What are viruses: species, classification, characteristics, viral diseases, treatment and consequences. Symptoms and methods of treating virus infections in children and adults How viral infectious diseases can be transmitted

14.07.2020 Treatment


Viral infection - a disease, the causative agent of viruses. They can be transferred to air-droplet, sex, through blood, digestive tract and as a result of direct contact. Mother can infect her baby still being pregnant or convey to him the causative agents of the disease during the passage of the generic paths.

There are three types of viral infection: Lithic, persistent and latent. With the first type of infection, the cell is broken and dies when the generated viruses are at the same time leave it. For persistent infection, viruses leave the host cell gradually. After that, she lives and shares, producing new virus molecules. With the latent type, the genetic material of the virus in cells occurs. In the future, the chromosome is divided and transmits the virus to child cells.

Viruses cause a wide variety of pathological processes. We are talking about generalized infections: measles, OPP, SPI, etc. local lesions of the skin and mucous surfaces:, warts, etc. Diseases of individual organs and tissues: myocardines, hepatitis and malignant neoplasms: cancer, etc. The most common viral diseases remain flu and sharp respiratory diseases, as well as measles, herpes, viral hepatitis, Tropical fever, etc. With most of them, humanity inevitably meets during life, some of them manage to avoid, for example, hepatitis, rubella, rabies, poliomyelitis and myocarditis.

Poliomyelitis is striking the throat and intestines, then blood. In the future, the shape of the bones is up to paralysis. You were sure to vaccinate from this disease in childhood, the same will be invited to do your child. The disease does not require specific treatment.

Cort is easy to recognize to increase body temperature, the appearance of large rash, runny nose, cough and conjunctivitis. At least once we move is the disease, you acquire immunity for life with it. If Kor is complicated by otitis, meningitis, encephalitis or pneumonia, you are hospitalized into an infectious office. But, as a rule, it is enough to observe the pastel mode at home and drink more fluid.

Botkin's disease or viral hepatitis A at the very beginning is very similar to ORZ or flu. Later you can notice the darkening of urine, bleaching feces and yellowing eyes. The infection is very infection, so the patient is subject to mandatory hospitalization, although no special treatment is required.

It is believed that 85% of the total population of the globe are carriers of herpes virus. This virus causes a windmill, slimming with deprived, gender herpes, etc. The virus can "sleep" in your body for many years, and with favorable circumstances to be activated, causing painful rashes on the body, causing strong pain. It is treated with abnormal nucleotides - "acyclovir", "Zoviraks", "Famciclovir", etc.

Influenza is a well-known viral disease that affects the organs of the respiratory system. The virus constantly mutates, causing severe complications. It is treated with antibiotics and antiviral drugs. AIDS - plague of the twentieth century. The disease destroys the immune system of a person, as a result of which he loses the ability to resist infections. OSP - terrible and dangerous diseaseWithout today, not a single inhabitant of the planet. The viral diseases also include rabies and lush.

Non-cheerful infectious agent. It has genome (DNA or RNA), but deprived of its own synthesizing apparatus. Capacked reproduction, only hitting the cells of higher-organized creatures. Spinning, damages the cells in which this process takes place.

Each of us faces viruses many times in life. After all, they are caused by most cases of seasonal colds. With the habitual ARVI, the body successfully copes itself - our immunity is steady withstands the blows of infections. But not all viral diseases are so harmless. On the contrary, some of them can lead to serious lesions of tissues and systems, cause severe chronic diseases, cause disability and even death. How to figure out the variety of viruses? How to protect yourself from the most dangerous? And what if the disease has already been discovered? What is antibodies to the virus and which of them appear during the disease?

Viruses man

To date, more than 5 thousand diverse viruses are described, but it is assumed that there are millions of their species. They are detected in all ecosystems and are considered the most numerous biological form. At the same time, these infectious agents Able to hit animals and plants, bacteria and even archaei. Human viruses occupy a special place, because they are caused by the greatest number of diseases. And diseases in their gravity, forecasts and flow are very diverse.

At the same time, it is with viruses that bind important condition Evolution - horizontal transfer of genes, in which genetic material is not transmitted not to descendants, but by other types of organisms. In fact, the virus in a large extent provided genetic diversity. For example, studies have shown that a human gene by 6-7% consists of various virus-like elements and their particles.

Virus in men

Man viruses are capable of equally affecting the organisms of children and adults, as well as representatives of both sexes. However, there are such species that are of particular danger to a specific category of population. An example of a dangerous virus in men can be a paramixirus, which causes steam. Most often, the pig passes without special complications, with a noticeable lesion of the salivary and the parole glands. However, the virus in men is of great danger, since more often than in women affects the sex glands, it is capable of 68% of cases to cause orchitis - inflammation of the testicles. And this in turn can cause infertility. Such a complication is characteristic precisely for adults and adolescents, boys up to 6 years old orchit occurs only in 2% of cases. Also, the virus in men can provoke the development of prostatitis.

Paramiksovirus is highly dismissed, transmitted by air-droplet, including in the incubation period, when there are no symptoms of the disease. No specific pig treatment, therefore, the best protection against the disease is vaccination. Parotitis vaccination is included in the calendar of mandatory planned vaccination in many countries.

Women virus

Now special attention is riveted to the human papilloma virus in women, because it has been proven to the connection of its some species with the development of cervical cancer. Total types, according to the World Health Organization, at least 13, are the greatest danger of 16 and 18 type, which are characterized by the highest oncological risk. It is with these two viruses in the body that 70% of all cases of cervical cancer and precancerous states are associated.

At the same time, with timely diagnostics and deletion, the papilloma of such an outcome is possible to avoid. Cancer, as a complication of HPV, is developing with a normal immunite for 15-20 years, so systematic examinations in the gynecologist will help to identify a dangerous virus in women of different ages. It should be said that such a factor as smoking affects the activity of the Papilloma virus - contributes to the reincarnation of deep in malignant neoplasm. Since there is no specific treatment with HPV, the World Health Organization recommends vaccination from types 16 and 18.

A special danger of viruses in women are presented during pregnancy, because, due to a small size, they easily penetrate through the placental barrier. At the same time, the severity of the course of the disease in the mother and the likelihood of fetal damage is not connected. It often happens that hidden or easily transferred viral infections cause serious pathology in the fetus may cause miscarriage.

It should be said that most viruses are danger only if the woman is infected with them during pregnancy. In this case, the mother's body does not have time to develop a sufficient amount of antibodies to protect the fetus, and the virus causes serious lesions.

The early early term of pregnancy is most dangerous, up to 12 weeks, since it is now that embryonic fabrics are formed, which are easiest to be amazed by viruses. In the future, the risk of complications falls.

Viruses transmitted through blood and its components, as well as other biological fluids, are dangerous and directly during the period of childbirth. Since the child can become infected by them, passing through the birthway.

The most dangerous viruses in women during pregnancy:

  • Krasnuh virus.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the likelihood of fetal damage is 80%. After 16 weeks, the risk of lesion is significantly reduced, and most often pathology are manifested only by deafness. In the early deadlines, the virus can cause the fetus defeating bones, ugliness, blindness, heart patterns, brain damage.

  • Herpes Virus 1st (WSG-1) and 2nd (WSG-2) types.

It is most dangerous that the second, genital type, which the child can be infected during the passage of the generic pathways. In this case, severe neurological damage is possible, among which encephalitis is most dangerous. In some cases, the herpes virus of the second type can lead to the death of a child. HPV-1 proceeds asymptomatic, most often easily transferred to the fruit and does not cause significant harm to health.

Infection of the mother in early term can lead to the development of the pathologies of the fetus incompatible with life, resulting in miscarriage. In addition, the disease is dangerous not only by the impact of the virus itself, but also by the general intoxication of the body. She, in turn, can cause hypoxia of the fetus, delays in development and other things. That is why WHO recommends pregnant women to make influenza vaccinations, especially in an epidemic dangerous period.

Botkin's disease (hepatitis A) is very often postponed in childhood, so during pregnancy is quite rare. However, if all the same infection occurred, the disease will flow in severe form. Hepatitis B and C can pose a threat to a future child, especially if the woman has become infected during pregnancy. Chronic hepatitis B and with dangerous infection during childbirth. Most often, the hepatitis V virus is so transmitted, and in congenital form it is treated much more difficult and in 90% of cases it goes into a chronic incurable form. Therefore, women planning pregnancy can be recommended vaccination from hepatitis V. If there is a chronic infection, it is worth making a caesarean section. The hepatitis E virus rarely represents a serious danger, but it is during pregnancy that it can lead to severe consequences for the fetus and the woman itself. Including to cause death from renal failure.

Most often, infection occurs in childhood, after which the person is a carrier of the virus, and no symptoms are manifested. Therefore, as a rule, by the time of pregnancy, this virus in women does not represent much danger. In the event that the infection of the cytomegalovirus occurred during the baby tooling, the fetus in 7% of cases can get complications in the form of cerebral palsy, hearing loss, etc.

Human organism produces specific immunity to different viruses faced throughout life. This explains the fact that the child is sick of ARVI (sharp respiratory viral infections) more often than an adult. The frequency of infection with a virus in different ages is the same, however, in an adult, the immune system suppresses an infectious agent before the symptoms manifest. In the domestic pediatrician there is a concept "often a sick child", that is, the one that transfers more than 5 ARVI per year. However, foreign doctors believe that for children under 3 years old, 6 infections per year are the norm. And the child visiting the kindergarten can carry up to 10 cold annually. If ARVI is undergoing without complications, they should not cause anxiety, "Things the famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky also believes.

