Intestine dysbiosis in a child for 3 months. Changes in normal microflora - intestinal dysbiosis: symptoms and treatment in children, recommendations of specialists. Fresh and vegetables fruits

16.08.2020 Insulin

For many parents, the words "microbes" and "bacteria" denote the hordes of "monsters" capable of causing an infectious disease and harm the health of the beloved chad. But it turns out, microbes can be not only pathogenic, but also useful for the body of the child.

These microbes are not enemies, but, rather, friends and assistants human organism. They populate the intestines. At the same time, their quantity and ratio are very important.

The condition evolving in violation of the qualitative composition of these beneficial microorganisms or their quantitative relation (balance) is called dysbacteriosis, or dysbiosis.

The role of microflora in the intestines

The role of useful microflora in the intestines is huge and multifaceted:

  • microbes are involved in the process of digesting food;
  • bacteria synthesize not only enzymes for improving digestion, but also hormone-like active substances;
  • they contribute to the absorption of vitamin D and many trace elements: iron, copper, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium;
  • the vitamins (groups B, ascorbic acid, folic acid, vitamin K, biotin) are synthesized;
  • participate in the regulatory mechanisms of metabolism;
  • protect the children's organism from pathogens (salmonells, dysenteric sticks, mushrooms, etc.) that can cause intestinal infection: produce substances that block the reproduction of pathogenic flora;
  • contribute to the promotion of digestible food and emptying of the intestine;
  • participate in the formation of immunity;
  • protect the organism from the effects of adverse factors: neutralize the effect of nitrates, chemicals (pesticides), drugs (antibiotics).

What microorganisms are "friends" of a person?

The composition of the normal flora in the intestines provide:

  • bifidobacteria is the main (90%) and the most important flora;
  • recognizing flora (from 8 to 10%): lactobacillia, enterococcus, non-pathogenic intestinal wand;
  • conditionally pathogenic microorganisms (less than 1%): protea, citrobacter, enterobacter, klebseyella, yeast-like mushrooms, non-propogenous staphylococcus et al.; In such a small amount, they are not dangerous, but under adverse conditions and increase their numbers can become pathogenic.

In the event of a change in the nature and quantity of useful microflora in the intestines, put up multiplying mushrooms and other malicious microorganisms. They are increasingly crowded from the intestine the useful microflora and cause disorders of digestion, metabolic processes and immunity in a child.

Dysbacteriosis is not an independent disease, but the secondary state of the body. Its occurrence contributes to a number of reasons and factors.

The reasons

Intestine during the intrauterine development of the fetus sterile. The first portions of microbes come with a child from the mother during childbirth. After the birth of the baby should immediately attach to the chest so that the mother's mother fell into the toddler's digestive system. This contributes to the formation of a normal balance of bacteria in a newborn with a predominance of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Causes of violations of normal microflora in the intestine baby There may be a variety of:

  • improper nutrition of the mother;
  • acceptance of mother or child antibiotics;
  • later the first baby applying to the chest;
  • sudden cessation of breastfeeding;
  • incorrect administration of fading;
  • artificial feeding and frequent change of dairy blends;
  • intolerance to milk protein;
  • atopic (exudative) diathesis and other allergic diseases.

Do preschool and schoolchildren, the causes of dysbiosis can be:

  • improper nutrition (excessive consumption of meat products and sweets);
  • transferred intestinal infections;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive organs;
  • frequent or long-term use of antibiotics (inward or in the form of injections); Antibiotics destroy not only pathogens, harmful microbes, but also useful;
  • long treatment hormonal drugs;
  • allergic diseases;
  • frequent colds and viral infections;
  • glice invasions;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • stress;
  • operational interventions on digestive organs;
  • hormonal restructuring in the pubertal period;
  • vegeth-vascular dystonia;
  • adverse ecological situation.


A child suffering from intestinal dysbacteriosis can alternate diarrhea and constipation.

No purely specific manifestations of dysbacteriosis has no.

Symptoms of dysbiosis can be the most diverse. Most often disorders from the digestive tract. The child decreases appetite, bothers the feeling of the abdomen. Major, stretching abdominal pain, more pronounced in the afternoon. They may have a grapple-shaped character. In the kids of the chest, there is obscured (or vomiting), a decrease in body weight.

Older children can celebrate an unpleasant metal taste in the mouth. Characteristic is the alternation of diarrhea and constipation. Chair has nasty smell, in roast masses A mix of mucus and undigested food may appear.

Frequent urges appear to the act of defecation - the so-called "duck symptom" or "food slipping": only accepted food, the child sits on a pot or runs to the toilet. The chair at the same time can be watery, mucous membranes, with untrained food residues.

Allergic reactions are often developing in the form of various kinds of rashes, dermatitis, skin peeling. The deficiency of vitamins developing in dysbacteriosis is manifested by bleeding gums, nail and hair fragility.

Dysbacteriosis reduces protective forces children's bodyTherefore, the child is constantly "cling" frequent colds, viral, infectious diseases to the child. And they, in turn, contribute to even greater aggravation of dysbacteriosis.

The behavior of a child is changing: he becomes a capricious, restless, fading, sleeps badly. With far dysbacteriosis, temperatures in the range of 37.5 S. may increase


Laboratory methods are used to confirm the diagnosis:

  • bacteriological examination of Cala: makes it possible to determine the types of microorganisms, their number and sensitivity to antibiotics and bacteriophages; For analysis, approximately 10 g of the morning portion of feces collected in sterile capacity and delivered immediately to the laboratory;
  • clinical analysis of Cala (Coprogram): Study of food digestion in the intestine.

To clarify the state of other organs of the digestive system, ultrasound, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, duodenal probing can be assigned.


Only integrated treatment of dysbacteriosis can be effective. An important point is the clarification of the root causes of this state and its exception in the future.

Treatment may include such components:

  • diet and therapy;
  • medication treatment;
  • symptomatic treatment.

At any age of the child diet nutrition It is of great importance for the treatment of dysbacteriosis. The diet is even more important than drug preparations with alive lacto and bifidobacteriums.

Well, if the baby gets breastfeeding. If the child is on artificial feeding, then it is necessary to decide with the pediatrician: whether to leave the forst milk mixture or go to therapeutic (type "bifidolact", "Human", etc.).

In some unlawful cases, dysbacteriosis can be eliminated completely in a small child only power correction, without medical treatment.

It is advisable for children of any age to include fermented milk products (or fermented dairy mixes) containing bifi-and lactobacilli. These are the so-called natural probiotics, most commonly used in dysbacteriosis and are a good alternative to drugs:

  • Bifox: It is a kefir with the addition of bifidumbacterial: restores the normal flora in the intestines, promotes the suppression of rotten and conditionally pathogenic bacteria, slowing the growth of staphylococcus;
  • Bifilin: It can be used from the birth of a baby, contains bifidobacteria, can be applied and during treatment with antibiotics; restores intestinal microflora;
  • Immunel: Contains a large number of lactobacilli and vitamins; normalizes microflora, increases immunity;
  • Activia: Contains bifidobacteria, but can only be used from a 3-year-old child;
  • Activityl: Contains lactobacillia, also contributes to the restoration of intestinal microflora.

Milk from the diet of the child is completely excluded. It must be replaced by fermented with milk products.

Pick the desired child milk product will help the pediatrician. Yoghurts, kefir, Narina can be prepared at home, because to buy a yogurtney and special starts in the pharmacy currently does not represent problems.

Prepared independently fermented dairy products will bring more benefits to a child, as, contrary to advertising, in the products of industrial production, the number of useful bacteria is not enough. Moreover, the more shelf life of the product, the less it contains probiotics, since living beneficial bacteria die during the first few days.

Fresh, delicious and useful dairy products can be prepared at home!

For the older guys in the diet, it is necessary to include cereals (barley, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, peashed), fruits and vegetables. For small kids, porridges need to be given in a protest. Pasta and white bread should be excluded completely.

Vegetables, thanks to the fiber in them, improve digestion and advancement of food by intestines. For 2 years of life, the baby should prepare vegetable puree (excluding vegetables containing starch).

We use such vegetables such as zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, cauliflower, beets. And up to 3 years of age should give a child vegetables in boiled, stew or cooked for a pair.

It is helpful and decoction of these vegetables. In the raw form, vegetables can be given after 3 years in a small amount to eliminate the irritating effect of them on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Some fruits (lingonberries, black currant, apricot, garnet, rowan) have a destructive effect on "harmful" microorganisms. Useful for children and baked apples, rumor risks. In the raw form you can give the baby bananas.

Fresh juices are excluded. Water giving a child needed non-carbonated.

It is recommended to cook fruit-berry compotes and kisins, compotes from dried fruits. It is desirable to not sweese them, as sugar creates an unfavorable medium for beneficial intestinal bacteria. In the extreme case, you can add a little honey to the decoction or compote, provided that the child has no allergies.

To ensure the body, proteins should prepare the child steam omelets, low-fat varieties of fish, rabbit meat or chicken chicken form or a couple.

Of the eating diet of older kids, it is necessary to completely eliminate fried foods, smokers, pickles, pickled and sharp dishes, fast food, sweets, carbonated drinks. It is advisable to comply with the power and exclude snacks.

Popular drug

Dysbiosis drug treatment includes two important stages:

  1. Elimination of pathogenic flora from the intestine:
  • the use of antibacterial drugs, or antibiotics;
  • appointment of bacteriophages;
  • application of probiotics.
  1. Replacement therapy, or "settling" in the intestines of useful microflora with probiotics.

The individual treatment regimen for each child is a doctor (pediatrician, infectious player or gastroenterologist).

The feasibility of use of antibiotics determines the doctor after receiving the analysis of the feces on dysbacteriosis. Usually antibacterial drugs prescribed with a massive dissemination by pathogenic flora. Nifuroxazid, fauradone, metronidazole, antibiotics from the macrolide group can be used.

Some pathogenic microorganisms can be eliminated with bacteriophages. Bacteriophage is a virus for a strictly defined type of bacteria (salmonella, dysenteric sticks), capable of destroying them. It is clear that it can only be used with a precisely established pathogel of the disease.

Linex - the most popular probiotic

A more sparing method for the destruction of pathogenic flora - the use of probiotics preparations. Useful bacteria multiply in the intestines and create adverse conditions for "harmful microbes" there, that is, gradually displacing them. These drugs include enterol, bakyubyl, bifiform. Apply them after one year old age.

Probiotics and prebiotics are used for substitution therapy. Probiotics (containing lactobacilli or bifidobacteria) are selected based on the result of the analysis on dysbacteriosis. And prebiotics create favorable conditions for beneficial bacteria, "feed" them, stimulate growth and reproduction.

There are symbiotic drugs, which contains probiotics and prebiotics. These include preparations of bifiform, bacterobalance, bifidine, bonolact, polybacterin, etc.

Most often to restore intestinal microflora uses such drugs:

As symptomatic therapy, enzymatic drugs can be assigned to improve food digestion, sorbents (prescribed in severe cases, pathogenic flora toxins are removed), vitamin complexes.

Compliance with the regime of the day, the exclusion of stressful situations and overwork, daily walks in the fresh air, - all this will help cope with the ailment.

Some parents are supporters folk Medicine. Tips for the treatment of dysbacteriosis are based on the use of bravery and infants. It will be useful to use grasses ragners with antiseptic effect (chamomile, hunter, sage), but their use also needs to be coordinated with the doctor, because there is always a risk of developing an allergic reaction to herbs.

Several advice of traditional medicine:

  • with diarrhea, you can apply the decoction of the bark of oak, which has, in addition to the fixing, anti-inflammatory effect;
  • the infusion of the replied onion, cooked from 2 bulbs, chopped and filled with 3 glasses chilled boiled waterinfused during the night, drunk during the day during the week; Probably, this infusion will be able (??) to take only an older child;
  • herb of grass shrubs or "Kuril Tea", bought in a pharmacy: take 1 g of grass and 10 ml of boiling water for 1 kg of baby weight, boil 3 minutes, strain, cool, water a child;
  • for the treatment of dysbacteriosis in the infant age: take a kefir (10 ml / kg of body weight), wipe through the siete, warm and after the chair in the child, to put him with kefir with the enema; You need to repeat the procedure 2-3 times.


Dysbacteriosis prevention should be started to study at the stage of pregnancy planning and during it. The future mother should be examined to find out the state of microflora into the vagina and treatment in the event of a detected pathology. In some cases, doctors recommend a preventive course of biophideo treatment and lact-containing drugs.

Early applying baby applying to chest, the maximum long period of breastfeeding period, compliance with nursing mother right ration Nutrition. The lore should be administered on time, including in the form of feeding milk mixtures with bifidobacteriums.

Often and long-friendly babies probiotics must be given with preventive goal. When any manifestations of disruption of food digestion appear, it is necessary to refer to the doctor and conduct treatment in a timely manner in case of detection of dysbiosis.

At the same time, it is important to find out the reason for its appearance to prevent the occurrence again.

