Young jamb. What does the finch of ordinary look like? What is powered and where winter

09.05.2021 Diet

Finch is a bright representative of the Blizzard family. This is an extremely common view that meets almost everywhere in forests and park areas of Europe. In addition, these birds are distributed throughout Western Asia, as well as in North Africa. Currently, the finches are not on the verge of extinction. It does not hunt them, but often the birds are often affected by the treatment of pesticides of fields and forest arrays.

Finch is a bright representative of the Blizzard family

Birds in the winter commit short migration. Usually, the northern populations are moved to the Mediterranean, the Prudkavia, the south of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. On the European continent they are now numbered about 80 million pairs. Recently, the number of birds in the city features significantly increased. This is explained by the fact that the finchs are sufficiently trusting and quickly get used to the neighborhood of people. In addition, here birds can find them the amount of feed without much difficulty.

Anatomical Characteristics Finch

This bird is a little less sparrow, so many people do not pay attention to it. Thus, far from everyone knows what a championship looks like, although his plumage is quite bright. The bird's body length is about 14.5 cm. Typically, the wingspan reaches 25 cm. The weight of an adult individual, as a rule, does not exceed 20-40 g. The males usually differ in a brighter plumage, especially in the spring during the breeding period. The head of the bird usually has a lilac-gray shade. On the back, the plumage is usually brown-green. The breast and goiter have a brown-red tide. On the wings of the finch there are large white spots.

Females are usually less motley. The sexual dimorphism of this species is quite strong. The females are usually painting feathers Brourow-gray. This is due to the fact that they spend a lot of time, having silent eggs, and such a painting of the plumage serves as an excellent disguise.

Singing Finch (video)

Gallery: Chick of Finch (25 photos)

Behavior of a finch in a natural habitat

In nature, these birds are trying to hold on in a wooded area. They are well adapted to life in deciduous and coniferous forests. These birds lead a migratory lifestyle. At the beginning of the cold, they fly to more comfortable climatic zones for them. At the beginning of the spring, they return back to their nesting places. As a rule, on one territory there are small pieces of these birds reaching from 50 to 100 individuals. Sings the finch ring, with a multitude of overflow sounds and clicks. In some way, their trills resemble nightingales. During the formation of couples, many chaffs sing, so the female can find a suitable partner. In addition, males are bangible with their bright plumage during this period and arrange small fights and chase.

A flock of birds during this period can behave very noisy. When the female finds a suitable partner, they go together to the place chosen by it to start equipping their home. The jack is usually found in a dense shrub or on a large tree, where the future offspring will be in relative security. The nest of the pair builds out of moss, thin twigs and herbs. Further, the birds are lined with a lichen, chicks of plant fluff, bark and other natural materials. This allows you to make a neat little bowl less noticeable.

Further, the female lays from 4 to 6 small eggs, which are distinguished by a bluish-green shell. The starting process lasts from 11 to 13 days. Usually, both birds are engaged in incubation. The young man appeared on the light is not completely naked. Usually chicks are covered with gray down. Both parents are engaged in falsehood. Chicks Finnish are extremely voracious. They require a lot of protein for normal growth and development.

Almost every resident of Russia is familiar to the bird size from Sparrow - a championship. Unlike its urban fellow, the finch can be easily noted on the bright color. The males are especially different here: they have a bright redhead and a greenish brown back, a blue head. Females less remarkable look, they are dim color. In nature, their life cycle does not last more than two years, but in captivity they live under 12 years old.

Place habitat birds

Charles jack can be found throughout our country. In addition, chaffits can be found in North Africa, Asia and Europe. Truly unique creatures. Despite the small size, they easily fly over long distances. Most often, the birds will settle in the forest massif, but you can meet them in the city trait. With a global worker, part began to settle next to people and receive benefits from this neighborhood. Therefore, the notable birds can be seen in the usual park and garden.

Brief description of the appearance of a finch

It is worth looking carefully on the appearance of the birds. If you have seen a bird finch photo, then think that he not much different from the sparrow. Partly this is true. Males:

  1. small size;
  2. with sharp gray beak;
  3. on the head, a hat from a blue with a grayish tank of plumage;
  4. On the breast a small stain of rusty color. The back of a brick shade. Funny fact: The color of the beak varies in time of the year. In winter, it is brown, and in the warm time - blue.

