Which hormone regulates the growth of bones. Properties and functions of human growth hormone. Appetite and fat exchange

05.07.2020 Products

Effective hormones pituitary glands

These include a growth hormone (GR), prolactin (Laktotropic hormone - LTG) adenogipophiz and melanocystimulating hormone (IGS) intermediate lip of pituitary gland (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Hypotalamic and pituitary hormones (RG-Rhylaizing Hormones (Liberins), stans). Explanations in the text


Growth Hormone (Somatotropin, Somatotropic Hormon Hard) - polypeptide consisting of 191 amino acids is formed by red acid-acid adenogiposis cells - somatotrofami. The half-life is 20-25 minutes. Transported by blood in free form.

The targets of GR are cells of bone, cartilage, muscular, adipose tissue and liver. It has a direct effect on target cells through the stimulation of 1-TMS receptors with catalytic tyrosine kinase activity, as well as not direct action through somatered - insulin-like growth factors (IFR-I, IFR-II), resulting in liver and other tissues in response to action C.

Somatomedin characteristic

The content of GR is depends on age and has pronounced daily periodicity. The largest content of the hormone is marked in the early childhood With a gradual decrease: from 5 to 20 years - 6 ng / ml (with a peak during puberty), from 20 to 40 years - about 3 ng / ml, after 40 years - 1 ng / ml. During the day, gr enters blood cyclically - the lack of secretion alternates "secretion explosions" with a maximum during sleep.

Basic functions gr in the body

Growth hormone has a direct impact on the metabolism in the target cells and the growth of organs and tissues, which can be achieved as its direct action on target cells and the indirect effect of somatomedians C and A (insulin-like growth factors) released by hepatocytes and chondrocytes when influencing on them gr.

Growth hormone is similar to insulin, facilitates the absorption of glucose cells and its disposal, stimulates the synthesis of glycogen and is involved in maintaining normal level blood glucose. At the same time, gr stimulates glukegenesis and glycogenolysis in the liver; Insulin-like effect is replaced by conjunral. As a result, hyperglycemia develops. GR stimulates the release of glucagon, which also contributes to the development of hyperglycemia. In this case, the formation of insulin increases, but the sensitivity to the cells is reduced.

Growth hormone activates lipolysis in adipose tissue cells, contributes to the mobilization of free fatty acids in blood and their use by cells for energy.

Growth hormone stimulates the anabolism of proteins, facilitating the admission of liver, muscles, cartilage and bone amino acid bone and activating protein synthesis and nucleic acids. This contributes to an increase in the intensity of the main exchange, an increase in the mass of muscle tissue, accelerating the growth of tubular bones.

Anabolic action Gy is accompanied by an increase in body weight without accumulation of fats. At the same time, GG contributes to the delay in the body of nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, sodium and water. As already mentioned, GR has an anabolic effect and stimulates growth through the enhancement of synthesis and secretion in the liver and cartilage tissue of growth factors that stimulate the differentiation of chondrocytes and the elongation of bones. Under the influence of growth factors, the flow of amino acids in the myocytes and synthesis of muscle proteins increase, which is accompanied by an increase in the mass of muscle tissue.

Synthesis and secretion GR are regulated by hormone hypothalamus Somatolyberin (RGG-Rilizing hormone growth hormone), enhance the secretion of gr and somatostatin (SS), oppressing the synthesis and secretion of c. The level of GR progressively increases during sleep (maximum hormone content in the blood comes from the first 2 h sleep and 4-6 hours). Hypoglycemia and lack of free fatty acids (with starvation), excess amino acids (after eating) in the blood increase the secretion of somatolyberin and gr. Hormones cortisol, the level of which increases with pain stress, injuries, cold action, emotional excitation, T 4 and T 3, enhance the action of somatolyberin on somatotrophs and increase the secretion of c. Somatomedina, high level of glucose and free fatty acids in the blood, exogenous Gy inhibit the secretion of the pituitary gr.

Fig. Regulation of the secretion of somatotropin

Fig. The role of somatomedins in the action of somatotropin

The physiological consequences of excess or insufficient secretion of GR were studied in patients with neuroendocrine diseases, in which the pathological process was accompanied by a violation of the endocrine function of the hypothalamus and (or) pituitary. The decrease in the effects of GR was also studied in violation of the reaction of target cells into the action of GR, associated with hormone-receptor interaction defects.

Fig. Daily rhythm secretion of somatotropin

The excessive secretion of GR in childhood is manifested by a sharp acceleration of growth (more than 12 cm / year) and the development of giantism in an adult (the growth of the body in men exceeds 2 m, and in women - 1.9 m). Body proportions are saved. Hyperproduction of the hormone in adults (for example, with a pituitary tumor) is accompanied by acromegaly - a disproportionate increase in individual parts of the body, which still retained the ability to increase. This leads to a change in the appearance of a person due to the disproportionate development of the jaws, excessive lengthening of the limbs, and may also be accompanied by the development of diabetes mellitus due to the development of insulin resistance due to reducing the number of insulin receptors in cells and activation of synthesis in the liver of the enzyme enzyme, destroying insulin.

The main effects of somatotropin


  • protear exchange: stimulates protein synthesis, facilitates the flow of amino acids into the cells;
  • fat exchange: stimulates lipolysis, the level of fatty acids in the blood increases and they become the main source of energy;
  • carbohydrate: stimulates insulin and glucagon production, activates liver insulin. In large concentrations, glycogenolysis stimulates, blood glucose level rises, and its disposal is inhibited


  • causes a delay in the body of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, water;
  • enhances the lipolytic effect of catecholamines and glucocorticoids;
  • activates the growth factors of tissue origin;
  • stimulates milk production;
  • it is a species-specific.

