Signs of pneumonia in an adult. How to recognize the symptoms of inflammation of light & nbsp. Additional diagnostic methods

22.10.2020 Analyzes

Pneumonia is acute inflammation of the lungs caused by infection. Initial diagnosis is usually based on radiography chest.

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Code of the ICD-10

J18 pneumonia without refinement


Pneumonia refers to the number of the most common infectious diseases. In Europe, annually the number of patients with this diagnosis ranges from 2 to 15 per 1000 population. In Russia, the incidence of non-hospital pneumonia reaches 10-15 per 1000 population, and in senior age groups (over 60) - 25-44 cases per 1000 people per year. Approximately 2-3 million people in the US are sick inflammation every year, approximately 45,000 of them die. This is the most frequent iso-community infection that has a fatal outcome, and the most frequent general reasons death in developing countries.

Despite significant progress in diagnosis and treatment, mortality is growing. Complete-friendly pneumonia is the most common cause of death among all infectious diseases. In the overall structure of the causes of death, this disease occupy the fifth after cardiovascular, oncological, cerebrovascular diseases and COPD, and in the older age group, mortality reaches 10-33%, and among children under 5 years old - 25%. An even higher mortality (up to 50%) is distinguished by so-called mineralized (hospital or nosocomial) and some "atypical" and aspiration pneumonia, which is explained by the high-voluminous flora, which causes the listed forms of the disease, as well as rapidly developing resistance to traditional antibacterial drugs.

The presence of a significant part of patients with severe concomitant diseases and some risk factors, including primary and secondary immunodeficiency, has a significant impact on the course and forecast of pneumonia.

The respiratory tracts and the lungs are constantly exposed to the pathogenic organisms of the external environment; The upper respiratory tracts and the rotogling are particularly colonized by the so-called normal flora, which is safe thanks to the immune defense of the body. If pathogenic organisms overcome numerous protective barriers, infection develops.

The protective factors of the upper respiratory tract include IGA saliva, proteolytic enzymes and lysozyme, as well as growth inhibitors produced by normal fluoro and fibronectin, which covers the mucous membrane and inhibits adhesion. Non-specific protection of the lower airway departments includes cough, clearance of the faceted epithelium and the angular structure of the respiratory tract, which prevents the infection of the airspaces. The specific protection of the lower respiratory tract is provided by pathogenspendic immune mechanisms, including IGA and IgG OPDIZATION, anti-inflammatory effects of surfactant, phagocytosis of alveolar macrophages and T-cell immune responses. These mechanisms protect most people from infection. But with many states (for example, with systemic diseases, insufficient nutrition, hospitalization or staying in the nursing home, antibiotic therapy), the normal flora changes, its virulence increases (for example, when exposed to antibiotics) or protective mechanisms (for example, when smoking cigarettes, nasogastric or endotracheal intubation). Powerful organisms that in these cases reaches alveolar spaces inhalation, due to contact or hematogenous distribution or aspiration, can multiply and cause inflammation of light tissue.

Specific pathogens, causing inflammation of light tissue, do not stand out more than half of patients, even with a comprehensive diagnostic study. But, since under similar conditions and risk factors, certain trends are found in the nature of the pathogen and the outcome of the disease, pneumonia are classified for community-acquired (purchased outside the medical institution), and in-community (including postoperative and artificial ventilation of the lungs) acquired in nursing homes and in persons with a weakened immunity; This allows you to assign empirical treatment.

Term " interstitial pneumonia"Refers to a variety of states with unknown etiology characterized by inflammation and fibrosis of the pulmonary interstice.

Complete Pneumonia develops in people with limited contact or at all without contact with medical institutions. We are usually identified by Streptococcus Pneumoniae, haemophilus influenzae and atypical microorganisms (i.e. Chlamydia Pneumoniae, Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Legionella SP). Symptoms - fever, cough, shortness of breath, tachipne and tachycardia. The diagnosis is based on clinical manifestations and radiographic of the chest. Treatment is carried out by empirically selected antibiotics. The forecast is favorable for relatively young and / or healthy patients, but many pneumonia, especially caused by S. pneumoniae and the influenza virus, are fatal in the elderly and weakened patients.

Many microorganisms cause community-hospital pneumonia, including bacteria, viruses and mushrooms. In the etiological structure, various pathogens prevail depending on the age of the patient and other factors, but the relative importance of each as a reason community-acquired inflammation The lungs are doubtful because most patients do not pass a full examination, but even with a survey, specific agents are detected in less than 50% of cases.

S. PNEUMONIAE, H. INFLUENZAE, C. Pneumoniae and M. Pneumoniae are the most frequent bacterial pathogens. Chlamydia and mycoplasma are clinically indistinguishable from other reasons. Frequent viral pathogens There are respiratory and sycitial virus (RSV), adenovirus, flu virus, metapnemovirus and paragripping virus in children and influenza in the elderly. Bacterial superinfection can make it difficult to differentiate viral from bacterial infection.

S. Pneumoniae causes 5-10% of non-hospital pneumonia and is the second frequency of the lung infections in healthy people aged 5-35 years. S. Pneumoniae is usually responsible for outbreaks of respiratory tract infections in families, educational institutions and military training camps. It causes a relatively benign form, infrequently demanding hospitalization. Pneumonia caused by chlamydia psittaci (ornithosis) is found in patients having birds.

The reproduction of other organisms causes infection in the lungs in immunocompetent patients, although the term community-hospital pneumonia is usually used for more frequent bacterial and viral etiologies.

Fever ku, tularemia, Siberian ulcers and plague - rare bacterial infections, in which there may be pronounced inflammation of the lungs; The last three infectious diseases should be suspected of bioterrorism.

Symptoms of pneumonia

Symptoms of pneumonia include malaise, cough, shortness of breath and pain in the chest.

Cough is usually productive from older children and adults and dry in babies, small children and the elderly. Dyspnea is usually moderate and occurs during exercise and is rarely present alone. Pain in the chest is pleural and localized next to the affected area. Inflammation of the light tissue can be painful in the top of the abdomen, when the infection of the lower share is annoying the diaphragm. Symptoms change in extreme age groups; Infection in babies can manifest as indefinite irritability and restlessness; The elderly is like a violation of orientation and consciousness.

Manifestations include fever, tachipne, tachycardia, wheezing, bronchial respiration, egophony and dulling at percussion. Symptoms of pleural effusion may also be present. Swimming nostrils, the use of additional muscles and cyanosis is frequent in babies.

Signs of pneumonia, as previously thought, differ depending on the type of pathogen, but there are a lot of general manifestations. In addition, none of the symptoms or signs is quite sensitive or specific in order to determine the etiology on its basis. Symptoms can even resemble noncommunicable lung diseases, such as pulmonary embolism, neoplasms and other inflammatory processes in the lungs.

Diagnosis of pneumonia

The diagnosis is suspected on the basis of symptoms of the disease and is confirmed by the radiography of the chest. The most severe state, erroneously diagnosed as inflammation of the light tissue, is a pulmonary embolism, which is more likely in patients with minimal sputum products, the absence of concomitant ACVIs or systemic symptoms and risk factors of thromboembolism.

With chest radiography, infiltrate of one or another severity is almost always detected; Rarely infiltrate is absent in the first 24-48 h of diseases. In general, no certain results of the study distinguish one type of infection from the other, although multidolia infiltrates suggest infection S. pneumoniae or Legionella Pneumophila, and interstitial pneumonia implies viral etiology or mycoplasm.

Hospitalized blood tests and electrolytes, urea and creatinine content should be carried out to determine the degree of hydration and risk. There are two sowing of blood for the detection of pneumococcal bacteremia and sepsis, since approximately 12% of all patients hospitalized with pneumonia have bacteremia; S. pneumoniae is two thirds of these cases.

