Ranitidine Tablet Instructions for applying adults. What are Ranitidine taken from and how does it affect the human body? Injection

06.08.2020 Information

Many have heard of such a drug as Ranitidine - from which it helps not everyone knows. Medications refer to antisecretory agents that are prescribed when peptic disease Stomach I. duodenal gut.

Indications for use

You will get acquainted with the list from what Ranitidine Tablets take:

  • reflux-esophagitis;
  • the period of exacerbation of the ulcer of the stomach;
  • syndrome Zlinger Ellison.

What is Ranitidine prescribed yet? These tablets are also a good medication tool, allowing you to quickly get rid of heartburn.
Also, the drug is prescribed with a prophylactic goal to prevent the recurrences of ulcers and with Mendelssohn syndrome. The medicine also helps to prevent the recurrence of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the drug is shown in any pain arising in the stomach.

The composition of the drug

The active substance of the drug is ranitidine in the form of hydrochloride.
The auxiliary components of the medicine include corn starch, silica oxide, ethyl cellulose, etc.

Form release

This medicine is only available in the form of tablets with content. active substance 150 mg or 300 mg. There are two blisters in the cardboard box, each of which has 10 tablets.

Medical properties

Ranitidine tablets, from which they would not be accepted quickly get rid of pain in the stomach. The drug has its own healing effect at twelve hours after admission.

The medicine enhances the protective function of the gastrointestinal tract, contributing to the formation of gastric mucus. As a result of his therapeutic action, the tissue is faster regenerated. In addition, the pharmaceutical remedy reduces the production of gastric juice and reduces the level of hydrochloric acid.

Mode of application

Tablets can be taken twelve. The use of ranitidine does not depend on food intake and can be used at any time. The drug is powered by the necessary amount of water without chewing.

The dosage of the medication depends on the diagnosis of the diagnosis and can be seeded by the doctor purely individually.

During the exacerbation of ulcers, the drug is prescribed in the following dosage: on one tablet (150mg) in the morning and in the evening or is shown a single reception (300 mg).

With "stressful" and postoperative ulcers are used for a tablet (150 mg) twice a day. Treatment is carried out within 1-2 months.

Reflux-esophagitis is treated by Ranitidine according to the following scheme: in the morning and in the evening of 150 mg or only in the evening of 300 mg. In some cases, the dosage increases to a 4-time reception of 150 mg.

In the syndrome, Zolinger-Ellison is used three times a day on a tablet (150 mg).

IN preventive purposes To prevent bleeding, drink a tablet (150 mg) in the morning and in the evening.

To prevent the development of Mendelssoh's syndrome, 150 mg is used on the eve of the operation and two hours before the anesthesia in the same dosage.
In renal failure, it is recommended to reduce the dosage twice.


The medicine cannot be taken pregnant and nursing women. Children under twelve aged age, the means are categorically contraindicated.

Refuse to receive a medicine to people with individual intolerance to the components that are part of.


In case of hepatic and renal failure, anti-sized medicine is used under the control of the doctor or generally refuse to use it. In some cases, it is recommended to reduce the dosage of Ranitidine.

Reception of the medication is carried out under the strict control of the doctor during cirrhosis of the liver and acute porphyria.

In the medical period should be abandoned from taking alcoholic beverages and products that negatively affect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
When taking medication, it should be discarded driving a car and work that requires increased concentration of attention.

The cancellation of the ranitidine should be made gradually, since there is a high risk of "Ricochlet" syndrome.

Cross drug interactions

Simultaneous reception of ranitidine with drugs that have an oppressive effect on bone marrowmay result in neutropenia.

The drug reduces the absorption of itraconazole and ketonazole.

Simultaneous reception with antacids or sulkrafat slows down the absorption of the anti-rich drug. For this reason, it is necessary to take a break between drugs with an interval of at least two hours.

Important! Tobacocuria reduces the effectiveness of the ranitidine.

Side effects

Anti-siza medicine has a number of side effects that manifest themselves from:

  • gastrointestinal tract (nausea, violation of the chair, a feeling of dryness in the mouth, acute pancreatitis);
  • cardiovascular system (hypotension, arrhythmia, bradycardia);
  • nervous system (total weakness, drowsiness, headaches and dizziness);
  • bleeding tissues (anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia);
  • auditorium (fuzziness spectatic perception);
  • musculoskeletal system (Malgy, Arthralgia);
  • sexual system (loss of libido, erectile dysfunction).

Other side effects include hair loss and increased irritability.


In case of overdose, the rapid pulse (arrhythmia) is noted, reduction of heart rate (bradycardia) or convulsive manifestations.
In convulsions, administered intravenously diazepams, with arrhythmias and bradycardia - lidocaine and atropine.

Conditions and shelf life

Store the medication is permissible only in a dry and dark place at a temperature of from 15 to 30 degrees.

Cost of preparation

The price of Ranitidine varies from 18 to 67 rubles, depending on the dosage, the number of tablets and the region.

