Where lives sparrow. House Sparrow Description Meals Difference from Field Sparrow. What do sparrows eat

09.05.2021 Products

Sparrows, the most common birds of large and small cities, villages and towns. People are so accustomed to them that they do not even guess about the places of the occurrence of these crumbs, which, by the way, are on the other end of the planet. Motherland Vorobev is considered asia, as well as the Mediterranean and the Middle East. To learn about these birds other interesting facts, it is necessary to find out everything about their appearance, behavior, nutrition and habits.

Description Sparrow

In the settlements you can meet two types of these tiny birds - the house and field. The house sparrow always dwells next to the man. Representatives of this type of birds were remarkably adapted to the living conditions near people. Even a tough climate does not scare them, which prevails in most of the cities of Russia. Sparrows are sedentary birds. They can dig up closer to the south of only the coldest cities with lightwaters.

The appearance of birds

The house sparrow has very small sizes. The length of his body ranges from 14 to 18 cm. The weight of this little bird can be from 25 to 39. The head is rather large in relation to the body, has a round shape. The beak at the sparrow is wide, conical. Its length can reach 1.5 cm. The bird looks strong and quite large for its weight. The tail usually has a size of 5-6 cm. Length of limbs is about 2-2.5 cm.

Female Sparrow is significantly less than males. The color of their plumage is different in gender. The upper part of the bird body is always brown. At the same time, the bottom has a light gray color. Sparrows wings are framed by white and yellow transverse stripes. The differences between the female and the male are in color of the head and neck. Makushka is always a dark gray shade, and the area under the eyes of the light gray. The throat and chest framed a black spot. The females of the macushka and the neck is always light brown. During the marriage period, the color of the birds in the birds significantly darkens. Description of the house sparrows at this time can not be slightly coincided with the above characteristics.

Sparrow reproduction

The house type of these birds is always settled near human housing. They can nest in separate pairs, and sometimes connect to groups. The nests of the sparrows are nursing on trees, in faults and creams of old buildings, under the roofs of houses, as well as in thickets of shrubs. Both representatives of the couple are always engaged in building housing. For this, they use dry grass, straw, small branches. In the center of the nest, the deepening is always constructed, so that the eggs or chicks fall out from there.

Most often, the female begins to make a laying in April. In the nest then it can take up to 10 eggs. They have white color and brown specks. Incubation period lasts about 2 weeks. When the chicks are hatched, the female and the male begin to feed them together together. The ability to fly kids around two weeks after birth. The duration of their life can reach 10 years. However, even up to 4 years old lives only a small part of birds.

What do sparrows eat

Their diet is largely made of vegetable products. House sparrows adore various seeds, grains of cereal plants and herbs. However, most often they have to be content with what is available in settlements. Therefore, sparrows eat the waste of human food, insects, berries and even the kidneys on the trees.

Not everyone knows how the house sparrow is powered in winter. After all, at this time, the main part of the diet of these feathered disappears from the access, which consists of vegetation. Fortunately, birds often feed people. All sorts of feeders with seeds and breadcrumbs can save the lives of hundreds of birds that do not stand the hungry winter and die from the cold. Like many other feathered, sparrows need sand for good digestion. Sometimes the birds eat small pebbles and dried solid grains instead.

Field Sparrow

They are not so tied to the habitats of people. Therefore, often settle in steppe and field location. From this feature, the name of the birds of birds occurred. The house sparrow lives in cities and residential areas. But the fields can be found on the outskirts of the villages, so they are often called rustic. These birds do not have external differences in gender. Females and males have the same feathers and sizes.

Field sparrows prefer warm and dry climates. They never live with the house view of the feathers. If they have to cross, it is always accompanied by fighting and competition for the territory. Each of the species has high social activity. These pichugs are not afraid of nor people or pets. Therefore, it is very often possible to see how the sparrow faded from the bowl of the fodder of the street dog, which peacefully sleeps without noticing that her little bird comes.