Fakes Finnish look paler on males background. Calm color gamut is needed to surfaches chicks. In this case, the female merges with the nest and predators are difficult to notice it. Therefore, the back of them is dark brown, but the breast is not much different. By

Since the championship refers to the reel family - the base of the power is insects. This is especially noticeable in the marriage period, that is, from May to July. In this cut finnish eat only insectsSince the abundance of protein food is required for successful reproduction. By the way, small birds bring serious benefit to agriculture. They eat dangerous pests - butterflies and double bugs. In other words, those who actively harm human landings.

In rare cases, the bird moves to vegetable products. Seeds, fruits, berries. It is the nutrition that represents the basic complexity of the bird content in captivity. Since it is extremely difficult to provide them in constant access in insects.

Fired season

In September, birds start flying into warm edges. This is especially true of those flocks that live in the middle lane of Russia. Some birds that live in the south of the country, adapted to winter in place and adapted to them. Many flocks simply fly to neighboring regions. They are all returning to their native edges.

Finch: Will or Unwind

Previously, it was fashionable to keep a chaff at home. He became famous as a skillful singer on a par with a nightingale. It is noticed that in captivity the birds live longer. Distinctive championship feature: long addictive to the new place and the lack of singing during this period. They are very impressionable, so I can get frightened and die. Therefore, they are little suitable for keeping in the apartment.

As a result of artificial selection, it was possible to bring decorative finch. But even they sang only in the presence of a person with its complete immobility. It was worth just moving to a person like a bird began to fight the cell's rod in madness, making injuries. Therefore, they kept them separately, closing the cage with a bedspread. At night, waking up, the bird also started to beat about the cage. Due to the complex nutrition, the bird often gets obesity and eyes with eyes.

Therefore, despite its beauty and singing abilities, such pets are not adapted to captivity.

In nature, fines are breeding in the warm season, doing several eggs of eggs. Nests are wrapped in May, just surfing takes two months. Therefore, often for the bird season you have time to sit down two broods. The males are repeatedly seen in polygamy, that is, at the same time fertilize several females. In total in masonry up to eight eggs. After about three weeks, the chicks leave the nests.

Noteworthy and nests of birds. They are small. The males cover them with lichen and moss to hide their family from birds of prey. Thanks to the color of female feathers, the objects surrounding it are perfect and makes it invisible.

Distinctive features of chicks:

  1. Gun instead of feather;
  2. A peculiar hat on the head;
  3. The first departure is trying to do two weeks after hatching;
  4. Feed both parents: insects. Most often with bugs or caterpillars;

As you can see, there are many interesting instances among small birds. Even with small sizes, such a pet can be in the soul. But not all birds can be contained in captivity, no matter how I wanted to keep the singer in the apartment. therefore it is better to choose parrots or canarySince they are familiar to home content.

Finnish, belonging to the kind of reels, is called Snegirik, Zyabrik, Zyabok. For the most part of the range from the south of the birds return to the end of March, when the snow has not been melted everywhere. The people say that early spring finch Sings to freezes.

But this is not the only version of the origin of the name. Looking like a look and a sharp breaking trillus suggest that the bird is choking, she intercepts her breathing from the cold.

Description and features

For most of the Russian Federation, the former Union Republics, Western Europe and the Middle East, the most common championship is European. Its long 11-millimeter sharp beak is painted in a brown color, except for the marriage period when a blue shade appears.

The whole bottom, throat and cheeks are brownish-brown or wine, the back is on the tone lighter. The neck and cap on the head at the finger of gray-blue color, a contrast black spot is highlighted over the beak.

Slightly below the back folding color includes yellow and green tones. Wings are delineated by white border. White spots, located the defects are present on the sides of the tail plumage. Such an intense color decorates males starting from the second year of life.

Finch in the photo In the marriage plumage looks smartest. The female and grown chicks are much paler, inexpressive. Brown and grayish tones prevail. The average body length of the European finch 16 cm., Tail - 7 cm., Weight 22

Despite the fact that the bird flies quickly, spends most of the time on Earth, moving backs in search of food. Because of this, it often dies from the attack of predators.

