What products should be discarded to lose weight. You can not! Which products are better to give up when weight loss

17.07.2019 Diet

Having dropped 1-2 kg, we reward themselves with candy on joys. Strange, why do I want to eat so much? Permanent hunger is tormented by me all day, I need some salads, but the body asks something sweet. Okay, as a reward for the whole day as a herbivore goat, I will allow myself a piece of chocolate (and even the entire tile is imperceptible). In the morning I wake up from hunger ... cabbage salad? Fu, nasty! The hand itself stretches to the remaining chocolate, the smell of mother buns is felt per kilometer. One bun, two ... what a fool I am, the whole tray of the board chrown !!! Why do I have no willpower?! Okay, I'll sit on the kefir for a week, and then the scales again showed an increase.

Long live kefir! I'm well done, and kefir love! Candy for the night as a reward for courage!
Morning: something tired of this kefir, I want sausages, but there is fat ...
At night, I dream of a confectionery store and sausage market rows ...
Hooray! For the week in kefir minus 3 kg !!! Now I will eat it a long-awaited cupcake, and then I cheating.

I do not understand what happened? All day chewed everything. Hands themselves opened the refrigerator and pulled everything in the mouth. And then still the dumplings the plate screwed, even though they did not climb, but I want to eat !!!
I'm bastard and fatty pig! I hate everyone around, children's podrotage, husband kicks ...

So, why do we always break into one ill-fated moment?
Why does hunger occur?
Not at all because the stomach is empty - we have already convinced about that. Inexplicable hunger sometimes comes immediately after the satisfying lunch. Does not climb already, but they pry cookies, piham ...

So: Hunger occurs only due to sharp changes (jumps) of blood sugar levels. But after all, I don't eat sugar and do not put in tea? True, the chocolate was ate, and there are several bananas ...
In fact, in the blood, we do not jump sugar, but glucose, which we ate in the form of these fruits, bread, rice, pasta and other high-carbonic products. Dangerous carbohydrates are precisely the fact that our metabolism (metabolism) is seriously violated and cause hunger. 1 Candy is able to cause an attack of gluttony.

Hence the conclusion: not to experience hunger, you need to hardly limit carbohydrates. It is not necessary to refuse them completely, because Vegetables, except carbohydrates, contain vitamins and fiber. But the high carbonic products (sugar, flour, cereals, white rice, potatoes, carrots, starch) do not contain anything useful at all, then they will have to abandon them at all.

Well, we decide, it means that the next week I will eat cabbage soup.
The first two days is terribly like something else. Then hunger disappears, but I don't want to watch on the cabbage. For some reason, the thirst comes, the water has a sweet taste, in his mouth as cats have risen. Something is wrong with me, the advisers around a lot, someone advises meat there, someone makes it eat a sandwich or chocolate! There is no strength, the head is spinning for a week, barely tested. Native mother does not know: "Are you so pale?! Sick? "

It turns out not enough to limit carbohydrates. We also need protein so that there are strength and blush on the cheeks. We are not disabled, we are moving, our muscles work and require protein. We buy a chicken, boil chicken soup with cabbage, give a cat fatty chicken skin, drink a fatged kefir. But something is hungry again!
With a lack of carbohydrates and fats, proteins can also be processed in glucose, from here and hunger occurs.

By samples and errors, we are convinced that only after a piece of bass or fatty pork, we don't want to eat for a long time. But a lot of fat food to eat after all the same is terrible, the word "fat" reminds us of a vague waist.
As a result, we eat a little fat, only to not suffer from hunger. But without fat, our food can consist of either protein, or from carbohydrates. There is no third. Carbohydrates are harmful, it means only protein? The weight decreases, there is no hunger, but something has become dull, nails - brittle, face - pale. Dry leather, dandruff in hair. The kidneys got sick, not to go to the toilet without enema ...

Why? Because vitamins and minerals are not enough.
But I eat vegetables, and multivitamins, too, - we almost cry we !!!
Yes, but for the absorption of vitamins, fatty acids are needed, which are formed only from fats. So, it is impossible to limit fats.
What does it mean? What can I eat at least a kilogram of a bass or sternum and do not die? We will not die, but most likely eat at once a kilogram of oily foods can not, you just get it. Fat food too satisfying.

