How Muslim social and family orders differ from Christian ones: comparisons, similarities and differences. What is the difference between Muslims and Christians in their attitude to family, gender equality, and the elderly? Similarities and differences between Muslim and Christian faith: compare

13.01.2021 Treatment

Muslims still honor old age and try in everything, value their family, respect women and children, they are always glad to anyone who asked for a hand (regardless of religion), and so on. a place in transport for an old man or a pregnant woman, they will immediately put it in place)

Christians and Muslims believe in one god, however, due to different approaches to faith, representatives of these two religions have nothing in common in their way of life. they have their own views on life, their own concepts of many realities.


the differences between Muslims and Christians are as follows:

1) attitude towards women. According to Muslims, women are inferior beings. a Muslim man is allowed to have up to four wives, while this behavior is unacceptable for Christians. Christians believe in gender equality, which is why they have one wife. Speaking about gender equality, it should be noted that a Christian woman is absolutely independent: she can go out on the street and get to know each other, while Muslim women are strictly prohibited from taking such initiative.

2) attitude towards the family. Muslims treat their families more reverently and thrifty than Christians, which is why Muslims have much larger families. a Muslim family is always headed by a man, while in a Christian one it can be the other way around.

3) attitude towards the elderly. in Muslim families, the elderly are treated with honor. it is unacceptable to mishear an old man and thereby show disrespect. and in this case, "old man" means any person older than you.

it is obvious that, despite the common feature - belief in higher powers, representatives of these two confessions see the world differently and build a model of behavior based on the traditions of their religion.

Posted by: Guest

if a person distinguishes between right and his duty, then he will not be able to become successful. we have many rights, first of all, of course, this is the right to life and freedom, but you must admit that if one person encroaches on the right to life of another, then he commits a crime and must be punished.

consider another situation. a person has the right to own property, to buy and sell, to take out various credits and loans. For example, Sasha's student's grandfather died and Sasha gets an apartment according to his will. he has every right to take possession of his property, but at the same time with this right, Sasha also has a debt - a debt to the state, he must pay interest, or rather taxes, for taking possession of the property.

examples can be given countless, the essence is the same - right and duty are like palms that do not bear fruit if they do not grow one next to another.

Posted by: Guest

like this:

now almost all the cities are polluted, this spoils the life of man and wildlife. in the future I would like my city to be clean, then the air in my city would always be fresh. in my city no one would violate the rules of behavior on the street, less people would suffer from this. surely my future city would be beautifully decorated, but at the same time the safest for people. this is how I represent my city!

Posted by: Guest

I believe that no matter what the law is, it will still be violated, since knowledge of the laws does not free a person from the crime committed. Firstly, violation of the laws can be when the violator is aware of the offense. Understanding that he is violating .. that it is convicted .. the person is aware of everything he does what he needs! I think that no matter what the laws, the offense will be all the same!

At 16:13 a question was received in the section of the exam (school), which caused difficulties for the student.

The question that caused difficulties

How did the Muslim social and family order and way of life differ from the Christian ones? Find out if these differences exist today

Answer prepared by experts Study.Ru

In order to give a full-fledged answer, a specialist who is well versed in the required subject matter "Unified State Exam (school)" was involved. Your question was as follows: "How did the Muslim social and family orders, the way of life differ from the Christian? Find out if these differences exist today."

After a meeting with other specialists of our service, we tend to believe that the correct answer to your question will sound like this:

Muslims have polygamy, Christians have a monogamous marriage. Muslims believe in Allah, and Christians believe in God. Some have a mosque, others have a church.

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Christianity and Islam: Similarities and Differences. Details about religions, their similarities and differences.

Since ancient times, people have been divided into dozens of religions, but at present, if you do not take into account a small percentage of the world's population, people are divided into Muslims and Christians. Both religions believe in one God and the creation of the Earth, but that's where the similarities end. In this article, we will provide illustrative examples of the similarities and differences between the two religions, as well as how religion affects both us and the country as a whole.

How Muslim social and family orders differ from Christian ones: comparisons, similarities and differences

Both religions originated more than 2000 years ago, and thanks to their acceptance by one or another ruler, they have become widespread and have left an invaluable imprint on our lives. What country do you live in? Christian or Muslim? It is enough to answer this question and you can say many things about you, your foundations, holidays, worldview.

Religious family - harmony and peace

Tell me, you are not an atheist and religion does not weigh on you? But you are leaving for the holidays with the rest of the society of your country? But they are 99% due to religion. And the attitude to marriage, to the number of children, communication with parents and even the timing of leaving the parental nest - everything has religious roots. We can deny our involvement in faith, but it tightly envelops our lives and directly affects the course of our thoughts and actions.

We provide a table of similarities and differences, as well as how religion affects our lives.