Table. Manifestations of changes in somatotropin products

Insufficient secretion of GR in childhood or a violation of the coupling of a hormone with a receptor is manifested by the oppression of growth rate (less than 4 cm / year) while maintaining the proportions of the body and mental development. At the same time, the adult develops dwelingity (the growth of women does not exceed 120 cm, and men - 130 cm). Doodles are often accompanied by sexual underdevelopment. The second name of this disease is a pituitary nanism. In an adult, the lack of secretion GT is manifested by a decrease in the main exchange, the mass of skeletal muscles and the increase in fat mass.


Prolactin (lactotropic hormone - LTG) is a polypeptide consisting of 198 amino acids, refers to the same family as somatotronine and has a similar chemical structure with it.

Secrets into the blood of yellow lactotrofas adenogipophysis (10-25% of its cells, and during pregnancy - up to 70%), it is transported in free form, the half-life is 10-25 minutes. Prolactin affects the target target cells through the stimulation of 1-TMS receptors. Prolactin receptors are also discovered in ovarian cells, testicles, uterus, as well as heart, lungs, thymus, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands, skeletal muscles, leather and some CNS departments.

The main effects of prolactin are associated with the implementation of the reproductive function. The most important of these is the provision of lactation by stimulating the development of iron tissue in the mammary gland during pregnancy, and after childbirth, the formation of the colosure and turning it into maternal milk (the formation of lactamine, fat and milk carbohydrates). At the same time, it does not affect the allocation of milk, which occurs reflexively during the breastfeeding of the baby.

Prolactin suppresses the release of gonadotropin hypophism, stimulates the development of a yellow body, reduces the formation of progesterone them, is inhibits ovulation and the occurrence of pregnancy during breastfeeding. Prolactin also contributes to the formation of parental instinct's mother during pregnancy.

Together with the hormones of the thyroid gland, the growth hormone and steroid hormones prolactin stimulates the production of surfactant with light fetus and causes a small decrease in pain sensitivity. In children, prolactin stimulates the development of thymus and is involved in the formation of immune reactions.

The formation and secretion of prolactin is gypophized are governed by hormones of the hypothalamus. Prolctaineatin is dopamine, oppressing the secretion of prolactin. Prolactoliberin, the nature of which is not finally identified, increases the secretion of the hormone. The prolctine secretion is stimulated by reducing the level of dopamine, with an increase in the level of estrogen during pregnancy, an increase in the content of serotonin and melatonin, as well as a reflex manner with irritation of the meal nipple mechanoreceptors during a sucking act, the signals from which are included in the hypothalamus and stimulate the selection of prolactolyberer.

Fig. Regulation of prolctin secretion

The production of prolactin increases significantly with disturbing, stressful states, depression, with strong pain. Inhibit the secretion of prolactin FSH, LH, progesterone.

The main effects of prolactin:

  • Enhances the growth of the mammary glands
  • Initiates milk synthesis during pregnancy and lactation
  • Activates the secretory activity of the yellow body
  • Stimulates the secretion of vasopressin and aldosterone
  • Participates in the regulation of water and salt metabolism
  • Stimulates the growth of internal organs
  • Participates in the implementation of Maternity Instinct
  • Increases the synthesis of fat and protein
  • Causes hyperglycemia
  • It has a autocreen and paracine modulating effect with an immune response (prolactin receptors on T-lymphocytes)

Excess hormone (hyperprolactinemia) can be physiological and pathological. Improving the level of prolactin in a healthy person can be observed during pregnancy, breastfeeding, after intensive exercise, during deep sleep. The pathological hyperproduction of prolactin is associated with the adenoma of the pituitary gland and may be observed in diseases of the thyroid gland, liver cirrhosis and other pathology.

Hyperprolactinemia can cause a violation in women menstrual cycle, hypogonadism and a decrease in the functions of the genital glands, an increase in the size of the mammary glands, a galattere in niscoremmants (increased formation and allocation of milk); In men - impotence and infertility.

A decrease in the level of prolactin (hypopronlactinemia) can be observed in the insufficiency of the function of the pituitary gland, the migration of pregnancy, after the reception of a number of drugs. One of the manifestations is lactation failure or its absence.


Melanocystimulating hormone (IGS, Melanotropin, Interming) - This is a peptide consisting of 13 amino acid residues, formed in the intermediate zone of pituitary fruit and newborns. In an adult, this zone has been reduced and the MSG is produced in limited quantities.

The predecessor of the IGS is the Polypeptide Propopiomethanocortine, from which the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and β-lipotroin are also formed. There are three types of IGS - A-IGS, β-IGS, U-MSG, from which A-MSG has the greatest activity.

The main functions of the IGS in the body

The hormone induces the synthesis of tyrosinase enzyme and the formation of melanin (melanogenesis) through the stimulation of the specific 7-TMS receptors associated with the G-protein in the target cells, which are skin melanocytes, hair and pigment epithelium of the eye. The IGS causes a dispersion of melanos in skin cells, which is accompanied by a leather dot. Such a darkening takes place with an increase in the content of GSG, for example during pregnancy, or with adrenal disease (Addison disease), when not only the level of IGS, but also an ACTG and β-Lipotropin increases in the blood. The latter, being pepopiomanocortine, can also enhance pigmentation, and with an insufficient GSG level in the body of an adult, it can partially compensate for its functions.