Analogs of the drug

To preparations having similar effectinclude:

  • Famotidine;
  • Cimetidine;
  • Acylov;
  • Omes.

Each medicine has its pros and cons.


The medicine is used for the same diseases and states as Ranitidine. Also, the drug is effective in systemic mastocytosis, polynendocrine adenomatosis and dyspepsia.

Famotidine can not be used during pregnancy and lactation, as well as a child under three years of age.

Before starting it, the malignant formations of the digestive tract should be excluded, since the medication can mask the symptoms of oncology.

In patients with weakened immune system Against the background of receiving the means, a bacterial infection may develop.

In renal and liver failure, Famotidine is prescribed with extreme caution. The drug has similar side effectslike Ranitidine.

Cost drug It averages 60 rubles.


The drug has the same instructions to use as Ranitidine. Also, the medication can be appointed with the Harpivnice, rheumatoid arthritis and the shortage of their own enzymes.

Contraindication to reception is the individual intolerance of cimetidine. Pregnant and lactating women apply the tool with caution and only after consulting a doctor.

At the age of 16, cimetadine is used only by appointing the attending physician.

The cost of the drug analogue is within 108-1300 rubles and depends on the form of release and volume.


Analogue of Ranitidine is used for the same pathologies, including in acute pancreatitis.

It can not be used in therapeutic purposes With the individual intolerance to the components that are part of.

Atzilos, like all medicines from a group of antisecretory drugs, has a considerable list side Effects, among which anemia, drowsiness, bronchospasm, anaphylaxis, etc.

Before you start reception, you should receive a doctor's advice. The cost of the drug ranges from 30 to 200 rubles and depends on the form of release and dosage.


The drug is used for all types of ulcers, as well as during dyspepsia. The drug is produced only in the form of capsules for oral administration.
Omeza is not recommended for receiving patients with increased sensitivity to components that are part of the components. It can also be applied to children, pregnant and nursing mothers.

Before taking, it is necessary to eliminate the presence of cancer from the digestive tract.

The cost of the anti-sized means is within 73-300 rubles.


Ranitidine is one of the most effective drugs From the stomach ulcers. Its replacement for analogue is appropriate in the intolerance to the main active substance - Ranitidine.

(Lat. ranitidine.) - anti-sized drug, histamine H2 receptor blocker. Historically, the second (after cimetidine) is an antisecretory drug, overwhelming acid abstrusion in the stomach. Currently, it is considered to be relatively old, which is greater than modern drugs, the number of side effects and less efficiency compared to the Famotidine and proton pump inhibitors.

In the fall of 2019, a number of drugs containing Ranitidine were prohibited for use or permission to use them in clinical practice It was temporarily suspended by regulators of many countries due to the presence or due to suspicion of presence (the latter was motivated by unsatisfactory testing of the drug for this ingredient) of potential carcinogen - N-nitrosodimethylamine.

Ranitidine - chemical compound
N-thio] ethyl] -n "- methyl-2-nitro-1,1-ethendiamine hydrochloride. Empirical formula: C 13 H 22 N 4 O 3 S.
Ranitidine - Drug
Ranitidine - international non-specific name (MNN) of the medicinal product. According to the pharmacological pointer, it refers to the group "Blockers H2-histamine receptors II generation. " By ATC - to the group "Blockers H2-histamine receptors" and has the code A02V02.
Pharmacodynamics Ranitidine
Ranitidine is a blocker of histamine H2 receptors of parietal cells of the stomach mucosa. Reduces basal and stimulated secretion of hydrochloric acid caused by irritation of baroreceptors, food load, the action of hormones and biogenic stimulants (gastrin, histamine, pentagastrine). Ranitidine reduces the volume of gastric juice and the content of hydrochloric acid in it, reduces the acidity of the stomach, which leads to a decrease in the activity of pepsin. The duration of the ranitidine after a single reception - up to 12 hours.
Pharmacokinetics Ranitidine

When taking inside, the bioavailability of the ranitidine is 50%. Binding with plasma proteins does not exceed 15%. Partly metabolized in the liver. The maximum concentrations of ranitidine in plasma are achieved 2 hours after receiving tablets covered with a shell, 1 hour after reception esiphey tablets and fluctuate from 36 to 94 ng / ml. The half-life is 2-3 hours. About 30% of the received dose of Ranitidine is excreted in the urine unchanged, a slight amount - with a fee. Penetrates the placenta. It is allocated by S. breast milk.
Professional medical work affecting issues of disease therapy Ranitidine
  • Gorbakov V.V., Makarov Yu.S., Golodalova T.V. Comparative characteristics of antisecretory preparations of various groups according to daily pH monitoring // The attending physician. 2001. - №5-6.

  • Yakovenko E.P. Sanctuct in therapy of acid-dependent diseases. RGMU, Federal Gastroenterology Center, Moscow.

