Vitiligo disease causes treatment. Vitiligo - what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment of vitiligo. The most dangerous substances include

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Vitiligo is a violation of chronic skin pigmentation, which is manifested by milk-white spots of different sizes, prone to merge. In addition to the skin, color can change mucous membranes, hair, retina eye and brain sheath. The reason is the cessation of the production of melanin - pigment that gives the hue of the skin and hair. Without delivering physical discomfort, the disease worsens only the psychological state of the person.

The reasons

An unambiguous answer to the question, which is the cause of vitiligo, no. However, there are several theories on this:

  • The theory of self-destruction is the rebirth of melanocytes (cells producing melanin) due to infections or exposure to toxins.
  • An autoimmune - due to failures in the body, melanocytes are perceived as foreign target cells and attack immunity.
  • Biochemical disorders - a decrease in the development of the enzyme of catalase, capable of neutralizing free radicals, leads to their accumulation in the skin and the destruction of melanocytes.
  • Genetic - Vitiligo gene is capable of transmitted by inheritance.

Among the causes of the appearance of vitiligo, the following are distinguished:

    Genetic predisposition - the disease is transmitted as a dominant sign, the likelihood of the birth of a child with vitiligo from a patient's parent is 50%. Even if the disease occurred due to injury, it is fixed at the genetic level.

  • Violation of work endocrine system - Hormonal failures deteriorate enzyme formation processes in melanocytes.
  • Excessive loads on the nervous system - stress, depression, mental injuries violate the connection of organs and tissues with the central nervous system, and melanocytes may not receive commands to generate enzymes.
  • Skin damage - scars, burns (solar including), rubbing clothes and shoes injury to the skin layer where melanocytes are located. In some cases, they are not restored.
  • Organs gastrointestinal tract - Dysbacteriosis, intestinal invasion, chronic diarrhea syndrome change chemical composition Blood and cause a shortage of trace elements necessary to generate pigment.
  • The impact of chemicals - low-quality cosmetics, formaldehyde, phenol and its compounds (used in the production of paints, rubber) are one of the most common causes of vitiligo. Having amazing epidermis cells, chemically aggressive substances violate their operation.
  • Reducing immunity - operations, infections, excessive physical exertion can provoke the occurrence of vitiligo, especially in people with predisposition.


The disease develops according to a specific scheme:

  • The occurrence on the surface of the skin of a single spot of the rounded form or with torn edges, the discoloration can occur gradually or in a few hours.
  • Hyperpigmentation around the spot - the focus is surrounded by a rim of a darker color than a healthy skin.
  • The tendency to increase and merger - the spots grow and are connected together. The speed of the process depends on the individual characteristics of the body.
  • The location of the foci is possible on any skin area, except palms and stop, where melanin is not contained. Basically, the stains are formed on the face, on the bending surfaces of the limbs, in the armpits, on the buttocks, around the scars, in places of frequent skin injury.
  • Symmetry - for unknown reasons, stains on the left and right half of the body are trying to take an identical position.
  • Hair discoloration - inside the place of lesion, the hair onions lose melanin, because of what the hair is like flush and head, they lose color. Appearance early seeds Characteristic for 30% of patients.
  • Point foci in the form of a mesh - their appearance is characteristic of the skin of the chest, genital organs and the inner surface of the thighs.
  • Violation of the functions of sweat glands - the selection of sweat in depigmented areas is hampered.
  • Color stability with ultraviolet irradiation - foci of the disease do not darken from staying in the sun, although healthy skin around them does not lose the ability to sunbathe.


The disease is not contagious and is not transmitted during contact. Patients vitiligo do not have physical discomfort (itching, burning skin), nevertheless, the disease can lead to a number of psychological problems. People who have foci lesions are on the face, avoid appearing in society, have shame and insecurity in themselves, in stressful state.

Often, vitiligo has a secondary character, being only a manifestation of other diseases, for example, indicates violations of work thyroid gland, appearing a few months before the first hormonal failures, or serves as a reaction to the admission of some medicinal preparations.


Dimmatologist is engaged in the diagnosis. The procedure consists of several stages.

During the survey it turns out:

  • the presence of similar symptoms in relatives;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • the possibility of autoimmune diseases;
  • the start date and the rate of development of the disease;
  • exacerbations over the past 6 months;
  • skin reaction to tan (for appointment of phototherapy).

Inspection helps to distinguish vitiligo from other diseases by external signs:

  • symmetry of stains (observed in 90% of cases);
  • the shape of the foci (mostly they are round, only 10-15% point or have an irregular form);
  • the presence of a ring of hyperpigmentation;
  • lack of peeling, crusts or erosions (exception - the addition of secondary infection);
  • hair discoloration;
  • the presence of spots around the moles.

Woodwi lamp (black lamp) radiates ultraviolet rays and is used to detect depigmented foci in those areas where the sun does not fall - under hair, in the axillary depressures, on the genitals. In the light of the lamp, the foci stand out bluish-white color.

Biopsy, when a piece of skin is taken by a scalpel from the center of the hearth and is considered under the microscope, helps to identify:

  • the absence of melanocytes is complete or partial;
  • collagen fibers with change;
  • the presence in the rim of the focus of melanos (part of the melanocytes) in large quantities.


With the help of therapy, they are trying to determine the disease, reduce its cosmetic manifestations and restore the production of melanin. For the treatment of vitiligo use an integrated approach.

Local treatment is carried out to reduce the size of spots, their uniform darkening. Includes the use of ointments and creams:

  • corticosteroids that reduce immune attack and regenerating pigmentation (prednisone, betamethasone, diprosport);
  • calcineurin inhibitors that relieve inflammation and the overwhelming attack on melanocytes (protopic, elode);
  • photosensitizing agents that enhance the absorption of ultraviolet (melagenin, psoralen).

Systemic preparations are connected in the absence of the result of semi-annual local treatment and with rapid progression of the disease:

  • reception inside immunosuppressants (cyclosporin A, levamizol, isoprinosine, cyclophosphamide);
  • continuation of hormone therapy.

Physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • The frequency is ultraviolet irradiation with the waves of the medium-length type B, sometimes with the application of photosensitizing agents. The course lasts about a year and consists of sessions for 5-10 minutes 2 times a week.
  • PuU-therapy - irradiation with ultraviolet of the long spectrum of type A, together with the intake of photosensitizers in 2-3 hours before the procedure (ammoidin, Lamadin, Metoksaralen, is oxided, Puvalen, Trioxarable). Sessions last 5-30 minutes are held every other day. The effect is achieved when repetition of the procedure is 100-200 times.
  • Laser therapy is aimed at activating the operation of the preserved melanocytes. Improving metabolic processes in the skin contributes to the development of enzymes responsible for the formation of melanin. Sessions for 30 minutes must be carried out 15-20 times.

Surgical treatment is carried out if conservative therapy turns out to be ineffective. It consists in transplanting cells from healthy skin sections to affected, after which new melanocytes are formed in deep layers of the epidermis. Pigmentation is restored over several months.

Indications for the use of surgical techniques:

  • the location of the foci at the open areas of the body, which causes psychological problems;
  • lack of result from conservative treatment for 12 months;
  • the remission of the disease is the suspension of the formation of new spots and the growth of existing in the last 1-2 years;
  • the absence of contraindications - a tendency to scar, intolerance of UFO and laser and therapy.

Among side Effects From surgical intervention is possible: uneven pigmentation, scars, rejection of transplanted sites.


Prevent the aggravation of the disease will help balanced nutrition, necessarily comprising receiving vitamins, zinc, copper. Among the products recommended by nutitologists:

  • low-fat meat (rabbit, chicken), liver;
  • fish and seafood (squid, shrimp);
  • milk products;
  • greens (parsley, celery, spinach);
  • fruits and vegetables of red and orange colors, citrus fruits;
  • seeds, nuts, bran;
  • bean, cereals.

It is advisable not to use:

  • meat and fish of fatty varieties, tanning broths;
  • products containing preservatives, dyes, flavors, sweeteners;
  • sweets, flour products;
  • coffee, strong tea, chocolate;
  • carbonated drinks, alcohol.

Sometimes compliance with a gluten-free diet also contributes to curable.

In children

The appearance of vitiligo in children under 5 years is usually associated with slow adaptation of the immune system to environmental changes. Such stains do not require treatment, and over time pass. Exception is hereditary predisposition.

