How to plant lily. Lilies in the country area: grow correctly. Choose a healthy Lukovitsa

29.11.2020 Information

With reverence. It is believed that this flower has already grown in the Garden of Eden and his aroma enjoyed the first people. After a few centuries, Lily was associated with the divine personalities of Greek and Roman mythology. In nominal Christianity, the flower has become a symbol of impassion and purity. And in the Holy Scripture, it is named beautiful of all wildflowers.

Often Lily was used to emphasize their power. In France, she was conquered for a long time on the emblems of the great monarchs of antiquity. Later, she appeared on the royal coat of arms and signs. Even in our time, Lily is used on the coat of arms of some French provinces. In addition, lilies poured from gold decorated the famous Solomon Temple. What is the secret of the popularity of a simple garden flower? Let's try to figure out.

General Description of the sophisticated beauty

Lilies grow practically throughout Europe. They are familiar to residents of the northern part of the American continent and Asia. She decorates gardens and country sections of Russia. Her gentle aroma like not only women, but also to men. Therefore, it is folded a lot of poems and songs.

Lily refers to the family "Lily". Its close relatives are tulips, onions and rumble glands. Like them, flowers are perennial plants growing from bulbs. In the nature of lily there are different species. Biologists have about 80 options. Many of them became the basis for the emergence of new varieties and hybrids.

Lily bulbs are unreacted juicy flakes. They are fixed on the bottom of the plant, at the root of the roots. Therefore, they are considered loose. In size they are different. For example, tiny - in diameter is achieved only 1 cm, and large can be about 30 cm. Most often, the bulb is egg-shaped or row of different shapes.

Roots Plants are:

  • basal;
  • retracting;
  • sadlukovy.

Basal and retractive roots grow in the field of bulbous don. Slisual roots are formed on the stems for one season. After the shoots dry, die and roots.

When transplanting lilies, it is advisable not to damage the main roots at the base of the bulbs.

Garden lily has a straight stem that grows as much as possible to 250 cm in height. Some species reach only 15 cm, but it does not deprive them of charm. Over the entire length, the shoots are decorated with lily leaves. Depending on the species, they can sit on it as:

  • spirals;
  • mutters;
  • roast rosette.

There are lilies, whose leaves are tightly pressed to the vertical stalk. The base is much more than on the top of the escape. Other varieties of the flower are characterized by the appearance of the leaf plates of air bulbs in the sinuses. They are usually attached to the plant stalk.

Decorate straight shoots original inflorescences in the form:

  • cylinder;
  • cone;
  • umbrella.

On each brush, it grows up to 16 buds. Royal varieties can boast 30 flowers at a time. All of them bloom in order. First the bottom, then the upper buds. Each of them does not fade within 9 days, therefore, in general, Lily blooms about two weeks.

Lily flower includes 6 petals (some varieties have more). They surround the pestle and 6 stamens with large anthers located inside the bud. Flower shape is different:

  • in the form of a bowl;
  • tubular;
  • like a large bell;
  • flat option of bud;
  • funnel-shaped;
  • star;
  • chalmidoid.

Depending on this, the size of lily buds is collected. For example, Chamidoid variants in diameter can be about 10 cm. They very much resemble Chinese lantern models. Flower's funnel-like trees have a diameter of 4 cm, and in length reach 15 cm. Flat buds grow up to 25 cm. Truly magnificent spectacle!

The color of the lily flowers simply amazes the imagination with its diversity. They are orange and apricot, pale pink and bright red, snow-white and dark purple. Incredible beauty - two-color options with a rainbow overflow. There are flowers with tiny spots, elegant smears and even with the original cabbage on the tips of the petals. In nature, do not occur in the lilies of blue. When buds are flowing, fruits are formed on the plant. Long neat boxes filled with flat seeds ripen in November. So ends the season of flowering of charming garden beauties.

To constantly enjoy lilies, it is important to breed them correctly. What is the secret of planting these pretty flowers? Just a few consecutive operations.

Basic landing rules lilies

In order to appear sophisticated and tender lilies on the country cottage, it is important to put them correctly. Especially in this need exotic species. There are several landing rules of lilies and care for them:

  • selection of a suitable area;
  • soil preparation;
  • the depth of the planting of bulbs;
  • lidi location scheme in the hallroom.

Before you choose a place for planting colors, you should think about how they will look in tandem with other plants. If you need to dilute tall varieties, they can be placed by small groups. Another option is to place flowers on the back of the flower beds to create a unique background for miniature plants. The lowest varieties are wonderfully combined with rose or peonies bushes.

Neighborhood of lilies with roses allows you to create reliable shelters from winter jellies. Under joint covering, flowers are unlikely to suffer from severe frosts.

Most species of lilies love open sunny garden or feud. The main thing is not to plant them under spreader trees, where there is little light and dry soil. In view of this, the acquisition of the bulbs of the plant should be familiar with the preferences of this type of flower.

To make lilies in the garden for a long time to turn on the flowerbed, it is necessary to prepare the ground before planting. To do this, it makes a little ready-made humus, pure sand and natural peat. Such a fertilous soil helps to strengthen the bulbs and, as a result, the active development of the flower. In addition, depending on the variety of lilies, choose suitable primer. Some prefer an acidic medium, other alkaline. For most colors, neutral soil is suitable.

If the place is selected and the Earth is prepared, you should figure out how to plant lilies correctly. First of all, it is important to take into account the grade of the flower and the dimensions of his bulbs. We also consider the ability of the lily to let go of the roots on shoots.

Almost always landing material is lowered into the ground to a depth, which is 3 times more than its diameter.

Depending on the nature of the soil, the depth of landing of lilies is determined. In the sandy, the bulbs are planting much deeper than in a heavy soil. Due to this, during the hot summer period, the plant receives a sufficient amount of moisture. In the cold winter months, such depth allows you to create a suitable temperature for the bulbs. And unexpected frosts are not afraid of the plant, the plant is not terrible. In addition, a large number of young bulbs and stewed roots are formed at a depth.

To ensure comfortable care of lilies in the garden, choose a suitable plant landing scheme in a flower garden. There are several options:

  1. Single-line belt option. For this, the bulbs with roots are planted at a distance from each other about 15 cm. The width between the rows is up to 50 cm.
  2. Two strict method. It is used for medium height lilies. The gap between the plants is within 15 or 25 cm. The gap between the lines is also 25 cm. The width of the space between the tapes is at least 70 cm.
  3. Three-line planting method. Most often it is used for dwarf lilies. Separate bulbs are laid out into the pits with an interval of about 15 cm. Main series and additional lines are placed as well as with a two-way version.

The process of planting cute colors is carried out in this way. First dig holes on the marked places. Their depth should be three times deeper than the diameter of the source planting material. At the bottom of the funnel, the protective basis cooked from pure sand and ashs pour. On top lay out bulbs. So that they grow faster, the roots are gently spread, after which they slightly pressed against the sand. Then, the smell fall asleep, watered with cold water and mulched peat.

Lilies can be found in spring, autumn and even in the summer. Spring option will help protect the bulbs of the plant from freezing. At this time, the root system is especially actively developing, which contributes to successful survival. Lilies planted in the fall, manage to reliably root before the onset of winter. Due to this, the plant will be able to withstand the spring frost. And in winter it will protect his additional shelter made by a caring owner.

To provide garden lily care properly, you should follow simple recommendations. First of all, it is important throughout the season to produce plants. For this, special fertilizers are also used. On each square meter of the soil scatter 50 grams of such a mixture. The process is repeated 3 times:

  • initially, spring to strengthen the roots;
  • during the formation of buds;
  • after the lilies are swinging.

For spring fertilizer, a solution of ammonium nitrate can be applied from the calculation of 40 grams per 10 liters of water. Also good feeding is considered pus, divorced in liquid. Proportion: 1 part of a cow's pus on 10 liters of water.

It is important lilies to ensure the right watering. As a rule, water should be pouring under the root so that it does not fall on the leaves. Otherwise, the droplets will attract the sun's rays, which can cause burns. Despite the fact that lilies do not like excessive sputum, in the arid period they need regular irrigation.

Practice shows that bulbous plants do not like when summer days Soil overheats. This leads to a violation of the growth of the plant and its lush flowering. Warn the problem will help the soil with natural materials. Especially relevant to use straw, beveled grass and even sawdust.