  • Mahakova G. H., Dicheva D.T., Odintsova T.A. et al. Comparative characteristics of acid-pouring drugs by conducting pharmacological samples with intragastric daily pH metry // The attending physician. - 1999. - № 6. - P. 24-26.
On the site in the literature catalog there is a section "H2-blockers", containing articles on therapies of diseases of the gastrointestinal diseases using H2-blockers histamine receptors, including by the use of ranitidine.
Indications for the use of Ranitidine
The method of application of ranitidine and dose
  • Ulcery disease of the stomach and duodenum. For the treatment of exacerbations, 150 mg of ranitidine is prescribed 2 times a day (in the morning and evening) or 300 mg per night. If necessary, 300 mg 2 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 4-8 weeks. For the prevention of exacerbations, 150 mg per night is prescribed.
  • Ulcers associated with the reception of the NSAIDs. A 150 mg of Ranitidine is prescribed 2 times a day or 300 mg per night for 8-12 weeks. Prevention of the formation of ulcers when taking the NSAIDs - 150 mg 2 times a day.
  • Postoperative ulcers. 150 mg of ranitidine are prescribed 2 times a day for 4-8 weeks.
  • Gastroesophaginal reflux disease. Assign 150 mg 2 times a day or 300 mg per night. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 150 mg 4 times a day. Course of treatment 8-12 weeks.
  • Syndrome Zlinger Ellison. The initial dose is 150 mg of ranitidine 3 times a day, if necessary, the dose can be increased.
  • Prevention of recurrent bleeding. 150 mg 2 times a day.
  • Prevention of the development of Mendelssohn syndrome. Ranitidine is prescribed at a dose of 150 mg 2 hours before the anesthesia, as well as 150 mg on the eve of the evening.
Ranitidine is taken regardless of meals, not chewing, drinking a small amount of liquid.

Tablets are dissolved in the glass of water and drink after complete dissolution.

Patient S. renal failure With creatinine clearance, less than 50 ml / min recommended dose is 150 mg of ranitidine per day.

Precautions when using ranitidine
  • An undesirable discontinuation of the reception of the ranitidine due to the danger of recurrence of ulcerative disease.
  • Ranitidine with caution is used in patients with impaired kidney and liver function.
  • Before starting treatment, Ranitidine needs to eliminate the possibility of availability malignant disease esophagus, stomach or duodenum.
Contraindications for the use of ranitidine
Increased sensitivity to ranitidine or other components of the drug. Pregnancy, lactation. Childhood up to 14 years old.
Side effects of Ranitidine
  • From the nervous system and sense organs: headache, feeling of fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness, insomnia, vertigo, anxiety, depression; Rarely - confusion of consciousness, hallucinations (especially in elderly and weakened patients), reversible vision, violation of eye accommodation.
  • From the side of the cardiovascular system and blood (blood formation, hemostasis): arrhythmia, tachycardia, bradycardia, AV blockade, decreased blood pressure; reversible leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, granulocyptopenia; rarely - agranulocytosis, pancytopenia, sometimes with bone marrow hypoplasia, aplastic anemia; Sometimes - immune hemolytic anemia.
  • From the head of the gastrointestinal bodies: nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, pain; Rarely pancreatitis. Sometimes - hepatocellular, cholestatic or mixed hepatitis with / without jaundice (in such cases, the reception of the ranitidine must be stopped immediately). These effects are usually reversible, but in rare cases there is a fatal outcome. There were also rare cases of liver failure. In healthy volunteers, the AST concentration has been raised, at least 2 times in relation to the level before treatment in 6 of 12 people who received 100 mg 4 times in / c for 7 days, and in 4 out of 24 people receiving 50 mg 4 times in / in for 5 days.
  • From the support and musculoskeletal system: rarely - arthralgia, Malgy.
  • Allergic reactions: skin rash, bronchospasm, fever, eosinophilia; Rarely - multiform erythema, anaphylactic shock, angioedema swelling.
Ranitididine interaction
Antacids, sukralfat in high doses (2 g) slow down the ranitidine absorption (while using the break between the reception of antacids and the ranitidine should be at least 1-2 hours). Smoking reduces the effectiveness of the ranitidine. Additional elongation of PV with sharing Ranitidine with warfarin; However, in pharmacokinetic studies, a person at a dose of Ranitidine 400 mg / day of interaction was not noted; Ranitidine did not affect the clearance of warfarin and PV; The possibility of interaction with warfarin with doses above 400 mg per day has not been studied. When receiving Ranitidine, twice a day and triazolam plasma concentrations of triazolam were higher than when receiving one triazolam. The AUC triazolem values \u200b\u200bin people 18-60 years have been 10 and 28% higher after receiving Ranitidine tablets 75 and 150 mg than after receiving one triazolam. In patients over 60 years old, the AUC values \u200b\u200bwere about 30% higher after receiving tablets 75 and 150 mg of Ranitidine. Ranitidine increases AUC (80%) and a concentration (by 50%) metoprolol in blood serum, while T1 metoprolol rises from 4.4 to 6.5 hours. Reduces the absorption of itraconazole and ketoconazole (Ranitidine should be taken 2 hours after their reception). Inhibits the metabolism of the fenason, hexobarbital, glypizid, buform, BKK. Compatible with a 0.9% sodium solution chloride, 5% dextrose solution, 0.18% solution of chloride sodium and 4% dextrose solution, 4.2% sodium hydrocarbonate solution. With a simultaneous at the same time with drugs inhibiting bone marrow, the risk of neutropenia is increasing. It is possible to interact with alcohol.


