Laser vision correction in children is 11 years old. How to improve vision in a child: effective methods. At what age is better to carry out laser correction and why

06.08.2020 Diet

- It is highly efficient modern method Improved vision. The laser beam is directed to the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye, which under its effect changes its shape. At the same time, the retina acquires its ability to focus the image normally, which significantly improves the vision. The price for laser correction of view is below the value of the annual stock of one-day lenses.

Positive aspects of laser vision correction

Currently, more and more people with vision problems are chosen by this method of its correction. Indeed, the uniqueness of this procedure is difficult to overestimate:

  • This kind of operation is carried out for more than a quarter of a century. According to statistics, during this time thousands of people significantly improved their eyesight. And this method is constantly being improved.
  • With all the effectiveness of laser correction, it is quite safe and does not harm the eyes. The risk of complications after such an operation is practically reduced to zero.
  • Lasts this procedure Usually no more than fifteen-twenty minutes. At the same time, the patient's preparation for the operation is occupied by most of the specified time, and the effect of the laser on the cornea lasts about a minute.
  • Such an operation involves the use of local adhesion. This eliminates the harmful effects of potent drugs on the body, as general anesthesia. At the same time, pain and any discomfort during the operation are completely absent.
  • This method of improving view is carried out an outpatient basis, that is, the patient does not need to go to the hospital in order to prepare for the operation and recover after it.
  • Immediately after the operation, the patient marks a significant improvement in vision. During the week after the procedure, its full recovery occurs.

The recovery period after laser vision correction takes the minimum amount of time subject to some time conditions and restrictions:

  • sleep solely on the back in the first day after the procedure,
  • mandatory use eye drops For the time specified by the doctor
  • minimum physical impact on the operated eye,
  • compliance with special norms of hygiene in relation to this body of vision, including the refusal of decorative cosmetics,
  • absence physical Loads and sports for a while after surgery,
  • maximum protection of the eye from direct sunlight hitting it,
  • restriction of work at the computer, watching TV and reading,
  • failure to eat alcoholic beverages.
Indications for laser vision correction

It should be remembered that this procedure only adjusts the problems of the eyes, but does not treat them, significantly improves their eyesight, but does not restore it. The impact of the laser will benefitly affect the state of the eye subject to:

  • Stable myopia - that is, in cases where vision does not fall and is held for several years within up to -10.0 diopters,
  • Stable hyperity - when the hyperity is constant and does not exceed +6.0 diopters,
  • Low and in special cases medium degrees Astigmatism - up to 4 diopters.
  • Violation of the work of one eye and overwork in this regard.

Also laser vision correction is relevant for those people who have poor eyesightBut because of your profession, you cannot use points and contact lenses. This category of patients includes military, firefighters, swimmers, chemical production workers.

Contraindications for laser vision correction

Each of the above items exist their exceptions. That is why before deciding on laser correction, it is necessary to undergo a survey and consult with a specialist.

After all, despite the obvious advantages, this method Vision correction is an operational medical intervention, and therefore has a range of contraindications:

  • Laser vision correction is not shown at any stage of cataracts and glaucoma,
  • It is impossible to do it with progressive myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism,
  • Contraindication for a similar procedure can be any inflammatory disease of the organs of vision,
  • Do not agree to such an operation to pregnant and nursing women.
  • Laser exposure and dystrophy, as well as during the degeneration of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye,
  • People suffering from severe form sugar diabetes, it is impossible to make such an operation
  • In the holding of laser correction, most likely, will refuse to those patients who have been made in connection with the detachment of the retina,
  • With any form of changes in the eye bottom, this method will not be shown,
  • For children under 18 years old, the laser correction does not make sense due to the fact that their visual system is still developing,
  • Also contraindication to this operation are endocrine diseases.

As already mentioned, the risk of complications after laser correction is practically reduced to zeroBut still, as after any surgical intervention, it exists. This includes:

  • Eyefather of the cornea after surgery,
  • Temporary results of the century,
  • Allergic reaction to drugs issued in the postoperative period,
  • Insufficient moistening of the mucous membrane of organs of vision
  • Infectious inflammation of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye and her cloudy.

