Hypercholesterolemia ICD code. Hyperholesterolemia. What to form a diet

04.01.2021 Products

The pathological deviation that will be considered in this article is not a disease, but a deviation from the norm, a serious deviation. Hypercholesterolemia primary seems not very dangerous, think the high plasma cholesterol. But with prolonged observation of such values, the situation is only aggravated by leading to severe pathologies.

Code of the ICD-10

As already agreed, the indisposition under consideration is not a disease, but only a deviation. But the seriousness of the changes they entail were confirmed by the serious attitude of the physicians to this problem. After all, hypercholesterolemia in the international classification of disease has its own personal code. According to the ICD 10 - pure hypercholesterolemia - is encrypted as E78.0 and is a paragraph in the category of parables affecting the lipoprotection exchange (the code subsection - E78).

Code of the ICD-10

E78.0 net hypercholysterinemia

Causes of hypercholesterolemia

A certain pathological syndrome, called hypercholesterolemia, a harbinger, talking about the development of defeat blood vessels all blood system Human organism. Such changes affect the nutrition of the heart and other internal organs, brain capillaries, upper and lower extremities. The following failure in the work is a precursor of developing atherosclerosis, complications that can affect any section of the human body, being an impetus for the development of other, more serious diseases.

The causes of hypercholesterolemia are different, and have a diverse nature.

  • This deviation is able to receive by inheritance, with birth. The source of the changed gene is able to become both one and both parents. Defective changes in the gene are associated with violation of information responsible for cholesterol production.
  • The development of violations is practically not prevented if a person abuses food containing a large number of animal fats.
    • Transient manifestations of the disease under consideration can be observed in the event that the patient talked on the eve of a lot of oily food.
    • The constant manifestation can be observed, when the high fatty products are a norm for the patient's diet.
  • The source of failure in the normal functioning of the body, leading to the clinical picture in question, is able to serve:
    • Hypothyroidism is a state developing against the background of a lack of hormones in the thyroid gland, obtained due to operational intervention or the flowing inflammatory process.
    • Sugar diabetes is a disease at which glucose's ability to penetrate into cellular structures is reduced. Sugar indicators are above 6 mmol / l with normal indicators of 3.3-5.5 mmol / l.
    • Obstructive changes affecting the work of the liver. This pathology is due to the worsening of the outflow of bile from the liver, in which it is produced. For example, it can be a gall-eyed disease.
  • Call such a change in the body may also have a long admission of some drugs. These include immunosuppressants, diuretic drugs, beta blockers and some others.
  • The modifiable causes of the development of pathological disorders are those that are adjusted when revising the patients of their lifestyle.
    • Maintaining a minor lifestyle expressed in hypodynamies.
    • Food.
    • The presence of bad habits: abuse alcoholic beverages, drugs, nicotine consumption.
  • Hypertensive disease - persistent high rates arterial pressure.
  • Unmodifiable factors affect the development of this pathology:
    • Predest predisposition - men older than 45 years old.
    • The early relatives for the male line (earlier than 55 years) early atherosclerosis was already diagnosed in the family of the patient.
  • The patient's history has a myocardial infarction, the consequences of which is blocking blood supply to a specific section of the heart muscle, after which it is motioned.
  • Ischemic character stroke, provoking necrotic processes affecting the brain section.

Biochemical violations

In order to understand the causes and consequences of the emergence and development of one or another malaise, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of changes other than the norm. Biochemistry of hypercholesterolemia is violations affecting the lipid exchange procedure.

In the body of a person with food, fat structures of various classification affiliation come in food: comprehensive lipid formations, glycerol esters, free cholesterol, triacylglycerides and others.

After the food entered the digestive tract, the body proceeds to its processing. The food is "folded" to the components, each of which is processed by a certain enzyme. There is a splitting of fats. At the same time, each type of fat structure is processed by its enzyme. For example, triacylglycerides under the influence of liver biocatalysts and pancreatic glands (bile and pancreatic acid) are split into smaller compounds. A similar process occurs with other lipids.

Free cholesterol is adsorbed unchanged, whereas its derivatives having a more complex structure are primary subjected to modifications. Only then there are their adsorption by enterocytes, cells constituting the small intestine mucosa.

In these cells, fats are subjected to further modifications, transforming into forms suitable for transportation that have their name - chilomicrons. They are presented with a fatty drop of microscopic size having a coating in the form of a thin protective shell of phospholipids and active proteins.

In this form, the former fats through the enterocyte barrier enter the lymphatic system, and through it further and peripheral blood vessels.

It should be noted that without the support of other components, the chilomikrons independently penetrate the necessary systems and the organs of the human body cannot. Such support they find in blood lipoproteins (complete connections of lipids and protein formations). Such compounds allow the chylomikrons to "get" to the desired organ, without dissolving in the blood fluid.

It is lipoproteins that play a dominant role in the development of pathology with the name of the hyperlipidemia. This symptom begins to form after there is a violation in the normal operation of lipoproteins.

There is a classification of these enzymatic formations depending on its density. It is the lungs and ultralight lipoproteins that are the cause that provokes the development of the disease. They are produced by the liver, after which they are transported to enterocytes, in which their joining to chilomicron. In such a bundle, this tandem enters tissue layers.

Low density lipoproteins (LDL) are a "transporting authority" for cholesterol, delivering it to organs and systems.

The functional feature of high density lipoproteins (HDL) is to withdraw the surplus of cholesterol plaques from cellular structures, which builds them into the rank of the main guardianship of the body, endowed with anti-studio characteristics.

That is, low density lipoproteins are transport, and high density lipoproteins are protection.

Based on this, it can be understood that hypercholesterolemia begins to develop when a violation occurs in the normal functioning of low density lipoproteins, which, for any reason, cease to disassemble chylomicones on the necessary bodies.

Symptoms of hypercholesterolemia

One of the main signs of the appearance of the departments under consideration is the emergence of a patient "deposits" in the body. There are also symptoms of hypercholesterolemia, which manifest themselves the appearance of such factors:

  • Areas, where the presence of tendons is anomatically substantiated (the Achillovo compound and extensive compounds of the phalange of the upper and lower extremities become especially affected), the swelling and the appearance of bug-sized growths - xantht can be observed. This is, essentially, pockets with cholesterol clusters.
  • Very similar neoplasms can be observed in the lower and upper eyelids, there are affected and internal eye corners. Stains of orange and yellowish tint are beginning to appear - xantellasm.
  • If you look at the patient's eye cornea, then you can notice the rim strip of gray shade.
  • Mostly, the secondary symptoms of deviations from the norm can be observed, which are caused by more serious lesions of the capillary system leading to the development of atherosclerosis, strokes, heart attacks, and so on.

The most recognizable signs of the pathology under consideration are symptoms that appear as indicators of the presence of a person's anamnesis of atherosclerotic changes. The spectrum of such manifestations is quite wide: from the lesion of the brain capillaries, to the circulatory system, providing power to the upper and lower limbs. Depending on the place of preferential localization and there will be some individual features of manifestation.

It should also be noted that the appearance of noticeable symptoms indicates that pathological changes have a neglected character, because the real clinic becomes noticeable only when the cholesterol level in blood serum reaches persistent critical values. Prior to the onset of such moment, bright pathological symptoms may be invisible.

Hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis - this disease belongs to chronic diseases. The basis of its origin is determined by violations, affected lipid and protein metabolism in the patient's body. In physical manifestation, these changes are expressed by the loss of elasticity vessels, they are made fragile. The second essential indicator of the presence of atherosclerosis is the growth of coupling tissues.

High cholesterol, in many cases is the predecessor of atherosclerosis. Therefore, doctors paid special attention to this fact. After research, the results showed that half of the patients with the diagnosis of atherosclerosis, cholesterol indicators remain within the normal range, while the second half has elevated numbers.

Analyzing the results of the monitoring, specialists note that hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis are "hand in hand" when the development of pathology occurs quite quickly.

Various sources provide such figures of the frequency of the joint manifestation of these two diseases - from 60 to 70%. These data were obtained not only by the study of the clinical picture of the disease, but also its comparability with the pathological examination of the state of the vessel walls. A comparative analysis showed that if a person had problems with excess cholesterol, his post-mortem histology showed the progressive development of atherosclerotic characteristics, in the form of recently formed cholesterol sediments inside the capillary passes.

If histology showed the regression of atherosclerotic changes, the lifetime medical map showed the norm or, on the contrary, a reduced cholesterol.

The observations showed that the high level of cholesterol in conjunction with atherosclerosis is more often observed with their early manifestation when the patient has not yet reached 55 years of age. Over time, the clinical picture of the disease is changing, "faded" by various complications.

Hypercholesterolemia in children

The diseases under consideration can be diagnosed in the kid directly after birth. Such pathology can pursue a person throughout life. The swelling of the achillovy su--producers in small patients should alert a qualified physician for family pathology.

Hyperlipidemia in children is usually indicated by increasing cholesterol indicators in the blood from 8.0 to 12.0 mmol / l. This indicator can even be identified in the first hours of life.

Classification of hypercholesterolemia

Having different sources of manifestation, pathology is disposed of different groups. The classification of hypercholesterolemia is a few points:

Primary - pathological changes that have congenital character.

  • The secondary pathology refers to the provoking factor of which is one of the diseases. That is, the person was born healthy on the factor under consideration, but acquired it in the course of life.
  • An alimentary form of the disease is a sublayer secondary, but somewhat is selected separately due to the fact that the impetus for the progression of the disease under consideration is not a specific disease, but a way of life that man leads is his habit. To those can be attributed:
    • Smoking.
    • Abuse of alcoholic beverages.
    • Fatty food addiction.
    • "Love" to Fast Food products, food products, which include all sorts of chemical additives: stabilizers, dyes and so on.
    • Maintaining a larger lifestyle.
    • And other.

The most detailed and more extensive classification was Fredrickson. This is the generally accepted distinction of pathology, depending on the causes provoking its appearance. Although the specificity of the distinctions of the failure in the processes of lipid exchange is fully understood only by a qualified physician.

Types of hypercholesterolemia

The classification of Fredrickson's disease involves the division of the problem under consideration by the etiology, determining its standard affiliation.

The following types of hypercholesterolemia are distinguished:

  • Type I pathology is primary, hereditary. Rarely encountered. Progresses with a deficiency of lipoproteinlipase, as well as in case of violation of the structure of the activating protein of lipoproteinlipase - the apos2. Symptomatio is defined as a high concentration of Hilomicron. The frequency of the manifestation of 0.1%.
  • Pathology of type II - polygenic, or congenital. Shares:
    • IIA Type - low-density lipoprotein lipases. It may be the result of improper nutrition, or a congenital factor has worked. The frequency of the manifestation is 0.2%.
    • IID Type - Reduction of the level of lipoproteinlipases of the low receptor density and the growth of the APs. Diagnostic frequency of about 10%.
  • Pathology of type III is hereditary dis-β-lipoproteinemia. Defect Apia. The frequency of the manifestation is 0.02%.
  • Pathology IV type - endogenous. The increase in the intensity of the formation of triglycerides, as well as acetyl coenzyme A and APOV-100. The frequency of manifestation is 1.0%.
  • Pathology V type - hereditary etiology. Enhanced triglyceride formation and decreased lipoproteinlipase.

