Inflammation of hair bulbs and baldness. Inflammation of hair bulb or folliculitis. Medical treatment of folliculita

27.09.2020 Products

Inflammation affecting hair bulbs in the form of painful bubble formations filled with purulent liquid is called folliculite. You can detect foci in any area of \u200b\u200bthe body, except for mucous, palms, stop and several sites on the face, where the follicles are missing by default.

Causes of Folliculita

The inflammation of hair bulbs can develop independently, when infected with fungal infection, under the influence of a virus or for other reasons. But most often, pathology accompanies the main disease in the form of complications. Dermatoz - the most common skin lesions caused by the inflammation of hair bulbs. Often, skin problems arise and with long-term flow of diabetes or alert.

Other situations under which a person can detect single or multiple rashes of a characteristic type:

  • long stay at the heat or in a stuffy closed space;
  • non-compliance with the basic hygienic standards;
  • constant wearing of a head remove that does not transmit air, or synthetic clothing;
  • enhanced hyperhydrosis;
  • minor cuts, abrasions, followed by the infectious pathogen.

In women, the inflammation of hair bulbs is often diagnosed after long-term courses for the reception of contraceptives, when wearing a tight, synthetic linen, after poor-quality painting hair with cheap dyes or depilation.

Symptoms of Disease

There are three degrees of lesion in the epidermis of the bulbs:

  • ostiophollyculite;
  • folliculitis;
  • sycosis.

In the first case, only the surface section of the follicles is damaged, in the second, if treatment has not begun, inflammation goes inside the follicular cavity. The third degree, the most severe, arises with the full lesion of the bulbs.

In order to prevent the dynamic development of the disease, the first symptoms of the disease and signs of the deterioration of the state should be known when moving follicleze to the next stage:

  • separate inflammations in the form of elements of rash pink;
  • gradually, rash is spread around the original foculation, increasing in size and acquiring a specific appearance - purulent bubble with a hair in the center of education;
  • in the place of the burst bubble immediately appears a draft of transparent color;
  • in rare cases, high temperature indicators note;
  • the location of the localization of the juditis, and on the ripening of guns, hurts;
  • there are cases of focal alopecia in the sections of the sequelic lesion.

The inflammation of hair bulbs on the head in children arises as escorting dermatitis (especially seborrhea), as well as in connection with the general diseases that entail a sharp decrease in immunity.

Localization of foci

Since the inflammation of hair bulbs is an adequacy phenomenon, then most often the appearance of rash is associated using foreign hygiene items. Suffering usually maspress part Heads, but not excluded the emergence of alarming signs in groin, on the upper and lower limbs, in the axillary depressions.

The appearance of symptoms of the disease on the pubic area and armpits is often complicated by the increase in pricing lymph nodes, and after the healing of the ulcers, which are in the stage of deep lesion, not passing scars or yazvins remain in their place. The same period is indicated by partial alopecia.

On the legs and armpits of the bulbs are damaged as a result of a coarse, traumatic shaving machine or after depilation. Folliculitis on the hands is often diagnosed in men working in unsanitary conditions (at a construction site, on garbage processing), or women using poor-quality detergents (washing, cleaners) without gloves.

Medical treatment of folliculita

The inflammation of hair bulbs is treated at home by drugs appointed by a dermatologist. The schedule of therapy schemes precedes diagnosis and the cause of the cause of the disease.

Preparations appointed in the treatment of folliculite:

  • local antibacterial drugs: "Gentamicin", "Levomekol";
  • antiseptics: 3% hydrogen peroxide, green, "Miramistin", "Fuccin";
  • local antifungal agents: "Laughty", "Myxoral";
  • antiallergic pills: "Zoda", "Supratin".

Regardless of the causative agent of the disease with any degree of lesion, a conventional zinc ointment is successfully applied, imposed in the form of applications for an affected area.

Treatment of recurrent or launched forms

Antibiotics are prescribed if the disease has been detected already at the Sicoz stage, that is, there are multiple lesions with purulent formations of varying degrees of maturation. In this case, parallel with the main treatment is prescribed sulfonamides and drugs that increase immune defense.

With independent application of local funds to the sections with ripened or revealed with guns, it is impossible to prescribe an affected place or try to open education yourself. This action is carried out only in sterility conditions in the procedural office.


Folliculite hardware therapy turns out to be a patient within the framework of additional services and is one of the most effective methods The treatment of inflammation of hair bulbs. From the point of view of safety and speed of the positive effect, the impact of ultraviolet irradiation to a depth of up to 10 mm affected area has proven.

The duration of the course is stipulated individually, but does not exceed ten procedures. The irradiation frequency is also regulated only by the severity of the patient's condition and its susceptibility to treatment.

Folk Methods

Folk health care products cannot replace basic therapy, but they are successfully applied as a concomitant treatment of folliculite due to the high concentration in many fitopreparations of tanning, binders, natural antiseptics and regeneration processes stabilizers. Doctors are supported by additional treatment with folk methods using the following active ingredientsincluded in the decoction and tinctures:

  • dandelion medicinal ordinary;
  • roots of burdock (buried);
  • daisies pharmacy;
  • nettle;
  • reptile onion;
  • cranberries.

All the above vegetable components are prepared in weak degree Concentration - for intake - and in a strongly concentrated form - for outdoor use.

Forecast and complications

If the disease does not fix in the first two weeks after the appearance of the first symptoms, or the drugs applied by the patient do not correspond to the treatment goals, such complications are possible as:

  • dermatophyte;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • carbuncle;
  • abscess.

The forecast of recovery in the development of complications depends on the direction that the disease has taken, and may mean a heavy outcome, up to death. Children under life are subject to special risk, so the treatment of this category of patients occurs only in stationary conditions.