All these troubles can more than provoke poorly conducted correction of the organ of vision. But these complications can be avoided.

If you decide to laser vision correction, then your main task is to find a good clinic and, first of all, a highly qualified specialist. Laser ophthalmic surgery with extensive experience in carrying out such procedures will be able to qualitatively make this kind of correction without causing harm to your eyes.

Therefore, when looking for a place to carry out the operation, give preference, first of all, eye clinicswho have proven themselves in this direction. Microsurgery Center for Road clinical hospital Ekd is, first of all experienced doctors. The clinic successfully carry out these operations on modern and high-quality world-class equipment.

Thus, the laser correction of vision can indeed become a panacea when solving a variety of different ophthalmological problems. However, it should be approaching this issue - considering all contraindications, following all the limitations, passing all the necessary surveys and, of course, choosing the best specialist in vision correction with a laser.

Laser vision correction is a story about how to forget about the swamming glasses in winter, about blisters with contact lenses, about how both the child and an adult live a bright and comfortable life, skiing, swimming, dive into the sea and in general Do not limit your development.

A candidate of medical sciences, a leading refractive surgeon of the LaserCorr clinic Victoria Balasanyan, told about the laser correction of vision.

The history of the use of excimer lasers for refractive operations begins in 1983. It became possible due to the active development of equipment and engineering thought, which allowed to create lasers working on the surface of the cornea without prejudice to the deeperday's eyes.

The operation was named Photorefractive kerattectomy (FRK). But to achieve a better effect in optical defects, more than 6 diopters in 1989 was performed operation Lasikwhich minimized the disadvantages of the FRK and gave the opportunity to faster the patient's rehabilitation after the operation.

What makes laser

The cornea is a kind of "natural lens" of a person's eyes. The laser helps to give a cornea to another form. As a result, the cornea operation is differently refracting light rays, and those images that were previously visible vague, acquire clear outlines.

Vision correction with a laser helps cure eye diseases such as myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia.

Is it possible to make laser correction to childbirth

With all the advantages and long-term experience of laser correction around it there is a huge number of myths. Perhaps one of the most common - that the laser correction cannot be done before childbirth.

The birth themselves do not affect the progression of myopia.

It is very important to know that during pregnancy and breastfeeding, vision correction is not carried out.

During childbirth, vision problems can really occur. This is due to the poor status of the retina and is very often accompanied by myopia. Before carrying out a laser correction, the doctor must be found in, in what state is the retina in the patient and, if necessary, strengthen it.

Another thing is when myopia in principle did not cease to grow. And then after the laser correction it will appear again, but this is again connected not with the fact of childbirth, but with the growth of the eyeball.

Is it possible to make laser correction to children

For the same reason, there is a second myth that laser correction is carried out from 18 years old, that is, it is impossible to do it. But all over the world, it has long been carried out in children under certain states. In Russia, in 1990, for the first time, the laser vision correction in the child was held by Academician Amtrt, D.N. Igor Erikovich Aznauren.

To carry out laser correction, children are important to understand how it is arranged and how the eye has an eye from a child. The age of 18 years for the correction is quite conditional. There are people who have in 20 years continued to progress myopia. Therefore, if they have a correction of 18 years, after 2-3 years this person will have a myopia again.

Relying on his and foreign experience, I can say with confidence that you can spend the laser correction in children.

And it is done with them not with a cosmetic target, as in adults, but for the purpose of final rehabilitation in such states as squinting, amblyopia, anisometropy.

Anisometropiy - this is a disease in which there is a very big difference between the refractive force eye apples - More than 2 diopters. Worldwide, refractive surgery is actively used in children with this diagnosis.

With farnicide or astigmatism The baby's eyes cease to grow to 5-6 years, and by 9-10 years old, he has already been fully formed.

That is why already in 10 years a child with farewell or astigmatism can be a refractive operation and remove glasses from it in school age.

Will it hurt?

Laser correction can be done both under local anesthesia, and in medication.

With local anesthesia with special anesthetic eye drops, pain is blocked. Everything that feels sick is light touch and periodic slight pressure along the operation.