During the spring and summer period, the field sparrows eat insects, and after ripening the crop go to food from fields, gardens and vineyards. The vegetation feed during this period is quite enough. At the occurrence of cold weather, birds have to be content with grains and seeds from weeds. Sometimes they fly to the courtyards of residential buildings to find there for themselves a little food.

Differences of field and house species Vorobev

Not everyone knows how to distinguish the field sparrow from the house. The field variety of birds is slightly similar to males of house feathered. But at the same time they have a more elegant form and less weight. The adult individual has a body length from 12 to 14 cm. The main difference between these species consists of the color of the crown and the nape. These parts of the body have brightly chestnut color. Also in the field of ears and under the beak at the field sparrows are small black spots. The neck of the birds framed the collar of snow-white feathers, and their wings are not alone, but two light stripes.

Both types of sparrows have a high level of mortality. Despite the fact that these feathers are able to live up to 10 years, few of them are experiencing even their first winter. Like all birds living in severe climatic conditions and wildlife, they are daily subjected to various hazards. Lack of food in the winter is the main one. That is why people with the onset of cold weather mastered feeders from the undergraduate materials, and then fall asleep with their sunflower seeds or other plants. Such kindness and man's care every year save hundreds of sparrows from hungry death.

The body length is 14-18 cm, the mass of 21-37 g. The overall color of the plumage is on top of a brownish-brown, rustful color with black spots, from the bottom is whitish or gray. White cheeks, pale gray ear. Wings with yellowish-white transverse stripe. The male is different from the female presence of a large black spot, covering the chin, the throat, goiter and the upper part of the chest, as well as dark gray (and not dark-brown) riding head. The female head and throat are gray, and over the eye there is a pale gray-yellow strip.


Previously, the habitat area of \u200b\u200bthe house sparrow was limited to Northern Europe. Subsequently, it was widely spread in Europe and Asia (with the exception of the Arctic, northeastern, southeastern and central regions of Asia), as well as in Northern and East Africa, Senegal, Malaya Asia, on the Arabian Peninsula and the island of Java.

Starting from the 20th century, it was delivered to different countries, there was widely there and at present, except the above places, also lives in South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, North and South America and in many islands.

Almost everywhere is a sideways of the bird, only from the northernmost parts of the range on the winter runs off to the south (up to 1000 km), and from Central Asia flies to the front Asia and India.

Following the housing of a person, penetrated far to the north to the unusual zone of Fondra and even the tundra - to the Murmansk region, the mouth of Pecoras, the North of Yakutia.

How to distinguish the male sparrow from females?

Left - female, right - male

The male sparrow from the female can be distinguished by the characteristic black spot, which covers the chin, the throat and the upper part of the breast. The head of the male also has a dark gray color. The sparrow female is smaller in size, the head and the throat are gray, and gray-yellow strips are located above their eyes, very pale, almost imperceptible.

Features of lifestyle and behavior Sparrow

Sparrows a settling lifestyle, choosing the territory, nest. The grown offspring remains next to the parents, thus the sparrows form large flocks. This promotes the high fertility of the sparrow, the abundance of feed due to the proximity of human settlements.

Ornithologists, watching the sparrows, found out that a couple of these birds create practically for a long time. The lifespan of the Vorobev is an average of up to 5 years. But there were copies of the feathers whose age was about 11 years. A small life expectancy of Vorobiev is related to the fact that young people often die in the first winter. Sparrows nest almost everywhere where the nest can be placed. These are the eaves of balconies, birdhouses, emptiness of wooden or stone buildings, sometimes pipes and even pieces of garbage. In our edges, the pairs are formed by the end of winter. At this time, Sparrow (males) lively, loudly tweet, current and even sometimes fight.

Nutrition Sparrow

Sparrow can not be called gourmet. Its menu is varied - from insects to human nutrition. Moreover, modesty is also not their horse, waiting for a piece they can jump near the man's table (open cafes, country terraces), and if he sits motionless, then also jumped onto the table and worry about himself.

