Stimulating Aloe Hair Growth Mask. Hair mask with aloe: recipes, reviews. Therapeutic properties of aloe. The main component of therapeutic agent

21.08.2020 Analyzes

Hello everyone!

Have you ever suffered a breaking of the chapels? When the hair remains literally everywhere - on a comb, in the bath, on the pillow? It is very unpleasant to realize that the hair begins to leave the "smart" head, and for a woman - doubly.

What to do in this case? Looking for the cause and ways to solve. As one of the options, you can try aloe juice for hair from falling out. It is a pretty inexpensive and affordable method that can really help stop baldness and enlarge hair Growth. How to apply this plant to get rid of the problem, read further.

Aloe juice is mined from the plant of the same name, whose homeland is Africa and the Mediterranean. Nowadays aloe so distributedthat it can be found even on its own windowsill and not guess what a miracle you have at home. In fact, Aloe has more than 500 species.

By the way, according to scientists, Aloe (countertop) is 200% richer by medical substances than its no less popular fellow - Aloe Vera.

The use of aloe juice is known since time immemorial, mainly in therapeutic and cosmetics purposes. And it is not surprising, because Aloe is core substances and vitaminswhich are very useful for a person, in particular for hair and scalp.

Just look what healing composition This plant:

  • glycoprotein - is designed to restore the entire length of the hair;
  • prostaglandins - significantly accelerate hair growth;
  • phenolic compounds are antioxidants that slow down hair aging;
  • glycosides are responsible for cleansing and strengthening the capillaries of the scalp;
  • resins - are designed to ensure rapid hair growth;
  • enzymes - are responsible for food roots, due to acceleration exchange processes in the skin of the head;
  • zinc - responsible for hair growth;
  • copper - eliminates premature seeds;
  • magnesium - Strengthens hair follicles;
  • calcium - stops the starting baldness.
  • vitamins B are heated with the scalp, make hair shiny and elastic.

Aloe juice Universalne - Suitable for both fat and dry hair. I used this tool both on the roots, and along the entire length of the hair, getting like a bonus - a wonderful moisture of dry tips.

Applying aloe juice on its hair can be achieved results:

  1. stop hair loss;
  2. get rid of the scalp from irritation;
  3. recover from dandruff;
  4. strengthen curls along the entire length;
  5. improve hair growth;
  6. enhance their shine;
  7. return elasticity.

Well, in order to transform your hair beyond recognition, you need to have aloe at home or to purchase high-quality goods in the store.

How to get juice yourself

Lucky who have long grown aloe at home, because in order for juice to be most useful, the plant should grow not less than 3-5 years. Remember that the plant before cutting can not be watered for 2 weeks.

I have not yet had time to get such a versatile plant, but one of my girlfriend uses Aloe for its good goals.

For independent workpiece aloe juice us would need:

  • aloe Middle Ages;
  • water;
  • paper towel;
  • refrigerator;
  • glass jar.

If you have all this, you can start a ritual for blank Juice:

  1. We take a pure knife and begin to trim the thick bottom leaves from the plant - they are the most juicy and most useful.
  2. We wash the sliced \u200b\u200bleaves under clean cool water.
  3. Now you need to wipe them dry.
  4. Wrap the leaves into a paper towel and place the fridge for 10 days.
  5. By exposure time, the leaves must be finely cut and squeeze juice. To do this, you can use gauze or juicer.
  6. When the juice is ready to transfer it to a glass jar and use it for its intended purpose.

Such juice can be keep in a refrigerator up to 1 month, Then you have to stock up again.
It is possible to see more than a blank Aloe on the following video.

And now proceed directly to the methods of using aloe juice against hair loss.

How to use it correctly

Actually apply aloe juice in order to improve the condition of the hair and the skin of the head can be in different options:

  • as masks, tonic, rinsers (judging by numerous reviews is the most common way);
  • drinks inside special drinks, syrups and juices with the above component (preferably acquired in the finished form);
  • intravenously (injections can only be assigned a doctor in the most running cases).

