Stages of hair growth on the human body. Beauty Ocean - hair growth stage. Causes of early baldness

05.07.2020 Sport

Since its inception, each follicle passes repeating cycles of active growth and peace. The relative duration of the phase of the cycle varies depending on the age of the individual and the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

Phase Anagena.

Active hair growth. In this phase, an active division of the cells of the matrix occurs, a hairpin is formed, an inner hair bag, melanocytes at the base of the papillae begin to produce melanin (therefore, the bulb of the hair in this stage has a darker view during microscopy than the bulb of the telogen hair). The average duration of this phase from 2 to 5 years (1000 days for memorization).

Cathagen phase.

This is a transition phase. The mitotic activity of the matrix is \u200b\u200bgradually stopped and the follicle enters the Cathagen phase ending within a few days. The terminal part of the hair becomes thickened and deprived of the pigment. The lower part of the follicle is shortened, the inner root vagina disappears, so the telogen hair under the microscope is always smooth, it does not hold it. Further, after 10 days, the follicle enters the telogen phase.


It is a phase of resting the hair cycle. The flask of the hair (with a unplanned bulb) is held in the follicle due to the intercellular compounds and can be maintained for several subsequent generations of hair.

Dynamics of follicles on the scalp

Normally, the duration of the anagena phase in each person is genetically determined and takes from 2 to 5 years. The average duration of anagena is easily remembered as 1000 days. The duration of the teleogen phase is approximately 100 days.
Thus, the ratio of anagen hair to telogen is approximately 9: 1 (the hair in the Cathagen phase due to the short-term period is not taken into account.)
In average, the population of the follicles of the scalp is 100,000; Blondes are more, red-haired smaller. Thus, a person loses about 100 hair daily.
Density hair follicles Children of the first year of life accounts for 780 / sq. M., and by 30 years decreased to 615. Between the 30 and 50 years, this number reaches 485.


Methods of microscopic examination, which allows to estimate the ratio of hair in the phase of anagena and telogen.
The execution of the trichogram allows you to identify the type of alopecia, the activity of the process, assess the effectiveness of the treatment carried out.

Conditions for:

  • Delete at least 50 hair (to reduce standard deviation.)
  • Hair before examination should not be washed during the week, because When washing, part of the hair approaching the end of the telogen phase is removed, which reduces their percentage in the study.
  • Hair must be removed by a sharp movement, because At the same time, the bulbs are damaged.
  • The studied hair band is captured by the clip and is removed by a sharp movement by groups of 8-10 hair.

Normal relations:
In children, the ratio of a / t \u003d 90/8
In men: a / t \u003d 83/15
Women: A / T \u003d 85/11

Dystrophic hair in the anagena phase is 2-3%.
The percentage of hair in the Telogen phase increases with age and the highest in the bobbin area in both sexes.
The growth rate of hair is 0, 35 mm. On a day in the field of patterns and temples, the hair is somewhat faster in these places in women.
The length of each hair depends on the duration of the anagena phase and the rate of hair growth rate, which is due to genetically.

Hormonal influences on hair growth rate

Androgen (Men's sex hormones) increase the growth rate and diameter of the hair in androgen-dependent areas, such as beard. However, on the head of people predisposed to genetically determined alopecia, androgens reduce the diameter of the hair rod and growth rate, as well as the duration of the anagena phase (polycystic, hyperplasia of the adrenal glands, state after pregnancy).
Estrogen (female sex hormones) slow down the growth rate of hair in the anagena phase, but lengthen its duration (pregnancy)
Tyroxin (hormone thyroid gland) Accelerates the beginning of the anagena phase in resting follicles, and cortisone slows down this process.
Contrary to widespread opinion, nor shaving, nor sunlight have no effect on the growth rate of hair (experience in 1970, shaving hair from one foot for 5 months and the subsequent comparison with the hair of the control foot is not marked by any differences in the mass, diameter and hair growth rates.)

Fitotherapy from dandruff

Dandruff is characterized by the appearance of a plurality of small loose scheels on the skin of the scalp, more in the occipital-dark area. Most often, it is a companion of seborrhea, but may be associated with violation exchange processes In the body, incorrect hair care. Some scientists consider dandruff as an infectious disease.

Drying treatment is similar to the treatment of seborrhea.

It is recommended to use info and champs of the following medicinal plants:

  • the infusion of nettle leaves of dwarm and burning (15 g: 200 ml of water);
  • infusion of flowers calendula medicinal (10 g: 200 ml of water);
  • infusion of mother-and-stepmother leaves (10 g: 200 ml of water);
  • infusion of flowers of the Pijmas ordinary (15 g: 200 ml of water).

