High myopia. Features of the treatment of myopia is high. The consequences and complications of operations at a high degree of myopia

06.08.2020 Glucometers

Myopia is 3 degrees - this is a severe disease of the organ of vision and the apparatus of the eye, which occurs under the influence of environmental factors or due to hereditary predisposition. At myopia of 3 degrees, vision correction is required using ophthalmic lenses or surgery.

About the disease

Myopia is a widespread disease, both among the adult and the children's population of the planet. The steady increase in morbidity is associated with the widespread introduction of technologies, gadgets and electronic devices. W. healthy man The projection of the object of the environment occurs by refraction through the lens of parallel rays, reflected from the surface of the object. After refraction, the rays are connected in the retina of the eye, the nervous impulse creates the projection of the object in the occipital fractions of the brain.

When violating vision by type of myopia, there is a breakdown of parallel rays, after refraction, they are projected before the retina. This can develop as a result of a change in the form eyeball Due to the relaxation of muscles of accommodation or be the first symptom chronic disease. Among the main causes of myopia are distinguished:

  • weakening accommodation muscles;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • reduced intraocular pressure;
  • retina damage;
  • reducing the transparency of the cornea, lens and conjunctiva.

The congenital form of myopia is relatively rare, as a result of the vices of the eye apparatus with impaired formation of optical elements and anatomical structures leading to discornation. When involving a sclera in the process, ophthalmologist doctors are diagnosed with a high degree progressive myopia. The weakening of the muscles of accommodation leads to a violation of the fixation of the projection of the external object, deformation of the eyeball, which leads to a gradual decrease in visual acuity.

Often the congenital shape of myopia is confused with anatomical anomalies of the structure of the Elektrica in children early ageWhen the sizes of the opening for the eyeball is less than its diameter. In this case, the Eye Apple acquires an elongated form, but as the kostomuscular skeleton of the child and the orphanage increases, restores and the vision becomes clarity.

The reasons

Myopia of 3 degree develops as a result of hereditary predisposition, various diseases organ of vision or factors of external aggression. The difference between genetic heredity is to reduce visual acuity to a certain level, not lower than the diopters of the parents. This gives a favorable pregnancy prognosis, visual acuity is not violated in the process of natural labor. The hereditary form of the disease rarely takes a progressive nature, succumbes laser correction vision without the development of complications in postoperative period.

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Diseases leading to violation of visual acuity are associated with a decrease in the light-paint abilities of transparent shells of the eye and lens. Such states develop as a result of inflammation of the cornea (keratitis), the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctivitis) or closet of lens (cataract). Proliferative-degenerative changes in the gloil shell are associated with the violation of the synthesis of collagen and protein connective tissue, leading to her cloudy, loss of elasticity and deformation of the eyeball.

The effects of the factors of external aggression leads to a violation of the balance between the voltage of accommodation muscles and the convergence (focusing on the object). This causes an accommodation primary spasm, a decrease in visual acuity, which over time is transformed into the progressive shape of myopia.

Spasm is developing when reading in a twilight, long-term use of the phone, without complying with the display brightness mode with a high duration of the computer. The progression of myopia is a high degree leads to the appearance of severe complications.

Treatment: Points

Treatment of myopia is highly carried out using ophthalmological lenses, glasses or surgical treatment methods. After diagnosing the disease according to the classification of the ICD, the doctor prescribes the patient with glasses or lenses with certain diopters for constant wearing.

If the patient has a concomitant disease, such as astigmatism, a special type of lenses is applied, aimed at the correction of both states. With astigmatism, in most practical cases, wearing glasses are assigned, this is due to limiting the use of lenses against the background of the presence of two pathologies.

If the patient has a higher degree of myopia, but without complicated states, at the first time the oculist prescribes wearing glasses to adapt the eye muscles and removing the accommodation spasm. The glasses are convenient for the first experience of restoring visual acuity, when working with abstracts, coursework and other paper work, requiring special care. Unlike lenses, glasses can be removed during the occurrence of fatigue, perform physical education for eyecutters.

Improving visual acuity Against the background of wearing points during the first year, is associated with the elimination of the accommodation spasm, which indicates the right direction of treatment. Complicated forms of myopia in this case are developing extremely rare. The risk of retinal detachment develops with a decrease in visual acuity of more than 9 diopters, the presence of risk factors, such as:

  • excessive physical exertion;
  • an increase in blood pressure;
  • injuries;
  • neurodegenerative chronic diseases.

In the development of complications, the patient is assigned to the degree of disability, regular treatment and control over the progression of loss of vision is required. With a decrease in vision, more than 6 male face diopters are not suitable for the service in the army due to restriction of physical exertion, which is due to the myopia of a high degree.

Treatment: lenses

Ophthalmic lenses are convenient for use in everyday life, active lifestyle and sports. This is explained by the high comfort of wearing, the lack of external changes in the patient and complete imperceptibility throughout the day. For the first time to select the lenses should the attending physician for accurate correction of vision, the selection of the necessary parameters.

With myopia, more than 9 diopters for high-quality recovery of visual acuity are used by special lenses that are manufactured under the order. This is due to the thickening of the lens, using high-quality materials that do not irritate the mucous membrane of the eye.

When wearing lenses, it takes to take breaks one or twice a week, replace on glasses, which warns the development of dry eye syndrome. The use of moisturizing drops increases the comfort of the eyes, restores the operation of the tear glands and moisturizing the conjunctiva. The refraction of parallel rays on the retina when wearing lenses is more intensively, which explains the use of smaller diopters due to the proximity of the lens to the lens, in contrast to the glasses. Independently buying lenses is recommended after several months of use, complete learning to the dressing process and shooting.

Under myopia, a high degree can be used colored lenses that change the color of the iris. Colored lenses with diopters are sold in Internet pharmacies or manufactured to order. To reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases, changing lenses is required according to the service life, observing the hygiene mode.

This contributes to the qualitative purification of the lens surface from the proteins and the selection of the eyes, prevents the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. To reduce the risk of irritation of the mucous membrane, the lens thickness is selected individually taking into account the personal preferences of the patient.

Treatment: Operation

Surgical methods of recovery of vision are widely used in ophthalmological practice Thanks to the security of I. high efficiency. With a highly high degree of laser correction allows you to fully restore visual sharpness, forget about glasses and lenses. The most popular microsurgical technique of Lasik, at which the integrity of the cornea is preserved, due to the restoration of the outer layer. Full healing of the cornea reduces the risk of injury to the iris, hitting bacteria and viruses inside the eye.