Although, of course, any operation is almost always stressful for a person, and it is difficult for a patient to stop worrying and before the operation, and during it, because these fears and fears arise unconsciously. At the same time, a person can increase arterial pressure, He may experience discomfort, negative emotions, he may have a rapid heartbeat.

That is why laser correction can be done with the help of the so-called medication sleep.

Laser vision correction is the most effective method To restore the eyes of a child or an adult. This type of procedure lies in the fact that the cell that protects the cornea rises using special equipment, there is evaporation of a certain ten microns of collagen.

Next, during the clock pair, a neat latch has a latrine seat at its edge. Laser correction is a completely painless procedure, and it also does not require hospitalization at all. After a few days, the patient returns to his normal life, but no use contact lenses Either the points.

It should be borne in mind that for the first time its years, the vision of a small little man begins to develop more rapidly, and it was then that questions arise about vision correction. Most parents have an erroneous opinion that the eyesiness of the child is cleaned solely when the period of school learning begins.
Indeed during the period of study, the baby's eyes are subject to more serious load during the lessons period, but it is not so much influence that the eyesight began to fall. This may be an extremely impetus for the fact that they began to progress the problems that occurred during the formation of vision.

Of this information, it is worth concluding that the most correct decision is to pay attention to the attention to finding the disorders that have arisen until the 7th age. If this time is missed, then the recovery will take longer and may not bring the expected effect. And in cases where the treatment begins at about 12 years - there is no effect, and then the only chance of the laser correction of vision is already the field of 18 years.

Preparatory process

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that laser vision correction is just a correction, not direct treatment. It is worth remembering that this type of operation will help get rid of lenses or points, but will not help stop direct. Before the operation is scheduled, it is necessary to carry out psychotherapeutic training with the child. This type of correction is carried out under local anesthesia.
There are two types of laser vision correction when:

  1. Laser effects exclusively on the surface of the cornea
  2. The laser influence solely on the inner layer of the cornea

First you need to implement a number of surveys using special equipment. Before the implementation of the laser correction procedure in a child, it is pre-necessary for various specialists in order to avoid sudden detection of other ailments. Also, it is not necessary to exclude the moment that during the passage of therapeutic training of the baby, the establishment of contacting the small patient with staff.

This type of operation occurs without direct contact with the patient, which eliminates the moment the use of surgical instruments. All the time the operation is displayed on a special topographic device. After the operation has already been done, the doctor who made the correction prescribes a complex of medicines, which need to be taken before full-fledged recovery. Full recovery visual organ The baby has a relatively long and very responsible stage.

Violations of vision in a very small age in a child can very much affect the health of the baby as a whole, if you do not pay for help to a qualified technician in a timely manner, then vision can very quickly fall and the child can go to school already in glasses.

It is also recommended to carry out laser correction of vision only when violations of vision (myopia or hypostility) are stable. If the violation of vision is more serious, then it is necessary to resort to other treatments, such as the replacement of the lens or other methods of treatment.


Despite the fact that this type of correction is very popular, it is worth considering that this method may not come far away. There are cases when doctors are not taken for the implementation of the correction, as many serious complications may arise. To such complications relate:

  • Keratoconus cornea
  • Thinning of the cornea
  • Myopia or the same progress
  • Infectious diseases of the eye for a period of the time when the correction should be

Period after surgery

After the laser correction of vision, the baby does not arise any pain sensations. You can observe not a large selection of tears, as well as a bit unpleasant discomfort, which can be characterized as foreign bodyBut these sensations extend only in the first two days after the operation.

In the period when the operation is made, qualified specialists prescribe special drops for eyes, for example:

  • Levomycetin
  • Taufon

The above drops recommend to apply 4 times a day, and such drops, as - the nozzle is recommended to be used up to two times a day. All drops must be used from 4 to 5 days. The next day, after the child has been made by laser correction, there is an inspection under a special microscope, where it should be seen that the eye is calm.

Prevention in order to avoid vision problems in a child

Preventive measures to avoid violations include a number of events.