Let's consider in more detail what effective Mask Recipes From hair loss can be prepared at home.

Oil Mask

What do you need?

  • aloe juice (1 tbsp.);
  • repene oil (1 tbsp.).

How to cook?

Mix the two above ingredients among themselves in a pre-prepared bowl.

How to apply?

Slip the resulting mask into your head with your fingers and leave for 30 minutes. Then wash with the use of shampoo.

I made this mask every time soap my head for a month. By the end of the course began to notice that the hair was much smaller when washing, they became much softer.

Mask with bow and egg yolk

What do you need?

  • onion (1 pc.);
  • repene oil (1 tbsp.);
  • aloe juice (1 tbsp.);
  • egg yolk (1 pc.).

How to cook?

To begin with, it is necessary to squeeze juice from the bulbs, then add a ray oil and aloe juice, and at the end - yolk. All ingredients mix until homogeneous mass.

How to apply?

Mask apply for 1-2 hours on the roots of the hair with the help of fingers. From above can be covered with polyethylene. Then thoroughly washed with a shampoo. Make a course for a month.

This mask is more killer, but unfortunately the smell from Luca is very difficult to kill even shampoo. Use if you are not afraid that you will be opened specific aroma. But the effect of the means is much more noticeable. Therefore, you decide!

Mask with honey and brandy

What do you need?

  • aloe juice (1 tbsp.);
  • vitamin A (4 to.);
  • vitamin E (4 to.);
  • egg yolk (1 pc.);
  • (1 tbsp.);
  • castor oil (2 tbsp.).

How to cook?

Take all the above ingredients and mix with each other to a homogeneous mixture. Vitamins A and E must be purchased in a pharmacy in a liquid form.

How to apply?

Apply a mask with your fingers on the scalp, thoroughly rubbed in the roots of the hair, for 1 hour. Top to dress a polyethylene hat. Then rinse your head with a shampoo. Such a mask is preferably done for 1 month.

This mask allows you to strengthen hair bulbsAnd as a result, stop the reinforced hairfall.

I want to warn that if you felt a strong burning in the skin of the head - it is worth it to wash off the mask. You may have allergy on aloe.

Represent, in the first century AD. The Roman scholar of Pliny senior advised to massage the skin of the head of aloe juice, mixed with alcohol, and sit under the sun rays. The secret was that alcohol and solar heat open the pores on the skin of the head, which helps the aloe juice penetrate deeper and thereby wake the sleeping bulbs and stimulate hair growth.

In modern times, we no longer need to smoke your head under the scorching sun, it is enough to purchase insulated Cap For masks, which will bring the same result.

In conclusion, I want to say that aloe juice is an excellent medication against baldness, the main thing is decisive actions and regularity.

It will help solve the problem of hair loss for many reasons other than genetic predisposition. Try to apply these masks for yourself and evaluate the result received!

Thick hair! See you!

Due to the unconditional efficiency of aloe juice, this product is used by women to care for hair from the times of the Sumerian culture (earlier writing sources does not officially exist), there are Mentions of Aloe in the same vein in the Greeks and Chinese.

Until now, aloe juice is added to the most diverse healing agents for hair care, since there is no chemical analogs to this substance.

Aloe juice has a number of useful properties that help in caring for hair. The substances contained in the juice contribute to the regeneration of tissues, relieve inflammation, strengthen local immunity, have bactericidal and fungicidal effects.

Actually, if you try to achieve all the above-listed effects by the drug method, it will be extremely expensive and quite harmful to the skin, so there are no direct alternatives to Aloe juice so far.

Composition and effects of aloe juice

Aloe juice contains allantoin - a substance that provides anti-inflammatory effect

Among the diverse components providing an anti-inflammatory effect in allea leaves contains allantoin. The substance is a universal nutrient conveyor in the deep layers of the skin. It is this property that makes aloe juice irreplaceable in a number of cosmetics. Allantoin promotes the holding of fluid in the skin, i.e. This substance prevents the drying. In such conditions, the cells are restored faster after the inflammatory process or mechanical damage to the structure.