Sounds Finch Attractive and calls. In different situations - in the case of danger ("Sia", "Hatch", "Tew"), takeoff ("TUY"), courting ("KSIP"), begging ("Chirroup") a bird publishes to seven signals. For a long time it was believed that the sound "Ryu-Ru" reels warn about the rain. But the last observations showed that there is no connection between Rürulyakan and weather phenomenon. The signal corresponds to the alarming state of the bird.

If a separate part performs 3-6 melodies, the population has up to twenty. Singing Finland It starts with a poster, goes into trill, repeating every three seconds, and ends with a sharp ripple sound-designer. Melodies vary depending on the subspecies, habitat.

The older the male, the more diverse its reload, since the experience accumulates, adopt from relatives, other species. Females, grown chicks are capable only on simplified, monotonous sounds. If the spring bird sings loudly and willingly, then by the middle of the summer, the migrant period comes and it is rarely heard. Melodies sound muffled.


Systematization of subspecies of the finch includes 18 items. Distinctive features are the size, the color of the plumage, the distribution area. In addition to the described European finch in the territory of the Russian Federation and the former Union republics, there are still 3 subspecies:

  1. Caucasian

In the summer, a championships in the Crimea in the Caucasus. In winter, it is found in Northern Iran, the south of the Transcaucasus. Mounts in the forests of the foothills, mountains at an altitude of up to 2.5 thousand m. Above sea level. Body lengths up to 13 cm, massive high beak, painting like European. Distinctive features - a supreme "pinching" cry, more similar to the alarm big, less attractive vocal data.

  1. Girkan

Put the dark color, small forms. The settlements were found in Northern Iran, nests in the southern regions of the Cabinia. The back is a dark brown, bottom with a red tint, head, neck dark ash.

  1. Copetdagsky

Bird pale, with volumetric areas of white color on the tail and wings. The distribution area is the territory of the Turkmen Polyornia Copetdag. Ornithologists admit that this subspecies is a variation of the Girkan Finch.

Lifestyle and habitat

Settle down bird Zyablik In deciduous, mixed, coniferous forests. Does not like a deaf, where to find food on Earth problematic. Preference gives rare light forests and artificial planting with adult trees, a cool microclimate. It is often found in the park area, in the country, garden household plots.

Many are confident that finch Fulfill Bird. It depends on the place of settlement. The flocks that chose the middle lane of Russia, Siberia in winter go on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, to the catchments of the reservoirs of Central Asia. Some flocks reach the Canary, British islands, North Africa, represented by Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria.

If the finchs initially settled in the southern regions, then a settling lifestyle or roame for small distances to neighboring regions, without crossing the boundaries of the country.

Before the capture of birds are collected by flocks up to one hundred individuals. We fly quickly -50 -55 km / h. For recreation, food make long stops in the territories of small settlements, where you can eat. Calps stretched over time, passes by waves, but the main part of the birds goes into the warm edges in September. Flocks are heterogeneous, reels often adjacent to them.

Return to places of constant nesting from the end of February to the end of April. The south is the area, the sooner birds appear. The first to make males, their arrivals are determined by loudly sounding marriage songs. The females are flown later.

A decrease in the size of the species affects the deterioration of the environmental situation. From year to year, the deforestation area increases, the amount of agricultural land and forest trees processed by pesticides are increasing. Play negative role adverse weather conditions.

The birds have many natural enemies represented by squirrels, large birds (forty, shit, crow,). During the nesting period, they destroy masonry, small chicks. Incountable bird behaves at the time of singing.

Drinking by rulads male Zyablik Rises and leans his head back anything and not seeing, do not hear around.

The main part of the light day of the reel is spent sitting on the branch, slowly moving on her barrel, or jumps moving on the ground, looking for food. Fly at high speed, wave-like.

In the period of mating and nesting, there are pairs, the rest of the time is held by flocks. Due to the endurance, unpretentiousness and rapid adaptability to the habitat of finchs are common in Europe. Their number reaches 95 million steam.

The singing chaff encourages some people to contain birds in captivity. If there is no experience, it is better to stop on another form, easily tamed. Separate individuals are tied to the owner, but in the bulk of the birds remain wild to death.