Christianity Islam
Relation to one God Christianity preaches love for God, his acceptance in his heart. At the same time, it is assumed that after losing faith for a while, you can later regain it, love God, etc. Islam preaches the recognition of the One God Allah as the highest power from birth and no deviations are allowed during life.
One God’s Alleged Response to Man's Sins A person, despite the severity of sin, can sincerely repent and will be forgiven. A person must remember the commandments, and not break them under any circumstances. But it is worth remembering that in Islam many actions are allowed that are strictly prohibited in Christianity.
Attitude towards society and enemies Christianity preaches to love one's neighbor as oneself, as well as to forgive enemies and not accumulate evil and resentment. The commandments that must be followed are important: neither to envy, nor to be tempted by other people's achievements and beauty, no waste and not to overeat. It is also important to be kind and to help both your neighbor and your enemy. Islam preaches to treat others as brothers and strictly follow the commandments. At the same time, a Muslim is sure to fight against evil, both with himself and with his enemies. It is worth noting that in this case the commandment says to kill enemies if they do not go over to the side of good.
Holidays, ceremonies, actions A variety of services, prayers, fasts, which are recommended to attend and adhere to, but for many there are many indulgences and variations. The main thing and at the same time striking people from other religions is communion, taking wine as the blood of Christ and bread as flesh.

Five responsibilities that must not be violated:

· Commitment to Islam - “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his gift”;

· Pray five times daily, strictly observing the rules and sequence;

· Strictly observe fasting in Ramadan;

· Hajj to Mecca at least once in a lifetime.

What is the difference between Muslims and Christians in their attitude to family, gender equality, and the elderly?

The foundations of the family are a clear echo of religion, reinforced by the centuries-old order in the state. Christians have always been equal with women, according to religion, a man should have only one living wife (in case of death he is allowed to take a new one), with whom he will live in sorrow and in joy, sharing both glory and misfortune together. But Muslims can have several wives, and even several concubines. But before taking a wife, he must confirm his solvency and the fact that he can adequately support his wife / wives and children who will appear in marriage.

It would seem that Christian women are definitely more fortunate, especially at the present time, where complete equality is advocated. But now women, looking at the situation again, increasingly declare that the advantages are not so good, because they are entrusted not only with the household and raising children, but often they also become breadwinners in families.

In Muslim countries, as well as in Christian ones, divorce is permissible today. But in Islamic countries, children remain with their father, who supports them, brings up and prepares them for adulthood. But in Christian countries, after a divorce, fathers often lose interest in their children and do not pay them due attention. In most cases, the mother is fully responsible for the maintenance and upbringing.

Christians treat their parents with respect, but having flown out of the parental nest, they set out on their life's journey, helping parents more remotely. But Islam, on the contrary, preaches complete reverence and obedience to parents. As long as the parents are alive, men consult with them on all important occasions, thereby emphasizing their importance.

Similarities and differences between Muslim and Christian faith: a comparison

Islam Christianity
Number of Gods Single Single
Number of saints and angels Lots of Lots of
Does religion deny polytheism (paganism) Yes, but Islam preaches that people who do not believe in Allah are enemies, and it is necessary to fight against them, because this is a fight against evil. But nowadays there is more and more tolerance and peace in the teachings. Yes, pulling the pagans to their side in every possible way, although in the Middle Ages there were also Crusades.
Is God insubstantial? No, spirituality is not an attribute of Allah. Yes, God is the highest power and we, our souls and everything around God created from his particles.
Is God the purest love? No, Allah is the supreme power, in which there is both love and negative qualities that punish the unbelievers. Yes, God in Christianity is all-forgiving and loving of his creatures.
God and cunning Yes, because as it is written in the Qur'an, "Allah is the best of cunning" No, in Christianity lies and cunning are inherent only to the devil.

What faith was there before: Christian or Muslim

Despite heated debates, historians have proved that Judaism, Christianity and Islam came from a single source with a difference of 500-1000 years. Like everything new that was born in ancient times, it was not recorded, and given that for the sake of dissemination and popularization, religion was often shrouded in multi-layered legends, mystery, etc. the exact date of creation is not known. But we know for certain the starting points:

  • The countdown of Christianity from the first birthday of Jesus. That is, this year 2018 years from the start;
  • Muslims began counting from the birth of the Prophet Muhammad 570-632 AD.

But Judaism was at the origins, since those who denied the resurrection of Jesus created their own offshoot - Judaism.

What unites Muslim and Christian religions?

As you noticed, in both religions there is one God, to whom both people and Angels completely obey. God can both encourage and punish, and also forgive for sins. In both religions, God is the supreme authority that helps us to live, thanks to whom we live.

The Role of Church and Religion in the Lives of Muslims and Christians: A Comparison

Christians go to church on holidays, true believers every Sunday service. Islam does not require this, and it is enough to go to the mosque on holidays and when the soul requires. But a prerequisite is five times a day prayer.

Concerning the influence of religion on a person's daily life:

  • It is believed that Christians often break their commandments, as they later hope for the forgiveness of sins;
  • Muslims carefully observe the commandments, since Allah can become angry and significantly worsen the life of not only a person, but also his descendants.

Video: Islam, Christianity Judaism - why there are several religions

V modern world many different religions, which differ from each other in their content and have certain characteristics. The confessions of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and Hinduism, Sikhism and Confucianism, Taoism, Jainism and Shintoism are the most popular. All religions have their own rules and customs.

Some features of religions

So, for example, Christianity - in Greek it means "anointed one", "messiah". It combines three areas: Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism. All of them are united by faith in a triune God, while Jesus Christ is presented as the God-man saving the world. Religion is based on love for a person, mercy for suffering people. Christian teaching claims that this religion was not created by people, but given to human society as a ready-made, complete teaching.