Aloe is a powerful antioxidant, rejuvenating skin and mitigating all local inflammatory processes. Contains vitamins C, e, a.

Aloe juice promotes regeneration and exfoliation of dead cells

Aloe juice is keratolithic, i.e. The course of treatment with aloe juice gives a soft exfoliating effect. Purified skin pores contribute to an increase in the amount and quality of living hair.

In addition, the chemistry of aloe juice allows you to quickly purify the surface of the skin from a fatty film characteristic of some skin types, as well as metabolic disorders by type of seborrhy. At the same time - purified skin does not become a target for fungus or bacteria - aloe juice has an antiseptic effect, creating a protective film on

Aloe juice degreases skin surface

surface surfaces. The hair themselves cease to be fat, acquire a healthy natural color.

Transport properties of Allantoin act not only on the skin - the substance "draws" the liquid and some useful substances and into the hair themselves who acquire elasticity and stop sneaking. Moisturizing occurs throughout the long hair, ranging from the root.

After applying aloe juice, the hair is less than seed

The structure of aloe contains keratino-like substances. After the "drawing" by allantine into the structure of the hair of these substances, the hair is much less shaped at the tips.

Aloe juice is a universal component, which is part of many proprietary and fairly expensive hair care products, however, with a competent approach, the plant juice extracted independently will be equally effective and at home.

How to get and prepare a means

It is necessary to understand that aloe juice, applied, adem, for the treatment of hymoritis, and for hair care - has several different recipe Extraction and requirements for storing the product. In our case, antibacterial activity is not so important, so fresh juice is not applied - it is much more important than a keratolytic, astringent action, as well as the transport effect of Allantoin. To do this, it is necessary to maintain raw materials.

Sut off the bottom leaves - they contain more useful substances

Middle or lower leaves are cut (they are more necessary for hair substances). The leaves are washed with water, dried and wrapped in white paper, after which it is placed on the fridge for 10 days.

Darkness and cold is stamped by cells, saturating the intercellular fluid necessary for us substances, increasing the concentration. After 10 days, we get, crushing and press juice. Exactly from this substance and are preparing the most effective means For hair recovery - gels, air conditioners, shampoos and masks.

If it is not possible to cook the juice yourself - it can be purchased at the pharmacy. The effectiveness of such a fund will be somewhat lower, but the ease of preparation of various means based on aloe juice increases.

Homemade shampoo with aloe - Excellent dandruff

Shampoo with aloe from perchota can be bought, but you can make it yourself

The key point in this case is the moisturizing effect of aloe juice. This shampoo is shown for the treatment of dandruff (metabolic, non-demodecosis or psoriasis), with dry hair.

The shampoo is prepared from glycerin, soapy chips, jojoba oil, distilled water and, actually, aloe juice in equal shares.

All components are mixed, then stored in a dark cold place (for example - in the refrigerator). Before using shampoo, you need to shabby.

Used on a permanent basis, until the dandruff disappearance. If when switching to a standard dandruff shampoo again appears - this may be an allergic reaction to the components of a means household chemicals. It is better to clarify the allergist or dermatologist at the allergenologist - the skin samples are made on Allergen, after which it is possible to make a revision of household chemicals and get rid of dandruff.

If dandruff is extremely pronounced - you can prepare a dandruff agent in the form of a hair gel. For this, the packaging of nettle leaves, which is boiled in the semi-liter of water and insist half an hour, after which 50 ml of aloe juice, 30 ml of pectin and 200 g of liquid soap are added. Pasta is applied after shampoo.

Aloe juice can be added to rinsing water, this not only helps from dandruff, but also strengthens the hair itself.

Aloe juice can also be involved as an air conditioner. For this take half of the lemon, 50 g of juice and a few drops of pleasant for you essential oil. The air conditioner is applied after washing at 5-8 minutes, after which she washed off with warm water.