For adaptation, the finch is placed in a spacious aviary or a small cage, covered with a soft cloth. Replacing it into a permanent dwelling, covered with light matter, since when a person approaches a person, the bird is strongly beating about the rod, it does not calm down for a long time.

To hear a song, male contain single, without a pair. In the presence of a person, the bird sings only with its immobility. The dwelling is equipped with a swimming pool, pranchok. Low tanks with spruce seeds or pine seeds.

Feed the finch canary seed, flour worms, ant eggs, meat and porridge. The hemp seed is allowed, but in limited quantities, since food with a large content of oil leads to eye disease, down.


In the wild of chicks, parents are fed with larvae, caterpillars, dug, spoofy. In vegetable food, the number of which increases during protracted rains or late nesting and nesting includes:

  • seeds, the tops of the shoots of pine, ate;
  • oats;
  • toloknyanka, Irga.

Adult ordinary championship From the middle of the summer, it arrives at garden sites to eat berries. He loves the seeds of sourness, elderberry, violets, bird buckwheat, primrose. A little later, the seeds of weeding herbs (nettle, swans), which the bird uses to sew to wintering.

In the spring-summer period, most of the diet is protein food;

  • flies;
  • caterpillars of the Pyadens;
  • weevils.

In the stomachs of birds found green parts of plants, flowers, kidneys. The chapter is useful for forest, agriculture, as it eliminates forests, crops from pest insects.

Reproduction and life expectancy

Upon arrival from wintering, males check their plot. If he is already busy, fights occur. More often, the scuffle occurs between young birds, never nesting and adult finches. The period is marked by aggressiveness, fussiness, loud rippled sounds.

The field of expulsion of a stranger from the territory of the male ringing singing indicates their own possessions and attract females, which arrived from the warm countries a week later. Beautiful melodic trills and bright marriage plumage makes their job. The female is flown at the call, sits nearby, lifting the tail and starting "zick".

Challenges make a bowl form

After the formation of a couple, at the end of March or the beginning of May, birds are looking for a suitable tree where cozy will be equipped jack jack. Suitable fir, birch, pine, alder. Rights are less commonly used, linden, distinguished by dark trunk and branches.

Ornithologists discovered the nest at an altitude of 15 meters, 40 centimeters, but the main amount is located from the meter to four from the ground on the wide legs of conifers or in the branches of the branches closer to the trunk. Creation of housing for future chicks is engaged female ZyablikAlthough both future parents are involved in collecting material.

An early start of arrangement does not mean emergence of eggs. Sometimes construction is delayed for a long time due to rainarian weather. If a tree is chosen with dark bark, then the nnovesdyshko has several times, starting from scratch.

Chicks Finnish look very funny

The objective object attracts the attention of other birds that use the moment, take care and use materials to arrange their places for masonry. Scientists with bitter experience, chaffs in the future are well masked housing, almost invisible from the part.

Jack jack A cup-shaped form with a diameter to a meter and half a half is less created from different proportions of plants, herbaceous plants and moss. In some cases, their parts are equal, in others - branches with blades make up the frame, and the walls are plated and the bottom. Sometimes the moss is much less than the twist.

Coinage threads of the finch connects the material that makes the 3-centimeter walls durable. Pillow for masonry is created from vegetable fluff, feathers, wool. For the purpose of disguise, the construction from above is finished with a bark and a light lichen. In the nests located near the urban trait found small pieces of paper, cotton wool, gauze.

To find out how to bring the offspring of angles, you need to behave observation, starting with the second decade of May. At this time, the unspoken female with a plumage merging with the environment, puts eggs. They are numbered from three to seven pieces.

The color is pale greenish and blurred shades with blurred reddish or closer to purple color with small splashes. Two weeks of sitting masonry male tirelessly manifests care of his friend and future brood, bringing food, protecting the nest from natural enemies.

Chicken chicks Crossed out of the shell red, naked with a flock on the head, back. Parents feed them for 14 days. During the period of intensive growth, an exceptionally animal protein is required. Later, the diet is diluted with seeds, grain. After young birds get up on the wing, they do not fly away from the nest, but continue to eat seven days from their parents.