The Jewish national religion, Judaism, recognizes only one and the messiah (savior). The oldest teaching (1 millennium BC), which arose in Palestine, is based on the chosenness of the Jewish people. It rejects Jesus Christ.

In the 5-6 centuries. BC NS. in India, a religion is emerging, which is aimed at striving to achieve the highest peace and bliss (nirvana) as a result of the rejection of all desires and moral perfection (in Buddhism), etc.

One of the most widespread religions is Islam, which originated on the Arabian Peninsula (early 7th century BC).

The essence of religion

Islam (from Arabic - "monotheism") is a religion that recognizes one God. It is believed that before the appearance of people on earth, the Angels confessed it. All the Prophets sent by the Most High called to her, and turned to all nations for different languages... The last scriptures are presented in Arabic, since the last Prophet was an Arab. Therefore, religious terms sound in Arabic (Islam is faith in God and his Prophets, Allah is the Arabic name of God, Muslim is a believer).

The main rule of Islam is belief in one God, sent down from the Koran, as well as in the predestination of fate, life after death (resurrection), in hell for the “infidels” and prosperity in paradise for believers. Everything that happens in the life of a Muslim is created by God (good, evil, etc.).

The essence of the rules

The code of rules in Islam should be known to every adherent of religion. The manifestation of reverence, respect and devotion to Allah Almighty is carried out by citizens throughout their lives. The rules of life in Islam are the basis of life values ​​for Muslims. All their actions and actions, thoughts are aimed at getting as close as possible to God, to deserve prosperity in paradise with their pious life.

There are rules in Islam. Five of them are obligatory for all Muslims. Each of them requires an inner spiritual dedication. Correct completion of each of the rules is required.


Let's take a look at the golden rules of Islam:

  1. Belief in one God, recognition of the Prophet Muhammad, his mission (shahada).
  2. Daily prayers at a specific time: five times / day (namaz).
  3. Observance of the fast during the month - Ramadan (uraza).
  4. Pay regularly a religious tax (a tax for needy people, zakat).
  5. Walking to Mecca and Medina (pilgrimage, hajj).

The sixth rule of Muslims in modern society can be noted jihad, which from the point of view of theology means waging a struggle with their own passions.

Rules of behavior

There are rules of conduct in Islam and certain norms in Everyday life... Start every morning with prayer, greet each other when you meet, thank Allah for food, for work, etc. There are certain rules for eating, wearing clothes, and maintaining hygiene. Also, the Koran provides ethical standards of conduct in society, at work and at home. Fulfilling these precepts, Muslims try to be pious and as close as possible to God, who gives them a paradise life after death.

Clothing rules

The rules in Islam establish the observance of clothing requirements for both men and women. The fairer sex should not wear men's clothing. However, guys are not allowed to wear women's outfits. Images of animals on clothes of both sexes are also excluded.

The conditions for the manufacture of things are negotiated: only permitted material is allowed. For men, clothes should be modest, of simple types of fabrics, without gold trimmings. Its beauty is expressed in its simplicity and restraint. Silk or collar trims allowed. Gold jewelry, cufflinks, rings or chains are also not permitted.

In both men's and women's clothing, primarily human qualities are displayed. She should not resemble the outfits of the "infidels". Wearing clothes is not a material requirement for them. This is gratitude to the Most High God for the fact that a Muslim realizes himself as his slave.

Rules for women

What are the rules for women in Islam? An important feature of the religion of Islam is modesty. Believers are humble, patient, and courageous. Remaining in the shadows, they lead their righteous lifestyle. Ready for compassion and generosity.

The rules in Islam urge a woman to be modest, chaste, not to show herself off. Women's clothing should hide the sex appeal of its owner from prying eyes. Such women are forced to wear hijab. It is believed that this is how the nobility and femininity of Muslim women is manifested.

The hijab carries a specific message of a woman's submission to divine will in all aspects of her life. She wants to be understood and appreciated for her beautiful actions, kindness and modesty, lack of desire for luxury. Clothing should be loose and not transparent. At the same time, the choice of style is not limited, colors and taste preferences. The behavior of the girl should also be modest.

The decency of a Muslim woman, who wears modest clothing that symbolizes femininity and conceals sexuality, is respected by men. A woman has no right to demand more from her husband than she needs for life. This also manifests itself in modesty. She must obey her man always and in everything. Preserving the honor of a husband both at home and outside is also the responsibility of a Muslim woman. Do not look out of the windows of the house unnecessarily, do not talk to neighbors in vain. A woman should try to do everything so that her husband is pleased with her.

In addition to all of the above, Muslim women should constantly pray, maintain order in the house, etc. The husband and obligations to him should always come first. The spouse should always be smart and attractive to her husband, in clean clothes, in a good mood. Rejoice at his return. It is unacceptable to contradict and raise your voice to your husband. If he is wrong, then guide him on the true path calmly, using the power of persuasion, calling on Allah. Treat children with kindness and patience, pity them, do only good to everyone.

Sexual relationship

An important task in the issue of sexual relations in Islam is to maintain the chastity of both sexes. The rules in Islam prescribe to "take care of your members and dull your eyes" for both Muslim women and believing men. If a man cannot marry due to financial insolvency, then he should refrain from sexual relations. Fasting and prayer can help relieve stress in this situation.

