Medicase treatment of inflammation of the lungs in children on official recommendations and standards. Symptoms of pneumonia in a child's symptoms of pneumonia in a teenager 12 years

12.09.2020 Complications

Under pneumonia, it is necessary to understand a sharp or chronic infectious-inflammatory process, developing in pulmonary tissue and causeing respiratory disorders syndrome.

Pneumonia refers to severe diseases of the respiratory system in children. The incidence is sporadic, but in rare cases there may be outbreaks of disease among children in one collective.

The incidence of pneumonia in children under 3 years is about 20 cases per 1,000 children of this age, and in children over 3 years old - about 6 cases per 1 thousand children.

Causes of pneumonia

Pneumonia is a polyethological disease: various causative agents of this infection are more characteristic of different age groups. The type of pathogen and the state, and on the conditions and location of children in the development of pneumonia (in hospital or at home).

Pneumonia causative agents can be:

  • pneumococcus - in 25% of cases;
  • - up to 30%;
  • chlamydia - up to 30%;
  • (golden and epidermal);
  • intestinal wand;
  • fungi;
  • mycobacterium;
  • hemophilic stick;
  • singny wand;
  • pneumocists;
  • legionella;
  • viruses (, paragrippa, adenovirus).

So, in the kids aged from the second half of life and up to 5 years, the hemophilic chopper and pneumococcus are most often caused by pneumonia. At the guys pre-school and younger school age Pneumonia may cause a mycoplasma, especially in the transitional summer-autumn period. In adolescence, the cause of pneumonia can be chlamydia.

With the development of pneumonia outside the hospital, its own (endogenous) bacterial flora is more activated, which is in the nasophal. But maybe the pathogen is also coming from the outside.

Factors contributing to the activation of their own microorganisms are:

  • development;
  • supercooling;
  • aspiration (getting into airways) vomit when tightening, food, foreign bodies;
  • in the body of the child;
  • congenital heart disease;
  • stressful situations.

Although pneumonia is mainly bacterial infectionIt can also cause viruses. This is especially characteristic of children in the first year of life.

With a frequent joining in children and the possible hit of the vomit in the respiratory tract, the pneumonia can cause golden staphylococcus, and an intestinal wand. The cause of pneumonia can also be a mycobacterium tuberculosis, fungi, in rare cases - Legionella.

The pathogens fall into the respiratory tract and from outside, the air-droplet (with inhaled air). At the same time, pneumonia can develop as a primary pathological process (brunt pneumonia), and may be secondary, arising as a complication of the inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract (bronchopneumonia) or in other organs. Currently, secondary pneumonia in children are more often recorded.

In the penetration of infection into the pulmonary tissue, edema of the mucous membrane is developing, as a result of which the air supply in the alveoli is hampered, they fall down, gas exchange is disrupted, oxygen starvation is developed in all organs.

There are still hospital (nosocomial) pneumonia, which develop in the hospital's conditions during the treatment of a child of another disease. The pathogens of such pneumonia may be resistant to the action of "hospital" strains (staphylococci, a blue chopstick, protea, klebseyella) or microorganisms of the child himself.

The development of hospital pneumonia contributes to the child antibacterial therapy: It destructively acts on the usual microflora in the lungs, and instead of her in them is settled alone for the body of the flora. Hospital pneumonia arise through two and more days in the hospital.

Pneumonia in newborns in the first 3 days of life can be considered a manifestation of hospital pneumonia, although in these cases it is difficult to exclude intrauterine infection.

Pulmonters allocate more trapped pneumonia caused by a pneumococcus and exciting several segments or a stake of the lung with the transition to the pleura. More often it develops in preschool and school age of children, rarely up to 2-3 years. Typical for trapped pneumonia is the defeat of the left lower share, the less often - the right lower and right-to-top fraction. At heart age, it is manifested in most cases of bronchopneumonia.

Interstitial pneumonia is manifested by the fact that the inflammatory process is mainly localized in the interstitial connective tissue. More often occurs in children of the first 2 years of life. Differs special severity in newborns and infants. It is more common in the autumn-winter period. It is caused by viruses, mycoplasmas, pneumatic, chlamydia.

In addition to bacterial and viral, pneumonia can be:

  • occupy
  • associated with the action of chemical and physical factors.

Why is the pneumonia more often suffer small children?

The smaller the child, the higher the risk of the development of pneumonia and the severity of its flow. Particularities of the body contribute to the frequent occurrence of pneumonia and chronizing it:

  • the respiratory system is not fully formed;
  • the respiratory tract is narrower;
  • the pulmonary fabric is immature, less air, which also reduces gas exchange;
  • mucous in respiratory tract is easily wounded, have a lot blood vessels, quickly when inflammation;
  • the cilia epithelium of the mucous membranes are also immature, do not cope with the removal of sputum from the respiratory tract when inflammation;
  • abdominal type of breathing in kids: any "problem" in the stomach (bloating, swallowing the air in the stomach during feeding, increase in the liver, etc.) more makes it difficult for gas exchange;
  • immaturity immune system.

Contribute to the emergence of pneumonia in crumbs also such factors:

  • artificial (or mixed) feeding;
  • passive smoking arising in many families: toxic action on the lungs and reduces the flow of oxygen into the children's body;
  • hypotrophy, rickets in a child;
  • insufficient quality care kid.

Symptoms of pneumonia

According to the existing classification, pneumonia in children may be one or two-way; focal (with plots of inflammation 1 cm or more); segmental (inflammation applies to the entire segment); drain (the process captures several segments); equity (inflammation is localized in one of the shares: the upper or lower share of the lung).

Inflammation of the pulmonary fabric around the inflamed bronchi is interpreted as bronchopneumonia. If the process extends to the pleura - pureropneumonium is diagnosed; if in pleural cavity Liquid accumulates - this is already complicated during the process and arising.

The clinical manifestations of pneumonia are more dependent not only on the type of pathogen, which caused the inflammatory process, but also from the age of the child. At the older age of children, the disease has clearer and characteristic manifestations, and the kids with minimal manifestations can quickly develop severe respiratory failure, oxygen starvation. Assume how the process will develop is quite difficult.

Initially, the baby may have a slight difficulty of nasal respiration, a plasticity, a decrease in appetite. Then, the temperature is suddenly rising (above 38 ° C) and holds 3 days and longer, breathing and, pallor of skin cover, expressed nasolabial triangle sinusiness, sweating appears.

In respiration, an auxiliary musculature is involved (visible to the naked eye of the intercostal muscles, over- and connectuous yams during breathing), swell ("couples") of the nose wings. Breathing frequency at pneumonia in infants - more than 60 per 1 minute, in a child under 5 years old - more than 50.

Cough may appear on 5-6 days, but it may not be. The cough character may be different: superficial or deep, parlor and dust, dry or wet. The sputum appears only in the case of engaging in the inflammatory process of bronchi.

If the disease is caused by Klebsiella (Fredlender's chopstick), the signs of pneumonia appear after the preceding dyspeptic manifestations (and vomiting), and the cough may appear from the first days of the disease. It is this pathogen that can cause an epidemic outbreak of pneumonia in a children's team.

In addition to the rapid heartbeat, other extrapilence symptoms can be celebrated: muscle pain, rash on the skin, diarrhea, confusion. IN early age The child may appear at high temperature.

The doctor when listening to the child can detect the breathing in the field of inflammation or asymmetric wheezing in the lungs.

With pneumonia, schoolchildren, adolescents have almost always preceding minor manifestations. Then the state is normalized, and after a few days, the pain in the chest appears, and the sharp rise of temperature. Cough arises within 2-3 subsequent days.

With pneumonia caused by chlamydia, there are catar-manifestations in zea and enlarged cervical. And with mycoplasma pneumonia, the temperature may be low, a dry cough is marked and witnessing voice.

With equity pneumonia and the spread of inflammation on the pleura (that is, brewer Pneumonia) Breathing and cough are accompanied by severe pain in the chest. The beginning of such pneumonia is stormy, the temperature rises (with chills) to 40 ° C. Symptoms of intoxication are expressed:, vomiting, lethargy, maybe nonsense. There may be pain in the stomach and diarrhea, bloating.

Often appear on the side of the lesion, herpetic rashes on the lips or wings of the nose, redness of the cheek. May be . Breathing moaning. Cough painful. The ratio of respiration and pulse 1: 1 or 1: 2 (normally depending on the age of 1: 3 or 1: 4).

Despite the severity of the child's condition, poor data are detected in the lungs when listening: weakened breathing, non-permanent wheezing.

Brewing pneumonia in children differs from manifestations in adults:

  • usually the "rusty" sputum appears;
  • the whole share of the lung is not always affected, more often the process captures 1 or 2 segments;
  • signs of lung defeat appear later;
  • exodus is more favorable;
  • warms in the acute phase are listened only in 15% of children, and almost everyone - in the resolution stage (wet, persistent, not disappearing after coughing).

Especially it is necessary to highlight staphylococcal pneumonia, given its tendency to the development of complications in the form of the formation of abscesses in the pulmonary fabric. Most often, it is an option for nosocomial pneumonia, and golden staphylococcus, which caused inflammation, is resistant to penicillin (sometimes to meticillin). Outside the hospital, it is registered in rare cases: in children with immunodeficiency and infants.

Clinical symptoms of staphylococcal pneumonia are characterized by a higher (up to 40 ° C) and a longer fever (up to 10 days), difficult to the action of antipyretics. The beginning, as a rule, sharp, symptoms (, lip and limb sinushesity) increases quickly. Many children have vomiting, bloating, diarrhea.

Upon delay in the beginning of antibacterial therapy in the pulmonary fabric, an abscess (affectionate) is formed, which represents the danger to the child's life.

Clinical picture interstitial pneumonia It is distinguished by the fact that there are signs of damage to cardiovascular and nervous systems. There is a breakdown of sleep, the child is pregnant first, and then it becomes indifferent, larger.

The frequency of cardiac abbreviations up to 180 per 1 minute may be marked. The pronounced sinusiness of the skin, shortness of breath of up to 100 breaths in 1 minute. Cough, first dry, becomes wet. Fenwic wet is characteristic of pneumatic pneumonia. Increased temperature within 39 ° C, wave-like character.