Often, lily beetles and flies appear on the leaves or buds of lily. Special chemicals designed for such pests will help to get rid of them. Some flowers collect insect larvae manually, which is also effective.

Lilia's landing and care implies constant plants observation. If tall species are expected, they prepare supports for them. When the stems grow up, they are tied up to them, so as not to break or run. Experienced dackets try to think in advance where it is best to put supports.

To lilies always looked attractive, faded buds should be removed in time. Flowercas are cut after the plant is flashing. At the end of the season, the shoots are preferably crowded so that in the winter they did not become a cold air conductor to the bulb. In addition, they will not prevent additional shelter from foliage, sawdust or coniferous fabric. As you can see, when you know everything about Lilies: landing, care and external description is easier to choose the appropriate option. Does a lot of tremendous flower varieties are known in our territory? More than actually put on one site.

Welcome to the kingdom of sophisticated lilies

Almost every amateur of flowers can imagine the Polyana, which grows hundreds of lilies. All of them are different shape, coloring, height and aroma. Is it easy to choose the most beautiful of them? Unlikely. Perhaps with such a situation, the American botanist Yang de Count collided. To resolve the situation, he systematized the varieties of lilies in the group. Each of them was based on the origin of the plant, since most of them require the same conditions for growing.

All lily flowers were divided into such groups:

  • asian;
  • march;
  • candidum;
  • american;
  • long-decker
  • tubular and Orleans;
  • eastern;
  • interspecific;
  • decorative.

Having considered some of them, you can visit the chagging kingdom of satellite colors.

Asian group of hybrids

This group includes lilies that do not require special attention. They are found in different places of the planet, even in Siberia and in Alaska. Flowers perfectly tolerate harsh winters. To do this, shoots cut at the ground level so that they are completely covered. The Lilies of the Asian Group have small white bulbs, which are well developing in the weakness of the soil. All of them are quite hardy and unpretentious to growing conditions. We multiply with bulbies. Bloom in the middle of summer.

The Asian group includes hybrids growing up to 1.5 m in height, as well as dwarf instances - up to 40 cm of growth. Some of them produce tiny bulbs leaf plates in the sinuses. For it they are called bulbous flowers.

On coloring, they are:

  • snow-white;
  • cream;
  • yellow and orange;
  • dark and bright red;
  • combinations of several shades.

The most famous varieties of the Asian Group lily cause a considerable admiration.

Variety Adeline

The charming colors of the Asian Group belong to early garden plants. Grown to medium sizes. Most often, buds are painted in yellow color. The form resembles the eastern bowl. Almost always feature abundant colors for the season.

Flora captivity

Terry beauties grow up to a meter height. In each inflorescence there are up to 30 pieces of buds, the diameter of which reaches 20 cm. Flower, depending on the climate, from May to August. Perfectly carry harsh winters.

Crispy Martagimia

Charming hybrids of this group are distinguished by special endurance. Flowers of frost resistant, long can grow on one site, and resistant to various diseases. They are practiced to grow even in Siberia. In medium latitudes, it is better to plant them in the shady area to protect from scorching sunlight.

Sort Arabian Knight

The magnificent tall lilies of the Martag group are considered long-livers. They dismissed winter frosts without any problems and bloom in warm period. Each stem grows a huge inflorescence of 50 buds. They are burgundy-yellow color with finerapy and orange stamens. Flower shape resembles Eastern Chalm.

Guinea Gold

The lilies of this variety have the buds of yellowish, sometimes with a pink shade, colors. The base of the flower is orange or yellow, edges - a little lighter. All petals from the inside are covered with multiple specks of dark color. On the stem grows up to 10 pieces of buds. Blooming gradually.

Snow-white candidums

The springchalnitsa of this group has become a white lily. Although it is not so many varieties in it, but they are all distinguished by a persistent aroma. Buds often resemble a wide funnel or tube. Color - yellow, terracotta or snow-white.

Variety Apollo

White Lilia Group of Candidum grows to a meter height. A variety feature - does not have stem leaves, they are assembled at the base in the outlet. The lower sheet plates are much longer than the upper, which makes the plant against the background of other flowers of the parisader. Gentle lily buds, with a diameter of about 7 cm, are collected in the original clusters on the top of the escape. The only drawback - the flowers are susceptible to diseases, so they require special care.

Terracotta types of lilies

Most often, flowers of such copies have a wide revealed form. They look up and pleasantly smelling. Amazed with their saturated color. Cause pleasant sensations during flowering.

American Gybrid Group

Plants of this group are distinguished by amazing beauty and charm. Quite often there are two-color versions of American hybrids. If the buds are light, on the petals you can see red specks. Such lilies love a lot of light, so growing at open places, need regular irrigation. For the winter period, they should be covered so that the bulbs are not injured from the cold.

Cherrywood - Bright American Hybrid

Many daches sit on their sections of the red lilies of this group. Saturated color I. pleasant aroma Buds who please the eye in the middle of the summer are striking by their grace. They prefer non-acid soils and require regular irrigation. Well tolerate Russian winter. When boarding, drainage is added to the wells to add plants quickly adapted and did not hurt.

Cherrywood lilies do not like transplants, so it is better to immediately choose a suitable place for such an elegant beauty.

Colon's varieties of lilies

Unusually beautiful lilies of this variety are considered the most sought-after in Russia. They perfectly carry the harsh winters and temperature drops, resistant to different fungi and viruses. Flower for 3 months, and in southern latitudes until the middle of the autumn.

Proper landing and care of lily colonum gives good results to lovers of garden flowers. Usually such plants are planted in April in the prepared ground. If there is a lot of clay or sand in it, it is desirable to add a little or homemade.

On the appropriate area, the wells dig up at a distance of about 12 cm. The bottom is falling asleep with a drainage mixture. Put the bulbs and fall asleep the earth. At the end of the landing, the site is plenty of water.

Plant care includes:

  • moderate watering every two days;
  • trimming the stems that beat away in the middle of the autumn;
  • additional shelter for the winter;
  • feeding 3 times a year (early spring, during the appearance of buds, after flowering);
  • if necessary, make the subdirements;
  • replacing no more often once every 3 years.

By fulfilling these simple rules for the care of flowers, you can constantly rejoice at their presence in the country area.

Unfortunately, it happens that pests attack the lilies who devour buds, leaves or bulbs. Such includes lily flies, beetles, waves, bear, larvae. For effective struggle with them, it is best to apply chemicals. Such concern about Lilia brings many joy and satisfaction.

Amazing lilies in the garden - video

Want to decorate your flowerbed lily? Check out the vast variety of these fragrant colors, learn how to choose a boarding material, determine a good place to disembark, care for plants planted, feed and multiply them! Then the design of your garden will affect any guest!

Lily is one of the most beautiful garden plants. She blooms in the year of summer, bringing a truly festive splendor into the garden. This is a real "Eastern Princess", invariably attracting attention to the flexible grace of lines, the charm of elegant clothes and bright, unique aroma!

Lilies as decorative plants are known since the times of antiquity. The first images of these colors are found on Cretan vases and frescoes of 1750 to our era. The ancient Romans of Lily symbolized luxury, so rich patricians decorated with their clothes and chariots. White Lillia many nations from a long time tied up with female cleanliness and impossible, calling her the Virgin Mary's flower. These flowers were made to give brides. And orange-colored lilies symbolized the blood of Christ in Christian culture. They were used to decorate temples and monastic gardens.

In Russia, Lilies began to cultivate in Orangery under Peter I. "Dark night white lilies sleep unclear" - so wrote about them Russian poet I. Bunin, inspired by the divine beauty of these colors.

Rod lilies are great and diverse

It is found among them and the real exotic. What is at least a giant lily from Nepal, the stalks of which reach a three-meter height! Its white-green-violet flowers are as huge - up to 18 cm long! And bulbs - the magnitude with the human head!

Hundreds of a wide variety of species and varieties of lilies are decorated today. Gardens and parks in Europe, Asia and North America. They are popular with Russian gardeners. Many species of this plant are quite intertwined, although there are exceptions. For example, Caucasian lilies are too gentle to withstand Russian winter.

For our climate, tiger or frost-resistant Siberian varieties are preferable.