But how so? If I eat after all, this huge piece of sternum, I am completely fatty, it is very calorie !!!
And here we came to the main delusion, which prevents us from losing weight. Now read carefully, rewrite on the paper and hang on the refrigerator:

The fat that we ate cannot be deposited in excess weights. The eaten fat will not be glucose never, it is impossible! But only glucose can be our extensive fat, and it is produced only from carbohydrates and too excessive protein. The fat eaten by us disintegrates on fatty acids and ketones. Acids are connected to vitamins and restore our hair and nails. And ketones are the second source of energy for the body, in addition to glucose. Moreover, if the excess glucose is postponed, then extra ketones - never. Surplus them are also harmful, but bring it easy, enough to drink plenty of water (8 glasses per day). But from excess weight, simple water would not be saved.

Do not be afraid, the kidneys do not bring problems to the kidney, on the contrary. However, we will have to go to the toilet a little more often, it is impossible to endure. Urine should be displayed in a timely manner every 1-2 hours. If the break is more (at night, for example), then edema may appear in the morning (the water stagnated in the body). So try to drink the weather rate in the first half of the day. Do not worry, nature itself took care of the elimination of ketones (firing disintegration products): if fat is burned, then you are thirsty and involuntarily drink water.

Oh, what difficulties will you say? Oh really? No, better I will drink a lot and write every hour, but at the same time feel wonderful and lose weight.

But continue the conversation about the high calorie content of oily food:
To digest a piece of fatty pork, the body will spend a lot of calories. Roughly speaking, fatty meat calories themselves will be spent. If at the same time we did not forget about the ban is not carbohydrates, then Lipolyz will burn together with the sneaker and part of our excess weight. But the most terrible mistake is to eat many carbohydrates at the same time and a lot of fat. Due to carbohydrates, lipolysis is disabled, burning fat (ours and eaten) is impossible. Where to go eaten fat? Read carefully: it will sow on the walls of the vessels and be called "cholesterol". So that the fat did not become cholesterol, but spent and was displayed without a balance, it is necessary to launch Lipolysis, i.e. Strictly limit carbohydrates. Do not forget that Lipolysis will start only after 2-3 days after the restriction of carbohydrates, and will continue to go full, to the first candy.

List of 11 most dangerous and harmful food products that we all eat almost every day and from which you need to refuse urgently!

This article replicated countless times, literally exploded the Internet - we all as a mantra studied product lists containing poisonous glutamate sodium or harmful trans-fats.

Yes, it is chemistry, yes it is poison, and these products are not simply hypothetically harmful, but truly dangerous for our health. But to assimilate exactly which products at all it is impossible to eat, it is better to familiarize yourself with the list of 11 specific examples of the most famous poisonous and harmful products.

1. Surgery sausages

Thank God, we have already managed to assimilate that the word "sausage" itself is synonymous with all the harmful, far from the principles healthy nutrition. As for specifically, the rigorous sausages, the danger here is also in the fact that no one smokes them.

Now manufacturers use smoke-smoke smoke, which contains all the same formaldehyde health. However, boiled sausages are also not much more useful - they are made from gennometric soybean.

2. Red caviar

Original form and in small doses, red caviar will even be useful. And probably somewhere in the Far East, someone receives it such - fresh, low-salted, with all Omega-3 and other pleasant components in the composition.

But the catch is that the red caviar is kept very long - and its life is shorter than the time of transportation from those places where it comes from. Output two - to solit the product or freeze.

But there is also the third - the most common option is to add urotropin or citric acid. Formaldehyde is obtained at the output. In short, if you got a "weakly salting caviar", do not believe it is poison.

If the manufacturer honestly warns that the caviar is very saline and ice cream, will be safer - not tasty, but at least not deadly.

3. Sprots

Latvian sprats in Latvia no one eats - they go only for export to Russia. Conscious manufacturers do not hide from their citizens that the product contains a benzpiren carcinogenic substance that accumulates in the body and can lead to death.

Rospotrebnadzor, then introduces a ban on the Baltic sprats, then cancels it. And they do not become less harmful from this.

4. Kura.

Do you like chicken meat as we love him? Did you know that today there are only broilers meat on the shelves of the stores, which can not be raised without growth hormones?

Unhappy chickens receive a large number of female hormones, including progesterone, and therefore their meat becomes very poisonous and dangerous - especially for men.

5. Melted cheese

It seems that the food culture is currently so changed that the melted raw materials seem to the remnant of the past. But statistics say that the Russian consumer digested tons of this strange product, which, as doctors say, absolutely not absorbed by the stomach!

