Biseptol intravenous administration instructions for use. Tablets Biseptol for adults - in what cases and how to take? Urinary tract infections

01.08.2020 Analyzes

One of the most famous and contradictory antibacterial drugsSailed in Russia - Biseptol. In the 80-90 years of last century, Biseptol was at the peak of popularity. The drug was prescribed doctors of all specializations, ranging from the district pediatrician and ending with a narrow-profile urologist. Patients, feeling the effectiveness of the means, perceived it as a panacea from all troubles. If at first we still did not risk buying Biseptol without a doctor's prescription, then such a "trifle", as a specialist's recommendation, it became unnecessary. In Bispetol, saw a panacea from any infection and took it almost uncontrollably for any reason, without excluding a banal cold.

Meanwhile, any antibacterial drug is not so harmless. And many bispetol fans were convinced of this, unfortunately, already on their own experience.

The modern pharmaceutical market offers a large number of safer and efficient antibacterial drugs. Sales and the popularity of Biseptola sharewlled. However, so far the therapists and pediatricians are written in the recipes for long-gone-learned words "Tab.Biseptoli". And so far in our pharmacies, Biseptol can be sold on the recommendation not a doctor, and a friend, a neighbor or a completely outsider who gave advice in line for bread.

In this article we will try to highlight the positive and negative sides of the drug and give an answer to the main questions: Is Biseptol safely? Should I take this medicine uncontrollably and what is it fraught with?

Composition and form of bispetol

Few people know that the name hides in itself and the composition, and the action of Biseptol. The "bi" particle originated from the Latin prefix "BIS" - twice - and means that the composition includes two components. The second part of the name - "Septol" - apparently, originated from the Latin "Septicus", literally meaning "rotting". In pharmaceutical preparations that have in the title "Septol" root belong to the antiseptic group.

So, what active substances are part of? Biseptol is combined toolconsisting of two components: sulfamethoxazole in a dose of 400 mg and trimethopril in an amount of 80 mg. The figure specified in the patented name "Biseptol 480" means nothing but the total mass active substances drug.

The pharmaceutical industry produces four main forms of release:

  • Biseptol 480 mg - adult tablets;
  • Biseptol 120 mg - tablets for children;
  • Biseptol 240 mg - suspension for children. In 5 ml of the medication contains 240 mg of sulfometoxazole combination and trimethopril;
  • Biseptol 480 mg in ampoules containing a concentrate from which solutions for infusion - intravenous drip injections are prepared, and simply speaking - droppers. Biseptol in ampoules is shown to use in a hospital.

Some manufacturers have developed a syrup production for Biseptol children containing 240 mg active ingredients.

The most popular forms of release, with which you have to most often deal with doctors and their patients, - bispetol 480 mg in the form of tablets and bispetol 240 mg suspension for children.

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How Bispetol works - pharmacological action

Sulfamethoxazole is the main component of bispetol, which has a sufficiently strong bactericidal effect. It disrupts the synthesis of dihydrofoliic acid, necessary microorganisms for life. Timetoprix enhances the effect of sulfometoxazole. Synergy, that is, the summation of the effects of Biseptol components was first described in the late 60s.

The ratio in which the components is dosed is accurately imposed. If it is approximately one to the bispetol tablet, then when sucking into the blood, the ratio of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprilum drops to one to twenty. These concentrations are necessary for the peak, maximum synergistic effect of components.

Is it still a bispetol attitude towards antibiotics or not?

This question so often worries patients, which is simply necessary to place all points over I. So, the antibiotic is a medicinal substance of natural (animal, vegetable or microbial origin), which has an antibacterial effect, fully overwhelming and growth, and reproduction of bacteria. The modern pharmaceutical industry also produces semi-synthetic antibiotics.

With a careful study, the instructions for Biseptol becomes obvious that its components have nothing to do with antibiotics. Both substances that are part of the drug are synthesized in the laboratory. Sulfamethoxazole relates to a group of sulfonamide preparations, and trimethoprium is used solely to enhance the effect of the main component.

The answer to the question is whether Biseptol belongs to antibiotics or not, is unequivocal and is not subject to doubt. Biseptol is a medicine from a group of sulfonamide, which have an antibacterial effect. But not an antibiotic.

However, it is naive to believe that the means not related to the notorious "harmful" antibiotics is as safe as multicolored sweet vitamins. Sulfanimonds are also serious preparations that need to be taken exclusively under the control of the doctor. Otherwise, you may not be waiting for not very pleasant consequences, including the formation of microorganisms resistant to the action of drugs. After all, it is no wonder all antibacterial agents and antibiotics, and sulfonamides, and representatives of other pharmacological groups - refer to prescription drugs. And forget about it is not worth it.

Biseptol: Indications for use

The answer to the common and, it would seem, a simple question, from which the bispetol still helps, cannot be unequivocal. After all, the combination of sulfamethoxazole and trimetroprim is a serious preparation, the selection of which requires careful collection of information. Ideal if a specialist is engaged in this. Let's try to figure out, in what cases bispetol is a choice of choice and when it is better to prefer to him another medicine.

The main indications for the use of bispetol are, of course, disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms. The spectrum of the action of the Sulfamethoxazol-Timetoprix complex is wide and includes the most different gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria, the simplest and even pathogenic mushrooms. Streptococci, staphylococci, intestinal sticks, salmonella, chlamydia, toxoplasm and other microorganisms are exposed to the bactericidal action of the drug. Resistant for bispetol tuberculosis stick, Treplema, leptospira, pathogenic viruses.

A fairly wide range of microorganisms sensitive to Biseptol determines the same extensive list of diseases under which the medicine is used. Let's try to figure out, in what cases this drug is discharged.

The most common gram-positive bacteria, which usually cause diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, - staphylococci and streptococci. The high efficiency of bispetol for these microorganisms allows to successfully apply it in bacterial pharyngitis and tonsillite - angina.

Positive results gives bispetol and with bacterial bronchitis. However, I would like to note that the inflammation of the bronchi often cause viruses that are resistant to the action of antibacterial drugs. Therefore, be prudent: when coughing appears, you should not drink similar funds without the recommendation of the doctor.

Inflammation of the gaymorovy sinuses - sinusitis - most often cause all the same cocci, less often - chlamydia, mycoplasma and viruses. Despite the fact that antibiotics are antibiotics, sometimes bispetol are prescribed.

Is the treatment of intestinal infections justified?

The activity of the drug with respect to intestinal wand allows the use of bispetol during acute intestinal infections. It is important that the effect of the drug is applied to enterotoxy strains of the pathogen. Enterotoxygenic intestinal wand is responsible for a heavy bloody diarrhea, which is accompanied by general intoxication of the body. In addition, there is experience in using the drug during salmonellosis.

However, before deciding on the use of any antibacterial agent with intestinal infections, one important nuance should be remembered. All causative agents of these diseases are eliminated independently during the week. Speaking of understandable language, a week after infection, the disease will cease without any treatment. This also applies to the notorious salmonellosis, one diagnosis of which sometimes leads the patient and his relatives into a state of panic.

Standard protocols for treating acute intestinal infections do not provide for the use of any antibacterial drugs. The basis of therapy of such diseases is to ensure sufficient flow of fluid.

In severe cases (for example, with the development of infection in young children or the elderly, in patients with weakened immunity), it is possible to still appoint antibacterial drugs. And again, Biseptol is not a gold standard in such cases, there are many other, more secure drugs. For example, funds from the nitrofuran group are not absorbed into the blood. The effectiveness and safety of these drugs is based on what they work in only in the intestinal lumen.

