Causes of turbidity of the vitreous eye body. What is the destruction of the vitreous body and how to treat? Conservative Treatment of Destruction of Glass Body

09.10.2020 Popular treatment

Among the many incurable ailments of DST (Destruction of the vitreous body) is considered an outcast: an officially disease does not give disability, and even not noticeable from the side - the person's eyes look like the same. Nevertheless, chronic flies in the eyes, like eternal hallucinations, drive people depressed, provoke accidents and make it seem to learn to look at things. A young man who lives with the destruction of a vitreous body for six years, told The Village on how he was diagnosed and learned to live with him.

Remember how in my childhood you could sit in the room in the morning, studying the sky outside the window. Sometimes when looking at the bright light, it was possible to notice small transparent points floating in front of the eyes, and play surveillance: these worms were visible only on a pure background. Usually they are called flies. For the majority, this phenomenon remains a funny youthful impression, such as, for example, bored in the bath pad or the first "helicopters in the head" when you try alcohol. And now imagine that you see the flies always, at any time of the day and in any indoors - at sea, on a date with a girl, during sex, in the dark and in the light. They are more than a hundred times, especially large worms are wounded into dense tangles and follow your glance as a dairy film. Fall asleep and waking up, you see this broth and know that it will never disappear. This disease is called DST - the destruction of the vitreous body.

How my eyes broke

I put DST at 17 years old. People not from medicine are often confused by a symptom and causative agent: it's like a question "What are you sick?" Reply - "Angina". Angina is purulent inflammation of the pharynx. For the very inflammation, there may be a hundred reasons. With DST about the same - usually it is simply an indicator, the signal of the body that there are problems. I am not lucky, my symptom is not temporary, he transformed into the syndrome, and now I study with it to live.

After graduating from school, I managed to hurt much straight in front of a single state examination. In June, the temperature took off to 40 degrees several times, I began to wander. The doctor changed me several courses of antibiotics. I did not mind: medicines never caused side effects. By the time my vision has already fallen before minus 6. It was hereditary myopia, but she did not worry me. Glasses from hipsters were just in fashion, and I walked an intelligent - seven years in an art school, the whole family takes pictures. When he became interested in sports run and tennis, changed points for lenses, that's all the problems.

For a week I was launched at home almost in infamous, and when I came to my senses, I saw these transparent pieces floating in our eyes. Before exams, it was necessary to celebrate the military registration and enlistment office. I did not plan to mow, I knew that with such a low vision, it is unlikely to take me to the army. I decided to use a physical examination for consultation on my problem with eyes. But the local doctor did not have the desired apparatus to watch the eye bottom, that is, to see the retina. The stage of the Bureaucratic Hell began: in the Semashko's paid clinic named after I was aiming certificate and recommendations, so that I was seriously taken seriously in the district clinic. From there I was sent to some branch, and then - to the Eye Department of the Botkin Hospital on Tverskaya. It would seem that the center of Moscow, status. But in Botkinskaya I met a five-hour a standing queue only in the registry - everything is on paper and cardboard. Sign up for the reception managed only to the beginning of autumn, that is, I was waiting for two months. The remaining numbers were clogged.

My flies are detached pieces of eyes, literally. The human eyeball is not empty. Inside it is a vitreous body. It resembles a marmalade ball, it is elastic and not monolithic, inside it there are many tubules woven into the labyrinth, through which liquid flows. Thanks to her, the eye is always supported clean and its transparency does not change - rare falling pieces of labyrinth are simply washed away. But not me. My eye is compressed and stretched as a pear or bon-bet lollipops, this is because of myopia, that is, myopia. Outside the difference is not noticeable, but in fact my vitreous body is constantly under stress, so it and the beginning to collapse much faster than that of ordinary people. But it is not all. Usually, the marmalade ball is tightly glued to the retina, he moved from the eye bottom, literally pulled away from him. It is not scary if the retina was not so thin, which also broke into several places.

When I walked around all doctors, I was diagnosed with retina dystrophy, or PVFD. At what point she appeared and that it provoked, unknown. Doctors diluted with their hands and said that there are several reasons at once. Everyone came out at the moment when I saw antibiotics: it turns out, they strongly affect the condition of this crystal maze in the eyes. I was advised to "just wait": mugs from antibiotics could disappear over time, but this did not happen. At the next reception, the doctor called my mom aside and whisper told her that he would need to explain to me that it was not treated and that I would see the flies to the end of life. It seems that then Mom did not understand why the specialist spoke about it with such seriousness. And I understood.

Flies are detached pieces of eyes, literally. The human eyeball is not empty. Inside him - "vitreous body". Due to myopia, my eye is compressed and stretched as a pear or lollipops "Bon-Paris"

What hurts me

Clean persons perceive as something of granted. Even more: people indulge in the fact that they clutch it, drinking or smoking. And in the heal of youth in one summer, it was alcohol. Now I have always seen broth before my eyes, I was enough for His miners. Say it annoyed, it's not to say anything. My depression began, for several weeks I fell out of my life, I missed the exam. Tracking the flies turned into obsession, a compulsive effect. I could sit in place for hours and just follow how the web in my eyes follows the look, as if you drive a spoon on the surface of cream soup. And when the look freezes, the threads continue to slowly fall down under the action of gravity, as if dirty drops flow through the windshield. I became scary when I could not concentrate about the dust because of the panels, it seemed that I was losing reason.

I missed the exams to the institute and did not even graduate from Khudshchuk - just did not come to the graduate examination pattern. When I tried to draw, I saw non-existent lines and points in the still life or landscape, translated a look - and they immediately disappeared. Several times I fell out of the bike, frightened the flies, as if the bar arose before the wheel, or ran a dog, and once a car hit me: I just didn't notice her on the side, I thought I thought again.

Why it is not treated

I plunged into the Internet, I began to absorb everything that could find about DST and retinal dystrophy. The phone screen and displays now have to put on the minimum brightness: the brighter the light, the tracks in the eyes are noticeable. The windows in the room I drove with tight curtains, I started the lighta. It turned out that young suffer from DST quite rarely: there are no clear statistics, because usually the destruction is temporary, and not chronic - people just do not have time to walk to doctors. Still dst meets at half of completely healthy people over 70 years old as age change. Because of this, it is called "diseases of developed countries": in the poor until the age of destruction usually do not live. It can also be a symptom of such terrible diseases, like cataract, glaucoma, diabetes mellitus, Parkinson's disease, hydrocephalus, as well as a variety of vascular and oncology diseases. So I was even lucky: I just see like a 70-year-old old man.