Studies continue that will help determine whether the results of blood crops are so important for treatment to justify the costs of these tests. Pulse oximetry or analysis of arterial blood gases should be carried out.

Usually there are no indications for conducting research, including the analysis of sputum identifying pathogenic microorganism; Exceptions can be made for critical severe patients who are suspected of drug-resistant to drugs or unusual microorganism (for example, tuberculosis), and patients whose condition deteriorates or which are not responding to treatment for 72 hours. feasibility of color of sputum in gram and bacteriological research It remains in question, since samples are often contaminated and in general their diagnostic efficiency is low. In patients who do not excrete sputum, samples can be obtained by non-invasively simple coughing or after the inhalation of a hypertensive salt solution, or bronchoscopy or endotracheal suction can be carried out, which can be easily performed through the intubation tube in patients on IVL. In patients with deteriorating condition and non-antibiotic therapy wide spectrum Actions, research should include painting on mycobacteria and mushrooms and crops.

Additional research is prescribed under certain circumstances. People with the risk of legionell inflammation of lightweight fabric (for example, patients who smoke have chronic lung diseases, age over 40 years old, get chemotherapy or en masse of immunosuppressants about organ transplantation) should be held a urine test for Legionella antigens, which remains a positive long time after the start treatment, but allows you to identify only L Pneumophila serological group 1 (70% of cases).

A fourfold increase in antibody titers to\u003e 1: 128 (or in a single serum during recovery\u003e 1: 256) is also considered to be diagnostic. These tests are specific (95-100%), but not very sensitive (40-60%); Thus, a positive test indicates an infection, but the negative test does not exclude it.

Babies and small children with a possible RSV infection must be performed by a rapid study of antigens in strokes from the nose or zea. No other tests for viral pneumonia do not exist; Viral culture and serological tests are rarely available in the clinic.

The study by PCR (on mycoplasma and chlamydia) is not enough, but it has good prospects due to its high sensitivity and specificity, as well as the speed of execution.

The Torso-Associate Coronavirus test exists, but its role in clinical practice is unknown, and its application is limited outside of known outbreaks. In rare situations, it is necessary to consider the possibility of Siberian ulcers.

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Treatment of pneumonia

To identify those patients who can be safely treated in outpatient conditions, and those who need hospitalization due to the high risk of complications, risk assessment. Forecasting should reinforce, and not replace clinical data, since the choice of treatment for treatment is influenced by many invaluable factors - compliance, the ability of self-service and the desire to avoid hospitalization. Hospitalization in the OITR is required by patients who need artificial ventilation Lungs and patients with arterial hypotension (systolic blood pressure treatment of pneumonia includes liquids, antipyretic and analgesizing drugs and O2 for patients with hypoxemia.

Since microorganisms are difficult to identify, antibiotics are selected taking into account the likely pathogens and severity of the disease. The agreed recommendations are developed by many professional organizations. Recommendations must be adapted to local peculiarities of sensitivity of pathogens, available drugs and individual patient features. It is important that none of the guides there are no recommendations for the treatment of viral pneumonia.

With bronchipolitis in children caused by RSV, ribavirin and specific immunoglobulin in monotherapy mode and in combination, but data on their effectiveness is contradictory. Ribavirin is not used in adults with RSV infection. Amantadine or Rimantadine orally at a dose of 200 mg once a day, adopted within 48 hours from the beginning of the disease, reduce the duration and severity of symptoms in patients with presumptuous flu during an epidemic, but efficiency in terms of preventing undesirable outcomes of influenza pneumonia unknown. Zanamivir (10 mg in the form of inhalation 2 times a day) and oseltamivir (orally 2 times a day at 75 mg, with an extremely serious flow of 2 times 150 mg) is equally effective in reducing the duration of symptoms caused by influenza A or B if the reception has begun within 48 hours from the occurrence of symptoms, although the zanamivir can be contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma. Acyclovir 5-10 mg / kg intravenously every 8 hours for adults or 250-500 mg / m2 The surface of the body intravenously every 8 hours for children protects with the infection of the lung caused by the Varisella virus. If the patient has not begun treatment with antiviral drugs in the first 48 hours from the beginning of the disease, they should be applied to the patients with influenza after 48 hours from the beginning of the disease. Some patients with viral inflammation of light tissue, especially with influenza, are embarrassed by additional bacterial infections, and they need the purpose of antibiotics directed against S. Pneumoniae, N. Influenzae and Staphylococcus aureus. For empirical therapy The state of 90% of patients with bacterial pneumonia improves, which is manifested by a decrease in cough and shortness of breath, temperature normalization, a decrease in chest pain and a decrease in blood leukocytes. The lack of improvement should cause suspicion of an atypical microorganism, an antibiotic resistance with an inadequate spectrum of action, co-infection or superinfection by the second causative agent, obstructive endobronchial lesion, immunosuppression, remote foci of infection with repeated infection (in case of pneumococcal infection) or insufficient treatment (in the case of outpatient patients). If none of these reasons are confirmed, the failure of the treatment seems to be a consequence of inadequate immune defense.

Pneumonia is customary to call a whole group of diseases that are usually infectious nature (the process is due to the penetration and reproduction of microorganisms in the lungs). For pneumonia, the defeat is characterized mainly, Alveol - bags in which gas exchange occurs (oxygen comes into the body through a special membrane, and carbon dioxide comes from the body). In the alveoli, in this case, inflammatory exudation occurs: against the background of their inflammation, the liquid from the microShosuds is distinguished, which are located in the walls of the alveoli (exudate). Symptoms of pneumonia are fully determined by the introduction of the pathogen and how the pulmonary fabric reacts.

In addition to the properties of a microorganism, which was the causative agent of the disease in this patient, for the course of the disease in adults and its general forecast also affect the concomitant diseases in the patient and the risk factors, which he is permanently exposed.

The most simple and, at the same time, the working classification of pneumonia in adults is convenient. All pneumonia in adults are customary to divide into the following groups:

  1. Complete Pneumonia (if infection occurred outside the walls of the medical institution)
  2. Nosocomial pneumonia (in-hospital)
  3. Pneumonia in individuals with immunodeficiency states
  4. "Atypical" pneumonia (are usually caused by intracellular, not characteristic of most cases of development of the disease, causative agents)

The most frequent in adults for Russia is a form of the disease, at the moment, is community-friendly pneumonia. In initial healthy adults, the infection is most often solitary (one pathogen). But in old men and people with background severe diseases, the infection may be associated (several causative agents together). This somewhat complicates competent selection. drugs (antibacterial) and treatment.

Pneumococcus as the most frequent cause of the disease

Typically, the inflammation of the lungs in adults turns out to be bacterium pneumococcus. This microorganism has a special capsule that does not allow it to capture it and destroy blood cells (neutrophilas, monocytes). At the same time, many adult people pneumococcus are normally present in the lungs, but does not cause illness.

Pneumococcus (lat. Streptococcus Pneumoniae) - type of bacteria of streptococciine, fixed lanceal diplococcus 0.5-1.25 μm long

The causative agent of air-droplet (the potential patient simply breathes it together with different particles from the air), during sneezing or cough of the patient or carrier of the microorganism.

So-called disease outbreaks are characteristic of winter. They are especially noticeable where many people are concentrated in one place (schools, boarding schools, prisons, barracks, etc.)

Less frequently rapid pneumonia can be caused by other microorganisms:

Basic signs of illness

In the formation of a clinical picture in adults, symptoms of local inflammation of pulmonary fabric (wheezing, for example) are involved, extravalic signs (temperature and other symptoms) and the complications of the disease, as well as the results of laboratory and instrumental research. The most common types of pneumonia should be considered the share (if a whole share of the right or left light) is affected by pneumonia and bronchopneumonia (pulmonary tissue is involved in a small area).