Primary hypercholesterolemia

To understand the difference, it is necessary to get acquainted in more detail with the most frequently encountered sources of changes leading to the disease under consideration. The term primary hyperlipidemia received a violation, the main reasons for the occurrence of which is:

  • Disruption of the structural structure of lipoprotein protein, which leads to a failure of the functional consistency of low density lipoproteins, which lose the ability to join the tissue cells, and, therefore, the cholesterols transported by them cannot penetrate into the cell.
  • The process of the production of transport enzymes, which are responsible for the capture of chylomicron lipoproteis, for further transfer to the body systems. This failure leads to the fact that the lack of cholesterol is formed in one place and their cumulation occurs where their excess is not needed.
  • Structural changes affecting the tissue cell itself leading to the loss of its contact with lipoproteins. Here it turns out a situation similar to clause 1, but with the difference that the reason for unsuccessful interaction does not come from enzyme or representatives of lipoproteins, but on the other hand, from the "landing" cell.

Secondary hypercholesterolemia

The other, most often diagnosed variety of reasons is the secondary hypercholesterolemia, which was not inherited, and acquired in the process of his life. The reason for the occurrence of the clinical picture is able to become alcohol if the patient does not know the measure of its use, a sedentary lifestyle and many other factors, directly dependent on the person himself.

Provides the problem and disorders flowing in the endocrine system, pathological changes affecting the work of the internal organs. After all, the body is a single mechanism and a malfunction of one system, consistently entails other changes.

The hyperlipidemia begins to progress if the changes in the transportation of fat structures from enterocytes to cells were affected, or the synthesis of lipoproteins, or the oppression of their disposal occurred.

Hereditary hypercholesterolemia

Autosomal dominant pathology relating to diseases of the monogenic group, that is, determined by only one genome. Violation that affects the failure of low density lipoids. In this case, the violation occurs at the gene level and is inherited, being congenital.

A person such a defective gene can get both from one parent and from both if they have a disease in their own history.

To risk factors high cholesterol Believe:

  • Family history, burdened by this deviation.
  • Diagnosing early-speaking heart attacks, both in the patient himself and his relatives.
  • A large indicator of low density lipoproteins at least one of the parents. Anamnese's governance can be in the stability of the pathogenic situation to drug therapy.

Cholesterol is a natural enzymatic component of many biochemical processes and the necessary cell membrane element. Cholesterol deficiency leads to a failure in the synthesis of various hormones. More than their number enters the human body with animal fat, some of the liver is produced.

Ultraen cholesterol can be divided into one that contributes to the development of atherosclerosis - low density lipoproteins (LDL), and one that keeps under control of its number, on the contrary, protecting against the origin and progression of the disease - high density lipoproteins (HDL). It is the high density lipoproteins that make it possible to reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular deviations.

Family hypercholesterolemia

The ailment of family type belongs to hereditary diseases, which are one of his subspecies. To date, it is responsible for 10% of defects affecting coronary arterywhich are diagnosed in still young people who have not reached 55 years of age. The source of such violations is a mutated gene. This pathology is often found quite often, especially among families living in polluted industrial megalopolis. On 200-300 healthy genes accounts for one mutated.

Family hypercholesterolemia according to the classification of Fredrinkson refers to 2 types. The essence of this ailment is reduced to the fact that due to a failure in genetics, lipoproteins lose the ability to communicate with cholesterol and transport it to the necessary organ. In parallel with this, there is an increase in the number of synthesized cholesterol plaques, which is also a violation.

And as a result - plaques begin to cumulative in places, where they should not be, which leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases, coronary violations. This is one of the reasons for the diagnosis of "early" heart attacks.

Family homozygous hypercholesterolemia

If during the diagnosis, two mutated allele genes of low density lipoproteins is detected and this ailment refers to hereditary, the doctors state the hereditary disease indicating the term.

This mutation provokes a rapid violation of lipid decay, as well as the complete absence of receptors. As it does not regret it sounds, but mutational changes of such a plan are found quite often, one clinical manifestation of a hundred thousand people.

The frequency of the participated pathology is divided into the type of "destruction":

  • In patients with a complete lack of receptors, such activity is shown only 2% of the normal operation, and the level of low-density lipoproteins is growing sharply.
  • When the receptor defect, their work activity enters the interval 2-25% of the rate indicator, the number of low density lipoproteins is slightly lower than the norm.

Heterozygous family hypercholesterolemia

One of the most common varieties of the disease under consideration, the frequency of which is diagnosed as one clinical picture for five hundred healthy cases.

The essence of pathology is the mutation of a single gene leading to its defective defeat. The symptoms of this manifestation of the disease are:

  • Growing the level of total cholesterol.
  • Increasing the number of LDL.
  • The level of triglycerides is close to normal.
  • Diagnosis of early heart disease.
  • Humidated family history.
  • The presence of tendon xantht, although the absence of them in the body is not evidence of health. This is especially true for the children's body. These samples are taken in the field of aghille tendons. Visually, this situation is manifested in swelling and bugish formations. Another area of \u200b\u200bthe appearance of thickens and bugs is the back side of the palms of the upper limbs and flexure tendons Falang.

Diagnosis significantly increases the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases in a patient (for example, ischemic heart disease) is still young.

Such clinical picture It is advisable to recognize even in infancy, it will allow you to aimally control the indicator parameter, not allowing pathological changes in the body.

Pure hypercholesterolemia

It is determined by the increase in the quantitative component of cholesterol in the blood. This diagnosis is set to the patient if this criterion is determined by the number of more than 5.18 mmol / l. This is already a pathology that is the dominant symptom of the development of atherosclerosis.

Medical statistics state that about 120 million people's population have cholesterol indicators in a serum of about 5.18 mmol / l and above, and in 60 million this indicator is already determined by a number 6.22 mmol / l and more.

Diagnosis of hypercholesterolemia

If the doctor, by some signs, begins to suspect the disease in his patient, he assigns a more detailed directional examination, as it is impossible to put the correct diagnosis. Diagnostics includes several required points

  1. Analysis of patient complaints.
  2. Clarification of the statute of the appearance of xantellasma, xanthoma, lipoid corneal arc.
  3. Collect anamnesis of the patient. The presence of a patient or his close blood relatives of such diseases as a transferred heart attack or stroke. Does anyone have a disease from relatives under consideration.
  4. It is necessarily a physical inspection.
  5. The main diagnostic indicator of the disease is the result of the analysis of the specific lipid blood plasma profile - lipidogram. It is based on the number of different lipids (cholesterol, triglycerides, high and low density lipoproteins). They are directly criteria for the presence or absence of pathological changes. The atherogenecy coefficient is determined.
  6. Assign general analysis Urins and blood. Inflammation, other failures and deviations are detected.
  7. Obligatory I. biochemical analysis Plasma, which allows you to determine the quantitative indicators of protein, uric acid, creatinine, sugar levels and other blood components.
  8. Immunological examination of blood allows to determine the presence of antibodies to chlamydia and cytomegalovirus, as well as the level of C-reactive protein is determined.
  9. Modern medical equipment makes it possible to conduct genetic studies to identify a defective gene, which carries information related to the metabolism of lipids. Such a gene is responsible for the hereditary form of alend.
  10. Facing blood pressure.

Nutrition and diet with hypercholesterolemia

This is a very important "brick" in events that are used to relocate the problem. Revising their addictions, the patient can significantly change the situation for the better, significantly reduced the volume of cholesterol plaques in the blood.

If the disease has not come too far. Sometimes it is enough to withdraw from its diet "bad" products and this slight step will keep this indicator on the valid values \u200b\u200bpermissible.

The first thing you need to make the patient is to remove fatty foods of animal origin from its diet. They can be replaced with vegetable analogues. Due to this, it is possible to significantly reduce the number of excess cholesterol plaques. Fatty varieties of fish and fish oil, on the contrary, are desirable in nutrition of such a patient.

It should not refuse meat and meat products, but they should not be fat. A more serious limitation concerns by-products (liver, brain structure, kidneys). It should be minimized smoked and taking eggs (yolks). Cholesterol of such products "Skeins".

Diet with hypercholesterolemia permits the consumption of low fatty dairy products (no more than 1-2%), fermented dairy products.

It should be removed from its diet butter, fast food products, sdobu. By purchasing bakery products, it is necessary to ensure that they are from bran, coarse flour.

In the diet of the patient should include all sorts of cereals cooked on water or low-fat milk. Well brushing the vessels of green tea and nuts. But there is no need to eat nuts, because it is a high-calorie product.

As it does not sound, it sounds, but in moderate doses, alcohol contributes to the process of developing the development of atherosclerosis. But the "therapeutic dosage" should not be higher than the daily rate corresponding to 20 ml of pure alcohol, which approximately corresponds to 40 ml of vodka, 150 ml of wine, 330 ml of beer. Such dosages are suitable for the organism of a man, for women these numbers should be reduced twice. We are talking about a quality product, not a surrogate. At the same time, we should not forget that if a history of cardiovascular pathology is present, alcohol is contraindicated.

It is necessary to remove coffee from drinking. Studies have shown that when refusing to this drink, cholesterol in the body decreases by 17%.

In the diet of such a patient, there must be a necessary amount of legumes, fruits and vegetables, so that the body does not feel a shortage in vitamins and minerals.

If a person loves seafood, scallops, mussels and other seafood are capable of significantly diversify the patient's diet.

For such patients, all dishes must be cooked for a pair, boiled or baked.

Diet menu with hypercholesterolemia

As the recommendations show, the diet with this disease is simple and quite diverse. Therefore, large difficulties in the preparation of the menu during hypercholesterolemia should not occur. And if the patient loves meat, let it enter his dish, it should only be controlled so that the product is not fat and prepared by one of the permitted ways.

One day menu for such a patient can, for example, be like:

  • Breakfast: Casserole - 150 g., Green tea.
  • Lunch: Orange.
  • Lunch: Lean Borsch - 200 g., Fish, baked with vegetables - 150g., Apple juice - 200 ml.
  • Afternoon person: Rubberry decoction - 200 ml., Apple.
  • Dinner: Pearl porridge on water with boiled meat - 150g., Fresh carrot salad - 50 g., Tea with milk.
  • Before bedtime, a glass of kefir.

Total daily amount of bread - 120g.

Treatment of hypercholesterolemia

The therapy of the pathology under consideration includes both drug and non-drug techniques. Treatment of hypercholesterolemia of a non-drug orientation includes several recommendations:

  • Weight control.
  • Moderate physical exertion, individually calculated for each patient. Therapeutic physical culture, morning jog, swimming pool and other components of outdoor activities.
  • Balanced diet in the compliance with all the requirements of the diet under the ailment under consideration.
  • Rejection of bad habits. This is especially concerned with alcohol and nicotine.

If the above methods "not enough" to maintain the level of cholesterol within the normal range, drug therapy is appointed by the doctor.

Medicines for hypercholesterolemia

Initially, after analyzing the clinical picture of the illness, the attending doctor signs for such a patient diet, gives recommendations to change the lifestyle, prescribes therapeutic physical exertion. And if such a set of changes does not lead to the desired result, the specialist is forced to resort to the help of pharmacology.

Mostly patients with such a diagnosis are prescribed statins (for example, atorvastatin), which effectively reduce cholesterol in the body of the patient by oppression of the enzyme activating it.