Also for children's age characterized by a number of certain viral infectionswhich are extremely rare in adults. Among them:

  • Chickenpox.
  • Measles.
  • Rubella.
  • Parotitis.

At the same time, it should be noted that the children of the first year of life are practically not subject to these diseases, because still in the womb they are obtained through the placenta antibodies to the viruses from the mother's blood.

Despite the fact that the listed infections are most often easily transferred to children, yet there is a risk of developing complications. For example, the corte often leads to pneumonia and is one of the main causes of child mortality, and vapotitis causes inflammation in the genitals. Therefore, all the above virus infections exist effective vaccinations - timely immunization makes it possible to obtain immunity without suffering from the disease.

Virus as a form of life

Also, these non-calving infectious agents are, it is so now there are viruses, there is no main and energy exchange. They cannot synthesize the protein, as other living organisms do, and outside the cells behave like a biopolymer particle, not a microorganism. The virus located outside the cell is called the virion. This is a full-fledged viral particle, which is able to affect the host cell. When infected, the virion is activated, forms a complex "virus cell" and precisely in this state it is capable of multiplying, while transmitting its genetic code to new virions.

Viruses, like other living organisms, are able to evolve through natural selection. It is due to this that some of them, such as the flu virus, are able to constantly cause epidemics, since the generated immunity against new forms does not work.

Virion size - 20-300 nm. Thus, viruses are the lowest infectious agents. For comparison, bacteria on average are of 0.5-5 microns.

As already mentioned, the virus is characterized by the fact that it can multiply and shows activity only inside the living cell. Most of the types of viruses are completely penetrated into the cage, but there are also those that are administered to it only their genome.

The life cycle of this extracellular agent can be divided into several stages:

  • Attachment.

Moreover, it is at this stage that the host of the virus owners is determined, because often it is highly specialized microorganisms that are capable of interacting only with certain types of cells. So, viruses causing respiratory diseases prefer mucous cells respiratory tractAnd HIV is able to interact only with a specific type of human leukocytes.

  • Penetration.

At this stage, the virus delivers its genetic material inside the cell, which will continue to be used to create new virions. Viruses are able to multiply in different parts Cells, one for these purposes use cytoplasm, others - core.

  • Replication - reproduction of copies of the virus genetic material.

This process is possible only inside the cell.

  • The output of virions from the host cell.

In this case, the membrane and the cell wall is damaged, and the cell itself dies. However, in some cases, viruses remain in a cage, without damaging it and multiplying with it. Infected cells can exist long enough, and the disease itself does not make them know, turning into a chronic form. This behavior is characteristic, for example, for herpes virus, papillomavirus and others.

The genome of the virus: DNA-containing and RNA-containing

Depending that in what form a genetic material of viruses is contained, they are taken to divide them on DNA-containing and RNA-containing (Balticimaro classification).

  • DNA-containing viruses.

Their replication (reproduction) occurs in the core of the cell, and the process of forming new virions in most cases is fully ensured by the synthetic apparatus of the cell.

  • RNA-containing viruses.

A numerous group that is mainly multiplied by cell cytoplasm. Among RNA-containing agents should be said separately about retroviruses that differ from other things that are able to integrate into the DNA of the host cell. These viruses are often distinguished into a separate group for their unique properties of reverse transcription. With the usual replication of the genome, the information moves from DNA to RNA, and retroviruses are capable of making two-chain DNA based on single-chain RNA.

Depending on how active the virus is active and how the genetic material is destroyed for the cell, its impact on it. So, for example, retroviruses include one of the most dangerous infections - HIV. On the other hand, it is such an embedding in the living cell genome allowed some kind of virus of this type to gain a foothold in DNA - with them scientists associate the species diversity of living organisms, as well as evolutionary processes.

Types of viruses

Viruses, despite the small size and dependence on the cell, still know how to protect the genetic material portable. It is for that, first of all, a virus shell respond. Therefore, sometimes viruses are classified according to their types.

Compared to other infections, the structure of viruses is quite simple:

  • Nucleic acid (RNA or DNA).
  • Bell shell (capsid).
  • Shell (supercupside). Not all types of viruses are found.

Cape virus

The outer shell consists of proteins and performs the protective function of the genetic material. It is capsid that the virion can attach to which cells of the cells, the shell also responds to stages Cell infection - the break of the membrane and the introduction.

The structural unit of the capsid is the capsometer. Being in a cage, the virus by self-assembly reproduces not only genetic material, but also a suitable protein sheath.

Total 4 types of capsises, which are easy to distinguish with form:

  • Spiral - the same type capsens surround single-chain DNA or a virus RNA across their length.
  • Ikosahedric - capsides with icosahedral symmetry, which sometimes resemble balls. This is the most common type of viruses that can affect animal cells, which means to infect human.
  • An oblong - one of the subspecies of the icosahedral capsid, but in this version it is a little stretched along the line of symmetry.
  • Complex - includes a spiral and ikosahedral type. It is rare.

Virus shell

Some types of viruses for additional protection surround themselves with another shell formed from the cell membrane. And if the capside is formed inside the cell, the supercapside "captures" the virus, leaving the cell.

The presence of a shell consisting in essence of the material of the material makes a virus less noticeable for immune system man. So, such vibriions have greater infinity, capable of longer than others like it in the body. Examples of virions with a shell are HIV and influenza virus.

Infection with virus

Signs of the presence of virus in the body are highly dependent on its type. Some infections cause acute course of the disease, pronounced characteristic symptoms. This include the influenza virus, measles, rubella. Others, on the contrary, may not be manifested for many years, while damaging the body. This behaves hepatitis C virus, HIV and other dangerous infections. It is sometimes possible to detect their presence only by specific blood tests.

War infection methods

Since viruses are widespread and able to hit different cells of the human body, all the main ways of transmitting infection are available to them:

  • Aerogenic (airborne-drip) - viruses are transferred by air, with coughing, sneezing or even a simple conversation.

This path of transmission is characteristic of all ARVI, including flu, as well as measles, rubella and other infections.

  • Alimentary (fecal-oral) is the path of transmission characteristic of virus species that can accumulate in the intestines, excreted with wheel masses, urine, vomiting.

Infection occurs through dirty water, poorly washed food or dirty hands. Examples are hepatitis A and E, polio. Often, the seasonal character is characteristic of such infections - the infection of the virus occurs in warm weather, in the summer.

  • Hematogenic (through blood and components) - infection falls through wounds, microcracks on the skin.

Viruses that are transmitted in this way are dangerous when overflowing blood, operational intervention and other medical manipulations, injecting addiction, tattooing and even cosmetic procedures. Often, the infection is capable of penetrating through other biological fluids - saliva, mucus, and so on. Viruses of hepatitis B, C and D, HIV, rabies and others are transmitted through blood.

  • Transmissive - transmitted through insect bites and ticks.

Among the most common diseases caused by such viruses are encephalitis and mosquito fever.

  • Vertical - the virus is transmitted from the mother to the child during pregnancy or childbirth.

Most diseases with hematogenic transmission can be transmitted in this way. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the danger is rubella, flu, and other diseases.

  • Polya - infection occurs when unprotected sexual contact.

The transmission path is also characteristic of viruses transmitted through blood and components. According to WHO, four viral infections are most often transmitted - HIV, herpes, papilloma virus, hepatitis V.

Not all viruses that fall into the human body are able to cause disease. Any alien organism that fell to us is immediately found with the cells of the immune system. And if a person has developed an acquired immunity, the antigens will be destroyed even before the symptoms of the disease have developed. Our immune system gives sustainable protection, often for life, to many viruses - acquired immunity is produced after contact with the virus (disease, vaccination).

Some infections, such as measles, rubella, poliomyelitis, are able to cause epidemics among children and practically not affect the adult population. This is just explained by the presence of acquired immunity. At the same time, if "collective immunity" was provided with vaccination, such viruses will not be able to cause epidemics and in children's teams.

Some species, such as influenza virus, are able to mutate. That is, every season appears a new strain of the virus, to which the population has not been developed immunity. Therefore, it is this infection that is capable of calling annual epidemics and even pandemic - infection of the population of several countries or regions.

Among the most famous pandemics who survived humanity, different flu strains are quite common. This is, first of all, "Spanish" of 1918-1919, which carried 40-50 million lives, and the Asian influenza 1957-1958, during which approximately 70 thousand people died.

Pandemic caused viruses of natural smallpox, which only in the twentieth century was the cause of 300-500 million deaths. Thanks to mass vaccination and revaccination, this virus managed to win - the last case of infection was recorded in 1977.

Serious fears cause human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which is also equal to the pandemic disease.

Symptoms of virus penetration into the body

Different viruses in the body behave differently, manifest themselves with their symptoms, and sometimes the disease proceeds asymptomatic, no longer letting themselves. For example, hepatitis is often not manifested external signsAnd the disease is detected only in the running stage or accidentally - by blood tests. Influenza, on the contrary, always flows sharply, with an increase in temperature, general intoxication of the body. For measles and rubella, specific rash on the skin is characteristic.

There are viruses that are successfully suppressed by the immune system, but continue to be in the body. A classic example is a simple herpes, which is infected with life and incurable. However, the disease rarely causes serious inconvenience, manifested only occasionally ulcers on lips, genital organs and mucous membranes.

Many types of human papilloma viruses proceed with poor symptoms, infection does not require treatment and passes itself. However, there are HPVs that form that can be reborn into malignant neoplasms. Therefore, the appearance of any type of papilloma or conglishers is the reason to pass the analysis for viruses, which will help determine the type of infection.

