Master and Margarita characters characters. Master and Margarita. Interesting Facts. "What would know ..." (M.A. Bulgakov). Stepan Bogdanovich Lyarkheev

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According to the novel, Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov and screen vendors


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The ancient Jews Azazel was the goat-like desert spirit (the word "azazel", more precisely, "Aza-El" means "goat-God"). The traces of the destination of the goat-shaped god - the devil are preserved in modern Jewish and Christian beliefs: the devil, who adopted at a much later time in the representation of the believers of a person, retained, however, some of their ancient external attributes: horns and hooves. The mention of the Azazel Demon is found in the Old Testament Book of Enha. So the name of the fallen angel, who taught people to make weapons and decorations. Probably, Bulgakov attracted a combination in one character of the ability to dedication and to the murder. It is for the insidious seduder that accepts Azazello Margarita during their first meeting in the Alexander Garden: "This neighbor was a small growth, a flame-growing, with a fang, in starch linen, in a striped-free suit, in lacquered shoes and a bowler on the head. "A completely robbing face!" - thought Margarita. " But the main function of Azazello in the novel is associated with violence. He throws Lyarkayev from Moscow to Yalta, expelled from the bad apartment with Uncle Berlioz, kills Marone Maygel from the revolver. Azazello gives Margarita magic cream, which not only makes the heroine invisible and capable of flying, but also gives it a new, witch beauty. It was the Hebrew Demon Azazel who taught women to decorate themselves with precious stones, rumbling and sharing - in a word, presented the seduction lesson. In the epilogue of the novel, this fallen angel appears before us in a new appearance: "On the side of all flew, the blistest steel of armor, Azazello. The moon changed his face. Differently disappeared without a trace, and the curlsia turned out to be false. Both eyes Azazello were the same, empty and black, and the face is white and cold. Now Azazello flew in his present form, as a demon of anhydrous desert, demon-killer "

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Alexander Rühin, the poet of massolta, accompanied by I. Homeless to the psychiatric hospital of Dr. Stravinsky (chapter 6, "Schizophrenia, as mentioned"). Subjected to brutal criticism of the homeless: "Typical cam in its psychology, and moreover a cam, carefully masking under the proletarian. Look at his lean physiognomy and diminish with those sonorous verses that he composed to the first number! "Write!" Yes "Drag!" ... And you look at it inside - what he thinks there .. You are ahnet! ". "A visit to the thorny house left in it (Rühin) the hardest trace." The words of the homeless helped to realize A. Ryukhin meaninglessness of his poetry: "The truth, the truth said! I do not believe in any of what I am writing! .. ". The trip made it "completely sick and even aged". In the morning, Ryukhin ate and drank in the restaurant, "realizing and recognizing that it was impossible to correct in his life, but you can only forget." "The poet I spent my night, and now I understood that it was impossible to return it."

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A familiar master who wrote a false denunciation for him for the sake of assigning living space. Was expelled from his new apartment in the retinue of Voland. After the trial, Woland left Moscow, but, waking somewhere in Vyatka, returned. Replaced the position of the Phonde theater of the Variety Theater of Rome. Mogarych's activities in this position delivered large bearers

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A pensioner known for its caustic character. Wherever she appeared, chaos and discord came everywhere. Broke a bottle with sunflower oil on the tramways, which was the cause of the death of Berlioz. Lives the floor below the "bad apartments". Later was intimidated by Azazelo to return the diamond horseshot found in the entrance, donated by Woland to Margarita (Horseshoe with diamonds was returned to Margarita)

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The director of the House of Griboedov, the Terrible Head and a person with phenomenal intuition. Economic and, according to catering, begging. The author compares it with a pirate, captain of the brig

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Head of the Secret Service, a colleague of Pilate. He led to the execution of the murder of Judas and threw money received for the betrayal, in the residence of the High Priest Caifa

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An NKVD employee, an accredited spying for wave and his retinue, which is a party to the employee of the spectacular commission as an examination of foreigners with the sights of the capital. Satan was killed on the ball as a sacrifice, the blood of the liturgical bowl of Voland was filled

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Poet, member of the massolist. Real surname - Ponyarev. Posted by an anti-Religious poem, one of the first heroes (along with Berlioz), who met with Korovyev and Woland. He fell into the clinic for the mentally ill, also the first to meet the master. Then he cured, stopped engaging in poetry and became a professor of the Institute of History and Philosophy

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The conference theater variety. Was cruelly punished by the retinue of Woland - he was tearing off his head - for unsuccessful comments that he was released during the presentation. After the head of the head, he could not come to his senses and was delivered to the clinic of Professor Stravinsky

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The chairman of the massolist is a writer, read-in, educated and skeptical people. I lived in the "bad apartment" on Sadovaya, 302-bis, where, later, wave settled in Moscow. He died, without believing the prediction of Voland about his sudden death, made shortly before her. On the balus of Satan, his further fate was determined by Woland on the theory, according to which everyone will be given to his faith ... Berlioz appears before us on the ball in the image of its own sliced \u200b\u200bhead. In the future, the head was turned into a bowl in the form of a skull on a golden leg, with emerald eyes and pearl teeth ... The skull cover was thrown into the hinge. In this case, the Spirit of Berlioz and found non-existence

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Nikonora Ivanovich's wife

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Chairman of the residential in the garden street, where Wolve settled for the time of stay in Moscow. Zhaden, on the eve made the hitch of funds from the cashier of the residential department.

Koroviev concluded a contract with him for a temporary housing and gave a bribe, which later claimed the chairman, "herself crawled into his portfolio." Then Korovyev, by order of Voland, turned the transmitted rubles into dollars and on behalf of one of the neighbors reported on the hidden currency in the NKVD.

Trying at least somehow justify himself, Bosoy admitted bribery and stated about similar crimes from his assistants, which led to the arrest of all members of the residential. Because of further behavior, the interrogation was sent to a psychiatric hospital, where the nightmares were chased, related to the requirements of the existing currency

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Theater administrator variety. He fell into the paws to the Woland's gang, when it was used in the NKVD printout of correspondence with Likameev who fell into Yalta. In the punishment for "lie and rudeness by phone," was turned gella into a vampire-gunner. After the ball, it was turned back to man and released. Upon completion of all the events described in the novel, Varenuha became a more good-natured, polite and honest person.