Folliculita Prevention

You can prevent skin pathology, simply adhering to the basic hygienic standards and completely curing all diseases associated with the penetration of infections and viruses. If, surrounded by loved ones or colleagues was a man sick with folliclese, follows more often to wash and handle the hands with antiseptics and be sure to turn to a dermatologist at first suspicions of the disease.

it can develop when traveleled, excessive sweating due to wearing too warm clothes or synthetic ("not breathable") linen in hot weather. This is facilitated by leather mass and enclosure of infectious microflora in the macerated fabrics.

The disease often occurs hIV-infectedIt is due to the insufficiency of immunity and weak the body resistance to infections.

Folliculitis in PAhU: Causes

Folliculitis in groin is a frequent phenomenon with diabetes mellitus. The reason for this is the increased predisposition of the skin to the purulent-necrotic damage caused by endocrine disorders. This, in turn, is caused by diabetic angiopathy - circulatory disorders in the tissues, including in the groin area.

Pathology may occur with allergies, which is accompanied by itching and caused by leather mass. For scabes The disease develops quite often. This is due to a strong skin itch and associated with this skin comb, which very often leads to microbial infection and, as a result, to inflammatory damage to hair bulbs.

The same thing happens with the pubic pediculose.

The latter disease is due to the skin on the skin of fungal microorganisms. Their reproduction causes the itchy of the skin, her swelling, hyperemia. In this connection, rasacks arise, tissues are infected with microbes and the bulb of the hair is infected. With groin eritresses caused by pseudomicotic microbes, a similar clinical picture is developing. This is a pronounced skin itching, red, swelling, peeling, education on the skin of clearly defined rounded foci, deprived of the hairproof.

Folliculitis in gagha may occur with impairment of hygiene. Pathology develops due to excessive reproduction of pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora.

The barrier function of the skin decreases, which leads to an infectious-inflammatory damage to the hair onion. Because of the frequent occurrence after the exposure of hot water, the folliculite is also called the "hot bath disease".

How to distinguish folliculitis in groin from herpes

In herpetic lesion of the skin on it, vesiculous elements are formed in the form of bubbles filled with light yellow transparent liquid.

Their presence is almost unmistakable proof of the herpetic origin of pathology.

Follyculite is not accompanied by the occurrence of vesiculous rash. Most often occurs singly. Herpetic rash is often grouped and consists of several of the raped elements close to each other.

How to distinguish folliculitis in groin from furuncule

The furuncle is a deeper and extensive purulent inflammatory process. Since it is involved not only the hair bulb. But also adjacent to her greasy iron with a loose connective tissue.

This difference leads to the differences in clinical manifestation. Folliculite proceeds much easier than furuncle. It is accompanied by less pain. The amount of purulent discharge in this case is also much less than in the formation of a furuncle.

How to distinguish folliculitis in groin from eczema

The inflammation of the surface layer of the skin is accompanied only by itching and peeling, hyperemia of the skin, the genetickens in this case are not formed. In the first case, a localized purulent necrotic element is necessarily visualized on the skin.

The disease often occurs during pregnancy. Due to the weakening of the organism immune protection against the background of natural dormricons.

The probability of developing pathology can increase with sexual infections, due to a decrease in total and local tissue immunity.

Folliculitis in groin: what doctor to turn

Treatment of this pathology is carried out by a dermatologist or dermatovenerologist. If the disease is accompanied by sex infections, a dermatovenerologist, a urologist or gynecologist is needed.

What tests to pass when follicle in groin

To compile a general diagnostic picture may be needed:

  • general I. biochemical analyzes blood
  • general urine analysis,
  • microscopy of urogenital smear,
  • sowing a smear on bacteria from the pathological focus and the urinary tract,
  • PCR smear, urine, blood,
  • serological examination with the help of ELISA.

What complications are possible if you do not take treatment attempts?

Folliculite can develop in furunculese, in the carbuncoon, abscess. In severe cases - in phlegmon and general blood infection - sepsis. Complications more often occur with a weak state of immunity and absence or incorrectly prescribed treatment. In case of insufficiency of immunity, in addition to severe flow and possible development of complications, frequent relapses are likely. They occur when weakening overall immune protection and reducing the local barrier function of the skin. Outdoor ointments are used to suppress the activity of the microbial flora in the tissues, as well as the removal of the skin and inflammatory phenomena.

What antibiotics do?

This should solve the attending physician based on the results of laboratory studies and on the basis of the severity of the clinical picture of the disease.

When folliculite appears in PAho, contact competent dermatovenologists.

The initial stage is to redness of the skin, moderate pain, the formation of guncrows. When progressing, infiltration is formed around the lesion.

The skin around the inflamed follicle becomes yellowish, which is explained by the presence of pus. After removal of the pustula's crust, the pus is highlighted, red leather can be seen.

The number of inflammation can vary from 1 to the set, for example, driving the armpit, most often the unit inflammation is formed. Sometimes it occurs. With extensive lesion, lymphatic nodes increase.

Types of folliculitis and causes of its occurrence

Also, the disease is classified as follows:

  • Staphylococcal. Basically meets in men in the chin area and nasolabial triangle;
  • Candidose occurs under ancient bandages, especially if corticosteroids are used, lying and long-rigging. It is formed both on the legs and on other parts of the body;
  • Herpety - similar to staphylococcal;
  • Angry syphilid. The appearance of rash is caused by syphilis. Eliminate with the help of the treatment of the main disease;
  • Pseudomonad. Occurs after taking a hot bath, where water is not chlorinated enough;
  • The gram-negative occurs after a long treatment of acne with antibacterial drugs. Abscesses are possible;
  • Caused by dermatophytes. Observed mainly on the head;
  • Depilatory. Peaceful in hot countries. It is characterized by the fact that the inflammation of hair bulbs is observed only on the legs;
  • Honorian. It is very rare. It occurs with gonor at the started stage. Localizes the inflammation of the hair onion in the groin, in the crotch area;
  • Professional occurs in people of a certain profession, is associated with getting irritants in the form of chemicals. As a rule, visible on the back of the hands and forearms;
  • The tick-mite occurs as a result of the bite of the insect of the same name;
  • Bokhartigo Bokhartig. The cause of skin maceration, excessive sweating, so the inflammation of the hair onion is often noticeable to the armpit.

