How to put the begonia tubers in the spring. Begoniaball Begonia - landing and care at home. Caring for Begonia Tubery after disembarking

20.03.2021 Information

Under favorable conditions, growing rapidlyAlready three months after the rooting of the cutter may occur in bloom, and in a year the young plant will almost impossible to distinguish from an adult (about why Begonia does not bloom and how to achieve beautiful buds, read B).

One of the important features of the begonia is its root system. Depending on the type of plant, it can be:

  • tuber (forms a round or flat tuber);
  • rhizuy (forms a thick rhizome, located horizontally);
  • branched (without modification).

With any structure of the root system, it always extends not deep into the soil layer, but in parallel its surface. It is worth considering when transplanting and choosing a pot and substrate.

How to grow a healthy and beautiful begonia, learn from.


Here you can see photos of the plant.

In which cases requires a transplant?

Every 2-3 years any room plant must be replantBecause during this time the substrate is depleted, and the roots become closely in the pot (about how to transplant begonia and care for her after the procedure can be read). There are cases when an unscheduled transplant is required:

Other options are possible, for example, fertilizer abuse, incorrectly selected soil or reproduction of begonias by dividing the bush (as?). In any of the cases, it is important to be clearly observed and carefully consider the further care of the plant.

Optimal time

The optimal time for the transplant is considered the beginning of springWhen the plant begins to leave the condition of rest. Adaptation during this period will take place much faster than in the fall or in winter, when all the processes of vital activity slow down.

Attention! It is categorically not recommended to carry out a transplant during flowering. With the exception of emergency cases, when the delay can lead to the death of the plant, it is necessary to wait for the moment when Begonia will flash.

Subtlety of the process

The subtlety of the implementation of the transplant process largely depend on the specifics of the specific type and structure of the root system. But general rules remain unchanged:

Begonia roots are thin and fragile, when transplanting is important not to damageOtherwise, the rooting process can take much longer. If a significant damage is inflicted, the plant may not get involved, start yellowing and fading.

Proper home landing with a process and other ways

There is a huge number of ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • leaves;
  • tubers;
  • rhizomes;
  • lateral proceedings (kids);
  • dividing bush.

Regardless of the selected method, it is necessary to remember that the landing is best to exercise in the spring, because it is during this period that the most chance of successful rooting of a young plant is most. For the first landing, it is better to choose small containers with a diameter of up to 10 cm.

Although adult begonias feel better in ceramic potsFor the young plant it is quite suitable and plastic, since in less than a year in the case of successful rooting it has a transplant. It should be understood that the young plant is much more fragile than its adults, so it needs to create optimal conditions. It is possible to do this with the help of greenethylene greenhouse, in which increased temperature and humidity will be constantly maintained.

Important! Begonias are poorly tolerated lowering the temperature (the minimum permissible value of +15 degrees), but also overheating for them is no less destructive. The temperature in the greenhouse should not exceed +28 degrees, otherwise it can cause irreparable harm to the plant.

Step-by-step instruction

If the time is suitable, the substrate and the new pot are prepared, you can proceed to a transplant. The sequence of actions is extremely simple:

  1. The bottom of the new pot is laid out the drainage layer, for example, clay. On top of it, a small amount of charcoal can be placed on top of it for better protection of the root system.
  2. Next, the layer of the Earth is thick, with a thickness of approximately 2 cm.
  3. Begonia is carefully removed from the old pot.
  4. The root system is subject to attentive inspection, all damaged, dried, missing areas must be removed. In case of suspicion of fungus or mold, it is recommended to process the root system with a solution of fungicide.
  5. Next, Begonia is placed in the center of the new pot and neatly poured in a circle with the substrate so that the pot to the upper edge remains at least 1 cm. It is not necessary to seal and the dumps are not necessary, since the roots are necessary for air access.
  6. It is plentiful to pour a transplanted begonia that the entire substrate is soaked in moisture. Be sure to drain the excess fluid from the pallet after half an hour after watering.

If after watering the substrate in the pot settles, it is necessary to shove the missing number that the roots were completely closed.

How to plant? When transplanting it is important to ensure that the point of growth of begonias remained above the surface. If the plant is planted too deep, it can lead to shockting and death. Save the flower, which has a damage point is damaged, almost impossible.


It must be understood that the first month after a transplant is a period of plants adaptation.When it restores the damaged root system and is mastered in the new substrate. Many inexperienced flower trees trying to help make a mistake that can be destructive for a weakened plant with a transplantation.

In the period when the process of rooting (before the appearance of new leaves and shoots), the begonia is categorically impossible to fertilize, since with a large probability, it can cause roots burns and fading the plant.