6. Dairy products for a long time of storage

We have already managed to forget about how the milk taste looks like, which spoils instantly. The realities of our life are such that pasteurized milk is stored in the refrigerator in the open week, and we do not see alternatives.

Specialists claim: if the milk is stored for up to 2 weeks, then it is even compatible with life, and if more - it means in the packaging of the product there are antibiotics. Make conclusions.

7. Peanuts

Yes, yes, you are in vain think that this is a safe product of plant origin. Some even naively believe that peanuts, like nuts, is useful. Disappoint you - without impairment of the petunia gene, it is not stored, and it is scary poisonous substance. For example: insect peanuts do not eat.

8. Lollipops, Barbaris

In Soviet times, it was a product that would be called "Eco" today, and now Barbaris and other lollipops will not take one manufacturer without the strongest chemical essences, for it is otherwise not profitable.

An experiment is popular in the network: they offer a slightly moistened candy to leave on the tablecloth and see what happens. For several hours, Barbariska will burn the tablecloth through, along with varnish. No need to possess a stormy fantasy to understand what happens to your stomach.

9. Sweet carbonated drinks and juices

Well, how much can you talk about the dangers of Coca-Cola, say you? As much as needs! Sweet carbonated drinks is a mix of sugar, chemistry and gases. A murdering cocktail quickly distributes harmful substances in the body and instantly causes poisoning, which we can not always diagnose.

The famous fact is Coca-Cola, for example, eliminates lime scale and rust. What will she do with your stomach? Correctly, corrosive its walls, and also contains health-hazardous sugar concentration for every 100 ml.

However, juices in packages are no less harmful. Naturally, they are called only manufacturers, by chance avoiding punishment of justice for the unceremonious distortion of the fact of "Naturalness" - in fact it is pure chemistry, poisonous and harmful.

10. Coffee

Regular coffee consumption is constantly saturated with a blood plasma cholesterol, damages the endothelium of blood vessels and inhibits the operation of the liver cells. And in the opinion of some researchers, coffee is also dangerous for the liver, as well as alcohol - coffee leads to the depletion of adrenal glands and pituitary glands and violates the work of the kidneys.

Especially harmful to the use of coffee for women, because it blocks the transition of estradiol into the estrov, and it threatens the development of fibrin, mastopathy, endometriosis and sporadic goiter. A number of carcinogens and mutagens were revealed in coffee. So do not believe that coffee is useful for the body, and try to avoid it.

11. Watermelons

Previously, watermelons appeared on store shelves no earlier than the end of August. Today they are available all year round, and the number of poisoning, which arise about this, is growing as not understanding consumers aside themselves hope not to poison in January with watermelon grown in chemistry.

Make the right conclusions and avoid harmful and dangerous food products. Take care of your health!

And lean food is necessarily useful, but it is not. Even such products slow down the metabolism and increase appetite. Some dietary dishes contain a large amount of fats and carbohydrates that are not always needed by the body.

Do not abuse products with high starch, such as corn, potatoes. There are too sweet fruits, especially melon, grapes and bananas, is also not recommended. Such products are better to use in the morning and in small quantities. Acute, salty and smoked should not eat regularly, because such products violate the work digestive systemAs a result, a person is waiting for many diseases and fullness.


If a person decided to get rid of unnecessary kilograms, he doesn't need to drink sweet soda, because it is not only harmful to the body, does not quench thirst, but also causes a feeling of hunger. In any gasing contains citric acid, which disrupts the equilibrium of the acid-alkaline medium of the digestive tract.


It is worth avoiding cakes, cookies, chocolate, cakes and other similar confectionery products. These products contain trans-fats, which, when digesting, turn into a huge amount of unnecessary carbohydrates. Taste amplifiers and all kinds provoke a feeling of hunger. It is possible to replace such products with honey, bitter chocolate, cottage cheese and cottage cheese cakes, kuragya, picnics, raisins, prunes, figs and other dried fruits.

Bakery products

Bakery products slow down the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and digestion. Do not use white bread During the diet period. It is better to eat a little bread from whole grain flour Or with bran. It is very useful, as it contains trace elements, fiber and vitamins of group V.

Food Food

Fast food and semi-finished products have never been healthy food. Such products are not recommended there is not only losing weight, but also everyone else. The dishes are mainly consisting of food additives, fats, starch, taste amplifiers and various flavors, while have a low energy value. As a result, fat deposits on the body appear.

fried food

It should be excluded from the usual diet and fried food. It does not bring any benefit, but only causes a number of diseases of the digestive system. You need more baked, steam or boiled dishes.