For treatment, drugs appointed and adults are suitable, but in smaller doses. Ultraviolet irradiation is possible in a limited manner, pre-therapy for children does not apply. Be sure to comply with the diet. Also, parents should pay special attention to the psycho-emotional state of children - often skin defects cause their fears and complexes.

Very often vitiligo, which childhood, reversibly - it is worth only to create a comfortable conditions for recovery, identifying and eliminating factors that violate the work of the immune or endocrine system. It is also necessary to avoid injury to the skin, take care of it from the cold and overheating, not to get involved in an excessive stay in the sun.

During pregnancy

The presence of vitiligo is not reflected in the course of pregnancy or the development of the fetus. However, foci of the disease can appear in pregnant women faster than the rest of the people, arising in places of stretch marks.

Treatment (especially medication and laser and therapy) is better to postpone until the end of the pregnancy and lactation period. Cosmetic means for masking spots should also be used with caution, after consulting a doctor. Do not be takenlated and methods of traditional medicine - many recipes include the use of components capable of provoking allergic reactions or cause poisoning.

To contact a specialist, pregnant women must necessarily - this will help determine whether vitiligo is an independent phenomenon or a consequence of another, more severe, disease.

Treatment with folk remedies

There are many recipes for the normalization of melanocyte activities at home, but it is necessary to apply them only after discussion with the doctor:

  • mountain Arnica tincture - 20 grams of grass insist in 1 cup of boiling water for 30 minutes, divide the portion into 3 parts and take before eating during the day;
  • rubber berry decoction - pour crushed fruit boiling water in a 1:10 ratio, boil, insist a few hours and drink 1 tablespoon before eating 2 times a day;
  • rhoard nettle - 2 tablespoons of leaves to peel 2-3 minutes in 1 cup of water, strain and take inside 1 tablespoon before meal;
  • marsh rod - to crushed raw materials add an equal amount of honey, eat 1 teaspoon of a mixture 3 times a day; Tincture ripple in proportion 1: 1 with water can also be rubbed;
  • st. John's wort - 1 tablespoon of the leaves and the flowers of the dried plant immersed in 1 cup of boiling water for 30 minutes, strain and drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after eating 3 weeks, then interrupt for 1 week, treatment continue 5-6 months; For external use of grass fill vegetable oil in proportion 1:10, to withstand 3 hours in a water bath, use for 1 month;
  • sesame - grind grains in a coffee grinder, eat 1 teaspoon 2 times a day;
  • rubbing pepper - ground black pepper to mix with soda in equal shares, rub into foci of depigmentation;
  • birch's lubrication tar - apply a means to spots 2 times a day for a month, then take a break for 2 weeks and repeat the course.

Vitiligo is a pigment anomaly. This disease contributes to the destruction of painted skin cells - melanocytes, instead of which white spots appear on the affected place of the skin. The disease is characterized by the appearance of depigmented spots of small size, which are prone to zoom in size and merging.

The number of such spots in some cases reaches several dozen. Also discoloration is also amenable to hair cover on the affected skin. The disease can manifest itself at any age, regardless of the gentle of man. For this disease, various localization is inherent and quite long, as a rule, the progressive course. Often the process is exacerbated after trips to sunny resorts.

What it is?

Vitiligo is a violation of pigmentation expressed in the disappearance of the pigment of melanin in separate areas of the skin. The disease occurs on the skin, presumably, as a result of the action of some medicinal and chemicals, neuro-trophic, neuroendocrine and autoimmune factors of melanogenesis, as well as after inflammatory and necrotic processes on the skin.

The predisposition to vitiligo may be inherited. The nature of the disease was not fully studied.


This is common skin pathology. The number of patients reaches 0.5-8% of the world's population, which is about 40 million people. Vitiligo more often appears at a young age: 50% of patients are people of 10-30 years. The start of the disease in people over 40 years is rare. The rise of morbidity is noted in the spring-summer months when the skin is more exposed to sunlight.

Causes of occurrence

Interesting can be considered the fact that this pathology is not congenital, to treat white spots after exposure not only external, but also internal factors. Racial affiliation does not matter much, however more often the disease is diagnosed in patients with dark skin.

The following reasons may provoke the development of the disease:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Endocrine and hormonal disorders.
  3. The impact of chemicals that can be used in the production of poor-quality cosmetics.
  4. Long-flowing in the sun.
  5. The use of certain pharmaceutical preparations.
  6. Pathology of the digestive system.
  7. The presence in the body of autoimmune processes in which antibodies tend to hit healthy cells instead of pathological.
  8. Various damage to the skin, burns - inflammatory reactions with an autoimmune component are launched in the affected zones, most often the cells producing pigment react.

The development of vitiligo can begin completely unnoticed for a person. Sometimes it is preceded by a minor itching, increased sensitivity of the skin, feeling of tingling, "goosebumps". Each appearing speech has clear outlines, more often such spots with even or festral edges have a rounded shape. In addition to white, no skin changes are observed, there is no peeling or atrophy.

With the further development of pathology, the stains begin to merge, increase in size, observed on any part of the body. The absence of pigmentation is not the only sign of the disease, sometimes there is irritation of the skin.


Vitiligo, depending on the location of the spots, is divided into three main types:

  • localized form: stains are located in certain places;
  • generalized form (the most common form): stains are located throughout the body;
  • universal shape (meets less frequently): almost complete pigment loss (more than 80% of the body area).

In turn, the main types are divided into subgroups. The generalized form includes acrofacial vitiligo (only face and limb), vulgar vitiligo (spots scattered by body symmetrically), mixed vitiligo (combination different types). Localized form include focal vitiligo (stains are 1-2 sites), segmental vitiligo (spots are located on one side of the body), the mucous vitiligo (spots are only on the mucous membranes).

There is also division by type of spots:

  • blue spot - stains have a bluish shade;
  • inflamed spot - the border of the spot is inflamed and raised;
  • the tricolor spot - between healthy skin and the stain there is an average pigmented zone;
  • the four-color stain - in additions to three colors, a zone of strong pigmentation around the spots appears.

The course of the pathological process during vitiligo is divided into types:

  • stable view: White spot appears and remains unchanged for a long time;
  • progressive view: There is a constant progress of the defigmentation process, sometimes it happens quickly, sometimes slowly;
  • unstable: Some stains disappear, at the same time, other formations are increasing.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

The main manifestation of the disease is white spots on the body. The foci of the disease is able to occur at any age, often in children and youth, can be formed on all skin sections. The places where the skin is most traumatized - spots arise on the legs, knees, hands, elbows are most traumatized by the greatest risk.

  1. In the foci of vitiligo, sweating, the skin becomes unable to react to cold and heat. Many patients are also discolored with hair on the pebral parts of the body. Separate spots are able to disappear spontaneously even without treatment, but in progression of the disease, depigmentation, the places of recent injury, friction or pressure on the skin can be formed.
  2. The initial stage of vitiligo is very weak. It is characterized by minor foci of depigmentation - stains of small size, looking as a noticeable, but not particularly released cosmetic defect that is easy to disguise with clothes. Gradually, light spots on the skin are increasing and combined, forming large areas of milky white color.

No disturbing symptoms of vitiligo disease causes, it is not contagious, but it is difficult to heal. Vitiligo is perceived by patients as a serious aesthetic defect, so the disease is able to cause strongest psychological discomfort. After the tan, the colorless areas become very noticeable, the affected areas of the skin are very sensitive to ultraviolet and quickly "burn out".

What does vitiligo look like: photo

The photo below shows how the disease is manifested in the initial and other stages.


Spots with vitiligo at first glance can be confused with stains arising from delay or syphilis. However, the last two diseases are characterized by manifestation of other symptoms in addition to bleaching the skin. Thus, during syphilis, specific lesions of the mucous membrane are observed, and when the surface of the stain is peeling.

More precisely, you can define vitiligo, leaving the wood lamp stains. Under it, the affected areas are illuminated by white-blue, and zones will be visible, where the pigment just began to disappear. When visiting a dermatologist, it is better to insist on this diagnostic method.

How to treat vitiligo?

If the vitiligo lesion area is no more than 20% of the body, firstly for treatment with topical glucocorticosteroid agents in the form of creams and ointments are prescribed.

  • methylprednisolone Aryptonat (Advanta and Analogs);
  • alclomesezon dipropionate (afloderm and analogs);
  • betamethazone dipropionate (actiders and analogs).