Atorvastatin is introduced into the body orally at any time of the day, together with food. The starting daily dosage is from 10 mg to 80 mg. The corresponding digit is appointed by a doctor individually for each patient. Throughout treatment, after two to four weeks, cholesterol indicators in the patient's blood should be controlled, adjusting the dosage, respectively.

In parallel with the statins, fibrates that reduce the level of lipids and triglycerides can be prescribed with simultaneous concentration of high-density lipoproteins, as well as the sequesters of bile acids that enhance the process of cleaving excess cholesterol.

A specialist can enter into a protocol for treating omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that regulate the number of triglycerides, as well as favorably affecting the functioning of the heart. Triglycerides are introduced, for example, Ezetimib, blocking assimilation thin intestine cholesterol.

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  • It is necessary to monitor your weight.
  • Avoid high-calorie food.
  • Dispose from your diet, bold, smoked and pepper food.
  • Increase the volume of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.
  • Remove bad habits: alcohol, nicotine.
  • Sports with individually selected loads.
  • Avoid stress and large emotional loads.
  • Periodic control of the number of cholesterol plaques in the blood is necessary.
  • Control of blood pressure.
  • Mandatory full treatment diagnosed diseases that are able to provoke a high level of cholesterol.
  • When the first appearance pathological signs, apply for advice to a specialist and, if necessary, go through medicia treatment.

Hypercholesterolemia - this term doctors denote not a disease, but a symptom that can lead to sufficiently serious violations in the patient's body. Therefore, it should not be ignored even a minor violation of its blood level. In the early deadlines, this pathology can be easily kept in normal due to the corrected power mode and the recommended diet. If this stage of therapy was ignored, then a person risks further to get more complex and sometimes irreversible diseases, for example, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke and others. Save your health to the timely appeal to the doctor is only the person himself. Therefore, be more attentive to your body and do not disappear from its help signals. After all, an eaten piece of oily meat is not worth spoiled the quality of the remaining life!

Hyperholesterolemia (GC) is an increase in cholesterol in serum more than 200 mg / dl (5.18 mmol / l). One of the main risk factors atherosclerosis. Frequency. 120 million people have a blood cholesterol content in 200 mg% (5.18 mmol / l) and more; 60 million - 240 mg% (6.22 mmol / l) and more. The predominant age: elderly. The prevailing floor: male.

Code for the international classification of diseases of the ICD-10:

  • E78.0.
  • E78.6

The reasons

Etiology . The etiology of the primary GC is unknown (see risk factors). The etiology of the secondary GC. Hypotyroidism .. SD .. nephrotic syndrome .. obstructive diseases of the liver .. reception of drugs (progestins, anabolic steroids, diuretics [except Indapamide], B - adrenoblays [other than those of internal sympathomimetic activity], some immunosuppressants).

Genetic aspects. Inherited hypercholesterolemia (* 143890, 19P13.2-P13.1, LDLR, FHC, Â): Hyperlipoproteinemia IIA, xanthoma, IBS.

Risk factors. Heredity. Obesity. Hydodine. Stress.

Cholesterol - component of biological membranes. Based on cholesterol, the synthesis of steroid hormones - genital, GK, mineralocorticoids occurs. Cholesterol circulates in the inner environment of the body as part of lipoproteins. Transport cholesterol is carried out by chilomicon (density<0,93), ЛПНП (1,019-1,063), ЛПОНП (0,93-1,006) и ЛПВП (>1,21). The high risk of atherosclerosis development occurs when the cholesterol content is 240 mg% (6.22 mmol / l) and more. The higher the GX (more precisely the ratio of cholesterol content in the LDL to the cholesterol content in the HDL), the higher the risk of developing the IBS. With the ratio of the LDL to the HDL more than 5: 1, the risk of developing the IBS is very high .. The high level of HDL prevents the development of IBS. It is believed that HDL contribute to the removal of cholesterol from coronary vessels.

Symptoms (signs)

Clinical picture Determined by developing atherosclerosis.


Laboratory research. Definition of LDL, HDP and triglycerides on an empty stomach. Cholesterol level exceeds 200 mg% (5.18 mmol / l). Determination of content T 4 and TSH in initial stage To eliminate hypothyroidism. Caffeine can raise serum cholesterol.



Purpose. In the absence of IBS, a decrease in the level of LDL is below 130 mg%, and then below 100 mg%.
Drug therapy (see atherosclerosis)

The course and forecast. Reducing cholesterol levels by 1% leads to a decrease in the risk of IBS by 2%.

Age features. Children. Screening every 5 years, starting from 6 years. Survey in GC in childhood consider controversial, because There is no clear connection between GC in children and GC in adults. Elderly. The value of the reduction of GX for the prevention of IHD significantly decreases after 70 years.

Reduction. GC - hypercholesterolemia

MKB-10. E78.0 Pure hypercholesterolemia

Application. Insufficiency Lecithin - cholesterol acyltransferase. Lecithin - acyltransferase cholesterol (245900, LCAT, CF, 16Q22, LCAT gene, at least 20 mutant alleles, R) esterifies cholesterol in the structure of LVP, contributes to the transport of cholesterol from tissues to the liver and thereby prevents cholesterol accumulation in tissues. In case of LCAT insufficiency (fish eye disease and Nerum's disease), cholesterol esters as part of the LVL is significantly reduced. Treatment. It is proposed to replace the defective allele with the normal LCAT genome. Fish eye disease (dystrophy of the cornea dyslipoproteinemic, # 136120, Â). Diagnostics: The content of LONP and LNP is increased, cholesterol content is normal. Noruma disease (245900, R). Clinically: Normochromic hemolytic anemia, corneal clouds, proteinuria, CPN. Laboratory (blood plasma): low content of apolipoproteins A - I and A - II, cholesterol ethers, lysolecithin; High cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids.

Reduction. LCAT - l.ecithin. c.holesterol. a.cyl. t.ransferase, Lecithin - Shaleserin acyltransferase.

MKB-10. E78.6 Lipoproteide deficiency (Lecithin's insufficiency - acyltransferase cholesterol).

Cholesterol takes fate in the synthesis of bile acids, genital hormones, adrenal hormones. But in excessive amounts, this substance leads to the development of atherosclerosis, sugar diabetes and ischemic heart disease.

Causes of the disease

To figure out the causes of hypercholesterolemia, it is necessary to study the lipid metabolism process in the human body. Normally, the human body falls in the body of different types that have different cleavage mechanisms. Thus, free cholesterol is absorbed in a free state, and more complex compounds are exposed to enzymes. Light split fats are absorbed into blood erythrocytes, where they turn into transport forms - chilomicrons.

Next, they fall into the lymphatic system and with a current of lymph and blood to other organs. To get to the right organ of chylomicrons need the help of special substances - lipoproteins (a complex consisting of blood lipids and protein). Lipoproteins are different types:

  • with very low density;
  • low density;
  • with intermediate density;
  • high density.

It is the violation of the function of lipoproteins (or lipoproteins - both names are equivalent) with low density can lead to hypercholesterolemia. Lipoproteins of this type carry a large amount of fats to cells and tissues, as a result of which a pathological state is developing under the name of hypercholesterolemia. Depending on the causes of the occurrence, several types of hypercholesterolemia are distinguished:

Among all the causes of the hypercholesterolemia of the first type (hereditary hypercholesterolemia), three mains can be distinguished:

  • defects of protein part of lipoproteins;
  • disruption of tissue sensitivity to lipoproteis;
  • violations of the synthesis of transport enzymes.

Secondary hypercholesterolemia, unlike primary hypercholesterolemia, is developing due to acquired pathologies that lead to violation of the transportation of fats. Cause such violations:

  • alcoholism, smoking;
  • violations in the diet;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • sharp i. chronic diseases Liver and kidney.

Another type of this pathology doctors allocate separately called family hypercholesterolemia.

Such pathology is found in 1 of 500 people. Family hypercholesterolemia is sometimes manifested immediately after birth, in such children the amount of total cholesterol in the cord blood is 2-3 times. Treatment of this pathology is very long and difficult.

Despite the fact that hypercholesterolemia is not an independent disease, it is highlighted in a separate form for the international classification of diseases (ICD 10) and has its own code. Pure hypercholesterolemia has a code on the ICD 10 E 78.0. This pathology relates to violations of lipoprotechnical exchange (ICD 10 E78 code).


The main method of diagnosing this disease is a detailed biochemical analysis of blood, in which it is determined by:

  • determining cholesterol levels (normally does not exceed 5.18 mmol / l);
  • determination of low density lipoproteins, high density lipoproteins and twiglycerides on an empty stomach;
  • to exclude hypothyroidism, the level of thyroxine and TSH are determined.


Symptoms of hypercholesterolemia are various cholesterol accumulations in the body tissues. On the tendons appear cholesterol neoplasms - xanthomas. On centuries and in the field of nose wings, orange pigmentation may appear. Such stains are also depot cholesterol and are called xantellasm. On the edge of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye, a grayish strip may appear and this is also cholesterol deposition.

The secondary symptoms of this disease are ischemic heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis, the defeat of the heart muscle. Although it is worth noting that atherosclerosis is a launched step of hypercholesterolemia. After all clinical manifestations It comes when the cholesterol level in the blood reaches critical values.


Treatment of hypercholesterolemia has great importance For the continued life of the patient and the prevention of complications. For patients with hereditary hypercholesteroles, medication drugs that reduce blood cholesterol are necessary. To this end, the preparations of the statins group are prescribed, which blocking the enzyme enhancing cholesterol synthesis reduce the level of this substance in the blood.

Also shows the use of fibrators and sequesters of bile acids, which are strongly split off excess cholesterol. But it is worth noting that not always drug treatment is more efficient than diet and therapy. Diet with an excess of cholesterol provides for the exclusion of all oily, fried, smoked, butter, sour cream and cream, yolks, baking and sweets. Good example healthy nutrition Is the "Plate Model", where:

  • ½ - vegetable and root salad;
  • ¼ - garnish;
  • ¼ - low-fat varieties of meat or bird.

When increased level Cholesterol in the blood Healthy lifestyle, sports and healthy work and recreation, real wonders are creating. This is the basis of treatment, without which medication drugs are ineffective.

In addition to pharmaceutical preparations This ailment is well treated folk remedies. One of the affordable and useful methods of traditional medicine is the decoction of a richnik, who will not only reduce the level of cholesterol, but also saturate the body with vitamins. Take it recommended in the morning and in the evening.

You can also cook another useful infusion. 10 g of chopped licorice root pour a glass of steep boiling water and withstand 40 minutes on a water bath. After cooling, take 15 ml 5 times a day for 10 days. After a week break, the course can be repeated.

To prevent the development of many diseases and reduce cholesterol to normal indicators It is necessary: \u200b\u200bto adhere to a healthy lifestyle, to do a variety, to eat healthy vitaminized food, refuse nicotine and alcohol, then no cholesterol will threaten your health.

Hypercholesterolemia - description, causes, symptoms (signs), diagnosis, treatment.

Short description

Hyperholesterolemia (GC) is an increase in serum cholesterol in more than 200 mg / dl (5.18 mmol / l). One of the main risk factors atherosclerosis. Frequency. 120 million people have a blood cholesterol content in 200 mg% (5.18 mmol / l) and more; 60 million - 240 mg% (6.22 mmol / l) and more. The predominant age: elderly. The prevailing floor: male.

