What is climacteric syndrome and how it manifests itself. Symptoms and treatment of climacteric syndrome Pressure complex syndrome Gynecology

04.01.2021 Products

Climax is the natural process of fading the body. The normal age of the onset of menopause of 49-53 years. Climacteric syndrome in women has many manifestations. The totality of signs is studied by science gynecology.

Under menopausal syndrome, there are vegetary-seeking, exchange-endocrine and mental disorders arising against the background of the extinction of the hormonal function of the ovaries. At the age at which the menopausal period begins, affects:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • environmental factors;
  • smoking;
  • the number of births in history;
  • nervous shocks;
  • concomitant diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity, chronic diseases);
  • reception of some drugs (chemotherapy, hormonal treatment);
  • age of the beginning of menstruation.

In the ovaries of the newborn girl containing about 40 eggs. Under the influence of adverse environmental factors, their death occurs. Birth and breastfeeding, on the contrary, retain the natural resources of the body.

Easy form of climacteric syndrome

The prevalence of light attacks of climacteric syndrome is 40-60%. There is practically healthy women. This group includes the pathological complex of complaints:

  • tilt heat to the head and neck;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • sweating;
  • emotional instability;
  • sleep disturbance.

The emergence of these symptoms is a classic sign of manifestation of menopausal syndrome. Most often, the light shape of the climetterium begins with the heat tides to the head. Flips last from a few seconds to a few minutes. The number of attacks is 4-10 per day.

Heavy form of climacteric syndrome

Symptoms of severe molds of menopausal syndrome are found in 30% of cases. This type of climax is characterized by sharp hormonal exhaustion, which leads to a sudden termination of menstruation.

If this state proceeds against the background of hypertension and atherosclerosis, then vegetative symptoms are expressed significantly brighter. Outly felt to the body, accompanied by pulsating headache, noise in ears, abundant sweating, pain in the field of heart. Climax implies a reduction in memory and sleep disorders: drowsiness intersects with insomnia.

At the time of the vegetative attack of menopausal syndrome, arterial pressure rises, the pulse is accelerated. Hypertensive crisis can happen. After the end of the hormonal emission, the pressure is kept in the usual level.

Clinical picture

The first manifestations of menopausal syndrome are observed during the premanopause period. They begin at the time of the menstrual function. Most often presented vegetatively, in the form of heat tides. This is the result of the absence of hormonal influence on the vessels, restructuring in metabolism, adaptation of the body to a new stage of life.

Violation of the hormonal constancy of blood leads to the failure of the organs. The brain selects those biologically active substances that will help stabilize the general condition. Climate syndrome clinic is characterized by:

  • violation of vegetative regulation (a sense of anxiety, a sense of heart failure);
  • hyperventive syndrome (shortness of breath, sensation of air shortage);
  • violation of the urogenital system (urinary incontinence, atrophic vulvovaginitis);
  • slow skin trophy (nail fragility, appearance of wrinkles).

Climax symptoms lasts 1-2 years, but maybe longer. It all depends on the ability of the body to quickly adapt to new conditions and severity of concomitant diseases.

Atrophic vaginitis

Against the background of a decrease in the amount of estrogen during menopausal syndrome, the synthesis of protective cells of the vagina mucosa slows down. Accordingly, the number of lactobacilli is reduced. Happens. Vaginal mucus varies with an acidic medium to neutral. The growth of intestinal flora, streptococci and staphylococci is activated, which can manifest itself with an inflammatory response. Developed atrophic vulvivaginitis develops.

Atrophic changes in the ligament apparatus of a small pelvis

Sustainable climetheus occurs on the background of hormonal deficit. Functional changes occur in reproductive organs. The uterus and appendages decrease in size. The uterine pipes are subjected to reverse development: thinning, losing cilia, are narrowing.

The ligament apparatus of a small pelvis consists of connective tissue. In the absence of hormonal influence, the tone of muscles and tissues is reduced. Bundles weaken, stretched, can no longer perform their function. There is an omission of genital organs.

Violation of normal skin nutrition

Sex hormones play a key role in metabolic processes. The process of cell division slows down. Mutations accumulate, the amount of collagen is reduced, which is very typical for menopausal syndrome. Comes gradual aging of the skin. The first wrinkles appear. There is dry skin, hair, nail fragility.