After laser correction operations, patients need to carefully monitor the state of the eyes, avoid rubbing with their hands, ingress of foreign objects. Installing special antibacterial drops in the postoperative period reduces the risk of inflammation of the shells of the eye, improves the healing of tissues.

Restriction of physical exertion during the first three months will warn the increase in intraocular pressure, which negatively affect the restoration of the integrity of the cornea. On the recommendation of the attending physician in the period after the operation, a course of physiotheredur or instillations of attending substances contributing to the speedy recovery is assigned.

Surgical treatment of disruption of transparency of the lens (cataracts) uses the classic method of facoemulsification, which is aimed at creating holes in the cornea. The restoration of parallel rays is restored, which affects their refraction on the retina of the eye.

The destruction of the affected lens and its painless removal occurs, after which an artificial implant is installed. The operation is satisfactorily transferred by patients regardless of age, has a short recovery period.


The progressive myopia is a high degree during pregnancy is a contraindication to natural childbirth in the presence of risk factors for the development of complicated forms of the disease. A pregnant woman can give birth herself in hereditary myopia with acute view of not lower than 6.5 diopters and in the absence of complications. Complications include the dystrophic retinal detachment of the eye or degenerative-dystrophic changes in the retina, which are a threat to the beginning of its detachment.

In the presence of contraindications to natural clauses, the future mother is assigned a planned caesarean section. Pregnant women pass planned surveys by an ophthalmologist for a period of 11-14 weeks to determine the visual acuity and the beginning of preventive or therapeutic measures if the correction is necessary.

If the work of a pregnant woman is associated with a long reading, during the preparation for childbirth, it is especially necessary to pay attention to the exercises for the muscles of accommodation aimed at relaxing and increasing focusing. Exercises are performed several times a day, are not contraindicated during pregnancy and myopia of high degrees.

In the early periods of pregnant women with congenital or acquired myopia according to the testimony of the oculist doctor and the lack of contraindications, laser correction is carried out. Such an approach is an innovative in modern ophthalmology, a few years ago, such an operation was an indication of Cesarean section due to the high risk of development. postoperative complications in the process of natural childbirth.

This is due to the latest methods of laser treatment, gentleering the impact on the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye. Exercises for the restoration of vision and the recruitment of the accommodation spasm are aimed at alternating loads and relaxation. The focus point is moved to the closely located object and the point in Dali. Exercises are carried out through every hour of work at a computer or with documents for 15-20 minutes.

Ophthalmologist prescribes the use of droplets, relaxing eye muscles, in early pregnancy in the occurrence of voltage headaches. Drops are safe for pregnant women, there are relaxing effect, restore vision and prevent the progression of myopia.

Myopia is headed by a list of common refraction anomalies. The disease is characterized bad vision distance. Myopia is a high degree - a heavy variant of the course of the disease, accompanied by very low visual functions of both eyes and the development of complications. This nosological unit includes various origins and clinical flow Pathologies, which unite the refractive strength of the optical apparatus from 6 diopters and above.

Classification and cause of development

Types of disease in the severity of the flow are presented in the table:

D (diopterry) is a unit in which the refractive force of optical media is measured.

Highlight three clinical options Myopia, more about them in the table:

A typeCharacteristic
HereditaryGenetically deterministic disease, inheritance per dominant or recessive path
Differs fast progressive loss of visual functions
CongenitalThere is still in the womb of the mother due to the effect on the fruit of infections or toxins
Violates the development of the eye gland embryo
Myopia is manifested as a result of damage to the anatomical structures and is accompanied by other pathologies (keratoconus, lenticultural)
AcquiredDue to excessive height of the eye on the head-rear meridian at an early age

With such pathology, the bodies of vision become more elongated.

The high degree of myopia and its species differ on the roots, but they lead to the elongation of the visual apparatus. Normally, when the length of the eye is not more than 25 mm, rays emanating from the subject, passing all optical media, focus directly on the retina. With a long eyeball, the image is projected before the mesh shell due to too much degree of refraction. Because of this, the patient sees the patient badly. At close range, the rays go at an angle and, with the help of the accommodation mechanism, their focus is right on the retina. Thanks to this, people with such a disease are clearly seen near. In pathology above 6 diopters, visual functions deteriorate so much that a person distinguishes only objects that are in the face.


Myopia is highly characterized by progressive deterioration of visual functions for long distances. The development of the disease may be rapid, in such cases the deterioration comes to the diopter per year. This option is considered malignant in terms of forecast. In addition to the main feature, patients are concerned:

  • pain in the head;
  • photosensitivity;
  • tear;
  • fast fatigue eye;
  • floating clouding.

An overvoltage of the eye leads to the accommodation spampity.

Do not confuse true myopia and false. The false or spasm of accommodation occurs due to the constant overvoltage of the crustal apparatus. Such a hypertonus leads to the absence of relaxation of ciliary muscles. This disease occurs due to the violation of the mode and overvoltage of the eyes.

Drops are used to treat false myopias, and its true variant is an anatomical pathology, in which such therapy is unsuccessful.

Diagnostic methods

During the diagnosis of complexity, do not arise. Use the following survey algorithm:

  1. Visiometrium. Determination of visual acuity and selection of speaking correction using Sivzian tables.
  2. Refractometry or skisopia. To determine the true strength of refraction of rays with optical media. It is carried out on a wide pupil.
  3. Determination of the size of the PZO (front-length segment). In adults, it should not exceed 25 mm. Age norms vary.
  4. Ophthalmoscopy. Study of the eye dna, on which specific dystrophic changes in the mesh shell are possible. They are important in the myopia of severe degree.
  5. Ultrasound (scan mode). Visualization of the anatomical structures of the visual apparatus to determine complications from the retinal.

Treatment of disease

Conservative methods

With such a degree of illness, it is more convenient to wear lenses.

Congenital myopia is high, as well as acquired, conservative treatment is not subject to. The only method of improving the quality of the patient's life without surgery is the selection of proper optical correction. Taking into account the fact that with an increase in the refractiveness of the lenses thicken, myopia 3 degrees in the patient dictates the need to make glasses from materials (mineral glass, polymers) with a suitable refractive index that differ in large specific weight. For the same reason, many patients choose the wearing lenses. Selection of glasses in such cases is a challenge and does not guarantee 100% of vision. Patients with high myopia is recommended to be treated in hospital once a year. Inpatient conditions for therapy use injections with vitamin complexesthat improve the nutrition of the retina.