For the healing of the esophagus, the treatment of gastric diseases arising against the background of infections, Ranitidine is used - the instruction on the use of medication contains information about the method of reception, indications, possible side effects. The medicine removes the attacks of inflammation, normalizes the operation of the digestive tract. The rules for its use are described in detail in the instructions for use.

Medicine Ranitidin

Pharmacological classification refers Ranitidine to anti-sized drugs, it is included in the group of histamine receptor blockers. This means that the medication suppresses secretion and elevated level PH of the gastric juice, restoring normal digestion. This occurs due to the action of the active substance - ranitidine hydrochloride.

Composition and form of release

Ranitidine is produced in the form of a solution for injections and tablets with a film shell for oral administration. Detailed:


Concentration of ranitidine hydrochloride, mg

150 or 300 per 1 pc.


Round, double, light orange, film-covered with film shell

Transparent colorless liquid, light yellow shade can be allowed

Additional components

Microcrystalline cellulose, collideon, corn starch, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, hypimosellos, polyethylene glycol, dye yellow "Sunny Sunset", ethylcellulose, propylene glycol, titanium dioxide, sodium lauril sulfate

Sodium chloride, water, potassium phosphate Disamered, sodium phosphate Double-sufficient


10 pieces in blister, 20 pcs. In a pack with instructions for use

2 ml in ampoule, 5 pcs. packaged

pharmachologic effect

The rinitidine hydrochloride active substance blocks the histamine hystamine receptors, reduces the secretion of hydrochloric acid, which causes irritation of food receptors or the effect of hormones, other biogenic stimulants. The component reduces the percentage of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice and reduces the volume of the fluid, which leads to a decrease in the activity of pepsin. After taking in one-time mode, the medicine is valid for 12 hours.

When entering inside, the ranitidine absorption in gastrointestinal, food intake does not affect the degree of suction. The bioavailability of the substance is 50%, the maximum in blood plasma reaches in a couple of hours, with plasma proteins binds to 15%. Ranitidine is metabolized in the liver with the formation of two metabolites. The substance is derived from the body about five hours with urine and feces.

Indications for use

In the instructions for use it is stated that the drug is used by the drug in the stomach pain. This is the main indication for the use of the drug. Other diseases he also treats, the type of illness depends on the form of release. Tableted format is used for therapy and prevention of aggravations of the stomach ulcers, the solution is to relieve pain syndromes with a duodenal ulcer.

From what is Ranitidine tablets

It has a tableted form of the drug the following readings to the application indicated in the instructions:

  • treatment, prevention of aggravations of ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and 12-rosewood, including associated non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs);
  • erosive esophagitis, reflux-esophagitis;
  • zollinger-Ellison syndrome;
  • treatment, prevention of postoperative and stressful ulcers of the upper gastrointestinal department;
  • preventing the recurrences of bleeding, aspiration of gastric juice during operations under general anesthesia (Mendelssohn Syndrome).

Application of solution

In the instructions for the drug it is indicated that Ranitidine in ampoules can be applied according to the same testimony as tablets, including additionally the following:

  • duodenal ulcer caused by bacterial infection;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease and pain relief syndrome with it;
  • chronic episodic dyspepsia against the background of epigastric or prudged pain.

How to take Ranitidin

The dosing regime and the type of ranitidine reception depend on the type of disease and the received form of release. Tablets are accepted inside orally, mortar - parenterally (intravenously or intramuscularly). Both types medicinal preparation Designed for adults and adolescents older than 12 years. The course of treatment and the reception mode are prescribed by the attending physician, based on the individual characteristics of the patient..

Tablets Ranitidin

According to the instructions, Ranitidine tablets are taken inside, not chewing, floating with clean water in small quantities. Reception does not depend on food. Dosage depends on the type of disease:


Multiplicity of reception, times / day

Course, weeks


Ulcery disease of the stomach and the 12thist

Or 300 mg twice / day

Preventive treatment of peptic ulcer

For smokers 300 mg per night

Ulcers on the background of the reception of the NSAID

Or 300 mg at night

Postoperative ulcers

Erosive Reflux Ezophagitis

300 mg per night, or 150 mg 4 times / day

Syndrome Zlinger Ellison

Prevention of recurrence of gastric bleeding

Prevention of Mendelssohn syndrome


Two hours before anesthesia


In the instructions for the use of the solution it is indicated that it is introduced intravenously (the rate is prescribed by the attending physician) for five minutes at a concentration of 50 mg. The solution is pre-dissolved with a 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% dextrose to 20 ml. Repeated administration You can do after 6-8 hours. Intravenously solution is injected drip over two hours. The dosage depends on the type of treatment:

  • for the prevention of bleeding - intravenously with a dose of 50 mg, the course of treatment - until the patient can not have himself;
  • prevention of Mendelssohn syndrome - intramuscularly or intravenous, 50 mg per 45-60 minutes to anesthesia;
  • when the kidney function is violated, the dosage is 50 mg every 18-24 hours;
  • when the patient is on hemodialysis, the dose is appointed immediately after the end of the procedure.

special instructions

Section special instructions In the instructions for the use of Ranitidine, it is worth examining especially carefully:

  • therapy of the drug can mask the symptoms of the stomach carcinoma, before it should eliminate the presence of neoplasms;
  • it is forbidden to abruptly cancel the treatment so as not to get a shock syndrome;
  • long therapy can lead to bacterial lesions of the stomach;
  • there is information about the emergence of sharp attacks of porphyry against the background of treatment with the drug;
  • can the drug increase the activity of glutamatranspendase in the stomach mucus, cause a false-positive reaction to the protein in the urine;
  • the active substance can counteract the effect of pentagastrine on the function of the stomach, cause a false reaction to the skin histamine;
  • during the treatment with medicine, you need to comply with the diet - avoid the annoying mucous membranes of the stomach, drinks and medicines;
  • the medication does not affect the activity of microsomal liver enzymes;
  • during treatment with the drug is prohibited to manage vehicles and mechanisms requiring increased concentration due to the effect of it on the speed of psychomotor reactions.

During pregnancy

Both forms of issuing ranitidine are contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The active substance of the drug penetrates through the placental barrier and stands out with breast milk with a content higher than in blood plasma. The doctor may write a pregnant woman medicationIf you want to benefit the mother above the alleged risk for the fetus.

In childhood

Tablets and Ranitidine solution are not used in pediatrics. The instructions indicate that the safety and efficacy of the use of the drug in children and adolescents under the age of 12 years has no data. After reaching this age, the use of a medication is allowed in similar adult dosages. Reception must be accompanied by medical control.

Medicinal interaction

Ranitidine application instructions contains information about the possible medicinal interaction Preparation with other medicines:

  • the solution is compatible with dextrose, sodium bicarbonate solution, Hartman solution;
  • medication should be taken two hours after ketoconazole, itraconazole in order to avoid reducing their suction;
  • the tool oppresses the metabolism of diazepama, phenytoin, lidocaine, theophylline, indirect coagulants, metronidazole, calcium antagonists, reduces warfarin clearance;
  • simultaneous use with antacids, sucralfat slows the absorption of ranitidine.

Side effects

According to the instructions, as possible side effects from the use of the drug are the following:

  • diarrhea, vomiting, gastric pain, hepatitis;
  • dry mouth, nausea, constipation, pancreatitis;
  • leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis;
  • arterial hypotension, bradycardia, arrhythmia;
  • increased fatigue, weakness, headaches, dizziness;
  • arthralgia, Malgy, Fucetitude;
  • gynecomastia, amenorrhea, impotence, decrease in libido, alopecia;
  • allergic reactions, erythema, rash on the skin, itching, in severe cases, there are manifestations of anaphylactic shock, angioedema edema.


Symptoms of overdose of the drug are convulsions, bradycardia, ventricular arrhythmia. According to the instructions, the treatment is prescribed symptomatic. With the appearance of convulsion, the input of diazepam can be prescribed, in bradycardia or ventricular arrhythmia - atropine, lidocaine. It is allowed to carry out the procedure of hemodialysis - this effectively displays the active substance from the body.


In the instructions for use, it is indicated about the presence of the following contraindications in which the reception of the means is prohibited:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • children's and teenage age up to 12 years;
  • increased sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • with caution to apply with renal failure, lack of liver (violation of the liver function), liver cirrhosis with portosystem encephalopathy, acute porphyria, including a history.

Terms for sale and storage

Buy the drug can only be prescribed. The drug is stored at a temperature of 15-30 degrees, in the place protected from moisture without access of children, for three years.

Analogue of Ranitidine

Ranitidine-AKOS, Ranitidine Acry and Ranitidine-Line are similar to ENDIDIN in composition and active ingredients. The aspired counterparts of the medication can be called the following, similar to it on therapeutic effects:

  • Zantak;
  • Hystak;
  • Ranigast;
  • Ranisan;
  • Rank;
  • Omeprazole;
  • Gastroscin;
  • Gastromax;
  • Gastrutid;
  • Quamatel.

Price ranitidine

The cost of the drug depends on the chosen form of release and the trading markup adopted in the pharmacy. You can also purchase a medicine via the Internet. The approximate prices for medicine in Moscow and St. Petersburg are listed below.

Histamine H2 receptor blocker.
Preparation: Ranitidin

The active substance of the drug: Ranitidine.
ATH encoding: A02Ba02
KFG: histamine H2 receptor blocker. Anti-sized preparation
Registration number: P №011543 / 01
Registration date: 03/17/06
Owner reg. Undoj: Sopharma AD (Bulgaria)

Ranitidine release form, preparation packaging and composition.

