Fat face skin: how to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands? How smoking affects the skin of the face that they are well affected on the skin

24.11.2020 Analyzes

Condition I. appearance Skin is the key to our health and well-being. When the skin is healthy, it is intensively functioning to protect our organism from bacteria and viruses, adjusts the temperature and appearance, feels smooth, not irritated, well moisturized and has a beautiful color.

There are many factors - both internal and external - which affect the health of the skin and on how it looks and feels. Some of them we cannot change, but most can. Careful skin care helps to keep it healthy and look younger longer.

Internal factors that affect skin include genetics, hormones and special conditions, such as diabetes.

Genetics. Your genetic features determine your skin type. The genetic features of a person determine the type of skin (normal, dry, oily or combined) and affect its overall skin condition, and also determine the biological aging of the skin.

Genetic and biological aging of the skin

Genetic features also determine the biological aging of the skin, which is peculiar:

  • The deterioration of the cell regeneration process and their update.
  • Reducing the seals from the sebaceous and sweat glands.
  • Degenerative processes connective tissueAs a result, the skin becomes less capable to bind water molecules and loses elasticity.
  • The rebirth of elastic fibers, which leads to a decrease in skin elasticity.

The biological aging of the skin should not be confused with premature aging of the skin, which is caused by external factors and which can be influenced.

The predisposition to skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and ichthyosis, is also determined by genetically. For example, those who were born with Philagrin's genetic insufficiency (protein, which is contained in the skin), the skin has a weak barrier function and a tendency to excessive sensitivity and atopic dermatitis. With such a tendency, the skin is easier to stress and external influences. Therefore, it is imperative to adhere to the right daily skin care. Read more in articles dry leather and atopic dermatitis.

There are diseases - such as diabetes and renal failurewhich may affect skin condition.

Many external factors can affect skin and lead to skin diseases.


Hormonal changes can affect the skin and cause the appearance of acne.

Hormones and changes in their levels may have a significant effect on the skin:

  • Hormonal changes can cause the appearance of acne during puberty.
  • During pregnancy, hormones can contribute to an increase in the production of melanin and the form of hyperpigmentation, known as melamism.
  • The female estrogen level decreases in the process of biological aging and especially after menopause. Estrogen favorably acts on the balance of moisture in the skin, therefore its decline leads to structural changes and age-related skin atrophy.

External (exogenous) factors

There are many external factors that affect skin health. These factors are determined by the environment, common state Health and the way of life we \u200b\u200badhere to.

Ultraviolet radiation
Free radicals are aggressive molecules that are responsible for the oxidation process, which causes damage to the cells in the tissues of the body. Healthy skin Contains antioxidants that protect it, neutralizing free radicals.

In the epidermis, free radicals are formed mainly for the negative impact of UV rays. Under normal conditions and in conditions of limited exposure to UV rays, skin protective mechanisms are mainly able to cope with the problem. If the solar impact is long, the protective mechanisms are weakened. The skin becomes sensitive and prone to disease. Staying in the sun without protection for many years leads to chronic photoinductive damage to the skin, and ultimately, and to its premature aging.

Extreme temperatures and their fast shift affect skin health.

In cold conditions, the skin reacts by narrowing blood vessels to protect the body from the loss of excessive heat. Sustainable low temperatures reduce the productivity of the sebaceous glands and cause skin irritation and its cutting. Read more in the article Dry skin.

Cold weather can cause skin cut.

Use warm, not hot water. Hot water can cause skin irritation.

In hot and wet conditions (for example, in tropical countries or in the sauna), sweat glands produce more sweat, keeping the skin wet and shiny, and in some cases lead to the formation of acne.

Some skin diseaseFor example, Rosacea may be caused by high temperatures. This is one of the reasons why it is recommended to use warm, and not hot water for cleaning the face, washing hands and bathing.

Chemical impact on the skin

Aggressive products
The skin has a slightly acidic natural reaction with pH 5. Aggressive detergents (for example, sodium lauryl sulfate and moisturizing agents with an alkaline pH) destroy the natural neutralizing skin properties, damage the cell structure and reduce the barrier function of the external layer of epidermis. As a result, the skin can dry and become vulnerable to infections and exacerbation of diseases such as atopic dermatitis.