Myopia (myopia). Treatment, prevention, consequences and complications

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The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Correction and treatment of myopia

Treatment myopia ( myopia) It should be started as early as possible, since as the disease progressing, visual acuity will decrease, which ultimately can lead to complete blindness.

Is it possible to cure myopia?

The developed true myopia is independently not permitted and without medical intervention is maintained for the rest of his life. At the same time, compliance with certain rules and restrictions will prevent further progression of the disease. In myopia, the weak degree could be sufficient, in order for the patient to live in a normal life, without limiting himself. At the same time, with more pronounced myopia, it is necessary to use various methods of correction or treatment of the disease, since otherwise the risk of developing formidable complications increases.

It should be immediately noted that at the present stage of the development of medicine, it is possible to restore normal vision to even patients with a high degree of myopia, but only with timely start of treatment, have not yet developed complications from retina and other intraocular structures.

For correction and treatment of myopia, you can use:

  • glasses;
  • fakile lenses;
  • laser correction;
  • replacement of lens;
  • surgery;
  • eye drops;
  • medical treatment.

Glasses at myopia

The simplest and affordable method of correction of myopia is wearing glasses with special scattering lenses. This method Allows the patient to see the distance normally, and also interrupts the chain of pathological processes in the eye that could lead to the development of complications. It should be immediately noted that the points correction is shown only at the myopia of weak and moderately.

Selection of glasses in myopia is carried out during the study of visual acuity. The patient sits before a special table with letters of various sizes, and he put on a rim with removable lenses. The doctor then begins to place the lenses with a certain scattering force in the eyes of the patient's eye, and at first weak, and then more strong. For the manufacture of glasses should be used minimum ( by force) a scattering lens that provides optimal visual acuity ( 0.9 - 1.0, that is, almost 100%). In this case, the patient should easily read the letters in 10 row of the table used to determine visual acuity.

It is important to note that the testimony of glasses depends on the degree of myopia. So, for example, in myopia of a weak degree ( up to 3 diopters) Points should be used only when viewed by far objects ( for example, they can enjoy drivers while driving). During reading, working at a computer or viewing TV shows should be removed, since otherwise it will aggravate the severity of myopia and will lead to its progression.

In myopia, medium-sized glasses can be used while working with objects located at a closer distance ( for example, being on lectures in the audience). At the same time, such patients are usually not needed. In this case, bifocal glasses may become an ideal solution, in the lenses of which two dissipation hemispheres are installed ( one above and the other below), and the lower hemisphere must be 2 - 3 diopters weaker than the top. In this case, if necessary, watch the patient looks through the upper part of the lens, and when working with objects at a closer distance - through the bottom. This makes it possible to prevent the progression of myopia, which can be observed during the constant use of excessively strong lenses.

Contact lenses in myopia

Contact lenses can be used to correct a weak, medium and high degree of myopia. The main advantage of contact lenses before the glasses is that they are tightly adjacent to the cornea, forming almost a single refractive system with it. This allows you to achieve a more accurate and constant correction of myopia ( when using glasses, scattering lenses can be removed from or, on the contrary, to approach it, which will be to a certain extent to influence visual acuity).

Also, the lenses are recommended to be used with anisometropy - a pathological condition, in which the refractive force of the right and left eye differs. Anisometropy of up to 3 diopters can be tried to correlate with conventional glasses ( at the same time, the refractive force of each lens must correspond to the refractive strength of the eye, opposite which it will be installed). With anisometropy more than 3 diopters, preference should be given to contact lenses.

The selection of contact lenses is made according to the same rules as the selection of glasses. It is worth noting that with a high degree of myopia, the full correction is not recommended immediately ( especially in children and adolescents) Since the accommodative function of the patient's eye can be simply underdeveloped. In this case, the complete correction of myopia ( that is the purpose of the points that read the patient letters from 10 rows of a special table) Slow down the further development of accommodation, thereby reducing the likelihood of reducing the degree of myopia in the process of growth and adults. That is why when first prescribing points it is recommended to correlate myopia by only 80 - 90%, and in the future ( in the absence of positive dynamics) Increase the strength of the lenses used until the optimal result is achieved.

Fiking lenses in myopia

According to the mechanism of therapeutic effect, the facile lenses are practically no different from the contact lenses. The difference between them lies only that the facile lens is not installed outside, and inside the patient's eye ( in the back of the back of the cornea). This technique allows to achieve a more accurate correction of myopia, and also eliminates a number of problems associated with the need to care for contact lenses and with the need for their periodic replacement. However, it is worth noting that in the case of the progression of myopia, the facichnaya lens will have to be deleted and installed a new one, therefore, it is necessary to resort to this technique only in the case of stable myopia. Select the optimal strength of corrective lenses is also recommended for several months using conventional contact lenses for this.

Laser correction of myopia

Laser treatment is one of the modern and highly efficient methods of eliminating myopia and the restoration of normal visual acuity. The essence of the method is to change ( reduction) Curvizons of the central corneal department with a laser. This leads to a decrease in its refractive capacity and restoration. normal vision. Laser correction can be used with weak and medium degrees of myopia, as well as with a high degree of myopia, not exceeding 12-15 diopters.

In the process of preparing for the implementation of the procedure, a thorough examination of a patient is carried out, comprising computer keratotopography and other high-precision research methods. The resulting corneal status data, lens and eyeballs are recorded in a computer that calculates optimal parameters for laser correction. The procedure itself is also controlled by computer programs, and therefore the risk of a random error comes down to a minimum.

The procedure of laser correction of myopia is performed within a few minutes. Initially, the patient enters a specially equipped room and falls on the table over which the laser apparatus is installed. He in the eyes burst a lot of local anesthetic, which temporarily block all kinds of sensitivity. This is necessary, in order for the patient during the fulfillment of the procedure, the patient does not react and responded to the actions of the doctor. Also in the eyes dig drugs that expand the pupil, which is necessary for the accuracy of the manipulation performed.

After the anesthetic acts, the patient is asked to fix the head in a strictly vertical position and do not move it. To prevent random blinks during laser operation, the eyelids of the patient are fixed using special locks ( the procedure is painless, however, it may seem unpleasant). The doctor then checks the position of the patient's head once again, sets the laser apparatus directly above the operated eye and asks the patient to lock the look at the flashing red tube of the device.