The root cause of my fleets - the retina dystrophy - to cure in the usual understanding is also impossible. The fact is that it inevitably leads to the retinal detachment. The task of the doctor here is to catch the moment in time before detachment when the breaks ("nodules" or "snails", as they call them) are already quite a lot and the retina can be fixed with a laser - literally, getting it in several places. Therefore, I have to go to an ophthalmologist in the Botkin hospital every six months and stand a five-hour queue every time, it's good that this is at least for free. But after the laser operation, the DST will remain, because the pressure on the vitreous body will not disappear anywhere. In the Russian-language Internet you can find only one forum for such as we, one

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The destruction of the vitreous body is the pathological state, as a result of which the normal structure of the vitreous body is destroyed. The process is accompanied by the thickening of collagen fibers, the discharge of gel mass and, in some cases, its wrinkling. To understand the essence of the disease, consider briefly the structure of the vitreous body.

Anatomy of the vitreous body

The vitreous body is located between the retina and the lens and is a gel-like substance. 99% it consists of water and 1% - from hyaluronic acid, collagen fibers and other substances. Despite the fact that collagen and hyaluronic acid are present in such a small quantity, they are very important components. Collagen forms a framework of a vitreous body and gives it elasticity, and hyaluronic acid provides a jelly-like consistency.

The vitreous body performs a number of important functions:

  • Compensates for intraocular pressure drops;
  • Provides a turgor (elasticity) of the eyeball;
  • Participates in the transfer of the image on the retina.

How the destruction of the vitreous body is formed

Normally, the vitreous body is absolutely transparent. However, under the action of certain factors, collagen circuits are split into small fragments that are no longer transparent. They are perceived by the eye as stains, etc.

Violation of the structure of the vitreous body in some cases leads to mechanical damage to the retina and then a person sees in front of the sparks, flashes of light and other light effects.

In advanced cases, destruction is strongly expressed. At the same time, collagen fragments are very much, they float through the entire vitreous body and form peculiar balls that interfere with the vision. This usually happens in the elderly people who suffer atherosclerosis or other vascular diseases.

In deferred cases, destruction is strongly pronounced.

One of the varieties of destruction is a destruction in the form of silver or golden rain. It is due to the deposition of cholesterol crystals inside the vitreous body. During the movement of the eye, these microscopically particles move smoothly and shimmer in the rays of passing light, which creates a picture of a brilliant golden rain.

In particularly severe cases, destruction leads to wrinkling the vitreous body and its further detachment. At the same time, thin fibers are broken connecting it with the retina. As a result, the gap and with massive hemorrhages (more on the retinal rupture can be found).

Causes of destruction

In the elderly, the destruction of the vitreous body is a physiological phenomenon and is due to the processes of the aging of the body. Appearance destruction in a younger age can contribute the following factors:

  • Intensive eye load (reading, viewing TV, etc.).
  • Long-term hypoxia - a condition in which the brain does not receive a sufficient amount of oxygen (for example, work in a stuffy room).
  • Chronic psycho-emotional tension.
  • The action of radioactive radiation.
  • Smoking and abuse of alcoholic beverages.
  • Insufficient amount of minerals and vitamins.
  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the head and neck.
  • Hormonal background disorders due to pregnancy, age or disease internal organs.

Classification of species of destruction

In practice, the following types of vitreous body destruction are distinguished:

Symptoms of the disease

The main complaint during the destruction of the vitreous body is floating flies before our eyes.

The main complaint that is presented during the destruction of the vitreous body is floating flies before your eyes. In the medical literature, they are called myodesopsy.

Cholesterol crystals, blood clots, protein and short collagen fiber chains can be connected to each other and discard the shadow on the retina. A man at this moment sees in the field of view of incomprehensible floating elements.

At first, when you assign a look, the flies are dramatically moved. However, it is worth only to fix the look at some particular point as they slowly fall down.

The closer to the retina there are collagen fragments, the clearer patient distinguishes flies.

Depending on the type and degree of destruction severity mushhos may acquire the following outlines:

  • Thread. They have the form of opaque or translucent brown, gray or black lanes. The ends of them are neatly rounded or dramatically torn off. May be long and short. Long threads are constantly wring: shrink and straighten, twisted, stretched, etc. Some people describe them as small moving worms. As for short threads, they practically do not change their form and have the form of chopsticks or hooks. The structures described are an integral part of the nice destruction of the vitreous body.

If the sparks or outbreaks of light began to appear before the eyes, it may indicate a coarse violation of violation (for example, a vitreous body or retinal detachment).


Diagnosis of the destruction of the vitreous body is usually not difficult and is based on the most part on the clinical picture. At the same time, it is important not to miss the accompanying diseases, which are also manifested by flyers before their eyes (hypertensive crisis, concussion of the brain, diabetes me, etc.).

When destruction of the vitreous body of the flies are constant, do not depend on the position of the body and are best viewed when looking at a light background.

Treatment of the destruction of the vitreous body eye

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused this pathology

Unfortunately, today there are no treatment methods that make it safe and efficiently eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the destruction of the vitreous body. In this regard, treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused this pathology.

There are several directions in the treatment of vitreous body destruction:

  • Non-drug methods;
  • Medication treatment;
  • Surgical methods.

Non-media methods

Healthy lifestyle

First of all, it is necessary to refuse tobacocuria, alcohol, a sedentary lifestyle. It has long been proven that Nicotine is the most terrible enemy for blood vessels, which becomes the cause of a number of diseases, including the destruction of the vitreous body.

If you have to drive a sedentary lifestyle because of work, it is worth making a massage, especially in the neck area. This is due to the fact that the wrong posture during operation may interfere with the adequate blood circulation of the heads of the head, including the eyes. An alternative massage can serve yoga.

It is very important to reconsider your attitude to nutrition. In the daily diet should be as many fresh greens, vegetables and fruits. Products such as blueberries and carrots are natural sources of retinol (vitamin A), which has a beneficial effect on the organ of vision.

Destruction may occur as a result of overworking the nervous system. Therefore, we must try to avoid conflicts and stressful situations.

The measures described may seem more prophylactic than therapeutic. However, the normalization of lifestyle often reduces or eliminates the symptoms of the destruction of the vitreous body, which makes it possible to attribute it to the therapeutic direction

Health events for eyes

First of all, it is necessary to reduce the number of eye loads. If your professional activity is related to the work at a computer, then every half an hour should do at least five minute break. At the same time, it is enough just to close your eyes and try to relax. It is useful to do special.

Currently, the author's eye recovery systems developed by Dr. Norbekov, Shicco Bates, Avetisov, are very popular.


Professional face massage and eye area improves blood circulation and lymphotok, which favorably affects all metabolic processes.

If the massage is performed qualitatively, the person after the first session marks a significant improvement in well-being.

Folk treatments

The most efficient means of treating the destruction of the vitreous body are drops made from aloe honey and juice:

  • 4 ppm Aloe juice should be mixed with 1 tsp. Natural honey to formed a homogeneous substance, and insist a couple of hours.
  • It is necessary to bury three drops into each eye three times a day.

The tool described well suits tissues with nutrients and improves local blood flow.