Treatment depends on the cause of the inflammation of the hair bulb.

In addition, the role is played by additional provoking factors, which also need to eliminate:

  • Microtrauma skin;
  • Contamination of the skin;
  • Untimely or incorrect overlapping of an occlusal bandage;
  • Climatic conditions (increased humidity and temperature);
  • Wearing synthetic, tightly adjacent clothes;
  • Supercooling;
  • Anemia;
  • Diabetes;
  • Liver pathology;
  • Unbalanced nutrition;
  • Treatment with immunosuppressants;
  • Local use of glucocorticosteroids;
  • Periodontal, gingivitis, caries;
  • Chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis;
  • Obesity.

Complications of folliculita

Usually this infection It proceeds easily and does not represent a serious threat to life. But it is possible to develop complications. This happens in the absence of treatment, non-compliance with the rules of hygiene, a weak immune response of the body.

Among the common complications is a furuncle, which leads to hydrauditis and lymphadenitis, carbuncoon, abscess, follicular scars and dermatophysia. Single cases are accompanied by jade, meningitis and lung inflammation.

How to treat the inflammation of the hair bulb?

On the initial stage Diseases are sufficiently handling with appropriate means. For this purpose, camphor (2%) and salicyl alcohol (1-2%), a solution of diamond greenery (2%) or methylene blue, fuccin. Gels, creams and lotions of the kolracil series are very popular.

If the disease struck the deeper skin layers and accompanied by significant purulent clusters, you need to open bubbles, delete their contents, and then process one of the listed means. It is recommended to impose twice a day ichthio compresses.

If the disease has acquired a chronic shape and gives relapses, serious drug therapy is necessary. In this case, antibiotics and preparations of the sulfonamide group are prescribed. Also showing immunostimulating therapy.

When the inflammation of the hair lows is observed in the hands, legs, torso, it is impossible to squeeze the affected parts of the body and squeeze the bubbles, as it increases the risk of fussing and even phlegmon.

The investment of ultraviolet rays has proven well. The total course is 6-10 procedures. Sessions are prescribed every day or after a day. If the folliculite arose against the background of diabetes, prescribe a corrective diet to normalize carbohydrate exchange and reduce the risk of recurrence of the disease.

Treatment of staphylococcal folliculite involves the use of ointment Masrycin or similar, internal intake of cephalexin, dyloxacillin, erythromycin or meticillin. In severe cases of pseudomonadone damage, ciprofloxacin is prescribed. If the causative agent is gram-negative bacteria, local therapy is necessary benzoyl peroxide.

With fungal damage, appropriate means are needed, for internal use - terbinafin, fluconazole, intrakanozol. Herpety folliculite needs to be treated with acyclovir.

An important role is given to the recipes of traditional medicine. Various decoctions, infusions, dandelion-based compresses, rosehips, chamomiles, dandelion, spiny, bells, melnik, tattars, and burdock are widely applied.

The inflammation of the hair follicle in the overwhelming majority has a favorable forecast. With severe flow and deception of deep layers of skin, pigmentation may remain after the removal of the crust. Complications with folliculite are rarely rarely and also successfully treated with modern methods.

Inflammation of hair bulbs on the legs

The inflammation of hair bulbs on the legs or as it is also called folliculitis is the process of the occurrence of purulent disease. The main reasons for the appearance of this disease serves staphylococcus, it is he who is the causative agent of the formation of folliculite. Inflammation occurs gradually, from the beginning on the legs, nodules are formed, which have light swelfing and redness, then gradually within a few days they appear pus. Most often, folliculite is formed in men, after all, as you know, their hair Pokrov On the legs more and thicker than women.

The inflammation of hair bulbs on the legs occurs for several reasons. The main reason is non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. Very often, folliculitis occurs in people who enjoy other people's facilities and attend pools and saunas. Also, the disease may arise due to the reception of medicines that are intended for the destruction and treatment of different types of acne. Not rarely inflammation of hair bulbs on the legs occurs due to the appearance of cracks, wounds, burns and everything that damages the structure of the skin.

To cure the folliculite, you should contact the dermatologist, only the doctor will be able to attribute and appoint correct, and most importantly effective treatment. With a slight form of illness, antibacterial soap or cream can help. They should carefully flush the affected areas of the skin. If the inflammation is too big, but their treatment will be long. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic course. In severe cases of the disease, the patient is put on inpatient treatment, where it will undergo a course of comprehensive therapy. It should also be remembered that it is impossible to calculate and squeeze the formed pus, you can not only harm your health, but also to be infected, which will quickly spread throughout the body, in such cases the treatment will be long and painful. Also on the site of the extruded folliculitis can form phlegmons and boils.

In order to prevent the formation of pneumans of hair bulbs, you must adhere to several rules. You should always use pure personal hygiene items, do not wear synthetic and cramped linen and clothing. Also, after visiting the sauna or pool, it is recommended to take a warm shower and use antibacterial soap. In hot weather, you should take a cool bathroom as often as possible, so you protect yourself and your body from bacteria.

Many of us have a problem, acne appears on the palm side of the hands. Many do not think about the causes of their occurrence. Singing.

Problems with nails on hand and legs can be caused by different reasons, as in different ways, it is worth acting when detecting certain s.

In row allergic diseases Stevens-Johnson's syndrome refers to the most dangerous and heavy pathologies. Even despite timely.

HPV or human papilloma virus, the treatment of which today is carried out quite successfully, is a viral infectious disease. Honey.

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Do not self-medicate! Be sure to contact the doctor!

Pimm not pimple, Molenka is not a mole! How to figure out the types of acne?

