Watch what is "NMC" in other dictionaries. Diagnosis of NMC in gynecology: symptoms and treatment of the menstrual cycle violations that denotes the diagnosis of NMC by type

06.08.2020 Sport

Metrragia is a violation of the ovarian-menstrual cycle by type of hyperpolymenorius, that is, abundant bloody seals from the genital tract. It can meet in different age categories - in the juvenile, reproductive period, menopause and postmenopausal period. However, the causes of metrragia in these periods of life women differ from each other.

The reasons

The causes of metrragia in the juvenile period look like this:

  • hormonal imbalance (NMC often develops due to the imperfection of the hormonal regulation in girls);
  • disorders of the coagulation system of blood (congenital and acquired hemostasis defects);
  • the cysts of ovarian with hormonal activity.

Metrragia in the reproductive period develops as a result of the following causal factors:

  • mioma of the uterus, especially with the submembrance location of myomatous node;
  • endometriosis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • hormonal shifts;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • an increase in blood pressure;
  • increased bleeding.

The reasons for metrragia, which develops in premopause, is usually associated with the presence of uterine or arterial hypertension. They can also be explained by the hyperplastic processes of endometrial, including the dysplasia.

Metrragia observed in menopause and postmenopause should always be considered as clinical manifestation Pre-radically process or malignant destruction endometrial. Of course, there may be other reasons for metrragia in these age categories, but it is necessary to exclude the most serious. Only after that the diagnosis of other possible pathological processes is carried out, which are manifested by bleeding outlets from the genital tract, while their intensity may be different (from blood blood to strong bleeding).

Thus, the causal factors of the NMC on the type of hyperpolymeniora can not only be purely gynecological, but also may be extragenital (disorders of coagulation, arterial hypertension etc.).


Symptoms of metrragia include signs of the underlying disease, which served as a reason for the appearance of bloody seals from the genital paths of a woman. However, some pathological processes can flow asymptomatic. In such cases, to verify the diagnosis it is necessary to apply additional methods diagnostics. The most informative and often used are the following:

  • general blood test (first of all it is necessary to determine the level of hemoglobin and platelet levels);
  • Ultrasound in order to evaluate the size of the uterus and the thickness of the endometrium;
  • separate diagnostic scraping of the uterus and cervical canal with a mandatory histological examination (this manipulation is not only diagnostic, but also therapeutic nature).

In addition, it is necessary to calculate the pulse and arterial pressure To eliminate the extragnenitial causes of metrrhology. Also, in mandatory, all women with this syndrome showed a bimanual inspection, which evaluates the size of the uterus, studies the state of the cervix and appendages.

Medical tactic

Metrragia implies a conservative and operational hemostasis. In the first case, both hormonal preparations and hemostatic with uterotonic can be used. In the second case, we are talking about the scanning of the uterus.

Metrragia treatment depends on general status Patients, her age and anamnesis (The period between the scraping of the uterus of the uterus should be at least 6 months). So, in the juvenile period, the main place in the treatment occupies a conservative hemostasis. In reproductive age, premenopause, menopause and postmenopausal, surgical hemostasis is in the first place.

NMC in girls need to be treated with the appointment of hormonal drugs. In the first place in efficiency there are combined oral contraceptives. They are accepted according to a specific scheme. On the first day you can take up to 5 tablets with intervals in half an hour - hour between receptions. Every day it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug on one tablet. The total duration of the first cycle of hormonal treatment should be 21 days. To prevent the re-episode of bleeding, the reception of hormonal drugs continues for 3-6 menstrual cycles, making a break between each cycle for a week.

Metrragia in women in all other age categories requires the scraping of the uterus of the uterus with therapeutic and diagnostic purpose. The preparations for symptomatic treatment are prescribed - uterotonic and hemostatic treatment. Further therapy depends on the result of histological research. In some cases, it is required operational treatment - removal of the uterus or myomatous node. The volume of the operation depends on the desire of a woman to realize the reproductive function in the subsequent.

If the cause of the bloody secretions from the genital paths of a woman is arterial hypertension, then hypotensive therapy is carried out. From scraping to normalization of the pressure level should be abstained.

