The composition of the vaccine against hepatitis B. Viral hepatitis: against what type of vaccination is carried out. Rules of behavior after vaccination against hepatitis in

23.07.2020 Popular treatment

High cost of treatment of patients (inferior only tetanus and polio) and a large social meaning Diseases give reason to consider the prevention of hepatitis in the primary task. The most promising means in the fight against the disease is the vaccination from hepatitis newborns, children, adolescents and adults from risk groups. In case of contact with the material infected with HBV viruses, emergency prevention is carried out.

The main measures of the prevention of the disease are:

  • Inactivation of the virus.
  • Preventing new cases of the disease.
  • Immunoprophylaxis (active and passive immunization).

Viral hepatitis B is a highly disabled infectious disease, widespread in all countries of the world. The disease annually carries life hundreds of thousands of patients. Its distribution contributes to the multiplicity of transmission paths, high resistance of viruses in the external environment and universal susceptibility of the population of all ages to infection.

Fig. 1. In the photo Viral particles HBV.

Inactivation of viruses

HBV virus inactivation is achieved by applying various sterilization and disinfection methods that are regulated by a number of relevant orders and instructions.

  • Viruses are inactivated for 10 to 20 minutes by boiling, for 2 or more hours with dry heating to 180 0 s, for 20 minutes when exposed to steam, for 45 minutes during autoclaving at T
  • Viruses are destroyed by B. alkaline environments. They are destructively affected by hydrogen peroxide, formalin, glyoxal, chlorine compounds and phenol.

Fig. 2. The autoclaving of the medical instrument guarantees the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Nonspecific hepatitis prevention in

Non-specific disease prevention is to prevent the emergence of new cases of infection, which is happening when conducting therapeutic and diagnostic procedures (injections, blood transfusion, hemodialysis, invasive studies, transplantation, etc.), with sexual contacts, transferring infection from mother to a child, in everyday life, When using non-sterile syringes and needles of drug addicts and with applying tattoos, piercing and acupuncture. To infect HBV, the minimum (0.1 - 0.5 μm) of the amount of blood is sufficient.

  • Preventing infection with viruses in everyday life is achieved by compliance with elementary hygiene rules. You should not use other people's toothbrushes, razor, washcloths, towels, massagers, etc.
  • It reliably prevents sexually prevailing infection by using condoms.
  • Preventing infection during blood transfusion is achieved by conducting a laboratory survey of the blood of all donors to detect virus antigens - HBsag. The persons who have suffered hepatitis B in the past and in contact with patients during the last 6 months are removed from donation.
  • Preventing infection in the conduct of medical and diagnostic parenteral manipulations is achieved through the ubiquitous implementation and improvement of the centralized sterilization of medical products and the use of disposable syringes.
  • The prevention of professional infection in medical and preventive institutions is achieved by strictly comply with the rules of the anti-epidemic regime in offices, where medical personnel has contact with blood (hemodialysis departments, surgical, laboratory, etc.).

Fig. 3. Preventing HBV infection during blood transfusion is achieved by carrying out a laboratory survey of the blood of all donors to detect virus antigens.

Specific prevention: vaccination from hepatitis in

Mass immunization of the population is the most important component of the fight against the disease. Graft from hepatitis in not only prevents development acute infection, but also the complications of the disease in the form of chronic forms (95% of cases), liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. HBV virus protection is saved for about 20 years. The vaccination is the only means of preventing hepatitis B in newborns. In the Russian Federation, vaccinations from hepatitis are included in the national vaccination calendar. They are conducted by newborns and further all unqualified children and adolescents, as well as adults from risk groups.

Hepatitis Vaccine in

For active immunization, 2 types of vaccines are developed:

  1. Prepared from plasma patients, which contains HBV antigens.
  2. Recombinant vaccines that are obtained by the method genetic engineering On the cultures of bakery yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae). They contain highly purified HBsAg. The effectiveness of these drugs is 85 - 95%.

Vaccination against hepatitis B in the Russian Federation is carried out both import and domestic vaccines.

  • Imported vaccines: Endzherix-B (Belgium, Russia), HBVAX-II (USA), Evax in (Y. Korea), REC-HBsAg (Cuba).
  • Domestic vaccines: Endzherix-B, Combiotech, Vyrion NPO vaccine, Virion, Twinrix (from hepatitis A and B), etc.