The most important prescription for marriage is the virginity of the bride-to-be. This does not mean that you cannot marry women who were previously married. The very concept of "virginity" has the meaning of morality. Women's honor and dignity are protected by the Koran. The rules require a woman to be treated with respect. Sexual relationships are part of family life. And only a legal husband has the right to have an intimate relationship with his wife. A woman has the same right in relation to her husband. If the marriage is polygamous, then all wives have equal rights to their husband.

Relationship management principles

The rules of religion in Islam establish principles for regulating relationships between the sexes and control the sexual behavior of all believers:

  1. It is forbidden for men and women to communicate freely for fun or to get pleasure from communicating in a heterosexual company. To limit contact between the sexes, special women's and men's departments have been created in schools, colleges, hospitals and public transport.
  2. People who can theoretically get married are allowed to meet in public, if there is a professional or educational need, in which work moments are resolved. If a man has an intention to marry, then he can communicate with a woman.
  3. If communication happens, then both the woman and the man must observe decency in everything (in views, speeches, behavior).
  4. If a guy and a girl are not blood relatives, then they cannot be together in the same room.
  5. Muslim women should strip their sexy body shapes behind their clothes. An attractive woman should only be for her husband.

Wedding night

The first wedding night in Islam, the rules of which we will consider further, is a special moment in the life of newlyweds. Young in beautiful clothes, perfumed with incense. The groom makes a gift to his young wife, treats him to sweets and speaks heart to heart. Then it is necessary for both of them to perform 2 rak'ah prayers and ask Allah for a happy life, full of abundance and prosperity. At the same time, the young are a little distracted and calm down under the influence of prayer (it has a powerful effect). Then the man should spend delicately and tenderly all aspects of the first wedding night, since their further relationship will depend on it. If the bride gets scared, and she has an aversion to intimacy, then this will lead to a deterioration in life together. After all, this is the first time she sees a man so close to her.

The girl must undress herself. In this case, the lighting should be muted. At this moment, long-term caresses and love games are important. After that, the bride will calm down and relax, she will have excitement and desire. Then the man can get closer together and carry out the act of defloration. With a gentle and delicate attitude, defloration is painless. A rude, persistent attitude can cause the development of vaginismus - a spasm of the genitals. And normal sexual intercourse is impossible.

In the modern world, where there are no remnants of the past, the result of first sexual intercourse is not paraded, where the presence of blood stains on the sheet is mandatory. This is a confirmation of the bride's innocence. Indeed, according to the law of the Quran, marriage between a man and a woman is a sacred sacrament. Therefore, everything that happens between two people remains a mystery.

Divorce in Islam: the rules

In the first place for Muslims is strong marriage. But there are situations that can lead to divorce. First, the spouses are given time to reconcile. The most compelling reasons for divorce are renunciation of Islam and immoral and non-Islamic behavior of a spouse. If the period of reconciliation has not yielded positive results, then divorce is inevitable.

During the period of waiting for the dissolution of the marriage, intimate intimacy with honey is not provided for by the spouses. According to old customs, a married couple was considered divorced after the word talak (Arabic for divorce) was pronounced three times. Children stay with their mother: boys up to 7-8 years old, and girls up to 13-15 years old. At the same time, the father is obliged to support them until they come of age.

Fundamental Rules of Islamic Conduct

There is a rather important custom among Muslims, which refers to the representatives of the male half. A great celebration in the life of boys is circumcision (sunnet). It is held in early age: from 3 to 7 years old. It is believed that after circumcision, the boy becomes a man. Girls from birth are Muslim, if their dad is Muslim. Islam for Muslims is the greatest gift from the Almighty, which gives everyone the true faith.

And long ago the Tatars built family life on the basis of the Koran and Sunnah. It was religion that largely served the formation of the Tatar culture and tradition. Religion kept from eroding the moral values ​​of the Tatars, which is a necessary norm for the existence of society. The family has always been highly valued and appreciated by the Tatars, and marriage is considered a natural necessity. Among the Tatars, as well as among other peoples professing Islam, marriage was considered a sacred duty of a Muslim: “ A married person has more merit before God than the most devout Muslim who remains a bachelor».

The traditional Tatar-Muslim family is monogamous, because by the beginning of the 19th century, cases of polygamy among Tatars had become extremely rare. Despite the undoubtedly patriarchal nature of the Tatar-Muslim family, in the tradition of the Tatar people, the role of women has always been high, both in family and social life of society.

The basic principles of traditional family etiquette, built on impeccable respect and reverence for elders by younger ones, parents with children, and hard work, are preserved in most Tatar families. The husband's parents and grandparents are especially respected. Also Islam instructs men to take care of their mothers, sisters, daughters and wives. Tatars show a special attitude towards their mother. In one of authentic hadith it is said that “ heaven is under mother's feet”(An-Nasai), which means that the attitude towards her determines the well-being of a man in this and subsequent life.

General provisions on marriage in Islam

Islam pays special attention to marriage and in every possible way encourages a person to enter it when he reaches adulthood, if he is ready for this physically, morally and financially. The Almighty created a man - forefather of mankind Adam- and created a spouse for him from his own flesh - Hawu so that they find comfort and rest in their union, find peace and tranquility. The Creator of all things said:

Oh people! We created you man and woman and made youpeoples and tribes, so that you know each other. After all, the noblest of you before Allah is the most God-fearing. Indeed, Allah is Knowing, All-Knowing!