The reasons

Etiology etiology of the primary GC is unknown (see risk factors) etiology of secondary GC hypothyroidism NEF-level syndrome obstructive liver disease Reception LS (progestins, anabolic steroids, diuretics [other than Indapamide], B - adrenoblays [other than those of internal sympathomimetic activity], some immunosumentes).

Genetic aspects. Inherited hypercholesterolemia (* 143890, 19P13.2-P13.1, LDLR, FHC, Â): Hyperlipoproteinemia IIA, xanthoma, IBS.

Risk factors Heredity Obesity Hydodine stress.

Cholesterol - cholesterol-based biological membrane component occurs the synthesis of steroid hormones - genital, GK, minerocorticoid cholesterol circulates in the inner medium of the body as part of lipoproteins. Transport cholesterol is carried out by chilomicon (density<0,93), ЛПНП (1,019–1,063), ЛПОНП (0,93–1,006) и ЛПВП (>1,21) The high risk of atherosclerosis development occurs when the cholesterol content is 240 mg% (6.22 mmol / l) and more. The higher the GC (more precisely, the ratio of cholesterol in the LDL to the cholesterol content in the HDL), the higher the risk of developing the CHA with the RPNP to the HDL more than 5: 1 The risk of developing the IBS is very high high level of HDL prevents the development of IBS. It is believed that HDL contribute to the removal of cholesterol from coronary vessels.

Symptoms (signs)

The clinical picture is determined by developing atherosclerosis.


Laboratory studies Definition of LDL, HDP and triglycerides on an empty stomach The cholesterol level exceeds 200 mg% (5.18 mmol / l) determination of the content of T 4 and TSH in the initial stage to eliminate the hypothyroidism caffeine can increase serum cholesterol.


Purpose. In the absence of IBS, a decrease in the level of LDL is below 130 mg%, and then below 100 mg%.

Drug therapy (see atherosclerosis)

The course and forecast. Reducing cholesterol levels by 1% leads to a decrease in the risk of IBS by 2%.

Age features children. Screening every 5 years, starting from 6 years. The survey on GX in childhood is considered controversial, because A clear connection between GC in children and GC in adults there is no elderly. The value of the reduction of GX for the prevention of IHD significantly decreases after 70 years.

Reduction. GC - hypercholesterolemia

ICD-10 E78.0 net hypercholesterolemia

Application. Insufficiency Lecithin - cholesterol acyltransferase. Lecithin - acyltransferase cholesterol (245900, LCAT, CF, 16Q22, LCAT gene, at least 20 mutant alleles, R) esterifies cholesterol in the structure of LVP, contributes to the transport of cholesterol from tissues to the liver and thereby prevents cholesterol accumulation in tissues. In case of LCAT insufficiency (fish eye disease and Nerum's disease), cholesterol esters as part of the LVL is significantly reduced. Treatment. It is proposed to replace the defective allele with the normal LCAT genome of the fish eye disease (dystrophy of the dyslipoproteinemic corneal, # 136120, Â). Diagnostics: LONP and LNP content increased, cholesterol content in normal Niruma disease (245900, R). Clinically: normochromic hemolytic anemia, turbidity of the cornea, proteinuria, CPN. Laboratory (blood plasma): low content of apolipoproteins A - I and A - II, cholesterol ethers, lysolecithin; High cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids.

ICD-10 E78.6 Lipoprotein deficiency (Lacitin insufficiency - acyltransferase cholesterol).

Violations of lipoprotein metabolism and other lipidemia (E78)

Fredrickson hyperlipoportynemia, IIA type

Hyperlipidemia, group A

Hyperlipoproteinemia with low density lipoproteins

Fredrickson hyperlipoportinemia, type IV

Hyperlipidemia, group B

Hyperlipoproteinemia with very low density lipoproteins

Extensive or fluttering beta lipoproteinemia

Fredrickson Hyperlipoportynemia, Types IIB or III

Hyperbetalipoproteinemia with pre-beta-lipoproteinemia

Hyperholesterolemia with endogenous hyperglyceridemia

Hyperlipidemia, group C

Excluded: Cerebroteland cholesteroz [Van-Bogartasher Epstein] (E75.5)

Fredrickson hyperlipoportinemia, types I or V

Hyperlipidemia, group D

Family combined hyperlipidemia

High density lipoproteis

In Russia, the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th Review (ICD-10) adopted as a single regulatory document for accounting for incidence, reasons for people's appeals to medical institutions of all departments, causes of death.

The ICD-10 has been introduced into the practice of health throughout the territory of the Russian Federation in 1999 by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia from 27.05.97. №170

A new revision (ICD-11) is planned to be planned in 2017 2018.

With changes and additions to WHO.

Processing and transferring changes © MKB-10.com

In the general population, the violation of the level of cholesterol content in the blood is quite common. This fact suggests that hypercholesterolemia is characterized as a medical and social issue of the population.

What is hypercholesterolemia?

Hypercholesterolemia is a pathological impairment, characterized by an increase in the level of atherogenic lipids in serum.

In the international statistical classification of diseases, pathology is listed in the section of endocrine dysfunctions and in a subsection affecting the violation of lipoprotein exchange and other lipidemia. Code of ICD 10-E78.0 - Pure hypercholesterolemia.

Slightly increased indicators of cholesterol levels in the blood do not bear the threats for the human body. Increased indicators to abnormally high, contributes to the development of atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels.

Pathogenesis of the disease

Hypercholesterolemia is progressing against the background of obstructive changes in the body. The leading links of the general pathogenesis consist of modifiable and unmodifiable risk factors.

Modifiable Risk Factors:

  1. Increased level of blood glucose.
  2. Liver pathology.
  3. Dysfunction thyroid gland.
  4. Arterial hypertension.
  5. Proteinuria.
  6. Hydodine.
  7. Long-term reception of medication.
  8. Stress.

Unmodifable risk factors:

In the presence of the above factors, to general status The body is more expedient to treat particularly carefully and timely eliminate existing problems.

Forms of hypercholesterolemia

In the clinical picture of the disease, the following typical forms of manifestation are distinguished:

  1. Primary - has hereditary character, based on violations of gene functioning.
  2. Secondary - progresses against the background of pathological disorders that contribute to changing the level of cholesterol in serum.
  3. Alimentary - the development of this form is directly related to the way of life of a person. Progresses thanks to the modified reasons for the development of pathology.

Fredkinson hypercholesterolemia classification

A detailed classification of the pathology under consideration was Donald Frederson.

The Classification of Predkinson's pathology adopted by the World Health Organization as an international standard disease nomenclature.

Classification is the structuring of the pathology under consideration for etiology and the definition of a typical affiliation:

  • I type - characterized by high levels of chylomicron in serum. This type is progressing, provided that the body has a shortage of enzyme splitting triglycerides and the structure of the apolipoprotein of C2 is disturbed.,
  • The type II is characterized by a decrease in lipoproteinlipase levels and an increase in the indicators of the apolipoprotein of B.
  • III type - characterized by manifestation of dislipoproteinemia, the presence of a defect in the structure of the apolipoprotein of E.
  • IV type - characterized by the active appearance of esterification products of carboxylic acids and increasing the indicators of Apolipoprotein B.
  • V Type - characterized by the rapid appearance of triglycerides and a sharp decrease in lipoproteinlipase in serum.
  1. Genetic.
  2. Family.
  3. Homozygous and heterozygous family.
  4. Children's

Genetic hypercholesterolemia

Pathology by type of autosomal dominant form.

  • Included in the monogenic group determined by monogen.
  • Transferred by inheritance.
  • Is congenital (hereditary hypercholesterolemia)

The defective gene is transmitted if the parents are characterized by history, burdened by the deviation under consideration. The carriers can be both one parent and wallpaper.

Family hypercholesterolemia

Progresses due to a genetic defect receptor to low density lipoproteins.

  • Lipoproteins are losing the ability to communicate with cholesterol and transport it to the necessary organ.
  • The quantitative indicator of the synthesized sediments of the hillone-like substance contributing to the development of cardiovascular pathologies is increasing.
  • Development of coronary disorders.

Homozygous family hypercholesterolemia

  1. The presence of two mutated allele genes of low density lipoproteins.
  2. The development of rapid lipid decay dysfunction.

Mutational changes in the genes of such a plan are common enough.

The most common type of varieties of the pathology under consideration.

  1. Mutation of a single gene contributing to its defective defeat.
  2. The presence of tendon xanth.

Mutational changes in genes of this type are most common in children's return.

Children's hypercholesterolemia

Hyperholesterolemia in children has a pronounced atherogenic orientation. This indicator may be revealed for the first time the clock life of a newborn.

The clinical picture is more expedient to diagnose in infancy, which will control the indicator parameter, not allowing obstructive changes in the children's body.

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With a slight increase in cholesterol indices in the blood, the pathology proceeds latently. More pronounced symptoms of the disease are manifested when the pathological disorder passes into the progressive stage. Symptom complex is sufficiently specific.

The main symptoms of pathology:

  1. Xanthoma - neoplasms on skin seats in the form of papilloma, are formed due to dysfunction of fats, which is cholesterol and triglees.
  2. Xantellasma - the formation of flat plaques on the skin. Most often localized on centuries.
  3. The lipoid arc of the cornea - visually constitute a pathological rim on the edges of the cornea, a grayish shade.

If similar symptoms are found, it is advisable to apply for a consultation to a specialist.


Hypercholesterolemia is an indicator that is detected using laboratory studies. IN clinical practice Laboratory studies are considered as efficient and informative ways of diagnosing human life systems.

Standard diagnostic events includes:

  • Psychological anama h.
  • Analysis of the patient's life.
  • Physical inspection.
  • Study Urin.
  • Blood biochemical study.
  • The study of the lipid spectrum.
  • Immunological examination of blood.

The timely diagnosis of the pathology under consideration, makes it possible to minimize the risks of complications.


In the diagnosis of the pathology under consideration, it is more expedient to immediately begin adequate treatment in order to avoid negative consequences.

The therapy of hypercholesterolemia is not specific, includes the following treatment methods:

Modern methods

Treatment of modern focus includes a number of actions:

  1. Control over body weight.
  2. Classification of therapeutic physical culture.
  3. Dietary diet.
  4. Rejection of bad habits.

This technique is based on the achievement of the positive dynamics of the disease, without using medication tools.

Medical therapy

Multiple patients with considered pathology are subject to hypolypidemic drugs.

The main functions of hypolipidemic orientation drugs:

  1. Effective decrease in cholesterol in human blood.
  2. Neutralization of the enzyme activating the production of cholesterol in serum.

Major medicines governing lipid exchange:

  • "Lipobay" -Engthery medication from the Statin Group. Acts in liver cells. Lowering the intracellular cholesterol content and activates the sensitive lipoproteins of the low density on the cell surface.
  • "Fluvastatin" is an inhibitor of the GMG-CoA-reductase. It is introduced into the body orally regardless of food intake. The dosage is appointed by a specialist. Reception of medication with other drugs of this profile is not recommended.
  • "Lipal" is an effective medication. Fenofibrate - active substances. Enhances the metabolic process of fats cleavage and removal from the plasma of atherogenic lipoproteins with a high content of esterification products of carboxylic acids due to the activation of lipoproteinlipase and reduce the synthesis of proteins generated in the liver cells and the small intestine.
  • Ezitimib is a medication of a hypolipidemic group, selectively inhibitory absorption of cholesterol. Leads to a decrease in the receipt of cholesterol from the intestine to the liver, due to which its reserves in the liver are reduced, and it increases from the blood.