Tablets covered with shell 1 tab. Ranitidine (in the form of hydrochloride) 150 mg
10 pieces. - Packaging cell contour (6) - packs cardboard.

Description of the active substance.
All the information provided is presented only for familiarization with the drug, the possibility of application you need to consult with the doctor.

Pharmacological state of histamine H2 receptors. Suppresses basal and stimulated by histamine, gastrine and acetylcholine (to a lesser) secretion of hydrochloric acid. It helps to increase the pH of the gastric content and reduces the activity of pepsin. The duration of the action of the ranitidine in one-time reception - 12 hours.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug.

After intake, the ranitidine is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Eating and antacids slightly affects the degree of suction. The effect of the "first passage" through the liver is subjected. Cmax plasma is achieved 2 hours after one-time intake. After the I / M of the introduction quickly and almost completely absorbed from the injection site. Cmax is achieved after 15 minutes.
Bonding with proteins - 15%. VD - 1.4 l / kg. Ranitidine stands out with breast milk.
T1 / 2 is 2-3 hours. About 30% of the adopted dose is displayed with urine unchanged. The rate of excretion is reduced by impaired liver or kidney function.

Indications for use:

Ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and duodenal intestine in the aggravation phase; Prevention of aggravation of ulcerative disease; symptomatic ulcers; erosive and reflux-esophagitis; Zollinger-Ellison syndrome; Prevention of "stressful" ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, postoperative ulcers, recurrences of bleeding from the top sections of the tract; Preventing the aspiration of the gastric juice during operations under anesthesia.

Dosage and method of use of the drug.

Install individually. Inside for treating adults and children over 14 years old are used in a daily dose of 300-450 mg, if necessary daily dose increase to 600-900 mg; Multiplicity of reception - 2-3 times / day. For the prevention of exacerbations of diseases, 150 mg / day before bedtime is used. The duration of treatment is determined by the testimony to use. Patients with renal failure at the level of creatinine more than 3.3 mg / 100 ml - 75 mg 2 times / day.
V / in or in / m - 50-100 mg every 6-8 h.

Side effect Ranitidine:

From the side of the cardiovascular system: in isolated cases (with / in administration) - AV blockade.
From side digestive system: rarely - diarrhea, constipation; In isolated cases - hepatitis.
From the CNS: rarely - headache, dizziness, feeling of fatigue, blurredness; In isolated cases (in seriously ill) - confusion of consciousness, hallucinations.
From the system of blood formation: rarely thrombocytopenia; for long use In high doses - leukopenia.
From the metabolism: rarely - a slight increase in creatinine in blood serum at the beginning of treatment.
From side endocrine system: With long-term use in high doses, it is possible to increase the content of prolactin, gynecomastia, amenorrhea, impotence, a decrease in libido.
From side bone-muscular system: Very rarely - Arthralgia, Malgy.
Allergic reactions: rarely - skin rash, urticaria, angioedema edema, anaphylactic shock, bronchospasm, arterial hypotension.
Others: rarely - recurrent vapotitis; In isolated cases - hair loss.

Contraindications for the drug:

Pregnancy, lactation ( breast-feeding), increased sensitivity to Ranitidine.

Application during pregnancy and lactation.

Adex-wage and well-controlled research of safety of the use of ranitidine during pregnancy was not carried out, and therefore the use during pregnancy is contraindicated.
If necessary, the use of Ranitidine during lactation should be stopped breastfeeding.

Special guidelines for the use of Ranitidine.

Caution is used in patients with disturbance of the excretory function of the kidneys.
Before starting treatment, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of the presence of a malignant disease of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum.
With long-term treatment in weakened patients under stress conditions, bacterial gastric lesions are possible, followed by the spread of infection.
An undesirable discontinuation of the reception of the ranitidine due to the danger of recurrence of ulcerative disease. Efficiency preventive treatment A peptic disease is higher when receiving ranitididine courses for 45 days in the spring-autumn period than with constant reception. The rapid / in the introduction of Ranitidine in rare cases causes bradycardia, usually in patients predisposed to violation of the heart rhythm.
There are separate reports that Ranitidine can contribute to the development of an acute attack of porphyry, and therefore it is necessary to avoid its use in patients with acute porphyrene in history.
Against the background of the use of Ranitidine, distortion of laboratory research data is possible: increasing the level of creatinine, the activity of gamma-glutoratranspendase and liver transamamine in blood plasma.
In cases where Ranitidine is used in combination with antacids, the break between the reception of antacids and the ranitididine should be at least 1-2 hours (antacids may cause a violation of Ranitidine absorption).
Clinical data on the safety of ranitidine in pediatrics are limited.

Ranitidine interaction with other drugs.

