Evalar Folic Acid with Vitamins B12 and B6. Folic acid with vitamins B12 and B6: Instructions for use Evalar Folic Acid with Vitamins B12

28.07.2020 Information

Folic acid With vitamins B12 and B6 "Evalar"it is rich in such vitamins and minerals as: vitamin B6 - 300%, vitamin B9 - 150%, vitamin B12 - 166.7%

What is useful folic acid with vitamins B12 and B6 "Evallar"

  • Vitamin B6. Participates in maintaining an immune response, braking and excitement processes in the Central nervous system, in the transformations of amino acids, the metabolism of tryptophan, lipids and nucleic acids, contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells, maintaining normal level Homocysteine \u200b\u200bin the blood. Insufficient consumption of vitamin B6 is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, disruption of the state of the skin, the development of homocysteinemia, anemia.
  • Vitamin B9. As a coenzyme is involved in the metabolism of nucleic and amino acids. The deficiency of folate leads to a violation of the synthesis of nucleic acids and the protein, the consequence of the braking of growth and cell division, especially in rapidly proligifeling tissues: bone marrow, intestinal epithelium, etc. Insufficient consumption of folate during pregnancy is one of the reasons for presence, hypotrophy, congenital deformities and violations of the child's development. A pronounced link is shown between the level of folate, homocysteine \u200b\u200band the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Vitamin B12. Plays an important role in metabolism and transformations of amino acids. Folate and Vitamin B12 are interrelated vitamins, participate in blood formation. The lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary flange failure, as well as anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.

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The human body is not able to produce most of the substances you need alone. Therefore, there is a need to fill their margin by taking multivitamin drugs. Pharmacists of Evalar developed a special multivitamin composition "Folic acid with Vitamins B12 and B6".

Vitamin complex refers to a number of biologically active food additives (BAA), where water soluble vitamin B9 (folic acid) plays the role of an indispensable participant in such vital processes such as blood formation and metabolism. And additional elements - cyanocobalamin (B12) and pyridoxine (B6) - contribute to the best digestibility of this important ingredient.

Form release

The drug is produced in the form of tablets (40 pcs. 0.22 g), packed in a cardboard box.


As part of 1 tablets contain:

  • folic acid (B9) - 600 μg (300% sufficient daily norm, which is permissible for daily consumption);
  • cyanocobalamin (B12) - 5 μg (500% daily norm);
  • pyridoxine (B6) - 6 mg (300%).

Additional nutritional supplements:

  • cellulose - reduces calorie;
  • calcium Stearat - plays the role of an emulsifier (binder);
  • silicon dioxide - contributes to the formation of a homogeneous substance.

The composition of the external soluble coating includes:

  • thickeners (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, polyethylene glycol);
  • dyes (turmeric, titanium dioxide).

The tablet shell makes it possible to dosagely release the components contained inside, which allows the useful substances to be assumed in the body gradually and most effectively.

pharmachologic effect

Folic acid, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin are well-connected elements to each other, so the joint use is recommended. A shortage in the body of elements B6 or B12 also leads to folic acid insufficiency. This combination of interrelated ingredients of the group B takes part in the hemoglobin allocation, contributes to the release of energy, helps the production of adrenaline and serotonin, thereby regulates the general psychological state of the person.

How do ingredients work?

B9 serves as a growth stimulator, in which the body needs to reproduce new tissue cells. The ingredient is involved in the replenishment of all elements of blood and exchange processes by biologically active substances. Cyancobalamin B12 enhances these functions, contributes to maintaining the B9 level balance in sufficient quantity. B6 maintains the level of homocysteine \u200b\u200bin the blood (amino acids that cannot be filled with food, but it is indispensable in the protein synthesis).

The complex designated as vitamin therapy works in the human body, performing such functions:

  • easily digested in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • enters plasma proteins;
  • quickly distributed over the tissues and organs;
  • metabolized by the kidneys.

What is the benefit of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid?

These useful supplements are required for:

  • enhance immunity;
  • improvement of digestion;
  • normal functioning of brain activity;
  • reducing the risk of development of Malokrovia;
  • maintaining the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • the exceptions of nervous states, depression, fatigue.

With a deficit of nutrients in the body facing up to 70% of the population. Vitamin B9 and the active elements compatible with it are especially needed by the feminine.

For women's health and beauty

Vitamin complex helps:

  • rejuvenation of the skin;
  • reduce fragility and improvement of the structure of hair and nails;
  • regulation menstrual cycle;
  • facilitate the period of menopause.

With a lack of B9 women, especially after 40 years, test:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • detection of appearance and general well-being.

Vitamin B6 is valid on the principle of estrogen (female hormones) and as a somatic drug:

  • soothes;
  • shifted;
  • controls sweating;
  • normalizes pressure;
  • restores heartbeat rhythm.

Element B12 (the only one of the group containing an indispensable mineral element cobalt):

  • improves memory;
  • increases appetite;
  • prevents anemia;
  • participates in the formation of the DNA structure.

Products containing vitamins B12, B6 and folic acid

Healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition Let a person save immunity and to maintain well-being independently. In periods of off-season, with mass infections transferred stressful situations, it is shown to take vitamin complexes that help the body in the fight against negative impacts.

To replenish the element B9, it is necessary to include in the diet:

  • liver and other sub-products;
  • eggs;
  • beans and beans;
  • beets and tomatoes;
  • asparagus and spinach;
  • strawberry;
  • melon;
  • yeast.

Vitamin B6 sources:

  • meat (including bird);
  • bananas;
  • grain and legumes;
  • oat groats;
  • sour cream.

The B12 deficit can be filled from:

  • cheese;
  • by-products;
  • oysters;
  • yeast;
  • octopus meat.

Indications for the use of the drug

Bad with ingredients B9, B12 and B6 is shown to use to improve such conditions:

  • prevention of heart disease and stroke;
  • atherosclerosis therapy;
  • reduction of heart attacks;
  • obstacles to the development of osteoporosis;
  • replenish the content of the vitamins of this series;
  • preventing the development of benign and malignant neoplasms.

Other testimony for purpose:

  • anemia;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • leukopenia;
  • intestinal tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy.

Method of use and dose of folic acid and vitamins B12 and B6

A sufficient dose of the drug for an adult patient is 1 tablet (220 μg) per day. Take the drug you need together with meals or after meals. The dosage is allowed to raise up to 440 μg (according to the evidence of the detected disease). The course of vitamin therapy lasts from 2 to 8 weeks. Children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, the norm should be regulated, according to the recommendations of the doctor.


Reception of the vitamin complex is shown depending on age:

  • up to 6 months - 25 μg;
  • from 6 months to 3 years - 50 μg;
  • from 3 to 15 years - 100-200 μg;
  • from 15 years - 220 μg or adult dosage (440 μg).

With difficulty, measure the desired amount of tableted shape, it is necessary to be crowned and stir in water, and with the help of a dimensional spoon, take the necessary dose ready for use. If the child is on breastfeeding And the mother is a commitment to the right and balanced nutrition, then he does not need additional appointments of the drug.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

B9 is called "vitamin motherhood", since the element is especially important during pregnancy. Under his influence:

  • fruit is formed;
  • cell growth occurs;
  • develops a placenta;
  • dNA structure is created.

