What should I do if it is cleaned by a intimate place with diabetes mellitus? Skin itching with diabetes: symptoms and treatment of ointments

08.07.2019 Complications

Itching skin sugar diabetes It is the most unpleasant complication of the disease, which develops due to the violation of the metabolic process in the human body. This pathology is very difficult to cure, besides, this condition delivers a lot of discomfort to diabetics.

In diabetes, the legs are cushed below the knees or in the area of \u200b\u200bthe feet, hands, men and women have itching the genital organs during diabetes, burning of the anal hole and mucous membranes. Neurodermith is considered the most difficult complication, in which the work of the central nervous system is disturbed.

Sugar diabetes and sebum areas are often developing at the same time. If the level of glucose in the blood increases, a person violates the metabolism, which is why itching sensations and burning sensation arise.

Why sugar diabetes leather

Itching from diabetes mellitus on the entire surface of the body and burning is considered an unsalwicious phenomenon, similar symptoms depicted in the photo, often accompany this disease. For increased sugar glucose settles in small blood vesselsAs a result, diabetics may have the development of microangiopathy. Subsequently, the work of the kidneys is violated and problems with vision appear.

Skin covers are instantly reacting to a detrimental process that occurs in the patient's blood, the skin quickly loses the elasticity and drags, it begins to actively peel off, due to the violation of natural protection functions oversized sugar provokes skin itching during diabetes mellitus.

Typically, with diabetes mellitus, 2 types are scratching hands, itching appears in the area lower extremities, genital organ, throat, ear. On the mucous membranes, it can be observed and burning, men and women are often formed dandruff with diabetes, because of which the head begins.

In diabetic heat, diabetics often feels such signs of diabetes as burning, discomfort, skin covers are tightened. Before treating itching with diabetes mellitus, it is important to find out the main reason for the development of the disease and eliminate it.

It is also required to normalize the blood glucose level in the patient.

Skin pathology in diabetes

Sugar level

Diabetic people often develop various skin diseases. To get rid of itching with diabetes type 2 on the recommendation of the attending physician, previously appointed therapy changes to adjust the blood sugar level in human blood.

If the treatment is not in time for diabetes in a timely manner, the symptoms of the disease are enhanced, the high concentration of glucose leads to the formation of bubbles and numerous yasers throughout the body. The diabetic itch is felt in the groin area, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower extremities, the eyes and chin also will be scratching.

All pathologies on the skin are formed due to primary or secondary reasons. The primary cause is associated with a violation of the process of removing harmful substances and toxins from the organism of diabetics, which is why angiopathy is observed. Secondary factors are accompanied by the appearance of inflammatory processes and purulent formations on combing wounds. As you know, with elevated sugar, the process of dismissal of sweat is disturbed, which is why the medium appears, is very favorable for reproduction of bacteria.

Including itching with diabetes mellitus may occur after receiving any medicines. As a result of urticaria or allergic reaction Diabetic eyes are scratching, men appear in the field of sexual member, it is observed in the ears and on the lower extremities.

Accompanying the skin of the skin during diabetes as the main indicator of metabolic disorders can be the following factors:

  • When the metabolic disorder and violation of the process of fat exchanges in the body, the development of diabetic xanthoma occurs. It is possible to cure such a state by normalizing blood sugar levels, also the doctor prescribes suitable drugs that lead the concentration of fats.
  • Among male skin diseases in diabetes, diabetic erythym, such a disease is observed in patients over the age of 40 years.
  • Itching feet with diabetes mellitus often develops into diabetic bubbles. The feet of the lower extremities are also affected. In bubbles there is a pinkish liquid, on the amount of which the size of the formations on the skin depends.
  • If the patient has 2-type diabetes mellitus, usually not only the body itchs, but the skin thickens. Therapy consists in lowering blood glucose levels, also prescribe ointment from itching with diabetes and softening leg cream, which can be bought in any pharmacy.
  • With the first type of disease, the skin color may vary, such pathology is called vitiligo. Changes are observed on the face, chin, ears. To change from such a violation, the patient passes hormonal therapy.

Treatment of itching with diabetes

Many diabetics are wondering whether the body can be with diabetes if the insulin is not produced in the right amount. In case of increasing blood sugar levels, itching in the ears, with diabetes, heads, hands and legs itch, ulcers appear on the genitals.