Elder children (in preschool and school age) clinic are scanty: moderate intoxication, shortness of breath, cough, subfebrile temperature. The development of the disease can be sharp and gradual. In the lungs, the process has a tendency to develop fibrosis to chronic. There are practically no changes in blood. Antibiotics are ineffective.


Auscultation of lungs will allow to suspect the pneumonia.

For diagnosis of pneumonia, various methods are used:

  • A survey of a child and parents allows us to find out not only the complaints, but also to establish the timing of the disease and the dynamics of its development, clarify the previously transferred diseases and availability allergic reactions The child has.
  • Inspection of the patient gives a physician at pneumonia a lot of information: identifying signs of intoxication and respiratory failure, the presence or absence of wheezing in the lungs and other manifestations. With climbing chest The doctor can identify the shortening of the sound over the site of the defeat, but this sign notes not to all children, and its absence does not exclude pneumonia.

Little kids clinical manifestations may have little, but intoxication and respiratory failure will help the doctor suspect the pneumonia. At an early age, the pneumonia "is visible better than heard": shortness of breath, an auxiliary muscles, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, the rejection of food may indicate pneumonia even in the absence of changes when listening to the child.

  • X-ray examination (radiography) is appointed if pneumonia is suspected. This method allows not only to confirm the diagnosis, but also to clarify the localization and the viability of the inflammatory process. This data will help designate proper treatment to kid. Great importance This method also has for control over the dynamics of inflammation, especially in the case of the development of complications (lung tissue destruction,).
  • The clinical analysis of the blood is also informative: with pneumonia, the number of leukocytes increases, the number of pulp leukocytes increases, elaborates. But the absence of such characteristic changes in the inflammatory process does not exclude the presence of pneumonia in children.
  • Bacteriological analysis of mucus from the nose and zoom, sputum (if possible) allows you to highlight the type of bacterial pathogen and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics. The virological method makes it possible to confirm the involvement of the virus to the occurrence of pneumonia.
  • ELISA and PCR are used to diagnose chlamydial and mycoplasma infection.
  • In the event of a severe flow of pneumonia, a biochemical analysis of blood, ECG, etc. is prescribed when developing complications.


Treatment in the hospital conditions is carried out by children of younger age (up to 3 years), and at any age of the child in the presence of signs of respiratory failure. Parents should not object to hospitalization, as the severity of the state can grow very quickly.

In addition, when solving the issue of hospitalization, other factors should be taken into account: hypotrophy in a child, developmental abnormalities, the presence of concomitant diseases, the immunodeficiency state of the child, a socially unprotected family, etc.

Older kids can be organized at home, if the doctor has confidence that parents will carefully fulfill all appointments and recommendations. The most important component of the treatment of pneumonia is antibacterial therapy Taking into account the likely pathogen, since it is almost impossible to define the "culprit" of inflammation to accurately: a small child does not always manage to obtain material for research; In addition, to expect the results of the study and not to start treatment before they are not possible, so the choice of the drug with the corresponding spectrum of action is based on clinical features and age data of small patients, as well as the experience of the doctor.

The effectiveness of the selected drug is estimated after 1-2 days of treatment to improve the condition of the child, objective data during inspection, blood tests in the dynamics (in some cases and re-radiography).

In the absence of an effect (maintaining the temperature and deterioration of the X-ray pattern in the lungs), the drug is changed or combined with the drug of another group.

For the treatment of pneumonia in children, antibiotics are used from 3 basic groups: semi-synthetic penicillins (ampicillin, amoxicllaw), cephalosporins II and III generations, macrolides (azithromycin, rovamicin, erythromycin, etc.). With a severe course of the disease, aminoglycosides, imipinera can be assigned: combine drugs from different groups or in combination with metronidazole or sulfonamide.

So, newborn For the treatment of pneumonia, which developed in the early neonatal period (during the first 3 days after birth), ampicillin (amoxicillin / clavulanate) is used in combination with generation cephalosporins III or aminoglycoside. Pneumonia in a later period of occurrence is treated with a combination of cephalosporins and vakomycin. In the case of the excretion of the blue, the ceftazidim, cefoperazone or imipine (TIENS) is prescribed.

Kids in the first 6 months After birth, the drug selection is macrolides (Midekamycin, Josamamicin, Spiramycin), for most often the babies are caused by chlamydia. A similar clinical picture can also give pneumatic pneumonia, so in the absence of effect and for treatment, co-trimoxazole is used. And in typical pneumonia, the same antibiotics are used as for newborns. If it is difficult to decide with a probable pathogen, two antibiotics from different groups are prescribed.

The pneumonia caused by the legionell is preferably treated with rifampicin. With fungal pneumonia, difflucan, amphotericin B, flukonazole is necessary for treatment.

In case of nonsense of community-friendly pneumonia and at doubt the doctor of the presence of pneumonia, the beginning of antibacterial therapy can be postponed until the result of the X-ray examination is obtained. In older children in non-heavy cases, it is better to use antibiotics for internal reception. If antibiotics were introduced in injections, then after improving the condition and normalization of temperature, the doctor translates the child to the internal reception medication.

From such drugs, it is preferable to use antibiotics in the form of solutab: Flexin (amoxicillin), Vilplerafen (Josamicin), Flemoclav (amoxicillin / clavulanate), Unidox (doxycycline). Salute shape is very convenient for children: a tablet can be dissolved in water, you can swallow the whole. This form gives less side effects in the form of diarrhea.

Fluoroquinolones can be applied to children only in extremely severe cases on life indications.

  • Simultaneously with antibiotics or after the treatment is recommended reception of biological products To prevent dysbacteriosis (Linex, Hilak, Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin, etc.).
  • Bed regime is prescribed for the period of fever.
  • It is important to provide required liquid volume In the form of drink (water, juices, fruits, herbal teas, vegetable and fruit decoction, oralitis) - 1 l and more, depending on the age of the child. A child up to the year, the daily volume of the liquid is 140 ml / kg of body weight, given the breast milk or the mixture. The fluid will provide a normal flow and, to some extent, disintellation: toxic substances from the body will be removed with urine. Intravenous administration solutions for the purpose of disintellation applies only in severe cases of pneumonia or when complications occur.
  • With an extensive inflammatory process, in order to prevent the destruction of pulmonary fabric in the first 3 days can be applied antiprotez (Galds, Contractor).
  • With severe hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) and severe disease, the disease is applied oxygen therapy.
  • In some cases, the doctor recommends vitamin preparations.
  • Antipyretic means Assign at high temperatures to children in the threat of developing seizures. Systematically give their child should not: first, fever stimulates protective forces and immune response; secondly, many microorganisms are dying at high temperatures; Thirdly, antipyretic drugs make it difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of the designated antibiotics.
  • In the occurrence of complication in the form of pleuritis can be used by a short course, with a thrust fever - (diclofenac, ibuprofen).
  • If the child has a stubborn cough applied wet and facilitating its allocation. With thick, viscous sputum are prescribed Mulcolics: ACC, Mukobene, Flouimist, Fluimucin, Mukosalvan, Bizawlon, Bromgexin.

A prerequisite for wet wet is a prerequisite, as with a liquid deficiency in the body, the viscosity of sputum rises. Do not inferieve these drugs on the musolitic effect of inhalation with warm alkaline mineral water or 2% solution of drinking soda.

  • To facilitate the discharge of sputums prescribe expectorant meanswhich enhance the release of liquid sputum content and enhance the bronchi motorcy. To this end, medicines are used with the root of altea and iodide, ammonia and anise drops, bronchikum, "Dr.".

There is still a group of drugs (carbocysisystems), which also dilute the sputum, and make it easier for her teaching. These include: Bronkatar, Mukopront, Mukodin. These drugs contribute to the restoration of the mucous membranes and the increase in local immunity of the mucous membrane.

As an expectorant means you can use infusions of plants (Ipecakuan root, licorice root, nettle grass, plantain, mother and stepmothers) or drugs based on them (Mukaltin, Eucabal). Emergency cough are not shown.

  • For each particular child, the doctor decides on the need for antiallergic and bronighting agents. Mustard and banks at an early age of children do not apply.
  • Application and general media does not affect the outcome of the disease. Recommendations for their purpose are not supported by evidentiary facts of their effectiveness.
  • Physiotherapy treatments (microwave, electrophoresis, inductothermia) can be used, although some pulmonologists consider them ineffective with pneumonia. Therapeutic physical culture and massage are connected to the treatment early: after the disappearance of fever.

Air indoors (ward or apartment) with a sick child should be fresh, moistened and cool (18 ° C -19 ° C). Forcibly feed the child should not. As well-being and condition improves, appetite will appear, this is a kind of confirmation of the effectiveness of treatment.

There are no special restrictions in nutrition at pneumonia: nutrition must comply with age requirements, be full. A gentry diet can be assigned in case of a stool violation. In the acute period of the disease, it is better to give a child to the child easily visible products in small portions.

When dysfagia in infants with aspiration pneumonia, it is necessary to select the position of the child during feeding, density of food, the size of the hole in the nipple. In particularly severe cases, the child's feeding through the probe is sometimes used.

During the period of recovery, it is recommended to carry out a complex of health events (rehabilitation course): systematic walks in the fresh air, the use of oxygen cocktails with juices and herbs, massage and therapeutic physical education. Nutrition of older children should include fresh fruits And vegetables, to be full in composition.

If the child has any foci of infection, you need to treat them (carious teeth, etc.).

After the suffered pneumonia, the child was observed during the year by a precinct pediatrician, the blood test, the examinations of the ENT doctor, an allergologist, pulmonic, immunologist, is performed periodically. If the development of chronic pneumonia is suggested, x-ray examination is prescribed.

In case of recurrences of pneumonia, a thorough examination of the child is carried out in order to eliminate the immunodeficiency state, the abnormalities of the respiratory bodies, congenital and hereditary diseases.

Exodus and complications for pneumonia

Children tend to develop complications and severe pneumonia. The key to the successful treatment and favorable outcome of the disease is timely diagnosis and early start of antibacterial therapy.

In most cases full cure Uncomplicated pneumonia is achieved in 2-3 weeks. In the case of the development of complications, the treatment lasts 1.5-2 months (sometimes longer). In particularly severe cases, complications may cause the child's death. Children may have a recurrent flow of inflammation of the lungs and the development of chronic pneumonia.