The above medicines must be applied under the control of a specialist, since hypolipidemic drugs can damage the liver tissues.

During the period of drug therapy, lipid laboratory studies and other biochemical analyzes are carried out regularly.

Folk remedies

Recipes for cleansing vessels from cholesterol plaques set.

The most effective are decoctions from medicinal herbal and berries:

  • multi-year bombing liana;
  • rosehip berries;
  • sowing artichoke;
  • sliced \u200b\u200bsliced;
  • water shader;
  • powder from spotted milk thistle;
  • rhizomes blue blue;
  • herbs Anchor ground;
  • cleanliness;

Possible complications and consequences

The symptom complex of the disease is predominantly the latent nature of manifestations. A person does not feel changes in the body, the lifestyle remains unchanged. At the same time, the cumulative effect occurs. Natural lipophilic alcohol accumulates in the body, increasing the risk of complications.

The main complications are considered:

  1. The development of atherosclerosis.
  2. Obstructive circulatory disorders.
  3. Formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  4. Atherosclerosis aorta.
  5. Ischemic disease.

To avoid unsatisfactory forecast of the disease, it is advisable to start a comprehensive program on the treatment of hypercholesterolemia.


Preventive measures - an important part of the treatment successfully passed.

To avoid recurrence of the disease, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of prophylactic nature:

  • normalization of body mass index;
  • arterial pressure control;
  • full or partial refusal to harmful addictions;
  • compliance with a special diet;
  • dosage physical exertion;
  • control over the indicators of the content of glucose in serum;
  • the use of medicines to stabilize indices of cholesterol levels;

Nutrition with hypercholesterolemia

With this pathology it is necessary to comply with the rational and SBA LANSING POWER. The dietary diet provides the body maximum amount of nutrient elements.

It is necessary to significantly limit the use of products that deliver cholesterol into the body.

According to statistical studies, a special diet in a physical activity tandem helps to reduce the level of natural polycyclic lipophilic alcohol contained in cell membranes in the body.

  1. Restrict the consumption of saturated fats.
  2. Add to the diet of polyunsaturated fats of plant origin.
  3. Eliminate food containing cholesterol.
  4. Use bakery products made of wallpaper whole grain flour coarse grinding.
  5. Reduce the use of fatty dairy products.
  6. Add to the diet of seafood.
  7. Use food rich in fiber.

The nutritional diet should be balanced, to include food, with which the body will fully obtain the most useful substances.

With timely diagnosis of pathology, adequate therapy, compliance with preventive measures and a specialized diet, significantly reduces the risk of negative consequences.

Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of hypercholesterolemia on the Code of the ICD 10

Hyperholesterolemia on the international code of diseases of the ICD 10 relates to diseases endocrine system In the group of metabolic disorders. In digital expression, the diagnosis is determined when the cholesterol is exceeded in the serum 200 mg / dl.

This is not a disease, but the complex of prerequisites for the likely development of diseases.

This is a syndrome that combines violations of lipid metabolism, a high level of cholesterol and the blockage of blood vessels, followed by obesity and atherosclerosis.

People belonging to the risk group of hypercholesterolemium disease belong to the elderly age sample. This is facilitated by changing the hormonal background. Until the age of menopause, the disease is most susceptible to the disease, then the difference between the floors is leveled.

Pure hypercholesterolemia has a number on the ICD 10: E78.0

It is caused by a large amount of cholesterol (more precisely, the predominance of LDL over HDL) and a symptom complex consisting of disorders in the endocrine system, psychological problems and non-compliance with the rules of healthy nutrition.

The reasons

The risk factors include heredity, a sedentary lifestyle, overeating (leading to excess weights) and stress.

It is made division into several forms of hypercholesterolemia, the reasons for each of their own:

  • Primary shape. Meets infrequently. Its reason is the hereditary factor, namely, the receipt of the gene from parents, if there is no excessive synthesis of cholesterol, it does not restrain anything. This may be a manifestation of one of the options: a) a genetically determined lack of a receptor serving for cholesterol binding; b) the absence of an enzyme serving to transport low-density lipoproteins; c) the impossibility of LDL to penetrate the cells.
  • The secondary form of hypercholesterolemia is caused by other diseases available in humans. This is the insufficient activity of the thyroid gland (may be caused by heredity, operation or inflammatory process); diabetes mellitus with a violation of carbohydrate metabolism; disorders in the work of the gallbladder and liver; Acceptance of medical facilities affecting lipid exchange.
  • Alimentary form. Fully is the result of an unhealthy nutrition and lifestyle of the patient, when the presence in the food of carbohydrates and fatty foods of animal origin becomes constant and excessive, and besides, combined with hypodynamines. Obesity develops, in turn, increasing the content of fat molecules in the bloodstream.


Hyperholesterolemia as a human health pathology marked by the ICD, at the beginning of the development of this state does not show itself in any way. It is rarely discovered before the problems with blood circulation begins due to the increased amount of lipids. Gradually, the disease becomes launched and manifests itself more and more.

Accumulating in the arteries, fat molecules make it difficult to blood supply to the brain and lower extremities, which is why memory, attention, performance is reduced. Xanthoma arise - seals from the leafy substance, localized in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tendons and on the fingers of the upper and lower extremities.

Such deposits, xantellasm, arise on centuries. There may be a gray band by the cornea of \u200b\u200ba gray band - "Cornery Arch".

A bright clinical evidence of the neglence of hypercholesterolemia becomes the stage of development of atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack.


To determine the diagnosis, the patient passes inspection in the medical institution, the doctor at the reception measures it against blood pressure, growth and weight.

When collecting anamnesis, the likelihood of family hypercholesterolemia is determined, in the event of a doubt the whole family is examined.

As laboratory analyzes, it is necessary to study the lipid profile of the patient's blood to determine the level of high and low density lipoprotein content, cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The excess of these indicators in all four positions allows you to determine the diagnosis of hypercholesterolemia, the pathological process, registered ICD 10.


Treatment activities consist of two necessary components: drug therapy and changes in the lifestyle of the patient, its nutrition and physical activity (gymnastics and regular physical exertion, pedestrian walks are necessary to reduce weight and improve the blood supply to organs).


Proper nutrition, taking into account metabolism and limiting animal fats, is able to assist in eliminating excess cholesterol.

It is necessary to adjust the diet of the patient:

  • Ensure the predominance of food vegetable origin;
  • Reduce salt use;
  • Exclude from the Menu of Sausages, Smoked Sausages, Salo, Canned;
  • Eliminate cream, sour cream, butter;
  • Abandon the products offered by fast food points;
  • Do not use white chops and sweet bakery products;
  • Dosing the presence in the diet of the liver, egg yolks and kidneys towards the decrease.

Special attention to pay the presence on the table of products:

  • Fish any, including limitedly admissible fatty sorts of sea fish;
  • Low-fat meat in small portions;
  • A small amount of nuts;
  • Bean products;
  • Whole grain porridge;
  • Fruits and vegetables containing fiber that contributes to the elimination of cholesterol.

Foods used in food are preferably used in raw form, you can also boil them, bake, bring to readiness for a couple and stew in a small amount of vegetable oil.

Vegetable oil does not contain cholesterol, but it is necessary to limit its quantity to get rid of excess weight during obesity.

In compliance with the nutrition restrictions, cholesterol is reduced and the weight of the patient is normalized, which is positively affected by lipid metabolism.

A small amount of red wine is allowed, due to the presence of resveratrol, the reinforcing wall of the vessels and the vessel that has a vasodilatory action.

Natural vegetable products, herbs, decoctions and tinctures of them can also help with the improvement of the body and reduce cholesterol. This is a flower pollen collected by bees, garlic, artichoke extract, apples, flax seeds, linseed oil, alfalfa sprouts, lime color, Milkopsh, green tea.

A separate point is the need to refuse smoking and drinking alcohol. When nicotine arrives in the blood, conditions are formed, aggravating the narrowing of the lumen of the vessels. According to statistics, among the smokers, three times more patients with hypercholesterolemium than among non-smoking.

Medical therapy

Medicinal treatment begins with statins. The medications are resorted to medicines if the level of low-density lipoproteins has not been reduced for six months of the diet and observance of the sports exercise complex.

Statins (atorvastatin) act as anti-inflammatory drugs, at the same time reducing cholesterol content. They interfere with his synthesis.

In addition, the sequestrans of bile acids, opposing cholesterol synthesis in the blood plasma, and having a very small number of side effects.

Fibrats prevent triglyceride accumulation in the blood.

In case of liver disease, many drugs are contraindicated, and to normalize the number of triglycerides doctors prescribe polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3.


Preventive measures logically continue recommendations on therapeutic nutrition and maintaining a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Elimination from life harmful factors - smoking (as well as passive smoking) and alcohol reception;
  2. Physical education classes that strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  3. Body saturation with sufficient vitamins, minerals and antioxidants;
  4. Formation of a diet that includes useful products.

Regular observation with the help of analyzes for the composition of blood and health, avoidance of harm, rational nutrition and maintenance of physical form will help protect the vessels from cholesterol sediments and take measures to cleanse them in time.

What is hypercholesterolemia and how to treat it?

Hypercholesterolemia: what it is, what are the causes of pathology and how to deal with it. Such questions are tormented by people who collided with this problem.

Cholesterol is a natural fat (lipid) necessary for the normal operation of the human body. It forms cells and is responsible for the permeability of cell membranes. Cholesterol helps the production of hormones and at the cellular level participates in metabolism. It is transferred by the body with lipoproteis - connections from protein and fat. With food B. human body 20% of cholesterol flows, the remaining 80% are produced in the very organism: in the liver, intestines, kidneys, adrenal glands and in germ glanes. There are 3 types of lipoproteins:

  1. 1. Low density lipoproteins (LDL) is the so-called "bad" cholesterol if it becomes more than cells can recycle it begins to bring harm.
  2. 2. High density lipoproteins (HDL) is a "good" cholesterol that performs an important role in the body. He carries a "bad" cholesterol in the liver, where he is split and excreted from the body.
  3. 3. Triglycerides are chemical entities that exist fats. Connecting with cholesterol, form in plasma lipids. Straightened calories are converted into triglycerides and are deposited in fatty tissues. Under the necessary conditions, triglycerides are able to be released from fat cells and used as energy.

High level cholesterol causes hypercholesterolemia. Hyperholesterolemia - what is it? Not being a disease, this phenomenon is considered as a symptom and cause of a number of pathologies. It occurs because of some disorders, in which the level of cholesterol in the body increases. Code of ICD-10 hypercholesterolemia - E78.0. Experts refer to violations of the endocrine system and metabolism. Hyperholesterolemia is a pathological syndrome, meaning a high level of lipids in the blood.