Holy Quran, 49:13

The family is the sign of the Most High:

From His signs - thatHe created wives for you yourself, so that you could live with them, He arranged love and mercy between you. Truly, this is a sign for people who meditate!

Holy Quran, 30:21

Also, marriage is a Sunnah and a quality inherent in prophets and righteous people; groundless refusal to create a family is unacceptable and condemned by Islam. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.v.) said: “ Marriage is my Sunnah, whoever avoids my Sunnah also avoids me"(Ibn-Majah).

There are many divine and prophetic sayings in which it is unequivocally recommended to marry, not only in order to avoid entering the path of delusion, depravity and adultery, but also with the aim of gaining the benefits of this and subsequent life.

The only correct way to start a family in Islam- this is the conclusion of a legal marriage, i.e. NIKAH a. According to the canons of Islamic law, marriage can only be concluded between a man and a woman and only by their mutual consent. Talking about getting married in Islam, it is worth noting that this is not just a way to legally satisfy your physiological desires, but much more: this is the best that you can have from worldly benefits in this life.

A family - this is the only kind of worship,

which can continue in the eternal world.

Theologian Ibn Abidin said: " There is no worship to be establishedeno from the time of Adam and would have existed to this day, and then it would have continued in subsequent life, except for marriage».

Muslim marriage refers to the union concluded between a man and a woman in accordance with the laws of Islamic law. These laws are implemented by the Tatars through the prism of the Hanafi legal school, which is the source of family law in most Muslim countries of the world. In this regard, Sharia norms or theological conclusions (fatwas) concerning family and marriage relations and produced on the territory of the spiritual administrations of central Russia should be made in accordance with the Hanafi legal school.

Islamic marriage ( nikah) in our country has no legal force, i.e. according to the laws of the Russian Federation, it is not considered valid, therefore, in order to protect the rights of family members, newlyweds must register their marriage with the registry office. Allah Almighty said:

Obey Allah, obey the Messenger andto the holders of power among you.

Holy Quran, 4:59

Based on this verse, some theologians conclude that for Muslims the laws of the region of their residence, which do not contradict Sharia, are as binding as other Sharia laws.

It is worth noting that a marriage that was concluded only in bodiesThe registry office often complies with the rules for the conclusion of an Islamic marriage (nikah). And therefore, it is not entirely correct to believe thata certain number of ethnic Muslims who married in the registry office and did not perform the Islamic ritual of marriage at the same time are considered adulterers.

You should also pay attention to the fact that the dissolution of a marriage in the registry office often complies with the Islamic rules for divorce and therefore breaks an Islamic marriage, i.e. going on talak.

Divorce (talak)

According to the canons of Islamic law, dissolution of a marriage occurs only as a result of the voluntary or forced expression of the will of the husband. The compulsory expression of will is the result of the work of the kazyats, who have the right to dissolve Muslim marriages based on the laws of Islamic law.

Since in Islam divorce is not encouraged, which is confirmed by the saying of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.v.) “ The most hated of the dozendeeds before the Almighty - divorce”(Ibn Majah, Abu Dawud), Muslim spouses and the Muslim community should make every effort to preserve the family.

And if you are afraid of a gap between both, then send a judge from his family and a judge from her family; if they desire reconciliation, Allah will help them. Indeed, Allah is Knowing, Knowing!

Holy Quran, 4:35

This revelation indicates the need for the existence of a certain body that would perform the functions of a peacemaker, resolve common family problems, etc. The system of kaziyats, functioning in a number of SAMs, in particular, in Tatarstan, can be used as a model.

The decision to dissolve the marriage does not come overnight, often a number of factors precede it. Some of them are formed during marriage, and some are present with spouses before marriage. To preserve and strengthen the family, it is necessary to study and prevent these factors. The entire Muslim community should be involved in this extremely important process of prevention: parents who put the right life principles and guidelines in future husbands and wives; spiritual leaders of Muslims; heads of parishes and teachers of Islamic educational institutions.

The heads of regions and municipalities are also interested in preserving the marriage. These bodies carry out preventive work among the population in the following issues:

- Correct alignment of the priorities of the moral qualities of future spouses;

In this matter, Islam encourages us to focus on the religiosity of the future life partner. Prophet(s.a.v.) said: “ A woman is taken as a wife for four reasons: for her wealth, for her status, for her beauty and her piety. So strive for the devout!"(Bukhari). Dictum Prophet Muhammad(s.a.v.) does not exclude such qualities as wealth, social status and beauty, moreover, any other good qualities can contribute to marriage.

- attitude towards interethnic marriages;

According to the canons of Islamic law, inter-ethnic marriages are not prohibited or condemned. This is confirmed by the fact that Prophet(s.a.v.) passed off Muslim women of his tribe for Muslims of non-Arab origin.

At the same time, you need to see the difference between the permissiveness of interethnic marriages and the chaotic mixing of peoples and races. Given the Sharia permissibility of such marriages, a Muslim should not forget that he and his future children belong to one particular nation, since national identity and devotion to traditions that comply with Sharia are a manifestation of piety. Weak in reliability, but correct in meaning, the saying of our blessed Prophet Muhammad(s.a.v.) reads: “ Love for the homeland is a manifestation of faith"(As-Sahavi. Al-maqasid al-Husna).

