Cordilina Rodina Plants. Cordilina: Views with photos, home care. Fertilizer and subordinate

20.03.2021 Diet

Cordilina is a bright and long-grader room plant that has fallen in love with many flowers for beauty and unpretentiousness in care. Past of this bright and spectacular plant from the family of agave could not pass the flower. Her homeland is the tropics and subtropics of Asia, America, Australia, Asia. In nature, it is quite high - up to 20 meters.

The name of the plant comes from the word kordylle, which is translated as a bump, node. It characterizes the shape of the roots - they are fleshy, sidewood swollen. Cordilina leaves are usually green. But some of her species can have pink, red, cream spots.

Cordilina is often taken for the dragene, so it is also called a false palm tree. But there are signs for which these trees are quite easy to distinguish. DRATSENES leaves clashes the stem, have parallel dwelling, and its roots are straight, smooth, yellow-red. Cordilina leaves are placed on the petiole, the hills of the cereal with the central vein, the roots are noded sharpening white, and many young shoots are formed from root sprouts, easily separated from the parent plant.

Common species, varieties and photos of indoor plant - Cordilina

There are about 15 types of Cordilina, grown at home. The most popular of them is the top, southern, straight, fruitcosis.

Cordilina Top (shrub)

Cordilina Uphechnaya, or CordyLine Terminalis (in the people - "Good luck tree"), is a perennial with a weighted stem and rhizome in the form of a tuber. This is a low church, up to 3 m in height, or a semi-staple with a thin barrel to 1.5 cm in diameter. Young plants have leaves from the ground, and for a long time at home retain small sizes. She is smooth, with traces of fallen leaves.

Cordilina Top has a few varieties

Leaves reaching a length of 80 cm in width - 10 cm, have an oblong or elongated egg-shaped form. In the midst of their vein, which is thicker than others. The leaves are planted on a groove spine 10-15 cm long.

Shrub Cordilina during flowering period releases inflorescences in the form of a 30 cm tank in the width planted on a short stiff. Its flowers, depending on the variety, are white, reddish, purple. It multiplies with cuttings obtained from the top of the plant.

The top cordilina has varieties that differ from each other shape and color of the leaves.

Kiwi is one of the most popular varieties of the top cordilina, which is a magnificent shrub with oval or oblong leaves with a width of up to 10 cm and up to 80 cm long. They have yellow stripes and raspberry kaima around the edges. At the bottom of the leaves, the leaves are narrowed into the groove spine, which in the base expands into a small vagina. The average vein is issued on the bottom of the sheet, on the upper side it is noticeably larger than the rest.

Another kind of room Cordilina is a Tango grade. It is suitable for a small apartment. This is a small tree with a lush rosette of bright leaves of the original brownish shade. They have longitudinal bodies of white, and on the edge - raspberry edging.

Cordilina is straight

Cordilina Straight (Cordyline Stricta) has other names - DRATSEEN direct or blasting Kohn. It is a tree to 3 m height. She has thin trunks, strongly branched at the top. Leaves - lancing or linear, up to 60 cm long, leathery, pointed at the ends. They have dark green color, serrated or rough edges. During the flowering period, inflorescences appear - a reprehensive pan with small purple flowers, forming in the sneakers of the leaves or on the tip of escape. The decorative form of this species is a discolor.

Cordilina South can reach height to 20 meters

Cordilina Australian (CordyLineAustralis) in nature is a huge tree growing up to 20 meters. Its barrel is thickened below, and in the upper part it has a bundle of long and narrow sword-shaped leaves (100 cm for 3-7 cm) of a dark green color. The young plant is deprived of pronounced trunks. He has white flowers, about 1 cm in diameter, are collected in inflorescences - panicles. The length of such bullets can reach 1 meter.

Cordilins southern in their homeland are used in industry. They are a source of fiber. It is extracted from the trunk, roots, leaves. From this raw material make a wide variety of products - from brushes and mats to fabrics. And young leaves are eaten in food, for which James Cook called this palm tree "Capping Tree". Cordilina South possesses healing properties: its juice is an excellent antiseptic.