With simultaneous use with antacids, it is possible to reduce the absorption of the ranitidine.
With simultaneous use with anticholinergic agents, memory violation of memory and senior patients is possible.
It is believed that histamine H2 receptor blockers reduce ulzerogenic nSAID action On the mucous membrane of the stomach.
With simultaneous use with warfarin, it is possible to reduce the clearance of warfarin. The case of the development of hypoprothrombinemia and bleeding in a patient receiving warfarin is described.
With simultaneous use of bismuth, the tricia dicyrate is possible an undesirable increase in bismuth absorption; with glibenklamide - cases of hypoglycemia development; With ketoconazole, itraconazole is reduced by ketoconazole absorption, itraconazole.
With simultaneous use with metoprolol, it is possible to increase the concentration in the blood plasma and an increase in AUC and T1 / 2 metoprolol.
With simultaneous use with sucralfat in high doses (2 g), a violation of cancer is a violation of Ranitidine absorption.
With simultaneous use with procanamide, it is possible to reduce the removal of procanamide by the kidneys, which leads to an increase in its concentration in the blood plasma.
There are data on increasing the absorption of triazolam during its simultaneous use, apparently, due to a change in the pH of the contents of the stomach under the influence of the ranitidine.
It is believed that with simultaneous use with phenytino, it is possible to increase the concentration of phenytoin in the blood plasma and an increase in the risk of developing toxicity.
With simultaneous use with furosemide, raising the bioavailability of furosemide is moderately expressed.
The case of the development of ventricular arrhythmia (bigemia) is described while simultaneously use with quinidine; With cisapride, the case of cardiotoxicity is described.
It is impossible to exclude some increase in the concentration of cyclosporine in the blood plasma when it is simultaneously use with Ranitidine.

Tablet in the film shell contains 150/300 mg ranitidine hydrochloride . Auxiliary substances: silicon dioxide (colloid), MCC (12th type), copovidon, stearate MG.

The components of the film shell (white OPADRY AMV OY-B28920): soy lecithin, talc, xanthan gum, titanium dioxide, .

Injection (1 ml) contains 0.025 grams hydrochloride Ranitididine .

Form release

Ranitidine produced in tableted form and in the form injections.

  • Tablets in the film shell packed in blisters for 10 pcs. There may be 2, 3 or 10 blisters in the cardboard pack.
  • The injection solution is available in 2 ml ampoules.

pharmachologic effect

Ranitidine Akos - Anti-sized drug, the active substance of which refers to the group of antagonists receptor-H2 histamine. The principle of impact is based on the blocking of receptors-H2 in parietal cells located in the mucous membrane of the stomach, as well as on the oppression of the production of hydrochloric acid . Under the influence of the active substance, the total secretion volume decreases, suppressing activity pepsin in .

Thanks antisecretoric effect Ranitidine is able to create favorable conditions for healing ulcerative lesions in the digestive tract (stomach, 12-tirestone). The active ingredient can provide protective action Due to the enhancement of reparative processes, an increase in the release of special mucous membranes, improving microcirculation.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The activity of Ranitidine is quickly absorbed from the lumen of the digestive tract. Food does not affect the degree of absorption. Biological accessibility reaches an indicator of 50%. Already 2-3 hours after oral administration, the peak of concentration is recorded. Plasma proteins are connected by 15%. Partial metabolism passes in the liver system with the formation of Ranitidine S-Oxi and desmethylranatidin .

The medication is characterized by the effect of the "first passage" through the liver system. The liver condition affects the degree and rate of elimination. After receiving PER OS, the half-life is 2.5 hours, and when creatinine clearance 20-30 ml / min, this indicator increases to 8-9 hours.

A minor amount is displayed with called massesThe main part is excreted in a constant form through the renal system. Active Component Hematorecephalic barrier is well passed, but he penetrates well in the placenta. Ranitidine stands out when lactation.

Indications for the use of Ranitidine

Ranitidine tablets - from what helps? The main area of \u200b\u200bthe medication - gastroenterology .

Ranitidine Akos - What helps? The drug is prescribed for the treatment of various pathology of the digestive system, and can also be applied with a prophylactic goal.

Indications for the use of ranitidine acri

  • symptomatic ulcerative lesions digestive tract;
  • (stomach, duodenum);
  • syndrome Zlinger Ellison ;
  • prevention of aspiration with gastric juice when conducting operational interventions with the introduction of anesthesia;
  • preventing the development of "stressful" ulcers;
  • reflux Ezophagit ;
  • erosive esophagitis ;
  • preventing the development of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract after operational interventions;
  • recurrent prevention From the upper departments of the digestive tract.

Indications for use Ranitidine Sofarma Similar.


In the pathology of the excretory function of the renal system, the tablets from the stomach are prescribed with caution.

Absolute contraindications:

  • lactation;
  • individual hypersensitivity;
  • sunshine pregnancy.

Ranitidine Acry Not applied in pediatric practice (age limits up to 14 years).

Side effects

Blood-formation system:

  • lakeing (with long therapy);

The cardiovascular system:

  • development (Rarely, mainly in intravenous injection).

Digestive tract:

  • stool violations ( / );
  • hepatitis (rarely).

Side effects from the CNS:

  • vertigu , ;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • the fury of visual perception;
  • (rarely);
  • the confusion of consciousness (extremely rare).