Therefore, in the overwhelming majority, the treatment with bispetol intestinal infections is absolutely unjustified.

Urinary tract infections

The most common cause of urinary tract infections is an intestinal wand. Approximately 80% of all inflammatory ferrous bubble processes are caused by this pathogen. Therefore, Biseptol, which manifests activity against intestinal sticks, in some cases gives good results when cystitis.

However, it should be remembered that the drug selection with urinary tract diseases is still used by an antibiotic fluoroquinolone row. It is impossible to treat these pathologies to the treatment of these pathologies: with inadequate therapy there is a fairly high risk of chronic pathological process. The unrealized cystitis threatens the chronic inflammation of the bladder, which is difficult to treat.

What is dangerous uncontrolled use of bispetol when cystitis? In fact, everything is very simple: the frequent use of bispetol for a long time led to the gradual appearance of sustainability to the drug components. As a result, the effectiveness of the drug decreased significantly.

In the treatment of many infections, the facilitance obtained first is taken by a patient for complete healing. In fact, with the uncontrolled use of bispetol, and other antibacterial drugs, there is a chance that some particularly resistant microorganisms survived. With this development of events, the disease enters the hidden chronic phase. Chronic cystitis may not manifest some time, and this is its special danger.

Therefore, you should not risk. Cystitis and other urinary tract diseases should treat a doctor, and the uncontrolled reception of bispetol with these pathologies can be fraught with complications.

Biseptol with a cold: is necessary, contraindicated or useless?

One of the most common misconceptions of Russian patients is blind faith in the mighty power of antibiotics in any diseases. Tie this confidence with objective causes is impossible. Our citizens stubbornly want to treat flu antibiotics, cold and ORVI. The worst thing is that often caring mothers spend these experiments with their children.

We'll figure it out in this, of course, an important issue. Do you need antibacterial drugs to which bispetol relates, with a cold or ORVI?

To do this, first of all, it is necessary to recall that both the cold and the flu, and an acute viral disease - ARVI - are caused by various viruses. And we already know that Biseptol, as well as any other antibacterial agents, does not affect viruses. Absolutely. Thus, by applying it with a cold, we will not get any effect. In addition to side.

Helpful information: Augmentin Antibiotic (suspension, tablets): instructions, dosages, features of application in children and adults, 10 best analogues

The usual cold or ORVI is in the norm on its own during the week or a little more. However, at weakened patients, small children, elderly patients - all those who have failed in the work of the immune system - the disease can take a protracted flow. This leads to a complication of pathology and additional infection with bacteria. In such cases, as a rule, an antibacterial drug is needed. And the use of bispetol tablets will be very appropriate.

How to notice this line between viral and already complicated viral-bacterial infection? For a person far from medicine, this is indeed not so simple. One of the symptoms of a complicated viral disease is a sharp deterioration of the state. For example, a significant increase in temperature after several days of the disease and the period of relative calm. In this case, fever or not stopped, or after receiving the antipyretic drugs, the temperature drops very slowly and for a while. The complication of infection may indicate the emergence of a strong cough, accompanied by the disorder of sputum. Treatment of cold, burdened by bacterial infection, should be engaged in a doctor who will select the correct antibacterial drug.

The course of treatment with Biseptol is selected individually to each patient.

Children are prescribed the drug, starting with 6 weeks of life. Early children are usually disconnected by a suspension or syrup. Most often, the suspension of Biseptol is sold in pharmacies, in annotations to which the recommended treatment regimen is clearly described depending on the age of the child.

Standard dosage of bispetol for children from six months to five years - 240 mg twice a day. In 5 ml of suspension or syrup, it is 240 mg of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprima, so it is very convenient to dose the drug. Even if you lose a measuring spoon, which is usually attached to the medicine, there will be no problems with the reception. Indeed, in a standard teaspoon, it is 5 ml of solution. One teaspoon of a suspension or syrup of Biseptol in the morning and in the evening is enough for the child to receive a daily dose of sulfamethoxazole and trimethopris.

If the child is able to swallow the tablet, it is written to the tableted form of bispetol in a dose of 120 mg. Children under 5 years old are taken at once 2 tablets twice a day.

Starting from 6 years, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 480 mg twice a day, and the most convenient to buy bispetol tablets.

Starting from 12 years of age, Biseptol is written out at a dose of 960 mg. Multiplicity of application - twice a day.

The course of treatment is selected depending on individual factors and can be from 5 days to two weeks. In severe cases, the doctor has the right to write doses exceeding the standard recommended by 50%.

Features of the use of suspensions

I would like to pay attention to the features of the admission of Biseptol suspension. Usually the manufacturer tries to prevent the patient about the need to shake the bottle before applying the medication. And unfortunately, not everyone complies with this requirement. Why is it so important to read the annotation to Biseptol to the end and do not forget to shake the bottle with a suspension?

Any suspension is a two-scale system in which the active ingredient is present in a undisguised form. It is evenly distributed only after energetic shaking. Otherwise, you risk a drinking a teaspoon of a suspension containing not 240 mg of bispetol, but much less, and the exact mass is not possible possible.

If you bispetol bispetol syrup, you can safely give it to a child without preliminary manipulations with a bottle - syrup is absolutely uniform.

And finally. All baby forms of bispetol - and syrup, and suspension - have a pleasant taste. Children are usually happy to be treated with such edible medications, so be careful and keep the drug in an inaccessible place.

Reception rules, or how to drink Biseptol?

Therapy by any medicines should not be chaotic. If you have to drink antibiotics or sulfonamide antibiotic drugs, it should be especially careful for treatment. The effectiveness of the drug, and the likelihood of unfavorable phenomena depends on compliance with the admission rules.

How to drink Biseptol correctly? You need to simply not forget about the following rules:

  • it is necessary to follow the 12-hour interval between receptions. For example, a morning dose to drink at 8 am, and evening - at 8 pm. Failure to comply with the regime threatens with a decrease in the antibacterial activity of Biseptol;
  • drink the drug (and tablets, and suspension) is needed solely after eating. Otherwise, the medicine has an irritant effect on the walls of the stomach;
  • the minimum course of therapy should be at least five days. All amateurs treated for three days should be patient. Otherwise, you risk getting a complication of infection, which will be difficult to succumb to antibacterial therapy.

Side effect

If you carefully read the instructions for Biseptol, an abundance of information about the side effects of the drug can plunge into the shock of even the very sophisticated reader. But in practice everything is not so threatening.

As a rule, in the recommended doses and tablets, and the bispetol suspension is moved well. Side effects that are registered most often, usually do not require the cancellation of the drug. Among the most common unfavorable events I would like to note:

  • dermatological manifestations in the form of rash and urticaria. Allergic reactions are more often manifested in sensitized (sensitive) patients;
  • violation of the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, occasionally - diarrhea, decreased appetite, stomatitis.

With long-term reception of high dosages of bispetol, side effects may be more pronounced. Occasionally, serious allergic reactions are recorded, the development of candidiasis is possible due to the change in the composition of the intestine microflora.

I would like to reassure those patients who, while reading the instructions for Biseptol to the section "side effects" and horrifying, take a responsible decision to be treated with people, and not "harmful" medicine.