Acne, or vulgar acne (acne) develop against the background of seborrhea, that is, excessive selection of sebum with modified properties. They arise in the areas of the skin, the richest glands. On average, 1 cm 2 skin of the face, the top of the back and the chest is 900 glands, whereas on other sections their number does not exceed 100.

For reasons causing the formation of acne, not only the redundant secretion of the sebaceous glands, but also hormonal imbalance, skin infection with bacteria, the pathology of the hair bulb (for example, ingrown hair). More often such a state is observed in adolescents, but adults often face this problem. Angry rash is one of the most common skin diseases.

The peak of morbidity falls at age from 13 to 18 years, and girls acne appear earlier, but they disappear faster. In young people, acne can take heavy forms, causing a significant cosmetic defect and worsening the quality of life, primarily due to psychological problems. Men's pathology acquires chronic flow And the KGOD goes to the late acne.

The first signs are increased selection of sebum (seborrhea) and microcomedones. A doctor should be applied for this period to prevent the development of severe diseases.

The main types of eels.

Depending on the external manifestations, the following types of acne are distinguished:

  • comedones;
  • papulse;
  • pustular;
  • indurative;
  • absocurating, or ventilated indurative;
  • phlegmonous;
  • drain;
  • conglobal.

The choice of methods for the treatment of inflammatory skin processes depends on their severity. In light cases of sufficient home. With a large number of rashes, their deep and merging forms require the help of a dermatologist.

The formation of different types of acne occurs in stages. Initially, this blockage of output of the sebaceous glands due to the increased secretion of skin fat due to the hypersensitivity of cells to the sex hormones. This creates a nutrient medium for microorganisms, in particular, PropioniBacterium Acnes. Breeding, they split fat with education fatty acidsdamaging skin surface. As a result of chemical irritation, an inflammatory process is formed.


The most common type of acne, localization is mainly on the face. They are formed in the hair follicle, which is clogged with dead skin cells and excessive skin of the skin. Comedones turn into small elevations (Papulas) with white or black dots in the center.

This kind of acne can cause certain foods - rich animals with fat, fried, sharp, salted. They are called comedogenic.

"Black dots"

Black plugs on the surface of papules, opening on the skin, filled with excess fat and skin cells. Their color is due not to the accumulation of dirt, but an incorrect reflection of light rays from the closed hair follicles, as well as a change in the color of the skin with the air.

Sometimes the appearance of pathology is associated with improper use of cosmetics based on oils and moisturizing components. Masives pollution and increased environmental humidity. In addition, black dots may appear due to excessive use of soap and other cleansing agents. Dry skin leads to strengthening the production of sebum and blockage of pores.

Open comedones are often formed on the forehead, chin, on the nose. Usually for their treatment, there are enough non-receptible drugs from acne.

"White heads"

If the output is song gland And the hair follicle is completely blocked, acne has acne with white purulent heads - closed comedones. Their contents do not fall on the skin surface, accumulating under its top layer and causing a bubble formation. Since skin fat is not in contact with air, its darkening does not occur. With such acne can also be struggling with cosmetics.

Unrevenched comedones are not accompanied by redness and skin swelling. They react well enough to use salicylic acid. This substance exfoliates dead cells, opening out the exit for excess skin salts. Salicylic acid is part of special lotions, tonic and moisturizers.

White head acne is worse than treatable. To eliminate them, in addition to salicylic acid, retinoids are used, in particular, Differin.


With inflammation, the comedones turn into a papulese type of acne. The process is associated with reproduction in the coarse glands of pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation and the formation of pus. On the skin surface small soft pink or red tubercles are formed. The skin around them is often a bit hyperemic. Such acne may be sensitive to touch, accompanied by a small itch. The squeezing of content enhances the inflammatory process and in the future leads to the formation of scars.

A large amount of papural is a sign of moderate or severe acne and requires treatment from a dermatologist. A acne of an inflammatory character is worse than treating than comedones. To eliminate them, agents based on benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics are local and inside, isotretinine preparations.


These are guns, often developing from comedones with white heads. A red heartbeat arises around the hearth. Pathological education itself is filled with white or yellow pus. It may have an irregular shape, pustling acne are often merged between themselves and protrude above the skin surface. Usually the appearance of pustular elements is not associated with a pronounced bacterial infection.

Summary of acne should be avoided, which leads to the appearance of dark spots (hyperpigmentation) or scars on the skin.

Indurative, or nodal

View subcutaneous acnewhich look like large painful tubercles or nodes. They appear with the complete blockage of the rod of the sebaceous gland, irritation and inflammation of the surrounding skin fabrics.

To the touch, these are dense education. Acne penetrate deep into skin structures, they are often painful. With the emergence of such formations, a doctor's assistance is necessary. It is usually sufficiently drug treatment with isotretinoin preparations for internal use for six months.


With the suppuration of inductive acne due to the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria formed cystic education - Absocurating acne. They are filled with purulent content and resemble furuncula. The formation of painful, to the touch, usually soft, after their opening, deep atrophic scars are formed.

The course of the disease is recurrent. The help of a dermatologist is needed, consultation and other specialists are often required, for example, an endocrinologist or immunologist. Isotretinoin is used for treatment. Abscess can be removed surgically.

Nodal and absced acne often appear in hereditary predisposition. They can be observed simultaneously with the comedones, arise in the progression of papular or pustine forms, as well as unite into nodular-absced education.


Appear in the penetration of inflammation in the deep layers of the skin, the smallest cavities filled with purulent content are formed. On the surface of the skin, this is manifested by the appearance of common tubers. Gradually, phlegmonous cavities merge into large foci, forming a red-purple hue nodes.

Flegmonous formations are gradually breaking through the purulent contents, often with blood admits come out through several holes. The course of the disease is long, it is very poorly therapy.


This is one of the most severe forms of acne. Conglobal acne often appear on the back, neck, chest, in the field of buttocks. They are many inflamed follicles that merge with neighboring areas of inflammation.