Video: Hair mask with aloe

Treatment of hair loss

There is a lot of masks recipes from hair loss

Aloe juice has a bactericidal effect, stimulates hair follicles and removes skin fat, which stimulates hair loss. These three effects make the fight against hair loss efficient, practically, with any reason for alopecia.

Hair loss mask is preparing like this: the onion bulb is crushed, egg yolk, a tablespoon repeated oil And one tablespoon of aloe juice, then thoroughly mixed. Apply only for washed hair, keep a mask for an hour (with insulation). The procedure is produced within 1 month.

The following mixture has a similar effect: the tablespoon of aloe juice, almond oil and honey are stirred from 100 g of the explosion.

Hair after Khimki need special care

It is no secret that hair after Khimki becomes dry and begin to fall out. To solve this issue, the following recipe is used: takes olive oil, Honey and aloe juice in equal volumes, applied half an hour with insulation. The mask is washed off by any ordinary shampoo, then the hair is rushed with the infusion of chamomile. Created moisturizing, softening effect. Hair after a while returns yourself elasticity and normal color.

Stimulation of hair growth with aloe juice

Actually, properly extended aloe juice is a natural stimulant of hair growth, even without additional components. It is recommended to simply rub the juice in the roots of the hair every other day.

For more efficient stimulation, you can combine juice with jojoba oil and burial oil for a better exfoliating effect.

A good effect gives a mixture of aloe juice, mustard powder and brandy (on a tablespoon) with two yolks. After a thorough mixing, the remedy is rubbed into the hair roots for 2 hours.

Aloe juice in the mixture with other active substances improve hair growth

For accelerated height The hair is used by a mixture of yolk, tablespoon of the Caster and aloe juice and 3 tablespoons of ragland nettle. The mixture add 2 chopped garlic teeth. After stirring and pressing the juice, we apply all this on the hair heated and withstand 30 minutes. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the tool with ordinary shampoo.

Ripple of nettle can be replaced by a leaf decoction. To kill the smell of garlic from the hair - wash the mask with warm water with a small addition of vinegar.

The strengthening of the roots, the fight against dandruff and the improvement of the color and elasticity of the hair - these are the main effects achieved with the targeted use of aloe juice. Over time, the adherents of this departure method appear a certain skill in combination of various components of mixtures, shampoos and hair masks based on aloe. To begin with - try the most simple recipes, try to impartially evaluate the results.

All methods of using Aloe should be carried out in the absence. allergic reactions both on the plant itself and on other allergenic components (garlic, honey, etc.). With the appearance of itching, peeling and other signs of the inflammatory process - consult the dermatologist.

Aloe is a universal healing culture. In addition to extensive use in medicine, it is still used for cosmetics. Do you know what a striking effect is Aloe Vera Hair? To care for the hair, it was still used during the times of Sumerian culture, as well as the ancient Chinese and the Greeks.

There are no chemical analogues of the juice of this plant in the world. It has a fungicidal and antibacterial effect, and also strengthens the immune system.

Let's figure out how to use this component to get a magnificent and excellent hair. And we find out in which forms it is used, for example, aloe in ampoules for hair or juice, made independently.

Valuable quality culture for hair

Aloe extract is endowed with trace elements and vitamins. Comprehensive components are of particular value:

  1. Allantoin penetrates the surface of the skin, and also contributes to the movement of nutrients.
  2. Kakhetin and amino acids.
  3. Vitamin FROM Helps against loss.
  4. Tubil components contribute to strengthening hair bulbs.
  5. Vitamin BUT Lacks the fragility and the cross section of strands, and also improves the structure of hairs.
  6. Mineral salts, glycosides and flavonoids.

Medical properties All these elements contribute to the acceleration and growth of curls. It is invaluable, because it is a powerful antioxidant, and also differs with a rejuvenating property for the scalp.

Aloe juice for hair is an active stimulant for their growth and maintains excellent state of the chapels. It restores damaged strands, makes them more elastic and removes excess fat. Aloe mask is a common tool, as it eliminates the fragility and loss of strands.