In conclusion, it should be noted that Metrragia is an indication for immediate conversion for help to the akuster-gynecologist. This is due to the fact that it can be one of the manifestations of serious diseases of the female reproductive system, especially if it is found in menopause and postmenopausal. Therefore, it is required differential diagnosis In order to determine the specific reason for this pathological condition. The main place in the diagnostic search for NMCs by type of hyperpolymenira is given to the separate diagnostic scattering of the uterine cavity and the cervical canal followed by histological examination. After that, it is made up individual program Treatment.

Extremely important for a woman has the opportunity to become a mother. Sooner or later, but everyone is thinking about the birth of a child. A prerequisite for conception becomes the normal functioning of the reproductive system, the main indicator of which is the menstrual cycle. And every woman should follow their monthly, paying attention to any deviations. And noticing some changes, you should immediately go to the doctor. But often you can find a situation when first advised with friends or acquaintances. One way or another, the question of what the NMC is in gynecology is relevant and requires clarification.


Before considering violations, it should be mentioned about which cyclic processes proceed in the body of a woman and what they are characterized normally. Main changes occur in the system of pituitary-ovarian-uterus, but other organs depending on hormonal substances are involved. The menstrual cycle is under the influence of the main regulators - follitropine and Lutropin, which are produced in the brain and "follow" for the function of the ovaries.

Normally, the cycle continues from 21 to 34 days (an average of 28 days). After the end of the menstruation, which lasts no more than a week, in the ovary begins to form dominant follicle (first phase). This is accompanied by a gradual increase in estradiol concentration, which stimulates endometrial proliferation in the uterus. In the middle of the cycle, i.e., about 14 days, ovulation occurs - the yield of the egg from the matured follicle, and the yellow body (second phase) is formed in its place. The latter produces progesterone, under the influence of which the endometrium swells, and it increases the number of glands. So the conditions for implantation of the embryo are created. But if the pregnancy did not come, then everything begins again, and the next periods come.

The characteristics of the menstrual cycle are determined by the balance of hormones in the female organism.

Causes and mechanisms

Already many probably guessed that the NMC is deciphered as violations of the menstrual cycle. But this is not considered to be generally accepted in medicine by abbreviation, and therefore it is undesirable to use it. This situation is common among many women, but each has its own reasons. They cover both functional and certain organic states - most of them are directly related to the reproductive system. For example, the menstrual cycle may be broken due to ovarian diseases and uterus:

  1. Polycystrosis.
  2. Adnexitis.
  3. Fibromomy.
  4. Endometriosis.
  5. Anomalies of development.

The change in the reproductive function also contributes injury and operational interventions in the uterus, for example, frequent abortions. Common diseases are important when the whole body suffers. Such infection can have diabetes mellitus, infectious pathology, severe diseases of the kidneys, heart and liver, oncology. But despite this, weighing the causes of menstrual dysfunction still occupy external factors:

  • Insufficient nutrition, shortage of vitamins and minerals.
  • Overweight and obesity.
  • Physical overvoltage.
  • Psycho-emotional stress.
  • Change climatic belts.
  • Supplement and overheating.
  • Radiation irradiation.
  • Reception of some medicines (contraceptive, antidepressants, anticoagulants, etc.).

It can happen and physiological reasonsFor example, in teenage girls, when menstruation only begin to be installed, as well as women of 45-50 years old with the approach of menopause. The lack of cyclic discharge is the norm after childbirth and during breastfeeding.

The main mechanism of menstrual dysfunction is the hormonal restructuring of the body - both sudden and gradual. This violates the established relationship in the regulatory system and leads to various clinical manifestations.

The menstrual cycle is disturbed due to various external and internal factors that affect the hormonal background and the uterus ovarian system.


There are various options for disorders of the menstrual cycle. There may be a change in the duration of menstruation, their frequencies and abundance. The cycle itself, respectively, is reduced or extended. To possible clinical forms Menstrual dysfunction include:

  • Amenorrhea.
  • Algodismenor. - Painful monthly with common violations.
  • Hypermenstrual syndrome.
  • Hymanstrual syndrome.
  • Uterine bleeding.