Medical methods

The following medicines can be accepted for the prescription of the doctor when destruction of the vitreous body:

  • (possesses antioxidant activity and normalizes microcirculation processes);
  • Cinnarizin, Cavinton (Improve intracerebral blood circulation and strengthen the vascular wall);
  • Vobenzym (Fermenized preparation with the ability to dissolve collagen bunches);
  • Local use of iodide potassium (possesses a clearing effect).

Surgical treatment of destruction

There are two methods of surgical treatment of destruction:


Removal of everything or separate part of the vitreous body. The released space is filled with an artificial medium (saline solution, silicone oil, gas bubble, etc.).

This operation is used only in extreme cases and is quite dangerous, as it may be complicated by the retinal detachment, cataract, intraocular hemorrhage.


Dissolution of opaque vitreous bodies with a laser beam. The essence of intervention is reduced to the fact that the laser beam splits the clots on microscopic particles that can no longer be perceived by the eye.

Unfortunately, Vitreolysis was not widely used and practically not performed on the territory of the Russian Federation. The fact is that it is very complicated in the technical plan, as you have to work with moving objects.

Prediction and prevention

Light destruction, which are available in a large number of population, practically do not affect the ability to work and the quality of life. It should be noted that people quickly get used to such visual effects and very quickly cease to pay attention to them.

As for more pronounced destruction, it can cause certain problems (for example, overvoltage visual analyzer and disability limit). In such cases, it is necessary to solve the issue of conducting surgical intervention.

To prevent changes in the vitreous body, you must carefully follow your lifestyle. Unfortunately, it is the "benefits of civilization" in most cases they become the cause of this pathology: a sedentary lifestyle, TV, computer, etc.

Nowadays, the destruction of the vitreous body is available from almost every student. In this regard, parents should from early age Acquire a child K. compliance with the rules of hygiene view: read only sitting at the table and with good lighting, more walking out in the fresh air, limit the pastime at the monitor, etc.

In addition, each person must at least once a year to visit the ophthalmologist.

For today in medicine, the need for vision is becoming increasingly relevant. Patients complain of a decrease in visual acuity, clarity of perception. Many perceived object doubles, or there are "flies" before your eyes. In an attempt to figure out what kind of "flies", and from where they come from, scientists concluded that the reason is the destruction of the vitreous body of the eye. This is a rather complicated disease that is difficult to treat.

What is dangerous destruction of the vitreous body?

The most dangerous is the detachment, dilution, wrinkling.

Locution is accompanied by the formation of empty spaces. Also there is a cluster of intraocular fluid, protein connections. Fibrils are formed, which sticks out with each other and form various configurations in the field of view, they are associated with flyers, cobwebs, octopus. At the same time, the threads are formed, the tangles of yarn.

Even more dangerous species Destruction seems to be wrinkling, the end result of which is the retinal detachment. It is a significant reduction in the vitreous body in size, the formation of folds. Gradually, the structure is deformed, the vitryoretinal structures are tensioning, which can lead to a break or detachment.


The form distinguishes three types of destruction: filamentous, crystalline and grainy. In the frequency of occurrence, a filamentine form dominates: 52%. The crystal accounts for 4%, on grainy - 44%. A trigger factor that launches the development of the filamental form of pathology is preferably (in 71% of cases) atherosclerotic processes and progressive myopia.

The development of the grainy form of pathology contributes to the inflammatory process in the inner reticular layer. It is for this reason that 68% of cases of grainy degradation develop.

Causes of the destruction of the vitreous body

Destruction may occur for various reasons. Almost always the vitreous body is subjected to degenerative and dystrophic changes with age. There are such changes from about 40 years old, and are finally formed by 60 years. Congenital myopia, the weakening of the eye muscle, can entail similar changes. Often, pathology is a consequence of vascular disorders, arises against the background of vegetual-vascular dystonia, arterial and venous violations. Distrophic changes of vessels can also entail pathology. Cervical osteochondrosis, various hormonal and neuropsychiatric restructuring, pregnancy, reception hormonal drugsmay provoke a disease.

As a reason, various injuries and damage to the head, neck, eye, eye operations are also considered. Long physical exerciseStress, neuropsychic overvoltage, the impact on the organism of radiation, toxins, biological objects also acts as one of the causes of pathology.

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Risk factors

Elderly, pregnant women, people in the period of hormonal rearrangements (adolescence, menopausal period) fall into the risk group. The risk is also significantly increasing when taking some drugs, in particular, hormonal means. To avoid risk, it is impossible to allow the development of osteochondrosis, myopia and weakness of the muscles of the eye.

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The basis of pathogenesis is the violation of the normal structure of the transparent substance located between the lens and the retina. Normally, the vitreous body is transparent and represented by special threads (fibrils), which are localized in the gel. Various pathological conditions and diseases entail the aging of fibrils, which quickly break down, lose elasticity. From above, they are deposited by various aging products in the form of grains.

The process is accompanied by turbidity and formation of stains, which are quite well noticeable on a white background or during the daytime, with light. It is these grains that are fragments of fibrils and perceives as flies, threads. They can envelop the eyes, like a film, significantly reducing vision.

Most often destructive transformations are subjected to central colloidal gel departments. The process occurs in several stages. At the first stage, a cavity is formed, which contains liquid and coagulated collagen masses. In the future, an increasing amount of fibrillar proteins is involved in the pathological process. They are coagulation, exit far beyond the limits of education, as a result, the study-like substance turns into a liquid and fills the space between the lens and the retina.

The substances of various configurations are gradually formed, attached to the eye DNU and entail wrinkling, starts the adhesion process. There is a decrease in the vitreous body in the volume, its deformation, as a result of which the vitreoretinal compounds are stretched and the retinal is detachment.

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Symptoms of vitreous body destruction

The destruction of the vitreous body is manifested as a defect that occurs in a visual field. It can be structures of various configurations, for example, threads of various thicknesses, tangles of yarn, flies that constantly fly before our eyes. Forms can be absolutely anyone, with the same person they retain constancy. Flares, lightning, in front of the eyes appear quite often.

Especially well these phenomena are noticeable on a light background, during the daytime, against the background of any bright surfaces. If the lighting is insufficient, or in the dark, a person, as a rule, does not notice anything like that, and no discomfort is experiencing. Sometimes similar phenomena may occur on the nervous soil: after stress, nervous overvoltage, overwork. Some have a feeling that objects are moving after a look, as a result of which it is impossible to focus the look.

First signs

As the first signs of destruction, the appearance of various small objects before the eyes. They are moving, less likely - stand still. Most often, people compare such objects with flies, stains, turbidity before your eyes. In ophthalmology, such periodically emerging images are customary to be called optical phenomena. They arise mainly with an increase in blood pressure, when hitting heads. They may occur as a result of a sharp change of position, when lifting weights.

Optical objects are characterized by constancy, stable shape and good visibility on a light background. When such first symptoms appear, you need to see the doctor as soon as possible in order to diagnose the disease, reveal its cause and take the necessary measures.