Such acne appear on the body of an adult, usually in men. They may be associated with testosterone taking or anabolic steroids. Other their name is fulminant. The beginning of the disease can flow as arthritis with the subsequent abundant formation of acne throughout the body. For adequate status therapy, you need to contact a dermatologist.

Congloblated acne can accompany the genetic disease - the Klinfelter syndrome (Tisomy XXY). In this case, they can occur on any body area above the knees. Pathology is accompanied by purulent damage to the joints and kidneys.

Severity and treatment principles

What acne and in what quantities are observed with different gravity of acne:

  • easy degree: less than 20 black dots or white heads, less than 15 papules or empty, and the total number of acne is no more than 30;
  • moderate severity: from 20 to 100 comedones, up to 50 inflamed acne or total foci to 125;
  • heavy degree: There are several abscessants of a dark red or purple shade.

How to deal with them?

At easy degree, it is enough to use special cosmetic lotions for 2 months. Average gravity The defeat requires the appointment of medicines. Treatment lasts a few weeks, and often at first after its start, the severity of acne is even enhanced.

With a severe stage, the main task is to reduce inflammation and scarring. The doctor can assign a variety of medicines and physiotions that improve the appearance of the skin and the state of the sebaceous glands.

For the treatment of different types of acne, local therapy is used. These are medicines applied directly to the area of \u200b\u200bthe defeat - a variety of ointments and acne creams. They contain substances such as benzoyl peroxide, resorcin, salicylic acid, sulfur derivatives, zinc. Recipers are also used, for example, antibacterial creams and ointments with retinoids.

For system therapy use tableted drugs. Antibiotics are prescribed - tetracycline, doxycycline, erythromycin. They destroy bacteria that cause inflammation and suppuration acne. If necessary, the doctor prescribes other drugs:

  • oral contraceptives for the normalization of hormonal background in women;
  • spironolactone;
  • antidrogen substances;
  • isotretinoin (Vitamin A derivative).

Isotretinoin preparations are very effective in acne therapy. However, due to sufficient number side Effects and contraindications they must be appointed only by a doctor.

Other types of acne

In addition to acne, acne may occur in some diseases.

Psoriatic acne

Psoriatic acne, or a drop-shaped psoriasis, are not related to the blockage of output ducts of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. They are also not associated with pathogenic microbial flores of the skin. Psoriatic acne - multiple small painless yellow-pink pimples. They appear on the back and chest, then apply to feet, less often on face, ears, scalp. In children, such acne is often located around the anal opening, leading to the appearance of a strong itching.

The rash is usually associated with the activation of the fungi of the genus Candida or yeast microorganisms causing seborrheic dermatitis. Less often it causes staphylococcus or papillomavirus. Immune system disorders affect the condition of the skin, leading to the appearance of small pimples. Therapy of the disease is carried out with glucocorticoids and ultraviolet irradiation.


The disease is caused by an enhanced skin reaction to external irritation and an increase in the permeability of blood capillaries. It is manifested by small red spots on the cheeks and on the nose. If larger vessels suffer, there are purple paint stains in their place.

The increased permeability of the vessels is due to their changed reactivity on signals from the nervous system. Therefore, Rosacea foci becomes brighter after the use of hot drinks, acute foods, or, for example, when frosting in a warm room. Rosacea rashes are not associated with infection, and require other treatments than ordinary acne.

Acne newborns

Elements are localized on the face and head of the newborn and baby. They have a kind of small white pimples, less often tubercles (papules) and guns. From allergic rash, such acne is distinguished by the unchanged surrounding skin, the lack of itching and communication with the use of new types of food. General state The child does not change.

By three months, rasum usually passes. Its occurrence is due to violations of the hormonal background from the mother during pregnancy. If acne newborns persists in a child older than a year, it is no longer the norm and requires access to a dermatologist.

Acne in children

This form of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of a large number of inflammatory elements in children of the younger age - papules (red tubercles) and empty (gunnow). Usually pathology is caused by violations of work. endocrine system Child - hyperplasia of adrenal glands, tumors producing androgens. Therefore, when a rash appears, a thorough examination is necessary.

Inverse acne

The defeat of the sebaceous glands with this pathology is accompanied by inflammation of the sweat glands nearby. As a result, large urges breaking through the skin are formed. Usually foci are located under mouses, around the nipples, in the octopup region and the crotch.

Inverse acne arise again against the background of severe acne. Their appearance promotes skin irritation, sweating, obesity, mechanical impact. They look like small sublime formations, which gradually soften and open up with the release of pus. Gradually, the focus heals and make up with the formation of a rather large drawn scar. The course of the disease is long, it is poorly treatable.

How to remove scars from acne on the face, read in the previous article.

Lightning acne

This is a severe complication of ordinary youthful teeth of an inflammatory nature. Against the background of a stable flow of the disease, the temperature suddenly rises, signs of intoxication appear. On the skin of the whole body, with the exception of the head, guns arise, quickly obscure with the formation of an ulcer and subsequent scarring.

Lightning acne more often affect adolescents with accompanying diseases of digestive organs, such as colitis or krone disease. It is assumed that a certain role in their appearance plays an irrational treatment of acne antibiotics, retinoids, hormones.

Tropical acne

It appears mainly in young women after applying sunscreen cosmetics and staying in the sun or in solarium. It is caused by the comedogenic effect of such cosmetics associated with the blockage of the withdrawal ducts of the sebaceous glands with oxidized cocoa oils, sea buckthorn, coconut contained in it.

Face, neck, shoulders, hands are affected. On the skin there are comedones with white heads, papules and pustulas. A rash appears in the summer, and in the winter disappears.

Excorised acne

This type of acne is a complication of ordinary acne disease in people with the neurosis of obsessive states, more often in women. Noticing the pimple, they immediately begin to squeeze it, scratch and damage the skin. As a result, joined bacterial infection, Purulent elements arise, which are healing with the formation of scars.