All the symptoms that were fixed during the tests of the drug fall into the list of side effects. The number of patients involved in clinical studies is usually several thousand people. Postmarketing tests lasting throughout the entire sales period. Each patient is a potential member of these studies, and the fact of the appearance of a new side effect will be recorded in annotations. Therefore, the probability of the emergence of most side effects in the light of large numbers is extremely small. Thus, the manufacturer of Bispetol describes the possibility of blood breeding disorders, but when complying with recommended doses, this effect is observed only from one of several hundred patients.


Bispetol is appointed for the treatment of children, but it is not recommended to apply the drug to babies under six weeks of life. In addition, it is categorically contraindicated bispetol during pregnancy and feeding. Sulfamethoxazole and trimethopris perfectly penetrate the placental barrier. High doses of bispetol components are found in breast milk. Consequently, pregnant and lactating women will have to pick up other, safer antibacterial agents.

In addition, Biseptol is contraindicated to patients with severe diseases of the internal organs: liver, kidneys, as well as bleeding disorders.

Separately, I would like to note as a contraindication individual sensitivity to sulfanyamide drugs. The probability of an individual reaction is usually extremely small and possible in sensitized patients. Be careful when taking Biseptol, if you have ever already had allergic reactions to medicines (for example, an allergic runny nose). To the same patients who have had any manifestations of the sensitivity to streptocid, phthalazol, sulfadimetoxin, bispetol is categorically contraindicated. The probability of allergies in this case is very large!

If at the time of treatment, side effects are noted, it is very important to immediately report this to the doctor.

When bispetol does not work?

I would especially like to note that with an angina caused by beta hemolytic streptococcus, Biseptol is not recommended for use. The fact is that the strains of hemolytic streptococcus group A is almost completely resistant to sulfonamide means. For a long period of treatment with antibacterial drugs, microorganisms were formed, on which sulfamethoxazole does not have a bactericidal action.

An error in the selection of the drug with tonsillitis can lead to the emergence of complications, especially in young children. Therefore, it is necessary to inspect and consult a doctor: to distinguish streptococcal angina from staphylococcal, only by a specialist.

Question of choice, or how to replace Biseptol?

The pharmaceutical market is usually saturated with analogues that can be fully replaced by the drug. Often, even a doctor is difficult to understand the abundance of different medicines. A person who is not related to medicine, an excessive abundance of analogs or generics can be in a dead end. Let's try to figure out what can be replaced by Biseptol in Russia.

Most often in pharmacies, it is Biseptol in pill tablets and a children's suspension of Poland. A fairly common preparation of the French company Senexi Bactrim also is also not inferior as an original medium. The Russian Firm Pharmstandard produces a cheaper bispetol analogue in tablets and suspensions - co-trimoxazole in a dose of 480 mg and 240 mg, respectively. Drugs under the same name produced other Russian pharmaceutical enterprises. All of them are distinguished by a democratic price.

The remaining modern bispetol analogues are extremely rare. Sometimes pharmacies offer a very high-quality Dutch bi-septin in tablets (manufacturer of naturprodukt) and septrine, produced by the world-famous English concern Glaxo.

Dosage form: & nbspconcentrate for the preparation of the solution for infusion Structure:

Active substances: Sulfamethoxazole 80.00 mg + trinmetrium 16.00 mg

Excipients: propylene glycol 400.00 mg, ethyl alcohol 96% 100.00 mg, alcohol gasoline 15.00 mg, sodium disulfite (E223) 1.00 mg, sodium hydroxide 12.63 mg, sodium hydroxide 10% solution to pH 9.5 - 11.0, water for injection up to 1 ml.

1 ampule (5 ml) contains 400 mg of sulfamethoxazole and 80 mg of trimethopril. Description: Transparent colorless or slightly yellowish liquid. Pharmacotherapeutic Group:Antimicrobial means combined. ATH: & NBSP

J.01.E.E.01 Co-trimoxazole [sulfamethoxazole in combination with trimethoprim]


Biseptol is a combined antibacterial agent containing co-trimoxazole - a mixture in proportion 5: 1 sulfamethoxazole and trimethopris. Sulfamethoxazole inhibits folic acid synthesis by competitive antagonism with para-aminobenzoic acid, i.e. It has a bacteriostatic action.

Timetoprix is \u200b\u200ban inhibitor of bacterial dihydrofolate-hydroatase. Depending on the conditions, it can have a bactericidal or bacteriostatic action. Thus, trimethopris and sulfamethoxazole block two consecutive stages of purines biosynthesis, and then nucleic acids necessary for numerous bacteria.

Biseptol is a bactericidal preparation of a wide range of action, active in relation to the following microorganisms:Streptococcus SPP. (Streptococcus Pneumoniae), Staphylococcus SPP., NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS, NEISSERIA GONORRHOEAE, ESCHERICHIA COLI (including enterotoxogenic strains).Salmonella SPP. (including Salmonella Typhi and Salmonella Paratyphi), Vibrio Cholerae, Bacillus Anthracis, Haemophilus Influenzae (including ampicillically resistant strains),Listeria SPP., Nocardia Asteroides, Bordetella Pertussis, Enterococcus Faecalis, Klebsiella SPP., Proteus SPP., Pasteurella SPP., Francisella Tularensis. Brucella SPP., Mycobacterium SPP. (including Mycobacterium Leprae), Citrobacter, Enterobacter SPP., Legionella Pneumophila, Providencia, some kinds of Pseudomonas (except Pseudomonas Aeruginosa), Serratia Marcescens, Shigella SPP., Yersinia SPP., Morganella SPP., Pneumocystis Carinii; Chlamydia SPP. (including chlamydia trachomatis, chlamydia psittaci); Simplest: Plasmodium SPP., TOXOPLASMA GONDII, pathogenic mushrooms:Actinomyces Israelii, Coccidioides Immitis, Histoplasma Capsulatum, Leishmania SPP.

Resistant to the preparation:Corynebacterium SPP., Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Treponema SPP., Leptospira SPP.,viruses.
Pharmacokinetics:The maximum concentration of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, determined after one hour, is higher and is achieved faster in intravenous administration, compared with the concentration obtained by taking the drug inside. Meaningfuldifferences relating to plasma concentrations, half-life and elimination period after the administration of co-trimoxazole in oral and intravenous form are not established. Timetoprix is \u200b\u200bweak alkali (RCA \u003d 7.3) with lipophilic properties. The concentration of trimethopril in the tissues is higher than the concentration determined in the plasma, especially high in lungs and kidneys. Higher concentrations of trimethopril compared with the plasma are observed in bile, liquids and tissues of the prostate gland, sputum, vaginal discharge. The concentration of trimethopril in breast milk, cerebrospinal fluid, the secrete of the middle ear, synovial fluid, intracellular fluid (interstitial) correspond to the concentrations necessary for antibacterial action. Trimethoprium penetrates the oily water and fetal fabrics, reaching there concentrations close to the concentration observed in the serum of the mother's blood.

Approximately 50% trimethopril binds to plasma proteins. The half-life in persons with normal kidney function ranges from 8.6 to 17 hours. No significant differences are noted in elderly people compared to young patients.

Timetoprix is \u200b\u200bexcreted mainly by the kidneys - approximately 50% unchanged for 24 hours with urine. In the urine several metabolites trimethopris are identified.

Sulfamethoxazole is a weak acid with an RCA \u003d 6.0. The concentration of the active form of sulfamethoxazole in the oily-free fluid, bile, cerebrospinal fluid, the secrete of the middle ear, sputum, synovial fluid, intracellularthe liquid is from 20 to 50% sulfamethoxazole located in plasma.

