Daily dose EPK and DGK for children. Greetings to all who looked around! How to use fatty acids

04.01.2021 Analyzes

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Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PNCH) belong to the family of unsaturated fatty acids having a double carbon-carbon connection in omega-3 positions, that is, in the third carbon atom from the methyl end of the fatty acid.

(Eicosapentaenoic ACID)

The most important omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid (Alc), eikapentaenic acid (EPC) and docosahexaenic acid (DGK). The human body is not able to synthesize these fatty acids from simpler substances, although it can form long-chain EPCs and DGK from the shorter Alc with an effectiveness of about 5% in men and a slightly higher efficiency in women. These reactions, however, slow down in the presence of omega-6 fatty acids. Thus, the accumulation of long-chain EPAs and DGKs in the tissues is the most effective when they come directly from food, or when competing amounts of omega-6 analogs are low.

1. History
2 Chemical Structure
3 Biological significance
4 Importance of EPA and DGK
5 adequate consumption of EPA and DGK
6 Ways to obtain an adequate level of EPK and DGK
7 Major food sources of omega-3-unsaturated fatty acids
8 Notes


Although Omega-3 PNCC was known as necessary for normal growth since the 1930s, the understanding of their role has increased dramatically in the past few years.

The benefit to the health of long-chain omega-3 PNCC - DGK and EPA - the most well known. The first studies conducted in the 1970s showed that the Inuitis of Greenland, which consume a large amount of fatty fish, practically did not hurt cardiovascular diseases and did not have atherosclerotic damage. Other indicators, such as the level of triglycerides, blood pressure and pulse, were also better than other populations.

On September 8, 2004, the US Department of Control and Medicine Control acknowledged that the consumption of EPA and DGCs can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

The Canada government also recognized the importance of DGK to maintain the normal development of the brain, eyes and nerves.

Chemical structure of Omega three

The term omega-3 refers to a double carbon-carbon bond at the third carbon atom from the methyl end of the fatty acid. The structures of the most important omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are shown below.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Generally accepted name Lipid formula Chemical name
16: 3 (N-3) All-Cis-7,10,13-Hexadecatrienoic Acid
Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) 18: 3 (N-3) All-CIS-9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic Acid
Sturidic acid (STD) 18: 4 (N-3) All-CIS-6,9,12,15-OctadecateTraenoic Acid
EKOSATRENAEN Acid (ETA) 20: 4 (N-3) All-Cis-8,11,14,17-EicosateTraenoic Acid
Eco-seated acid (EPK) 20: 5 (N-3) All-CIS-5,811,14,17-EICOSAPENTAENOIC ACID
Precuatenual Acid (DPK),
Cloupadonic Acid 22: 5 (N-3) All-CIS-7,10,13,16,19-Docosapentaenoic Acid
Tetraco-seated acid 24: 5 (N-3) All-CIS-9,12,15,18,21-DocosaExaenoic Acid
Tetracogexaenic acid (low acidic acid) 24: 6 (N-3) All-CIS-6,9,12,15,18,21-TETRACOSENOIC ACID

Biological significance

Omega-3 PNCC is often called "essential" fatty acids. This name was given by researchers who discovered their role in the normal growth of children. A small amount of omega-3 PPGK in a diet (~ 1% of the total calorie) supported normal growth, and more did not have an additional effect.

In addition, the researchers found that omega-6 PNCH, such as γ-linolenic acid and arachidonic acid, played a similar role in normal growth, but better influenced the skin and kidney function. These preliminary data led to the fact that most primary research was aimed at learning omega-6 PNCC.

In 1964, it was found that some enzymes can turn omega-6 arachidonic acid into an inflammatory agent - Prostaglandin E2, which simultaneously causes a feeling of pain and speeds up the immune response and healing of injured or infected tissues. By 1979, other Eicosanoids were also known: thromboxanes, prostacyclines and leukotrienes.

Eicosanoids are synthesized from fatty acids and usually quickly metabolized by enzymes. Studies have shown that Eikosanoids obtained from Omega-3 PNCC, although they are synthesized much slower, cause fewer inflammatory effects compared to eikosanoids obtained from Omega-6 PNFC. Thus, the ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 PNCC directly affects the type of eikosanoids synthesized by the organism.

competitive Effect of Omega-3 and Omega-6 PNCC

it was recognized as important when it became known that Omega-6 Eykosanoid thromboxane affects the sticking of platelets, and leukotrienes play an important role in the immune-inflammatory response of the body during arthritis, red lupus, asthma and infectious diseases. The easiest way to reduce the synthesis of omega-6 eikosanoids was recognized by the consumption of more omega-3 PNCH.

The importance of EPK and DGK

There are several facts confirming that EPK and DGK are physiologically necessary. The high concentration of DGK in the gray matter of the brain (about 3% of the dry weight) and in the outer segments of the photoreceptor cells in the retina indicate that DGK is vital for the functions of the brain and eyes. The scientific studies have proven that Omega 3 is required for the normal functioning of the brain, since it quickly provides an influx of the energy required for transmission of pulses transmitting a signal from the cell to the cell. This allows you to increase mental abilities, as well as save information in memory, to quickly extract it as needed. DGK is actively transported through the placenta from the mother to the fetus, as well as present in breast milk - facts that indicate the biological importance of DGK for the development of the fetus and postnatal growth and development. EPK and DGK also play a central role in maintaining the homeostasis of inflammatory reactions. The EPA is the predecessor of thromboxanes, prostaglandins and leukotrienes - highly active immuno-inflammatory regulators. In addition, recently described oxidized metabolites EPK and DGK - resolvents, docosteren and neuroprotectins - possess both anti-inflammatory and protective properties.

Adequate consumption of EPK and DGK

The American Cardiology Association Recommens 300 mg of EPK / DGK per day for healthy adults and about 1 g for patients with ischemic heart disease. The Ministry of Health of Russia Recommend 1 g of Alk / Epk / DGK per day for adequate consumption.

Methods for obtaining adequate EPK and DGK

One way to obtain an adequate amount of EPK and DGK is the use of oily marine fish. For example, a typical portion of fish (85 g) may contain from 0.2 to 1.8 g of EPK / DGK. Another, more common, way is to use biologically active additives to food. The use of a significant range of drugs fully fills the daily need of Omega-3 PNCC.

Major food sources of omega-3-unsaturated fatty acids

Fish fat
Linseed oil
Rye oil
Mustard oil

Today's article will be fully dedicated to fat, namely polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3. Use of omega 3 fatty acids It has repeatedly proven, many articles are written on this topic, but I want to convey to you once again, my dear readers, the importance of consumption of these acids in the right amount every day! Today I will tell you for which it is useful to take Omega-3, how to choose omega-3 Fatty acids in capsules, why they need to take every day and much more, so sit down ... We begin!

What is omega-3?

Polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 (Omega-3 PPGK) - These are three fatty acids: decogexaenic acid (DGK), eikapentaenic acid (EPC) and alpha-linolenic acid of plant origin (ALK). These three acids are indispensable for the human body, especially Alk, since theoretically EPK and DGK can be synthesized from Alc, but for this a person must be absolutely healthy, and he should not have a shortage of other beneficial substances in the body that in our time is Almost impossible. If this synthesis occurs, then only 0.1-5% Alc turns into EPA and DGK, and this is very, very little. It is for this reason that all 3 fatty acids omega-3 are an indispensable and vitality for a person! But today I still pay more attention to two of the three fatty acids - decosagseanne and eikapentaine acids, which are responsible for many processes in the human body.