Signs of viral infection

Most often we face viruses causing sharp respiratory diseases. And here it is important to be able to distinguish them from diseases caused by bacteria, since treatment in this case will be very different. ORVI provoke more than 200 species of viruses, among which rinovirus, adenovirus, paragripp and others. However, despite this, the same infection with the virus is manifested by similar symptoms. For ORVI characteristic:

  • Low subfebrile temperature (up to 37.5 ° C).
  • Rinith and cough with transparent mucus.
  • Headaches are possible, general weakness, poor appetite.

Special symptoms are distinguished by flu, which begins always sharply, for several hours, is characterized by a high temperature, as well as the general intoxication of the body - strong malaise, pain, often in muscles and joints. Human viruses causing respiratory diseases are usually active in the body no more than a week. This means that approximately the 3-5th day after the first symptoms of the patient, a significant improvement in the state feels.

In a bacterial infection, there is a strong heat, sore throat and chestThe selection becomes greenish, yellow, more thick, blood impurities can be observed. The immune system does not always successfully cope with bacteria, so the improvements in the state in the first week of the disease may not be observed. Bacterial respiratory diseases can give complications on the heart, lungs and other organs, so their treatment needs to begin as quickly as possible.

Determine the virus only in symptoms is extremely difficult. This is especially true of the types of viruses similar to the impact on the body. For example, about 80 human papillomava viruses have been studied. Some of them are quite safe, others lead to the development of cancer. Hepatitis viruses, despite the fact that they affect the same organ, liver, represent a different threat. Hepatitis and often passes without complications, and the virus with, on the contrary, in 55-85%, according to WHO, leads to development chronic diseaseending with cancer or liver cirrhosis. Therefore, when symptoms are detected or in suspected infection, it is necessary to pass tests that will help accurately determine the type of virus.

Analysis for viruses

Among the tests that are used to identify viruses are most popular.

  • Immunoenimative blood test.

It is used to identify antigens and antibodies to them. In this case, there is both qualitative (determination of the presence of a virus) and quantitative (determining the number of virions) analysis. Also, this method will help determine the level of hormones, identify infections in sexually transmitted, allergens, etc.

  • Serological blood test.

Used not only to determine infectious disease, but also to establish its stage.

  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR method).

To date, the most accurate method that helps to determine even small fragments of alien genetic material in the blood. Moreover, since this analysis for viruses determine the presence of the causative agent, and not the reaction to it (detection of antibodies), it can be carried out in the incubation period of the disease, when there is no noticeable immune response.

To diagnose viral infections, it is important to determine not only the infection itself, but also its amount in the blood. This is the so-called viral load - the number of specific types of viruses in a certain amount of blood. It is thanks to this indicator that the doctors determine the contagiousness of a person, the stage of the disease, can control the treatment process and check its effectiveness.

After the virus enters the human body, the immune system begins to produce specific immunoglobulins (Ig) - antibodies to a particular type of virus. It is about them that it is often possible to reliably determine the specific disease, the stage of the disease, and even the presence of previously transferred infection.

A person has five classes of antibodies - IgG, IGA, IGM, IGD, IGE. However, two indicators are most often used in the virus analysis:

  • IgM - immunoglobulins, which, if infection, are produced first. That is why their presence in the blood speaks of the acute stage of viral infection. Igm is produced throughout the disease, with primary infection or exacerbation. These are quite large immunoglobulins, which, for example, cannot pass through a placental barrier. This is precisely the serious defeat of the fetus by some viruses in the primary infection of a woman during pregnancy.
  • IgG - antibodies to the virus that are produced significantly later, in some diseases already at the stage of recovery. These immunoglobulins are able to remain in the blood for the whole life and thus ensure immunity against a particular virus.

Decipher the analyzes on antibodies should thus follow:

  • There are no IgM and IgG. No immunity, a person did not come across infection, which means it is possible primary infection. When planning pregnancy, such indicators for certain viruses in women mean a risk group for the development of primary infection. In this case, vaccination is recommended.
  • There is no IGM, there is an IGG. In the body developed immunity to a specific virus.
  • Igm is present, there is no IgG. There is an acute stage of infection, the virus in the body is for the first time.
  • There are IgM and IgG. The end of the disease, or the aggravation of the chronic process. The correct interpretation of such a result of analyzing viruses depends on the number of antibodies and can only be done by a doctor.

Types of viral infections

Viruses, like other antigens, cause an immune response - this is how the body copes with various alien objects and microorganisms. However, some types of viruses are capable of remaining long enough to immune. It is from this that it depends on how long the disease will proceed, whether it will not go into a chronic form, and how harm will be able to apply the body.

Any viral disease begins with an acute stage. However, in some cases, recovery comes after it, and in others, the disease passes into a chronic form. Moreover, many prone to chronic illness are extremely poorly manifested in the acute period. Their symptoms are nonspecific, and sometimes absent completely. On the contrary, those diseases that the immune system successfully suppresses, are characterized by pronounced symptoms.

To acute viral infections that do not go into chronic stage include:

  • ARVI, including flu
  • Reduha
  • Parotitis
  • Hepatitis A (Botkin's disease) and E
  • Rotavirus infection (intestinal flu)
  • Windmill

A persistent immunity is produced to the listed viruses in the human body. Therefore, diseases are transferred only once in life. The exception is only some form of ARVI, in particular, the flu, the virus is actively mutating.

Chronic viral infections

For a considerable number of viruses, a chronic course is characterized. At the same time, in some cases, if the virus is found, then after the acute stage, a person remains lifelong bearer. That is, the infection does not represent danger to human health and life. These viruses include:

  • Epstein Barr virus (in rare cases can cause infectious mononucleosis).
  • Some types of human papilloma virus.
  • Simple herpes virus 1 and 2nd types.

All these viruses are potentially able to cause sufficiently serious lesions of tissues and systems, but only in the case when immunity is significantly reduced. For example, with AIDS, some autoimmune diseasesAs well as when taking certain drugs, in particular, when treating oncological lesions.

Another group of viruses that can remain in the human body for life is danger even for people with a normally functioning immune system. Among the main infections of this kind:

  • AIDS virus.

The period of infection and the first stage of the spread of the virus in the body proceeds asymptomatic. However, 2-15 years after infection, a person develops the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). It is the syndrome that causes fatal outcomes among HIV-infected.

  • Hepatitis C and V.

Hepatitis C in the acute stage proceeds asymptomatic, and often (up to 85%) goes into a chronic form, which threatens with serious complications in the form of developing cancer or liver cirrhosis. However, today there are drugs that are effectively curing patients. Hepatitis B enters chronic form much less often, no more than 10% of adult cases. In this case, there are no drugs from this virus - chronic hepatitis B is not treated.

  • Human papilloma virus with high oncological risk (types 16, 18 and others).

Some Types of HPV are able to provoke the development of malignant tumors, in particular, the person's papilloma virus in women causes 70% of all cases of cervical cancer. The virus in men can also manifest themselves to the formation of the wings of different types, but oncological diseases do not cause.

To date, medicine managed to significantly advance in the treatment of viral infections, but this group of diseases is seriously amenable to therapy. In most cases effective drugs It is simply no, and virus treatment is reduced to symptomatic and supporting therapy.

What if the virus is found

The treatment strategy is determined by what kind of virus detected. For example, if we are talking about ARVI, children's viral diseases (measles, rubella, steaming, children's roseola), effective therapy There will be removal of symptoms. And only if they cause substantial discomfort. For example, you can apply:

  • Summarizing drops to remove edema in the nasal cavity.
  • Antipyretic at high temperatures (from 37.5-38 ° C).
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that have a double action - reduce the temperature and painkulate (ibuprofen, paracetamol, aspirin).

The treatment of the influenza virus does not differ from the scheme described, however, since it is precisely this infection that often causes severe complications, the patient must necessarily be under the supervision of a doctor. One of the most dangerous consequences is viral pneumonia, which develops on the 2-3rd day after the start of the disease and can cause pulmonary swelling, lead to death. Such inflammation of the lungs is treated exclusively in the hospital with the use of specific drugs (oseltamivir and zanamivir).

If a person's papilloma virus has been found, treatment is reduced to supporting therapy and surgical removal of warts and warts.

When hepatitis with in the chronic stage in modern medicine, antiviral direct action preparations are used (PPD). It is these drugs today recommending WHO, as an alternative to Interferon and Ribavirina, with which the disease was treated until recently.

People with HIV are appointed antiretroviral therapy. If the virus is found in the body, it is impossible to completely eliminate it, but due to treatment it is possible to keep under control, and also prevent the spread of the disease.

In exacerbation of herpetic infection, special drugs can be taken, but they are effective only in the first 48 hours after the symptoms manifest. The use of their later inexpedient.

The basis of combating viruses in the body is human immunity. It is he who provides a successful cure from most of the well-known viruses, and others can neutralize, make safe.

The immunity system is quite complicated and multi-stage. It is divided into congenital and acquired immunity. The first provides nonspecific protection, that is, it acts on all alien objects in the same way. Acquired appears after the immune system faces the virus. As a result, specific protection is produced, effective in the case of a specific infection.

At the same time, some viruses in one way or another can resist the protective system and not to cause an immune response. A vivid example is HIV, which affects the cells of the immune system itself, these viruses are successfully isolated from them and block the production of antibodies.

Another example is the neurotropic viruses that affect the nervous system cells, and the immune system simply cannot reach them. Among such infections are rabies and poliomyelitis.

Congenital immunity

Congenital immunity is the body's response to any alien biomaterial, which occurs when the first contact with the infection. The reaction is developing very quickly, however, in contrast to the acquired immunity, this system is worse recognized the type of antigen.