In connection with the hormone imbalance and the relative increase in male hormones, hair growth on face, hips, abdomen appears.

Osteoporosis and Cardiovascular Disorders

Late complications of menopause include both the work of the cardiovascular system. They can manifest after 3-7 years after the cessation of menstruation.

Osteoporosis is a systemic bone tissue disease characterized by loss of bone strength. The process is due to a decrease in the estrogen content, which leads to a deficit of metabolism in bone tissue.

Violation of hormonal constancy increases the sensitivity to the parathyroid hormone, causing a decrease in the absorption of calcium from the intestine and the destruction of the bone. It accelerates the destruction of bone cells.

The state is manifested by the fragility and pathological fractures of bones. There is a feeling of cold in the limbs, periodic numbness, crawling goosebumps under the skin.

Vasegetative manifestations are due to estradiol deficiency. The hormonal failure leads to a change in the ejection by the brain of substances responsible for the tone of the vessels, the mood, emotional calm. At the peak of emission of hormones, heartbeat is felt, interruptions in the work of the heart, compressing the pain behind the sternum, pressure fluctuations. The condition is accompanied by a slowdown in the conductivity of the nervous impulse.

Diagnosis of Klimaksa

The diagnosis of climacteric syndrome does not represent much difficult. First of all, the doctor holds a survey, finds out the time and character of complaints.

Then a gynecological examination is required to eliminate the organic pathology of the genital organs. After inspection, the patient is sent to pass the blood test, which determines the hormonal background.

Cumulative clinical and laboratory diagnostics allows you to make the right output. Women suffering from vegetative and vascular disorders, due to their age, are registered with the gynecologist.


At the occurrence of menopause, first of all draws attention to the mode and nature of nutrition, as well as the calorie content of eaten food. It must be remembered that the function of emission of estrogen takes on adipose tissue. Therefore, it becomes more. With high-caloride nutrition, the risk of fat deposits in the hips, abdomen, neck is rising.

It should be limited to the consumption of fatty varieties of fish and meat. Preference must be reduced by low-calorie nutrition. It is necessary to increase the reception of fermented dairy products to maintain the natural microflora of the body.

Fresh vegetable salads with a slight amount of vegetable oil normalize intestinal peristalsis. The oil contains fat-soluble vitamins A and E, protecting against harmful environmental factors.

Treatment of menopausal syndrome is based on the use of such groups of drugs:

  • vitamins (Menopayus);
  • calcium (calcium gluconate, calchecin);
  • magnesium preparations (magnets, magnet B6);
  • exchange drugs (riboxin, pentoxifillin);
  • sedative substances (Valerian, sedavit, novable);
  • homeopathic preparations (Remens, Climadinon, Qi-Klim);
  • replacement hormone therapy (femoston, gestagen).

In 70% of cases, climacteric syndrome is born without the use of hormonal treatment. But with severe forms and remote consequences of Klimaks, they are simply necessary. The treatment plan is selected individually, depending on how the pathological process is manifested.


Menopause represents irreversible changes. Rotate time to reverse it is impossible. The climethe pattern of symptoms (syndrome) is a transition from young to mature. He is not a disease. However, only a doctor should observe and adjust treatment. Initially started therapy will avoid serious complications.

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Climacteric syndrome is a state of a female organism, which is due to vascular, exchange, neuro- and psycho-emotional disorders. This state is more often found in women aged 45-55 years and it is caused by the extinction of the activity of the reproduction system.

Along with the organic changes in the body occurring against the background of estrogen deficiency (change in the morphology of the urinary tissue of the system by type of atrophy, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis) changes are observed changes in the functional state of the autonomic nervous system. All accurate causes and links of pathogenesis of menopause syndrome are unknown. It is believed that this state is reversible.

Vasomotor disorders are caused by the sudden expansion of the lumen of surface vessels, slowing the surround blood flow in local areas.