In order to help the flower during the adaptation period you can use various stimulants of root formation or amber-based agents. They are not fertilizers and will not harm the plant.

The rest of the maintenance rules remain the same:

  • water as the substrate is drying (2-3 times a week);
  • provide good lighting, but take care of direct sunlight;
  • maintain a temperature of + 20-24 degrees, avoid drafts, supercooling, overheating;
  • maintain air humidity 60-80% (spraying leaves can not!);
  • after successful rooting, regularly make feeding.

Beauty-Begonia is considered an unpretentious plant, but each home flower is the attention of its owner. A successful transplant conducted by all the rules and proper care will be a key to the fact that in the next few years, Begonia will grow and bloom, creating a cozy warm atmosphere in the house.

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(BEGONIA TUBERHYBRIDA) - a perennial grassy plant that appeared as a result of crossing several types of begonias. It has juicy branching stems. Large leaves, heart-shaped. The height of plants, depending on the variety, fluctuates in the range of 17 - 77 cm. Rhizome plants thickened, tuberous, up to 6 cm in diameter.

Begonias are divided into the following types:

  • small-bedroom (3 cm in diameter);
  • mednical (up to 7cm in diameter);
  • large-flowered (7 - 20 cm in diameter);
  • ampel.

Strevy Begonia has a variety of coloring: red, pink, yellow, white and many other shades.

REFERENCE! An important feature of the begonia is a long blossom. In room conditions, it blooms from May to October, and in the open soil - from June to September.

Begonia tube can be planted in January. Late spring is considered a deadline - May month. When landing, it is important to take into account some features, namely:

  1. The tubers who will disembark should not have spots, dents and signs of fungus, and to touch to be dense. If the tubers are planning to buy, then it is worth doing this in March. At this time, the kidneys should appear.
  2. First, Begonia is planted into light soil. Alternatively, you can use a pure peat. And only then the plant is transplanted for a permanent place (in a pot or outdoor ground).
  3. You should take care of landing the tuber "the right" side. The tubers plant a convex side down - from there will germinate roots. The more flat side of the tuber must be at the top, the shoots will be thrown out of it.


Begonia loves loose soil with low acidity. For its landing, you can purchase the finished soil, and you can prepare yourself. The optimal soil mixture for it should consist of the following components:

  • peat - 1 part;
  • humid - 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • sheet land - 3 parts.

For good growth and magnificent blossoms of Begonia, it is important to choose the pot to choose her. First of all, it must be equipped with a drainage system. In addition, it should not be close. The optimal size is determined by the distance from the tuber to the edges of the pot, which should be approximately 4-5 cm.

How to make it right?

Tell how to put it right.

In a pot

First, consider the main aspects of planting a begonia in a pot. Such a landing technology consists of the following steps:

  1. Clear clubs from old roots.
  2. Place in a weak mortar for half an hour.
  3. Make a hole in the soil and put the tuber up in her the kidney.
  4. Carefully fall asleep the tuber soil.

Further task - ensuring the most comfortable conditions for the plant. The air temperature should be about 15-20 degrees.

After the rustling of tubers at 5-6 cm (about 2 weeks), soil is added to the pot. As a rule, the young plant leaves 2 or 3 shoots, and the rest are removed.

In open primer

Landing a tubebean in an open ground in the garden is usually carried out after all frosts. Some gardeners plant begonia already in MarchBut in such cases it must be covered with special material. Consider the order of planting Begonias below.

  1. Choose a bright place protected from a strong wind. Begonia is well tolerated by half, but is afraid of the straight rays of the sun.
  2. To dig holes, on the bottom of which to place a mixture of ash and humus. The distance between them depends on the size of the plants. Large places from each other at a distance of 30 cm, medium - 20 cm, and small - 15.
  3. After landing, it is necessary to climb the soil ashes ash and humus.


And the process looks in the photo.

What cases do you need to transplant?

As the tranqueny begonias grow and develop, it requires a transplant. Tesne for the root system is destructive. The plant in this case will gradually get quiet, and the flowering will become scarce and gradually stop completely. Here will help the timely transplant in a more spacious pot.

When is it best to do?

As a rule, the optimal transference time of Begonias, as well as for all plants - Spring. It is recommended to do this before the development of sprouts, so the beginning of March is the best period.

To successfully transplant begonia, you should follow the following instructions:

  1. Carefully remove the begonia's tube from the old pot, pre-hard watering the ground.
  2. Clean it from dry and rotten roots. If there are rotten plots on the club, it is necessary to cut them off with a knife. Sections of cuts spray with chopped wood coal.
  3. Place the tuber in a manganese solution for 30 minutes. This procedure is carried out for disinfection purposes.
  4. Plant a plant in a pot with a pre-prepared soil. Since the begonia is a superficial root location, the pot is worth choosing a non-deep, but wide enough. When using a deep pot, you follow the third part to fill in gravel.