Congenital immunity can be divided into components:

  • Cell immunity.

Most ensured by the cells by phagocytes capable of absorbing the virus infected with dying or dead cells. Phagocytosis is an important component and post-infection immunity. In fact, the phagocytes are responsible for the effective purification of the body from alien objects.

  • Humonal immunity.

An important protective reaction to viral diseases is the body's ability to produce specific protein - interferon. The affected cell begins to produce it as soon as the virus begins to multiply. Interferon is released from an infected cell and comes into contact with neighboring, healthy. The protein itself does not act on the virus in itself, so infectious agents cannot work against him. However, it is the interferon that can change the unaffected cells in such a way that the synthesis of viral proteins is suppressed in them, their assembly and even the output of the virions. As a result, the cells become immune to the virus, do not give it to multiply and spread through the body.

Acquired immunity

Acquired immunity - the ability to neutralize the antigens, which have already fallen into the body earlier. There are active and passive types of innate immunity. The first is formed after the body faces the virus or bacterium. The second is transmitted to the fetus or baby from the mother. Through a placenta during pregnancy and with breast milk During feeding to the child, antibodies from the blood of the mother are falling. Passive immunity provides protection for several months, active - often for life.

Acquired immunity, as well as congenital, can be divided into:

  • Cell immunity.

It is provided by T-lymphocytes (subspecies of leukocytes) - cells that can recognize viral fragments, attack them and destroy.

  • Humonal immunity.

The ability of B-lymphocytes to produce antibodies to the virus (immunoglobulins), which neutralize specific antigens, allows you to create specific protection of the body. An important function of humonal immunity - the ability to memorize contact with the antigen. For this, the specific IgG antibodies are produced, which are later able to prevent the development of the disease if the virus infection occurs.

To date, the medicine uses a relatively small amount antiviral drugs With proven efficacy. The entire spectrum of drugs can be divided into two groups:

  1. Stimulating human immune system.
  2. Driving directly to the detected virus, the so-called direct action preparations.

The first can be called the preparations of a wide range of action, but they often have a number of serious complications. One of these drugs are interferons. The most popular of them - Interferon Alfa-2B, which is used in the treatment of chronic forms of hepatitis B and previously applied to the hepatitis C virus. Interferons is sufficiently endured patients, often cause various side effects From the side of the cardiovascular and central nervous system. They also have pyrogenic properties - cause heat.

The second group of antiviral drugs is more efficient and easier to suffer patients. Among them are the most popular medicines that treat:

  • Herpes (acyclovir drug).

Suppress symptoms of viral disease, but cannot completely eliminate the virus.

  • Flu.

According to the recommendation of WHO, inhibitors of influenza neuraminidase (oseltamivir and zanamivir) are now applied, since their predecessors, Adamants, in most modern flu virus strains have stability. Commercial titles of drugs - Tamiflu and Releza.

  • Hepatitis.

Until recently, Ribavirin in the interferon complex was actively used to treat hepatitis C and in the interferon complex. Now hepatitis C (genotype 1B) is treated with the help of new generation medicines. In particular, since 2013, the drug direct action is approved by Simeprovir, which showed high efficiency - 80-91% resistant virological response in different groups, including 60-80% in people with cirrhosis of the liver.

Unfortunately, the drug virus cannot be completely eliminated, but antiretroviral drugs give a sufficiently resistant effect - the stage of remission occurs, and the person becomes unsuccessful for others. For HIV-positive people, antiretroviral therapy should continue all life.

Prevention of viral diseases

Since there are no specific treatment for a variety of viral diseases, but they represent a completely real danger to human health and life, prevention goes to the fore.


Many virus infections spread quickly quickly and at the same time are highly discharged. If we are talking about the viruses transmitted by air-droplet, an effective measure is the introduction of quarantine in pre-school and school institutions. Since the infected child can spread the virus before the symptoms manifest itself, it is so possible to stop infection with a virus of the whole team.

At an epidemic dangerous period, it is advisable to avoid large clusters of people, especially in closed rooms. This will reduce the risk of infection with various ARVI, including influenza.

Prevention of viruses transmitted by fecal-oral pathway (for example, Botkin and Poliomyelitis Diseases) - Hand washing, boiling water and the use of only proven water supply sources, thorough washing fruits and vegetables.

The greatest danger is viruses transmitted through blood and other biological fluids. Infectness risk factors for them:

  • Injection addiction.
  • Cosmetology procedures and tattoos using non-disabled tools.
  • Use of personal hygiene products of an infected person - manicure scissors, toothbrush, razor and more.
  • Unprotected sexual contacts.
  • Operational intervention, blood transfusion.

A person who falls into a risk group for infection with such diseases should be sure to pass tests on antibodies to viruses, first of all, HIV, hepatitis C and B. Deliver blood after 4-5 weeks after the intended infection.

Any precautions do not give 100% warranty of virus protection. To date, the most reasonable way to prevent viral infections is vaccination.

Pharmacists have developed vaccinations that are effective in relation to more than 30 different viruses. Among them:

  • Measles.
  • Rubella.
  • Parotitis.
  • Chickenpox.
  • Flu.
  • Polio.
  • Hepatitis B.
  • Hepatitis A.
  • Human papilloma virus 16 and 18 types.

It was using the mass vaccination that two virus of natural smallpox could be defeated, which caused epidemics and resulted in fatal outcomes and disability.

Since 1988, WHO in partnership with a number of public and private health sectors launched a global poliomyelitis elimination initiative. To date, it is precisely with the help of mass immunization that a virus infection is 99% managed to reduce. As of 2016, poliomyelitis is an endemic disease (that is, such that does not go beyond the country's framework) in total in two countries - Afghanistan and Pakistan.

This material is used in vaccines:

  • Live, but weakened microorganisms.
  • Inactivated - killed viruses.
  • Acellylar - purified material, for example, proteins or other parts of the antigen.
  • Synthetic components.

In order to reduce the risk of developing complications, vaccination for some viruses takes place in several stages - first inactivated material, and then alive.

Some vaccines give immunity for life - resistant antibodies to the virus are produced. Others require revaccination - repeated vaccination at a certain time.

Viruses and diseases

Human viruses cause various gravity and the flow of the disease. With some of them, most of the residents of the Earth are facing, others are rare. In this section, we collected the most famous viruses.


Adenovirus was opened in 1953, then it was possible to detect it after surgery on almonds and adenoids. Today, the science knows about 50-80 subspecies of this virus, and they all cause similar diseases. Adenovirus is frequent cause Development of acute respiratory viral infections, as well as in some cases, can lead to intestinal diseases in children. Infection of the virus leads to the affix of the cells of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, almonds, eyes, bronchi.

  • Transmission path.

Air-drip (more than 90% of cases), fecal-oral.

  • Symptoms of the virus.

The disease begins with high temperatures, which can rise to 38 ° C. There is general intoxication - chills, muscle pain, joints, whiskeys, weakness. There is a redness of the throat and inflammation of the mucous membrane, as well as rhinitis. With eye damage - redness of the mucous membranes, itching, thread.

  • Possible complications.

It is rarely manifested, a bacterial infection can join, which will cause pneumonia, otitis, sinusitis.

  • Treatment.

Symptomatic, permissible use of vitamins, antihistamine.

  • Forecast.

Favorable, in the absence of concomitant diseases and immunodeficiency, the disease itself passes.

The influenza virus is perhaps the most famous of all infections that cause the respiratory tract. It is really different from other ORVI and symptoms, and on possible complications.

It is the influenza that often causes epidemics and a pandemic, as the virus constantly mutters. At the same time, some strains are capable of leading enough severe diseases, often with a fatal outcome. Even in the absence of serious pandemics, according to WHO, in the world dies from 250 thousand to 500 thousand people.

  • Transmission path.

Air-drip, the virus can also be maintained on the surfaces and hands of an infected person.

  • Symptoms of the virus.

It always begins acutely - the temperature increases (sometimes up to 39 ° C), the cough and rhinitis begins, worsening general state. The flu virus causes severe intoxication of the body, which manifests itself in pains, general weakness, drowsiness, loss of appetite.

  • Possible complications.

The flu more often than other ORVI leads to complications, most of which are associated with the addition of bacterial infection - pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis, sinusitis and other diseases. Inxication leads to the exacerbation of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular, diabetes, asthma. The flu may also cause viral complications that will manifest on the 2-3rd day after the first symptoms. These are the most dangerous effects of the disease, as they can lead to edema of the lungs, the development of encephalitis and meningitis. There is a temporary loss of hearing or smell.

  • Treatment.

During the normal course of the disease, the detected virus does not need specific treatment. In the development of viral complications, especially pneumonia, drugs oseltamivir and zanamivir are used, the administration of interferon is possible.

  • Forecast.

The greatest danger of influenza is for people after 65 years, as well as those who have concomitant diseases - diabetes, heart disease and lungs. It is among these categories that the virus most often leads to fatal outcomes. Also infection with the influenza virus can be dangerous for pregnant and children. Therefore, for people from risk groups, WHO recommends the annual vaccination.

The wind oil (wind turbine) causes the Herpes Herpes Virus from the extensive family of herpesviruses. This disease is characteristic of children. younger agewho suffered her man gets immunity to a virus for life. In this case, the susceptibility of the body is 100%. Therefore, if the person contacts the person without acquired immunity, it is accurately infected. In adult age, the windmill can be transferred heavier, and if the primary infection occurred in a pregnant woman - to cause serious fetus damage (however, a maximum of 2% of cases).

  • Transmission path.

Air-drip, while the virus is able to move with air current at a distance of up to 20 m.