Complications for pneumonia may be pulmonary and extractive.

The pulmonary complications include:

  • light abscess (affectionant in pulmonary fabric);
  • destruction of lung tissue (tissue melting with cavity formation);
  • pleurisy;
  • broncho-constructive syndrome (violation of bronchial patency due to their narrowing, spasm);
  • acute respiratory failure (pulmonary edema).

Extractive complications include:

  • infectious toxic shock;
  • , endocarditis, (inflammation of the muscles of the heart or inner and outer sheath of the heart);
  • sepsis (the spread of infection with blood, the defeat of many organs and systems);
  • or meningoencephalitis (inflammation of brain shells or brain substance with shells);
  • DVS syndrome (intravascular blood coagulation);

The most frequent complications are the destruction of pulmonary fabric, pleurisy and increasing pulmonary heart failure. Basically, these complications occur with pneumonia caused by staphylococci, pneumococci, a blue rod.

Such complications are accompanied by increasing intoxication, a high rack of fever, an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood and the acceleration of ESP. Usually they develop in the second week of the disease. It is possible to clarify the nature of the complications using a repeated x-ray examination.


There are primary and secondary prophylaxis of pneumonia.

Primary prophylaxis includes the following measures:

  • hardening the child's body from the first days of life;
  • quality care for the child;
  • daily stay in the fresh air;
  • prevention of acute infections;
  • timely rehabilitation of foci of infection.

There is also vaccination against hemophilic infection and against pneumococcus.

The secondary prophylaxis of pneumonia is to prevent the occurrence of recurrence of pneumonia, the prevention of re-infection and the transition of pneumonia in chronic form.

Summary for parents

Pneumonia is frequent among children. Heavy lung disease, which can threaten the life of a child, especially at an early age. The successful use of antibiotics significantly reduced the mortality from pneumonia. However, untimely appeal to the doctor, late diagnosis and later the beginning of treatment can lead to the development of heavy (even disabled) complications.

Caring for the health of the child from early childhood, strengthening the protective forces of the kid, hardening and proper nutrition - the best protection against this disease. In the case of the disease, the parents do not follow themselves try to diagnose the child, and even more so treat it. Timely appeal to the doctor and clearly fulfilling all his appointments will save the child from the unpleasant consequences of the disease.

To which doctor to turn

Usually pneumonia in a child diagnoses a pediatrician. It is treated in stationary conditions by a pulmonologist. Sometimes an additional consultation of the infectiousnessist, phthisiatra is needed. During the recovery, a physiotherapist, a specialist will be visited during the transfer of the disease. medical physical culture and respiratory gym. With frequent pneumonia, it is necessary to refer to the immunologist.

We bring to your attention a video about this disease.

Currently, mortality from children's pneumonia reaches 20% and is in the first place.


Pneumonia is a sharp infectious inflammatory disease of the pulmonary fabric ( inflammation of light). The lobes of the lung, its segments, alveoli groups and interlimoolar space are affected. This is an infection that affects the lowest departments of the respiratory system.

Usually pneumonia develops against a viral infection.

  • penetration into light viruses and bacteria present in the nose and throat of the child
  • airborne path - from the patient to healthy with coughing and sneezing
  • through blood - during pregnancy, childbirth and immediately after them.

The probability of pneumonia disease rises in children with weakened immunity, and it is higher than the younger child.

The reasons

Risk factors

  • Infectious diseases of a pregnant woman. More often light children affect herpes virus and chlamydia;
  • frequent inflammatory diseases (otitis, orz, bronchitis);
  • congenital malformations, especially heart and lungs, rickets, diathesis;
  • weakening of immunity due to insufficient or improper nutrition of artificial feeding;
  • oncology and blood disease;
  • HIV infection;
  • negative environmental impact:
  • life in overcrowded, raw, cold rooms
  • polluted air in housing, bad ventilation
  • smoking parents
  • rare stay outdoors.

Signs of pneumonia

The disease can occur in acute and chronic form.

A sharp flow is rapidly developing inflammation with pronounced symptoms. Characterized by the spread of the disease throughout the body.

  • Temperature - rises almost up to 38 ° C and lasts more than 3 days;
  • shortness of breath - a rapid breathing appears;
  • cough - Dry at the beginning of the disease, then becomes wet. Mochotus appears;
  • cyanosis (sinushability) of lips and skin as a result of the lack of oxygen;
  • intoxication of the body - bad appetite, lethargy, fatigue, increased sweating;
  • disorders of the nervous system - plasticity, irritability, headache, sleep disorders, nonsense, cramps, loss of consciousness;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency - weak and frequent pulse, cold limbs, lower pressure.

Chronic current is not a specific inflammatory process. It is more often a consequence of acute pneumonia, complicated or adopted a protracted flow. Accompanied by irreversible changes and deformations in lungs and bronchi. It develops in children up to 3 years (more often up to 1 year), has a wave-like flow with exacerbations and remission. According to the severity, small forms of the disease and the bronchiectatical option are distinguished.

Signs (symptoms) of small forms:

  • Exacerbations - no more than 1 - 2 times a year;
  • temperature - for a long time holds within 37 - 38 ° C;
  • the cough is wet, with the release of per day to 30 ml of purulent or mucous-purulent sputum. The sputum may be absent;
  • the general condition is not broken, there are no signs of intoxication.

Signs (symptoms) of the bronchiectatic option:

  • Exacerbations - 3 - 5 times or more per year;
  • temperature - with exacerbation rises to 38 ° C and higher;
  • cough is wet, constantly with a wet wet. In periods of exacerbations, the amount of sputum reaches 100 ml;
  • general condition - children can lag in physical development and have signs of chronic intoxication.
  • Pneumonia can be infected, so if you felt the deterioration of the state, you will need to become familiar with the signs of pneumonia in adults.
  • A hoarse voice appeared? This is a symptom of Larygitis, how to recognize signs of this disease, read here.

Types and their features


Differential diagnosis

Types and their features

  • Faughty (bronchopneumonia). It manifests itself on 5 - 7 day of acute respiratory disease in children aged 1 - 2 years. In the treatment of manifestations disappear without a trace after 7 - 12 days.
  • Segmental. Wides in children 3 - 7 years old, but meets at any age. It is characterized by the defeat of one segment. In the treatment, signs disappear after 2 to 3 weeks. In case of running disease, bronchiectasis is possible.
  • Brewing (lobar). Caused by pneumococcus, it is rare. The share of lung or pleura is inflated. Currently proceeds more often in an atypical form. Recovery in 1 - 2 weeks. With irrational treatment, it turns into a protracted pathology.
  • Interstitial. Caused by viruses, mycoplasmas, pneumatic, less often fungi and staphylococci. Characteristic for premature and newborns, has older - on the background of dystrophy, diatheses, HIV infections. One of the most dangerous species, accompanied by lesions of vessels. Long-term, can develop in pneumophybrosis and bronchiectatic disease. With high intoxication, death is possible.
  • Destructive. Characteristic for children up to a year, more often premature or after antibiotic therapy. It flows very violently, characterized by severe intoxication. It often goes into a chronic form or ends with a fatal outcome.
  • Atypical. The pathogens are more often "sick-up" strains of microbes: a blue chopstick, klebseyella, staphylococcus, protein. Different with high resistant to antibiotics and requires specific treatment.

Complication of pneumonia can be pleurisy to prevent his appearance. Find out information about it in this article.

I noticed shortness of breath, weakness, loss of appetite, dry cough? Read the lungs about sarcoidosis, may help prevent the development of the disease.


  • Collection of anamnesis (information about the development of the disease);
  • external examination of the patient, percussion and auscultation of the chest. Take into account the pallor and sinusiness of the skin, shortness of breath, sweating and other characteristic symptoms;
  • laboratory analysis of blood from the finger - at pneumonia is characterized by an increase in the number of leukocytes (with bacterial origin of the pathogen) or lymphocytes (with viral origin) and EE;
  • radiography. The main and most accurate method of diagnosis. Only after the X-ray examination, it is safe to talk about pneumonia and its concrete form;
  • analysis of blood biochemical indicators. We are needed to identify influence on other organs (buds, liver).

Differential diagnosis

Ostly pneumonia needs to differentiate from a variety of similar diseases.

  • The most accurate criterion that allows to differentiate pneumonia from bronchitis and bronchiolites - a radiograph, with the presence of focal or infiltrative changes on it;
  • with laryinghotrachite - there are no wheezes and shortness of breath, the cough is dry bakery, blood test and radiograph - normally, and the most characteristic difference - Aphony (voice loss);
  • the most accurate differentiation for tuberculosis is the reaction of manta;
  • muscovissidosis distinguishes the gradual beginning of the disease, normal temperature bodies and high sweat chlorides;
  • in the presence of a foreign body in bronchi, intoxication is absent, the temperature is normal, the final differentiation is made on the history and results of bronchoscopy;
  • heart insufficiency is distinguished by the gradual beginning, the absence of intoxication and temperature increase, blood test shows anemia or polycythemia, it is necessary to make an ECG;
  • corps are distinguished by dry cough, normal blood test and blefarospasm.

When the first feature characteristic of pneumonia is immediately referred to a pediatrician doctor. Only he can designate timely and rational treatment.

Do you have a question or experience on this issue? Ask a question or tell about it in the comments.

In childhood (10 years), he had sided with one-way pneumonia, so I don't know what it is! For this age, it is very difficult for a child so high, I even had hallucinations. I was treated at home, my grandmother doctor puts me injections. But in general, of course, you need to go to the hospital with such a diagnosis.

Pneumonia. Signs and treatment of pneumonia at the child

Prior to the invention, the antibiotics pneumonia claimed the life of not one thousand people. Even in the progressive XXI century, many children die from this disease. Signs of inflammation of the lungs from the child differ from the symptoms in adults. So each young mother needs to know them in order to stop the ailment on time.

How it looks from the inside

Often, not knowing how inflammation of lungs is manifested in children, parents confuse him with sharp bronchitis. But the symptoms of these two ailments are similar only outwardly, the picture is fundamentally different.