  • Activate the synthesis of the trirosinase enzyme in melanosas, which is accompanied by the formation of melanin
  • Take part in the dispersion of melanos in skin cells. Dispersed melanin granules with the participation of external factors (illumination, etc.) are aggregated, giving the skin dark color
  • Participate in the regulation of an immune response

Tropic hormones pituitary glands

They are formed in adenoginophyzes and regulate the functions of target cells of peripheral endocrine glands, as well as non-indocent cells. The glands whose functions are controlled by hormones of hypothalamus systems - pituitary - endocrine iron, are thyroid, adrenal bark, sex glands.


Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH, thyrotropin) It is synthesized by the basophilic thyrotrophropes of adenogipophyse, is a gloic-protein consisting of a- and β-subunits, whose synthesis is determined by various genes.

The structure of the A-subunit TSH is similar to the subunits in the composition of the luginizing, folliclestimulating hormones and the chorionic gonadotropin, formed in the placenta. A-subunit TSH is nonspecific and directly determines its biological effect.

a-subunit thyrotropin may be contained in the serum in the amount of about 0.5-2.0 μg / l. A higher level of its concentration can be one of the signs of the development of the secreting TSG of the pituitary tumor and observe women after the onset of menopause.

This subunit is necessary to impart the specificity of the spatial structure of the TSG molecule, while in which Tyrotropin acquires the ability to stimulate the membrane receptors of thyroidity thyroid gland and cause it biological effects. This structure of TSH occurs after the non-convertible binding of the A- and β-chains of the molecule. At the same time, the structure of the p-subunit consisting of 112 amino acids is a decisive determinant for the manifestation of the biological activity of TSH. In addition, to enhance the biological activity of TSH and the rate of its metabolism, it is necessary to glycosylation of the TSG molecule in the roughness of the endoplasmic reticulum and the Machine of Tyrotrofs.

There are cases of the presence of point mutations of the gene encoding the synthesis (β-chains of TSH, as a result of which the P-subunit of the modified structure is synthesized, unable to interact with the A-subunit and form biologically active tnrotropin. Children with such pathology are observed with clinical signs of hypothyroidism.

The TSTH concentration in the blood ranges from 0.5 to 5.0 md / ml and reaches its maximum in the interval between midnight and four hours. The secretion of TSH is minimal in the afternoon. This oscillation of the content of TSH at different times of the day does not have a significant effect on the concentration of T 4 and T 3 in the blood, since the body has a large pool of nonthinoid T 4. TTH half-life in the blood plasma is about half an hour, and its products per day are equal to 40-150 honey.

Synthesis and secretion of thyrotropine are regulated by many biologically active substances, among which the leaders are the TRG of the hypothalamus and the free T 4, T 3, secreted by the thyroid gland in the blood.

Tirotropine Rilizing hormone is a hypothalamic neuropeptide, generated in neurosecrete cells of the hypothalamus and stimulating the secretion of TSH. TRG is secreted by the cells of the hypothalamus into the blood of the portal vessels of the pituitary gland through axovasal synapses, where it binds to the thyrotrophs receptors, stimulating the synthesis of TSH. The synthesis of TRG is stimulated with a reduced level in the blood t 4, t 3. The secretion of the TRG is also monitored by the negative feedback channel by the level of thyrotropine.

TRG has a versatile effect in the body. It stimulates the secretion of prolactin, and increased level TRGs in women can observe the effects of hyperprolactinemia. This state can develop with a reduced thyroid function, accompanied by an increase in the level of TRG. TRG is also contained in other structures of the brain, in the walls of the organs gastrointestinal tract. It is assumed that it is used in synapses as a neuromodulator and has antidepressant action during depression.

Table. The main effects of thyrotropine

The secretion of TSH and its level in the plasma is inversely proportional to the concentration of free T 4, T 3 and T 2, in the blood. These hormones along the negative feedback channel suppress the synthesis of thyrotropin, acting both directly on the Tyrrofrops themselves and through a decrease in the secretion of the TRG hypothalamus (neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus, forming TRG and Tyrotrofrops of the pituitary gland, are target cells T 4 and T 3). With a decrease in the blood of the thyroid hormones, such as hypothyroidism, an increase in the percentage of Tyrrofrops population is observed among adenogiposis cells, an increase in TG synthesis and an increase in its blood level.

These effects are a consequence of stimulation by thyroid hormones of TR 1 and TR 2 receptors, excresisy in pituitary thyrotrophs. In experiments, it is shown that the leading importance for the expression of the TSH gene has a TG 2-formation receptor. It is obvious that violation of expression, a change in the structure or affinity of thyroid hormone receptors can manifest itself with a violation of the Education of TSH in the pituitary gland and the functions of the thyroid gland.

The inhibitory effect on the secretion of TG, Somatostatin, serotonin, dopamine, and IL-1 and IL-6, and the level of which increases with inflammatory processes in organism. Inhibitoryuge secretion of TG Noradrealin and glucocortic hormones, which can be observed in stress conditions. The TTG level increases with hypothyroidism, may increase after partial tirsoidectomy and (or) after radio-yodterepia of the thyroid gland. This information should be taken into account by doctors when examining patients with the diseases of the thyroid system for the correct diagnosis of the causes of the disease.

Tyrotropin is the main regulator of the functions of thyrocytes, accelerating almost every stage of synthesis, storage and secretion of TG. Under the action of TSH, the proliferation of thyrocytes is accelerated, the size of the follicles and the thyroid gland increases, its vascularization increases.