The first situation is accompanied by a complete lack of monthly over six months. According to the Algodismenorye, they are talking if a woman has a cyclic selection attack is accompanied by a tangible pain at the bottom of the abdomen and common violations: malaise, nausea, dizziness and headache. If we talk about the hymenstrual syndrome, then in its structure it should be noted:

  • Polymenorio - the duration of menstrual bleeding more than a week.
  • Hypermenorrhea - the volume of sections exceeds 150 ml.
  • Promominerance - frequent periods, the interval between which is less than 21 days.

This situation is also called menorragia. Of course, it leads to chronic blood loss, which is reflected in the general well-being of a woman. Develops iron-deficiency anemia, and she, in turn, is accompanied by total weakness, dizzy, rapidness of the pulse, pale skin, hair lone and nails.

In the hymenstrual syndrome, the inverse situation is developing - monthly less than the physiology requires. Its structure includes the following violations:

  • Oryagnomorerian - the duration of menstruation is only 1-2 days.
  • Hymanorerian - the volume of discharge is less than 50 ml.
  • Obsenoria - monthly rare, and the interval between them is increased to 35 or more days.

Single-phase cycles meet, when no ovulation occurs, and the follicle is either atres (did not have time to mature and launched), or persists (formed, but not breaking). Then there are dysfunctional uterine bleeding. It must be borne in mind that any disorders of the menstrual cycle can become an obstacle to conceive and occurrence of pregnancy, i.e., often lead to infertility.

Clinically violations of the women's cycle are combined into several options, each of which has its own characteristics.

Additional diagnostics

To confirm menstrual dysfunction, find out its nature and determine the cause, additional examination is required. Therefore, after a clinical and gynecological examination, the doctor prescribes certain laboratory and instrumental research:

  1. Measurement of basal temperature.
  2. General blood and urine tests.
  3. Blood biochemistry (hormonal spectrum, glucose, antibodies to infections, oncomarcresters, etc.).
  4. Analysis of the discharge from the vagina.
  5. Pap-test (for atypical cells).
  6. Colposcopy.
  7. Hysterography and others.

Consultation of related specialists may also be required, most often an endocrinologist. And only a complete picture of changes in the woman's body will be the key to the right diagnosis. And on its basis, the treatment of menstrual dysfunction is already carried out, methods and methods of which are strictly individual - they are determined by the cause and nature of pathology.

Anxiety should cause too frequent monthly or, on the contrary, rare. Their absence over several months is a serious reason for concern. The poor is discharge, abundance, short-term (one or two days), prolonged duration - deviations from the norm. The following types of NMC in gynecology are most often diagnosed:

  1. Hyperpolymenorius: A short menstrual cycle from 14 to 21 days is accompanied by a long period of abundant bleeding - from 7 to 12 days. It is fraught with blood loss, and this is a large load on the body and subsequently leads to violations of the adaptation mechanism. Such a NMC often testifies to serious female health issues.
  2. Oryagnomorerian is found in 3% of cases. The interval between menstruation can last 40-180 days, they themselves proceed in two or three days. Diagnosed more often in young women fell fear of improving body weight, problems with conception.
  3. Polymenia - common disorder. With the undisturbed duration of the cycle, there is plentiful and long-term blood loss: more than seven days.
  4. Almost half of women under the age of 50 are diagnosed with algodismenorya. It is manifested by grapple-shaped pronounced or muted pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back, headache, nausea, ailment. Symptoms can go through a few hours, sometimes a day.

Over the course of several years, fluctuations in the duration of the cycle, changes in the number of selections in women after forty years. These are signals of the ovarian activity, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of their work. In this case, the diagnosis of NMC indicates the occurrence of premanopause. The condition is considered physiological, natural and continues until entering the climax.

For some women, a long menstrual cycle is characterized by genetically. Very often, psychophysical factors become the cause of violations: overwork, moving to another place of residence with a time zone change, stress, excitement before the responsible exam, take some medicines and even extreme heat in summer.

Systematic lack of sleep has a powerful negative impact: in the preliminary clock, the woman's body actively synthesize the hormones-regulators of monthly cycles. A completely banal cause of the failure can be a urethrogenital infection: mycoplasma, chlamydia, uroplasm.

Combating anti-inflammatory treatment will save from problems. Uninterrupted to the diet causes the overall distortion of metabolism and entails NMC. Consequences sugar diabetes, obesity, diseases thyroid gland, hypertension, anorexia can be NMC.