Anti dandruff is successfully used by hot infusion of floral baskets Blue vasil on vinegar and water (1 tablespoon of raw materials on 200 ml of table vinegar and 200 ml of water), which rubbed into the skin of the head daily in the evening for 15 20 days.
Remove dandruff and strengthen hair helps shampoos "Seborin", "Sunshine", "Chamomile", "Shampoo with Henna", "Raffil".
Favorable impact on the elimination of dandruff and itching birch tar. 3 5 hours before washing hair in the head of the head rubbed a mixture consisting of 5 10 g of birch tar, 10 20 g castor Oil and 100 ml ethyl alcohol. The people for the treatment of dandruff is widely used by freshly squeezed nasturtium juice, which lubricates hair 1 time per day. Such actions have the leaves of a parsnik sowing.
Bulgarian medicine advises dandruff garlic, onion, pyrzya, cheeritz, freezing plowing, pine(The essential oil of pine needles is included in the preparation of PIT).
Inside it is recommended to take vitamins A and groups B. Preventive activities should be aimed at eliminating the causes that contribute to the appearance of dandruff, the use of individual comb, brushes and headdresses, correct care Haired.

Material prepared Cochiashvili M.I Tkachev V.P.

Hair for many people is an important element affecting the correct perception of self, good health and self-esteem.

For some, their loss is the cause of depression due to violations in relations between people and problems with the adoption of their own appearance. In most cases, the baldness concerns people aged, but sometimes it happens that young people also affect this disease.

Anaged baldness It is an example of hair loss, occurring in young people.

Phases of hair growth

Density, thickness and amount of hair are an individual feature of each person, which is subject to significant fluctuations and depends on many factors:

  • hair colors;
  • floor;
  • races;
  • age;
  • genetic factors and the environment.

Hair growth asynchronous, which prevents the simultaneous loss of all hair.

Hair growth cycle is divided into several phases:

  • Anagen - In this stage, the most intensive hair growth occurs. The roots of the hair in this phase are long, covered with internal and outer shell and completely painted. This period lasts about 4-6 years. The amount of hair at this stage is 80-90%.
  • Catagen. - Transition period. The color of the hair will dump in connection with the growth of keratin production. This phase lasts about 2-4 weeks, and number of hairIt is 2-3% in it.
  • Telogen - Phase rest. Follicles in this phase are short, not covered with shells and lose color. This period lasts 2-4 months.

What is baldness

Baldness occurs when day loss of hair It is more than 100 and persists within a few weeks. Hair can fall out on the entire surface of the head or only with limited places, sometimes it also concerns other parts of the body (for example, armpits, eyebrows, eyelashes, beard in men).

Anaged hair loss does not cause, as a rule, sustainable baldness, and the hair is growing independently after termination harmful factor. However, there are medicines that can be useful to treat baldness through acceleration of hair rustling. For example, minoxidil.

The hair on the human body grows throughout life, but everyone is different. Someone quickly, "as on yeast," and someone has to unsuccessfully grow spit to the belt for many years. The speed of the process depends on many factors: heredity, health, lifestyle, environment. It depends even on age and gender. Thinking over how the hair on the head grows, many mistakenly believe that every hair is drawn continuously until it falls. Meanwhile, 3 phases of development are spent on its entire life cycle.

Structure of Volos

Beautiful, well-groomed hairstyle helps to create a pleasant first impression when meeting. But the hair is important not only by its aesthetic function. They protect the body from the harmful effects of the environment, maintain the optimal temperature balance. The hairproke begins to form in the womb. Then this gun is deprived of pigments. The coloring agents occur in the structure later, before the appearance of the baby.

By the way. Folk sign Approves: heartburn during pregnancy - a sign of the birth of a child with a thick, abundant chapel. Scientists refute the speculation, explaining: the amount, color and structure of the hair are laid at the genetic level.

  • 78% - protein;
  • 15% - water;
  • 6% - lipids;
  • 1% - pigment.

Problems with strands violate the optimal balance.Healthy, shiny hair is often called "alive." However, the paradox lies here: just the outer part (rod), for which the man and women are so carefully followed, consists of dead cells. Live - the one that is hidden under the skin and is responsible for the structure, the rate of reflection of the curls. It is called a bulb or root.

