Viferon gel for outdoor and local application. Viferon (gel): instructions for use. How used Viferon Ointment for pregnant women

01.09.2020 Glucometers

Viferon Ointment is designed to treat skin viral infections. The instruction on the drug says it can be used for children and adults in order to prevent ORVI (smearing in the nose). Does the ointment of Viferon do not get sick with the flu? And what are the features of treating ointment?

Composition of ointment

The current component in the composition of ointments is the so-called Interferon Alpha-2B. This is a specific protein that makes a cell that is resistant to the penetration of the virus, and this stops the spread of infection in the body. Thus, Interferon prevents the viral infection and stops the emergence of new viruses if the infection has already happened.

Ointment Viferon is produced in tubes ( 6 or 12 g) and in plastic jars ( 12 g). In each gram, ointments contain 40,000 meters (the letters of the international units indicate, they can be correlatively translated into milligrams). 40 000 IU of interferon correspond to 0.0002 mg of the active substance.

The basis of ointments is lanolin, vaseline, peach oil, as well as vitamin E and water (ointment storage - in the refrigerator). Additional introduction to the composition of ointment of vitamins enhances the activity of interferon, its effectiveness in the fight against viruses. In addition, Vitamin E enhances the regenerating properties of ointment, contributes rapid restoration damaged cell viruses.

Note: For comparison, rectal candles Viferon 3 contains 1,000,000 meters in each suppository. At the same time, the weight of one suppository is about 1 g. That is, each gram of the candle contains a million international units of interferon.

What can I use ointment with immune proteins contained in it?

Ointment against viruses and immunity

Viferon Ointment is a drug with immunomodulatory properties. The interferon contained in it ensures the resistance of the cells to the introduction of viruses, and it lifts and supports high level Protective reactions of the body. When internal administration (in the form of suppositories), it has a general system action, increases common immunity. Under the local application (outer ointment) - the drug raises local immunity, makes the mucous membranes and skin sections in immune to the penetration of viruses.

Thus, the ointment of Viferon has immunomodulatory and antiviral properties. It is particularly effective against various viral infections, but also increases the body's resistance to pathogenic bacteria. When used with antibiotics, interferon allows you to reduce the dose of antibacterial agents and accelerate treatment. Reducing the number of antibiotics allows to reduce their toxicity of their impact.

Antiviral ointment Viferon - provides effective treatment and prevention. It is used in flu epidemic, if possible with herpes, papillomatosis (viral warts, papillomas, kondylomes on the skin and mucous genital organs).

How to apply ointment viriferon

The manufacturer Viferon Mazi in the application instructions regulates its effectiveness in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Local therapy of herpetic rashes (leather and mucous surfaces). Ointment Viferon is treated with a bubble rash of herpes 1 and 2 types (rashes on the skin, face, or on genitals). Also Viferon accelerates recovery during windmill (Majut rashes to reduce itching) and with herpes conjugation (smear rash to reduce soreness). For outdoor treatment, ointment is applied to the place of distribution of rashes up to 4 times a day. Treatments of treatment take up to 1 week. Viferon Ointment also reduces the likelihood of infection with sex herpes (with sex contact with a contaminated person).
  • ORVI prevention - for this apply Viferon Ointment. Here it enhances the resistance of the cells of the mucosa to the penetration of viruses. The daily use of ointment supports local nasopharynx immunity. And allows you to significantly reduce the likelihood of influenza disease.

Outdoor use of interferon in the form of ointments with trade name Viferon It has a low penetration of the drug into the overall blood flow. Therefore, the tool you can use women in the period of tooling. Viferon ointment during pregnancy helps women painlessly survive a period of different epidemics.

Viferon: ointment or gel, what is better?

Viferon is produced in the form of candles, ointments, gel. They differ in the composition of the base and the content of interferon. In the gel preparation of interferon is less than in ointment. It also has fewer fat components. The composition of the gel is lemon and benzoic acid, vitamin E, alcohol, glycerol, as well as sodium chloride, methionine, albumin (blood plasma protein). Interferon concentration in 1 g of ointment is 36,000 meters.