Clinical picture

The climatic syndrome climatic pattern is very specific and includes the following symptoms and signs:

  1. Increased sweating.
  2. Grinding heat.
  3. Changes from cardiac rhythm, more often in the form of tachycardia.
  4. Increased or reduced blood pressure.
  5. Sudden dizziness.
  6. Insomney (sleep disorder).
  7. Fast fatiguability.
  8. Label psycho-emotional background.
  9. Reduced memory.
  10. Raising appetite.
  11. The emergence of obsessive ideas.
  12. Increased excitability.
  13. Frequent change of moods.
  14. Outroaching disorders by type of paresthesia (the appearance of sensations of numbness, tingling and discomfort at certain parts of the body).
  15. The appearance of "goose skin".
  16. Dry skin and mucous membranes.
  17. Sunshine attacks.

The most common feature is a sense of the catch of the inner heat. In the frequency of appearance of this symptom, the severity of the climacteric syndrome is determined. There are three severity degrees: light (less than 10 tides per day), middle (more than 10) and heavy (more than 20 tides per day). With menopausal syndrome, endocrine and exchange disorders are often observed, which manifest themselves as follows: an increase in body weight; Disruption of the thyroid gland; violation of glucose tolerance; Milk glands hyperplasia; pain in the muscles and joints; thirst; Atrophy of the fabrics of the sexual system.

In all cases of the above signs, there is a survey of women. At the same time, first of all, the presence of organic pathology of cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine and vascular systems should be excluded. Along with general-clinical studies, it is recommended to determine the concentration of LH and FSH, as well as estrogens.

Treatment of climacteric syndrome

Treatment of climacteric syndrome is carried out by conducting replacement hormone therapy (HRT). The UGT is not carried out only in extremely light manifestations of climacteric syndrome. It can be limited to the use of vitamins, light tranquilizers and symptomatic therapy. Normalization of the power mode, as well as a favorable routine of the day with daily walks in the fresh air and providing 8 hour sleep has been largely important.

Preparations for UGT contain natural estrogens and gestagens. Pure estrogens are shown for treatment in cases of removal of the uterus. In all other cases, it is advisable to use both estrogens and gestagens. Gestagens are synthetic analogues of progesterone. The use of these drugs leads to a rapid improvement in the overall state. In addition, there is a decrease in cholesterol level, triglycerides, LDL, an increase in the concentration of HDL, the condition of bone tissue is improved.

Doses and deadlines for the treatment of menopausal syndrome determines the attending physician. In the overwhelming majority, treatment with a good effect lasts for several years.

The UGT is not carried out in situations where there is a tumor process in the body, disorders from the rolling system of blood, the decompensation of the function of the liver and kidney function, verified venous thrombosis.

Antidepressants, tranquilizers are used to correct the violation of psycho-emotional sphere.

The forecast with timely and adequate treatment of menopacteric syndrome is quite favorable.

Professional medical therapy applies to treat the disease.

Consequences of non-interference:

  • increased pressure
  • overweight,
  • sweating
  • insomnia,
  • aging of vessels, as a result, various vascular complications,
  • student heartbeat (tachycardia),
  • sharp aging of the body.

- A peculiar symptom complex, which aghesives the natural course of climacter. It is characterized by neuropsychic, vasomotor disorders arising against the background of age-related changes in the body (I group). The COP frequency is from 26 to 48%.

general information

The study of pathophysiology, clinics and therapies of the CS has an important medical and social importance. It is dictated by a progressive increase in the average life expectancy of a woman, as well as its social activity.


According to one of the theories of pathogenesis, the COP is a kind of neuroendocrine-vegetative crisis resulting from the deficit of estrogen. The cause of the COP is caused by more fluctuations in the level of estrogen than their absolute deficit.

In accordance with another theory, the increasing frequency of ag, obesity, macheryacteric neurosis is the result of the consistent development of age-related changes in the centers of the hypothalamus.

In etiopathogenesis, the high frequency of the COP in the relatives I and II of the degree of kinship (35%), the simultaneous onset of menopause and COP in twins, premature background, unfavorable environmental factors and the presence of extragneenitarian diseases. The development of the COP plays the role of both hereditary factors and the presence of somatic states by the period of the climethery.