Some types of chemical peeling can have a similar effect, so it is very important to consult with a dermatologist to make sure that the specific procedure is suitable for your skin.

Some people are especially sensitive to aggressive products:

  • Small children and the elderly: young and old skin is less stable, because the activity of the sebaceous glands is not fully developed or is in decline. Read more in the leather article at different ages.
  • Those who are exposed to chemicals at workplace: representatives of professions such as hairdressers, bricklayers and industrial workers are in constant contact with detergents, solvents, varnishes and paints, and these are all substances that are harmful to the skin.


Aggressive chemicals and skin peelings can damage the PH-balance of the skin. Those who work with chemicals should provide special skin care.

Too frequent washing
Taking a soul or bath too often, too long and with too hot water leads to the loss of natural moisturizing skin factors (Pzf) and surface lipids. The skin dries and becomes coarse. Read more about skin care on the body and daily skin care.

It is known that some medicines and medical procedures cause dry skin like by-effect. It is also important to drink a lot of water, especially for the elderly.

Balanced diet will help keep the skin healthy. There is not so much information about which products best help to maintain skin health, and yet:

  • Fruits vegetables, whole grains And lean proteins (fish instead of meat) are very useful for the skin.
  • A diet rich in vitamin C and low content of fats and carbohydrates can help skin look younger.
  • Antioxidant-rich products also have protective properties. These include: Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables (for example, carrots and apricots), blueberries, green leafy vegetables (for example, spinach), tomatoes, peas, beans and lentils, fish (especially salmon), nuts.
  • Diets that exclude a certain group of food and their nutritional value are not useful for skin health. It is also desirable to limit the consumption of sweets and dairy products. It is important to drink a lot of water, especially for the elderly.

There is no clear relationship between the power and the causes of the formation of acne.

Medical events
Some medical preparations (for example, chemotherapy, diuretic, laxative and hypolypidemic drugs, which are sometimes accepted for treatment cardiovascular diseases) and medical procedures (for example, radiation therapy and dialysis) I can make the skin more sensitive and prone to dryness.

Lifestyle for skin health

Healthy image Life can help slow down the natural aging process and prevent skin problems:

Avoid stress

Uncontrollable stress can make the skin more sensitive and cause skin problems, including acne. It is necessary to get rid of stress: reduce loads, to find time for leisure, as well as stress can help relaxation.

Regular physical exercises Positively affect the health of the skin, as well as the condition of the body as a whole.

Spit enough
Healthy sleep gives the body a chance for recovery and thereby contributes to the renewal of the skin.

Throw smoking
Tobacco smoke is the main source of formation of free radicals in the skin. Smoking leads to the fact that the skin looks older and premature wrinkles appear because of:

  • The narrowing of tiny blood vessels in the inner layers of the skin. This reduces blood flow and deprives the skin of oxygen and nutrients, such as Vitamin A.
  • Negative effect on collagen and elastin: fibers that provide skin elasticity and elasticity.

Harmful habits and modern rhythm of life extremely negatively affect health. But they are also able to worsen the condition of the skin, which is particularly undesirable for representatives of the fine sex. If you want to keep beauty, find out how stress and alcohol use is affected.

Effect of alcohol

How does alcohol affect our skin? Consider the main directions of negative impact:

  • Dehydration of the skin. The use of an alcoholic organism perceives as intoxication and seeks to bring everything soon toxic substances, Washing them together with liquid. Therefore, drinking alcoholic beveragesThe next day we are so often visiting the toilet. And devoid of lively moisture, the skin loses her elasticity and freshness, it starts to grow old faster and becomes dry.
  • Premature aging. Alcoholic beverages provoke dehydration, disrupt blood circulation and worsen the blood supply to the tissues of the skin, which causes hypoxia (the lack of oxygen) and the insufficiency of the necessary substances. Not receiving nutrition and devoid of natural breathing leather makes up faster.
  • . Usually, during the feasts, we drink a lot, rarely get up and practically do not visit the toilet. Liquid is stirred, and not only in the kidneys and in bladder bubbleBut in almost all the tissues of the human body, including the epidermis. For this reason, many alcoholics persons look swimming, very earthen.
  • Redness. Ethanol adversely affects the vessels: destroys their walls, stretches. As a result, after the use of hot drinks, the victims of the capillaries are filled with blood and give the face a reddish shade, which looks extremely unattractive.
  • Increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Many alcoholic beverages contain sugar, which, getting into the body in increased quantities, negatively affects the condition of the skin, namely it causes an uglier bold gloss, appearance of pimples. Exacels the situation not the most useful snacks that are usually accompanied by a feast.
  • Inflammation. The body directs all its strength to eliminate intoxication and eliminating ethanol, and there is not enough energy to relieve inflammatory energy processes. Because of this, pimples appear on the face, redness.
  • Ugly shade. Alcohol contributes to washing from the body of minerals, macro- and microelements and vitamins, including those that are directly responsible for the color and structure of the skin. As a result, the face looks much worse.
  • The deterioration of the facial oval. The use of alcoholic beverages relaxes muscular muscles. And if the muscle tone is disturbed, they cannot hold the face and soft fabrics Skin helps, their ptosis occurs - omit. Especially strong suffer upper eyelids And cheeks.
  • Debrity. Alcohol slows down the production of collagen, and this substance is responsible for the elasticity and elasticity of human skin. As a result, the tour decreases, the epidermis is stretched.
  • . As noted above, the alcohol contributes to damage to the vascular walls. Small capillaries do not withstand blood moving along them (and alcohol abuse often increases blood pressure) and burst that provokes the formation of so-called vascular stars and nets on the face.
  • Ugly yellow tint. The liver suffers from alcohol to drink, and when it begins to work with interruptions, the skin can turn yellow.

Influence of cigarettes

Nothing good skin brings smoking. If cigarettes are one of your bad habits, then be prepared for such problems:

  • Pore \u200b\u200bclock. When smoking, a cigarette smoke is inevitably formed, which leaving oral cavity, rushes straight into the face - on the skin. The particles contained in it are settled on the surface of the skin, violate their natural breathing, clog the pores. As a result, you appear with which it is not so easy to fight.
  • Tuskness face. Nicotine contained in cigarettes and certainly falling into the organism of a smoker, provokes the narrowing of small blood vessels, which literally permeate the epidermis tissues. As a result, the skin coverings are deprived of full nutrition, they suffer from the deficit of the nutrients and oxygen portable with blood, become dull.
  • Hypoxia dermis. In tobacco smoke contains carbon oxide, which in human organism replaces oxygen. As a result, hypoxia develops from which all the fabrics suffer, including skin cover.
  • Signs of aging. Some harmful toxic substances that are part of cigarette smoke destroy the antioxidants contained in the body and provoke an increase in the number of free radicals. Such substances provoke oxidation, cell mutation, premature aging. Therefore, smokers, as a rule, look much older than their years.
  • Wrinkles around the mouth. Smoking man holds cigarettes with lips, cycling certain muscles. Because of this, specific mimic wrinkles appear, surrounding the mouth and strongly spoiling the appearance of a woman.
  • Scientists have found that the harmful habit in mind activates in the human DNA gene code, which launching the synthesis of collagenase is a special substance that destroys the collagen molecule. And if you consider that Collagen is responsible for the elasticity of the dermis, then it is possible to conclude that smoking makes the skin of the flabby.
  • Do not heal damage. Smoking slows down the processes of regeneration and restoration of tissues, so even small scratches, wounds and abrasions on the skin heal in smokers much slower.
  • Cooperosis. Smoking badly affects the elasticity of the walls of the vessels, and if they become fragile, small hemorrhages arise, vascular meshes and stars.
  • Irritation. The aggressive substances contained in tobacco smoke are strongly irritated not only the mucous membranes, but also skin covers.
  • Yellowness. If a person smokes on a bundle on a day and more, Nicotine falling into his body gives the skin to the unattractive yellowish tint, making his face tired and painful.