Fatty products

To lose weight, you need to use less fatty products. It is possible to replace fatty meat onto a lean, creamy on vegetable, baking on the loaf. It is worth eating more skimmed equal milk products. You need to eat nuts and sea fish. Exclude from the diet you need sausages, canned food and smoked. Many people think that such products can be replaced by meat, but it is not. Sausage products contain a large amount of fats and very little protein. Spices increase the feeling of hunger, so often man overeats. Exclude from the power you need mayonnaise and other fatty sauces. In 100 g mayonnaise contains 620 calories, and this is quite a lot.

A modern man begins to realize all the harmful products with harmful additives. Delicious, fragrant and attractive products for verification are so poisonous that you can expect various troubles from them, from digestive disorder and allergic reactions, Before violations of the brain activity and the development of cancer!

In this regard, more and more people seek to know which products contain harmful additives and how do they threaten the human body? We describe them, and at the same time we will tell you how to replace these products dangerous to the body.

Almost all the meat that is sold in supermarkets contains sodium nitrite (E250 additive) - a powerful preservative, which gradually accumulating in the body, destroying immunity and threatens other terrible consequences for a person, including autoimmune diseases and cancer. And even the smoked meat can not boast of naturalness, because formaldehyde is present in smoke smoke - a poisonous carcinogenic substance! According to the American scientist Glen, the feed of animals, which are tightened to slaughter, tranquilizers, antibiotics, hormonal drugs And more than 2,700 other harmful additives, which then fall into the human body.

How to replace:

To protect yourself from these harmful substances, it is worth cutting meat consumption up to 1-2 times a week, because every day there is a meat steak or chopped cutlets do not even recommend doctors. Moreover, choosing meat is needed exclusively on the market, in farmers that grow animals on an environmentally friendly stern.

2. Meat semi-finished products

Meat semi-finished products include so favorite all sausages, sausages and sausages, dumplings and ham. The society fell in love with these products for the ease and speed of cooking, but few people thought about the health risks to whom a person exposess itself by using such "delicacies".

Meat semi-finished products from meat minced meat are prepared, only natural meat in such a mince is not more than 10%, and the remaining 90% is a gennometified soybean, bone flour, interior fat, tendons, skins and cartilage! Of course, such a composition has nasty smell and non-primary look. To correct the situation, manufacturers are added to the mince dyes, flavors, stabilizers, as well as taste amplifiers, for example, sodium glutamate (additive E621). This dangerous food supplement It has a toxic effect on the brain, which is especially dangerous for kids and pregnant women!

How to replace:

From semi-finished products it is worth refuse or at least reduce their consumption to a minimum. Replace them can be cooked at home ham, for this special ham is sold. You can bake in the oven rolls from various varieties of meat, boil or bake a whole piece of meat, pre-polished with spices and garlic. It turns out a good snack, which can also be used instead of sausage for sandwiches.

Chicken meat is the most popular meat product sold in the store, and therefore producers make a special bet on it. Clinical researches More than once confirmed that in the feed of factory chickens add growth hormones and synthetic vitamins, and antibiotics regularly knead themselves. As a result, a very dangerous product falls on the consumer's table, which helps to increase body weight, affects the liver and endocrine system.

How to replace:

Nutritionists recommend refusing to buy chicken chicks and broiler chickens in supermarkets. It is better to acquire a homemade chicken in farms that grow a bird on a natural stern. If there is no such possibility, it is possible to reduce the concentration of harmful substances in chicken meat. You can boil a chicken carcass in a saucepan for 10 minutes and threw out harmful broth. It will not be possible to completely get rid of hormones and antibiotics in this way, but the harmful components in the chicken will become less.

Photo: "Photobank Lori"

4. fillet herring

Herring Clear Eyes Film Solding in Beautiful Plastic Packaging in various sauces or oil should not enter the buyer to delusion. It is enough to look at the composition to make sure that there are full additions here: the thickener (additive E1442), preservatives (sodium gasoloate), acidity regulators and flavor amplifiers (sodium glutamate). Such a product can hardly be called natural and healthy health.