Before getting rid of itching, you need to examine the attending physician who has the necessary analyzes, examines the patient, prescribes therapy with pills and ointments, and will also pick up with the treatment of folk remedies.

Usually, if the body is drawn during diabetes or it is observed in the ears, the disease is treated by normalizing blood sugar levels, including helping the therapeutic cream that meets medical testimony.

Therapy is carried out in several stages, depending on the characteristics of the disease.

  1. Normalize fat and carbohydrate metabolism can help a special preparation. Treatment is carried out for two to three weeks.
  2. In the presence of fungal infections apply antifungal agent. In order not to be scratching hands and legs, while ulcers were faster, there are healing creams, ointments and gels.
  3. If itching during diabetes type 2 occurred after the diabetic accepted this or that drug, the medicine is replaced by the one that it is more suitable and does not cause side effects.
  4. Parents often ask whether the baby's body can hide after the use of any product and how to remove itching. When such symptoms appear due to a poor-quality or allergenic product, the doctor appoints a healing diet.

Sometimes itching in groin in men occurs when using a new type of insulin, if this type of hormone is not suitable for the patient. In this case, you need to consult with the attending physician to select the desired type of drug and the selection of a new treatment regimen.

Thus, if the body is drawn with diabetes mellitus, first of all you need to do everything to normalize blood sugar levels, including switching to proper nutrition.

Burning and scabies in women

With prolonged and syndrome squeezing of the skin in the field of genital intimate places, blades, buttocks, the belly of women doctor can diagnose angiopathy, which is accompanied by the defeat of the smallest blood vessels - arterioles and capillaries.

Such a disease disrupts blood supply in mucous membranes, blocks the flow of vital nutrients into internal organs. In the case of progression of the disease, a woman has peeling and dry skin, microcracks are found on the skin cover and mucosa.

Local immune and protective functions are also reduced, changes acid Alkaline Balance Skin that negatively affects the general condition of diabetics. Microcracks appear on dry and thinned shells, which is why itching and burning is enhanced. Fungi and domestic organisms fall in the wounds, which leads to the development of an inflammatory response.

  • Often, women are tested with diabetes mellitus in the crotch area, pubis, vulva and vagina. Including the disease causes itching in the ears, on the skin of the lower limbs, under the breast, on the inner femoral side, in fat folds with increased sweating, armpits, around the blades and lower.
  • The body begins as a result of a violation of the condition of the smallest blood vessels. Microingness provokes a failure in the work of the kidneys, resulting in nephropathy. After some time, a person can break the vision and develop retinopathy.
  • As a rule, the skin used to react to similar changes in the body. It begins to dry, peeling, hurry, in such a state it is not able to fully protect the subcutaneous fiber from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms.

Feeling strong itching and burning, the woman combs the skin before the formation of a wound, in the end, bubbles with liquid burst and unbearable pain appears. Later on the skin, new bubbles ripen, which dries and covered with a thick crust. Such crusts are strongly cushed, but they cannot be sideways themselves. Otherwise, the new wound becomes the source of infection and irritation.

In diabetes, it is important to know how to treat skin diseases to provide diabetic help in a timely manner. Otherwise, purulent abscesses, fungi and viruses lead to serious complications that are very difficult exposed to therapy.

In addition to the normalization of blood sugar levels, a woman should pass additional analyzes to make sure there is no allergic reaction to well-used products and drugs.

Vitiligo is treated by applying hormonal therapy, also a woman is prescribed to be in the shade, away from direct sunlight so that the discolored skin was not exposed ultraviolet radiation. If you get on the damaged skin of the Sun can develop irritation.

  1. In the case of diabetes mellitus 2, treatment is in compliance therapeutic diet. If the burning and itching in the genitals of a woman arises due to the reception of medicinal sugar-based drugs, you should pick up similar drugnot causeing an allergic reaction.
  2. Women quickly get rid of discomfort in the intimate zone, if they are additionally taken vaginal tabletswhich includes the current Clotrimazole active substance. You can remove irritation on the mucous membrane of the genital organs using a flomezine, this drug is the second in popularity and efficiency.
  3. If irritation is developing on the skin and inflammatory processrecommended known folk remedies in the form of decoctions, lotions and douching of the genitals. They will help quickly stop.

For skin care, chamomile, calendula, oak bark, cleanliness, a weak solution of manganese, furaciline are very well suited.