Summary for parents

Dysbacteriosis is often found in children of different ages. You should not ignore the change in the nature of the chair in the kids, complaints from the digestive tract from older children. Diagnose dysbacteriosis is not difficult. A special preparation arsenal allows you to cope with this pathology.

What is actually dysbacteriosis in children

It is much more difficult to establish and eliminate the cause of pathology to save the child from her forever. Knowing the prevention of dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to strive to prevent its development. After all, the most reliable treatment method is prevention.

To which doctor to turn

If problems appear with the intestine, you need to contact the pediatrician. After the initial survey, he will send a child to a gastroenterologist. Additionally, the consultation of the infectious system (when identifying infectious diseases), as well as an immunologist, because dysbiosis is directly related to the violation of immune processes in the body. Often the child also examines an allergist, and during the skin manifestations of the disease - a dermatologist. A nutritionist consultation will be useful.

Pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky speaks of dysbacteriosis:

Dysbacteriosis - School of Dr. Komarovsky

Dysbacteriosis in children: symptoms, treatment

The term "microbes" does not always mean diseases and danger, although many are associated with trouble. Meanwhile, microbes can be pathogenic, which really pose a threat to health, and useful, which contribute to creating and strengthening immunity and take an active part in the process of digestion of food.

  • Dysbacteriosis in children: symptoms, treatment
  • What role does the intestine microflora play for the child's body?
  • What bacteria belong to the category "useful"?
  • Why dysbacteriosis occurs: the main causes of children
  • How dysbacteriosis in children is manifested: clinical symptoms
  • Methods of diagnosis of dysbacteriosis in children
  • Treatment of dysbiosis in children
  • Diet with dysbacteriosis
  • Medical treatment of dysbacteriosis
  • Symptomatic treatment of dysbacteriosis
  • Prediction and prevention
  • Dysbacteriosis in children
  • Symptoms
  • Dyspepsia
  • Anorectal syndrome
  • Bacteriological background
  • The reasons
  • Treatment
  • Preparations
  • Bifidumbacterin
  • Lactobacterin
  • Bificik
  • Hilak-Forte
  • Lactulose
  • Nifuroxazid
  • How does the child dysbacteriosis manifest?
  • Diagnostics
  • Methods of therapy
  • Dysbacteriosis in infants and children after the year: we will put all the points above I
  • What is it and why arises
  • Symptoms and diagnostics of dysbiosis
  • Normalization of microflora
  • Causes and prevention of dysbiosis
  • Recommended for viewing: Consultation of Dr. Komarovsky

Useful microbes inhabit the intestines, their main function is to suppress the growth and life of the pathogenic flora - as soon as the balance of useful and pathogenic microorganisms is violated, there is a disease of dysbacteriosis. Most often, dysbacteriosis in children is found, since the immune system is not yet formated and under the influence of various adverse factors, pathogenic microorganisms can defeat the useful flora.

What role does the intestine microflora play for the child's body?

Useful bowel bacteria not only support balance and form immunity, they also play a huge role in other important processes occurring in the body of children:

  • produce enzymes and hormone-like active substances, with which the process of digesting food is improved;
  • contribute to the assimilation of vital trace elements (copper, iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium) and vitamin D;
  • participate in the production of vitamins K, B1, B2, B9, B5, B6, B12;
  • protect the child's body from hazardous infectious pathogens (salmonella, mushrooms, dysenteric sticks) - when causing causative agents, useful intestinal bacteria produces substances that block the processes of growth and reproduction of pathogenic flora;
  • contribute to the intestinal peristalsis and the formation of carts;
  • neutralize the effect of heavy metals salts, nitrates, chemical harmful substances, toxins - bind them and remove from the intestines naturally.

What bacteria belong to the category "useful"?

The intestinal microflora of a healthy child consists of the following bacteria:

  • bifidobacteria is about 90%, they are the most important;
  • lactobacilli - about 8%, produce lactic acid and contribute to maintaining the optimal level of pH;
  • conditional pathogenic microorganisms are those that are in the intestines in small quantities and do not threaten health up to a certain point. With the disease of the child, taking antibiotics, poisoning or disruption of the digestive function, the conditionally pathogenic flora is activated, it begins to multiply quickly and thus suppresses the amount of lacto and bifidobacteria. In this case, all the symptoms of the intestinal dysbiosis occur. The conditionally pathogenic flora includes yeast-like mushrooms, staphylococci, klebseyella intestinal wand, enterobacteria.

From the latter, it can be judged that dysbacteriosis in children is not a separate disease, but only a consequence of the pathological processes in the body, the emergence of which many factors and causes contribute to the occurrence of which.

Why dysbacteriosis occurs: the main causes of children

While the child is in the womb of his mother's intestine sterile and only after birth, it begins to settle microflora. That is why it is extremely important for booking "the foundation" in the form of strong immunity to attach a newborn to the mother breast in the first 2 hours. Mother's colostrum contains a huge amount of lacto and bifidobacteria, antibodies, vitamins and microelements that promote the formation of normal intestinal microflora and child health. Among the causes of dysbacteriosis in children in the infant period (from birth to the year), the following are allocated:

  • later applying to the chest (later than 2-3 hours after birth) - this can happen in case of complex labor, heavy condition mother or baby;
  • introduction of a mother or child antibiotics;
  • incorrect nutrition of a nursing mother - a predominance in the diet of potential allergens and products that increase gas formation in the intestine;
  • artificial or mixed feeding;
  • early introduction of the first dust child;
  • transferred intestinal infections or food poisoning;
  • a frequent change of adapted milk mixtures to an artificial child - if you feed the baby with a dairy mixture, and it is fully suitable for it, it is impossible to change food at your own accord or in order to save;
  • atopic dermatitis in a child.

In children over 1, among the causes of the development of dysbacteriosis, the most common are distinguished:

  • unbalanced diet - the predominance of flour products, swelling, pasta, dairy products, abuse of sweets;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal bodies - dyspepsia, gastritis, bubble bend;
  • frequent colds and weak immunity;
  • abuse of antibiotics and other drugs without appointing a doctor;
  • allergic diseases;
  • glice invasions;
  • hormonal violations - often they arise against the background of taking hormonal drugs or during the period of sexual ripening of the child, as well as on the background of diseases of glands producing hormones ( thyroid gland, pancreas, pituitary gland);
  • transferred operations on the organs of the digestive system;
  • stresses and unfavorable psychological situation.

How dysbacteriosis in children is manifested: clinical symptoms

In the first year of life, the symptoms of dysbiosis are expressed in the following signs:

  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • bloating and extinguishing gases;
  • crying on the background of pain and discomfort in the stomach;
  • frequent and abundant swollen "fountain";
  • intestinal colic attacks that are amplifying in the evening and night;
  • a frequent liquid chair with abundant foam and lumps not digested milk - up to 15 times a day.

In children over 1 years old, the following are dominated among the symptoms of the intestine dysbiosis:

  • diarrhea and constipation - in the cartoons there are not digested food particles, but the chair itself with a pronounced unpleasant smell;
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • bloating and meteorism;
  • stomach pain after meals;
  • frequent viral infections and weak immunity;
  • lactose intolerance in most cases;
  • allergic rash on the skin.

In a child on the background of the intestinal dysbiosis, there may be a rapid weight loss or a bad weight gain, which is associated with violations of food digestion processes, as a result of which the body does not have time to absorb useful substances from incoming foods.

Due to the constant pain in the stomach and violations of the process of digestion, the child can become a capricious, plaqueless, sleeps bad at night.

Methods of diagnosis of dysbacteriosis in children

As a rule, a doctor may assume that a child has a bowel dysbacteriosis on the complaints of Mom. To confirm the diagnosis and exclusion or detection of concomitant diseases of the busty authorities, additional studies are appointed:

  • bacteriological examination of carts - this analysis allows you to determine which bacteria prevail in the intestine, calculate their number and select an effective medicine in relation to pathogenic pathogens;
  • cal on a coprogram is a study that allows you to appreciate the process of digestion of food in the intestine;
  • Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal bodies - allows you to identify violations in the work of the digestive organs, determine the functional changes and congenital abnormalities of the structure that interfere with food fully absorbed.

Treatment of dysbiosis in children

The treatment of dysbacteriosis must be integrated and include not only symptomatic therapy, but also methods aimed at eliminating the main problem, which provoked the imbalance of bacteria in the intestine of the child. As a rule, treatment includes:

Diet with dysbacteriosis

In the treatment of diet dysbiosis plays a great importance, sometimes even greater than drug therapy.

Children of the first year of life recommended maternal milk, since natural feeding favorably affects the intestinal microflora. Baby artificials It is important to choose the adapted milk mixture correctly and not change it if the child is suitable for me. A frequent change of milk mixtures in order to save or just interest can lead to serious disorders of digestion in infants and cause dysbiosis and other problems.

Children over 1 year, which are already eaten from a common table, it is recommended to include ferocular products in the diet:

  • cottage cheese (fat content is no more than 5%);
  • ryazhenka;
  • prostokvash;
  • sour cream;
  • kefir;
  • natural yogurt without sugar.

In the diet, sugar, chocolate, fried and oily, chocolate, candy, cookies should be limited. Pork, sausage products, spices, smoked products are completely excluded - these products not only violate the process of digestion, but are generally harmful to the children's body.

The child is older than 1 year old, it is better to give in a supreme and overgrown form, so they do not irritate the intestines and contribute to its soft cleansing. Fresh fruits (especially acidic) is recommended to be temporarily eliminated, you can give the baby bananas in small quantities.

If the child's nutrition correction is not enough to eliminate signs of dysbiosis, then additionally the doctor prescribes also medication tools.

Medical treatment of dysbacteriosis

The main goal of medication is:

  1. the destruction or suppression of the pathogenic microflora of the intestine - for this purpose antibiotics, if necessary, bacteriophages and probiotics are prescribed;
  2. conducting substitution therapy - the intestinal microflora is made with useful dairy bacteria.

Important! The antibiotic is prescribed to children only if the dysbacteriosis is triggered by infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal organs, which is confirmed by clinical analyzes. Self-treatment drugs of this group are unacceptable, as it may worsen the symptoms and the course of the disease.

Bacteriophages are a "therapeutic" virus, which is introduced to a child when identifying a certain type of pathogens, for example, a dysenteric chopstick or salmonella. This virus is able to destroy the causative agent of infection without additional use of antibiotics. Of course, such drugs are prescribed by a doctor and only after studying the results of the tests.

The most basic, safe and widely used drugs for the treatment of dysbacteriosis and the intestinal microflora correction are probiotics. They are produced in the form of intestinal-soluble capsules, drops, powders for the preparation of the solution and its further oral use. To this group of drugs include:

  • BIFI-FORMS - a drug containing lacto and bifidobacteria, as well as vitamins of group B, can be assigned to children from the first days of life;
  • Acipol - as part of this drug lactobacilli and kefir fungus, can be used to treat and prevent dysbacteriosis to children from the first days of life;
  • Linex - as part of a lacto and bifidobacteria preparation, as well as substances that contribute to the improvement of digestion and suction of useful trace elements from food, can be used from the first days of the child's life;
  • Bifidumbacterin - a drug that suppresses the growth and activity of a conditional pathogenic intestinal flora and creates conditions for useful lactobacilli conditions for enhanced growth and reproduction.

Separately, it should be said about Enterol preparation. It not only populates lacto intestines and bifidobacteriums, but also contains as part of yeast, which increases the stability of the drug to antibiotics.

Symptomatic treatment of dysbacteriosis

Since, with a violation of the balance of useful and conditionally pathogenic bacteria, the child is disturbed by the process of digestion and chair, then the following means are additionally prescribed as symptomatic therapy:

  • sorbents contribute to the binding of the toxins and salts of heavy metals from the intestines, reduce the signs of intoxicating the body. Preparations of this group are particularly relevant if the intestinal dysbacteriosis in the child is caused by food poisoning and long-term diarrhea or antibiotic techniques;
  • enzymes - to improve the process of digestion of food, as well as a decrease in signs of blinking and groaning in the abdominal child, prescribe a certain dose of enzymes. The drug should be given to the baby during meals.

Prediction and prevention

In compliance with the recommendations of the doctor and a certain diet, the child dysbacteriosis can be cured for 1 month, and if there are accompanying chronic gastrointestinal diseases, it may be necessary to need a little longer. In the future, simple rules should be performed to prevent the development of dysbiosis:

  • do not take antibiotic doctor without appointing a doctor;
  • do not abuse laxative drugs - if the child has problems with emptying the intestines, it is better to revise its diet and turn on more fiber and water. If the correction of nutrition is not effective, then for the establishment of the chair, the lactulose-based drugs give drugs in the age dosage.

Dysbacteriosis - not rare among children younger ageSo parents should closely monitor the health of the baby and not ignore the symptoms of the violation of the digestive function. If you leave the problem without attention, then the progressive growth of the conditionally pathogenic flora quickly leads to the development of various bowel diseases and a weak immunity in a child.