Approximately 66% sulfamethoxazole binds to plasma proteins. Period

semi-exploration in persons with normal kidney function ranges from 9 to 11 hours. In persons with a violation of the kidney function of changes in the value of the half-life of the active form of sulfamethoxazole, it is not established, but there is an elongation of the half-life of the main acetylated metabolite in the event that creatinine clearance is less than 25 ml / min.

Sulfamethoxazole is derived, primarily by the kidneys, from 15 to 30% of the administered dose is found in the urine in active form. In elderly patients, there is a decrease in the renal clearance of sulfamethoxazole. Indications:

Infectious inflammatory diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to co-trimoxazole:

- urinary infections: urinary tract infections, soft chance;

- respiratory infections: chronic bronchitis, treatment and prophylaxis of pneumonia caused byPneumocystis jiroveci. (earlier R. carinii.) (RSR);

- eNT infections: medium otitis (in children);

Infections J. CT: abdominal typhoid and paratif, cholera, dysentery, gastroenteritis caused by enterotoxic strainsEscherichia coli;

Other bacterial infections: nocardiosis, brucellosis, actinomycosis, South American blastomycosis, toxoplasmosis.

Biseptol 480 should be applied in cases where the oral medication is impossible (or not recommended), or, according to the doctor, it is necessary to use a drug containing two antibacterial ingredients.


- Hypersensitivity to sulfanimamides, trimethopril, co-trimoxazole or any auxiliary component of the drug;

- serious damage to the liver parenchyma;

- severe renal failure (QC less than 15 ml / min);

- liver failure;

- hematological disorders: Aplastic anemia, in 12-deficient anemia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficit;

- the administration of the drug with diagnosed porphyria or patients, who have a risk of developing acute porphyria, because The drug can strengthen the symptoms of this disease;

- children's age up to 3 years (except for the treatment or prevention of pneumonia caused byPneumocystis jiroveci.);

- pregnancy and lactation period.

Carefully:Care must be taken when the bispetol is assigned to 480 patients with a folic acid deficiency (for example, persons with alcoholic dependence,

treatment with anticonvulsants, with Malabsorption syndrome and older people); patients with bronchial asthma and severe allergy form; Patients with diseases of the circulatory system and respiratory system, because After the introduction of high doses, excessive hydration may come; Patients with thyroid disease. Special care is recommended in elderly patients, since this group is more susceptible to side effects and more sensitly expressed side effects, especially with accompanying diseases, for example, renal failure and (or) disorders of the liver function and receiving other drugs.

Pregnancy and lactation:

Do not prescribe the drug during pregnancy and in the period of breastfeeding.

Method of use and dose:Intravenously drip.

Biseptol 480, concentrate for the preparation of the solution for infusions, is intended

only for intravenous administration, and it should be breeded immediately before use.After the introduction of the drug Biseptol 480 to the solution for infusion, the mixture is necessary to vigorously shake in order to completely mix.If the sediment is detected or the appearance of crystals before mixing or during infusion, the mixture should be destroyed and prepared new.

1 ampoule (5 ml) of the preparation of Biseptol 480 V 125 ml of infusion solution;

2 ampoules (10 ml) of the preparation of bisptol 480 in 250 ml of solution for infusion;

3 ampoules (15 ml) of the preparation of Biseptol 480 in 500 ml of solution for infusion.

It is allowed to use the following solutions for infusion for breeding the preparation of Biseptol 480:

- 5% and 10% dextrose solution;

- 0.9% sodium chloride solution;

- ringer's solution;

- 0.45% Sodium chloride solution with 2.5% dextrose solution.

Prepared solution for infusion drug Biseptol 480 should not be mixed with other drugs or different from the above solutions for infusion.

The duration of infusion should be approximately 60 to 90 minutes and depends on the degree of patient hydration. If the patient is contraindicated to the introduction of a large amount of fluid, it is allowed to use a higher concentration of co-trimoxazole - 5 ml in 75 ml of 5% dextrose. Unused solution should be pulled out.

Acute infections

Adults and children over the age of 12: usually used 2 ampoules (10 ml) every 12 hours.

Children aged 3 to 12 years old: at the rate of 30 mg of sulfamethoxazole and 6 mgtrimethopril on kg body weight per day, in 2 administration.

Dosing diagram Biseptol 480 (before administration, the drug should be diluted as described above):

- children aged 3 to 5 years: 2.5 ml every 12 hours.

- children aged 6 to 12 years : 5 ml every 12 hours.

In the case of very severe infections in all age groups, the dose can be increased by 50%.

Treatment should be carried out for at least five days or within two days after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.

Patients with renal failure: in the case of adults and children over 12 years old (data regarding children under the age of 12 are missing) with renal failure, the dosing of the drug should be modified depending on the clearance of creatinine.

If the overall concentrationsulfamethoxazole exceeds 150 μg / ml, treatment should be discontinued until a concentration decreases less than 120 μg / ml.

Pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis Jiroveci (Earlier R. Carinii)


At the rate of 100 mg of sulfamethoxazole and 20 mg of trimethoprim per kg of body weight per day in 2 or more divided doses. At the first opportunity, the patient must switch to the oral shape of the drug. The course of treatment should not exceed 14 days. The goal of therapy is to achieve the maximum concentration of trimethopril in plasma, greater than or equal to 5 μg / ml (determined in patients receiving the drug intravenously drip within an hour).


Normal dosing (intravenously or inside (in the appropriate dosage form), if possible) during the entire time of exposure to risk.Toxoplasmosis

For prevention, the same dosing is assumed as for the prevention of RSR (pneumonia caused byPneumocystis jiroveci.).

Side effects:

From the central nervous system: Headache, apathy, tremor, aseptic meningitis, convulsions, neuritis, ataxia, dizziness, noise in the ears, depression, hallucinations.

From the respiratory system: Bronchospasm, cough, superficial breathing, pulmonary infiltrates.

From the digestive system: gastritis, abdominal pain, cholestasis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomatitis, pseudo-membrane colitis, hepatitis cholestatic, increase in the activity of "liver" transaminases, hyperbilirubinemia, liver necrosis, glossitis, pancreatitis.

On the part of the blood formation organs: leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, hypoprothrombinemia, agranulocytosis, interregional anemia, aplastic anemia, hemolytic anemia, methemoglobinemia, eosinophilia, purpura, hemolysis in hypersensitive patients with glucose-6-phosphatehedro-genyase deficiency.

From the urinary system: Polyuria, crystalluria, hematuria, increased urea content, hyperotineinemia, toxic nephropathy with oliginia and Anuria, impaired kidney function, interstitial jade.

From the musculoskeletal system: arthralgia, Malgy.

From the immune system: Serum disease, anaphylactic reactions, allergic myocarditis, vasomotor rhinitis, medication fever,hemorrhagic Vasculitis (Shengle Genoch), nodule periaterite, systemic red lupus.

From the side of the skin and subcutaneous fiber: skin rash,photosensibilization, exfoliative dermatitis, resistant drug rash, polymorphic erythema, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necroliz (Layella Syndrome), Schler's swelling, flushing Scler.

Violation of metabolism and alumens: Hypercalemia, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, anorexia.

Local reactions: thrombophlebitis, pain in the place of administration.


Symptoms : nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, confusion of consciousness. With a heavy form of overdose, Trimethopris marked the depression of the bone marrow.

Treatment: If side effects occur, immediately cancel the drug. Introduction of fluid, correction of electrolyte disorders. If necessary, hemodialysis. Interaction:

Co-trimoxazole compatible with the following drugs: 5% for in / in infusions, 0.9% for in / in infusions, mixture 0.18% sodium chloride and 4% dextrose for in / in infusions, 6% dextran 70 for / In infusions in 5% dextrose or physiological solution, 10% Dextran 40 for in / in infusionat 5% dextrose or physiological solution, Ringer's solution for injection.