A large number of auxiliary components provide quick gel absorption, as well as a dry effect. Where better to use the ointment Viferon, and where is the virifer of the gel need?

Gel Viferon

Gel shape differs from ointment with drying properties. The gel is quickly and easily absorbed, without leaving on the surface of the fatty trail. In addition, it is well held on the mucous surface. Therefore, it is gel forms are better suited for the treatment of rash on the mucosa of the mouth, genitals.

Gel Viferon is in demand in the treatment of herpetic angina. It is applied to the inflamed sections of the larynx and is held on it long enough (in order to enable interferon as much as possible to inflamed tissues).

And yet, the gel can be used to treat infants. Unlike ointment, which is allowed to apply for children older than the year.

Viferon Ointment

The ointment of Viferon has a dense fat base and moisturizing effect. It slowly absorbs into the skin, and therefore it is used if necessary for a long (prolonged) action of the components of the ointment of the ointment.

In this way, ointment is best suited for the treatment of extensive skin lesions or rash formed. However, it must be borne in mind that the ointment form is well held on the skin and is poorly distributed over the surface of the mucous membranes. And when applying the mouth or throat on the mucous membrane or the throat is smoothed with saliva during the first 10 minutes.

Application of gel and ointment

At herpetic rash We use both external forms of Viferon - gels and ointments. Gel is used to treat in initial stage (When bubbles are just beginning to appear or even before they appear, when it is sensing itching, redness). Ointment use when bubbles on the skin already appearedAnd when they already burst and merged into the general wound. In addition, gel forms are used in any stage of bubble rash on mucous surfaces.

For ORVI and flu Both forms are also used - ointment and gel. Viferon gel is more effective for infection prevention. It is applied to the nose daily before entering the street or in crowded places. If the infection has already happened, and the virus applies to the body, a runny nose appeared, then the ointment of Viferon uses for treatment. It is also applied to the nose, but no longer 1 time before entering the street, and 3 - 4 times a day, regardless of whether a person comes into public places or sitting at home.

Ointment Viferon with ORVI

Initially, preparations with Viferon (Mazi) were intended for the prevention of ARVI. After it was clarified by their therapeutic efficacy with other viral infections (herpes and papillomatosis). However, the prevention of ARVI - remains the main application.

Flu Viferon Ointment is used during the period of common epidemics (for prevention and therapy). The most effective action of ointment in preventive purposes. Mazi application will help to prevent infection. And here if the infection has already happened, then the ointment turns out to be ineffective. In this case, the virus spreads deep into the respiratory system, the bronchial cells and alveoli affects the cells with common blood flow. Therefore, for therapy, the internal administration of the drug is necessary - rectal candles of systemic viriferon.

Viferon Ointment for Children

Candles Viferon is allowed for the treatment of children from birth. Also from the first days is allowed treatment with gel viriferon. But the use of ointments is limited to childhood under 1 year. Viferon ointment for infants is not used, replaced by gel.

Note: Ointment Viferon is prescribed to infants complex therapy With serious infections (papillomatosis, extensive herpes).

Viferon Ointment in the nose for children is used for the treatment and prevention of influenza. This is especially important for young children, infants and newborns. The treatment of viral and cold infections is complicated by the inability to fade, blow the root, therefore, during the period of mass disease, many parents turn to the effective means of protection against the virus.

Viferon ointment helps maintain local immunity at a high level. The state of the nasal mucosa ensures its ability to protect the child from infection. The introduction of viral particles occurs in the nasal cavity (and in the oral respiration - in the oral cavity). Further development of the disease is determined by the ability of nasopharynx mucosa to resist the penetration of viruses. If the shells are sufficiently durable - the viral infection does not occur, the child remains healthy. If local immunity is reduced - the child falls after contact with a sick person.

For the prevention of influenza and ARVI, ointment or gel is applied to the nose (on its mucous surface) before entering the street or in public areas (in kindergarten, on group classes, visit).