Each lily is beautiful in its own way. But genuine masterpieces are famous Eastern hybrids! They are luxurious, intoxicating fragrant and impressive in the size of flowers. For example, the flames of the famous variety of nippon are white with a pink edging - reach 30 cm in diameter! On one stem, it is sometimes revealed to 12 flowers! The lilies of other varieties are not so great, although their flowers can reach the size of a large plate - up to 25 cm in diameter!

Oriental hybrids of lilies give a magnificent color cutting. They are quite accessible to gardeners. Their bulbs can be bought and, knowing small tricks, grow beautiful plants in the garden!

How to choose a landing material?

In the spring, coming to the store and looking at the bulbs in beautiful packages, pay attention to the following.
Lily after winter storage quickly go into growth. Therefore, if the bulbs are alive and healthy, sprouts should be visible on them. And the bulbs themselves must be solid.

If the bulb is mild to the touch and the sprouts are missing, it is better to refrain from the purchase. Choose only strong bulbs with sprouts! At home place them in a pot with good land, and after the end of the frosts, transfer to permanent place.

When buying, I advise you to stop at the newest varieties of lilies. This guarantees the beauty and strongest plant immunity.

When and how to plant?

Plant lilies is better in the spring, when frosts are already unlikely, or early autumn, in September.

Lilies prefer light sandy, well-drained soils - weakness or neutral.
All lilies that were used to obtain modern hybrids are growing mainly in mountainous areas. The soil is produced there, and how many water in them are, it absorbs without a residue. Here is such a soil and need our lilies. If nature is not given, we will create it yourself!

First we prepare a place. Pump the holes with a diameter of 30-40 cm or the trove (if there are a lot of bulbs). At the bottom, we put the ceramzite, broken brick or rubbing with a layer of 15-20 cm. From above, we squand the sand pillow with a layer of 1 cm. The bulbs put on a depth of 10-15 cm from the top, strictly by the Donette down, at a distance of 25-35 cm. I fall asleep fresh soil and water.

Why exactly fresh? But why! The fact is that all the beauty lilies feel bad in "tired" soils already used to grow other garden crops.

As for Eastern hybrids, it is probably the most important thing for them. Therefore, we prepare for lilies an individual earthy mixture: 1 part of fresh peat, 1 part of sand, 1-2 pieces of coniferous puff. It is advisable to add fine-crushed slag in the soil. Oriental lilies hybrids can be grown in one coniferous puff with an admixture of sand. The results will be wonderful! Try!

In the process of growing rains can wash the soil, exposing the bulbs. It is impossible to allow it! In such cases, we simply add a 5-centimeter layer of coniferous puff.

How to care?

To care for lilies is easy. Only watering are needed in dry weather, weeding from weeds, loosening and feeding with mineral fertilizers.

Under all the necessary conditions of Lily, grow beautifully in one place
45 years. If the lily blooms well, gives kids and thus multiplies - let him grow quietly and then! But if she started "Handing" - dig it and transfer to a new place, in fresh soil.

How to fertilize?

If the soil when landing is cooked correctly, the feeding is not required during the first 3 years. Not too fertile soil is desirable to enrich. It is best for soluble mineral fertilizers, such as "Kemira-suite".

Podcami lilies are carried out during the period of active vegetation, before flowering, 3-4 times. Moreover, the first is better to do when the stem will reach the 10-centimeter height.

All lilies, and their oriental hybrids are especially necessary to feed the manure, even strongly divorced: from this bulb is reinforced. Do not suffer these eastern beauties and the presence of ash.

How to deal with diseases and pests?

Lilies, especially Eastern hybrids, are susceptible to viral infections. The disease is easily determined by the mosaic color of the leaves and flowers. Stems with leaves can be damaged by 15 types ofphids, cracking lily and cracks onion. And the bulbs themselves sometimes suffer from fusariosis, root bulbous ticks, mukhoviki, bear, a wireman.

The best tool from any preventive prevention. Periodic transplantation and use of fresh land will help prevent plant disease. If it still happened, the affected instances are digging and burning. You can not plant other bulbs on the vacant place!

Moreover, this soil is better removed from the site. We regularly inspect our lilies and follow that dangerous pests do not appear - soil or red lily beetle. TRU can be washed off a strong jet of water from the hose, and the beetles simply gather their hands. If lilies grow in an open position, then water them only in the evening, otherwise burns from the sun will appear on the flowers from the water drops.

How to breed?

Lilies can be multiplied by seeds, bulbs, division and bullballs growing in the sinuses of the leaves.
Seed reproduction is used mainly by breeders for the withdrawal of new varieties. And we, gardeners, most convenient to breed lilies with whole bulbs or children - small bulbs, formed inside the old bulb.

You can breed the plants and the division of the bulbs. To do this, cut off one of

Many lilies in the sinuses of the leaves have bulbs. Separate them and put in the grooves. For the winter, cover the foliage foliage. A year later, the seedlings will bloom those fleshy scaly leaves, which form the bulb itself. And so that with each "schellow" a piece of bulbous dona remained. We carry out this operation after flowering when the stem begins to yellow. Sliced \u200b\u200b"Czech" plant in a container with an earthy substrate. We water the landing, supporting them in a moistened state. After some time, the kidneys are formed on "Czech" - small bulbs. They are used for breeding.

If you want to reproduce the liked Lilia variety, it is not at all necessary to spend money on the purchase of bulbs. There is a way better - reproduction by bullbags! Some species of this plant form air bulbs kids with the pea, which appear in the sinuses of the leaves. This is a bullball!

In September, ripe bobbies with tiny pressing roots assemble with stems. They are easy to come off! On the garden we make grooves, water and sow our "pea". From above sprinkling a layer of soil or humus with a thickness of 2-3 cm. Spring will be sprout. Major bulbs will bloom in summer, and smaller - in a year or two.
Eastern hybrids of lilies in the conditions of the Moscow region are difficult to multiply. They almost do not give children - neither on the underground stem, neither on the scales separated from the bulb.

If you still want to experiment, with a spring landing, try to separate a few "scales". Put them in the boxes with the ground. Place the boxes in the garden in the garden and regularly water. In the fall, the children received on the "scales" can be planted into the ground. And after the season it will be possible to count on the first flowers!

How to prepare lilies for wintering?

Bulb lilies should winter in dry soil. Winter dampness is destructive for them! This means that since September, their irrigation must be stopped. To protect the soil from the conjunction in mid-September, before the start of autumn rains, we put metal arcs over the landings. We put polyethylene from above so that it is wider than the ridge half meter, and fix the edges. Overters leave open to ventilation.

Yes! Be sure to put moisture-resistant briquettes from mice under the film! After all, they love to eat juicy bulbs!

In November, with the arrival of frost, remove the film. Dry fit mulch with conifer layer 5-6 cm. You can use to cover lilies and oak leaf. He warms the earth well and does not rot from winter dampness. In the spring, we carefully check if the slugs did not start under the mulmy: they gladly eat the growing shoots of lilies.

How to use lilies in garden design?

Lilies are of those colors that look great in the garden and alone, and in group landings. But, like any capricious beauties, they do not tolerate competition!

Therefore, I do not recommend placing lilies next to beautiful shrub shrubs or lush roses.
If you still want to choose for them a company, I advise you to stay on coniferous. On their dark emerald background, bright beauty lilies look even more dazzling! At the foot of our beauties, it is good to place a juicy green ruffle from plants with large decorative leaves. It can be hostes, fern, Badan. They benefit from the beauty of flowers, and after flowering, the yellowing stalks of lilies will be covered with their lush foliage.

Bright white lilies are particularly spectacular surrounded by blue-corn dolphiniums.

Lilies look perfectly in curbred sites in combination with other blooming plants selected in tone on color or strongly contrasting. If lilies are your favorite flowers, make a border on both sides of the track exclusively of them. Then, during your magnificent blossom, they will meet and accompany them - and only they!

Lily is not inferior to the beauty of the queen of flowers - Rose: She is also elegant, stunningly beautiful, can decorate any flowerbed. Among them are a variety of varieties, interesting forms, colors. Spring is a great time to pay attention to the garden and a flower garden, and plant wonderful flowers in the garden plot.