There are several schemes for the application of these drugs, the optimal scheme chooses a doctor based on the results of analyzes, the area of \u200b\u200blesion, the age of the patient and other factors. If the visible effect is not observed for 4-6 months, the preparations of the second stage are prescribed - Topic inhibitors of Calcinerine:

It is worth considering that despite the successful studies (2013), the diagnosis of vitiligo is still officially not included in the testimony.

How can you get rid of vitiligo?

New methods in treating this disease:

  1. Whitening of the skin. This is an attempt to level the tone of the affected areas and healthy skin. Today, the most popular means for this procedure - Eloblein injection, hydroquinone (2-4%) and its monobenzyl ether (monobenzon) externally. All drugs are quite aggressive and have a mass of side effects, so they cannot be considered a panacea in solving the problem of depigmentation. In addition, the price tags on them are very bite (the injection of Elokvin is about 50 thousand rubles), and the clarification occurs in the plots, therefore, almost constant use of drugs is required.
  2. Laser therapy. This is the elimination of depigmentation areas by narrow-controlled radiation with a wavelength of 308 nm. In this case, the mechanism of action is almost similar to phototherapy. At the same time, the greatest effectiveness is achieved in persons with local forms of the disease and the duration of the pathological process of no more than five years. The duration of the radiation action for some session is seconds. Other names of this method are an excimed laser or RATOKDERM. More information about contraindications and laser therapy testimony.
  3. Melagenin plus. This is an alcohol extract from the human placenta produced by Cuba. Under the title of Melagenin, the drug appears on the market since 1998, it differs in an average effectiveness against localized forms of the disease.
  4. Melanocite transplantation. This is the introduction of pigment cells, taken from healthy sections of the patient's skin in its problem skin.
  5. Creating a vaccine. In 2013, scientists from a medical school at the University of Chicagki in a number of experiments on mice were honored with a protein vaccine, an overwhelming autoimmune reaction, leading to vitiligo. However, until now on the completion of work on vaccine information has not been received.

The Australian Preparation of Sceness, registered in Europe, for the treatment of erythropoietic protoporphy, is also a perspective to eliminate depigmentation during vitiligo.


Phototherapy - treatment with a light of a certain wavelength - with vitiligo is used in the form of selective phototherapy, butter therapy, narrow-wave UFB phototherapy at a wavelength of 311 nm. Selective phototherapy is the least effective, the PuU-therapy (receiving photosensitizers of psoralene inside, followed by the irradiation of the skin Ufa-rays) is much more efficient in comparison with selective phototherapy, but the toxic effects that are manifested by nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, and the risk of skin cancer long use Limit the use of pre-therapy in the treatment of vitiligo.

A narrow-wave 311 Nm of UFB-phototherapy in efficiency is comparable with the PuU-therapy (recovery of pigmentation of more than 75% of the area of \u200b\u200bvitiligo foci in 70% of patients), however, it is devoid of toxic side effects and, moreover, allowed for use in the treatment of children. The most tangible therapeutic effect is observed in the presence of foci in the area of \u200b\u200bthe face, neck, body and proximal departments limbs. When localization on the fingers and legs, the effect is less pronounced. In addition, it is better to react to the treatment of foci, which arose no more than 2-5 years ago.

Phototherapy, namely narrow-wave 311 Nm UFB-phototherapy, is considered at the moment one of the most accessible and effective methods treatment of vitiligo. The method is quite safe, and this is important with long-term use. To achieve a good effect, it takes from 30 to 100 procedures, with a periodicity of 2-3 times a week.

Surgical intervention

In 20% of cases conservative treatment Vitiligo does not give the desired result, then the question of the operation is considered. Surgical treatment is to transplant their own healthy melanocytes to the foci devoid of pigment. After the operation, the formation of new melanocytes in the deep layers of the epidermis occurs. The process of recovering pigmentation takes several months.

Indications for surgical treatment of vitiligo

  1. Foci are located in open areas of the body (face, neck, decollete area, hands). They are a significant cosmetic defect and violate the psychological status of the patient.
  2. Lack of result from local and systemic therapy for 12 months.
  3. Disease in the remission. For 1-2 years, new stains do not appear, and existing ones are not growing.

There are several methods surgical treatment Vitiligo

  1. Transplantation of epidermis. Affected skin sections excised. The autotransplant prepared by the PUVE prepared by the PuV method (flap of epidermis from a healthy body site).
  2. Minisprints. In depigmented foci, the sections of healthy skin are less than 1 mm.
  3. Transplantation of cultured or non-cultized melanocytes. Separate cells producing pigment are implanted into the skin.

By side effects of surgical treatment can be:

  1. The appearance of scars;
  2. Uneven pigmentation;
  3. Rejection of transplanted epidermis sites;


  1. Tendency to the appearance of scars;
  2. UFO intolerance and laser therapy.

How to disguise spots vitiligo?

The desire to hide white spots on his face and body is a completely natural desire of people suffering from vitiligo. Therefore, treatment is carried out, you can use the following ways:

  • Help disguise vitiligo can such a way like dermabrasion. At the same time, the skin is treated in layers, and the penetration depth depends on the form of the disease, age of spots, etc.
  • Using auto markets. If you perform this procedure in the salon conditions, the color will turn out to be more even and it will be longer. In addition, it can be difficult to choose a shade and apply to the body. Unlike cosmetics, auto market is convenient to use on hand and legs, as it does not dock clothes.
  • Using green peel walnut. To do this, it must be chopped by a blender and leave for 2 hours. After that, the mixture should acquire a brown color. The juice from the peel must be squeezed and use a woven disk to be stained, which will contribute to their staining. One of the advantages of this tool - it does not leave traces on clothes.
  • Use of cosmetics. This is the most affordable and easy way to make stains less noticeable. At the same time, to apply tone cream and other matting products need correctly. First, the skin must be aligned to its natural color, and after starting to matt. In addition, you can use the permanent tattoo, which will be more resistant and will not erase when contact with clothing or water.

However, when using these funds, it is important not to forget about the rules for the care of affected skin. One should not once again be injured or exposed to allergens. It is important not to wear too close clothes and shoes, prevent rubbing stains if there is a need to take advantage of the razor, then you should be as cautious as possible. Decorations should not leave visible traces on the neck and fingers. It is necessary to limit the pastime in both the sun and frost. After all, the tan most often provokes the formation of new spots.

- This is a dermatological disease in which the skin loses color due to the destruction of melanin. On skin appear white spotscreating the effect of motley. The disease is known since ancient times, in Russia because of external view The patient was called "Pere". In modern medicine, there is another name - leukoderma that translated from Latin means "white leather". According to vitiligo statistics, 1% of the population is diagnosed, the disease does not depend on racial and sexual signs, up to 50% of cases fall on patients aged 10 to 30 years.

Vitiligo features

There are progressive, stable and unstable type of vitiligo. In the first case, the disease is constantly progressing, sometimes - quickly, sometimes slowly. In the second case, white spots do not change the shape and size for a long time. In the third - some stains disappear, in another place new appears, their form and size changes.

Depending on the localization of vitiligo is divided into three types:

  • Generalized - Spots appear all over the body - the most common form.
  • Localized - Spots are located at certain areas.
  • Universal- Practically complete loss of color (up to 80%) - the most rare form.

In turn, they are divided into subgroups:

The generalized type includes a combination of different forms of vitiligo (mixed form), symmetric localization of spots on the body (vulgar shape), stains exclusively on the limbs and face (acrofacial form). The localized type includes stains on mucous membranes (mucous vitiligo), stains on one side of the body (segmental shape), stains on one-two sections (focal form).

By type of spots leukoderma is divided into:

  • Triracker - There is a zone with medium pigmentation between white spots and healthy skin.
  • Four-color - Spots are surrounded by zones with severe and medium pigmentation.
  • Blue - Spots with a bluish tint.
  • Inflamed - The borders of the stains are raised above the surface of the skin and are inflamed.

Different types, shapes and types of disease are demonstrated on the photo presented below.