In the regions with a hot climate of female recycles, one more masonry is sitting, where eggs are smaller than in the first. The final departure of young from the nest occurs in August. In September, birds become quite independent. At home, chaffs are waiting for up to 12 years. In the wild, die before.

The championship, the most common bird in nature, represents one of the interesting specimens of the forest collection of the animal world of Russia.

This bird can be found in many regions of Russia, familiar with it and residents of Europe, Norway, Sweden, the North-West Africa, West Asia.

The name of the bird is a chaff, does not correspond to her behavior. The bird is perfectly adapted to the climate in the places of their stay. I called the bird of Karl Linney, the translation from the Latin "Hostbling Bird" in Russian sounds like a chapter.

Habitat area

Famous, almost all over the world championship, nests in the territories where there are trees. In Russia, this bird is resettled throughout its European part, the areas of Siberia from the south to the shores of Baikal and the Caucasus are ordinary bird nesting sites.

finch in flight photo

Birds of southern habitats are considered saddown. In the cold regions, where it is difficult to grow chicks, chaffs lead a migratory lifestyle.

The first males fly to their habitats with large noisy flocks, spreading in groves, gardens, parks, forest edges.


Finch - a bird-small, no more than 15-16 cm long, weight 20 - 40 grams. Wings span 26cm. In the marriage period, the merchant is very nailed:

  • feathers on the neck and head of birds painted in blue with gray tone;
  • on the chestnut feathers, the backrest of a gray-blue shade is almost impaired; On each wing of the male there are two bright stripes;
  • from the cheek, on the throat, goiter to the bottom of the body feathers are painted in burgundy color;
  • pooh, and feathers on the shrumbling finch painted in greenish yellow color;
  • tail black with brown tint.

bird Cheeky. Male photo.

By the fall, the male is linked, acquiring a ocher color with a brown tint. Film females are painted into brown with a gray tone tone, the upper part of the body and the head is darker. Grown chicks, regardless of sex, have coloring females.

Lifestyle. Food

Often occupy places of non-depreciation of human housing. A few days later the female arrive. In the spring period, birds are held in pairs. Later are kept by packs, flying from place to place in search of food. As a rule, birds return to last year's nests. The size of the "possessions" of the pair is about 100 square meters. m.

Finches are very non-additive birds. They hunt insects. In their assortment of food caterpillars, beetles, spiders, butterflies, slugs, larvae and insect dolls, bugs, ants. Collect food birds on Earth, sometimes looking for insects on trees.

lunch Strike photo

Zyabliki vegetable food, spinning berries, kidneys, acorns, seeds and grains of plants. From the moment of arrival, small feathers destroy a huge number of pests and weeds, collecting their seeds on food. By this, they bring tangible benefits not only to the farmers.

Our parks, gardens, country landing to a large extent under the protection of small friends. They please the residents of villages and cities with their amazing singing, which cannot be confused with the songs of other birds.


During nesting, males show aggressiveness, not subparent to their territory of other chapters. Construction of the nest is engaged in the female. The nesting time May-June. The nest can be located on trees at a height of two meters. Sometimes chalk nests can be detected at an altitude of 10-18 meters.

Finch. Female photo.

The nest has a form of a deep bowl with a diameter of up to one meter. A very dense base of nests from small twists, moss and blades, is fastened outside with small pieces of tree bark or bark. All the construction outside the female tightens the web, masks moss and lichen.

The inner part of the bird's nest lifts the soft material found in the district: wool and animal hair, octo and bird feathers. After the formation of the socket, the championship chaff makes the first masonry in which it can be from 3 to 6 eggs that have different color.

, birds, their nests, eggs and voices, and mammals (beasts) and traces of their livelihoods,
20 Color laminated definition tables , including: water invertebrates, daytime butterflies, fish, amphibians and reptiles, wintering birds, migratory birds, mammals and their traces,
4 Pocket fields determinant , including: inhabitants of water bodies, birds of the middle strip and animals and their traces, as well as
65 Methodical manual and 40 Educational-methodical films by methods Research work in nature (in field conditions).