When all preparations are made, proceed directly to the correction. The first thing on the corneal surface is made a shallow circular incision, after which the upper layer rises in the form of a flap. After that, the laser is immediately entering. According to a predetermined program, it produces a removal ( evaporation) A small layer of cornea fabric, reducing its curvature. This stage of the procedure may last a few seconds or minutes. After the end of the correction, the separated flap returns to the place. The patient should stay in a fixed state a few more minutes so that it ( loskut.) Snain and firmly fixed on the cornea.

After performing the operation, visual inspections and general status Patient who take no more than two hours. The patient can recover home on the same day, but within 7 - 10 days he must accurately comply with all the recommendations that the doctor will give him.

After performing the laser correction of myopia, it is recommended:

  • Purify antibacterial dropswho will appoint a doctor, strictly observing the dosage set by it ( usually 1 - 2 drops in each eye for 3 - 5 days). This will prevent the development of infectious complications in the postoperative period.
  • During the first 3 - 5 days after the procedure is fulfilled only on the back, since otherwise the risk of squeezing or injury has increased ( for example, hand or pillow).
  • Attend a doctor after 1, 3, 7 and 14 days after the operation is performed to control its efficiency and detection possible complications. The last control view of the ophthalmologist is carried out in a month and a half after the correction.
  • With the appearance of excessively pronounced redness, in case of strong burning or pain, as well as the impairment of sight, should immediately contact the attending physician.
After performing laser correction, it is strictly prohibited:
  • Wash your eyes with dirty water. Patients are advised to refrain from the pool, saunas, baths. It should also be temporarily postponed bathing in open water bodies, including the sea. It is unacceptable in the eyes of soap, shampoo or other means of personal hygiene. Wash your eyes only warm boiled water, and wipe with sterile napkins, slightly touching them to the surface of the closed eyelids.
  • Rubbing eyes. In the postoperative period, enhanced tearing or weak burning in the eye area is possible. It is strictly forbidden to rub eyes or wipe them with dirty towels, scarves or other materials. With an excessively pronounced tear, itching a sterile napkin, which does not have to touch the eyeball itself. If this rule fails to comply with this rule, the risk of injury to the front surface of the cornea and the enhancing infection is increasing.
  • Perform exercise. It should be temporarily refrain from visiting the gym, as well as avoid any work related to lifting weights or excessive physical activity.
  • Use cosmetics. Women are forbidden to paint eyes for several days, as cosmetics may cause to develop adverse Reactions. It is also recommended to refrain from using hair lacquer, as its sprayed particles can also get on the cornea.
  • Located in the sun. If possible, you should avoid walking during the daytime, especially on sunny days. When you exit the street, you should use sunglasses.
  • Overvolt eyes.During the first day after the operation, it is forbidden to read, work at a computer or watch TV. Further ( over the next 7 - 14 days) This type of activity is allowed, however, in strictly limited quantity ( no more than 15 - 20 minutes of continuous work or reading, after which you should take a little break and give the eyes to rest).

Replacement of lens at myopia

Replacing the lens is shown at a high degree of myopia, not exceeding 20 diopters. The essence of the operation is as follows. Under local anesthesia, the doctor produces a small incision in the area of \u200b\u200bthe corneal edge. Then, with the help of a special ultrasonic apparatus, the substance existing in the patient a lens is destroyed, that is, it turns into an emulsion that is removed through the available hole. Then to the place of lens ( in his capsule) Artificial lens is placed with the necessary refracting force ( usually lesser than refracting crust).

After performing the procedure, the hole was done in the front eye wall spontaneously closes. The patient is advised to make a lifestyle over the next few days ( do not wash your eyes with dirty water, do not rub them with your fingers and so on) And the dates of control visits to the ophthalmologist are prescribed, after which they are released home.

Operation at myopia

Surgical treatment is resorted to severe forms of myopia, which continue to progress at a speed of more than 1 diopter per year, despite the spent corrective and therapeutic measures. The main task of surgical intervention is the strengthening of the posterior wall of the eyeball ( scleroplastic) that it will slow down its stretching and the development of related complications from the retina and the vascular shell of the eye. In order to strengthen the rear sections, various plastic substances can be used ( crushed cartilage fabric, special sponges, collagen, various gels and so on). They are injected into the area behind the eyeball with a special curved needle.

The Operation itself is relatively simple, practically does not have contraindications and is performed within 1 day, after which the patient can go home. After performing an operation, an eye surveillance should be avoided ( that is, a long, continuous reading or computer work) For 1.5 - 2 years, as this may contribute to the further progression of myopia. Restrictions ( refusal to visiting the pool, restriction of physical exertion and so on) It should be observed within 2 to 4 weeks after the procedure is performed.

It is worth noting that after the operation, myopia does not eliminate, but its further development slows down or stops. This technique allows you to stop the progression of myopia in 70% of children and in 95% adults. After execution of scleroplasty, it is possible to use other techniques aimed at eliminating myopia ( use of glasses, lenses or laser correction).

Drops for eyes at myopia

Special drops can be used to treat ( cutting) false myopia. This condition is characterized by a accommodation spasm, in which a person does not see the far objects because of an excessively pronounced and resistant cutting of the ciliac muscle ( what leads to an increase in the refractive force of the lens).

Accommodation spasm usually passes independently after eliminating its cause caused. If this does not happen, the doctor can prescribe special drops that relax the ciliated muscle.

For the treatment of false myopia, you can use:

  • Drops tropicid - Pour 1 - 2 drops into each conjunctival bag 4 - 6 times a day.
  • Drops of scopolamine - Put in each conjunctival bag of 1 - 2 drops of 0.25% solution 1 - 2 times a day.
The course of treatment usually does not exceed 1 week. It is important to remember that these drugs lead to the expansion of the pupil and the accommodation paralysis ( that is, the ciliac muscle relaxes and remains in this position during the entire period of the drug). A person will be bad to see closely located objects, that is, it will not be able to read, work at a computer and so on.

It is also worth noting that the use of these drugs can lead to an increase in intraocular pressure ( Vgud) and provoke the aggravation of glaucoma ( diseases characterized by a persistent increase in VGD). That is why they should be used only by appointing a doctor and after a thorough examination.

Vitamins at myopia

Vitamins are special substances that are not formed in human organism And only come into it with food used, but it is vital for the functioning of almost all organs and systems, including an organ of vision.