Symptoms vitiligo

Vitiligo is manifested in the form of white spots on the skin. At the initial stage, they do not exceed 2-3 mm in diameter, they have clear boundaries, do not cause painful sensations. The patient they deliver moral discomfort, especially if they are located in open areas of the body. More clearly spots are manifested in tan, because they do not react to ultraviolet and do not change their color under the action of sunlight. Sometimes inside the existing stains formed new zones of depigmentation, in some cases they expand, distributed to other sections, combine, acquire incorrect contours. Most often, the stains appear on the face, near the ears, on the tips of the fingers, footsteps, elbows, knees, the heads of the head (under the beard, mustache), in the area of \u200b\u200bgroin and skin folds.

Additional symptoms vitiligo:

  • Dermatological diseases - sclerodermia, flat deprived, psoriasis, different kinds dermatitis.
  • Increased sensitivity of affected skin to infrared radiation.
  • Lack of changes when exposed to stains of ultraviolet rays.
  • The reduced sensitivity of the depigmented sections to the influence of the cold.
  • Violated sweating on the surface of the spots.
  • Bright or gray hair on the amazed areas.
  • Baldness, limited spots.
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Alcoholic or dosage inxication of the liver.
  • White skin atrophy, Nettone Nettle, Porphyria, choreoretinite.

Despite the violation of the process of sweating in places of defeat, the stains do not dry and do not peel.

Causes of vitiligo

Vitiligo is a common impaired pigmentation of the skin, which is equally common in men and women, in adults and children. Scientists have not yet definitively determined etiology and causes of vitiligo, however, a number of provoking factors can be called, the effect of which most of the diseases suffered.

Reasons provoking vitiligo:

  • Genetic predisposition. Leukoderma does not apply to congenital pathologies, since it develops under the influence of a number of factors not related to genetics. However, scientists do not exclude heredity, since in some cases the disease affects several generations of one family. There is a group of genes that makes a person more vulnerable to the factors causing vitiligo. Interestingly, the disease is more often diagnosed with people with brown eyes, but the owners of gray and blue eyes are rarely affected.
  • Disorders of the immune system. The autoimmune origin of vitiligo is considered as the main one. In case of impairment of immunity, the body generates antibodies that affect not only bacteria, fungi and viruses, but also healthy cells, including skin cells. In favor of autoimmune nature, it also says that in patients with leukoderma often diagnose the lesions of the thyroid gland, the systemic red lupus, rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Disorders of the hormonal background. Launching the leukoderma development mechanism can hormonal failures caused by impaired endocrine glands. Therefore, patients are encouraged to check the condition of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, ovaries and pancreas.
  • Trophic disorders of the skin. The disease can develop against the background of skin damage - mechanical, thermal and chemical injuries. Often, the first spots appear on the site of the scars, since it is in these places that antibodies are concentrated that the body produces to combat inflammation. At the same time, they cause depigmentation, destroying cells that produce melanin.
  • Disease gasts. Sometimes leukoderma develops against the background of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (dysbacteriosis, etc.), worsening the absorption of vitamins, minerals, enzymes. Because of this, the feeding nutrition is disturbed, the risk of vitiligo and other dermatological diseases increases.
  • Liver diseases. Liver diseases that cause bile stagnation negatively affect the skin condition and become causes of various dermatological diseases.
    Medications. The development of skin pathologies contributes to the reception of some drugs.
  • Chemical substances. The cause of vitiligo can be the impact on the skin of chemically active substances contained in household chemicals and used in a number of harmful production.
  • Disorders of the endocrine system. 10% of patients with a diagnosis of vitiligo detect various diseases thyroid gland. The relationship between the state of the endocrine system and the skin exists, but it has not been studied to the end.

Vitiligo in children

If from 1% of the diseased to allocate children, in pediatrics, the disease can be called extremely rare. Symptoms and causes of vitiligo in children remain unchanged, the treatment is the same as in adults, but requires a more careful approach to the features children's body. To diagnose vitiligo, children use the same methods, in some cases enough inspection.

Diagnosis of vitiligo

Diagnosis of vitiligo in adults and children in most cases does not cause difficulties that you cannot say about treatment. Usually the disease is recognized by characteristic white spots on the skin. If the dermatologist doubts the diagnosis, he assigns:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Biopsy.
  • Histological research.
  • Lighting of wood lamp spots.

For a more accurate diagnosis, leukoderm is differentiated from partial albinism, a hebong-like, tuberous sclerosis, idiopathic leaf-shaped hypomelane, high-inflammatory, chemical and true leukoderma.

Treatment of vitiligo

If white specks appeared on the skin, you must refer to the dermatologist. He will inspect under special lighting, if necessary, prescribe a number of analyzes and research. This will make it possible to choose the optimal treatment scheme, taking into account the characteristics of the disease. Unfortunately, no one guarantees complete healing from Vitiligo, most often it occurs spontaneously, but without treating the disease progresses. The standard scheme involves the reception of drugs of various groups.
Glucocorticoids are medicines that suppress autoimmune processes and allergic reactions. With:

  • Localized form. It is recommended to use ointments, to begin with - with medium activity. It may be triacort, fluorochort, alcoholazone, esperson, hydrocortisone butirate, etc. The course is at least 3 months. In the absence of results, more active ointments are prescribed - Beloderterm, Dermatet, Sinalar, Kuputait, Elokom, and others. Course treatment - 2 months, break between courses - at least 1 month.
  • Generalized form. Preparations are recommended in the form of tablets and capsules. Since similar treatment of vitiligo increases the risk of developing the syndrome of Izeno Cushing and sugar diabetesIt is recommended parallel pulse therapy and breaks in the reception of drugs. Metylprednisolone, prednisolone, dexamethasone, triamcinolone are most often prescribed.

Since it is often used to treat ultraviolet, patients prescribe photosensitizing agents vegetable originthat increase the sensitivity of melanocytes to ultraviolet rays:

  • Beroxan - Contains xantoxin and bergapten.
  • Metoksalen, Lamadin, Oxolen, Puvalen - contain only xantoxin.
  • Meladinin - Contains xantoxin and impertonin.
  • Ammifarin - Contains xantoxin, isopimpinelline and bergapten.
  • PSBeran - isolated from figs.
  • Psoralen - isolated from psoraly.

Popular Mazi Protopic and Epipal, which are used to treat psoriasis and dermatitis. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, the T-lymphocytes are suppressed and slow down the body's immune response. In terms of its action, they are somewhat similar to glucocorticoids. With the help of these ointments, children and adults can be treated, but for adults, the concentration of the main substance should be 0.1%, for children - 0.03%. Course treatment - 3-6 months.

Systemic treatment of vitiligo is aimed at normalizing a hormonal background, the strengthening of immunity, the replenishment of the lack of vitamins and microelements, the conclusion from depression, the elimination of nervous disorders that often provoke the development of the disease.

In some cases, treatment is allowed by the following methods:

  • Laser therapy. The impact of the laser beam on the stains allows you to get good results in the treatment of local forms of disease, developing at least five years. The procedure takes several minutes a day.
  • Whitening. This method allows you to make spots on the skin less noticeable. However, the procedure uses very aggressive and at the same time expensive means, so the method is not suitable for everyone.
  • Melanocytic transplantation (surgical method). A healthy skin is allowed to place discolored, but no one will guarantee that after some time there will be no white spots on the same place.
  • UVB therapy. The treatment with ultraviolet rays is based on the use of a special lamp, the rays of which are directed to the affected areas of the skin.
  • Combined method. The greatest effect allows to obtain a combination of drug, surgical and several other methods of treatment.

If the cause of vitiligo is accurately established, it is possible to achieve positive results by excluding provoking factors. It will not be superfluous to addition of everyday ration with products rich with copper (cabbage, tomatoes, apples, seafood) and zinc (rice, oats, corn).

Complications of vitiligo

In some cases, leukoderma is combined with psoriasis, red flat deprive, focal baldness, scleroderma. Often in patients are diagnosed with the weakening of the antitoxic function of the liver and the disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which require separate treatment.

Prevention of vitiligo

No special preventive measures vitiligo. Reduce the risk of the disease allows limited stay in the sun, hardening, reception of vitamins, and stuffing procedures.

Vitiligo is chronic illnesswhich lies in the destruction of the melanocytes of the skin. As a result, white spots are formed on the skin of the patient. different size And the wrong shape.

The disease proceeds asymptomatic and is rather a cosmetic defect, however, patients complain about psychological discomfort, depression and discontent with their own appearance.

Theories of the development mechanisms of vitiligo

Vitiligo is developing as follows: under the influence of negative factors of both external and internal, cell damage producing hormone melanin occurs. As a result, melanocytes cease to produce a pigment, which leads to the appearance of decisions.