The lack of vitamin in the first time of pregnancy threatens newborn pathological deviations in the nervous system. Especially needed folic acid in the complex with ingredients B12 and B6. Their disadvantage in the diet of the future mother:

  • can provoke miscarriage;
  • increases the risk of pathologies;
  • leads to detachment of the placenta.

Gynecologists are recommended to begin preventive dosages 3 months before the planned pregnancy and continue the next 9 months. The dose is 55 μg (quarter tablets). If a woman has no first child, and in previous pregnancies, pathologies were found, the norm should be increased by 2 times and higher (permissible daily dose It is 660 mcg, it is selected by the doctor's testimony).


Do not prescribe vitamins B9, B6 and B12 with:

But the active elements of B9 are able to stimulate not only vital processes in the body, but also cancer cells. Therefore, the drug is not prescribed in the detected oncological disease.

Overdose by vitamin complex is unlikely. If this happens, then manifests the following symptoms:

  • rash and itching;
  • asthma attack;
  • convulsions;
  • sharp pains in the stomach;
  • inflammation oral cavity.

If such signs are found, it is necessary to stop taking the drug.

Storage conditions

Shelf life


The cost of the multicompress tablets "Folic acid with Vitamins B12 and B6" in pharmacies (by region):

  • 152 rub. (Moscow);
  • 128 rub. (Yekaterinburg city).
  • 119 rub. (Omsk);
  • 106 rub. (Krasnodar city).


Tablets of a similar spectrum of action:

  • Doppelgers an asset (supplemented by other vitamins, C and E);
  • Solk (folic acid Folate);
  • Elevit Pronatol (prescribed pregnant women);
  • VitamiMire and others.

Based on this vitamin composition (B9, B6 and B12), a solution of the drug is produced for intramuscular and intravenous administration.

It is a biologically inactive substance. For medical purposes, the substance receives artificial way. Vitamin B9 is made in the form of ampoules, powders or tablets. Folic acid is also contained in food products: in spinach, beans, tomatoes, beets, eggs, meat, animal liver.

Pharmacological properties

The substance is involved in the exchange of substances, and also acts in the title role in the synthesis of immune cells, improves digestion. This drug is also called vitamin motherhood, because folic acid is the most important vitamin during pregnancy, which forms fruit, stimulates the growth of cells and is necessary for the development of the placenta. Lack of this substance on initial stages Pregnancy may threaten the fetus by a defect of the nervous system.

Folic acid with vitamins B12 and B6 adjusts mental condition Human, participates in the synthesis of serotonin hormones and adrenaline, which are important for the nervous system. The substance is necessary for replication of amino acids, nucleic acids, purines, pyrimidines, takes part in the exchange of choline. That is why, for the integrated impact, doctors recommend taking folic acid along with Vitamins B12 and B6.

Folic acid (+ Vitamin B12 and B6) "Evalar" combines substances in the necessary proportions for the best assimilation in the body. Optimal dosage, excellent quality, affordable price - Such positive qualities are distinguished by the drug. Folic acid (+ vitamin B12 and B6) is accepted as an active biological supplement to food. Patient reviews about the preparation of Evalir are positive.

The vitamin B9 prescribed in the form of medication (in combination with other additives) is well absorbed in gastrointestinal, intensively interacts with plasma proteins, penetrates through the hematorecephalic semi-permeable barrier in the placenta and in breast milk. The folic acid complex is excreted by the kidneys in the form of metabolites. Overdose - the phenomenon is rare.

Indications for use

Those who have the insufficient content of vitamin B9 in the body, is shown folic acid (vitamin B12 and B6). The application instruction includes the following items:

  • take a biologically active additive needed during meals;
  • adults need to be used on one tablet per day;
  • the duration of the course is a month and a half.

Folic acid (B6, B12 vitamins, C, E, B9) is a powerful connection that supports the cardiovascular system. It is recommended to use the additive with different kinds of heart disease and vessels, during atherosclerosis, as well as to reduce the risk of heart attacks.

Other indications for the purpose of folic acid in the supporting therapy are:

  • intestinal tuberculosis;
  • chronic gastroenteritis;
  • anemia and leukopenia;
  • pregnancy (Vitamin is shown to prevent disorders of the nervous tube in the fetus);
  • an insufficient amount of acid in the body (with defective nutrition, vegetarianism, pregnancy);
  • tropical diarrhea.

Folic acid with vitamins B12 and B6 contributes to the formation of enzymes that prevent the development of benign and malignant tumors.

The most common combination and good compatibility of substances is vitamins K, B6, B12, folic acid, zinc. Vitamin B9 is a practically safe drug, but doctors do not recommend taking an additive for a long time, as it reduces the concentration of vitamin B12 in the body.

Folic acid for women: receiving scheme

With vitamin B6 deficiency, seven women out of ten face. Especially needed folic acid with Vitamins B12 and B6 for future mothers and women, only planning pregnancy. The lack of vitamin in the body of the mother increases the risk of a baby with pathologies or mental failure, can lead to miscarriage, childbirth ahead or discontinuation of the placenta.

With a lack of B9 women in the position weighing weakness, dizziness, the general well-being will deteriorate, the hair begins to fall, and appearance leaves much to be desired. Vomiting or diarrhea may appear, anemia.

Doctors recommend daily to use Vitamins B6, B12 with folic acid in the dosage from 0.4 to 0.8 mg three months before the planned conception of the child and during pregnancy. In the event that the pregnancy is not the first and detected pathology in the development of the first baby, it is necessary to increase the dosage of up to 4 mg.

Also this drug We need women after fifty years, since biological additive improves well-being for menopause. Vitamin B6 reduces unpleasant symptoms, having an estrogen-like action. With regular use, the drug improves mental state, normalizes sleep, reduces sweating, adjusts tides and lowers, leads to normal blood pressure, eliminates rapid heartbeat.

Vitamin B9 also protects against maculyodistrophy - this is the defeat of the retina of the eye and, as a result, rapidly and strong deterioration in visual acuity.

Folic Acid for Men: Dosage

Folic acid in the body of a man is responsible for productivity and the amount of sperm, and the insufficient amount of vitamin B9 can even lead to infertility. In addition, the lack of folic acid subsequently can have a negative impact on the child, causeing the development of Down syndrome, epilepsy or schizophrenia. For men, as well as for women, three months before the planned conception, it is important to start receiving a biologically active additive.

To replenish the lack of folic acid in the body, it should be used in sufficient quantities fresh vegetables, fish, meat, cottage cheese, cheese. As a rule, additionally doctors prescribe 1 tablet (1 ml) of vitamin per day, and as part of therapy various diseases The dosage increases to 2-5 tablets per day.

Folic acid kids: instruction

From development in the womb of the mother to three years, during maturation, formation and growth, the child is particularly required vitamin B9. But if the mother adheres to a balanced and healthy nutritional mode, the baby up to a year no additional reception of vitamin is required. Folic acid with vitamins B12 and B6 adolescents are necessary for normal growth and good memory.

Depending on the age, the child prescribe different dosages:

  • up to 6 months - 25 μg;
  • from year to 3 years - 50 μg;
  • from 14 years old - 200 μg.