An interesting fact: the punishment of Varenuhi was "private initiative" Azazello and Hippo

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Satan, who visited Moscow under the guise of a foreign professor of black magic, "Historian". At the first appearance (in the "Master and Margarita" novel tells the first chapter from the novel (about Yeshua and Pilate). The main feature of the appearance is eye defects and chromotypes for one leg. Appearance: "The growth was not small and not huge, but just high. As for the teeth, on the left side he had platinum crowns, and with the right - gold. I wore an expensive gray suit, expensive foreign shoes for the color of the costume, always had a cane, with a black knob in the form of a poodle head; The right eye is black, the left for some reason is greens; The mouth of some curve. Will shake smoothly. " Smoked the tube and constantly wore a cigarette

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The witch and the vampire from Satan's Sweets, embarrassed all of his visitors (from among people) habit not to wear almost nothing. The beauty of her body spoils only the scar on the neck. The Woland's retinue plays the role of the maid. Woland, recommending Gella Margarita, says that there is no that service that she could not have. Gella bit Varenuhu, and then together with him attacked the Fielder of the Roman

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The wandering philosopher of Nazareth, described by Woland on the patriarching ponds, as well as the master in his novel, compared with the image of Jesus Christ. The name of Yeshua Ga-Nozri denotes Jesus on Hebrew (Yeshua ????) from Nazareth (Ga-Nochri ??????). However, this image is significantly dispersed with the biblical prototype. It is characteristic that he tells the Pontius Pilat that the Levi-Matvey (Matthew) misinterpreted his words and that this confusion would continue very long time. " Pilate: "But what did you still spoke about the temple of the crowd in the bazaar?" Yeshua: "I, Inemon, said that the temple of the old faith would collapse and a new temple of truth will be created. He said so that it was clearer "

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Judean High Priest, Head of the Sedrin, who condemned the death of Yeshua Ga-Nozri

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Young resident of Hashalaim, who passed by Yeshua Ga-Nochri in the hands of Sedrin. Pontius Pilate, experiencing his involvement in the execution of Yeshua, organized the secret murder of Judah to revenge

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Procurator's wife Judea Pontius Pilate (character from the screenization)

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Character from Satan Sweet, which appears in the image of a huge black cat, werewolf and favorite Jester Voland.

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Accountant Variety. While I handed over the cashier, I discovered the traces of the stay of Sweet Voland in institutions where he visited. During the commissioning of the cashier, unexpectedly found that the money turned into a variety of foreign currency, for which he was arrested

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The surname of the Latunsky, who criticized the master of clericalism, is a hybridom names of two famous critics of the 1930s., A. Orlinsky (real surname Cryps, 1892-1938) and O. Litovsky (real surname Kagan, 1892-1971), really speaking with sharp Criticizing Bulgakov

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The only follower of Yeshua Ga-Nozri in the novel. Accompanied his teacher to death, and later he took him from the cross to bury. Also had the intention to be slaughtered by the execution of Yeshua to save him from the flour on the cross, but in the end failed. At the end of the novel comes to Voland, sent by his teacher Ishua, asking for peace for the Master and Margarita

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Director of the Theater Varieta, neighbor Berlioz, also living in the "bad apartment" on the garden. Sleacher, womanizer and drunkard. For the "official discrepancy" was transferred to Yalta by the henchmen of Voland

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Beautiful, secured, but bored in married the wife of a famous engineer, suffering from the void of his life. I accidentally having met the master on the streets of Moscow, at first glance, I loved him, passionately believed in the success of the novel written by him, propheted glory. When the master decided to burn his novel, she managed to save only a few pages. Next concludes a deal with the Messier and to regain the missing masters, becomes the Queen of the Satanic Ball, arranged by Woland. Margarita is a symbol of love and self-sacrifice in the name of another person. If you call a novel without using symbols, then "Master and Margarita" is transformed into "Creativity and Love"

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Centurion, the guard of Pilate, crumpled once in the battle with the Germans, acting convoir and directly conducted the execution of Yeshua and two more criminals. When a strong thunderstorm began on Mount, the Ishua and other criminals began to be able to leave the place of execution. Another version states that Pontius Pilate ordered to stab the convicts (which is not allowed by law), in order to facilitate their suffering. Perhaps the nickname "Rat" he received because he himself was Herman. In a conversation with Yeshua, Pilate characterizes the march of the rat as a cold and convinced executioner

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Professional historian who won a large amount in the lottery and has the opportunity to try himself in literary work. Becoming a writer, managed to create a brilliant novel about Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ga-Nozri, but turned out to be a person who was not adapted to the era in which he lived. He was brought to despair by persecution from colleagues, critically criticized his work. Nowhere in the novel is not mentioned by his name and surname, he always refused to submit to direct questions, saying - "Let's not talk about it." It is known only under the nickname "Master", this Margarita. He himself considers himself unworthy of such a nickname, considering his capricious beloved. The master - the person who has achieved the highest success in any activity may be, so he rejected the crowd, which is not able to appreciate his talent and abilities. Master, the main character of the novel, writes Roman about Yeshua (Jesus) and Pilate. The master writes a novel, in his own way interpretizing gospel events, without wonders and the forces of grace - like a thick. The master communicated with Woland - Satan, a witness, according to him, which occurred, described the events of the novel.

"From the balcony, carefully looked into the room shaved, dark-haired, with a sharp nose, alarmed eyes and with a creepy face of the hair of about thirty eight."

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Beauty, blonde housekeeper Margarita. She secretly smeared with Azazello cream, after which he turned into a witch and, Sidellas Borov (Nikolai Ivanovich), set off after Margo. Natasha, along with Gella, helped Margarita on the ball at Satan, after which he did not want to return to her old life and scored Woland to leave her witch

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A resident of Yersshalaima, Agens Agent, pretended by the beloved Judah, to lure him into a trap on the orders of Afran

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Neighbor Margarita from the bottom floor. The housekeeper was turned by the housekeeper by Margarita Natasha in Borov and in this form "brought as a vehicle" to the Satan Ball. The cause of punishment is lust. At the request, Margarita was forgiven, but until the end of his days I had breakdown for forgiveness: it is better to be Borov under Natasha's bare than to live a century with an adult wife

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The fifth prosecutor of Judea in Yershalaima, a cruel and domineering man, nevertheless managed to imbued with sympathy to Yeshua Ga-Nozri during his interrogation. I tried to stop the well-established mechanism of execution for insulting Caesar, but failed to do this, about whom the whole life later repent. He suffered from a strong migraine, from which he delivered him during the interrogation of Yeshua Ga-Nozri

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Kiev Uncle Mikhail Alexandrovich Berliozo, who dreamed of living in Moscow. It was invited to Moscow for the funeral of the Behemoth, however, at the arrival, he cared not so much the death of a nephew, how much remaining from the late living space. Azazello was expected to be exhibited, with directions to return back to Kiev

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Doctor who examined the Sokal Buffetcher. He was visited by the Azazello demon, who "spread" first in the "Pasky Sparrow", then into the nurse with the "Male Mel". With an obvious medical talent had sinters - excessive constancy, for which Azazello was punished - got a light damage to the mind