Sources of omega-3 fatty acids

  1. Omega-3 plant origin (Alc):flax seeds , linseed oil , rye oil, walnuts, oats embryo, soybeans, tofu, spinach.

  1. Omega-3 animal origin (DGK and EPK):fatty varieties of fish (salmon, mackerel, sardine, mackerel) , canned tuna, yolks of homemade eggs (in the eggs of Curia grown on the poultry farms, the content of Omega-3 is negligible).

  1. Omega-3 in capsules

 Important!

The vegetable sources of omega-3 fatty acids contain a greater extent alpha-linoleic acid and do not contain DGK and EPC, which is why it is so important to obtain omega-3 both from plant sources and from animals, because omega-3, contained in flaxseed oil, Cannot replace omega-3 fish fat.

Dimensions of daily portions to replenish the desired amount of Omega-3

Here is a list of those products that you should eat daily. Exception - fatty varieties of fish, they need to be used 4-5 times a week.

  • Nuts (walnuts, almonds) - 30-35 g
  • Linen / Rye oil - 1 tbsp. or 1 tsp. Flax seeds.

Oil can either just drink, or drink and immediately drink water, or get black bread sliced.

Flax seeds can be used in the following ways:

  1. Check in the mouthand not swallowing all! The seed itself has a solid shell and contains an insoluble fiber in water, which transit passes through the entire gastrointestinal tractor, cleaning the walls of the stomach from various garbage and by-products of digestion, and undigested comes out of the body. The path of these seeds in the stomach is rather short, so the body simply does not have time to learn the useful omega-3 fatty acids contained in it.
  2. Grind on a coffee grinder, dissolve in water and drink.In the grinding state, all Omega-3 is fully learned by the body.
  • Greased fish varieties - 100-120 g (4-5 times a week)
  • Omega-3 in capsules - 1-1.5 g per day.

If at least some of the above-mentioned products you do not consume, your daily dose of omega-3 in capsules should be increased by 1.5-2 times.

Daily rate of omega-3 fatty acids

The daema-3 day rate depends on the floor, health, nutrition and lifestyle.

  • To prevent various diseases and strengthen immunity, it is enough to take 1-1.5 g of omega-3 per day, broken by 2-3 receptions.
  • For athletes and actively engaged in fitness (3-5 times a week), the dose increases to 2 g, broken by 2-3 receptions.
  • If the target is the increase in muscle mass, then the daily rate is 2-3 g, broken by 2-3 receptions.
  • For those who lose weight, the daily rate is 3-3.5 g, broken by 2-3 receptions.
  • For people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, the daily rate of omega-3 - 1.5-2 g, broken by 2-3 receptions.

If you take Omega-3 in capsules, like a food additive for food, in a ratio of 700: 1000 mg per day (DGK: EPK is appropriate), then this diet should contain 4-5 fish dishes per week at 100-120 g (this is about 8-10 g of omega-3 fatty acids). It turns out that if you eat fish and take Omega-3 in capsules (we take 2 capsules of the ligar with dosage 950), then in a week you will receive an average of 20 g of essential fatty acids omega-3.

If you do not eat any sources of omega-3 with food (do not drink flax / fried oil, do not eat fat fish, walnuts, etc.), then your daily dose of omega-3 in capsules should be equal to your rhythm of life (from 1.5 to 3.5 g).

And now let's consider directly such a question, for which omega-3 fatty acids are useful.for the human body?

Omega-3 benefits


The gray matter of the brain is 60% consists of fat, and to a greater extent, our brain needs exactly in omega-3 fatty acids, as they are part of the cell membranes and help to transmit nerve pulses from one cell to another, which makes the memorization process, storage And remembering the necessary information is much better and faster. Omega-3 benefits For the human brain, just colossal, and you will not argue with it.

If there is a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids in the body, then the cell membrane composition changes: the brain uses less preferred sources of fats instead of EPA and DGK (omega-6 or trans-fats, falling from harmful food). These fats cannot perform the same functions and endow the cells of the brain with useful properties, and for this reason "fake" cells become useless. When the body identified unnecessary and useless cells, the process of their destruction and disposal begins. Over time, this loss makes itself felt in the form of a decrease in the intellectual and cognitive abilities of a person, as well as its ability to quickly solve the tasks set before them.

It has long been proven that if the future mother, being pregnant, does not receive enough of these fatty acids, then the child is often born either mentally retarded, or its intellectual development is very far behind other children of his age. That is why all pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers Before It is necessary to take omega-3 fatty acids for the normal development of the fetus and the child.


The cardiovascular system

Omega-3 benefitsfor cardiovascular system:

  • Omega-3 reduce the level of poor cholesterol and triglycerides, making blood less viscous, thereby reducing the likelihood of blood clots, heart attack;
  • strengthen the walls of the vessels and increase their elasticity, improving their permeability;
  • reduce blood pressure.

Nervous system

The EPK affects the production of serotonin, which helps a person get rid of depression and over-excited state.

Metabolism and slimming

  • The daily use of omega-3 reduces grease and increase fat burning by 15%.
  • Observed.
  • The sensitivity to insulin increases due to the slowdown in the passage of the food lump in the gastrointestinal tract, and this in its turn does the absorption of carbohydrates slower, without causing a sharp increase in blood sugar.
  • Improves the transportation of lipids on the bloodstream to the places of their combustion.
  • Omega-3 is capable of blocking the synthesis of bad prostaglandins E2, which are formed from omega-6 fatty acids. These prostaglandins suppress the lipolysis process and increase the oxidative processes in the body. Along with this, Omega-3 synthesize good prostaglandins E3, which act exactly yes, on the contrary: they reduce muscle pain after physical exercise, retain muscle mass, and also accelerate the process of oil recycling.

Set of muscular masses

Fish fat, in particular EPK and DGK, affect the synthesis of proteins in muscle tissue, as well as the growth of the cells themselves.

EPK and DGK are part of the cell membranes, and when a person is actively engaged in the hall in order to build muscle mass, then he needs elements from which his muscles will be built, so this is omega-3 fatty acids and are these bricks, Of which you can build more muscles on your body.


Probably one of the most important reasons Why and for which it is useful to take Omega-3 fatty acidsSo it is an increase in immunity! Omega-3 is a unique substance that allows not only to normalize the pressure, be in the right mind, lose weight or increase muscle mass, but also be absolutely healthy 7 days a week and 365 days a year! I'm not exaggerating! The unique antioxidant properties of Omega-3 help people who are often pooling colds having allergies, asthma, skin diseases, etc., to cope with their ailments much faster, and in most cases even prevent the appearance of signs of these diseases.

The use of Omega-3 PNCC is good prevention of cancer such as prostate cancer, breast cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, etc.

For regular sports, the use of Omega-3 is mandatory, since these fatty acids neutralize the work of free radicals that are most formed during aerobic sessions and cardio training (cycling, running, swimming, occupations on the step aerobics, dancing, training The principle of VIIT, etc.).