The hair rod is formed from three layers:

  1. Cuticle - outdoor part.Protects strands from external damage, gives smoothness, shine. It is scales (plates) directed from the roots to the tips. Each of their cell contains fatty acid. Thanks to this, in the normal state, the scales are tightly adjacent to each other, and also become waterproof. Acid is not washed, but is subject to chemical exposure, because of what the plates are disconnected, forming emptiness.
  2. Cortex, it is the cortical layer - the average, the most basic part.Responsible for the elasticity of curls, strength, color. Due to the peculiarities of the cortext structure, strands are straight or curly (it is laid genetically). Layer deficit provokes fragility.
  3. Medulla, or brainstatus - the center of the hair rod. For degree of development, power dependes, the volume of hair. For this reason, it is difficult to grow a magnificent lap, if there is no hereditary predisposition.

Interesting fact:a person has about 100-150 thousand hairs on the head. The most thick chapelurs boasts natural blondes and blondes.

Follicle gets food from blood system Through the dermal papilla - an important element of the entire structure. If he dies, the entire hair rod dies.

The form of the follicle depends on the appearance of the curls:

  • from the round grow straight;
  • from oval - curly;
  • curly strands come out of a flat hair bag.

With the functioning of the follicle associated phases of hair growth on the head.These are the stages of the life cycle, repeating for each hair from the moment of birth to natural dropping.

Important for hair beauty have sebaceous glandspassing next to the follicle. Their incorrect work makes a normal dry lap or, on the contrary, fat.

Stages, growth phases

The cyclical growth of strands is often compared with the development of plants planted in the ground.In the spring there is a layout of the base, the formation of roots. In the summer, the time of active growing is possible due to proper nutrition. Autumn - a period of slow, gradual dieting. A similar situation with the chapel.

Scientists allocate such repetitive hair growth stages:

  1. Anagen - growth stageWhen at the same time is up to 90% of all head hair. Cells located in a bulb are actively divided. Due to this, the hair rod becomes longer every day, acquiring angle of inclination from 10 to 90 °. Angeneral period - the longest, takes from 2 to 5-6 years. It is believed that during this stage, the rod growth is not subject to care products.
  2. Catagen - intermediate period duration from 2 to 4 weeks. Cell division and rod growth stops. Blood no longer comes to the follicle, it is shortening, shrores, moves closer to the surface of the skin. In this stage, at the same time dwells no more than 1-3% of all hair.
  3. Telogen - a recreation phase that lasts about 3 months. The time of rest of the hair follicle. The hairs who narrowed his age, with a minor physical impact it can fall. This happens when a new rod begins to be launched instead. There are 2 Telogen stages:
  4. early - cessation of growth;
  5. late - loss. Norm - 50-100 pieces per day.

After that, everything starts with the anagena phase again, when in the same follicle first forms, and then the new hair grows. The cycle is repeated about 25 times.According to other estimates, from one bag of a person in a whole life grows from 20 to 30-40 hair rods that replace each other.

By the way. The look of the whole hairstyles depends on the growth stages. Get a braid below the belt is easiest in just young age, because with each new cycle, the strands are in short. After 30 years, the speed of their rustling slows down.

How the hair has a newborn

The first hairs are formed on the head of a non-born baby about 4-5 months of pregnancy.After the appearance of the crumbs on the light of the gun, 1-2 months falls out, new strands are growing instead. Often phenomenon among children of the first year of life - rolling when they are formed on the head.

Most often - from the bottom of the nape, because most of the time the newborn spends lying on the back. Prevent the process will help regular baby turning on side, tummy.

If the hair in the newborn grows badly, the parents are worth:

  • do a regular head massage with a soft brush;
  • bathing the baby decoction turns, chamomile, nettle - provided that there is no allergy;
  • wash the head of the crumbs do not shampoo, but baby soap;
  • balance the nutrition of a nursing mother or child who eats the mixture;
  • exclude with a medical examination Rahit, disruption of metabolism.

There is a long tradition of shaving a child to sleep to the first birthday. It is believed that this contributes to the appearance of a more thick hair cover. However, pediatricians, trichologists, hairdressers are unanimous: Shaving does not bring the desired effect, because the number of follicles does not increase.

But this procedure helps to remove the first cannon, it is better to make crusts from the scalp. The hair after that will grow more evenly on all areas. Actually, if a child has never been cutting to a year.

Girls up to 3 years old should not be braid tight pigtails: they may arise for stars in the field of the temples.For this reason, many parents prefer to make short haircuts. Children's curls require more tender care than adults. Fully hair cover will be formed in a child by 11 years.