The causes and symptoms of hypercholesterolemia are closely connected with each other. Distinguish between several forms of this state:

  1. 1. The primary form is transmitted from parents to children. Anomalous gene, who is responsible for cholesterol synthesis, the patient is inherited. Homogenic hereditary hypercholesterolemia, a rarely found form, in which a person receives defective genes from the mother and from the father at the same time. Causes cardiovascular disease, including children. The heterozygous form transmits a person's defective gene of one parent. Cardiovascular diseases occur between the ages of 30 and 40 years.
  2. 2. Secondary hypercholesterolemia arises in connection with the development of a number of pathologies in the human body.
  3. 3. Alimentary hypercholesterolemia arises due to abuse of fatty products. The primary form is found in a very small number of people. As a child, it does not appear and gives you to know about yourself in adulthood. Genetic defects of primary form have 3 types: a) receptor, binding and regulating cholesterol, is absent; b) the enzymes transporting low-roll lipoproteins molecules are not detected, the receptors have low activity; c) Low density lipoproteins do not fall inside the cell. In a homozygous form, there are all 3 forms of violation. Family hypercholesterolemia involves a high level of cholesterol in the plasma and is manifested by the rash by xantle on the tendons. In cases of heterozygous heredity, healthy genes and cholesterol retains the ability to penetrate the cells.

The second form of hypercholesterolemia leads:

  1. 1. Disorders of the function of the thyroid gland as the consequence of inflammation or transferred operation, or there is congenital pathology.
  2. 2. Diabetes mellitus carbohydrate exchange And the excess fat is synthesized.
  3. 3. Liver or gallbladder diseases.
  4. 4. Cushing Syndrome.
  5. 5. Used medicinal preparationsviolating the exchange of lipoproteins.

The alimentary form is directly related to power. Regular overeating of carbohydrate and oily food in combination with a sedentary way of life leads to obesity. The consequence of hypercholesterolemia is atherosclerosis, in which the excess cholesterol is deposited on the walls of the vessels in the form of plaques. Big plaques can completely overlap the passage in the vessels. As a result, the walls are narrowed and losing their elasticity, which can provoke stroke and heart attack. The dysfunction of the circulatory system entails the ischemic disease of the organs and blood vessels. Net hypercholesterolemia (E78.0) is the main and modifying factor in the risk of heart pathologies. Men are more susceptible to the disease than women.

Cholesterol level is measured in milligrams for decylitr (mg / dl), and in millimalues \u200b\u200bper liter (mmol / l). There are normal, permissible and high cholesterol levels:

  • HDP cholesterol - must be below 35 mg / dl.
  • LDL Cholesterol - Must bemg / for.
  • Triglycerides, permissible maximum mg / dl.

Cholesterol level measurements in mmol / l:

  • Common cholesterolmol / l.
  • HDP cholesterol: men - 0.7-1.7 mmol / l, in women - 0.8-2.2 mmol / l.
  • LDL Cholesterol: Men - 2.2-4.8 mmol / l, in women - 1.9-4.5 mmol.

It should be noted that the reduced level of cholesterol in the blood also creates problems. For a number of biochemical processes, cholesterol is especially necessary, and its lack of negatively affects human health. With age, it is usually the level of cholesterol rises, this is due to a change in the hormonal background. Behind the level of fats must be observed to avoid negative consequences.

On the early stages It is difficult to detect hypercholesterolemia, it does not appear while the level of lipids does not exceed the permissible norms. With a large accumulation of fat in vessels, the blood supply to the lower extremities is disturbed. Memory disorder and violation of brain functions is also a symptom of elevated cholesterol. External manifestations are expressed in the form of xantht - these are dense formations containing an oil-like substance inside. Local in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tendons, on the fingers and hands. Xantellasma are benign formations of yellow on centuries. Another external manifestation of the syndrome is the appearance of a gray lindoid strip around the edges of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye. If this is detected earlier than 50 years, that is, the likelihood of family hypercholesterolemia.

Diagnosis includes inspection, blood pressure measurement, anamnesis analysis. The presence of family hypercholesterolemia should be established. In suspected, it is necessary to examine the whole family. Standard blood tests, urine and lipoprotein levels are carried out.


The pathological deviation that will be considered in this article is not a disease, but a deviation from the norm, a serious deviation. Hypercholesterolemia primary seems not very dangerous, think the high plasma cholesterol. But with prolonged observation of such values, the situation is only aggravated by leading to severe pathologies.

Code of the ICD-10

As already agreed, the indisposition under consideration is not a disease, but only a deviation. But the seriousness of the changes they entail were confirmed by the serious attitude of the physicians to this problem. After all, hypercholesterolemia in the international classification of disease has its own personal code. According to the ICD 10 - pure hypercholesterolemia - is encrypted as E78.0 and is a paragraph in the category of parables affecting the lipoprotection exchange (the code subsection - E78).

Code of the ICD-10

Causes of hypercholesterolemia

A specific pathological syndrome, referred to as hypercholesterolemia, a harbinger, talking about the development of the damage to the blood vessels of the entire blood system of the human body. Such changes affect the power of the heart and other internal organs, the capillaries of the brain, the upper and lower extremities. The following failure in the work is a precursor of developing atherosclerosis, complications that can affect any section of the human body, being an impetus for the development of other, more serious diseases.

The causes of hypercholesterolemia are different, and have a diverse nature.

  • This deviation is able to receive by inheritance, with birth. The source of the changed gene is able to become both one and both parents. Defective changes in the gene are associated with violation of information responsible for cholesterol production.
  • The development of violations is practically not prevented if a person abuses food containing a large number of animal fats.
    • Transient manifestations of the disease under consideration can be observed in the event that the patient talked on the eve of a lot of oily food.
    • The constant manifestation can be observed, when the high fatty products are a norm for the patient's diet.
  • The source of failure in the normal functioning of the body, leading to the clinical picture in question, is able to serve:
    • Hypothyroidism is a state developing against the background of a lack of hormones in the thyroid gland, obtained due to operational intervention or the flowing inflammatory process.
    • Sugar diabetes is a disease at which glucose's ability to penetrate into cellular structures is reduced. Sugar indicators are above 6 mmol / l with normal indicators of 3.3-5.5 mmol / l.
    • Obstructive changes affecting the work of the liver. This pathology is due to the worsening of the outflow of bile from the liver, in which it is produced. For example, it can be a gall-eyed disease.
  • Call such a change in the body may also have a long admission of some drugs. These include immunosuppressants, diuretic drugs, beta blockers and some others.
  • The modifiable causes of the development of pathological disorders are those that are adjusted when revising the patients of their lifestyle.
    • Maintaining a minor lifestyle expressed in hypodynamies.
    • Food.
    • The presence of bad habits: the abuse of alcoholic beverages, drugs, nicotine consumption.
  • Hypertensive disease - resistant high blood pressure.
  • Unmodifiable factors affect the development of this pathology:
    • Predest predisposition - men older than 45 years old.
    • The early relatives for the male line (earlier than 55 years) early atherosclerosis was already diagnosed in the family of the patient.
  • The patient's history has a myocardial infarction, the consequences of which is blocking blood supply to a specific section of the heart muscle, after which it is motioned.
  • Ischemic character stroke, provoking necrotic processes affecting the brain section.

Biochemical violations

In order to understand the causes and consequences of the emergence and development of one or another malaise, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of changes other than the norm. Biochemistry of hypercholesterolemia is violations affecting the lipid exchange procedure.

In the body of a person with food, fat structures of various classification affiliation come in food: comprehensive lipid formations, glycerol esters, free cholesterol, triacylglycerides and others.

After the food entered the digestive tract, the body proceeds to its processing. The food is "folded" to the components, each of which is processed by a certain enzyme. There is a splitting of fats. At the same time, each type of fat structure is processed by its enzyme. For example, triacylglycerides under the influence of liver biocatalysts and pancreatic glands (bile and pancreatic acid) are split into smaller compounds. A similar process occurs with other lipids.

Free cholesterol is adsorbed unchanged, whereas its derivatives having a more complex structure are primary subjected to modifications. Only then there are their adsorption by enterocytes, cells constituting the small intestine mucosa.

In these cells, fats are subjected to further modifications, transforming into forms suitable for transportation that have their name - chilomicrons. They are presented with a fatty drop of microscopic size having a coating in the form of a thin protective shell of phospholipids and active proteins.

In this form, the former fats through the enterocyte barrier enter the lymphatic system, and through it further and peripheral blood vessels.

It should be noted that without the support of other components, the chilomikrons independently penetrate the necessary systems and the organs of the human body cannot. Such support they find in blood lipoproteins (complete connections of lipids and protein formations). Such compounds allow the chylomikrons to "get" to the desired organ, without dissolving in the blood fluid.

It is lipoproteins that play a dominant role in the development of pathology with the name of the hyperlipidemia. This symptom begins to form after there is a violation in the normal operation of lipoproteins.

There is a classification of these enzymatic formations depending on its density. It is the lungs and ultralight lipoproteins that are the cause that provokes the development of the disease. They are produced by the liver, after which they are transported to enterocytes, in which their joining to chilomicron. In such a bundle, this tandem enters tissue layers.

Low density lipoproteins (LDL) are a "transporting authority" for cholesterol, delivering it to organs and systems.

The functional feature of high density lipoproteins (HDL) is to withdraw the surplus of cholesterol plaques from cellular structures, which builds them into the rank of the main guardianship of the body, endowed with anti-studio characteristics.

That is, low density lipoproteins are transport, and high density lipoproteins are protection.

Based on this, it can be understood that hypercholesterolemia begins to develop when a violation occurs in the normal functioning of low density lipoproteins, which, for any reason, cease to disassemble chylomicones on the necessary bodies.

Symptoms of hypercholesterolemia

One of the main signs of the appearance of the departments under consideration is the emergence of a patient "deposits" in the body. There are also symptoms of hypercholesterolemia, which manifest themselves the appearance of such factors:

  • Areas, where the presence of tendons is anomatically substantiated (the Achillovo compound and extensive compounds of the phalange of the upper and lower extremities become especially affected), the swelling and the appearance of bug-sized growths - xantht can be observed. This is, essentially, pockets with cholesterol clusters.
  • Very similar neoplasms can be observed in the lower and upper eyelids, there are affected and internal eye corners. Stains of orange and yellowish tint are beginning to appear - xantellasm.
  • If you look at the patient's eye cornea, then you can notice the rim strip of gray shade.
  • Mostly, the secondary symptoms of deviations from the norm can be observed, which are caused by more serious lesions of the capillary system leading to the development of atherosclerosis, strokes, heart attacks, and so on.

The most recognizable signs of the pathology under consideration are symptoms that appear as indicators of the presence of a person's anamnesis of atherosclerotic changes. The spectrum of such manifestations is quite wide: from the lesion of the brain capillaries, to the circulatory system, providing power to the upper and lower limbs. Depending on the place of preferential localization and there will be some individual features of manifestation.

It should also be noted that the appearance of noticeable symptoms indicates that pathological changes have a neglected character, because the real clinic becomes noticeable only when the cholesterol level in blood serum reaches persistent critical values. Prior to the onset of such moment, bright pathological symptoms may be invisible.

Hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a disease of chronic diseases. The basis of its origin is determined by violations, affected lipid and protein metabolism in the patient's body. In physical manifestation, these changes are expressed by the loss of elasticity vessels, they are made fragile. The second essential indicator of the presence of atherosclerosis is the growth of coupling tissues.

High cholesterol, in many cases is the predecessor of atherosclerosis. Therefore, doctors paid special attention to this fact. After research, the results showed that half of the patients with the diagnosis of atherosclerosis, cholesterol indicators remain within the normal range, while the second half has elevated numbers.

Analyzing the results of the monitoring, specialists note that hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis are "hand in hand" when the development of pathology occurs quite quickly.