In patients with elderly, Biseptol in combination with diuretics, in particular with thiazide diuretics, increases the risk of thrombocytopenia. Simultaneous use with cyclosporine reduces its concentration in the blood.

The drug is not to introduce intravenously in combination with drugs and solutions containing bicarbonates.

Increases the anticoagulant activity of indirect anticoagulants, enhances the effect of hypoglycemic agents and methotrexate. Reduces the intensity of the hepatic metabolism of phenytin (lengthens it T1 / 2 by 39%) and warfarin, reinforcing their effect.With the simultaneous use of co-trimoxazole and rifampicin during the week there is a reduction in the half-life of Trimethopril.

In patients with preventive receiving (antimalarial means) in doses exceeding 25 mg / week, in the treatment of co-trimoxazole, cases of the development of megaloblastic anemia are noted. It is not recommended to use combination therapy of this type.

With the simultaneous use of co-trimoxazole and zidovudine, the risk of developing hematological disorders increases, and therefore blood tests should be carried out. Increases serum concentrations of digoxin, especially in elderly patients (control) of serum digoxin concentrations.

Reduce the therapeutic effect of co-trimoxazole, and other drugs, as a result of the hydrolysis of which PABK is formed.

Between diuretics (thiazids, etc.) and oral hypoglycemic drugs (sulfonylurevine derivatives) on one side and antimicrobial sulfonamides on the other - it is possible to develop a cross-allergic reaction. , Barbiturates, Pasca enhance the manifestations of folic acid deficiency.

In patients taking cyclosporins (for example, after kidney transplantation), a transient deterioration of the kidney function was observed in the treatment of co-trimoxazole.

With the simultaneous use of co-trimoxazole and procainamide or amantadine, an increase in the concentration of blood serum listed drugs may occur.

Salicylic acid derivatives reinforce the action of co-trimoxazole.

Ascorbic acid, hexamethyleneteremin and other drugs whining urine increases the risk of crystalluria.

Co-trimoxazole reduces the reliability of oral contraception (inhibits the intestinal microflora and reduces the intestinal and hepatic circulation of hormonal compounds).

Special instructions:

During the use of the drug, proper diuresis should be maintained. In exhausted patients, the risk of sulfonamide crystals is increasing.

In the case of long-term administration of the drug, it is recommended to regularly carry out laboratory tests of blood, since there is a likelihood of hematological changes associated with a deficiency of folic acid.

After applying the drug, diarrhea may appear, which can be a symptom of pseudommabranous colitis. It is necessary to stop the use of the drug and cancel the antiodearia.

Preparation of Biseptol 480 should not be used in the treatment of pharyngitis caused by beta-hemolytic streptococci groups A.

Care should be taken in patients using other drugs that can cause hypercalemia, including potassium-saving diuretics.

In the event of the first symptoms of the skin, the use of the drug should be discontinued.

Considering the content of benzyl alcohol in the Biseptol 480 preparation (15 mg of benzyl alcohol in 1 ml of solution), the drug should not be used in premature and infants. Benzyl alcohol can cause intoxication and anaphylactoid reactions in infants and children under the age of 3 years.

Impact on the ability to control the transc. cf. And Meh.:

During the period of treatment, care must be taken when driving vehicles and the occupation of potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Release form / Dosage:

Concentrate for the preparation of a solution for infusions (80.00 mg + 16.00 mg) / ml.

Packaging: 5 ml in ampoules of colorless hydrolytic glass (class 1, Heb. Farm). Over the place of the notch ampoules is a point of white or red, as well as a strip in the shape of a rings of yellow. 5 ampoules are placed in the pallet for ampoules from PVC. Two pallets in a cardboard pack with instructions for use. Storage conditions:Store in a blue-protected place when Representation: & NBSPAkrichin OJSC
Russia Date of updating information: & NBSP13.02.2017 Illustrated instructions

Medical Instructions





International non-proprietary title

Dosage form

Suspension for oral administration 240 mg / 5 ml 80 ml


100 ml of suspension contain

active substances: trimethoprim 0.8 g,

sulfamethoxazole 4.0 g

excipients: Makroogol Glycerilhydroxyistearate, magnesium aluminosilicate, sodium carmellosis, lemon monohydrate acid, sodium hydrophosphate Dodecahydrate, methyl aprichedroxybenzoate, propyl paragirroxybenzoate, maltitol, sodium saccharinate, strawberry flavor, propylene glycol, water purified.


White or light cream suspension with strawberry smell.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Antimicrobial preparations for system use.

Sulfanimamides in combination with trimethoprim and its derivatives.

PBX code J01EE01

Pharmacological properties


After taking inside in the therapeutic dose, the active substances quickly and almost completely (90%) are absorbed in the upper segment of the small intestine and already after 60 minutes. Reach the therapeutic concentration in the blood and tissues, which is preserved for 12 hours. The maximum concentrations of active substances in blood plasma are achieved in 1-4 hours. The connection with plasma proteins is 66% in sulfamethoxazole and 45% in Trimethopris. The drug is well distributed in the body.

The drug penetrates his mother's milk and through a placental barrier. Sulfamethoxazole and Timetoprix are metabolized in the liver.

The half-life varies from 10 to 12 hours.


Biseptol is a chemotherapeutic combined drug containing sulfamethoxazole and diaminepyridine derivative - trimethoprium in a ratio of 5: 1. Sulfamethoxazole disrupts the disposal of para-aminobenzoic acid, and therefore, the synthesis of dihydrofoliic acid. Timetoprix inhibits an enzyme that is involved in the conversion of dihydrofolate into active tetrahydrofolate. The combination of both components allowed to obtain a bactericidal action. Biseptol is active against gram-positive bacteria: streptococci (Streptococcus Pneumoniae, S. Agalactiae, S. Viridans), Staphilococci Staphylococcus Aureus, Staphylococcus Epidermidis), Listeria monocytogenes, Nocardia Asteroides and gram-negative, including most sticks Enterobacteriaceae. (views Salmonella, Shigella, Klebsiella, Proteus Mirabilis, Enterobacter., part of strains Escherichia Coli.), part of strains H.INFLUENZAE, Legionella SPP., Yersinia Enterocolitica, Brucella SPP., NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS, NEISSERIA gonorrhoeaeas well as Pneumocystis Carinii.. To the drug is stable sticks ( Mycobacteriaceae), viruses, most anaerobic bacteria and mushrooms.

Indications for use

Respiratory infections - exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, treatment and prevention (primary and secondary) pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis Carinii. in adults and children

Sinusitis, acute middle otitis

Infections of the gastrointestinal tract: abdominal typhoid and paratif, bacterial dysentery (shgelles), diarrhea, cholera.

Acute and chronic infections of the urinary system and prostate gland (urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis)


Brucellosis, osteomyelitis, nocardiosis, actinomycosis, toxoplasmosis and

south American Blastomicosis (a combination of other


Method of application and dose

The drug is taken inward during or immediately after eating with a large amount of liquid.

Before use, shake up to obtain a homogeneous suspension.

5 ml of suspension contains 200 mg of sulfamethoxazole and 40 mg of trimethod.

The packaging attached a measuring cap with a scale.