The nature of the electric activity of the brain in patients with COP differs from that in physiological maternity climacy. The leading distinctive feature is the dizritmic character of EEG with frequent lack of permanent main rhythm. The presence of bilateral discharges of slow and fast activity, as well as hypersynchronous monoritmic EEGs allowed concluding that the main role in these processes in patients with CS belongs not to age-related changes in the activities of the central nervous system, and the pathological processes of a different nature at different levels.

In all patients, the COP is identified violations of the activity of different structures of the limbic-reticular complex, including hypothalamic structures that ensure coordination of cardiovascular, respiratory and temperature shifts with emotional-behavioral reactions of different types, which affect the violation of a sympathetic-parasympathetic balance. The structural and functional bond of the hypothalamus with other educational institutions of the CNS determines the diversity of cardioresis and psycho-emotional disorders.

Clinical picture

The entire gamut symptoms of the COP can be divided into three groups.

A variety of clinical picture of the COP indicates the involvement in the process of different structures of the Diencephal region and the limbic-reticular complex, which is the result of the inadequate adaptation of an aging organism to the age reduction of the ovarian function.

The change in the functional state of the hypothalamus contributes to the emergence of a number of endocrine-exchange and trophic disorders. Due to the fact that the role of the hypothalamus is implemented in close contact with the structures of the limbic system and the reticular formation, which is the substrate of emotional and motivational treatment, the change in the functional state of them serves as the basis of emotional and mental disorders: reducing memory, attention, deterioration, irritability, emotional instability. The functional inferiority of the highest regulatory centers of ANS may be the result of a number of constitutional genetic factors, an unfavorable premorbid background (difficult living conditions, long starvation, severe extragenital diseases, cranial injury, long-term psychotrauming situations).

The second group is disorders that occur in 2-5 years after postmenopause. These include urogenital disorders and changes on the skin. Urogenital disorders are observed in 30-40% of women in postmenopausal period. They are characterized by commodity, heartburn, dry vagina, pain during sexual intercourse. Against the background of hypoestrogenation, the level of glycogen in cells is reduced and the number of lactobacillis is reduced accordingly, the pH of the vagina rises to 5.5-6.8. Infection is often joined, in particular, the growth of intestinal bacteria, strepto and staphylococci is activated. Developed persistent atrophic colpitus, which is seriously amenable to antibacterial therapy.

Atrophic changes in the urethra contribute to the emergence of frequent recurrences of bacterial infection, which can lead to the development of urethral syndrome characterized by frequent painful and involuntary urination. Parauretral colonization of gram-negative bacteria complicates the flow of cystite and urethritis.

Estrogen deficiency leads to a decrease in collagen formation in the connective tissue, so the skin becomes fine, wrinkled. Treatment with estrogen and testosterone contributes to the elimination of these changes. The effect of hypooestrogenation on a connecting fabric can affect pain in the joints, dryness, hair lone and nails, eye dryness and swallowing violation. Often there are problems with the use of contact lenses.

Strengthening hair growth on the face and a decrease in voice grade in some women are due to a decrease in the antandogenic effect of estrogen, as well as the relative increase in the synthesis of androgens in postmenopausal and improving the sensitivity to organs, target cells. These changes can be under the influence of hormone therapy.

The third group is the late metabolic disorders due to signs of osteoporosis.

Early and late symptoms of COP are also isolated, typical subjective and objective manifestations.

The subjective symptoms of the COP are disorders that are noted in the activities of the CNS and mainly its vegetative link. They largely depend on the type of woman's nervous system, social, family and official situations. The most typical subjective symptoms are tilt of heat to the head and to the upper part of the body, hyperhydrosis, irritability, fiscaliness, etc.

Among the objective typical symptoms developing as a result of estrogen deficiency, early (seenile colpit, urethrocystitis, ceravosis, vulvar atrophy) and late, due to metabolic changes due to lack of estrogen (osteoporosis, "dry" conjunctivitis, trigonites, cystalgia).


The diagnosis of CS is usually not difficult if it is typical. An important role belongs to the general and gynecological history, data of hereditary. Comparison of the peculiarities of the course of the disease, the time of its occurrence, the assessment of cytological symptoms, social and mental status, the presence of extragenital diseases help identify the form and severity of the COP, and also judge the forecast.