Effect of stress

Unfortunately, stress for many has become a constant companion and an integral part of modern life. We are often nervous at work, at home, in public transport. And it does not only wear out nervous system, but also adversely affects the condition of the skin. That's what women threaten frequent experiences and stress:

  • Stress provokes spasm of vessels, due to which the blood supply to the tissues of the skin is disturbed. Cells do not receive a sufficient amount of nutrients and oxygen, are deprived of normal nutrition and respiration. Hypoxia and the deficit of some important compounds worsen the state and appearance of the face.
  • Cortizol and adrenaline produced by the body in stressful situations provoke an increase in blood glucose levels, which changes the properties of collagen. Because of this, the skin loses elasticity, covered with wrinkles.
  • It helps to slow the synthesis of natural hyaluronic acid, which helps to keep moisture in cells. And this hormone disrupts the integrity of the natural protective layer, which contributes to even more rapid evaporation of moisture. As a result - dryness, loss of freshness and youth.
  • Collagen inhibits the growth and formation of fibroblasts involved in the processes of reparation, due to which the processes of regeneration are slowed down, and the collagen generation is slowed down. Outcome: The skin becomes very vulnerable, it is rapidly damaged, exposed to negative factors of the external environment and mechanical impacts.
  • Following the vessel spasms, their expansion occur, increasing the level arterial pressure. Because of this, when we are angry, the face blushes greatly, which is exactly not painting a woman.
  • Strong and frequent stresses become a huge burden for the body, which all forces directly directs the replenishment of the energy reserves and eliminating negative consequences. As a result, the forces on the relief of the inflammation localized in the Derma simply does not remain, and the face is covered with pimples, red spots.

What to do?

What to do to keep the youth and beauty of the skin? The answer is logical: lead a healthy lifestyle. Limit alcohol intake or give up it at all. You can allow yourself to drink for a glass of red wine two or three times a week to improve blood circulation.

Stop smoking. Yes, it is not easy to do, but if you enlist the support of loved ones or find like-minded people, conceived. You can also take advantage of one of the modern means to help fight a detrimental habit.

Believe everything is easier and not nervous. Collect relaxation techniques, learn to abstract, meditate. If stresses are strong, you can consult a doctor and ask him to prescribe a sedative preparation.

Smoking, stress and alcohol are enemies of our skin. Forget about such habits, and you save youth and beauty!

The state of our skin depends on hundreds of factors: weather, cycles, ecology, and even sexual life. Let's figure out exactly how sex is reflected on beauty.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that sex in girls is associated with the development of three different hormones. Estrogen and oxytocin have a positive effect on the skin, but prolactin is not. Now let's look more detailed for these processes.

How estrogens affect the skin of the face

On this topic

COGDES We have sex, in our body the number of female sex hormones - estrogen is seriously increasing. They are produced by ovaries and contribute to more active allocation of vaginal muculence. It is this hormone that is responsible for our femininity, attractiveness and even character. Estrogen contributes to the renewal of the cells of the whole organism, and therefore supports youth and health.

There is an estrogen deficit that usually happens to us in the second half of the cycle. Did you notice the decline of strength, weak performance, bad mood and even insomnia at this time? The reason can be just in hormones. On the contrary, when you are full of energy and strength, do not worry every minute and is ready to conquer the whole world, it will certainly mean that the number of estrogen in the body has increased. Take a note to control your mood! For example, a creamy-milk cocktail or vitamin E will help you a bit of cheating: they increase the production of estrogen.

How prolactin affects the skin of the face

But during sex, namely on his peak, the number of prolactin is growing in the body. This hormone is responsible for education. breast milk. It is localized in lactic glands. That is why our chest swells a little and becomes an elastic during Intim. Prolactin releases men's hormones that quickly spoil the quality of the skin and hair. The thing is that prolactin regulates the water-salt exchange in the body and delays the release of water and salt by the kidneys.

How oxytocin affects the skin of the face

Another female hormone - oxytocin. He makes us very gentle and awakens affection in us. Especially much is produced after delivery. This is the idea of \u200b\u200bnature, thanks to which the mother loves their children so much. Also, oxytocin in large quantities is allocated in stressful situations, raising work immune system.

On this topic

During sex, oxytocin has a direct impact on the smooth muscles of the uterus: it begins to shrink, and its tone rises. After orgasm, oxytocin and prolactin awaken real maternal feelings in a woman. This explains our caring behavior towards a man. From here and the desire to hug and talk after proximity.