Appearance. At the male, the spring is the top of the head blue-gray, spin chestnut, cheeks and belly-brown belly, the ability to greenish; Autumn top drowned head. The female and young birds are gray with greenish ability. White stripes on wings are well noticeable. It is usually fed on Earth, sings in kroons. In the fall and winter is sometimes found with huge flocks.
The song is a loud trill with a sharp end: "Fit-Fiet-La-Wi-Chiu-Kick." Creek - ringing "Pink-Pink", often audible on the fly, and a loud "rher"; In the birds from the Caucasus and from Karelia - a short whistle. Creek "Rry" serves as alarm. In many books, you can read that, according to the folk summary, the finches are "rummaged" to the rain. Indeed, they shout so in front of the rain, but only when the clouds are tightened to the sky and it will become dark in the forest, so it's already clear without them: it is better not to go out of the house.
Habitat. One of the most numerous birds in the forests, gardens and parks.
Food. Feed insects and vegetable food, primarily oily seeds.
Nest location.
In the choice of nesting places, a championship is not very smaller. It is found in different forests, gardens and parks. Explicit preference gives to roasting freshers and sections of mixed forest, as well as dry light pine bara, especially if there are groups of deciduous trees and shrubs. Deaf overgrown places avoids, as it often descends to the ground.
The location of the nest. The nest suits on the trees of various breeds at different heights from the Earth: from 1.5 to 15 m, but more often at an altitude of 2-4 m. On deciduous trees (birch or oxes), the nest is placed at the base of the side branch, departing from the main trunk; On Eyes or Pine - usually on the horizontal branch among the needles in the distance from the trunk, less rare near the main trunk.

Construction material nest. In one case, blades and twists constitute only the basis of the walls and the bottom, and the whole stratum is made of moss; In another case, the moss is as much as wilderness with twisters; In the third case, blasting and rods prevail. Outside the walls of the nest are lined with lichens, barking, slices of bark and chicks of vegetable fluff. In the cladding of some nests prevail pieces of lichen, other barks, thirdly - and the other can be equal. Various degrees are also vegetable fluff, but it is always less than Bersers and lichens. All construction material is firmly sealed by the threads of the web, thanks to which the walls acquire a greater density. The litter in the nest of feathers, wool, sometimes of the golden threads of the fruits of crunch of flax. Facing wonderfully masks the nest, and to discover it against the background of the tree bark or among the needles is not easy.
Shape and size of the socket. The nest of the finch is a very skilled structure, which is a dense deep cup, woven mainly of dry edges, thin twigs and moss. The diameter of the socket is 90-105 mm, the height of the socket is 50-80 mm, the diameter of the tray 50-70 mm, the depth of the tray 30-50 mm.
Facial facilities. Laying of 4-7 eggs, painted in pale bluish-green or reddish-green color with pinkish purple spots. Egg dimensions: (17-23) x (13-15) mm.
Duration of nesting. The arrival of chapters begins pretty early, in the first days of April. To build nests and laying eggs, they begin in a month, i.e. in the first half of May. Occupation continues on 13-14 days and the same amount of time feeding chicks in the nest. Departure of young birds is observed in mid-June. Finnish make two masonry per season, and the number of eggs in the second masonry is less. The removal of the chicks of the second brood occurs from June to August. The departure passes from September to mid-October.
Spread. Distributed everywhere in the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus and in the south of Siberia to the East to Pre-Bichalia. In some places in the spring you can hear several dozen singing birds.
Wintering. Part of the birds (especially the old males) winter in Central Europe, the rest flies to the south (mainly in the Mediterranean). Also commonly common in the foothill forests of the Caucasus.