With severe, prolonged course of the COP, its craniography is required to eliminate the pituitary adenoma. With AG, it is necessary to clarify the time of occurrence and features of the course of the menopausal period. In obesity and sympathetic and adrenal crises, it is necessary to exclude diabetes, hypothalamic syndrome, feochromocyth, hypothyroidism. Mixing maps of paintiopathy from IHD helps the study of the nature of pain, ECG, samples with nitroglycerin and the sumsionate. Raising libido, garisutism, hypertrichosis and a decrease in voice grade in the postmenopausal period may indicate the occurrence of a hormonial-active defeminizing ovarian tumor.

In the diagnosis of atypical Forms of the COP, help data is helped, which indicate the connection of the occurrence of pathological symptoms with the onset of climacterium and the positive effect on therapy with genital steroids.


COP treatment is carried out comprehensively and consists of non-drug, drug and hormone therapy.

Non-media treatment Includes Morning Gymnastics (15-20 min), general massage, walking before bedtime. In the diet should prevail fruits and vegetables, fats of plant origin, with limited carbohydrate consumption. Hydrotherapy at home (druising, shower, coniferous baths), as well as balneotherapy - the use of mineral and radon waters, natural or imitating relevant natural factors in artificially created counterparts. Sanatorium-resort treatment is better carried out in the usual climatic zone or on the southern coast of Crimea (in a non-good season).

In the typical form, the COP is very effective:

  • oxygen and nitrogen baths, and for patients with uterine, endometriosis, mastopathy, thyrotoxicosis - radon or yodobromic;
  • the anode galvanization of the brain (from 10 to 20 sessions), the galvanization of the cervical facial region or the electrophoresis of novels to the site of the upper cervical cergistic ganglia. Each of these procedures are combined with a classic manual massage;
  • central electrical hazing using the front-wave arrangement of the electrodes. The duration of the procedure is 40-50 minutes. With a slight form of the COP, 7-8 procedures are recommended, with severe and moderate severity - 10-12.

During cystalgia, the most rational physical method is the impact on the nervous muscular structures of the bladder SMT with the help of a special vaginal electrode. At the COP, it is advisable to use needloreflexotherapy as an independent method and in combination with other methods of treatment, for example, with the local instrumental administration of DIMEDDrol and Analgin in the acupuncture sites.

Drug non-corporal therapy It is carried out in order to normalize the functional state of the CNS and VNS. With the functional advantage of sympathetic reactions, sympatholic effects (reserpine and propranolol) are shown. Zinnarizin at a dose of 25 mg 3 times a day reduces sympathicotonia and has antihistamine activity. With primarily parasympathetic reactions, the preparations of cholinolitical action are shown (belladone tincture of 5-10 drops per day), as well as antihistamine preparations (1 mg celestine or chloropiramine 0.25 mg 1-2 times a day).

In psycho-emotional disorders, neurotropic means are shown, for example, pelvips (0.01 g 1-3 times a day). With severe disorders (depression, hypochondriac syndrome) use tranquilizers and neuroleptics. The advantage should be given to Frenolone (2.5 mg 1-2 times a day), as it does not cause lethargy, drowsiness, adamasi and can be taken during the daytime. Psychotropic stimulants are also used - piracetam, cerebrolysis, gamke.

Highly efficient is the developed complex of non-drug treatment measures: a warm shower in the morning, during the day - aerofitotherapy of lavender essential oils, mint and sage for 30 minutes in combination with relaxing music therapy in a specially equipped Psycho-emotional unloading office. Daily on the night recommended taking coniferous baths (15-20 days) to 10-12 minutes at a water temperature of 37.6 ° C.


In postmenopausal, natural estrogens are used for the UGT with the obligatory addition of progestogennes. The group of natural estrogen includes estradiol and its derivatives, conjugated estrogens (estronsulfate, equiline, equiline, estrontraprazine, estriol succinate).

The use of natural estrogens with the addition of progestogen makes it possible to exclude endometrial hyperplasia. Thanks to the gestagenam, the cyclic secretory transformation of the proliferating endometrium is occurring, and its complete rejection is ensured in this method. Progesterone and its derivatives inhibit the binding of estrogen in the uterus, reducing the cytoplasmic concentration of estrogen receptors.