Source: in children


  1. Development of vitamins.
  2. Absorption of toxins.
  3. Development of immunoglobulins.
  1. Peeling skin on face.


Anorectal syndrome

Bacteriological background

  • Ecology.
  • Climate.
  • Hygiene.

The external reasons are the following:

  • Weed immunity.







Source: Does the child have a bowel dysbacteriosis manifest?

Immediately after birth in the intestine of the baby, a variety of microorganisms begin to form. Balance between positive, negative and neutral bacteria affects the proper operation of the digestive system. In some situations, the microflora begins to change, the quantitative or qualitative ratio is inclined towards pathogens (salmonellosis viruses, dysentery or staphylococcus), which leads to the suppression of bifido- and lactobacilli. An unfavorable background appears, in which inflammatory processes and allergic reactions develop. Normal microflora provides only Mamino Milk. For breastfeeding The intestinal dysbiosis occurs much less frequently.

The formation of a favorable medium of the stomach and intestines is influenced by the arrival of the first portion of the microvnelons obtained during childbirth. The violation of the flora may depend on the indicators that are manifested differently at each age:

1. The cause of dysbacteriosis in infants often serves as a state of mom during pregnancy. All sorts of diseases, toxicosis and treatment with hormonal drugs are factors that affect health.

2. Illiterate enclosure of dust, as the result of a sharp separation from the chest.

3. Unbalanced diet of a nursing mother.

5. Reception of drugs that reduce the production of enzymes. These are sedative medicines and antispasmodics.

6. Congenital pathology and dysfunctions of organs leading to a violation of the process of digestion of food and change the flora.

7. Frequent stresses for the future mother and unhealthy furnishings in the family where the child grows.

Since the formation of immunity directly depends on the proper digestion, the disease leads to vulnerability to various infections. Children exposed to constant viral influences look weak and sluggish. The main signs of the intestinal dysbiosis also consider pains and colic in the stomach.

Useful minerals and vitamins are not able to absorb in full, which leads to dermatitis, palls of mucosa and bleeding gums. In the launched cases, you can see the symptoms of the development of Rahita. Primary signs have similarity with other disorders in the digestive system. Depending on the age, the kids manifests the different clinical picture of the illness.

1. Signs of dysbacteriosis in children under 3 years:

  • Reduced appetite, as a result of which a set of body weight decreases.
  • Meteorism with an increase in the number of defecations and staining of the chair. A healthy child feces does not smell, looks like a labyless mass of yellowish color. Children suffer from liquid detergents with an admixture of greenery. The constipation is replaced by diarrhea, frequent swelling and vomiting appears.
  • Increase the body temperature and pallor of the skin.
  • Manifestation allergic reactions In the form of rashes and diathesis.

2. Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in children from 4 to 6 years old:

  • Each meal is accompanied by urges for defecation, food does not absorb correctly. The chair contains pieces of untapped products that are toxins and serve as a sign of body poisoning.
  • Alternation of diarrhea and constipation.
  • The child becomes sluggish, does not want to play, often crying.
  • Hair and nails look dry, the skin becomes pallor and peeling.
  • Temperature increase.
  • At the heavier stages in Kale, blood bunches can appear.


Depending on how dysbacteriosis is manifested, the pediatrician assigns a survey. The doctor recommends passing the calm feces for studying in the laboratory.

1. Specialists find out the number of lactobacilli and behavior of sticks, mushrooms, and coccquit. Analysis shows how well food is digested, and which department of the system refuses to function.

2. In a child's chair, you can judge inflammatory processes, infections and enzymes.

4. With frequent diarrhea and bloating, they look at an increase in carbohydrate levels, which speaks of lactose lactation.

5. Find signs of differences between dysbacteriosis and such infections as staphylococcus, dysentery, salmonellosis.

6. To determine the number of pathogens of microbes, make sowing.

In no case do not need to try to cope with the problem without the participation of professionals. The doctor also does not indicate the degree of illness only by symptoms. Complete clinical and laboratory survey will help determine the degree of dysbiosis and the level of pathogens. Traditional diagnostics does not always help to identify all risk factors, as this study evaluates the microflora in the lumen. In addition, some microorganisms dies when exiting and transporting. Therefore, additional information should be obtained to the standard methodology explaining which tests to pass to thoroughly study the problem. Such data includes the following surveys:

  • Bacteriological overview of the bile and the contents of the intestine.
  • Gastroscopy for consideration of internal organs.
  • Scraping with thick and thin gut During colonoscopy.

If a child has a normal and regular chair, he does not complain about abdominal pain, the doctor will not consider the possibility of appointing prebiotics. In the case when the analysis of the feces on the intestinal dysbiosis showed a large number of malicious microbes, find out the reason for the impaired balance, after which the treatment is made. The patient is engaged in a pediatrician, an allergist, a gastroenterologist and an infectiousist. The alend's correction is the factors that influenced its manifestation:

1. Breastfeeding children do not require additional drugs. In this case, the cause of the disease detects at mom.

2. A child receiving artificial nutrition is most often translated into a healing mixture.

4. Probiotics are preparations containing live microorganisms for microflora recovery. These are poly- and monocomponent, recombinant, combined drugs and symbiotics.

5. In the case of a certain type of infections, viruses (bacteriophages) are prescribed, acting on some type of pathogen.

6. The suppression of the pathogenic flora is provided by the reception of the antibacterial preparations of a wide spectrum if gentle methods do not cope. But this method is never applied to breast children.

In parallel with the reception of medicines, a child's nutrition or a nursing mom is prescribed. The most important treatment of the intestinal dysbiosis can be called inclusion in the diet of the baby of sour milk products: children's kefir, acidophiline. Proper nutrition - the most important component for the recovery of small patients. The best preobiber for infants on breastfeeding is Mamino Milk, containing all useful fibers.

Diet for children

Balanced food is including the best prevention of the disease. In the first days, you can limit the power and emphasize on fluid consumption to prevent dehydration. Further diet is as follows:

1. With this symptom of dysbacteriosis in children, as a changed color of the feces, the child gives protein products: cottage cheese, boiled bird and fish.

2. If diarrhea is a manifestation of a disease, prepare vegetable steam puree from zucchini, cauliflower and pumpkin, as well as berry compotes, kefir.

3. Porridge from all croup of fine grinding.

4. The mucous soups based on oatmeal, buckwheat and rice.

5. From berries and fruits choose a lingonberry, baked apples, apricot.

6. Kissels from rosehip and rowan do not need to do sweets.

Each stage of treatment of intestinal dysbiosis with a diet must be accompanied by certain rules. In the first couple of days, the child receives lean decrains, bioeffer and baked vegetables. At the next stage, a fish or bird prepared on a steam bath, low-fat cottage cheese, porridge without starch, broccoli and beets are added. Such a power is better to leave for a long time, not including new products, and adhering to the regime. Food should be taken every 2 hours in small portions.

The period of recovery will be more qualitative if adding herbs rags to treat. Folk remedies should be used only after the analysis of the intestinal dysbiosis has been carried out, and the permission is previously obtained. The infusion from the hospital or oak bark copes well with pathogenic microbes. The decoction of the onions is recommended for use before each meal for a week. Chamomile, which is the best antioxidant, quickly displays toxins. Tea from this grass is given to drink a patient in unlimited quantities. The surfaces from warm kefir form an alkaline environment that destructively affects viruses.

1. The most important factor in the prevention of the disease is a complete ban on fast-foot, juices from packages and carbonated sweet water.

2. The less harmful "adult products" will receive a child, the greater the chance to avoid the disease.

3. Prevention should pay attention during pregnancy planning and during the fetus period.

4. The future mother is obliged to undergo regular examinations and surveys in order to identify negative symptoms in time and successfully eliminate them.

5. For the newborn great importance It has applied to the chest in the first minutes of life. The longest time of such feeding is the best prevention of the disease, thanks to Moma Molok.

6. Properly entered appliance will also help to avoid the unpleasant consequences of intestinal work disorder.

7. Stresses should be avoided during pregnancy and prevent such situations in families where the baby grows.

8. With the slightest suspicion and appearance of the first symptoms, it is necessary to immediately undergo a survey and a complete course of treatment.

To avoid dysbiosis and possible complicationsIt is required to comply with strict rules, including: long-term breastfeeding, properly introduced adhesive and balanced nutrition. Child needs to create better conditions for physical and mental development.

Human organism is a house for a huge number of different microbes. Scientists.

When states are normal, there are no violations in the body, bacteria.

Analysis on dysbacteriosis allows you to determine whether useful intestines are present.

Source: Bunny and Children after a year: Let's put all the points over I

The health of the child is the main concern of parents, and the identification of the baby of any disease is a serious test for the parent psyche. Unfortunately, the doctors often not only can not call for parents to calm, clarify the situation and offer a clear and affordable action plan with detailed instructionsBut also intimidate mothers and dad to loss of the pulse incomprehensible terms and creepy for hearing diagnoses. Even if behind them is something quite succumbed and not carrying a direct threat to the health of the baby. Due to the unwillingness of doctors, something happens to anything and so that the diseases and methods of their treatment are becoming the most different rumors and speculation that have little in common with reality.

One of these "legendary" harassment has long been dysbacteriosis in children, nature, causes and methods of treatment of which are caused in the parent environment a real excitement.

Especially emotional attitude to the problem is characteristic of mothers and dads of infants, which, listening to no competent medical workers and more experienced parents, write off on dysbacteriosis any feeling of discomfort from the child, and begin to eliminate it with all available ways. However, such an approach is hardly beneficial, but it can harm significantly. Therefore, to save the health of the baby, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a state of the body as dysbacteriosis.

What is it and why arises

To understand what kind of dysbacteriosis (or dysbiosis) in children, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. The microflora of the gastrointestinal tract (in a different way, it is also called eubiosis) - the quantitative and qualitative ratio of microorganisms of certain species that support the correct metabolism and immunity of a person on the level required for normal life.

Simply put, healthy gastrointestinal constantly populated with useful bacteria. They are responsible for the splitting of food entering the stomach and intestines, suction, exchange and assimilation of nutrients, as well as normal digestion. As a result of the correct regulation of digestive processes, cells are formed immune systemTherefore, the protective forces of the body are strengthened.

Intestinal microflora healthy man There are about 500 species of various bacteria. All of them are divided into bond and conditional pathogen groups. Bondic bacteria are 90% of the total intestinal flora and perform the most important functions for human immunity and digestion. These include:

  1. Bifidobacteria is the most important microorganisms responsible for the synthesis of vitamins and strengthen the protective forces of the body. In newborns children, the intestinal population of bifidobacteria begins with 5 days of life, and about the month they form resistant active colonies.
  2. Lactobacteria - suppress foreign bacteria, struggling with causative agents of gastrointestinal infections. There are an intestines of a newborn during the first month of life.
  3. Propionic acid bacteria - support exchange processes, activate immunity.
  4. Peptopulationococci - support acid-alkaline balance in the intestines, is responsible for the splitting of proteins.
  5. Enterococci - are responsible for normal fermentation with the splitting of the necessary useful substances.

The conditionally pathogenic microflora is a colony of microorganisms performing protective and digestive functions. They differ from bond microbes by the fact that harmless when their number does not exceed a certain value. The enhanced increase in the conditionally pathogenic flora leads to the suppression of the activities of bond bacteria and causes a violation of metabolic processes. These include:

  1. Intestinal wand (Escherichia) - is responsible for the synthesis of vitamins P, A and K, normal should not exceed 108 ka / g.
  2. Staphylococcus (saprofitating and epidermal) - support water-salt exchange. Harmless to the body in the amount of not higher than 104 kone.
  3. Yeast-like mushrooms are responsible for the synthesis of lactic acid and splitting residues. Normally, their number should not exceed 104 kone.

In addition to these bacteria, both proteins include proteins, klebseyella, lactic acid streptococcus and fuzobacteria. All of them are useful for the body only in small quantities.

Pathogenic microorganisms in a healthy intestine should not be: it is they who provoke the development of infections, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also weaken immunity. Such bacteria belongs to Salmonella different species, as well as Iracinia, Schigella, Sinneva, Golden Staphylococcus and other pathogens.

How does dysbacteriosis occur in infants? The thing is that the intestine of the newborn is practically sterile - it does not have any microorganisms. Immediately after birth, the baby receives food - breast milk or a mixture - which the intestines need not only to recycle, but also to extract the maximum benefit from it, so the bond microflora begins to actively develop. However, if pathogenic bacteria fall into the body earlier than useful, digestive and immune processes will immediately be disturbed, and the percentage of bond microbes will be lower than the required.

In older children, such a state may occur after the reception of drugs transferred infectious diseases or in improper nutrition. And in infants, and in children up to a year, the dysbacteriosis is called this phenomenon. International Classification Diseases does not endure dBiz in the category of independent diseases: it is considered only the consequence of infections and the weakening of the immune system. However, severe intestinal microflora disorders are rather dangerous and even require hospitalization, which, however, is not so often.