The plant settled in Orangers in the second half of the XIX century and immediately became popular. Numerous cultivars appeared. VeiTchii, Atrosanguinea, Atropurpurea, REDStar, derived in the XIX century, are still popular with the popularity of VEITCHII. Their leaves are painted from purple to chocolate colors.

Cordilina Fruiticosis

When the tree lives on open ground, it very quickly acquires the type of palm tree. But as a room decorative flower with proper fruitcosis (Cordyline Fructicosa) retains the leaves to the very base and grows very slowly. In the vase she does not bloom. Fruiticosis has many garden forms: Tricolor, Rad Edge, August, Snow, Lord Roberts, other varieties, distinguished by various color leaves.

Features of the care of indoor plant - Cordilina

Optimal temperature for this plant 20-25 degrees

To provide Cordilin adequate care at home, it will not be necessary to apply much effort. This is a fairly unpretentious plant.

  • The composition of the soil. For planting needed nutritious, weakly acidic soil (about pH 6). You can buy a mixture in the store or prepare yourself from such components: 1 part of peat, sand, leaf, peat ground, humus, 3 parts of the garden land.
  • Temperature. Cordilins poorly carry sharp temperature differences and are afraid of drafts, which must be taken into account. The optimal temperature for them in summer is 20-25 ° C. In winter, they are contained at lower temperatures (5-10 OS). The temperature is lowered gradually starting in autumn. However, there are among these plants and thermal-loving species to which, in particular, Cordilina Topichene (Cordyline Terminalis). Winter temperatures for them should be higher - about 18 OS.
  • Lighting. As mentioned earlier, Cordilina grows in southern forests. Therefore, she needs bright scattered light. In winter, the plant is better to put at the window looking to the south, in the summer - east or west.
  • Humidity. It is important to take into account, in which climatic belt grows Cordilina in nature. If these are the tropics, then such flowers need greater moisture in the summer than their subtropical fellow. It is possible to achieve the desired level of humidity, spraying the leaves with a soft water-resistant water.
  • Watering. For watering, use soft dilated water. In the spring and summer watered more often than in winter. The earthen comes should not be non-stolen, nor too wet.
  • Loosening. This is an equally important component of flower care. The destruction of the earthen crust allows oxygen easing to penetrate the roots.
  • Fertilizer. For feeding, any comprehensive fertilizer is used. In the spring-summer period, feeding is carried out 1 time in 10-15 days, in winter - 1 time per month.

Reproduction of the indoor plant Cordilina

Cordiline multiply by three ways, the division of rhizomes, seeds and stalling.

Cordilina breeds one of three ways - the fission of rhizomes, stalling, seeds.

  • Division of rhizomes. The easiest way to reproduce the Cordelin. Usually the separation is carried out in spring. The obtained sprouts are planted into a light substrate (1 pieces of the turf and sand on 3 parts of sheet, humid or peat ground). After the young plant forms the root, it is transplanted into the ordinary earthy mixture.
  • Shining. For such reproduction, half-respected shoots take. Use both sections from the middle part of the stem and the top. The shoots are divided into parts, each of which contains from 1 to 4 knots (length from 10 cm) and remove leaves from them. For the rooting of the cutter, a temperature is needed about 30 ° C. The root system is formed in about a month. After that, the plant is planted into the usual soil. The top of the Cordilina can be simply put in a jar with water. The process will accelerate if adding a means to stimulate the root formation in the water.
  • Seeds. The cultivation of the cordelin from seeds is practically not used in home flower growing. Seeds are sown in February or March to the substrate made from equal parts of the turf and sand. It is believed that for this you need to use freshly collected seeds, as they lose weight over time. Pre-sowing material is soaked in zircon or epine. If the seeds remained the flesh, they are thoroughly washed. In the room you need to maintain a temperature of 25-27 about C. For this, mini-greenhouses with lower heating are often used. About a month after landing, the first seeds appear.