However, with the slightest movement of birds, deftly disappear from the table, trying to grab the lacquer.

And yet, despite the dramatically and smoke character, these birds do not suit the scandals because of food. If one sparrow detects a lot of food, it flies behind his tribesmen, and only then start the meal.

The unfamiliar feed is wary. The whole flock will not have an unknown dish until one of the sparrow will test meals. And only after that everyone flies.

In the summer in the summer, this bird lives freely. They peck seeds and grains of planted crops, begged by a berry, and all sorts of disconnecting devices on them actually.

However, rural residents are forced to endure such a neighborhood, because the sparrows destroy the caterpillars and other insects.

In fact, if you watch the sparrows, then the bird is more willing feeding in a cage at a rabbit or from a chicken cup, than will look for some larvae there. But it should not be offended. At the heart of the power sparrow, still lies vegetable food. Insects Sparrows eat only in spring, yes, when feeding chicks. However, without the help of these birds from insects it would be difficult to get rid.

Sparrow reproduction

The male and female Sparrow together build a nest. As a rule, it is a coarse fabric from a peony, straw, dry grass, with a small deepening in the center. The construction of the nest begins in March, and in April, birds are embarking on eggs. For the season, the female can postpone up to 5 masonry. In the masonry usually up to 7 white with dark eggs of eggs. The incubation period of surgery of eggs lasts about two weeks. The chicks hatch weakly pubescent, almost naked. The feeding of the offspring takes about 14 to 17 days, they feed the chicks both parents mainly in the insects.

About the 10th day of chicks try to fly. After a couple of days at the end of May - early June, they leave nests. By the end of the fall, the sparrows are revived again, loudly tweet and take care of females. The construction of nests begins. In these nests, chicks will not be in spring, and the place prepared in this way will serve as protection against autumn rains and winter frosts.

Sparrow enemy or friend?

So the sparrow fell into "dubious assistants." And yet, the benefits from this tiny bird are more than harm. It is enough to bring a classic example - one day the Chinese seemed that the sparrows destroy their crop rice, so the bird was declared the chief enemy, they were destroyed, knowing that the sparrows could not be in the air more than 15 minutes.

The Chinese simply did not let them sit and the birds fell on the ground already dead. But after that, the real enemy came - insects.

They were dispersed to such an extent that the crop of rice was not left completely, and almost 30 million people died of hunger.

So it is worth breaking your head over that the history has already passed. The little bird Sparrow takes a worthy place in nature, and man only remains to protect it.

Types of Vorobiev

In nature, there are many birds similar to the sparrow, but it is not at all necessary that they belong to one of the species of this bird. Scientists ornithologists clearly designated the types and subspecies of this bird. The species of this bird are quite a lot - there are about 22. In our climate you can meet 8.

  • field;
  • snowy (Snow Reel)
  • chernogoody;
  • redhead;
  • stone;
  • mongolian earthen sparrow;
  • short-pasted;
  • house Sparrow.

Sparrow Field / Passer Montanus

The field sparrow is usually nesting in light forests and park landscapes, where open spaces are mixed with planting trees, in groves and coastal vegetation. Also in old parks and gardens. Normally in rural settlements and some cities, especially in those areas where there is no house sparrow. It nests with dense colonies and separate pairs in the dupes and benchmarks, less often in the cracks of buildings. It also settles in voids between bruises of large nest nests and day predators. Sometimes builds spherical nests on the tops of the trees. In the masonry usually 5-6 eggs. It lives in almost all Eurasia, except the northernmost areas.

Snowy / Montifringilla Nivalis Sparrow

Snow Sparrows has a rather unusual distribution area, which extends along the mountain chains of Southern Europe, Malaya Asia, the Caucasus, South-West Iran, Pamir, Altai and Northeast China. Nests in the Alpine zone below the level of perpetual snow-in the meadows between the rocks and rocky slopes, on the slopes of boulders and lava fields. The nest is placed in the crevices of rocks, as well as in the voids of buildings (in mountain shacks, old fortifications, lifts cabins). Live in small colonies from 2 to 6 pairs.