Undoubtedly, all vitamins in their own way affect the condition and functions of the eyeball, retina, spectator nerve and other components visual analyzer. Nevertheless, some of them deficiency can significantly disrupt the function of the organ of vision and even contribute to the development of various complications in progressive myopia.

Vitamins at myopia

Name Vitamin

Mechanism of therapeutic action

Method of application and dose

Vitamin A(retinol.)

We are necessary for the normal functioning of the retina, as well as to adapt the eye in the dark.

Inside, after 10 - 15 minutes after eating, 50 - 100 thousand international units ( Me.) per day.

Vitamin B1.(tiamine)

Regulates the metabolism in the body, and also provides normal carrying out nerve pulses by nerve fibers, including visual nerve.

Adults are prescribed inside, after 20 - 30 minutes after eating, 10 mg 2 - 5 times a day. Children under 3 years old should take 5 mg 3 times a week ( in one day), And for children from 3 to 8 years old - 5 mg 3 times a day. Course treatment is 20 - 40 days.

Vitamin B2.(riboflavin)

Removes fatigue and stress in the eyes, and also necessary for normal adaptation of the eye in the dark.

The drug is appointed inside, after eating, adults - at 5 - 10 mg 1 time per day, children - 2 - 5 mg 1 time per day. The course of continuous treatment should not exceed 45 days.

Vitamin C(ascorbic acid)

Improves the metabolic processes in eye tissues, and also helps strengthen the sclera.

Inside, 50 - 100 mg 3 - 4 times a day for 25 - 30 days in a row.

Vitamin RR(a nicotinic acid)

It expands the small blood vessels, thereby improving the blood supply to intraocular structures and preventing the damage of the retina at progressive myopia.

Inside, 5 - 50 mg 3 times a day after meals.

Medication treatment of myopia

Reception some medicines It may slow down the progression of myopia, as well as to prevent the development of a number of formidable complications.

Medical treatment of myopia

Name of the drug

Mechanism of therapeutic action

Method of application and dose

Calcium gluconate

Increases strength blood vesselsThereby, warning hemorrhage into the retina with excessive stretching of the eyeball. Also this drug Increases the strength of the sclera.

Inside, 500 mg, for 15 - 20 minutes before meals. Children from 7 to 9 years old are recommended to take the drug 3 - 4 times a day, children from 10 to 15 years - 4 - 6 times a day, adults - 6 times a day. The course of continuous treatment should not exceed 10 days.


Improves microcirculation in various tissues, including intraocular structures. Improves blood flow. It is prescribed with a high degree progressing myopia.

Inside, after eating, 50 - 100 mg 3 times a day ( not chewing). The course of treatment is 30 days.


Reduces the permeability of small blood vessels, thereby preventing the development of hemorrhages in the retina.

Inside, 1 tablet ( 20 mg) 2 - 4 times a day for 1 month.

Prevention of myopia

The prevention of myopia includes a set of events, rules and restrictions, which should be observed to prevent the development of this pathology. If myopia has already developed, the implementation of preventive measures will not eliminate the existing defect, but will slow down the further progression of the disease and will prevent the development of complications.
  • We have been developed in children's reading reflex from an early age. The essence of this reflex is that from 2 to 3 years a child should teach absolutely all subjects ( toys, pictures, books, drawings and so on) At least 30 cm from the eye. In addition to preventing the development of myopia, this contributes to the formation of proper posture. If you do not follow this rule, the child is formed by the so-called reflex "inclined head" when he tilts his head too low for reading or drawing. Over time, this "reflex" leads to the development of myopia, scoliosis ( spinal curvature) And other pathologies.
  • Observe hygiene vision. Hygiene view includes a set of measures aimed at creating optimal conditions for work in which the visual apparatus will not be overwhelmed. One of the main hygienic measures is the correct coverage of the workplace. While reading or working at the computer, not only the desktop should be illuminated ( for example, with a table lamp) But also create the so-called background lighting of the entire premises. This reduces eye load, as a result of which fatigue is not so fast with long-term operation. Also important rules of hygiene view is the observance of the distance from the eye of a person to a book or monitor ( normally, it should be 30 - 50 centimeters). That is why sick myopia is not recommended to read in the lying position ( the distance from the book to the eye is usually less than 30 cm).
  • Eliminate visual overwork. Spectacular overwork can even develop in a healthy person if he will seek a computer for several hours in a row. In patient myopia, this process is usually developing after 40 to 50 minutes. That is why when reading or, if necessary, working with objects at close range for a long time is recommended regularly ( every 20 - 30 minutes) Take a break for 5 - 10 minutes. During this break, it is necessary to postpone the work performed and walk around the room or go out into the street, while making a few simple exercises.
  • Read only in a suitable setting. Reading, as well as the use of phones or other electronic devices in transport or while walking significantly increases the eye load, as a result of which signs of overwork may appear after 15-20 minutes. That is why it will work, requiring a high visual concentration, follows only in a relaxed atmosphere, sitting at the desktop.
  • Follow the right posture in children. If a child begins to slightly from the first school years, this leads to the destruction of posture, as well as to the development of the reflex "inclined head", which contributes to the progression of myopia. That is why from the earliest years of the child should be accustomed to sit smoothly and only slightly tilt the head during reading. Children from 7 to 10 - 12 years are also recommended to use special books for books.
  • Observe the mode of work and recreation. Intense visual work for a long time can lead to overwork, even if a person regularly takes small breaks. That is why people spending most of the working time at a computer or reading books is not recommended to work more than 8 - 10 hours a day. Also an important point is normal, full of eight-hour sleep ( for an adult man), during which the visual analyzer is restored, the central nervous system and all other systems in the body. It is worth noting that for complete recovery for children of younger school age, 8 - 9 hours of night sleep may be required, while teenagers and young people may have enough 7-7.5 hours.

Exercises ( gymnastics) for eyes at myopia

Special eye exercises will help to prevent the development of myopia or slow down the progression of the disease in the already developed myopia.