Symptoms and diagnostics of dysbiosis

Since the violation is directly related to digestive processes, signs of dysbacteriosis in children are pretty obvious: it can be nausea, vomiting, bloating, frequent skin rashes, food allergies, weakness and even headache.

If you suspect the disorder of the intestinal microflora at a child older than a year is not so simple, signs of dysbacteriosis in infants are usually obvious. The kid regularly arises for long constipation or, on the contrary, diarrhea, while the feces acquires an unpleasant color and smell. Breasts often joins, sleeping badly, becomes nervous and plaque, pimples, irritation and rash can appear on the skin. All these phenomena are the first sign that something is wrong with the intestines, and it's time to take tests for the research of microflora.

The most informative analysis of the dysbacteriosis at the child today is a study of feces for the presence of various types of microorganisms. The rules for its collection are quite simple: the feces must be assembled in a sterilized container and pass to the laboratory within three hours. Reception of any medicine and application rectal candles It is necessary to stop at least three days before the analysis.

In the form of analysis results, the type and number of all identified microorganisms are indicated. If the study was conducted in a private laboratory, in conclusion next to the number of bacteria found, the rate of their presence in the intestine is indicated. Thus, one can see deviations in the ratio of bond and pathogenic microorganisms, but to put the final diagnosis and the treatment of dysbacteriosis in children can only have a specialist.

Normalization of microflora

If the analysis of the intestinal microflora disorders turned out to be positive, the question arises in front of the parents: what to treat dysbacteriosis from a child and how to eat baby now? Many mothers and dads in a panic run in the pharmacy and buy all the well-known means to try to establish the intestinal work in their baby with radical methods.

However, such behavior is inconvulsive: Tools for the treatment of dysbacteriosis in children should be selected only by a gastroenterologist, since the microflora disorders can be caused by different pathogens, for each of which requires their drug.

To eliminate pathogenic microorganisms, a specialist can prescribe bacteriophages - means in the form of special viruses that kill bacteria of a particular species. They are considered safer antibiotics, since each bacteriophage is destroyed only for certain microorganisms, the remaining microflora remains untouched. Depending on the orientation, klebseyllee, staphylocoo, quiproture and other bacteriophages are isolated. These funds are considered the most efficient and harmless drugs from dysbiosis in children.

After eliminating pathogenic bacteria, it is necessary to restore and strengthen the useful intestinal microflora. For these purposes, drugs based on bifido- and lactobacilli are prescribed. The microorganisms obtained from the agent are coming up in the intestine, create new colonies and stabilize eubyosis. The most efficient and popular means for the treatment of dysbacteriosis in infants are considered "Hilak Forte" and "Lines". For children, over 1 year, the use of such drugs as "acipol", "bifiform", bifidumbacterin is allowed.

If the child is on breastfeeding, the mother is also recommended to pass on the analysis of breast milk: pathogenic microorganisms may be there. If the pathogenic bacteria is not found, the baby recommends natural feeding and limiting valuable to the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms. For babies, the older is recommended a special power mode. Diet with dysbacteriosis in children is to use rice, pesen, manna and buckwheat, potatoes, low-fat dietary meat and not too sweet drinks. Dairy products, fruits, vegetables for the time of treatment from the diet are excluded.

Causes and prevention of dysbiosis

The intestines of the child is a rather vulnerable organ, so microflora disorders can be caused by the most different reasons:

  • infectious and colds, weakening immunity;
  • unfavorable ecological situation;
  • violations of the rules of hygiene;
  • error in nutrition;
  • acceptance of antibiotics, because antibacterial drugs kill the entire microflora, including useful microorganisms.

In order to protect the child from the stomach and intestines disorders, first of all it is necessary to take care of hygiene: processing the chest before feeding, ensure the sterility of toys, pacifiers, children's dishes. The lore should be introduced carefully and strictly according to the rules: excess of unfamiliar baby products causes enhanced fermentation and fast growth Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. When a child begins to crawl and walk, it is necessary to ensure the purity of the floors and furniture and watch the kid not pulling the dirty hands in his mouth. For the prevention of dysbacteriosis after acceptance of antibiotics, it is recommended to give the child preparations with a content of bifido and lactobacilli - this will help preserve the intestinal useful microflora. The most effective for children is considered to be the drug "Linex", which is also recommended to give children from birth to accelerate the formation of colonies of bond bacteria. However, the feasibility of reception of probiotics in this case can evaluate only the doctor.

In any case, dysbiosis is not a reason for panic, but it should not be ignored. It is very important to carefully follow the health and nutrition of the baby, and in the event of symptoms of dysbacteriosis at the child - immediately contact a specialist. Attentive attitude and careful compliance with all medical recommendations will help to establish normal digestion from the child and will retain his good health.

Recommended for viewing: Consultation of Dr. Komarovsky

And my from antibiotics. We always join the ears and often prescribe them. But some do not give a strong dysbak, and some are straight a nightmare.

Thank you, I did not even know about this property. In the first-aid kit lies, I will try.

Try enterosgel, read the dosage in the instructions by age. Jae probiotics do not need to be added, this enterosorbent normalizes the microflora, removing the pathogenic flora and toxins from the intestine.

I have a daughter when the throat rinsing - constantly swallows rods. And since they contain an antiseptic usually, therefore, the dysbacteriosis was constantly. Microflora antiseptics are killed in the stomach. The doctor said that he had to not restore the microflora, but to defend her in advance and said the enterosgel to drink. We bought we bought, his child did without any problems. And really, the last time it cost everything without problems with the stomach.

Baby became a baby and porridge, sometimes capricious, did not eat, I went to the toilet very tightly, the laxatives tried not to give. From the six months began to prepare kefir and cottage cheese at Zakvaski "Bakdrav", the manufacturer found probiotic bifidum for babies from 6 months. There is a whole complex of useful microorganisms: and lamp bacteria, and bifidobacteria, lactobacilli. I think constantly, because We introduce new products so that there are no allergies and digestive disorders.

A source:

Signs and methods for the treatment of dysbacteriosis in a child

The intestinal dysbiosis is a condition in which the balance of useful and pathogenic microorganisms is broke into this body. This situation may arise at any age for a number of reasons.

  • Signs and methods for the treatment of dysbacteriosis in a child
  • How to recognize the first signs on time
  • Treatment and prevention of dysbiosis in a child
  • Unconventional tools for normalization of microflora
  • Dysbacteriosis in children
  • Symptoms
  • Dyspepsia
  • Anorectal syndrome
  • Violation of intestinal suction
  • Bacteriological background
  • The reasons
  • Treatment
  • Preparations
  • Bifidumbacterin
  • Lactobacterin
  • Bificik
  • Hilak-Forte
  • Lactulose
  • Nifuroxazid
  • How to treat dysbacteriosis in a child
  • Features of intestinal microflora
  • IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Hemorrhoids are very dangerous - in 79% of cases it leads to a cancerous tumor! Few people know, but to get rid of him very simple - take.
  • Features of dysbacteriosis in kids
  • Causes of the disease
  • Treatment methods
  • Types of medicines
  • How to treat hemorrhoids at home
  • I share a secret: how to cure hemorrhoids in just 5 days!
  • Change of normal microflora - intestinal dysbiosis: symptoms and treatment in children, recommendations of specialists
  • The reasons for the development of dysbacteriosis
  • Symptoms and stage of the disease
  • Analyzes and diagnostics
  • Treatment methods
  • Drug therapy
  • Diet and power rules
  • Funds of traditional medicine
  • Preventive recommendations

Sometimes disorders are temporary, and the microflora is restored by naturally. If this does not occur, special drugs are used.

At the time of birth digestive system man sterile. Microorganisms begin to settle the gastrointestinal tract of the child as soon as it appears. This happens in the birth paths of the mother. The microbes obtained here are multiplied in the body of the baby and protect it from the pathogenic bacteria of the environment. They are involved in the process of digesting and learning food. Useful microorganisms isolated substances that stimulate the cells of the immune system, prevent the development of food allergies. In addition, they synthesize some hormones and vitamins necessary for normal life.

Primary intestinal microflora is far from the norm. It is represented by both useful and pathogenic microbes. Such a situation is preserved up to three weeks, until bifidobacteria variables and will not take a major provision. For this, they need a certain nutritional environment - Mother's milk. Dysbacteriosis in infants is most often developing with artificial feeding. The mixtures are less suitable food for bifidobacteria, their population is growing slower. This contributes to the activation of the pathogenic microflora of the baby, which can cause many diseases. Children who do not get breast milk have all signs of disruption of bacterial equilibrium. They suffer from increased gas formationwhich is accompanied by colic and frequent shinking. Such kids sleep badly, slowly gain weight, more often and longer sick.

Artificial feeding is not the only reason for the impairment of the balance of useful and pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines of babies. In children, under the year, dysbacteriosis is caused by complications during childbirth. Appearance cesarean section Does not allow the child to purchase the microflora of the mother. As a result, he receives a set of hostile bacteria in the air and on the hands of medical staff. Genetic disorders also affect microflora composition. The most common among them is the absence or lack of enzymes (lactases), splitting milk - the main food of infants. It does not digest and ferments inside the body, creating a favorable medium for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

The child's digestive system is formed gradually and completes its development by 3 years. Until that time, some foods cannot be clever due to lack of needed enzymes and rot in the intestine. Therefore, you need to begin to feed the child competently. Antibiotics treatment is negatively reflected in the microflora state. Such drugs destroy not only pathogenic, but also useful microorganisms. Children on breastfeeding can receive antibiotics with mother's milk hosting them.

The development of dysbacteriosis in children is marked as a result:

1. inflammatory diseases of the digestive organs;

2. The presence of helminths (they select nutrients from beneficial bacteria);

3. diet disorders and power mode;

4. Hormonal or radiotherapy;

5. Food allergies;

7. Action of adverse environmental factors;

8. nervous disorders;

9. Long diarins or constipation;

10. Infectious diseases.

Long effect at home!

High-quality I. quantity change Microflora causes a violation of the digestive process. The constant drawback of the necessary organism of vitamins and trace elements has a negative effect on the health of the child.

At the first signs of dysbiosis, contact the pediatrician, and adolescents to the therapist. The doctor will prescribe a treatment and will send to the consultation to other specialists.

How to recognize the first signs on time

Intestinal flora includes more than 500 species of various microorganisms. They create a peculiar biological film on the mucous membrane. Most (90%) are useful mandatory (bond) bacteria. These include:

1. Bifidobacteria are the main and most important microorganisms. It is they who are responsible for the synthesis of the vitamins of the group B and their suction, produce biologically active substances that regulate exchange processes. These bacteria form organic acids that prevent the multiplication of pathogenic microflora, and contribute to the absorption of calcium salts.

2. Lactobacteria helps in the formation of strong immunity, play an important role in the fight against intestinal infections and are actively involved in digestion.

3. Peptopulationococci is responsible for the splitting and assimilation of the protein, regulate the acid-alkaline balance.

4. Propionic bacteria activate the body's protective forces and metabolic processes.

5. Enterococci maintain normal fermentation and cleavage of beneficial substances.

A significant decrease in the number of bond microorganisms leads to dysbacteriosis. This is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • meteorism (increased gas formation);
  • appearance unpleasant odor from mouth;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • pain in the abdomen in the breaks between food;
  • allergic reactions;
  • skin rashes;
  • headaches.

In the wheel masses there are pieces of undigested food, mucus. The chair acquires a sharp evil smell, changes the color, becomes inhomogeneous. Children, whose microflora is broken, often get recover for a long time. The faithful signs of the infants are frequent jumping, colic, irritation of the skin, a frequent liquid chair with a lumpy milk. Kids sleep badly and often capricious.

1. Bind in the mouth, putrid smell;

2. Frequent tract disorders, alternation of constipation with diarrhea;

3. Fast fatigue, total lethargy;

Diagnosis of dysbacteriosis based on Cala laboratory studies, during which they determine the presence of various microorganisms in it and their number. Such an analysis can be passed towards a doctor or on its own initiative. Cal is collected in sterile capacity (bought in a pharmacy) and deliver to the laboratory within 3 hours. Before it stops the reception of drugs and the use of rectal candles (at least in 3 days). The result will show which bacteria are present, and their number. Put the final diagnosis and the doctor should be treated.

The illiterate interference in the internal processes associated with the formation of microflora may worsen the situation and lead to undesirable consequences.

Treatment and prevention of dysbiosis in a child

Dysbacteriosis is not diagnosed as a separate disease. It is a clinical sign of a variety of pathologies. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to cure the cause of the microflora violation.

1. If dysbacteriosis is a consequence intestinal infection, antibiotics are prescribed. This exacerbates the situation, but is a forced measure in the treatment of such diseases. The death of useful microorganisms allows you to dominate by the pathogen. Bacteriophages are prescribed (dysenteric, staphylococcal, salinellase, colo-protein) for their suppression. These are viruses that do not represent a danger to humans. They only kill a certain kind of harmful bacteria.