Pneumonia, unlike bronchitis, is an infectious disease that covers the smallest lung departments - Alveola. These alveoli, which are small bubbles, are placed in the upper bronchi department. With pneumonia they are inflated. More about the symptoms of bronchitis →

What are the symptoms of inflammation of lungs in children? The fact is that it is alveoli, filling with air, responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Against the background of inflammation in the alveoli, liquid accumulates, which is fraught with a child who is choking. Therefore, for babies, bilateral inflammation of the lungs is especially dangerous.

Because of what pneumonia occurs

The symptoms of inflammation of the lungs in children up to a year are usually arising against the background of another viral disease - influenza, ARVI, etc. It's all about the pathogenic microflora, which is activated under the influence of the virus and begins to attack the weakened infant organism.

The degree of danger of pneumonia for the child is caused by its age. For example, the symptoms of inflammation of the lungs in children under the year appear brighter than the child is 3-5 years old. This is due to the insufficiently developed respiratory system in babies. Since newborn has too thin respiratory tracts, and light fabrics are in the process of ripening, the gas exchange is not intense enough. This will attract the danger of a variety of letters.

Symptoms Inflammation of lungs in children 2 years of life will be stronger than a schoolboy, since the mucous membrane of its respiratory tract is more vulnerable. Against the background of the ethios of the larynx and the upper part of the lungs, the camber epithelium, which is responsible for cleaning the bronchi from sputum, stops working. In the accumulated sputum, pathogenic bacteria are actively multiplied, aggravating pneumonia in children.

In addition, symptoms in children of 3-5 years are enhanced against the background of diseases such as hypotrophy, anemia, defects of immune and central nervous systems, as well as heart disease.

Basic signs of illness

The first symptom of inflammation of the lungs in children is considered "light" temperature, not passing at least three days - within 37-38 degrees. In addition, the confirmation of pneumonia says that sign that the heat falls only after accepting the antibiotic.

Signs of atypical pneumonia, which is most often found in children from half a year to five years, similar to the symptoms of ordinary colds. The child begins the dry "barking" cough, runny nose, sore throat. At the same time, the temperature rarely increases, which is misleading. Since atypical pneumonia is more like sharp bronchitis, it is very difficult to diagnose it. Therefore, with any similar symptoms, it is necessary to ask the doctor to prescribe a child blood test. If it is detected by bacteria-mycoplasma or chlamydia, it will be possible to argue with an accuracy of 99% that the kid is sick atypical pneumonia.

So, signs of inflammation of lungs in children with the usual form of the disease are as follows:

  • parents must first of all pay attention not to the temperature, as it is deceptive, but to the appearance of the child. For example, the pale to the blue sponge will help to suspect a non-carrying;
  • difficult breathing with the gathering. If the baby is strongly inflated by the nostrils, and his chest "walks the walker", most likely, it is difficult for him to breathe. It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, apathy;
  • increased sweating;
  • it is worth scoring anxiety if the kid suddenly refuses meals;
  • sometimes, when pneumonia is accompanied by pleurite, the child feels heaviness and pain in the chest during coughing and breathing;
  • extravel symptoms are expressed in the form of tachycardia, hepatitis, diarrhea, rash, seizure.

But the cough with pneumonia can be any. If, with bronchitis, it is dry, "barking", then with inflammation of the lungs can be loose, with the release of sputum (if the disease has spread including bronchi), and heavy, bitter.

Is there inspection enough to make a diagnosis?

Pediatricians believe that treatment with symptoms of inflammation of lungs in children can be prescribed after inspecting the patient. Indeed, pneumonia is better visible than heard. But still, if, when listening to breathing, the doctor discovered changes above the surface of the lungs, it is worth making an x-ray to clarify the diagnosis.

Many mommies are constantly opposed to x-ray examination of their child. But believe me, the danger from irradiation is not as large as "healing", but not cured illness. Most often, X-ray is prescribed to children who have already moved the pneumonia earlier.

This method allows you to determine whether the previous focus of inflammation with the current one coincides. If so, the doctor prescribes enhanced treatment in the hospital, since the re-defeat of the same part of the slight can lead to a chronic form of illness, which is much more difficult to overcome.

Classic treatment

In order for the treatment of inflammation of the inflammation of the child, the most effective, small patient put into the hospital. Virtually none, even the most caring and attentive mother, if it is not a medical worker, is not able to create a baby necessary for recovery conditions at home.

With hospitalization of the child, one of the parents fall into the hospital with him. Mom or dad is watching the beddown of his Chad. In addition, from time to time they turn over the child on the side or belly, sit down, laying down a few pillows under the back, massage perform. All of these manipulations are necessary for drainage and ventilation of lungs that contribute to the best discharge of sputum.

Medical staff should spend daily wet cleaning, quartzing and ventilation in the wet patient's ward. Parents, in turn, follow hygiene oral cavity And the purity of the skin of their child.

The hospital ration is unlikely to be diverse and nutritious. A small patient needs a special diet, and the chefs will not prepare dishes for each patient separately. Since kids who suffer pneumonia, you can only eat liquid or fine food, you need to take care so that in their menu there are always broths, juices, liquid poultry, fruit puree. In addition, the child needs to drink more. It is better if it will use the liquid in the form of mineral water, because its body during illness loses trace elements.

Medicase treatment of pneumonia in children of any age implies antibiotics. That is why it is necessary to make an x-ray so as not to be mistaken with the appointment of drugs. First, the pediatrician discovers the antibiotics of a wide range of action. If the body gets used to them, according to the results of the analysis of sputum on Bakposposev, another medicine is prescribed.

Usually antibacterial therapy is carried out in conjunction with anti-inflammatory. In addition, the body of the kid in such a period desperately needs a shock dose of vitamins, which are prescribed in the form of injections.

To clean the lungs prescribe expectorant drugs. Can also be used folk remedies It seems like milk with honey and soda, the decoction of the leaves of the plantain, the decoction of the root of Altea.

Often, inflammation of the lungs takes place with all sorts of complications. Then the pediatrician recommends in addition to the main treatment, assign additional. For example, with slow resorption of infiltrates and the presence of signs of hypoxia, hormones can be discharged. They are broken by a short course.

If the appointed therapy does not work, the liquid continues to accumulate in the lungs, and the state of the child worsens, doctors can resort to large doses of glucocorticosteroids.

In the event of the risk of respiratory failure, in particular emphysema of lungs, it is recommended to spend the child with oxygen therapy.

To restore immunity, gamma globulin is prescribed, as well as vitamins E, C, V.

How pneumonia has infants

The symptoms of inflammation of the lungs in children under the year may be the same as in adults, but they are somewhat different from their pathogenesis. In addition, children can hurt various species Pneumonia, depending on the field of damage to the organ.

For example, with focal inflammation of the lungs, only their small part is affected. Such a disease is easiest to stop. But with segmental and natural pneumonia, covering the whole compartment or several organ compartments, more intensive treatment is required.

Often, small kids suffer from bruboral inflammation of lungs, which applies to a whole share of the organ. This is the greatest form of the disease, which often leads to a fatal outcome.

A bright feature of pneumonia in children under the year is shortness of breath. Such a sign should not be noticed with a naked eye - if the crumb does from 50 to 60 inhales per minute, most likely, he has inflammation of the lungs.

In addition to rapid breathing, the babies often observed cyanosis - the formation of the nasolabial triangle. This symptom is considered one of the most faithful, since hyperthermia (high temperature), in children with atypical pneumonia is not observed.

But more precisely, the skin retracting will tell. Even if all other signs are doubtful, this symptom almost absolutely points to pneumonia. To diagnose, it is recommended to watch the naked baby - if the skin is exhaled between the Röbeber, it means that you need to immediately seek medical care.

How to warn Nedug

To prevent the small child to infect a small child with pneumococcus, you need to take versatile preventive measures. Of course, children with weakened immunity need more in such measures. But the healthy convicts will be only better.

If the child was born ahead of time, it means that his light is underdeveloped and more susceptible to various inflammations. Such a crumb is better to watch the pulmonologist.

The parents of the child up to the year should in the season of viral diseases protect their child from contacts with foreign people, which can be potential pedigrees of infection.

In addition, it is necessary to order a baby through conventional contrasting pouring legs. To begin with, it is worthwhile to conduct water procedures in water +35 degrees, gradually reducing the temperature to +25 degrees.

If the older child is 5-10 years old, you can teach it to the respiratory gymnastics. First, my mother needs to master the simple complex to submit an example to the baby. By the way, respiratory gymnastics will save not only from pneumonia, but also sinusitis, tonsillitis, headaches. It is also good because it can be done even the sick children who observe the bed regime.

Magnificent prevention is a drainage massage. Each mother can carry out daily sessions of lungs "patting" to protect your baby from inflammation of the lungs.

It is also necessary to strengthen the child's immunity, supplying it with vitamins and minerals, and not to form the formation of chronic diseases. Any infection in the body, even spoiled tooth, weakens immunity and creates prerequisites for pneumonia.

In addition, young children need to be protected from stress, neurosis and other problems in nervous system. If your child is in the risk group, you should ask the doctor about antimicrobial therapy.

Treat carefully to the health of your baby, and let it be healthy!

Signs of pneumonia in a child

Pneumonia is a disease of an acute infectious nature, the causative agent of which is most often bacteria. The disease proceeds with the focal lesion of the lung tissues.

In a sick child in 4 years, signs of the disease can differ significantly from the manifestation of the disease in the infant. The x-ray is helped to distinguish the pneumonia from the bronchitis, on which the darkening of the respiratory department of the respiratory organs is clearly traced.

Among 1 thousand children of the first year of life, pneumonia, or inflammation of the lungs, is found in 15-20 cases, and among preschoolers - in 36-40. In children of school age and among adolescents, the incidence is much lower and is only 7-10 cases. Self high rates Mortality from inflammation of the lungs is fixed under the age of 4 years.

The pathogen enters the lungs alveoli, where it provokes the development of the inflammatory process. Liquid (exudate) accumulates here, which prevents physiological air exchange. The amount of oxygen entered into the body is sharply reduced, so a sign of pneumonia in a child is hypoxia. The lack of oxygen is often the cause of the work blood system. This condition is a danger not only for health, but also for life, so treatment should begin without delay.

General features in children

It is quite difficult to identify the child signs of pneumonia on early stage. In the first stages, the symptoms of pneumonia are difficult to distinguish from the manifestations of acute bronchitis.