 For reference

Free radicals are defective oxygen molecules that have one unpaired electron, these cells tend to pick up this missing electron in other healthy molecules. When this process is gaining mass, most of the cells of the body becomes unstable and defective, due to which the cells cease to perform their functions and lose the connection between themselves, which leads to a violation of normal biochemical processes throughout the body and accelerate the aging processes.

The benefits of omega-3 fatty acids It is to protect the organism from the harmful effects of free radicals. So, if you spend a lot of time on cardio simulators, love to dance for a few hours a day, then omega-3 fatty acids should be your additive number 1.

And the EMGE-3 PNCC increases endurance, raises the total tone of the body and improves the absorption of calcium and magnesium, whose deficit is often found in athletes.


  • Omega-3 fatty acids are synthesized by hormones of eikosanoids, which are responsible for suppressing inflammatory reactions and for performing their functions by all cells of the body.
  • Omega-3 control the production in sufficient quantities of male and female sex hormones responsible for the reproductive function of both women and men.
  • Suppress the production of cortisol stress hormone, which is responsible not only for a bad mood, but also for the decay of muscle tissue.


  • Omega-3 removes inflammatory processes in the joints.
  • Counteracts the destruction and wear of the cartilage.
  • Improves the mobility of the joints.

Well, with the beneficial properties of Omega-3 figured out, and now no doubt, I hope you do not have the need to receive omega-3, as an additional source of forces and energy for you and your body.

Unfortunately, exclusively from food to get and assimilate the right amount of omega-3 is not always possible, and honestly, it is practically unrealistic to do it. That is why reception Omega-3 in capsules - This is a good opportunity to help our body still get the right amount of these fatty acids daily and without excess headache associated with the search for environmentally friendly salmon or salmon, which would not contain antibiotics, hormone-containing drugs, pesticides, etc. So now we smoothly go to the most important issue: how to choose omega-3in capsules, so as not to run into the fake or on low-quality products?

How to choose omega-3?

To correctly choose Omega-3 Fatty acids in capsules, you must first carefully examine the facial and reverse side of the packaging, where the composition and the content of fatty acids in one capsule are usually written. But before this it is worth paying attention to another very important stage - this is the place of purchase of this wonderful additive.

Purchase place

When I wrote an article about when practicing sports, I told that all vitamins and the vitan-mineral complexes are not desirable to buy in pharmacies of the city. I do not promote traditional medicine or homeopathy, but simply guided by my personal observations, experiments and analysis of pharmacy vitamins.

About Omega-3 Firms of Doppelgerz, I already told in the previously mentioned article, but it was just flowers, the berries, I saw literally a couple of weeks ago, when we conducted an experiment on the pharmacy omega-3 on one of the lectures on nutritiology. Unfortunately, I do not remember the company, it is not so important, because after I saw, I will never buy any vitamins in the pharmacy and you will try to dissuade you every way.

The essence of the experiment:

Two omega-3 fatty acids took: one was Ukrainian production (sample number 1), and another - American firm Amway "Nutrilite Omega-3" (Sample No. 2). And also took two pieces of ordinary polyfoam. Next, these two capsules pierced with a needle, the contents poured into pieces of foam and began to observe. The fact that the beginning occurs with the foam on which the sample number 1 was poured, I just plunged into shock! To clearly understand, I make a photo:

As can be seen in the photo, the pharmaceutical Omega-3 completely dissolved the foam for one minute, sample number 2 (Omega-3 Amway firms) so remained to drain on a piece of foam, without causing any reactions from its part.

You just think what should be contained in the capsule (for a minute - vitamins to improve health !!!) so that it can completely melt a piece of foam ??? And now imagine what happens to the walls of our stomach, when these Omega-3 will fall into our body ...? I think there is nothing good. What benefits of these additives can we talk about?

This harmless, at first glance, the experiment once again proved to me that there are no clear vitamins that there is no sense, moreover, they can also harm! Therefore, I advise you to buy omega-3 fatty acids or in sports nutrition stores and only proven firms, or to order on the official websites of such firms as NSP, Amway and Solgar.

When the place of purchase is determined, the next stage begins on the choice of high-quality omega-3.

What makes it mine?

Most likely, you heard that the supplement of Omega-3, like fish oil, is extracted from fish. That is why it is valued so high, since the animals of Omega-3 sources according to Australian studies have better digestibility and cardioprotective activity compared with Omega-3 plant origin.

Omega-3 content in fish and seafood

But get omega-3 of fish - it still does not mean to obtain a high-quality and useful additive. There are several important rules to be paid attention to when choosing Omega-3:

1. Omega-3 should it is made only from muscle tissue of high-grade fish species. Such as: Atlantic salmon, trout, salmon, herring, etc. It is in these varieties of fish most of all contains omega-3 fatty acids that are so necessary to human body. If on the additive of Omega-3, which you are going to buy, it is written "mined from the liver of cod", then do not buy it in any way.

The fact is that the liver is a filter body, both in humans and fish that protects the body from any infection. Through the liver, all the toxins, poisons, antibiotics and other foreign hazards, which potentially carry the whole body are held and delayed. It is for this reason that I do not recommend buying a liver in supermarkets and prepare it yourself and your loved ones, and even more so buy an additive of Omega-3, obtained from this body. Thus, together with useful Omega-3 PPGK, which there is not so much left, you also get the whole range of jerked this fish of hormones and medicines.

2. The second important condition is breeding place of these fish . If the fish is grown on closed farms, where there is no access to running water, where the fish is fed daily by synthetic feeds with antibiotics and hormones, then such a fish of a priori cannot be a useful source of omega-3 fatty acids! Each cell of its organism is oversaturated with these harmful substances, which, together with Omega-3 PNCC, will fall into the human body. Therefore, to choose a high-quality omega-3 additive, you need to look at the package it is indicated: "refined", "purified" or, if the text is written in English, "Purified". This means that all polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are contained in this additive, were complete from impurities, mercury and other harmful toxic substances that the fish absorbs in the process of its normal vital activity even on the will.

3. and the third important condition for which you need to pay attention when choosing Omega-3 is the content of EPK and DGK in the additive. Everything is very simple - you need to choose those supplements that contain the maximum number of these fatty acids. The EPK and DGK states too small about the fact that the contents of the packaging will end very quickly, if you adhere to the best daily rate of DGK consumption and EPK, and after 2 weeks you will have to buy this adding again. And if we take the usual arithmetic and calculate how much you will spend money on the purchase of omega-3 with low content of EPK and DGK, drinking 6-10 capsules per day, then you will understand that buy one package with the maximum content of these acids, at least you It will cost 3 times cheaper.

Optimal daily doses of DGK and EPA:

DGK - for the prevention of 700 mg per day; With various diseases, weight loss, low immuniching dose increases by 2 times.


On this, perhaps, all that I wanted to tell you about such a super useful additive as Omega-3. Now you all know about the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids for any person, and for actively engaged in sports - all the more. Now you know how to choose omega-3 And do not run into the fake, I will only remind the main points you have to stick when choosing a high-quality additive 1) stay away from pharmacies 2) Choose omega-3 with a maximum amount of DGK and EPK 3) Choose a purified / refined Omega-3 4 option) Do not buy omega-3 fatty acids mined from cod liver or other fish. Following these rules will help you choose Best Omega-3 additive And extract the maximum benefit from its use.