IMPORTANT! For faster germination of shoots, it is not necessary to fully fall asleep the tuber. It is better to add the soil as the plant grows.

What to do after?

First of all, begonia should be located on the windows of Western or East side of the house. This is explained by the fact that Begonia transfers the half and afraid of direct sunlight. Correct care at home is a guarantee of health for any plant, including for begonias. The care of the begonia after transplantation (or landing) includes the following:

  • Watering. The frequency of watering the begonia is depends on the time of year. As a rule, it is usually worth it to watered 1 time in 2-3 days with warm water. You can pre-clean it by passing through the filter. In the summer, when solar and hot weather, it is necessary to increase the intensity and irrigation frequency.
  • Spraying. Since Begonia does not like moisture from entering the leaves, it is recommended to spray the air around it. Air moisturizing contributes to better growth and more lush flowering. This procedure is optimally conducted 2-3 times a week.
  • Podkord. Begonia feeding must be carried out with mineral and organic fertilizers, alternating them. As a rule, feeding is held 1 time in 2 weeks, starting in May. In October, she stops.

In addition to the above-mentioned care measures for the begonia, do not forget about timely soil looser.

In the garden outdoors

The care of the begonia in the open ground differs little from the care of the pot. It includes:

  • Watering. After planting clubs in open ground, abundant watering should be provided. At the same time, it is impossible to allow moisture stagnation. Water the best in the morning.
  • Podkord. The open ground begonia needs to be picked by complex mineral and organic fertilizers. It is optimal to do 2 or 3 times over the entire growing season.
  • Weeding and loosening. In a timely manner, we must carry out weeding weeds, thereby loosening the soil. It is necessary to do it extremely gently so as not to damage the root system.
  • Removal of dried flowers and leaves. In order for Begonia to please their bloom, if necessary, remove dried flowers, leaves and shoots.

Tip! Begonia does not like to enter the leaves during watering. In addition, the abrasion of moisture in the soil can cause the appearance of mold and rot.

Fudge Begonia - Pretty Unpretentious PlantBut requires the right approach to landing and. If you comply with the above rules and recommendations, you can successfully grow. Cover with this business on the shoulder not only experienced flower, but also a novice fan.

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Often street and indoor flowers require much attention to themselves. This also applies to the popular plant among Russian gardeners, which is often used to decorate flower or balconies.

Before starting landing Begonias for the flower beds, it is worth noting that it is possible to count on a good result only if you plant several types of plants with different shades of flowers. But not everyone affects the pocket to buy a large number of plants. In addition, no one can ensure that the flower does not die during transplantation. The most reliable way to plant and growing plants at home. Thus, you can get the number of colors and with those shades that you need for.

Flowers Begonias

Grow the tube begonia at home is not as simple as it seems. To obtain a sufficient number of young stems and be confident in their further flowering, you need to consider all the features of their cultivation. Begonia has several hybrids forms, each of which belongs to the perennial tube plants of herbal type. Each of the begonia hybrids has branched fleshy stems. Depending on the forms of bushes and the size of the flowers, several hybrid species of the tubegon are distinguished:

  • large-flowered, with sizes of flowers from 9 to 21 cm;
  • mednicalwalks - the size of flowers up to 8 cm;
  • small-color, or multiflora;
  • ampel - flowers appear on a long vine.

Choosing a hybrid for his flowerbeds, the flowerfield should remember that each of the types of begonias refers to lighting. Large-flowered Begonia loves her half and actively blooms in such conditions. Hybrids with smaller flowers more like the abundance of sunlight. All without exception, the tube's tube hybrids negatively relate to the sharp drops of temperature and weak freezers. Blossom also worsens noticeably with insufficient watering. In this case, the roots of the plants cannot develop, and Begonia, most likely die.

The cultivation of begonias from seed is hampered by the fact that seeds of plants have very small sizes. So that the planting was performed easier, each of the seeds producer covers a special soluble shell. Sowing seeds in prepared pre-substrate is performed in two ways. In the first case, seeds can be sowed directly into the soil, after which the soil must be moistened to growth stimulants. In the second case, granulated begonia seeds are laid out on a thin layer of snow. As soon as it melts, seeds will fall into the moistened soil.

Young seedling begonias

After sowing, the container with seeds must be covered with a transparent film. In the process of growing the tube, constantly monitor the room temperature. Actual all sections are developing at a temperature of from 20 to 25 ° C. The soil must be constantly wet, otherwise the seed shells can harden and will not allow you to bite up with young spons.