Acne caused by endocrine diseases

Part of the pathogenesis of acne is a violation of hormone exchanges, first of all sex. Therefore, many diseases accompanied by hormonal imbalance, accompanied by different types of acne. These include:

  • adrenogenital syndrome;
  • polycystic ovarian;
  • adrenal tumors;
  • incenko-Cushing syndrome;
  • some pituitary tumors;
  • diabetes other.

Rare forms

  • Keloid acne appear in young men, shaving heads. The reason lies in the damage to hair bulbs. If such pathology occurs, it is necessary to wash the skin of the head shampoo and begin treatment of benzoyl peroxide, glucocorticoids, and sometimes antibiotics.
  • Many bacterial skin diseases are accompanied by a coherent rash. However, it is not vulgar acne. At the same time, other symptoms are becoming the main complaints of the patient - itching, burning, redness.
  • Improper treatment of acne with antibiotics can be complicated by gram-negative folliculite. The disease is manifested by pustling rash, resembling acne, as well as the formation of deep abscesses.
  • Facial piederma is a heavy form of acne, affecting only women under 40 years of age. It is accompanied by the appearance on the face of nodules, gunnings, which are then open up with the formation of small ulcers with subsequent scarring. The disease begins suddenly, often in women who have never suffered from acne, and quickly progresses. In the treatment are used isotretinoin and systemic glucocorticoids.

What to do when the appearance of acne

Angry rash of any type requires long treatment. Sometimes the improvement occurs immediately, but more often during the first weeks or months, the skin condition does not change. The patient should not immediately apply too much drugs. This can cause dry skin and the response of the body in the form of an increase in the production of sebum.

Acne, Jews on the heads in the hair in an adult: Causes, Treatment

1 What are the signs of the folliculite of the scalp?

At the very beginning of the disease, the skin blushes, it becomes sophisticated, it becomes painful. Hair can begin to fall stronger than usual. When scratching hair can easily fall out with a bulb. Surrounded by pus. The enhanced peeling and the sickness of the scalp can be occurring.

Acne on the heads in the hair are usually small, white, resemble an externally goose skin. Usually there are many pimples, they cover a large area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. When combing it is released pus with blood.

Folliculitis and acne are two completely different diseases, although in both cases the symptoms can be acne on the scalp. Folliculitis usually proceeds much harder and is treated longer. From acne, such acne differ in the fact that they occur at the base of the hair, and not in the pores. If the border between a healthy and infected area passes through the growth line of hair, then it is safe to talk about folliculite.

2 because of what pimples appear in the scalp

In winter, it may appear acne on the back of the head of the scarves and high collars because of the wear of the scarves and high collars, in hot weather it is especially affected by temporal areas, hair growth lines on the forehead and neck due to increased sweating.

Also, women who have a habit instead of a head washed whole to wash only bangs, and dirty hair to collect in a tight tail or a bundle and fix the means for fixing the hairstyles, acne can occur on the back of the head.

With an overweight on the back of the head, a deep skin fold can be formed, sweat, skin fat, dirt can accumulate in it. To infection can bring wearing leather and fur hats, which many people never erase at all, turning them into the rampantboard bacteria. In addition, allergic reactions to wool and fur can weaken skin immunity. From this point of view, knitted and knitted products are much hygienic and safer.

In people who wear glasses, local skin inflammation and rash can arise in the area where the arms are adjacent to the head. In this case, you need to regularly shoot glasses to give the skin to breathe and disinfect the alignment itself. At the time of treatment, glasses are better replaced by lenses.

Most often, folliculitis occurs on the skin of the head, as there are most of all the follicles, and they are close to each other. But it can spread to other parts of the body where the hair grows: eyebrows, beard, armpits, pubis. With a weakened immunity, folliculite can even infect areas covered as soon as a noticeable launcher (men have such a complication much more often than in women).

How to get rid of warts on your head?

Warts and papillomas on the head is very frequent. A simple way, without surgery and pain will help get rid of warts anywhere, very effective! The secret shared the main oncologist.

Folliculitis of the scalp is contagious. Moreover, you can not only infect your loved ones, but also constantly infect yourself with hygienic accessories. Therefore, when symptoms are detected, it is necessary to take a rule to regularly disinfect the hairpins, hair bands, combs, scissors, boiling towels and pillowcases, process with antiseptics with razor accessories and replace them with new on time, wash your headwear, carefully dry them, returning from the street. All these items should be individuals - to give them to other people by no means.

3 Treatment methods

The treatment consists of three components:

  1. Proper hygienic care, which includes procedures for cleansing, moisturizing, power and protection.
  2. Funds of traditional medicine.
  3. Medication drugs.

To cure pimples on the heads under the hair, you need to ensure the skin correct care. Greasy hair You need to wash every day, normal - every other day, dry - 1 time in 2 days. Self-effective shampoos and air conditioners based on salicylic acid, zinc, birch tar, sulfur, tea tree oil or eucalyptus. To eliminate the skin, if there is no scratches on it, you can use a means with menthol.

Shampoo and air conditioner need to be thoroughly flushed off, after which the hair can be rinsed with acidic water with a cooler with cooling water to restore acid-alkaline balance.

To cure acne on the heads under the hair, you need to abandon drying with a hairdryer, applying styling products, tight hairstyles, shaving.

4 Folk Remedies Problems

At the time of treatment, it is necessary to abandon any masks containing animal components: eggs, dairy products (including fermented milk), animal fats. Honey, despite its antibacterial properties, can also worsen the state, as it can cause allergic reaction irritated skin and even burn. Instead of masks, it is better to use compresses and rinsing based on the following products:

  • apple vinegar;
  • lemon juice;
  • cinnamon;
  • decrack chamomile, turn, calendula, mint, rosehip, viburnum.

We can use essential oils diluted with water: coniferous (spruce, fir, cedar), citrus (lemon, orange, grapefruit). Cell acne can be treated with tea tree oil. It can be used at undivided.