The theologians of the Hanafi madhhab tried to convey a similar meaning to us, who believed that a groom who converted to Islam and had no Muslim ancestors did not correspond to a Muslim woman whose father and grandfathers are Muslims. This provision indicates that the difference in the cultural and religious values ​​of a husband and wife may subsequently affect the strength of the marriage bond.

A wife who marries a representative of another nationality should initially know and understand that her children follow her husband's nationality, and the husband, respecting the nationality and traditions of his wife, must nevertheless instill in children a sense of belonging to his family.

In order to avoid divorce, it is worthwhile to be extremely cautious about the likelihood of marriages between extremely dissimilar peoples and races. The parent, mainly the father of the bride, is responsible for right choice the future spouse, he also has every right to prevent marriage if the potential spouse does not fit the bride according to the eligibility criteria.

- propaganda of traditional family foundations;

Article 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that a man and a woman have equal rights and equal opportunities for their realization, thereby the propaganda of an egalitarian family is supported by the law, which to a certain extent complicates the prevention of patriarchal family foundations.

However, theory often disagrees with practice, because despite such a democratization of society, the spouse is often the only breadwinner in the family, and the woman, by tradition, must devote all her free time to household chores and childcare.

The principle of gender in the relationship between men and women is written in the following Quranic verse:

Husbands stand above wives because Allah has given some people an advantage over others, and for what they spend from their property. And decent women are reverent, keep the secret in what Allah keeps.

Holy Quran, 4:34

It should be noted that the Almighty connected the supremacy of the husband over the wife with the condition that the husband takes upon himself all the material costs associated with maintaining the family. But the current economic situation of the average Muslim family forces both spouses to work, while it should be borne in mind that this state of affairs gives a woman the moral right to make decisions unilaterally to the extent that she financially participates in the formation of the family budget.

At the same time, full female employment leads a child out of the family upbringing process into an upbringing process regulated by the state system, which is far from Islamic religious and moral family principles.

According to the Kazan Muslim Court (kazyat), the main reason for divorce is considered to be complete or partial financial failure of the husband to support his wife. In order to avoid divorce, it is necessary to prevent, as far as possible, the conclusion of marriages in which the material participation of the husband will be noticeably less than that of his wife.

Therefore, the theologians of the Hanafi legal school entrusted the control of this issue to the bride's father and called this “control of the husband’s correspondence with his wife (kafa'a)”. If the material contribution of the husband is less than the contribution of the wife, but at the same time it will cover all the basic needs of the family, then there is nothing reprehensible in such an arrangement of financial roles, provided that the material wealth of the wife will not be burdened by any obligations.

- prevention of a healthy lifestyle;

According to psychologists, the most common reasons dissolution of marriage are problems of an intimate nature, adultery, alcoholism, drug addiction and material incapacity of men. Most of these reasons, in one way or another, are associated with the unhealthy lifestyle of the spouses. Our blessed Prophet Muhammad(s.a.v.) said: “ A strong (healthy) Muslim is better than a weak (sick) Muslim, although there is good in both of them"(Muslim).

Islam encourages in every possible way to lead a healthy lifestyle, while prohibiting the use of various kinds of alcoholic and narcotic substances. A huge number of divorces, crimes and deaths occur due to drug addiction and alcoholism, the fight against which becomes almost the main task of the entire Muslim community. Prophet Muhammad(s.a.v) said: “ Avoid wine (everything that robs you of your mind), truly wine is the mother of all vices"(An-Nasai).

In this regard, the establishment of systematic work to inform the population about the destructive consequences of alcohol and drug addiction, the organization of spiritual and medical rehabilitation centers, charitable (vakuf) funds that support the rehabilitation of alcohol and drug addicts, as well as their families, the promotion of ideas of social responsibility of citizens for the fate of future generations of Muslims is very relevant.

- control over the observance of the rights and obligations of spouses;

After the marriage, a number of rights and obligations are assigned to a husband and wife, the failure to fulfill which is unacceptable and sinful.

Wife in relation to her husband has a number of rights, some of them property, such as marriage ransom(mahr), content (nafaka), and some non-property ones: such as, for example, protection from physical and moral injuries on the part of the husband.

Husband in relation to his wife he has only two rights, they are both non-property, this is the wife's obedience and the right to engage in her religious and moral education. The right to inherit from each other and the right to marital intimacy are rights that spouses equally enjoy.

To address these issues, it is proposed to introduce into practice the conclusion of marriage contracts during or after state registration. It should be clearly stated in marriage contracts: the procedure for incurring family expenses, both during marriage and after it; the regime of separate ownership of all property and other property rights that strengthen and strengthen family ties.

It is also necessary to strengthen the role of the institution of kazyats, which will conduct advisory and educational work among the Muslim population. It is recommended to strengthen the work to prevent the formation of unstable family relations through lectures, seminars and round tables on the Islamic model of the family.

Muslim family and state

Fundamental Family Principles Preached in Islam, does not always comply with the legal norms of the Russian Federation, however, in general, both legal systems pursue the same goals and objectives in matters of family and marriage.