Children typically use 6 mg of trimethopril and 30 mg of sulfamethoxazole per 1 kg of body weight per day. With severe dose infections, you can increase by 50%.


from 3 months

up to 6 months

from 7 months

from 4 years of life

from 7 years of life

Adults and children over 12 years old - usually 20 ml, every 12 hours. Maximum dose (for use in particularly severe cases) - 30 ml of suspension every 12 hours.

With acute infections, Biseptol should be taken at least 5 days or until the symptoms in the patient are not absent within 2 days. If after 7 days of treatment of clinical improvement does not occur, the state of the patient should be rented for possible correction.

With infections caused Pneumocystis Carinii -120 mg / kg / day, every 6 hours for 14-21 days.

The course of treatment with urinary tract infection and acute otitis - 10 days, shgells - 5 days.

Patients with impaired kidney function

When creatinine clearance\u003e 30 ml / min prescribed a regular dose, when creatinine clearance from 15 to 30 ml / min - half of the usual dose, and with a decrease in creatinine clearance to<15 мл/мин применять Бисептол не рекомендуется.

Side effects

Typically, the drug is well tolerated.

Frequency is not known

Nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, diarrhea, abdominal pain, gastritis, stomatitis, glossite

Leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia

Increase temperature, trembling

Rash, urticaria, much less often polymorphic erythema, itching

Pseudommbranous enterocolit


The reactions of hypersensitivity, which manifest themselves in the form of an increase in body temperature, angioedema edema, anaphyactoid reactions - easy infiltrates by type of eosinophilic, allergic alveolitis with coughing or shortness of breath

Reversible hypercalemia, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia

Headache, dizziness, hallucinations, sleep disorder, depression

Neuropathy (including peripheral neuritis and paresthesia)

Increased activity of transaminases and bilirubin concentrations, hepatitis, cholestasis, liver necrosis


Violation of the kidney function, interstitial jade, raising nitrogen

blood urea, serum creatinine, crystalluria, increase diurea, especially in patients with heartfelt edema

In isolated cases

Agranulocytosis, pancytopenia, megaloblastic anemia, hemolytic, methemoglobinemia

Nodular periaryitis, allergic myocarditis

Aseptic meningitis

Purple Shenglin Genoch


Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

Layella syndrome

Arthralgia, Malgy


Increased sensitivity to sulfonylamide, trimethopmis and / or

to other components of the drug

Simultaneous reception with dfethylide

Pronounced violations of the liver or kidney function (creatinine clearance

below 15 ml / min)

Megaloblastic anemia due to folic acid deficiency

Treatment of Streptococcal Angina

Pregnancy and lactation period

Children's age up to 3 months

Medicinal interactions

Biseptol used simultaneously with diuretics, especially from the group of thiazid, increases the possibility of a derivation of blood flowing. It may extend prothrombin time in patients receiving anticoagulants (for example, warfarin).

Enhances the effect of antidiabetic products, sulfonylurea derivatives.

The phenytoin metabolism inhibits in the liver (increases its half-life to 39%). It may also increase the concentration of free methotrexate in blood plasma (increases the release of methotrexate from its connections with proteins).

Like other sulfoniamides, the bispetol can potentiate the effect of oral sugar preparations from the sulfonylurea group.

With the simultaneous purpose of biseptol patients who receive pyrimetamine to prevent malaria in doses of more than 25 mg per week, they may develop megaloblastic anemia.

In patients receiving bispetol and cyclosporin after kidney transplantation, a reversible deterioration of the kidney function may be observed, manifested by an increase in creatinine levels.

With simultaneous reception with bispetol, it is necessary to reduce the dose of indomethacin.

It is possible to increase the serum concentration of digoxin, especially in the elderly patients, while receiving with Biseptol.

With the simultaneous use of bispetol and zidovudine, the risk of hematological disorders is possible. If necessary, the use of bispetol and zidovudine should be controlled by the picture of the blood.

The effectiveness of tricyclic antidepressants can decrease when taking with bispetol.

Laboratory research

Biseptol may affect the results of determining the concentration of methotrexate in serum by competitive binding with proteins, when bacterial dihydrofolatide is used as a ligand. When determining the methotrexate, the radiimmune method of distortion does not occur.

Biseptol can disrupt creatinine definition reaction using alkaline pycrinate Jaffe (increases creatinine levels of approximately 10%).

special instructions

In patients of elderly and senile age, as well as with concomitant diseases of the liver and kidney or at the same time, the reception of other drugs there is a higher risk of developing heavy allergic reactions, such as Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, Liella Syndrome and acute liver necrosis. To reduce the risk, such reactions, the treatment of Biseptol should be as short as possible, especially in the elderly.

With the first appearance of the skin rash or any other severe side reaction, the drug should be canceled. Patients with a tendency to allergic reactions and with bronchial asthma Biseptol should be prescribed with caution.

With the duration of the course of therapy more than 14 days and / or increase the dose of the drug, it is necessary to control the picture of peripheral blood; With the appearance of pathological changes, the appointment of folic acid should be taken into account.

In senior patients, as well as patients with folic acid deficiency or renal failure, hematological changes may occur, characteristic of lack of folic acid.

When prescribing bispetol patients who already receive anticoagulants, it should be remembered for the possible enhancement of an antosvetling effect. In such cases, it is necessary to re-identify the time of blood coagulation.

The drug should not be prescribed to patients with hereditary intolerance to fructose.

Patients, long-term treatment with Biseptol (especially with renal failure), it is necessary to regularly make a general analysis of urine and control the kidney function. During treatment, it is necessary to ensure sufficient flow of fluid to the body adequate diuresis to prevent crystalluria.

Due to the possibility of hemolysis to patients with a deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase, Biseptol is prescribed only by absolute indications and in minimal doses.

We need to be careful in patients with porphyria or disruption of the thyroid function.

In patients receiving bispetol in high doses, you need to regularly monitor serum potassium content. Large doses of bispetol, which are used in the treatment of pneumatic pneumonia, can lead to a progressive, but reversible increase in serum potassium content in a significant number of patients. Hypercalemia can even cause the reception of recommended doses of bispetol if it is prescribed against the background of violations of potassium metabolism, renal failure, or simultaneous reception of drugs provoking hyperkalemia.

When treating large doses, Biseptola should take into account the possibility of the development of hypoglycemia, usually a few days after the start of treatment. The risk of hypoglyclemi is higher in patients with impaired kidney function, liver diseases, insufficient nutrition.

Features of the influence of the medicinal product on the ability to control the vehicle or potentially hazardous mechanisms

It should be limited to performing work requiring high speed of mental and physical reactions and driving a car, in case of such side effects, as: headache, dizziness, drowsiness and hallucinations


Symptoms of acute overdose: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, loss of consciousness, fever, impairment, disorientation, crystalluria, hematuria and anouria.

Symptoms of chronic overdose:infertility of blood formation (thrombocytopenia, leukopenia), as well as other pathological changes in blood pattern due to folinic acid deficiency.

Treatment (Depending on the symptoms): Preventing further absorption of the drug (for example, the reception of activated carbon), an increase in renal excretion by the forced diurea, hemodialysis (peritoneal dialysis is ineffective). It is necessary to control the blood formula and the content of electrolytes. To eliminate the hematotoxic effect, calcium folinate can be prescribed in a dose of 5-15 mg per day before the restoration of normal hematopoease.

Release form and packaging

80 ml of the drug is placed in the bottles of orange glass with a white polyethylene lid. 1 bottle together with the instructions for medical use in public Russian languages \u200b\u200band a measuring cup with a scale are packaged in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions

Store in the original packaging at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Storage term

After the first opening of the package - 8 months.

