Glycine under the tongue or dissolve. How to take glycine in tablets for an adult and what is it for. Under reduced pressure

One of the scariest sensations is to feel your heart ache. Most calls to the ambulance service are connected with this: when they feel the first injection in the heart area, people feel anxious and grab hold of validol. Of course, it is better to play it safe and see a doctor, but not everyone wants to waste their time at hospitals, and poisoning yourself with pills is not worth it at all.


Heart pains are different and often indicate not diseases of the heart muscle, but other problems in the body. If your heart hurts, the symptoms can be different:

  1. Sharp pain causing darkening in the eyes, obstructing breathing. Often the patient cannot determine where it hurts: the whole pain is covered rib cage, is given even to the jaw. The attack is associated with the appearance of panic, fear of dying. Duration: up to 30 minutes. Such pain is a sign of angina pectoris.
  2. Severe heart pain, burning sensation, breathing quickened. The patient is seized with the desire to move, but any movement only worsens the situation. This pain signals myocardial infarction.
  3. Prolonged pain that can last for several days. Often the patient may lose consciousness, it seems that the heart is squeezed by an invisible hand. This is the first sign of aortic problems.
  4. The pain is concentrated in one place (in the chest), intensifies with inhalation. The patient's skin turns blue and the pressure drops dramatically. Such symptoms indicate thromboembolism.
  5. Aching or stabbing pain, radiated to the shoulder, collarbone. It can last for several days and speaks of myocarditis or pericarditis - inflammatory diseases.

If you experience similar symptoms (especially the first two), see your doctor immediately! He will help you understand the pain and prescribe treatment. With the heart, jokes are bad.


What makes your heart ache? The main causes of pain have already been listed above, but let us dwell in more detail on some special cases. If heart pain occurs, it is often confused with other painful sensations. Treatment will be very different, so it is important to identify what is hurting in order to treat that particular one. Consider all the reasons why your heart hurts:

  1. Coronary heart disease. It affects the main arteries that provide blood and oxygen to the heart. It is this disease that causes myocardial infarction, so it is dangerous to delay treatment. If you experience characteristic pain, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  2. Angina pectoris. Quite common heart disease, usually develops in middle-aged and older people. Over time, the walls of blood vessels lose their elasticity, this can be aggravated by improper diet and smoking. For heart pain, characteristic of angina pectoris, it is time to adjust your diet and quit smoking. Your doctor will prescribe appropriate medications (nitroglycerin) and advise you about your new lifestyle.
  3. Osteochondrosis. Pain in osteochondrosis is similar to how the heart hurts, and the similarity of symptoms often leads to a wrong diagnosis. A stabbing pain appears in the chest, which intensifies with physical exertion, there is not enough air, it seems that there is a lump in the throat (the sensation is aggravated by eating). All these are symptoms of breast osteochondrosis.
  4. Neuralgia. Pain is very similar to heart pain, in 30% of cases patients confuse them. The sensations with intercostal neuralgia are quite painful, and can last for a long period of time (more than one day). A stabbing feeling in the chest is characteristic, the patient is able to clearly determine exactly where it hurts (which is almost impossible with heart pains), when inhaling or laughing, the feeling intensifies.
  5. Neuroses. When a person is under the influence of a lot of stress, depressed, withdrawn and irritable, they can develop a cardiac neurosis. In this case, there is a pressing pain in the region of the heart, headache, weakness, dizziness. Loss of consciousness and panic attacks are possible. If the patient is prone to bad habits, then the risk of developing such a disease increases.
  6. Physical exercise. After vigorous exercise, people often experience heart discomfort. This is due to the fact that the heart is under a heavy load, it has to work harder, the blood vessels narrow, and pain appears. After the rest, it passes.
  7. Vegetovascular dystonia. Sharp, stitching pains, the heart rhythm is disturbed, the pressure rises. Possible appearance panic attack, tantrums, fainting and headaches. In adolescents, symptoms worsen.
  8. Alcoholism. It's no secret that regular alcohol abuse negatively affects the work of the heart. Rapid heartbeat, frequent headaches, irritation - all these are signs of chronic alcoholism.
  9. Pregnancy. This process is a great stress for female bodywhich is being rebuilt. Weight increases, blood pressure rises, stress tolerance decreases - all this causes heart pain.
  10. Lung diseases. Respiratory diseases are one of the causes of chest pain. Usually they are short-term, but intense, if coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing appears, then it is worth checking the lungs.