  1. Maintaining an active lifestyle kid from an early age.
  2. Locked a large number of time near the TV or the monitor screen.
  3. Balanced nutrition that contains products that are capable of affecting vision. For example: carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, blueberries, rowan, etc.
  4. Performing a simple set of exercises that are able to strengthen eye muscles.
  5. To ensure that in the period when a child reads or writes, the posture should be smooth, and the distance should be about 40 centimeters. Watch TV is required at a distance of 3 meters.
  6. It is necessary to provide the child the right full coverage of the place where the child performs lessons or draws.
  7. It is necessary to push the child to what he would perform permanent eye workouts.

In cases where the laser correction cannot be avoided, it is necessary to delay with this procedure.

Vision problems may be due to genetically or develop due to intense visual load On the eyes (mostly at close distances).

To solve use: Glasses (with incomplete correction, multifocal, bifocal), contact lenses (soft, rigid, night), drug therapy and correction with the use of laser technology (LKZ).

Indications for laser correction. How old can you do?

Laser correction is highly efficient. This is a modern and reliable method of improving vision. Laser ray changes the shape of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eyeThat makes it possible to make the retina easily focus the image, due to which the vision becomes better.

First laser vision correction The child in Russia held Igor Erikovich Aznaurian in 1990

Photo 1. Igor Erikovich Aznauryan, Children's Ophthalmologist and Refraction Surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Indications For LKZ: stable myopia ( -10,0 ) or farewell ( +6,0 ), astigmatism up to four diopters, other disorders. The recommended age for the operation, how many can you do - from 18 to 40 yearsBut in individual cases, exceptions are possible by testimony. LCZ during depreciation can be carried out by the child 10 years.

LKZ with farnicide or astigmatism at the child

If problems with the auditorium are moderate, teenagers up to 18 years old It is recommended to use conservative methods treatment, since the eye is still undergoing standard stages of development, and after 18 years LCZ is allowed.

Laser correction of astigmatism refers to rapid and painless procedures. Time does not exceed 15-20 minutes. Used local anesthesia (usually drip).

Correction of hyperopia is under local anesthesia or when the patient is introduced into a medical sleep. Seams are not superimposed There is no rehabilitation period.

Already 2 hours later After conducting operational intervention, there is a significant improvement in vision, the best result is achieved in 7 days.

The most frequently used technology is called Lasik.

LCZ with anisometropy, squinting and amblyopia

Refractive ambopia - Ophthalmological disease, in which vision is strongly deteriorating. Refractive amblyopia is congenital.

Attention! Parents should understand that if the disease is launched, a corneal transplantation may be required or cataract removal.

Children younger than four years Treatment is carried out using penalization.

After 10 years Fix this pathology is very hard, therefore therapy is prescribed in the early stages of problems.

LKZ is prescribed with launched formas visual pathologies. Squint, like anisometropy (various eye refraction) almost 90% require surgical intervention.

Point vision correction in children

The most common and old view of vision correction - Points. The correction of myopia is produced by glasses with bifocal, bifocal sprouts (CSPO) and progressive (multifocal) lenses.

With one points, a complete correction is selected for Dali and weaker for the challenge. Such glasses reduce the stress of accommodation, What is convenient for work near.

In individual cases, an ophthalmologist can recommend weak points for correction, in the hope of reducing the load when focusing near ( points with incomplete correction).

Photo 2. Girl in glasses with a pink rim, Point correction of myopia is the most common.

Indications for wearing

Reducing the visual function of the eyes (refractive disorders) is direct indication To wearing glasses. Refraction - the ability of the visual body to refract the rays of light. Refractive disorders include myopia, hypermetropia, presbyopia and astigmatism.

In addition to classical refractive disorders, testimony to wearing glasses serve heterophoria (hidden squint) and anisacyonia (The size of the same object on the retina is different).

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Bifocal and multifocal baby glasses

Bifocal points - optics, in which each lens combines parameters for two different appointments. They provide a wide review while reading or working on a computer, and make it possible to quickly change the focus.

Photo 3. Multifocal, progressive glasses, two rims for children who have violations of vision.

Today, the most often bifocals are prescribed with Presbyopia. They are divided by linear and progressive.

Reference! Bifocal view of glasses consists of 2 zones. Lower - designed to read, and top - to watch in the distance. Lens segments can have different optical characteristics. The model is selected strictly individually.