Note: Similar properties to maintain local immunity are distinguished by simple preparations based on sea and cook salt (Aquamaris or water solution Cooking salt and soda, 1 tbsp. l. per liter of water). During the epidemic, the Komarovsky doctor recommends fleshing the nose often and moisturize the mucous membrane. What is not always convenient (if you are in the office, a children's institution or in a crowded place).

How does Viferon Ointment for pregnant women use?

The desire to warn infection and disease during pregnancy, explains the popularity of using Mazi Viferon during the begging. The manufacturer regulates that the ointment acts locally, its components do not penetrate the overall bloodstream and do not fall into the placenta. Interferon's safety is also regulated for the fetal developing in the womb.

In addition to colds, ointment Viferon is used to treat herpetic rashes in pregnant women. The carriers of herpetic infection are 95% of the population. With a natural decrease in immunity during pregnancy, bubble rash may appear on the lips. For her treatment, we use the ointment of Viferon.

In addition, the ointment is prescribed for the local treatment of chlamydia and to prevent the child's infection during childbirth in chlamydial infection (when passing by generic paths). For this, ointment is introduced inside the vagina (along with a tampon) and leave there for the night.

Viferon Ointment from herpes

Since Viferon Ointment has common antiviral properties, it is effective in the treatment of various skin viral infections. She showed itself efficient in the treatment of herpes. And also to facilitate its symptoms (itching and soreness).

Note: Herpes 3 is distinguished by severe sickness called Zoster. It forms the so-called herpes sliding, distinctive feature Which is the soreness of bubble rash, which is extensively "rejoicing" the places of rash.

Often herpes appears in the form of colds on lips. It is called "fever". Viferon ointment from herpes on the lips will be most effective at the beginning of the appearance of rashes. If you have time to apply the drug when the first discomfort appears (itching, seal on the lip)You can stop the virus and prevent the appearance of bubbles and the wound.

Viferon Ointment from warts, papillom and royal

All pathogens of papillom and warts are viruses. They are united under the general title - human papillomatosis viruses or HPV. For the treatment of any kinds of HPV and their manifestations (warts, papillom or royal) are necessary antiviral tools. Viferon Ointment From papillom and wart growths it allows you to cope with the outdoor manifestation of a general infection. It does not have a general system action, is not general treatment, but stops the growth and development of warts. The use of ointments for 3-4 weeks can lead to resorption of the resulting growth. Warts are the most secure and easy to treat the form of the manifestation of HPV. For their removal, only enough outdoor ointment. If you need to use Viferon Ointment from Condyl and Papillom, then for an effective result, general system therapy is required. In addition to local antiviral treatment, it is necessary to take inside the means to increase the immunity and destruction of the virus.

Analogs of Viferon Mazi.

Analogues of Mazi Viferon are various outer oil preparations with interferon content and preparations with a similar effect:

  • Acyclovir and its analogues - Preparations for the external treatment of herpetic rashes. Do not have immunomodulatory properties, only antiviral means.
  • Apizarart - antiviral remedy for plant origin.
  • Oxoline Ointment - Composition for the prevention of ARVI. It is applied to the nasal passages to protect the nasal mucosa from the penetration of viruses. Enhances the local nasopharynx immunity. What is better, Viferon or oxolin ointment?

Viferon differs from oxolin by the presence of immune cells. In fact, this is "someone else's" immunity, which comes to the rescue of its own weakened organism. Hence the findings: Ointment Viferon is a stronger drug. It better protects against infection and is used when explicitly reduced protective reactions organism.

Note: The price of Viferon in pharmacies is higher than the cost of oxoline ointment.

Viferon is a fairly sought-after preparation used in childhood For the prevention of different viral infections, as well as with their treatment. Rectal candles are the most common dosage form of Viferon. They are in demand, as safe and can be applied in newborns even with prematurity. However, Viferon is also released in the form of gel.