Knowing how to determine the nature of the pain, you can easily distinguish real heart pain from other diseases. This will reduce the risk of misdiagnosis and unnecessary drugs. Remember to take pills with great care.

What to do?

Of course, if pain appears in the region of the heart, then after determining the nature of the sensations, you should consult a doctor. But what to do if the patient has a sharp attack of pain, and the ambulance is traveling for a long time? There is not a minute to lose - take action immediately!

To begin with, provide the patient with complete peace, do not fuss around him, do not create panic - this feeling is quickly transmitted. Never allow a large crowd of people around the patient. Sit the person (do not lay down - just sit!) In a comfortable position, unbutton the clothes on the chest so that nothing is squeezed and provide fresh air. If the patient is in a stuffy room, it is better to take him outside or sit by an open window.

Check the patient's pulse. With tachycardia (more than 110 beats per minute), you can take anaprilin. To relieve pain and soothe a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue. If the pain does not stop, does not decrease, after 5 minutes you can give another pill. Does the pain persist within 20 minutes? Call immediately ambulanceif you haven't already!

First aid should be provided to the patient in the first seconds after the onset of pain.

This is what will reduce the risk of an accident, ease the suffering of the patient and contribute to his speedy recovery. If on the street a person suddenly clutched at his heart, do not rush to pass by, perhaps you will save someone's life.

Pain in a teenager

In adolescence, sometimes there are pains in the heart. It would seem that a young organism should not hurt anything, but this is not at all the case. The development of the body in adolescence accelerates, respectively, the intensity of the heart also increases, and it does not always keep pace with growth. A young heart is not ready for harsh stress, so pain occurs.

You should not take the adolescent's complaints lightly, sometimes the pains are not caused by growth spurts, but by a lack of carnitine. Because of this, weakness occurs, fatigue increases, headaches and heartaches appear. To increase the amount of this substance in the body, pay attention to the diet of a teenager. It should include milk and beef meat - these products contain the essential substance.

Another reason for pain in the heart is physical inactivity. The heart muscle must be trained, if this does not happen, it will weaken and will not cope with its duties, and this is fraught with consequences - the occurrence ischemic disease, which leads to a heart attack. What leads to hypodynamia? Insufficient physical activity, lack of fresh air, a sedentary lifestyle. In the modern world, this issue is especially acute when parents grab their heads and do not know how to drag their child away from the computer.

You should show the teenager to the doctor if he has too frequent headaches and intolerances physical activity, as these are the first signs of heart disease.


Any disease can be prevented. It is better to avoid pain than to treat it later. Heart diseases (like any others) are directly related to a person's lifestyle, therefore the complex preventive measures will focus on just that. How to prevent heart pain?