2. Pathly prescribed probiotics. These are preparations consisting of substances of microbial origin and living microorganisms. Most often it is lacto, number and bifidobacteria. Sometimes medicines include representatives of microbial communities not characteristic of intestinal microflora - dispute chopsticks or yeast (baccisubyl, sportsmerin, bosporin). They have the ability to suppress pathogenic organisms.

Probiotics are shown in complex treatment. They are absolutely harmless and can be applied from the moment of birth. The doctor should choose them, as the microflora of babies has its own characteristics. Children under 3 months are prescribed mainly preparations with bifidobacteria. There are mono and polycomponent probiotics. The first consist of separate cells of bacteria of one species. These include the first generation drugs: bifidumbacterin, colibacterin, lactobacterin. Used for therapy of light forms of dysbacteriosis.

Polycomplete contain several types of microorganisms characteristic of normal intestinal microflora: acipol, acilakt, lines, bifolong, bifilize. They are used in the treatment of dysbacteriosis caused by local inflammation of the digestive organs. The latest achievement of pharmaceuticals is the creation of probiotics consisting of entire colonies of bacteria. They are grown on the microparticles of the sorbent and enter the intestine with him, while maintaining vitality. Such drugs are used when food poisoningcausing serious changes in microflora. These include: Probiga, Bifidumbacterin Forte, EcoFlorine.

In addition to dry probiotics there are liquid forms. They are more effective because microorganisms are active in them (not in anabyosis) and faster multiplied in the intestine. In addition to live bacteria and nutrient media, they include various vitamins and trace elements. They can be taken not only orally, but also to enter directly into the rectum.

3. Along with probiotics, prebiotics are used. The latter consist of organic compounds that provide comfortable conditions for the existence of a healthy microflora bacteria. They are made mainly from Oligoshares (Lactulose, Inulin). Typical representatives - Duhalak, Lactusan, Goodlak, Norma, Precix, Portalk.

Use this or that means to normalize the microflora of the child on its own initiative is not worth it. This requires the use of a certain complex of drugs, to competently select which only a specialist can.

So that children did not have any problems with the intestines, it is necessary to take care of the health of the newborn even during pregnancy. The future mother must maintain its own microflora in the norm, because it is a set of bacteria that will receive a baby at birth.

The main food of children up to the year is breast milk. Proper nutrition of the mother during this period and strict observance of hygiene will help avoid the intestinal dysbiosis at the kid. If natural feeding is impossible, it is necessary to select suitable mixtures. The introduction of feeding should be carried out on a time limit in strict accordance with the recommendations of the pediatrician. The diet of children under 3 years is significantly different from the adult. Its foundation are cereal, soups, vegetables, fruits, low-fat varieties of meat and dairy products.

Unconventional tools for normalization of microflora

Folk healers recommend to treat various symptoms and form of dysbacteriosis using diet, fermented milk products and decoctions medicinal plants. It is impossible to use such methods for infants. Babies older than 3 years and adolescents can be tried to cure, without resorting to medicines, but the doctor's consultation is also necessary.

Power depends on the symptoms that accompany the microflora violation. For diarrhea, it is necessary to include in the diet:

  • mucous boars (rice, oat);
  • boiled I. vegetable stew (carrots, potatoes);
  • white bread crags;
  • dried fruits;
  • baked apples;
  • boiled fish and chicken.

If the symptom is constipation, the base of nutrition should become fermented dairy products. They contain a large number of lactobacilli and yeast, which normalize the intestinal microflora, the coal pathogens. A kefir enriched with bifidobacteriums (bioeffer and bifox) is particularly effective.

Useful for dysbacteriosis of dairy serum. It is obtained by heating kefir until cottage cheese is separated. Serum has a light laxative action. On it is based on the famous medicine - Duhalak. Daily serum use during the month significantly improves the microbial bowel composition.

Many herbs have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. These include: chamomile, calendula, sage, yarrow, St. John's wort, the root of AIR and heel. Decorations and infusions of these plants are used to treat inflammatory and infectious diseases of the intestine. Power bacteria are defenseless in front of beekeeping products. Honey and to a greater degree of propolis are natural antibiotics.

For children, you can prepare a tasty medicine from 1 cup infusion of rosehip with the addition of 1 t. L honey and propolis (a small piece of pea size). Such a drink gives a child during the day between the meals of 0.3 glasses. Course treatment - 2 weeks.

Treat the intestines of children from bacterial imbalance is much more complicated than to follow certain power and hygiene rules. But if dysbacteriosis arose, you should seek help from specialists.

Healthy microflora is one of the foundations of good well-being. Normal.

A frequent cause of digestion problems - intestinal dysbiosis. For state.

The intestine of man is populated by many microorganisms, both useful and pathogenic.

Source: in children

Children before one year old age often develops intestinal dysbiosis. The kid microflora is formed, thanks to the mother. The risk group includes orphans that are on artificial feeding. The process ends in 2 years, when the composition of biocenosis strongly resembles the biota of adults. Consequently, the treatment of a child with age is 6 years old, approached similarly to the treatment of an adult. The only difference is a small patient often cannot clearly outline the available symptoms.

For these reasons, it is logical to share registered cases into two global categories: up to 1 year and after a one-year-old age. There is an additional nuance mentioned in a review dedicated to breast children. Microflora differences are observed depending on the feeding method (artificial or natural). A one-year-old child, which was fed with milk mixtures, presents a conditional pathogenic flora, not observed among babies on breastfeeding. The reason for the content of malicious strains of external food (except for female milk).


Spend a simple experiment, try carefully to sell the stomach along the colon (the form of Greek Omega). The presence of pain is already recognized as a symptom of dysbiosis. Doctors say that 90% of the population suffer from the disease. Only every tenth in the family gets a chance to be healthy.

The intestinal dysbiosis is accompanied by a decrease in microflora's protective functions when the pathogenic strain is treated. Due to the bond part of the microflora ceases to perform the functions:

  1. Development of vitamins.
  2. Speakers with a catalyst for the assimilation of calcium, iron, vitamin D.
  3. Participants in water-salt exchange.
  4. Absorption of toxins.
  5. Development of immunoglobulins.
  6. Deactivation of food enzymes.
  7. End splitting proteins, carbohydrates, RNA, DNA, fats.

These actions bond microflora ceases to perform. The most noticeable function is at number 3. The violation of the electrolyte exchanging causes diarrhea. Against the background of diarrhea, the lack of vitamins appears, which causes a bouquet of new symptoms. Signs, easy noticeable:

  1. Anemia (especially fingers, lips).
  2. Peeling skin on face.
  3. Poor mood, with drops.
  4. Fatigue, weakness due to lack of calcium.

The violation of the mechanism of developing immunoglobulins undermines the protective forces of the body. No wonder - the reception of bifidobacteria accelerates the recovery after colds. Finally, the body begins to become infected with toxins. In addition to the deterioration of absorption in the colon, the peristalistic is weakly expressed. Caliac masses are stood, poisoning the body. Malakhov gives striking figures: some stones from excrement rot for years, and the time of staying in the thick intestine is measured by decades.

It is easy to imagine how many problems are manifested against the background of such unfavorable conditions. Today it is believed that dysbacteriosis provokes cancer. The listed symptoms are far from the only one. We describe the addition of three isolated states, which, by virtue of the features, received our own names.


In the literature, dyspepsia is described by a complex of unpleasant symptoms by the gastrointestinal tract. Explicit signs:

Cal unusual consistency, liquid, resembling sheepy litter. It often has an unpleasant or sour smell. Differs painting, can arrange blood impurities, mucus. The appearance of the feces depends on the causative agent of the disease. In the case of associated dysbacteriosis, stools frequent (up to 12 times a day), water, often accompanied by vomiting.

When infected with the beat, the chair is relatively rare (up to 8 times), it is foaming, the color is shifted to the green color. There is an unpleasant smell. The growth of staphylococcus causes blood impurities. Chair is foaming, there is a mucus. The difference between the symptoms caused by a blue rod, in the presence of a similar shade of pus (bluish).

Anorectal syndrome

More often provoke antibiotics. Characterized by burning and itching around rear Passage, in the rectum, blood and mucus, false urges to defecation, stupid pain. Signs resemble hemorrhoids. Frequently rises temperature.

Violation of intestinal suction

Typical signs of avitaminosis (B, RR, K, D) and lack of calcium are developing. Empty lips, fingers, legs. Disadvantage nicotinic acid Causes depression, apathy, mood swings, strengthened saliva flow, red and inflamed. The presence of fat masses in feces. Calcium deficiency caused by small arrivals of Phillaquinone leads to a general weakness.

The lack of thiamine violates sleep, causing neurites. Riboflavin deficiency worsens the condition of the skin, stomatitis develops. Along with impaired absorption, vitamin failure can develop independently, since bifidobacteria is involved in the development of RR, to and group V. Symptoms, at first glance, similar, but the reasons that have brewed them differ.

Bacteriological background

The causes of the disease lies in the intestinal microflora. First of all, pathology is caused by a number of external and internal factors. Childhood dysbiosis is customary to divide 3 degrees of gravity:

  1. A slight decrease in either the constancy of anaerobic flora, a change in the population of the Escherichi. Conditional pathogenic strains in the amount of 2 species maxima show the settlement density in the area of \u200b\u200b1 million units. Such a form is called light, corresponds to the first degree.
  2. The number of anaerobes can be sharply reduced, compared with the total number of aerobic bacteria. Atypical forms of intestinal stick appear, the quantitative increase in the number of conditionally pathogenic strains continues. The form is called medium-sized, doctors consider it clinical (it is necessary to consult a doctor).
  3. With a heavy form, the lactobacilli and bifidobacteria population suffers damage, disappearing completely. Among the intestinal sticks are prevailing atypical forms, the density of the conditionally pathogenic flora is increased to 10 million units.

Before the symptoms of dysbacteriosis in children in a pronounced form, the attending physician is able to see a bacteriological picture according to the results of analyzes, voicing part of the recommendations. The first step is to find out to which antibiotics are sensitive to the pathogenic flora, detecting an effective method of struggle. If the causative agent is two or more (associated form), one antibiotic may not cope. Then the treatment scheme is complicated.

A wide spectrum antibiotic action is not suitable for treatment. He will kill already weakened useful flora along with the causative agent of the disease. It is easier to cure dysbacteriosis at a child with a point, directional impact. A similar method is recognized as gentle. Especially if the trouble happened to a child in an annual age.

Doctors indicate that signs of dysbacteriosis in children do not correspond to the severity degree depend on individual characteristics. Therefore, to focus on exterior signs Do not. It is impossible to link the symptoms and treatment, often not coinciding.

The reasons

The reasons for the nature are divided into endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external). The group of external criteria includes:

  • Ecology.
  • Climate.
  • Product quality in stores and at the gardens.
  • Hygiene.

The external reasons are the following:

  • Pathology of the child's gastrointestinal tract, including viral and bacterial nature (dysentery, cholera).
  • The reasons associated with the reception of drugs. Mainly bactericidal, hormones and antibiotics. Preparations based on salicylic acid favors the reproduction of atypical species of intestinal sticks.
  • Hereditary pathologies that violate intestinal suction.
  • Incorrect routine of the day, stress, imbalance in nutrition in protein, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Weed immunity.

Everyone can call well-known bad habits. It is extremely rare to meet children's dysbacteriosis caused by alcoholism, otherwise the cause of the disease is similar to the adult population. Try to less use food products containing preservatives - home solutions are not considered.


The treatment of dysbacteriosis in children is comprehensive.

  1. First of all, the patient's menu is checked. The diet is adjusted towards the content of the useful components to determine the normal microflora.
  2. Bacteriophages or antibiotics are prescribed to suppress the causative agent of the disease. The reason is the representative of the conditionally pathogenic flora, not to measure the born. Than to treat (drug name), the doctor decides on the results of the analysis on the sensitivity of the strain.
  3. The treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in children is impossible without the use of prebiotics (nutrient medium for bacteria) and probiotics (strains of lively useful microflora). Allowed to use general Recommendations or guided by the analysis (microflora composition). Typically, the emphasis is done on breeding bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, intestinal wand (escherichia) grows without assistance.
  4. Periodically requires disintellation. Caliac masses poison the body, the sorbents will not be taken, offer the child activated carbon.
  5. Acceptance of immunoglobulins increases immunity. This is an indispensable step, the body "knows", which bacteria are extra, but can not overcome. Help Wanted.
  6. Enzymes help to split undigested substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates).
  7. Vitamins are applied against the background of shortage. It is focused on groups A and B, vitamins PP.


Consideration 6 of drugs is enough to create an idea of \u200b\u200bthe appointment of drugs.


In the form of powder is used to restore the number of bifidobacteria population. Sold in ampoules, vials, is appointed in this way:

  1. 1 year and younger - 2 doses daily during the working week (5 days).
  2. Up to 3 years - it is allowed to give three times.
  3. At an older age, the treatment time, if necessary, doubles.