Sparrow Cernogood / Passer Hispaniolensis

Chernogood Sparrow is a small bird, a little larger house sparrow. Weighs the Chernogood Sparrow 27-30 g. The male is different from the female with black back and black breast, as well as large longitudinal pendents on the sides of the body. It is distributed from Southern Europe and North Africa through Malny Asia to Afghanistan and North-West India. In our country, it is found in the Caucasus and in Central Asia. This is a migratory and only in the south of the area settled bird. Inhabited a cultural landscape - groves, gardens, tugai thickets, outskirts of settlements.

Sparrow Red / Passer Rutilans

The Red Sparrow is found in South and East Asia, which is different from other sparrows of the chestnut-red painting of the top of the top of the head and back. Nests in rarefied forests, mainly deciduous, in the outskirts of forests and in the floodplain forests. The nests usually suite in the dupes, less often in human settlements or on a shrub.

Starbie Stone / Petronia Petronia

The area of \u200b\u200bpropagation of a stone sparrow stretches from Southern Europe and North Africa to Central and Central Asia, as well as on East China. Inhabited outdoor illuminated places of rocky slopes, arid rocky deserts with scattered trees and shrubs, as well as pastures and surroundings of cereal fields. The nest has in deep niches and crevices of rocks, in ruins or on buildings. Also sit in the hollows and uninhabited mammalian nonorak. Mountain rises to a height of 2040 m.

Earthwood / Pyrgilauda Davidiana Sparrow

An earthy sparrow on the appearance and color of the plumage is similar to real sparrows, but differs from them white spots on the tail and wings. Distributed in the desert Gobi, and in Russia - in the Southeast Altai and Southeast Transbaikalia. In terms of lifestyle, this is a settling bird living in the hilly steppes and deserted mountains, in wide valleys, on flat sites with a slight grass. Nests, sleep and hides in abandoned Norah food and other rodents. The nest places at a depth of 75 cm from the entrance to Noura, in the former residential chamber of the rodent. The nest is lined with wool, sometimes feathers in the beam of the hay, still animal. In laying 5-6 eggs. After some time, after departure chicks, broods are combined into small pieces that are stored throughout the winter. Feed on insects and seeds of steppe herbs. In Northern Afghanistan, another type of earthen sparrows - Afghan Sparrow (P. Theresae), similar to the previous one.

Sparrow Shrobold / Petronia Brachydactyla

Shroud Sparrow Close Racing Stone Sparrow is found in Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, as well as in Turkmenistan and Transcaucasia. This is a migratory bird. Wintering in Arabia and Africa.

House Domes / Passer Domesticus

The house sparrow is the most common view from the genus of real sparrows of the family of sparrows. This is one of the most famous birds living in the neighborhood with the housing of a person (from here her species name "house") and well recognizable as in appearance and in characteristic tweet.

Perhaps someone heard about the strange bird "Sparrow-camel". Nothing in common with Sparrow does not have this bird, and no type of sparrow is not. This is the name of the famous ostrich, which is translated and means "Sparrow - Camel". All types of sparrows have some features, but the main characteristic of this bird is characteristic of everything.

From school, I remember that we have a minimum of two types of sparrow: the sparrow of the house and the sparrow field. But what is the difference - forgotten completely. And then somehow came with the camera, and a flock sparrow in the bushes kept on the bushes. Having raised their portraits, decided to deal with the question of sparrow systematics in more detail.

Sparrow Field (Passer Montanus) is distinguished by a little smaller size and some harmony compared to the houses, has well-visible black "servants" on white cheeks, and a brown "hat" on the head.