Omega-3 - group (PNCHK), which protect the cell membranes and internal organs of a person from destruction. Without these compounds, the full operation of nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems, adequate synthesis of tissue hormones, prostaglandins, correct metabolism of essential substances is impossible. In addition, they suppress inflammatory processes, improve the state of the joints, struggle with emotional disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome.

Consider in more detail what the Omega-3 acid acid is and what they are contained.


The lipids of the Omega-3 class belong to the group of essential, since the human body does not synthesize them independently. Therefore, they must regularly flow with food.

Main Representatives Omega-3 LCD

Docosahexaenic acid (DGK). It is part of the gray matter of the brain, cell shells, eye retina, sperm, eggs. In addition, DGKs play a primary role in the formation of the nervous system of the chest baby.

Echo-seated acid (EPC). It stimulates the regeneration of cell membranes, normalizes the mechanisms of transport of lipids on the bloodstream, activates immunity, improves the absorption of fats in the digestive tract, increases the antioxidant functions of the body.

Alpha Linolenic Acid (Alc). Fats of this type help in combating stress, poor cholesterol, increased arterial pressure, skin problems, hair, nails (dry, seborrhea, bundle). In addition, they are a construction substrate for the synthesis of eikapentaenoic and docosahexane fatty acids.

Lipids EPK and DGK are contained in the tissues of marine inhabitants. They are most beneficial for the human body, since it does not need a lot of enzymes for their assimilation, in contrast to plant food enriched by Alc.

Beneficial features

Polyunsaturated Omega-3 triglycerides are essential nutrients for humans, since they perform bioregulatory, structural, energy and stocking functions.

Beneficial features:

  1. The synthesis of tissue hormones (eikosanoids), participating in all biochemical reactions in the cell potential.
  2. Reduce the concentration of "bad" cholesterol, including low density lipoproteins. As a result, the risk of atherosclerosis of vessels, myocardial infarction, brain stroke decreases.
  3. Participate in the formation of male genital cells (spermatozoa), brain neuron membranes, the shells of the retina.
  4. Regulate the synthesis of hormones and steroids, including testosterone.
  5. Participate in the transport of oxygen to the tissues.
  6. Improve the contractile function of the heart muscle.
  7. Regulate the metabolism of the joy hormone (serotonin), reduce psycho-emotional stress, warn the risk of development.
  8. Support the elasticity of the joints, reduce the intensity of pain syndrome during arthritis or arthrosis.
  9. Enhance the sensitivity to insulin (by slowing the promotion of the lump in the intestinal tract).
  10. Reduce inflammatory processes in the body, preventing the development of allergic reactions and.
  11. Enhance the cognitive functions of the brain (memory, attention, learning).
  12. Suppress excessive appetite.
  13. Improve the functional state of the dermis.
  14. Enhance the immune status of the body.
  15. The growth of dry muscle mass will potentize, accelerate the "care" of the grease layer.
  16. Increase neuro-muscular function, endurance, total musculature tone.
  17. Suppress synthesis of cortisol (stress hormone).

In addition, fish oil contains, which improve the condition of the skin, maintain vision, reduce nervous excitability, improve the elasticity of cell membranes, strengthen the bone tissue.

Daily need

The daytime need for omega-3 acids is 1 to 2 grams, depending on the floor, age, health status, the region of residence. When pregnancy, menopause, bodybuilding classes, the daily rate increases to 2.5 - 3 grams, and with a reduced body weight up to 3-4 grams. The upper secure connection limit of compounds is 8 grams.

In addition, the need for useful fats increases at:

  • depressive and autoimmune states;
  • in the cold season;
  • intensive sports activities;
  • atherosclerosis of vessels;
  • oncological diseases;
  • the threat of heart attack or stroke;
  • in kindergarten and old age.

For the treatment of functional disorders, 2- 4 grams of omega-3 per day are used. At the same time, prefer the use of animal concentrates (EPK, DGK). Day portion is distributed to 3 receptions.

Benefit and harm

For the full work of the body, it is important to consume at least 0.65 grams of Omega per day. If the lipid norm per day is below the critical minimum, the "fatty" failure develops.

Factors provoking the lack of essential triglycerides in the body:

  • long fasting;
  • unbalanced diet, including vegetarianism and raw materials;
  • compliance with rigid monodi;
  • dysfunction of the digestive tract.

Omega-3 deficit symptoms:

  • permanent thirst;
  • dry skin;
  • nail fragility;
  • hair loss;
  • dandruff;
  • prolonged depressions;
  • allergic rash on the skin;
  • stool violation;
  • pain in the joints, muscles, tendons;
  • slow healing of wounds, abrasion, scratches;
  • an increase in blood pressure;
  • worsening memory, attention;
  • fatigue, loss of performance;
  • mental development delay (in infants and preschoolers);
  • reduced immunity, frequent colds.

Remember, the lack of omega-3 in the body threatens with psychoneurological pathologies, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular dysfunctions, hormonal disorders.

However, despite the fact that the overdose of polyunsaturated lipids is extremely rare, uncontrolled reception of fats can harm health.

Symptoms of oversupply PNGK:

  • continuous;
  • low blood pressure;
  • dysfunction of the digestive tract;
  • lowering blood consumption and, as a result, hemorrhagic manifestations.

Contraindications for reception of substances:

  • hypercalcemia;
  • individual intolerance;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • (in the active phase).

In addition, the possibility of joint acceptance of essential fats with oral anticoagulants or fibrats should be discussed with a family doctor.

Medical application

Considering that Omega-3 fats show a hypolypidemic, immunomodulatory, anticoagulant (diluting blood) and antihypertensive effects, they are successfully used in pharmacological practice.

Indications for use:

  • obesity of any extent;
  • chronic lesions of the joints;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • body mass deficiency;
  • hypercholesterolemia;
  • vascular diseases of the brain;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • skin diseases (, eczema);
  • allergic manifestations;
  • lesion of limb vessels;
  • autoimmune diseases (glomerulonephritis, threw, red lupus);
  • osteomyelitis;
  • cardiovascular pathologies (arrhythmia, ischemia, myocardial infarction);
  • depressive states;
  • short intestine syndrome.

In addition, these lipids are used to prevent oncological neoplasms (in complex therapy).

How to take Omega-3 (in capsules)?

For therapy of functional disorders, animal fats (DKG and EPC) are used. Therapeutic dosage of essential lipids is 2.5 - 3 grams per day. Fish fat capsules take immediately after eating, drinking 100 milliliters pure. The daily portion is distributed to three equivalent receptions.

Consider how to choose a high-quality polyunsaturated fats concentrate.

Food biocomplexes from Omega-3

On labels of lipid-containing drugs, the total amount of fish oil in the capsule is most often indicated. However, it is important for the treatment of functional disorders to choose compounds that contain a high concentration of EPA and DGK.

  1. Omega-3, Triple force (Solgar). The drug contains a large portion of omega-3 fatty acids extracted from the muscles of cold-water fish. The total volume of polyunsaturated lipids in the capsule is 882 milligrams (504 milligrams EPC and 378 milligrams of DGK).
  2. Omega-800 (Madre Labs). The organic preparation of fish fat is produced in the form of soft gelatin capsules. Biocomplex includes: docosahexaen (320 milligrams) and eikapentainene (480 milligrams) acid.
  3. Ultra Omega-3 (NOW Foods). The composition of this means includes 750 milligrams of Omega-3 triglycerides (500 milligrams EPK, 250 milligrams DCG). In addition, each capsule of biodendage is enclosed in a special enterosolobile coating (to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste, nausea).
  4. Omega-3 (Natural Factors). The gelatin capsule contains 600 milligrams of polyunsaturated lipids (200 milligrams DGK, 400 milligrams EPC).