One tablet contains 1000 μg of substance, so children need to breed one tablet in water, and then with the help of a measuring syringe to extort the necessary dosage.

Application for weight loss and cosmetic purposes

Scottish scientists confront that folic acid is a necessary element to maintain women's health and beauty. Vitamin is the main participant in the process of formation of leukocytes, red blood cells, new cells of the skin and hair. Vitamin B9 provides a healthy complexion, which is important for women.

For cosmetics, vitamin B9 is used to improve and strengthen hair, preventing baldness, improvement and strengthening of nails, as well as regenerating and soothing means. For hair, combined with masks, air conditioners and shampoos used liquid acid. As part of a complex of vitamin or in products, vitamin B9 is used to accelerate metabolic substances in the body and overflow.

Recipes for hair masks with vitamin B9:

  1. Repenta oil, floor-teaspoon vitamin B9 linen in the hair, head with a towel, keep half an hour. Wash out the hair with a shampoo hair with the addition of a drop of folic acid.
  2. Mask for dry hair. Flesh avocado (contains B9) to connect with olive oiladd two drops of lemon juice. Hold a mask about half an hour. Wash off warm water with shampoo.

Folic acid in the human body splits fats. So the successful slimming program is the reception of vitamins, correct and balanced diet, moderate physical exertion.

Side effects and overdose

The ability to overdose folic acid is very small. Surplus acid from the body is displayed with urine. But despite the safety of the drug, there are side effects and a slight probability of overdose.

Doctors advise not to install their own dosage, but to drink for their intended purpose.

Possible side effects include:

  • rash, itching of the skin, an attack of asthma, allergic reactions;
  • insufficient amount of vitamin B12;
  • development of anemia;
  • thickening of the layer of the epithelium in the kidneys.

The overdose of vitamin B9 causes insomnia, diarrhea, cramps, sharp abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation. When identifying the above symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor and only under its control adjust the reception of vitamin. It may be necessary to carry out additional therapy.

Interaction with other drugs

Vitamin B9 reduces the effectiveness of phenytoin. Analgesics, anticonvulsant drugs, estrogens and contraceptives increase the need of the body in vitamin B9. Reduce the absorption of antacid folic acid absorption, "cholestyramine", sulfonamide. Inhibit dihydrofolatide and reduce the effect of folic acid "triamteren", "pyrimetamine", "trimethoprim". People who use these drugs, when appointing vitamin B9, is additionally attributed to calcium folinat.

Contraindications for receiving additive

It is not recommended to use vitamins C6, B12 and folic acid with increased sensitivity, serious allergic reaction on vitamins of group B and bronchial asthma. Folic acid activates cancer cells. The use of vitamin with renal failure and pyelonephritis is contraindicated. It is undesirable to take acid during hemochromatosis - this is a hereditary disease that is manifested in violation of the exchanging of iron.

Tablets must be stored at a temperature not more than +25, in a dark and dry place. Storage period is 36 months.

Group B vitamins - mandatory and important component of the daily diet. What is dangerous their deficit and how to fill it, we will tell in this article.

For which the body needs vitamins B

At the beginning of the last century, in 1912, the Polish scientist Casimirly introduced the term "vitamins" first, and it was him that he belongs to the opening of B. Vitamins B. True, then the scientist believed that this is one vitamin, and only subsequently it was established that this is a whole group Compounds whose nitrogen is included. They are water-soluble and play an important role in metabolism.

Here are just some functions of group B vitamins:

  • normalize the work of the nervous and cardiovascular system;
  • improve the work of the intestine, the condition of the skin;
  • support emotional health, help to cope with stress, depression, increased emotional loads;
  • participate in the growth of cells, in power failure, in the work of the muscles;
  • strengthen immunity and increase the body's resistance to various diseases.

Each vitamin has not only its number, but also the name, as well as its purpose.

List of vitamins group B

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Thiamine was opened first in the group. It is sometimes referred to as "vitamin vitality of spirit", since it is he who has a positive effect on the nervous system and the work of the brain. With the participation of vitamin B1, an acetylcholine neurotiator is produced, which affects the memorization processes, on the tone of the heart muscles and the organs of the digestive tract. In almost all the energy exchange processes, Tiamine is actively involved. Lipid exchange, protein exchange, assimilation of amino acids - in a word, without this vitamin, we would not have enough energy.

Moreover, B1 is involved in the transfer of genetic information in the process of cell division.

Find this vitamin can be mainly in plant food: cereals, germinated grains, cereals, bran, any kind of cabbage, onions, carrots, nuts, apricots and kuraga, spinach, beans, potatoes - not far away full list Products containing B1. IN whole milk, equal milk products Both eggs are also present, but in smaller quantities.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Also known as "antisebore vitamin". Like B1, it has a positive effect on the work of the nervous system and brain. Also without it, the formation of red blood cells and antibodies is not accounted for, it is important for the process of absorbing iron and hemoglobin synthesis. In addition, riboflavin affects the function of view, regulates the work of adrenal glands.

Vitamin B2 can be synthesized in a colon or to enter the body with food. It is better absorbed with animal products: it is in the eggs, in meat and fish, in the liver, cheese, whole milk. From herbal products, riboflavin is found in tomatoes, cabbage, buckwheat, oatmeal, leaf greenery, etc.

B2 is easily destroyed when defrosting and direct exposure to sun rays!

Vitamin B3 (niacin)

Other names are vitamin PP, nicotinic acid. It is considered the most stable compound from the entire group B, since it is capable of withstanding heating, air, ultraviolet, alkalis, long drying. More than 50 enzymatic reactions occur with the participation of vitamin B3: it normalizes cholesterol and carbohydrate exchange, promotes the absorption of nutrients (fats, carbohydrates, proteins), energy release, enzyme synthesis. Without it, it is impossible to produce some hormones, including insulin, cortisone, genital. Thanks to niacin decreases arterial pressureThe skin condition and the work of the central nervous system is improved.

Most of all vitamin B3 in eggs, fish, meat, in kidneys, in the liver. It is less in plant products, but still it is in the cabbage, garlic, pepper, green peas, parsley, in buckwheat, mushrooms, legumes.

Vitamin B5 (Panthenol)

Pantothenic acid - an assistant in healing wounds, since it is involved in the synthesis of antibodies, tissue regeneration. Also B5 is needed for normal metabolism, the production of energy, the regulation of the nervous system. It is required for biosynthesis of neurotransmitters, reduces anxiety, helps reduce the level of stress.

The intestinal microflora in small quantities produces vitamin B5, but it also needs to be used to replenish it. the following products: Different varieties of meat and birds (better lean), offal, eggs (especially yolk), nuts, mushrooms, bean, green vegetables, beets, cauliflower.

However, that Vitamin B5 is accurate to get into the body, it is better not to expose the products listed for long term processing.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxin)

It has a beneficial effect on metabolism (almost all exchange processes It occur with his participation, it regulates the effect of enzymes), on the immune, nervous and cardiovascular system. Without it, the synthesis of neurotransmitters is impossible (they are responsible for the mood and work of the brain) and the synthesis of prostaglandins (substances that regulate the work of the heart and blood pressure). Outer beauty ( healthy hair, strong nails and elastic leather) - also merit vitamin B6.