The destruction of the nichlya form is characteristic of patients suffering atherosclerosis. Also, the formation of the threads may be a consequence of dystrophic retinal changes. One of the most common pathologies that occurs in patients with myopia. Such changes may appear in high age.

If you explore the laser bottom with a slit lamp, you can note the presence of fibers that differ significantly in shape and size. Optically empty gaps are well noticeable between them. This is a zone in which the vitreous body is discovered. There are various forms of gravity of the disease: from minimal to extremely heavy.

When conducting a biomicroscopic examination of the eye, there is a suspension of microparticles of various sizes, shapes and colors. The suspension is represented by the residues of the broken structure of the vitreous body. Also included cell elements, cell membrane components. Cylinder cells of retina, leukocytes, lymphocytes, pigment cells, which have fallen from defective vessels can be detected. The most powerful destructive process is developing, which is based on inflammation of the inner retinal layer. Often occur against the background of chronic or sharp uveitis, diabetic retinopathies, hemophthalm. In hemophthalm grains differ in red.

  • On the type of golden rain

Often, patients argue that gold sparks arise before their eyes. Especially pronounced they become with the movements of the eyes. This indicates functional disorders of various bodies, in particular: kidneys, liver, domestic secretion glands. Often the cause becomes a violation exchange processeswhich are only aggravated with time. As a result, colloidal media varies, their composition changes.

Similar processes occur in the vitreous body. It develops pathological locals, the active processes of precipitation and coagulation are unfolded. There is a deposition of crystals consisting mainly of cholesterol and tyrosine. The main accumulation occurs in a vitreous body. When driving, their pendulum oscillation occurs, active glow and transfusion begins. It is for this reason that the symptom was called "Golden Rain". This form of destruction is quite rare.

You can diagnose pathology using ophthalmoscopy - a standard technique that is often used in diagnostic practice.

Under mixed destruction, such a type of pathology is meant, in which two types of destruction are developing simultaneously, or all three. The filamentine, and the grainy pathology, and the thread elements, and granular components can be detected at the same time. The combination with crystalline destruction is extremely rare, about 1.5% of cases.

Destruction of the vitreous body of both eyes

Destruction can develop both in one and in both eyes. In most cases, one eye is first destructive changes, then, gradually, the pathological process applies to the second eye. Most often on both eyes, the grainy and nice destruction spreads. Crystal is rarely observed.

Destruction of a vitreous body in a child

The child has destruction is observed much less frequently than in adults or the elderly. Most often in children destruction is a consequence of injuries or damage to the eye, brain. Congenital myopia, myopia, as well as stress, overwork, nervous and mental overvoltage can lead to the destruction of the vitreous body. Most often in children there is a nice destruction, less often - grainy. Cases of crystalline destruction are little known, and arose mainly against the backdrop of mental and physical development delays, violations of metabolic processes.

Complications and consequences

The consequence of the destruction of the vitreous body should be considered the formation of voids in which the liquid accumulates. Gradually, they are filled with intraocular fluid. The eye is subject to necrotic and dystrophic processes. The most dangerous complication is the retinal rupture or its detachment.

How to stop the destruction of a vitreous body?

In order to stop the destruction of the vitreous body, a qualified help of specialists is required. Make it yourself is not possible. First of all, it is necessary to refer to a retinologist, which will conduct a study of the eye dna. In order to identify pathology, an ophthalmoscopy method is used, which is a study of the eye using a slit lamp.

The main condition is early diagnosiswhich makes it possible to reveal the reason for the formation of flies. This significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and prevents further progression of the disease. The doctor defines the features of therapy, depending on the identified pathologies. Surgical intervention or laser correction may be required, since there is no specific conservative treatment.

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Diagnostics of the destruction of the vitreous body

The diagnosis is based on pathology recognition mainly on the clinical picture. Therefore, it is important to carefully examine the history of life and illness of the patient, to get the necessary information and information about the patient. Based on the subjective sensations of the patient and these objective examination, there is a preliminary diagnosis. In case of insufficiency, additional laboratory and instrumental research can be appointed. Also held differential diagnosiswhich allows you to clearly degrade the signs of one disease from the other. It is important to pay attention to related diseases, since they can also cause destruction. Often, destruction is not a major disease, but by secondary pathology developed by another disease.

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The need for laboratory analyzes rarely occurs, since the main research method is tool diagnosis. It rarely need a bacteriological study of the tear fluid. Such a need arises mainly in the bacterial defeat of the eye, suspected conjunctivitis.

With an acute inflammatory process, a clinical analysis of blood is passed. With crystalline form of destruction, which arises against the background of metabolic disorders, it may be necessary biochemical analysis blood expanded immunogram.

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Instrumental diagnostics

The instrumental diagnosis is based on ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopy, which allow you to study the eyes itself in detail, the eye. Additional methods Research that can give the required amount of information is ultrasound, tonometry and visometry.

With the help of an ophthalmoscopic method, you can identify optically empty cavities, which in most cases are represented by vertical slots. If there is a complete destruction, a single cavity is detected, filled with fibrils. The border membrane can be destroyed, then there is no retrolental space. If cloues is localized along the edge of the retina, the specific changes will not be detected.

With the help of a slit lamp during the study by biomicroscopy, a colloidal gel is detected, clouding in the form of flakes. In the nichta destruction, collagen fibers of the loop-shaped form are detected. The grainy destruction is manifested by the cluster of small particles. Particles predominantly gray or brown shade. In the later stages, you can identify grain accumulations as a separate conglomerate.

Also a very informative research method is ultrasound procedure. It is used most often in the presence of hemorrhages in the retina of the eye or the vitreous body. Makes it possible to identify the source of hemorrhage. The presence of echoregative signals from crystalline lattices inside the colloid, as well as the mobility of crystals, grains and collagen clusters indicates the discharge of the vitreous body.

Optical chereten tomography It is carried out if other research methods did not give the necessary amount of information. The destruction will indicate a decrease in the size and an atypical shape of the vitreous body, its turbidity and inhomogeneous consistency. With a massive hemophthalm, the method is contraindicated.

The method of visometric can be diagnosed with the degree of vision reduction.

With the help of tonometry, the intraocular pressure is investigated.

Differential diagnosis

In order to finally diagnose, it is necessary to clearly separate the signs of destruction from other diseases that have similar manifestations. So, similar to the flies and stains before their eyes can occur when the retina is breaking, head injuries and neurological disorders.

You can eliminate these diseases with inspection, vision checks, eye testing and surveys using a slit lamp and an ophthalmoscope.

Treatment of the destruction of a vitreous body

Treatment is quite complex and selected strictly individually for each patient. The intensity and focus of therapy is determined by the nature and volume of lesions, as well as on how damaged the patient's vision is. The influence of pathology on performance, physical and mental condition patient.