Features of the gel as a form of release

  • Gel Viferon is produced in an aluminum tube, in which 12 grams of drugs are packaged.
  • Inside the tube there is an opaque homogeneous mass. The gel marks a white color, which may have a gray shade.
  • The gel, like other forms of Viferon, has an antiviral effect, and also has an immunomodulatory effect. It enhances the local production of the antibody and prevents the reproduction of pathogens.
  • In 1 gram, the gel contains 36000mma of the main active substance represented by Interferon Alpha-2B (recombinant).
  • Additional substances are acetate a-tocopherol, a solution of serum albumin, citric acid, water, 95% ethanol, sodium chloride, glycerol, benzoic acid and other connections.
  • Interferon from the Gel Viferon is poorly absorbed by the skin and does not have a systemic influence on the body, limited to local exposure.
  • Thanks to the gel basis, the effect of the drug is extended, since 30-40 minutes after processing the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin or mucous membrane, a thin film appears on it. Wash it off or pee out before the next application of the gel portion is not required.
  • The medicine rarely causes side effects in the form of an allergic reaction.
  • Keep the Gel Viferon is needed in the refrigerator conditions for up to one year. If the tube is opened, its storage is reduced to two months.


  • ORVI.
  • Flu.
  • Bacterial complications of ARVI.
  • Singing laryngotracheita.
  • Infectness of mucosa or skin with herpes virus.

Instructions for use

Use gel Viferon should externally:

  • When IVI or with a flu, the nasal moves are cleaned, and the nose mucosa is pre-dried, after which it is applied by a gel strip to 5 mm. Processing is carried out within five days 3-5 times a day, and if necessary, treatment is prolonged.
  • In the acute period of the stenosis laryngotracheita gel in the form of a strip length of up to 5 mm long to be applied to pacide almonds after half an hour after meals five times a day for 5-7 days. For application, cotton swabs use, trying to prevent his contact with the almonds (only gel should be in contact with them). When the sharp period passes, the processing frequency is reduced to 3 times a day, and the treatment continues to 3 weeks.
  • When infected with herpes, gel treatment is starting from the first signs of revitalizing the virus. Using a cotton wand or a spatula on the dried infected surface apply a strip of the drug up to 5 mm long. Processing is performed from 3 to 5 times daily for 5-6 days or longer.
  • For the prevention of influenza and ARVI during the season of morbidity, palatal almonds or mucous nasal cavity twice a day are treated. The surface is dried, and then lubricate the band with a length of up to 5 mm. You can apply the tool within two or four weeks.
  • For the prevention of recurrences of the transforming laryngotracy, gel process almonds twice a day, using a cotton wand or a spatula. Such a course of three or four weeks is held twice a year.

Features of applications in infants

Unlike ointment, this form of Viferon, like rectal candles, is permissible to use in the first year of life. In this case, the testimony and dosage of the drug must install a doctor. Independent use of Gel Viferon in infants is not recommended.


Instead of Gel Viferon, at herpetic infection and ARVI, you can use the outer effect of the infogel, which also contains interferon.

Read more about the preparation of Viferon, see the following video.

Disease Multiplicity / duration of application
Adults, pregnant (without restrictions), children from birth
ORVI and influenza (prevention) 2 times a day / 2-4 weeks the strip of the gel length is not more than 0.5 cm applied to the pre-dried surface of the mucous membrane of the nose and / or on the surface of the sky almonds
ORVI and influenza (treatment) 3-5 times a day / 5 days
Herpety skin and mucous membranes infection 3-5 times a day / 5-6 days The strip of the gel length is not more than 0.5 cm applied using a spatula or cotton tampon / cotton wand on a pre-dried affected surface
In the complex therapy of the recurrent stenosis laryngotracheobronchitis 5 times a day in the acute period / 5-7 days The strip of the gel length is not more than 0.5 cm applies to the surface of the sky almonds using a spatula or cotton tampon / cotton sticks
3 times a day / subsequent 3 weeks
Prevention of recurrent stenosis laryngotracy 2 times a day / 3-4 weeks, recoup 2 times a year
In the complex therapy of herpetic cervicitis 2 times a day / 7 days if necessary, the duration of the course can be increased to 14 days 1 ml of gel is applied with a cotton swab on a pre-purified mucus surface of the cervix

Full version of the instructions Viferon Gel

Instructions for the use of medicinal drug for medical use Viferon

Registration number: R №001142 / 02
Trade name of the drug: Viferon
MNN or grouping name: Interferon alpha-2b
Dosage form:gel for outdoor and local application.