Very much pyridoxine in nuts (especially in walnut and hazelnuts), in tomatoes, carrots, croups, cabbage, citrus, berries (strawberries, cherry). You can also get it with meat (pork, veal, bird), potatoes, pepper.

Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

One of the most important substances involved in metabolism. B7 adjusts blood sugar levels, helps reduce muscle pain, participates in transport carbon dioxide. Like other vitamins of group B, biotin supports the work of the nervous system, participates in the synthesis of fatty acids and affects the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Vitamin B7 is contained in the beef liver, bananas, peas, crude rice, sea fish, milk, eggs (yolks), parsley, apples, oranges.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

Other Vitamin Names: Flavin, Folate. With this vitamin, first of all, familiar women who are planning pregnancy and preparing to become mothers. It is folic acid that participates in the formation of the nervous tube of the fetus, the dorsal, brain, skeleton, so vitamin begin to drink before conception and continue throughout the pregnancy. However, the role of vitamin B9 is difficult to overestimate for other people: it is involved in the growth and division of cells, the transfer of hereditary information (DNA and RNA production), protein metabolism, synthesize leukocytes and red blood cells, neurotransmitters, protects the mucous membranes from the development of oncology.

To fill the deficiency of folic acid, you need more than greenery and vegetables of green (parsley, celery, spinach, cabbage), as well as tomatoes, legumes, nuts, beets, bananas, yeast, potatoes, egg yolk.

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)

Without vitamin B12, the formation of nucleic acids is required, the absorption of amino acids, blood formation processes, the biosynthesis of the protective shell of the nerve fibers. Thanks to it there is a stimulation of the coagulation system of blood, the level of cholesterol decreases.

B12 is contained only in animal products: poultry meat, offal (liver, heart), seafood, sea fish, eggs.

In plant products, such as spirulina or yeast, only pseudo-domed B12 is a substance that is very similar to cyanocobalamin, but they are not. Such products do not replenish the lack of B12. That is why people who refuse meat (vegans and vegetarians) are recommended to take vitamin B12 in the form of additives.

Vitamin-like substances

In addition to vitamins, vitamin-like substances can also be in the body. They possess the properties of vitamins, but their lack (or excess) does not lead to negative consequences or pathologies.

To the vitamin-like substances of the group B include:

It has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It is thanks to him that the processes of liver regeneration processes are launched and fats are easier. That is, it is B4 that helps our body to recover after a turbulent alcohol party or long treatment with antibiotics. The health of the kidneys and the intestinal activity also depend on it. Another bonus: B4 slows down the processes of aging, protects the nerve cells from destruction, regulates the level of insulin in the blood, reduces cholesterol and protects the heart.

Therefore, it is necessary to regularly include fish, meat, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, bran, unrefined oil, spinach, carrots, tomatoes and other vegetables.

Inositol (B8)

Another substance that takes an active part in the metabolism. Normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood, blood pressure, protects cells from damage, participates in the construction of muscle tissues and bones, cares about our beauty: helps get rid of excess weight and increases hair growth. In addition, without inositol is impossible to conceive a child.

It is contained in Ires, fish, kidneys, liver, nuts, croups (oatmeal, wild rice, wheat, bone), lentil, carrots, cabbage, potatoes, citrus, watermelon, gooseberries, raisin, etc.

Paramyinobenzoic acid (B10)

B10 is involved in the synthesis of folic acid, normalizes the work of the thyroid gland, protects the body from adverse factors - ultraviolet, infection, hypoxia, etc. prevents hair loss, improves the condition of the skin, reduces the risk of thrombosis, malignant formations, strokes.

The B10 substance is contained in the familiar products of products: meat, eggs, fish, nuts, bran, potatoes, carrots, spinage, parsley, as well as in Melissa, sunflower seeds, molasses and mushrooms.

Signs of lack of vitamins of group B

Since most of the vitamins of the group B affect the operation of the nervous system and brain, one of the first signs of the lack of this group will be increased fatigue, irritability, insomnia, depressiveness, worsening memory and attention, weakness. If, in addition, you have become actively falling out and breaking your nails, then it may be another sign of lack of vitamins.

What can insufficient vitamins lead to:

  • B1 - With a large shortage, the disease is developing the disease "take-take" (cardiac activity is violated, the sensitivity of the limbs is worse, polyneurite develops). Edema, constipation, numbness of the limbs, a sharp weight loss are also signs of thiamine deficiency.
  • B2 - Some signs of its lack: Cracks in the corners of the mouth, ulcers, dermatitis, inflammation of the mucous side, which is accompanied by a tearing, worsening of twilight.
  • B3 - Language soreness, dry skin, the pallor of the skin is one of the first signs of the shortage of this vitamin. A more serious disadvantage leads to a Pellagra, which affects the gastrointestinal tract, skin and nervous system. The symptoms are pain in the limbs, diarrhea, loss of appetite, skin rashes.
  • B5 - the deficit of this vitamin is rare and leads to lethargy, fatigue and depression.
  • B6 - Usually it comes sufficiently, most often the lack of this vitamin is observed in people taking diuretic drugs or glucocorticoids, as well as in women who receive contraceptives. Sleepiness, irritability, problems with leather and mucous membranes (dermatitis, conjunctivitis) - here are some of the main signs of the deficit of pyridoxine.
  • B9 - the deficit occurs extremely rarely and possible only in exceptional cases: for example, when receiving large doses of antibiotics or for diseases fine intestine. In this case, fatigue and diarrhea is developing. However, folic acid deficiency in pregnant women can lead to the pathologies of fetal development.
  • B12 - the disadvantage of this vitamin leads to serious consequences: malignant maloculation. There are ulcers in the language, the extremities are eager, vision worsens.

With the appearance of the aforementioned signs, it is recommended not to engage in self-treatment, but to consult a doctor. For a start, you can visit the district therapist, which will give directions for tests and to the doctors of narrow specialization depending on the symptoms. If the lack of vitamins is confirmed, the doctor can register the use of vitamins in synthetic form, as well as in the form of biodeadows to food. There are both multiccommixes of vitamins and monocompleks. It is better to choose drugs directed precisely to the replenishment of the lack of vitamins of the group B. In addition, it is possible to buy monopreparations separately, but for it is necessary to know exactly what kind of vitamin from the group b is not enough.

So, remember that group B vitamins participate in many processes in the body and their drawback can lead to serious health problems. In addition, the vitamins of the group B are not accumulated in the body, so it is imperative to regularly replenish their reserves together with food or additives.

The group B complex consists of eight vitamins: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 \u200b\u200b(pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid) and B12 (cobalamamine ). In natural form, they are found in meat, leaf greenery, dairy products, beans, peas and solid or enriched grain.

B vitamins B helps the body to turn food into energy, participate in the formation of red blood cells and play a crucial role in certain functions of the body.

Useful properties of group b vitamins

Let's figure out what the benefits are consistent, signs of deficit and sources in which each of these vitamins can be detected.