To maintain health, the duration of the reception rate is 3 to 4 months. The frequency of therapy is 1 - 2 times a year.

Food sources

Given that essential fats are not synthesized by intestinal microflora, it is important to control the volume of their receipts into the body daily.

Table number 1 "Food sources" Animal "Omega-3"
What is contained The amount of EPK and DGK in 100 grams of the product, gram
Fish fat sardines 26 – 30
Cod liver 15
Fish fat salmon. 10
Caviar black, red 6 – 7
Sardine, Atlantic herring 1,5 – 2,4
Salmon, atlantic salmon 1,2 – 2,4
Mackerel, Macrel 2
Tuna 1,6
Sword Fish 1,14
Haltus, Trout 0,7 – 1,3
Oysters 0,7
Shrimp 0,6
Kambala, Side, Heck 0,5
Crabs, crabs, mollusks, sea scallop 0,3 – 0,4
Sea bass 0,3
Som. 0,25 – 0,35
Cod 0,2
Table "Products containing vegetable Omega three"
Alpha Linolenic Source Alc concentration in 100 grams of food, gram
Linseed oil 55
Peanut Leaves (Fresh) 50
Flax seeds (fresh) 18
Rapeseed oil 9 – 12
Walnut Oil 11
Movie (Crup) 8
Oil wheat germs 7
Mustard oil 5 – 6
Walnut 5,5
Seeds Chia 5
Portulak (Fresh) 4
Spinach (Fresh) 0,9
Spirulina 0,8
Nut Pekan 0,75
Radish 0,6
Mustard (leaves) 0,5
Olive oil 0,45
Almond 0,4
Raspberry, strawberry, avocado 0,15
Cabbage (Color, Broccoli) 0,1
Hazelnut 0,1

Remember, the compounds of the omega-3 group are easily destroyed by the influence of the sun, oxygen, high temperatures. Therefore, to replenish the daily needs of the body in essential fats, it is advisable to use weakly fat, marinated fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, vegetable oil, non-jarous nuts.

To preserve nutrients, products containing unsaturated fatty acids are stored in a cool place in a tightly clogged container.

Omega-3 fatty acids play a primary role in the formation of the nervous, immune and hormonal systems of the child, as well as the correct ontogenesis of the brain, maintain the functionality of the visual apparatus, laying the indigenous teeth. Interestingly, in the first year of life, the kid receives all essential nutrients, including triglycerides, together with Mother's milk. However, in 90% of women during lactation there is an acute shortage of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the body. As a result, the child from an early age is experiencing lipid failure.

Omega-3 deficit symptoms at childhood:

  • diathesis, atopic dermatitis (due to impairment of the immune system);
  • reduction of cognitive abilities (academic performance, concentration, memory);
  • hyperactivity;
  • dry skin;
  • allergic reactions;
  • worsening vision.

Interestingly, the cerebral of the child is developing up to 14 years. Therefore, children from the first year of life it is important to use at least 1 gram of omega-3 per day. For this, the daily menu of crumbs enriched with fruits, vegetables, seafood, linseed oil. In addition, the daily need for fats is replenished with fish oil concentrates. However, kids up to three years old hard to swallow a large capsule. Therefore, the question arises: how to drink medicines? To solve these problems, manufacturers have created special mixtures produced in the form of syrups, candies, chewing pub.

Popular children's complexes with Omega-3:

  1. Omega-3 for children "from Oriflame (Wellness, Sweden). The drug includes fishery, vitamin E, lemon oil, antioxidants. The tool is produced in the form of a syrup.
  2. "Smart Omega-3 for children" (Delta Medical, Switzerland). Biocomplex contains fish oil, beeswax, vitamins A, C ,. The composition is produced in capsules that can be riser.
  3. "Supradin Kids with Holin and Omega-3" (Bayer, Germany). The medicine includes: docosahexaenic acid, nicotinamide, cholecalciferol, vitamins A, E ,. Formation form - marmalade candies.
  4. "Multi-Tabs Intello Kids with Omega-3" (Ferrosan, Denmark). The drug consists of: Fish fat concentrate, including EPK and DGK, tocopherol, Vitamin C. Children's composition are produced in the form of chewable capsules with flavor of black currant.
  5. "Peak Omega-3" (Krka, Slovenia). The polyvitamin complex contains fish oil, group vitamins in (thiamine, folic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin), retinol, tocopherol, cholecalciferol, decantenol, ascorbic acid. Edition form of additives - syrup.

Remember, the dosage and diagram of admission of fat determines the pediatrician based on the health status of the kid.

Considering that PNG "respond" for the exchange processes in the body, the elasticity of cell membranes and the proper work of the brain, every woman is important to consume at least 1 - 1.5 grams of pure omega-3 per day. When pregnancy occurs, the daily need for triglycerides increases by 2 times.

Consider what fishe fat for women useful:

  1. Reduces menstrual pain, reduces the number of "tides", improves the mood in the "critical days", has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Reduces anxiety, improves mood, increases the efficiency of antidepressants.
  3. Slows down the skin and appearance of wrinkles.
  4. Prevents the development of osteoporosis, especially during menopause.
  5. Stabilizes "hormonal bursts" in the menopausal period.
  6. Reduces the risk of developing seals in the mammary gland to 30%, as well as the likelihood of tumors and polyps in the colon (on men, this effect does not apply).

In addition, fish oil is an indispensable factor in menopause. Given that the climax is accompanied by a violation of mineral and fat metabolism, in women after 55 years, vascular pathologies are developing, including endothelial dysfunction. At the same time, the rheological parameters of the blood change, as a result of which its consumption increases.

To prevent the development of thrombosis, cardiovascular pathologies, metabolic disorders, as well as facilitating unpleasant symptoms of menopause (heartbeats, tides, night sweating), the daily diet is enriched with products, rich essential fats or organic biocomplexes.

It is especially important to take preparations containing omega-3 women with overweight, planning pregnancy, "sitting" on a diet, predisposed to cardiovascular diseases.


So, Omega-3 is the class of essential lipids, which exhibit a pronounced anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, immunomodulating, antioxidant and antilipide action. Polyunsaturated lipids are not synthesized by the human body, so it is extremely important to receive them from the outside. To do this, the daily menu includes fatty seafood or seafood, linseed oil, fresh greens. In addition, 1 - 2 times a year you need to cut biocomplexes that contain "animals" of omega-3 (EPC and DGK).

The optimal rate of fat consumption is 1 gram per day. If they are present, dandruff, acne, psoriasis or eczema, the daily portion of acids increases to 2 - 3 grams.

Specialty: infectious, gastroenterologist, pulmonologist.

Common experience: 35 years .

Education:1975-1982, 1mmi, San Gig, Higher Qualification, Infectious Physics.

Science degree: Higher Phone, Candidate of Medical Sciences.


Greetings to all who looked around!

Balanced nutrition is a guarantee of health and well-being, but, alas, one who has enough strength, time, desire, means and knowledge to make the right diet ...