Multifocal (progressive) glasses are also intended for sight at various distances. They do not have external borders, the transition smooth. The shortcomings can be attributed a narrow field of view. Chosen by an ophthalmologist with attraction optometrist

Restoration of violations of vision of contact lenses

In most cases, violations of vision successfully amenable to adjust With the help of contact lenses.

Their form with hyperopia and myopia makes it possible to correctly direct the light on the retina that gives clarity of vision regardless of distance.

Indications for wearing adolescents up to 18 years

Contact optics can be spelled out for children already in the first year of life. Medical indications for this are the removal of cataracts or a high degree of congenital myopia. In this case, putting on, removing and care for lenses controlled by parents Baby.

In preschool and early school age, lenses are appointed with astigmatism, hyperopia or myopia. Already from 6 years old Children wear them without the help of parents.

Types of lenses

Soft contact lenses A fairly common correction method. Hygienic, safe, convenient for sports training or moving games, provide a full field of view.

Standard option - one-day contact lenses (especially convenient at age 6-10 years old).

The most easy to use: a new pair is put on the mornings, in the evening this pair goes to emissions. For the older age group, products will be suitable frequent planned replacement (weekly either monthly). It is better to acquire contact optics with an increased oxygen permeability (silicone material).

Hard contact lenses prescribed ophthalmologists high degree Astigmatism, keratoconus and other violations that are not corrected by other types of contact lenses. This type is less comfortable in the sock and requires addiction.

With the development of information technology and the emergence of new computer equipment, multimedia communicators and broad diagonal TVs, worsening vision in children noticeably progresses all over the world, children with different violations of vision It becomes more from year to year. In this regard, comprehensive measures for the prevention of eye disease and restoration of vision in children with special exercisesAnd also with the help of laser correction is very relevant today.
The presence of a child of good vision is definitely affects his performance during school training. Based on statistical data, problems with vision arise from one of the 20 children aged 4-5 years and already at one of the four school. This is due to the fact that most children have a visual problem begin to develop in early age and therefore it is very important that the child can get necessary care Behind your own eyes. In this material, we will talk in detail about various violations of vision in children, about the methods of its recovery and we will tell about how effective is the laser correction of view for the child.

Development of myopia Often, it can lead to the development of an inferiority feeling in a child. Because of this, short-sighted children can be easily calculated from the peers at low lowered head, the child is almost always sludge. With study, because of myopia, various types of complexity occur due to the fact that he sees badly and therefore does not fully perceive the information written on the board. At the same time, the teachers and parents do not associate deterioration and bad assessments with vision problems, and simply think that the child began to try less. All this certainly leads to a further decrease in self-esteem from a student with developing myopia.

Unfortunately restore lost vision You can only with the help of surgical interventions. Based on this, all the parents can really help - start doing exercises, developing eye muscles. These exercises reduce the eye load and contribute to the removal of fatigue and spasm of eye muscles, and also improve blood circulation and food of eye tissues.

How in time reveal violation of the child ? The symptoms of the development of myopia in a child is not difficult to notice. The child at reading holds the book is pretty close, while the child can often blink and pure. Motoric problems may arise due to impairment - the child hits the barrier and quite often drop different items on the floor.

To restore lost vision resort to laser correction operation. Before conducting the operation, a set of measures for the therapeutic preparation of the child occurs, as well as at this time, the establishment of confidence relations between the child and the doctor occurs. How is the laser correction of view on the eyes of the child?

The entire operation occurs in a contactless way, which in turn does not lead to contacts of different surgical instruments to the eyes. Operation control is made by means of topographic instrument. After treatment, the eye doctor prescribes a complex of drugs that are used for postoperative recovery.

Restoration of vision in a child is a long and very responsible process. Any violation of vision at an early age can strongly affect the health of the child - if nothing is taken, vision can deteriorate very rapidly and the child will have glasses from the first class. Below you learn what is laser vision correctionand find detailed information on the restoration of good vision by the method of laser operation.

Now you know, as a laser vision correction helps to eliminate myopia or lowerb in a child, but we should not forget that later vision can again worsen if the child will watch the TV or, even worse - a long time to play computer games.

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