There are the main types of progesterone derivatives for the complete secretory endometrial transformation.

Hormone therapy is contraindicated in uterine tumors, ovaries and mzh, uterine bleeding of unclear genesis, acute thrombophlebitis, acute thromboembolic disease, thromboembolic violations caused by taking estrogen, renal and liver failure, difficult forms of SD.

Women who take hormonal drugs are needed to control every three months (hell, oncocytology) and holding the ultrasound of Genital and MZ once a year.

The use of UGT in menopacteria using combined drugs is presented in the table.

These drugs are prescribed mainly to women with an intact uterus in premenopause, but can be applied in postmenopausus with a conscious consent of the patient. In most patients against the background of two-phase therapy, a menstrual-like reaction is noted.

An alternative to the UGT can be applied in the following cases: in the presence of contraindications for HGT, a negative attitude of the patient to the UGT, the presence of RMG or genitals and early typical symptoms of the COP.

For alternative therapy, the following drugs can be used: a climatoplan - a complex drug of natural origin, which has estrogen-like, anti-glimacteric effect - take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day for a long time; Climadinon - a phytopreparation - take 1 tablet or 30 drops at an undiluted form or on sugar 2 times a day.


The Forecast of the COP presents great difficulties, especially when atypical and combined forms. Such patients are subject to dispensary observation.


Preventive measures to prevent the COP should begin in women long before the transitional age, since the development and severity of the syndrome depends on the reserve capabilities of the hypothalamic section and the somatic state. Such events should include prevention and timely treatment of diseases of various organs and systems of the body, the right organization of work, recreation and nutrition.

It is a pathological symptom complex comprising vegetative, neuropsychic, exchange-endocrine disorders arising against the background of age-related changes in the female organism. Laser therapy is subject to only women with complaints of the presence of a completely specific symptoms of "Climacteric syndrome", due to vegetative disorders: the presence of "tides" of blood to face and neck, sweating, periodic heartbeat, blood pressure jumps, headaches, rapid fatigibility, insomnia, unreasonable concerns. The main task of laser therapy in the treatment of this state is aimed at smoothing and eliminating pathological manifestations of climacteric syndrome due to the modulation of harmonious central vegetative and hormonal regulation, normalization of the testosterone level, estradiol and estriol. The choice of exposure zones is determined by the degree of gravity: at easy and moderate severity, the list of exposure areas includes the impact on the cervical spine (at the level of C3-TH7), the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, the sacrum area. With a severe course of the disease, laser therapy is complemented by the impact on the projection zones of the ovaries, the liver, the region of the heart and thymus. The radiation regimes of therapeutic zones in the treatment of menopausal syndrome

Exposure zone Emitter Power frequency Hz Exposition, Min. Nozzle
Thyroid gland, rice. 143, pos. "one" B2 7-9 W. 150-300 1-2 Lono, M1.
Projection of nicknames, rice. 143, pos. "7" B2 14 W. 600 2-4 MN60.
Projection of the bottom edge of the liver, rice. 143, pos. "3" B2 14 W. 1500 4-8 MN60.
Timus projection, rice. 143, pos. "2" Bim 35 W. 150 2-4 -
Heart area, rice. 143, pos. "four" BI-1 4 W. 300-600 1-2 KNS-UP, №4
Ovarian, che-reskelling, rice. 143, pos. "five" B2 14 W. 1500 2-4 MN60.
Spine C3-TH7, rice. 143, pos. "6" Bim 25 W. 300 2-4 -
Sleep area, rice. 143, pos. "eight" Bim 35 W. 300-600 4 -
Receptor zone Bim 18-20 W. 150-300 4 -

Fig. 143. Exposure zones in the treatment of menopausal syndrome. Legend: Pos. "1" - the area of \u200b\u200bthe thyroid gland, pos. "2" - the projection of Timus, pos. "3" - the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower edge of the liver, pos. "4" - the projection zones of the heart, pos. "5" - the projection of the ovaries, pos. "6" - the spinal zone, the level C3-TH3, pos. "7" - the projection of adrenal glands, pos. "8" - a sacrum zone.