B1 (thiamine)

Benefit for health

  • Helps the body to process the carbohydrates obtained from eating
  • Needed for health skin, brain, muscles and nervous system
  • We are necessary for the growth, development and functioning of body cells

Symptoms of deficit

  • Weight loss
  • Worsening short-term memory
  • Weakness
  • Tired
  • Cardiovascular symptoms
  • Irritability
  • BERI-BERE (Private case of avitaminosis)

Food sources

The most common sources of vitamin B1 include enriched cereals, solid green products (bread, dry breakfast, rice, noodles and flour), germinated wheat, pork, trout, black beans, mussels and tuna.

B2 (Riboflavin)

Benefit for health

  • Works in a bundle with other vitamins of the group B (helps to convert B6 to the form suitable for use and promotes the production of niacin)
  • Need for the production of red blood cells and growth
  • Supports eye health, nervous system and leather

Symptoms of deficit

  • Skin disease
  • Outlet of the oral cavity and throat
  • Cracks in the corners of the mouth
  • Swollen, cracked lips
  • Hair loss
  • Pain in the throat
  • Sensitivity to light

Food sources

The most common sources of vitamin B2 enters milk and dairy products, enriched with dry breakfasts, beef liver, mollusks, mushrooms Portobello, almonds and chicken.

B3 (Niacin)

Benefit for health

  • Helps process food into energy
  • Helps enzymes in the body correctly function, contributing to the processing of other vitamins of the group B and restoring DNA (genetic material located in all organism cells)
  • We are needed to generate hormones responsible for the sexual sector and stress
  • Helps with the function of digestive and nervous systems and skin

Symptoms of deficit

  • Problems with digestion
  • Stomatitis
  • Tired
  • Skin inflammation
  • Bad blood circulation
  • Depression
  • Vomot
  • Pellagra

Food sources

The most common sources of vitamin B3 include eggs, fish, enriched bread and cereals, rice, nuts, milk and dairy products, chicken, beef, turkey, lamb, need, peanuts.

B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

Benefit for health

  • Breaks fats and carbohydrates for energy
  • Plays a role in the production of genital and stress hormones in adrenal glands and neurotransmitters
  • Helps the body to use other vitamins, such as riboflavin
  • Vitamin B5 is needed to generate red blood cells and cholesterol

Symptoms of deficit

  • Burning in steps
  • Depression
  • Tired
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Stomach ache
  • Upper respiratory tract infections
  • Vomot

Food sources

The most common sources of vitamin B5 include meat, avocado, broccoli, cabbage, eggs, milk, mushrooms, enriched cereals, meat offal, bird, potatoes and legumes.

B6 (pyridoxine)

Benefit for health

  • It is necessary for the body for the use and storage of proteins and carbohydrates obtained from food (in the form of glycogen, poisoned in muscles and liver as a source of energy)
  • We need for more than 100 enzyme reactions in the body. It helps the formation of hemoglobin (substances in red blood tales, which transports oxygen through blood), neurotransmitters and hormones that affect the mood and regulating the internal clock.
  • Involved in the functioning of immunita, as well as the development and work of the brain

Symptoms of deficit

  • Depression
  • Problems with concentration
  • Irritability
  • Muscular weakness
  • Nervousness
  • Short-term memory problems

Food sources

The most common sources of vitamin B6 includes nuts, beef liver, tuna, salmon, chicken breast, enriched cereal breakfasts, potatoes, turkey, fruit (except citrus) and beef.

B7 (Biotin)

Benefit for health

  • Helps the body to process fats, carbohydrates and proteins in energy
  • We are necessary for the production of fatty acids
  • Promotes the growth and health of bones and hair

Symptoms of deficit

  • Sophistication or hair loss
  • Skin rash around the eyes, nose, mouth or other mucous regions
  • Dry eye
  • Fragile nails
  • Pain in muscles

Food sources

The most common sources of vitamin B7 include beef liver, egg yolk, germinated wheat, pork, beef, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes, almonds, wholegrain, sardines, spinach and broccoli.

B9 (Folic Acid)

Benefit for health

  • Helps your body to produce red blood tales
  • Need for the construction of cells and maintaining DNA
  • Reduces the risk of congenital defects in the brain and spine, such as spinal splitting

Symptoms of deficit

  • Diarrhea
  • Forgetfulness
  • Gingivitis
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dyspnea
  • Irritability
  • Inflammation of language
  • Disturbance of growth

Food sources

The most common sources of vitamin B9 includes spinach, beef liver, broccoli, brussels sprouts, beans and legumes, asparagus, orange juice, peanuts, avocado, dark sheet greenery, enriched cereals and salmon.

B12 (Kobalammin)

Benefit for health

  • Supports the health of the nervous system and red blood cells
  • Need to form red blood cells and DNA
  • Important for protein metabolization

Symptoms of deficit

  • Depletion
  • Weakness
  • Constipation
  • Lack of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Anemia type known as megaloblastic anemia
  • Numbness and tingling in the fingers and legs
  • Damage to nerves

Food sources

The main source of vitamin B12 is, as a rule, animal products, such as beef liver (and other meat offal), mussels and other mollusks, beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk and other dairy products and some enriched cereals.


Many claim that, due to the fact that this vitamin complex plays a key role in processing food into energy and its influence on the body is large, it will be useful in a wide variety of situations, including alarming states, depression, heart disease and premenstrual syndrome (PMS ).

In addition, some people take it to increase the tone, improving mood and memory, health of the skin and hair, as well as to stimulate immune system - These are the reasons for which such vitamins are prescribed.

Most people who monitor their diet to be saturated and diverse, grabs vitamin from food, but there are those who can receive it not enough, in particular those who for 50 who take antacid drugs suffering from celiac disease, illness Crown, gastritis or other digestive disorders - they drink vitamins separately.

If you have moved an operation to remove fat or in the stomach, regularly use alcohol or hold a vegetarian or vegan diet, you are in the risk of the deficit of this vitamin necessary for a person's life.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women may require more vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid - what they need is, it is very important for the formation of the fetus and in the first years of life.

Possible side effects

Although the whole complex of vitamin B refers to water-soluble and is not delayed in the body for a long time, considering its benefit and harm, it is worth noting that the large doses taken with additives can cause certain side effects:

  • B3 (Niacin): Redness or painful feelings on the skin, increase blood sugar levels, liver intoxication.
  • B6 (Pyridoxin): nerve damage, skin damage, deterioration of the kidney function and increased risk of heart attack, stroke and death in people with diabetes and progressive kidney disease. Recent studies have shown that high doses of vitamin B6 have been associated with an increase in the risk of fracture of the hip neck and the risk of lung cancer (when used in combination with vitamin B12).
  • B9 (folic acid): kidney damage, increased resistance The insulin in the offspring, a decrease in the activity of natural killer cells in older women, with overdose also bind the increased risk of disease with some types of cancer. Also may impede the diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency.
  • B12 (Kobalammin): Ugra and Rosacea in some people. It turned out that Vitamin B12 accelerates the deterioration of the kidney function and increases the risk of cardiovascular complications in people with renal problems. High doses of vitamin B12 in combination with folic acid are associated with increasing risk of cancer development and even fatal outcome.

There is a limit daily value (UL) for each vitamin from the group B, and it significantly exceeds the amount necessary for health and neutralizes beneficial features. Taking vitamin more of these values \u200b\u200bmeans raising the risk side Effects.