Features of the flow and diagnosis of equity pneumonia

For equity pneumonia, adults are characterized by the defeat of the whole share of the right or left lung. At the same time, it is certainly involved in the process of inflammation and pleura (lung shell, tightly covering it, like a bag).

Violation of the vascular wall in the microshogs of the alveoli with equity pneumonia is very significant. Exudate, released liquid in the tissue of small blood vessels during inflammation, is fibrinic (protein-fibrin protein from the vessels in the alveoli). The largest bronchi is free, the passability is not broken.

The way pneumonia is manifested, depends on the stage of the disease, which are distinguished by three:

It should be noted that now a clearly defined staging of the process of inflammation of the lungs during shared pneumonia can be seen not so often. This is due to the use of various drugs for the treatment of the disease, as well as changes in the properties of the diseases themselves.

During the diagnosis, signs of pneumonia are usually detected, characteristic of this form of the disease. The first signs of pneumonia are fever (temperature of more than 37 degrees: 39-40),

pains in the chest arising from engaging in the process of inflammation of pleural leaves, pain in the back, head and muscles, weakness, sweating and lethargy. At the same time, the patient usually clearly remembers the day and the hour of the beginning of the disease, since its beginning is sharp. A rising temperature (temperature is significantly higher than 37 degrees) is usually anticipated by the strongest shakes of chills, which can last from 1 to 3 hours. Actually, fever can be held during the week, however, against the background of adequate drug treatment (treatment with antibacterial drugs), it is usually possible to reduce this period to 3-4 days.

If the temperature does not remain approximately at one level (above 37 degrees), and all the time it changes by 1-2 degrees, then the destruction of the lung tissue should be seen (destruction can also be with tuberculosis; then you need to accurately distinguish signs of pneumonia, since treatment with tuberculosis Another). This course of events may be accompanied by formidable complications. Pain in pneumonia in the chest and back,

which patient usually binds with breathing (due to the movement of inflamed pleura), usually end 2-3 days from the beginning of the disease. Cough does not occur until the sputum starts to get into large respiratory tract (large bronchio and trachea).

First, the cough dry, especially strong or appearing during the breath (accompanied by pain in the chest and back). Two days after the start of the disease (due to the allocation of the exudate and entering it into large bronchi), signs of the disease are changing somewhat. Mochotus begins with coughing. First, it can be browned in color (with a small amount of blood cells) due to the yield of red blood cells (red blood cells) as part of the exudate. Later, the sputum is mucous (transparent) or mucule-purulent (transparent yellowish) view. Temperature MLG is somewhat decreased.

In addition to the signs described above, the share pneumonia is always accompanied by a shortness of breath. How strong shortness of breath depends on the lung zone affected (its size). This phenomenon is due to the three main factors:

  1. Part of the lung can not take part in breathing
  2. The elasticity of the body is reduced due to the inflammatory process in it.
  3. The ratio of blood gases can be somewhat shifted from the norm due to the involvement of the membrane into inflammation through which gas exchange is carried out.

The patient examination in different periods will demonstrate different signs of pneumonia.

During the tide stage, the patient may occupy a forced position (lying on a sore side or partially on the back with an emphasis on the sore side) due to severe pleural pains (seeks to limit the movement of the affected lung department). It is in fever (temperature significantly higher than 37 degrees). The skin is somewhat wet. When listening to the lungs in the field of lesion, the breathing is weakened, on the breath you can hear attitudes (tender crackling, resembling a snow crunch under the legs in frosty weather).

The mechanism of crepitiation in the tide stage of equity pneumonia

It is due to the fact that in the breathing bags of the walls are exuded, and in breathe, their peculiar "splitting" occurs (this is attitudes). Wheezing are absent. If you perform percussion (performance), then in the projection of the site that is amazed, the sound will be shorter (dull) than over other parts of the organ.

During the adhesion stage, the patient's temperature is usually preserved above 37 degrees. A cough cough appears with a moocroty (due to blood cells in it). The position on the sick side can be maintained (it depends on how much the pleura is involved in the process). If gas exchange is violated significantly, there may be cyanosis (blue-gray skin, due to the insufficient amount of oxygen in the blood). Breathes the patient often (makes up to 30 inhales per minute). Percussion (when performing) The sound above the affected area is almost completely stupid (to hear a real stupid sound, you need to pick up the thigh). When listening to the lungs above the lesion area, you can hear the so-called bronchial breathing (you can simulate such a sound, if you start talking to "hea" and on the position of the lips for the letter "and" to breathe a little mouth).

The data of percussion and auscultation during the resolution stage coincide with the like during the stage of the tide. Externally, it seems an obvious improvement in the patient's condition, and he himself admits that he feels much better. Breathing pain passes. Dyspnea decreases. Cough ceases to torment the patient. Wet is separated less (while it is usually transparent). Temperature is normalized. Of course, all this happens quickly if the treatment was chosen correctly.

In addition to the above-described methods of diagnosis that do not have a "hardware" basis, a voice jitter can give reliable information. Voice trembling is a sound wave that passes through the tissue of the lung when speaking.

If you put your hands on the chest, then the tips of the fingers can be smelted ("trying") voice trembling. The best voice trembling is felt when they pronounce patients of "growling" sounds. Therefore, he is asked to say "thirty three." With equity pneumonia, voice trembling over the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion is strengthened, since the fabric of the lung as it were, as it were, "compress" (sealed, airless): Soundwork is facilitated.

Features of the flow and diagnosis of focal pneumonia

If at pneumonia in the lightly amazed small plot - the focus, then it usually has a connection with the bronchus, which supplies this section with air (first the bronchus is inflamed, and then inflammation in the lung plot is already beginning). Therefore, focal pneumonia is also called bronchopneumonia. It is somewhat different from the equity pneumonia with their flow and diagnostic data received by the doctor when inspection.

The exisudation phenomena at bronchopneumonia are weakly expressed. Typically, the exudate immediately bears the character of the mucous or mucous-purulent and quickly turns out to be in bronchi. The cough in the patient is almost immediately accompanied by a sputum separation. Stages during the bronchopneumonia is not allocated, since different small sections of the organ are located simultaneously at different stages of the inflammatory process.

The beginning of the bronchopneumonia is usually marked as a gradual patient. The temperature slightly exceeds 37 degrees (usually not higher than 37 and a half or 38). Knife in the patient is wet and can be paler than usual, and lips may have a bluish shade. Since the lesion site is small in the area, voice jitting and percussion do not have a decisive value. More importantly, listening data to the lungs: breathing over the affected area is weakened (muffled) may be tough. The most important sign of pneumonia will be wheezing.

These these are called "fine-grained wheezes" (wet wheezing, sonorous wheezes). It is usually better to hear wheezing when listening to the lungs on the back (not in the position of the patient on the back, but during the position of the phonenoscope - the device for listening, on the back). Wars heard during the whole breath. Sometimes, if inflammation affects a small portion of pleura, wheezing may be accompanied by the noise of friction of the pleura (similar to crepitiation, but not connected with one breath).

Confirmation of diagnosis

The diagnosis of lung inflammation can be carried out not only physician (an objective examination with direct contact with the patient: inspection, percussion or auscultation, etc.) It is important to distinguish pneumonia from other lesions of the lung tissue (with tuberculosis, for example). For this purpose, such diagnostic methods are used as radiography. In this case, in this case, the shading zones are usually clearly visible (affected or fraction).

The vocal and blood of the patient are also investigated. Leukocytosis (increasing blood cell cells - leukocytes responsible for inflammation) is found in the blood), as well as an increase in various biochemical substances involved in inflammation (C-jet protein, for example). However, signs of inflammation of the lungs in the blood are nonspecific (detected at any inflammatory process).

In addition, they produce a bacterial sowing of sputum to understand which microorganism caused a disease and choose antibacterial drugs to which this particular pathogen is sensitive.