The duration of the course of treatment is 10-12 sessions. Strictly necessarily the contiguous and rehabilitation and preventive course of laser therapy. They are held at 2-4, 3-6, 9-12 months after the first course of treatment (depending on the individual characteristics of the pathological climax and the rhythm of the emergence of its vegetual-vascular and psychopathological symptoms).

The occurrence of the 40-year-old age many women are waiting with anxiety. The reason for such anxiety is the expectation of such an inevitable stage in the life of a woman as a concomitant climacteric syndrome. Most of the fears relating to this physiological process are associated with possible pain and general discomfort. Other unpleasant symptoms are also possible. But in reality Klimaks, if you know about it the most basic medical factors, is not so terrible, as most women imagine. And an exhaustive guidance on what is a climacteric syndrome, as it proceeds and how to alleviate his symptoms, this article will be.

Climacteric syndrome is a set of pathological conditions (violation of the work of the endocrine, nervous, vegetual-vascular and other systems), due to the natural process of extrusion of the hormonal activity of the ovaries and a decrease in the normal level of sexual hormones by the body. According to various studies, most of the menopacteric signs are manifested in 30-60% of all women who oversail a 40-year-old frontier.

How to manifest climacteric syndrome

Most women are able to recognize far from all symptoms of climacteric syndrome. More precisely, many characteristic pathological conditions they do not associate with the onset of menopause. And if such characteristic features, as the "weakening of" monthly or spontaneous increase in temperature (the so-called tides), correctly identify almost all women, most of the other symptoms are associated with the possibility of developing other diseases.

And this, in turn, can negatively affect and so an unstable psycho-emotional state. Therefore, it is important to know about all the symptoms of menopausal syndrome, which are divided into two large categories: neuropsychic and vegetative.

Neuropsychiatric disorders

Mental disorders have the following manifestations:

  • Unreasonable anxiety and permanent, mental discomfort.
  • Obsessive ideas: Starting from the desire to make a cat and ending with the intention of divorce. Fortunately, extreme cases of such ideas are extremely rare.
  • Violation is normal sleep rhythm: insomnia or, on the contrary, drowsiness, frequent awakening at night.
  • Weakening of short-term memory: difficulties with memorizing names of new acquaintances, a list of cases for today, etc.
  • Emotional instability (lability). It can manifest itself in a sharp change of mood, constant irritability and a tendency to negative emotional states (fear, anger, melancholy).
  • An increase in the risk of development of depression.
  • Fatigue and falling performance.
  • Weakening or strengthening appetite.
  • Elevated or reduced libido (sexual attraction). It is also possible its complete absence.

Vegetative manifestations

The manifestations of a vegetative nature are such:

  • Periods of sudden redness of some areas of the body: faces, neck or chest.
  • It is often accompanied by a subjective sensation to the same areas.
  • Increased sweating, which can manifest itself in the form of attacks. Most often, this symptom is observed in the night.
  • Frequent.
  • Typical tactile manifestations: numbness of fingertips on their hands, goosebumps on the skin of the limbs.
  • Shining cramps. Most often manifest in the night.
  • The heart sometimes begins to cripple and root, giving up to other parts of the body: shoulder, shovel, etc. It is often incorrectly associated with the development or exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Dermographism (urticaria) - the occurrence of skin swelling even with insignificant mechanical irritation.

Climetherian periods and their duration

The onset of Klimaks is usually divided into three periods:

  • - Violation of the usual rhythm of the menstrual cycle. As a rule, it is manifested in the form of an increase and the weakening of the concomitant features (bleeding, pain, an increase in body temperature, etc.). Average duration: from 2 to 5 years. At this stage, the pathological syndrome is manifested only in 35% of women.
  • - characterized by complete. To judge the onset of menopause can only after 1 year of the complete absence of menstruation. At this stage, menopausal signs may occur in 40-70% of women.
  • - Reducing the concentration of estrogen and increasing the concentration of gonadotrops, which leads to the final physiological restructuring in the body and the loss of the ability to carry out sexual function.

All these periods may be accompanied by pathological conditions, whose combination is called menopausal syndrome. But it is necessary to understand that the climacteric syndrome in women is only early stages of menopausal syndrome, which in most cases lasts the last 1-2 years of premenopause and the first 1-2 years of menopause. But in medicine, there are also cases when the duration of this syndrome has exceeded 10 years.