All these effects are the result of a complex complex of biochemical and physicochemical reactions that proceed after the binding of thyrotropine with its receptor located on the Tyrocyte base membrane, and the activation associated with the adenylate cyclic flashes, which leads to an increase in the level of CAMF, activation of the Dependent CAMP Proteinkins A, phosphorylating key trocite enzymes. In Tyrocytes, the level of calcium increases, the absorption of iodide increases, its transport and inclusion accelerates with the participation of thyroperoxidase enzyme into the structure of thyroglobulin.

Under the action of TSH, the processes of formation of pseudopodies, accelerating the resorption of thyreoglobulin from the colloid in thyrocytes, is accelerated by the formation of colloidal droplets and hydrolysis in them in them, the tyrocyte metabolism is activated, which is accompanied by an increase in the absorption speed of glucose, oxygen, glucose oxidation, is accelerated Synthesis of proteins and phospholipids, which are necessary for growth and increasing the number of thyrocytes and the formation of follicles. In large concentrations and with long-term exposure, thyrotropin causes proliferation of thyroid cells, an increase in its mass, dimensions (goiter), an increase in hormone synthesis and the development of its hyperfunction (with sufficient iodine). The body develops effects of excess thyroid hormones (raising the excitability of the central nervous system, tachycardia, raising the main exchange and temperature of the body, Pucheglasie and other changes).

The lack of TSH leads to a rapid or gradual development of thyroid hypofunction (hypothyroidism). The person develops a decline in the main exchange, drowsiness, lethargy, adamiya, bradycardia and other changes.

Tyrotropin, stimulating receptors in other tissues, increases the activity of selenium-dependent denosinase, converting thyroxine to more active triiodothyronine, as well as the sensitivity of their receptors, thereby "preparing" tissues to the effects of thyroid hormones.

Violation of the interaction of TSH with a receptor, for example, when changing the receptor structure or its affinity to TG, may underlie the pathogenesis of a number of thyroid diseases. In particular, the change in the structure of the TTH receptor as a result of the gene mutation, encoding its synthesis, leads to a decrease in or lacking the sensitivity of thyrocytes to the action of TSH and the development of congenital primary hypothyroidism.

Since the structure of A-subunits of TSH and Gonadotropin is equally, at high concentrations of gonadotropin (for example, when chorionepithelioms) can compete for binding to TSG receptors and stimulate the formation and secretion of TG thyroid gland.

The TSG receptor is able to bind not only with thyrotropnic, but also with autoantagrators - immunoglobulins, stimulating or blocking this receptor. Such binding takes place when autoimmune diseases thyroid gland and, in particular, with autoimmune thyroid (grave disease). The source of these antibodies is usually in lymphocytes. The thyroidist immunoglobulins are associated with the TSG receptor and affect the thyrocytes of the gland, just as TSH acts.

In other cases, autoantibodies can appear in the body that block the interaction of the receptor with TSH, as a result of which atrophic thyroiditis, hypothyroidism and myxedema can develop.

Mutations of genes resulting in the synthesis of the TTG receptor can lead to the development of their resistance to TSH. With complete resistance to TG, the thyroid gland is ginoplastic, is unable to synthesize and secreted sufficient amounts of thyroid hormones.

Depending on the link of the hypothalamic-hyoffin-thyroid system, the change in which led to the development of disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland, it is customary to distinguish: primary hypo- or hyperthyroidism, when the violation is associated directly with the thyroid gland; secondary when the violation is caused by changes in the pituitary Tertiary - in the hypothalamus.


Gonadotropins - Follicular Horon (FSH), or Follitropine and Lutinizing hormone (LH), or Lutropin, - They are glycoproteins, are formed in different or the same basophilic cells (gonadotrophs) of adenogipophies, regulate in men and in women the development of endocrine functions of the genital glands, acting on target cells through the stimulation of 7-TMS receptors and increasing the CAMF levels in them. During pregnancy, FSH and LH can be formed in the placenta.

The main functions of gonadotropins in women's body

Under the influence of the increasing level of FSH during the first days of the menstrual cycle, the primary follicle is ripening and an increase in the concentration of estradiol in the blood. The action of the peak level of LH in the middle of the cycle is the immediate cause of the follicle break and turning it into the yellow body. The latent period from the time of the peak concentration of LH to ovulation is from 24 to 36 hours. LH is a key hormone that stimulates the formation of progesterone and estrogen in the ovaries.

The main functions of gonadotropins in the men's body

FSH facilitates the growth of the testicles, stimulates the schorthol cells and contributes to the formation of a protein binding androgens, and also stimulates the production of inhibin polypeptide with these cells, which reduces the secretion of FSH and GRG. LH stimulates the ripening and differentiation of leildig cells, as well as the synthesis and secretion by these testosterone cells. The joint action of FSH, LH and testosterone is necessary for spermatogenesis.

Table. The main effects of gonadotropinov

The regulation of the secretion of FSH and LH is carried out by the hypothalamic gonadotropin-rillation hormone (GRG), also called gonadoliberin and luliberin, which stimulates their release in blood - primarily FSH. The increase in the content of estrogen in the blood of women during certain days of the menstrual cycle stimulates the formation of LH in the hypothalamus (positive feedback). The effect of estrogen, progestins and hormone Inhibin brake the selection of GRG, FSH and LH. Inhibits the formation of FSH and LH Prolactin.

The secretion of gonadotropins in men is regulated GRG (activation), free testosterone (braking) and inhibit (oppression). In men, the secretion of GRG is carried out constantly, in contrast to women who have cyclically.