It is possible to breed the tube begonia not only by sowing seeds. You can get healthy bushes with an abundance of colors with the help of a tuber, by dividing it or using leafy cuttings. One of the most common ways is to grow begonia from the tuber. Collect material for planting is needed immediately after the last donor bush flowers have shot. To do this, dig up the tubes of Begonias, leaving for them a large number of grounds, and we are waiting for the soil dry. After that, we put tubers in a container with peat and sand and leave for the winter.

The breeding of begonia tubers

To save the tuber in winter, the vessel from the ground is necessary to water from time to time. As soon as the cold will be held, the tubers will need to be cleaned of land and transplant to a permanent place.

Another popular method is the division of an adult healthy tuber. This planting method is also used after winter frosts. For planting the tuber needs to be divided into several parts. The height of each of the halves should not be more than 10 cm. During the division of the tuber on each of its parts, it is necessary to leave a minimum of one kidney. In the location of the cut, you need to attach a large number of rapid ashes.

Cut parts of the tuber put in a container with moisturized ground. Seedlings should stand in a vertical position. The vessel is covered with a transparent film or glass and put into a warm room with a lot of sunlight. As soon as the plant is rooted, the first leaves will seem on the stem. Noticing this, immediately remove the film and transplant the begonia into a separate container. So that the stem continue to grow, often water it and feed it with special fertilizers.

The extension method does not use so very popular as the first two. For this method of landing, it is necessary to choose a stalk, on which there are at least 2 kidneys. Leaves growing on it, you need half to cut. To rouding the seedlings, it is necessary to use a substrate consisting half of sand and peat. The hole is done in the soil and prepared cuttings are accurately placed in it. Next, the vessel needs to be covered with a transparent package or put a cropped bottle of plastic on top. While the cutlets will be rooted, it is necessary to regularly collect from the capacitance cover formed condensate. If you do everything right, then the roots will appear after 3 weeks after landing.

As practice shows, not all flowers know how to properly care for the tube begonia grown from the seeds at home. As a result, the plant ceases to actively grow and develop. The first big error is illiterate lighting. It is a more comfortable that this plant feels in a well-lit room, but not under the right sunny rays. Begonia is well adapted for growth in the shade, for example, under the trees in the garden. Experienced flowers do not advise you to put a pot with a plant in place with unstable lighting. In this case, the flowers can quickly turn. The growth rate of begonia is strongly affected by sunlight and heat.

Flower transplantation

For example, if a potted pot with a plant was standing in the western side of the house, and later it was put in the southern part, then burns will appear on the leaves. Another example is when the plant is in the northern part of the house, it may not bloom at all. And if you take a begonia on the northern terrace, then there it can give a chic bouquet of flowers. Therefore, every amateur of this plant should independently select the optimal conditions for cultivation. Another important factor is watering. During the summer heat, the flower requires a large amount of water. But if your Begonia is still small, then with irrigation you need to be careful, otherwise you can damage the unstable tubers of the plant.

Flowers and begonia leaves do not like moisture, so do not bother the plant. Otherwise, bond pests will appear, because of which the flowers can be understood, and large spots will occur on the leaves. Between the irrigation of the plant, the earth must be given a time to dry. If the weather is very hot, then the container with the plant needs to be cooled from time to time. Sometimes it will be necessary to spray the room, but not allowing water to get into the begonia itself. At the end of the hot season, the plant needs to water a smaller amount of water, and at the end of the autumn, the tubers need to be removed to winter.

The tubing is very sensitive to various feeding. Therefore, during vegetation, the plant fertilize at least 2-3 times. It is best not to apply feeding one type, but to plunder and organic, and. For the first time adding the feeder stands during the formation of buds 10-14 days after the transplantation. From the assortment of organic feeding it is best to use a coward. Before adding it is worth calculating the proportion. To get a good result, on 1 m 2 you need to take 10 liters. Fertilizers and add 2 born acid into it.

Flower fertilizers

As soon as the first flowers appear, it is worth a fertilizer again. The plant will need a comprehensive feeding with phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium in the composition. Each of the components should be at least 80. The third feeder should be added no earlier than in 2 weeks. The fertilizer should include 20 pieces of a cowboat and 1 part of the magnesium sulfate. For the fourth time in the soil, you will need to add potash fertilizer, and in the fifth - the potash-phosphoric feeder with the addition of 15 g. Magnesium sulfate.

If you do not adhere to the basic rules of care, Begonia can get sick. For example, the plant is often weakening due to excess water or lack of light. In such cases, it is worth changing the situation around the plant and find a new habitat for him.