Pest of indoor flower Cordilina

To combat the shield, you can use a soap solution

The enemy of Cordilina is insects of the shields. They look like a solid beam or turtle shell. If they settled on the flower, the leaves appear damage - brown spots, the leaves change their color and end up falling. To get rid of the pest, the plant is washed with a weak soap solution, after which they are treated with insecticide - for example, "accutelle".

Danger lies in a tree if Trips settled on it. This usually happens in rooms where low humidity and high air temperature are observed. About infection shows the colonies of yellow insects on the back of the sheet, pollen, which is poured out of the stamens. In this case, the course of chemical treatment insecticides is "Dantop", "Mospilan", "Apache". Processing are carried out every day. The duration of "therapy" depends on the manufacturer's recommendations.

Another enemy of the plant is a wave. It suffers from the top, the lower part of the leaves. If the wave struck the cordiline, her leaves are withering, losing color, twisted, fall out. Save the plant will help "Inta-Vir", "Akttellikt", "Decis" and other means.

This species takes a plant if it stands on draft

Usually Cordilina is sick when the owner is incorrectly caught. Here are the most common mistakes made by floweries and their consequences:

  • uncharged brown coloring at the tip and the edges of the leaves says that the plant is building on drafts, about dry air or insufficient watering;
  • soft, curly leaves, covered with dark spots, appear when the plant is subject to draft or there is little heat;
  • dry spots of light shades are burns arising from sunlight;
  • from the lack of nutrition, the leaves are yellow and dry. If the leavefall occurs only at the bottom of the room plant, then this is a natural phenomenon.

The death hazard for Cordilina represents the excessive moisture content of the earthen coma in combination with low temperatures.

The article will be discussed about an exotic plant, which differs from others not only by the form, but also the color of the leaves. Most often they are painted in red or pinkish color. This plant is called Cordilina. Care at home behind it does not represent complexity. The main values \u200b\u200bof Cordilina is unpretentious in leaving and incredible beauty.

Features of the appearance

The birthplace of this flower is the tropical and subtropical latitudes of Asia, America, Australia. Subject to growing in the wild, the height of some representatives can reach 20 meters, it is impossible to achieve such results at home.

The name of the plant in the literal translation means a bump node. The roots of Cordilina have such a form. Adult Cordilipilina Kiwi (care at home is described in this article) has a root system with meaty, sishkovoid and a little bloated. The folk name of this plant is a false palm.

The usual color of the leaves is green. However, many species of this plant boast the presence of red, pink and even cream spots.

According to its appearance, Cordilina Fruticosis (care at home is simple) something reminds of the dragera, because of which they are too often confused, but these plants are completely different.

This plant is rarely called a flower, more often with a firewood dragon with a special location of a spectacular bright red or green with foliage stains. However, the bright color has only the top of the leaves.

How to choose a healthy plant?

When buying this plant, several factors should be taken into account at once, the neglect of which can threaten the fact that you will not be able to enjoy the appearance of the flower, but you will only try to save it.

Before buying a plant, it needs to be carefully examined. The leaves must be bright, their petioles should grow directly from the base of Cordilina. To start growing, a young plant will fit better. It is fairly easy to recognize: it did not acquire the type of a thin stem having a leaf bundle on its top.

The most popular is the "Prince Albert" variety, it is possible to most often meet in a flower shop. Its height with proper care can reach 60 cm, which is quite a lot for the indoor plant. There is another major representative - the variety "Lord Robertson". Fans of miniature room colors will suit the Cordilina "Red Edge", which is notable to the color of the leaves (they are completely green, and only on the edges there is a red border).

Main conditions of detention

Growing this plant on the shoulder is not all. But if you have at least a small care experience, then with Cordilina you will definitely cope.

With proper care, even at home, you can bring the plant before flowering. However, some owners may be disappointed, because in this case one of the main rules of nature is valid: the brighter the leaves, the more unpleasant flowers can be. This plant has small, usually yellow or pink, are collected in the so-called metels. At the end of the flowering process, they must be removed in obligatory, so that Cordilina can continue to develop its foliage.