Helps Aloe from hair loss, Altonin is accepted active in this. Thanks to amino acids and oils, the plant contributes to good hydration.

What useful juice can be listed for a very long time. For example, it is used to treat

skin diseases that adversely affect hair Pokrov. These are eczema, deprive and psoriasis.

Recipes with aloe juice prevent toxins penetrate into deep skin layers, which can significantly increase immunity.

How to use the useful ingredient?

The use of this component may be different. Let's find out how to use aloe juice from falling out and thinning hair.

We use the plant like this:

  1. External use for hair like tonic, gels or masks. Aloe vera oil and juice is distributed on the surface of the skin.
  2. When orally, syrup, juice or tablets from this culture are used inside. Decractions also apply.
  3. Aloe for hair from falling out as injuries are prescribed with significant lesions of the chapels. Aloe ampoules are used. Therapy may include additional components, such as beer yeast and vitamins.

Cooking Rules at home

To apply Aloe at home, you need to consider the following points:

  1. With the appearance of redness and burning, immediately wash the composition.
  2. Aloe Vera Hair Mask may have a different volume. This indicator depends on the denotation and length of the chapels.
  3. Aloe hair masks need to be used only on unwashed curls.
  4. Before use, the curls should be slightly moistened and dried.
  5. For oily hair, aloe juice is applied to the skin of the head, and for dry it is distributed over the entire length of strands. Be sure to impregnate tips.
  6. The hair solution at home is rubbed with his fingers. At the same time, movements are performed in a circle.
  7. To the mixture, exactly distributed should combine strands of the ridge.
  8. Hair treatment can be performed with insulation if there are no irritant ingredients in the composition.

Cooking with compresses is characterized by significant therapeutic effect. They help restore the structure of strands, as well as increase their delicate.

The benefits of Aloe is invaluable for hair. It allows you to create thermal protection for strands when drying with a hairdryer, exposure to sun rays and when using hot water.

You need to know how to prepare juice from the useful culture. It is often added to a variety of air conditioners and shampoos. Aloe oil for hair is often used. Moisturizing strands, you can achieve a stunning effect.

First, find out how to prepare aloe juice:

  • Obtain only leaves in the bottom.
  • It is better to take foliage whose age is at least three years old.
  • Before use, leaves should be wrapped in paper. At the same time, they are put in cold for two weeks.

Important! There are certain rules how to use a mesenter. Its leaves need to chop, finely cut or apply a meat grinder. After gauze, you need to squeeze the mixture, and then squeezed juice stored in the refrigerator, but no more than a day.

You can create oil at home. For example, connecting juice with burdock or hunting oil.

Useful recipes

Aloe benefits for weak hair confirmed effective recipeswhich can be used for different cases. Consider the most popular:

Strengthening mask

The mask for growth and amplification of the strand is performed on the basis of oil. The component used is often used as a base for other cosmetics.

You can make a similar recipe for the night:

  1. Take a teaspoon of the meal oil with the same amount of repen.
  2. The mixture is heated, but not up to high temperature.

The resulting composition must be distributed on strands.

How to save dry curls

For exhausted curls, a hair mask with aloe and honey will fit. Such components such as honey, the main ingredient and castor oil will need. All products need to be taken across the tablespoon. First, the oil is heated on fire, and a mixture of aloe and honey is added to them. The composition must be distributed over the entire length of the chapels and leave for an hour. Moisturizing mask with honey is preparing three times a week.

How to cope with excess fatness

The liquid composition can be prepared to reduce the fatty strands. Using plant extract, you can treat the hair follicles. For cooking tincture, grind the leaves, and then fill them 100 gr. Vodka. Then the mixture must be broken during the week in a darkened place.

You can use a mixture with aloe for hair growth. At the same time it will be needed brandy, lemon juice and ameal.

Effective improvement in height

It is worth trying a recipe with aloe from falling out. For the recipe, you can use the pharmacy tincture of nettle, which you need 3 tablespoons. In addition, the recipe for baldness will need yolk, tablespoon of plants, teaspoon castor Oil And a small clove of garlic.