1 g of gel for outdoor and local application contains an active substance: Alpha-2B interferon Human recombinant 36 000 IU; Auxiliary substances: alpha tocopherol acetate - 0.055 g, methionine - 0.0012 g, benzoic acid - 0.00128 g, lemonic acid monohydrate - 0.001 g, sodium tetraborate decahydrate - 0.0018 g, sodium chloride - 0.004 g, albumin - 0.002 g, glycerin distilled (glycerol) - 0.02 g, sodium carmellosis - 0.02 g, ethanol 95% - 0.055 g, purified water - up to 1 g.

Oporal gel-like weight of white with a grayish tint.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

ATX code

Pharmacological properties
Alpha-2B interferon Human recombinant has immunomodulatory, antiviral and antiproliferative properties. Suppresses the replication of RNA and DNA-containing viruses. The immunomodulating properties of interferon, such as the amplification of the phagocytic activity of macrophages, an increase in the specific cytotoxicity of lymphocytes to target cells cause its mediated antibacterial activity.

In the presence of an alpha tocopherol antioxidants of acetate, lemon and benzoic acids, the specific antiviral activity of the interferon increases, its immunomodulatory effect is enhanced, which allows to increase the effectiveness of its own immune response of the body on causative agents of infections.
The drug has a pronounced local immunomodulatory effect and contributes to an increase in the locally formed antibodies of the class of secretory IgAs, which prevent the fixation and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms on the mucous membranes, which ensures the prophylactic effect of the drug for the prevention of viral and other diseases.

The gel base provides prolonged effect of the drug. Antioxidants included in the composition dosage form, - alpha tocopherol acetate, lemon and benzoic acids - have anti-inflammatory, membrane-stabilizing, regenerating properties, and also contribute to the preservation of the biological activity of interferon alpha-2b of human recombinant.

Indications for use
- in the complex therapy of ARVI, including flu, frequent and long-term ARVI, including complicated bacterial infection;
- ORVI prevention, including influenza;
- in the complex therapy of the recurrent stenosis laryngotracheobronchitis;
- prevention of recurrent stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis;
- in complex therapy of acute and exacerbations of chronic recurrent herpetic infection of the skin and mucous membranes, including the urogenital form of herpetic infection;
- In the complex therapy of herpetic cervicitis.

Increased sensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

Application during pregnancy and in the period breastfeeding
Pregnancy and breastfeeding period are not contraindicated for the use of the drug due to very low absorption of components. In the period of breastfeeding, do not apply to the area of \u200b\u200bnipples and the range.

Method of application and dose
The drug is used externally and locally.

In the complex therapy of ARVI, including influenza, long and frequent ARVI, including complicated bacterial infection

Recurrent stenosis laryngotracheobronhit

Acute and chronic recurrent herpetic infection
(when the first signs of the disease or during the harbingers)

Herpety cervicit

ORVI prevention, including flu

Prevention of recurrent stenosis laryngotracy

On the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity gel is applied after cleansing the nasal passages, on the surface of the sky almonds - 30 minutes after the adoption of food. When applying the gel on the sky almonds, do not touch the almonds with a cotton swab, but only gel, the gel at the same time flows down on the surface of the almond. When applying a gel on the cervix, it should be previously removed with a cotton or gauze turbulence and selection from the vagina copies and cervix.
When applying the gel on the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes in 30-40 minutes, a thin film is formed, to which the drug is again applied. If desired, the film can be peeling or washed with water before re-applying the drug.

Among the large number of drugs that are used for treatment, separately allocate the interferon-containing group. Takov belongs to the Gel Viferon.

The main components of the drug and their features

It includes a special kind of natural human protein having a recombinant alpha interferon. The latter is mined with genetic engineering. synthetic, and not from blood plasma, like leukocytarial. This fact completely eliminates the risk of infection with any infection from the use of such interferon. In Viferon, its dosage is 36,000 meters.