Preparation of soil

After buying a plant, it must immediately transplant. Next, this procedure must be carried out once a year. More adult flowers just reset once every three years, but the upper layer of the soil is still updated every year. Drainage and in fact, and in another case it is required.

As a soil, it is possible to use nutrient weakness soil. The acidity level in this case should be at the PH6 level. Such a soil can be bought already ready in any flower shop or prepare yourself. In the second case, you will need the following components:

  • 1 part of the peat;
  • 1 part of the sand;
  • 1 part of the leaf land;
  • 1 part of peat land;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • 3 parts of the garden land.

In addition, you can use a conventional peat or clay soil mixture.

Temperature mode

Since Cordilina is a tropical plant, then the temperature regime should be special. First of all, it is necessary to take care that there are no drafts or temperature differences in the room, since this plant does not tolerate such stressful situations.

Very loves warm and humid air Cordilina plant. Home care must be complex. In the summer, even a temperature of 30 degrees above zero will be comfortable for it. However, in this case, the plant must be constantly sprayed, otherwise instead of beautiful and luxurious foliage you will get yellow and twisted leaves.

In the fall and winter room temperature in the room you need to lower. During this period, the temperature will be ideal about 10-15 degrees, the maximum permissible is about 18 degrees, despite the fact that the plant is tropical. It is necessary in order for the flower without problems to enter the rest of the rest, in which he simply does not grow. The rest period is necessary for the plant to gain strength for a new active growth in the spring.

Polishing rules

The genetic features of the plant suggest that it loves moisture very much, and it is necessary to make it not only through the soil, but also through the leaves.

In the summer, the flower life of watering should be quite abundant, but this does not mean that behind the water level in the pot does not need to follow. Water in the pallet is shared should not be, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect, that is, reinforce the roots, to reanimate which is quite difficult. Since Cordilina is the top (care at home can be almost each) or any other loves lightness of weakness soil, then you need to prepare for the fact that moisture will be absorbed pretty quickly. Therefore, you need to carefully ensure that the soil in the pot is not too wet or too dry.

For watering, water can be used, which previously sat down at least day. In the spring and summer to water Cordilina need more often than in winter and autumn. The frequency of watering in the summer - 1-2 times a week, in winter - 1 time per week. It is necessary to spray the plant 2 times a week, and either in the morning or in the evening to avoid possible burns. If the air temperature exceeds the allowable 24 degrees, the plant is better sprayed every day.

Making fertilizers

The frequency and composition of the feeding, as well as watering, depends on the time of year. In summer, this procedure must be carried out for about two times a month, the winter is much less (just once a month, and even less often). As a fertilizer, you can use ready-made feeders that are sold in stores. As a rule, it is a liquid fertilizer, which were specifically designed for plants of the Agavov family. From various stimulants of growth or fertilizer, which are made as spraying on the leaves, it is better to refuse. The proper effect does not bring it, but the harm can be damaged, because the Cordilina may just die from such stress.

Ensuring the desired level of illumination

Although the birthplace plants are tropical latitudes, the bright light does not like. This applies to direct sunlight. The main rule in the cultivation of Cordilina: the darker the foliage of the plant, the less light is required for its active growth. Cordilina Mix (care at home is quite simple) or another of her appearance will feel perfectly well from the eastern, western or northern side of the room, and the window should not be dark. It should be bright, but the light on the plant should flow as scattered sunlight. If the leaves of your flower are too dark, then the pot can be put in the depths of the room, the plant will only win the plant.

How does Cordilina breed?

There are three methods of reproduction of this plant.

  • Rhizome division is the easiest. It is carried out in the spring, new sprouts are placed in a lightweight substrate, and only after rooting into the usual soil for the flower.
  • The drawing is carried out only if the shoots began to be covered by wood. Temperature for rooting cuttings - 30 degrees.
  • Seeds. This method is not applicable at home, because it takes quite a lot of time and is not always effective.

Possible problems when leaving the plant

Like any other indoor plant, Cordilina (care at home consists of many factors) is exposed to the influence of causative agents of diseases and pests.

The main enemy is the shield. To get rid of the insect, the plant first needs to be treated with soap solution, and why special insecticide.