  1. Physical exercise. As already mentioned, the heart muscle must be developed and maintained in an elastic state. To do this, you need to include some exercise in your daily routine. If possible, it is advisable to do them in the fresh air. Moderate running, walking, swimming, cycling are very beneficial for the heart. Remember that exercise should be enjoyable, so evenly distribute the amount of stress you can handle. Otherwise, your body will be stressed.
  2. Calm, only calm! Stress is the most common reason the occurrence of heart pain, so you should avoid it. Of course, in the modern world it is very difficult, but you need to learn not to pay attention to some little things that make you mad. If you feel that you have a low tolerance for stress, it may be helpful to take mild sedatives, such as glycine (especially good for teenagers - it stimulates mental activity). Meditation exercises and breathing exercises also help. The simplest version of breathing exercises: take a deep breath through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth. It helps to calm down and has a positive effect on the state of the body as a whole.
  3. Proper nutrition. There are certain foods that strengthen the heart. These are fish, avocado, grapefruit, nuts. A common cause of heart pain is high blood pressure. Pumpkin, broccoli, green tea, and strawberries will help reduce it. Cut back on salt and unhealthy foods (especially fried foods). It's time to move on proper nutrition! You can include in your diet the intake of vitamins of the group of cardio - this will support your heart muscle.
  4. Bad habits. Do you smoke? Are you drinking? Wait for a heart attack! Smoking is the most common cause of weakening of the heart and blood vessels, if you add alcohol to this, then a murderous effect on your heart is guaranteed. Letting poisons into your body, be prepared for its poisoning, therefore, if you are concerned about your own health and want to take care of your heart, quit bad habits.

Pain in the heart can be caused by various reasons, but we can definitely say that they cannot be tolerated. Make an appointment with a doctor, he will tell you why the heart muscle hurts, give the right instructions and directions, prescribe medications that will help relieve heart pain. Do not forget to be examined at least once a year. Correct image life and annual checkups are the key to a healthy heart and longevity.

Chronic cerebral ischemia

If your performance falls, you constantly feel inexplicable fatigue, forget recent events, suffer from your own irritability, do not expect that this state will go away on its own. Usually, this is how chronic cerebral ischemia begins - a disease that is diagnosed in 70% of patients with cerebrovascular pathology, that is, brain diseases that occur due to chronic insufficiency blood supply to its tissue. As a result, there is a diffuse or small focal disruption of the brain.

Components of chronic cerebral ischemia

Under this concept, how many states of a person are united:

  • Encephalopathy. This is a progressive small-focal damage to the brain tissue.
  • Vascular encephalopathy. Violation of vascular activity, leading to insufficient blood supply.
  • Atherosclerotic encephalopathy caused by vascular atherosclerosis.
  • Vascular dementia (dementia) and vascular epilepsy (fainting, convulsions).

All these manifestations are based on one reason - ischemic disturbance of vascular activity, that is, the brain does not fully receive the volume of blood that it needs for normal activity. If we take into account that the blood supplies the brain with oxygen, then it becomes clear what causes hypoxia and, as a result, the death of nerve cells.

If the oxygen saturation of the blood is less than 60% of the norm, then the self-regulation of the lumen of the vessels is impaired, they remain dilated and stop the absorption of oxygen. As a result, neural connections are destroyed.


Chronic cerebral ischemia progresses relatively slowly and can be completely cured at the initial stage. This disease can be caused by

  • Atherosclerosis and hypertension. They cause the greatest number of cases of cerebral ischemia. After forty years, the walls of blood vessels are overgrown with cholesterol, cholesterol plaques are formed. This leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the brain.
  • Cardiac pathologies, which include hypotension (small cardiac output), different kinds arrhythmias, that is, those deviations that cause disruption of the movement of blood flow.
  • Anomalies of the vessels of the neck, aorta and other large vessels. They can be compressed by the vertebrae, which is typical for osteochondrosis, or tumors.
  • Diabetes mellitus, various blood diseases (vasculitis, collagenosis, etc.).
  • Disturbed processes in the venous system: thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, which are characterized by the formation of blood clots due to thick blood.
  • Amyloidosis is a violation of the protein metabolism of blood vessels.

These diseases lead to a change in cerebral blood flow, as a result of which hypoxia develops, and multifocal changes occur in the brain tissues.

In order not to start the disease, you should be aware of its symptoms. What should you pay attention to?