The choice of the correct deadlines is very important in any garden. When to plant bulbs of lilies in the open soil in the spring, in which month? First of all, it is necessary to focus on weather conditions. Optimal time to do it comes when There will be a threat of return night frosts, the soil warms up, but the arid period will not come yet. In the middle band (Moscow region), you can plant in the middle of May, in the south (Krasnodar Territory (Kuban), the North Caucasus) - in mid-April, in Siberia, in the Urals, the Leningrad region is best in late May.

You can choose the most suitable time using lunar calendar 2019:

  • Favorable days:
    • in April - 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, the number;
    • in May - 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 31, 31.
  • Unfavorable days:
    • in April and in May -5, 19 number.

How to choose high-quality livi bulbs

If you want to see a magnificent and beautiful bloom, then you need to accommodately approach the selection of landing material. To choose high-quality leopards of garden lilies for spring landing, it is recommended to pay attention to the following rules:

  • She must be Clean, without spots, mold, fans of bothering.
  • Donets should be solid, without damage.
  • Roots should not be dry or disgusted.
  • Perfect size - 3-4 centimeters in diameter. If the bulb has already been blossoming earlier, the diameter may vary from 3 to 20 cm.

Important! If you met the planting material of a very small size (less than 2 cm), which is suspiciously cheap compared to other goods, then, most likely, this is the bulbs of lilies after the surveillance. It is not recommended to buy them, since the flowering will begin in about three years (and only under the condition of regular care).

  • The bulb itself should be dense, her flakes to fit tightly and not fall apart. It is extremely recommended to buy loose, dry, soft or sluggish instances.
  • Color does not matter - planting material can be white, red, brown, yellow, pink shade. The color affects the variety and type of plant.
  • On planting material should not be stretched sprout,after all, he should start the growth in the ground after landing.

Important!In the spring, lily bulb landing is allowed with a slightly crumpled sprout. But in the fall, it is impossible to plant such an instance in any way.

How to keep lily bulbs before landing

If you buy a boarding material ahead of time, then an urgent question will arise - how to properly keep the bulbs of lilies before landing in the open soil in spring? You can send for storage according to the following scheme:

  • First you need to dry a slightly planting material - put them on paper in a room with good ventilation. But not in the sun, but in the half.
  • Then fill the package (it must have holes for ventilation) sawdust, peat or sphagnum.
  • Put in the lukovitsa package in vertical position Donets down.
  • Place the package in the room in which the temperature of 2-6 degrees of heat is stably maintained, for example, in a refrigerator, cellar, basement.
  • When stored, regularly check the material for the presence of rot, sprouts.

Tip!If you want to send to the storage of the bulbs of lilies, which dug up in the fall, then you must first clean them from the ground and dirt, and then be sure to decapitate, for example, in a pink solution of manganese (for half an hour), in the phytoosporin-M solution (according to the instructions).

How to keep sprouted lilies before landing

  • If the sprout is already long (10 or more centimeters), and before landing in the ground is still far away (for example, February, March or beginning of April), then such an instance in a pot or other capacity should be planted in optimal deadlines in open soil together With an earthen room.
  • Also, if the optimal time for the disembarkation is not soon, but you found a small sprout, it takes a very slightly reduced temperature (up to + 1-2 degrees). Or put in a pot and put in a cool and bright place.
  • But if you discovered the sproured lilies bulbs at that moment when you can already plant flowers into an open ground or this moment is very close, you can not worry and plant such copies immediately on the site.

Major stages of spring landing lilies in open ground

Proper binding lilies in the open soil in the spring includes several important stages that need to be performed. Consider them in more detail.

Preparation of bulbs to landing

The preparation of the bulbs of garden lilies is a very important stage in front of the spring landing. Thanks to uncomplicated manipulations, they will be fully prepared for germination in the ground.

As a processing of bulbs you can spend disinfection and soak them with a solution of fungicide, for example, phytoosporin-M (according to instructions) or a dark solution of manganese (permanganate potassium) for 30 minutes. Such training will eliminate causative agents of diseases and adverse microorganisms from the surface of the planting material.

And you can in front of the spring landing treat growth in growth stimulator preparation, for example, Zircon, Epin Extra. Magitia rules are very simple - you need to follow the instructions on the package.

Important! To properly prepare a bulb, it is recommended to make a solution and simply omitted into it. If she already has a sprout, then it is not necessary to lower it in liquid!

Choosing a place

Where better to plant these flowers? The most suitable place to land the bulbs of lilies in the open soil - a warm plot that is protected from the wind, but at the same time the air does not cause it (Otherwise, it is possible to drop bulbs) and there is a normal circulation of air.

Choosing a place where the lilies plant, do not forget about suitable lighting. And here suitable lighting depends on the variety:different varieties and species have different sunbound requirements. For example, tubular, Asian lilies, la-hybrids need good solar lighting and lightweight is allowed. But Martagon and Eastern hybrids need to shaping so that the scorching rays of the sun burned them.

Tip! Information on where it is better to plant a specific variety - in the shade, half or the sun, should be indicated on the packaging with bulbs, so you need to follow these recommendations.

Also when choosing a place, you can take into account the neighborhood and a combination with other floral cultures on the flower bed. If you want to beautifully plant lilies in the garden plot, you can do it on a flowerbed next to the following colors - Alissa, Peonies, Dolphinium, Astilba. It is also a successful combination when landing together with juniper, fern. Not everyone likes the composition of lilies with flusses due to excessive brightness, but also have such an option there are many fans.

Choosing and preparation of soil for landing

Perfect soil for growing lilies in the garden - Fertile, loose, neutral, well-drained. If planting bulbs in a dense, heavy, clay soil, they will not be able to develop normally, can easily bend. But in an overly light and sandy land, they will most likely experience the deficit of moisture and nutrients.

But not every garden plot meets such requirements, so if you are not quite a suitable primer in the country, it is recommended to prepare it ideally for a month or at least 2-3 weeks. As the preparation of the soil on the plot it is worth conducting the following activities (depending on the problem):

  • This flower culture loves fertile soils, so at the spring resistance it is recommended to add compost or humus (1 bucket per square meter);
    • Also, a mixture of mineral fertilizers can be used as a fertilizer - 100 grams of superphosphate and 50 grams of potassium sulfate per 1 sq.m.
    • Or use mineral complex fertilizer containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphor, for example, nitroammofoska.
  • If the earth on your plot is heavy, dense, clay, it is necessary to move it with the addition of pure river sand and peat (one bucket of each substance per 1 sq.m.), and then carefully disintegrate and dissolve with robbles.
  • If the soil is sandy, then peat should be added (1 bucket per 1 sq.m.)
  • With low acidity, the soil requires add wood ash (1 cup on sq.m) or a dolomite flour (200 grams per 1 sq.m.).
  • Before boarding, it is necessary to clear the plot - remove the garbage, stones, rhizomes of weeding plants.

Tip! Even if you have the most suitable soil for planting, it is still recommended to switch the plot to the bayonet shovel.

Preparation of land in the country or part of the house will improve the quality of the soil and make the soil most suitable for colors. So you will make the soil more suitable for lilies.

Immediate landing lilies

Spring Spring Planting Lilies Lilies on Klumba in Open Soil Very Simple:

Note! If you plan to grow tall grades, then before boarding it is necessary make a support For the future plants (if you make a support for adult colors, you can accidentally damage the bulb and destroy the plant). It is recommended to simply install a peg (wooden or metallic) next to the boarding hole, and when the flower grows, gently tie it up. Thus, the support will prevent damage to the stem during the rain, wind.

  • First of all, it is necessary to make landing wells. Optimal distance Between the pits - 30-40 centimeters. And here Depth of holes For landing it will depend on the height of the lily bulb - you need to multiply a height of 3 (for example, with a layer height of 3 centimeters, it is necessary to plant 9 centimeters depth).

The drainage layer is especially needed on a plot with clay, heavy soil, in the garden, on which water is stared, groundwater is closely located. After the drainage layer, it is necessary to put fertile land from the top layer, and on the ground - handful of sandTo put the planting material on it.

  • Carefully put the lily bulb on the sand with the Donette down, it must be located smoothly.
  • After that, you also need to carefully fall asleep the hole of the earth.
  • Make a rich watering for normal rooting.
  • If after irrigation, the soil will fall a little, then it is necessary to lump it up to the previous level.