In children, the release of gonadotropins inhibits the hormone of epiphyse - melatonin. Wherein low level FSH and LH in children are accompanied by the late or insufficient development of primary and secondary sexual signs, late closure of bone growth zones (lack of estrogen or testosterone) and pathologically high growth or gigantism. In women, the lack of FSH and LH is accompanied by a violation or termination of the menstrual cycle. In nursing mothers, these cycle changes can be very pronounced due to high level prolactin.

Excessive secretion of FSH and LH in children is accompanied by early sex ripening, closure of growth zones and hypergronade shortness.


Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTG, or corticotropin) It is a peptide consisting of 39 amino acid residues, synthesized by corticotrophs of adenogipophies, acts on target cells, stimulating 7-TMS receptors and increasing the level of the CAMF, the half-life of the hormone is up to 10 minutes.

The main effects of ACTH subdivided on adrenal and non-supersonal. ACTH stimulates the growth and development of the beam and mesh adrenal cortex zones, as well as the synthesis and isolating glucocorticoids (cortisol and corticosterone cells of the beam zone and to a lesser extent - germ hormones (mainly androgen) cells of the mesh zone. ACTH is weakly stimulates the allocation of the almocorticoid aldosterone cells of the glomerular area Adrenal cortex.

Table. The main effects of corticotropin

ACTG's voltadpery effect is the action of hormone on cells of other organs. ACTH has a lipolytic effect in adipocytes and contributes to the level of free fatty acids in the blood; stimulates the secretion of insulin P-cells of the pancreas and contributes to the development of hypoglycemia; stimulates the secretion of the growth hormone of the adenogiposis somatotrophs; Enhances skin pigmentation, like MSG, with which it has a similar structure.

Regulation of the secretion of ACTH is carried out by three main mechanisms. The basal secretion of ACTH is regulated by the endogenous rhythm of the isolation of corticoliberine by the hypothalamus (the maximum level in the morning is 6-8 hours, the minimum is 22-2 hours). Strengthening secretion is achieved by the action of a larger number of corticoliberin, which has for pursse of personal influences on the body (emotions, cold, pain, exercise stress and etc.). The ACTH level is also controlled by a negative feedback mechanism: decreases with the blood-like cortisol glucocorticoid hormone in the blood and increases when the level of cortisol in the blood is reduced. The increase in the level of cortisol is also accompanied by the braking of the corticoliberine secretion by the hypothalamus, which also leads to a decrease in the formation of an ACTH pituitary.

Fig. Regulation of corticotropin secretion

Excessive secretion of the ACTH takes place during pregnancy, as well as at primary or secondary (after removal of adrenal) hyperfunction of adenogi disease corticotrophs. Its manifestations are diverse and connected both with the effects of the ACTG itself and with its stimulating effect on the secretion of hormones with the bark of adrenal and other hormones. ACTH stimulates the secretion of growth hormone, the level of which is important for the normal growth and development of the body. Increasing the level of ACTH, especially in childhood, may be accompanied by symptoms caused by overhaul growth hormone (see above). Under the excess level of ACTH in children due to the stimulation of the secretion of sex hormones, the adrenal glands may be observed early sexual maturation, impaired balance of men's and female sex hormones and the development of signs of masculinization in women.

At high blood concentrations, ACTH stimulates lipolysis, protein catabolism, the development of excess skin pigmentation.

The ACTH deficit in the body leads to insufficient secretion of piohocorticoids by the cells of the adrenal cortex, which is accompanied by metabolic disorders and a decrease in the body's stability to the adverse effects of environmental factors.

The ACTH is formed from the predecessor (procynelanocortin), from which the A- and β-IGS, as well as β- and y-lipotropins and endogenous morphine peptides and endogenic morphine peptides - endorphins and enkephalins are also synthesized. Lipotropins activate lipolysis, and endorphins and enkephalins are important components of the antinocyptive (anti-solid) brain system.

Direct participation in the right development children's body Takes a somatotropic hormone (STG). Extremely important for the growing organism. It is from hard and proportional to the formation of the body depends on it. And excess or deficit of such a substance leads to giantism or, on the contrary, growth delay. In the body of an adult, a somatotropic hormone is contained in smaller quantities than a child or a teenager, but is still important. If adult hormone is elevated, it can lead to the development of acromegaly.


Somatotropin, or STS, is a growth hormone, regulating the development processes of the whole organism. This substance is produced in the front of the pituitary gland. The synthesis of the somatotropic hormone is controlled by two main regulators: somatotropin-rilizing factor (STGF) and somatostatin, are produced by a hypothalamus. Somatostatin and STGF activate the formation of somatotropin and determine the time and amount of its elimination. STHs - this depends on it the intensity of the exchange of lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and somatotropin activates glycogen, DNA, accelerates the mobilization of fats from the depot and disintegration of fatty acids. STG - hormone, which has lactogenic activity. The biological effect of the somatotropic hormone is impossible without a low molecular weight peptide of Somomatenedin C. Under the introduction of STGs in the blood, "secondary" robstimulating factors are rising - somateomed. The following somatomedins distinguish: A 1, and 2, B and C. The latter has a stainless, muscle and cartilage tissue insulin-like action.