Endocrine system, metabolism:

  • level up ;
  • level up ;
  • gynecomastia ;
  • reduced libido ;

Other reactions:

  • recurrent ;
  • arterial hypotension ;
  • bronchospasm ;
  • arthralgia ;
  • hair loss;
  • various rashes on the skin;
  • malgy.

Ranitidine tablets, application instructions (method and dosage)

The treatment diagram is selected individually. Tablets are designed for receiving PER OS.

Daily dosage of 300-450 mg (it is possible to increase to 600-900 mg if necessary), divided by 2-3 reception. To prevent the exacerbation of the disease of the digestive tract, the drug is prescribed before bedtime at a dose of 150 mg. The duration of therapy is determined by the dynamics of the course of the disease.

In the pathology of the renal system, the medication is prescribed twice a day at a dose of 75 mg. Instructions for the use of Ranitidine AKOS is similar. How long can you take pills to tell you your attending physician (on average, the course of treatment is designed for 2-4 weeks).


Main manifestations:

  • skin rashes;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • increased drowsiness.

First aid is the reception enterosorbents ( , , Both others), call the ambulance brigade.


There is a decrease in rainitidine absorption indicators in the treatment antacid means . Elderly patients have worsening attention and memory while simultaneously receiving anticholinergic drugs . It is assumed that medicines blocking histamine H2 receptors are able to suppress ulcerogenic effects of drugs from the group NSAID On the mucous wall of the stomach. There is a decrease in clearance in the treatment of Ranitidine. In medical practice, the case of bleeding and hypoprothrombinemia In a patient who took Warfarin .

Possible undesirable increase in ranitidine absorption indicators while simultaneous therapy . Cases are registered hypoglycemia When accepting .

Ranitidine suppresses absorption and. Half-life And its AUC is rising in the treatment of Ranitidine. The absorption of the medication changes at the reception of high doses (more than 2 g).

There is a slowdown deceleration Prosanamida Through the renal system, which leads to an increase in the concentration of the active substance in the blood. Absorption Triazolam Increases, which is associated with the change in the pH of the gastric juice. The risk of toxic lesion increases in the treatment What is explained by a significant increase in its blood concentration. There is an increase in biological accessibility. With simultaneous therapy by Ranitidine.

In the medical literature there is a description of the case of development ventricular arrhythmia type bigmini In a patient who accepted Ranitidine and Hinidin . In treating Risk increases cardiotoxic lesions . There is an increase in level In the blood with parallel treatment with Ranitidine.

Terms of sale, recipe in Latin

Released in pharmacy points upon presentation of a prescription form from a doctor.

Rp: Tab. Ranitidini 0.15
D.T.D. N30.
S. 1 tablet 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day.

Storage conditions

Ranitidine tablets are stored in the original packaging while compliance with the temperature regime from 15 to 30 degrees.

Shelf life

special instructions

With pronounced pathology of the renal system The medication is appointed with caution. Before use of the drug, you must eliminate oncological diseases of the intestine , esophagus and stomach .

Long therapy of weakened patients who are in a state of stress can provoke the development of a bacterial disease of the stomach, as well as the subsequent distribution of the inflammatory process.

With a sharp cancellation of the medication, the risk of recurrence of peptic ulcer is increasing. Preventive therapy is more effective in the course reception of the drug for 45 days in autumn and spring, in comparison with permanent admission.

In patients suffering from various rhythm disorders, fast intravenous administration Solution can provoke bradycardia . Persons S. porfiria In history, Ranitidine is prescribed with caution due to the risk of developing acute attack.

The distortion of laboratory studies (liver enzymes, creatinine, GGT) is allowed. The time interval between the admission antacid tools And the ranitidine should be at least 1-2 hours due to the risk of changes in the absorption of the active substance. Clinical researchesconfirming the safety of the drug in pediatric practice are limited.

Ranitididine analogues

Coincidences on the ATX 4 level code:

Structural analogues:

  • Ranisan .


Pediatric practice can be applied from 14 years of age.

During pregnancy and lactation

Controlled and adequate studies proving the safety of the use of ranitidine during pregnancy is not, which does not allow you to assign it to the category of patients. The lactation is stopped for the period of treatment for the safety of the child's health.

Reviews of Ranitidine

The drug makes it possible to quickly stop painful syndrome in the field of epigastria in the ulcerative pathology of the digestive tract, gastropathy due to the decrease in the acidity of the gastric juice. Ranitidine reviews are mostly positive, because The drug is well tolerated, practically without having negative symptoms when complying with the dosing mode. Among the advantages can be noted the low cost of tablets, the quick effect when the heartburn is stopped.

The medication can be applied in emergency cases in errors in a diet to prevent gastritis exacerbation, ulcerative disease.

Of the minuses - the inability to apply medication during pregnancy and lactation.

Price of ranitidine where to buy

The cost of tablets varies depending on the region of sale and pharmacy network. The average price of Ranitidine in Russia is 30 rubles.

  • Internet pharmacies of RussiaRussia
  • Internet pharmacies of UkraineUkraine
  • Internet pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

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