How to replace:

It is better to buy an undivided salty or a low-salted herring and cutting it at home. But a more preferred alternative to such a product can be a small-headed herring prepared with their own hands. To do this, a fresh herring must be cleaned, rinse, leave for 30 minutes to the glass input, and then put in a liter can be placed on a liter jar. The recipe for making the brine is: in 1 liter of water we divorce 6 tbsp. Sugar, 4 tbsp. Salts (non-iodined), bay leaf and fragrant pepper. I boil such a mixture, add 30 g of vinegar to it and allow you to cool. A low-power herring prepared at home will save you from the harmful components of the purchase product and at the same time will enrich the body with vitamin B12 and omega-3 valuable fatty acids, useful children and women in the position.

Herring can be salted and a dry way. To do this, the mixture of salt and sugar is frosthed and purified, in a 2: 1 ratio, with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil and lemon juice, add bay leaf, black and fragrant pepper, you can add garlic (for lovers). The fish treated in this way is inserted into the container under load, after a day, fish is ready. In the same way, you can solicit the scumbers. For salting salmon only salt and sugar are used.

5. Mayonnaise and ketchup

These harmful sauces are rich in fats and carbohydrates, preservatives and amplifiers of taste. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of such sauces contain gennomified additives, which are at all able to influence the human DNA, leading to allergic diseases, stomach pathologies and even oncological tumors. Especially dangerous mayonnaise in plastic bags, because the vinegar ranks in it corps the walls of the packaging, thereby released the strongest toxic substances. All of them inevitably fall into the body!

How to replace:

The exit here is obvious - completely abandon the purchased sauces, preparing them on their own.

Homemade Mayonnaise Cooking Recipe
In 200 ml of olive oil, add 1 egg, 2/3 of C.L. Salt, as much sugar, 1 tsp mustard and 2 tbsp. apple vinegar (or lemon juice). All mix in a blender. Delicious, and most importantly, useful mayonnaise is ready!

Homemade Ketchup Cooking Recipe
2 kg of selected tomatoes are blanching to easily get rid of the peel. By skipping them through the meat grinder, we send tomato mashed potatoes in Creulka to fire, not forgetting to add 4 cloves of crushed garlic, and we will be screwed up to half from the original volume. We add salt, sugar, carnation and 10 ml of vinegar to tomato paste, other spices to taste, after which we cook for another 10 minutes. Useful ketchup ready!

6. Chips and Potatoes "Fries"

Children simply adore chips and french fries. However, harm from these products many times exceeds the pleasure of their consumption. The fact is that these products are not even sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes, but a special substance prepared from potato mashed potatoes, which is heated to 80ºC before cooking, destroying all the beneficial substances, and then fry on the oil. Oil for these purposes is used repeatedly, which leads to the accumulation of hazardous carcinogens in it - acrylamide and benzopropylene, which increase the risk of developing cancer. Add a huge amount of easily durable fat, salts, as well as synthetic additives and taste amplifiers, which give chips of bacon, sour cream or cheese, and you will understand that these products are worth staying away.

How to replace:

We prepare chips yourself. To do this, we slightly cut potatoes, add chopped garlic, pepper and salt to it, and also sprinkles olive oil. Having laid out the potato slices on a baking sheet, pre-stuck in parchment, we send our chips to the oven for an hour, setting the temperature of 100ºC. Delicious chips are ready!

Useful dairy delicacy called yoghurt has nothing to do with that product that are sold on the counters of supermarkets. Unlike natural yogurt, "Stores" have long storage time, and all due to irradiation, which is subject to fruits included in it. In addition, the purchased yogurt contains a harmful acidity regulator (additive E331), which increases the acidity of the stomach, as well as a hazardous thickener - oxypropylated dicracmalphosphate (E1442 additive), causing acute diseases pancreas.

How to replace:

Shopping yogurts are better not to buy at all, replacing them on their own prepared product. To do this, it is enough to take the acidic sour cream, weak or any other start-up, as well as pasteurized milk. In 1 liter of milk, we should dilute 2 tbsp. Exquisites, close a bowl tightly, bite it and put in a warm place. A day later, yogurt will be ready. It remains only to add berries to it, honey, crushed nuts or jam and can be used with health benefits!

Photo: "Photobank Lori"

8. Noodles of fast cooking

Statistics says that for the year the population of the Earth eats more than 80 billion rapid breakfasts, such as Rollton or Dashirak. This is inexpensive food, the preparation of which takes at least time. However, these are all the advantages of this nutrition and are limited. The dough with a high protein content, from which noodle produces, has a high content of sodium glutamate, which not only creates and enhances the taste, but also is addictive. Long use of noodles fast cooking It causes obesity, diabetes, allergies and gastric diseases.