How the hair on the head is growing in men and women

The rate of rustling depends on different factors: heredity, health status, the number of years of lived and even sex. Scientists came to the conclusion that in women this process is slower. The duration of the "life" of the hair rod is different. On the head of men, the strands are updated every 2 years, the ladies - in 4-5 years.

Interesting fact:it has been proven that the inhabitants of Asia, the lambers of the chapels are faster. Europeans on this indicator ranked second.

Beautiful sexes need to carefully monitor the hormonal background.Pregnancy leads to violation, even menstruation, climax. As a result, the growth of hairs can be braked.

Also, the process of rustling worsen:

  • incorrectly selected cosmetic products for tever care;
  • frequent experiments with appearance: staining, curling.

Rides on the head in men grow at the same speed as a beard. After 40 years, vegetation on the face increases more actively, but scientists have not yet managed to explain this fact.

Also men and women it should be remembered for other reasons that stop natural reflection:

  • defective nutrition, vitamin deficit (we recommend reading an overview of the best vitamin complexes for rapid hair growth);
  • supercooling or frequent stay under the sun without a headdress;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • prolonged reception of certain drugs;
  • an unfavorable lifestyle: smoking, alcoholism, drugs, frequent lack of sleep, stressful situations;
  • genetic predisposition.

Attention! If a person is not inclined to baldness, each new hair coincides with the previous over the thickness, length, other parameters. Snacks may notice that over time, the strands become thinner, light, worse grow. With each next generation, healthy curls are degraded, turning into a colorless gun. Natural process becomes older.

When the hair grows faster

The hair on the head is growing continuously, but at different speeds.

Additionally, this is due to such factors:

  1. Season. In the spring, the process is faster in the summer than in the cold season.
  2. Part of the day. In the morning, in the evening, the hair rods are lengthened more actively than at night.
  3. Age. The older man, the slower grow strands. The average growth rate for the month:
  4. in children - 1.3 centimeters;
  5. in adults - 1.5 centimeters;
  6. the elderly - 1.1 centimeters. It is worth remembering: this is an exemplary data. The rate of rustling is an individual concept.

The greatest chances of growing the most long braid comes to age from 14-17 to 30 years.

If the hair grow slowly than you want, review the lifestyle, food. Refuse bad habits, adjust the day. There is a lot of proven ways to influence the growth of the chapels, using professional funds, folk recipes.

The action of many cosmetics reduces the teleogen phase, awakens the "sleeping" roots or provides additional nutrition to follicles. Using similar preparations, do not be lazy to learn about efficiency, contraindications from instructions, reviews, training videos. Beautiful hair is not only a gift given from birth, but also wealth entered over the years with competent care.

Useful videos

Trichologist about hair growth. Is it possible?

As far as the hair is growing per day.

Well-groomed hair is a dream of any weak floor representative. Watching a lot of time and effort to different styling, curling and painting, many girls forget that the key to the beautiful hairstyle is a healthy chapel. To make it such, you need to learn, hair, what is the cause of pathological changes and ways to eliminate them.

From roots and tips

Each hairs includes several elements. Its visible part is a rod, which consists of non-living cells filled with keratin. In the thicker of the scalp (at a depth of about 2.5 mm) there is the part of the hair, which determines its appearance - the root. It consists of a variety of living cells that are continuously divided. This process provides a hair growth. It is impossible without the participation of fabrics located near the root. All together they form the hair follicle, from which the nervous end is moving. The structure of the hair on the head is such that damage to this end leads to a complete dying of the root without the possibility of its further recovery. The work of the sebaceous glands next to the follicles also has a great influence on beauty. If they are excessively large, then the skin of the head becomes fat. The underdevelopment of the sebaceous glands leads to its dryness. Also in near each hair is located muscle, providing its rise.

Structure of Volos

Good follicles provide fast growth Hair and a significant duration of their lives. However, the appearance of the chapels is also determined by the status of the rod. The structure of the hair in the context shows that its visible part includes the following layers:

Stages of hair growth

The structure of the hair determines the various phases of his life. They cyclically replace each other and depend on the degree of fission of root cells. The lifespan of hair can be divided into the following phases.

  1. Angry. This phase of the active growth of the hair is ensured by dividing the cells of its root. The rod is pulled in length and thickens. Such a stage lasts about 3 years. It contains about 80-90% of all hair on the man's head.
  2. Cathane. In this phase, the hair follicle atrophy occurs. Cells stop sharing, slow down the growth of the hair and then completely stops. Its root is wrinkled and gradually moves closer to the surface of the scalp. Cathagin stage lasts about a month. In this phase, about 2% of all hair on the head is at the same time.
  3. Telogenic. Characterized by a period of rest of the follicle. The hairs are practically not fixed in the skin thicker and may fall out with the slightest physical effect. Finding in this phase is characteristic of 20-40% of all hair on the head.