One of the most frequent diseases of the tube begonia is the appearance of malical dew. The main symptoms of this disease include white round spots on the leaves, something resembling a raid. After some time, the stains merge, and the leaves become brown and dry. To cure a plant, it is worth sprinkling with special solutions based on colloidal sulfur. If you notice the disease at its first stage, the copper-soap solution can help. For its preparation it is necessary to take a liter of water, 2 g. Of the vitriol and 25 g.

Puffy dew on begonia leaves

In warm weather with high humidity, the plant is often sick of gray rot. In this case, the leaves and flowers of begonias are covered with a dark gray raid, which later turns into a brownish rot. A mucise may appear on the begon's buds, and the leaves will begin to black and spin. Changes are also stems - they will become brittle. As soon as the level of humidity decreases, the damaged areas of the leaves will die and fall out, leaving small holes in the leaves.

Another disease is provoked by microscopic fungi. To destroy them, begonia should be treated with copper vigor. In order to prevent premises with a plant costs more often to ventilate and cut watering. Often Begonia is sick with bacterial spot. The main symptoms of this disease include the appearance of watery spots on the bottom of the leaves. After some time, the stains will be dark, and the shoots will acquire a black shade. To protect begonia, once every 2 weeks it is worth sprinkling copper chlorokis. The affected leaves should be immediately removed from the stem, and the soil is to be disinfected with special drugs or heat a little.

Video: Begonia Care

What to do if you did everything right, but for some reason your plant does not want to bloom? What is it connected with? There may be several reasons. This plant is quite capricious, therefore, first of all, it is worth paying attention to the conditions in which it is located. Specialists advise to move the plant to the northern part of the house and wait a couple of days. The presence of colors on the begonia stem directly depends on the age of the plant. The older it is, the more colors will be, and the more stable they will.

Blooming Begonia

On a grown out of the tuber, the first flowers may appear only by the end of the summer - after 2-2.5 months after the transplant to the soil. The number of buds and colors strongly affects the lack of light, dry air or the presence of drafts. In all these cases, it is worth immediately eliminating the preventive factor. If necessary, stop adding nitrogen or potassium to the soil. Experts are often advised to completely replace the land in a pot. To do this, the plant needs to be carefully pulled out from the tank and rinse the roots, after which it immediately returns to the pot filled with new land.

Begonia is a tuberous - a grassy perennial plant that forms a tuber due to the growing part of the stem (section between the attachment of the seedlings and the root cake). This is the main feature of the begonia of the tube, and its main dignity in very beautiful flowering.


In the middle of 19 tbsp. Began to sell a hybrid of begonias, created from 2 wild species, whose origin was Bolivia. Next, the various types of whose homeyaries were Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Chile. Modern assortment was created on the basis of at least 7 species. The terry forms first brought the breeder of Louis Wang Gutt in Belgium. This state is also called the largest European manufacturer. 400 hectares were allocated for plants in the country, and about 100 million tubers are produced annually.

In the gardening, the varieties are divided into large-flowered, mednical and small-beds.

Popular varieties of large-flowered form:

  • Harlequin - cached, grow up to 24 cm, bloom in yellow with red bordering, flower diameter 11.5 cm;
  • Buton de Rose - Pink-shaped, grown up to 24.5 cm, bloom with a pink tint, a flower diameter of 18 cm;
  • Duck Red - pionic, grow up to 15 cm, dark red shade flower, diameter 10 cm.
  • Popular varieties of fusion form:
  • Multiflora Maxim Wayt - about 16.5 cm grow, a white shade flower, a diameter of 10 cm;
  • Switzerland - height of 15.5 cm, dark red shade flower, diameter 6 cm;
  • Tasso is a height of 15.5 cm, a saturated red shade flower, a diameter of 6 cm.
  • Popular varieties of small bed form:
  • Ami Jean Bard - height 11.5 cm, orange shade flower, 3 cm diameter;
  • La Madelone is a height of 14.5 cm, a pink shade flower, a diameter of 4 cm;
  • Frau Elen Grams - height 11.5 cm orange-yellow flower, 3 cm diameter.

Begonia is characterized by the ability to clean the air in the house, kills harmful microorganisms. In group landing, plant activity increases. In traditional medicine, preparing infusions that accept:

  • man of old age;
  • in colds;
  • bad mood.

Begonia, well-growing and blooming, brings happiness. If the plant fades - this is a signal of the deterioration of the situation in the house or the appearance of ill-wishers.

How to care for begonia at home?

Before boarding, the site preparation. The soil must have water and breathability. Clay, heavy mechanical soil composition are not suitable. They can be improved - deposit sand and peat. Organic fertilizers are introduced into sandy soils with low fertility.