Sparrow houses Passer Domesticus) is slightly larger, more dramatically, because a field sparrow prefers not to contact him. The house sparrow has a pronounced sexual dimorphism - males and females have a strongly distinguished color (the field - the same). The males have more brown enclosures, brighter, and female - gray.

The black "tie" at the field sparrow is expressed weakly, a small black spot below beak.

The male house sparrow has a large black spot, covering the chin, throat, goiter and the upper part of the chest.

It is believed that the house sparrow came to us from the Mediterranean and the Middle East, while the field - from neighboring Asia. The house, justifying its name constantly lives next to the person, and has already managed to master all the latitudes, and the field prefers to live in nature in the dietary summer, and in the city there are unfavorable conditions in the city.

On the same day, photographed a couple of white wagouts on the tree (Motacilla Alba), is also very usual for the city of birds. A long swinging tail (for which she got its name), sulfur top, white bottom, white head with black throat and hat.

Despite the fact that she eagerly lives next to a man, the shaking is still a migratory bird, but the arriving in our edges very early, at the very beginning of spring.

Almost in every courtyard of Russian cities you can meet the packs of small fun twist Sparrows. They live and next to the villages, villages, often fly on the house to feed. Combines these two types of birds that they all settle close to human housing. But few know that the most familiar pichugs with a small palm come from North Africa.

A small bird of brown-brown plumage with gray, white, black splashes gave the name with a numerous type of sparrows. It includes small ptahi - finches, fuses, singing, brightly colored orioles, tiny kings (weighing up to 10 grams), and subspecies, externally disliked on Sparrow - black crows, strain-growing Soroki, Chanki fields. Exotic Larochvost - Australian bird, considered to be the symbol and national property of the country due to the beautiful long tail of the males, also belongs to the type of sparrows. This species includes the paradise birds of unusually beautiful coloring, the tropical inhabitants of the Islands of Indonesia, New Guinea. Sparrow-like about 5,000 subspecies.

Physiological characteristics

The small weight and size of the sparrow determine certain physiological and behavioral features. Because of the short tail plumage, the wings of the bird wings can be in flight to a quarter of an hour. This feature was used to fight sparrows in 1958, during the time of Mao, the Chinese. They counted that a large population of birds eats a lot of rice and cereals. There was a massive movement against the feathery. With the help of various kinds of noise effects, they were not given to land for 15 minutes, and the birds died. The crop in the first year really grew, but on the second it was almost destroyed by locusts and caterpillars, who had a sparrows, which led to hunger and multimillion deaths of the Chinese.

Physiological characteristics of Sparrow:

  • weight - up to 25 grams;
  • poultry length - 16-18 cm;
  • the average body temperature is 44 ° C;
  • pulse reaches 860 beats per minute;
  • accelerated metabolism (food is digested and stands out in the form of an average of 15 minutes);
  • the plumage is up to 1,300 feathers;
  • life expectancy in conventional natural conditions - on average up to two years.

The high frequency of the pulse bird (14 times more than a person) gave birth to the saying "tremble, like a sparrow."


Sparrows constitute a numerous population, tentatively numbering up to a billion individuals. Total ornithologists allocate 22 species. The most common subspecies are urban and house.


By the name it is clear that these birds live next to a man, his house. Everyone is familiar with the ploby plob: light gray breast and abdomen, brown back, wings with longitudinal stripes. These birds adapted to life in urban areas. Live with flocks, nest with couples. In winter, hide from the cold under the roofs of Sarai, houses, garages. Often they have a nocket. Big sovereigns, pipes, nests of other birds, hollow trees, swallow holes are suitable for these purposes. At the same time, they serve them by shelter in the frost. In the nutrition, the house sparrow is not wound up, the main thing for him is to survive the winter (many individuals die). The population saves a good fertility - three masonry for the spring and summer seasons (lay up to 7 eggs at a time).

The home sparrow became an integral element of the city landscape, like pigeons. There is a significant benefit from him. In the spring-summer period, the sparrows are mainly feeding insect pests, thereby saving the parks and gardens.