Specific treatment has not yet been developed. Methods that would allow effectively and without additional risks to remove fibrillating growths, still does not exist. Therefore, the treatment is based on the focus on the identification of the underlying disease and the further fight against it. For example, if the cause of destruction is diabetes, it is necessary first of all to fight it with it, then the destruction is normalized as secondary pathology.

The basis of drug therapy is the use of absorbing agents, drugs that improve cerebral circulation. Specific treatment directed directly to restoring destroyed fibrils and preventing destruction does not exist.

Now the market has a large number of biological active additives, drugs that indirectly can affect the restoration of tissues, including fibrils. You can try the use of physiotherapy methods, folk recipes and homeopathic agents. Also applied surgical treatment and laser correction.

Is it possible to cure the destruction of the vitreous body?

Direct methods aimed at treating destruction does not exist. But you can treat destruction and need. Today, treatment includes funds aimed at resolving deposits and fibrillar formations inside the eye, as well as to reduce the load on the visual analyzer. It is used by etiological therapy aimed at eliminating the cause that caused destruction. Also used symptomatic therapy, which allows to eliminate the main symptoms of pathology. These methods allow you to achieve good results and prevent further development of pathology. With ineffectiveness apply operational methods or laser correction.


First of all, I would like to note that specific medicines aimed at treating the destruction of the vitreous body does not exist. Therefore, there are currently any allegations that any drug or additive is aimed at eliminating destruction are false or erroneous. Any medicinal tool will have only indirect impact, it must be remembered. It is important to comply with precautions - apply funds only by appointment of a doctor, according to a strictly prescribed scheme. This is due to the fact that funds are selected for each case individually, and is based on the results of laboratory and instrumental research. Numerous side effects are possible, in particular, the aggravation of pathology or the emergence of other diseases of the organ of vision.

To improve cerebral circulation, and as a result, improving the blood supply to the brain is used to piracetam 0.4 grams 2-3 times a day.

To eliminate hypoxia and normalization of metabolic processes in the brain, cinnarizin is used: 25 mg 2-3 times per day.

Mexidol has proven well, which has a relaxing and antioxidant effect. Eliminates dystrophic and necrotic processes, speeds up the transfer nerve impulsescontributes to the resorption of seals. Take the drug needed with a gradual increase in the load from the minimum to the maximum. Start with 200 mg per day, gradually increase to 600 mg. You also need to finish. At the same time, it is necessary to return to the minimum dosage - 200 mg per day.

Middokalm is used to stabilize the nervous system, the normalization of metabolic processes and a reduction in muscle tone. Take a tablet three times a day.

Drops when destruction of a vitreous body

For the treatment of destructive processes apply eye drops. They are vitamin and absorbing, aimed at resorption of deposits and formations inside the eye. You have proven you such drops like an offadex, taufon, ciprofloxacin, levomycetin drops. Also, potassium iodide is used as a strong absorption. Drops have a local action. Only their applications will not be enough to eliminate pathology and facilitate the state. Therefore, they resort to systemic therapy, taking medicines inside.

  • Vobenzym

The drug designed to normalize microcirculation in the tissues of the eye. It has a resolution action, eliminating the inflammatory process and reducing the number of deposits and neoplasms in the eye. Restores normal blood circulation. Is an enzyme preparationwhich dissolves collagen fibers and their clots. Apply strictly to the appointment of the doctor, in compliance with the individually developed scheme. At the same time, the scheme is developed on the basis of the results of laboratory and instrumental studies.

  • Emoxipin

The drug is aimed at normalizing microcirculation in eye tissues. Refer to vascular drugs. Restores cerebral circulation, normalizes intraocular pressure. Apply strictly to the appointment of a doctor in accordance with the prescribed scheme.

  • Taufon

It is eye drops, stimulating metabolic processes in the cells and eye tissues. In its composition contains active vitamin complex. It is used with a slight violation of the visual field. With more severe disorders, complex therapy is required, including systemic drugs. Apply 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day.

  • Glycine

Glycine is a drug aimed at stimulating the activity and normalization of the brain function, improved cerebral circulation, maintaining normal blood supply and metabolism. Normalizes the function of the brain and auditory analyzer. Take 2-3 tablets, 3-4 times a day.

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To maintain the normal functioning of the visual analyzer, preventing destructive and dystrophic processes, it is recommended to take vitamins in the following daily concentrations:

  • Vitamin N - 150 μg
  • Vitamin RR - 60 mg
  • Vitamin C - 500-1000 mg
  • Vitamin E - 45 mg.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Electrophoresis is used as the main physiotherapy procedure. This procedure is based on the impact on the skin and mucous membranes by microcurrent. Under the action of microcurrent medicinal substances Quickly penetrate the tissue deep into the tissue, penetrate directly into the tissue that needs treatment. This increases the accuracy and direction of action, reduces the need for the amount of substance. Accordingly, the probability is reduced. side Effects and overdose. Major drugs are resorpting, vascular, vitamins and enzyme complexes.

Popular treatment

For cooking, 25 grams of cumin are required. Peel for 5 minutes in boiling water. Then they do not fix, but add a tablespoon of flowers of blue flowers to the resulting decoction. From the fire assisted, insist for an hour, biting warmth. After that, the decoction is filtered and drunk in the eyes of 1-2 drops when the appearance of unpleasant sensations, burning, flies, reducing vision.

The grass of flaxes of ordinary has long been used for washing and hardening the eyes. It takes 15 grams of grass for cooking, insist for 8 hours in boiling water. Drip 2-3 drops three times a day.] ,,

Treatment of the destruction of the vitreous body eye egg

AT folk medicine Destruction eyes treat egg. For therapeutic effects it is necessary to boil the egg by screwing. Yolks are riveted, rubbed with honey to the formation of a homogeneous mass. The protein boil once again. As soon as he became moderately hot, we put on the eye on top, lay and lie for 10-15 minutes. After the protein is removed, we apply a mixture of yolk with honey to the area around the eyes, are still 5-10 minutes. The procedure is performed daily at least 5 days in a row. It contributes to the resorption of neoplasms and deposits, removes the inflammatory process.

Treatment of herbs

Herbs are actively used to treat various inflammatory and destructive processes, including for the treatment of eye diseases.

Well established himself a decoction of the plantain when flying and circles appear before his eyes. For cooking, ragger take a tablespoon of grass, poured a glass of boiling water. Increase for 1-2 hours, used for washing eyes, washing or rims.

Also apply a branch of the Highlander bird. For cooking a tablespoon of grass poured 1-2 glasses of boiling water. Used in warm form for washing, lotions.

The decoction of medicinal mint is used with the appearance of flies and other unpleasant sensations before their eyes. As a local agent is used for rings, washing and hardening the eyes. As a systemic preparation, the prepared decoction is taken inside.