The signs of the disease are its progressive course, characteristic syndromes and staging. It should be noted that the patient's personal complaints do not fully reflect the severity and nature of the process. This is explained by the fact that cognitive impairments appear already at the first stage of the disease and increase sharply by the third, and the more cognitive functions suffer, the fewer complaints a patient who does not realize it has. Symptoms of the disease depend on the localization and prevalence of the pathology: single lesions or diffuse ischemia. If the changes affected medulla, then reflexes are disturbed: the patient cannot coordinate inhalation and exhalation, cannot swallow. Failure and protective reflexes of the body.

  • Disorders of facial muscles and eye movement indicate a lesion of the bridge.
  • Impaired motor coordination occurs when the cerebellum is affected.
  • If the diencephalon suffers, then the regulation of metabolism is disrupted.

With ischemia of the temporal lobes, hearing is disturbed, frontal - active behavior changes sharply, parietal - the sense of smell, taste, tactile sensations are disturbed.

In order not to waste time, you need to know what you should pay attention to:

  • sleep disorders. This includes both insomnia and excessive sleepiness;
  • loss of attention, forgetfulness;
  • fatigue, general weakness;
  • sudden changes in mood (emotional lability).

Usually people attribute this to simple fatigue and do not rush to the doctor, although it is at the initial stage that chronic cerebral ischemia lends itself complete recovery... Further, the initial discomfort is joined by: headaches, and dizziness. Often there is a feeling of nausea, a feeling of cold occurs in the limbs, and their numbness occurs.

Such symptoms can no longer be ignored, since they disrupt the usual established life order.

If you do not start treatment, the disease progresses very quickly:

  • there is a temporary or complete loss of vision;
  • speech becomes slurred and incoherent;
  • often headaches, severe pains up to vomiting;
  • insomnia increases with a constant desire to sleep;
  • memory gaps appear;
  • when walking, violations of the motor function are traced;
  • the sense of reality is lost.

The result is an ischemic cerebral stroke. Chronic ischemia lasts several years, experts distinguish three stages of its development.

The degree of chronic cerebral ischemia

The stages are determined by clinical manifestations and neurological symptoms.

TO clinical manifestations include movement disorders, memory lapses, learning disabilities, emotional leaps in behavior, sudden changes in mood and behavior.

I degree

Small focal neurological disorders are detected. Ischemia of the brain of the 1st degree is externally manifested in a slowdown in walking, a person begins to "mince" when walking.

Emotionally, irritability, tearfulness, moodiness appear, a person has a tendency to depression, dark thoughts. IQ begins to decline. The quality of life at this stage is practically not affected.

II degree

In connection with a decrease in intelligence, the patient loses interest in the environment, in all events, loses control over what is happening, cannot coordinate his actions. There are almost no complaints, since the person is poorly aware of his condition.

There are signs of maladjustment, both social and professional. The patient can serve himself independently.

III degree

Grade 3 cerebral ischemia is manifested by severe changes in the body. Uncontrolled urination and defecation are present. The sense of balance when walking is disturbed to such an extent that the patient cannot move without the help of strangers or is looking for support.

Emotional degradation sets in, obvious mental disorders, inadequate actions are characteristic. Memory is greatly reduced, the thought process deteriorates, speech disorder becomes obvious. A person is not able to control his behavior, may suddenly fall into a stupor or lose consciousness.

There is no social adaptation, the ability to self-service is fading away. Diagnostics

It is based on the analysis of anamnesis, presence characteristic symptoms... Aggravating circumstances are recognized as the presence of coronary artery disease in a patient, heart failure, high blood pressure.

A general analysis of urine and blood is taken for research, biochemical studies are carried out to determine the level of glucose and the lipid spectrum.

Be sure to prescribe an ECG and ultrasound of the heart, which allows you to detect a thrombus or cholesterol plaque.

An ultrasound of the brain, duplex scanning, which helps to identify abnormalities in the structure and functionality of blood vessels, are performed.

To establish how much the walls of the vessels are affected, Doppler ultrasound is performed to determine the blood flow rate.


Treatment chronic ischemia of the brain is aimed at stopping the progression of the disease and conducting reliable prevention of exacerbations.