With low humidity in rooms with high temperatures, the formation of trips is possible. It is possible to cure a plant with chemical processing insecticides.

There will never be any problems if the Cordilina care is at home. Dry leaves due to low humidity. It is not always a spraying of leaves can solve the problem. It is better to purchase a humidifier.

If you carry out the correct Cordilina care at home, strictly observe all the rules, then there will never arise problems with the plant.

In the interior, false palm with beautiful leaves occurs often. Before you, the photo of Cordilina, care at home is simple. The main condition of the tropical resident - the content is warm. The curtain trunk at the plant is obtained due to the gradual dispersion of aging leaves. Cordilina is growing slowly and in indoor conditions can stretch over the ceiling over the years. However, if the stem is cut off, the top is rooted and can again become a fluffy low flower.

Correct Cordilina care at home

In nature there are more than 20 varieties of Cordilina. Since they grow, though in the tropics, but on different continents, each species have special requirements in the content. However, the original appearance of false palm is worth it to be highlighted in the apartment. The result of proper care at home for Cordilina will be a photo of a beautiful flower.

In order to get such an instance, it will be necessary to create the necessary conditions for the development of the flower. In cultural dilution, several varieties are used. Most often are the most unpretentious - Cordilina Uphechny and Kiwi.

It is necessary to place a flower in the room, guided by the principle - the darker the foliage flower, the less he needs light. However, in reasonable limits, choosing between the northern, eastern and western window. In winter, the Cordilina plant, regardless of the variety, fits the south window:

  1. It should not be forgotten, the main enemy of the tropical plant are drafts, it is necessary to protect it from cold blowing, airing the room. Usually, opening the window, the plant is carried to another room. The first sign of adverse conditions will be the yellowing of the leaves.
  2. Like other tropical plants, Cordilina when leaving at home requires a softwater water without chlorine and rigidity salts. Weekly in the summer in the water should be added. A landmark should not disappear, but also no flood plant. Bad drainage will lead to the reinforcement of the stem at the base. It is optimally watering in the summer when the earth will dry on top, and in winter it is waging a com, not allowing complete drying. The lower the room temperature, the smaller the Cordilina flower needs watering.
  3. Creating the desired microclimate depends on the total humidity in the room. If there are central heating batteries and the air in the apartment is dry, moisten the leaf plates - good. But it is in warm content. In summer, spraying is carried out daily, which will save from the instigation of the pawite tick.
  4. The temperature in Cordilina care has differences in winter content. Sorts of subtropical origin must be kept in cool conditions at 5-10 degrees. Therefore, they can be cultivated in the southern regions when gardening. From room species requires wintering only Cordilina Benks. General requirements - in summer 22-26 0 s, in winter 18-21. Consistent temperature differences for false palm are unacceptable.

If you observe simple rules for home care for Cordilina, it gives blossoms as in the photo.

Possible problems in the content of flower

If the flower content does not respond to his physiology, it loses beauty. However, it is easy to correct the situation, just look at the leaves, and they will give a signal:

  • the tips and edges of the leaves became brown - dry air, lacking water, drafts;
  • brown spots appeared on the leaves - low watering;
  • twisted and become soft leaves - the plant is cold;
  • the leaves are yellowing - dry air, lacks in the soil of nitrogen.

The yellowing and fiction of the lower leaves is a normal natural process. Cordilina does not need a shading from the sun, but if the leaves with water droplets, there may be spots from sunburn.

When careing for Cordilina, it is necessary to carefully examine the above-ground part in order to notice pests in time.

Cordilina Transfer and Reproduction

The powerful plant quickly depletes the Earth, so the annual transplant of young plants is required. Later this procedure is carried out in a year. At the same time, the reproduction of root siblings, which are easily separated and are well taken out in a new pot. For breeding Cordilina, you can use lateral shoots on trunks or even a sliced \u200b\u200btop, which is rooted in water or sandy-peat mixture. Grow false palm from seeds - the process is longer and at home does not apply.