All drugs are interchangeable. They apply in children and adults. One vaccination dose contains 10 or 20 μg of highly purified surface HBsAg. Vaccines cause the formation of HBS antibodies. After their introduction, a long-term (5 - 12 years) immunological memory is formed.

Hepatitis Vaccination in

The prerequisite for vaccination is the absence of HBV infection in patients.

Contraindications. The contraindication to vaccination from hepatitis B is allergic to vaccine components, including yeast fungi, and / or reaction to the introduction of the previous vaccine.

Side effects. Side effects are extremely rare, proceeded in easy form and are temporary. Sometimes redness and seal develops at the place of the drug.

Dose and Technique Introduction Vaccine. The vaccine is introduced into the deltoid muscle in adults and children, in the muscle of the front-wind area of \u200b\u200bthe thigh in newborns. An adult drug is introduced at a dose of 10 - 20 μg, children - 2.5 - 10 μg.

In persons who do not respond to the standard dose of vaccine, the vaccination dose can be increased to 40 μg. If it is necessary to introduce several vaccines, the vaccine from hepatitis B is introduced into another area by a separate syringe.

Fig. 4. Vaccines from hepatitis V.

Graft from hepatitis in newborns

Graph vaccine newborns:

  • The first dose of vaccine newborns are obtained in the first day of life before.
  • The second - for 1 - 3 months of the child's life.
  • Third - on the 6 month of the child's life.

Children born from HBsag-positive mothers simultaneously with the first vaccine, a specific Ig is introduced.

Graph vaccinations to children from risk groups:

  • The first dose of vaccine newborns are obtained in the first day of life.
  • The second - after 1 month.
  • Third - after 2 months from the first vaccination.
  • Fourth - after 12 months.

Fig. 5. Graft from hepatitis B is the only means of preventing the disease in newborns.

Graft from hepatitis in children and adolescents

Previously, not graft children and adolescents should get a vaccine until 18 years. The vaccination is carried out by children living together with carriers of infection or persons suffering from chronic hepatitis, receiving regular blood and its preparations that are hemodialysis, persons from boarding schools and children's homes. The vaccination of adolescents is aimed at preventing sex infection and infection when drug administration. Safety vaccinations are carried out with intervals of 1 month and the introduction of the vetion of the vaccine 5 months after the second.

Fig. 6. Vaccination for children is carried out according to Scheme 0 - 1 - 3 and 6 months.

Graft from hepatitis in adults

Vaccinoprophilaxis among adults is carried out in high-risk groups, which include:

  • Medical workers.
  • Students of medical colleges and universities.
  • Patients on hemodialysis, receiving hemotransphus, patients oncostationaries.
  • Drug addicts.
  • Contact persons from the environments of HBV carriers and patients with chronic hepatitis.
  • Persons employed in the production of placental blood and immunobiological drugs from donor blood.
  • Children and attendants of orphanages and boarding schools.

Due to the fact that most of the cases of viral hepatitis in medical professionals accounted for persons with experience of no more than 5 years, vaccination should be carried out before their professional activities.

In immunization, adults receive 2 vaccinations during the 1st month and the third vaccination after 6 months (0 - 1 - 6). Patients of the hemodialysis of the vaccine are injected 4 times with a monthly break.

Fig. 7. Adult vaccinations are carried out in high-risk groups by disease.

Emergency prevention of the disease

Emergency prevention is carried out in case of contact with the material infected with HBV, which occurs during damage to the skin with contaminated blood or tissue fluid to the tool, with sexual contact with patients or newborns born from HBsag-positive mothers. Preventive measures include the combined use of immunoglobulin and hepatitis V. Wheel immunoglobulin preparations for passive immunization are used with anti-HBS titer at least 200 le / l. The combination of vaccines and immunoglobulin has a protective effect of more than 95%.

  • Immunoglobulin newborn is introduced at a dose of 0.5 ml to the front of the thigh, the vaccine is introduced into the opposite of the thigh during the first 12 hours after birth. Subsequent introduction is carried out after 1 and 6 months.
  • Immunoglobulin adults are introduced at a dose of 0.04 - 0.07 ml per 1 kg of weight in the deltoid muscle. Active immunization is carried out simultaneously or in the near future by introducing 10 to 20 μg of vaccine with subsequent revaccination after 1 and 3 months.