To stay healthy, most people can get everything you need if it will observe a varied, balanced diet with a rich vitamin in the products, such as sheet greens, nuts, legumes and grain, diety protein, mushrooms and eggs. If you do not have a vitamin B deficiency, there is no need to take it additionally, but sometimes there is a testimony for use.

If you do not get enough synthesized vitamin in food, then it can be useful to turn to food additives, whose action on the body is useful. Its deficiency can lead to a number of symptoms, including fatigue, anemia, loss of appetite, depression, abdominal pain, muscle cramps, hair loss and eczema.

The main thing, do not forget to consult your doctor and find out which complex of vitamins will suit you (and, if you still need it, what amount you need, taking into account what you get from food and other sources).

Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is intended only for educational purposes and does not replace consultation, diagnostics or treatment with a licensed doctor. It does not imply coverage of all possible precautions, interaction medicines, circumstances or side effects. You should contact medical help For any health issues and consult a doctor before using alternative medicine or make changes to your mode.

(4 estimates, average: 4,25 of 5)

The first mention of the compounds of the group in refers to the beginning of the XX century (1912). They were described were the Polish biochemist Casimir Funca, who introduced the concept of "vitamin". Only a few years later, scientists managed to prove that vitamin B is not the only substance, but a number of similar formulas. Since then, vitamin B science is considered as a complex of nitrogen-containing compounds, important for the functioning of the body and the correct flow of metabolic processes. All B-compounds have a water-soluble structure. In science, medicine and everyday life can be distinguished from each other by the sequence number - in the widest classification from 1 to 20. Vitamins and the nomenclature name differ.

In nature, vitamins of this group B are not found one by one. They are similar in properties and other signs, so it is worth buying a complex of vitamins of the group in, and not to look for them alone. Vitamins of group B perform all their most important functions (the main of which can be called metabolism, prevention of nervous disorders.) - Together. And if you buy, for example, vitamin B 6, and the other (this group) will be shortage, it is unlikely to be benefit from this.

All the vitamins of the group under consideration are dissolved in water. Due to this, they are quickly derived from the body. It requires their constant replenishment and maintenance in the norm - for the health and beauty of our body.

The daily need of the body in the vitamins of the group in

The daily human need in vitamins varies depending on the set of factors - age, gender, health and physical form. It is important to satisfy the need for vitamins, as vitaminosis can cause great damage by undermining the correct functioning of organs and systems. No less dangerous and hypervitaminosis - excess vitamins can cause problems of excretory and digestive systems.

You can allocate the average daily need for the most significant representatives of the group in:

  • Vitamin B1: 1.2-1.4 mg.

800 gr. rye bread, as in 400 g of pork, contains a complete daily dose of thiamine.

  • Vitamin B2: 1.5-3.0 mg.

The daily need of the body in vitamin B2 can cover half a kilogram of cottage cheese or 200 g of liver.

  • Vitamin B3: 5-10 mg.

In sufficient daily quantity is in 80 g of liver.

  • Vitamin B6: 2.0-2.2 mg.

The daily dose of vitamin B6 is contained in 200 g of liver.

  • Vitamin B9: 0.2-0.5 mg.

100 gr. The liver will fully cover the daily rate of vitamin B9.

  • Vitamin B12: 2-5 mg Read more:

For kids:

  • up to 6 months - 0, 4 μg;
  • up to the year - 0, 5 μg;
  • up to three years - 1 μg;
  • up to seven years - 1, 5 μg;
  • up to ten years - 2 μg.

For adults:

  • women and men - 3 μg;
  • pregnant and nursing women - 4 - 5 μg.

To provide the body by the daily rate of vitamin B12, it is enough to eat about 15 g of the liver.

List of vitamins group in

For more information with each of vitamins, big meaningful group B, follow the link:

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine, aneuryne);
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin, Lakoflavin);
  • Vitamin B3 (Vitamin RR, A nicotinic acid, Niacin);
  • Vitamin B4 (choline);
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid, calcium pantothenate);
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, pyrivitol, pyridoxine hydrochloride);
  • Vitamin B8 (inositol, inosit, mesooint);
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid, folacine, vitamin Sun);
  • Vitamin B10 (para-aminobenzoic acid, PABK);
  • Vitamin B12 (Kobalamin, Cyanocobalamin);
  • Vitamin B13 (orothic acid, uracil-6-carboxylic acid);
  • Vitamin B15 (pangamic acid, calcium pangamate);
  • Vitamin B17 (Laoutaral, Amigdalin).

Below we continue to meet a group of vitamins V.

Food sources of group vitamins in

Many vitamins are more or less produced in the human body. However, there are separate substances that play an important role in maintaining health, but independently not synthesized by cells, or their natural biochemical reproduction is insignificant. Therefore, the human body has adapted to produce missing vitamins from food. Right diverse nutrition - The key to sufficient supply of the body with useful substances.

Do not forget that many vitamins are valuable group B. Lose properties, or disappear with certain technical and other processing products. From here, some adjustment is required when drafting the need for the daily rate of vitamins.

Vitamin B1.

In significant concentrations, thiamine is contained in pork meat (without fat), liver, buckwheat, oatmeal, kidneys, rye or vitaminized flour bread. Also, vitamin B sources are bran, forest and walnuts, yeast, beans, potatoes, corn, germinated wheat grains. Multicolored vitamin content in vegetables and fruits.

Vitamin B2.

The largest quantities of riboflavin can be found in the liver and kidneys. Sufficient concentrations of vitamin carry milk products like solid cheeses and curd products. In addition, apples, almonds, tomatoes, cabbage, fresh peas, eggs, green beans or whole grain wheat will become a good approach of the diet.

Vitamin B3 (PP)

Recordsmen on the content of vitamin B3 recognized kidneys and liver. In a small volume, pantothenic acid is present in vegetables and fruits, bread baked from flour of any type. There is a substance and in chicken eggs. Also important sources Pantothenic acid recognized beer yeast, mushrooms, oatmeal, corn and wheat porridge.

Vitamin B5.

The greatest content of vitamin B5 is marked in yeast (beer and bakery), kidneys, liver, yolk, greenery, oat, barley and cornpads, as well as in any fermented products.

Vitamin B6.

Quantitatively, the most riboxin is contained in the liver. Approximately equal ratios of Vitamin B6 can be found in meat, whole grain bread, unfinished croups. Contain vitamin and vegetables, but the content of riboxin in them is negligible. Also sources of vitamin B6 are yolks chicken Yaitz, yeast, dairy-sour products, legumes.

Vitamins B9 and B12

Folic acid and cyanocobalamin in large concentrations are contained in the liver. Two times less than substances are in fresh greenery, and fruits and vegetables can give only a minor part of the daily consumption rate. In addition, Vitamins B9 and B12 are available in fermented ferrous products, yeast (beer and bakery), livera pashtte, soy and eggs. In small concentrations, B12 can be found in the cheese. It should also be noted that oranges, melons, potatoes and green polka dots can become suppliers of vitamins.

Less common trace elements belonging to the group B are inosit, choline and para-aminobenzoic acid.

So, the main sources:

Holine, or vitamin B4, protrude cheeses, beans, cabbage, meat and cottage cheese.