Treatment is mandatory arterial hypertension both with medications and dietary and lifestyle correction.

The blood sugar level is normalized. A low-carb diet is recommended, lipid-lowering drugs are used.

Individual somatic pathology is monitored by a specialist doctor.

To improve and restore normal blood circulation, antiplatelet agents and angioprotectors are prescribed, and they practice goodbye to bad habits.

To minimize the effects of hypoxia on brain tissue and ischemic foci, cerebroprotective agents are used.


If a disease is detected at the initial stage, with proper treatment, the disease recedes after a few months. There are no negative consequences provided healthy way life and treatment of primary diseases.

In the second and third stages, adequate treatment can stop the progression of the disease.

For the prevention of cerebral ischemia, you must adhere to healthy eating, active lifestyle, avoid consumption alcoholic beverages, smoking, do not stay under the sun for a long time. If you have heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, supervision by a specialist is necessary.

First Aid is a network of pharmacies. This drug was made by their order. Manufacturer - Alina Pharma (Moscow region).

Actually, it contains all the same components as glycine from Evalar: glycine, vitamin B1, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.

But there are still differences: the content of glycine in a daily dose (2 tablets) is 708 mg. Apparently, now everyone will release the same thing, but add more and more glycine there! Well, in order to somehow differ from each other.

Evalar glycine also has a different dosage of vitamins. There are more of them. Here in the photo you can see what percentage of the adequate level of daily intake is contained in glycine from "First Aid".

By the way, these tablets dissolve in the mouth very quickly. MUCH faster than glycine from Biotics or Evalar.

As a glycinomaniac with experience, I want to say that the drug is also very good: it has a noticeable calming effect, normalizes sleep, and improves brain activity. And all this is fast. For example, glycine from "Biotics" does not give such a quick effect, according to my personal impressions.

It costs around 60 rubles. The package contains 20 tablets. I do not know if it is possible to buy such glycine in other pharmacies, but in First Aid it makes sense to ask

All strong nerves and serene dreams

Studies have shown that the use of aminoacetic acid is beneficial for all health. The tablet is placed under the tongue and slowly dissolves. Within a few weeks, a person should feel a general improvement in health. Is this so, and why do they actually drink glycine?

Why is glycine useful?

A drug such as aminoacetic acid, proven over the years, is actively used to normalize sleep, treat nervous system, reducing aggressiveness and other beneficial effects on our body. The amino acid is sweet and abundant in nuts and quail eggs. Glycine is produced by the body on its own, so taking ready-made tablets is not capable of causing harm. The drug can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription. affordable price, however, the dosage should be checked with the doctor.


Entering the body, the drug launches its own process of producing a substance in the cells. Already after 20 minutes, special compounds are formed that remove toxins. Several uses can achieve an overall improvement in health. With an affordable drug, it is easier to endure stress, forget about migraines, irritability. Through interaction with brain receptors, Glycine:

  1. has a dulling effect on the process of neuronal excitation;
  2. stimulates the formation of GABA;
  3. eliminates high muscle tone.

Being a component pharmacological preparations, can be prescribed as a sedative, tranquilizing medicine. For this reason, it is often prescribed during the treatment of drug addiction, alcoholism and other adverse addictions. The neurotransmitter amino acid has antidepressant properties, is able to eliminate feelings of fear, anxiety, and improve mental performance. In moderate doses, it is recommended for use:

  • children;
  • adolescents;
  • to old people.

The drug Glycine - indications for use

The amino acid can be administered to everyone regardless of age. Therapists even prescribe medicine even to babies who have received birth traumaare suffering from encephalopathy. After taking it, the activity of the brain, especially the nervous system, is normalized. These properties help the normal development of the child. In addition, the price of a useful amino acid is very affordable.

Interested in glycine - what is it for? The main indications for the use of the drug are varied. It is accepted by:

  • to relieve psycho-emotional stress;
  • with excessive excitability;
  • to normalize sleep;
  • to improve attention, reduce nervousness;
  • to reduce the manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • in the treatment of sclerosis.