  • Symptoms of the virus.

The main distinguishing feature of the windmill is a specific bubble rash, which spreads throughout the body, occurs on the mucous membranes. After the first symptoms, new bubbles are formed by another 2-5 days, in rare cases up to 9 days. They will be saczy and itch. The beginning of the disease is accompanied by a high temperature, it takes particularly hard in adults.

  • Possible complications.

In childhood, the windmill is carried out fairly easily, the infection itself passes without specific treatment. Special attention should be paid to rash, because if it combed to comb on the skin, a scar can form. Also, blades and an ulcers arising in their place may be an entrance for a bacterial skin infection.

  • Treatment.

Specific treatment does not exist, with windmill treatment is symptomatic, in particular, the prevention of skin infection is carried out. Now against the virus has developed an effective vaccine that provides lifelong immunity.

  • Forecast.


Simple herpes virus

Simple herpes virus is two types. The first type most often causes ulcers on lips and mucous points. The second is the lesion of the genital organs. A man who infected herpes virus remains his carrier for life. This infection cannot be cured, however, with a normal immunich, it can proceed asymptomatic. HPV refers to neurotropic viruses, that is, after infection, it moves into nervous cells and remains unattainable for the immune system there.

VSV-2 is the greatest danger, since, according to WHO, increases the risk of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus 3 times.

  • Transmission path.

WSG-1 is transmitted through oral contact, with saliva, during the exacerbation of infection. HPV-2 is transmitted by sex and vertical path.

  • Symptoms of the virus.

HPV-1 is manifested from time to the formation of ulcers on lips and mucous membranes. The frequency of such rash depends on the immunity of a person, in some cases the carrier can not manifest a virus at all. WSV-2 also often proceeds asymptomatic, sometimes manifested by rash in the form of bubbles on the genitals and in the anal area.

  • Possible complications.

The greatest danger of the 2nd type virus in women is during pregnancy, because it can cause fetal contamination and subsequent pathologies from the central nervous system and other organs.

  • Treatment.

In the exacerbation of an infected person, the use of antiherpetic drugs, such as acyclovir, can be recommended.

  • Forecast.

In the absence of immunodeficiency, this infection does not lead to serious health disorders.

Papilloma viruses group combines more than 100 species of various extracellular agents. Despite the fact that they cause diseases similar to symptoms - neoplasms on the skin are manifested - the severity of the disease depends on the type of infection, as well as the immune system of an infected person.

Human papilloma virus

Human papilloma viruses (HPV) are one of the most common infections in the world that can cause various lesions. Most species are safe, after infection appear light symptoms And later pass without treatment. According to WHO, 90% is fully cured within 2 years after infection.

However, the human papilloma virus is under special control and is studied in detail. This is due to the fact that today has been proven - at least 13 types of human papilloma virus are capable of causing cancer. First of all, the danger represents 16 and 18 types.

  • Transmission path.

Contact (through the skin with a neoplasm), gender (for genital forms of the virus).

  • Symptoms of the virus.

After infection on the skin or mucous membranes, papillomas, condylomas and various warts are formed. Depending on the type of HPV, they look different and arise in different parts of the body. For example, for some types (1, 2, 4), the defeat of the stop, the mouth mucoster attacks the viruses 13 and 32 of the type. Condylomes on the genital organs occur under the influence of 6, 11, 16, 18 and other types.

  • Possible complications.

The most dangerous complication is the rebirth of papilloma in a malignant tumor.

  • Treatment.

Specific therapy does not exist. Viruses or pass themselves, or remain for life. People with severe symptoms recommended surgical removal of warts, kondil and papillom.

  • Forecast.

In general, favorable. Even the types of HPV with a high oncological risk can be controlled. The key in the successful suppression of human papillomas virus in women and men is timely diagnosis, which involves blood tests on antibodies.

Women's papilloma virus

The connection of some types of human papilloma virus in women with the development of cervical cancer are proved. According to WHO, 16 and 18, type causes 70% of all cases of development of this oncological disease.

At the same time, the rebirth of the neoplasm goes on average 15-20 years, if a woman has no problems with immunity. For HIV-infected, this gap can be 5 years. Local treatment can help prevent the development of infection, and for this requires timely diagnosis. That is why women are encouraged annually to visit the gynecologist annually and test analyzes for papilloma viruses.

On the genitals, two types of Condyl are developing - pointed and flat. The first most often provoke the types of virus 6 and 11. They are well noticeable, are formed on the external genital organs, while rarely lead to cancer. Flat are provoked by viruses 16 and 18 types. They are on the interior genitals, are worse noticeable and have a high oncological risk.

Today, 16 and 18 HPVs have developed vaccines that WHO recommends applying at the age of 9-13 years. In the US and some European countries, these vaccinations are included in the vaccination calendar.

Among all inflammation of the liver of virus nature, the virus nature is most often found. Hepatitis - A, B, C, D, and E. are distinguished. They differ in the method of transmission, the flow of illness and the forecast.

Hepatitis A and E

Viruses of this group differ from the rest of the fact that they are not able to cause a chronic disease. Once the suffering disease in the overwhelming majority gives lifelong immunity. Therefore, Botkin's disease is characteristic of children's age.

  • Transmission path.

Alimentary (fecal-oral), most often through polluted water.

  • Symptoms of the virus.

Hepatitis A and E is manifested by nausea, vomiting, pain in the liver, increasing temperature, loss of appetite. Also characterized by darkening of urine and blessing kALOV MASS.. The disease includes the jaundice period, in which, due to the increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood, the yellow shade acquires the skin, mucous, nail plates and eye sclers.

  • Possible complications.

These liver inflammation is dangerous for people with immunodeficiency, as well as during pregnancy. In the case of infection with a virus during pregnancy, hepatitis A is transferred much more difficult, and hepatitis E can cause serious pathology of the fetus and in some cases the death of the mother.

  • Treatment.

No specific treatment of hepatitis A and E viruses. The main therapy lies in supporting means, as well as compliance therapeutic diet. From hepatitis A developed vaccine.

  • Forecast.

Favorable. Hepatitis A and E viruses do not cause chronic diseases. The infection takes place without treatment after a few weeks or months. In the future, the liver is able to fully recover.

Hepatitis B, C, D

Hepatitis B, C and D represent a greater health hazard. They are prone to chronic, especially the type C, which leads to chronic disease in 55-85% of cases. Hepatitis D virus is a special danger. This is a satellite virus, that is, such that shows activity only in the presence of Virus V. It is he that significantly takes the course of the disease. And in some cases, coinfection leads to acute liver failure and fatal outcome in the acute period of the disease.

  • Transmission path.

Hematogenic (through blood), sex, vertical. Especially infectious hepatitis B, which is sometimes called serum.

  • Symptoms.

Hepatitis B passes acutely with severe symptoms of liver damage - intoxication, nausea, loss of appetite, white Cal., darkening urine, jaundice. Hepatitis C in the acute stage in the overwhelming majority of cases proceeds asymptomatic. Moreover, it can remain invisible in chronic form. A person is guessing about the disease only at the critical stages of a cirrhosis or liver cancer.

  • Possible complications.

Both diseases are able to move into chronic infections. It is most often happening in the case of the hepatitis C virus C. Chronization of hepatitis B depends on the age of the patient. For example, in infants, the likelihood of such a flow is 80-90%, and for adults - less than 5%. Chronic hepatitis is dangerous irreversible lesions of the liver - cirrhosis, cancer, acute liver failure.

  • Treatment.

Hepatitis B is treated in the acute period, in the chronic form of specific therapy does not exist - lifelong supporting drugs are prescribed. However, against the virus in exists an effective vaccine, which is used since 1982. Modern pharmacological developments made it possible to increase the percentage of treatment efficiency chronic hepatitis With up to 90%. Now for this disease, direct action antiviral drugs are applied, which are accepted for 12 weeks.

  • Forecast.

Chronic hepatitis C is able to cause serious liver damage for 20 years after infection, in some cases - 5-7 years. The risk of cirrhosis is 15-30%. Hepatitis B is already dangerous in the acute period if the virus D is also present in the blood, the chronic form of hepatitis B can also cause serious liver damage.

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

HIV today is considered one of the most dangerous infections around the world. It is common everywhere, as of 2014 in the world there were approximately 37 million infected people. HIV is a pandemic disease, which is different from other things that amazes the immune system itself. The virus is most dangerous in the final stage of the development of the disease - with the syndrome of the acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS). It is with such a diagnosis that other infections may be activated, a tendency to form malignant tumors, any minor disease gives serious complications. It is a strong downgrade of immunity and is the cause of death from HIV.

  • Transmission path.

Hematogenic, sex.

  • Symptoms.

The development of AIDS proceeds asymptomatic. After the manifestations of reduced immunity arise, in particular, viruses that are activated that healthy man Practically do not show ourselves. For example, the Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus. Other viruses (cortex, rubella, influenza,) lead to serious damage and development of pathologies.

  • Possible complications.

Related to infections that have a person. In immunodeficiency, the risk of complications for any disease sometimes reaches 100%. Even some light infections can lead to a fatal outcome.

  • Treatment.

HIV can not be cured completely. If a person has become infected, the infection will remain for his life. However, effective antiretroviral therapy has been developed, which should continue all life. Thanks to these drugs, HIV can be kept under control, prevent AIDS development. The viral load decreases so much that a person who receives treatment ceases to be contagious.

  • Forecast.

With a timely treatment, HIV positive people are able to live a full life. Without treatment, AIDS is developing within 2-15 years and leads to the death of the patient.