Description of BoTurlin. Who does not know the finch! This is the first name that comes to mind when you recall the small songbirds. According to fame And only one chiz can compete with popularity with the finch (if not counting Sparrow). But Chizh knows more as a room bird, on the will he is not very noticeable, and the cheekbone lives in the summer almost in every garden.
Arrival Finnish is one of the first spring dates after returning the rules, starlats and larks. On the street to slush, drowned a mixture of melting snow and dirt. Blowing warm and wet, saturated by spring smells of the breeze. In the gardens loudly repeat the big titles of their ringing tune: "Chi-Chi-Fi ... Chi-Chi-Fi ..." in the villages, at Ovinov and Others of straw, already sissing oatmealing their ringing "Zin-Zin-Zin .. . "Here at this time and we hear the first, advanced chapters. Their sharp "Pin Pin-Pin", similar to Cry of the Blue, loudly hesitated from the tops of naked trees. Singing is not yet heard. Birds are obviously tired and silent. If you come closer and look at binoculars, you can see that it is some males.
They have browned breasts and cheeks, noticeably dark top of a blue-gray head, and on the wings distinct white stripes - the most characteristic sign in color chaff. Females (grayish-brown, almost monophonic) are not yet. They arrive for several days later. Therefore, Linney two hundred years ago, I called the Finnish (Latin) "idling" recycle.
In the spring of finchs on the summer places, returning to their homeland, and sometimes even in the same garden and groves, where nests last year. By the end of April, the birds are already fill in all their nest area - In the European part of Russia from the Crimea and the Caucasus to the White Sea, and in Asia almost all Western Siberia - from Kazakhstan to Tobolsk and east to the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Out of Russia, a championship lives in summer throughout Europe and in North-West Africa, as well as in the mountains of Malaya Asia, in Palestine and Iran. In the Caucasus, in the Crimea, in the Custinian Territory and in Western Europe there are several subspecies of the finch, which are distinguished by the colors of the back and the abdomen.
Winter Our finches in the Transcaucasia, and West Siberian - in Kazakhstan. By the south of wintering reach Egypt, but in the warm winter part of the birds delayed on the southern coast of the Crimea, and sometimes in Ukraine and even north, almost to the middle band of the European part of Russia.
Every other day after arrival, if the weather is not too dry, you can hear the first song Finch - begging, a distinct trill, which sounds like a "Few-Few-Di-Di-La-La-Vi-Chiu". This latter sharp look "Vi-Chiu" ("Rowharm") is very characteristic of a song chaff. According to him, I will know even among the multi-voiced forest choir. On the song Finnish it is worth stopping in more detail. It usually consists of several knees. The song is not continuous, as, for example, at the Lark or Schchegla, but completely completed, has its own onset, middle and end. Dissing times, the chapter begins again, but sometimes some syllables change (most often the end). There are singers who have two or three different tweeters performed in turn. Each male song is built and sounds peculiar (keeping a common stubborn type), so that with a well-known skill you can distinguish between the voice of several singers. One finger has a short song, as if "chopped", in the other - noticeably longer, "saint", in the third - as if doubly, etc., with endless variations. Sometimes a champion of a song is building from the borrowed parts of songs and from the urges of other birds (the so-called "copying"). Especially often borrowed other people's sounds for the first knee of the song. Sometimes the finch starts at all as a forest horse, oatmeal or even imitating a river river, and then continues "in captivity" and always finishes with its usual "stroke". Often a champion at the end of the song, after the last sharp sound, the "stroke", makes the "outstand": cums "Vi-Chiu", and then "Kik". Some individuals make even two ilk. Amateur has this otleychka is considered a defect.
In addition to the song, the chapter has several pozivovassociated with different moments of life. That, he disturbs a sharp "Pinkanier", then the low tellery cry ("Ryu-Ruy ..."), then hesitaries almost like a sparrow (this tweet is more often heard during nesting - with chicks).
In the choice of nesting sites, a championship is not very smaller. It settle down And in the coniferous forest (Pine) and in deciduous, old and young, but definitely avoids deaf (especially coniferous), overgrown places, as it often descends behind the food to the ground and loves to wander under the trees. Often, a couple of nesting chapters can be found even in a small garden, with several trees. In the Caucasus, a championship rises to the upper limit of wood vegetation, but prefers beech forests. For the winter he descends into the valleys.
But no matter how favorable nesting places, you will never find several pairs of chapters, nesting together. In the spring, males are irreconcilable to their rivals and neighbors. Couple captives plot Meters in 100 diameter and expelled from there with other chapters. The population density in these birds is determined by non-food resources, but exclusively with the temperament of nesting males. Only after the output of chicks, the finchs begin to unite into large flocks.