The development of the disease goes in several stages:

  1. At the initial stage, as a rule, one small stain appears, from a few millimeters to 2 centimeters in diameter, pinkish or beige shade. In the future, the spot is growing, acquiring a dairy-white color or a hue of the ivory. Over time, the spots becomes greater, their dimensions increase.
  2. The progressive stage is the primary spot increases in size, depigmented areas appear on other parts of the body. Spots can merge, hair on the skin is discolored. The pigment contour is clearly visible on the edge of the elevated area.
  3. Stationary stage - with a long period of illness on the skin, large stains of irregular shape are clearly visible, with a lace edge. There is a clear boundary between the affected areas and regions with normal pigmentation. Spots do not flag and do not protrude above the skin surface.
  4. The refigmentation stage is in some cases normal pigmentation of the skin can be spontaneously recovered. Pigments appear predominantly about hair folliclesSince they are most often saved by functioning melanocytes. Spots can disappear both completely and partially.

The reasons for the development of vitiligo

Science are unknown neither accurate causes nor the mechanism of development of vitiligo. There is an assumption that the appearance of vitiligo disease can be explained by the following factors:

  • the effects of certain chemicals or drugs;
  • vegetative pathology nervous system;
  • diseases of endocrine organs;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • chronic diseases.
  • It was not reliably studied, why the melanin suddenly disappears. It is customary to belong vitiligo to autoimuminous diseases: immunity perceives pigment cells as foreign and destroy them. There may be any injury, transferred stress, long contact with some chemicals can provoke such an immune response.

To date, medicine has not come to determine the emergence of such a disease, like vitiligo.

Vicitigo variety

Vitiligo is observed in 1% of the population and is divided into several types, depending on the place of lesion and color of spots.

On coloring spots:

  • Three-color - on the transitions of the pigmented area there is an outline, and the stain has three colors
  • The four-color - stain has four transitions separated by a contour with severe pigmentation
  • Inflamed - the stain has inflamed transitions with a circuit, which is expressed by the leaned skin.

There are also cases of appearance of spots with a bluish tint.

Views of vitiligo depending on localization:

  • The focal form, which in turn is divided into three subspecies
  • Foalk - in one part of the body there are one or more stains
  • Segmental - the location of the spots is built in the direction of nerves or nerve plexuses
  • Mucous - only mucous membranes are affected
  • Generalized form, including three types of varieties
  • Acrofascial - damage to the distal part of the limbs
  • Vulgar - spots randomly scattered throughout the skin
  • Mixed - different types present in one place
  • The universal form at which the skin pigmentation is almost completely absent.

At the same time, two types of vitiligo differ dermatologists:

  • A - any form of illness, during which the sympathetic system does not violate
  • B - depigmentation in the direction of nerves and violation of the functionality of the sympathetic nervous system

Vitiligo Starting Stage Photo

The process of significant growth in the size of the stains, increasing the stain or a sharp appearance of new ones. Slowly progressive disease is considered to be a normal development of pathology, but development can be lightning. In this case, the increase in the amount occurs within a few weeks.

The process of formation of single spots. It is possible to further develop the progressive form, stable or recovery stage.

It is characterized by one stain with a stable state. The stain for a long time does not increase, and there is no appearance of new spots.

In some cases, depending on the nature of the disease, it is possible to restore skin pigmentation. Most often occurs when the appearance of spots occurs, which could be caused by drugs.

After the cessation of the drug, toxins are derived from the body, and skin regeneration occurs.

  • Progressive moment: If the stain increases throughout the three-month period. This moment can have a slow leakage.


The disease most often flows in chronic form, the disease appears sharply, unfortunately, small spots may appear on the skin of different shapeswhich have pink or dairy color and clear boundaries. Stains eventually begin to increase in size, and merge into one.

The defeat may be single and multiple, it is placed on different skin areas, most often characterized for open areas - faces, necks, upper and lower extremities. The peculiarity of vitiligo is that the skin does not peel, and there are no atrophy on the affected skin.

Vitiligo is not typical for soles, palms, mucous membranes. Foci can be placed symmetrically, there are often unilateral lesions.

Where spots appear, the hair color changes, they will be pale, the sweating may be disturbed, the skin is sensitive to the stimulus. Often prone to the appearance of photodermatitis.

Therefore, patients who suffer vitiligo are not recommended for a long time to be in the sun, because on tanned skin, white areas become more pronounced.

Vitiligo can develop in severe form when the defeat has a universal nature, the skin is completely depigmented. When the disease progresses, depigmented areas can appear in those places where the skin is pressed, it turns on, while the integrity of the cover of the skin is disturbed.

Vitiligo can manifest itself both in childhood and in more mature and most often takes chronic form, the symptoms are absolutely the same for everyone.

The disease most often begins to develop with small spots having clear contours, white or pale pink colors, which over time grow and merge with each other.

Foci of lesions can be part of a single character or affect several parts of the body at the same time. Most often it is open skin sections: hands, face, neck. Distinctive feature Switigigo spots - no peeling and atrophy on previously affected skin areas.

The main symptoms are the areas of the skin, which get light color and can be evilted before the milk-white shade. Most often, the disease is progressing on such parts of the body:

  • Leather near mouth, nose and eyes
  • Limb
  • Packing zone

Vitiligo affects the skin like without hair coverAnd with him, at the same time the hair can fall on the head, on the beard.

With vitiligo, there may be symptoms of other concomitant pathologies:

  • Baldness
  • Inflammation of the rear eye department or retina
  • Sclerodermia
  • Psoriasis
  • Diseases of gasts
  • The affected skin does not distinguish sweat, it becomes less sensitive to annoying factors
  • The liver does not cope with toxins

Immediately detect vitiligo difficult, as usually white spots on the skin appear gradually and increase in size slowly.

At an early stage of the disease, the skin can appear on the skin or milk color stains. After some time, the stains begin to increase in their sizes, their clear boundaries and outlines having roundness or elongated ovality are visible. Due to the expansion of sections of spots, they can merge with each other. Usually the location of the spots falls in open places as: on the neck, face, legs. This disease is also in adults, and in children. The absence of pigmentation is manifested more often in open areas of the skin. Some spots can pass and elsewhere appear on the other place. If the disease retreats, pigmentation is returned, but not always evenly. A human body will not be able to fully discolitively. The most noticeable spots in the summer during the tanning of the main skin color.

In some cases, vitiligo is manifested with other diseases: baldness, flat, psoriasis. In people suffering from this disease, the functions of the digestive organs are broken, liver.


It is very easy to establish a diagnosis, because vitiligo is characterized by specific symptoms. Today, they have not yet developed special drugs to cure vitiligo.

But it must be remembered that the disease develops due to a malfunction in the body, the treatment will depend only on the deliverance of the cause, due to which the disease appeared.

Also, with the help of some drugs, it is possible to increase the sensitivity of the skin to the ultraviolet rays - Beroxane, melagenin, ammifurin, psoralene, they are released in the form of tablets that need to be taken inside, there are many ointments, special alcohol solutions that need to rub in those foci where it happened Depigmentation.

An excellent method is photochemotherapy and pre-therapy for efficiency. These drugs should be combined with ultraviolet skin irradiation. It has already been proven that the most effective is long-wave UV irradiation.

Treatment must have repeated therapy courses, carried out with small breaks to achieve the maximum result.

But remember the contraindications of the PuU-therapy, it cannot be performed during pregnancy, oncological diseases, with problems with digestive, cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems. Also under the age of 5 years and after 60 years.

It is very important to take photosensitizing drugs and the impact of the rays of the neon laser on the skin, which is amazed. Laser therapy has several advantages, it is better than photochemistry method:

1. Highly efficient.

2. Reduces treatment time.

3. There are no side effects.

It is especially effective when it includes preparations that contain ascorbic acid and copper. Positive result in patients comes after a person takes corticosteroid hormones.

TO complex therapy Vitiligo includes immunomodulators - a tincture of Echinacea, immunal.

A surgical method is popular with which you can heal vitiligo, for this, the donor areas of the skin are transplanted, for this pre-prepared the skin with the help of the PUVA method.

The diagnosis of vitiligo, as a rule, is not particularly difficult. The disease has a specific form of leaking, and an experienced specialist without much difficulty will distinguish the disease from another kind of dermatosis.