Important!Specifically, Lily Candidum can not be very shuffled into the ground. The fact is that such a kind of outlet of the leaves is laid under the surface of the Earth. For this reason, the candidal can be filled with 2-3 cm, no more.

By the way, in terms of landing in open ground, there are features - it is possible to plant the bulb of this variety in spring and summer.

Planting bulbs at home on germination (on seedlings)

Of course, it's easier and faster just to plant plants immediately into open soil, but some flower products prefer to engage in the sprinkle of bulbs at home. To do this, it is necessary to land on the so-called seedlings, a pot or other volumetric packaging.

This method has advantages - you can immediately identify viable bulbs and plant seedlings to bed without fear that some bulbs will not sprout. In addition, you can save the sprouted instances.

By the way! Choose and prepare bulbs of lilies for planting "to seedlings" need exactly the same way as described above (in the point about landing in open ground).

Selection of soil and containers for "seedlings"

Squeeze lily bulbs on germination at home is better in individual capacity, for example, cups or a pot capacity of about 500 ml. Drainage holes must be necessarily, not only at the bottom of the container, but also on the sides.

By the way, the cut-off 1,5-liter plastic bottles are perfectly suitable - they have enough volume, and the seedlings will not be closely.

Soil for germination of planting material should be fertile, loose .

Landing scheme for germination

Scheme of planting bulbs lilies on germination at home is slightly different. It is impossible to plunge strongly it is enough to plant so that the soil is only slightly covered with a bulb. To do this, make a small well in the ground in the center of the capacitance in the ground, immerse the bulb in it, pour into the soil and pour.

Small trick! In order for the planting material to feel more comfortable and better than grew, developed, it is recommended to put a layer of crystal sand onto the bottom of the wells.

After landing, it is possible not to be poured not just water, but a solution of biophicide "Phytosporin-M", it will prevent the development of fungal diseases.

If your purchased the bulb of Lily sproutedAnd you decided to plant a pot, then it is important to do it right. It is necessary to plant in the same way as described above: the land should slightly cover the sprout. But if there are already leaves on the sprout, they cannot be plugged, the entire sprout should remain on the surface.

Also, if the bulbs have raised flakes, they can be carefully separated. But dry roots must be trimmed.

Care for seedy

To care for the conditional seedlings of lilies at home is very simple. Immediately after landing, it is necessary to rearrange it on the sunny window sill. It is necessary to water regularly, as the upper soil layer drying (watering it implies approximately once a week).

INlily seedlings in open ground

Important! The seedling time for a permanent place should be later (At about the end of May, at the beginning of June), rather than the dates of landing the bulbs in the ground. The fact is that if planted such plants is too early, then because of fluctuations in temperatures at night and day, they will experience strong stress, slowly catching up. If recurring cooling arises, they may die.

Planting the seedlings of homemade lily into open ground is very simple:

  • It is necessary to prepare the site in the same way (clean it in advance, switch, easily).
  • Then make the wells at a distance of 30-40 cm, the depth of the hole should be a little more earthy coma of the plant.
  • A couple of hours before the disembarkation you need to pour a plant.
  • After that, carefully get the seedlings of lily, without destroying the earth, and transplant the transshipment method. It is not necessary to plunge, the plant should grow at the same level.
  • Flush the smell of the earth and produce watering.

Caring for lilies after landing

Caring for garden lilies after planting bulbs in open soil in spring is very simple. From the gardener is not required to excessive care and compliance with the complex agricultural machinery of growing colors: it is enough to water enough, if necessary, to support the support, produce feeding, to fight pests.

To properly care for lilies, you must follow the following rules:

Watering Must be moderate. This flower culture does not like an excess of moisture, because it can cause dipping bulbs or roots. Watering need generously, but you should not do it too often. However, when blossoming and in hot dry weather, the frequency of irrigation increases slightly. After the lilies are swinging, no longer need to water.

Important!You can water the flowers only under the root, the water should not fall on the stem, leaves and flowers!

If you grow tall varieties on your flowerbed, then, as already noted above, it is recommended take a supportwhich needs to be done when landing. It should be supported extremely gently so as not to damage the stem and leaves.

Undercalinking Lilies - an important element of care, because it helps to get more lush and bright flowering. It is not recommended to feed the plants with organic fertilizers, mineral will be suitable.

When growing lilies in the garden, it is necessary to monitor plants in order to identify the invasion in a timely manner. pests. Such flowers love a lily beetle, which is not averse to the leaves (after his meal appear on them holes). To combat pests, it should be sprayed with insecticidal preparations, for example, Aktar, Cordradi.

Most popular species and sorts of garden lilies

Among the beautiful garden colors, lilies can be found many interesting and beautiful varieties. The separation of hybrids into large groups is based on their origin. Allocate:

  • American lilies;
  • Asian;
  • Eastern (oriental);
  • Long shots;
  • Tubular or Orleans;
  • March;
  • Candidum

In addition to the above-mentioned division on species, interspecific hybrids of lilies are also noted:

  • OA-hybrids (Eastern + Asian);
  • La-hybrids (asian + long-bed);
  • From-hybrids (orientations - Eastern + tubular);
  • Lo-hybrids (long-color + oriental).

Undoubtedly, the spring landing requires a lot of strength and attention, but the result in the form of wonderful flowering in the garden will pay all your investments!

Deciding to decorate her life with royal colors, the gardener will have to decide when to plant lilies: in spring or autumn. From the right time, a lot of time is dependent: bloom, plant preparation for winter, his health.

When it is better to plan

Usually dackets prefer to plant lilies in the fall. This is competent from the point of view of the biological cycle of lily: by completing his bloom, it begins to prepare for winter. The clubnelukovitsa restores the forces spent on luxurious flowers, spares nutrients, after which it is immersed in the state of rest. It is this time a favorable for planting. The plant wakes up pretty quickly, increasing the root system and its own body. So intended nature, her wise decision should not be contradicted.

Important! Lilies planted in autumn form much more subsidiaries, better adapted for independent life.

Optimal landing schedule by regions:

  • The middle band: mid-September - the end of October;
  • Ural: beginning of September - the first decade of October;
  • Siberia: September;
  • South of Russia, Ukraine: from the first number of September until the end of November.

It is important to follow the landing order:

  • start always from candidids blooming in June;
  • then lilies American and Caucasian origin are put;
  • complete the landing oriental, tubular, tiger, tibetan, asiars can be planted in summer.

When to plant lilies in the open soil in the fall, determined by air temperature - it should be in the area + 10 ° C. With warmer weather, the bulb will go into growth, with cold - it will not have time to root, it will take the winter to winter.

Landing lilies in autumn

Lukovka have time to get used in a new place, grow up in front of the winter cold. With the first warm days, they begin their growth, and the return freezes of April-May are transferred without disastrous consequences.

Important! Candidami, Martagona, some oriental hybrids are planted at the end of August (for Siberia Deadline - mid-month).

In the spring, lilies are carried out, which are not adapted to harsh winter - most of the oriental, all American, tubular and derivatives from them hybrids, late-flowering Asian lilies. The middle of April is considered to be optimal period, which determines the factor - the soil completely declined, moderately warmed up. In the south, landing garden lilies spend earlier.

In the spring landing, the sequence is also observed when landing the lilies of certain species: the first tiger, Tibetan, latter - terry, as more demanding to heat.

Note! Lilies-walkers are imprisoned in the spring.

Also on the spring lay the landing of bulbs, which for different reasons did not land on the autumn time:

  • sudden early stable cold;
  • the planting material was purchased on the sale at the end of the season;
  • the parcel with the ordered nodules came late.

Storage of Lukovitz

This situation necessitates the storage of bulbs. There are several rules to help keep them until spring:

  1. before laying on the storage of the bulbs inspect, damaged places are cut, disinfected;
  2. anti-fungal treatment with manganese, solution of any fungicide;
  3. surride material in a dark cool room.

Store wrapped in paper or reinforced sawdust. A ventilated room with moderate humidity is suitable for storage, where the temperature is kept at 3-5 ° C. A small number of tuberukovits holds in the refrigerator.

Important! The planting material requires care: it is regularly verified in order to identify the beginning to mold or rot the tubers in a timely manner, as well as starting germinate. The binding bulbs are treated, removed on storage, sprouted to the pots.