Effect of growth phases on hairstyle

Most hair falls out during the period in the televisional stage. Some, however, are preserved until the very beginning of the outcast phase. At the same time, they fall out at the moment when the newly appearing hair rod pushes the old one.

Growth phases in the same way as a human hair structure, determine the appearance of the hairstyle. Long curls, for example, the easiest way to grow at a young age. This is due to the fact that each hair has about 25 cycles of life, with each of which it grows less and becomes more subtle. In addition, after 30 years, hair growth is gradually slowed down. Up to this age, they grow about 1.5 cm per month.

Causes of hair problems

There are a number of reasons that can cause a slowdown in growth, hair loss, negatively affecting them. appearance. These include:

  • Diseases endocrine system, Failures in a hormonal background and problems in the field of gynecology.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases, violation of liver and kidney functions.
  • Reception of some medicines.
  • Lack of vitamins and trace elements.
  • Heavy physical exercise And stress, after which the hair begin to fall out immediately, and after 2-3 months.
  • Wrong hair care, negative impact of means for laying, paints.
  • Long exposure to direct sun rays on hair, sharp temperature differences. Expanded overheating of the scalp or strong cold also adversely affect the health of the curls.

In this way, beautiful hair - a sign of a healthy and workable organism. Dull and brown curls are often reflected from different chronic diseases and pathological conditions with which it is necessary to fight first.

Vitamins for beautiful hairstyles

Very often, the human hair structure and the duration of the outline phase change in the worse Due to the lack of vitamins and trace elements. The hair becomes dry, brilliantly deprived of a shine. In this case, it is worth reconsider the diet or try to fill the lack of vitamins with special additives. When they choose, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of the following components.

  1. Vitamins of Group V. Their drawback primarily leads to loss of gloss with hair and their dryness. And vitamin B3, for example, is responsible for the normal amount of coloring pigment. His deficiency in the body is manifested by the early seedy.
  2. Vitamin A. Under its impact, the damaged structure of the hair is restored, it becomes elastic.
  3. Vitamin C - excellent
  4. Vitamin E - one of the power supplies for fabrics hair Lukovitsa. Especially recommended by the owners of long chapels.
  5. Zinc prevents the formation of an excess amount of skin, normalizes the fatty scalp.
  6. Iron and calcium are necessary to prevent premature hair loss.
  7. Silicon is involved in the processes of formation of collagen and elastin, at the expense of which the hair becomes elastic.

Hair care

Improving hair structure is possible and subject to some simple care rules.

  1. Regular hair washing as pollution.
  2. Compliance with optimal temperature mode. Do not wear too warm caps, in which the head of the head constantly sweats. At the same time, stay without a headdress at temperatures below 3 degrees for 10 minutes leads to a significant reduction in the alarm stage of the life cycle.
  3. Long exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided, as the hair structure on the head from this changes to the worse. In the summer, especially during the rest on the beach, it is better to wear Panama.
  4. One of the conditions of possession of luxurious hair - gentle methods for their laying. Daily curling, drying hairdryer, painting - all this leads to problems with curls.

Qualified help

The structure of the hair is to some extent an indicator of the state of the body as a whole. Therefore, if, subject to the diet that admits the necessary vitamins and trace elements into the body, and they continue to fall out and look lifeless, it is worth contacting the trichologist. You should not try to cope with the problem yourself, because it can be a symptom of any chronic disease. Trichologist will help to deal with the causes of pathology and, if necessary, will send to other doctors for consultation.

There are 3 phases of hair growth on the body: anagen, catagen and telogen. After shugaring, as well as after any other way of epilation, the hairs can grow unevenly. When one hairs grows, others are at this time under the skin.

Before starting the process of sugar depilation, this moment must be voiced by the Client. You can even show him "black dots" - it is a hairs that are selected on the surface are the first.

If a client, waiting for the ideal result from shugaring, will not be aware of hair growth features in different phases, it will be disappointed. Therefore, the master must simple language Explain to him the process of hairs activity.

Hair growth phases on the human body: how many and what are there

There are three phases of hair growth: anagen (stage of active hair growth), Catagen (regression stage) and telogen (recreation stage).

The hairs grow out of living follicles, which are located under the skin. The follicle includes more than 10 varieties of tissues and cells involved in the formation of a future hair.