Difficult birds differ in the color of the plumage. The male on the bright breast with the transition to the chin, the throat, the area of \u200b\u200bthe goiter passes a black spot. On top of the head, the color of the plumage is gray. The female this area is also gray, like a breast. A gray-yellow strip is distinguished in the surveillance part.


Unlike the house sparrow, it can be considered a more wilderous. They live on the outskirts of the villages, villages, cottages, in shrubs, near the fields. They live in a permanent place or go to the search for feed. Often they fly to homemade farm to feed the residues of pet food.

There are two types of birds and externally. Field Sparrow less size (up to 14 cm). When the similarity of the color of the plumage, field is characterized by chestnut head and head. He has brown wings with two white stripes. A black spot on the breast of males in the form of a small tie is smaller in size than the houses. The difference is not so pronounced in the difference color in the diverse individuals, only the intensity of color differs.

Rustic Sparrow destroys a huge amount of insect pests, but during the ripening of the harvest, flying to the gardens into the fields. It is for this reason that he is trying to scare away, exposing stuffed and noise traps.

The beginning of the marriage period, the construction of the nest, which lasts up to a month depends on the climatic conditions of the habitat.

Area and lifestyle

These birds live almost all continents, with the exception of Antarctica and the Arctic. Although the sparrows lead a settling lifestyle, they will not fly into warm edges, they migrate in search of new seats for food. Often they follow in the footsteps of a person in new cities, settlements, on again plowed lands. Ways of Migration Vorobiev in Russia reached Karelia, Murmansk region and even individual regions of Yakutia.

By behavior, this bird is noisy, constantly moving, heard her tweet. Sparrows have a somewhat narrow character, often arrange small fights for food, during the pairing period. At the same time, the Sparrow, which first found food, gives a signal to the rest. In case of danger in a pack, there is a watchman.

Birds are cleaned with pests, "bathe" in the sand. They look after that not very clean, but this method is quite effective.

Sparrows swim well and in the period of danger threatening them can hide from the enemy on the water.

Short legs literally do not give the bird "disperse", so they move along the solid surface with jumps.

Ornithologists have previously argued that the sparrows form permanent pairs. Recent studies of genetics refute this statement. The young one masonry has isolated cases when only the genome of their parents is found.


The smaller the bird, the speeds of metabolism. Sparrow is in constant motion and search for food. It dies within two days without food. The main thing that helps the bird is her omnivo.

Sparrows do you eat? Their diet is diverse:

  • skin food: small insects, caterpillars;
  • grain, seeds of grass plants;
  • grass, vegetables, berries, fruits.
  • pieces of meat, sala;
  • food waste;
  • bread crumbs.

Despite the fact that the Sparrow can not be called "gourmet", such an insecurity in food provides a population survival in the will.

Reproduction and life expectancy

Specialists are divering in the question, how many years live sparrows. In nature, under favorable conditions, the duration of their life varies from one to two years, but in captivity they can live much longer - up to 9 years, cases and 11 years have been recorded. The duration depends on the feed base, seasonal weather conditions.

With the onset of spring, most sparrows begin the pairing period and the construction of the nest. Previously, all the house sparrows begin to multiply, as in the cities the temperature is several degrees above.

Rustic and home sparrows come with nests in various cavities: hollows, crevices, emptiness, stumps, under the roofs of buildings, on trees. Several tens of couples can form a small colony. The nests make from edging, straws, feathers. Inside lined with a softer material. For the season, the pair postpones and displays to three masonry (in the southern regions).

In the conditions of the moderate climate of Russia, marriage games are starting in early March. They are accompanied by flaws of males, loud tweet. After the pairs are determined with the partner, they proceed to the joint construction of the nest.