For each person, the selection of the course of treatment occurs individually. To decide how to cure vitiligo, doctors often assign a number of diagnostic procedures.

Such definition schemes can last up to 4 months, and in some cases up to the year. In each body, the processes are performed in different ways.

Determination of the effectiveness of drugs may take up to three months, with constant use of the drug.

The diagnosis of vitiligo is the following events:

  • Collect anamnesis.
  • Fence of the skin sample on the biopsy. At the cellular level, the cessation of melanin production is detected.
  • Held differential diagnosis With such diseases like syphilis, white deprived, melanoma and albinism.
  • If necessary, tests for biochemistry, thyroid hormones and corticosteroids are surrendered.

When identifying exchange violations It is necessary to get advice from an endocrinologist.

When noticeable depigmented spots on the body, it is necessary to turn to a dermatologist for the examination. Inspection consists of determining the nature of skin pigmentation violation using a special lamp and a material fence for laboratory tests.

These manipulations will help to eliminate the remaining skin diseases.

With a confirmed diagnosis, various types of drugs are used:

  1. Glucocorticoids. You need to start using the least concentrated drugs for local application: fluorochort, hydrocortisone, triacort. If the result does not improve after 3 months of therapy, then adjust the dosage - assign tools with higher quantities active substance: Belloderm, Dermate, Elokom. With a generalized form, drugs of this group are used in a tablet form, but in a complex with pulse therapy to avoid the risk of developing side effects in the form of diabetes mellitus. Prednisolone, dexamethasone, methylprednisolone are prescribed for intake.
  2. Photocumary in complex with ultraviolet lamp. Vegetable means increase the sensitivity of melanocytes to UV radiation: Beroxane, Psoberan, Puvalen, Metoxal.
  3. Systemic therapy of concomitant diseases. Depending on the current situation and the existing pathologies, antidepressants, sedatives (with depression and nerve disorders), vitamin and mineral complexes, immunomodulators and antioxidants can be prescribed as additional treatment.

Innovative solution solving methods:

  1. Melanocyte transplantation is an auto precipitate of healthy skin cells to the discolored area. It is applied on small areas of cover.
  2. Melagenin Plus is an alcohol preparation based on human placenta.
  3. Laser therapy - vitiligo spots have an effect with a laser beam of various lengths. The technique will be effective if the pathology is developing less than 5 years and in segmental, vulgar and focal forms of leukoderma.
  4. Cosmetic skin whitening is the introduction of clarifying injections to align the skin surface tone.

New methods of combating vitiligo are being developed, in particular invent a vaccine against the disease.

Treatment of vitiligo

After the disease was diagnosed in clinical conditions, treatment begins. The doctor prescribes drugs that improve the metabolism process directly in the skin.

In addition, the therapeutic action of a local nature is carried out using alcohol medicinal solutionsWith which you can cure a disease.

Physiotherapy measures are also prescribed, including ultraviolet irradiation after skin sections have been treated with special means.

To date, there are quite effective techniques, the course of which is aimed at treatment of vitiligo within one month, followed by repetition throughout life.

Treatment of vitiligo in children is accompanied by certain difficulties, because most drugs that are prescribed by adults are contraindicated to treat children.

Apply ointment, oil and other drugs for external use on the skin of the eyelids and around the eye is not recommended. Enjoy drugs It follows only after they are prescribed by the doctor individually, because there are a number of contraindications in which to treat any disease should be very careful:.

  • hepatitis of any form
  • disease of the gastrointestinal tract
  • first trimester of pregnancy
  • tuberculosis
  • infectious diseases of the kidneys
  • diabetes

In addition to traditional methods of treatment, you can get rid of vitiligo folk remediesIn which the Angeground oil is effective for outdoor use.

The use of folk agents in the treatment of vitiligo

Treatment, more precisely, its outcome depends on the proper appointment and responsibility of the patient with which it will suit this issue. Medicine and hardware diagnostics develop constantly, so with a comprehensive approach it is possible to get rid of vitiligo.

Modern methods in the treatment of vitiligo:

  • Puv-therapy - irradiation with ultraviolet defined intensity. After several procedures, patients noted the resumption of pigmentation on the affected areas of the skin;
  • vitamin therapy - reception in the inside of vitamins group B, and and C;
  • treatment with the use of phytopreparations (locally and receiving inside);
  • compliance with a special diet that includes cereals, seafood, vegetables and fruits;
  • laser treatment;
  • corticosteroid therapy is the local use of drugs in the form of applications, slipping and receiving inside;
  • electrophoresis with copper sulfate, iron, zinc;
  • cosmetology - treatment is to protect the affected areas of UV protective means. Musking formulations are often used to eliminate the cosmetic defect.

Like each not studied to the end, vitiligo is shroudedly by myths and guesses. Oddly enough, even some doctors are mistaken in some issues related to this disease.

The five most common myths about the treatment of the disease:

Despite the "gaps" in the study of this disease, it is curable. You can only agree with the fact that the path to recovery is quite difficult and long.

  1. Vitiligo - infectious disease

Another popular misconception. Vitiligo is not contagious and is not transmitted to those surrounding during contact with the patient.

  1. Disease manifestation - cosmetic flaw

Despite the fact that the appearance of discolored spots on the skin looks in eesthetically, sharp growth and quantity - this is the signal to immediately refer to the dermatologist, which will prescribe adequate treatment.

  1. Medical treatment has toxic effect on the liver

Pistoons forming the basis medical treatment, do not have a negative impact on the liver.

  1. Psoralen + PUVA causes skin cancer

When spots appear on the skin, you should not postpone the goal. The doctor should inspect the stain using special equipment to determine the nature of the disease.

After inspection, the material may be needed for analyzes in order to obtain more accurate data on illness and violations in the body. During medication treatment, the correct use of different medical staff is very important.

Treatment of vitiligo with glucocorticoids

Glucocorticoids are used to suppress the autoimumin process or allergic reaction in organism.

Treatment of vitiligo laser

This treatment method implies treatment with a laser. In the process of exposure to laser radiation, the waves of a certain length are directed to the affected skin.

Laser therapy is similar to phototherapy. This method is well treated with a local form of vitiligo, which is present in no more than five years.

For treatment with a laser method, you will not need a lot of time, the first procedures take up to 1 second.

Surgical intervention (melanocite transplantation)

Methodology home Treatment It can be conditionally divided into such groups:

  • With the help of natural
  • Using a balanced power and life mode
  • Medicia treatment

Before you treat vitiligo, you must consult a doctor. Medical treatment provides for the reception of funds that reduce the negative impact ultraviolet radiation on human skin.

At the same time use drugs local action To increase the pigmentation of the skin. Any medicine may have contraindications, therefore must be appointed by doctors.

In case of detection of related diseases, medicines are used for them.

To treat and suppress allergies or autoimmune processes, you can use medicines - glucocorticosteroids. Such a group of drugs is prescribed for the therapy of a localized type of illness.

In such cases, drugs are used in the form of ointments. When a generalized form of pathology appears, preparations are prescribed in tablets.

Many cases of drug treatment did not give positive results and complete cure. In this regard, many people resort to use folk methods Treatment, which lead to a decrease in stains with disappearance.

Adhering to diet and ordinary therapy, vitiligo is also treatable with the help of folk remedies. There are plants from which you can cook infusions, ointments and accelerate the treatment of vitiligo at home.

The affected part of the skin is very susceptible to sunny effects and the skin is easily burning due to the lack of protective pigments. In this regard, to prevent burns, it is necessary to cover the sick skin of clothing or use a special cream.

Skin-affected skin is very sensitive to the sunshine and lightly burns, because There is no protective pigment on these sites. Therefore, the skin must be covered with clothes or sunscreen creams, use against vitiligo ointment, so that there are no burns.

St. John's wings has an excellent healing effect. A decoction is prepared from it and accepted three times a day after meals.

One reception is a beverage tablespoon. It is necessary to be treated for three weeks, after which they take a break for one week and continue the course.

For the preparation of the drink you need to dry the plant, grind and in 200 ml of water brew one teaspoon of crushed plants.

Also, you can cook ointment. To do this, it will be necessary to the joyful hiking, in which to add part olive oil In the ratio of 1:10.

Before applying ointments, you must first make the compress from the beard of the Hypericum - moistened fabric applied to the affected area for half an hour. The course in this way of treatment is 40 days.