This is especially important with tuberculosis. It is not always possible to easily distinguish the manifestations of pneumonia from the signs arising from the patient with tuberculosis. And the treatment of these diseases is fundamentally different. It is important that with tuberculosis and at pneumonia microorganisms (the pathogen for tuberculosis - mycobacterium tuberculosis) after sowing will behave differently. In addition, the sputum of the tuberculosis has features (often contains blood streaks).

Medical events

Pneumonia treatment is usually reduced to eliminating the causes of the disease (treatment with antibacterial drugs) and to facilitate the symptoms of the disease. In order for the treatment with antibiotics effectively, when sowing the culture of the microorganism, the pathogen check its sensitivity (susceptibility) to specific antibacterial drugs to prescribe those antibiotics that can destroy the bacterium.

The symptomatic treatment implies antipyretic drugs and expectorant drugs (to facilitate and accelerate sputum release).

It is important to remember that treatment with antibacterial drugs is of paramount importance. If there are no symptomatic components of therapy, then this is not as scary, as if there are no components of antibacterial.


Infectious inflammation of the lungs is a dangerous disease, more often progressive in patients up to 2 years and over 65 years. People with a weakened immunity hit the risk group. If you find out how pneumonia develops, then a person will be scary for his health, and it will definitely take care of timely prevention, will prevent the disease.

The first symptoms of pneumonia in an adult

The main task of the doctor is to differentiate the characteristic disease in a timely manner, since its symptoms are similar to signs of influenza and colds. At first, the patient does not pay attention to changes in general well-being, referring to the cold. The first signs of pneumonia characterize the stage of the tide, which is represented by the attacks of migraine and a strong chills. Additional symptoms are presented below:

  • the weakness of the limbs (the feeling when "cotton legs");
  • minor temperature differences;
  • dry cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • periodic tides that replaces the condition of the cold sweat.

Specific symptoms for pneumonia

When the patient does not respond to changes in general condition, the course of pathology is only enhanced. If the first signs of pneumonia in adults reduce performance, but allow you to transfer disease on the legs, then the specific symptoms of the disease become a weighty argument for the immediate hospitalization of the clinical patient. It:

  • high temperature, fever with possible hallucinations;
  • cough with strengths of blood at the wet separation;
  • cluster carbon dioxide in the blood, broken gas exchange of pulmonary fabric;
  • protracted sneezing;
  • rising painful head syndrome;
  • reducing physical activity, constant fatigue.

Empty Syndromes for Pneumonia

It is important to note that this is an infectious disease that is caused by the increased activity of pathogenic flora. It can be fungal, bacterial, mixed and mycoplasma nature of pathology, but doctors do not exclude the increased activity of other dangerous pathogens not studied by clinical. Noticing the first signs of pneumonia, the patient can prevent the development of such extregnation complications soon as:

  • heart failure;
  • myocarditis, endocarditis;
  • infectious toxic shock;
  • symptoms of iron deficiency anemia;
  • meningoencephalitis and meningitis.

How pneumonia is manifested in bilateral inflammation

Not all patients know how to determine the inflammation of the lungs at home, so you should not experiment with your health and launch the pathological process. Otherwise, doctors do not exclude inflammation of a vital organ on both sides. If double-sided pneumonia progresses, the symptoms are atypical, are described in detail below:

  • scoring lips, finger tips;
  • severe, configuring breathing;
  • a continuous dry cough with a wet compartment;
  • shortness of breath, weakness in the whole body;
  • lack of appetite.

If bilateral pneumonia progresses - the symptoms in adults begin with a high temperature, which exceeds the mark of 38.5 degrees. A fever begins in a patient, the disease progresses, requires immediate resuscitation measures. A clinical outcome depends entirely on how soon the patient and its closest surroundings will respond on signs of inflammation of the lungs in an adult.

Syndromes with pneumonia of different types

If the signs of lung disease are obvious, to determine the nature of the pathogenic infection in community-friendly conditions is problematic. The sluggish pathological process only complicates clinical picture, and the disease soon can acquire an already incurable chronic form. To avoid complications, it is important to know the manifestation of pneumonia for one or another nature of the pathological process.

Symptoms in adult viral pneumonia are as follows:

  • heat;
  • progressive rhinitis, conjunctivitis;
  • dry cough;
  • surability lymph nodes;
  • nausea, no appetite, less often vomiting.

Symptoms of bacterial pneumonia in adults are as follows:

  • fever;
  • cough with yellow mucus separation;
  • pain in the chest;
  • symptoms arterial hypertension in adults;
  • lack of appetite, weight loss.

Attention! The information presented in the article is familiarized. Article materials do not call for independent treatment. Only a qualified doctor may diagnose and give recommendations on treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Pneumonia - symptoms in adults. What features you can determine the inflammation of the lungs at home

Despite modern scientific achievements in the field of medicine, pneumonia remains one of the most dangerous diseases. High mortality in this disease is celebrated in young children - up to two years and the elderly - older than 65-70 years. But be able to raise anxiety in time, to know how to determine the inflammation of the lungs, it is necessary to every person, because the situation from moderately heavy can at any time go to the critical stage when the account goes to the clock, and it will be not so easy to choose an effective medicine.

Inflammation of light, or pneumonia, is the inflammation of pulmonary fabrics as a result of penetration into the cells of the organ of pathogenic bacteria, virus strains. There are less often forms caused by protozoa infections - the simplest, spores of mold fungi.

The reaction to the penetration of pathogens becomes a symptom complex characteristic of inflammation of the lungs. A person without medical education may be difficult to distinguish the disease from pleuritis, bronchitis, so the final diagnosis should be made an experienced specialist.

The reasons for the development of inflammation of lungs

With banal infections of the upper respiratory tract facing each child and adult, almost annually. However, in the course of ordinary colds, the risk of the development of complications. Inflammation of lungs can develop for the following reasons.

  1. Complication of sharp respiratory viral infections. For any reason, human immunity turns out to be unable to defeat the virus, and that "descends" below in respiratory tract. Often, the "chain" begins with an angina or rhinitis, then goes into pharyngitis, then there is a turn of bronchitis, and only after that the pulmonary fabric is inflated.
  2. Infection with characteristic pathogens - most often it is bacteria from the genus Streptococcus Pneumonia. The disease can be transmitted by air-drip, household.
  3. Accession bacterial infection Against the background of viral. In this case, pneumonia develops a few days after the transferred to ARVI or Angina. Secondary infection is especially dangerous for people with initially weakened immunity.
  4. Constant pneumonia. Characteristic for lying patients. A specific risk group - old people who suffered a fracture of the hip cervix, and other people who are forced in one posture for a long time. The lack of proper ventilation in lungs contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora.
  5. Defeat by hospital infections. This type of pneumonia is recognized as the most dangerous, since the pathogens are usually superinfection, poorly treating antibiotics.

It must be remembered that regardless of the type of disease refers to heavy. The first signs may begin to manifest themselves after a few days after infection, and sometimes the disease develops for a longer time. To avoid severe consequences, it is necessary to take action and know the symptoms of inflammation of the lungs.

Classification of types of disease is used by doctors in order to determine the source of infection, causative agent, the development method and the degree of lung tissue damage. Important data becomes the nature of the proceeding complications. The severity of the disease affects the choice of treatment methods, the forecast for a particular patient.

All together allows doctors to most effectively approach the therapy of each particular case of inflammation of lungs.

Based on epidemiological data

This classification is necessary to determine the source of infection. These data are important from the point of view of possible resistance of the causative agent of the disease to drugs. The classification based on epidemiological data indicates the following types of inflammation of the lungs.