Cytomegalovirus infection is often remembered in the context of diseases dangerous during pregnancy. It is for the fetus that this virus from the herpesviruses family may pose a serious threat. However, it happens only if the woman is infected in the period of having a child. This happens quite rarely, because the majority of the population faces the virus in childhood.

  • Transmission path.

Through biological fluids - saliva, urine, sperm, selection, and also through breast milk.

  • Symptoms of the virus.

People without immunodeficiency even in the acute period flows asymptomatic. The fetus can develop various pathologies, in particular deafness. Primary infection with cytomegalovirus during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage.

  • Possible complications.

Extremely rarely and only for risk groups.

  • Treatment.

A vaccine has been developed against cytomegalovirus, which may be necessary for people with immunodeficiency, pregnant women without immunomized to the virus.

  • Forecast.


Freshness virus

The rabies virus belongs to neurotropic, that is, such that can affect nervous cells. Being in the nervous system, it becomes unattainable for the cells of the immune system, since the immune response acts only within the bloodstream. That is why infection with rabies without treatment leads to a fatal outcome.

  • Transmission path.

Through bites and saliva of infected animals. Most frequently transmitted from dogs.

  • Symptoms of the virus.

After an incubation period, which lasts an average of 1-3 months, an insignificant increase in temperature appears, pain in the place of bite, insomnia. Later, convulsions, light and hydrogen, hallucinations, feeling of fear, aggression appear. The disease is ends with palsy muscles and respiratory disorders.

  • Possible complications.

If symptoms appeared, the rabies lead to death.

  • Treatment.

Immediately after a bite or possible contact with mad animals, it is necessary to start vaccination. The treatment of rabies virus is aware of post-exposure prevention (PEP).

  • Forecast.

With timely vaccination favorable.

Poliomyelitis affects mostly children up to 5 years. In most cases, it does not cause serious health effects, however, 1 out of 200 infected virus leads to severe paralymps. In 5-10% of patients with complications, paralysis of respiratory muscles also occurs, which leads to death.

Now poliomyelitis is almost defeated by vaccination. This disease remained like endemic in two countries - Pakistan and Afghanistan.

  • Transmission path.


  • Symptoms of the virus.

With the paralytic form of the course of the disease, the body temperature increases, a runny nose appears, nausea, headache. Parables can develop for several hours, most often affect limbs.

  • Possible complications.

Atrophy muscles, deformation of the body, persistent paralysis of the limbs that remain for life.

  • Treatment.

Specific treatment does not exist. At the same time, polyomelitis vaccination completely eliminates the risk of infection.

  • Forecast.

Due to the immunization of the population, the number of pathologies caused by poliomyelitis has decreased by 99% since 1988.

Viral infections call diseases caused by pathogenic smallest particles viruses. An important feature is the presence of severe complications, especially in children and elderly children. Despite the diversity of clinical forms, approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of most viral diseases of the same type. Immunoprophylaxis, timely vaccination plays an important role.

Causes of viral infectious diseases

The causes of infectious diseases can be divided into two large groups. On the one hand, these are the internal factors of the human body creating good conditions For the introduction and reproduction of the virus. This includes a decrease in local immunity, hypovitaminosis, chronic somatic diseases (First of all, diabetes mellitus and liver disease).

Children play an important role anatomical features Respiratory system: narrow nasal moves, immaturity of the pharyngeal lymphoid ring, small size of the larynx, abundant blood supply to the respiratory tract. In addition, the kids of age from 2 to 5 years old are intensive contact with other children and adults, which causes an increased risk of infection.

From pathogens, it is important to note their ability to mutate. Viruses are intensively changed by genetic material, acquiring new properties and mastering new transmission paths. This allows them to successfully circulate in the environment and maintain the ability to survive in the human body.


All causative agents of viral infectious diseases are the smallest particles virions. For practical purposes, it is most important to know the path and mechanism of their distribution. On this basis, viral infections are divided into:

  • Air-drip infections of the respiratory tract (flu, paragripp, adenoviral infection, cortex, rubella, chickenpox).
  • Intestinal (rotavirus infection, disease caused by Coxica viruses and Esno, hepatitis A and E, etc.).
  • Blood (hepatitis B, C, D, HIV, etc.).
  • Contact (herpes of the first and second types, HPV, etc.).


Pathoom: flu virus. It has strains A, B and C. Most common in nature Stamin A. He has a tendency to mutate , and this explains the high incidence of flu among the population. The virus is unstable in the external environment, it does not tolerate drying, sharp fluctuations in the ambient temperature. Dies when exposed to ordinary detergents, ultraviolet radiation.

The source of infection is the sick person from the end of the incubation period. Featured most contagious during the catarrhal phenomena (runny nose, cough). Path distribution path: air drip. Incubation period: from 15 hours to 3 days, on average 24 hours.

The clinical picture: a distinctive feature is that the phenomena of general intoxication always advocate the fore. The disease begins with a sudden rise of temperature to 38.5-39 ° C. Headache arises, the feeling of "lobs" in the joints and muscles. Only by the end of the first day they join the catarrhal symptoms: a dry cough with a meager sputum, a runny nose. On the 3-4th day of the cough disease becomes wet, the sputum moves intensively. The disease on average lasts 5-7 days.

Features in children: Symptoms of lesions of CNS-light-free, tension of the occipital muscles can often appear in older children, the tension of the occipital muscles, the face of pain on the face.

In newborns and infants with influenza rarely, fever and strong intoxication are rarely detected, the catarrhal phenomena (coarse cough, nasal congestion) are poorly expressed. The severity is determined by frequent development in a child of bacterial complications, such as pneumonia, pulmonary edema, meningitis, etc.

Treatment and prevention: oseltamivir, remantadine, amantadine, interferon preparations (Infpopheron, Anaferon). Symptomatic treatment: NSAIDs (ibuprofen, etc.), nasal vasoconstrictors, antitussive (Codelak, Tusuprex, Topinckode) and expectorant drugs (Mukaltin, ATSC, Ambrone). In bacterial infections, antibiotics are used in accordance with the sensitivity of the pathogen. Prevention: immunization of the population to the expected epidemic season.


Pathogene: paragripping virus. In humans, the disease causes four types of virus (1, 2, 3, 4). In the environment, the latch virus. For room temperature Dies after 4 hours. Sensitive to disinfectants. The source of the pathogen - patients with typical and erased forms of the disease, contagious during the week. Distribution path: Aircraft. High susceptibility. Incubation period: from 1 to 7 days, an average of 5 days.

Clinical picture: The disease develops gradually, within 2-3 days. Inxication is weakly expressed, catarrhal phenomena overlook the fore. The temperature rarely rises above 38 ° C. In Zev, the weak redness of the mucous membrane is determined, the rear wall of the "grainy" pharynx. A distinctive feature of paragrippa is the defeat of the larynx (laryngitis). It is manifested by a strong, dry, "barking" cough.

Features in children: in children up to 6 months. Paragripp is rare. Catarial phenomena prevail, croup syndrome rarely occurs. Complications: Children of 1-5 years old often develops stenosing laryngitis ("false croup"). This urgent state requires immediate hospitalization of the child. In adult syndrome practically does not occur.

Treatment Symptomatic: antitussive (Codelak, Tusuprex, Topinckode) and expectorant preparations (Mukaltin, Atsz, Ambroben). In bacterial infections, antibiotics are used in accordance with the sensitivity of the pathogen. Prevention: not designed.

Adenoviral infection

Adenovirus conjunctivitis

Pathoom: Adenovirus. For a person, 49 strains are dangerous for a person, of which strains of 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14 and 21 are kept. The source of the pathogen is sick people and virosters. They highlight the virus with the separated airways and eye conjunctivities up to 5 - 7, sometimes 25 days of the disease, with feces - up to 3 weeks. Key distribution path: airborne drip; Possible food and water transmission paths. The greatest incidence is celebrated in the autumn-winter months. Incubation period: from 5 to 14 days, an average of 7 days.

The clinical picture: the period of fusion begins acutely, but the symptoms of the disease develop consistently. For this infection, there is a long temperature (up to 2 weeks), pronounced local catarrhal phenomena. Typic appearance Patient: His face is thought out, abundant mucous membranes from the nose, conjunctivitis are noted. In addition, the phenomena of acute tonsillitis are expressed simultaneously increasing in the sizes of cervical and submandibular lymph nodes. The defeat of intestinal lymph nodes (mesadenit) may be accompanied by stomach pains, reminding the clinic acute appendicitis. Rarely fotostly papulese rashes.

Features in children: higher than adults, temperature (up to 39 ° C), strongly pronounced phenomena of intoxication and dehydration during diarrhea.

Complications: pneumonia, sinusitis, bacterial infections.

Treatment: only symptomatic. The diagram of treatment is similar to all ORVI.

Prevention: immunization of oral living vaccine (USA) in epidemiological indications.



The pathogen: the Herpes Virus of the 3rd type VARICELTA-ZOSTER (VZV). In the environment is malstainable, sensitive to disinfectant solutions, UFO. Source of the pathogen - Sick people. Key transfer path: airborne drip. Patients with chickenpox are infectious for those around the day before the appearance of rashes and up to 5 days from the date of the appearance of the latest elements of the rash. The virus has a large volatility, infection occurs at a distance of 20 m. The vertical transmission mechanism from the mother to the fetus is also described. Incubation period: from 10 to 21 days, on average 14 days.