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Chairman of the spectacular commission of the theater variety. Behemot's cat temporarily kidnapped him, leaving a blank suit at his workplace, for having occupied the position not suitable for him

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Bowl of the theater Varieta, criticized by wave for poor-quality foods served in the buffet. I had accumulated over 249 thousand rubles on the procurement of "second freshness" products and other abuses of official position. Received a message from Coroviev about his death 9 months from the liver cancer, which, unlike Berlioz, believed and took all measures to the warning that he, of course, did not help

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One of the characters in Satan Sweets, all the time walking in ridiculous checkered clothing and in a pens with one cracked and one missing glass. In its true appearance, it turns out to be a knight, forced to pay a permanent stay in Satan's retinue for one once said unsuccessful pun about the light and darkness

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The sinner, invited to the ball to Voland. Sometime she strangled the unwanted child with a handkerchief and buried, for which he experienced a certain kind of punishment - every morning it is invariably bring to the head of this very handkerchief (no matter how much way it tried to get rid of him on the eve). On the ball at Satan, Margarita draws attention to Frida and appeals to her personally (invites her to get drunk and forget everything), which causes Freda's hope for forgiveness. After the ball, it comes to voice his only major request to Woland, for which Margarita laid his soul and became the Queen of the Satanic Bala. Margarita regards his attention to Frida how carelessly this veiled promise to save it from eternal punishment, under the influence of feelings she donates in favor of Frida with his right to the only request

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov - Russian Writer.
Mikhail Bulgakov was born on May 15 (May 3 to the old style) of 1891, in Kiev, in the family of Professor of the Department of Western Religions of the Kiev Spiritual Academy Athanasius Ivanovich Bulgakov. The family was more familiar (Mikhail - the eldest son, he had four more sisters and two brothers) and friendly. Later, M. Bulgakov repeatedly remember about the "carefree" youth in a beautiful city on Dneprovsky Circular, about the comfort of a noisy and warm native nest on Andreevsky descent, shining prospects for future free and beautiful life.

Master and Margarita Heroes Roman


the writer, who wrote a novel about Pontius Pilate, in which the events described in the Gospel are interpreted. This is a person who was not adapted to live in the time born. Subsequently, the master brought to despair with literary critics is in psychiatric hospital.


beautiful woman who lives with an unloved husband. Margarita suffers from his good, secured, but empty life. By chance on the streets of the capital, she meets the masters, and falls in love with him. It was she who first told the master that he wrote a brilliant work, which is waiting for success. After the Master disappeared, Margarita accepts the invitation of Satan to become the queen of Bala to be able to return it.


the devil, which turns out to be in Moscow and is a professor of black magic and historian.

Bassoon (Koroviev)

a member of the Woland Sweet. The knight, who should constantly be in Satan's retinue in punishment for the fact that once let the unsuccessful joke about the light and darkness. Researchers indicate that Bulgakov inspired the story F.M. Dostoevsky "Village Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants", where one of the heroes is someone Korovkin, very similar in characteristics on Koroviev.


also participates in a retinue. This is a demon, with ugly appearance. His prototype is the fallen angel azazel.

Behemoth Cat

spirit that follows wave in his suite. Usually the appearance of an octo, or a complete person, which looks very much like it. This character was created on the basis of the description of the Eugene Demon, which was known to the libertine, gluttony and the ability to take the kind of large animals.


witch-vampire, who went naked. She was very beautiful, but had an ugly scar on her neck.

Berlioz, Mikhail Alexandrovich

massolite member, writer. A fairly educated and skeptical man. He lived in a bad apartment on Sadovaya Street. When meeting with Woland did not believe in the prediction of his own death, which, nevertheless, happened.

Homeless, Ivan Nikolaevich

the poet who is busy writing an anti-religious poem. It is her discussion with Berlioz in the park and attracted the attention of Satan. He witnessed the death of Berlioz and tried to pursue Voland, but got into a crazy house.

Lyarkheev Stepan Bogdanovich

director Varette, in which Woland, called Professor Magic, plans "Speech." Lyarkheev is known as a drunkard, a slacker and a lover of women.

Bosoy Nikanor Ivanovich

man who held the position of chairman of the residential council on a garden street. A greedy thief who dayders assigned some of the money from the partnership ticket office. Koroviev offers him to conclude an agreement on the delivery of the "bad" apartment by Gastrolra Voland and gives a bribe. After that, the received bills turn out to be foreign currency. For the call, the korovyov bribe is taken to the NKVD, from where he gets into a madhouse.

Alisia Mogarych

a familiar master who wrote a false denunciation on him to assign his apartment. Sweet Woland kicked him out of the apartment, and after the court of Satan he left Moscow, being at Vyatka. Later, returned to the capital and took the position of the Finnirector Variety.


speculant. It was she who broke the container with bought sunflower oil at the transition through the tram rails, which was the cause of the death of Berlioz.


the sinner, which was invited to the ball to Satan. She killed a unwanted child, strangling with a handkerchief, and buried. Since then, every morning it brings this handkerchief.

Pontius Pilate

The fifth prosecutor of the Jews in Jerusalem, cruel and power, but he began to sympathize with the wandering philosopher summarized. He made attempts to stop the execution, but did not bring the case to the end, which spared the rest of his life.

Yeshua Ga-Nochri

character that spends time in travel and philosophizing. Not similar to the gospel image of Jesus Christ. He denies the resistance of evil by violence and does not know what purpose he pursues in life.

"Fantastic Romance", which was created by Bulgakov in the last twelve years of his life, recognized as the best work of the writer in which he, as it were, is the result of what lived, "managed to comprehend with a striking depth and with deep artistic persuasiveness to embody his understanding of the indigenous questions Genesis: faith and disbelief. God and the devil, a man and his place in the universe, the soul of man and the responsibility of her before the highest judgment, death, immortality and meaning of human existence, love, good and evil, the course of history and the place of man in it. You can talk that Bulgakov left the readers Roman-will, who not just "presents surprises", but also constantly puts questions, the answers to which each of the readers should find in the correlation of the work with their own ideas that these "eternal problems" mean personally for him .