Fig. 8. Immunoglobulins contain antibodies to the surface antigen of the hepatitis V. virus, they block virus receptors, thereby reducing the risk of infection.

Epidemiological supervision and anti-epidemic activities

Epidemiological supervision of viral hepatitis B includes accounting and analysis of all cases of disease, serological monitoring, evaluation of vaccination efficiency and other prevention measures, their socio-economic significance.

Anti-epidemic measures for the disease are conducted in the focus of infection and are directed to three elements of the epidemic process:

  • Previously identifying patients and infected.
  • Insulation to the hospital.
  • Conductive and current disinfection.
  • Detection of contact persons and emergency immunization.
  • Dispensary observation of persons who have suffered a disease.

In the focus of acute and chronic hepatitis in in case of hospitalization, disposal or death of the patient, concluding disinfection is carried out. Current disinfection lies in strictly individual use of patients with personal hygiene objects and their current disinfection by boiling and teaching dees basins.

Fig. 9. Patients in a sharp period of the disease are hospitalized into a specialized institution.

  • The need for a planned vaccination against hepatitis virus in
  • Scheme of vaccination
  • Contraindications and conditions for urgent vaccination
  • The composition and properties of the vaccine

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Vaccination against hepatitis B helps protect the body from damage to viruses, when the disease occurs, it takes much faster and easier. Viral hepatitis B is a very complex disease that affects almost all the liver and provoked by the virus.

The need for a planned vaccination against hepatitis virus in

The peculiarity of the course of hepatitis virus in has long led to the fact that he got a big distribution and is the possibility of significant infection of almost all segments of the population.

The hepatitis B virus is different:

  • increased resistance to different factors;
  • the possibility of finding in various habitats;
  • increased level of susceptibility to infection.

The vaccine against hepatitis B can be different, there are a large number of species, but all of them are interchangeable, because they are produced on the same technology.

Well helps from hepatitis into the Popular Preparation of Endzheriks, which is used in almost every country. The degree of effect of each drug used against the hepatitis B virus depends on how quickly the immunity is produced by the body. Basically, it is necessary to carry out 3 injections of the vaccine in order to work out immunity against the virus.

When carrying out a planned vaccination, a drug is used, which is performed using protein particles of the virus. But the vaccine itself against viral hepatitis B does not contain viruses, so it is impossible to infect the disease after its production.

After administering such a drug, the existing antibodies for viruses begin to be independently produced literally after 2 weeks. The vaccine is considered safe and does not cause side effects. Security makes it possible to use it to protect even newborn children.

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Scheme of vaccination

The vaccination against hepatitis B is introduced under the skin into the area of \u200b\u200bthe right forearm. The scheme of vaccination is simple, because the drug is administered with different interruptions. As a rule, the first dose is introduced three times with a break per month, the procedure is carried out by a child from 1 to 5 months.

The drug is first introduced by the newborn within a few days after its birth. After that, revaccination is carried out in 3 months and in half a year. This scheme applies only if the child has no contraindications. If the child was born from the already infected mother, then the vaccination must be done during the first three months after birth every month and repeat it when the child is a year.

If the child has not been vaccinated after birth during the day, then after this vaccination is carried out to children aged after 10 years. Vaccination from hepatitis in adults is done after 20 years.

Adult vaccination is carried out by the same scheme as all children, that is, with a break per month.

It is not recommended to conduct a similar vaccination with pregnant women, it is best to make it before the pregnancy has come. If a pregnant woman is in the risk group of infection with a virus, then it should be vaccinated, because pregnancy is not a base and contraindication to the introduction of such a vaccine.

During breastfeeding, vaccination can be carried out if necessary.

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Contraindications and conditions for urgent vaccination

Vaccination from hepatitis in serious contraindications has no. Attention should be given only to those people who have significant sensitivity to the components of the drug or allergic reactions.

In this case, immediately after the introduction of such a vaccine, a person is monitored for half an hour. Since any vaccine applied against hepatitis contains yeast, it is not worth making it to people who have allergies to them or bakery products.