Pills are needed to prevent stroke. The remedy is especially effective for those who are involved in sports, bodybuilding. A doctor may prescribe Glycine for those suffering from blood pressure problems. Please note that the regimen is prescribed exclusively by the doctor - in order to avoid overdose. One of the main indications for use is the treatment of neurological disorders. Once in the body, the drug affects spinal cordby forcing motoneurons to slow down. For this reason, it can be prescribed to patients with hypertonicity of the extremities.

Take glycine tablets like this:

  1. To improve performance: 1 tablet 3 times a day for 3 weeks.
  2. : 1/2 tablet 3 times a day for 12 days.
  3. Sleep disorder: 1 tablet 20 minutes before bedtime.

For children

Therapists recommend that children drink Glycine. The neurotransmitter amino acid is allowed for use even by babies and adolescents. IN childhood many are worried about an increased feeling of anxiety, restlessness. Taking medication will help the child to more easily cope with the change of scenery, it is easier to cope with stress. It will become easier for parents to calm down the child, make him sit down for lessons. In addition, the price of the drug is available to everyone.

You also need to give a neurotransmitter amino acid in case of hyperactivity, distracted attention of a teenager. A schoolchild or student will be more attentive, memory and information perception will improve. Within 15-20 minutes. after taking, nervousness and aggressiveness disappear. Regular use makes it more likely that your child will be able to prepare more thoroughly for exams or tests and get a good result.

The benefits of glycine for the body when losing weight

Most of the pills and mixtures for weight loss give results, causing undeniable harm to health. The main advantage of Glycine is that it is able to help without causing negative consequences. The action of the drug is based on blocking the feeling of hunger in the brain: after taking it, a person has a deceptive feeling of satiety. In addition, the useful amino acid removes toxins and other harmful substancessetting up his work in the right way. Unlike the cost of other pills and powders, the price of this method for losing weight is affordable.

The price

It is best to buy a medicine in a pharmacy, the only way you can be sure of its authenticity. The price of the drug is very affordable. Depending on the country and brand of the manufacturer, the cost of tablets can start from 50 rubles per package. Maximum dose an adult per day is no more than 300 mg per day (3 tablets), and reaches 1000 mg in case of severe alcohol poisoning. One pack (50 x 100 mg) will last for a long time.



Alice, 25 years old The pediatrician advised giving the child Glycine to reduce increased anxiety, improve the perception of information at school. There is a result, but I began to notice it only after 3 weeks of application. The child has become more attentive, diligent. The tablets are sweet, so my son drinks them with pleasure.
Ekaterina, 30 years old I give my husband pills after a serious meal. You need to drink at least 5 pieces at a time, otherwise there will be no result. The hangover the next day is much easier to transfer, the head hurts less, the efficiency is restored faster. Consider, if you overdo it, then even medicinal properties medications will not help in this situation.
Elena, 27 years old A friend advised me to take Glycine. After reading the instructions, I got the impression that these are magic pills that can help with sleep disorders, restore the work of various systems, and relieve stress. I want to say that I did not notice any magical effect. I have been drinking these pills for more than six months now - nothing has changed.

Exercise, disturbed sleep patterns, snacks on the run.

There is no time to monitor your health, and you do not want to run to the doctors. Often they begin treatment when there is no longer a choice. These things don't go away by themselves.

Treatment is long, sometimes lifelong, the need to keep the pressure within the normal range for everyone is vital to avoid more serious consequences.

A number of drugs help to control indicators, antispasmodics, etc. Often, as part of therapy, Glycine is prescribed for high blood pressure. Is Glycine effective? We need to figure it out.