Clinical picture: in adult body temperature, symptoms of intoxication are more pronounced than children. Elements of rash appear not simultaneously. Each slumber is accompanied by an episode of fever. Initially, they have the form of small red specks, which for several hours are formed in the tubercle, and then into the bubble filled with transparent content. After 1-2 days, they dry out, covered with a brown crust, after the disappearance of which pigmented spots remain on the skin, in some cases the scars. The elements of the rash are located on all areas of the skin, especially on the scalp (distinguishing sign of wind sieves).

For the disease, a variety of rash is characterized. On one skin section, it is possible to detect elements that are at various stages of development (from a spin to crust), as well as different size (from 1 - 2 to 5 - 8 mm). Rash is often combined with strong itch. In adults, it is more abundant, the rash period is more than more often there are empty. It is often accompanied by a multiple increase in lymph nodes.

Features in children: the disease usually begins with the appearance of rash. At the same time, the body temperature from 37.5 to 38.5 - 39 ° C increases. The severity of fever and intoxication depends on the amount of rashes. The duration of it, as a rule, does not exceed 3-5 days. Complications: Pneumonia, meningitis, keratitis, bacterial infections.

Treatment: with uncomplicated form treatment is symptomatic. The elements of the rash are treated with antiseptics (diamond green, chlorophyllipte, etc.). At high temperatures, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. In children, the use of acetylsalicylic acid is contraindicated! With severe forms, treatment is carried out in a hospital with the use of antiviral drugs (acyclovir) and immunoglobulins. In cases of bacterial infections, the antibiotics of a wide range of action are used.

Prevention: Isolation of the patient for 9 days from the moment of the disease. Specific prophylaxis includes the introduction of the vaccine.


Core rash

Filatov spots

Pathogen: Corey virus. The pathogen is malstainable in the environment, at a temperature of 60 ° C is destroyed for a few seconds, instantly dies under the influence of sun rays and UV irradiation. At room temperature, it is saved for 3 to 4 hours. The source of the pathogen is a sick person who becomes contagious for those surrounding in the last 2 days of the incubation period, during the entire catarrhal period and the appearance of rashes. From 5 days of the appearance of the sick, the patient becomes unsuccessful. Key path distribution pathogen: airborne drip. The incubation period: 8 - 10 days, but can be left to 17 days.

Clinical picture: distinguish three main periods: catarrhal (or initial, longitudinal), rash and pigmentation. The initial continues from 3 - 4 to 5 - 7 days. Clinical symptoms are an increase in body temperature to 38.5 - 39.0 ° C, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. Catarial phenomena are steadily progress. In patients, abundant discharge from the nose, at the beginning of the mucous membranes, then with pus elements, as well as husky or hoarse voice, dry obsessive cough. The edema of the eyelids are observed, photophobes, redness of conjunctivations with the subsequent development of purulent conjunctivitis. The general condition of the patients is significantly disturbed: a decrease in appetite, sleep disorder is noted. The symptoms of general intoxication are pronounced, cramps, disturbances of consciousness may occur.

For the catarrhal measles period, the appearance of pinkish-red small spots on the soft and solid sky is characteristic. They are usually found for 1 - 2 days before the rashes on the skin. A number of patients in this period on the skin appear nonophiceal low-heed finely purified rash. Distinctive symptoms of measles in the initial period are Filatov's spots that appear for 1 - 2 days before the spindles on the skin. They are detected on the mucous membrane of the cheeks (at the indigenous teeth), lips and gums. These are grayish-white papules with a poppy grain, resembling large salt crystals or a semolina, surrounded by a wedge.

The rash period begins on the 4th - 5th day of the disease and is characterized by the appearance of pink spotted rash on the background of the skin of the usual color. The main feature is its stance. Usually in the 1st day, the elements of the rash appear on the face, on the 2nd - on the body and the areas closest to it, on the 3rd - the rash spreads to the limbs completely. The first elements appear behind the abnormal sinks, on the back of the nose in the form of small spots or papules of saturated-pink color. After a few hours, they increase in size. Elements merge, and rash becomes typical for measles - spideline-papular. As a rule, it is very abundant. But maybe scarce in the form of individual elements. They are quickly darkened and then disappear (pigmentation period).

Features in children: In the 1st day of rash in children, the temperature is higher compared to the catarrhal. Sometimes for 1 - 2 days before the beginning of this period, the body temperature decreases, but when the ravis appears again rises. Subsequent fever is preserved over the entire rash period. Complications: pneumonia, otitis, meningitis, encephalitis, bacterial infections.

Treatment: The room in which the patient is located should be shaded. Showed abundant drink. Assign inhalations, antitussive tools. There is data on the effectiveness of interferon preparations: Alpha interferon is used. Antibiotics are prescribed in the case of attaching bacterial mixed infections. Weakened patients, children under 1, according to individual indications, it is advisable to preventive use of a wide range of action antibiotics.

Prevention: Isolation of the patient until the 4th day from the beginning of rashes. For contact - quarantine 17 days. Unmumbed immunized. Planned immunization of a living core vaccine from 12 months., Revaccination in 6 years.



Pathoom: Rubber virus. In the environment, the causative agent is unstable. Instantly dies when boiling, at room temperature lives several hours. A sick person serves as a source of pathogen. The only transmission mechanism is an aerosol, the path is air-drip. The pathogen is distinguished from the body of the patient with the separated mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, the most intensely per day before the start of the disease. Most often children are sick of 3 to 6 years. Incubation period: from 10 to 24 days, on average 14 days.

Clinical Picture: The disease begins with light catarrhal phenomena resembling an ARVI: dry cough, throat, nasal congestion. On the soft sky it is possible to appear rams in the form of red spots. Noted weakly pronounced conjunctivitis. A typical manifestation of the disease is a multiple increase in lymph nodes, which can precede with catarrhal phenomena. This is especially characteristic of occipital and rear lymphatic nodes. Sometimes there is an increase in the size of the spleen. The body temperature rises in the range from 37.5 to 39 ° C. Fever lasts from 2 to 4 days and is accompanied by weak intoxication.

Rash appears on the 1st day of the disease. The first of its elements are watching the ears, on the face. Within 12 - 36 hours, the rash applies to the body and the limb, where it is more abundant than on the face. The brightest on the back, buttocks, the extensive surfaces of the limbs. The elements of the rash is the stains of the pink color of the round shape, a diameter of 2 - 5 mm, not towering above the skin surface. Sometimes they merge among themselves. Razk may be accompanied by a light itch. It disappears after 2 - 4 days, not leaving pigmentation.

Features in children: in children the disease proceeds with a shorter fever period, much less complications.

Complications: the most frequent - polyarthritis, especially in adults. It develops after 4 - 7 days after the appearance of rash. They suffer predominantly metacar-phalange and interphalating joints, less often knee and elbow. Another formidable complication is encephalitis.

Treatment: Bed regime is prescribed for the fever period. Diet gentle, drink warm, abundant. In another treatment, the overwhelming majority of patients do not need. For fever and arthritis sometimes prescribe symptomatic means (Ibuprofen).

Prevention: Isolation of the patient until the 4th day from the beginning of rashes. Planned (calendar) immunization of a living core vaccine from 12 months., Revaccination at 6 years. Immuccued puberty girls is recommended to immunization.

Rotavirus infection

The pathogen: representatives of the Rotavirus family. They are resistant to the environment, at various facilities are saved from 10 to 30 days, in feces up to 7 months. Source of the pathogen - Sick people. In the first day of the disease in the patient's feces, contains many virions. After the 5th day of the disease, the amount of virus in the blood and feces falls quickly. In most cases, its duration does not exceed 1 month. Viro without clinical manifestations lasts for several months. The path of spreading the virus fecal-oral. The key transmission factor is water. Incubation period: from 15 hours to 5 days.

Clinical picture: the beginning of the disease is acute. The development of a clinical picture almost always begins with vomiting, which occurs after eating or drinking. Romatic masses are abundant, watery. After a few hours, diarrhea is connected with a frequency up to 10 times a day. Then to the symptoms of damage to organs gastrointestinal tract Signs of intoxication are added: headache, weakness, feeling of "lobs" in the muscles and joints. Fever is incomprehensible and is short-term. Part of the patients occurs catarrhal syndrome: runny nose, cough.

Features in children: the disease occurs with lactase deficiency syndrome. This is expressed in the form of bloating, a frequent foam chair with an admixture of whitish "flakes". Rotavirus infection Children often lead to dehydration than illness and dangerous.

Treatment is carried out in the hospital. Specific therapy is carried out by anti-torch immunoglobulin. Interferon preparations (interferon-alpha) are actively used. To fill the loss of fluid, infusion therapy is carried out. At the I-II dehydration dehydration, solutions are solved for oral use (oralitis, citrotrhoposolyan, etc.), with III-IV degrees are carried out intravenous infusion of solutions. For children, it is necessary to assign sorbents (activated carbon, smect). The diet is lactose-free, children on breast and artificial feeding are translated into special brine mixes. Prevention is not designed. Insulation of the patient and hygienic measures give a slight effect.

Infection caused by Coxica viruses and Esno

The pathogen: Coxica viruses (A and B) and Esno (enteroviruses). The only source of the causative agent of infection is a person (patient or a virus carrier), which actively allocates them into an external environment with feces. In addition, the virus is intensively stand out from the mucus of the upper respiratory tract. This is most actively happening in the first day of the disease, but it can continue for several months. The main transmission mechanism of the pathogen - fecal-oral, main paths are water, food (most often through vegetables). Incubation period: from 2 to 10 days.

Clinical picture: Symptoms are diverse. Unified classification of the forms of the disease does not exist. In most cases, the same symptoms are noted. The disease, as a rule, begins acutely with increasing body temperature up to 38 - 39 ° C, headache, feelings of "lobs" in the muscles. With a general examination, redness of the face and neck, mucous membranes, almonds, soft sky, skydie, and the back of the pharynx, often inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes are noted.