Do not make vaccination and in the period of the disease, especially if there is an increase in temperature. In this case, vaccination is introduced about a month after complete recovery. If a person is constantly on hemodialysis, he makes vaccination from hepatitis in more than 3 times, the break between the introduction of each vaccine should be about a month.

Emergency immunization is carried out only in the event that a person stayed in contact with the carrier of infection. Requires urgent vaccination that will help get rid of even more strong manifestation of the disease.

There are several ways to introduce vaccines that depend on exactly how infection occurred. If the infection occurred when contacting patients with sexually, it is necessary to introduce an additional preparation that will help speed up the protection of the body from the virus.

If the infection occurred when contacting a sick person with a man, then it is worth it to determine whether the virus is contained in the blood. After that, vaccination with an additional preparation is carried out, which enhances the impact of the vaccine or in the usual way.

If a person has previously been repeatedly vaccinated, but he did not pass the vaccination completely, then he needs to introduce an additional dose of the vaccine and subsequently perform the introduction of the drug, strictly adhering to the scheme.

To conduct urgent prevention, the vaccine must be introduced in the first day after contact with an infected person.

What is hepatitis than it is dangerous for us and what methods of struggle, for example, vaccine against hepatitis B and a? Hepatitis is a severe disease from which the liver suffers is caused by viruses, the most common types - the virus A and V. It is therefore important prevention of these diseases by vaccination is important. Vaccines distinguish imported and domestic production.

What is hepatitis?

Hepatitis call inflammation of viral nature liver. It is known to 7 strains of illness, but the type A and V. Hepatitis are considered common and is called. The risk to infect with this disease is high, more than one and a half million people are ill in the world. Transmitted orally facal, through infected products, water, hands. The suffering disease leaves lifetime immunity, it is possible to pass it only once in life. Inflammation is uncharacter for chronic, and lethal outcomes are rare.

Hepatitis B is distinguished by a serious flow and dangerous consequences For the body. Leads to development chronic diseases Liver, can entail with cirrhosis and liver cancer. In the world, more than 1 million people die from this disease, which indicates whether the disease is common. The virus is not transmitted through infected food and household. The main way of infection is a contact with the bioshydroches of an infected organism:

  • Parenteral, with medical manipulations (injections, dental procedures, blood transfusion);
  • Vertical, during pregnancy and in childbirth from mother to child;
  • With unprotected penalties;

Prevention of disease, types of vaccine, what is better?

Prevention of viral hepatitis is observing the rules of personal hygiene.

Prevention of hepatitis A - adherence to hygiene and sanitary standards of cooking, storage of products. Effective method of prevention is vaccination. In Europe and the US vaccine from hepatitis A is included in the list of mandatory. Vaccines for the prevention of hepatitis A are recommended solely in the case of epidemics, as well as for people from risk groups.

Prevention of hepatitis B provides for the following set of actions:

  • the production of antibodies in the blood of a person, for this you need a vaccine against hepatitis B;
  • compliance with sterility and disinfection under medical procedures;
  • checking donor blood before overflow;
  • use of disposable medical and cosmetology tools;

Immunization is considered an effective method for preventing hepatitis.

Vaccinations against hepatitis B are highly effective, so they are included in the schedule mandatory vaccinations In the 75 countries of the world. According to the vaccination calendar, vaccination is carried out by newborns and people from risk groups. The introduction of the drug is carried out according to a three-time scheme, depending on the risk group of the vaccinated.

There are monovaccines and polyvaccines, their difference is that in the first case an antigen of only one virus is administered, and multigenous diseases are provided in polyvaccines. The introduction of mono or polyvaccine also depends on the relevant stage of the vaccination scheme. Although the names of the drugs are set, the principle of operation is the same. The composition of the vaccination against hepatitis B implies the content of the HBSAG antigen to which immunity is formed. Despite a wide choice in the names, all drugs can be interchangeable. It is allowed to make the first vaccination with one drug, but to continue others.

Domestic vaccines: what are there?

Combiotech - Immunobiological drug of domestic production to protect against viral hepatitis.

Vaccination in local polyclinics and maternity hospitals are carried out by domestic drugs, they have budget value and are provided by the state. Famous Russian manufacturers - "Combiotech LDT." and "Binnofarm". Names of domestic drugs against hepatitis in:

  • "Combiotech";
  • "Regevak";
  • "Bubo-Kok" (complex drug) is used from 3 months to 6 years;
  • "Buquo-M" (polyvaccine) - for adolescents.