The soil under the plant is required to make up of fertile greenhouse earth with the addition and sand for loosenness. It does not interfere with the addition of crumbs of charcoal and vermiculite. The land must be nutritious and breathable.

The separation from the uterine bush, the tank is first rooted into a mixture of sterilized sand or perlite with peat in equal proportions. You can get the roots in the water, later sitting down the stalk into the lightweight substrate.

If the palm barrel stretched out up, it can be landed, cutting off the top and rooting it in water. It turns out a new squatted bush. The barrel remaining in the pot can give side shoots. New roots in warmth are formed within a month and the plant is ready for landing for a permanent place.

Cordilina (Cordyline) is a fairly common plant belonging to the Agave family. The genus consists of 20 species and leads its origin from Southeast Asia, the North of Australia and from the Hawaiian Islands.

general description

Often Cordellin is confused with the drasa, they are very similar, especially if they are grown as a strambed tree. It is easiest to distinguish them on the roots that are often chopped out of the soil: the drasens are yellowish-orange, and the Cordelin is whitish.

In natural conditions, the plant usually reaches a height from 2 to 12 meters, in potted culture does not exceed 1.5 m, more often grows from 60 to 90 cm. Cordellin is a shrub or a tree with a powerful root system, a thin barrel and beautiful elongated leaves of a sword-shaped or Lancel form.

Over time, old leaves dry out and fall, barrels of the bottom of the trunk, which is why the plant becomes like a palm tree. Often Cordelin is called false palm. And even though the plant blooms with white or red flowers, it does not represent interest, they grow cordelin exclusively because of its leaves. A lot of varieties with motley painted leaves are displayed.


  • Cordilina South in nature grows up to 12 m, the barrel is nothing, thick at the base. Mamia-shaped seats reach a meter in length, up to 35 cm wide, have a thick bright veil on a green background. Flowers with white flowers with a pleasant smell collected in a panicle. It grows well in indoor culture and in winter gardens.
  • Cordilina Benks - a plant with a thin stem up to 3 m height. Leaves with a length of 60 cm to 1.5 m, green, on stiffs up to 20 cm long. Requires cool content, but well adapts to the cultivation conditions.

  • Cordilina undivided in natural conditions is a high wood up to 12 m high, with tanning-like decisive leaves 70-150 cm long, green with a red vest.

  • Cordilina Red - is a shrub of 3-4 m high with red leathery leaves up to 50 cm long on a groove tube up to 15 cm long. Purple flowers are assembled in a rink of up to 30 cm.

  • Cordilina straight with gear narrow green leaves 30-60 cm long. There are molds with leaves of purple coloring.

  • Cordilina Upper or shrub - a thermal-loving slow-growing view with leaves with a length of 30-50 cm. A varieties with leaves decorated with longitudinal stripes of red, cinnamon and lightning color are removed.


  • Kiwi - dark green leaves with pink edge and yellow stripes;
  • Red Edge - the leaves of red-pink border and cream strip in the middle;
  • SNOW - on the leaves of white stripes;
  • Lord Roberts - with white-pink stripes on the leaves;
  • JOUNGII - a plant with red-brown leaves;
  • Canario - wide leaves with bright green stripes.

Flower care

Temperature and lighting - Peppercut varieties need abdomen, in the shade of the color of the leaves becomes green. Cordelins with dark green coloring leaves perfectly feel in a half. You can put a plant into a deaf shadow, but in this case one day a week or 5-7 days a month it is necessary to put it in place lit by bright scattered light.

In the summer, all the Cordelinam is most suitable for the temperature in the range of 20-25 degrees. Watch that in winter it does not fall below 18. The plant does not like drafts.

The humidity of the air and watering - in the summer and in the spring, the Cordelin is watered about 2-3 times a week, and the upper layer of the soil should dry out slightly. In winter, watering is reduced, not allowing, but the drying of the earth coma . Correelins with wide sheet plates require moisturizing more abundant than narrow-on - their leaves will evaporate a lot of moisture.

Air humidity should be increased all year round. In winter it is impossible to keep the plant next to heating devices. From time to time, rub the leaves with a wet cloth.