Black cumin oil can be taken inside or used for outdoor procedures. A soft cloth moistened in vinegar, you need to wipe the damn skin, apply oil, and then take the sun bath for 30 minutes.

From the oil, you can prepare both the drink, mixing the teaspoon of the substance with 200 ml of water.

The skin will gain normal color, if mixed black ground pepper and food soda 1: 1 and regularly rub the substance at the scene of the disease.

Vitiligo treatment is also carried out with anise oil. To do this, you will need 500 grams of olive oil and powder made of rearranged anise seeds.

The resulting mixture should be incanded to the dark for 30 days, after which the composition is boiled, cooled and filtered. Every day, smearing the means on the spot you can get a positive result.

Grinding leaves pour boiling water - 1 tablespoon and 200 ml of boiled water. After 2 hours of instead, take 50 ml in front of meals in 15 minutes.

After 7 days, the dose increases twice. Taking a drink, you need to rub the discolored spot.

The best result can be obtained by rubbing the skin with fresh juice from the leaves. At the same time it is necessary to take a sun bath for a minute.

Every subsequent day, the time of staying in the sun should be increased by 1 minute. The course of treatment lasts three weeks, after which they make a seven-day break and repeat the procedure.

To prepare the mixture, it is necessary to burn the bark and the dining-spoon of the ashes mix with the same amount of olive oil. After mixing, rub into the affected skin.

Grinding dry grass boil in 250 ml of water. The decoction should bloom throughout the hour. After that, it is necessary to strain. All decoction you need to drink in 15 minutes before meals. The decoction must be consumed three times a day for 120 days.

This substance can also be used as a medication from vitiligo. It is necessary to buy a finished product in a pharmacy and lubricate the problem of the skin for a month. The course can be repeated after a two-week break.

The bars chopped into the grass powder are poured with two liters of red wine. The tool must be drilled 15 minutes, and then take 50 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime.

Also, in case, various drugs from acetylsalicylic acid are used, which serve to remove skin spots. Aspirin and salicylic alcohol are often used.

Pathology can develop both adults and children and even a newborn baby. For the treatment of illness in children, it is necessary to adhere to some principles.

First of all, it is not necessary to regret the time and spend thorough diagnosis, since this will depend on the effectiveness of the course of treatment and the amount of drug or ointment, which are used in the treatment.

Children at 4 years of age are treated as well as adults, however, if the attending physician refuses to take into a child at that age, then you do not need to insist.

Little children, unlike adults, is more often self-appearances. Most often from 4 to 5 years, drugs do not use, however, it must be remembered that the use of drugs, the basis of which is the extract of placenta or natural healing herbs.

Also before treating vitiligo folk remedies need to be remembered - the indicator can move both in the best, and in the worse. From drugs and irradiation possible, there will be more negative impact than positive results.

At the same time it is necessary to pay attention to healthy image Child's life, healthy power supply and a favorable psychological situation, do not expose the child to the action of the active Sun and use cosmetic sunscreen.

For the treatment of illness, the child uses almost all the methods that are prescribed by adults. The exception is the systemic therapy with hormonal drugs.

It is used only in the presence of strict testimony, at minimum time and in the lowest therapeutic doses. Children under 12 years old are contraindicated by SF-irradiation sessions and pre-therapy.

To understand how much skin condition can improve the treatment of vitiligo, you can see the photos of people before and after the treatment of the disease. The pictures of the skin areas, affected by vitiligo, will give you the opportunity to approximately evaluate the effectiveness of therapy and will help determine the strategy to combat this little-studied disease.

Treatment of the disease depends on the shape and nature of lesions.

With a small amount of stains, the following methods are used:

Drugs from vitiligo today does not exist. But in this case, photochemistry (FCT) or PuU-therapy is considered effective.

This method includes the reception of special drugs - for local application or in the form of tablets that increase the sensitivity to ultraviolet, and actually irradiation, preferably long-wave.

FCT courses are spent with short breaks. Read more about Vitiligo treatment methods on our website.

This type of therapy has contraindications: oncological diseasesBriendanity Individual sensitivity to ultravioletular-vascular diseases of the digestive and urinary systemPuv-therapy are not prescribed to children under 5 years and older people after 60 years

Much better will help get rid of vitiligo laser therapy, especially if the patient adopts copper and ascorbic acid preparations. The treatment time is much smaller, and the list of contraindications for laser therapy is shorter.

With vitiligo, corticosteroids are also used, immunomodulators. In developed countries, vitiligo treatment is popular with a donor skin transplant.

How to treat vitiligo at home on our website.

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Even with the adoption of qualitative measures of therapy there is a high probability of recurrence and progression of the disease. Usually, external and internal uses are used to eliminate the disease - tablets, ointments, gels.

The group of funds under consideration is aimed at suppressing autoimmune phenomena and reactions.

  • With a localized type of disease, it is necessary to use comprehensive ointments of medium and high activity, their list will be considered in the relevant section.
  • With a general form, pills are used - prednisolone, triamcinolone, dexamethasone, pulse therapy. In the treatment of the lamp, patients should receive photo-seentials of drugs.

Considering the question of how to treat a disease, several main directions can be noted. Preferably, these are vegetable remedies - Lamadin, oxidized, meladinin, psoberan, psoralen.

In addition, systemic therapy is carried out, which is aimed at eliminating violations of the hormonal plan, to withdraw patients from the state of depression, as well as to suppress the diseases of the nervous system acting as launch mechanisms of illness.

Modern methods of therapeutic process

The key to the definition of the disease is its signs. As you can get rid of manifestations and causal factors - a specialist should always solve.

The medical industry pleases the speed of its development, so progressive treatment is reduced to the use of several groups of drugs and hardware techniques.

  • Laser therapy with radiation to the lesion sites. This method has many similarities with phototherapy and helps with local aids.
  • Skin whitening contributes to lower peculiarities of white spots present on the skin. At the same time, special techniques provide a total tone alignment using Elokvin, hydroquinone in injections.
  • Surgical intervention (transplantation method). If the disease did not come to large skin seats, you can seek the transplant, but there is a risk of complications - suppuration and non-acceptance.
  • Transferring our own human cells from a good zone to the place of lesion.
  • The use of a special alcohol extract, which is isolated from human placenta. This drug is effective in the case of localized disease.

Vitiligo medication treatment

This medical preparation is used as an external agent and is able to restore skin-covering, reinforcing its absorption capacity of ultraviolet.

It also acts as melagenin, but when it is used, the cells are actively multiplied and synthesized melanin with greater impact of ultraviolet radiation.

Even when severe condition Vitiligo. Wherein healthy sites The skin is not affected by pathology, and depigmentation does not appear again.

The substance is prohibited to use pregnant women and breastfeeding. It is also used without additional procedures for infrared lamp.

Ammifurin is also used as a photosensitizing agent and vitasan as a cream from natural components.

Today is used this method Due to the effectiveness and power of action to the areas of affected type. But the PUVA implies a lot of side effects - erythema, feeling of nausea.

In this connection, patients are more likely to prefer ultraviolet radiation with the most narrow spectral effect, which involves a slight likelihood of external and internal manifestations as side effects.

Folic acid

According to the studies carried out in which people with these skin diseases took this composition, achieved positive results, which indicates the indisputable role of this vitamin composition.


This remedy acts as a powerful defigmentation regulator, which is developed by the Laboratory of France. It has achieved high standards and application level.


This means is used externally and contributes to the rehabilitation of the process of pigmentation on the cover of the skin. The substances included in the drug make it possible to ensure the most active breeding of cells. But there are a number of contraindications to use that it is important to take into account.


This is a strong photosensitizing agent used in case of irradiation under the sun. The drug has a form of release in the form of tablets and a solution, ensures the process of producing melanin. There are several contraindicated diseases that are important to take into account.


This tool has a natural vegetable composition and is produced as a cream. The composition contains walnut, St. John's wort, a calendula, a series. There is also a nut butter, cedar, fir. Contraindications include only the intolerance to the individual plan.

Masking spots vitiligo

Considering the ailment of vitiligo, photos, symptoms, treatment, it can be noted that often the patients are concerned about the question of disguise stains. There are several ways.

  1. Special cosmetics - the most affordable way to ensure smaller notice of spots. Used tones and matting action creams.
  2. Auto tan - another "medicine" from unattractive white spots, which will help hide rash in adults. Preference should be given to the salon procedures.
  3. Green walnut peel will remove the sharpness of the contrast between the plots and level the skin tone. The advantage is the lack of traces on clothing for use.