Important! In total, a person has about 50,000,000 hair follicles. Up to 40,000,000 of them are on the body.

At first, the follicle grows, then regnets, then it "falls asleep." Life cycles of follicles located on the body may not coincide. Depending on the growing stage, from different parts Bodies grow hairs of different lengths.

Anagen - Phase active hair growth

The phase of active hair growth is called angen. It is a stage of active division of hairs cells. The average duration of an agenic stage is 2-6 years old (on the head) and several weeks - on the body.

In this phase, there is from 81 to 91% of the follicle. The growth of hairs is 0.7-1.2 cm / 30 days: it all depends on which ethnic group owns a person. Individual features of the body are also important. As the person agrees, the duration of the antenage phase is reduced.

The stage of growing hair follicle on the body varies from several weeks to several months. Those hairs that grow up after Shugaring, until a certain point, simply "slept".

The effectiveness of shugaring depends on what state was at that time the hair cover was at that time. Considering varying life cycles Hair follicles, some people find enough depilation no more than 1 time / 30 days.

Catagen - Volos Regression Phase

The phase of the regression of the hair is called Catagen. This is an intermediate phase of hair growth. It begins when the hairs gradually disconnects from the hairpad and ceases to fed - That is, it stops obtaining the necessary nutrients.

For the catagena phase, it is characterized to stop the production of pigments and division of follicle cells.

The follicle itself becomes shorter, and its base begins to shift to the surface of the skin. The duration of this phase is 14-20 days.

TVogen - recreation phase

The recreation phase is called telogen. At this time, the hairs do not grow, and hold in the skin. The duration of the phase is about 90 days. Normally, in this period, it is at the same time from 6 to 21% of the follicle.

When the telogen stage is completed, the actively division of the stem cell cluster is observed. After that, in the new antenna stage (the more accurate name of the stage - the early antensen) forms a new hairs.

articles on the topic

Are hair growth stages depend on body part?

Depending on the body part, the hair growth stage varies. On one part of the body, the hair is faster than the degree of activity, to another - slower.

The activity of the hairproof, depending on the body part, looks like this:

  • Legs and hands
    The bristles appear by 1-3 days after the razor, and on 2-4 week after Shugaring.
  • Eyebrows
    After extinction, they grow on 4-5 days. After shaking - for 3-4 months.
  • Mustache
    The bristles in women appear in 3-4 days, in men in the evening of the same day.
  • Bikini zone
    A small bristle after the fit appears in the evening of the same day (length - 0.5-0.7 mm).
  • Podmychi
    The bristles appears in the evening of the same day. On average, after 1-3 days, the length of hairs reaches 3-5 mm.

How Shugaring affects the stage of hair growth

Shugaring affects the hair growth stage as follows:

If depilation was conducted in the stage of rest, the following hairs will be thinner. If during the shugaring, it is removed that the new hairs has been removed, the new follicle is not formed for about 2 months.

Sometimes the client detects the abnormal hairs a few days after sugar epilation.

If the shugaring procedure was carried out qualitatively, the appearance of new hairs is determined by the fact that at the time of depilation, some of them were in the Telogen phase. This is explained by the fact that at the time of shugaring under the skin, new hairs can start growing. It is he who goes to the surface a few days later.

In the antenage stage of the hair is powered by blood vessels Pack. Therefore, when the hairs are removed in the anagena stage, blood dews appear. Its appearance is due to the fact that during the depilation of the hairs, drunk from the papilla. It is for this reason that a small amount of blood is distinguished.

Important! If the shugaring procedures become regular, then over time the blood dew will not appear anymore.

Can sugar epilation remove hair for one growth stage

Sugar hair removal cannot remove the hair for one growth stage. The main task of a sugar epilation specialist is the removal of "young" hairs.

Further goal is "Capturing" and the removal of the same hairs. Only in this case can be ensured as high quality and long effect. The time between sessions is extended.

Hair removal into one stage - the task is impossible.

A person has three phases of growth in the body of the hair: Anagen, Kathagen and telogen. First, the hair is actively powered by, there is an arrangement of its "trunk" and developing melanin.

Then he dies and falls out. Then the time of rest is coming, which is characterized by the fact that nothing happens to the hail. Then there is a new hairs.

Hair growth phases on the body Shugaring: Video

From the first video, you will learn how the hair growth phases can affect the result after Shugaring. In the second video, the Depilation Master explains why the hair is not even evenly.

What do you know about hair growth stages? !