The composition of the novel "Master and Margarita" is very interesting, which is fairly called "double novel" - after all, the "novel about Pontius Pilate", created by the master, jewelry "entered" the novel in itself, becoming an integral part of it, making this work in the genre plan unique: The opposition and unity of the two "novels" form a certain alloy of incompatible externally techniques for creating a narrative, which can be called "style of Bulgakov". Here the image of the author becomes of particular importance, which in each of the novels takes a significant place, but manifests itself in different ways. In the "Master's Roman" about Yeshua and Pilate, the author specifically self-superstrates, it, no matter how there is almost a chronically accurate presentation of events, his "presence" is expressed in the inherent author's opinion on the displayed, the expression of his moral position as it were "soluble" in russia Works. In the very same "Roman" the author openly proclaims his presence ("For me, my reader!"), He is emphasized in the image of events and characters, but at the same time its copyright position cannot be understood easily, it is specially "hidden" in Buffonade, mockery, irony, deliberate gullibility and other artistic techniques.

The philosophical basis of the moral position of the writer are the ideas of "goodwill" and "categorical imperative" as mandatory conditions for the existence of a human personality and a reasonablely arranged society, and it is they serve as a "trial stone" to assess each of the heroes and historical events depicted in both novels that Rodinitis the community of moral situations: the era of Yeshua and the era of the master is the time of choice to be done to each of the heroes and society as a whole. In this regard, it is obvious to the opposition of these central images.

"Yeshua, named Ga-Nozri"In the novel," Master and Margarita "represents a person who originally carrying good and light, and such his attitude to the world is based on the moral strength, which is inherent in this weak, defenseless person who is in the power of the procurator of Pilate, but standing immeasurably above All those who seem to be dominated over him. A lot argue about how much the image of Yeshua is close to the Gospel Christ, but, with their undoubted similarity, it distinguishes them that the heroes of Bulgakov initially does not perceive himself as a Messiah, he is primarily a person in their behavior and attitude towards yourself. However, this is happening only because in fact it is the highest strength that determines everything that happens - and it is he "pecks the fate of" heroes, it is with him a special way to argue wave, "Especially restoring justice in the world in the world in the world, ultimately, it is precisely all the thoughts of the heroes of the novel, aware or not they are. We can say that the image of Yeshua in the novel" M Aster and Margarita "is a spiritual work center, this is the moral principle that provides the possibility of the existence of the world.

Master Image In the novel "Master and Margarita" - this is a tragic image of a person who was overwhelmed by the "gift of the word", which was able to feel it, to fulfill the mission entrusted to him - but then it turned out to be able to resist on the moral altitude to which he was raised With his work. In contrast to Yeshua, the carrier and the incarnation of "goodwill", the master only for a while penetrates the idea of \u200b\u200bserving good as the basis of life, but the real clash with this very "life" (denunciation of the Aliasis Magarycha, the clinic of Professor Stravinsky) makes him betray himself, The best thing in it was, to renounce not only from his novel, but, in fact, from all that was connected with the idea of \u200b\u200bconverting life. Human you can understand the man whom "well separated" (according to Voland's expression) and who recognized in his defeat: "I hated this novel and I am afraid .. I nowhere .. I don't want anything else in my life ... I have nothing There are no more dreams and inspirations "However, each of the people in life has been identified their way, God's fishery determines the place of each of us in this world, and therefore the master who rented his novel (and therefore, from himself), it turns out," not deserved Light, he deserved peace, "which, probably, can heal his exhausted soul in order to ... But where can he be able to go from the memories of his surrender before the world of ordinary and confusion? ..

The carrier of the highest justice in the Roman Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" stands Wave, Satan, who arrived with his retinue to Moscow in order to "see Muscovites", to understand how much the "New Stroy" changed people who, how well it is known to him, are not a slope to become better. And indeed, the "session" on which Muscovites are completely "exposing" (and not only in the literal sense of the word), Stepa Lyarkheev and others, satirically depicted images, seem to convince him that "these citizens" "internally" have not changed, therefore He has every reason to make his lowestimistic conclusion: "... people like people, ... ordinary people ...". However, the history of the Master and Margarita shows Satan that in this world of "ordinary" people there is something, ascending completely to other moral categories - there is a selfless, devoted love, when "the one who loves must share the fate of who loves."

Dedication Margarita, ready to save the beloved person to cross the face, separating the good of evil, is obvious, but here Bulgakov shows us not just love, but love opposing generally accepted standards, towering people who seem to be violated. After all, the relationship of Margarita with the master is a violation by her married loyalty, it is married, and her husband is wonderful to her. But this "marriage without love", which turned into torment, turns out to be untenable when the heroine is in power of a real feeling, noting everything that prevents people to be happy.

Probably, the readiness of Margarita at any cost to save his beloved is also caused by the fact that she has a sense of guilt for being too long with her husband, punishment for which the loss of the Master. But, agreeing to become the Queen of the Bala of Satan, passing through everything that was prepared by her, at the very last moment the heroine is not able to do that for which she went to such tests - she asks Woland not to be returned to her beloved, And about the unfortunate Frida, who promised help ... Probably, here we can talk about the full celebration of "goodwill", and it is this act of Margarita that she, despite anything, a person really moral, because the words "cherished And cooked in the soul, "she could not utter ... And no matter how she herself convinced herself that she was a" frivolous man, "the rights are still waved: she is a" highly peaceful man. " Just not her wine is that it lives in the world, where genuine moral values \u200b\u200bfor most people are not available.

Of great importance in the "Master and Margarita" novel has a poet Ivan homeless She later became Professor Ivan Nikolayevich Ponyrev. This man, gifted poet ("Fine ... Power ... Talent"), after meeting with the master understands his moral unaware of being a servant of the word, he is as if a student of the master who deliberately departs from the chosen way, repeating that the fate of his Teacher.

Satyric "Plast" of the analyzed Roman Bulgakova is very convincing, here the writer uses a wide palette of fine means - from humor to farce and Grotesque, he draws a society of people engaged in their small divisions, arranged in life at any cost, from bowing to denunciations and betrayal. Against the background of a truly moral relations of the main characters, such a "life" cannot but cause condemnation, but the writer rather regrets the majority of their heroes than condemns them, although, of course, such images like Berlioz and critic Latrunsky are discharged quite definitely.

Return to K. voland's image. His "Activities" in Moscow became a special form of the recovery of justice - in any case, he reached those who could not be shoved, and helped those who had the right to count on the help of the Higher Forces. Bulgakov shows that Woland performs the will of Yeshua, as if his envoy in this world. Of course, from the point of view of Christian ethics is unacceptable. God and Satan are antipodes, but how to be if in this world everything is so confused that it is difficult to understand how you can make people remember that they are still creating God? .. In this regard, the role is tragic. In the novel Pontius PilateThe purpose of which was the condemnation of the death of Yeshua, who tried to save him and then tormented by the deed - after all, in essence, the procurator of Judea plays the same role on Earth, which in the Universe (on the thought of Bulgakov) was assigned to Voland: to be judge. Pilate internally feels the impossibility to send a "stray philosopher" to death, but does it. Woland seems to have no internal experiences and oscillations, but why does he then emotionally react to the request of Margarita? ..