An amino acid is so simple, but necessary, that the body itself synthesizes, which is found in many foods, such as:

  • meat;
  • liver of animals and fish;
  • nuts;
  • eggs;
  • jelly;
  • oats;

Glycine is involved in the creation of proteins, it is necessary for the production of hormones and metabolism in the body. Its deficiency primarily affects the nervous system and brain function. He is making metabolic processes in the tissues and cells of the brain, that is, it improves metabolism. It is well absorbed and available to everyone - both children and the elderly.

Mechanism of action

Glycine is not as simple as it sounds. The body has nerve receptors that are responsible for mental or physical work. They transmit signals to the work of all processes in all organs of the body.

And the drug is unique in that, on the one hand, it calms and "inhibits" muscle activity, which makes it possible to relax and rest, on the other hand, it spurs the work of the mind, thereby increasing the efficiency of the brain, and improves memory.

So Glycine is useful because:

  • calms the nervous system;
  • improves and normalizes sleep;
  • improves mood in general;
  • increases mental acuity, memory quality;
  • reduces the negative effects of alcohol;
  • helps with severe fatigue and mental strain;
  • in stressful situations and depressive conditions;
  • reduces aggression and irritability, helps to avoid conflicts;
  • eases the condition during menopause, the reaction to a change in the weather, with sharp surges in blood pressure;
  • reduces brain disorders in ischemic strokes or head trauma;
  • helps to cope with negativity and calm down during treatment for alcohol addiction;
  • relieves the action of some other drugs for the brain and nervous system.


Such a large list of positive qualities of Glycine opens up a wide field for helping and saving people's health. It is practically harmless, combined with any medications (except for other nootropics, which the described tool “inhibits”), is available for all ages.

Glycine tablets

Of course, it is imperative to follow the doctor's prescription, especially in severe cases. The usual dose for everyone is one tablet two to three times daily under the tongue. It is important to remember that the tablet does not need to be swallowed, sucked, washed down or chewed. Taking the medicine is strictly sublingual, that is, putting Glycine under the tongue.

Or buccal - that is, behind the cheek or between the lip and gum. Place the tablet under the tongue and let it dissolve on its own. This application is similar in speed of action to intravenous injection. There are many veins under the tongue, so as soon as Glycine begins to dissolve, the substance enters the blood directly through the mucous membrane and is carried throughout the body at the speed of blood flow.

Glycine tastes sweet, so even kids won't have a problem taking it that way. Of course, if for some reason such a medication is not possible, you need to grind the tablets into powder and pour into your mouth with a little water.

Increases or decreases blood pressure?

It is not directly indicated in the instructions for whether Glycine raises pressure or lowers it.

If you look at the mechanism of action, at the recommended appointments, it becomes clear that rather it works for a decrease.

It is not for nothing that doctors prescribe Glycine for high blood pressure for the treatment and normalization of indicators. In general, this condition is very dangerous at any age.

No one is immune to stroke. People rarely think about such things until they face a problem. But in most cases, elementary prevention in the form of control over your blood pressure, rest and proper sleep, walks, rejection of harmful things - and life is beautiful.

But if trouble has come, you cannot ignore, turn away and hope that it will pass by itself. It won't work. And if the pressure rises, you need to act.

With increased pressure

When a person gets very upset or angry, screams or cries, in general in any stressful situation, his blood pressure rises.

At this time, the body produces substances such as adrenaline, which excite the nervous system. And Glycine is just aimed at “inhibiting” such processes.

I took a pill - I calmed down, and my blood pressure returned to normal. For patients with hypertension, pressure drops are fraught with serious consequences, therefore it is recommended to take the medication constantly in order to maintain healthy nerves, a clear head and blood pressure indicators within normal limits.

It should be noted that one should not expect a sharp decrease in pressure from the drug. It acts gently and sparingly. But the effect from it is stable and beneficial for the brain and blood vessels. If suddenly the pressure jumped up sharply - because of the weather or from excitement - you need to take 10 tablets at once at the same time.