How to plant lilies

So that graceful flowers revealed their beauty to the fully, the daccier needs to know how to put on the bulbs of lilies.

Choosing a place

The most difficult thing in the cultivation of aristocrats is to choose the right place: Requirements different species do not match.

Lily landing place

Common conditions for all lilies:

  • protection against cold winds or drafts;
  • good drainage;
  • lack of stagnation of thaw or rainwater.

Attitude to lighting and wind

Fact! Oriental and walking hybrids feel comfortable in a light shadow that promotes the preservation of the colors of the whites. Asian and la-hybrids love the sun, but they grow well and bloom with multiple lighting.

Wind security has its additional conditions: the place where they landed should nevertheless ventilate well, because the lack of ventilation between stems leads to sad results to diseases and pests.

About choosing a place of dachacks is a fair assertion: it is easier to choose a suitable for free space on Lily's plot than to find where to plant the bulb has already been planted.

Source requirements

Source requirements

Here also manifests the individuality of species. The general preference is air-permeable loams or sampling with high humus content. As for the hydrogen indicator, there are differences:

  • kandidum, Martagon, Lilia Henry prefer a slightly alkaline soil;
  • long-color, Canadian, tiger and their hybrids prefer a weakly acidic environment;
  • if the origin of lily is unknown, stop at the neutral reaction.

Preparation of landing space

Preliminary preparation is obligatory even ideally suitable soil lilies: 40 cm Pumping for oxygen saturation and fertilizer application:

  • compost or humus - 5-10 kg / kV. m;
  • potassium sulfate - 30-50 g / sq. m;
  • superphosphate - 60-100 g / sq. m.

It is possible to use ready-made comprehensive compositions for bulbs or specifically for lilies that apply according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Depth of planting Lukovitz

Usually use a typical rule for bulbs: the distance from the Donets to the surface of the Earth is three sizes of the bulbs. But there are a number of clarifications that determine how you need to burst one or another variety:

  • steel lilies are plugged by 25 cm and more;
  • low Cultivators require depth 10-12 cm;
  • the average can be sealing by 12-15 cm;
  • tall sitting at a depth of 15-20 cm.

The data is shown for large bulbs, small planting material is planting on 2/3 depths recommended for large.

Important! On heavy soils, the landing depth is less than on the lungs.

Preparation of Lukovitz

All bulbs - purchased in a specialized store purchased from the neighbors in the country, their own, pre-prepare. The material is cleaned, slices are disinfected. Remove dry scales, dead roots. We are treated with manganese (5 g / 1- l of water, explication time 30 min.), Fundazole (0.2%) or carbofos (1 tbsp. / 10 liters of water). Surride.

Preparation of bulbs to landing

Technology landing

Immediately before planting, holes are digging. The distance between them is determined quite arbitrarily, but they are followed to be defended from each other at least by 15-30 cm depending on the height. If the flowers are grown for cutting, step increases.

Step-by-step landing guide:

  1. crighted the roots, leaving the maximum length of 10 cm;
  2. at the bottom of the landing pits, large river sand, washed and disinfected, form a holmik from it;
  3. on the hilmik install the clubnelukovitsa, the roots are spinning on the skates;
  4. sand pour to completely cover the bulb;
  5. sleep the soil;
  6. they pour out abundantly, lay a layer of 5-7 cm.

Mulch material is selected by type of lilies - asian, oriental, la-hybrids are suitable sawdust, peat; For March, compost and wood ashes are mixed; For the rest, the material is not important, the main thing is that it is organic.

Note! In order for winter mouse or other rodents, they do not eat planted bulbs, they are deprived of their discharge composition. It is best for this purpose an inexpensive ointment of Vishnevsky.

Features of the landing of subsidiaries and bullballs

For reproduction, lilies are usually used by subsidiaries that are growing adult, maternal. A number of varieties called bulbous, forms such bulbs (spikes) in the sneakers of the leaves. Landing a small material has a number of features.

Landing of the Scholovukovitz

The least traumatic method of reproduction of lilies that do not require digging the bulb. Tiny Bullballs are formed in many Asian hybrids, tubular, tiger and individual varieties.

Landing of the Scholovukovitz

Children finally ripen to the end of the flowering of the mother plant: easily separated from the stem; Some have time to release small roots, less often - miniature leaves.

Even if the reproduction of lily is not included in the plans of the gardener, ripen kids are collecting the flower beds to be clogged with unnecessary pigs. If the goal is to breed this variety, then to the landing of bulbs-kids are preparing in advance:

  • choose a place to bed-shirts, better shaded;
  • pumping the soil at the same time introducing a special fertilizer for lilies or a mixture of ammonium nitrate (30 g / sq. M), potassium sulfate (10 g / sq. m), superphosphate (10 g / sq. m).

Ripe bobbies immediately after fear are kept in a weak manganese solution 2 hours. For disinfection, then planted into the grooves in a depth of 3 cm in 5-6 cm increments, the earth falls asleep and watered well. After irrigation, laying a layer of organic mulch.

Bulbo lilies

Boulevard lilies are distinguished by frost resistance, so the winter does not need young in the shelter. As insurance, the shovels are prevented by dry foliage, cover with a sweetheart.

Looking on bulbies

Such a method of reproduction provides regular, once in 3-4 years digging the parent plant in order to separate the babies from the main bulb. The best time for this is a month after the end of flowering when the main bulb has recovered and strengthened. Some varieties can not dig up, because Babes are formed on the underground part of the stem, it is enough to cut the soil, sift it.

Such bulbs plant on the beds-shkolki, prepared as well as in the previous case, only the sealing depth is 3-5 cm, and the step is 10-12 cm. The process of preparing subsidiaries is similar to the preparation of the ticolars.

In the first year of flowering plants that grown out of the babies, there will be no full-fledged lilies buds for the second year. Experienced Lilyevodes recommend abandoning the first colors in favor of building the bulbs, its strengthening.

Additional Information. Lukovyki-kids can be germinated at home in flower containers, or save to spring planting in the refrigerator or on a cold closed balcony.

What is the difference in landing lilies at home

How to plant lilies and care for them at home - the process is not more complicated than in the open soil, but the same fascinating, especially since the color period can be adjusted - get a flowering plant by March 8 or a family date.

Deciding which variety will be grown, pick up a pot. The approximate ratio of the height of the plant to the height of the capacity of 4: 1, for the development of a large bulb, an area of \u200b\u200b16-18 square meters is required. cm.

Landing in a pot

Multiple bulbs are planted in a large pot: if it is cramped, lilies will bloom more eagerly. In a large space, they will take reproduction - building children until the excessive "living space" is filled.

How to plant lilies in a pot, describes instructions:

  • choose asian, oriental, long-color hybrids. Their height is dwarf, medium- or tall - determined on the basis of the interior features;
  • suitable onion mud should be healthy, dense, weighing about 40 g;
  • 2-3 weeks the bulb is kept at a temperature of about 5 ° C - stratify;
  • before planting is subjected to 2-hour disinfecting by manganese, then placed on 12 hours. in the growth stimulator;
  • at the bottom, the pot lay 5 cm drainage - clay, pebbles, bricks, pounded 10 cm of nutritional soil;
  • laid out bulk eggs down, slightly pressing into the ground;
  • they fall asleep with a thick (15-20 cm) layer of the substrate, are abundantly watered with warm soft water.

Important! From the surface of the Earth to the edge, the pot must remain at least 7 cm for the grounding of the soil as the lily grows and the formation of the apparent roots.

In order to determine correctly, when planting the bulbs of potted lilies are studying the characteristics of the selected variety - how much time passes from shoots to flowering plus 2-3 weeks to germination.

Choosing a dates for landing lilies - autumn or spring, - weigh all the "for" and "against" so that they grow healthy, fully and long blooming, replacing each other, beautiful flowers.

Lily (Lat. Lilium) - The genilan family of plants, which is perennial herbs growing from bulbs. There are about 80 species in nature in nature, which in culture gave life to many varieties and hybrids. Lilies are growing in Asia, Europe and North America. It is argued that on the ancientmost "Li-Lee" means "white-white", and although in nature there are views and with pinkish, and with yellowish flowers, the name of their flower received, most likely, from the species known as "Lily Snowy". Lillia is associated with a lot of legends: the ancient Greeks said that white lily flowers are droplets of Milk Gera, Zeus's wife; Jewish legend tells that from all the paradise flowers after the fall of Eva, the purity and impossibility remained only Lily; In Christian culture, white lily - the symbol of Our Lady.