Alcohol solutions cannot be applied to treatment, as they even have an antibacterial effect, but still cut the skin, accelerating the empty of the epidermis, and destroying a healthy microflora. Dead scales of the scalp, devoid of immune protection, are an ideal environment for breeding bacteria.

In no case cannot be squeezing acne, since the infection can spread to the skin and lead to serious problems.

In compliance with the hygienic rules and the prescriptions of the doctor in 5-6 days after the start of treatment, the gun dries with the formation of a crust and disappear within 2-3 days. During this period, it is important not to scratch your head and do not sink a crust, as this can lead to re-infection. In this case, bacteria can develop resistance to the antibiotic used, which will have to develop a new treatment scheme.

5 What should I do if the glands do not pass on your head?

If the folliculite is not amenable to treating at home, then you need to contact a dermatologist or trichologist to find out the reasons. Depending on the state, the doctor may assign treatment after visual inspection or write the direction of the pimple content analysis to establish the causative agent of infection and assign an antibiotic.

Local treatment of demodecosis is inefficient. As a rule, the doctor appoints a course of metronidazole, Tinidazole, a wide spectrum antibiotic, antifungal drugs. To restore protective functions of the body assigned vitamin complexes. Since the treatment destroys not only the pathogenic skin microflora, but also useful, the correct hygiene in the recovery period is very important, otherwise it will be re-infected and it will have to be treated again.

7 Prevent disease in newborns

The reasons why folliculite develops - weakly developed glands responsible for skin moisturizing, and immature the immune system. Therefore, infants often occurs folliculitis of the scalp. To prevent it, you need to carefully select cosmetics for hair care - do not overheat the head shampoo, do not create a fatty film on it using nutrient creams, but also not to leave the skin without moisturizing. So that the child does not bring infection, you need to cut his nails in time, follow the cleanness of the hands, put on special mittens. Caps, hats, pillowcases and diapers need to be boiled and stroke with a hot iron. It is especially important to observe these measures if folliculite developed in an adult who cares for the child.

8 Does the power affect the skin condition?

Recommendations for nutrition, if jets appeared on the head, the same as when acne. The basis of the diet should be vegetables and greens, not less than half of which need to be consumed in a fresh form (the exception is the white-baked cabbage, as it leads to enhanced gas formation). Combine vegetables are best with whole grain porridge, bean (soy, lentils, chickpeas, Masha). Fruits and berries are consumed in a fresh form separately from other products, citrus is only if the presence of allergies are 100% excluded. Butter is better to use unrefined, without heat treatment. During each meal, you can eat 2-3 nuts of different types. Products of animal origin need to choose innocent or skim. As heat treatment to use boiling, quenching, cooking on a pair or water bath, baking.

At least at least for the treatment, abandon some products:

  • candy, snob, sweet carbonated drinks worsen the microflora state, lead to gas formation and deceleration of the peristaltics;
  • the protein of cow's milk is poorly absorbed by the absolute majority of adults, which leads to a disruption of digestion, so it is better to refuse from fresh milk;
  • smoked, salty, pickled, canned foods are absolutely unhealthy food;
  • synthetic sugar substitutes can cause allergic reactions;
  • burning spices can provoke skin irritation;
  • many patients detect the relationship between the occurrence of acne and the use of iodine preparations. Therefore, at the time of treatment it is better to abandon iodized salt.

To get rid of acne on the head, you need to watch that you eat, wash your head shampoo, which is suitable for you, is less upset and rejoice more to rejoice. And if you have such a problem and the specified methods do not help, then you need to contact the doctor. He will write the necessary drugs.

And a little about secrets.

perhaps you have already tried some means to solve skin skin problems:

All of them are struggling only with external manifestations on the skin, but do not eliminate the reason to get rid of crust, acne, red spots, lichen and dandruff on their heads read interviews with Dr. Sergey Rykov. Where he explains in detail the reason for these skin problems read here!

The inflammation of the hair onion (folliculitis) is an purulent damage to hair follicles, the main signs of which are pain and the presence of infiltrate (liquid). Often hairs of affected bulbs fall out.

Provoke the disease most often two causative agents - white or golden staphylococcus.

The main concomitant factors for the occurrence of the disease are:

  • not compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • minor disorders of the integrity of the skin;
  • immune failure;
  • diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • improper nutrition;
  • liver pathology.


Folliculite is classified by several features. So, according to the reasons for the appearance of ailment, the inflammation of the hair onion in the groin happens:

According to clinical picture The disease happens:

  • uncomplicated;
  • complicated.

Also folliculitis are divided into:

  • multiple;
  • unit.

Forms of folliculitis

Depending on the causes of the occurrence, various clinical forms of inflammation of the hair onion are distinguished:

Also allocate:

  • surface;
  • professional;
  • deep folliculitis (falling out hair).

Clinical picture of illness

Externally, the inflamed hair bulb looks like this:

  • it has an increased size (as a lental grain);
  • it is characterized by a conical form;
  • in the center of education - hairs (over time - drop out).

If you open the follicle, the pus run out of it. After that, there is a small yazelka at the site of inflammation, which after a while dries and is covered with a crust. When inflammation passes, the dark spot remains on the skin or a small scar. Often, the hairs of such follicles fall out.

Initially, the disease looks like a small nodule on the surface of the epidermis, which is subsequently inflated, the pus is released from it.

If it is not possible to eliminate the reason in a timely manner, due to which the follicle was inflamed, the unit form of pathology could grow into multiple.

Stages of development of the disease:

  • hyperemia around the follicle, the appearance of a small seal;
  • the emergence of a painful nodule with infiltrate;
  • immediate formation of a purulent rod;
  • next, either symptoms of folliculite appear. Or develops a furuncle.

Most often, men suffer from the illness - folliculitis arises on the hair of their body.

Where else can the disease be localized? Folliculitis affects such areas of the body:

  • the chin;
  • face;
  • nasolabial triangle;
  • sip of head;
  • torso;
  • legs;
  • buttocks.