Prevention of itching with diabetes

To prevent the development of skin diseases or quickly get rid of the rash at first suspicious symptoms, it is worth adhere to certain rules. To reduce glucose indicators in blood and improvement general status Patient drink juice Topinambur.

Additionally, it is important to engage in the adjustment of exchange-endocrine disorders. It is necessary to do everything to enhance immunity and strengthen health. This will protect the body from pathogenic effects.

The emergence of unpleasant sensations in the form itch On the skin - one of the manifestations of dangerous disease - sugar diabetes. In most cases, the whole body is subject to it, but it happens that only certain sections. The whole essence of the problem in defunction exchange processesthat negatively affects the skin and mucous membranes.

Hair is beginning to fall out, nails - faster and break due to the acute lack of substances required by the organism. When the disease is running, bubbles are formed on cover, which do not fall as long as sugar is normalized. There is no dependence between the symptom intensity and the degree of severity of the SD, patients may have, who do not have absolutely no skin problems: it is elastic and without flaws.

General symptoms

The recognition under consideration manifests itself not instantly, its "starting point" is the state of prediabet, when there is no general picture, and the tests on sugar are already unsatisfactory.

The skin loses enough moisture, which leads to its dryness, there are cracks of a small size and a strong peeling, natural elasticity is gradually lost. Diabetics are discomfort on the buttocks, curvatures, cheshable intimate place .

Protective functions have deteriorating sharply and the appearance of boils.

When planning pregnancy, patients with a diagnosis of SD should be the main question of conducting right image Life, in order to minimize the risks of unpleasant symptoms. Also among women The intimate area is affected because of the candidiasis.

Under the influence of certain factors, the fungi simply begin to multiply, painfully assured mucous membranes, it is visually expressed in the appearance of white plates. In addition to the listed, thrush, which does not stop over time, is also a "signal fire" to appeal to the hospital.

The main causes of occurrence

Unpleasant burning occurs for two main reasons:

  • babying of vessels by particles of sugar substances, while the consequence is also a decrease in vision, and the correct work of the kidneys, toxins are accumulated in the skin, moisture is lost;
  • violations of metabolic metabolic exchange due to pathologies in the endocrine system.

Changes are observed on the skin, head, dandruff appears, difficult to eliminate even with special means. They arise even due to the shortage of vital nutrients and trace elements.

Itching with diabetes In the groin region is due to the large amount of sugar content, the so-called glucose. In case of non-compliance with the elementary rules of hygiene, the remains of the natural substance remain on the organs of the sexual system, which is the optimal environment for the development and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

For patients, this is one of the most unpleasant symptoms throughout the course of the aless. Skin lesions need timely treatment, and their prevention is achieved by complex prevention measures.

Appointed treatment

Specialists can advise effective therapy With the manifestations of irritation or strong bumps. To the primary method of deliverance refers to the adjustment of the glucose level by appointing the strict therapeutic diet and the inclusion of the necessary food products to achieve the target.

To remove unpleasant, and sometimes pain, antifungal effects, a variety of ointments and gels, antibiotic drugs and special creams are prescribed.

Preparations reassure constant scania syndromes, contribute to the relief of burning, have a cooling effect. In some cases, corticosteroids are used. The condition is facilitated by both folk proven funds such as rods with natural herbs.

Most useful: a series, chamomile, mint, sage and mn. There is an improvement and when taking baths with the addition of oak bark into water.

Skin disease

Are divided into several groups in diabetes:

All of the above is accompanied by pain, which is hard tolerated without the help of drugs. Therefore, diabetics should immediately apply to the doctor.

Preventive measures

In order to avoid the above symptoms and features of diabetes, constant monitoring of the sugar level is required. To perform this task, you should perform the tasks of the professional, draw up right ration, to use the prescribed medicines in a timely manner. Full skin care is important, avoid all sorts of injury.

The use of a large amount of carbohydrates with varying degrees of digestibility and fats of animal and plant origin is eliminated. The rashes and redness will significantly decrease, the pain will not deprive the possibility of carrying out the natural mode of the day.

Hygiene rules include the choice of proper soap based on natural ingredients, with the optimal level of pH. Well, for example, the child is suitable. Toothpaste should be chosen only specially created for those who suffer from diabetes, do not forget about the rinsing of the mouth after meals, conventional solutions with a strengthening effect are suitable.