To prepare a tablespoon of grass poured with two glasses of boiling water. Insist for 30 minutes. Then divided into two glasses. One glass drink during the day. It is recommended to drink a third of a glass three times a day. The second glass is used for outdoor use.


Homeopathic remedies are quite effective, cause a minimum of side effects. But despite this, it is necessary to comply with precautions: to accept only after prior consultation with the doctor, strictly follow all the recommendations and the reception scheme.

The funds aimed at eliminating necrotic, dystrophic and destructive processes in the body tissues have proven well. These are predominantly herbal infusions that have long been used to enhance metabolic processes, stimulating regeneration in tissues.

  • Recipe number 1.

For the preparation of infusion of 15 grams of white laptops, mix with 10 grams of hop cones, pour 500 ml of vodka. Drink 50 grams per day.

  • Recipe number 2.

Take 10 grams of pharmacy heel, mix with 15 grams of nine high, poured 500 ml of vodka. Drink 3-4 tablespoons twice a day.

  • Recipe number 3.

Take the grass of the hemorring of medicinal, the kidney of the black poplar in the 2: 1 ratio, poured a glass of vodka, insist the day. Drink 2-3 tablespoons twice a day.

  • Recipe number 4.

Take the tincture of geranium meadow and hop cones extract are mixed in a 2: 1 ratio, insist during the day. Drink on the tablespoon three times a day.


The main method of surgical treatment is the vitrectomy - a technique aimed at full or partial removal of the vitreous body. After that, remote areas are subject to a substantiated artificial medium. This is a radical method that applies only as a last resort in the presence of serious indications.

The operation is effective, but it is rarely carried out due to high risks. Complications are often observed, such as: hemorrhage in the eye cavity, retinal detachment, cataract.

Treatment of the destruction of the vitreous body with a laser

If the destruction is strongly expressed and is not amenable to conservative treatment, surgical methods are used. The main technique is a vitreolysis, aimed at grinding large collagen fragments. For the operation, local anesthesia is used.

First, pupils are expanding with a short-acting midbito, then the necessary manipulations are carried out using a laser. The operation is complicated by the high mobility of pathological clusters inside the colloidal gel. However, in general, such operations pass quickly and successfully, complications after them practically does not happen, vision is not reduced.

Unfortunately, today the operation is not enough. It is practiced only by a few specialists.

Power in the destruction of the vitreous body

When destruction, you need to use gentle food. It is advisable to apply boiled, steam dishes. It is also important to include a large number of products containing carateinoids in the diet, vitamin A, E, В. The mandatory product on the table should be a blueberry, since the berries have reducing effect on the eyes. It is necessary to eat carrots daily, both in fresh form and as part of various salads. Useful for viewing products such as salad, spinach, celery, turnips. From the diet should exclude bold meat, fried, smoked, sharp dishes, marinades, smoking.


Prevention is based on timely diagnosis. If the first signs of the disease appears, you need to see the doctor as soon as possible. It is important to take preventive inspections in a timely manner, treat the identified diseases of other organs especially vascular pathologies. This is due to the fact that destruction is often secondary pathology, which arises as a result of the disease of another organ or system.

It is impossible to allow fatigue, overvoltage of the eyes. In case of poor vision, it is necessary to conduct its correction qualitatively. It is also important to maintain full nutrition with the content of the required amount of nutritional components, vitamins. It is necessary to include more fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet, in particular carrots, blueberries.


The vitreous body is a transparent substance of jelly consistency, filling the space in the eyeball between the retina and the lens. There are no blood vessels in the structure of the vitreous body, but it performs several essential functions in the visual apparatus of a person. His elastic form is supported by protein fibrils that form a sufficiently rigid frame. In the normal state, the vitreous body is completely transparent, but if for any reason, protein fibrils are compacted or deformed, the destruction of the vitreous body of the eye is developing.

This is a collective term for determining a number of pathologies, accompanied by the destruction of the fabrics of the eye structures. It manifests itself as turbidity of the vitreous body in the form of threads, points, grains that repeat the movements of the eyeball. Pathology is not as dangerous, as it may seem to be an uninitiated person, but it is also undesirable to ignore it.

In severe cases, turbidity will lead to serious violations of violation, breaking or peeling the retina, reducing the quality of life and the loss of human disability. But in most cases, destruction succeeds to successfully eliminate with medication therapy or surgical operation.

Causes of development

The most common causes of the destruction of the vitreous body can be divided into three categories:

  • Ophthalmological diseases - for example, the destruction of the structure of the eyeball is one of the most frequent complications of the launched cataract. Injuries and surgical operations also lead to sealing fibrous tissues.
  • The pathology of the circulatory system - with circulatory disorders, the functions of the vitreous body are also violated, since the tissues are not obtained in sufficient oxygen, and nutrients, their structure changes.
  • Myopia or surgical intervention at the lens when it is replaced with artificial.
  • Age changes in the body. In the elderly, the vitreous body for natural reasons loses its properties and characteristics. In it accumulate insoluble cholesterol and protein crystals. When the light passes through the eyeball, these smallest dense particles discard the shadow on the retina. These small shadows are the very "flies" before the eyes that begin to disturb many elderly people.

Changes in the structure of the vitreous body eye almost never has medical consequences. But often becomes the cause of a large discomfort for the patient.

Grain or thread seals lead to the fact that the body itself begins to dilute, lose the form, fall and smear. What is dangerous such a phenomenon, it is easy to understand: sooner or later an amazed eye will begin to see a bad thing and the person will turn into a disabled person.

To understand what is happening in the organs of vision during the development of these pathologies, it is necessary to consider a little more consideration of the structure and structure of the eyeball. The vitreous body fills the entire back of the eyeball, on certain areas it fits tightly to the retina, and in some places - in a circle of the optic nerve disk and the gear line is connected to it. Thanks to the transparent gel structure, the retina is maintained in a liquid state and gets light.

But with age, the vitreous body changes: in the central part it becomes liquid, and in the edges is compacted. This process in ophthalmology is called synerresis. Under the action of its own mass, the gel substance, frozen at the edges, is separated and falling into a liquid part in the center of the vitreous body. The detachment of the rear section of the vitreous body from the retina is the most common cause of violation of violations, such a process is actually in fact half of the people by 80 years. A provoking factor often becomes sugar diabetes.

Varieties and types of disease

The destruction is primarily divided into two large categories in their manifestations:

  • Asymptomatic - not provoking a patient no discomfort that does not affect its quality and, accordingly, not requiring treatment.
  • Symptomatic- a person is often disturbed by "flies" before your eyes, "gold and silver rains", flying cobwebs, etc. Symptomatic destruction can say that the retinal gap or its detachment occurred, and it also significantly affects the quality of life, reduces ability to work, and therefore requires treatment.