Explicit contradiction of the image of Voland, the strange relationship of him with Yeshua and the Pilate make this image in many ways tragic: his apparent omnipotence can not actually change anything in this world, because it is not in his ability to bring the offensive "Kingdom of Truth" - not from him It depends ... "Always want evil" - and "forever to make a good" - here's a lot of Voland, because this path is determined by him who "suspended the thread of life" ...

Roman "Master and Margarita", whose analysis we spent belongs to those works in the history of mankind, which became an integral part of his spiritual life. "Eternal problems" and momentary "truths", disappearing along with sunset, high pathos and tragedy and explicit satire and grotesque, love and betrayal, faith and her loss, good and evil as a state of the human soul, which is what this novel. Each appeal to it is a new attachment to the world of irreversive moral values \u200b\u200band genuine culture.

Roman Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" Mystical history of love, causing genuine interest in the fate of the main characters. The image and characteristic of Margarita in the novel "Master and Margarita" plays a significant role in the work. For the name Margarita, the topic of real love, freedom, loyalty is connected.

The full name of the main heroine of Roman - Margarita Nikolaevna. Surname is unknown.


Bulgakov appeared to Margarita in detail. He tried to attract attention not to the external beauty of a woman, but to the inner state of the soul. By emphasizing votes, movements, manners, laugh, can assume that she is a beautiful woman.

"She was beautiful and smart ..."

One eye Margarita slightly mowed, which gave her a devilish highlight.

"Kosy on one eye witch ..."

Easy curling on a short haircut. Snow-white smile. Perfect manicure with sharp on the ends of the nails. The eyebrows, like a string, vychpanas professionally and quite suit her face.

Dressed in Margarita stylish, not defiant. Elegant and well-groomed. She attracted attention undoubtedly, but not appearance, and sadness and hopeless longing in the eyes.


Young girl, aged 19, Margarita jumped married to a wealthy man. Ten years in marriage. Childless

"The childless thirty-year-old Margarita."

With her husband, a woman was lucky. He is ready to carry his beloved on his hands, perform all the whims, to predict desires. Young, beautiful, kind and honest. About such a husband dreams any. Even keeping the household he shifted on the shoulders hired a housekeeper. Stability, wealth, but despite this margarita is unhappy and alone. "

She was happy? Not one minute! .. "

Character. Personality Margarita

Margarita is smart, formed. Woland (Satan) immediately appreciated its intelligence.

She is determined. Her acts have repeatedly indicated that. Inner alarm, intuition, Margarita unmistakably defined what kind of man in front of her. Unclear, merciful. She always helped someone who needed help. Does not throw words to the wind. Proud and independent. From bad habits, you can allocate smoking. She smoked often, and could not overcome this fellow habit.

Meeting with a master

Their meeting was random. She walked down the street with a bouquet of yellow flowers thoughtful and lonely. He, obeying some secret sign, went next. She spoke first. As the master said, it was love at first sight.

"Love jumped between us, how from under the earth pops up the killer ... and struck us at once both ..."

Margarita was first truly happy. She loved, and it was so new for her. For the sake of him, the woman was ready for everything. To tolerate adversity, share joys and sorrows, to endure the deprivation that fell into their share.

She sold the soul for his beloved. She was able to forgive when he disappeared. It remained correct to the last. He was all for her. Life without him Margarita did not imagine.

Meeting with Woland.

For half a year she did not know anything about the master. He looked like in the water. Only Woland could help return his beloved. To do this, she had to conclude a deal with him.

She must act as Queen Bala in Satan. Margarita had to become a witch. Satan was pleased with the new queen and in return promised to fulfill any desire. She dreamed of seeing the wizard to return to her place. Basement, novel, he and she.

Eternal happiness

They stayed together forever. Not in this world, in another, having deserved the eternal peace for love and loyalty to each other.

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on the topic: Characteristics of the characters Roman N.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita"

1. Woland and his retinue

bulgakov Master Margarita Roman

Woland - Central Character Roman MA Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" (1928-1940). The devil, which was in the "Hour of the hot spring sunset on the patriarching ponds" to play here, in Moscow, "Satan's Great Ball"; Most, as he believed, the cause of many extraordinary events, which were confused in the peaceful life of the city and delivered a lot of concern to his inhabitants.

In the process of creating a novel, the image of V. played a key role. This character was the starting point of the artistic plan, which then underwent many changes. The future novel about the master and Margarita was hosted as "Roman about the Devol" (the words of Bulgakov from his letter "Government of the USSR", 1930). In the early editions of V., who had not yet found his own behalf, called the Herr Fland, then Azazel, was the main person set in the center of the narration. This is unlikely not all the names of the name of the novel, noted in the manuscripts from 1928 to 1937: "Black Mag", "hoof engineer", "Consultant with hoof", "Satan", "Black Theologian", "Great Chancellor", "Prince of Darkness", etc. As the "distance of free novel" expanded (the development of the "antique" line was developed, Master and Margarita appeared, as well as many others).

Woland in the "final" editorial office, he was pushed out of the main roles and became a tritagonist of the plot, after Master and Margarita, after Yeshua Ga-Nochri and Pontius Pilate. Losting the supremacy in the hierarchy of images. However, the obvious championship retained from the point of view of the plot presence. He participates in fifteen chapters of the novel, while the master appears only in five, and Yeshua only in two chapters.

The name V. The author handled the "Faust" Goethe: Relaxed Mephistofel "Plate! Junker Voland Kommt "(" Road! - Damn comes). The source of the image for Bulgakov served the book M.N. Orlova "History of human relations with the devil" (1904), as well as articles about Satan, about the demonology of the "Encyclopedic Dictionary" of Brockhaus and Efron. In the image of the devil, the writer used some traditional attributes, emblems, portrait descriptions: chromoty, squint, mouth curve, black eyebrows - one above the other, cane with a knob in the form of a poodle head, takes, a famously fragmented ear, though without a pen, and Other.

Nevertheless, Bulgakovsky V. is significantly different from the images of Satan, captured by the artistic tradition. As studies show, these differences intensified from one edition to another. "Early" V. was much closer to the traditional type of the tempter, the catcher of human souls. He committed confusion and demanded blasphemous actions from others. In the "final" version, these moments disappeared. The devil is peculiarly interpreted peculiar to the Bulgac. Traditionally, Satan is designed to provoke all the dark, melting in the soul of man, as if to ignite it. The meaning of V. provocations is a study of people, what they really are. A session of black magic in the theater-variety (classical provocation) found the audience in those gathered there as bad (greed) and good, showing that mercy sometimes knocks on human hearts. The last conclusion, killing for Satan, Bulgakovsky V. does not vulne.