This method is suitable for anyone who has experienced such a nuisance. And they also prescribe glycine after a stroke and for its prevention. After all, it is, unfortunately, that are the first in the line of candidates for this disease. And for everyone who thinks about their health: one tablet a day for thirty days, to be repeated at least once every three to four months.

If, after all, you have not avoided a stroke, Glycine is the safest assistant for restoring brain functions.

How to take glycine for stroke? It is necessary to take ten tablets with a small amount of water in the first six hours after the attack, and then five tablets daily for five days. And then the reception as usual - three times a day.

Glycine has a beneficial effect on the recovery of brain function after a stroke.

Under reduced pressure

Glycine won't help with low blood pressure. And it will even be harmful.

After all, the action of the drug is aimed at lowering the pressure. True, if the pressure dropped due to stress, fatigue or vegetative-vascular dystonia, then the medicine normalizes the indicators.

But for those who have a constant tendency to hypotension, take Glycine with reduced pressure with caution.

Glycine at reduced pressure should not be taken. As you know, there is a lot of money from high pressure, but almost no money from low pressure.


Surprisingly, there are so few contraindications for a medicine. Glycine is practically harmless.

Allergy, individual intolerance to the medicine is possible.

And children from three years old - without restrictions. And up to three, the doctor will set the dosage. Usually half a tablet 2-3 times a day.

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Why should Glycine dissolve under the tongue?

In summary: Glycine is useful for high pressure and ischemic stroke. Unfortunately, it is useless in case of hypotension, it can even be harmful, but this is almost the only negative effect. So many benefits from a small white pill, and overall, it is almost harmless.

This is a wonderful exception to the general rule of all drugs with their list of contraindications and side effects... It is necessary to have a package of Glycine in the home medicine cabinet in every home all the time, as the most harmless, but the most useful assistant in case of rather serious and dangerous diseases.

why should glycine be put under the tongue? and got the best answer

Answer from Michi [guru]
stupid question. if it dissolves in the language, then for the most part it will remain in the language. and so it in a dissolved form with saliva will easily pass on.

Answer from Єeya[newbie]
Not necessary. It is consumed in different ways, including chewing

Answer from Invisible[guru]
because it works better this way

Answer from . [newbie]
Because a very thick vein passes under the tongue, and it enters the bloodstream immediately.

Answer from Cyrus Komnina[guru]
Because, being absorbed through the receptors under the tongue, it quickly enters the bloodstream and, therefore, begins to act faster and better.
It can also be simply sucked in the mouth or chewed.

Answer from In T[guru]
Glycine is applied sublingually or buccally at 100 mg (in tablets or as a powder after crushing the tablet).
Practically healthy children, adolescents and adults with psychoemotional stress, memory loss, attention, mental performance, mental retardation, with deviant forms of behavior Glycine is prescribed 1 tablet 2-3 for 14-30 days.
With functional and organic lesions nervous system, accompanied by increased excitability, emotional lability and sleep disturbance, children under 3 years of age are prescribed 0.5 tablets (50 mg) 2-3 for 7-14 days, then 50 mg 1 time / 7-10 days. Daily dose - 100-150 mg, exchange rate - 2-2.6 g.
Children over 3 years old and adults are prescribed 1 tablet 2-3, the course of treatment is 7-14 days. The course of treatment can be increased to 30 days, if necessary, the course is repeated after 30 days.
For sleep disorders, 0.5-1 tablets are prescribed 20 minutes before bedtime or immediately before bedtime (depending on age).
In ischemic stroke, 1 g buccal or sublingual with 1 teaspoon of water is prescribed during the first 3-6 hours from the development of a stroke, then 1 g / day for 1-5 days, then 1-2 tablets 3 for the next 30 days
In narcology, Glycine is used as a means of increasing mental performance and reducing psychoemotional stress during remission with symptoms of encephalopathy, organic lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system, 1 tablet 2-3 for 14-30 days. If necessary, courses are repeated 4-6 times a year.

Answer from TeSsA[guru]
better absorbed and faster enters the body and begins to act faster