Grinding garlic is added to the rest of the components at the very end. The solution is distributed on strands to half an hour, and then you need to warm your head.

Using proven recipes with a useful plant, you can create a luxurious tever in a short time.

Aloe Vera juice is very useful for beauty and hair health - it nourishes, moisturizes, stops falling, speeds up hair growth, eliminates dandruff and solves many other tasks. See which masks with Aloe are most effective and how to independently make aloe juice at home.

The use of aloe juice for hair

Let's learn more about what particular benefit to our hair can bring natural aloe vera juice.

  • Due to the large content of moisture, juice or gel Aloe Vera is especially recommended for dry hair. Aloe is natural humidifiers, which are able to deeply penetrate the scalp and the structure of the hair, thereby changing the lack of moisture.
  • Aloe will benefit the hair that is strongly damaged, break, shake - it will give them elasticity, smoothness, obedience and will be saturated with an incredible brilliance.
  • Aloe juice successfully fights against hair loss and accelerates their growth. Studies note that aloe rejuvenates the hair follicles and reduces their thinning, cleans the skin from dead cells, and the enzymes contained in it accelerate the metabolism in the skin of the head.
  • Due to its properties to moisturize, nourish and regenerate the skin, aloe products successfully neutralize dandruff, itching, irritation, peeling, feeling of struts, healing wounds.
  • We note the cleaning properties of aloe juice - it perfectly removes excess the skin with the surface of the scalp and hair surface, returning the neat and fresh look.

How to prepare aloe juice at home

At home to prepare aloe juice can anyone who has this plant (in the people of Aloe also called the meal). Choose the most fleshy leaves from the bottom and middle part of the bustle, it was they who accumulated the maximum of useful components. Cut leaves need to be wrapped in gauze and remove in the refrigerator for 7-10 days. Next, they are either cut, removing thickened juice, or immediately sent to the blender and crushed, after which they are pressed and filtered into the container, which is stored in the refrigerator. If the Aloe plant is difficult to find, then ready-made juice is sold in pharmacies, so you can buy it without difficulty.

Homemade masks with aloe vera juice

Masks with aloe vera juice eliminate hair dryness, accelerate growth, stop the fallout, remove dandruff and sequencing tips, moisturize, remove peeling and itching

  • This mask is perfectly suitable for dry, damaged hair. Composition - 2 tbsp. l. Tying oil, 1 aloe juice and 1 honey. Stir, warm on a water bath to the body temperature and apply for clean hair, distributing the mask along the entire length, pays special attention to by the split tips of the hair . After that, put on the shower cap and wrap your head towel. Keep 1 hour, if you wish, you can even leave for the night. Flush with warm water.
  • Hair loss is another problem with which Aloe is successfully fighting . Best Reviews It has such a mask - a teaspoon of bow juice, as many honey and a tablespoon of aloe juice. The components are thoroughly mixed, rubbed into the roots of the hair and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Aloe Mask against Dandruff . If you are bothering dry dandruff, a mask with aloe vera juice will be quite by the way. The recipe for it is very simple - a tablespoon of aloe juice mix with the same amount of vodka and the resulting stuff in roots of the hair.
  • When there is redness on the skin of the head, itching, a slight peeling, a simple mask from aloe juice will help and alcohol solution Pharmacy salicylic acid. Connect them in equal proportions and carry into damaged or irritated areas of the head of the head for 60 minutes, after which we rinse with warm water.