The influence of oxytocin on the skin of the face is definitely positive, because the hormone stimulates the activity of the immune system and does not give to develop a conditioned pathogenic microflora on the skin. In addition, it helps the body more actively process glucose, which, on the contrary, contributes to the reproduction of bacteria leading to inflammation.

Thus, in general, thanks to sex, our skin really looks better (and for the whole body, it is definitely useful), just solve serious problems, such as acne, with the help of sex, alas, it is impossible.

Stress becomes a direct cause of appearance on the face of pigment spots and races, as well as bruises and dark circles in the eye area. When we are nervous, our skin becomes gray and lifeless. This was confirmed by a nutritionist and psychiatrist Emy Veksler, who even came up with the term for this event - "stressful aging."

Emy delivered everything that could be somehow connected with stress: lack of sleep, poor-quality sleep, nervous work, an unhealthy lifestyle. It is all these factors provoke the appearance of acne, acne, pigment stains and wrinkles that are able to add your appearance to 6 years!

What exactly is the reason for the effect of stress on the skin?

The bottom line is that stress is sharply affected by the digestion process. In disruption of the digestion, the bacteria begin to behave unusual and threaten the integrity of the intestinal microflora. Thus, the regular appearance of acne throughout the body - indicates the effect of stress on the skin.

The second cause is cortisol - a hormone of stress. It is its content that he rises sharply in the blood when we are nervous. And the high content of cortisol destroys collagen, which is responsible for the youth of the skin.

How stress affects the skin: how to be?

All this event can be balanced if you learn to relax correctly. This will help several ways to relaxation. Oddly enough but active physical exercise (including sex). These classes increase the content of beta endorphins in the blood, which are struggling with the effects of cortisol.

It is also important to carry out more time in the fresh air, walking in the parks and leave for the city, since the ecological side of life in the urban environment also has a destructive effect on the skin.

Read also

Help will be able to help and meditation designed to calm down and balance the state. For this, it is not necessary to pay expensive courses and individual classes. In the network, the mass of applications for smartphones that will help in this business.


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Cosmetics against stress skin

To protect the skin from environmental aging, you should look for protective ceramides, antioxidants (polyphenols, vitamin C, green tea), anti-inflammatory components (rose, phytosterols). Probiotics will also be effective, they soothe and protect the skin from the negative effect of external factors.

Please note that the objects of cosmetic brands produce whole range of cosmetics against skin stress, which effectively protect and restore.

Moisturizing Antistress Fluid Facial Kiehl's Skin Rescuer Stress-Minimizing Daily Hydrator

The skin covers the whole body of a person and is the largest organ. In addition, it performs certain functions that are of great importance for our body. But there are 5 main factors that are capable of negatively affect skin condition.

  1. Stress

To begin with, we will remind, which is stress. Stress - this is a strong tension to which the body is subjected as a result of certain emotional shocks. Let's try to catch the connection between the stresses and the state of our skin. The fact is that during stress in our body there is an active mining of hormones adrenaline and Cortizolawhich have a definitely negative effect on the skin.

Under the action of adrenaline, skin capillaries are exposed to spasm. For this reason, the blood begins to be forced, which leads to the deprivation of its oxygen, as well as essential nutrients. As a result, the skin acquires a pale yellow color. In individual cases, in parallel with the spasm of small vessels of the skin, on sites next door, their unexpected expansion occurs, due to the neurological character. It is manifested by stagnant red spots on the skin.

As for cortisol, at the time of stress, it is also hostile to our skin, namely, it provokes an increase in the amount of sugar in the blood, the excess of which contributes to the launch of the processes that change the collagen molecules, and therefore its properties. On the soil of such transformations, the skin becomes rigid, and the number of wrinkles on it inevitably grows. Cortisol slows down division and reproduction the most important cells of connective tissue of the body - fibroblastsWhat leads to the braking of the origin of collagen fibers and violating their recovery. Against the background of this, the injury of the skin is easy, the protracted healing in various injuries, thinning and stretching.

Moreover, natural development decreases under the influence of cortisol hyaluronic acid, which is a magnificent humidifier. Plus, this hormone threatens the significance of a natural skin barrier, which makes it possible to evaporate more intense. Along with these processes, sensitivity is significantly increasing, including photosensitivity of the skin, conditions appear for its infection and inflammation, dryness occurs.