Menstrual cycle violations may indicate serious gynecological diseases, and can only mean a feature of a particular body of a woman. The diagnosis of "NMC" is placed even when bleeding is accompanied by pain, and its duration and length of the cycle do not change.

Dysmenorrhea (spasms)

Almost half of the fair sex representatives suffer monthly from strong spasming pain at thenime of the abdomen, which indicates the beginning of the monthly. Pain can last from 12 hours to 32 hours, that is, more than a day. The character of pain can vary from periodic "fights" to the incessant unpleasant sensations, which can even cause disability.

Dysmenorrhea is primary and secondary. In primary spasms, they derive from anatomical cutting of the walls of the uterus, and this is a normal process. With secondary dysmanifier pain and spasms during menstruation (especially if there were no more than before) they are talking about the presence of any disease of the gynecological sphere (endometriosis, malignant diseases, cyst). In this case, immediately consult a doctor.

The cause of the dismensority can be a blood flow in the uterine arteries, the germination of endometrial outside the uterus (endometriosis), genetic predisposition to such pains.


The term "menorriage" in medicine is called long, too abundant, more than 80 ml., Menstruation and breakthrough bleeding between them. It may be a normal phenomenon for young girls who have a cycle recently, as well as small blood drops on the underwear in the middle of the cycle are found in young women during ovulation.


Amenorrheses are called the absence of menstruation, distinguish between primary and secondary amenorrhea. If the girl at 15-16 years have not yet begun monthly, then this is a reason to consult a doctor for the diagnosis of primary amenorrhea. If bleeding was, but disappeared and did not come within three months, such amenorrhea is called secondary.

Secondary amenorrhea, in particular, can overtake the too thin girls with a diagnosis of anorexia, as weight loss affects the production of hormone organism (namely they control the process of organizing the cycle).


Weak, rare monthly, the distance between which is more than 35 days, are called "Olygomenorrhea". Most often, such pathology happens in young girls with an unsteady monthly cycle.

PMS - premenstrual syndrome is one of the most common causes of NMC in gynecology. Elevated emotionality, federation, increased sensitivity to stressful situations - these symptoms are familiar, probably every woman. Approximately a week before the start of menstrual bleeding, some women begin the PMS, which should not be tolerated, since when accessing a doctor, some of its manifestations can be corrected, reduce.

Violation of the menstrual cycle is a fairly common disease in gynecology. Random failures caused by stress, according to statistics from each second woman. But should be alert if:

  • delays frequent
  • allocations during menstruation steel abundant or scanty,
  • the number of days of bleeding increased or decreased,
  • menstrual pain appeared.

The duration of the cycle is counted from the beginning of the previous menstruation before the beginning of the following. The minimum period between them is 21 days, the maximum - 35 days.

If your monthly cycle has been 22 days for many years, and then suddenly increased for several days - this is also a violation. An alarm can be the inverse situation.

As soon as you notice that the monthly changed, you need to make an appointment to the gynecologist to identify the cause of failures.

The impaired menstrual cycle appears due to the infections of the urogenital system and because of the failure in the hormonal system.

The NMC may occur for the following reasons:

  • due to frequent stress,
  • changes of hormonal background,
  • infectious and noncommunicable diseases of the internal genitals,
  • hereditary predisposition
  • when taking drugs,
  • due to the sharp change of place of residence,
  • radiation and poisoning
  • wrong power
  • bad habits.

Most frequent cause Menstruation failures is a small pelvic infection. If, during the survey, the pathogens will not be detected, then sufficiently anti-inflammatory treatment, after which the normal cycle is restored.

Hormonal failures that violated the menstrual cycle arise in different links of the formation of hormones. An important role for their appearance plays genetic predisposition, mental injuries, avitaminosis.

Why should urgently treat the disorders of the monthly cycle? During the latency of the menstrual function, the hormones begin to work at a slow motion. For this reason, the increasing layer of endometrium does not go out in a timely manner, and hyperplasia is gradually formed in the uterus, polyps are growing. If they do not get rid of them, an oncological disease may appear.

Also because of the NMC, fibromyoma, ovarian cyst and other diseases may appear. They cause severe pain.

In connection with the defective mining of hormones with an irregular cycle, the threat of infertility appears. Eggs due to violations do not have time to mature, and even if you are able to get pregnant, the whole period of tooling the child will hang out the threat of miscarriage.