Also allocate several types of destruction:

  • nichtage - notes in people of young age, manifests as multiple points, cobs and flies before the eyes of the patient, structural changes in the glassy body are collagen fibers woven among themselves;
  • diffuse - occurs more often in elderly patients, develops due to age-related changes of the eyeball;
  • the destruction at which the rear membrane and the formation of the Weiss Ring is detaching, the latter is formed when the rear membrane leaves, it happens very dense, with a high content of pigment particles, which significantly worsens the quality of vision.

How to recognize pathology

The main symptoms of the destruction of the vitreous body include, as already mentioned above, darkening, points, cobwebs, from time to time appearing before their eyes. Changes in the vitreous body can have a variety of shapes, size, configuration, sometimes they are very dense, and in some cases almost transparent and invisible. Especially well they are noticeable if the patient looks at the pure blue sky or on snow cover, that is, a light surface, well reflective and transmitting light.

This is how pathological changes look like in the structure of the affected vitreous body

An important symptom at the initial pathology stage: When you try, it is better to consider the points and "flyers" move along with the movement of the eyeball, so it's difficult to focus on them and explore them difficult.

In the future, as pathology progresses, such characteristic signs:

  • Black dots before your eyes appear increasingly, they are becoming more, they darken, sometimes patients complain about "black rain", suddenly falling to the eyes.
  • In addition to points and darkens, lightning and outbreaks appear before your eyes. This symptom is extremely dangerous: it is possible that the bundle of a vitreous body or a retinal detachment is manifested, it is necessary to urgently access the doctor.

Often, a long time manifestation of the destruction of the vitreous body, a person writes off on banal eye fatigue after a long-term work at a computer, for example. At first, it is enough to simply change the type of activity and give organs of view a full-fledged rest. But if the symptoms of the disease listed above are concerned more often, it is better to examine the ophthalmologist.

Barely noticeable cloues, black dots and cows, floating in front of the eyes when viewed on the sky, glass, mirror - this is the main symptom of an easy stage of eye destruction

Treatment methods

Statistics proves: only in 15% of cases of "flies", outbreaks and cloues before our eyes are found at a break or retinal detachment. Much more often such a phenomenon is completely harmless. Over time, the stains and points are pale themselves and decrease or the patient gets used to these manifestations and no longer notices them. But there are other data according to which every tenth patient with a similar diagnosis is ready for surgical interference to get rid of finally from flies and points before his eyes.

All surveys when suspected the destruction of the glass body are carried out using modern equipment - modern and safe


Treating the destruction of the vitreous body of the eye is required only in cases where symptoms do not pass over time, and increase, and lead to violations of violations.

But then, the drugs or eye drops are little effective. It will takes the removal of the vitreous body of the eye - vitrectomy. During the operation, the damaged vitreous eye body is completely removed, and the saline solution is injected instead. Wherein possible risks And the complications of such an intervention is much higher than the danger of the fleems themselves.

Laser treatment

Modern alternative method of treatment of pathology is laser therapy. Vitreolysis is a completely painless, non-invasive and non-hazardous operation, allowing you to completely get rid of the darkening and seals of the vitreous body. The thin laser beam is sent to the affected areas, under its effect, collagen seals are absorbed and evaporate, the destruction becomes much less or completely disappears.

Directional laser beam affects exactly where it is required, and helps to quickly and painlessly completely get rid of pathology

Pre-in the eyeball is introduced anesthetic and contact lenses. The doctor can accurately control all his actions, and the patient does not feel any pain. The method is the safest and reliable today, but not always effective: the less destruction and the closer they are located to the eyeball, the more difficult the surgeon-ophthalmologist will remove them with a laser.

Other methods

Effectively treat the degradation of the vitreous body of the eyeball by folk remedies is impossible. But since this pathology develops mainly in people over 65, with the help of alternative medicine, it is possible to strengthen the visual apparatus and stretch the natural aging process slightly.

The forecast of the disease is almost always prosperous - it can be cured if you start therapy as soon as possible, to carry out comprehensively and fully. In the most serious cases, a replacement of a remote vitreous body is carried out by a special implant. But since the operational risk is very high, in recent years, direct surgical intervention is not performed. Preferably a laser operation, if the patient for any reasons can not afford it, it remains only to adapt to the defect of view.

The main reasons for the development of destructive processes in the vitreous eye body are ophthalmic diseases, diseases of the circulatory system and natural physiological changes occurring in the body over time. Treatment of the disease is aimed at eliminating symptoms accompanying destructive phenomena or deleting inclusions by surgical intervention.

The presence of the destruction of the vitreous body does not affect the quality of life and the resolution of the person. In the launched cases, partial or complete loss of vision is possible, but most often the disease forecast is favorable.


The vitreous body is represented in the form of a non-evodular transparent student, which fills the cavity of the eyeball between the lens and the retina. Its presence ensures the preservation of the turgora and the correct shape of the eyeball, compensates for intraocular pressure drops, performs light pulses to the retina of the eye.

In a healthy person, this substance is completely transparent and does not contain any inclusions. It consists of hyaluron and ascorbic acids, serum proteins, salts and other substances and is supported by a frame consisting of protein fibrils.

The destruction of the vitreous body occurs as a result of the thickening of some fibers and the loss of their transparency, which leads to a change in its mesh structure. Destructive processes are manifested in the form of a vitality of a vitreous body, wrinkling it and peeling.

Locution can be complete or partial. In most cases, this pathology is observed in the central part of the eyeball, much less often - according to its periphery. At the initial stage in the vitreous body, cavities are formed, which are filled with scraps of fibers, liquid, finite gel coagulation products. The separation of the student substance on the thick and liquid fraction due to the decay of the complex "Collagen - hyaluronic acid".

The vitreous body loses homogeneity: the fibers of the fibers are observed, and weave the interlacing of various shapes that are freely floating in a discharged substance (nichlya, or filamentous, destruction of the vitreous body). Simultaneously with the discharge in the vitreous body, heavy and films that differ in size and density can be formed. In some cases, these formations are fixed to the eye DNU, which leads to serious pathological changes.

Plumbes in a vitreous body

The wrinkling of the entire vitreous body or its part is the hardest form of the destruction of the vitreous body. As a result of this process, the volume decreases and a change in the shape of a centered substance, there is a tension of the vitreoretinal compounds. With a pronounced degree of the disease, these compounds can be torn, resulting in hemorrhage into a vitreous body, its detachment, a retinal rupture. Phenomena are often observed. Ultimately, the complete destruction of the vitreous body may occur.

In addition to characteristic of the destruction of the vitreous body, the eyes of "flies" in the field of view arise "lightning" or "outbreaks", which indicates the presence of an "optical cavities" in the eyeball. Thus, the brain perceives the anomalous reaction of the optic nerve to the presence of voids. Consider muddy particles is difficult because they are moving after the movement of the eyes.

Best of all the clouds are noticeable when looking at a clean bright surface (clean sky, white ceiling, snow), when the eye is seamless, either in coherent rays. In conditions of weak lighting of the environment, as well as with its inhomogeneity of turbidity, as a rule, are not visible.