Various sources provide such figures of the frequency of the joint manifestation of these two diseases - from 60 to 70%. These data were obtained not only by the study of the clinical picture of the disease, but also its comparability with the pathological examination of the state of the vessel walls. A comparative analysis showed that if a person had problems with excess cholesterol, his post-mortem histology showed the progressive development of atherosclerotic characteristics, in the form of recently formed cholesterol sediments inside the capillary passes.

If histology showed the regression of atherosclerotic changes, the lifetime medical map showed the norm or, on the contrary, a reduced cholesterol.

The observations showed that the high level of cholesterol in conjunction with atherosclerosis is more often observed with their early manifestation when the patient has not yet reached 55 years of age. Over time, the clinical picture of the disease is changing, "faded" by various complications.

Hypercholesterolemia in children

The diseases under consideration can be diagnosed in the kid directly after birth. Such pathology can pursue a person throughout life. The swelling of the achillovy su--producers in small patients should alert a qualified physician for family pathology.

Hyperlipidemia in children is usually indicated by increasing cholesterol indicators in the blood from 8.0 to 12.0 mmol / l. This indicator can even be identified in the first hours of life.

Classification of hypercholesterolemia

Having different sources of manifestation, pathology is disposed of different groups. The classification of hypercholesterolemia is a few points:

Primary - pathological changes that have congenital character.

  • The secondary pathology refers to the provoking factor of which is one of the diseases. That is, the person was born healthy on the factor under consideration, but acquired it in the course of life.
  • An alimentary form of the disease is a sublayer secondary, but somewhat is selected separately due to the fact that the impetus for the progression of the disease under consideration is not a specific disease, but a way of life that man leads is his habit. To those can be attributed:
    • Smoking.
    • Abuse of alcoholic beverages.
    • Fatty food addiction.
    • "Love" to Fast Food products, food products, which include all sorts of chemical additives: stabilizers, dyes and so on.
    • Maintaining a larger lifestyle.
    • And other.

The most detailed and more extensive classification was Fredrickson. This is the generally accepted distinction of pathology, depending on the causes provoking its appearance. Although the specificity of the distinctions of the failure in the processes of lipid exchange is fully understood only by a qualified physician.

Types of hypercholesterolemia

The classification of Fredrickson's disease involves the division of the problem under consideration by the etiology, determining its standard affiliation.

The following types of hypercholesterolemia are distinguished:

  • Type I pathology is primary, hereditary. Rarely encountered. Progresses with a deficiency of lipoproteinlipase, as well as in case of violation of the structure of the activating protein of lipoproteinlipase - the apos2. Symptomatio is defined as a high concentration of Hilomicron. The frequency of the manifestation of 0.1%.
  • Pathology of type II - polygenic, or congenital. Shares:
    • IIA Type - low-density lipoprotein lipases. It may be the result of improper nutrition, or a congenital factor has worked. The frequency of the manifestation is 0.2%.
    • IID Type - Reduction of the level of lipoproteinlipases of the low receptor density and the growth of the APs. Diagnostic frequency of about 10%.
  • Pathology of type III is hereditary dis-β-lipoproteinemia. Defect Apia. The frequency of the manifestation is 0.02%.
  • Pathology IV type - endogenous. The increase in the intensity of the formation of triglycerides, as well as acetyl coenzyme A and APOV-100. The frequency of manifestation is 1.0%.
  • Pathology V type - hereditary etiology. Enhanced triglyceride formation and decreased lipoproteinlipase.

Primary hypercholesterolemia

To understand the difference, it is necessary to get acquainted in more detail with the most frequently encountered sources of changes leading to the disease under consideration. The term primary hyperlipidemia received a violation, the main reasons for the occurrence of which is:

  • Disruption of the structural structure of lipoprotein protein, which leads to a failure of the functional consistency of low density lipoproteins, which lose the ability to join the tissue cells, and, therefore, the cholesterols transported by them cannot penetrate into the cell.
  • The process of the production of transport enzymes, which are responsible for the capture of chylomicron lipoproteis, for further transfer to the body systems. This failure leads to the fact that the lack of cholesterol is formed in one place and their cumulation occurs where their excess is not needed.
  • Structural changes affecting the tissue cell itself leading to the loss of its contact with lipoproteins. Here it turns out a situation similar to clause 1, but with the difference that the reason for unsuccessful interaction does not come from enzyme or representatives of lipoproteins, but on the other hand, from the "landing" cell.

Secondary hypercholesterolemia

The other, most often diagnosed variety of reasons is the secondary hypercholesterolemia, which was not inherited, and acquired in the process of his life. The reason for the occurrence of the clinical picture is able to become alcohol if the patient does not know the measure of its use, a sedentary lifestyle and many other factors, directly dependent on the person himself.

Provides the problem and disorders flowing in the endocrine system, pathological changes affecting the work of the internal organs. After all, the body is a single mechanism and a malfunction of one system, consistently entails other changes.

The hyperlipidemia begins to progress if the changes in the transportation of fat structures from enterocytes to cells were affected, or the synthesis of lipoproteins, or the oppression of their disposal occurred.

Hereditary hypercholesterolemia

Autosomal dominant pathology relating to diseases of the monogenic group, that is, determined by only one genome. Violation that affects the failure of low density lipoids. In this case, the violation occurs at the gene level and is inherited, being congenital.

A person such a defective gene can get both from one parent and from both if they have a disease in their own history.

High cholesterol risk factors include:

  • Family history, burdened by this deviation.
  • Diagnosing early-speaking heart attacks, both in the patient himself and his relatives.
  • A large indicator of low density lipoproteins at least one of the parents. Anamnese's governance can be in the stability of the pathogenic situation to drug therapy.

Cholesterol is a natural enzymatic component of many biochemical processes and the necessary cell membrane element. Cholesterol deficiency leads to a failure in the synthesis of various hormones. More than their number enters the human body with animal fat, some of the liver is produced.

Ultraen cholesterol can be divided into one that contributes to the development of atherosclerosis - low density lipoproteins (LDL), and one that keeps under control of its number, on the contrary, protecting against the origin and progression of the disease - high density lipoproteins (HDL). It is the high density lipoproteins that make it possible to reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular deviations.

Family hypercholesterolemia

The ailment of family type belongs to hereditary diseases, which are one of his subspecies. To date, it is responsible for 10% of defects affecting coronary arteries, which are diagnosed in still young people who have not reached 55 years of age. The source of such violations is a mutated gene. This pathology is often found quite often, especially among families living in polluted industrial megalopolis. On 200-300 healthy genes accounts for one mutated.

Family hypercholesterolemia according to the classification of Fredrinkson refers to 2 types. The essence of this ailment is reduced to the fact that due to a failure in genetics, lipoproteins lose the ability to communicate with cholesterol and transport it to the necessary organ. In parallel with this, there is an increase in the number of synthesized cholesterol plaques, which is also a violation.

And as a result - plaques begin to cumulative in places, where they should not be, which leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases, coronary violations. This is one of the reasons for the diagnosis of "early" heart attacks.

Family homozygous hypercholesterolemia

If during the diagnosis, two mutated allele genes of low density lipoproteins is detected and this ailment refers to hereditary, the doctors state the hereditary disease indicating the term.

This mutation provokes a rapid violation of lipid decay, as well as the complete absence of receptors. As it does not regret it sounds, but mutational changes of such a plan are found quite often, one clinical manifestation of a hundred thousand people.

The frequency of the participated pathology is divided into the type of "destruction":

  • In patients with a complete lack of receptors, such activity is shown only 2% of the normal operation, and the level of low-density lipoproteins is growing sharply.
  • When the receptor defect, their work activity enters the interval 2-25% of the rate indicator, the number of low density lipoproteins is slightly lower than the norm.

Heterozygous family hypercholesterolemia

One of the most common varieties of the disease under consideration, the frequency of which is diagnosed as one clinical picture for five hundred healthy cases.

The essence of pathology is the mutation of a single gene leading to its defective defeat. The symptoms of this manifestation of the disease are:

  • Growing the level of total cholesterol.
  • Increasing the number of LDL.
  • The level of triglycerides is close to normal.
  • Diagnosis of early heart disease.
  • Humidated family history.
  • The presence of tendon xantht, although the absence of them in the body is not evidence of health. This is especially true for the children's body. These samples are taken in the field of aghille tendons. Visually, this situation is manifested in swelling and bugish formations. Another area of \u200b\u200bthe appearance of thickens and bugs is the back side of the palms of the upper limbs and flexure tendons Falang.

Diagnosis significantly increases the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases in a patient (for example, ischemic heart disease) is still young.

Such a clinical picture is advisable to recognize in infancy, this will allow you to control the parameter-indicator, not allowing pathological changes in the body.

Pure hypercholesterolemia

It is determined by the increase in the quantitative component of cholesterol in the blood. This diagnosis is set to the patient if this criterion is determined by the number of more than 5.18 mmol / l. This is already a pathology that is the dominant symptom of the development of atherosclerosis.

Medical statistics state that about 120 million people's population have cholesterol indicators in a serum of about 5.18 mmol / l and above, and in 60 million this indicator is already determined by a number 6.22 mmol / l and more.

Diagnosis of hypercholesterolemia

If the doctor, by some signs, begins to suspect the disease in his patient, he assigns a more detailed directional examination, as it is impossible to put the correct diagnosis. Diagnostics includes several required points

  1. Analysis of patient complaints.
  2. Clarification of the statute of the appearance of xantellasma, xanthoma, lipoid corneal arc.
  3. Collect anamnesis of the patient. The presence of a patient or his close blood relatives of such diseases as a transferred heart attack or stroke. Does anyone have a disease from relatives under consideration.
  4. It is necessarily a physical inspection.
  5. The main diagnostic indicator of the disease is the result of the analysis of the specific lipid blood plasma profile - lipidogram. It is based on the number of different lipids (cholesterol, triglycerides, high and low density lipoproteins). They are directly criteria for the presence or absence of pathological changes. The atherogenecy coefficient is determined.
  6. A general analysis of urine and blood is appointed. Inflammation, other failures and deviations are detected.
  7. Biochemical plasma analysis is also required, which allows to determine quantitative indicators of protein, uric acid, creatinine, sugar levels and other blood components.
  8. Immunological examination of blood allows to determine the presence of antibodies to chlamydia and cytomegalovirus, as well as the level of C-reactive protein is determined.
  9. Modern medical equipment makes it possible to conduct genetic studies to identify a defective gene, which carries information related to the metabolism of lipids. Such a gene is responsible for the hereditary form of alend.
  10. Facing blood pressure.

Hyperholesterolemia is a pathological symptom, which is a prerequisite for the development of other diseases. Cholesterol is a substance that is produced by the liver and falls into the body with food. Cholesterol takes fate in the synthesis of bile acids, genital hormones, adrenal hormones. But in excessive amounts, this substance leads to the development of atherosclerosis, diabetes and ischemic heart disease.

Causes of the disease

To figure out the causes of hypercholesterolemia, it is necessary to study the lipid metabolism process in the human body. Normally, the human body falls in the body of different types that have different cleavage mechanisms. Thus, free cholesterol is absorbed in a free state, and more complex compounds are exposed to enzymes. Light split fats are absorbed into blood erythrocytes, where they turn into transport forms - chilomicrons.

Next, they fall into the lymphatic system and with a current of lymph and blood to other organs. To get to the right organ of chylomicrons need the help of special substances - lipoproteins (a complex consisting of blood lipids and protein). Lipoproteins are different types:

  • with very low density;
  • low density;
  • with intermediate density;
  • high density.