Washing legs is one of the important accents to be placed for comprehensively developed competent hygiene. All damage in the form of corns or cracks is to handle the antiseptic agent.

To care for the organs of the sexual system, daily washing warm boiled water, It is good to choose special tools for intimate places created specifically for this kind of care, without fragrances and artificial ingredients.

Clothes should be selected in the prevailing quantities of natural materials, excluding synthetic fibers capable of irritate the skin of the body.

There are hundreds of diseases affecting the way of life and requiring restrictions in nutrition. One of the most common in recent years is diabetes. Let's see what kind of illness it is and how she manifests itself. The disease during the development of which the necessary organism is disturbed is a carbohydrate exchange, diabetes name. It manifests itself almost equally in men and women. At the same time, itching with diabetes mellitus is a normal phenomenon. However, it annoys and causes discomfort.

There are many articles in the network in which you can learn about the symptoms of the disease, methods of its diagnosis and treatment. However, only diabetics may say that the most annoying is not the reception of medicines and constant control in nutrition, but skin, irritating itching. It's not easy to fight him, but maybe. And it will be able to help it unique.

2 reasons for the development of additional disease (ferry) with diabetes

Below we offer to deal with two reasons for the development of unpleasant burning in at least.

  • One of the pathologies endocrine system. As a rule, it is directly related to the impairment of functions in metabolic exchange. Therefore, skin itch occurs not only in diabetes mellitus, but also diagnoses such as hyperthyroidism and hyperparathyroidism, and hypothyroidism.
  • Skin itch In diabetes mellitus is an integral part of the disease. It occurs when small vessels are "clogged" with sugar crystals. This phenomenon becomes a shock in microangiopathy, in which the performance of the kidneys and vision is disturbed. As a result, the skin cannot remove toxins and gradually decreases the level of humidity and the natural tour. Roughness and itching appear.

Diabetic has a reflection of the disease not only on the skin, but also on the head. Almost in 99 cases, the hair is spoiled, becoming dry and brittle, a large amount of dandruff appears. Also begin to break nails, lay.

The main cause of these changes can be called a sharp deficit of the necessary and nutrients.

Therefore, it is not surprising that diabetics are experiencing a psychological load during baldness.

Characteristics of itching with diabetes

The endocrinologist carefully tracks the dynamics of blood glucose indicators. Therefore, in certain situations, you can predict the manifestations of the symptoms of the accompanying skin ferrous diabetes. To facilitate the development of treatment methods, it was created a classification of itching with diabetes mellitus:

1. Diabetic bubbles, as a rule, appear on the legs or fingers of the hands. May occur in the footsteps, causing pain

when walking. Filled bubbles with light, serous fluid or pink color. As a rule, the size of these "wet" stains reaches a centimeter.
2. Diabetic xanthoma is the result of a violation of fat and carbohydrate exchanges. This disease is manifested as follows: plaques having a yellowish color. They arise on bends.
3. Neurodermatitis refers to one of the first symptoms of diabetes. This is the earliest symptom that allows you to determine the narrow circle of diseases.
4. Diabetic erythema, as a rule, arises from the male population of 40 years. Naturally, these ailments suffer from those who have been diagnosed - any degree of diabetes mellitus. Therefore, if you notice large stains of red with clear boundaries in open areas of the skin - you should immediately visit the doctor.
5. Diabetic sclerodermia is a type of disease, when the skin is thickened on the neck, in the back area.
6. Diabetic dermatopathy in the medical sphere relates to frequently occurring concomitant diseases in diabetes of any type. So, rashes on the shin (front) in the form of bubbles (red-brown). Their sizes are 5 ... 10 mm. Subsequently, pigmented spots are formed in these places.

Symptoms of itching with diabetes

Itching body with diabetes mellitus is a consequence of treatment. It occurs at high indicators blood glucose. At this moment bubbles appear. Their treatment is not effective until it is possible to reduce blood sugar. In most cases, itching of the skin in diabetes is the main cause of the multiple appearance of various combs and infections. What, in turn, leads to complications.

For a weak half of mankind: if you notice that wounds and cuts do not heal for a long time, then look for the reason for increasing blood glucose. Itching with diabetes mellitus in women can deliver strong inconvenience, so it is better to go around it. In general, due to the long and not effective treatment of wounds arise fungal diseases and suppuration various shapes dark spots and Naryvy, all sorts of rash.