Bifidobacteria are part of the bonded flora, the functions of which are described in detail above. The specified form of bacteria forms the desired level of the pH factor, which prevents the reproduction of pathogenic strains, providing an acceptable level of health. Participate in the formation of vitamins, eliminating characteristic symptoms deficit.

The task is to deliver the strain to the intestine. The lion's proportion of bacteria is destroyed in the stomach with digestive juice. Too high acidity of the medium kills most of the microorganisms. The ability to multiply will receive surviving.


About the preparation can be said the same as the previous one. With the exception of information about an attempt to restore the Lactobacillios population. For sale in ampoules, bottles. To treat dysbacteriosis at the child, spread water, drink half an hour before meals. Reception scheme:

  1. Children under 1 year - twice a day, for three days.
  2. At older age - the medical course increases to 5 days.


It is a mixture of intestinal sticks and bifidocultures. The name happened from the Latin Name of Escherichia Coli and Bifidobacterium. Purpose is quite understandable. Ampoules restore bifidobacteria and intestinal chopsticks.


One of the prescriptions of the prebiotic is the prevention of dysbacteriosis. It consists of a plurality of metabolites of normal flora (lactobacillia, streptococcus, intestinal wand), without changes in the reaches. It is intended to create a medium favorable reproduction of normal microflora, overwhelming the growth of pathogenic and putrefactive strains. Suitable for breasts.


In nature, this disaccharide (fructose + galactose) does not occur, the gastrointestinal tract is not digested. But bacteria are glad to use a substance in food. In medicine, it is used as a laxative, improves intestinal motility (spasmolitic).


Local antiseptic, inhibiting the vital activity of gram-negative and gram-positive microbes. The doctor chooses an antibiotic depending on the manifestations of dysbacteriosis in children. It is quite possible to prescribe a nifuroxazide, in the event of causative agents in the range of the drug.

We emphasize that the choice of antiseptic is made according to the results of the tests. There are often cases when moms give nifuroxazide children, as a panacea, wondering that the dysbacteriosis does not pass, the symptoms are enhanced. Remember, the main task of comprehensive treatment is to eliminate the imbalance. An illicted reception of drugs exacerbates the situation.

Analysis is detected by a pathogenic strain, the laboratory technicians determine the degree of sensitivity of the population to many well-known antibiotics, which allows the doctor to prescribe treatment.

Children before one year old age often develops intestinal dysbiosis. The kid microflora is formed, thanks to the mother. The risk group includes orphans that are on artificial feeding. The process ends in 2 years, when the composition of biocenosis strongly resembles the biota of adults. Consequently, the treatment of a child with age is 6 years old, approached similarly to the treatment of an adult. The only difference is a small patient often cannot clearly outline the available symptoms.

For these reasons, it is logical to share registered cases into two global categories: up to 1 year and after a one-year-old age. There is an additional nuance mentioned in a review dedicated to breast children. Microflora differences are observed depending on the feeding method (artificial or natural). A one-year-old child, which was fed with milk mixtures, presents a conditional pathogenic flora, not observed among babies on breastfeeding. The reason for the content of malicious strains of external food (except for female milk).

Spend a simple experiment, try carefully to sell the stomach along the colon (the form of Greek Omega). The presence of pain is already recognized as a symptom of dysbiosis. Doctors say that 90% of the population suffer from the disease. Only every tenth in the family gets a chance to be healthy.

The intestinal dysbiosis is accompanied by a decrease in microflora's protective functions when the pathogenic strain is treated. Due to the bond part of the microflora ceases to perform the functions:

  1. Development of vitamins.
  2. Speakers with a catalyst for the assimilation of calcium, iron, vitamin D.
  3. Participants in water-salt exchange.
  4. Absorption of toxins.
  5. Development of immunoglobulins.
  6. Deactivation of food enzymes.
  7. End splitting proteins, carbohydrates, RNA, DNA, fats.

These actions bond microflora ceases to perform. The most noticeable function is at number 3. The violation of the electrolyte exchanging causes diarrhea. Against the background of diarrhea, the lack of vitamins appears, which causes a bouquet of new symptoms. Signs, easy noticeable:

  1. Anemia (especially fingers, lips).
  2. Peeling skin on face.
  3. Poor mood, with drops.
  4. Fatigue, weakness due to lack of calcium.

The violation of the mechanism of developing immunoglobulins undermines the protective forces of the body. No wonder - the reception of bifidobacteria accelerates the recovery after colds. Finally, the body begins to become infected with toxins. In addition to the deterioration of absorption in the colon, the peristalistic is weakly expressed. Caliac masses are stood, poisoning the body. Malakhov gives striking figures: some stones from excrement rot for years, and the time of staying in the thick intestine is measured by decades.

It is easy to imagine how many problems are manifested against the background of such unfavorable conditions. Today it is believed that dysbacteriosis provokes cancer. The listed symptoms are far from the only one. We describe the addition of three isolated states, which, by virtue of the features, received our own names.


In the literature, dyspepsia is described by a complex of unpleasant symptoms by the gastrointestinal tract. Explicit signs:

  1. Heartburn.
  2. Nausea, vomiting.
  3. Belching.
  4. An unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  5. Constipation or diarrhea.
  6. Flatulence.

Cal unusual consistency, liquid, resembling sheepy litter. It often has an unpleasant or sour smell. Differs painting, can arrange blood impurities, mucus. The appearance of the feces depends on the causative agent of the disease. In the case of associated dysbacteriosis, stools frequent (up to 12 times a day), water, often accompanied by vomiting.

When infected with the beat, the chair is relatively rare (up to 8 times), it is foaming, the color is shifted to the green color. There is an unpleasant smell. The growth of staphylococcus causes blood impurities. Chair is foaming, there is a mucus. The difference between the symptoms caused by a blue rod, in the presence of a similar shade of pus (bluish).

Anorectal syndrome

More often provoke antibiotics. It is characterized by burning and itching around the rear pass, in the rectum, blood and mucus, false urges to defecation, stupid pain. Signs resemble hemorrhoids. Frequently rises temperature.

Violation of intestinal suction

Typical signs of avitaminosis (B, RR, K, D) and lack of calcium are developing. Empty lips, fingers, legs. The lack of nicotine acid causes depression, apathy, mood swings, strengthened the flow of saliva, the language is red and inflamed. The presence of fat masses in feces. Calcium deficiency caused by small arrivals of Phillaquinone leads to a general weakness.

The lack of thiamine violates sleep, causing neurites. Riboflavin deficiency worsens the condition of the skin, stomatitis develops. Along with impaired absorption, vitamin failure can develop independently, since bifidobacteria is involved in the development of RR, to and group V. Symptoms, at first glance, similar, but the reasons that have brewed them differ.

Bacteriological background

The causes of the disease lies in the intestinal microflora. First of all, pathology is caused by a number of external and internal factors. Childhood dysbiosis is customary to divide 3 degrees of gravity:

  1. A slight decrease in either the constancy of anaerobic flora, a change in the population of the Escherichi. Conditional pathogenic strains in the amount of 2 species maxima show the settlement density in the area of \u200b\u200b1 million units. Such a form is called light, corresponds to the first degree.
  2. The number of anaerobes can be sharply reduced, compared with the total number of aerobic bacteria. Atypical forms of intestinal stick appear, the quantitative increase in the number of conditionally pathogenic strains continues. The form is called medium-sized, doctors consider it clinical (it is necessary to consult a doctor).
  3. With a heavy form, the lactobacilli and bifidobacteria population suffers damage, disappearing completely. Among the intestinal sticks are prevailing atypical forms, the density of the conditionally pathogenic flora is increased to 10 million units.

Before the symptoms of dysbacteriosis in children in a pronounced form, the attending physician is able to see a bacteriological picture according to the results of analyzes, voicing part of the recommendations. The first step is to find out to which antibiotics are sensitive to the pathogenic flora, detecting an effective method of struggle. If the causative agent is two or more (associated form), one antibiotic may not cope. Then the treatment scheme is complicated.

A wide spectrum antibiotic action is not suitable for treatment. He will kill already weakened useful flora along with the causative agent of the disease. It is easier to cure dysbacteriosis at a child with a point, directional impact. A similar method is recognized as gentle. Especially if the trouble happened to a child in an annual age.

Doctors indicate that signs of dysbacteriosis in children do not correspond to the severity degree depend on individual characteristics. Therefore, you should not focus on external signs. It is impossible to link the symptoms and treatment, often not coinciding.

The reasons

The reasons for the nature are divided into endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external). The group of external criteria includes:

  • Ecology.
  • Climate.
  • Product quality in stores and at the gardens.
  • Hygiene.

The external reasons are the following:

  • Pathology of the child's gastrointestinal tract, including viral and bacterial nature (dysentery, cholera).
  • The reasons associated with the reception of drugs. Mainly bactericidal, hormones and antibiotics. Preparations based on salicylic acid favors the reproduction of atypical species of intestinal sticks.
  • Hereditary pathologies that violate intestinal suction.
  • Incorrect routine of the day, stress, imbalance in nutrition in protein, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Weed immunity.

Everyone can call well-known bad habits. It is extremely rare to meet children's dysbacteriosis caused by alcoholism, otherwise the cause of the disease is similar to the adult population. Try to less use food products containing preservatives - home solutions are not considered.


The treatment of dysbacteriosis in children is comprehensive.

  1. First of all, the patient's menu is checked. The diet is adjusted towards the content of the useful components to determine the normal microflora.
  2. Bacteriophages or antibiotics are prescribed to suppress the causative agent of the disease. The reason is the representative of the conditionally pathogenic flora, not to measure the born. Than to treat (drug name), the doctor decides on the results of the analysis on the sensitivity of the strain.
  3. The intestines in children is impossible without the use of prebiotics (nutrient medium for bacteria) and probiotics (strains of lively useful microflora). It is allowed to use the general recommendations or be guided by the analysis (microflora composition). Typically, the emphasis is done on breeding bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, intestinal wand (escherichia) grows without assistance.
  4. Periodically requires disintellation. Caliac masses poison the body, the sorbents will not be taken, offer the child activated carbon.
  5. Acceptance of immunoglobulins increases immunity. This is an indispensable step, the body "knows", which bacteria are extra, but can not overcome. Help Wanted.
  6. Enzymes help to split undigested substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates).
  7. Vitamins are applied against the background of shortage. It is focused on groups A and B, vitamins PP.


Consideration 6 of drugs is enough to create an idea of \u200b\u200bthe appointment of drugs.


In the form of powder is used to restore the number of bifidobacteria population. Sold in ampoules, vials, is appointed in this way:

  1. 1 year and younger - 2 doses daily during the working week (5 days).
  2. Up to 3 years - it is allowed to give three times.
  3. At an older age, the treatment time, if necessary, doubles.

Bifidobacteria are part of the bonded flora, the functions of which are described in detail above. The specified form of bacteria forms the desired level of the pH factor, which prevents the reproduction of pathogenic strains, providing an acceptable level of health. Participate in the formation of vitamins, eliminating the characteristic deficit symptoms.

The task is to deliver the strain to the intestine. The lion's proportion of bacteria is destroyed in the stomach with digestive juice. Too high acidity of the medium kills most of the microorganisms. The ability to multiply will receive surviving.


About the preparation can be said the same as the previous one. With the exception of information about an attempt to restore the Lactobacillios population. For sale in ampoules, bottles. To treat dysbacteriosis at the child, spread water, drink half an hour before meals. Reception scheme:

  1. Children under 1 year - twice a day, for three days.
  2. At older age - the medical course increases to 5 days.


It is a mixture of intestinal sticks and bifidocultures. The name happened from the Latin Name of Escherichia Coli and Bifidobacterium. Purpose is quite understandable. Ampoules restore bifidobacteria and intestinal chopsticks.


One of the prescriptions of the prebiotic is the prevention of dysbacteriosis. It consists of a plurality of metabolites of normal flora (lactobacillia, streptococcus, intestinal wand), without changes in the reaches. It is intended to create a medium favorable reproduction of normal microflora, overwhelming the growth of pathogenic and putrefactive strains. Suitable for breasts.


In nature, this disaccharide (fructose + galactose) does not occur, the gastrointestinal tract is not digested. But bacteria are glad to use a substance in food. In medicine, it is used as a laxative, improves intestinal motility (spasmolitic).


Local antiseptic, inhibiting the vital activity of gram-negative and gram-positive microbes. The doctor chooses an antibiotic depending on the manifestations of dysbacteriosis in children. It is quite possible to prescribe a nifuroxazide, in the event of causative agents in the range of the drug.

We emphasize that the choice of antiseptic is made according to the results of the tests. There are often cases when moms give nifuroxazide children, as a panacea, wondering that the dysbacteriosis does not pass, the symptoms are enhanced. Remember, the main task of comprehensive treatment is to eliminate the imbalance. An illicted reception of drugs exacerbates the situation.