The most characteristic manifestation of enterovirus infection is serous meningitis. The disease begins acutely from fever, intoxication, sometimes developing catarrhal phenomena and digestive disorders.

Features in children: the kids may develop a heavy (systemic) form of enterovirus infection - encephalomiocarditis, often having a fatal outcome. Complications: Encephalitis, myocarditis, pneumonia, bacterial infections.

Treatment: held in the hospital. Anti-inflammatory preparations are used (ibuprofen, etc.), with meningitis with edema - diuretics (mannitol, furosemid, diakar, etc.). In severe cases, it is resorted to the systemic administration of glucocorticoids (dexamethasone).

Prevention: Isolation of patients for 2 weeks. Specific prophylaxis has not been developed.

Viral diseases of the respiratory system and organs of the gastrointestinal tract occupy the first seats in the prevalence in adults and children. Knowledge of clinical symptoms of major diseases, treatment methods and prevention is necessary for everyone. This will allow you to assist the disease and prevent infection of others. In any case, the doctor's consultation is necessary!

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Viral infections as infectious diseases have been known for a long time. In the 19th century, after the discovery of bacteria, it was believed that the pathogens of viral infections are very small bacteria that cannot be seen in the microscope. The term virus (lat. - "Poison") introduced Microbiologist Martin Beierink in 1898. A detailed study of viruses has become possible after the invention of the electron microscope. To date, more than 2000 types of viruses are known.

Types of viruses

Depending on the genetic material, all viruses are divided:

  • DNA-containing viruses - genome consists of single-alley or double DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), they include adenovirus ( colds, adenovirus infection), herpesvirus (herpes, slimming, chickenpox), papillomavirus (person papillomatomatosis), hepadnavirus (viral hepatitis B).
  • RNA-containing viruses - only in some species of viruses with genetic material may be RNA (more in nature), this is: oltomiksovirus (flu), flavivirus (viral hepatitis C), retrovirus (HIV AIDS), polyiovirus (poliomyelitis).

Mechanism for the development of viral infections

  • direct cytopathic effect - with active replication (reproduction) of the virus in an infected cell, accumulated viral particles lead to its rupture and death (viral hepatitis A, influenza).
  • immuno-consistent effect - the virus is embedded in the cell gene, is not replicated (located in the latent, "dormant" state), but the virus antigens appear on the surface of the cell. The immune system perceives the cell as an alien and destroys it (viral hepatitis B, C).
  • peaceful coexistence - the antigen does not appear on the cell surface after embedding the virus in the genome, the virus is not replicated and is in the latent state. But under certain conditions, the virus replication begins, which leads to the death of the cell (slimming, herpes, infectious mononucleosis).
  • cell rebirth - the built-in virus changes so much the cell genome that it becomes a tumor (Epstein-Barr virus during chronic infection can lead to stomach cancer, leukemates).

Diagnosis of viral infections

First of all, clinical symptoms allow to suspect one or another viral infection. To verify the virus in laboratories, several diagnostic methods are used:

  • the virological method - a virus from the patient's material from the patient infect the culture of chicken embryo cells, with the next allocation and identification of the virus, is rarely used, so the method of labor-intensive and expensive.
  • the serological method is based on determining the titer of antibodies in human blood to a certain virus. To date, the common and demanded method, since it allows you to determine the virus in the latent state (there is only Ig g G G) or in the stage of replication (Ig M). This allows you to correctly and rationally appoint antiviral drugs.

  • ethiotropic therapy is aimed at the destruction of the virus inside the cells. Preparations are used that block the replication of the virus (acyclovir, lanceobion, cycloferon, arbidol, amiquin). Efficiency can only be in the case of a virus replication, if the virus is in the latent state in the cell genome, the effect of these drugs is absent. For example, the Arbidol with influenza is effective for 3 days from the beginning of the disease (the period of active replication of the virus).
  • immunomodulatory therapy - used to strengthen the immunity of the body, to destroy the virus together with infected cells (Echinacea, Eleutherokokk).

Prevention of viral infections

Prevention of viral infections is specific and non-specific.

  • specific prophylaxis - vaccination is carried out in order to develop immunity against a certain virus (vaccination against viral hepatitis B in vaccination calendar, flu vaccination into epidseason).
  • non-specific prevention is aimed at strengthening immunity as a whole, and not only against a certain virus (labor and recreation, proper nutrition, vegetable drugs).

Given the peculiarities of the pathogenesis and the treatment of viral infections, their prevention comes to the fore, especially with HIV AIDS and viral hepatitis.

Clinical picture of various types of viral infection

Various structure of viruses, features of the defeat of various organ systems, the degree of their aggression in relation to human organism Conduct various clinical symptoms and the severity of the flow of viral disease.

One of the most common groups of viral infections is a group sharp respiratory infections (ORVI). It includes influenza, paragripp, rinovirus, adenovirus, reforirus, coronavirus and some others. These viruses are predominantly affected, as they have tropiness, to the epithelium of the respiratory tract. Typical symptoms of this group of viral infections are predominantly dry cough, a feeling of tingling in the throat, nasal congestion and serous-purulent allocations from the nasal moves, and the injection of the spool vessels and pain in the eyeballs are also possible. As a rule, the symptoms of the lesion of the respiratory tract are combined with general signs (intoxication syndrome): an increase in temperature, weakness, it's a dull pain In the muscles and joints. The outcome of most sharp respiratory infections of viral etiology is favorable. It is possible to develop complications such as pulmonary edema, pneumonia, sinusitis, in the presence of severe chronic pathology, the absence of the necessary timely treatment of the disease.

No less extensive group of so-called children's air-drip infectionsto which king, rubella, windmill, parotitis. Almost all of these viruses are striking predominantly children; Infeitation of an adult, there is much more heavy flow Diseases, high risk of developing all sorts of complications.

Measles It is characterized by the appearance of catarrhal phenomena (dry cough, conjunctivitis of a runny nose), specific spots on the mucous membrane of the cheek (Filatova-BELSKA-Sokilka spots), as well as typical rash. Corey rash is due to the immediate effect of measles virus on the skin epithelium, it appears in stages (on the 4-5 day of the disease on the face, the next day - on the body, then throughout the body), elements of large sizes, red. In the future, rash is pale, pigmentation is possible. The danger to a person seems not so much to see how much its complications: meningitis (inflammation of cerebral shells) and meningoencephalitis (the defeat of the actual brain substance).

Rubella In typical cases, it is manifested by the development of a moderate catarrhal syndrome, an increase in the occipital lymph nodes and the appearance of a shame-podhid-papular rash. Rubelch is a special danger for women during pregnancy, as the rumble virus has a teratogenic effect. The less gestation period, the more severe fetal damage develop. The future child has severe malformations of the heart and vessels, nervous system, as well as an organ of vision. If this viral infection occurred in the 1st trimester, a woman is recommended for an artificial interruption of pregnancy.

Herpetic infection Amazes most of the population of the globe. Clinical manifestations This viral infection is determined by the type of virus and the initial state of the human immune system. Herpes 1-type and 2-type viruses are striking the skin of the face in the form of bubble rashes, accompanied by itching and burning. Herpes-type virus with a primary attack of human focus causes wind oil (bubble rash throughout the body in combination with general intoxication), with a re-encouraging herpes (bubble rash along intercostal intervals accompanied by severe pain). The 4th type of virus causes the so-called infectious mononucleosis. This viral disease It is characterized by an increase in all groups of lymph nodes, spleen and liver, the occurrence of an angina, rarely - rash and jaundice. Herpetic infection also represents a serious danger to a woman in an interesting position: the virus penetration is possible through the placenta and the formation of various gravity of the malformations from the fetus.

Viral hepatitis - A group of acute and chronic diseases characterized mainly by lesion of the liver. Hepatitis viruses (hepatitis A and E) can be transmitted by fecal-oral way: when using contaminated food, water, direct contact with a sick person. Hepatitis B, C, D is transmitted by a hemocontact: when overflowing infected blood, the use of insufficiently processed medical instruments, when conducting a pedicure, manicure, tattoo and piercing. Any viral hepatitis is manifested by jaundice skin and mucous membranes, general intoxication, bleaching of the feces and darkening of urine, which is based on a deep violation of all functions of baked tissue. In severe cases, these viruses can lead to acute liver failure and death of the patient. A number of viruses (B, C, D) can lead to the formation chronic form Diseases, in the consequence - cirrhosis of cookies and cancerous tissue transformation.

Some types of viruses can cause a preferably damage to the nervous system (central and peripheral). These include: enteroviruses, poliomyelitis virus, tick-borne and Japanese encephalitis. Enterovirus infection is characterized by polymorphic clinical symptoms, except for meningitis phenomena, grinding, angina, dyspeptic phenomena may be observed. The outcome of the disease is favorable.

Polio - One of the most severe viral diseases. Typical clinical signs: The emergence of paresis and paralysis of the limbs, less often - respiratory muscles while maintaining the sensitive sphere as a result of inflammatory and dystrophic processes spinal cord. Currently effective medication tools The treatment of polio is not developed. Often motor disorders Stay in the patient for the entire subsequent life.

Kleschye (Russian) and Japanese encephalitis - Natural focal viral infections, which are mainly in a certain geographic area. Characterized by the lesion of the brain directly. As a result, there is a violation of consciousness (up to the brain coma), common cramps, paresis and paralysis of the limbs and torso. Significantly reliable and effective treatments are not developed, a high percentage of fatal outcomes.