How else can you use aloe juice for hair beauty

  • Combing with aloe and oil juice will help solve a number of hair problems - cure dry and brittle tips, strengthen hair, activate their growth, give elasticity and obedience, moisturize and dive. Also note. That the hair then smells perfectly. For this, 2 tbsp. l. anyone vegetable oil It is necessary to warm on a water bath to a temperature just above the body temperature. Add 2 tbsp in heated oil. l. Aloe juice and a few drops of any essential oil - what kind of oil to choose how to comb your hair, what a comb better, we talked to the article AromaSarasa, we recommend everyone who was interested in this simple method.
  • With aloe juice you can cook natural shampoo that improves your hair. You will need about 50-60 ml. natural liquid soap, aloe vera bubble (or 50 ml. Juice prepared by its own), 1 tbsp. l. Glycerin (sold in a pharmacy), 10 drops of hair essential oil and 1 tsp. vegetable oil. All ingredients mix thoroughly to get a homogeneous mass. It is recommended to store it in a tightly closed bubble of dark glass in a cool and dark place (for example, in the refrigerator), and beaten carefully before use.
  • Greasy hair Will look much better after rinsing with aloe. It is necessary to take 1 part of the aloe juice and two parts of the lemon juice, to divert it in half a liter of pure water and the resulting composition is rinsed.

Aloe can be considered an evergreen plant and already several hundred years he pleases its useful properties of those who suffer from skin and hair problems. No matter how much the plant is not yet defined than aloe, which can give a regenerating, relieving inflammation and moisturizing effect. The material of the article will be useful to those who want to know how to use aloe for hair and what result should be expected.

Hair Aloe: What is the benefit

Aloe Vera For hundreds of years, used as a means that can restore the skin of the head, helps rapid moistening and strengthening strands.

Beneficial features It is possible due to the useful substances that are found in it: vitamin composition, resin, organic acids, carotene, components that improve the strength of capillaries and vessels.

All useful components not only allow the curls to remain healthy and beautiful, but also help to remove the existing inflammatory process, Remove irritation, prevents hair dryness and their falling out.

Aloe juice: how to remove at home

Make it easy, but you need to adhere to several recommendations:

  • Sometimes for masks take the pulp of the meal, and not aloe vera. It is wrong, it is necessary to use as a raw material that is the second plant. And do not be confused. The metering is similar to a small tree with leaves, Aloe Vera reminds the rosette with triangular leaves.
  • For raw materials, only a plant, which is more than 3 years old.
  • To get more juice and pulp, use only the bottom of the leaves.
  • To extract the maximum benefit from the leaves, do not water the outlet for 12-14 days. So it accumulates a maximum of useful trace elements.
  • The process of cooking juice: leaves cut off only with a sharp knife. After cutting, wrap in parchment paper and put in a cold place (better in the refrigerator is at least 4 days, but no longer than 12 days). From how much he "gets caught" depends on its benefits. Grinding to carry out in a blender, but be sure to trim the spines. Use the flesh if needed juice - squeeze it.
  • Aloe raw materials use freshly fresh. It is impossible to store it. Each time prepare a new one.

Hair problems that aloe can solve

Regularly using products with aloe and properly harvesting, you can forever forget about such problems:

  1. Dandruff. Of course, Aloe Vera will not eliminate internal reasonswhich trigteled dandruff, but can easily remove manifestations external. A big plus is that it does not get used to how most modern shampoos. It will help not only to remove the manifestations, but also moisturize the skin of the head, strengthen the roots of the hair and positively affects their recovery. By the way, in one of the Asian countries, aloe is the most efficient and common. folk remedy against dandruff and to strengthen hair. Almost all residents have brilliant hair, strong, healthy.
  2. It removes the need to wash your head often, as the hair roots are fat not so fast, the fatty skin of the head is normal. There are reviews of women who have already experienced this method and he gave his positive result.
  3. . Thanks to the use of aloe roots, hair is strengthened, the head of the head is resting, which leads to more rapid growth Hair on the head. But it is possible to take into account that this is possible only under one condition: the regularity of the use of the means and thorough rubbing into the skin of the head after it is a loss.
  4. The problem of hair loss is eliminated. Such properties of Aloe were known to our ancestors a few centuries ago. Even experienced cosmetologists argue that such funds will be effective, especially if they do not contain artificial components, but prepared independently with proven products.
  5. After applying, the tips of the hair almost do not sequel. Actually in cases if Aloe will be added to the masks. They should also include 2-3 types of oils. Alternatively, you can add aloe to rinse water. To be honest, some ladies noted the effectiveness of the result of such a fund. But, in any case, moisturizing and nutrition does not hurt hair.