  1. Insepact infections - arise outside the hospital. Doctors are recognized as a rule, for relatively "light" cases.
  2. Intrahthospital infections. Dangerous in that the pathogen is almost always superinfection. Such bacteria are insensitive to conventional antibiotics, since strains develop protection against the main active substances. Modern directions of medical science offer the use of bacteriophages.
  3. Provoked by immunodeficiency states. In risk groups for the development of pneumonia in adults - sleeping patients, HIV-infected patients with oncological diagnoses. Pneumonia in immunodeficiency state always implies careful forecast.
  4. Atypical pneumonia. They proceed with a changed clinical picture, provoked not sufficiently studied pathogens.

By causativein

Detection of the type of pathogen affects the choice medicinal preparations. The following types of infections are distinguished:

  • bacterial - the most common type;
  • viral;
  • fungal;
  • protozoye;
  • mixed.

By the mechanism of development

The source of the appearance of the disease makes it possible to determine the treatment strategy. Reveal such forms of development:

  • primary - independent disease;
  • secondary - appear against the background of other diseases;
  • post-traumatic - caused by mechanical lesion of lung tissue and secondary infection;
  • postoperative;
  • pneumonia after a heart attack - develop due to a partial violation of the passability of pulmonary veins.

According to the degree of income of the pulmonary fabric

The level of lesion of the tissue affects the strategy of interference and the forecast. There are such degrees:

  • one-sided inflammation;
  • bilateral;
  • total defeat - includes roasting forms, and segmental, segmental.

By the nature of the flow

Taking into account complications

By severity of the flow

Symptoms of the disease

Inflammation of light symptoms demonstrates different, but all together they add up into a certain clinical picture. Some of them are common, others - depend on the specific course of the disease. A patient or his relative should pay attention to the following manifestations.

  1. High temperature, which is poorly amenable to the action of antipyretic means.
  2. Sweating, shortness of breath, even at rest. Weakness, sometimes the confusion of consciousness, this symptom indicates a severe bilateral or airtic lesion of the lungs.
  3. Cough - may be dry or with a wet. With focal pneumonia, the sputum of the greenish shade, has the smell of pus. For bruboral pneumonia, it is characterized by the allocation of mucus painted in the blood colors, this is one of the important symptoms of a hazardous state. Cough does not bring relief.
  4. Breast pain in breathing, especially with exercise.
  5. Brewing pneumonia is accompanied by severe intoxication, therefore, rashes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasolabial triangle are observed.

Without special competent treatment, the patient's condition will deteriorate. Folk methods are not effective at the same time. serious diseaseTherefore, it is necessary to contact the doctor's help. With severe conditions, it is recommended to cause ambulance.

Diagnostic methods

Proper diagnosis includes not only the identification of the pathological process flowing into the lungs, but also the refinement of additional parts. The pathogen, the degree of gravity and other data that helps to decide on the appointment of drugs and additional procedures are taken into account.

Diagnostic methods include the following:

  • visual primary inspection, patient state assessment;
  • taking sputum for analysis - reveals the causative agent of infection;
  • common blood test - determines the degree of intoxication;
  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound pleural cavity.

It is recommended a full range of diagnostic procedures to establish as an accurate diagnosis as possible. Ultrasound is recommended several times to identify the effectiveness of the treatment, timely detection of complications.

Treatment of inflammation of lungs

Pneumonia treatment implies right choice drug therapy aimed at the destruction of pathogenic microflora, in combination with drugs that contribute to the restoration of pulmonary fabric and maintain the patient's condition.

Homemade treatment of pneumonia is unacceptable, the patient shows the hospitalization in the pulmonary compartment for comprehensive procedures.

The standard treatment scheme implies the following activities.

  1. Appointment of antibiotic therapy. Doctors recommend starting it as early as possible using new generation drugs, without spending time to identify a particular pathogen. If necessary, drugs are adjusted and combined during treatment. The course of treatment lasts up to 14 days.
  2. Providing a beddown patient in a warm, well-ventilated room. Special nutrition is recommended - easy, but high-calorie, with lots of vitamins.
  3. Appointment of anti-band, expectorant, antihistamine drugs. These drugs contribute to the removal of intoxication, improving the general condition of the patient, reduce the burden on the kidneys and the heart.
  4. With extensive lesions of lungs and difficulty breathing, it is recommended to use oxygen masks.
  5. After removing the acute phase of pneumonia, physiotherapy is added (electrophoresis with potassium iodide), inhalation, therapeutic physical culture to restore the damaged focus of the lung.

With the right approach to treatment, the symptoms of pneumonia decrease after three to four days, and complete recovery occurs after 15-21 days.

Prevention and forecast

Inflammation of the lungs in adults occurs when neglecting the prevention methods of this disease. To prevent the disease, it is recommended to lead, refuse smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Hardening and enhancing immunity using proper nutrition rich in vitamins and useful trace elements - also a great way to "prevent" bacterial or viral infections to the lower respiratory tract.

Forecast for healthy adults favorable. In 80% of cases, in terms of competent treatment, there is an absolute restoration of pulmonary fabric within two or three months. Sometimes partial rebirth of the affected focus can be observed - carnification, then additional measures will be required to recover after the disease.

Doubtful and unfavorable prognosis in serious flow in persons with HIV infection suffering from oncological diseases.


Inflammation of lungs - a disease that should not be underestimated. Remember that before the invention of antibiotics, every third fell sick. Achievements of modern medicine made pneumonia not so dangerous, but qualified treatment is possible only with the help of professionals, in the hospital. Non-traditional and folk methods can be a supplement to the main therapy, but not the basis of treatment.

Development pneumonia children and adults have an infectious nature and due to the impact of a number of factors, both physical and chemical. In the process of the development of this disease marks inflammatory process In pulmonary fabric.

At pneumonia is basically amazed alveola , as well as interstitial lung fabric .

Name " pneumonia»Combines an extensive group of diseases, each of which is characterized by a certain clinical picture, etiology, signs, laboratory indicators and characteristics of the treatment regimen.

The question of what the pneumonia differs from the inflammation of the lungs is not relevant, since both of these names determine a similar disease.

Defining the concept of " pneumonia", It is necessary to highlight the term" pneumonite" What it is? This name determines the diseases associated with noncommunicable inflammatory processes in the tissues of the lungs. Against the background of such processes, the pneumonia of bacterial, viral-bacterial or fungal origin is developing.

In the article we will look at primary symptoms Pneumonia in children and in adult patients, as well as the main causes of the development of this disease, treatment methods, prevention of complications.

Causes of pneumonia

The causes of the occurrence of the disease are related to the influence of a number of factors. Specialists determine the following causes of lung inflammation:

  • complications after viral diseases (consequence of transferred, light cold weather or );
  • the impact of atypical bacteria (pathogens - mycoplasma , chlamydia , legionella );
  • influence of diverse chemical compounds on the human respiratory system (gases and poisonous vapor);
  • radiation radiation action with an acceding infection;
  • manifestation in light allergic processes (, Cobl , allergic cough );
  • thermal impact ( burning either the supercooling of the respiratory tract);
  • inhalation of food, liquid or foreign bodies (developing aspiration pneumonia ).

Wikipedia indicates that the development of pneumonia is associated with the presence of favorable conditions for active breeding of pathogenic microorganisms in the lower respiratory tract man. What is lung pneumonia, people knew even in ancient times. The original causative agent of lung inflammation is mushroom Aspergill Due to the impact of which specialists who studied the Egyptian pyramids were suddenly died.

The division of pneumonia for two subspecies was taken:

  • emptypostal pneumonia - develops as a result of the impact of a number of agents of infectious and non-infectious origin outside the hospital situation;
  • hospital pneumonia - develops due to the effects of nosocomial microbes, which are often resistant to present in the traditional treatment scheme.

With community-friendly pneumonia, patients noted the next frequency of detection of different infectious origin detection (information is filed in the table).