The plant is characterized by sensitivity to intense sunlight. It will bloom beautifully in a half. But if the landing place is very shaded, then the shoots are extruded, the begonia is dumping leaves, the formation of flowers will not be carried out or there will be a bit. The shoots of the bushes very tender, they can damage the wind, so the landing should be protected from strong winds.

Before planting plants soil, you need to water the soil. Throughout the period of growth and development of Begonia, the tube must provide regular watering. But if the soil is overwhelmed, the leaves will begin to fall. A very important point is to arrange drainage, which will ensure the operational removal of excessive water.

Begoniaball Begonia is an unemployed plant, low temperatures are easily damaged. Therefore, it is planted at the end of the spring or early summer.

The plant is seated with a formed sheet apparatus and buds. Before planting tubers, 2.5 months are in the boxes in the earth's substrate (sprouts should appear). Before that, they are disinfected - about 2 hours are kept in a 0.06% potassium permanganate solution or a 0.2% foundation solution. Place in boxes at a distance of 11-12 cm so that there is enough space for the formation of the root system. Tubers fall asleep with an earthy mixture, the tops leave on the surface. Then they need to be evenly pouring and leaving in a lit place at a temperature of 18-20 ° C.

Water as drying. With the third May of May, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of watering for hardening and increase the air frequency. When seedlings grow up to 12 cm, and the roots become well developed, they are transplanted to the permanent site.

In the open soil, the begonia is planted, adhering to a distance of 18-20 cm between adjacent plants. Plants regularly water, not allowing soil moistening. The soil after irrigation is bass, every 2 weeks feed fertilizers.

When the plant grows up to 7 cm, extend the tops to stimulate the formation of lateral shoots.

After the recent rustling of the last 11-12 cm, their tops are cut to form additional twigs. Next, the shape of the bush can be corrected slightly, redundantly long branches cut or deleted. For the awakening of the sleeping kidneys, the top of the bush jester and cut the branches growing at the bottom of the stem.

Diseases and pests: methods of treatment

Begonia is a tuberous - a tender and capricious plant that needs attentive care and care. With improper cultivation, the plant can damage diseases and pests.


  • nematode sheet - damages young shoots, kidneys and leaf apparatus, the plant dies. Bushes are treated with 0.05-0.2% heterophos;
  • the soranged wave - damages young shoots, flowers and leaf apparatus, feeds with juice. In the conditions of the orange, the reproduction process is carried out yearly. The bushes are treated with 2-4% soap solution (200-350 g of household soap at 10 liters of water), infusion of tobacco (100 g insist in warm water of 48 hours, filtered, diluted with water 2 times), insecticide solutions.


  • puffy dew - the whole aboveground part of the bush suffers. Separate spots with a white bloom merge, a mild ridge is formed, the leaves dry out. The begonia is treated with fungicides, a solution of colloidal sulfur (0.3-0.5%), a copper-soap solution (in 1 liter of water, 20 g of soap and 2 g of copper sipop are dissolved);
  • gray rot - causes a disease fungal pathogen. On the plant, stains with a gray shade bloom are formed, then they are transformed into brown rot. The bushes are treated with fungicides, burgundy liquid (1%), copper-soap solution (in 1 liter of water, dissolve 20 g of soap and 2 g of copper vapor).

What to do with the tube begonia in the fall?

In the fall, the initial frosts do not harm the tubers, therefore the begonia is digging after the leaves of leaves. A significant increase in tubers occurs at the end of the growing season due to the accumulated stock of nutrient elements and laying the renewal points.

In the house there is a potted plant in the summer of the flowers almost until the end of autumn. In October, the irrigation intensity is reduced. After completing flowering, shoots cut off, the tubers remain in dry ground or sand at a temperature of 8-10 ° C. In March - April they are transplanted into a fresh soil mixture, regularly watered. When sprouts appear, the pots are placed in the light. If a large number of sprouts are formed, they are partially used for cuttings, leaving 1-2 better escapes.

How to keep a tube begonia in winter?

After digging, the tubers are neatly cleaned from the soil, dried during ventilation. After 2 weeks, the remaining shoots are removed, and well-dried tubers are tightly placed in a box in one layer, sprinkled with dry sand or peat, stored at 11-12 ° C.

How to propagate the tube begonia?

There are 3 methods of reproduction:

  • seeds;
  • tubers;
  • cuttings.

The method of breeding seeds has a number of advantages. During the year we get:

  • conditioner tubers;
  • flowering plants.