Vitamin B8 (inosit) in sufficient quantities is contained in the liver, raism, cheese, eggs, citrus, legumes and mushrooms.

The highest content of para-aminobenzoic acid - vitamin B10 - marked in wheat sprouts, liver, spinach.

Useful properties of group vitamins in

The vitamins of the group are responsible for the correct functioning of the nervous system, since they reduce the negative impact of stressful situations. In addition, the compounds regulate the metabolism and lead blood sugar levels. They help both in the treatment of anemia, as well as effective in the struggle with anamnesis. In addition, the level of immunity depends on the presence of vitamins in the diet. They affect the mitosis of cells.

The most productive combination of group vitamins. Therefore, it is convenient to consider the properties of each of them separately:

  • tiamine important for nerve processes man. B1 improves memory, increases immunity to viruses. Is a component of the energy exchange of the body;
  • riboflavin - component of metabolism: protein synthesis and fat decay occur with the participation of vitamin B2. In addition, vitamin affects the blood formation process;
  • a nicotinic acid B3 affects mental balance, mood, wakefulness and sleep mode. Also participates in the exchange of energy;
  • choline (B4) participates in lipid liver exchange. Vitamin is important for the correct flow of memorization processes;
  • vitamin B5 Pantothenic Acid Participates in regeneration and metabolic processes, protects and restores the integrity of mucous and skin;
  • vitamin B6. Improves mood. Also pyridoxin affects the production of red blood cells, participates in amino acid exchange, stimulates appetite and is responsible for strong sleep;
  • biotin., or vitamin B7, is responsible for the translation of food calories in pure energy;
  • inositol - or vitamin B8 is a recognized antidepressant, restoring nerve cells and the healing nervous system as a whole;
  • in the synthesis of nucleic acids is important folic acid (9th vitamin C) has a beneficial effect on the formation of blood cells and mitotic division. Useful from the very beginning of pregnancy;
  • vitamin B10 para-aminobenzoic acid Useful for human skin. Affects the state of the intestinal flora, speeds up the reproduction of blood and splitting protein;
  • cyanocobalamin (B12) Participates in the amino acid synthesis of the body, ensures the correct functioning of the nervous system and immunity, stimulates the preparation of food energy.

Vitamins are extremely necessary for health. That is why it is important to think through the menu so as to cover the daily dose of use.

Vitamins B.

Many symptoms may indicate the lack of vitamins of the group in the group. The skin loses the elasticity, the manifestations of the fines, muscle atrophy and inflammation are possible. Breathing makes it difficult and heartbeat is rapidly, in some cases dizziness is noted. In addition, the lack of vitamin C can provoke the breakdown and hair loss. Patients become more sensitive to light. Raises to a dangerous norm - cholesterol. Problems with nervous system, depression, bad mood.

The most vivid symptoms of the lack of vitamins in are:

  • B1 - the worsening of memory and nervous activity, insomnia, weakness;
  • B2 - reduction of visual acuity, fatigue;
  • B3 - insomnia, noise in the ears, dermatitis, attention scattering;
  • B4 - cirrhosis, obesity of biliary channels;
  • B5 - obesity, insomnia, swelling, memory problems;
  • B6 - rash, decreased appetite, hair problems, slowness;
  • B7 - metabolic disorders, nausea, muscle pain, reduced pressure, leather damage;
  • B8 is a decrease in visual acuity, obesity of the liver, lesions of the joints;
  • B9 - pathology during pregnancy;
  • B10 - allergies, headaches, early Sedina, disorders of the intestinal environment;
  • B12 - nasal bleeding, anemia, ringing in ears, muscle pain and problem with the vestibular apparatus.

Excess vitamins of the group in the body

An excess substance is dangerous. With an abnormal injection into the body of vitamins, intoxication begins. The compounds of compounds may cause allergic manifestations. The most dangerous and harmful to excessive use are substances B6 and B12.Since they can cause disorders of the liver and gallbladder functions. The same properties exhibit the first two vitamin groups.

Manifestations have a similar nature with symptoms of hypovitaminosis. Headaches are possible, disorders of the vestibular apparatus, intestinal disorders, convulsions, numbness and insomnia.

Harmful properties of group vitamins

The main problem with which can be faced with the use of vitamins B is the lack of complexity. It is important to comply with a vitamin balance, not neglecting other substances: so avoid avoitaminosis.

It should be noted that the nature of the body's secretions when using the relevant group changes: so, the urine changes the smell and stains in a darker color.

Complexes of preparations with vitamins of the group B

Now most of the products contain very little vitamins due to the fact that the soil is exhausted and can not give the benefits growing on them. To do this, vitamin complexes, which are very much, here are some of them:


The complex contains All vitamins in groupsespecially B12, which is very often lacking vegetarians. MEGA-B Complex supports the work of the nervous system, so it is especially necessary for those who constantly nervous or engaged in severe physical labor. Due to the presence of calcium, the exchange of vitamins between the cell walls is improved. Due to this, the overall positive effect on the body is improved.

Vitamins protect cells and mucous membranes from aging, restore the integrity of the skin. The composition contains a para-aminobenzoic acid, choline, inositol and other vitamins of group V. Thanks to this composition, the mixture is absorbed slowly, and not excreted together with the urine, as usual happens.

The group B is responsible for metabolism: B1, B2, B3, B5 helps the exchange of carbohydrates, B1, B2, B3, B5 and biotin - lipid, and B2, B5, B6 - protein. B2, B6 and B12 are responsible for the formation of erythrocytes, affect the exchange of iron.

The entire daytime rate of vitamins is contained in one tablet. Adults should be taken on one tablet per day for 1-2 months.

"Milgamma Composites"

The drug contains the whole complex of vitamins of the group in, prescribed with pronounced hypellitaminosis Vitamins B1 and B6 (neuralgich, diseases of the musculoskeletal system). Increases blood flow, activates the work of the nervous system.

The composition includes additional components:

  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride that affects the process of protein exchange;
  • Benfothine derived from vitamin B1, involved in glucose oxidation;
  • Sodium carmellosis;
  • Incomplete glycerides of higher fatty acids;
  • Talc.

Pyridoxine is involved in the development of serotonin, the hormone of pleasure, which makes it easier for unpleasant symptoms for diseases.

Indications for use:

  1. Neuritis (paralysis or paresis);
  2. retrobulbar neuritis (loss of vision);
  3. neuralgia (damage to peripheral nerves);
  4. ganglionites (inflammation of ganglia - nervous node);
  5. paris of facial nerve (violation of the functioning of the mimic muscles);
  6. lumboishalgia (back pain);
  7. polynevropathy, neuropathy;
  8. plexopathy (damage to nerve plexuses);
  9. radiculopathy (radiculitis).

The drug is accepted 1 or 3 times a day for one month. One package containing 60 tablets (it is enough for a month or two), costs 1000 rubles.


The vitamin complex contains:

  • vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - 0.006 milligrams;
  • vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) - 4 milligrams;
  • folic acid - 5 milligrams.

Specially designed complex with insufficiently strong blood circulation of the brain, from angiopathy (defeat blood vessels) When diabetes, atherosclerosis.