Complications of the inflammatory process can be:

  • lymphadenitis;
  • the occurrence of boils.

Often the patient is bothering itching, the soreness of the epidermis, the husk may appear on the head, often the hair falls out.

How to identify Nedug

The "purulent folliculite" diagnosis puts the dermatologist on the basis of the analysis of the character of the rash on the epidermis and its location places.

So, diagnostic events To identify the inflammatory process, such:

  • drawing up the anamnesis of the patient;
  • inspection external signs diseases on the epidermis of the patient;
  • general blood analysis.
  • study of the structure and changes of the follicle;
  • studies aimed at identifying the causative agent of the alend;
  • clinical blood test in order to exclude gonorrhea and syphilis.

Traditional treatment

The main directions of therapy in the folliculitis on the head or other hair sections are as follows:

  • strict adherence to the rules of personal hygiene patients;
  • the use of disinfectants with which the inflamed areas of the epidermis are treated;
  • the use of ointments and creams of antibacterial properties.

If the inflammation is deep, the doctor conducts a surgical opening of the empty, rinsing them disinfectant solution

In particularly severe cases, the dermatologist prescribes immunotherapy and antibiotics.

The patient is prohibited:

  • rinse the affected water and use any compresses;
  • suggest the purulent contents of the follicle.

If a furuncle was formed on the venue of the bulb, it is possible to use the ointment of Vishnevsky at home effective toolto help "pull out" the pus from the follicle.

Home therapy

You can independently wash the affected place with a special antibacterial soap, as well as process it with such means:

  • fuccin;
  • "Zelenka";
  • alcohol solution (the concentration should be small - no more than 2%).

With deep inflammation helps well ichthyol ointment - It is used twice a day, causing a small amount of funds for affected places.

  • the chamomile decoction is treated with inflamed bulbs, it is also appropriate when the hair is losing and then the husk appeared on the skin surface;
  • inside the tincture of dandelion roots are taken inside - two tablespoons of plants are poured with a glass of boiling water;
  • decoction on the basis of a spinner processing ulcers on the epidermis (on two glasses of water - 50 grams of plants);
  • inside the decoction of the burdock - a tablespoon of plants is poured with 50 ml of purified water.


So that it does not reach the folliculitis on the head or other parts of the body, you need to hold simple recommendations:

  • do not allow the appearance of microtrams on the epidermis (for example, it can occur during shaving or in the process of hair removal by tweezers);
  • it is impossible to use personal hygiene objects of other people;
  • reduce the amount of fats used in food;
  • it is forbidden to wear close clothes - friction causes irritation of the epidermis, which can lead to subsequent inflammation.

Avoid folliculitis is easier than to treat this unpleasant disease. If the first symptoms of the inflammatory process appear, it is recommended to apply for a consultation to a doctor - a dermatologist.

The inflammation of the hair onion is an infectious disease resulting from the penetration of staphylococcus in hair follicles through the microtraums of the epidermis. A scientific disease is called "Folliculit". This pathology may occur absolutely every person. It is very important to know why and how the development of the inflammatory process is occurring, as well as the treatment of this pathology.

The main causes of inflammation of hair bulbs

The main reason for the development of the inflammatory process in the hair follicle is the penetration of bacteria. The provoking factors include cut, scratch, injury, as a result of which microcracks are formed on the skin. In most cases, skin damage occurs during shaving or epilation.

Editor's selection: For each of us, the appearance and condition of the hair is important. To date, many suffer from hair loss. Fortunately, this problem is quite solved. Professional treatment Balds in will help completely restore lost hair bulbs. Modern methods Hair transplants lead to successful results.

The following reason lies in wearing narrow clothing, shoes, linen. Most often, women are facing this pathology who develop inflammation of hair bulbs in groin.

The high probability of infection is available in people who suffer from dermatosis of various kinds (allergic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, eczema, scabies). This is due to the fact that a person constantly combing his itchy place, traumating the skin. The likelihood of folliculite in people with high sweating is also great.

Diseases such as diabetes, HIV infection can reduce the protective functions of the skin. People who have used to use glucocorticosteroids for a long time are also in the risk group. The weakening of the barrier functions of the epidermis can be caused by a long use of chemicals.

Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene when visiting public areas (baths, swimming pool, saunas) also leads to the development of inflammation in the hair follicle. It is worth noting that the microbe can penetrate both damaged skin and healthy.


Folliculite develops on any part of the body where hair bulbs are located. Inflammatory process It may develop superficially and on deeper layers of epidermis. Surface inflammation is characterized by a small redness and swelling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hairs. Also in this area there is a small gunnock, the dimensions of which do not exceed 5 millimeters.

If the inflammation passed into the deeper layers of the epidermis, an extensive skin lesion is formed on the surface. In this case, the affectionant can achieve sizes from 1 to 10 centimeters. Depending on the degree of propagation, the unit folliculite and multiple are distinguished.

Signs of folliculite, turning into a more acute stage:

  • a rash of pink color is formed;
  • pain, itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ulotnik;
  • the place of inflammation is gradually increasing in size;
  • in some cases, there is an increase in body temperature.

Treatment of inflammation of hair bulbs

For help you should contact a dermatologist, which will give a qualified purpose. The main therapy lies in the surgical excision of the focus of inflammation using anesthesia (at the request of the patient). In most cases, anesthesia is not required.

The excision is carried out using a surgical scalpel or curette. The inflamed area is carefully processed by an antiseptic and carefully opened. Then the doctor clears the place from the accumulated purulent masses and disinfect.

After the treatment of the hair follicles of the patient, it is necessary to handle the wound with a disinfecting solution several times a day. Most often it is chlorhexidine.

In addition to the main treatment, the doctor may decide on the reception antibacterial drugsWith the help of which there is a detrimental effect on provoking microorganism. These drugs include: Metronidazole, Cefotaxim.