For example, the policy of the Russian Federation to solve the demographic problem of Russia, which provides for the revival of the spiritual and moral traditions of the family, fully corresponds to the Islamic strategy of increasing the number of Muslims. The ideological basis of such a strategy correlates with the following dictum Prophet Muhammad(s.a.v.): " Marry those who are able to give birth, who love their husbands, because I will be proud of your many on the Day of Judgment"(Ahmad, Abu Dawood).

Meanwhile, annually in Russia about 8 million children are born out of wedlock, the number of cases of deprivation of parental rights is growing from year to year, in this regard, the law on the support of foster families, orphans and children left without parental care confirms the universal and Islamic family principles. Hashem said:

And they ask you about the orphans. Say: doing good to them is good.

Holy Qur'an, 2: 220

Also, the Creator of all things said:

Not inthat is piety, so that you turn your faces towards the east and west, and piety - whoever believed in Allah, and on the last day, and in angels, and in the scriptures, and in prophets, and gave property, despite love for him, to his loved ones to the orphans, and to the poor, and to travelers, and to those who ask, and to slaves, and stood up for prayer, and gave cleansing, - and those who fulfill their covenants when they make it, and those who are patient in adversity and distress and in times of trouble, are those who were true, it is they - the God-fearing.

Holy Qur'an, 2: 177

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National Research University "MPEI"

Department of History and Cultural Studies

Institute of Radio Electronics

Topic: "Family in Christian and Muslim religions"


Art. gr. ER-11-13

Moscow 2015


1. Family and marriage in religions

2. The relationship between a man and a woman in marriage

3. The role of men and women in marriage. Who is more important

4. Parental love and parenting in religions




Over the past few centuries, the pace of development of industry, economy and transport has been constantly growing. Increasingly, people tend to change their country of residence, more and more often they are sent on business trips, all more people begin to desire and be able to travel. In this regard, the number of contacts between people of different nationalities, cultures and religions is increasing exponentially. In such a situation, the increase in the number of conflicts does not seem at all surprising. The development of xenophobia, nationalist sentiments and even radical-minded groups of people are also the consequences of this process. The problem of Islamization is becoming more and more significant for the majority of people. This is a political term denoting the process of increasing the influence of Islam in various spheres of state policy and public life, as well as the process of increasing the number of people professing Islam in a particular region or country (for reference: in 1900, Muslims accounted for 4.2% of the population, currently about 22%, and by 2030, according to forecasts, will reach the mark of 26.4%, making Islam the fastest growing religion in terms of the number of adherents). Reflections on the topic of good or bad are beyond the scope of this essay. The author believes that people, first of all, need to understand: a person is not obliged to respect and honor someone else's culture (while he is on his own land), but it is desirable for him to get acquainted with it. By doing this, he will be able to understand the motivations and actions of people of other religions and, thereby, reduce the number of such conflicts.

In this paper, we will try to compare the institutions of the family in the Christian and Muslim religions. In this case, the author will try to accomplish two tasks: first, by making a comparison, find out what is more, similarities or differences; secondly, to remind ourselves and our readers of the basic foundations of the traditional (Christian) family.

1. Family and marriage in religions

If we turn to the explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov, then a family is a group of close relatives living together. But the family in religion is more than that.

In the Christian religion, the family is a home Church, a single organism, whose members live and build their relationships on the basis of the law of love. The family begins with marriage. In the Christian tradition, marriage is a sacrament in which, with the free promise of true love, the marriage union of the groom and the bride is sanctified for the pure birth and upbringing of children and for mutual help in salvation.

The family in the Islamic religion is a more complex unit: it includes not only the husband, wife, their children and parents, but also many other various relatives. If misfortune happens to any of the relatives or even a member of a neighboring family, the family will unite and provide support in difficult times. Due to the greater influence of parents, as well as some rules (Islam prescribes restrictions or even a complete ban on communication in a confined space between men and women who are not related), the choice of a marriage partner is made most often (but not necessarily) by the parents. Young people are allowed to express their preferences, they can actively participate in the choice itself, but usually they do not make a single decision. If in Christianity it is mainly said about the union of a man and a woman, then in Islam, marriage is, first of all, the union of already existing families.

2. Interrelatedman and woman in marriage

In Christianity, marriage is understood as "the union of two beings in one, one flesh." Having united, man and woman cease to be an earthly image, but become the image of God himself. In the Orthodox tradition, family life is understood as "the path to Salvation", the ascent along which is associated with the bearing of the "cross", daily responsibilities, mutual concerns, cooperation, understanding and harmony. It is understood that married life is the happiest, most complete, pure and richest. All the well-being of marriage is based on mutual love, mutual trust and respect. Marriage is all about joy, and the duty of a family is selfless love. The Apostle Peter urged: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her. May each of you love his wife as himself. "

The Qur'an says “They (wives) are a garment for you, and you (husbands) are a garment for them.” And they serve each other like a favorite garment - they provide comfort, protection, security, decorate, keep warm, cover and hide everything personal from prying eyes.The spirit of marriage in Islam is the spirit of mutual respect, kindness, love, cooperation and harmonious relationships.In the person of her husband, the wife has a friend and partner who shares her life and cares with her, cherishes and protects her, helps her to perform duties that would be difficult for her, if not impossible, to perform alone; and a man has in the person of his wife a companion and helper who provides him peace, comfort and rest from the struggle with the vicissitudes of life in this Christianity Islam