The excess of this hormone stimulates the formation of fats, which leads to their accumulation in organs and tissues of the body and increases the production of sebum.

At the time of emotional bursts in our intestine a large number is formed. histamines (Mediators allergic reactions) which can cause the appearance of rash, small pimples, as well as an increase in skin sensitivity to all sorts of stimuli.

Permanent or long-term stress in stress provokes the cramps of the face muscles, hence the elastin fiber stretches more than should, the skin is deprived of elasticity.

Pretty frequent phenomena that accompany stress is poor-quality sleep and / or its disadvantage. According to the results of scientific research, it is proved that the restoration action of sleep is necessary for the formation of new and updates of old skin cells. This process is regulated hormone sleep - melatonin. Unfortunately, the older the person becomes, the less active in its body produces melatonin. Accordingly, the more time we devote to sleep, we'll look like. Otherwise, the skin tone is reduced and a significant risk of folds and wrinkles appears on it.

  1. Ecology

It is known that the ecological situation in the whole country and the world is quite negative. The presence of various kinds of pollution (exhaust gases, dust, was able, tough water, etc.) present in the environment, reflected in the state of our skin. To the most striking skin problems caused by negative influence Ecology include:

  • pallor, lethargy and dryness,
  • loss of elasticity and elasticity,
  • premature wrinkles,
  • pore \u200b\u200bblocks
  • redness
  • allergic manifestations.
  • I (Scandinavian)

Thin, light skin. Light or red hair. Characterized bright eyes and the presence of freckles. Ultraviolet's portability Minimum - a few minutes after irradiation, the skin flares (arises inflammatory process). Uniform tan is absent. The use of sunscreens necessarily.

  • II (European)

Light leather and hair. Freckles can be found. Eyes of light, gray, blue, green colors. Under the influence of ultraviolet, the skin is easily burning. Provided a noticeable natural tan problematic. The use of C / s means is also a prerequisite.

  • III (Middle Eastern)

The skin of the ivory. Dark and light brown hair. Light brown eyes. The skin sunbathes easily. Tan smooth. With long stay in the sun can burn. The use of C / s means is necessary.

  • IV (Mediterranean)

Olive skin color. Dark brown, black hair. Dark-karie, black eyes. The skin almost does not burn. Tan arises quickly and lasts for a long time. The use of C / s means is necessary with long-term exposure ultraviolet radiation (not so much to prevent burns, how much to prevent premature skin aging).

  • V (Asian)

Yellow brown, brown or yellow skin and black hair. The skin is never burning. Tan is almost invisible due to the natural color of the skin. There is no need to use C / s.

  • VI (African)

Dark (black) leather, dark eyes And black hair. The skin also never burns. Natural skin protection from UV rays. There is no need for C / s tools.

  • Over time, Melanin has the property to accumulate in the cells of our skin. Due to this, with age, brown stains of small sizes appear on it, resembling freckles. This is the so-called dark spots. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get rid of them. Dark spots Increase age and make inhomogeneous skin color.
  • It is also known that UV increases the risk of oncological skin diseases. Also, with regular use of solar baths or visiting a solarium, small moles are often formed, which are benign neoplasms.
  1. Smoking

When smoking, the skin gets a double toxic blow: it suffers from cigarette smoke in principle and is saturated with the harmful components of this smoke when it is inhaled, sucking in the blood and acting blood vessels To skin cells and nervous endings.

During smoking nicotine (alkaloid contained in tobacco) Provocates the narrowing of the vessels, which leads to a violation of the intake of oxygen to the tissues. This leads to a slow healing of skin damage, since this process requires good blood supply. Due to the negative impact of tobacco smoke, people having this bad habit are most susceptible to the risk of skin cancer and more frequent recurrence. Scars, respectively, in the postoperation period are delayed for a long time. Moreover, tobacco smoke contributes to education carboxygemoglobin In the vessels, which leads to the final deterioration in the breath of the skin. Interesting is the fact that the narrowed vessels remain in this state up to 1.5 hours after smoking one cigarette. This suggests that a person smoking every 1.5 hours creates conditions of permanent oxygen starvation for its own skin.