When leaving, it is important to comply with the basic rules of tracking the condition of the skin.

Masking spots vitiligo

It is quite natural that every person wants to hide white spots. In such cases, while a person passes a course of treatment, it can use such methods of disguise:

This method is the most affordable and simple. It provides for the applying of tonal creams and other matting agents. At the same time, the skin is brought to natural color, and then it is already matted. You can also use a permanent tattoo, which will not wash off with water and does not erase clothes.

It is best to carry out this procedure in the cabin, since it is hard to pick up the tone and apply to the skin. In this case, the color is flat and steady. With this method of disguise, the clothes do not get dirty, which makes it easy to use in the arms and legs.

  • Green Walnut Saucer

The peel is crushed by a blender and leave for a couple of hours. Next, the crushed tool acquires a brown and cotton swab to the stain. The substance contributes to skin staining and not dirty clothes.

The skin is treated in layers. The depth of processing is selected depending on the stage of the disease and its character.

Also for disguise stains and give them a less noticeable look, skin whitening is used. Such a procedure includes color alignment.

To do this, use the injections of aggressive drugs, such as ellvin, monobenzon and hydroquinone. Before using them, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as they have side effect and contraindications.

At the same time, drugs are expensive.

If there is a disguise stains vitiligo, it is important to remember proper care Behind the affected areas of the skin. Do not apply allergens and thus once again injured the skin.

Too close clothes can rub the stains, and when using a razor you need to be very careful. Decoration on neck or hands can also harm.

Under the sun or on the frost, it is not necessary to spend a lot of time, as the tan can provoke the appearance of a spot, and frost to harm the affected skin.

  • Boutirate of hydrocortisone, Esperon - for the treatment of a local localized form of illness. The duration of course treatment is 3 months or more.
  • In the absence of effect, a means with wider activity - eloc, synalar, bellodert, are used. The duration ranges from 1 to 4 months. But you can get rid of vitiligo.

Prevention of disease

The exact causes of vitiligo are not installed, so certain prophylactic procedures are not developed, but it is confirmed by the fact that frequent visiting Sea resorts gives a positive effect on vitiligo.

Also to pay attention to balanced nutrition and diseases of the digestive tract.

It is easy enough to notice vitiligo, initial stage It has a completely noticeable manifestation. On the skin, the initial stage of Vitiligo (photo 2) is manifested as soon as noticeable white spots, the size of which does not exceed 0.2-0.3 cm. Often such small symptoms of vitiligo are simply ignored.

Dermatological studies have shown: if the patient has observed melanoma of the skin, the occurrence of vitiligo increases the chances of regression of this disease. With favorable conditions for pathology, the initial stage can develop, turning into other forms:

  • stationary;
  • progressive;
  • repigmentation stage.

During stationary stage white spots (Photo 3) do not change, new signs of vitiligo do not appear. With progressive, the "reproduction" of spots, already existing lesions increase in size. The growth rate depends on the personal characteristics of the body, the symptoms of vitiligo can enhance for several weeks.

Vitiligo after treatment can go to the stage of refigmentation. Against the background of the impact of chemical agents or drug intake, the skin pigmentation disorder becomes less aggressive. If you ignore pathology, it is possible to develop complications to which include:

  • psoriasis;
  • focal baldness;
  • early gray;
  • flat deprived;
  • sclerodermia.

In some cases, the cause of skin pigmentation becomes freewood deprived of a man, whose symptomatics is slightly similar to vitiligo. This disease refers to infectious pathologies, and is usually striking adults.

People of almost all ages are subject to the disease, but vitiligo in children (photo 4) Younger than ten years is rare. Most often, the skin disease vitiligo appears in adolescent girls, especially if they are excessively emotional. Experience and stress contribute not only to the appearance of spots, but their rapid development.

The initial stage of vitiligo in children may appear even after an ordinary cold, the complications of which damaged the immune system. In this case, it looks like vitiligo on the skin as barely noticeable spots of the pinkish shade. Poliosis also occurs - the loss of pigmentation of the hairproke where signs of vitiligo appear in children.

Even if the disease appeared in a pregnant woman, she will not necessarily go to her child. Vitiligo in the newborn appears for reasons that do not depend on the maternal organism. Vitiligo in infants may arise against the background of concomitant diseases to which psoriasis belongs to children, or multicolored deprived.

Due to the fact that vitiligo in young children rarely appears, parents may not pay due attention to illness. This is a serious mistake: without treating skin disease vitiligo will progress, which can lead to serious psychological problems. Children who have signs of vitiligo on the body often face the dislike of peers.

Treatment It is advisable to start immediately as the initial stage will manifest. But it is impossible to diagnose independently, even if the parents are confident that vitiligo begins and explicit pigmented spots appeared. Problems with pigment production can cause hipifaniasis in the child (Photo in gal), at which light spots on the skin also appear. To identify vitiligo, a child needs to pass blood tests on the level of sugar and hormones of the thyroid. In some cases, it will take a histological study of the area of \u200b\u200bproblem skin. Vitiligo in infants requires treatment as well as pathology in older children.

In children, albinism can also provoke such symptoms - pathology at which a pigmentation disruption occurs. Such a failure is not just a cosmetic defect: the lack of melanin can lead to violations of vision or intolerance to sunlight.

What is this disease vitiligo

Vitiligo's disease (see photo 6) is a pathology at which melanin disappears in some areas of the skin. This is a pigment that gives our skin color, without it there is a violation of skin pigmentation. Spots for vitiligo milky-white disease can have any shape and increase as the disease develops. The initial stage of vitiligo under the eyes or in other places is manifested with one or two barely notable specks, which in half a year can turn into one local lesion.

Vitiligo's disease is chronic, it has a recurrent character. Therefore, signs of vitiligo in children or adults can spontaneously appear and disappear. The disease affects any parts of the body, vitiligo appears on the back and even on the scalp. Often appears vitiligo on the genital organs, back or under the eyes. The initial stage of vitiligo on hand changes not only fingers, but also forearm. The causes of vitiligo can be the most different. These include:

  • injuries;
  • burns;
  • immune system failure;
  • genetics;
  • cookie problems;
  • pathology gasts;
  • endocrine problems;
  • stress;
  • long toxic impact.

Because of the same symptoms, leukoderma may occur, the symptoms of which are often confused with vitiligo. Without a specialist, it is difficult to distinguish between these two diseases.

Before and after the treatment of vitiligo

Preparations for the treatment of vitiligo should select the doctor. The choice depends on the degree of skin lesion, the personal characteristics of the body and the stage of the disease. With a localized form, a synalar, triacort, elocort or hydrocortisone is used, with generalized - triamcinolone, prednisolone, dexamethasone and their analogues. If stains did not increase before the treatment of vitiligoThe therapy will not only stop their development, but will begin to restore the natural pigmentation of the skin.

To defeat the spots of vitiligo on her face or other areas of the skin, it is also recommended to use vitamin and mineral complexes, in some cases ultraviolet therapy is necessary. If local treatment cannot defeat the skin of vitiligo, resort to donor skin transplantation.

Local treatment of vitiligo includes ultraviolet or laser therapy. To get rid of vitiligo on the legs recommended simple diet From seafood, corn, rice and apples. System or local glucocorticoids will help to remove vitiligo on intimate places.

Model with Vitiligo Chatel Brown Yang

Despite the fact that Vitiligo girl looks too attractive, for some people it becomes a kind of highlight. Example - Vini Harlow, known as model with Vitiligo Chatel Brown Yang (photo 8). The initial stage of Vitiligo was manifested in another three years, and once it was the reason for bullying and ridicule.

To nineteen years, this girl is the most famous model with vitiligo disease. This model with Vitiligo became an inspiration of Internet flashing: fans with cosmetics imitated characteristic impaired pigmentation. Fashion model with Vitiligo received widespread after participating in the "Top Model of American" show.

Michael Jackson and Vitiligo

If a model with skin pigmentation is not shy of its ailment, then some other celebrities with vitiligo belong to the disease very differently. Michael Jackson was also observed. Dark-skinned also appear dairy spots. At first, the singer used cosmetics to hide the defect, and then decided on a serious transplantation surgery for donor skin.

Photo gallery vitiligo on the body