To identify the cause of the NMC, a doctor just talk to the patient. Sometimes he can assign a survey.

In gynecology there are four types of diseases associated with the wrong menstrual cycle:

    Algodismenorye. This diagnosis is placed most often. If you have algodismenorrhea, you are experiencing new

Monthly may not be for various reasons, and it is not always connected with gynecological pathology, that is, the diagnosis of "NMC" is not always made. Consider the main causes of lack of menstruation.

  • Pregnancy. At the occurrence of an interesting position, monthly ceased. That is, precisely on the lack of monthly ladies and may be suspected of pregnancy. Some argue that the monthly continues on them and during pregnancy, but this is not a menstruation itself, but bleeding, which can testify only about the threat of miscarriage or other problems with the fruit, such a state requires immediate appeal to a gynecologist.
  • Breast-feeding. Three stages: pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, is a single cycle of hormonal rearrangements in the body of a woman. The cultivated hormones during feeding the child warn the body that the new pregnancy can not yet come, and the periods do not begin, the cycle is not restored. But from each rule there are exceptions, and to build a system of protection against a new pregnancy on this fact is impossible. The gynecologist will advise to choose a barrier method of contraception after childbirth or take special hormonal contraceptives that will not affect the health of the baby.
  • Monthly stops during menopause. This happens not immediately, gradually the cycle is lengthened, and at the age of 50-51, menopause comes. After her offensive, any bleeding from the uterus - the reason to urgently visit the doctor.

Methods of diagnosis and treatment

Based on the complaint of a woman, the doctor appoints a survey. At the same time, the impaired menstrual cycle itself is only a symptom. Diagnostic activities usually include:

  • study of the hormonal state of the body;
  • conducting an ultrasound examination in order to eliminate pathologies in the bodies of a small pelvis;
  • laboratory analysis of vaginal smear.

The gynecologist will ask the patient in detail about the so-called obstetric history, namely: when there were last monthly, whether there were miscarriages and abortions, how many births were, at what age bleeding began and what character they wore, as well as much more. To clarify the causes of the disorders of the menstrual cycle, assign:

  • Blood test is common and hormones (estrogen, progesterone, thyroid hormones, etc.);
  • Ultrasound of a small pelvis, - helps to determine pregnancy, disease internal organs (uterus, ovaries), pathology of the structure of the reproductive system, etc.;
  • Hysteroscopy (view the internal contents of the uterus using a small flashlight and camcorder);
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy (inspection of the state of the internal organs through 3 punctures of the abdominal wall is usually carried out under general anesthesia);
  • Endometrial biopsy (microscopic study of a tiny piece of the inner layer of the uterus for determination of various diseases).

Sometimes for the treatment of changes in the nature of the monthly cycle and disorders of the period cycle, it is enough to change the lifestyle, compliance with diet, caution when choosing sexual partners.

Day mode, sufficient sleep, healthy food rich in vitamins and useful substances - these factors affect women Health very much.

During menstruation, sexual contacts should be avoided, since during this period the woman's body is most vulnerable and less opposed to infections and diseases of the sexual sphere.

Since anemia may be a complication of the diagnosis of NMC (due to the large blood loss), the treatment will be aimed at preventing this, iron preparations are prescribed.

With pain during bleeding, unnecessary anti-inflammatory drugs can be assigned, painkillers.

The problem of irregular periods can be solved by destination oral contraceptives (OK), to select which can only a doctor, taking into account a variety of factors, including after blood tests per hormones.

If the cycle violations are secondary, then the main disease is initially treated, and gradually the problem goes.

The body of a woman is a complex system, the slightest changes in lifestyle or the presence of stress can lead to the disorders of the menstrual cycle. This diagnosis leads both an outpatient treatment and observation of a woman in the hospital.

NMC in gynecology: causes and treatment.

Adequate measures choose the attending physician, based on the survey results. In the arsenal of methods: therapy hormones, physiothereders, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibacterial. In some cases, operational intervention is possible. Often corrective effects have gentle techniques, for example, homeopathic agents.