General symptoms:

  • Increase body temperature. Fabric infection of the lungs is accompanied by an inflammatory process that causes febrile phenomena. In contrast to common viral infectious diseases, the temperature at pneumonia is not reduced by 2-3 days, and long time is held at 37-38 degrees, despite the competent therapy of ARVI.
  • Cough can have a different character or absent at all. It can be dry, wet, parulter or resembling the symptoms of a cough. It is also likely to change its character from dry to wet. It is possible to release mucosa or purulent sputum, when traces of blood, it is necessary to inform the doctor to urgently.
  • Chest pains can occur during coughing or when inhaling. The pain syndrome focuses on the right or left, and also gives under the blade.
  • Changes in respiratory noise. The doctor when listening can reveal wheezing or hard breath.
  • Lack of oxygen.

External manifestations:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • pallor and sinusiness of the skin in the region of the nasolabial triangle;
  • inflating the wings of the nose;
  • student superficial breathing (more than 40 times per minute in children from 1 to 6 years);
  • increased sweating without physical and emotional load;
  • reducing appetite against intoxication.

The described symptoms makes it possible to identify the first signs of pneumonia in children.

From the point of view of laboratory diagnostics, valuable information can be obtained from the results of clinical analysis of blood. It reflects the total amount of inflammatory metabolic products in its liquid fraction.

In the presence of pneumonia, an increased content of stickyuclear and segmented leukocytes (more than 15 thousand per 1 cubic meters) can speak (more than 15 thousand in 1 cubic meters), as well as a significant increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

The timely consultation of the pediatrician will help determine what signs actually indicate inflammation of the lungs, and differentiate them from the symptoms of other pulmonary diseases.

Signs of the child of the first year of life

In children, under the year, pneumonia appears 10 times more often than schoolchildren. The highest incidence is observed among children 3-9 months.

The risk of inflammation of the lungs in infants is in the rapid spread of the pathological process in the tissue of the lungs and violation of the functions of digestion and urinary.

Features of symptoms:

  • Symptoms of pneumonia in children under year are developing gradually. First there is a general ailment, which is manifested by weakness, loss of appetite, tightening, sleep disorders. Then there are symptoms similar to a viral infection: dry cough, sneezing and nasal congestion.
  • The disease occurs at a relatively low and stable body temperature. As a rule, it does not exceed 38 degrees or may not rise at all.
  • The cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle and fingertips increases at a scream, during a strong crying or chest sucking.
  • Tightening the skin between ribs.
  • In the development of respiratory failure, two half of the chest participate in different ways in respiratory act.
  • Later there is an increase in breathing and violation of his rhythm. The wings of the nose are intense, they become pale and fixed.
  • In the infants to three months, the appearance of foam discharges from the mouth. Such signs of pneumonia in a child up to a year can be precursors of a frequent and long-lasting stop of breathing.

Symptoms of lung inflammation in children under the age of 6 months can be atypical, so if the pneumonia is suggested a radiological examination.

Signs in children of preschool age

Symptoms of lung inflammation in a child in 1 year and in older children have some differences. Preschoolers have a more stable immunity, so pneumonia is manifested by a clear typical symptom.

Features of symptoms:

  • A child from 2 to 5 years old is a sign of pneumonia at the initial stage there may be common symptoms of viral infection that is soloing against the background of other diseases.
  • Most often in children of preschool and school age, lung inflammation occurs in the type of bronchopneumonia.
  • When a 3-year-old child is pneumonia, then the frequency of its breathing is more than 50 respiratory movements per minute.
  • Cough may appear only on 5-6 days of illness, but maybe there is no absent.
  • Ebuprofen and paracetamol preparations can not reduce body temperature.
  • The wet when the coupling occurs only with inflammation of the surface of the bronchi. It can have a greenish or yellowish color.
  • An extrapying symptoms may be observed: muscle pain, reinforced heartbeat, confusion of consciousness, digestive disorder, skin rashes.

Signs from schoolchildren and adolescents

Etiology of lung inflammation in children over 7 years old does not differ from those in adults. The most favorable conditions for the development of pneumonia are created when inhaling pathogenic microorganisms against the background of viral infections of the upper respiratory tract. The frequency of incidence of pneumonia among schoolchildren and adolescents significantly increases in the autumn-winter period.

How to understand that a child is pneumonia? The alarming feature is the appearance of cough, shortness of breath, while breathing is readier and is more than 60 times per minute. Treatment of pneumonia in children after identifying such signs provides for the appointment of antibiotics.

Pneumonia significantly reduces the reactivity of the body, so it takes about 6-8 weeks to fully restore inflammation. With all equal indicators, the flow and therapy in adolescents occurs in a lighter form than in patients of mature age.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that pneumonia can develop on an atypical scenario, so if any increase in body temperature and signs of colds, a doctor is required.

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Pneumonia (lung inflammation) - a disease at which there is inflammation of pulmonary fabrics. Often, this subsection is caused by infectious pathogens. The appearance of inflammation in.

IMPORTANT. The site information is provided solely for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

Dr. Komarovsky about pneumonia in children

The phrase "inflammation of the lungs" is very frightened by parents. At the same time, it doesn't matter how many years or months, this disease is among the moms and dads is considered one of the most dangerous. Is it really how to recognize pneumonia and how to treat it correctly, tells the famous children's doctor, author of books and articles about children's Health Evgeny Komarovsky.

About the disease

Pneumonia (this is how doctors call what people are called inflammation of the lungs) is a very common disease, inflammation of the lung tissues. Under one concept, doctors imply several ailments at once. If inflammation is not infectious, the doctor will write in the "Pneumonite" card. If the alveoli is amazed, the diagnosis will sound differently - "Alveolit", if the mucosa of the lungs is affected - "pleurisy".

The inflammatory process in the pulmonary fabric cause fungi, viruses and bacteria. There are mixed inflammation - viral-bacterial, for example.

The diseases included in the concept of "pneumonia" all medical directories refer to the category of rather dangerous, as out of 450 million people from all over the world who falls in a year, about 7 million die due to improper formulation of diagnosis, incorrect or late treatment, and Also from the rapidness and severity of the disease. Among the dead about 30% are children under 3 years old.

At the location of the focus of inflammation, all pneumonia are divided into:

Also, inflammation can be bilateral or one-sided if only one light or part of it is affected. Pretty rarely pneumonia is an independent disease, more often it is the complication of another disease - viral or bacterial.

The most dangerous pneumonia is considered for children up to 5 years and older people, among such diseased consequences are unpredictable. According to statistics, they have the highest mortality rate.

Evgeny Komarovsky claims that respiratory authorities are generally the most vulnerable to various infections. It is through the upper respiratory tract (nose, a rotogling, larynx) to the child's body and most of the microbes and viruses penetrate.

If the immunity of the baby is weakened, if environmental conditions are in the area where he lives, unfavorable, if the microbe or the virus is very aggressive, then the inflammation is not delayed only in the nose or larynx, but falls below - in bronchi. Such a disease is called bronchitis. If it fails to stop, the infection extends even lower - into the lungs. There is pneumonia.

However, the air-drip path of infection is not the only one. If we consider that the lighters except the gas exchange are performed by some more important functions, it becomes clear why sometimes a poor appears in the absence of viral infection. Nature placed on a light man mission to moisturize and warm inhaled air, clean it from different harmful impurities (the lungs perform the function of the filter), and also in the same way filtered the circulating blood, highlighting many of it harmful substances And neutralizing them.

If the kid suffered an operation, broke his leg, something did not mind and got strong food poisoning, Dung, cut into the blood in various concentrations, this or that number of toxins, blood clots, etc., is incorporated, etc. The lungs are patiently neutralized or output with the help of a protective mechanism - cough. However, in contrast to household filters that can be cleaned, wash or discard, neither to wash the lungs or cannot be replaced. And if one day some part of this "filter" fails, clogs, begins the very disease, which parents are called the inflammation of the lungs.

Pneumonia causative agents can be a variety of bacteria and viruses. If the child fell ill, being in a hospital with another ailment, then in a huge share of the likelihood he will have bacterial pneumonia, which is also called the hospital or hospital. It is the most severe of pneumonia, since in the conditions of hospital sterility, the use of antiseptics and antibiotics, only the strongest and aggressive microbes that are not so easy to destroy are survived.

Most often in children there are pneumonia, which arose as a complication of any viral infection (ORVI, influenza, etc.). For such cases of inflammation, the lungs account for about 90% of relevant children's diagnoses. This is not even due to the fact that viral infections are "scary", but with the fact that they are extremely widespread, and some children are sick up to 10 times a year and even more.


To understand how pneumonia begins to develop, it is necessary to imagine well how the respiratory system is working at all. The bronchi constantly distinguish the mucus, whose task is to block dust, microbes, viruses and other unwanted objects entering the respiratory organs. Bronchial mucus has certain characteristics, such as viscosity, for example. If it loses part of the properties, then instead of fighting with the invasion of alien particles, she in itself begins to deliver a lot of "hassle".

For example, too thick mucus, if the child breathes over the air, clogs bronchi, prevents normal ventilation of the lungs. This, in turn, leads to stagnation In some parts of the lungs, pneumonia develops.

Often inflammation of the lungs happens when the child's body rapidly loses fluid reserves, the bronchial mucus is thick. Dehydration of varying degrees can occur with a long diarrhea in a child, with multiple vomiting, high heat, fever, with an insufficient amount of fluid consumed, especially against the background of previously specified problems.

To suspect children with pneumonia, parents can for a number of signs:

  • Cough has become the main sign of the disease. The rest who were present earlier are gradually passing, and the cough is only enhanced.
  • The child has become worse after the improvement. If the disease has already retreated, and then suddenly the baby felt bad again, it may well talk about the development of complications.
  • The child cannot breathe deeply. Each attempt to do this leads to a strong kashl attack. Breath is accompanied by wheezing.
  • Pneumonia can manifest itself through a strong pallor of the skin against the background of the symptoms listed above.
  • The child had shortness of breath, and the antipyretic means, which previously always helped themselves, ceased to have an action.