Messir V., as a respectfully refers to the retinue, consisting of a leakagegent Koroviev-Fagota, a daemon Azazello, a hippo and witch Hella, - not a goggle and not the enemy of human. V. It is involved in the truth. He certainly distinguishes good and evil: Usually Satan is a relative, for which these concepts are relative. Moreover, B. endowed with the authorities to punish people for evil, they are perfect; He himself does not slander anyone, but the punishes of slanders and diamons.

Throughout the Roman V. Not trying to catch the souls. He doesn't need a master's soul with Margarita, to which he showed so much disinterested participation. Strictly speaking, V. Not a devil, understood as an evil will, disconnecting people. V. Decisively invades the fate of the master and Margarita, separated by the will of circumstances, connects them and finds them "Eternal shelter." So an obvious crime of the devilish powers of Bulgakov launched a novel in the epigraph, taken from the "Faust" of Goethe: "I am part of the strength that he always wants evil and always makes benefit."

The philosophical-religious source of the image of V. was the dualistic teaching of the Manicheans (III-XI century), according to which God and the Devil operate in the world, expressing the words of the novel, each in his department. God commands the mountainous spheres, the devil manages on Earth, the top of the fair court. This indicates, in particular, the scene of V. with the globe, on which he sees everything that happens in the world. Traces of the Manichaean doctrine are clearly found in the V. dialogue with Leviem Matvey on the roof of Pashkov's house. In the early editors, the decision of the Master and Margarita was informed to V. in the form of an order, which brought the "Unknown Bulletin", which appeared under the rustling of flying wings. In the final version of Levi, Matvey passes the request to award the Master and his beloved rest. Two worlds, light and shadows, therefore, equal.

2. Koroviev-Fagot

This character is a senior of subordinate to the Voland of the Demons, the devil and the knight, which is a translator in the Muscovites in a foreigner professor and the former regent of the church choir.

Surname Koroviev Designed by the sample name of the character of the story A.K. Tolstoy "Ghoul" (1841) of the State Advisor of Tellyev, which turns out to be a knight and a vampire. In addition, in the story F.M. Dostoevsky "Village Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants" there is a character on the name Korovkin, very similar to our hero. The second its name comes from the name of the Music Instrument of the FAGOTA, invented by the Italian monk. Korovyeva-Fagota has some similarity with the fagot - a long thin tube, threefolded.

Bulgakovsky Character Hood, high and in the imaginary subrange, it seems to be ready to work out before the interlocutor threefold (so that he is calm for him to attack). Here is his portrait: "... a transparent citizen of the posed species, on a small head Jockey Cartuzik, a checkered coupie jacket ..., a citizen of growth in a sage, but in the shoulders of narrow, it is incredible, and physiognomy, I ask to see, mumble"; "... His mustache, like chicken feathers, small eyes, ironic and semipal."

Koroviev-Fagot - this is from the sultry Moscow air dam (unprecedented heat for May at the time of his appearance - one of the traditional signs of approaching the unclean strength). Prudent Voland is only needed by various masks of larva: drunkard-regent, Gair, a dexterous fraudster, translator proners with a famous foreigner and others. Only in the last flight Koroviev-Fagot becomes the one who is in fact - a gloomy demon, knight Fagotom, no worse than his Mr. Knowing the price of human weaknesses and virtues.

3. Azazello

The name of Azazello is formed by Bulgakov from the Old Testament name of Azazel. So the name of the negative hero of the Old Testament Book of Enha, the fallen angel, who taught people to make weapons and decorations.

Probably, Bulgakov attracted a combination in one character of the ability to dedication and to the murder. It is for the insidious seduder that accepts Azazello Margarita during their first meeting in the Alexander Garden: "This neighbor was a small growth, a flame-growing, with a fang, in starch linen, in a striped-free suit, in lacquered shoes and a bowler on the head. "Completely robbing ..." - Margarita thought "But the main function of Azazello in the novel is associated with violence. He throws Lyarkayev from Moscow to Yalta, expelled from the bad apartment with Uncle Berlioz, kills Marone Maygel from the revolver. Azazello also invented the cream, which he gives Margarita. Magic cream not only makes the heroine invisible and able to fly, but also gives it a new, witch beauty. In the epilogue of the novel, this fallen angel appears before us in a new appearance: "On the side of all flew, the blistest steel of armor, Azazello. The moon changed his face. Differently disappeared without a trace, and the curlsia turned out to be false. Both eyes Azazello were the same, empty and black, and the face is white and cold. Now Azazello flew in his present form, as a demon of anhydrous desert, demon-killer. "

4. Behemoth Cat

This cat-waswolf and favorite Satan's Moon, perhaps the most funny and memorable of Sweet Woland. Information about the hippos by the author "Master and Margarita" learned from the book MA Orlova "History of human relations with the devil" (1904), extracts from which are preserved in the Bulgakov archive. There, in particular, described the case of French Igumeny, who lived in the XVII century. and an obsessed family devils, and the fifth demon was hippopotamus. This demon was depicted in the form of monsters with an ivory head, with a trunk and fangs. His hands had a human style, and an outstanding belly, a short tail and thick rear paws, like a hippopotamus, reminded that they were wearing a name. Bulgakov hippopotama has become huge sizes with a black cat, so that black cats according to tradition are considered to be associated with unclean power.

This is what we see it for the first time: "At the jewelery trouser Pyfa, someone's cunning pose collapsed in the jewelpick pose, it was a terrible sizes of a black cat with a pile of vodka in one paw and a fork to which he managed to make a pickled mushroom, in another."

Hippopotamus in the demonological tradition is the demon desires of the stomach. Hence his extraordinary gluttony, especially in Torgsin, when he swallows everything edible without parsing.

Eugene shootout with detectives in Apartment No. 50, a chess duel with Woland, a contest for shooting with Azazello - all this is purely humorous scenes, very funny and even to some extent to the sharpness of those everyday, moral and philosophical problems that the novel puts before reader.

In the last flight, the reincarnation of this merry-baleuarura is very unusual (like most of the plot strokes in this fantastic novel): "The night pulled out a fluffy tail from the hippopotamus, sorted from him wool and rake her shreds on the swamps. The one who was a cat who flew to Prince Darkness was now a slender young man, a Page demon, the best joke, which ever existed in the world. "

Gella is a member of Sweet Woland, a Vampire woman: "I recommend the servant to my gella. Distribution, dirty and there is no such service that she could not have render. "

The name "Gella" Bulgakov learned from the "Charger" of the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, where it was noted that on Lesbos, they called the untimely dead girls, after the death of the vampires.