Title pathogen The percentage of pathogen detection (average indicators,%)
Streptococcus (most often death from pneumonia is noted in a disease caused by this pathogen) 30,4
Mycoplasma (most often causes disease in children and young people) 12,6
Chlamydia (most often causes pneumonia in people in young and middle age) 12,6
Legionella (basically affects weakened people, after Streptococcus, most often illness caused by this pathogen is completed with a fatal outcome) 4,7
Hemophilic stick (provokes the development of pneumonia in people with chronic ailments of lungs and bronchi, malicious smokers) 4,4
Enterobacteria (Rarely affect people with severe diseases - diabetes, renal, liver failure) 3,1
Staphilococcus (Amazes the elderly, those who have complications after influenza) 0,5
Other pathogens 2,0
Unidentified pathogen 39,5

If the patient is diagnosed with pneumonia, as it is treated, determined depending on the causative agent, concomitant diseases, the age of the patient, etc. during severe flow, depending on how the disease develops, appropriate treatment is prescribed and carried out in a hospital. A mild course of illness does not imply hospitalization.

Symptoms with lung pneumonia

Symptoms of lung inflammation

Signs of pneumonia are most often similar to influenza symptoms or colds. The way the patient's symptoms appear depends on the origin of the inflammation of the lungs.

In case of bacterial pneumonia, it is possible both acute and gradual development of symptoms. Aspen features in this case are: shiver , , enhanced sweating , frequent pulse and breathing, Acute chest pain, as well as cough where it is distinguished thick, redhead or greenish wet.

In the case of a viral type of disease, the patient marks the pain head and muscular, strong fatigue , weakness , .

At pneumonia developing due to action mycoplasma The symptoms are similar to the signs of both viral and bacterial type of disease, but are usually less pronounced.

The first signs of pneumonia

In order to see the doctor and diagnose the disease in a timely manner, you should know what the first signs of inflammation of the lungs in children, adolescents and adults can manifest themselves. As a rule, the first symptoms of lung pneumonia are as follows:

  • temperature increase;
  • manifestation dysfots and cough ;
  • chills , fever ;
  • weakness , fatigue ;
  • breast pain when trying to take a deep breath;

However, very often the first symptoms of inflammation of the lungs in adults, as well as signs of illness in a child may not be expressed so pronounced - often viral diseases proceed asymptomatic.

Signs of pneumonia in adult

As the pneumonia is manifested in adults, depends on the type of pathogen, the severity of the illness, etc. Characteristic signs Inflammation of the lungs in adults, acute development of the process, its extensity and the likelihood of the manifestation of complications in incorrect therapy is the most important reason for the immediate conversion of patients to those skilled in the art. The doctor defines in each specific case which symptoms of lung inflammation in adults: a process without temperature or with a temperature is a designated treatment depends on the results of the study.

The symptoms of pneumonia in an adult man appear in the first days of the disease. The first signs of this disease depends on its pathogen.

Cough - This is the main symptom of pneumonia. As a rule, at the first time the cough with inflammatory processes in the lungs obsessive, dry, manifests itself continuously. However, sometimes in more rare cases, in the first days, cough disease is weakly pronounced, rare. Further, in the course of the development of the ailment, the cough becomes more humid, while it is allocated purulent sputum mucosa having greenish yellow color. Cough, as well as a runny nose can appear in the first days of the disease and continue for a few days.

Another sign of the disease, manifested in the first time - increase body temperature . Already at the very beginning of pneumonia, it can be very high and reach 39-40 degrees. So develops torn pneumonia and other types of lung inflammation. However, the temperature (in the case of atypical pneumonia) can be held on subfebrisy indicators - 37.1-37.5 degrees. But even at such a temperature, in case the patient has weakness, malaise, cough, the patient must be referred to a specialist. Also a serious symptom is the re-rise of temperature in the course of the disease. Another sign of lung inflammation is the lack of the effectiveness of antipyretic drugs.

What kind of symptoms in adults without temperature can be celebrated in the first days of the development of pneumonia.

If large lung volumes are affected, the patient can disturb constant dyspnea , as well as the feeling that he lacks air. With a deep breath, a person feels pain, a similar condition is also noted during coughing. Light can not be sick, as there are no pain receptors. However, the pathological process is involved pleura What leads to the manifestation of pain syndrome.

Already in the first days of the disease in humans expressed pallor skin . There are also a number of other symptoms - sharp deterioration Appetite, weakness, severe fatigue, active sweating, chills.

It should be noted that any disease of viral origin should not disturb longer than 7 days. If one week after the start of influenza or cold, the patient's condition deteriorated, this is evidence of the development of inflammation of the lower respiratory tract.

It is important for parents to know which symptoms for pneumonia in the child must be alarming them, since children have signs of pneumonia may have certain features. As pneumonia is manifested in children, depends on the characteristics of the disease and the age of the child. Children's pneumonia can develop if the child has certain symptoms:

Increased body temperature

You can suspect an inflammatory process if the temperature increase (more than 38 degrees) continues for longer than three days, while it fails with ordinary drugs. Must be concerned about the temperature that does not rise above 37.5 degrees, young children. Especially if a number of signs of intoxication are also noted - high level sweating, weakness, bad appetite. In a newborn, as well as in infants, there may be no sharp jumps of body temperature during the manifestation of inflammation, since the thermoregulation is not completely perfect, and the immune system remains immature yet.

Features of breathing

In sick children, breathing is very frequent, superficial. For up to 2 months per minute make 60 inhales per minute Children up to 1 year old - 50, those who have already been 1 year old - 40. As a rule, when inflammation, the baby arbitrarily trying to lie on one side. Another sign can also be marked: the toddler is separated, parents can notice that in the process of breathing on the side where the patient is easy, the skin is retracting between the ribs and its backlog during breathing. Sometimes the baby is disturbed by the rhythm of breathing, its periodic stops occur, the instant varies and the depth. The smallest children can start nodding in the beat of the breath, blow the cheeks, pull the lips. Sometimes frothy allocations appear from the nose and the company.

Behavior kid

The smallest children, sick pneumonia, cry and capricious, become sluggish. They sleep badly, do not want to eat. Often marked and the infants jerk, refuse to take the chest.

The child can develop not only streptococcus , but also atypical pneumonia . What symptoms can manifest itself depends on the causative agent, the peculiarities of the flow. As a rule, in case of illness provoked by chlamydia and mycoplasma, the disease is initially developing as a cold. The baby worries the dry cough, a hole in the throat, a runny nose. It is initially possible to manifest a cuffs due to the campaign, later the cough will grow in painful when the child cries or eats.

It is important to take into account that if there are a number of factors (air pollution, the effect of allergens or chemicals), chronic pneumonia can develop, the symptoms of which are manifested periodically.

The first symptoms of tuberculosis in adults

Clinic very similar to the clinical picture of pneumonia. However, the first signs of tuberculosis in adults are sometimes weakly expressed, they grow up gradually. The following first signs of tuberculosis in children and adults are noted:

  • cough in which the sputum is released, which is ongoing more than three weeks;
  • hemochok ;
  • small but long temperature increase ;
  • lower appetite , weight loss ;
  • strong fatigue, irritability.

With a manifestation of even several of these symptoms, it is necessary to immediately pass research and determine the diagnosis.

Pneumonia in adults, diagnostics

In case of untimely detection of the disease of the consequences in adults, diseased lung inflammation, can be very serious. In particular, may develop proterent pneumonia provoking serious complications. Probably also destructive form of the disease with purulent pulmonary fabric processes. Therefore, timely diagnosis is very important.

The disease clinic includes the main syndromes and symptoms characteristic of inflammatory processes. Therefore, to diagnose the disease will help a thorough assessment of the symptoms that manifest themselves in the patient. The doctor takes into account all signs of how inflammation of the lungs manifests itself, trying to note the features of such manifestations.