Smoking contributes to the destruction of collagen and elastin fibers, respectively, the elasticity and elasticity of the skin is lost. With constant wrinkling of lips and squinting the eyes under the influence of smoke in smokers, wrinkles appear near the mouth, on the forehead and around the eyes. For those who smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day, there is such information: the risk of noticeable and deep wrinkles is 5 times higher than that of non-smoking people, and their appearance is much earlier (sometimes with a difference of 20 years!). But on wrinkles problems do not end. Often smokers recognizable on the unhealthy state of the skin of a person having a yellowish or gray shade and an extended capillary meshe on the nose and cheeks. The skin is distinguished by rudeness and rigidity.

  1. Alcohol

There is one indisputable fact regarding alcohol: alcohol spoils the appearance of a person before there is a feeling of influence on its body as a whole. Consider the negative impact of this factor on the state of our skin.

  • It is known that the alcohol expands the vessels. That is why initially a person appears, it would seem, a harmless blush on his face. Nevertheless, when alcohol abuse, gluing is glued in the blood red Blood Taurus - Erythrocytesexercising oxygen transportation and, as a result, oxygen starvation of skin cells. If immediately several capillaries are clocked with erythrocyte clots, due to blood pressure, their gap occurs. For this reason, a purple vascular mesh and a blue-red face appears.
  • After drinking alcohol, the liver begins to work intensively to recycle it, and the kidney is to bring decay products. It is for this reason that the alcohol has a pronounced diuretic effect. As a result, a significant dehydration of the body. At the same time, the water leaves the subcutaneous fatty tissue. The skin becomes dry, dim, loses the former smoothness and earns the appearance of small wrinkles, as well as a more noticeable manifestation of existing one.
  • The regular use of alcoholic beverages is impoverished by the reserves of vitamins C and E, helping to save collagen. Against this, the contour of the face is deprived of clarity, and in some areas the skin is accusing. In addition, the alcohol reduces the ability of the skin to recovery, therefore the regenerating period due to any damage continues longer than could be.
  • Alcohol also acts on the hormonal level, namely, it contributes to the restructuring of the hormonal background. In women, for example, the level of men's genital hormones becomes higher, as a result of which the skin grundes, the pores become pronounced. It should be noted that such consequences are very poorly cosmetic correction.
  • When the use of alcohol turns into abuse of them, listed earlier signs are gaining strength and new problems appear: suffering, for example, the function of the liver and kidney, appear chronic pathology These and other organs. As for the skin, bags under the eyes appear, strong personnel and endlessness of the face.

Useful tips on protecting our skin from the influence of negative factors

1) healthy lifestyle, including:

  • no harmful habits (smoking, alcohol),
  • strong healthy sleep (preferably at the same time)
  • proper nutrition (eating food rich in antioxidants),
  • avoiding stressful situations (if possible),
  • sports (mainly outdoors),
  • any departures outside the city (in nature).

2) Skin care with suitable cosmetics (moisturizing creams, scrubies, peels, masks, etc.). If possible, it would be worthwhile to visit the beautician. It will help determine the type of your skin, as well as photosensitivity and select cosmetics for individual care. Here are some advises to care for the skin in winter and summer periods:

  • In winter, it should be very gently cleaning the skin, use means with moisturizing and softening properties, as microcracks appear on dry leather, which may cause infection. Although there is one big plus: in winter, especially in frost weather, the air is very clean and all harmful microbes penetrate into the skin to a lesser extent, and some of them simply die.
  • As for the summer period, at this time it is necessary to avoid blocking the pores and use the means of light texture. The same applies to sunscreens. For those who are going to sunbathe: purchase a high-quality tanning agent with protection factor (SPF) at least 30 and use it every day after taking the soul. On the first day, take sunbathing for 20 minutes, and then gradually increase the time of staying in the sun. Tanning in any summer headdress so as not to earn a sunny hit and do not overheat the skin of the face and hair. Close your shoulders when returning from the beach. Observe the recommended time for the sun, namely until 10:00 and after 16:00, when the sun's rays are soft enough, do not cause burns, the tan falls smoothly, and the skin becomes a beautiful bronze tint.