Do not use after the expiration date.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

On prescription


"MEDA Pharma" JSC

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Owner of the registration certificate

"Himfarm" AO, Kazakhstan

Address of the organization hosting on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan consultations from consumers for product quality (product)

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E-mail address [Email Protected]

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Biseptol is a combined antibacterial drug used in the treatment of a wide range of diseases.

Pharmacological effect Biseptol

The active components of bispetol have a pronounced antibacterial effect:

  • Sulfamethoxazole contributes to the violation of the synthesis of dihydrofoliic acid in bacterial cells;
  • Timetoprix, reinforcing the effect of sulfamethoxazole, disrupts the reduction of dihydrofoliic acid into the active form of folic acid, which is responsible for dividing the microbial cell and protein metabolism.

Bispetol, according to the instructions, is a bactericidal agent of a wide range of action and is active in relation to most aerobic bacteria, simplest and pathogenic fungi.

The medicine is shown by viruses, as well as Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, CoryNebacterium SPP., Treponema SPP., Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Leptospira SPP ..

The duration of the bispetol rendered is 7 hours.

Form release

Biseptol is released in the form:

  • Round yellowish tablets with "BS" engraving containing 2 active components - sulfamethoxazole and trimethopris. 120 and 480 mg, 20 tablets per pack;
  • Concentrate for the preparation of the solution for infusions (bispetol 480) in ampoules of 5 ml;
  • Oral suspension with a strawberry smell that does not contain sugar.

The analogues of bispetol on active ingredients are Bactrim, Bi-Septin, Briffideptol, Metosulfabol, Twispetol, co-trimoxazole.

An analogue of bispetol according to the mechanism of action - sulfath in the form of tablets and injection solutions.

Indications for the use of bispetol

According to the manufacturer's instructions, the bispetol is prescribed for therapeutic therapy of infectious inflammatory diseases that are caused by microorganisms sensitive to medicine, namely:

  • Infections of the urogenital system, including urethritis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, salpingitis;
  • Various respiratory tract infections, including pneumonia, bronchitis, lung abscess, emmps of pleura;
  • Gonorrhea;
  • Otitis, sinusitis;
  • Infections of soft tissues and leather, including piedermic, furunculosis;
  • Infections of the gastrointestinal tract, including abdominal paratif, typhoid, bacterial cholera, dysentery, diarrhea.

Contraindications for use

Medication Biseptol, according to the instructions, is contraindicated to apply when:

  • Pronounced violations of kidney functions;
  • Established damage to the liver parenchyma;
  • Severe blood diseases, including B12 deficient anemia, aplastic anemia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, megaloblastic anemia, as well as anemia associated with folic acid deficiency;
  • Renal failure of severe;
  • Deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • Hyperbilirubinemia in children;
  • Lactation;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the medication and to sulfanimamides.

The use of bispetol tablets is contraindicated in pediatrics up to 3 years. Biseptol 480 and the medicine in the form of a suspension should not be used in children up to 2 months of life.

In addition, Biseptol should be used with caution at:

  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Folic acid deficiency in the body;
  • Thyroid diseases.

Method of application and dosage

According to the instructions, the dosage of bispetol is established individually. Accept the medication should be taken before meals.

Children's dosage of bispetol depends on age. For 3-5 years, 2 tablets are usually prescribed (120 mg), for children 6-12 years old - twice as much. Multiplicity of reception - twice a day.

Adults and adolescents from 12 years, as a rule, are prescribed 2 tablets of bispetol (480 mg) twice a day. The duration of treatment is usually varied from 5 to 14 days.

In the treatment of chronic infections, the doctor may increase the standard dosage by 30-50%. During long-term therapy, two times the dose of the medication is usually taken.

Biseptol 480 is introduced intravenously drip. The solution for infusion is prepared immediately before administration. Fast intravenous injections Biseptol 480 are not recommended.

The adult dose is 960 mg of bispetol 480 every 12 hours. Children's dose are calculated based on body weight.

In case of overdose, the following symptoms can develop with bispetol:

  • Intestinal colic;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Vomiting;
  • Nausea;
  • Headache;
  • Jaundice;
  • Dizziness;
  • Crystalluria;
  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Hematuria;
  • Fever.

Drug interaction Biseptol.

The joint use of bispetol with thiazide diuretics increases the risk of bleeding and thrombocytopenia.

The efficiency of bispetol reduce plot, benzocaine and procainamide.

The risk of developing a cross-allergic reaction increases with the simultaneous use of bispetol with diuretics and oral hypoglycemic agents.

To strengthen the manifestation of a folic acid deficiency, the simultaneous use of medication with barbiturates, phenytio and PASC is obtained.

The increase in the effect of bispetol is possible with a combination with solicylic acid derivatives.

The risk of crystallurium development increases with simultaneous administration of a medication with ascorbic acid, hexamethylenetetramine and other means that score urine.

Biseptol, according to the instructions, can reduce the effectiveness of tricyclic antidepressants.

Side effects of Biseptol.

According to the instructions, Biseptol in most cases is moved well, but on the background of concomitant diseases or in the presence of hypersensitivity, the following side effects may occur to active ingredients:

  • Tremor, headache, apathy, dizziness, depression, aseptic meningitis, peripheral neurites (central and peripheral nervous systems);
  • Abdominal pain, nausea, glossite, vomiting, stomatitis, decline in appetite, diarrhea, gastritis, cholestasis, hepatitis, pancreatitis (digestive system);
  • Choosing, bronchospasm, pulmonary infiltrates, cough (respiratory system);
  • Hypercalemia, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia (metabolism);
  • Neutropenia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia, megaloblastic anemia, hypoprothrombinemia, aplastic anemia, methemoglobinemia (bleale system);
  • Malgia, Arthralgia (Kostommuscular System);
  • Interstitial nephritis, violation of the function of the kidneys, polyuria, hematuria, crystalluria (urinary system).

The most frequent allergic reactions developing when using bispetol include:

  • Angioedema edema;
  • Hives;
  • Allergic myocarditis;
  • Drug Fever;
  • Photosensibilization;
  • Increasing body temperature;
  • Multiform exudative erythema;
  • Rash;
  • Exfoliative dermatitis;
  • Toxic epidermal necroliz;
  • Schler hyperemia.

Conditions and shelf life

Biseptol refers to antibacterial medicines, leave from pharmacies which is allowed only by medical destination. The storage period of bispetol in tablets and bispetol 480 subject to the necessary storage conditions - 5 years, suspension - 3 years.

Receiving funds that have a strong antibacterial effect allows to eliminate diseases whose pathogens are pathogenic fungi, the simplest organisms, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Biseptol tablets - a drug with a bactericidal action: it provokes the death of a microbial cell due to the blocking of folic acid synthesis, without which it loses the ability to divide. This drug does not apply to the antibiotics group. Biseptol is produced in the form of tablets, syrup and suspension. The two recently mentioned forms are usually recommended for the treatment of children. Each dosage form has features of the reception and dosage, so before starting treatment it is necessary to obtain an exhaustive consultation of a specialist. Attention should be paid: the medication is released by the prescription.