At the expense of the main operating component, the gel has:

  • strong antiviral action (by oppressing the process of the completion of RNA and DNA of viral molecules, after which the breeding of the virus is impossible);
  • immunomodulatory action (potentiation of macrophages against foreign bodies);
  • antiproliferative effect (stops the division of pathological cells of tumors).

However, there are other components of the drug, namely vitamin E (tocopherol acetate), ascorbic (VIT. C) and benzoic acid. All of them, firstly, increase the antiviral and immunomodulatory ability of interferon several times. Secondly, vitamins A and E themselves have the property to reduce the severity of inflammatory processes, contribute to the healing of damaged tissues (this is especially important during herpes on skin cover), and also prevents damage to the cell membranes, which reduces the level of penetration of viruses inside.

The next important element is a solution of serum albumin, which forms an invisible film on the surface of the skin or mucous membranes, which is used as protection in the prevention of other viral diseases. And sodium tetraborate, which is part of the gel, is a good antiseptic.

For what is intended

Gel Viferon is often used at:

  1. ORVI, influenza (treatment and prevention).
  2. Singing laryngotracheobronchite.
  3. Various, accompanied by papulese rashes.
  4. Herpetic Cervicitis.

The shape of the gel release has several additional advantages. First of all, it is the prolongation of the action of active substances, i.e. Their slow release provides more prolonged activity. In addition, the gel is faster absorbed into the skin, without leaving the unpleasant feelings, as after ointment.

But as an independent medicinal product, Viferon is usually not used. It refers more to auxiliary.

Guidelines for use

For treatment cold illness And the gel influenza should be applied to the region of the mucous membrane and almonds up to 5 p. On the day, the course is 5 or more days. For prevention, it is enough to do it twice a day about a month.

The gel is applied directly to the plots of rashes every 5-6 hours. The course is approximately a week. For the treatment of cervicitis, it is necessary to smear the neck of the uterus, with which the cervical mucus should be removed. The procedure is carried out twice a day for 1-2 weeks.

The laryngotracheobronchitis is treated by gel Viferon, which is applied to almonds, 5 r. per day - 1 week, then 3 times - 3 weeks.

A small amount of drug is applied with a clean spatula or other auxiliary means. But it is necessary to do it carefully so that only the gel itself can be contacted with the surface. This is especially important in the treatment of infections caused by herpes virus to prevent the dissemination of the disease to other parts of the body. Places designed to apply gel is preferably cleaning.

Store gel need in the refrigerator. After the first opening - no more than 60 days. Allowed for pregnant and children.

Viferon Gel is a medicine that should be in a home first aid kit in every family as a saving remedy for colds and how preventive tool from possible diseases In the future, because the disease is cheaper to prevent than to treat. With the onset of cold weather, the likelihood of colds is increasing. It is during this period that it is useful to give the body the opportunity to strengthen the immune system so that he coped with the attack of viruses and bacteria.

On the cold, wind and other noncomfortable weather conditions human body Sounds differently. One pleasant coolness after the hot summer, the others whipping a trembling, the third immediately begin to sneeze and cough. And when a colleague is sick one after another, it becomes anxious because everyone can be in their place.

Usually the onset of cold weather increases the ability to save to bed with ORVI or influenza. We should not forget about preventive measures that allow you to reduce the threat to "pick up" the influenza virus or respiratory disease.

There are several preventive Mer, among which are drugs that enhance the barrier functions of the nasal cavity.

Why? A man breathes in the main nose (if there is no strong congestion). This is a kind of barrier covering the passage of microbes and viruses. But when the immunity is reduced, the mucous membrane swells and stops performing its protective functions. The organism weakened by various reasons is "enough" from other such weak and already sick people dangerous virus, which starts its destructive effect.

How can I change the situation? Can it be prevented? For this, there is Viferon.

This is a medicine that is produced in two forms:

What is the difference between these two forms?

These signs are presented in Table:

The effect of components that make up these prevention tools is directed to the destruction of the virus. For example, the main active substance of both drugs is interferon. This is a molecule that the cells of the human body produce at the moment when the virus attacks it.