Imported vaccines: what are there?

With the desire of parents, it is possible to use drugs of foreign production. Conduct vaccination with an imported drug in private clinics. A variant of acquiring the drug in the pharmacy is possible, which is then introduced by the doctors of the local clinic. Attention should be paid to compliance with transportation rules. Imported vaccines are manufactured in several countries. The Belgian Vaccines "Infarix" and "Endzherix" are known. The choice of imported drugs is more wide:

  • Polyvaccine "Infanrix with hepatitis" (another name "Infanriks Hex"), the production of Belgium;
  • Polyvaccine "Endzheriks", Belgian drug;
  • Ebribovak NV, joint production of Cuba and Russia;
  • "Euvax in", South Korea;
  • SCI-B-VAC, manufacturer - Israel;
  • N-B-VAX II, USA;
  • "Shanvak-B", India.

What to choose: Domestic or imported vaccines?

The tolerability of foreign vaccines is better than domestic.

Parents are worried about what is better: domestic or imported vaccine? This question will not be a definite answer. According to experts, if the main purpose of vaccination is to consider the acquisition of sustainable immunity to the virus and preventing the disease, then the effectiveness of all vaccines is the same. But if you compare the features of the introduction and the individual reaction of the body on the injected drugs, there is a difference in manufacturers. Foreign production preparations have advantages in the form of a faster and convenient way of administration, more subtle needles are used, individual containers for one-time input of the substance.

The table provides a comparison of the consequences of vaccinations with drugs of imported and domestic production in the first two days after the vaccination in children:


All newborn and sometimes adults need a vaccination from hepatitis, which at each age is done according to a specific scheme. This pathology is considered one of the most dangerous and unpredictable diseases of the liver, because it is not known how it is transferred to man and what are the consequences. Many cases end in chronic hepatitis and even oncology. Protect baby or adult helps vaccination - this effective method Prevention of viral disease. The newborn is recommended to do in the first hours of life back in the hospital.

What is hepatitis

Under this disease understand the sharp viral infection liver cells, which is transmitted from man to man. Pathology sometimes flows into chronic form. In general, it has three subspecies:

  1. Hepatitis A, or jaundice. Of all types are considered less dangerous. Viruses are transmitted through food, general household items, water. Those who communicated close to the sick person will be affected. For timely treatment The disease proceeds without consequences. Vaccinated in case of high risk of infection with the hepatitis A. virus
  2. Viral hepatitis B, or VGV. Transmitted exclusively through biological fluids of a person - blood, urine, sweat. Methods of infection - unprotected sexual intercourse, the use of non-sterile syringes or manicure accessories. The disease is very severe, often leads to cancer or liver cirrhosis. Graft from hepatitis in mandatory. Persistent immunity is produced only after vaccination.
  3. Hepatitis C. is transmitted by sexually, through syringes and other non-sterile items, but today does not have vaccines. The chance to recover with this diagnosis only have 20% of the ill.

What hepatitis make vaccinations

A smaller danger represents type A. Only in the absence of treatment, this form leads to liver failure. Vaccination against this disease is necessary when someone from loved ones or relatives is diagnosed. Indication to the appointment of vaccinations from hepatitis A is a trip to countries where the spread of infection has taken serious nature. Vaccination is carried out:

  • no later than 10-14 days before the date of departure;
  • within 10 days from the moment of contact with a sick person.

Vaccination against hepatitis A is allowed from one year old age. Re-vaccination is made after 6-18 months. So successfully the formation of immunity to the virus. Mandatory vaccination requires type B. This most severe form of this pathology. VGV vaccination is done by all newborns, if there are no contraindications, in the first 12 hours of life. Repeated administration Assign after 6 or 12 months. Vaccine from hepatitis C is not yet invented, so the vaccinations do not make it.

Necessity and vaccination scheme

Baby vaccination is simply necessary. It is first introduced by a vaccine already in the first 12 hours of life. Next, the vaccination from hepatitis B is done according to such a scheme - 0-1-6-12. This means that the first vaccination intervals are 1, 6 and 12 months. Four-time vaccination provides immunity up to 18 years. Next, vaccination is carried out only by testimony. Children on hemodialysis are inflicted according to such a scheme of immunization:

  • vaccine is injected four times between dialysis;
  • the break between the first and second vaccination is at least a month;
  • revaccination is shown 2 months later.