Main functions of somatotropin in the human body

Somatotropic hormone (STG) is synthesized throughout life and has a powerful impact on all systems of our body. Let's consider the most important functions of such a substance:

  • The cardiovascular system. STG - hormone, which is involved in the regulation of cholesterol. The deficit of this substance can provoke atherosclerosis of vessels, heart attack, stroke and other diseases.
  • Leather. Growth hormone is an indispensable component in the process of producing collagen responsible for the condition of the skin. If the hormone (STG) is lowered, collagen is synthesized in insufficient quantities and, as a result, skin aging processes are accelerated.
  • Weight. At night (during sleep), somatotropin is directly involved in the splitting of lipids. Violation of this mechanism becomes the cause of gradual obesity.
  • Bone. Somatotropic hormone in children and adolescents ensures the elongation of bones, and in an adult person - their strength. This is due to the fact that somatotropin participates in the synthesis of vitamin D 3 in the body responsible for the stability and fortress of the bones. Such a factor helps to cope with various diseases and strong bruises.
  • Muscle. STG (hormone) is responsible for the strength and elasticity of muscle fibers.
  • Tone body. Somatotropic hormone has a positive effect on the entire body. Helps to keep energy, good mood, strong sleep.

Growth hormone is very important to preserve slimness and beautiful body shapes. One of the functions of the somatotropic hormone is the transformation of adipose tissue into muscular, this is what the athletes are achieved and everyone who follows the figure. STG - hormone, improving the mobility and flexibility of the joints, makes the muscles more elastic.

At older age normal content In the blood of somatotropin prolongs longevity. Initially, a somatotropic hormone was used to treat various senile ailments. In the world of sports, this substance used athletes to build muscle mass for some time, but soon the growth hormone was prohibited for official applicationAlthough today it is actively used by bodybuilders.

STG (hormone): norm and deviations

What are the normal somatotropic hormone values \u200b\u200bfor a person? At various ages are different indicators of such a substance as STG (hormone). The norm in women also differs significantly from normal values \u200b\u200bfor men:

  • Newborn children up to one day - 5-53 μg / l.
  • Newborn children up to one week - 5-27 μg / l.
  • Children aged from one month to a year - 2-10 μg / l.
  • Men middle-aged - 0-4 μg / l.
  • Middle-aged women - 0-18 μg / l.
  • Men older than 60 years of age - 1-9 μg / l.
  • Women older than 60 years of age - 1-16 μg / l.

Somatotropic hormone deficit in the body

Somatotropine special attention is paid in childhood. The deficit of HDS in children is a serious violation that can provoke not only the rise in growth, but also the delay in puberty and general physical development, and in certain cases - dwarfship. Various factors can cause such a violation: pathologically occurring pregnancy, heredity, hormonal disorders.

The insufficient level of somatotropin in the organism of an adult affects the general state of metabolism. Low growth hormone accompany various endocrine diseasesAlso, the shortage of a somatotropic hormone can provoke treatment with some medicines, including the use of chemotherapy.

And now a few words about what happens if a somatotropic hormone is in an excess of a somatotropic hormone.

STGs raised

An excess of somatotropic hormone in the body can cause more serious consequences. The growth is significantly increasing not only in adolescents, but also in adults. The height of an adult may exceed two meters.

At the same time, there is a significant increase in the limbs - brushes, stop, undergoes serious changes and face form - nose and become greater, the features are stubble. Similar changes can be corrected, but in this case a long-term treatment is required under the supervision of a specialist.

How to determine the level of somatotropic hormone in the body?

Scientists have found that the synthesis of somatotropin in the body occurs wave-like, or cycles. Therefore, it is very important to know when to hand over STG (hormone), that is, what time is it to make an analysis of its content. In ordinary polyclinics, such research is not carried out. It is possible to determine the content of somatotropin in the blood in a specialized laboratory.

What rules should be held before analyzing?

A week before analysis at STG (growth hormone), it is necessary to abandon the holding of an x-ray study, as this may affect the accuracy of the data. During the day before the blood fence, a strictest diet should be held, eliminating any fatty foods. Twelve hours before the study, exclude the use of any products. It is also recommended to refuse smoking, and in three hours it must be excluded at all. During the day, any physical or emotional overvoltage is unacceptable. Blood fence is carried out in the morning hours, at this time the concentration of somatotropic hormone in the blood is maximum.

How to stimulate Somatotropin synthesis in the body?

Today, a large amount of various drugs with growth hormone are represented in the pharmaceutical market. The course of treatment with such means can last several years. But to prescribe such medicines should exclusively at a thorough medical examination and in the presence of objective reasons. Self-medication can not only not improve the situation, but also to cause a variety of health problems. In addition, it is possible to activate the production of somatotropic hormone in the body in a natural way.

  1. The most intense production of growth hormone occurs during a period of deep sleep, which is why it is necessary to sleep at least seven or eight hours.
  2. Rational meal. The last meal must be on later than three hours before sleep. If the stomach is crowded, the pituitary is not able to actively synthesize growth hormone. His dinner is recommended to be easily used. For example, you can choose non-large cottage cheese, lean meat, egg proteins, and so on.
  3. Healthy menu. The basis of food should be fruits, vegetables, dairy and protein products.
  4. Blood. It is very important to monitor blood glucose levels, its increase can cause a decrease in the production of a somatotropic hormone.
  5. Physical activity. For children, an excellent option will become a section on volleyball, football, tennis, jogging for short distances. However, you should know: the duration of any power training should not exceed 45-50 minutes.
  6. Fasting, emotional overvoltage, stress, smoking. Such factors also reduce the production of somatotropin in the body.

In addition, the synthesis of growth hormone in the body are significantly reduced, such conditions as diabetes, pituitary injuries, increase in blood cholesterol.


In this article, we examined in detail such an essential element as a somatotropic hormone. It is precisely how his development in the body flows, the functioning of all systems and organs and the general human well-being depends.