Most people do not receive at all or inconses more necessary elements, including Ohga-3, whose benefits are difficult to overestimate.

To begin with, let's at least understand a little in the title of the hero of today's review - SOLGAR, OMEGA-3 EPK and DGK.

The first question that arises is for EPA and DGK:

EPK and DGK. Fatty acids are two of the most important acids needed by the body. Both acids are part of the group of omega-3 fatty acids.

There are fatty acids of animal and vegetable origin.

Omega-3 vegetable origin (Alc) I call omega for vegans, it is contained in the following products:

flax seeds , linseed oil , rye oil, walnuts, oats embryo, soybeans, tofu, spinach

EPK and DGK - Acid of animal origin and are contained in the following products:

fatty varieties of fish (salmon, mackerel, sardine, mackerel) , canned tuna, yolks of homemade eggs

in the eggs of Curia grown on the poultry farms, the content of Omega-3 is negligible

EPK and DGK. differ in their chemical structure:

Fatty acid EPK More known as eicosapentaenic acid. By chemical structure, it is a carboxyl acid having five cis double bonds and a chain of 20 carbon atoms.

Fatty acid DGK(Docosahexaenic acid) in the chemical structure also carboxyl acid. However, it has six cis-double bonds and a chain with 22 carbon atoms.

I will not delve into the scientific substantiation of the principles of action, but each of these acids has its own spectrum of action and consuming them together as efficiently as possible.

The role of Omega-3 in metabolism and slimming:

  • The daily use of omega-3 reduces grease and increase fat burning by 15%.
  • There is an acceleration of metabolism.
  • Insulin sensitivity increases, and this in its turn does the absorption of carbohydrates slower, without causing a sharp increase in blood sugar.
  • Improves the transportation of lipids on the bloodstream to the places of their combustion.
  • Omega-3 is capable of blocking the synthesis of bad prostaglandins E2, which are formed from omega-6 fatty acids. These prostaglandins suppress the lipolysis process and increase the oxidative processes in the body. Along with this, Omega-3 synthesize good prostaglandins E3, which act exactly yes, on the contrary: they reduce muscle pain after physical exercise, retain muscle mass, and also accelerate the process of oil recycling.

The benefits of Omega-3 are obvious and indisputable, it is important both for children and adults.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the body of the woman especially needs omege-3, because The reception of fatty acids contributes to the normal development of the fetus and the child, respectively.

You can enumerate infinitely, the feedback is not enough to tell about all useful properties:

Omega-3 is a unique substance that allows not only normalize pressure, be in the right mind, lose weight or increase muscle massbut also be absolutely healthy 7 days a week and 365 days a year!

The unique antioxidant properties of Omega-3 help people who are often pooling colds having allergies, asthma, skin diseases, etc., to cope with their ailments much faster, and in most cases even prevent the appearance of signs of these diseases.

The use of Omega-3 PNCC is good prevention of cancer such as prostate cancer, breast cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, etc.

For regular sports, the use of omega-3 is mandatory, since these fatty acids neutralize the work of free radicals that are most formed during aerobic sessions and cardio training.

In the fact that omega-3 is useful no doubt, it is necessary only to decide on the manufacturer.

I choseSolgar, Omega-3 EPK and DGK, Triple force, 950 mg.

Price on the IHERB website on the day of writing a review with overclocking: 1644, 86 rub.

The total cost of supposedly is 2193.15 rubles, but over the past year the maximum value I bought on Iherb was 1997,12 rubles. (in April 2016).

Price in Moscow for such a bank from 4000 rubles.

In one pack 100 capsules.

The cost of one capsule is 16.45, respectively.

When taking 2 (two) capsules on day, the cost of 32.9 rubles. per day and 987-1020 rubles. per month.

Manufacturer: companySOLGAR.

Why did I choose exactly Solgar?

Everything is simple: I trust this brand and omega-3 from Solgar fully complies with the three basic requirements that distinguish high-quality fatty acids.

This is not the only brand of which you can trust, that is why I will list

Fundamental rules when choosing the right Omega:

1. Omega-3 should it is made only from muscle tissue of high-grade fish species. Such as: Atlantic salmon, trout, salmon, herring, etc. It is in these varieties of fish most of all contains omega-3 fatty acids that are so necessary to human body. If on the additive of Omega-3, which you are going to buy, it is written "mined from the liver of cod", then do not buy it in any way.

2. The second important condition is breeding place of these fish. If the fish is grown on closed farms, where there is no access to running water, where the fish is fed daily by synthetic feeds with antibiotics and hormones, then such a fish of a priori cannot be a useful source of omega-3 fatty acids! Each cell of its organism is oversaturated with these harmful substances, which, together with Omega-3 PNCC, will fall into the human body. Therefore, to choose a high-quality omega-3 additive, you need to look at the package it is indicated: "refined", "purified" or, if the text is written in English, "Purified". This means that all polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are contained in this additive, were complete from impurities, mercury and other harmful toxic substances that the fish absorbs in the process of its normal vital activity even on the will.

3. and the third important condition for which you need to pay attention when choosing Omega-3 is the content of EPK and DGK in the additive.

✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁✽ ✾ ✿

Description of the drug Manufacturer:

Promises of the manufacturer:

Contains natural polyunsaturated EPKs and DGK omega-3 cold-water fish in the highest concentration. This composition contributes to maintaining the health of cardiovascular, immune systems, as well as the health of the joints and leather. It is molecularly distilled to remove mercury and other harmfulness from the body.

for adults - one (1) capsule twice a day, preferably during meals or by appointing a doctor.

I would like to note that the daema-3 daily rate is determined individually, depending on the health, diet and other factors:

And do not forget:

If you started receiving Omega-3 in capsules, it does not mean that it is possible to exclude fish dishes from your diet, walnuts and linseed oil.


In one pack 100 capsules If you follow the manufacturer's recommendations, then 2 capsules must be taken per day, respectively, one packaging is enough for 50 days.

In preventive purposes, one capsule is enough, so the packaging is enough for more than 3 months (per 100 days).

Like all banks from Solgar, Omega-3 is located in a glass jar that has a protective film.

On the unscrewing lid there is also a protective membrane.


To make sure that in capsules really fish fat, it is enough to lower the nose in the bank after the first opening. Believe me, you immediately feel the characteristic fragrance and no doubt will arise - in a banquet Fish fat!

And if you pierce or spray the capsule ... indescribable sensations! ... hold me seven!

Yes, by the way, arr ashing your attention, that the difference between fish oil and fish fat is essential, the first source of fatty acids, and the second fat-soluble vitamins A and D, I am talking about the first - fish.

If I wonder, I propose to figure out in contractions and ask for a quote:

Fish fat get from the liver of gravy fish. It contains a large amount of fat-soluble vitamins A and D, but omega-3 fatty acids in it is not enough.

It is used to treat the hypovitaminosis of vitamins A and D, and as the prevention of rickets. However, fish fat has one significant drawback, taking it to be likely to get along with vitamins and a dose of heavy metals, because the liver just filters harmful substances that pass through the digestive system of fish. Therefore, fish oil is contraindicated to children and pregnant women.

Fish fat Get out of muscles and subcutaneous fat salmon and salmon. Therefore, in fish oil, on the contrary, little vitamins A and D, but the maximum fatty acids of omega-3.