Myoma uterus is a benign tumor. It is one of the most common (10-27%) tumors of the female reproductive system. Myomas of the uterus is currently found in women aged 30-40 years, often discover my comma in 20-30 months and younger. This tumor is detected from 15-20% of women over 30 years and almost 40% over 40 years. 80% of the testimony for surgical gynecological interventions appear due to the presence of uterine and its complications.

Mioma (Leiomioma, Fibromyoma) is formed from muscle and connective tissue uterus. To date, there is no consensus on the causes of the development of the Moma of the uterus. Most researchers give priority to hormonal disorders and hormone-dependence of the growth of myomatous nodes. Others talk about the impact of infection in the development of myoma (intrauterine contraceptives, abortions, inflammation, sexually transmitted infections).


  • localization In various types of uterus: in 95% of observations, the tumor is located in the body of the uterus and 5% in its neck (cereal mioma);
  • in relation to the muscular layer of the uterus There are three types of growth of nodes of Mioma: intertensive (the tumor is located in the thickness of the uterus wall), the subliminate (the growth of myoma occurs towards the uterine cavity) and the subvershind (the growth of myoma occurs towards the abdominal cavity).
  • In cases where the submucous tumor is located mainly in the muscular layer (more than 1/3 of the volume of the node), use the term "intertensular mioma of uterus with centripetal growth." Among the sublifted nodes, Moma distinguish a special form - boring tumors whose growth in the uterine cavity occurs towards the internal zev.

    The location of the mioma nodes in relation to the muscle layer of the uterus.

    Opgosnoria is a disturbance of the menstrual cycle, characterized by its elongation to 36 and more days.

    To avoid dangerous complications, it is very important to diagnose pathology and undergo a course of treatment. You can make an appointment with a doctor by phone specified on the site, or using the recording button.

    The NMC (disturbance of the menstrual cycle) in the type of opsomerai often takes place in the girls after the onset of menarche, as well as in women in the period of premenopause.

    Menstruation with an optology can be worn both regular and irregular character. In this case, the volume of discharge can be both normal and smaller or large in volume. Scooty menstruation, ongoing no more than 2 days, along with an increase in the duration of the menstrual cycle are signs hymanstrual syndrome. Abundant rare menstruations may indicate a persistence of the follicle.

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    Causes of opsomerera

    The NMC according to the type of OPSMENON can develop for various reasons.

    • Genital infantilism
    • Chronic infectious diseases (mainly pathological processes in the urinary system)
    • Heavy Cardiovascular Diseases
    • Severe diseases of the hematopoietic system
    • Violation of the activities of the hypothalamic-pituitary system
    • Autoimmune processes
    • Volumetric formation in the brain
    • Shikhana syndrome
    • Injums of the reproductive system, operational interventions in the field of uterus and ovarian, artificial interruption of pregnancy

    NMC on the type of OPSMENON in a two-phase and monophasic cycle

    Long-term gaps of honey menstruation can occur both in normal two-phase and at a single-phase menstrual cycle:

    • Two-phase menstrual cycle with the elongation of the follicular phase at normal duration of the lutein phase. With insufficient secretion of FSH, the hypophysome of follicles requires more time for growth and development, and the output of the mature egg from the ovary is carried out on the 17-30th day, while the average ovulation occurs on the 14th day.
    • A two-phase menstrual cycle with a follicular lengthening and a reduction in the lutein phase of the cycle. As in the first case, ovulation is later, which is usually due to the insufficient products of the follicularity immuling hormone. In addition, in the second phase of the cycle, the yellow body hypofunction (endocrine gland developing on the site of a broken follicle, which secretes progesterone and estrogens within 2 weeks after ovulation, if fertilization did not occur), that is, Lutein deficiency develops .
    • Monophause menstrual cycle. In this case, the prisons of the follicle can become the cause of the optomyrera. If the dominant follicle is torn normally, and the mature egg is coming out of it, in this case it continues to exist for some time. Thus, several follicles actively producing estrogens can be simultaneously in the ovaries. Long high concentration Estrogen determines the excessive growth of the functional layer of the mucous membrane of the uterus. After the follicles begin to undergo reverse development, and the level of estrogen falls, the rejection of the hyperplasted endometrium begins. In addition, the cause of optomicide during the monophasic cycle may be congenital underdevelopment of the reproductive system.