We hope the information will be useful for you. Be healthy!

The name of the hormone - somatopin. Only in youthful and childhood, it is useful for growth. Hormone for people is very important. During the whole human life, it affects the metabolism, blood sugar level, muscle development and fat burning. And also it can be synthesized with artificial way.

Where and how is it?

Growth hormone produces the front of the pituitary gland. The organ located between the large hemispheres of the brain is called the pituitary. There are synthesized the most important hormones for people affecting the nerve endings, and to a lesser extent - to other cells of the human body.

Genetic factors affect the production of hormone. Today, a complete genetic map of man is compiled. For the synthesis of growth hormone influences the five genes in the seventeenth chromosome. Initially there are two isoforms of this enzyme.

During growth and development, a person produces further several forms of this substance. Today, more than five isoforms were identified, which were found in a human in the blood. Each isoform has a specific impact on the nerve endings of various tissues and organs.

Hormone production is made from time to time with a period of three to five hours during the day. Usually in an hour or two, after falling asleep at night, there is the brightest splash of its production for the whole day. During the night sleep occurs consistently a few more stages, just two to five times hormone, synthesized in the pituitary gland, enters the blood.

It is proved that such natural production it falls with age. It reaches a maximum in the second half of the intrauterine development of the child, and then gradually decreases. The maximum output frequency is achieved in early childhood.

In adolescence, during puberty, there is a maximum intensity of its generation at a time, however, the frequency is significantly lower than in childhood. The minimum amount is produced in old age. At this time and the frequency of production periods, and the maximum amount of hormone produced at a time minimum.

Distribution of growth hormone in the human body

For moving inside the body, it, like other hormones, uses blood system. To achieve a goal, hormone is associated with its transport protein, which developed the body.

Subsequently, it moves to the receptors of various organs, affecting their work depending on the isoform and the actions of other hormones in parallel with somatropine. When hitting the nervous end, somatopin causes action on the target protein. This protein is called Janus Kinase. The target protein causes the activation of glucose transport to target cells, their development and growth.

First type of impact

His name is a hormone for growth in the fact that it affects the receptors of bone tissue, located in the unclusive zones of the growth of bones. This causes a strong growth of children, adolescents during puberty caused by a hormone for growth generated in adolescent organism at this time in sufficient quantities. Most often, this is due to the increase in the length of the tubular bones of the legs, the bones of the leg, hands. Other bones (for example, spine) also grow, but it is less pronounced.

In addition to the growth of open sections of bones at a young age, he raises the strengthening of bones, ligaments, teeth throughout life. With a lack of synthesis of this substance in the human body, many diseases may be associated with which older people suffer - mostly diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Second type of exposure

This is an increase in muscle growth and fat burning. This type of impact is widely used in sports and bodybuilding. Treate techniques are used:

  • an increase in the natural hormone synthesis in the body;
  • improving the digestibility of somatropin associated with other hormones;
  • reception of synthetic substitutes.

Today, Somastatin preparations are forbidden doping. The International Olympic Committee recognized it in 1989.

Third type of impact

Increasing the amount of glucose in the blood due to the impact on the liver cells. This mechanism is quite complex, and it allows you to track the connection with other human hormones.

Growth hormone participates in many other types of activity - acts on the brain, participates in the intensification of appetite, affects sexual activity, and there is both the influence of sex hormones on the synthesis of somatotropin, and its influence on the synthesis of sex hormones. Even in the learning process, he takes part - experiments on mice have shown that those individuals who additionally rolled it, better study and produce conditional reflexes.

Regarding the effect on the aging of the body there are contradictory studies. Most of the experiments confirm that the old people who additionally introduced a hormone for growth, felt much better. They have improved metabolism general stateThe activation of mental and physical activity has manifested. At the same time, animal experiences suggest that those individuals who received this drug artificially showed a smaller life expectancy than those that were not injected.

How is the growth hormone with other hormones?

Two basic substances affect the production of hormone hormone. They are called Somastatin and Somalibin. Mormastatin hormone oppresses the synthesis of somatotropin, and Somalibertin causes reinforced synthesis. These two hormones are produced in the same place in the pituitary gland. The interaction and joint impact on the organism of the somatotropin is observed with such drugs:

  • IFR-1;
  • Hormones of the thyroid gland;
  • Estrogen;
  • Adrenal hormones;

This substance is the main mediator at the absorption of sugar organism. When exposed to hormone, a blood sugar increases for human growth. Insulin causes its decrease. At first glance, two hormones are antagonists. However, this is not quite true.

Sugar in the blood when exposed to the enzyme is more efficiently absorbed in the process of working tissue cells and organs awakened by it. This allows you to synthesize certain types of protein. Insulin helps this glucose to be used to work more effectively. Therefore, these substances are allies, and the work of the hormone for growth is impossible without insulin.

These are the fact that children who are sick of first-type diabetes are much slower growing, and bodybuilders-diabetics are difficult when making muscle mass, if they have a lack of insulin. However, with too much quantities of somatropine in the blood, the activity of the pancreas can be "broken" and sugar diabetes of the first type. Somatopin affects the work of the pancreas producing.


Factors affecting the synthesis inside the body

Factors that increase the synthesis of somatropin:

  • the influence of other hormones;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • good dream
  • physical activity;
  • stay in the cold;
  • fresh air;
  • consumption of lysine, glutamine, some other amino acids.

Reduce synthesis:

  • the influence of other hormones;
  • high concentration of somatropine and IFM-1;
  • alcohol, drugs, tobacco, some other psychotropic substances;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • a large amount in the blood plasma of fatty acids.