Preventive mechanism special exercises Includes:

  • relaxation of the ciliary muscle;
  • improvement of microcirculation in the ciliary muscle;
  • normalization of metabolism in the ciliary muscle;
  • improvement of microcirculation in the vascular shell of the eye;
  • improving the rigging blood supply;
  • normalization of metabolism in the retina;
  • improving microcirculation in glacial muscles.
The list of exercises at myopia includes:
  • Exercise 1. Source position - sitting on the chair, leaning back on the back of the chair and slightly thipped the head back. Initially, it should be very close to the eyelids and hold them in this position within 3 - 4 seconds, after which the eyes wide as much as possible. Repeat exercise 3 - 4 times with an interval of 5 - 10 seconds.
  • Exercise 2. Sitting on a chair View Up ( do not raise heads), after which make a circular movement with eyeballs ( first clockwise, then against her). Repeat exercise 4 - 5 times.
  • Exercise 3. Source position - standing, legs together, head forward. Pull over both hands and fix sight on the tips of the fingers. During a slow breath, lifting straight hands up, trying to watch their movement with their eyes ( the head should remain fixed at the same time.). Then, during a slow exhalation, give hands down, also following the tips of the fingers. Repeat exercise 3 - 5 times.
  • Exercise 4. Source position - standing. Right hand Pull over and fix vision on the tip of the index finger. Slowly bending your hand in the elbow and bring the finger to the eyes until he ( finger) It will not start bother. After that, you need to slowly straighten your hand. Repeat exercise 3 - 4 times.
  • Exercise 5. To perform this exercise, the ball will be required ( football, volleyball or any other) And a small platform near the house. The essence of the exercise is that a person should throw the ball into the wall from a distance of 5 - 8 meters, and then catch it. During such an exercise, the tension and relaxation of accommodation occurs, which improves the nutrition and blood supply to the ciliary muscle.
  • Exercise 6. Throw the ball into the basketball ring from different distances ( at first, one hand, then another, then two immediately). This exercise also stimulates the work of the ciliary muscle and the accommodation apparatus.
  • Exercise 7. After a long-term work at the computer, you should approach the window, find the most remote point on the horizon and look at it within 1 - 2 minutes. This contributes to the relaxation of the ciliary muscle and improving its blood supply.
  • Exercise 8. The initial position is lying on the back, the hands are placed on the sides, the head is directed strictly up. During the exercise, the hands should slowly bring together and cross them on the chest, and then return to its original position. It is necessary to follow the eyes first at one brush, and then after another.
Do not fulfill all the specified exercises daily. In the interruptions between work or during changes in school, you can perform 3 - 5 of them ( it will take no more than 2 - 3 minutes) That in itself will already reduce the eye load and prevent the progression of myopia.

At the same time, it is important to remember that the rapid execution of a large number of exercises can lead to the development of various side EffectsSo it is best to start the classes gradually, adding 1 new exercise every day. If visual discomfort or other alarm symptoms appear ( for example, pain in eyes, headaches) It is recommended to reduce the load or temporarily stop performing exercises. If the specified symptoms do not pass within 2 - 3 days, you should consult with your doctor.

Consequences and complications of myopia

A long progressive myopia leads to a change in the shape of the eyeball and deterioration of the blood supply to various intraocular structures, which is the immediate cause of the development of complications. It is worth noting that complications most often occur at a high degree of myopia, while with a weak and moderate degree of their development is significantly lower.

Myopia may complicate:

  • hemorrhage to the retina.

Amblyopia at myopia

Amberopia is a pathological condition characterized by a violation of visual acuity in one eye, even with properly chosen corrective lenses. The exact causes of the development of this state are not established. It is believed that ambulopia is evolving as a result of functional damage to various intraocular structures with long-continuously continuing myopia. Treatment is to eliminate the causal factor, as well as in symptomatic therapy.

Squint in myopia

With progressive myopia, the divergent squint is most often developing, in which the pupil of one eye constantly shifts somewhat outside, towards the temple. The reason for this phenomenon is that the accommodation apparatus ( adaptations to a clear vision of items at different distances) closely related to the convergence apparatus ( rapid) Eye apples. When a person looks into the distance, the pupils of both eyes are slightly diverged, which allows you to focus both eyes on a far-located object. When viewed by the close subject, the accommodation voltage occurs ( that is, an increase in the refractive strength of the lens) And the simultaneous rapprochement of the eyes, which is necessary to focus visibility near.

With a high degree of myopia, the distance on which a person can clearly focus both eyes is limited. When such a patient tries to look at more distant items, the accommodation apparatus relaxes as much as possible, but the images of objects still remain fuzzy. As a result, the voltage of the glasses, which try to "configure" both eyes on a clear image. However, it is not possible to achieve this during myopia. Over time, the eye muscles are overstrained and pathological changes begin to develop, as a result of which the squint arises.

The correction of this state may require considerable effort, but it should be started only after the correction of myopia, since otherwise the treatment will be ineffective.

Cataract at myopia

The cause of lesion of the lesion at myopia is the violation of the metabolic process in it. This is developing as a result of the violation of the contractile ability of the ciliary muscle, disorders of microcirculation in the ciliary body and the violation of the products them ( ciliary body) Watering moisture, which normally provides pressure lens and regulates the metabolism in it. With long-term progressive myopia as a result of the phenomena in the center of the lens, the closet zone is beginning to form, that is, cataract develops. The only one effective method The treatment of this complication is an operation, during which a smooth crystal is removed, and an artificial lens is installed in its place.

People's retinal detachment

With long-term progression of myopia, an increase in the sizes of the eyeball, that is, it is stretched. However, if the outer eye sheath ( sclera) transfers this process relatively easy, retina ( retinaconsisting of photosensitive nerve cells) less stretch, and its regenerator ( recovery) Functions are extremely limited. Average ( vascular) The eye shell is also poorly stretched. As a result, with an increase in the eyeball and stretching, the retina sclera is fully stretched, which leads to disruption of the nutrition of nerve cells and the development of dystrophic processes in them. With the further progression of myopia, the size of the eyeball may increase so much that the retina will simply break down ( sleep) From the wall of the eye. This will lead to irreversible changes in damaged photosensitive cells, as a result of which they perished, which will lead to impairment of vision.

It is also worth noting that during the progression of the pathological process, damage to the blood vessels of the eye shells is possible, as a result of which hemorrhage in the retina can occur, which can also lead to the death of photosensitive nerve cells and visual impairment ( up to the development of blindness).

Are myopia dangerous during pregnancy?

In the middle and end of the last century, many studies were conducted, the purpose of which was to find out if

Myopia is a high degree - this is a severe pathology of the eyes, which leads to their dysfunction and other consequences. Myopia is also called myopia.

Myopia does not make a very high degree to see items that are at a distance. The patient distinguishes clearly objects only at close range. This is due to the fact that with the pathology, the eyeball of the patient is lengthened. As a result, the cornea is strongly distinguished from the rear eye zone. Because of this, the defer of the light flux is wrong. Rays are concentrated not on the eye retina, but in front of it.