The size:

Capsules are quite large - about 2.5 cm long and 5-7 mm wide.

I'm not sure that those who have problems with swallowing they will fit.

I buy such capsules for a long time, the last time ordered both for myself and for mom, sisters, girlfriends. All sat down, no one had problems with the reception ... (although, a friend did not make friends with them immediately, but about it slightly lower).

✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁✽ ✾ ✿

I share impressions from the reception of Omega-3:

Capsules are large enough, they are easy enough to swallow them, but it is necessary to drink only water room temperature (in no case is it cold! Well, not hot, respectively ... otherwise, a liberal share of probability, you are provided with wild belonging and rolling vomiting that not only can spoil All impression of reception, but also to deprive the process of any benefit);

✎ The reception time is quite individual, you will probably have to look for the most comfortable for you, because the bad weather is.

Of course, it is better to take fish fat in the morning, but not everyone is under power.

My girlfriend somehow drank from the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour was set in an embrace with a white friend. As a result, drinks after dinner, before it is not able to (... maybe because it is 46 kg. And constant restrictions in food, the capsule takes half the stomach? ... yes, baby, if you read - Know, I envy ☺ ).

In any case, I do not advise you on an empty stomach, I tried, the feelings are not the most pleasant ... as if it was just a spoonful of fish fat ate ... Brrr ...

During meals, I personally do not always comfortably take for myself, I brought the optimal reception time - in 20 minutes after breakfast or immediately before bedtime(Although, before bedtime, it seems to be not particularly recommended ... But I did not meet direct ban anywhere, so I constantly accept at this time).

In this case, the reception is quite comfortable.

If I take after abundant food, especially after lunch or dinner, then for several hours, the flavor of fish in the mouth is provided (Usually, it is still accompanied by extermination with the taste of fish oil, the sensations are not pleasant ...) .

Sometimes I forget that I drank Ohgue-3, I go and I can not understand when I ate a fish ... Steening her taste in the mouth ...

Ohga-3 I accept constantly in the following circle alternating:

- 2-3 weeks 1 capsule 2 times a day

- 4-6 weeks 1 capsule 1 time per day.

I want to note that I took OEGA-3 both in parallel with other vitamins and badies and separately.

For 3 months, I saw only orega, so I can draw conclusions about its effectiveness and influence on the body.

I share impressions / result:

Periodically, I had an acute desire to smear something fish, I was insanely wanted herring, salmon, fish meatball, I ate and could not fit fish dishes (it could continue for several days, then I gave).

When taking Omega-3, there is no such sharp desire. This does not mean that I do not eat fish dishes, just does not shake me from the thought of them , and I'm no longer drowning from salivation when cooking fish or at the sight of herring .

Energy appearedThis is especially felt in the spring.

Usually, the spring experienced a feeling of chronic fatigue, waking up in the morning only about how I came home and to sleep in the evening ... (Of course, the family, a child, a bunch of other things, while everyone to redo - sleep offend, and the outflow is broken again .. . So, waiting for the weekend passes week, and on the weekend is not easier ... And everything is in a circle ...).

At some point, the fatigue accumulated to the odor, I was psychodula, my homemade decided to give me a rest and from the very early morning I went to my grandmother, returned at 6 pm and they were surprised that I had not got up ... As a result, once in 1-1.5 months have become practicing such mamines-ration.

But, after 2-3 weeks began to receive Omega-3, I noticed that I could no longer sleep before dinner, I don't have any need, at 9-10 in the morning I feel like a rested, sleek and full forces.

Surprisingly, the reception of Omega-3 in the morning charges energy, even found a scientific substantiation, is all the case in chemical reactions that he launches in our body.

✎ Improved the condition of the hair, nails and skin.


Significant improvements in the hair condition I did not notice, because My main problem is a year-round hairfall, to cope with which only selenium helps me, fat roots and dry tips, but in general the hair condition has undoubtedly improved.

With Omega-3 hair drops less, even without selenium, and smoother to the touch.


I have enough brittle nails that grow very slowly. I can not say that with omega-3 nails have become quite strong, but they have become more moisturized and less brittle, they began to grow a little faster.


Omega-3 influenced the condition of the skin as a face and hand and body.

When I took 2 capsules per day (second for the night) the outfit from the face could be collected by fishing(Pores were not clogged, there was a feeling that the skin was covered with a thin oily film).

I am 35+, respectively, the skin is age and needs moisturizing and nutrition.

I could not go to bed or get out of the house without a cream for face or hands, the lack of moisture was felt as if the skin was not breathing ...

That is why, in the evening I could not forget to apply the cream for face or hands, the skin itself reminded.

With Omega-3, the system gave a failure, after a month of reception I could no longer remember whether I applied cream or not, because the skin felt quite comfortable, even had to feel and sniffed to understand ...

There were days when I forgot to put the cream for the night and felt comfortable. If it were before Omega, then in the night I would have woke up from not the most pleasant sensations and could not fall asleep until I would satisfy the need of the skin in the cream.

Face cream I am nanous after washing and can only be forgotten if they are distracted, but with a hand cream everything is easier, half a liter is at least at a distance of an elongated hand from a bed. What was my surprise when I did not find a familiar barrel on the spot, and my husband told me that a week ago I removed him into the closet. It turns out I was a week without a hand cream for the night! as?! - Omega-3 taxi!

I use cream for the body at will, the need for it can occur only in winter, but with Omega-3, even in winter, the use of cream is only my willingness, not the commands of the skin.

In addition to moisturizing, I noticed that the skin on the face was smoother, especially in the area around the eyes, there were no such pronounced mimic wrinkles, they, of course, did not disappear, but as if he was smoothed, the result not only to the touch, but also Visually.

All these changes with the skin noticed my closest girls: Mom, sister and girlfriend, as a result, my last order omega passed under the slogan "Each by the Bank!":

Improving the state of the joints, strengthening immunity, changes in the weight and other promised and the above-described good, I did not feel so to associate with the reception of Omega-3.

Of course, I hope that the reception of this Bad had a wider action than what I described above, but sufficient grounds to assert it, and even more so listed such improvements, I do not have.

What would like to say in the end:

I am satisfied with the quality, dosage and effect in the form of improving the condition of the skin, which I noticed and felt, not to mention the other pluses in the form of a tide of energy.

Russian name

Omega-3 triglycerides [EPK / DGK \u003d 1.2 / 1-90%]

Latin name of the substance of Omega-3 triglycerides [EPK / DGK \u003d 1.2 / 1-90%]

Omega-3-Triglycerides ( rod.)

Pharmacological group of substance Omega-3 triglycerides [EPK / DGK \u003d 1.2 / 1-90%]

Nonological Classification (ICD-10)


pharmachologic effect - hypolypidemic.


Polyunsaturated fatty acids of Omega-3 - eikapentaenic acid (EPC) and docosahexaenic acid (DGK) are indispensable to an indispensable (essential) fatty acids (NAUK). Active with regard to blood plasma lipids, reducing triglyceride concentration as a result of a decrease in the concentration of LPONP. In addition, they actively affect hell and hemostasis, reducing the synthesis of thromboxane A2 and slightly increasing blood coagulation time. There was no significant effect on other blood coagulation factors.

