

Dante sees the secret of the triune deity in the form of three isometric circles, different colors. One of them (God-son) seems a reflection of another (god-father), and the third (God-Spirit) seems to be a flame born by both these circles.

In the second of the circles, which seemed the reflection of the first (and symbolizing the Son's God), Dante distinguishes the outlines of the human face.

Having achieved the highest spiritual tension, Dante ceases to see anything. Ho after the insight of his passion and the will (heart and mind) in his desire (heart and mind) are forever subordinate to the rhythm in which Divine Love is moving the universe.

"The Divine Comedy" is the greatest work of the Middle Ages on the threshold of the Renaissance. Dante created a guide to the afterlime in such details (especially in the first part) that his contemporaries were afraid of the poet: they were sure that he was really on the world. Exactly one hundred chapters tell about an unusual journey to God. The product contains a lot of reference to antiquity, so without basic knowledge about myths, it will not be easy to read this book. We offer to familiarize yourself with the brief retelling of the "Divine Comedy" Dante Aligiery, and also recommend reading to accurately understand and comprehend.

The narrative is leading from the first person. Dante Aligiery on the midst of life got lost in the forest. The poet is threatened with the danger from the predatory animals, personifying the vices: the Wolf, Leo and Ryne (in some Panther translations). He is saved by the ghost of the ancient Roman poet Vergil, whom Dante honors as his teacher. Vergilia proposes to go on a journey through hell, nose and paradise. Dante is afraid, but the ancient poet reports that he does this at the request of Beatrice, who deceased Beloved Aligiery to save his soul. They go to the road. Over the doors of hell, the words are drawn about that if the soul falls here, hope will no longer help her, because from hell no longer exit. There are also the souls of "insignificant" who did not make goodness in life or evil. Neither in hell, in no paradise they can not get. Through the Ahern River, the heroes transport the mythical guard of Charon. Dante is deprived of consciousness, as after each transition to the next circle.

  1. Hell is presented in the poem in the form of a funnel leading to the center of the Earth, under Jerusalem. In the first circle Hell, wearing the name "Limb", Dante meets the souls of the righteous, who died before the Nativity of Christ. These people were pagans and can not be saved. Also in Limbe are the souls of unborn babies. Here, in the dark, similar to the kingdom of Aida, resting the soul of Vergil. Dante is talking to Homer, Sophokl, Euripid and other antique poets.
  2. Second round It is a trial of the sinners at the head of the demon of Minos. Like Haron, Minos is indignant by the fact that there is a living person in hell, but Vergil explains him all. In the second round, persecuted by the Hell's Head of Passions, the souls are tormented, mired in the sin of sweet assesse (Cleopatra, Elena Troyanskaya, Achilles and others).
  3. Sin of the third circle - Czechodie. Giant trothed dog cerber breaks many times breathing in the mud sinners. Among them is the hero of one of the novel "Decameron", Golubor Chakco. He asks Dante to tell about himself alive.
  4. Guardian fourth Circle - Bes Plutos (in mythology - God of wealth). Powers and chucks rolling on each other stones and get married. Among the first Dante notes many clergy.
  5. Fifth round - Styhiya swamp, in which Aheron flows. It is drown angry. Through it, the poets are shipped by the Flegium boat - the son of Ares, who destroyed the Delphic Temple. The boat swims against the tower of the city of diet. In it, sinners suffer, who committed sins no longer on weakness, but in their will. There are no demons for a long time for a long time, exhort of Vergil does not help.
  6. The gate opens the heavenly messenger who came to the aid of the heroes on the water. Sixth circle Hell is a cemetery with burning graves around which burols and hydra fly. Heretics lie in the fire, among whom Dante notices the tomb of dads, who left the Catholic Church. He also recognizes the political enemy of his ancestors. Dead do not know about the present, but they can see the future.
  7. Seventh round Dedicated to violence, he is guarded by the MINOTAVR. Poets see the ruins formed from the earthquake during the death of Jesus Christ. This place is divided into 3 RVA: violence against the near, against yourself and against God. In the first flowing river flowing, in which sinners are drown, and on all who are trying to get out, the centaurs hunt. Chiron, whose blood killed Hercules, intersects the heroes on. The second belt is filled with trees in which suicide souls live. Around the Garpia circle, constantly attacking the plants. When Dante blends the branch, the moan is distributed and blood flows instead of resin. Soul suicides abandoned their own bodies and will not return to them after a terrible court. In the third Rava Dante and Vergili pass through the desert field, on which relaxed governments lie under the fiery rain. Vergil explains Dante that the River Aheron and Schemes, flowing into the lake of the Kocit, are the tears of mankind, mired in vices. To go down to the eighth circle, the heroes sit on the flying monster Gerion, personifying deception.
  8. Eighth round Deceivers and thieves burning on fire. Fuss of the river Kala, some sinners are devoid of limbs, one of them moves, holding his head instead of a lantern, the other changes with bodies with a snake in terrible flour. The demons scare poets and (in order to lure a trap) show them the wrong path, but the verse managed to save Dante. Ulysses are tormented here, the primeter Tires, as well as the contemporaries of Dante. Heroes get to the well of giants - Non-Vodel, Efialt and Antea, which tolerate poets to the ninth circle.
  9. Last circle of hell It is an ice cave in which traitors suffer, frozen in the ice. Among them, Cain who killed his brother. They are angry with their destiny, without being accused of blaming everyone. In the center of the Earth, a three-headed monster Lucifer is seen. In three pasties, he fades the brutas and cassia (traitors of Caesar), as well as Judas. Poets crawl over the wool Lucifer down, but soon Dante is surprised that they move up, as this is the opposite hemisphere. Poets are selected on the surface of the Earth to the island, on which the purgatory is located - a high mountain with a truncated vertex.
  10. Purgatory