At the birth of a baby's mother, passing and being chronic virus carrier, another vaccination schedule is used - 0-1-2-12 months. Children over 13 years old are shown 3 vaccinations. The break after the first is 1 month, and after the second - half a year. Repeated vaccinations are not shown to everyone.


The vaccination against hepatitis adults is made by the same scheme. The first dose of vaccine is administered immediately, and the next time on a clear chart with certain intervals. Three main vaccination schemes are distinguished:

  1. Standard. The second vaccine is a month later, and the third injection is six months later.
  2. Fast. The second is also a month later, the third - in three weeks, and the fourth one one year later.
  3. Emergency - in case of departure abroad to areas with a high risk of infection. The second - a week later, the third - after 60 days, and the last one after 12 months.


If vaccination was carried out immediately after birth, it acts 22 years, although most immunity remains for life. The presence of antibodies to the virus in blood tests at the graft patient may not be detected during its examination. The reason is that the specialist is very difficult to pick up blood in which they will accurately contain. Adults, mainly doctors, must be vaccinated again.

Composition and production of vaccines

Vaccine from hepatitis B is produced by genetic engineering. The main component is a special gene contributing to the production of HBSAG protein. For the introduction, it is attached to a special substance - the carrier of the antigen, which performs aluminum hydroxide. Additional components are:

  • a small amount of yeast proteins;
  • conservative Gartiolet, although today most producers have abandoned inclusion in preservatives.

What vaccines are allowed to use

Recently, there are so many different vaccines from this virus. Every year their composition improves everything, therefore side effects It is rarely observed. If there is a negative reaction to one drug, it is replaced by another next procedure. Of those used in modern medicine, vaccines are allocated:

  1. Endzheriks V. The manufacturer is the company "Smithklein Beach - Biomed", Belgium. The release form is the bottle with 0.5 ml of suspension (10 μg of the HBSAG antigen) or 1 ml (dose is already 20 μg). This drug It is shown to children of mothers who are carriers of hepatitis B or robbed them, children in children's homes and boarding schools, patients with oncological blood diseases, people employed at the production of immunobiological agents. The newborn vaccine is introduced into the thigh, and adolescents and adults are in the shoulder. Vaccination scheme - 0-1-6. Endzheriks only contributes to the development of immunity, without causing the disease itself.
  2. Euvax V. The manufacturer is the South Korean company LG Chemical Ltd, and its distributor is the French company Aventis Pasteur. The drug is an inactivated vaccine that generates immunity against hepatitis V. In production, the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae produced in yeast cells is used. The intramuscular administration of the vaccine causes the development of immunity against hepatitis B by 10-15 years. The drug is shown by newborns and adults. Its kids are injected with 0.5 ml in the upper third of the thigh. Adults put vaccinations in the shoulder in Doha 1 ml. Vaccination is carried out three times with interruptions in 1 and 6 months. Euvax has a minimal risk of complications, including inflammation of the visual and facial nerve paralysis, exacerbation of multiple sclerosis.
  3. HB-VAX-II. This is a drug from a recombinant group, containing an Australian HBSAG antigen produced by yeast cells. The manufacturer is Merck Sharp & Dohme, Switzerland. The drug is produced in the form of a suspension with different dosages for children, adolescents, adults and separate dialysis patients. The vaccine is introduced by the same scheme - 0-1-6 months. It is shown to all persons regardless of age, if they are in the risk group of infection with the virus. The dosage for children is 0.5 ml, and for adults - 1 ml. HB-VAX-II in immunization creates persistent specific immunity to hepatitis V. virus
  4. Combiotech Co., Ltd. This is the first and only vaccine, which contains antigens of different serotypes (AY and AD). It provides maximum protection. The vaccine itself is a viral protein, sorbed on aluminum hydroxide and synthesized by recombinant strain of yeast. Combiotech Co., Ltd. provides very high level protection, so it allows you to use an alternative vaccination calendar - twofold administration instead of three-time. Vaccine has security confirmation to use in children with severe infectious diseases And patients with chronic hepatitis V. Child introduces 0.5 ml of the drug, and adult - 1 ml. She is shown to everyone who is at risk to get sick.
  5. Ebribovak. Joint development of Cuba and Russia. Recombinant vaccine in the form of a suspension for intramuscular administration. After vaccination forms specific antibodies to hepatitis B. The protective titer appears in 95% of the grafts. The drug is shown to all, adults and children, for the purpose of immunization. Metol administration remains the same: for newborns - in the thigh, and for adults - in the shoulder. The vaccination scheme either does not change and represents 0-1-6 months.
  6. Shanvak-c. The manufacturer is a chandom of Biotec ... India. There are two options for this vaccine: without a preservative and with a preservative thiomersal. It has no substances of animal or human origin. After the immunization course, antibodies are preserved in 90% of cases. This vaccine is shown to all newborn and adults who are at risk to get sick with this virus. Persons under 19 years are injected with 0.5 ml, and more adults - 1 ml. A weaker immune response happens in persons from 40 years due to age. They may need an additional vaccination rate. In general, the vaccination scheme is such - 0-1-6 months.
  7. Bob-m. The manufacturer is the enterprise Kombiotech, Russia. Vaccine has increased efficiency, because several vaccinations are united in himself - from hepatitis B and ADS-M, i.e. from tetanus and diphtheria. In this case, immunity will develop against all three pathologies. The composition of the vaccine includes recombinant antigens, tetanus and diphtheria antecisin. The drug is shown to children with the first or re-vaccination from the indicated diseases. It is used for adults with the same purpose. The one-time dose is 0.5 ml intramuscularly.
  8. Bubbo-Kok. Another development of the Russian company Combiotech. The vaccine is a multicomponent injection against hepatitis B, cough, tetanus and diphtheria. The vaccination scheme here is a bit different - 0-4.5-6 months. The vaccination is made at a dose of 0.5 ml to the thigh area or the top outer quadrant of the buttocks. The vaccine reduces the number of visits to the clinic, because a person is vaccinated immediately against four dangerous diseases.