Russian doctors are known more than 30 diseases of the skin, which suffer from diabetics. And the treatment of the skin ferrous with diabetes is, as a rule, quite difficult.

The most common is neurodermatitis. To investigate the correction of the prescribed treatment of diabetes and the determination of concomitant diseases, doctors divided diseases into groups.

Group disease groups

  1. The primary group includes diseases arising from abiopathy or violation of the process responsible for conclusion. toxic substances. These are diabetic bubbles, dermatopathy and xanthomatosis.
  2. Secondary diseases that are the results of combs. This is piedermic and candidiasis.
  3. Various diseases, skin rashes caused by drugs. It is the reception of medicines used in the treatment of diabetes, is the main reason for the appearance of itching and rash. This group of skin diseases include dermatoses / eczema, all sorts of allergies and urticaria.
  4. It should be said that itching the skin in diabetes, regardless of the etiology and the causes of its appearance, is not always amenable to treatment. Therefore, configure a long course with possible exacerbations afterwards.

How to treat itching at a counter?

Different manifestations of the skin ferrous with diabetes require immediate and long-term treatment. As a rule, it is aimed at normalization. carbohydrate exchange. In general, treatment of itching with diabetes must be accompanied by nutritional rules. Naturally, the endocrinologist immediately tightens a diet, forbidding carbohydrate food and fats. Naturally, unpleasant sensations will not disappear instantly. The best symptoms of itching with diabetes are trying to predict. Therefore, simultaneously with rigid diet controls are prescribed sugarpponent drugs.

To reduce the level of itching, the doctor writes out local means in the form of cream, gel or ointment. Their must include antibiotics / antifungal agents.

Only comprehensive treatment Allows you to restore good health and maintain a health condition at an acceptable level.

Diabetes is an endocrinological disease characterized by an insulin deficiency in the blood. As a result, the exchange of many substances is violated:

  • carbon,
  • protein
  • fat
  • liquid.

Insuline imbalance generates an increase in glucose in all biological fluids and causes the following symptoms:

  • increase urine release and sweat;
  • constant thirst associated with incontinence of fluid in the body;
  • permanent hunger, with a fixing weight loss.

Also, this violation provokes a number of secondary symptoms:

  • general muscular weakness
  • dry mouth
  • headache,
  • violations.

In addition to these unpleasant manifestations, the disease is accompanied by the sebum and mucous membranes. Against the background of angiopathy, impairment of toxins from the body appear, as well as secondary skin diseases. In diabetes mellitus, skin disorders are divided into two types.

Primary lesions

The first of these includes skin changes in diabetes as a reaction to the internal changes of the hormonal composition of the body. Blind metabolism is the cause of deposits of toxic substances in tissues internal organs, muscles and skin, directly. Unatoliable skin itch is a reaction to deposit data. In addition, the incontinence of fluid in the body provokes its dryness, peeling, lethargy and reduced elasticity. Also among skin reactions are fixed rashes, pigmentation and other symptoms. The decrease in the immune functions in diabetes provokes the addition of minecraft infections during combing.

The primary disorders should be attributed to:

  • diabetic bubbles
  • dermatopathy,
  • xantomatosis.

Secondary diseases

In diabetes, the intensity of sweating at a high level of content in the glucose sweat is increased. This creates ideal conditions for reproduction of fungal infections related to secondary skin disease. Among the symptoms are marked:

  • itching and burning skin
  • redness
  • the appearance of the clusters of papural, ulcers, etc.

Fungal infections are peculiar to breeding in inguinal, axillary, elbow zones, as well as in fat folds. Candidiasis and dermatophytium stop are often fixed. Allergic rashes are also often joined to disorders caused by the reception of drugs for the treatment of the main symptoms of diabetes, for which a characteristic symptom It is also itching.

The most common diseases in diabetes mellitus:

  1. Diabetic xanthoman. Primary type disease associated with violation fat Exchange. Manifested by yellow plaques different sizes, mostly, in the elbow zone and knee zones.
  2. Diabetic erythema. It is expressed by large red stains with clear outlines, located on open skin covers.
  3. Neurodermitis appearing mainly before manifestation of diabetes.