The female raises eggs on average for two weeks, in an amount of from 4 to 7-10 pieces. Pickles of sparrow are born bare, helpless. When they start hatching, immediately begin to breathe. They have a yellow, around him the same rim. The chicks are voracious, and parents are constantly in search of food. They feed them in the main protein, protein food: worms, insects, larvae, ants of ants. Such a diet allows the chicks to grow rapidly, better, so on the 10-14th day they are ready to leave their nests. Competition for living space and feed begins in the nest. The gloomy is not ceremony with weak fellows - often peel them out of the nest.

Natural enemies

In urban conditions, the main danger to the sparrow comes from cats, especially those who live on the street. From the height, hawks are attacked, rewriters. They vigilantly look out for the victim, rapidly attack.

Wild rustic sparrows living on the outskirts of the villages in rare forests, shrub chairs should be feared by night owls. Olit nests, hunt for chicks of fox. It is dangerous a cunnant, she is good in the trees. Even such, seemingly innocuous animals, like a hedgehog, ferret, the squirrel is also not averse to being ridiculed by sparrow eggs.

The usual sparrow for us brings relative harm by waying the harvest. But the benefits of them are significant, one pair of birds destroys a month to 3 kg of pests. The main thing is to maintain balance in the natural area, between the value of the population and the feed base.

In all regions of our country, Sparrow is one of the most common types of birds. People are accustomed to these feathered and have not yet notice their presence next to them. They are everywhere: roofs, wires, air is everything is for them a familiar habitat.

Description Sparrow

In nature there is a huge number of birds that are very similar to Sparrow. But it is not at all that they relate to the type of pennate data. There are about 22 species of this bird, 8 of which can be found around us. Namely:

  • the house is the inhabitant of Eurasia, in Russia - in all territories, except the northeast and tundra;
  • field - can be found in the nature of the continents of Eurasia and North America;
  • snow - colonies are found in the Caucasus and in the southeastern part of Altai;
  • chernogoody - a resident of the northern part of Africa and Eurasia;
  • redhead - in Russia, it is found on the Kuril Islands and the south of Sakhalin Islands;
  • stone - the area of \u200b\u200bsettlements spread in Altai, in Transbaikalia, Lower Volga region, in the region of the Caucasus;
  • mongolian earthy - permanent inhabitant of the western part of Transbaikalia, Republic of Tuva, Altai Territory;
  • shortopey - his favorite landscape is rocky and mountainous terrain, so you can often meet in Dagestan.


The characteristic appearance of Sparrow. The bird has small sizes. Initially, it may seem that its plumage is gray-brown color, but looking more closely to see the strips of more dark tones on wings, as well as black splashes. Head, tummy and places near the ears of bright tones, which vary again from light gray to light brown.

The decoration of their head is a powerful dark beak. Tail short, monophonic. The body length is average of about 15 cm, and the mass of the body is not more than 35 grams. Wingspan can reach 26 cm.

It is interesting! Females and males among themselves have significant differences. The individuals of the male is always larger than females. And the latter do not have a bright spot on the front of the chin and the breast, which the males possess.

The eyes of the birds are decorated with a weakly noticeable stroke of a gray-brown shade. Sparrows have short subtle limbs with weak claws. Most often we are confronted with house and field sparrows. Distinced these two types of each other is not difficult: the house sparrow-male has a dark, gray hat, while the field she has chocolate. The house variety of birds has one light colored strip on each wing, and the field - two. At the field species of birds on the brush, it is possible to detect brackets of black color, and a white color collar spread around the neck. According to the physique, the house feathered is much larger and gross its relative.