Temperature for pneumonia

The doctor polls and determines what temperature in adult patients, as well as the temperature in children. With inflammation of the lungs and in an adult, and the child has a temperature, as a rule, high and keeps over for several days. However, the doctor takes into account the possibility of an atypical course of the disease, that is, if the inflammatory disease can occur without temperature. There is a temperature depends on the age of the patient and the characteristics of the inflammatory process. For example, sometimes in infants may be celebrated subfebrile temperature .

What cough is manifested

The doctor polls the patient to determine how many days this symptom manifests itself, what coughing in a child or in an adult patient has a place, whether pain in the chest is felt. It takes into account that pneumonia without cough is possible. If the disease proceeds without cough, the doctor focuses on other symptoms, in the survey, considering everything about the course of the disease.

Laboratory research

To confirm the disease, a common and is carried out. General Laboratory study with inflammation demonstrates a number of changes: leukocytosis, elevated, neutrophilez. In viral form, the doctor takes into account that such inflammation of the lungs causes an increase in the number of leukocytes due to lymphocytes.


An x-ray of the chest is carried out, sometimes lung disease in children and adults are determined using computed tomography.

Also, in the hospital, a microscopic study is practiced, urine analysis and sowing of sputum (with pneumonia, the wet is yellow-green).

In the first days of the disease, the doctor can listen smallopushard wheezes . Light with inflammation is listening to a stethoscope. However, if a child's suspicion appears or in an adult to pneumonia, it is important to spend the whole complex of research to ensure timely treatment and clearly know what to do with this disease.

Treatment of pneumonia

To prescribe the treatment of lung inflammation should be a specialist. If the patient appeals to the doctor in a timely manner, the treatment of pneumonia in an adult and the child is successful. How to treat and how to treat this disease depends on the causative agent provoked illness. It is for successful treatment that needs to be clearly known how the inflammation of the lungs begins and how to recognize it.

Any medicine doctor appoints after research, including laboratory ( leukocytes , Soe and etc.).

The treatment pattern, the duration of treatment, the need for a patient's premises to the hospital is determined solely after the diagnosis of a specialist. As a rule, treatment of the disease lasts 7-10 days. The duration of the treatment of bilateral lung pneumonia in an adult only identifies the doctor.

Treatment of pneumonia It can be carried out both in hospital and at home. but homemade treatment, as well as the treatment of pneumonia with the help of folk remedies requires regular control of the patient's condition: they must constantly visit the district doctor and nurse. Direct testimony to the patient's room in the hospital are certain moments. This is a disease of pneumonia in the child of the first year of life, a serious course of illness with a number of complications, a disease, burdened by somatic manifestations, the inability to fully treat a person at home.

Those who are interested in whether they die from pneumonia, it should be aware that the greatest number of deaths occurs in the treatment of this type of disease at home, without consulting a doctor. It is necessary to hospitalize in obligatory children up to 1 year and older patients, as what to do with pneumonia in such cases can define an exclusively specialist. In such cases, there can sometimes arise intensive therapy, artificial ventilation of the lungs.

Main care in the treatment of pneumonia

In order for the treatment of pneumonia to be as efficient, it is necessary to provide a patient with high-quality individual care. This approach to sick children is especially important. It is important to strictly observe the bed regime, to ensure restriction of physical exertion. However, this does not mean that a person must constantly lie motionless - it is important to change the situation, move. After recovering the patient with severe pneumonia, he should not work hard for about two or three months.

In the process of treating pneumonia, the house should be particularly closely referred to compliance with all requirements, both personal and general hygiene. The patient's nutrition should ensure all the needs of the body, which is struggling with the disease. The food must contain enough calories, products with a high content of a variety of vitamins, natural food. A very important point in the patient's nutrition is to provide sufficient drinking. The liquid consumed should be warm and diverse: raspberry tea, cranberry juice, mineral water suitable. Periodically you can drink warm milk with honey and soda.

In case of acute fever patients who have no symptoms of heart failure, approximately 2.5-3 liters of liquid should be drunk on a day.

Treatment of pneumonia in children provides for a special approach to feeding. The child needs to offer often and gradually, desirable at the same time to offer him a favorite food. The child's appetite is restored after removing the acute state. During the power, you need to select low-content dishes. carbohydrates which provoke fermentation processes in the intestine. Compliance with the drinking regime for children is one of the most important principles of care for a sick child. You need to drink so much to fill the loss of fluid due to the high temperature and shortness of breath.

Patients with pneumonia should be kept on the intestinal function control to prevent manifestation and. The room in which the patient remains, should be regularly tired so that the air is clean. Another important moment On the way to recovery - active digging of sputum. In order for the cleavage to be more efficient, some exercises from respiratory gymnastics can be performed.

Medical treatment of pneumonia

Treatment of pneumonia It is one of the main directions in the process of disease therapy. It is important that antibiotics are assigned to the patient on time, that is, to wait for the time when the pathogen will be identified, no need. However, the appointment to the patient of antibiotics must be carried out only by the attending physician, in no case can the drugs cannot be taken independently.

If the treatment of pneumonia occurs outside the hospital, then often patients are prescribed , macrolids and cephalosporins 1st generation . The choice of a method for administering an antibiotic depends directly from the severity of the disease.

If pneumonia is treated in a hospital, then the patient is prescribed Cephalosporins of the 3rd Generation , penicillins with clavulanic acid , fluoroquinolones , aminoglycosides , carbapenes . If the etiology of pneumonia is unknown, a combination treatment can be assigned, in which two or three different antibiotics are used. The effectiveness of treating a given illness with antibiotics can be estimated after 36-48 hours. If an improvement in well-being is observed, appetite appearance, as well as the lack of negative dynamics of lung inflammation, then the result of therapy can be considered positive.

But the treatment of pneumonia antibiotics also provides for the reception of additional drugs. Thus, those drugs are often used, the impact of which provides for the restoration of the drainage function of the bronchi. These are drugs. Also appropriate reception medicineswhich dilute sputum and contribute to improving the expectarching process. These drugs are used that stimulate the body's protective forces - , and other patients with pneumonia also show some methods that increase the organism nonspecific resistance. In this case, adaptogens are effective - tincture ginseng , eleutherococcus extract , preparations of Aralia , rhodians pink , saparala . They are used in an individual dosage twice or three times a day. All these drugs have a noticeable impact on the human body. They strengthen immune system, Stimulate the exchange processes in the body, help to strengthen the sustainability of the person to many negative impacts, as well as to the influence of infections. To restore the protective forces of the body in some cases, patients are entered appointed vitamin complexes (In this case, a sufficient amount of vitamin C, as well as vitamins of group B) is particularly important.

In the process of treatment of pneumonia in children and adults, antihistamines are used, funds with anti-inflammatory properties. With severe disease, sometimes the attending physician considers appropriate reception corticosteroid hormones . In the presence of specific readings, painful agents, respiratory anagetti, oxygen therapy sessions, etc. are prescribed, and dr.

After the patient's body temperature comes to normal, the symptoms of general intoxication of the body disappear, a number of physiotherapy procedures can be applied. Often the doctor appoints Microwave , industothermia , UHF , seances of healing massage , electrophoresis and etc.

Other treatment methods of pneumonia

Another important stage of complex treatment of pneumonia is to conduct regular sessions of therapeutic physical education. Such physical exercises contribute to the activation of blood circulation and lymphatic fluid in the body normalize the pulmonary ventilation disturbed during the disease. Physiotherapy It is prescribed to the patient after the body temperature is normalized or decreases to subfebrile. Initially, the gymnastics includes several respiratory exercises in a lying position. In addition, the patient is desirable to lie several times a day on a healthy side in order to improve aeriation . To decrease safety process In the diaphragm and rib corner, it is necessary to put a roller under the chest and lie on a healthy side. When lying on the back, the formation of adhesions in the region between the diaphragmal pleutra and the rear wall of the chest is reduced.