Biseptol - a preparation with an extensive range of action belongs to the group of bactericides. It is prescribed to eliminate microbes that generate infectious diseases

Characteristic of the drug

Biseptol tablets - a combined drug, which is characterized by a wide range of action. It contains sulfamethoxazole, which disrupts the synthesis necessary for the development of acid bacteria, as well as trimethoprim - a substance that enhances the effect of the first active component and prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Biseptol is effective in many pathologies, the effect is manifested soon - on the second day of treatment there is an improvement in the state

This medicine is active in relation to such pathogens as:

  • gonococci;
  • meningococci;
  • chlamydia;
  • salmonella;
  • intestinal wand;
  • some kinds of fungi.

Note! Biseptol does not act on viruses, so it is not used in order to treat viral diseases. The drug is also not active with respect to pathogens and leptospirosis, a cinema stick, spirochete.

This medication is produced not only in the form of tablets - bispetol suspension, syrup and ampoules containing concentrate are also available. Biseptol Suspension is suitable for children; The drug contained in ampoules is used exclusively during inpatient treatment under the control of medical personnel.

Tablets and other forms of the medicine are quickly absorbed from the stomach, and their active ingredients have the ability to penetrate the tissue and biological fluids of the organism - in the kidneys, almonds, light, bronchial secret, cerebrospinal fluid.

The maximum concentration of the active components of the drug in the blood is observed 60 minutes after its reception.

Indications and contraindications for reception of the drug

Treatment with Bispetol is effective in the treatment of acute infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, the infections of the ENT organs and the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the urinary tract and the organs of the reproductive system. Also, the use of the drug is advisable in skin infections and soft tissues.

Biseptol is prescribed with infectious inflammatory diseases of the blade and sexual system

The following diseases and pathology are indications of the reception of Biseptol:

  • acute and chronic;
  • abscess lung;
  • malaria;
  • scarlet fever;
  • brucellosis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • acne;
  • brain abscess;
  • pyodermia;
  • salmonellosis;
  • typhoid fever;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • cholera.

Even with the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich Biseptol helps, should not take it without the appointment of a doctor. This preparation has some absolute contraindications. These include:

  • children's age up to 3 months (for suspension) or 3 years (for taking tablets);
  • disorders of kidney functions;
  • increased sensitivity to the active ingredients of the medication;
  • period of tooling the fetus and breastfeeding;
  • blood breeding;
  • folic acid deficiency in the body;
  • liver failure;
  • cardiovascular failure.

Note! If the patient had previously observed an allergic reaction to the reception of individual drugs, the Biseptol is prescribed with caution, and the treatment is in this case under special control of the doctor. Also, tablets are prescribed in case of diseases of the thyroid gland, in early and old age.

When the patient is recommended to drink bispetol, it is sure to prevent the likelihood of adverse reactions. Although in most cases this drug is carried by patients well, the following undesirable manifestations may occur:

With long-term reception of high dosages of bispetol, side effects may be more pronounced. Occasionally, serious allergic reactions are recorded, due to the change in the composition of the intestinal microflora
  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • apathy;
  • depression;
  • dizziness;
  • trembling fingers;
  • increased urine released;
  • sense of lack of air;
  • pain in the muscles and joints;
  • temperature increase;
  • chills;
  • skin itch.

Biseptol is contraindicated in patients with severe diseases of internal organs - liver, kidney, as well as bleeding disorders

Side effects, in the event of their occurrence, have weak severity.

Note! Special caution in the treatment of Biseptol must be observed to the elderly, as well as persons suffering from alcoholism or impaired suction of substances.

Biseptol tablets are released in a dosage of 120 and 480 mg. The difference between them is that the first type of drug contains sulfamethoxazole in the amount of 100 mg and trimethopris in the amount of 20 mg; In the preparation with a dosage of 480 mg - 400 mg and 80 mg of substances, respectively.

Each package contains 20 tablets.

Instructions for Tablets Biseptol prescribes the following:

  • reception is carried out after meals;
  • to prevent the formation of crystals in the urine provoking urolithiasis, it is necessary to drink tablets with plenty of water, and throughout the course of treatment drinks at least 2 liters of water in pure form daily;
  • during therapy, restrict the stay under direct ultraviolet rays;
  • when taking tablets, adults and children should limit the consumption of protein food, which reduces the efficiency of the drug;
  • it is important to abandon the use of alcoholic beverages, which not only neutralize the effectiveness of the medication, but can also cause the development of allergic reactions.

Before starting treatment, the specialist should explain to the patient how to take Biseptol. The dosage of the drug depends on the existing disease:

  • Biseptol with cystitis, other diseases of the urinary tract of infectious nature, as well as chronic in adults are taken according to the following scheme: 960 mg of the drug per day, which is 2 tablets in the dosage of 480 mg or 8 tablets in a dosage of 120 mg. Take tablets you need 2 times a day. Biseptol is taken in the same way;
  • the gonor show the reception of 1920-2880 mg of the drug per day. The specified dosage is divided into 3 receptions per day;
  • in diarrhea, it is recommended to take 960 mg of the drug, in two receptions. There should be 12 hours between each of them.

The minimum use of the specified medication is 4 days. It is not recommended to continue therapy for more than 2 weeks, since the long-term use of bispetol provokes a violation of folic acid synthesis, and this, in turn, can lead to - bleeding disorders.

In the treatment, it is important not to exceed the prescribed norm of the drug. Overdose Biseptol can cause the following symptoms:

The overdose of bispetol can strongly affect the overall condition of the patient. This is manifested by frequent headache and dizziness. In some cases - aseptic and depression. With such symptoms it is necessary to consult a doctor
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • fever;
  • pre-corrupt state;
  • blood appearance in the urine;
  • jaundice;
  • depression;
  • blood breeding.

In the appearance of signs of overdose, the patient has assistance in the form of washing the stomach, intramuscular introduction of folinate, urine acidification.

Is it possible to take pills Biseptol to children?

Is it possible to use Biseptol in childhood? If necessary, the admission of the specified drug, Biseptol for children is recommended in the form of a suspension. It can be given to a child aged 3 months. Biseptol syrup is recommended to give aged 1 year. As for the medication in tablets, it can be used, starting from 3 years. Parents often worries the question whether Biseptol is an antibiotic or not. This means does not apply to a group of such drugs, but its application must be discussed with the doctor.

How many milligrams should be the dose of the drug? Instructions for use of bispetol for children involves the following:

  • aged 3 to 5 years old, the daily dose of tablets will be 240 mg (2 tablets with a dosage of 120 mg);
  • children from 6 to 12 years old are given 480 mg of the drug per day (4 tablets of 120 mg or 1 in the dosage of 480 mg);
  • aged 12 years and older, permissible daily dose can reach 960 mg per day. Daily reception is divided by 2 times.

When taking Biseptol, child parents are important to control his condition. When adverse reactions appear, you must immediately contact a specialist. Under the advice of the doctor, you can supplement treatment with vitamin and biologically active additives, which soften the negative effect of the drug to the work of the intestine and the kidneys.


Analogues of the drug Biseptol 480 on the active substance are:

  • Bactrim;
  • Dispon;
  • Intrimes;
  • Catrimoxazole;
  • Trimepsol;
  • Cyplin;
  • Orifim;
  • Duo-septol;
  • Kotrifarm;
  • Berlocide;
  • Bisutrim.

The price of Biseptol is from 27 to 40 rubles per package of tablets with a dosage of 120 mg and from 80 to 110 rubles - for packing tablets with a dosage of 480 mg.

The drug is released exclusively by the doctor's prescription and is accepted according to its instructions.

To all Who Applies Biseptol 480: Instructions for the use of the specified drug must be carefully studied! The dosage prescribed by the doctor, in no case should be exceeded, otherwise there is a significant risk of developing side effects.