Analysis is detected by a pathogenic strain, the laboratory technicians determine the degree of sensitivity of the population to many well-known antibiotics, which allows the doctor to prescribe treatment.

Dysbiosis (dysbiosis) is a fairly common disease. This is a change in the normal intestinal microflora. Condition in children is not an independent disease. Dysbacteriosis is a secondary sign of already existing violations in the body.

The disease is diagnosed with the help of exercise research. The intestinal microflora imbalance requires careful diagnosis and complex treatment.

The reasons for the development of dysbacteriosis

Depending on the age of the child, various factors can cause dysbacteriosis. This problem may occur after the use of antibiotics, with incorrect power, poor ecology.

Causes of microflora violations in children under 1 year:

  • improper nutrition mom with breastfeeding;
  • artificial feeding mixtures;
  • sharp rides from the chest;
  • reception of antibiotics;
  • allergy;
  • weakened immunity;
  • bad ecological situation.

In children over 1 years old, other causes of intestinal dysbiosis appear:

  • glice invasions;
  • incorrect and unbalanced nutrition;
  • frequent colds;
  • acquired diseases of the gastrointestinal bodies (intestine atony, gastritis);
  • chronic infections;
  • reception of drugs that reduce intestinal motility, inhibit the synthesis of enzymes (spasmolitics, sedatives);
  • stresses, changes in the hormonal state.

Symptoms and stage of the disease

Dysbiosis is accompanied by a quantitative and qualitative change in microflora. Harmful, which destroyly act on the health of the child come to the place of useful bacteria.

Typical symptoms are:

  • stool violation;
  • stomach ache;
  • gas formation and colic;
  • metal taste in the mouth;
  • dry skin, dermatitis;
  • weakening of immunity, which is expressed in frequent colds and exacerbations of chronic diseases.

In infants, signs of dysbacteriosis appear after 1-1.5 months. Observed:

  • loss of appetite;
  • bad weight gain;
  • liquid and greenish chair.

In older children, there is a significant number of acts of defecation. Cal is liquid, there are remnants of undigested food.

The manifestations of dysbiosis are largely dependent on the stage of the disease:

  • With initial dysbacteriosis, there is still no significant reduction in the level of useful bacteria, the pathogenic flora did not grow up. A child in this period deteriorates appetite, it is disturbed by private constipation, which alternate with diarrhea. There is anxiety and excitability.
  • The second stage is characterized by the growth of pathogenic microflora. The child begins a meteorism, diarrhea with a sharp smell or constipation. Symptoms of dysbiosis are similar to the signs of other diseases. Breasts appears vomiting, jeeping. 2 hours after feeding, he appears anxiety, he pulls the legs to the stomach, sleeping badly. Senior children have symptoms of gastritis: driving and abdominal pain, decreased or loss of appetite, heartburn and belching, strong gas formation.
  • With 3 phase, diarrhea acquires chronic character, gas formation and colic continues. The child is irritable, often exposed to cold and ORVI. In children under 1 year, there are signs of Rakhita. Interest in food, the child is sluggish due to lack of vitamins and nutrients. The chair may have an acidic smell with impurities of mucus and greens. Symptoms can resemble colitis: diarrhea is replaced by constipation, incomplete intestinal emptying syndrome, flare in the language, accumulation of gases.
  • Heavy dysbacteriosis is a solid disturbance of microflora. In the intestine, a large concentration of several types of pathogenic bacteria that can provoke an intestinal infection. The child can occupy the temperature periodically, it may have chills, fever, headaches. Unpainted food allocates toxins that cause symptoms of chronic poisoning.

Note! The dysbacteriosis can also be reacting the skin of the baby, on the surface of which allergic rashes appear.

Analyzes and diagnostics

In order to diagnose the violation, it is necessary to hand over the analysis on dysbacteriosis and feces on the microbiological research. It will determine the ratio of different types of bacteria in the intestine. Due to this analysis, you can estimate the sensitivity of the organisms to various drugsthat subsequently helps determine the treatment regimen. For analysis requires a collected in the morning of Cal (5-10 g). It can not be stored for a long time room temperatureOtherwise, the result of the study will not be correct.

The intestine function and the likelihood of dysbiosis can be determined by passing steels to the coprogram. According to it, it is possible to estimate the intestinal opportunity to digest food, reveal the disorders of its suction. With a bad coprogram, an analysis of feces for carbohydrates is assigned. With an increase in their level, you can talk about lactose failure.

Additionally, the analysis of the eggs of worms and enterobiosis is rented.

Treatment methods

How and how to treat dysbacteriosis in children? Traditional therapy At any stage, there should be in several directions:

  • receiving medication;
  • diet;
  • symptomatic therapy;
  • unconventional therapy.

Drug therapy

In order for the treatment to be effective, first of all you need to remove all the factors that provoked the disease (to establish meals, stop using antibiotics).

The task of the first stage of therapy is to stop the growth of pathogenic bacteria, Normalize intestinal microflora. The child needs to remove the symptoms of intestinal disorders (vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain).

If the baby has a bad appetite, lack of food needs to be reimbursed with glucose saline solutions (Bio Guy, ferry) or sweet tea.

To destroy "bad" microflora, several groups of drugs are prescribed from dysbiosis.

Bacteriophages - These are special bacteria that will "eat" pathogenic organisms. It may be salinesene, quiprotane, and blue bacteriophage, etc. The drug must be given simultaneously orally and in the form of small enema. The first reaction to the child in the child can be a strong abdominal pain.

Probiotics - Preparations containing living "useful" bacteria. They help regulate the balance of intestinal microflora. They are monocomponential, polycomponent, combined, recombinant.

  • Baktisubtil;
  • Bifiform;
  • Primaofilus;
  • Enterol.

At the 2 stage of treatment, a 7-10-day course is assigned Prebiotikov. These are non-chicken origin products that contribute to maintaining normal level "Good" bacteria.

  • Hilak Forte;
  • Duhalak;
  • Lactusan;
  • Primaofilus.

In parallel with the pro- and prebiotics, the child gives sorbents:

  • Smect;
  • Polyfets;
  • Polysorb.

If dysbacteriosis occurs in severe form, it affects the operation of the pancreas. Therefore, the child is prescribed enzyme preparations (Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim). Thanks to them, the process of food splitting and absorption of nutrients passes.

Very careful with dysbacteriosis you need to take antibiotics. Most of them do not act on the intestinal microflora, and can harm the child. Basically, intestinal antiseptics of an extensive spectrum of action are prescribed:

  • Nifuratel;
  • Encefuril;
  • Nifuroxazid.

Diet and power rules

One of the main components of the disease therapy is the proper nutrition and compliance with diet under dysbacteriosis. In the initial disease in the diet, natural probiotics, fiber, pectins, nutritional fibers should be included. In the first days it is better to emphasize on abundant drinking mode, limit food. If the baby has a pronounced diarrhea, the diet should be more strict. It must be coordinated with the doctor, but independently need to exclude the use of vegetables and fruits in the raw form (except bananas and baked apples).

If the child is breastfeeding, then the mother must adhere to the diet. It is possible to normalize the microflora using probiotics from fermented milk mixtures, kefir.

From 2 years in the menu, the Child menu should include dishes with food fibers. Useful to give:

  • boiled or steam vegetables;
  • baked apples;
  • porridge;
  • puree from vegetables;
  • vegetable soups;
  • non-fat boiled meat (chicken, rabbit);
  • kisel;
  • compote from rowan or rosehip.

If a child has diarrhea with yellowish feces, there must be protein food in its diet (fish, eggs, cottage cheese). If the feces are dark, you need to turn on the dairy products, fruit compotes, boiled vegetables. Juices and gas production should be excluded. It is impossible to give children solid milk, pasta, animal fats, canned foods, sweets.

Funds of traditional medicine

In small quantities in dysbacteriosis, graft chairs with antiseptic effect can be given:

  • chamomile;
  • st. John's wort;
  • sage.

Secure chair helps champs:

  • berries of blueberries;
  • the root of the laptop.

In parallel with traditional child treatment, you can make microclides Of 100 ml vegetable oil (olive, sesame, peach) with 5 drops of tea tree ether and fennel. You need to enter the enema daily 5 ml into the rectum for 10 days.

The prevention of dysbacteriosis in a child needs to be engaged at the stage of its planning. A woman must be examined on the microflora of the genitals. If necessary, it needs to be corrected even before the birth of the baby. A pregnant woman needs to follow their nutrition and stable intestinal work.

When the child was already born, it is necessary:

  • to bring it timely to his chest;
  • it can be breastfeed as long as possible;
  • correctly enter the lure;
  • be sure to give the child fermented milk products with bifidobacteria;
  • if the kid often sick cold illnessAdditionally, he needs to give probiotics;
  • monitor the condition of the child's chair, its weight dynamics.

Intestine dysbiosis in children is a common violation that requires a thorough examination and timely elimination of the problem. Today there are many research methods and medical devices that make it possible to successfully treat dbiz. The main thing is to detect the problem in time, and seek qualified help.

More interesting details about child dysbacteriosis in the following video:

The intestinal dysbiosis is a condition in which the balance of useful and pathogenic microorganisms is broke into this body. This situation may arise at any age for a number of reasons. Sometimes disorders are temporary, and the microflora is restored by naturally. If this does not occur, special drugs are used.

At the time of birth, the human digestive system is sterile. Microorganisms begin to settle the gastrointestinal tract of the child as soon as it appears. This happens in the birth paths of the mother. The microbes obtained here are multiplied in the body of the baby and protect it from the pathogenic bacteria of the environment. They are involved in the process of digesting and learning food. Useful microorganisms isolated substances that stimulate the cells of the immune system, prevent the development of food allergies. In addition, they synthesize some hormones and vitamins necessary for normal life.

Primary intestinal microflora is far from the norm. It is represented by both useful and pathogenic microbes. Such a situation is preserved up to three weeks, until bifidobacteria variables and will not take a major provision. For this, they need a certain nutritional environment - Mother's milk. Dysbacteriosis in infants is most often developing with artificial feeding. The mixtures are less suitable food for bifidobacteria, their population is growing slower. This contributes to the activation of the pathogenic microflora of the baby, which can cause many diseases. Children who do not get breast milk have all signs of disruption of bacterial equilibrium. They suffer from increased gas formation, which is accompanied by colic and frequent shinking. Such kids sleep badly, slowly gain weight, more often and longer sick.

Artificial feeding is not the only reason for the impairment of the balance of useful and pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines of babies. In children, under the year, dysbacteriosis is caused by complications during childbirth. The appearance of the cesarean section does not allow the child to acquire the mother microflora. As a result, he receives a set of hostile bacteria in the air and on the hands of medical staff. Genetic disorders also affect microflora composition. The most common among them is the absence or lack of enzymes (lactases), splitting milk - the main food of infants. It does not digest and ferments inside the body, creating a favorable medium for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

The child's digestive system is formed gradually and completes its development by 3 years. Until that time, some foods cannot be clever due to lack of needed enzymes and rot in the intestine. Therefore, you need to begin to feed the child competently. Antibiotics treatment is negatively reflected in the microflora state. Such drugs destroy not only pathogenic, but also useful microorganisms. Children on breastfeeding can receive antibiotics with mother's milk hosting them.

The development of dysbacteriosis in children is marked as a result:

1. inflammatory diseases of the digestive organs;

2. The presence of helminths (they select nutrients from beneficial bacteria);

3. diet disorders and power mode;

4. Hormonal or radiotherapy;

5. Food allergies;

6. Poisoning;

7. Action of adverse environmental factors;

8. nervous disorders;

9. Long diarins or constipation;

10. Infectious diseases.

A qualitative and quantitative change in microflora causes a violation of the digestive process. The constant drawback of the necessary organism of vitamins and trace elements has a negative effect on the health of the child.

At the first signs of dysbiosis, contact the pediatrician, and adolescents to the therapist. The doctor will prescribe a treatment and will send to the consultation to other specialists.

How to recognize the first signs on time

Intestinal flora includes more than 500 species of various microorganisms. They create a peculiar biological film on the mucous membrane. Most (90%) are useful mandatory (bond) bacteria. These include:

1. Bifidobacteria are the main and most important microorganisms. It is they who are responsible for the synthesis of the vitamins of the group B and their suction, produce biologically active substances that regulate metabolic processes. These bacteria form organic acids that prevent the multiplication of pathogenic microflora, and contribute to the absorption of calcium salts.

2. Lactobacteria helps in the formation of strong immunity, play an important role in the fight against intestinal infections and are actively involved in digestion.

3. Peptopulationococci is responsible for the splitting and assimilation of the protein, regulate the acid-alkaline balance.

4. Propionic bacteria activate the body's protective forces and metabolic processes.

5. Enterococci maintain normal fermentation and cleavage of beneficial substances.

A significant decrease in the number of bond microorganisms leads to dysbacteriosis. This is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • meteorism (increased gas formation);
  • the appearance of unpleasant smell of mouth;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • pain in the abdomen in the breaks between food;
  • allergic reactions;
  • skin rashes;
  • headaches.