At the moment, there is no uniform generally accepted classification of the disorders in the medical community. One of the most popular techniques offers to divide the form of climacteric syndrome into three groups, depending on the number of tides per day:

  • Easy - up to 10 tides;
  • Average - 10-20 tides;
  • Heavy - more than 20 tides.

There are also other classifications, for example, by severity.


The symptoms listed above cannot manifest simultaneously. At the same time, such a tendency is observed that light symptoms are accompanied by easy malaise, and heavy - hard. Thus, the violation under consideration can be divided into two large groups: a heavy form of climacteric syndrome and a light shape.

Fortunately, the light shape of the climacteric syndrome is manifested in most cases: 40-60% of all women. This includes the following symptoms:

  • Headache;
  • Tides;
  • Emotional lability;
  • Dizziness;
  • Sleep disorders.

Up to 30% of women tolerate climacteric syndrome is pretty hard, which gives reason to talk about the development of severe form, accompanied by such signs:

  • Enhanced manifestation of the symptoms of a weak form: strong headache, more frequent tides, noise in the ears, etc.;
  • Sudden and complete cessation of menstruation;
  • Pain in the body of the body;
  • Memory violations;
  • The rapid pulse, a sharp change in blood pressure, which can lead to a hypertonic crum.

Causes of occurrence

Menopause and a climate cultic condition associated with it is a natural stage in the life of each woman. However, there are a number of factors that can run this process significantly before the deadline and exacerbate it. These include:

  • Heredity (genetic predisposition);
  • Environmental factors (environmental situation, climate, etc.);
  • Number of labor;
  • Tobacocco;
  • Constant stress and serious nervous shocks;
  • Some diseases (obesity, diabetes, a number of chronic diseases);
  • Some medicines (most often anti-cancer and hormonal drugs).


For modern doctors, the diagnosis of menopausal syndrome is a standard procedure that does not constitute any difficulties. The basis for the detection of the woman began the beginning of the menopause period is the usual survey, the purpose of which is to determine the list of symptoms and the time of the beginning of their manifestation.

The next step is the gynecological examination, which is carried out for the early detection of possible pathologies of the sexual system. Also, the standard procedure includes a blood test that determines the concentration of female sex hormones in the body.


It is impossible to prevent or wrapped to reverse the exchange of menopause. However, it is quite realistic to carry out the correct treatment of menopausal syndrome, capable of reduced discomfort and significantly increase the overall standard of living.

An important element of combating menopausal syndrome is the correct prevention. In addition to the exclusion of the above negative factors escalating the occurrence of the Climax, it is necessary to comply with the correct power mode. The fact is that in conditions of decline in the concentration of female sex hormones increases the risk of obesity. In this regard, the standard calorie content of the diet should be significantly reduced. A good solution in this case will be the use of salads that normalize intestinal peristalsis. And to season them better with vegetable oil, which is rich in vitamins A and E, protecting the body from external negative factors. The international means of combating menopausal syndrome. However, it is worth remembering that they cannot replace traditional therapy, and before their use it is recommended to consult with medical professionals.

Recipes for therapeutic folk agents capable of facilitating the course of menopausal syndrome:

  • Dried (100 gr.) And fresh (200 gr.) Ryabina to transfer, stir in a liter of brandy and for two weeks to insist in a dark place at a temperature of 5-8 ° C. The tincture should be strain and take a teaspoon three times a day.
  • Fruits hawthorn (1 teaspoon) pour 500 ml of boiling water. Water profile and add juice from pressed fruits. Take 80 ml with tide attacks, preferably before meals.
  • Cream (50 ml) and fresh carrot juice (150 ml) mix and immediately accept. When receiving in the morning it will help reduce the amount and intensity of tides.
  • The leaves of mint and chamomile, as well as the root of Valerians (everything is 1 tablespoon) mix and put in boiling water for an hour (but not to cook). Revealed infusion take twice a day at 250 ml. Such a recipe will help with insomnia during a climacteric syndrome.
  • Two tablespoons of fresh juice from Sage leaf, which should be taken three times a day, will help with elevated pressure associated with the period of menopause.