Green-eyed beauty Gella is fluent in air, thereby gaining similarity and with a witch. The characteristic features of the behavior of vampires - click the teeth and the combination of Bulgakov, may have borrowed from the story of A.K. Tolstoy "Ghoul". There is a vampire girl with a kiss draws his beloved in a vampire - from here, obviously, the cattle for the Varenuhi kiss Gella.

Gella, the only one of the Woland Sweet, is missing in the last flight stage. Most likely, Bulgakov deliberately removed it as the youngest member of the sweet, performing only auxiliary functions and in the theater Varieta, and in a bad apartment, and on the great ball at Satan. Vampires are traditionally the lowest discharge of unclean power. In addition, Gelle is not someone to turn into the last flight - when the night "exposed all the deceptions," she could only become a dead girl again.

Master - Hero Roman M.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" (1928-1940). In a crowded meeting of people inhabiting the novel, the role of this character is indicated with all certainty. The chapter in which the reader is found with him is called the "Hero phenomenon". Meanwhile, in the space of the plot M. occupies a little space. He appears in the 13th chapter, when all the main persons (except Margarita) came into effect, and some had already left him. Then M. disappears for a long time from the story to appear again only in the 24th chapter. Finally, participates in three concluding chapters (30th, 31st, 32nd). In world literature it is difficult to find another work, in which the hero would have been "behind the scenes" of the plot, waiting for his "exit". Little correspond to the functions of the hero themselves these "outputs". In essentially there is no action that is especially noticeable in comparison with the active heroine of the novel, which decided in the name of love for M. on the actions of risky and desperate. The first "output" of M. is poured into the story of confession that it happened before: about the novel, composed and burned, about the beloved, found and lost, about imprisonment, first violent (arrest), and then voluntary (in the clinic for mentally ill). Further peripetics of the hero are entirely determined by other persons. Woland "removes" him from the hospital chamber to connect with Margarita; Azazello - "Liberates", pooling it, and the liberated hero, together with his beloved, who also became free, go there, where they are expecting an eternal shelter. Almost all events occur with m, but they are not produced. Nevertheless, he is a novel protagonist. The fate of M. and Margarita connects the disparate "episeodia" of the narrative, bonding their plot-events and / or symbolically.

Hero Bulgakov - a man without a name. From his real name, he rejects twice: first, by accepting the Wizard's nickname, who was made by Margarita, and then, being in the clinic of Professor Stravinsky, where he dwells as "number one hundred eighteenth of the first building." The latter is associated, it is necessary to believe with a literary reminiscence: a reference to another "prisoner" modern Bulgakov Romanistics - Hero of Roman E.I. Zamytina "We", the fate of which has a number of coincidences with the fate of M. (both are engaged in writing, not considering themselves writers; everyone has a beloved, capable of courageous acts.) The semantics named after M. is difficult to understand and cannot be unambiguously read. Leaving aside the dark question about the origin of this name, it can be noted that in the texts of Bulgakov it is found several times, it is always endowed with an emphatic meaning and at the same time it is used at least inconsistently. "Poor and bloody master" calls Bulgakov Hero's "Life of Mr. De Moliere"; Among the options for the name of the play about Stalin (subsequently "Batum") appears "Master".

In the symbolism of the novel, the name M. arises in opposition to the writing craft. The famous answer to the question of Ivan the homeless: "Are you a writer?" -- "I am a master". If we take into account that before these words there was a conversation about the novel about Pattia Pilate, ancient hero, then the meaningful, value modulation is obvious. The hero of that was M. that his literary occupation came out for his borders, turned into a deal, which he was called to fulfill on which Vieden, like a king for the kingdom. M. Even there is a crown - a black hat with a yellow letter "M". Then the word "master" means "dedicated".

The image of M. is the development of the lyrical hero of Bulgakov, associated with his Creator, intimate relations and general literary pedigree, on the genealogical tree of which the names of the Hoffman and Gogol are highlighted. From the first hero of Bulgakov inherited the title "Three times of the romantic master", from the second - portrait features (a sharp nose hanging on the face of the hair clump) and the fatal circumstance of his destiny. At the time of despair, M. burns the novel as Gogol, which destroyed the second volume of "dead souls", as the Bulgakov himself, who threw the manuscript of the novel about the devil. According to I.L. Galinsky, hypothetical prototype M. is Ukrainian philosopher XVIII "G.S. The frying pan, which, like the hero of Bulgakov, did not publish any of his writings and in certain circumstances was forced to pretend to be crazy. In addition to the philosophical problem of the novel can be considered as a reflection of the philosophy of frying pan in some important items.

In the work of Bulgakov, the image of M. correlates with such characters endowed with autobiographical features, like the hero of the "Note of the Young Doctor", Turbin ("White Guard"), Moliere (Roman and Plays "Kabala Svyatosh"), Maxudov ("Discount Deader"). Scene parallels with the last most obvious. (The commentators Bulgakov will first pay attention to them.) Both heroes are small employees (one - editorial board, the other - the museum), unremarkable in everyday life. Both suddenly awakens writing. He and the other compose a novel that brought them happiness and grief. Like Maxudov, M., faced with the "brothers in literature", becomes the object of trace. Both "on a wide field of literature" is prepared by being "literary wolves" (the words of Bulgakov, spoken by him). Meanwhile, the Essay of Maxudova was published, he insisted independent theater. Roman M. did not get to readers and spiritually broke it. Polarmed and persecuted, M. rents from his creation, throwing a manuscript to the fire.

Maksudov composes a modern novel, describing events in it, the eyewitness of which he was. M. It is endowed with the gift of insight, the ability to see the story of a two-thousandst limit of such as it was in fact. "Oh, how I guess! Oh, as I am guessed, "M. exclaims, when thanks to Ivan the homeless, who remembered the conversation with Woland, he gets the opportunity to compare the living witness described in the novel.

M. The author invested his understanding of the writer and his life destination. For Bulgakov Writing - Teurgy, but not in the interpretation of V.S. Solovyov and Russian symbols, which implied the "climbing" to "transcendent thrones" and the opposite activity, from there produced. Bulgakovskaya Teurgy is the insight of the truth, the above-selected writer must "guess" and about which is obliged to tell people, "to know ...". ("To know," the last words of the dying Bulgakov, who heard his wife.) The concept of a writer, personified in the image of M., fundamentally different from the doctrine of symbolists, according to which the art gift provided it with a carrier as if indulgence.