Features of the appearance also have other types of these birds in our country:

  • Chernogoody Sparrow. It has a chestnut color of the head, neck, nape, as well as wings. On the back you can see bright and bright sanding. Side parts of the body and poultry cheeks have a light color. The black part, goiter, the upper half of the chest, as well as the strip, localizing between the ears. On the wings, the transverse narrow strip is localized, made in dark shades. The males are distinguished by greater brightness colors of the color, rather than the individuals of the female.
  • Snow Sparrow. Otherwise, it is called snow Vyurkom.. It is a beautiful bird, which is distinguished by a long black and white wings and a light gray tail, decorated along the edges of separate blond feathers. It is characterized by a black spot in the throat area.
  • Redhead Sparrow. It has a bright color, which is represented in chestnut. Spin, wings, the back of the head is painted in this color. The female can see the breast of light gray or light brown.
  • Stone Sparrow. A large part that has a wide light strip in the field of patterns, as well as beak light-brown shade. The throat and chest bright, have well-distinguishable pendlers, and the zob is localized yellow with a lemon shade of large stain sizes.
  • Mongolian Earthwood Sparrow. It has an unbearable gray color on which light spots are weakly distinguishable.
  • Shortopal Sparrow. Pernation is distinguished by small dimensions and sandy color of plumage. On the middle of the throat area, as well as on the tip of the tail, small light stripes are found.

It is interesting! An interesting fact is that the whole world of bird data is convicted in pink shades, and the cervical spine feathers has twice the vertebrae than the giraffe.

Character and lifestyle

Poultry data possess quite a bad character. They with jealousy relate to their own possessions, constantly arrange battles with other birds, defending their territory. Also easily arrange fights along with their relatives. But bloodshed does not occur. Very often, other small varieties of birds do not head the porobyev and leave the native locality, giving it into possession of these arrogant feathers.

The settling lifestyle is preferred, prefer the nockets in the same place. The offspring, reaching a hawk age, still remains with his parents, so I will meet the flock of Sparrow - the usual thing. Finding a partner, they stay with him for the rest of their lives. Gnobs of houses Vorobev can be found in the creation of walls of urban and rural buildings, for the upholstery of old houses, behind the window and door cornices. Less often - the hollow, abandoned sockets of swallows, birdhouses.

Field Sparrows are inhabitants of forest edges, parks, gardens, dense shrubs. Many of them will be settled in the walls of the nests of large birds, for example, storks, hergs, eagles, scopes. Here they feel safe, being protected by larger and strong feathered, which guard their nests, and at the same time restless farms Sparrow. Uncharged for Sparrow thing is silence and calm. Gul, tweet, noise - all this is inherent in this pennate. This is especially pronounced in the spring, when steam education occurs.

Each flock has its own watchman. He carefully monitors the approach of danger, and in the case of its appearance, everyone is noticing. Applies a signal about the danger in the form of a characteristic "PDG" and then the whole pack will fly away from its places. In other cases, the feathers create a stir. Such may be approximated by the cat or kid falling out of the nest.

It is interesting! No one is a secret that these birds have a rather stipulated character. Therefore, there is even a folk version of the origin of the name of this bird: once this feathered dragged a small bun from the tray of the dog, and he, noticing it, shouted: "Thief - Bay! Thief - Bay! "

How many sparrow live

Possess a rather short life expectancy. They die most often from attacks of predators, lack of food or various diseases. The life period is from 1 year to 4. But sometimes long-livers can occur.

Area, habitats

For each of the types of sparrows there is own habitat. You can meet them everywhere, but it is unlikely possible in the territories with a very cold climate, where any life almost does not exist.

They accompany a person everywhere. Sparrows are accustomed to the habitat conditions and in the territory of Australia, and in the forests of the tundra, as well as foresothunders. There is a very small number of squares in the world, where it would not be possible to meet this bird.

Rod Sparrow

These feathers are unpretentious in food. They can consume residues of people, crumbs, insects, worms, grain. At the same time, they can not be called modest birds - they can quietly take care of the man in the summer cafe and to wait when he shares and with him a likom piece.

It is interesting!In winter, these birds cannot get meals and, remaining hungry, freeze.

If you remain a fixed long period of time, they can grab something that I had to do. Do not differ in greed. The resulting piece of the desired delicacy is divided between all the birds of the flocks. But unfamiliar food causes their fears, so there is no confidence that they will drag it for food.