But the effect of interferon begins only a few hours after the viral attack, while the interferon in the composition of ointments or gel is included in the work immediately after applying them to the mucous membrane of the nose. This makes it possible to accumulate strength for greater and effective confrontation with various harmful agents and faster overcome a parable.

Pathogenic viruses have a property to mutate, change, and therefore quickly adapt to the action of drugs and do not respond to them. In this case, drugs turn out to be inactive. Interferon is relatively different from other protein molecules in that it does not have the properties to adapt to mutating viruses.

He remains active in relation to them, and therefore, always fights with them.

The next largest component of the gel component and ointment is vitamin E, which is also called tocopherol.

He is part of many other medicines Due to the fact that it is capable of:

  • find in the human body cells damaged by the effect of harmful agents, and replace them with their healthy electrons;
  • intensify the work of cells responsible for immunity;
  • heal wounds.

The amino acid methionine, which is in Viferon Gel, can enter the human body only from the outside. Its role is to heal wounds, for example, on the nasal mucosa, and restore damaged cells. This amino acid should receive this amino acid, because it is part of the protein necessary for the functioning of many vital organs and systems.

The remaining components of the composition of the gel (for example, acids) increase the effect of interferon in terms of increasing immunity and struggle with microbes and bacteria.

Both means (ointment and gel) have the same testimony for use. They are resorted to their services when you want to protect against diseases such as acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) or flu. No need to wait when everything is started to get root around, in this case it may be late to carry out preventive measures.

The virus can firmly sit in the body and with favorable conditions for it "shoot" at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, you need to buy ointment or gel Viferon, without waiting for the cold and the onset of the epidemic situation.

When receiving other antiviral means, the gel can strengthen their action and increase the chances not to get sick.

In addition, Viferon saves the herpes virus, which often appears on the mucous membrane of the lip and nose. Unlike ointment, Gel Viferon has more full list Indications than ointment.

So, it is actively used in such pathologies:

  1. Herpes on mucous membranes urinary tract (urogenital viral infection).
  2. Infectious damage to the mucous membrane and trachea (laryngotrachite).
  3. Viral diseases of the mucous membrane of the uterus.

Before using any medicines, you need to know contraindications.

Use Viferon regardless of the form of release is impossible in such cases:

  • if an allergic response to any component of these drugs is detected;
  • when feeding a child with breasts;
  • during pregnancy (discussed with the doctor);
  • if the child was not 1 year old.

If a person is predisposed to any component of the medication, the allergic reaction is manifested in the form:

  • shallow rash on the skin;
  • item.

Allergic in this case is a reversible phenomenon: its symptoms disappear after 3 days after the use of Viferon. So it should not be afraid of such a reaction. But in order to avoid re-manifestation of unpleasant symptoms, this question should be discussed with a doctor: it may advise another drug similar to the action with Viferon.

During pregnancy, any drug entering the body of a woman must be consistent with the attending physician, otherwise it can harm the baby. Since absorbent ability is localized only at the place of application of the gel, then its use can be resolved and during the tooling of the fetus, and during breastfeeding period.

Only during lactation the drug should not get into the chest area, especially nipples. This is due to the fact that the viriferon after rubbing into the skin leaves on it barely noticeable film, which is preserved for quite a long time. This should in no way fall into the mouth of the baby.

If a child older than the year, before deciding the question of using Viferon, you need to visit the pediatrician and consult. Perhaps he will appoint other antiviral funds, because many small children are quite capricious with regard to treatment and will not give their nose ointment.

Preparation Viferon is used in two situations:

  1. When the disease is in full swing.
  2. When prevention is needed.

If the disease is already actively exploring itself, then adults need to lubricate the nose mucous membrane every 2 hours. During the day, such manipulation is carried out 4-5 times for 5 days.

FROM preventive goal Ointment (gel) is applied in the morning and in the evening from 2 weeks to a month.