    Diagnosis of opsomerei

    Rare menstruation is a serious reason to appeal to a specialist, since it is impossible to be excluded in the future of their complete cessation and development of infertility. The following methods can be used to identify the reasons for opsomeractions:

    • Collect Anamneza
    • Inspection by an obstetrician-gynecologist (including a bimanual examination, which allows to identify the presence of anomalies for the development of reproduction authorities)
    • Uzi small pelvis organs
    • Hormone tests (sex hormones, thyroid hormones)
    • Analyzes for the identification of STIs
    • Consultation of endocrinologist and other related professionals

    The volume of research, if necessary, can be expanded for each patient individually.

    Treatment of Opgomenonia

    The treatment of NMCs on the type of OPSMENON depends on the causes of its development and is based on the results of the survey. So, the optominery is often detected in patients with ovarian polycystrosis and, accordingly, the treatment of PCOS will be required. The presence of tumors in the brain is an indication for operational intervention. When identifying sexual infantilism, the treatment of underdevelopment of the reproductive system organs, which depends on the severity of pathology.

    Opsomoria and infertility

    Since a significant increase in the duration of the menstrual cycle, as a rule, indicates faults in the functioning of the reproductive system, it is necessary to turn to a specialist in a timely manner and complete a full examination.

    If you have any questions related to opsomerene, you can ask their doctors Nova Clinics. You can make an appointment with a doctor by phone specified on the site, or using the recording button.

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    The onset of female puberty is marked by the beginning of menstruation. As a rule, in the first years, the cycle is unstable, but at the end of the transitional age, it must be established. The diagnosis of NMC in gynecology is quite frequent, and its causes are diverse. Violation of the menstrual cycle cannot be ignored, since it reflects the functioning of not only the conductive system, but also female organism.

    How do deviations manifest?

    Sophisticated work of the cerebral cortex and endocrine system Provides the regularity of the cycle, the beginning of which is considered the first day of menstruation. Any failure is not the disease itself, it only signals the presence of a problem. It is not necessary to beat the alarm about a single minor failure, but the obvious symptoms of the NMC should be noted:

    • the duration of the cycle goes beyond 21-35 days;
    • strong pains before and during menstruation, spreading to the lower back, back, hips;
    • total discharge volume is less than 25 or more than 150 ml;
    • menstruation duration less than 3 or more than 7 days;
    • irregular cycle;
    • frequent delays in the regular cycle;
    • bleeding in the middle of the cycle;
    • complete cessation of menstruation outside climax, pregnancy or lactation.

    Often, a woman appeals to the doctor with a complaint at once a few problems: scooty menstruation, short cycle, pain or menstruation is not half a year, but blood is occupied. Not always the NMC speaks of any disease, perhaps this is the option of the norm for a particular woman. But the most harmless, it would seem that the deviation from the norm (especially if earlier the body worked as a clock) can be a sign of serious problems.

    What caused violations?

    One-time delays or other nonypical menstruation phenomena may be caused:

    • stress;
    • long journey with a change in the hour and climatic belt;
    • cold illness.

    If in a month or two, the cycle parameters will not be restored or another schedule will be established, it already indicates changes in the body that needs to be explored.

    Among the factors leading to the absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) allocate:

    • a strong decrease in body weight (with a mass of body less than 45 kg of menstruation stopped);
    • hormonal failure due to natural causes;
    • hormonal failure caused by drug intake;
    • ovarian dysfunction;
    • exhaust physical exertion;
    • features of nutrition;
    • poisoning, intoxication of poisonous substances;
    • sex infections.

    Unique abundant bleeding most often talk about serious diseases, among which:

    • oncological processes;
    • myoma uterus;
    • the appearance in the uterus of polyps and other neoplasms;
    • ovarian cysts;
    • injuries of the pelvis organs;
    • blood coagulation disorders;
    • complications after childbirth or abortion.

    The use of intrauterine helix can also increase blood volume.

    Diagnostic methods

    Since NMC is only a concept that combines many symptoms in gynecology, the reason will help to establish only a comprehensive examination:

    1. Vagina smear, which will show the presence of pathogenic microorganisms.
    2. Bacteriological sowing from the cervical canal.
    3. Smear on oncocytology.
    4. Examination on STIs.
    5. Gynecological examination and bimanual study.
    6. Endocrinological examination for the identification of failures in the work of the ovaries, the thyroid gland, pituitary gland and hypothalamus.
    7. Delivery of blood to hormones.
    8. Ultrasound of small pelvis organs.
    9. Conversation with a patient from which the attending physician finds out important moments Her life: age of first menstruation, nutrition, physical activity, activity, sexual life, medication, stressful factors.