It is important not to engage in self-diagnosis, since it is a 100% way to establish the presence of inflammation Easy is not even the doctor himself, and the X-ray snapshot of the lungs and the bacterial sowing of sputum, which will give a doctor the exact idea of \u200b\u200bwhich the pathogen will cause the inflammatory process. The blood test will show the presence of antibodies to viruses, if the inflammation is viral, and detected in Kalelella, they will come to the idea that pneumonia is caused by this dangerous causative agent. At home, the doctor will definitely listen to and tapping the area of \u200b\u200bthe lung patient, listen to the character of wheezing when breathing and during coughing.

Is pneumonia?

Whatever the inflammation of the lungs, it is almost in all cases is infectious for others. If these are viruses - they are easily transmitted to other family members in the air, if bacteria - contact path, and sometimes air-drip. Therefore, a child with inflammation of the lungs should be highlighted separate dishes, towel, bed linen.

Treatment by Komarovsky

After the diagnosis is set, the doctor will decide on where the child will be treated - at home or in the hospital. This choice will depend on how old the child and how heavy pneumonia has it. Up to 2 years old, pediatricians are trying to hospitalize, since their immunity is weak, and the treatment process is already constantly monitored by medical personnel.

All cases of obstruction during pneumonia (pleurisy, blockage of bronchi) is the basis for hospitalizing children of any age, as this is an additional risk factor, and the restoration of such pneumonia will be difficult. If the doctor says that you have uncomplicated pneumonia, then with a large probability, it will be allowed to treat it at home.

Most often, the pneumonia is treated with antibiotics, while it is absolutely not necessary that many patients and terrible injuries will have to do.

Antibiotics, which will be able to quickly and effectively help, the doctor will determine the results of the analysis of sputum on Bakposposev.

Two thirds of cases of inflammation of the lungs, according to Evgenia Komarovsky, are perfectly treated with pills or syrup. In addition, expectorant means are prescribed, which help bronchoms as soon as possible to cleaned from accumulated mucus. At the final stage of the child's treatment, physiotics and massages are shown. Also kids who are undergoing rehabilitation are shown walking and receiving vitamin complexes.

If the treatment takes place at home, then it is important that the child is not in a hot room, drank a sufficient amount of fluid, a vibratory massage contributes to the disorder of the bronchial secret.

Treatment of viral pneumonia will leak similarly, except for the reception of antibiotics.


If the child fell ill (ORVI, diarrhea, vomiting and other problems), it is necessary to ensure that it consumes a sufficient amount of fluid. Drinking should be warm so that the fluid can be absorbed faster.

The patient must breathe clean, wet air. To do this, you need to ventilate the room, moisturize the air with the help of a special device-humidifier or with the help of awesome apartments wet towels. It is impossible to allow it to be hot.

The best parameters for the preservation of the normal level of viscosity of the mucus are as follows: the temperature of the airradus, relative humidity - 50-70%.

If a child is sick, you need to try to free his room as much as possible from everything that can accumulate dust - carpets, soft toys, upholstered furniture. A large number of inhaled dusty only speeds up wet wet and increases the risk of the development of pneumonia. Wet cleaning should be carried out 1-2 times a day, chlorine-based detergents are categorically prohibited!

If the child coughs, you do not need to give him at home all sorts of cough.

Cough is needed to remove excess spent sputum. If the cough reflex stop at the peak of the disease with antifreeze with antifreeze preparations, then the outlet of the sputum will not, and the risk that pneumonia will begin, will grow at times. Multic (expectorant) means (on a vegetable basis), whose task is to dissolve sputum, are welcome, but, according to Komarovsky, with strict compliance with all of the above items.

With ORV, in no case cannot be taken antibiotics. Even if your attending physician advises to start doing this for the prevention of pneumonia. All microbes that are in the human body, even the newest antibiotic is unable to destroy, no antimicrobial agents do not act on viruses. But it has been proven that the reception of them with influenza or ARVI increases the probability of the development of pneumonia 9 times!

With a cold caused by a viral infection, it is not necessary to immediately start dripping the vasoconducting droplets into the nose to the child. So above the likelihood that viruses, bypassing the nose, they will send straight into the lungs immediately and will cause an inflammatory process there.

Excellent method of prevention - vaccination from pneumococcal infection. It is the pneumococcus that causes the most severe forms of pneumonia. The first year of life in the framework of the vaccination calendar is introduced a vaccine that helps the body to develop antibodies to pneumococcus. Even if the infection occurs, the disease will flow easier. The vaccine is introduced several times. In the first months of life, in 2 years, at 4 years, in 6 years and 12 years. There is no way to refuse vaccination in any case, says Evgeny Komarovsky.

Look more in the transfer of the Komarovsky doctor.

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Modern medicine makes it possible to successfully treat inflammation of lungs in children, but the prerequisite condition of a favorable outcome is timely diagnosis and appointment of adequate treatment. Pneumonia at the child is dangerous, which can occur in the late detection of signs of the disease.

Causes of the development of pneumonia at the child

The smaller the child, the vulnerable it is in front of various diseases. The reason is the imperfection of the growing organism, anatomical and physiological. Age featuresaffecting the development of inflammation of lungs in children, are:

  • insufficient formation of the respiratory system, its functional instability;
  • smaller than in adults, lumen of respiratory tract;
  • immaturity of light tissue;
  • delicacy of mucous membranes lining the respiratory tract;
  • abundance of blood vessels in mucous membranes;
  • abdominal breathing, imperative gas exchange at any, even a minor problem with the intestines;
  • the total immaturity of the body's immune system.

The risk of pneumonia disease increases in cases where the kid was born or insufficient weight, with artificial feeding and the absence of high-quality care. Children growing in smoking parents are more ill.

Endogenous and exogenous pathogens

Pneumonia as a disease characterizes polyethyology - the diversity of pathogens causing an inflammatory process in lungs. In the first place in terms of frequency and mycoplasma, they are found in almost a third of the fallen children. Each fourth child sick inflammation is distinguished by pneumococcus.

The pathogens differ and depending on the age and environmental factor. In children who are not contacting other children and not visiting preschool institutions, the inflammatory process is more often caused by pneumococcus. Kindergartens and younger schoolchildren are amazed by mycoplasmas. Chlamydia is causative agents of the disease in schoolchildren of adolescence.

Pneumonia in children is caused by both exogenous pathogens (in the environment) and representatives of the inner nasopharynk bacterial microflora (endogenous pathogen). The endogenous factor can be aspiration of vomit masses and belching (pathogens - staphylococcus and intestinal wand). Activate own bacteria can various factors:

  • hypothermia;
  • avitaminosis;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • colds.

The primary (brunt) form develops after entering the respiratory tract paths, and the secondary pneumonia of the child can cause sharp respiratory diseases. Inflammation of the lungs can be the result of a downward infection, and not only bacterial, but also viral. Some types of pneumonia have. Secondary pneumonia () occurs much more often.

Inflammation is especially serious, caused by the so-called hospital (hospital) strains from a child hospitalized due to another disease. National accident infections are characterized by drug treatment resistance.

The clinical picture of the development of inflammation of lungs in children depends on several factors:

  • causative agent;
  • the age of the patient;
  • fabrics involved in the inflammatory process (single or double-sided pneumonia, focal, share, etc.).

The classification divides pneumonia on one- and bilateral, etc. In the spread of infection, the symptoms of the corresponding disease are observed on the surrounding tissues (, etc.).

The symptoms of this disease may be similar to the clinical picture of other respiratory diseases, and therefore necessarily needed differential diagnosis. To any, the slightest signs of the disease, it is necessary to relate carefully, because pneumonia in children is developing very quickly, and in the absence of proper timely treatment It is necessary to fear complications until the deadly outcome.

Hard breath

The very first sign of inflammation of the lungs - the patient begins to breathe hard and rapidly. This is due to the fact that the inflamed lung tissues cannot take part in gas exchange and fall out of the respiratory process. This condition is called respiratory failure. To fill the missing oxygen, the patient has to perform more respiratory movements, breathing heavy, tense. At the same time, the child swells the nostrils, it will be pale, and then acquires a blue tint area of \u200b\u200bthe nasolabial triangle.

Long cold illness

The perpetuity of the parents should be an impassive cold, lasting more than a week and accompanied by high temperatures. At the same time, antipyretic drugs bring temporary relief: the temperature quickly returns to its position. The highest temperature, up to 40 ° C, is celebrated in children over 6-7 years. This is a natural protective reaction of the body for infection. Pneumonia in children of older age can be accompanied by a temperature not exceeding a subfebrile level due to a weak immune system. It is dangerous in that inflammation of the lungs can be masked under the usual cold.


The symptom may be of different intensity and character, in some cases there is dry casing for a long time, and other patients with children have a very strong cough, a suffocating, suffocating at acute pneumonia.

Pneumonia in infants is accompanied by difficult breathing breathing and cough attacks, during which it clearly pale and acquires a grayish tint of the nasolabial area. Temperature can rise to 38 ° C and higher. The baby breathes the mouth, since the nasal passages are laid due to the swelling of the nasal mucosa.

For children of all ages, it is characteristic of pneumonia what they cannot deeply inhale. Attempts in deep breath end in the attack of suffocating cough.

Atypical form

In most cases, it is accepted for bronchitis and is treated accordingly. Subsequently, the inconsistency of treatment may lead to the chronization of the disease and relapses of inflammation. Listening with the help of a phoneneoscope does not allow to diagnose disease with high accuracy, more accurate diagnostic methods are needed.

Diagnostic events

Independent definition of the disease, like independent treatmentNo good thing leads to anything. The sick kid needs to show a doctor for a comprehensive examination.

Pneumonia in children can be diagnosed at the very beginning of the disease. For this you need:

  • completely inspect the child to assess its condition;
  • listen light;
  • pass X-ray study;
  • give blood test.

X-ray pictures need to be made in two projections (front and side) so that as accurately as possible to evaluate how easy it is covered by inflammation. The blood test will not only indicate the presence of the focus of inflammation, but will also help accurately determine the pathogen. Without it, it is impossible to appoint the necessary drug treatment.

Maximum complement the clinical picture information from parents. The younger children, the more carefully should treat their health moms and dad, to then give answers to the doctor's questions instead of a child when the first signs appeared, whether the cough was originally cough, etc.

Treatment of pneumonia in children

The child's pneumonia can be treated only in accordance with the prescribed physicians. Traditional anti-inflammory and strengthening agents serve only an addition to the main therapy. It is impossible:

  • discontinue medication;
  • at your discretion to replace some drugs by others;
  • increase or decrease the dose of the drug.