Seed seed material at the end of December - early February. The earth substrate is characterized by good moisture intensity and light structure. The begonia seeds are not close in the substrate, spray with water, covered with glass and kept at a temperature of 25-27 ° C. Sowing must be regularly sprayed, but do not allow drip shoots condensed from the inside glass. Glasses should be lifted to ventilating and flowing moisture. After the seeds rose (after 2 weeks from the moment of sowing), the temperature must be reduced to 18 ° C. After another 2 weeks, the glass is removed. In December - January, crops need to be heated 5 hours in the morning and in the evening, in February - March, the dispensing time is reduced.

Pication is carried out twice:

  • when the plants reached the phase of 2-3 leaves - the distance between the neighbors should be 2-2.5 cm;
  • after 30 days, when plants become closely. The distance between the sediment is 5-10 cm.
    1 time in 14 days the seedlings feed the fertilizer solution. When it is very sunny, the plants must be pronounced. It is also necessary to order them - leave outdoors. After 1.5 months, seedlings can be treated.

The maximum increase in tubers occurs in September-October. When sowing in December-January and the corresponding care at the end of the growing season, they grow up to 1.5 cm in diameter.

The method of reproduction with cuttings has an advantage - the varietal signs of the plant are completely preserved. The lack of a method is to reduce the outlet of the planting material. The uterine tubers need to be placed in boxes with soil mixture, trigger with humus and moisturize. When shoots grow up to 6 cm, they carefully climb and sit in the drawers filled with a sandy humus mixture. When it is very hot and sunny, the seedlings are shared, the soil regularly moisturize.

After about 20 days, roots are formed. Plants transplant in boxes, the distance from each other should be 10 cm. Are placed in a well-lit place, at a temperature of 21-22 ° C. In the future, seedlings feed fertilizers and watered. In the fall, they are transported to a greenhouse for growing, keep it until November, reducing the intensity of watering.

Then tubers are processed and laid for winter storage.

To multiply the begonia of the tuber and stem cuttings. In February - March from a pot plant, you need to cut lateral shoots, put in a container with water or put into a pot and cover with glass container. After the formation of the root system, the seedlings are dive.

As a rule, 5-10 kidneys are germinated on good tubers - it depends on their age and size.

They can be cut into pieces of 1-2 shoots. Before landing, the cut must be treated with potassium permanganate solution.

Usage in landscape design

Straight plants are seated into ground containers or on flower beds. They look great on the background of a decorative "wall", in a plastic white color vase with a backstone wall, against a gray rubble or painted pebbles.

The beauty of the blooming begonia of the tube will not leave anyone indifferent, it will improve the mood to each person. It is necessary to care for the plant neatly and painstakingly, but in gratitude you will get beautifully blooming bushes. If you wish, you can equip a magnificent blooming garden on your windowsill.

Currently, there are more than four hundred different types of begonias, and its varietal variety and is at all over the edge of imagination. Some are characterized by elegant flowering, not inferior to the beauty of roses, and other varieties blooming more modestly differ in very decorative foliage. The most popular at the flower flowes are the ever-flowing and tangle begonias. They are naughty, but at the same time very spectacular.

Features of the species

Strevoy Begonia is a perennial, one of the most beautiful species among these colors. Every year its popularity is only growing, and the number of varieties increases. Differences of the tubegon's tube from cornerstone - it forms tubers to 6 cm. It can be grown as a room and as a garden plant.

Begonia has branching stems and shootsand. Depending on the shape of the shrub and the size of the flower, the tubing begonia is divided into the following types:

  • ampelny - plants that are formed on a long vine;
  • large-flowered with a total size of 9 to 21 centimeters (for example, the begonia of Multiflora Maxim);
  • mignettely - the size of the flower comes up to 8 centimeters;
  • small flowered cultures.

Begonia flowers are distinguished by a variety of colorful and shape - from simple to terry, resembling camellia, rose or peony.

The complexity is how to grow a begonia tuber, is that every kind and variety reacts in different ways to the same conditions. For example, large-flowered species grow best and bloom in a half, and small hybrids prefer bright sunny color. However, almost all types are negatively reacting to sharp differences of temperature regime and even weak frosts on the street. Flowering under conditions of insufficient irrigation is noticeably deteriorating. In this case, the root system of the flower cannot fully develop, and Begonia is shortly dies.

Reproduction of begonia

Culture can be multiplied by several ways: seeds, leaf cuttings, growing from a stray rhizome (division).

Landing and care is difficult because the seeds of culture are very small. To landing passed easier, each seed manufacturer sprinkles with a special soluble shell. Sowing seeds in a pre-prepared substrate can be carried out by two methods. In the first case, the seeds can be sown directly into the soil, after which the soil must be moistened to stimulate the growth of culture. In the second case, granulated begonia seeds are laid out on a thin layer of snow. After the snow melts, the seeds will independently fall inside the moistened soil.