Spring finch fear mixed beggar. They often roam around the ground, picking up the fallen seeds, plucking the sprouts, but eating small insects - caterpillars of butterflies-scoop and spiders, bugs, whils, flies, etc.
Nests Charms are also characteristic as their spring song. They are arranged usually quite high (rarely below 2-3 meters) and have a kind of a dense deep cup, linedside by degraving, barking or slices of the bark from the trunk of that tree, on which the nest is placed. If the nest is arranged at the base of the side branch, extending from the main barrel, it is very difficult to notice it - it is quite like a mushroom outflow or a handful of lichen. This is the most part of the nest on deciduous trees - birch or oxes. On the seals or pines nest is rarely done near the main trunk, and usually strengthened on the horizontal branch among the needles. But here the nest happens quite imperceptible. The first material laid on the base of the nest, serve dry blades, rods and moss stalks. For strength, the bird excretes their web, and the nest is lined with a small amount of fluff and hair. The female builds very carefully and turns many times in the nest, correlacing the beak and the receiving the tail of its edge before it takes a ready-made appearance. During the construction of the nest of the male relentlessly followed by a female, wears the building material in the beak, but does not accept participation in the construction. His gambling and passionate skills on the female, perhaps, even interfere with it.
The nest is built six to seven days, and as soon as it is ready, now the first one appears in it. egg; Then it is added daily one by one. When 5-6 eggs were postponed, the laying ends, and begins to start. Eggs are thick (about 18-19 millimeters long), with a weakly bluish common background, which is covered rarely scattered and sharply discharged dark red or brown round spots and dots.
By the end of reaching, which lasts thirteen-fourteen days, the female sits on the nest very tight and flies from it only when the person approaches almost close. The male feeds it with various small insects, which collects close to the nest. Hatching It happens quickly: often all chicks appear in one day. Their kind of birth is ordinary for most reels. Covered with a long dark fluff on the head and back, red-skinned, with a reddish, widely dropped throat and thick tummy, they quietly stronger. In the first two or three days, this ripple whistle is barely heard at the nest itself. If you watch the nest for some time, you will be surprised how often parents wear food.
No less often than every 3-5 minutes, the female or male brings soft insects in the nest (naked caterpillars, small flies and bugs). To this animal food Mixed herbs and greens and greens are mixed in Zobu. The feeding is always accompanied by a peak and is in the nest. Every day, a peak becomes heard. Looking into the nest of days in ten after hatching, it is possible to find in it already almost focused, Hobobulian gray-brown chicks with the remnants of a thin fluff on the heads. The painting of chicks, in general, is similar to the color of the female, only on the head they have a lighter spot.
Clear From the nest of chicks usually days thirteen - fourteen, and the first time the brood is held not far from the nest. Chicaries, like sparrows, and persistently asking food, embarrassingly pear off after the old men. Parents feed the brood of the week three. Gradually, it is broken, as the chicks, learning to extract food on their own, the feed is less asked. Parents, do not hear their cry, exciting feeding instinct, finally throw broods finally. The beginning of the second nesting is also an impetus for this, which happens in the middle lane of Russia and in more southern regions. But in each individual case, it is difficult to decide whether there are still in July eggs in the sockets of the second masonry or belong to the late-conclusion. The duration of the nesting of individual steam in chaffs very fluctuate.
Since August In the forest you can already notice the flocks of finches. Young birds are dominated in them, as the old men are leaning at this time and keep more apart. After molting, males paint becomes dim, than in the spring. Young linen later. The flocks grow and in front of the departure, in September-October, reach large sizes - a lot of hundreds of individuals. Often they are joined by oatmeal, hemps, greenushki, as well as the northern reels (yurks), flying south. The flocks are caught in forest edges and fields. Young males begin to learn to sing, and the multi-voiced chirper of the vacationer flock has been heard from published.
In the fall and early spring finch food Exceptionally vegetable food - mainly seeds of grassy plants that are collected on Earth. They attack the crops of flax, cannabis, but especially love seeds of cruciferous, as well as nettle, piccourse (zebras), a bird custody and others.
Destroying a lot of weed seeds on the fields and gardens, the chapter brings some favor. The permanent inhabitant of gardens and parks, he is still not as useful as his neighbors - mukholovka, tits or citys, exterminating thousands of insects per day.