It is the violation of the function of lipoproteins (or lipoproteins - both names are equivalent) with low density can lead to hypercholesterolemia. Lipoproteins of this type carry a large amount of fats to cells and tissues, as a result of which a pathological state is developing under the name of hypercholesterolemia. Depending on the causes of the occurrence, several types of hypercholesterolemia are distinguished:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

Among all the causes of the hypercholesterolemia of the first type (hereditary hypercholesterolemia), three mains can be distinguished:

  • defects of protein part of lipoproteins;
  • disruption of tissue sensitivity to lipoproteis;
  • violations of the synthesis of transport enzymes.

Secondary hypercholesterolemia, unlike primary hypercholesterolemia, is developing due to acquired pathologies that lead to violation of the transportation of fats. Cause such violations:

  • alcoholism, smoking;
  • violations in the diet;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • acute and chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Another type of this pathology doctors allocate separately called family hypercholesterolemia.

Family hypercholesterolemia is a genetic disease that develops due to mutation of lipoprotein receptor genes with low density.

Such pathology is found in 1 of 500 people. Family hypercholesterolemia is sometimes manifested immediately after birth, in such children the amount of total cholesterol in the cord blood is 2-3 times. Treatment of this pathology is very long and difficult.

Despite the fact that hypercholesterolemia is not an independent disease, it is highlighted in a separate form for the international classification of diseases (ICD 10) and has its own code. Pure hypercholesterolemia has a code on the ICD 10 E 78.0. This pathology relates to violations of lipoprotechnical exchange (ICD 10 E78 code).


The main method of diagnosing this disease is a detailed biochemical analysis of blood, in which it is determined by:

  • determining cholesterol levels (normally does not exceed 5.18 mmol / l);
  • determination of low density lipoproteins, high density lipoproteins and twiglycerides on an empty stomach;
  • to exclude hypothyroidism, the level of thyroxine and TSH are determined.


Symptoms of hypercholesterolemia are various cholesterol accumulations in the body tissues. On the tendons appear cholesterol neoplasms - xanthomas. On centuries and in the field of nose wings, orange pigmentation may appear. Such stains are also depot cholesterol and are called xantellasm. On the edge of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye, a grayish strip may appear and this is also cholesterol deposition.

The secondary symptoms of this disease are ischemic heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis, the defeat of the heart muscle. Although it is worth noting that atherosclerosis is a launched step of hypercholesterolemia. After all, clinical manifestations occurs when the level of cholesterol in the blood reaches critical values.


The treatment of hypercholesterolemia is of great importance for the continued life of the patient and the prevention of complications. For patients with hereditary hypercholesteroles, medication drugs that reduce blood cholesterol are necessary. To this end, the preparations of the statins group are prescribed, which blocking the enzyme enhancing cholesterol synthesis reduce the level of this substance in the blood.

Also shows the use of fibrators and sequesters of bile acids, which are strongly split off excess cholesterol. But it is worth noting that not always drug treatment is more efficient than diet and therapy. Diet with an excess of cholesterol provides for the exclusion of all oily, fried, smoked, butter, sour cream and cream, yolks, baking and sweets. A good example of a healthy nutrition is the "Plate Model", where:

  • ½ - vegetable and root salad;
  • ¼ - garnish;
  • ¼ - low-fat varieties of meat or bird.

In the case of an increased level of cholesterol in the blood, a healthy lifestyle, sports and a healthy relationship and recreation is creating real wonders. This is the basis of treatment, without which medication drugs are ineffective.

In addition to pharmaceutical preparations, this ailment is well treated with folk remedies. One of the affordable and useful methods of traditional medicine is the decoction of a richnik, who will not only reduce the level of cholesterol, but also saturate the body with vitamins. It is recommended to take it in the morning and in the evening of 100-150 ml.

Folk remedies can also establish a lipid metabolism in the body. To this end, it is recommended to take a break from the seeds of a spoony spotted on a teaspoon during a meal.

In folk medicine, tincture of licorice root

You can also cook another useful infusion. 10 g of chopped licorice root pour a glass of steep boiling water and withstand 40 minutes on a water bath. After cooling, take 15 ml 5 times a day for 10 days. After a week break, the course can be repeated.

To prevent the development of many diseases and reduce the level of cholesterol to normal indicators, it is necessary to: stick to a healthy lifestyle, to do a variety, to eat healthy vitaminized food, refuse nicotine and alcohol, then no cholesterol will threaten your health.

Hypercholesterolemia: what it is, what are the causes of pathology and how to deal with it. Such questions are tormented by people who collided with this problem.

Essence of pathology

Cholesterol is a natural fat (lipid) necessary for the normal operation of the human body. It forms cells and is responsible for the permeability of cell membranes. Cholesterol helps the production of hormones and at the cellular level participates in metabolism. It is transferred by the body with lipoproteis - connections from protein and fat. With food in the human body, 20% of cholesterol flows, the remaining 80% are produced in the very body: in the liver, intestines, kidneys, adrenal glands and in the germ glanes. There are 3 types of lipoproteins:

  1. 1. Low density lipoproteides (LDL) is the so-called "bad" cholesterol, if it becomes more than cells can recycle it begins to bring harm.
  2. 2. High density lipoproteins (HDL) is a "good" cholesterol that performs an important role in the body. It carries in the liver "bad" cholesterol, where he splits and excreted from the body.
  3. 3. Triglycerides are chemical entities that exist fats. Connecting with cholesterol, form in plasma lipids. Straightened calories are converted into triglycerides and are deposited in fatty tissues. Under the necessary conditions, triglycerides are able to be released from fat cells and used as energy.

High level cholesterol causes hypercholesterolemia. Hyperholesterolemia - what is it? Not being a disease, this phenomenon is considered as a symptom and cause of a number of pathologies. It occurs because of some disorders, in which the level of cholesterol in the body increases. Code of ICD-10 hypercholesterolemia - E78.0. Experts refer to violations of the endocrine system and metabolism. Hyperholesterolemia is a pathological syndrome, meaning a high level of lipids in the blood.

What is a lipidogram and a lipid spectrum of blood - decoding analysis

Causes and symptomatic manifestations

The causes and symptoms of hypercholesterolemia are closely connected with each other. Distinguish between several forms of this state:

  1. 1. The primary form is transmitted from parents to children. Anomalous gene, who is responsible for cholesterol synthesis, the patient is inherited. Homogenic hereditary hypercholesterolemia, a rarely found form, in which a person receives defective genes from the mother and from the father at the same time. Causes cardiovascular disease, including children. The heterozygous form transmits a person's defective gene of one parent. Cardiovascular diseases occur between the ages of 30 and 40 years.
  2. 2. Secondary hypercholesterolemia arises in connection with the development of a number of pathologies in the human body.
  3. 3. Alimentary hypercholesterolemia arises due to abuse of fatty products. The primary form is found in a very small number of people. As a child, it does not appear and gives you to know about yourself in adulthood. Genetic defects of primary form have 3 types: a) receptor, binding and regulating cholesterol, is absent; b) the enzymes transporting low-roll lipoproteins molecules are not detected, the receptors have low activity; c) Low density lipoproteins do not fall inside the cell. In a homozygous form, there are all 3 forms of violation. Family hypercholesterolemia involves a high level of cholesterol in the plasma and is manifested by the rash by xantle on the tendons. In cases of heterozygous heredity, healthy genes and cholesterol retains the ability to penetrate the cells.

The second form of hypercholesterolemia leads:

  1. 1. Disorders of the function of the thyroid gland as the consequence of inflammation or transferred operation, or there is congenital pathology.
  2. 2. Sugar diabetes, in which the carbohydrate exchange is knocked down and excessive fat is synthesized.
  3. 3. Liver or gallbladder diseases.
  4. 4. Cushing Syndrome.
  5. 5. Use of drugs that violate the exchange of lipoproteins.

The alimentary form is directly related to power. Regular overeating of carbohydrate and oily food in combination with a sedentary way of life leads to obesity. The consequence of hypercholesterolemia is atherosclerosis, in which the excess cholesterol is deposited on the walls of the vessels in the form of plaques. Big plaques can completely overlap the passage in the vessels. As a result, the walls are narrowed and losing their elasticity, which can provoke stroke and heart attack. The dysfunction of the circulatory system entails the ischemic disease of the organs and blood vessels. Net hypercholesterolemia (E78.0) is the main and modifying factor in the risk of heart pathologies. Men are more susceptible to the disease than women.

Cholesterol level is measured in milligrams for decylitr (mg / dl), and in millimalues \u200b\u200bper liter (mmol / l). There are normal, permissible and high cholesterol levels:

  • HDP cholesterol - must be below 35 mg / dl.
  • LDL cholesterol - must be 130-150 mg / dl.
  • Triglycerides, permissible maximum - 200-400 mg / dl.

Cholesterol level measurements in mmol / l:

  • Common cholesterol - 3 -6 mmol / l.
  • HDP cholesterol: men - 0.7-1.7 mmol / l, in women - 0.8-2.2 mmol / l.
  • LDL Cholesterol: Men - 2.2-4.8 mmol / l, in women - 1.9-4.5 mmol.

It should be noted that the reduced level of cholesterol in the blood also creates problems. For a number of biochemical processes, cholesterol is especially necessary, and its lack of negatively affects human health. With age, it is usually the level of cholesterol rises, this is due to a change in the hormonal background. Behind the level of fats must be observed to avoid negative consequences.

In the early stages, it is difficult to detect hypercholesterolemia, it does not appear while the level of lipids will not exceed the permissible norms. With a large accumulation of fat in vessels, the blood supply to the lower extremities is disturbed. Memory disorder and violation of brain functions is also a symptom of elevated cholesterol. External manifestations are expressed in the form of xantht - these are dense formations containing an oil-like substance inside. Local in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tendons, on the fingers and hands. Xantellasma are benign formations of yellow on centuries. Another external manifestation of the syndrome is the appearance of a gray lindoid strip around the edges of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye. If this is detected earlier than 50 years, that is, the likelihood of family hypercholesterolemia.

Diagnosis includes inspection, blood pressure measurement, anamnesis analysis. The presence of family hypercholesterolemia should be established. In suspected, it is necessary to examine the whole family. Standard blood tests, urine and lipoprotein levels are carried out.

Special nutrition and therapy

Diet and treatment - the key to success.

The patient needs to change the lifestyle: to reduce weight, adjust the power and do regular gymnastics.

The output of excess cholesterol from the body is possible with a strict diet, with a limited content of animal fats. Food of plant origin should prevail in the diet. Exclude creamy butter, sausages, all smoked products, fat, sour cream, cream, fast food, to limit salt consumption. It is necessary to reduce the use of brains, egg yolks, kidneys and liver.

In the dietary menu it is necessary to turn on the fish (fatty varieties of fish), lean meat, whole grain porridge, nuts in limited quantities. Fruits and vegetables will be useful, which contain a large number of trace elements, help to remove unnecessary cholesterol from the body. Products should be boiled, stew, bake or cook for a pair. Compliance with the diet will help significantly reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and get rid of unnecessary kilograms. A prerequisite is a refusal to smoking and drinking alcohol. Statins are used as drug therapy - drugs reduced levels of lipids. In addition, they reduce the defeat of healthy vessels and have an anti-inflammatory effect.