After sowing seed, the capacitance for landing should be covered with a special polyethylene film. When growing begonias from seeds at home, it is necessary to regularly check the room temperature. Faster all sections appear at a temperature of from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the soil should constantly remain moistened, otherwise the seed shell can be solid, which will not give young borsk.

Growing from the tuber

Growing a plant from the tuber is the easiest and most reliable way. Material for further landing must be assembled immediately after the last flowers of the donor flower will be filled. For this, the tubes of begonias are digging out of the ground, while they leave a little soil. Are waiting while the soil will dry And the tuber is placed in a special container filled with peat and sand. Landing remains in the container for the winter. To save the plant in winter, the capacity with the soil should be water from time to time. After the cold is held, the tuber needs to be cleaned and put it on the permanent place of cultivation.

Another common method is the division of an adult tuber. This method of landing is also used after the winter season.

Shining plant

The extension method does not use much popular as the first few. For such a landing method, you need to choose a cutter on which two kidneys will be available at once. Leaves growing on it, half cut off. For quick rooting, seedlings can be used by the substrate, which includes a mixture of peat and sand. In the soil, you should create a special well and in it gently put a pre-prepared stalk.

After the container, you can cover the transparent package or set up the cropped part of the plastic bottle. While the cutlets will actively root, It is necessary to regularly collect the resulting condensate from the cover. If everything is done correctly, the roots are formed already after three weeks from the moment of landing.

Plant care

Uncomfortable conditions of existence lead to the fact that the plant ceases to grow and is poorly developing. Especially fast to the diseases of the plant leads incorrect lighting, to which the begonia is very sensitive.

Growing and care for this species It is impossible to call simple. Before purchasing it, you need to clarify which lighting prefers the selected variety. In any case, put the pot into the place that will be well covered, but will be protected from direct sunlight. It is not recommended to place a plant in a place with unstable lighting, it can lead to the crepe of buds. It is noted that in the northern windowsill, the begonias practically do not bloom. The movement of the plant often affects the deterioration of the state. If the begonia grew from the west side, on the south it can get burns of leaves.

Also, colors need to provide a flat warm, but not a hot air temperature.

Watering and spraying

Begonia flowers and leaflets do not endure strong humidity, so the plant itself is not recommended to spray, otherwise bond pests will appear on it, because of which the buds are drunk, and large spots will appear on the sheets. Sometimes it is necessary to spend spraying in the indoor itself, but at the same time not to get to begonia.

With hot weather, the flower requires a large amount of water. Between the irrigation of the soil, you need to give a dross time. Watering a young plant needs to be careful not to damage the tubers.

Fertilizing and fertilizer

Begonia has increased sensitivity to different feeding, so during the growing season the culture should be fertilized at least two or three times. It is better not to use the feeding of only one type, but to plug organic and mineral fertilizers. The first time to add feeding need after the formation of buds, 10-14 days after the transplantation. From large number organic feeding Best for the plant will suit the korovyan. Before using fertilizer, you need to calculate a special proportion. For performance per 1 square. M. Used 10 liters of fertilizer, in which 2 g of boric acid was added.

As soon as the first flowers arise, you need to re-please the fertilizer. The plant needs a comprehensive feeding with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in the composition. Each of the components takes at least 80 grams. The third feeder must be included in the soil no earlier than in two weeks. Fertilizer should consist of 20 pieces of a cow and one part of the magnesium sulfate. In the fourth time, a potash fertilizer should be made in the soil, and in the fifth - potash-phosphoric feeder with an increase of 15 g of magnesium sulfate.

Storage in winter

At the end of summer, watering gradually cuts, at the end of the autumn season, the clubs are cleaned by the winter. To do this, they remove all ground parts and placed in a cool place. The cellar will not fit - there is too cold, it can provoke the development of diseases. In the apartment you can store the tubers near the balcony door directly in the pots, in which Begonia grew, or in a box or box with sawdust, sand, peat, vermiculitis. In winter, tubers are periodically moisturized. New sprouts appear from tubers.

Diseases and treatment from them

From uncomfortable conditions Begonia content weakens and is easily infected with various diseases.

In addition, fungal diseases often amaze begonia. You can deal with them with copper vigor, and for prevention, the room where the plant is placed, you need to regularly venture. Another frequent disease is a bacterial form of spotting, in which watery spots are formed on the bottom of the plant sheet. After some time, the stains will begin to change its color, and the shoots will become black. This disease is incurable, plant need to throw away, And adjust the neighboring copies in quarantine.

However, with proper care, Begonia will delight you with great colors that will appear almost continuously for several months.

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