Treatment of primary pathologies is associated with normalization of carbohydrate metabolism in the body. The main tool for achieving this is dietherapy. From the diet it is necessary to eliminate products with high levels Carbohydrates and fats. Due to the observance of the diet itch disappears, the intensity of rashes is noticeably falling, the skin becomes more elastic. It is also important to lower blood sugar with drugs released by the recipe of an endocrinologist. General treatment Accompanied if necessary with corticosteroid ointments that reduce sharp skin itch:

  • prednisone
  • dermolon
  • flucinar.

The treatment of secondary manifestations is to apply local antimicotic ointments and creams.

With diabetes, all organs suffer human organism. In this case, gradually pollution of the body to toxins, slags. Against the background of disorders of the endocrine system, various complications are manifested. One of them is the itching of the skin and genital organs, which most often worries women. It is very difficult to get rid of it. Be careful and attentive, since itching for a long time can be the only sign of diabetes mellitus.

Itching with diabetes mellitus arises from the fact that microscopic sugar particles begin to climb the smallest vessels. This skin reacts almost always with a decrease in its turgora, humidity, elasticity. Such changes and lead to the occurrence of skin itching.

Elevated sugar Blood causes bubbles on the skin. They can be removed only after adequate sugar decrease.

Increased content of glucose in the blood and blockage of small vessels causes the territory of genital organs in women. The mucous vagina suffers from dryness and peeling. Due to lowering local immunity and changes in acid-alkaline equilibrium, alien bacteria and fungi develop into the vagina. They are one of the causes of itching with diabetes.

Skin diseases during diabetes

All diseases during skin diabetes are divided into three large groups:

  • primary diseases that developed as a result of angiopathy due to poor output of toxins from the body;
  • diseases that appear due to the suppuration and inflammation of the skin;
  • skin diseases developing due to taking sugar preparations.

But what diseases contribute to the development of itching in women? Itching skin is not an independent disease, but a symptom of many skin diseases. Here are the most common of them.

  1. Xanthoman. It develops due to violations of carbohydrate metabolism. On the legs and arms appear yellowish plaques that are strongly settled.
  2. Erythema appears in women older than forty years. It is characteristic of the appearance of itchy red skin sections with limited edges.
  3. Diabetic bubbles are localized on the skin of the fingers or stop.
  4. Dermopathy is characterized by the appearance of small spots of reddish color on the legs.
  5. Sclerodermia is also characteristic of itching. It leads to thickening and peeling of the skin. From these changes, the skin itches.

Itching genital organs and vagina

Many women suffer strong itch genital organs. It arises due to metabolic disorders in the vagina and changes in the skin in the field of external genitalia.

Often patients complain about the unpleasant sensations in the crotch. They are caused by a special yeast mushroom that uses favorable conditions for development in violation of the Sugar metabolism. Mucous membranes around the genital organs as well rear Passage blush and sometimes covered by blisters. On the skin, as well as mucosa of the vagina appear white curls.

Women suffering from diabetes mellitus, more often than others suffer from milk. This is due to the fact that Candida's yeast mushrooms are sensitive to tissues rich in glycogen. Just in the vagina, such fabrics feel excellent.

Complications of itching

Since itching with diabetes occurs due to violations in the blood vessels, it is not necessary to leave without attention. After all, it becomes white, marble and cold to the touch with time. All cracks on the skin are very bad and slowly heal.

The most terrible complication of the disease is. It begins with a little rubbing or abrasion and is very difficult treated. Some patients have to amputate the leg. That is why the patients should be examined every day and treat abrasions in a timely manner, including those formed from breaks.

Treatment of skin ferry

The very first I. effective treatment Such a phenomenon is the normalization of sugar. Sometimes this happens enough so that the skin ceases to hide. It is very important to fulfill all the recommendations of the doctor, do not run the treatment of other pathologies that have arisen with diabetes.

Treatment of itching is built on such principles:

  • normalization of blood sugar;
  • compliance with the appointed diet, without it, no treatment of diabetes will bring effect;
  • taking measures aimed at improving fat and carbohydrate exchanges;
  • treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • elimination of fungal infections;
  • careful adherence to hygiene.

During hygienic procedures, it is impossible to use drugs that are cutting. It is necessary to use shampoos, soap with a moisturizing effect. Especially important to follow the hygiene feet. When you remove calluses, you can not push the skin.

It is very important to take vitamins appointed by the doctor. The menu should have many products rich in trace elements.

Remember that with diabetes you can easily simplify life. But at the same time, it is necessary to constantly fulfill simple rules that prevent the development of complications.

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