Using growth hormone in medicine

In medicine is used for diseases nervous system, treating growth delays and development in childhood, treating diseases of the elderly.

The diseases of the nervous system associated with are effectively treated using synthetic substitutes of somatropin.

It should be noted that the use of the drug in this case will cause in most cases a return to the initial state, and a long-term application is capable of causing diabetes mellitus.

Diseases associated with pituitary nanism - some types of dementia, depressive disorders, behavioral disorders. In psychiatry, this drug is used episodically, during the period of psychotherapy and the recovery period.

In childhood, many children have delays in growth and development. This is especially characteristic of those whose mother during pregnancy took large doses of alcohol. The fruit can also be exposed to some doses of alcohol, which slip through the placental barrier, and reduces the production of somatotropin. As a result, they initially have low level Somatropine, and children need to be additionally synthetic substitutes to catch up in their development of peers.

In diabetes mellitus, children have periods when the blood sugar is increased, and insulin is not enough. In this regard, they have a delay in growth and development. They prescribe somatropin preparations that should be able to work with in one direction. This will avoid the attacks of hyperglycemia. Provided that the insulin with somatropine works in conjunction, the body is easier to transfers the effects of drugs.

For the elderly, the efficiency of somatropine is confirmed in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It increases the solidity of bone tissue, its mineralization, strengthens the ligaments, muscle tissue. Some it helps when burning adipose tissue.

Unfortunately, the reception of this type of drugs is associated with an increase in blood sugar levels, which for most seniors is invalid, and long-term treatment is excluded.

Using growth hormone in sports

Since 1989, IOC has forbidden this drug to use athletes speaking at competitions. Nevertheless, there is a group of "amateur" competitions, in which use and doping is not controlled - for example, some types of battles without rules, some bodybuilding competitions, Powerlifting.

Reception of modern synthetic analogues of somatropine control on doping samples is sufficiently difficult, and most laboratories do not have suitable equipment.

In bodybuilding, when people train for their own pleasure, and not for performances, these substances are used in two types of workouts - in the process of "drying" and with muscle build-up. In the drying process, the reception is accompanied by a large number of receiving analogs of the hormone T4 thyroid gland. In periods of muscle buildup, the reception is carried out with insulin. Doctors are recommended when burning fat, pricking drugs locally - in the stomach, since men in this area are most fat.

The pumping of the body relief with the help of specialized substances allows you to quickly gain a large muscle mass, little subcutaneous fat, however, the stomach has a large size. This is due to a large amount of glucose digestible glucose when making muscle mass. At the same time, this practice is much more effective than the use of drugs such as Methyltestosterone. Methyltestosterone is able to activate the obesity process, in which the person will have to carry out the "drying" of the body.

Female bodybuilding also did not bypass Somatopin. Its analogs are used in conjunction with estrogen instead of insulin. This practice does not cause a strong increase in the abdomen. Many women bodybuilders prefer such, because other doping drugs are associated with male hormones, cause male traits, masculinization.

In most cases, the bodybuilder under the age of 30 will be more effectively not to take somatopin. The fact is that while taking this drug will have to strengthen its action using other hormones, whose side symptoms (obesity) will need to compensate for additional efforts. Rescue circle in this situation will be the reception of others synthetic preparationswhich also increase endogenous growth of growth hormone.

Among the hormones of pituitary glands there is a hormone growth of somatotropin, enhancing the growth of bones and the accumulation of muscle mass. In search of growth stimulants, endocrinologists have already been synthesized in the laboratory conditions somatotropin.

But the composition of this hormone is very complicated, it has 188 amino acids and therefore is not available for industrial synthesis. In addition, hormone is strictly speciedized - a person does not affect the person, taken in the animal. Therefore, still children who are sharply lagging behind in growth, treated with natural hormone allocated from the pituitary gland of the dead people. This drug is naturally roads.

It has recently been established that the body can be made to produce its own somatotropin. A group of researchers led by the famous English endocrinologist J. Tanner managed to allocate a substance that encourages the pituitary to synthesize somatotropin. It turned out to be a relatively simple compound consisting of ten amino acids.

Thus, for the first time it is possible to produce a drug for regulation of growth. Open decappeptide is available for industrial production. And, which is very important, it is not speciable - with it, you can not only treat people, but also to manage the growth of animals.

However, it was not the only discovery. In a large series of experiments, it was possible to establish that the growth of the organism is controlled by a three-bonded hormonal chain. The first link - said decappeptide produced by a hypothalamus. The second link is a long-known science somatotropin. And the third link is a recently open substance somatomatin. It is produced in liver and kidneys under the action of a somatotropin coming here from the pituitary gland.

Somatomatin turned out to be the last hormone instance, from which the growth of bones and muscles directly depends, and therefore his discovery is of particular interest. It has been proven that the rate of growth of the body depends on the concentration of somatomedin. Somatomatin is a universal hormone. For the treatment of a person, you can use the bull, pigs or rams. The composition of somatomedin is relatively simple - about 30 amino acids, which makes it accessible to industrial synthesis.

Two newly open growth substances - somatomatin and has not yet received the name of the decaptide, will likely be for animal husbandry even more important than for medicine. Having them, a person gets the key to fantastic today opportunities at its discretion forcing meat production, milk, wool. In principle, this problem seems to be solvable now. The case is for the large-scale production of these growth hormones.

It is possible that now it is from the chemical industry that the pace of development of agricultural animal husbandry will depend on.

Science and humanity. 1975. Collection - M.: Knowledge, 1974.