How to replace:

Discard the snacks by such dubious products. It is better to replace them with apples, nuts, dried fruits or various cereals from cereals.

Photo: "Photobank Lori"

9. Chocolate bars

Advertising slogans assure us that the chocolate bar is the best snack on the road, he quickly returns the strength and "charging the brains." Here are just the manufacturers silent that the high content of glucose in such a product may cause diabetes, and a large concentration of easily durable fat leads to the damage to the arteries walls, which increases the risk of atherosclerosis. In addition, chocolate bars are added satellite fats that hinder brain activity, as well as harmful dyes, stabilizers and preservatives.

How to replace:

In any pharmacy, you can purchase Muesli bars or fruit bars, which are made on the basis of honey and natural fruit. In addition, a dark tile chocolate can be an alternative to a chocolate bars, which is an excellent tool for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Bread is a valuable source of carbohydrates, vegetable protein and vitamins. In addition, bread does not come, and therefore is present in the human diet almost constantly. That's just to improve taste, manufacturers are added to it gluten (gluten), which is so present in wheat. The increased content of this substance may cause allergies and problems with gastrointestinal tract. White bread is even more dangerous in this place, because for whitening flour, manufacturers use chemicals.

How to replace:

Choose bread from solid wheat varieties or whole wheat breadIt is better to buy a coarse flour and prepare delicious and fragrant breads yourself. Given that bread is a source of fast carbohydrates, nutritionists recommend to use it exclusively for breakfast. You can also go for a trick, turning the "fast" carbohydrates of bread in "slow". For this, it is enough just to dry the bread cut into pieces.

Photo: "Photobank Lori"

11. Frozen vegetables

Frozen vegetables are a great way to make yourself a juicy greens in winter cold. At the same time, manufacturers assure that deep freezing of the product allows you to maintain all valuable vitamins in it. However, useful substances are preserved in frozen vegetables only if they never defused, for example, during transportation or before selling in the store. Moreover, the frozen product decomposes much faster than fresh, that is, rotates in the stomach faster than digested. As a result, the body receives a whole range of poisons and toxins.

How to replace:

If it is not possible to use fresh vegetables, minimize the use of frozen peppers, broccoli, carrots and peas, and also try to choose the products of one manufacturer, which causes you confidence.

12. Sweet carbonated drinks

Ghazing is the most harmful liquid that a person uses. Take a look: in one miniature jar or "pepsy" 0.33 liters are contained 16 (!) Sugar spoons in the form of corn syrup with increased content fructose. These drinks sharply increase the level of glucose in the body, threatening a person obesity and the development of diabetes. In addition, such drinks contain orthophosphoric acid (additive E338) which leads to the leaching of calcium from the bones and the destruction of dental enamel. We also note that the pH level of carbonated beverages is 2.5, that is, similar to vinegar! No wonder with the help of "Coca-Cola" and "sprite" dissolve rust.

How to replace:

It is clear that it is better to stay away from carbonated drinks and in no case to give them to children. Alternative to such drinks will be delicious and useful home compotes and fruit. They perfectly quench your thirst and fill the body with the mass of the vitamins and minerals necessary.

13. Fruit juices

Fruit juices, in abundance presented on store shelves, very unprofitable. For the storage of juice in a production scale, most of the liquid is removed from it and stored in a frozen state. Before packing on packages, such a concentrate is diluted with water and pasteurize, in order to prevent the microbes reproduction. And with this process, the juice is deprived more than a part of the vitamins that are destroyed under the action of temperatures. In addition, there are more corn syrup in the purchased juices and valuable food fibers are practically absent.

How to replace:

Refuse to eat purchased juices. It is better to purchase the juicer and prepare yourself, choosing natural fruits for this purpose.

14. Candy "Chupa Chups" and chewing marmalade

Kids simply love to chew marmalacks and lick sweet candies on a wand. And, it seems that in this bad, because the basis of marmalade is Pectin, and "Chupa-Chupa" is made of molasses. Here are just the components of these more often natural, but synthetic. Moreover, the auxiliary substances of these sweets are dyes or flavors, also have a "identical natural" mark. However, the greatest danger is that, and a lollipop, and chewing marmalands in large quantities contains sugar, which dramatically increases the level of insulin in the blood.