Foundation medical treatment Make up antibiotics. The susceptibility of one or another pathogen to this antibiotic drug is determined on the basis of the assessment of the state of a small patient after the end of the three days of the appointed medication.

The interval between the reception of tablets (injections) must be strictly maintained: the two-time reception indicates the reception after 12 hours, three-time - after 8 hours. This is necessary in order to maintain the desired concentration of the active substance of the drug in the blood, otherwise the effectiveness of treatment will decrease.

It is impossible to take antibiotic drugs longer than the prescribed course of treatment (week for cephalosporins and penicillins, 5 days for macrolides), as dysbacteriosis can develop.

With an improvement in appetite, it can be said that the treatment takes effectively

The antipyretic medicines are prescribed for reception only at temperatures above 38 ° C in children up to a year and above 39 ° C after a year. If a child even at a subfebrile temperature, seizures are observed, the antipyretic is necessary. The effectiveness of therapy can be said if:

  • improved appetite;
  • it became easier breathing, shortness of breath;
  • the temperature has decreased.

If this did not happen through the three days from the beginning of treatment, you need to adjust drug therapy.

Additional therapy

Preparations are prescribed for wetting and facilitating it easier. Elder the condition of the child is plentiful to drink: with the dehydration of the body, the mucus is thickened, which makes it difficult to cough. To maintain forces, vitamin complexes can be appointed. Care and nutrition are a mandatory part of the treatment. The child needs to provide cleanliness and humidity indoors. Food should be light.

Indications for hospitalization in the development of pneumonia in a child

Pneumonia in children up to three years is treated only in hospital conditions: At this age, the kids still do not have persistent immunity, the body's protective forces are weak, therefore, qualified personnel must follow the state of patients.

Children are subject to hospitalization older than three years in cases where:

  • at home there is no possibility of proper care and treatment;
  • a child in severe condition;
  • pneumonia accompanies chronic diseases.

The doctor may insist on hospitalization and in the absence of these reasons.

Danger and possible complications of pneumonia

The main danger at pneumonia is development. Other dangers and complications include:

  • a sharp drop in pressure, accompanied by heart failure;
  • respiratory failure;
  • violation of consciousness;
  • convulsive state;
  • sepsis;
  • cluster of fluid in the pleural cavity;
  • infectious toxic shock.

If you suspect the development of any of these states, you need to seek medical attention if the treatment of pneumonia takes place at home.

What doctor to contact?

At low temperature, it is worth contacting the pediatrician

If the pneumonia is suspected, the child should be conducted in the clinic, since the risk of "pick up" is still some infectious disease against the background of immunity weakened disease. For initial symptoms It is necessary to call the house of the precinct pediatrician, and with suddenly appearing high temperatures and others acute symptoms - Copy urgent help.

Early diagnosis and rapid start of treatment, compliance with all prescriptions of the doctor will help cure the child from pneumonia and avoid complications and relapses. Preventive measures are required to promote health.

As medical practice shows, right-sided pneumonia in a child is formed quite often. The anatomical features of the right bronchus are such that viruses quickly penetrate into cellular structures, multiply and cause infection. Inflammation of the lungs most often arises from streptococcal pathogenic microbes, pneumococcal bacteria become the main cause of the disease. The upper respiratory tract is amazed, concomitant diseases can develop - laryngitis, tonsillitis, angina.

With one-sided defeat, the disease affects one light. Often in children, the lower-base focal pneumonia is one-sided develops due to poor work of immunity with a weakened organism. Symptoms of the disease depends on the type of pathogen. These include chlamydia, streptococcus, mycoplasm.

The pathogenic microflora initially penetrates into a human nasopherler. When children have strong immunity, it easily copes with alien agents. But during the ORVI, the power of the immune system is on the outcome. Pathogenic microorganisms are activated, an inflammatory focus develops. If the child is in parallel attack bacteria from outside, pneumonia occurs. When the focus is localized at the top of the lung, the topless pneumonia is observed. You can identify the area of \u200b\u200bthe inflammatory process using an X-ray. At the focus on the right side, right-sided pneumonia is diagnosed.

Pneumonia is easy to confuse with bronchitis. However, these two illegals are different. At pneumonia, the lung alveums are affected. In a healthy state, they provide oxygen and carbonate exchange in the process of breathing. The lungs are saturated with organic oxygen tissues and eliminate human body cells from carbon dioxide gas connections.

Age is a great influence on the development of a disease - a child of 7 years is easier to cope with the pathogenic microflora than a one-year-old kid. The respiratory system in adolescents is already quite developed. Mature lightweight fabric differs from weak organic structures in 2 years and more resistant to negative impacts. In a child in 3 years, the respiratory tract has a narrow diameter, gas exchange in them is carried out non-intensive, which contributes to the development of frequent infections. Mature organic fabrics are becoming at 9 years old, and sometimes later.

The respiratory tract lifted thin mucous membranes, which are equipped with a large number of blood vessels. When pathogenic microorganisms attack organic tissues, the lung mucosa becomes edema. Edema violates the natural ventilation of the lungs. This extremely negatively affects the organic epithelium of the organ, the main purpose of which is to remove the accumulated sputum. As a result, the mucus is stuffed in the lungs that the child's condition takes place.

When the right-sided focal pneumonia is developing, the respiratory process is broken. The inflammatory process that causes the pathogenic causative agent affects the lungs alveoli. He creates a significant threat to the child's life. In the alveoli, with pneumonia, fluid begins to accumulate, it makes it difficult to breathe and strongly disrupts gas exchange. Especially dangerous inflammation of the lungs, if the baby is only 1 year old. Small children are sent to the hospital where they are under constant medical control.


In order not to miss the beginning of the disease, you should be attentive to the manifestations of the disease. For the disease:

  • the child sleeps on one side;
  • there are wheezing and cough;
  • there is reinforced sweating;
  • lacking wheezing in the chest;
  • the body temperature is high, keeps more than 3 days.

The above features indicate the development of the inflammatory process. It is required to immediately call a doctor to the house. Often right-sided lower-grade pneumonia in the child develops together with sharp respiratory diseases.

Tip! Since an increase in the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe lung can occur, urgent health care. The condition of the kid may worsen.

Types of pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs in medicine is classified in this way:

  • focal inflammation;
  • segmental pneumonia;
  • brewing pneumonia;
  • atypical form.

In focal form, a small section of the mucous membrane is affected - the pneumonia of the right light of the child develops, the focus is well noticeable on the X-ray. If a whole segment of the body is listed, segmental right-sided pneumonia is diagnosed in children with X-ray. If the child is already 3 years old, he can clearly express his complaints. Inflammation is striking organic fabrics, wheezing are observed in lungs and cough.

The body shape is striking a whole share of the organ. After the survey, medium-grade pneumonia is diagnosed during the localization of the hearth in the middle. For children, an atypical form of illness is especially characteristic. With it, pathology is caused by staphylococcus, intestinal wand, pneumococci. Antipic called lung disease, which is caused by chlamydia and mycoplasma. The symptoms of such a notem are:

  • dry exhausting cough;
  • the unusual character of worship in lung;
  • heat;
  • lack of appetite;
  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • total weakness.

Recognize the type of pathology is quite difficult. However, attentive parents should know why the child suddenly began in the evening to be very capricious or early went to sleep. It is necessary to measure the temperature to the thermometer and, if necessary, to give an antipyretic agent. Calling a doctor when making baby is obligatory!

In some cases, the development of the focus is at the bottom of the lung share. With such a localization of the inflammatory process, the diagnosis of "Lower Defense Heat Pneumonia" is made, which requires immediate treatment. When inflammation develops in the lower share of the right lung, the process can be aspiration or nosomical. The disease is often observed in immunodeficiency and chronic heart failure.


A small child in 2 years should certainly be placed in the hospital. Treatment of older children is 5 years old and can be carried out outpatient with constant control of the precinct doctor. Yet experts recommend not to risk - if the right-sided pneumonia has a child, the treatment is better to fulfill in the hospital. With an illiterate therapeutic approach, serious consequences may arise - pleurisy, light abscess, suppuration.

To eliminate the hearth, antibiotics are prescribed. Preparations stop the vital activity and activity of pathogenic microflora, kill the pathogen. In the medical diagram of the disease, the use of mukalithics is also present. These means are wetted and contribute to its better disbursement.

At high temperature, which accompanies the disease, antipyretic drugs are given. Experts are not recommended to shoot down to 38.5 degrees. Thus, the immunity of the kid struggles with the causative agent. The temperature is the powerful protection of the immune system and indicates that the body strongly resists the disease. Good immunity acts so that with the help of drugs, right-sided inflammation of the lungs in the child passes, on average, within 10 days. The disease is successfully treated with the help of the course of antibiotics and additional medicines. Medicase therapy includes

  • antibiotics;
  • low molecular weight heparinics;
  • broncholitics;
  • the introduction of isotonic solutions of mineral salts and glucose;
  • mukolithics.

Depending on the severity of the illness, the doctor can recommend treatment in the hospital - a small patient must be under constant medical control. To the question of parents - how much right-sided pneumonia in the child is treated, doctors cannot give an unequivocal answer - it all depends on the form of a submission, its manifestations and work of the immune system. If the overall condition of the baby is not critical, then the positive result of therapy is noticeable for the 7th day of the disease. Atypical shape and streptococcus are eliminated approximately 3 weeks in the hospital. The term depends on the presence of a background, concomitant illness, as well as the degree of flow of the disease. With a light form to defeat the disease in 18-20 days. Diagnosed in hospital pneumonia to the right of a child middle severity It is treated for about 24 days. It will take about 40 days to eliminate the gravity form of the disease.

There is an uncomplicated one-sided form of illness around 2 weeks. During this period, it is especially important to ensure the right drinking mode and diet. The child should get light food that does not affect negatively on the process of digestion. Otherwise, it is difficult to disappear products that can cause indisposition and deterioration of well-being. This is due to the fact that the body's weakened inflammation is difficult to cope with infection, and with digestion of heavy food. It is better not to exacerbate the condition of the baby so that the disease proceeds without complications.

Long-term treatment requires a compulsory beddown. Medical therapy helps to improve blood rheological properties, eliminate intoxication and dehydration of the body. With the help of infusion therapy, electrolyte disorders are eliminated in the body. Expectorant preparations are used in a complex with antibacterial. They can be used as inhalations or orally.