Further, after a few days, the patient at the stage of recovery is prescribed exercises in the situation sitting and standing, which are aimed at increasing the mobility of the chest, and also imply a diaphragmant respiratory training.

After full cure to people who had pneumonia, it is recommended to deal with skiing, rowing, play sports.

To improve the drainage function of the bronchi and the ventilation function of the lungs, is often assigned to conduct . However, it should be noted that inhalations are carried out after removing the most acute state. For inhalations, special preparations are used, for example , as well as grave champs.

Using the massage, it is possible to significantly improve the process of wetting the wet. In addition, massage has a bronchological impact. Depending on the purpose of the doctor applied as classic segmental , so I. acupressure .

Via roast massage It is possible to significantly speed up the process of wetting with a strong cough. For this on the skin, pre-lubricated vaseline The bank is superimposed, the container of which should be 200 ml. After squeezing, the banks massage movements are held from the lower back to the cervical spine. Such a massage should last about ten minutes. After that, the patient is wrapped with a blanket and give it a glass of warm tea. Such a massage can be carried out every two days.

After removing the acute state of the patient also recommended to do paraffin , mud , ozokerite appliques . Some specialists also recommend conducting sessions. . but this method It is impossible to practice people in a state of intoxication, with fever, with cardiac and respiratory failure.

It is important that the treatment of pneumonia is carried out to a complete recovery of the patient: it should not only normalize the well-being, but also indicators of laboratory and radiological studies.

After the end of the main course of treatment, patients often recommend continuing the recovery after the disease in sanatorium conditions. As a rule, with a competent approach to treatment, the patient's recovery occurs approximately three to four weeks.

Treatment of pneumonia folk remedies It can also be used under the condition of disease therapy at home and the absence of severe patient's condition. There are a number of recipes of braverapers and dishes of medicinal herbs that effectively affect the common state of the patient. Some recipes, proven by many years of experience, can be used in parallel with medication treatment. We offer several possible recipes for the treatment of pneumonia by folk remedies.

Take two tablespoons of aloe leaves, grind and mix with one teaspoon of salt. 1 tsp. Salt. The mixture is accepted three times a day before eating one teaspoon. The calendula tincture, which is taken twenty drops three times a day, are prepared as follows: Two tablespoons of calendula flowers are poured with one glass of medical alcohol. Infusion prepare for 15 days in a dark place. Similarly, you can cook the tincture of the grass of the grass (on one tablespoon of herbs one glass of vodka), which is taken four times a day on one teaspoon.

Another means of traditional medicine effectively helps to get rid of cough. To do this, one glass of oats with a husk mixed with one liter of milk. The mixture must be cooked for half an hour, after which itching and adding two tablespoons of cream oil, five tablespoons of honey. Before bedtime, the patient should be taken on a glass of means.

In addition, for the treatment of pneumonia in children and adults, folk medicine advises to take decoctions of medicinal herbs. There are many variants of grass fees that effectively affect the condition of patient pneumonia.

Through one part of the grass, anise, anise fruits, pine kidneys, dill fruits, loose grass, licorice root. The collection is poured cold water, It is about an hour, after which it needs to be brought to a boil and cook for about five minutes. Create a half-table collection three times a day.

In another collection of grass enters one teaspoon of chamomile flowers, calendula, hunter. The mixture is filled with two glasses of boiling water, it is for two hours. Take the collection you need a third cup three times a day.

In addition, therapeutic fees may include other herbs: a sage medicinal, mother-and-stepmother, tyamyan ordinary, horsetail of field, plantain leaves, peppermint, dwarm net, nine, elderberry, black and other medicinal plants.

In tea that the patient drinks throughout the day should be added honey and lemon, periodically recommended to drink warm milk with the addition of one teaspoon of butter and honey.

It is used in the treatment of pneumonia also source and therapy - daily reception of fresh vegetable and fruit juices. Most useful sick juices beets, carrots, spinach.

Effective in the fight against the symptoms of pneumonia and the eucalyptus tincture, which is used as externally - for inhalation and rinse the throat, and inward, 30 drops three times a day.

In order to activate the sparkling process of sputum, it is recommended to use freshly squeezed cabbage juice, mixed with honey. Folk medicine also recommends regular use of raisins, figs, almonds.

An effective way to treat pneumonia at home is banks that put on the back and the patient's chest. In addition, the compresses and dressings of a warming nature are used.

Antibiotics at pneumonia

With inflammation of light antibiotics in adults, it is advisable to apply after the disease was confirmed by at least one diagnostic method.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that individual symptoms are for example, a child's rapid breathing at a temperature, cough with a deep breath in an adult, etc. - are not a reason for immediate reception of antibacterial drugs, as the patient could be ill and other ailment. Independently defined whether the patient has four signs or 5 signs of inflammation, it is impossible. To appoint adequate antibiotic therapy, you need to immediately contact the doctor.

Before appointing antibiotics, it is important to determine the causative agent of the disease - with this condition therapy will be most adequate. But in some cases it is not possible, therefore, experts prescribe antibacterial LS wide range of action. They are also used before determining the pathogen to create therapeutic concentrations of active ingredients in the blood.

Pneumonia, provoked streptococco (it can cause streptococcus in the throat in a child, etc.), is treated with penicillins of a wide range of exposure , sometimes prescribed in combination with aminoglycosides .

Mycoplasma in children as well chlamydious , legionelles infection require the appointment of specialized antibiotics - ,. Also appropriate antibacterial LS wide spectrum.

Treated with antibiotics - semi-synthetic penicillins The treatment of bronchopneumonia in adults can be carried out at home.

With pulmonary inflammation, a complex of 2-3 antibiotics drugs is sometimes used, especially if the focus of inflammation takes more than one segment.

Complications of pneumonia

If patients refer to specialists immediately after being ill, and then adhere to the prescribed treatment regimen, complications, as a rule, do not develop. The manifestation of complications may be associated directly with the disease, as well as with the reception of drugs. The probability of exacerbation is also increasing chronic diseasesheart failure , emphysema and etc.

As a complication can develop pureropneumonia For which the involvement in the inflammatory process is characterized by several lung fractions at the inflammatory process, while there is a sharp and serious flow of the disease.

Probably manifestation pureurrita (inflammation of the pleura), which can grow into exudative Plegritis When liquid accumulates in the pleural cavity.

Another dangerous complication - lungs When they are developing with pnoma cavity. This complication develops in people with chronic diseases.

In addition, the inflammation of the lungs may complicate septice blood , bactemey .

There is a risk of development infectious , problems with breathing.

Sometimes after transferred inflammation of the lungs, the first signs develop asthmy in adolescents and children.

Prevention of complications of pneumonia

It is very important to take timely diagnostics in a timely manner and adhere to the treatment schedule as a specialist with flu, cold, long cough.

It is necessary to adhere to the well-known rules of hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

Pneumonia prevention

As measures of prevention of pneumonia, it is important to comply with general sanitary and hygienic rules, to devote regularly time for hardening, physical education. Sanation of chronic infection foci is also important. All diseases in which the lungs are defeated are needed immediately and correctly treated. Healthy image Lifestyle adults, a competent approach to child care, as well as hardening the kid in the first year of life will avoid the disease. There are also some drugs ( bronchomunal , IRS-19 ,) which stimulate the protective properties of the body during the highest probability of infection infectious diseases. They also produce a certain vaccination effect, aimed against the pathogens of respiratory diseases.

Education: She graduated from the Rivne State Basic Medical College in the specialty "Pharmacy". He graduated from Vinnitsa State Medical University. M.I.Pirogov and internship at its base.

Work experience: From 2003 to 2013 - she worked on the posts of the province and the head of the pharmaceutical kiosk. He was awarded diplomas and signs of distinction for many years and conscientious work. Articles on medical themes were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.