Measuring the violation of the functionality of the eye is determined in diopters. When the patient is myopia, the "-" sign is set before the numerical meaning of the diopter. Myopia with a high degree begins with - (minus) 6 diopters.

Symptomatics of any degree of myopia manifests itself equally. Only ophthalmologist can determine the exact number of diopters.

Often, myopia is highly transmitted at the genetic level. If the Pope and Mom have this pathology, then in 50% of cases the disease passes and their kid. 8% of young children develop acquired myopia. Many parents are interested in whether it is necessary to treat a highly high degree in pregnancy, can this somehow affect childbirth? Myopia is even 3 degrees, without complications, allows you to give birth to a natural way (without cesarean section). Disease visual organs May develop for the following reasons:

  1. Huge eye loads (TV, computer monitor, reading in dark and so on).
  2. Invalid vision adjustment (incorrectly selected optics and contact lenses).
  3. Violation of personal and household hygiene.
  4. Pathology of the vascular system.
  5. Frequent avitaminosis.

Load on the eyes - the cause of myopia

Also, the pathogenesis of the disease can wage in a certain structure of the visual apparatus:

  • Too long eyeball. This is the most common reason. Each person has an eye approximately the same value (24 millimeters). With myopia, the eye can be 30 millimeters and more. The eyeball acquires an ellipsis form, and the anterorable axis increases. This contributes to the stretching of the rear wall of the organ. Such a phenomenon provokes changes in the eye day.
  • The defect of the corneal form. Myopia is manifested due to the strong refraction of the optical system of the ocular apparatus while maintaining its standard value. The light stream is refracting and concentrated before the retina, as a result, the sick sees the objects in the distance blurred.
  • Mixed pathogenesis of development. In very rare situations, myopia may occur as a result of a tandem listed above defects of the structure of the eye apparatus.


It's not rare, a person with myopia has not even suspected of the disease for a long time. Pathology is detected only when inspected by an eyepiece. As mentioned earlier, the main symptom is the blurring of the contours of the objects that are located in the distance.

People with myopia will not be able to see for example the bus number, price tags in the stores at a decent distance, the screen of the TV and so on. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, sick people of a call age with vision from - 6.25 diopters are exempt from service in the army.


By the nature of its development, the disease has three types:

  1. Progressive myopia. This kind is capable of adding one or more diopters per year. If the view is deteriorated from year to year, it can lead a patient for vision disability or to its full loss.
  2. Transient myopia. The current of this species lasts a short time, no more than a month. This arises due to the edema of the lens of the eye, as a result of this, the refractive force of light increases. This pathology can cause high concentration Sugar in blood, cataract, tooling the fetus, consumption of certain drugs.
  3. Stationary myopia. This degree is not able to develop. It can be corrected using optics and contact lenses.

Myopia with astigmatism

With astigmatism, the cornea has a deformed form. Myopia is a high degree with astigmatism (also called myopic astigmatism) is a specific variety of the disease. With pathology in the eye, myopia is present.

The light stream, when the visual body penetrates into the patient, is not concentrated at one point on the retina (as in healthy organs), and in several. In this case, part of the picture concentrates at the point before the retina, and the other part on the retina itself. Or the picture is formed in a pair of points in front of it.

Such pathology is considered a combination of astigmatism and myopia (minor astigmatism).

Vision at astigmatism


To diagnose and determine the degree of myopia for only an ophthalmologist. Also, only a specialist may appoint effective treatment.

Diagnosis of the disease is as follows:

  • Vision checking away without optics for the selection of necessary glasses;
  • Checking the refraction of light rays and determining the degree of myopia;
  • Measurement of the magnitude of the eye apparatus using ultrasound;
  • Removal of the sizes of the cornea with ultrasound;
  • Inspection of the Eye DNA to assess the state of vessels, retina and nerve endings.


In medical practice, the treatment of myopia is practiced by highly surgical intervention. To assign the necessary therapy, the ophthalmologist must determine the degree of myopia, and the ability to adjust. Thanks to the diagnosis, the oculist has the ability to assign effective treatment.

It is important to understand that it will not be possible to fully cure the myopia of high degrees or lenses, it will have to seek help to laser correction.


Treatment is applied to high degree pathologies, up to minus twenty diopters. Lensenktomy is used in such cases:

  • when the excimerlaser correction cannot help the patient;
  • when the natural lens function is lost to the device.

In this case, lens resection with the replacement of it to unnatural with the desired optical force. This is due to the fact that the visual apparatus is not able to concentrate the picture on the retina without a lens.

There is also a phacoemulsification operation. With a submission of a high stage, a lens is used with a minus value that is introduced into the eye. The operational impact is performed with the help of local, drip anesthesia. It is well tolerated even children of small age. All the actions of the surgeon performs through a self-metating very small incision of 1.6 millimeters, to which you do not need to apply seams. This operation is quick and there is no need to stay in the hospital.

Today there are many artificial crystalikovwhich can be selected not only on the basis of degree, but also by age and profession. The most sought after:

  • Multifocal lenses. The unique design makes it possible to perform the functions of natural lens and achieve the necessary acuteness of vision, both in front of them and away. This makes it possible to be less likely to wear optics or do it in general without it. It is intended for patients who need to be oriented at long distances;
  • Lens with a specialized yellow filter. It is an analogue of a natural filter. It protects the visual apparatus from the negative effect of ultraviolet and blue rays, lowers the possibility of the appearance of age-related retinal diseases.
  • Aspherical lens with an aspheric surface and yellow filter. Just as previous lenses protect visual organs. In addition, it helps to see clearer and more contrast in the evening. It is very convenient for many professions.

Implantation of fakic lenses

This technique is used only when the lens fitness is not yet lost forever. Lens in this case can be embedded without resection of a natural lens. It is very similar to the adjustment of contact lenses. Only contact lenses are put on top of the lens, the fakyers are embedded inside the eye apparatus.



Keratoplasty is an operational intervention that restores the appearance and functionality of the visual apparatus, eliminates injuries of various nature and different pathologies of visual organs. Treatment is to replace the natural organ for artificial or donor. With the help of computer simulation creates the necessary appearance.

Effective means to restore vision without operations and doctors recommended by our readers!