A child at 4 years can already independently perform gymnastics when inflammation of the lungs. This additional measure of comprehensive treatment helps to eliminate soreness in the chest and improves the detection of sputum. Gymnastics helps prevent the development of pleural adhesive process and faster to recover. The performance of breathing exercises is favorable on gas exchange in the lungs and purify Alveola. Basic exercise:

  • put hands on the belly;
  • make 15 deep breaths;
  • relax.

The next exercise of gymnastics is aimed at the debit of sputum:

  • raising hands, you need to take a deep breath;
  • when lowering hands, the child needs to slowly exhale.

Such simple gymnastics will have a beneficial effect on the entire children's body, improve the processes of respiration and blood supply to the lungs.

A small baby is recommended to turn over side where there is no inflammation to reduce pain. It is important to periodically change baby In the crib, so that adhesive pathology does not develop. You can walk with the baby with warm summer weather already at the stages of recovery. It is important to wear a baby in full accordance with weather conditions and fencing a child from damp, wind, frost, heat. After recovery, you should get up on dispensary accounting.


Preventive measures include adherence to sleep and recreation. The child must harden, starting from birth. At the very beginning, this may be:

  • air baths;
  • bathing in reservoirs in the summer;
  • fat physical classes;
  • wet womens;
  • massage.

Prevent inflammation will help vaccination against influenza. In this case, immunity will be stronger, and pneumonia will not join the cold. It is necessary to constantly increase the body's protective forces - to walk every day with a child in the fresh air and to provide him with nutrition saturated with vitamins and minerals.

After the disease, it is necessary to undergo a course of rehabilitation and recovery in the sanatorium. It is necessary to observe the pulmonologist half a year after complete recovery. It is important to carry out the sanitation of infectious foci, avoid excessive physical and emotional loads. After sanatorium-resort treatment, the child will quickly restore his strength and will be absolutely healthy.

Inflammation of the lungs arises for certain reasons accompanied by a strong deterioration of well-being, pain and weakness.

If it does not start treatment in time, serious complications may arise. About the symptoms and the treatment of inflammation of the lungs in children will talk in the article.

Description and characteristics

According to experts, the inflammation of the lungs is inflammatory process of lung fabric. It has an infectious nature, caused by viruses, fungi, pathogenic bacteria. The official name of the disease is pneumonia.

Pathology is very dangerous, as it develops quickly. In the early stages reminds the usual cold. Patients begin serious treatment, as a rule, in the later stages.

With this disease pulmonary cloth is greatly amazedWhat affects the overall functioning of the entire pulmonary system.

When and why can you arise?

The person may get sick at any age. but most often, children are suffering from pneumonia.. The disease occurs for the following reasons:

The disease occurs most often in the cold season. In the fall and in winter, children are hypocheated, sick with influenza, ORVI. Against the background of these diseases, pneumonia can develop.

The risk group includes children who often catchy. A child with low immunity has a huge chance of sick pneumonia.

The likely to get sick and in premature children, whose light are not fully developed, have defects.

What is caused?

The pathogens of the disease are pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi.

To the most common malicious microorganisms relate:

  • pneumococci;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • legionella;
  • mycoplasma.

As soon as these microorganisms penetrate the children's organism, they begin to actively influence it. First symptoms may appear the next dayBut they are easy to confuse with a cold.

However, there are cases when inflammation of the lungs arises because of strongly supercooling. Inhaled frosty air can damage the pulmonary tissue and lead to its inflammation.

The severity of the course of illness depends on the following factors:

  1. Process extensity. It may be focal, focal-drain, segmental, equity, interstitial.
  2. Agechild. The younger kid, the thinner his respiratory tract. Thin respiratory tract lead to weak gas exchange in the body. This contributes to the severe stream of pneumonia.
  3. Localization, cause of the disease. If the disease struck the small part of the lungs, it is not difficult to cure it, but with a strong damage to the child's respiratory system, it is very difficult to treat. We must not forget that with the defeat of the lungs by bacteria and viruses, get rid of the disease hard. Antibiotics may need.
  4. Immunitychild. The higher the immunity of the kid, the protective functions of the body, the faster it will recover.

Types and classification

Experts distinguish pathology on the area of \u200b\u200blesion:

  • focal. Occupies a small part of the lungs;
  • segmental. Strikes one or several lung segments at once;
  • share. Applies to the share of the lung;
  • drain. Small foci merge into large, gradually grow up;
  • total. Easy is amazed in general. The hardest form of the disease.

Two varieties of illness are distinguished:

  • one-sided. One easy is affected;
  • bilateral. There is a damage to both lungs.

Symptoms and clinical picture

How to determine the inflammation of the lungs in the child? The clinical picture is manifested quite brightly. Common symptoms of the disease include:

  1. Coughing. May occur with deep breath. He becomes stronger, obsessing. At an early stage, he is dry, then a sputum appears.
  2. Dyspnea. Breathing becomes heavy, shortness of breath is tormented by baby even without exercise.
  3. Increased temperature. It is difficult to lower, it keeps about 39 degrees.
  4. Rubble. There is plenty of nasal mucus.
  5. Dizziness, Nausea. The child refuses to take food, his tears. The baby pale, weakens.
  6. Sleep disturbance. Frequent cough prevents the child to fall asleep. He wakes up overnight many times.

Signs of illness are also pallorskin cover, reduced performance, fatigue.

The kid refuses to play, lies a lot. The disease leads to lethargy and severe weakness.

Kids up to year very hard tolerate disease. Almost immediately, the temperature rises to 39 degrees, there is a strong heat, weakness.

How to recognize inflammation of the lungs in infants? The breast child cries, can not fall asleep, refuses to eat. The toddler pulse increases, it becomes difficult for the child to breathe. He swells his cheeks and pulls his lips. Possible foam allocations from the mouth.

In children older it happens a strong cough. Kid whispering, it is sick. The child refuses food, pale. He is accompanied by fatigue, lethargy. He looks sleepy, capricious. The discharge from the nose is first fluid, but with the course of the disease become dense.


Diagnostics carried out in the hospital. For this patient inspect, then apply:

  1. Blood test.
  2. Survey study.
  3. Seric tests. Help to identify the causative agent of the disease.
  4. Determination of gas concentration in arterial blood in patients with signs of respiratory failure.
  5. X-ray. Removes foci of defeat.

These diagnostic methods help quickly make a diagnosis and appoint suitable drugs.

Helps faster to determine the diagnosis differential diagnosis. Pneumonia is distinguished from diseases that have similar symptoms:

  • tuberculosis;
  • allergic pneumonitis;
  • ornithosis;
  • sarcoidosis.

Diseases are so similar that they can only distinguish them after the laboratory research.

Careful blood and sputum The patient helps specialists to determine pathology. With the first inspection of the patient, the above-mentioned diseases from pneumonia will not work.

Complications and consequences

If the disease is not treated, negative consequences may arise, which are manifested in the form:

Indications for hospitalization

Condition during the disease in children is very heavy. In some cases hospitalization is needed. Readings to it are:

  1. Heavy fever.
  2. Purulent process in the lungs.
  3. High degree of intoxication of the body.
  4. Serious difficulty breathing.
  5. Dehydration of the body.
  6. The presence of concomitant diseases. The aggravation of chronic pathologies.

The child can also be hospitalized at high temperature, which is not able to lower with medicines, with a strong cough with signs of choking.


How to treat inflammation of the lungs in children? Cerencing the baby can be cured in various ways. For this there are quite a few drugs, but they are prescribed by doctors only after examining patients.

Preparations and antibiotics

Effective drugs Against this pathology are:

  • Amoxiclav;
  • Azitroces;
  • Claside;
  • Roxibid.

These funds fight with fungi, bacteria and viruses In the body of the child.

They destroy the reason for the occurrence of the disease, normalize the child's condition. Dosage preparations and reception duration are prescribed by a doctor.

If these drugs do not help, experts appoint antibiotics:

  • Levoflox;
  • Moximac;
  • Unidox Solutab;
  • Supraks;
  • Cedax.

They are effectively fighting the disease, eliminate unpleasant symptoms of the disease, the condition of the child is normalized.

For the treatment of cough and eliminate sputum Recommended to take the ACC. The drug contributes to the recovery of the child. Take a medicine on one tablet 2-3 times a day.

Folk remedies

Helps to eliminate the disease bow-based.

For this, the juice is mined from a small bulb. It is mixed with the same amount of honey.

The resulting agent is used for a small spoon 2-3 times a day before meals.

To combat the disease prepare garlic butter. For this, two cloves of garlic are crushed to the state of the cashem, mix with 100 g of butter. The finished remedy needs to be consumed 2-3 times a day, smearing on bread.

Effective tool is Decoration from honey and aloe. For this, 300 g of honey, half of the glass of water and the chopped sheet of aloe be mixed. Two hours the mixture is cooked on slow heat. Next, the tool is cooled, take on a large spoon three times a day.


Includes the following methods:

  • electrophoresis;
  • inhalation;
  • decimetry therapy;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • thermal procedures;
  • industothermia.

These procedures are conducted in the hospital with experienced doctors. For this, special devices are applied. The doctor prescribes a certain number of procedures. Methods are used, as a rule, during the patient in the hospital.

With their help, you can achieve incredible results: to significantly improve the condition of the child, eliminate the symptoms of the disease. The kid recovers quickly. The body will be able to recover.

Prevention measures

  1. Avoiding public places in the cold season. Usually, infection occurs in public places.
  2. Child before walk heat to wear. In frosty weather, it is better to give up.
  3. Healthy nutrition, taking vitamins. Help to strengthen the kid's body, raise immunity. Harmful food is excluded from the diet of the child.
  4. Kid cannot contact With a sick person. The children's body may soon get sick.
  5. Moderate physical exercise . Contribute to strengthening immunity. Help charging in the morning, gymnastic exercises.

Disease causes strong harm children's body, leads to complications if it does not start treatment in time. It is recommended for the first symptoms of the disease to see a doctor who will prescribe the necessary medicines.

Dr. Komarovsky On the inflammation of the lungs in children:

I am convincingly please do not engage in self-medication. Sign up for a doctor!