Very often the lily flower is used in Heraldry. Poets and writers also did not bypasses this flower with their attention. But besides beauty, Lily has both unique healing properties: Military Ancient Roman leakage Dioscride in his treatise "On Medicines" told contemporaries and descendants that white and forest lilies heal wounds are treated with bruises, burns and abrasions, help in the treatment of heart disease and remove toothpaches.

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Lighting and care for lilies

  • Landing: Early autumn (late September or beginning of October). Snow-white lily plant in August. In the spring, you can land only late weighing species and varieties.
  • Bloom: Summer and autumn.
  • Fleet: Before boarding.
  • Storage: Dugged in the fall of the bulbs are stored in a moderately dry, well-ventilated room with a low positive temperature.
  • Lighting: Depending on the species - bright sunlight or half.
  • The soil: loose, fertile, well moisturized and drained.
  • Watering: Moderate and regular, in the first half of summer and after flowering - abundant.
  • Feeding: Three times the season: 1st - in the snow, even before the appearance of escapes, the 2nd - during the bootonization period, 3rd - after flowering.
  • Reproduction: Usually vegetative: the division of nests, scales, bobbies, stems, and sometimes leafy cuttings. Perhaps seed reproduction.
  • Pests: Lily beetles and their larvae, lily flies, cute clamps, TRIPS, WATER, Khrushchi, Medveda and Rodents.
  • Diseases: Loisy rot (fusariosis), wet (or bacterial) rot, brown spotty, gray rot, churchosporosis, anthracnose, risoctonyosis, phythium, blue mold, penicillosis, rust, viral mosaic (cucumber and tobacco), tulips spells, rosette.

Details about growing lilies Read below

Lily Flower - Description

Plant Lily is a bully perennial. The bulbs in size can be tiny - 1 cm in diameter, and may be more than large - up to 30 cm in diameter. In shape, they are flying or egg-shaped, scales are attached on the bottom, where the root growth point is located, on the opposite side of the sides, the scales do not climb, so the bulbs of lilies look loose. The stem in the lilies are straight, limiting, at the top of a small, depending on the type and variety from 15 to 250 cm. In some species, the leaves of the lily wrapped on the spiral on the stem, and other species create a roasting outlet.

Lilies flowers are collected in the inflorescences of a cylindrical, cone-shaped or umbrella form of 8-16 flowers, but some species in inflorescence up to 30 flowers that are dissolved gradually from the lower to the top. Flowers live from 3 to 9 days. In the center of the flower there are pestle and 6 stamens with large anthers, around which 6 petals are located (terry varieties are more). Flower shapes are diverse - star, chalmid, funnel-shaped, tubular, flat, cupid, bells ... Often the flower size depends on the form: Chalmid lilies reach in diameter 5-10 cm and are very similar to Chinese lanterns; Fluoreside flowers are only 4 cm in diameter, while in length - 15 cm; Flat flower shaped are in diameter up to 25 cm!

The painting of petals is also affecting the diversity: snow-white, orange, apricot, gentle pink, bright-scarlet, dark purple, double, with overflow, with stains, strokes or border ... There are no blue lilies.

The fruits of lilies are long, ripening by October-November boxes in which there are flat seeds.

Growing lilies in the garden

How to grow lilies

As Lilia is growing in one place for several years and does not like transplants, you need to choose a place where lilies will be comfortable to grow and blossom - a sunny plot protected from wind. The soil of lily is very demanding: the soil should be loose, fertile and with good drainage. As for acid-alkaline balance, different lilies prefer different composition. American hybrids, for example, love acidic soil, and tubular - alkaline. All other types and varieties grow perfectly in neutral soil. Approximately 2-3 weeks before the start of the landing work, turn the soil with ash (only if you are not going to plant Eastern hybrids - they love the acidic soil), peat and humus, adding a bit mineral fertilizer. Then melt the plot, lose weight and pour.

Lily bulbs

Before geting the bulbs, try to learn more precisely, what kind of lilies do they relate, because the features of their agrotechniki depend on it. When buying, try to choose juicy, healthy and fleshy bulbs, with imperfect scales and intact Donets. Pay attention to the length of the roots - they should not be shorter than 5 cm. If you purchased bulbs in the fall, then until mid-October, when you need to land them, keep them in a wet moss, sand or sawdust in a dark room with good ventilation or store them They are directly in factory packaging in a vegetable box of the refrigerator.

Before boarding the bulbs, they are cleaned from rusty scales with brown spots, cut out or suspicious places and faded or too long roots, then withstand half an hour in a 0.2% solution of Fundazola or in the Maxim preparation.

Link landing

When planting lilies

Lilies can be seized in spring and autumn. You can plant lilies even in the summer. The Spring Lilia Planting allows you to avoid the risk of turning and freezing the bulbs in the open soil. In the spring, the roots grow better, so the survival rate of plants is higher, especially this is important for late-decreasing lilies, such as, for example, oriental hybrids. In March, you can plant Tibetan and tiger lilies, as well as other varieties blooming in autumn. Eastern, Asian and tubular hybrids are planted as soon as snow melts. The terry lilies are also better to plant in spring at a temperature of 11 ºC.

As preventive measures, it is necessary to burn all the vegetable remnants of lilies (stems, leaves), as well as at least once every three years and divide the nests of bulbs so that the landings are not thickened. In addition, mulch the soil between lilies to prevent the appearance of weeds.

Lily after flowering

When lilies are flashing, do not rush to crop bloomsBut it is advisable to remove seed boxes if you don't need seeds, and the leaves and stalks will "work" to the fading, delivering nutrients into the bulbs for the growth and blossom of Lily next year. In the fall, the blooming can be cut off, but not low (10-15 cm from the surface) and the painter.

Watering continue if it has a need, until the time when it comes to share and transplant lilies bulbs.

After the bulbs and the end of the torrential autumn rains, frost-resistant lilies will sufficiently clicked with peat or coniferous rocks, and the capricious oriental hybrids would be nice to bite with a sweetheart, and over insulation to cover with another polyethylene film. In the spring, the film and the boots will need to be removed so that it does not damage the crumpled sprouts, and the peat and sawdust let them remain as a mulch.

Storage of livi livo

Some varieties of lilies are undesirable to leave in the ground until spring, especially if the winter is frosty and impersonal. So, require extracts from the soil of the bulbs of Eastern hybrids, grades of a candy or royal lily.

The storage location of lilies must comply with such requirements:

  • be not too dry so that the bulbs in the winter have not shuffled;
  • not too wet so that the bulbs do not mold or do not sprout ahead of time;
  • temperature must be moderate (not minus);
  • good ventilation is needed.

Lilies bought or extracted from Earth need a slightly dry and clean from the ground. In a wooden box, a cardboard box or a package puffs peat, put on the bulbs in it, which are then sprinkled with peat, to which layer layers again. When the box is filled by two thirds, it is stored in the refrigerator, to the basement or on the loggia. But do not forget from time to time to check, in what condition there are bulwing: if the roots dried, sprinkle the peat with water, if, on the contrary, the mold appeared, wipe the bulbs with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.

Second storage method: Place the bulwacks in a plastic bag with a wet peat, then inflate it, tie and place in a dark place at room temperature. After two or three months, the bulbs are formed kids. Without separating children, transfer the bulbs in peat pots so that the tip of the scales was above the surface, and take them into a cool, but the rapid basement. Two weeks before the landing, bring them to the house and start watering.

Types and varieties of lily

What is Lily?

In nature and culture, the lilies there are a great set, and they are all of interest for flowerflowers. We offer you a classification of lilies according to the latest edition of the international lilies register, in which more than 3,500 varieties are described.

Lily Asian

The group under this title includes garden forms and hybrids of lilies: Lily Tiger and David, Lily Drozing and Pleasant, Lilia Maximovich and Dwarf, Lilia Monochrome and Bully, Lily Spotted and Lily Dutch. Lily Asian and its varieties have bulbs of small size and white. These lilies are enduring, winter-hardy, very unpretentious to growing conditions, breeds well breeds and scales, bloom before other lilies at the end of June.