In the wheel masses there are pieces of undigested food, mucus. The chair acquires a sharp evil smell, changes the color, becomes inhomogeneous. Children, whose microflora is broken, often get recover for a long time. The faithful signs of the infants are frequent jumping, colic, irritation of the skin, a frequent liquid chair with a lumpy milk. Kids sleep badly and often capricious.

Diagnosis of dysbacteriosis based on Cala laboratory studies, during which they determine the presence of various microorganisms in it and their number. Such an analysis can be passed towards a doctor or on its own initiative. Cal is collected in sterile capacity (bought in a pharmacy) and deliver to the laboratory within 3 hours. Before it stops the reception of drugs and the use of rectal candles (at least in 3 days). The result will show which bacteria are present, and their number. Put the final diagnosis and the doctor should be treated.

The illiterate interference in the internal processes associated with the formation of microflora may worsen the situation and lead to undesirable consequences.

Treatment and prevention of dysbiosis in a child

Dysbacteriosis is not diagnosed as a separate disease. It is a clinical sign of a variety of pathologies. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to cure the cause of the microflora violation.

1. If dysbacteriosis is a consequence of intestinal infection, antibiotics are prescribed. This exacerbates the situation, but is a forced measure in the treatment of such diseases. The death of useful microorganisms allows you to dominate by the pathogen. Bacteriophages are prescribed (dysenteric, staphylococcal, salinellase, colo-protein) for their suppression. These are viruses that do not represent a danger to humans. They only kill a certain kind of harmful bacteria.

2. Pathly prescribed probiotics. These are preparations consisting of substances of microbial origin and living microorganisms. Most often it is lacto, number and bifidobacteria. Sometimes medicines include representatives of microbial communities not characteristic of intestinal microflora - dispute chopsticks or yeast (baccisubyl, sportsmerin, bosporin). They have the ability to suppress pathogenic organisms.

Probiotics are shown in complex treatment. They are absolutely harmless and can be applied from the moment of birth. The doctor should choose them, as the microflora of babies has its own characteristics. Children under 3 months are prescribed mainly preparations with bifidobacteria. There are mono and polycomponent probiotics. The first consist of separate cells of bacteria of one species. These include the first generation drugs: bifidumbacterin, colibacterin, lactobacterin. Used for therapy of light forms of dysbacteriosis.

Polycomplete contain several types of microorganisms characteristic of normal intestinal microflora: acipol, acilakt, lines, bifolong, bifilize. They are used in the treatment of dysbacteriosis caused by local inflammation of the digestive organs. The latest achievement of pharmaceuticals is the creation of probiotics consisting of entire colonies of bacteria. They are grown on the microparticles of the sorbent and enter the intestine with him, while maintaining vitality. Such drugs are used in food poisoning, causing serious changes in microflora. These include: Probiga, Bifidumbacterin Forte, EcoFlorine.

In addition to dry probiotics there are liquid forms. They are more effective because microorganisms are active in them (not in anabyosis) and faster multiplied in the intestine. In addition to live bacteria and nutrient media, they include various vitamins and trace elements. They can be taken not only orally, but also to enter directly into the rectum.

3. Along with probiotics, prebiotics are used. The latter consist of organic compounds that provide comfortable conditions for the existence of a healthy microflora bacteria. They are made mainly from Oligoshares (Lactulose, Inulin). Typical representatives - Duhalak, Lactusan, Goodlak, Norma, Precix, Portalk.

Use this or that means to normalize the microflora of the child on its own initiative is not worth it. This requires the use of a certain complex of drugs, to competently select which only a specialist can.

So that children did not have any problems with the intestines, it is necessary to take care of the health of the newborn even during pregnancy. The future mother must maintain its own microflora in the norm, because it is a set of bacteria that will receive a baby at birth.

The main food of children up to the year is breast milk. Proper nutrition of the mother during this period and strict observance of hygiene will help avoid the intestinal dysbiosis at the kid. If natural feeding is impossible, it is necessary to select suitable mixtures. The introduction of feeding should be carried out on a time limit in strict accordance with the recommendations of the pediatrician. The diet of children under 3 years is significantly different from the adult. Its foundation are cereal, soups, vegetables, fruits, low-fat varieties of meat and dairy products.

Unconventional tools for normalization of microflora

Folk healers recommend to treat various symptoms and forms of dysbacteriosis using diet, fermented milk products and decoctions of medicinal plants. It is impossible to use such methods for infants. Babies older than 3 years and adolescents can be tried to cure, without resorting to medicines, but the doctor's consultation is also necessary.

Power depends on the symptoms that accompany the microflora violation. For diarrhea, it is necessary to include in the diet:

  • mucous boars (rice, oat);
  • boiled and stew vegetables (carrots, potatoes);
  • white bread crags;
  • dried fruits;
  • baked apples;
  • boiled fish and chicken.

If the symptom is constipation, the base of nutrition should become fermented dairy products. They contain a large number of lactobacilli and yeast, which normalize the intestinal microflora, the coal pathogens. A kefir enriched with bifidobacteriums (bioeffer and bifox) is particularly effective.

Useful for dysbacteriosis of dairy serum. It is obtained by heating kefir until cottage cheese is separated. Serum has a light laxative action. On it is based on the famous medicine - Duhalak. Daily serum use during the month significantly improves the microbial bowel composition.

Many herbs have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. These include: chamomile, calendula, sage, yarrow, St. John's wort, the root of AIR and heel. Decorations and infusions of these plants are used to treat inflammatory and infectious diseases of the intestine. Power bacteria are defenseless in front of beekeeping products. Honey and to a greater degree of propolis are natural antibiotics.

For children, you can prepare a tasty medicine from 1 cup infusion of rosehip with the addition of 1 t. L honey and propolis (a small piece of pea size). Such a drink gives a child during the day between the meals of 0.3 glasses. Course treatment - 2 weeks.

Treat the intestines of children from bacterial imbalance is much more complicated than to follow certain power and hygiene rules. But if dysbacteriosis arose, you should seek help from specialists.

Dysbacteriosis in children is a violation of the normal ratio of bond and elective microorganisms in the intestine in favor of the latter.

According to various studies, the violation of intestinal biocenosis is determined by 25-50% of healthy children of the first year of life. In children S. somatic diseases Those or other forms of intestinal dysbiosis are diagnosed in almost 100% of cases.

The composition of the microflora, which populates the intestine of the newborn, depends on the method of the delivery, environment in the neonatal period, feeding. During the passage of the generic paths, as well as in breastfeeding, the child receives the main part of the bond microflora from the mother. In colostrum and breast milk there are immune factors that prevent the colonization of the intestine of a conditioned pathogenic microflora. Therefore, it is important to apply a newborn to the chest in the first two hours after birth.

With long-term intestinal dysbacteriosis, immunodeficiency develops, as a result of which the child becomes susceptible to infectious diseases.

During the first week of life, a large number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to the development of the intestinal transient dysbiosis, which is usually completed in the second week of the child's life (as the lacto and bifidobacteriums are displaced by other representatives of intestinal microbiocenosis). The normal microflora prevents the intestinal population of pathogenic microorganisms, participates in the development of some vitamins, metabolism, the formation of immunity, stimulates the intestinal peristalsis and performs some other function necessary for normal life. Under the influence of adverse factors, the normal intestinal flora in a child may not form, and transient dysbacteriosis goes into a true.

Causes and risk factors

Dysbacteriosis refers to polyethological disorders whose development can contribute both exogenous and endogenous causes.

The risk factors of dysbacteriosis in newborns and infants include:

  • the presence of a pregnant woman of infectious inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract;
  • complicated pregnancy and / or childbirth;
  • child's presence;
  • later attaching a child to the chest;
  • irrational food of the mother during breastfeeding period;
  • mastitis in a nursing mother;
  • early translation of the child to artificial feeding;
  • wrong care for the child.
Dysbacteriosis in children of the first year of life, as a rule, does not require treatment. Best tool Normalization of the intestinal microflora balance in this case is natural feeding.

In older children, the following factors contribute to the development of dysbiosis:

  • frequent acute respiratory viral infections;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • unbalanced nutrition (with a predominance in the diet of carbohydrates and proteins of animal origin);
  • long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs;
  • changes in hormonal background;
  • the impact on the body of adverse environmental factors;
  • surgical interventions;

Forms of dysbiosis in children

Depending on the predominance of one or another conditionally pathogenic microflora dysbacteriosis in children, the following types are:

  • candidomic;
  • staphylococcal;
  • protein;
  • associated.

By clinical flow The pathological process may be latent, i.e. hidden, local, i.e., local or genralized, i.e. common.

Depending on the species and quantitative composition of microflora, four degrees of dysbacteriosis in children are determined.

  1. The predominance of anaerobic microorganisms, the amount of bifidobacteria more than 107-108 (colony-forming units) in 1 g of feces, no more than two types of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms in the amount of 102-104 in 1 g of feces.
  2. Equal than aerobic and anaerobic microflora, an increase in the concentration of lactosionagative and hemolytic intestinal sticks, the number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms is 106-107 in 1 g of feces.
  3. The predominance of aerobic microflora up to the complete absence of lacto and bifidobacteria, a significant increase in the number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. Associated dysbacteriosis; The absolute predominance of a conditioned pathogenic microflora, which acquires resistance to most antibacterial drugs.
An important, or rather, the diet is primary in the treatment of dysbacteriosis.

According to clinical and bacteriological indicators, dysbacteriosis in children can be compensated (corresponded to the I-II degree) subcompensated (corresponds to II-III degree) and decompensated (corresponding to III-IV degree).

Compensated dysbacteriosis in children, as a rule, proceeds without any obvious clinical signs And revealed during the survey on another occasion.

At the subcompancing stage, infants appear frequent joins, vomiting, decreased appetite, rumbling in the abdomen, meteorism, spasms along the intestine. The child is poorly gaining weight, manifests anxiety, irritability, he has a dream. The feces are usually abundant, liquid or cascidious consistency, foam, contain a mix of mucus. Steel calm or greenish color, with a grinding or sour smell. Children with dysbacteriosis can be observed an increase in the number of fat components in feces (steatheree), protein-energy failure, polyhypovitaminosis, anemia, physical development delay. The processes of fermentation and rotting occurring in the intestines lead to autoamergication with phenomena of urticaria, atopic dermatitis.

Among the signs of dysbacteriosis in an older child, elevated salivation, an unpleasant smell of mouth, frequent belching, heartburn, intestinal colic, excessive gas formation, pain in the top of the abdomen, a feeling of cutting the stomach after meals, as well as diarrhea, constipation or their alternation, This feast of the patient has uneven staining. Children appear in the corners of the mouth, the bleeding of the gums, acute rash, furunculosis, hair lone and nails, dry skin, headaches, irritability, weakness and fast fatigue. The generalized form of dysbacteriosis in children (especially on the background of the immunodeficiency) can manifest itself with glossite, heylitis, balanopostitis or vulvit, candidiasis of smooth skin, visceral candidiasis.

According to various studies, the violation of intestinal biocenosis is determined by 25-50% of healthy children of the first year of life.

In severe cases, the child with dysbacteriosis increases the body temperature, chills appears, grasp the abdomen (mainly in the afternoon), nausea, diarrhea.


A pediatrician and a children's gastroenterologist are attracted to the diagnosis, a laboratory analysis is required for dysbacteriosis in children.

During the physical diagnosis, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes is estimated, soreness is determined in the course of the intestine during palpation, the bloating.

Laboratory diagnosis of dysbacteriosis is to carry out biochemical and / or bacteriological analysis on dysbacteriosis in children (Cala, bile research). Microbiological criteria are a decrease in the amount of lacto and bifidobacteria, a decrease or an increase in the concentration of typical intestinal wand, an increase in the number of microscopic fungi, cockkops, clostridium.

To determine the etiological factor, you may need an ultrasound study of organs abdominal cavity, Gastroscopy, colonoscopy, a laboratory study of feces on Giardia, Eggs of worms, a copron, biochemical blood test.

Differential diagnosis It is carried out with mallabsorption syndrome, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, acute intestinal infections.

Dysbacteriosis in children of the first year of life, as a rule, does not require treatment. The best means of normalizing the balance of intestinal microflora in this case is natural feeding.

Effective treatment of dysbacteriosis in children, first of all, requires the elimination of the cause of the development of the pathological process.

In colostrum and breast milk there are immune factors that prevent the colonization of the intestine of a conditioned pathogenic microflora. Therefore, it is important to apply a newborn to the chest in the first two hours after birth.

In order to normalize the intestinal biocenosis, probiotics are usually assigned (contain monocultures of useful microorganisms or combinations thereof), prebiotics (contribute to the growth and reproduction of representatives of the normal intestinal microflora), symbiotics ( combined drugs, combining prohibition and prebiotics), bacteriophages (lyse pathogenic microorganisms). In some cases, the need for antibiotic therapy may arise.