The drug improves the exchange of proteins, in particular methionine (irreplaceable amino acid), as well as its catalysts (process accelerators). Therefore, the complex and prevents diseases such as:

  • atherosclerosis of vessels;
  • arterial thrombosis;
  • ischemic brain stroke;
  • heart attack (myocardium);
  • diabetic damage to vessels);
  • chronic non-abruptness of the fetus;
  • congenital pathology in a child.

Alsitis is also useful in the treatment of elderly dementia, depression, Alzheimer's disease.

Vitamins are quickly absorbed in the intestines after intake. Contraindications are only the individual intolerance to the components. Side effects There are rarely and in the form of allergies: swelling, urticaria, itching the skin. Tablets can not be chewed or crushed, they need to swallow and drink water.

The duration of the medical course is 20-30 days. On a day you need to take one tablet, better in the morning. So the body for the whole day is saturated with a complex of vitamins of group V.


This complex includes:

  • vitamin B1 - O, 1 gram;
  • vitamin B6 - 0.2 grams;
  • Vitamin B12 is 0.2 grams.
  • and other excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, pose + components included in the tablet shell.

In addition to known vitamins, vitamins A, D3, C, as well as calcium and phosphorus, helping them with assimilation.

It is impossible to take the drug:

  1. Pregnant and nursing mothers;
  2. Children up to 12 years old;
  3. Diabetics (diabetes);
  4. Hypersensitive to complex components;

The active components of the drug - B1, B6 and B12 are used in the treatment of not only vitaminosis, but also diseases independent of metabolism (pain syndrome, polyneurite, psychosis).

Indications for the use of the drug are:

  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • polyneurite (diabetic and alcoholic polyneuropathy);
  • neurites (inflammation of peripheral nerves);
  • defeat sedal Nervacaused by its inflammation or compression (sharp pain in the lower back) and lumboyascia;
  • root syndrome (radiculitis);
  • neuropathy facial nerve.

From side effects It can be noted nausea, tachycardia and rash on the skin.

Neuromulitivit It is necessary to take "entirely", without grinding the tablet, immediately after the meal. Number of techniques per day: from one to three. Take the drug needs no more than one month.


Structure:all the necessary vitamins of group B, as well as vitamins of other groups, minerals, extracts: ginseng and green tea.

It helps perfectly with insomnia, severe physical and mental loads. After the working day, energy remains, a man feel cheerful due to ginseng extract. The drug helps against avitaminosis, increases energy exchange.

Who can not be taken:

  • Adolescents up to 16 years;
  • Patients with excess calcium in the body;
  • With increased sensitivity and excitability;
  • Sick hypertension.

Who needs to take:

  • People experiencing stress in sports or tense schools;
  • Patients during the period of rehabilitation;
  • Suffering insomnia;
  • When lacking vitamins and minerals.

For overdose It is possible to the skin, digestion and sleep disorders. The drug is taken in the morning or after the meal. It is clear that it is best to take Gerimax after breakfast.

Reception of drugs with vitamins of the group will necessarily help to establish metabolism and cure diseases. It is only necessary to progress and consult with your doctor, because the complexes, as you have convinced, there are different and at the moment their great set.


Vitamins are indispensable for human organism. Therefore, it is important to prevent the appearance of a deficit of useful substances - this may lead to terrible consequences.

Also, you can not forget about the overaffect of these vitamins - which can harm the body.

When choosing one or another vitamin complex of this group, advise your doctor.

What does a woman want? You can answer without thinking. To captivate charm and beauty, to be healthy and, of course, experience the happiness of motherhood - to give birth to a strong healthy baby.

Looking beautiful and be a healthy woman can only under one condition: if in its body there are enough vitamins and the trace elements necessary for the full work of the whole organism. This is especially true of the true "female" vitamins, which includes folic acid.

Scottish scientists consider folic acid with the most useful vitamin for women's health and beauty. It is one of the main participants in the formation of the formation of new cells: white blood cells - leukocytes, red blood cells - red blood cells, new skin and hair cells. Due to this, folic acid provides a healthy skin color, which is very important for every woman. It is thanks to folic acid that the hair is updated, their structure improves and the fragility is reduced, the nails grow better.

Foliic acid can be called "vitamin motherhood." For a woman planning pregnancy, folic acid is the most important vitaminSince it is she responsible for the formation of the fetus and its proper development. It is important to receive folic acid for young women, as it regulates the course of the menstrual cycle and prevents the development of osteoporosis. In addition, folic acid has an estrogen-like action and can slow down the occurrence of menopause and even weaken the unpleasant symptoms after its offensive. Also folic acid is necessary to function normally circulatory system, were healthy and strong vessels and capillaries.

All over the world, including in Russia, 67-77% of women are facing a shortage of this vital substance. The body does not produce folic acid on its own and fill it the organism once and is forever it is impossible, so it is necessary to regularly replenish its stock.

Given the importance of folic acid and the peculiarities of its best assimilation, the specialists of Evalar developed a biologically active additive to food Folic acid with vitamins in 12 and B. 6 .

Optimal dosage, high quality and affordable price will please every woman and help save women Health, more valuable in the world can not be anything!

How do ingredients work?

It is a growth factor - it is necessary for the organism for the production of skin cells, mucous, hair. For a woman planning pregnancy, folic acid is the most important vitamin, since it is responsible for the formation of the fetus and the growth of cells. In the early stages of pregnancy, even a short-term deficiency of folic acid is fraught with the development of defects of the nervous system in the fetus. In addition to participating in the creation of fetal cells, folic acid takes part in the formation of all uniform elements of the blood. In addition, it provides a good mood, participating in the exchange of biologically active substances of serotonin and adrenaline, which play an important role in the state of the nervous system.

and folic acid They are interrelated vitamins, so their joint reception is recommended. The lack of vitamin B 12 leads to the development of partial or secondary foliage deficiency.

Participates in the transformations of amino acids, tryptophan metabolism, lipids and nucleic acids, participates in maintaining an immune response, in braking and excitation processes in the central nervous system, contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells. It helps to maintain the normal level of homocysteine \u200b\u200bin the blood. Insufficient consumption of vitamin C 6 is accompanied by increased fatigue, depressive condition, nervousness, deterioration of the skin condition.


Cellulose microcrystalline (carrier), vitamin B 6, vitamin B 12, folic acid; Calcium stearate and silicon dioxide amorphous (antisolent agents); Film coating components (nutritional supplements); hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, twin 80, polyethylene glycol; Titanium dioxide, curcumin (dyes).
Recommendations for application

Adults 1 tablet per day during food. The duration of reception is 4-6 weeks. If necessary, the reception can be continued.
Pregnant and nursing women take under the control of the doctor.


Individual intolerance to the components. Before use, you must consult with your doctor.

Certificate of State Registration (SGR)

No. RU. dated January 12, 2015

Form release Pills
Number of tablets in the package 40 0.22 g
Shelf life 3 years
Storage conditions Store at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C

* Does not exceed the upper permissible level
For more information, materials are used: Large Russian Encyclopedia, 2001; Sidney M.Wolf "Worst Pills Best Pills" The Lancet Vol / 353, No. 9149,2002. ASSOCIATED PRESS AGENCY

The goods are available depending on the legislation of the country and the availability of the goods at the distributor.