    Angel is moving to the shore of the soul, awarded paradise. The foots are crowded, that is, those who have rushed, but at the same time lazy to do it. Dante and Vergili pass through the valley of the earth's rulers to the gate of the purgatory, to which three steps are leading: a mirror, rough and fiery-red. Angel captures 7 letters "P" (sins) on the forehead aligieri. On the grief you can only rise in the day, it is impossible to turn around.

    The first leaf of purgatory is occupied by the pride, wearing heavy stones on the backs. Under the feet of Dante sees images with examples of humility (for example, the Annunciation of the Virgin) and punished pride (the fall of the rebeling angels). Each gum guard the angels. During the lifting on the second ledge, the first "P" disappears, and the rest become less clear.

    Poets rise above. Here, along the cliff, enviousness are sitting, devoid of vision. After each lift to the next proceeding, Dante sees dreams, personifying his searches and spiritual ascent.

    The third appeal is inhabited by angry. The souls wander in the fog that wrapped the mountain in this part: this is how anger stood their eyes during life. Dante is not the first time hears the solemn exclamations of angels.

    The first three yields were devoted to sins associated with love for evil. Fourth - with insufficient love of God. The rest are with love for false benefits. The fourth ledge is filled with sad, who are forced to run around the mountain endlessly.

    On the fifth ledge lie relaxed merchants and chucks. Dante falls on his knees before the soul of the Roman dad, but she asks not to interfere with her pray. Everyone begins to praise God when the earthquake feel: it happens when the soul gets healing. This time the poet of the stations is saved. He joins Dante and Vergil.

    Heavdown from the hunger of worstics on the sixth ledge crowded around the tree with appetizing on the type of fruits, to which it is impossible to reach. This is a descendant of the Tree of knowledge. Dante recognizes his friend Forese and communicates with him.

    The last ledge is filled with fire, through which the crowds of sodoms and those who have experienced Cottage love run. Dante and Vergili pass through the flame. The last letter "P" disappears. Dante again loses consciousness and sees a dream, as one girl collects for other flowers.