In poem F.K. Sologuba "I experienced the vicissitudes of the destinies" The poet, who sinned a lot in life, admitted to the apostle Peter "Hiruch Holy Lyubovny" only on the grounds that was a poet. For Bulgakov, the presence of a poet or prose is in itself anything means. The thing is how the artist ordered his gift. Berlioz, for example, translated his talent on everyday comfort and should go into oblivion. M. executed the debt assigned to him, but only half. He composed a novel. However, he could not stand his Noshi, preferred to escape and thus broke the second part of his destination: to know - recognized by him. (In this cut, a comparison of fate M. and Yeshua Ga-Nozri, who had the opportunity to avoid the cross, but did not use it.) That is, M. "Not deserved light, he deserved peace."

The tragic image of M., open by the Russian reader in the late 60s, when Roman MA was first published Bulgakova, became for the domestic intelligentsia by the personification of the dilemma of escapons and heroism, the symbol of choice between these two existential capabilities.

7. Margarita

The main heroine of the novel, the beloved masters. For love is ready for anything. She plays a very important role in the novel. With the help of M Bulgakov showed us the perfect image of the genius.

Before the meeting with Master M was married, her husband did not love and was completely unhappy. Representing the master, I realized that I found my destiny. She became his "secret wife." It was M who called the hero of the master by reading his novel. The heroes were happy together until the master published an excerpt from his novel. Purchased critical articles, ridicuing the author, and a strong persecution that began on the masters in literary circles, poisoned them. M swore, that poison offenders of his beloved, especially the criticism of the Latowsky. For a short time, M leaves the master of one, he burns the novel and runs up into a psychiatric hospital. For a long time, M Coriuse himself for leaving her beloved one in the most difficult moment for him. She cries and suffer greatly until Asazello meets. He hints M, which knows where the master is. For this information, it agrees to be a queen on a great ball at Satan. M becomes a witch. Sell \u200b\u200byour soul, she gets a master. At the end of the novel, she, as well as her beloved, deserves peace. Many believe that the writer Elena Sergeyevna Bulgakov served the prototype of this image.

8. Ivan homeless

This is a creative pseudonym Ivan Ponyrav. I.B. - A character who throughout the novel undergoes evolution. At the beginning of the work we see it a member of the massolist, a young poet, writing a poem on the given themes. In the first chapter B. and Berlioz are found on the patriarchal ponds with Woland. In the future, Berlioz dies under the wheels of the tram. B. In all, the vinit of a mysterious foreigner and begins chasing the wave and his retinue. In the future, B. surrender to a psychiatric hospital. So B. is punished for giving out for the true creativity thirst for glory and cattleness. In the hospital B. meets the Master. He tells him his story. B promises no longer writing poems, realizing how harm is pseudo-making. After reviewing all its moral ideals in the hospital, B. becomes completely different person. In the future, he will become a big historian scientist.

9. Yeshua Ga-Nochri

This is the main hero of the novel written by the master. Under this hero, the biblical Jesus Christ is meant. Yeshua was also devoted to Juda and crucify. But Bulgakov in his work emphasizes the essential difference between his character and Christ. Yeshua is not enveloped by a halo of mysticism. He looks an absolutely ordinary person who can experience fear of physical violence. Yeshua - a wandering philosopher who believes that every person is kind, and will not be in the light in a short time any power except God. Of course, it has a lot of power. He cures a pilaw from headaches. In and focused on the strength of the world, but Bulgakov emphasizes that everything really was not at all as in the Bible. He himself says I. He notes that one day he looked into the parchment of his student Levi Matvey and was horrified. There was not at all what he really spoke. So Bulgakov notes that it is not necessary to unconditionally believe the Bible, as people wrote it. And he died in innocent, did not settle, without betraying his beliefs. For this he was worthy of light.

10. Pontius Pilate

This is really a historical person. In the Bible, this particular person condemned Christ for crucifixion. The work is the main character of the novel written by the master. Through the image, the author reveals the problem of conscience in the novel, the problem of the cowardice and the need for every person, regardless of the post and title, be responsible for their mistakes. Talking at the interrogation with Yeshua, P understands that he is innocent. He even pulls to this man, he would like to discuss a lot with him. And he makes weak attempts to save I., offering to Sat. But I. Feels not guilty, and is not going to say a lie. Then P is trying to save I. In a conversation with the high priest Caifa. P says that in honor of the Easter holiday, one of the prisoners should be saved, and he wishes to release Yeshua Ga-Nozri. CaIFA against. Stopping, afraid of losing his place, P sentences I. To the death penalty. Thus, P. sentences himself to eternal suffering.

Only many centuries later, the master frees his hero from the torment and gives him freedom. Finally, the dream of P. is performed: he rises with his faithful Bang's dog up the lunar beam. Next to him there is a wandering philosopher I., and they have an interesting endless conversation ahead.

11. Levi Matvey

The most loyal student of Yeshua. This is a former submissance collector who renounced everything and went beyond the stray philosopher. LM Everywhere followed Yeshua and records his speech. But Ga-Nochri himself argues that L.M. He writes at all what he says. Allegedly, from now on, that confusion went, which is reflected in the Bible. When Yeshua leads to the execution, L.M. Wants to kill him, thereby having to save from torment. But he does not have time to do this, so L.M. Only shoots the body of Yeshua from the cross and bury him. Pilate offers L.M. Working for a writer, but he refuses, arguing the fact that the procurator, after what he did with Yeshua, will be afraid of him, will not be able to watch L.M. in gas. After the death of L.M. It becomes Messenger Yeshua.

As in the Bible, I betrayed Yeshua. He passed his authorities for money. And - a handsome young man ready for money for everything. After renting Yeshua to the authorities, Pilate orders the head of the secret service of Afrania to kill Judas from Kiriaf. As a result, Judas killed. He suffered responsibility for his act.

13. Moscow 20s

This is a collective image that draws Bulgakov. He satirically conveys us portraits of his contemporaries. It becomes funny and bitterly from images drawn by the author. At the very beginning of the novel, we see Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz, Chairman of the Massolite (Union of writers).

In fact, this person has nothing to do with real creativity. B. Fully fakes. Under his leadership, the whole mass becomes the same. There are people who know how to adapt to the authorities, not what you want, but what you need. There is no place for the true Creator, so critics begin to persecute the masters. Moscow 20s - this is also a variety, which is managed by a lover of carnal entertainment Stepa Lyarkaev. He was punished by Woland, as well as his subordinate Roman and Varenuha, lie and lizoblyud. Punished for bribery and chairman of the Bosoy Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoya.

In general, Moscow 20s are distinguished by a lot of unpleasant qualities. It is a thirst for money, the desire of light profit, the satisfaction of their carnal needs for the detriment of spiritual, lies, subdivision before the bosses. Woland and his retinue were not for nothing that was in this city and at that time. Immediately they punish severe, not very dead morally give a chance to correct.

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