Fertilizer and feeding - in spring and summer - once a week, in winter - once a month with a comprehensive fertilizer for decorative plant plants.

Soil and transplant - Cordilina can be grown on hydroponics. The soil needs a weakly acidic, lightweight, a pot of ordinary shape and good drainage. Plant transplanted once every 2-3 years. The signal to the transplant can serve as roots discovering from pot.

Blooming and trimming - at home flowering rarely occurs. When the Cordelin is ugly stretch, it is cut off, sprinkled with a cut with a rotten activated carbon. This contributes to the formation of new shoots, allows you to preserve an attractive appearance. Cropped tops can be cut into parts and root.


Reproduction of seeds

Growing from seeds of varietal plants Cordeliny losing parent signs. Seize seeds in March in a sandy-turden substrate. Cover the vessel with a glass or transparent film and contain in a warm place with high humidity. Do not forget to venture and moisturize the soil.

Seeds board very uneven: the first shoots appear often in a month, the latter - after three. As the seedlings are growing a little, neatly flat rod get young plants from the soil and pick up the small pots.

Reproduction of cuttings

Cordellin can be multiplied by the top or stem half-resistive cuttings with a length of at least 7 cm. The slice is treated with a mixture of heteroacexin or corps and repeated activated carbon and planted into the sand-peat mixture. The landing is covered with a transparent film, contains at a temperature of 20-22 degrees and often spray.

The rooting should occur within a month. Separate rooted cuttings in small pots.

Reproduction root shoots

If the Cordelin has side shoots, when they grow up a little, they are easy to reject while transplanting the plants in a separate pot.

Pests, disease and possible problems

Cordelin is amazed by a shield, waves, a spider tick, trips and torment cherver - treat the plant insecticide. Remember that the web tick is annoying only by those plants, spray that are not enough.

  • The bottom of the stem rejected - overflow.
  • On the leaves, light dry stains - sunburn.
  • Pestro painted leaves became green - insufficient lighting, rearrange the cordelin into a lighter place and gradually leaves will again become a motley.
  • Brown spots on the leaves - excessive watering.
  • Leaves lose elasticity, twisted and darken - too low temperature.
  • Dry tips or edges of leaves - dry air indoors.
  • The soil is covered with a whitish touch - it spoke out of very hard water, you need to carefully remove the top layer of the soil and replace it with a new one.
  • Observe only the bottom leaves are a natural growth process.

Cordilina - a beautiful plant having decorative leaves relating to the family of agave and to the category of false palm trees.

Motherland - Tropical forests of Asia, Australian, African and American continents. In natural conditions, the species reaches a height from 2 to 10 meters, and in a pot it rarely reaches 150 cm.

The house flower will live for a very long time, as long as she grabms and lights. Sometimes some kinds of Cordilina are called the drasa.

Cordilina: Views and photos

10 species use the greatest popularity Flower.

Cordilina Upshchennya

Cordilina Alevnament is a tree with a direct false barrel, which occasionally happens weakly branched. Height can reach up to 2 meters.

With apartment content most often the leaves cover the plant from the soil, and the bush for a long time remains compact, without trunk.

The inflorescence of this type is a stubborn mold. Flowers of small size are mostly white and less frequently reddish. There are forms with decorative leaves.

Cordilina Kiwi

Cordilina Kiwi is a fluffy plant of a bush form. Leaves of her dark green color with yellow stripes, bordered. Kima leaf plates of intensive raspberry color.


Cordilina Straight - High Plant Having a Slim Sverhead, rising to a height of up to 3 meters. Leaves are quite large, green or purple color. It is better grown in the coolness. Optimally room with a temperature of +15 to +18 degrees.

Cordilina Australian (Cordilina South) is the highest view that in nature reaches 12 m. Externally, the type of all is similar to the palm. The leaves of the sword-shaped form have a length of up to 90 cm.

Inflorescences up to a meter in length and consist of very fragrant colors. Sometimes the plant is called Cordilipiline South Australian.