    The poet wakes up in the earthly paradise, the place where Adam and Eve lived. Summer flows here (the river for the oblivion of sin) and the Enemy (the river of the memory of good). Dante feels strong winds: the leader leads to the movement of heaven. The poet becomes a witness to the procession going to a repentable sinner. Among them are invisible beasts, people who personify virtues, as well as Griffon - a half-mounted semi-side, the symbol of Christ. With the advent of Beatrice, accompanied by a hundred angels Vergil disappears. Dante repents in the wrongness of his beloved, after which the girl of Mailda dips him in the fly. In the eyes of Beatrice Dante sees the reflection of the griffon that is constantly changing. The griffin connects the cross from the branches of the Tree of knowledge, and it is covered with fruits. Dante observes the vision symbolizing the fate of the Catholic Church: the eagle arrives on the chariot, the fox is stealing to it, the dragon crashes from under the ground, after which the chariot turns into a monster. Dante is immersed in a sin.


    Dante and Beatrice climb into the sky through the sphere of fire. She looks up, he is on her. They reach the first sky - the moon, penetrating the inside of the Earth's satellite. Here are the soul of violators of the vowers, which the poet takes for reflections.

    Heroes rise to Mercury, where ambitious figures are inhabited. Many glowing souls fly out towards them, one of them - the emperor of Justinian - reflects on the history of Rome. An explanation of the need for crucifixion.

    On Venus, in the third sky, they live loving, solemnly spinning in the air along with the angels.

    The sun, like all the planets in the poem, spin around the earth. The brightest star inhabit the wise men. The dance of the souls sing about the fact that their light will remain after the resurrection, but will shine inside the body. Among them, Dante notices the foma Aquinas.

    The fifth sky is Mars, the habitat of warriors for faith. Inside the planet from the rays is going to the cross, along which the souls fly and sing. If the father of Dante goes among the pride in purgatory, then his grandfather deserved stay here on Mars. The soul of ancestor predicts Dante Exile.

    Dante and Beatrice are raised to Jupiter, where the fair rulers are bliss. Souls, among which there are David, Konstantin and other rulers, are built into instructive phrases and then in a huge eagle. Those who lived to Christ still expected him and have the right to get to heaven.

    At the seventh heaven - Saturn - contemplants live, that is, monks and theologians. Beatrice asks Dante to distract from her, and the poet notices the staircase, according to which angels and glowing souls descend to him, similar to lights.

    From the Star Sky, where the triumphant souls live, Dante sees the earth. From bright light, he loses consciousness, feeling that he dulls his eyesight. Heroes meet Archangel Gabriel. The apostle Peter asks Aligiery about the faith, the apostle Jacob - about the hope, and the apostle John - about love. Dante responds to everyone in the affirmative: he believes, hopes and loves. Beatrice removes dust from Dante's eye. Aligiery is talking to Adam, after which he sees how Peter is covered with crimsheral color: this is a sign that the acting Pope is inapting his title.

    Dante and Beatrice reach the leader, a small point of light, with which it can be seen as angels lead to the movement of heaven. This place seems like the smallest sky, whereas with the ascension of the heroes every sky should be more than the previous one. Dante finds out that the main task of Angels is the movement of heaven.

    Finally, Dante falls into empires or a rose of winds and sees the River of Light, moving into a lake inside a giant rose, which turns into an amphitheater. Saint Bernard Clebrovsky becomes the third Dante conductor, as Beatrice sends on the throne. The souls of the righteous are sitting on the crowded steps. At the female half - Maria, Lucia, Eva, Rachel and Beatrice. Opposite them, headed by the John the Baptist a man sit. Bernard Clevrospique points upstairs, and Dante, gradually losing consciousness from strong light, sees God: three multicolored circles, reflecting each other, in one of which the poet begins to distinguish the human face. Dante Aligiery stops seeing and wakes up.

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