    Danger of NMC.

    Very often infertility and cycle impairment are directly related. Failures sign about health problems. The hormonal system disorder interferes with the ripening of eggs, pregnancy does not occur or ends with miscarriage or fading. Sometimes the woman does not pay attention to weakly pronounced signs: scarce periods, oscillating cycle length. This exit beyond the limits of the norm can also be a consequence of the pathology of the reproductive system.

    In time, the examination was able to prevent the development of severe illness (fibromomy, cysts, tumors), finding it on early stage. Used time can lead to death or disability.

    Hormonal failure is not only problems with pregnancy. The disadvantage or surplus of any hormone make a breakdown in the work of the whole body, which can lead to a weight gain, to a decrease in the libido, to the deterioration of the condition of the skin and hair, to the increased growth of hair on the body, to the general decline in forces and depressions.

    If NMC is absent

    Quite often a woman cannot become pregnant with an ideal cycle. In this case, we are talking about an annevoral menstrual cycle, when the egg does not ripen and does not go into abdominal cavity. Over the years, there are more and more such cycles, so the chance to get pregnant is reduced. With suspected pathology, the patient is sent for the same surveys as under the NMC, adding the diagnosis of ovarian on the subject of tumors, polycystic, endometriosis, exhaustion.

    The reduction of the ovarian reserve may be due to genetic problems, diseases and operations, intoxication, vaginal dysbiosis, hormonal reception.

    It should be borne in mind that each woman has its own genetically laid ovarian reserve. Ideally, the ability to conceive a woman remains for 40 years - from puberty to Clemaks, but many factors are able to significantly shorten the criterion period, and the climax occurs 10-20 years earlier than the norm.

    Treatment of NMC

    It is possible to establish a cycle and ovulation only after finding and eliminating the root cause. If the surveys of health problems have not been shown, it is possible that the reason for menstruation fails is only in the lifestyle, therefore the treatment is not appointed. It is enough to change the diet, reduce emotional loads, conduct a correction of physical activity, full sleep and rest. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe vitamins. If after adopted mer. The problem will not be solved, again you will have to turn to the gynecologist for the treatment of the medical course.

    With serious endocrine disorders there is a need for hormonal treatmentbut it can be avoided with minor deviations from the norm. The medicine in this case offers a phythetherapy, which gently restores the hormonal background without side effects.

    Menstrual pains (in the absence of diseases as causes) are well removed by respiratory techniques, acupuncture and other non-traditional methods. Since the reception of drugs these days aims to remove spasms, alternative ways are good because the effect of them lasts long. Sometimes psychotherapeutic sessions help. Positive results are achieved and folk methodsBut only after discussion with the gynecologist.

    Oral contraceptives as a method for the correction of NMC are appointed by a gynecologist-an endocrinologist strictly according to indications, it is selected individually, the treatment process is controlled. To prevent a weight gain, the doctor prescribes a diet for a period of receiving approx.

    Antibiotics and preparations restoring the vagina microflora are prescribed for the treatment of genital infections. In some cases, surgical intervention will be required or complex therapy in the hospital.

    Separately, it is worth saying about working with anointing cycles. The amount of eggs in the body is not possible to increase, and artificial stimulation will only lead to speedy exhaustion, so this method is used only when infertility is diagnosed.


    NMC is possible throughout reproductive period. it wide spectrum Symptoms speaking failures in the work of a female body. It is believed that modern women are increasingly facing problems such as infertility and a hormonal failure due to deterioration of ecology and quality of food, the emergence of electronic technology, medication and reduce physical activity.

    The prevention of the NMC is based on two rules:

    1. Avoiding everything that can shake health.
    2. Regular visit to the gynecologist and surrenders.

    Life is full of stress. Therefore, often the problem of NMC is solved after eliminating harmful factor from life. The body begins to work in the full force given to him by nature. It is necessary to accept the fact that drug or surgical assistance may need, and the earlier, the better.