Cordilina Red occurs from the Australian continent. In natural conditions, it grows up to 3 m highs. Because of this, the second name of the plant is Cordilina Shrub.

Leaves from dark green to bright red, fruit with a diameter of up to 1 cm bright red. The plant is unpretentious and can be content with minimal departure for a long time. In the summer it is useful to endure it on open air.

The mixing plant is not a variety, but assembled on one pallet various types of plants.


In the wild form Cordilina Fruuticosis has a dark green color. Breeders brought more decorative forms with leaves, which combine strips of various shades of raspberry and pink colors. The inflorescence of this species is a loose sweater.


Meets in the forests of New Zealand. The plant has a straight trunk. Its height reaches 3 m. The leaves up to one and a half meters in length form dense beams.

The top of the leaf plate is green, and the bottom is gray-green. White flowers. To the apartment content flower adapts quickly.


The Cordilina Stalver undivided has a thin and almost not bent. The shape of the leaf is remover. In the middle of them passes the alkaline of red. The plant is extremely unpretentious.

Also on sale you can find other types:

These types are more rare and more complex in care.

Growing at home

For normal well-being plants, he needs quality care.

Temperature In the summer and winter period, the flower temperature should change. In the warm season, the optimal indicator from +20 to +25 degrees. In winter, it is necessary to lower the temperature to +14, + 16 degrees.
Lighting The need for intense light, but without entering the flower of direct rays. The equally good plant feels with natural and artificial lighting.
Watering and humidity The need for water is high. Summer flower watered in 3 days, and in winter - in 5 days. Air humidity is needed high. Leaves spray from 2 sides every day.
Podkord The feeders are carried out by complex universal fertilizer for room colors from March to the end of September 1 time in 2 weeks.
Transfer The transplant is carried out only at the moment when the roots of the flower go beyond the pot. In the spring, annually replaced the top layer of the soil. For drainage on the bottom, the layer of clay with a thickness of 3 cm is laid. Within it, the roots are puments.
The soil The soil is needed nutrient consisting of a delicate land, deciduous land and overworked manure taken in equal amounts. If the primer for cordilina is too dense, it can be diluted with sand.


The plant is multiplied by seeds or vegetatively. In the conditions of the apartment reproduction seeds are not effectiveSince new plants do not keep signs of maternal.

When growing from seeds, they are sown in spring into wet soil, composed of equal parts of sand and peat. Close up seeds to a depth of 1 cm. After that, the pot is covered with a film. Sprouts appear in 2 weeks. Prication of seedlings in individual pots are carried out in phase 4 of these leaves.

A simpler and effective way of reproduction is succession of roasting childrenwhich under good conditions are produced abundantly. The process is cut off with a part of the root and, sprinkling the wound activated carbon, plant a pot with light, fertile soil. To cover the plant is not required.

In the event that if it randomly broke off from the plant, if you wish, you can try to root. As a method of planned reproduction, this method should not be applied. The broken part is cut smoothly and put in a jar with water, which is closed by dark film (the plant will not give roots in the light).

Optimally add a little substance that contributes to the formation of roots. As soon as the escape shall form a high-quality root, it is planted into the ground suitable for the plant.

In this video, the amateur flower divide is divided by its experience of shilling and care:

Diseases of the tree practically do not affect. Most pests are not dangerous For culture, but it can be attacked:

  • trips
  • shields.

Cheat tricks

In order for the plant to be as bright as possible, it is useful to air the room in which it is located daily. Culture feels well in a closed room, but the influx of fresh air enhances the exchange processes in the leaves, from which the color is saturated.

For brightness, the color may also need additional lighting.

For growth stimulation in late spring or summer It is useful to pour a flower with a solution prepared from chicken litter at a concentration: 1 part of the litter on 20 parts of water.

It should be noted that there are almost no special superstitions about Cordilina, some believe that it has a positive effect on the creative abilities of people.

Therefore, it is almost never the question of whether it is possible to keep at home this species. The plant is attractive and unpretentious.

Cordilipilina will decorate any apartment or office and will delight the owner with its unusual species.