Among Asian hybrids there are dwarf grades 20-40 cm of height, and there are also tall lily to one and a half meters in growth. Some varieties form "boules" - air bulbs in the sinuses of the leaves, and they are called bulbous for it. Flowers of white, yellow, orange, cream shades, there are varieties of two and three-color, as well as varieties of red, dark red and almost black. Lily flower is most often a cupid or chalmid form with a size of 8 to 20 cm, consisting of 6 petals, although there are several terry varieties. Grade of the Asian Group:

  • lilia Adeline - mid-grade yellow lilies, early grade, abundantly blooming;
  • lilia Blazing Dwarf - dwarf variety, early and abundantly blooming, can be grown even in pots;
  • lily Flora Plenio. - Lilies terry, orange medium-sized flowers, high durable stem, blooms late.

In the photo: Lilia Asian Adeline

In the photo: Lilia Asian flora pleasing

Martag Hybrid

Or crispy hybrids, To which the lilies originating from Lilia Kuneda (or Lili Martagon), Hanson Lilia and Divine, Lilia Tsyingtauntan and Medehod. The varieties of this group are only about a hundred, they are characterized by high growth, chalmid dynamic flowers of delicate shades of different colors. Among the advantages of the lilies of this group, frost resistance, non-durability in the choice of soil and lighting, durability, high decorativeness, irrevocability of viruses and good resistance to all sorts of rotches. But, unfortunately, Martagon Hybrid has not yet gained wide popularity in our region.

Martalon Gybrid varieties:

  • lily Manitoba Fox. - Lilia tree with a height of 1.8-2.4 m, a multi-flower lily with dark pink with fawn flowers and a black and yellow crap;
  • lily Martagon Album - Tall, multi-flowered, snow-white Chalmid flowers with yellow stamens. It blooms up to 50 flowers at the same time;
  • lily MRS. R.O. BackHouse. - Pink lilies with a yellow tide, crap on them - dark pink.

In the photo: Lilia Martagon Album

In the photo: Lilia Martag Manitoba Fox

In the photo: Lilia Martagon Mrs. R.O. BackHouse.

Candidum Hybrid.

Garden forms, which gave rise to Lilia Snow Whole, or, as they are often called, the royal lily, crossed with Lily Chalcedony and other types of European lilies. A sample of the species is a terracotta lily (Lilium X Testaceum). The varieties of this species are quite a bit, but all of them are very fragrant, flowers have the shape of a wide funnel or tubular, coloring of flowers - all shades of yellow or white. At the varieties of this type of flakes, bulbs are moving into the leaves forming the outlet. The disadvantage of the type is exposure to fungal diseases, in addition, these hybrids are poorly tied seeds. Varieties:

  • lily Apollo - white lily, fragrant bells 10-12 cm in diameter collected 9-10 pieces in the brush;
  • lily Terracotta (tiled, doughceum) - Chalmid flowers of cream color.

American hybrids

Derivatives from crossing lily leopard, lily of Humbold, Lilia of Canadian, Lilia Columbian, Lilia Bolander, Lilia Parry, etc. In addition to them, the group includes Bellingian hybrids and Lilia Burbank - only about 150 varieties. Flowers are diverse both in shape and in color. These hybrids need in weakness soil, abundant irrigation and good drainage, do not tolerate transplants. Flower in July. Frost resistant. Varieties:

  • variety Shuksan - Golden lily with brown spots, rose petal tips;
  • variety Cherrywood. - Red lilies.

Long-color hybrids

Garden forms from Liliy Lilncellular, Formolong, Formozskaya and others. Flowers in these hybrids are predominantly white or bright shades. These lilies love heat, so in the winter they have to stream well. In addition, they are easily infected with viruses. But they are ideal for reversing and growing at home. Top varieties:

  • variety White Fox. - Flowers up to 12 cm with a diameter, directed, white with yellow. The length of the tube is 16 cm, the height of the plant reaches 130 cm;
  • variety White Hive - White flowers with light green middle, yellow-orange stamens.

Tubular hybrids

They originate from Asian species of lilies (Lilies Henry), but without participating in the selection of such species, as Lilia is golden, beautiful, Japanese and reddish. These frost-resistant hybrids, but love fertile soil, are not afraid of viruses and mushrooms, easily multiply by any ways. These are the most frequent representatives of the genus in our gardens, blooming three months before the end of September. Lilies tubular are divided into four subgroups in the form of a flower:

  • flowers tubular (BLACK DRAGON, GOLDEN CLARION, SULPHUR QUEEN, etc.);
  • flowers chapheloids, or cupidaimed aside (Heart "S Desire Group," New Era "," Gwendolyn Anley ");
  • flowers determining (Christmas Day groups, Golden Showers;
  • flowers star (Mimosa Star groups, Mimosa Star, "Huemeyer").

Eastern hybrids

These are the hybrids of East Asian species: Lily of the Reddish, beautiful, Golden, Lilies of Japanese and Henry. Flowers they have tubular, cupid, chalmid and flat. Lily East has both all the advantages of the kind of lilies and some of its shortcomings: its hybrids are difficult to grow, they poorly multiply and are very susceptible to viral diseases and fusarium roots. These hybrids bloom only for 5-6 years, the increment of bulbies annually amounts to 3-5 pieces. Varieties:

  • Anais Anais. - White lilies with yellow central veins, Yellow-green nectars, purple snaps, petals wavy, wrapped tips, stalks with a height of 1.25 m;
  • Ascari. - Lilia of lilac-raspberry color with yellow mid and dark specks, the edge of the petals is wavy, the height of the stem is 105 cm;
  • Barbados - Large lilies (diameter of flowers 22 cm) of dark raspberry color with white border on the edge of wavy petals with curved tips, dark grip and white throat, dark purple still.

In the photo: Lily East Anais Anais

In the photo: Lily Eastern Ascari

In the photo: Lily East Barbados

La (LA) hybrids

Hybrids of hybrids of long-color and asian. These double hybrids are very resistant to fungal diseases, winter-hardy, have a wide palette of shades from white to dark red in all sorts of combinations, their flowers are larger, more beautiful and more dense than "Asians", and fragrance is more tender. Stems in la-hybrids are strong, but without "bullbars". Varieties:

  • lily Brindisi - large-flowered hybrid of gentle pink color, very plentifully blooms, tall;
  • lily Eulinner - large-flowered white hybrid with cherry crap, tall;
  • lily Freia - Flower-chameleon: At first, large yellow flowers bloom, then they become creamy-white with a characteristic yellow pattern. Tall instance.

From (or) hybrids, or orienps

The results of crossing the eastern and tubular hybrids. The stems are high, strong, the flowers are very large (up to 25 cm) in the form of a wide cup or funnel-shaped, directed towards or up. Pink color, yellow, red, orange, there are multicolor varieties. The lilies of from-hybrids are grown in flower households and mainly on the cut, but breeders are actively working to remove varieties for open soil. Varieties:

  • lily Beverly Dream - Very beautiful hybrid: star shape, white edge, wine-red throat;
  • lilia Big Brizer. - very large flower (more than 25 cm) yellow-vanilla color with black stamens;
  • lilia Black Beauty - Chamidoid, directed down, almost black lily (red-cherry with a purple-violet tint), on the edge of a thin white border, very long stamens.

In the photo: Lilia from-hybrid Big brown

In the photo: Lily from-hybrid Black Beauty

And something else about Lily and not only. In addition to the described species and their hybrids in recent years, more hybrid groups have appeared: Lo-hybrids - the result of crossing long-bed and eastern hybrids, OA-hybrids - the result of crossing Eastern and Asian hybrids, LP hybrids - lilies derived from crossing tubular lilies with long-beds, Aa-hybrids - from olean lilies and Asian hybrids. And many others. It must be said that many novice flowerflowers believe that Amazonian lily is one of the varieties of lilies, in fact, this is a flower Euharicis, too, a bully plant, only applies to the Amarylline family. As for such a dickey, like a black lily, that is, many varieties of lilies with very dark petals of red, purple and brown shades, but a flower that is so called in the people, in fact "takka", or "bat", or " The devil flower, "and he belongs to the family of sochka (Tassaseae).

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