EPK and DGK reduce triglyceride synthesis in the liver, because They are less active substrates for enzymes responsible for triglyceride synthesis, and they inhibit the esterification of other fatty acids. A decrease in triglyceride concentration contributes to an increase in the amount of feed-oxidation of fatty acids (reducing the number of free fatty acids available for triglyceride synthesis). Inhibition of this synthesis reduces the level of LPONP. EPK and DGK increase the level of HS LDL in some patients with hyperitriglyceridemia. Increasing the concentration of HDL is minimally and significantly lower than after receiving fibrats, and is inconstant.

The duration of the hypolipidemic action during the reception of EPA and DGK has not been studied for more than 1 year. Otherwise, there are no convincing evidence that the decline in the level of triglycerides reduces the risk of developing the IBS.

Results of research GISSI-PREVENZIONE. - multicenter randomized open clinical studies with patients after a recently suffered myocardial infarction (less than 3 months), taking LS (n \u003d 2836), and inadvertent (n \u003d 2828), obtained after 3.5 years of observations on the background of receiving 1 g / Sut, showed a significant reduction in the criteria of the combined endpoint, including the mortality rate on all causes, the non-infamary myocardial infarction and stroke (reducing risk by 15%, p \u003d 0.0226) in patients who received only an EPA and DGK compared to with the control group. A decrease in the pre-specified criteria of the secondary endpoint, including death due to cardiovascular pathology, non-infamary myocardial infarction and stroke (reduction of relative risk by 20%, p \u003d 0.0082) in patients taking LS only containing EPA and DGK, Compared to the control group. In the study GISSI-HEART FAILURE (GISSI-HF.) The impact on the decrease in mortality and hospitalization in connection with the cardiovascular disease in 6975 patients with HSN (II-IV functional classification class NYHA) who received standard drug therapy. GISSI-HF. - a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study, in which patients received 1 g / day HP, containing EPA and DGC (N \u003d 3494), or placebo (n \u003d 3481) on average 3.9 years.

The results showed a decrease in the criteria for both endpoints, including death from all causes (a decrease in relative risk by 9%, p \u003d 0.041) and hospitalization due to cardiovascular pathology and death from all causes (reducing risk by 8%, p \u003d 0.009) .

Secondary analysis of the level of primary hospitalization due to ventricular arrhythmias showed a decrease in relative risk by 28%, p \u003d 0.013 in a group obtained by an HP, containing EPA and DGK, compared with the placebo group. According to Subanalysis, the relative increase in the FVLG was shown by 8.1; 11.1 and 11.5% after 1, 2 and 3 years, respectively, in the group obtained by the HP, containing EPA and DGK, compared with the increase in the FVLG by 6.3; 8.2 and 9.9% in the placebo group (p \u003d 0.005).


During and after suction in the small intestine of fatty acids of Omega-3 class, 3 main ways of their metabolism are possible:

Fatty acids are first delivered to the liver, where they are included in the various categories of lipoproteins and are sent to peripheral lipid reserves;

Cell membrane phospholipids are replaced by phospholipids of lipoproteins, after which fatty acids can act as precursors of various eikosanoids;

Most of the fatty acids are oxidized to ensure energy needs.

The concentration of fatty acids of the Omega-3 - EPA and DGC class - in blood plasma phospholipids corresponds to the concentration of EPA and DGCs included in the cell membranes.

Application of substance omega-3 triglycerides [EPK / DGK \u003d 1.2 / 1-90%]

Hypertriglyceridemia: endogenous hyperitriglyceridemia type IV according to the classification of Fredrinkson (in monotherapy) as a supplement to a hypolipidemic diet in its insufficient efficiency; Endogenous hyperitriglyceridemide type IIB or III according to the Classification of Fredrickson in combination with GMG-CoE reductase inhibitors (statins), when triglyceride concentration is not sufficiently controlled by the taking of statins.

Secondary prevention after myocardial infarction (as part of combined therapy): in combination with statins, antiagregative drugs, beta-adrenoblockers, ACE inhibitors.


Increased sensitivity; exogenous hyperitriglyceridemia (type I hyperchilomy); pregnancy and breastfeeding period; Age up to 18 years (efficiency and security are not established).

Restrictions on application

Age older than 70 years; liver disorders; simultaneous reception with oral anticoagulants, fibrators; Hemorrhagic diathesis; severe injuries; Surgical operations (risk of increasing bleeding time). Experience in the secondary endogenous hyperitriglyceridemia is limited (especially with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus).

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

There are no clinical data on use during pregnancy. It should be prescribed to pregnant with caution, only after a thorough assessment of the risk and benefit ratio, when the benefit for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus.

Application is contraindicated during breastfeeding period. If the reception is required during breastfeeding period, breastfeeding must be canceled.

Side effects of the substance omega-3 triglycerides [EPK / DGK \u003d 1.2 / 1-90%]

The frequency of adverse reactions below was determined according to the following: very often (≥1 / 10); Often (≥1 / 100,<1/10); нечасто (≥1/1000, <1/100); редко (≥1/10000, <1/1000); очень редко (<1/10000), включая отдельные сообщения.

From the immune system: Rarely - high sensitivity reactions.

From the metabolism and nutrition: Infrequently - hyperglycemia, gout.

From the nervous system: Infrequently dizziness, disgusting (taste perversion), headache.

From the side of the SCC: Infrequently expressed decline in blood pressure.

By the respiratory system, chest and mediastinal organs: Epistaxis (nasal bleeding).

From the digestive system: Often - gastrointestinal disorders (including screaming abdomen, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence, belching, GERB, nausea or vomiting); Infrequently - gastrointestinal bleeding, liver function, incl. Increase the activity of transaminase (ACT and ALT).

From the side of the skin and subcutaneous fabrics: infrequently skin rash; Rarely - urticaria.

With long-term use in large doses (4 g per day), belching with a smell or flavor of fish.


With simultaneous use with oral anticoagulants and other drugs that affect the hemostasis system, the risk of increasing bleeding time increases (with the combined application of EPG and DGK and indirect anticoagulants or the cessation of EPG and DGC treatment, PV or MNA is needed).

There are no data on simultaneous use with fibraty in the treatment of hyperitriglyceridemia.


Symptoms: It is possible to strengthen side effects.

Treatment: Symptomatic therapy.

Ways of administration


Precautions of the substance omega-3 triglycerides [EPK / DGK \u003d 1,2 / 1-90%]

Due to a moderate increase in the time of bleeding (when taking a high dose - 4 g), observation of patients with violations by a coagulation system of blood, as well as anticoagulant therapy or drugs that affect the hemostasis system (acetylsalicylic acid as an antiagregative LS, NSAIDs ), and if necessary, the corresponding dose correction of anticoagulant or drugs affecting the hemostasis system

In some patients, an increase in the activity of AST and Alt (within the norm) was observed, while there are no data indicating an increased risk of receiving EPA and DGC patients with impaired liver function. The control of ACT activity and Alt in patients with signs of violation of the liver function (especially when taking a high dose - 4 g).

Impact on the ability to manage vehicles and engage in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentrations of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions. Research on the effect on the ability to control vehicles and engage in other potentially hazardous activities requiring increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions have not been carried out. Nevertheless, an insignificant influence (risk of dizziness) is possible on the ability to manage vehicles and engage in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions, so caution should be taken.