The destruction of the vitreous body can manifest itself in the form of a gold or silver rain. Such a phenomenon is observed in the presence of crystalline inclusions of tyrosine, cholesterol, phosphorus compounds, calcium and magnesium. It is characteristic of the elderly people suffering from a cholesterol disorder, as well as diabetes.

Biomicroscopy allows you to detect shiny particles ("rain") or "dancing snowflakes", which ignitely fluctuate and move at the same time with the movement eye apples. Such crystals may be various shapes (plates, spheres, points), colors (golden, snow-white, brown) and sizes.

Causes of occurrence

The destruction of the vitreous eye body is most often arising because of various physiological and pathological causes:

  • age changes in the structure of the eyeball;
  • the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in the eye;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the circulatory system (atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, dystrophic changes of vessels);
  • strong myopia;
  • dystrophy;
  • squeezing arterial vessels in the presence of cervical atherosclerosis;
  • hormonal changes that are manifested during pregnancy, climax, puberty, when prescribing hormone therapy;
  • eye injury, nose, heads (including surgery);
  • helminth invasion (toxoplasmosis);
  • frequent and long-term visual loads;
  • psycho-emotional stress, depression;
  • physical exhaustion;
  • some diseases of the internal organs;
  • deficiency of vitamins, macro- and microelements;
  • toxic or radiation impact on the body.

The cause of the destruction of the vitreous body of the eye can be a violation of the operation of internal organs, which regulate the composition and equilibrium of the colloids of the vitreous body (the gland of the internal secretion, kidney, the liver). This provokes the occurrence of changes in the structure of colloidal gel (coagulation and precipitation processes). In addition, the emergence of "flying flies" may indicate the start of the retinal detachment process, which ultimately can lead to complete loss of vision.


The main symptomatic sign of the presence of the destruction of the vitreous body is to swim in various visual effects before the eyes - "spots", "flies", "web", "clouds". These optical elements differ from the effects resulting from shocks on the head, sharp blood pressure jumps, when lifting weights.

Symptoms of vitreous body destruction:

  • the presence of "flies" and clouding is constant;
  • spectating phenomena have a constant shape and sizes;
  • effects are noticeable only in conditions of good illumination (especially on a white surface).

The more clearly visible floating elements and what they are thicker, the stronger the destruction of the vitreous body. In the case of acquiring turbines, atherosclerosis or a severe form of hypertension can be diagnosed with a clear nital structure. The presence of "outbreaks" and "lightning" is a sign of detachment of a vitreous body or other heavy complications.

With the pitching degradation of the vitreous body, unorganized swimming fibrils dispersed throughout the volume of the eyeball, while they twist and stick together, forming in education, resembling tanglaws yarn.

As a result of injury to the eye, suffering from the disease or in the presence of tumor-like formations, the destruction of the vitreous body is manifested in the form of small clusters of small grains. With absence timely treatment It does not rule out complete or partial loss of vision.


The following methods are used to diagnose the disease:

  • ophthalmoscopy (survey of the eye dna);
  • checking visual acuity;
  • ophthalmological inspection using a slit lamp;
  • compilation of anamnesis.

The data obtained in the survey process makes it possible to conclude or the absence of destructive processes in the vitreous body of the eyeball.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of the destruction of the vitreous body of the eye in most cases is ineffective. Sometimes minor cloues and small fibers can resolve themselves, but large formations, deposition of crystals and fiber scraps connective tissue Stay until the end of life.

Questions about how to treat the destruction of the vitreous body of the eye and whether it is necessary to do it, are solved in each case individually. The need and effectiveness of therapy depends on the presence of either the absence of optical effects, violation of visual functions, the area of \u200b\u200blesion of the vitreous body, as well as the effects of these pathological factors on the human condition and its ability to work.

Currently, the methods of specific treatment of the destruction of the vitreous body, allowing to effectively and safely eliminate the deposition of crystals and massive fibrillar formations, not developed. Maintenance medical events Aimed at eliminating the causes that caused the occurrence of the disease, a decrease in visual loads and the use of symptomatic medication therapy.

During the destruction of the vitreous body, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • means with absorbent properties (2% or 3% solution of iodide potassium - local installations, vanzim or tramel C - inside);
  • emoxipin - an antioxidant drug that normalizes microcirculation in eye tissues (injected parabulbarno);
  • cavinton, Cinnarizin - to improve the patency of vessels and normalization of blood circulation in the brain.

In some cases, treatment of the disease is carried out by operational intervention:

  • vitreolysis - splitting in the vitreous body of clouds with a YAG laser;
  • vitrectomy - partial or complete replacement of the vitreous body on the artificial medium (silicone oil, gas bubbles, salt saline).

The use of surgical operations as a method for treating the destruction of a vitreous body has an ambiguous forecast, since there is a large risk of serious complications (cataract, hypotension, retinal detachment, hemorrhage). Often, the use of such methods is unnecessar, primarily for the elderly, because due to the progressive age changes, the problems of vessels over time are aggravated.

There are ways to treat the destruction of the vitreous body of the eye with the help of folk remedies. The massage of the eyeballs is recommended, which improves the flow of lymph and blood in the eye fabrics.

You can dig in the eye drop when destruction of the vitreous body:

  • honey (for cooking honey and water are used in a 2: 1 ratio);
  • medovo-aloyne;
  • propolis (in the form of aqueous solution).

but independent treatment Destruction of a vitreous body by folk remedies should be carried out under strict medical control to avoid harm to the body.

It is worth noting that during the destruction of the vitreous body, you can play sports, however, preference is better to give types that do not require substantial physical activity and load.


The forecast of the development of the disease in most cases is favorable. Lounge is relatively quickly stabilized after the occurrence and development of the disease. The manifestation of remissions in the course of destructive processes is extremely rare, and floating clouds in the terminal form remain in the cavity of the eyeball.

Destruction of the vitreous eye body shown in easy formdoes not have a noticeable impact on human abdication and is not the cause of serious complications. The development of severe forms of illness can significantly worsen the quality of the patient's life. The constant movement of floating elements impedes the viewing of various objects and prevents the performance of working responsibilities.

Due to the permanent visual stress in the process of examining the environment, there is a need to exempt the field of view from existing clouds using eye and head movements. Such behavior leads to constant overload of the eyes and the cervical spine. As a result, a person may have serious psychological problems, stressful stressful or depressive states that are manifested in the form of constant anxiety and sociopathy. However, not only this is dangerous destruction of the vitreous body eye. In advanced cases, the likelihood of blindness is great.

Prevention of the disease

To prevent the possible development of the destruction of the vitreous body, experts advise adhere to healthy image Life: It is necessary to get rid of bad habits and include in the daily diet only healthy products Nutrition. Compliance with these rules will protect the vessels from the defeat of them atherosclerosis.