How to prepare and apply the composition

Hair care with Aloe is the easiest option to get luxurious hair for purely symbolic cost. Girls and women most importantly do not forget the completely simple features of the preparation of blends and their application:

  • Check, there is no allergy to juice allergies. Make a sample easily and at home - you just need to apply a few drops of juice on the wrist. If after 2 hours there are no manifestations in the form of rash and itching, raw materials can be used. Otherwise, it is better to find a replacement medium.
  • The mask is preparing immediately before use. Strands should be clean and dry, dry dryer is better not to use. Cosmetologists are recommended to apply mixtures like that: split the hair on the gaps and sculpt the roots of aloe. If there is a residue of the mask or so need prescription, apply for hair length. To get the best result of cleansing and recovery, it is desirable after applying to organize the "greenhouse effect" hair: to climb the hair with a film and superimpose a terry towel.

  • The desired effect will be only if you adhere to the number of components and strictly follow the recipe.
  • If the mask includes not only aloe vera, but also mustard, vinegar or any other components that can cause burning, the mask is to keep no more than 45 minutes and be thickened thoroughly. If there are no, but added oils, then the composition on the hair can be left overnight.
  • In order not to spoil the hair with a frequent wash of shampoo, it can not be used to wash the mask, provided that there were no fat components or honey.
  • To achieve the effect, the regularity of procedures is important: to apply nutritious and restoring mixtures with Aloe no more than 2 times in 7 days. Do it for 3 months, after which give the hair to relax from the procedures at least a month.

It's nice that the available means with aloe is not inferior in quality and efficiency of the care of expensive masks and hair lotions. And often users remain only in the plus, because they will also save time and money.

Top 5 most useful and existing recipes with aloe

Mask options are not only useful, but affordable and easy to use.

Simple mask

For which accelerate hair growth , Take aloe juice and castor oil (on a tablespoon), drive the yolk eggs and 3 tablespoons of ragger nettle. The liquid is distributed evenly on the scalp, it is well rubbed and left at least for 35 minutes. The minimum course of use is a month. During this time, spend at least 8-10 procedures.

Mask that will strengthen hair

Mix the ingredients: two yolks, 5 drops of oil solutions of vitamins A and E, 1.5 tablespoons of aloe. Make a homogeneous mixture and apply on the skin of the head by massaging movements.

Leave for 40 minutes, make the hair "greenhouse effect." Do not apply more recommended quantity.

Mask which will save from dandruff

Take a teaspoon of the Caster and connect with 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe juice. For those who have hair quickly fat, you can add a few drops of lemon juice.

When a tablespoon of fresh honey is added to this mass, everything is put on a water bath, brought to a homogeneous mass, heated.

This mask is applied to the scalp (rubbing well), and on the most straight. Dry tips are especially well treated. As with the previous mask, make a greenhouse effect.

Such cosmetic masks are sealed only with shampoo. To wash the head after the mask, you can prepare charming chalfts in advance, nettle, daisies. In the extreme case, rinse with ordinary drinking water.

Means for fatty and normal hair

It can be prepared in large quantities, because it is stored (only in the refrigerator). Mix only 2 components: high-quality dry wine and aloe juice (500 and 100 ml, respectively).

Before use should draw at least 3 hours. Apply on the head (hair and skin) and keep at least 80 minutes. It is not recommended to apply the method more often than 1 time.

Mask that will feed loose and dry hair

Take the same amount of aloe juice and castor oil (for example, 1.5 tablespoons) and warm up on the bath. In the warm composition add as many honey.

Stir well until it is migrated and a homogeneous mixture will not work. After that, it can be applied to clean, well-washed hair.

They must be soaked as a mask for an hour, after which it is washed off. If we rub 2-3 times a week, it will be enough for a month of use.