Myopia is a high degree of a severe disease, which is due to a violation of the functional features of the organs of vision. The problem is exacerbated by the high probability of unpleasant consequences. In people who suffer from this ailment, there is a different shape of the eyeball that resembles an oval due to the elongation of the body. Such a location leads to the fact that the cornea is at a high distance from the back of the eye, where the retina is located. This phenomenon entails an anomalous refraction of light rays and a focus disruption. The disease is classified in degrees, there are three of them all over: weak myopia (up to 3 d), average (up to 6 d) and strong - high-degree myopia (more than 6 d).

What symptoms are accompanied by a disease

People having a high degree suffer from several additional symptoms:

  • high eye fatigue with loads;
  • pain in the head, expressed in any extent;
  • permanent attempts to nice the eyes when looking at distant items.

If the disease is not congenital in nature, it is most often formed at the moment when the growth and development of the organ of vision (7-12 years) is observed. When a person reaches 20-22 years, vision by this moment can stabilize independently. By itself, this pathological process is not dangerous, but the consequences that arise from its fault are made in themselves a serious threat to life and health.

General complications of the disease

There are several health difficulties that may entail a high-degree myopia disease:

  • detaching the retina: when lengthening it stretches and due to high loads, it is subject to thinning, breaking, which can provoke its separation and full blindness;
  • the formation of glaucoma is a phenomenon is accompanied by an overpressure of pressure inside the eye due to the liquid in it, caused by a violation of the irregular shape of the eyeball, ignoring this symptom is fraught with blindness;
  • the retina dystrophy - during this phenomenon of the retina (a separate area, which is responsible for the perception of the image), is subject to degeneration processes, which can entail a sharp violation or full loss of vision;
  • cataract is another pathological phenomenon at which the lens, acting as a natural natural lenses, loses the property of transparency and ceases to respond and fully fulfill its functions.

This degree of myopia can cause complexity absolutely at any age, even if the phenomenon is subject to surgery. Such consequences are associated with the fact that there is no possibility of competent adjustment of the form of an organ of vision, which was formed because of myopia. Children and adults must regularly undergo surveys at the attending specialist - an oculist who will track changes in health, assign correction measures.

Etiology of myopia

There are several factors contributing to the aggravation of the course of the disease:

  • cause No. 1 is a predisposition of a genetic nature, that is, if the mother and father suffer from myopia, the child has a high risk of disease;
  • there is not enough good environmental situation in the area in which a person sick of myopia constantly lives;
  • the emergence of deformation is wrong round form Eyeball, which, due to the weakening of accommodation, stretches on the retina;
  • the presence of degenerative changes in collagen - protein that contributes to the formation of the connecting tissue of the sclera;
  • the inaccuracy of the proportions between the voltage of accommodation and the convergence leading to the accommodation spa.

So, myopia will highly develop under the influence of certain causal factors and features.

Diagnosis of the disease

For the appointment of a literate medical complex requires a series of diagnostic eventswho are necessarily held by an ophthalmology specialist. They include several species and research areas:

  • check when viewed away, this allows you to determine visual acuity without the use of special correction tools;
  • estimation of the current state of the retina, the position of the vessels and the optic nerve by studying the bottom of the eye;
  • determining the degree of myopia, which allows you to choose high-quality and productive treatment.

With any myopia, the consultation of the ophthalmologist is mandatory. Only an experienced doctor will be able to appoint a full-fledged medical complex and consult on any issue related to treatment and diagnosis.

Therapeutic events

Myopia is high - serious diseaserequiring professional treatment. The main task of the doctor under this myopia is to slow down the development process of the ailment and prevent all sorts of complications. First of all, patients should avoid serious visual and exercise, do not lift gravity, observe the principles proper nutrition. It is also important to obtain a sufficient number of vitamins for vision. They are contained in vegetables and fruits, as well as in many breams. Special popularity in myopia enjoy plants like blueberries, carrots.

High Degree Myopia Correction Methods

Treatment of this degree of myopia can be any, most often resort to the following methods:

  • Glasses - this method is used in case of severe stage of the disease, they possess high indicator optical power and are selected by a strictly specialist depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the usual and mineral glass, high-splashing plastic, is used, which gives their quality transparency, special subtlety and ease of operation;
  • Progressive myopia implies the use of contact lenses. They allow you to make vision better, because they can expand the field of view, notice more objects that are 100% compliance with real dimensional characteristics, and as for spectacular traditional lenses, they often distort the picture, the lack of a way it is that it helps in treatment Somewhat worse than glasses, especially if the situation is complicated.

Complicated myopia can be eliminated by special lenses, the essence of the technique is that at night a person wears lenses, and in the day - to stay without them and at the same time possess good eyesight, that is, these lenses are removed in the morning, and the cornea can save its form during the whole day.

So, we looked at what it is - a high stage of myopia, and what methods of treatment exist. However, there is the possibility of therapy through surgical intervention.

Surgical intervention in the treatment of myopia

The progressive myopia of both eyes or one organ of vision implies the possibility of a situation in which the correction is not possible, in this case there are all the testimony for surgery. It is carried out in several directions.

Laser correction allows you to eliminate vision dysfunction up to 15 diopters. This operation is the most common degree in myopia, as part of this procedure, it is assumed to change the curvature, which entails the change in the optical force of the entire eye.

If the disease begins to progress, and its complicated form appears, an operation is carried out to replace the lens. It allows you to fully cure the most difficult form of the disease up to 20 diopters. The implantation procedure of intraocular lenses implies an adjustment of the disease by myopia above 20, up to 25 D.

All operational interventions aimed at vision correction can be carried out only in humans with a non-progressive form of the disease, as well as with a phenomenon that is suspended at least for a while. With complicated myopia, a high degree should pay attention to alternative methods of therapy.

The consequences and complications of operations at a high degree of myopia

With strong myopia, when surgical treatment is carried out, after surgery can manifest unwanted consequences. With myopia, high degree of treatment implies side effects:

  • the formation of the so-called "dry eye" syndrome capable of independently disappeared after a long time;
  • prolonged redness (hyperemia) of organs of vision;
  • the probability of attachment to the symptomatic picture of the infectious process;
  • unwanted consequences during the use of anesthesia.

After how much time it is possible to fully cure the disease, it depends on many factors: someone has enough three days, and someone will need weeks to recover. It is necessary to treat comprehensively and under the supervision of a medical specialist. The harder the operation, the greater the number of research it will be necessary to undergo vision to any of the above methods. However, none of many ways can be 100% in charge of getting rid of high myopia completely.

In secret

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  • This time.
  • No hiking to doctors!
  • These are two.
  • Less than a month!
  • These are three.

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