As for children, here you need to be attentive with the dosage. Children under 12 years of age take 0.5 cm gel or ointment. Lubricate the nose is recommended to the kids from 1 to 2 years in the morning, at lunch and evening. And older children (from 2 to 12 years old) - 4 times a day in the same dosage (0.5 cm).

All these conditions are written in instructions for use. There is also data on the use of means for herpes virus. This virus often affects mucous membranes during the period of decline in immunity. Herpes is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, annoying itching, pain and discomfort. The mucous membranes are a vulnerable space for the spread of microbes and bacteria. Therefore, the use of Viferon will help cope with the action harmful substances And it will not allow their further penetration into the human body.

It is difficult to assume whether the lip mucosa and nose is herpes virus and when. Therefore, it is used as medical agentWhen it is already felt by itching and pain. These are the first signs of the development of herpes.

Gel or ointment is usually applied locally, right on the mucous membrane. Repeat it 3-7 times during the day for 5 days. According to the testimony, the course can be extended to 10 days. This course is enough to ensure that the virus stops being active.

It is impossible to completely cure it, and it is up to the time before the time "sleeping" inside a person, waiting for immunity, and then begins his devastating effect. Therefore, repeated courses during the year can be any way.

Sometimes a person has chronic recurrent herpetic infection can be localized during the year in different places. Every time, the treatment of gel Viferon can assist. At the same time, the body does not develop addiction to active substance drug.

And although there were no overdose cases, they still should not take a large amount of means, enough 1 cm for one-time use.

Viferon gel is used not only in colder therapy viral diseases, but also in development inflammatory process In the cervix. This authority is another protective barrier that does not allow infection to penetrate the woman's body, in particular, the uterus and genital paths. The principle of gel therapy is the same as with other diseases. The cervix is \u200b\u200bpre-cleaned from mucus using a cotton (gauze) tampon. Then the gel is applied to the mucous membacity, the procedure is repeated twice during the day. The duration of the course - from one to two weeks.

The tool is used in the presence of inflammation of small almonds or in the course prevention of colds. The manipulation is spent after half an hour after eating, before this throat is better to rinse to remove the residues of food.

During the procedure, cotton swab should not touch the almonds, only the gel should be hit there. Gradually, he shifts down, covering the entire surface of the tonsils.

Medicationswhich are used for therapy of viral diseases, in particular, herpes or ORVI, are well combined with Viferon gel, reinforcing its effect. This gel does not interfere with the action of antibiotics, immunosuppressants or glucocorticosteroids. The latter will remove inflammation, reduce allergic reactions and perform an antitoxic function.

Gel Viferon does not give side EffectsThis allows you to use it in all age categories of patients - children from 2 years old and adults.

Thanks to the gel treated from viral infection A person can count on reducing doses of other drugs, which saves funds to therapy.

In particular, the patient can take reduced doses:

In addition, in any treatment with the help of Viferon, a toxic effect on the liver can be reduced.

The storage conditions of the drug are simple:

  1. Dark place.
  2. Cool room temperature (or specific place where the drug will be stored, for example, in the refrigerator).
  3. Dry room.
  4. The optimal storage temperature is 2-8 ° C.
  5. Store no more than 1 year.
  6. Opened packaging for 10 days.

The mucous membrane should be prepared for applying the gel. To do this, it is enough to dry it with a tampon made from Marli.

After applying to the affected area, the gel forms a film. The following application can be made from above, but it is desirable to wash off a warm water with a warm water.

Treatment of children

Children, prone to laryngitams, tracheitis and ORZ, make next procedure: In the quality of prevention take a hard swivel, apply gel on it and cover the almond mucosa in the morning, at lunch and in the evening for 3 weeks. This course is desirable to repeat 2 times a year - with the onset of cold autumn and after winter.

If the purpose of therapeutic, then in the midst of the disease, the gel application scheme is such:

  • 5 times a day to make this manipulation during the week;
  • then restrict ourselves to the triple application of the gel on the tonsils during the day, repeat it for 3 weeks.

Adults and children who often diagnose diseases of the ARVI type, herpes and others can safely apply Gel Viferon during the first signs of or to prevent prevention.