How to replace:

Do not acquire candy and marma deck of questionable content. Better learn how to cook them yourself.

Lollipop Cooking Recipe
In the metal container, we pour 150 ml of water and we are divorced in it 200 g of sugar. By placing the container on a slow fire, constantly stir the syrup, preventing boiling. As soon as the sugar is completely dissolved, and fine bubbles will appear on the surface, spread the syrup according to the molds and let it be frozen. Natural lollipop!

Recipe for making marmalade
20 g gelatin pour 100 ml of orange juice and leave to swelling. In the pan, we pour 2 cup of sugar, pour it with 100 ml of water and add 1 tbsp. Lemon zest. We send a saucepan on the fire literally for 3-5 minutes, slowly stirring the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved. As soon as golden syrup is formed, remove it from the fire, add gelatin and mix thoroughly. It remains only to skip the resulting mass through a thin siety, pour marmalade in the mold and send to stick in the refrigerator. Chewing ready!


Many of the products listed above are present in the human diet almost daily, becoming the rate of nutrition. At the same time, not everyone is aware of the harm, which makes such products, and many consider them useful at all. Perhaps this article will make people think about their nutrition and contributes to the emergence of useful food habits. Health to you!

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The information on our website is informative and educational in nature. However, this information is in no way an airplane benefit. Be sure to consult your doctor.

Potato chips


Contains transgraphs. They are liquid fats (for example, vegetable oil), which in the process of recycling have become solid. In addition to the properties to increase the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood of the Transhires have a harmful effect on the liver. According to some reports, the transgins increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease and can provoke the emergence of depression. At the same time, in different margarines, the content of transgins are not the same. In the so-called soft margarines of this variety of fat is significantly less than in solid, used for baking.

Bouillon cubes

"Dry broths" by 50-70% consist of chemical additives (sodium glutamate, dyes, preservatives and salt). And the extractors of the components that are contained in this product themselves do not have biological value and are often poorly absorbed. Therefore, the most risks people with chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract.

Fast food

Lunch in fast food restaurant will provide more than half of the daytime calorie and fat. In addition, drinking your dinner with a cola or milk cocktail, it is worth remembering that these drinks contain a lot of sugar. One cup of cocktail is approximately 6 pieces of raffinad. Nothing amazing that lovers of such food often detects overweight. In addition to fat and calories, Fast Food will bring the body to an excess of salt. And it threatens with kidney problems, increasing arterial pressure, joints in joints and impaired heart work. At the same time, eating only 6 chicken wings, you exhaust your daily limit on salt consumption.

Substitutes of sugar

None of them cannot be called useful for the body, and some sweeteners may also harm. All sugar substitutes have a strong choleretic effect. In people with diseases of biliary tract, they can exacerbate the course of the disease. The exception is only the grass Stevia - this is a completely natural sweetener, which can be found in any pharmacy.

Men risk stronger

Male organism suffers from harmful food stronger than female. Scientists from the United States came to this conclusion.

They found out that violation of metabolism and diseases of the cardiovascular system are associated with an increase in the hypothalamus. This section of the brain regulates the metabolism, is responsible for feeling hunger and food behavior. If inflammation appears in the hypothalamus, it leads to obesity and diabetes. After that, the researchers decided to put experience in mice and find out how incorrect meals affects the individuals of the male and female. Four months Rodent der-jali on a special diet, which consisted of food, rich in fats and sugar. After 16 weeks, the hypothalamus males was inflamed, and they began problems with heart and metabolism. There were no changes in the fema brain. It turned out that estrogen hormone faced the protection of the female half, which helps to work out in the tissues female organism Linoleic acid. It breaks the food fats that fall into the brain.

Harmful food habits

There is a run.Without facing carefully food, you give an excessive load of the stomach that can answer it to this exacerbation of gastritis, diarrhea, constipation and other problems.

Preheat fried dishes reused. This leads to the formation of carcinogens.

Put food. Solite only finished dishes, instead of salt, use spices - pepper, rosemary, dill, oregano.

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Ivan Lodine:

Canned and fried food products are uniquely harmful. Canned food, but fried dishes prefer made for a couple. Soler and sweet products try to exclude from rational. Sugar replacing honey, and salt - spices. By the way, not so long ago appreciated the charms of sauce from a natural yogurt with mustard or dining strings. Excellent Mayonnaise replacement!