Where do

Children and adult vaccination make intramuscularly. When introducing it subcutaneously, the effect of the vaccine is reduced and sometimes leads to unnecessary seals. Children under 3 years old and newborn vaccination are made in the thigh, and adults are in the shoulder. The place is chosen depending on the proximity of the skin to a well-developed muscle. In the buttock, the vaccination does not make. The reason is that the muscles run there too deep.

Breast reaction

In most cases, there is no negative reaction to the vaccination in infants. The injection site blues and becomes more dense. Such an effect is considered normal, because gradually these adverse reactions Pass, about 3 days. If even vaccines are moved well, then two days after its introduction still needed to monitor the condition of the baby. The child can cry throughout the day due to headaches. In this case, excessive sweating and diarrhea are often observed. A small percentage of kids rises temperature.

Possible complications

In some cases, heavier complications are noted. Such a negative reaction is allergic to the components of the drug, rash, urticaria and pain in the joints. These consequences arise in one case out of 20 thousand. It is often nausea or vomiting, even a shortage of respiration and fainting is possible. If the listed symptoms do not pass, then you must refer to the doctor. Sometimes such serious complications are possible:

  • swelling quinque;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • neuritis;
  • muscular paralysis;
  • meningitis;
  • increase lymph nodes.

Side effects and contraindications

Modern vaccines have a small row side effects For the body, which manifests themselves not so often. Such unwanted reactions include:

  • general - malaise, temperature rise, pain in the abdomen and joints, nausea;
  • local - redness, seals, pain at the injection site of the vaccine;
  • individual - allergic manifestations, malaise, swelling of quinque.

There are a number of contraindications in which the vaccine cannot be made. For allergic reaction There are no vaccination on bakery yeast, buns and other sdoba vaccination. Increasing the temperature and general deterioration of the state after the first track is also a reason to postpone the vaccination. Vaccination is also not conducted in the case of:

  • colds or other severe infection;
  • meningitis (if not passed half a year);
  • hepatitis infection;
  • the exacerbation of chronic viral diseases;
  • oncology, AIDS, malignant diseases blood;
  • if the child is premature (weigh 2 kg);
  • after chemotherapy.