3. The role of the manand women in marriage. Who is more important

In the Christian religion, there is an order established by God for the family according to which the husband lives, subject to the authority of Christ and is responsible to Him for the leadership of his family and for taking care of it. The wife obeys in everything the authority of her husband and is responsible to him for housekeeping and caring for children. Children in a family are subject to the authority of both parents. The wife must obey her husband. She must obey him in everything, as the apostle Paul said. The only exception to the rule is if the husband requires his wife to disobey God's Word. A delusion may arise that the Church claims that a woman is lower than men, that she is a second-class being, but, in fact, on the contrary, only Christianity destroyed the disdainful attitude towards women that reigned throughout the world. It was Christianity that declared that a woman is the same person as a man, that human nature is the same for men and women. As for the well-known phrase of the Apostle Paul “let the wife fear her husband”, then, according to most Orthodox theologians, it does not mean that the wife should feel fear and awe before the formidable spouse, but only that she should be afraid to offend her husband, be afraid become a desecration of his honor. This is not an animal fear from hatred and horror, but a protective fear arising from love. So children are afraid to offend their parents, they are afraid to hurt them.

In Islam, the leading role in the family is assigned to a man, since in most cases he has somewhat greater physical and emotional strength and resilience than a woman. For this reason, the man is responsible for supporting and supporting women - not only wives and daughters, but also all female relatives who need help and support. By analogy with the Christian religion, a woman must obey her husband, unless he requires her to disobey God, he, on his part, must be attentive and take care of her well-being. As is clear from the above verses of the Koran, she is also responsible for the proper state of affairs in the household of her husband, for the observance of her honor, dignity and decency, she is obliged to keep her sexuality only for the man with whom she is married.

4. Parental love and parenting detei in religions

To the same extent as creative God's love, human love also seeks to create an object in which it can be poured out. With the birth of children, conjugal love grows and passes into parental love. Children for Christians are a gift from God. If in the beginning a marriage requires sacrificing oneself for the sake of giving birth to something greater than a separate person - a conjugal union, then with the advent of children, parents give themselves even more, becoming a family. At the same time, each family member acquires his own personality, which becomes deeper and richer than before. This is one of the paradoxes of spiritual life: self-improvement comes only through self-denial. A mother's love for her child fills and enriches her own life. The model of parental love is the love of God, absolutely selfless and sacrificial. As Jesus lived and died for people, good parents must be willing to live and die for their children. as a spouse and parent, a Christian can more deeply perceive the love of God, become closer to Him. Also, parental love should welcome the growing children’s desire for independence. The child does not belong to his parents, but to God, therefore his freedom and responsibility should be respected.

The special role of the family, the "home Church" in Christian culture is to fulfill the original function - the spiritual and moral upbringing of children. In the upbringing of children, the family cannot be replaced by any other social institution; it has an exclusive role in promoting the development of a child's personality. In family communication, a person learns to overcome his sinful egoism, in the family he learns "what is good and what is bad." A sense of living continuity of generations is born in the family, a sense of involvement in the history of their people, the past, present and future of their homeland. A kind family gives a person two sacred prototypes, in a living relation to which his soul grows and his spirit grows stronger: the prototype of a pure mother, carrying love, mercy and protection, and the prototype of a good father, who gives nourishment, justice and understanding. From time immemorial, the upbringing of a child's good disposition, the development of his ability for a virtuous life was determined by the way of life of the mother and father, by how much the parents themselves could show him good example... Without example and guidance in goodness, the child loses the ability to form as a person.

Raising children in the Christian religion, in contrast to the words about love, is tough:

“He who spares his rod hates his son; and he who loves, punishes him from childhood ... Foolishness has become attached to the heart of a young man, but the corrective rod will remove it from him ... Do not leave the young man unpunished: if you punish him with a rod, he will not die; you will punish him with a rod and save his soul from hell ... Rod and reproof give wisdom; but the boy, left in neglect, makes his mother ashamed. ”Proverbs. 13:24; 22:15; 23: 13-14; 29:15

In Islam, a lot of attention is paid to education. A child in an Islamic family is brought up in accordance with the rules, laws and norms of religion and morality. The introduction of children to Islam occurs from the very birth. In the first minutes of life, a newborn is washed and prayers are said, which are prescribed by Islam for this event. An adhan (call to prayer) is pronounced in the baby's right ear. After carrying out such a tradition, the child becomes involved in Islam. According to the traditions of Islam, the care, care and upbringing of a child preschool age(more precisely, during the first 2-7 years) is the role of the mother in the family. When the baby has reached the age of two to seven years, the upbringing of the child becomes the role of the father. Girls continue to be raised by their mother. To show respect and respect to your parents, as well as to your elders, people is the absolute duty of every Muslim. One of the hadiths says that obeying your father is as good a deed as obeying Allah.


Having compared the basic foundations of the family, views on love (both for each other and for their children), on the roles of men and women in the family, approaches to raising children, etc., we can conclude that, in general, there are similarities in Muslim and Christian religions are more than differences. Indeed, in adherents of other religions, in their actions and behavior, we can notice a lot of strange, sometimes even alarming, but, as the above analysis shows, these are only external attributes, possibly due to the temperament of peoples professing this or that religion or external factors, and also a cardinal difference in approaches to religion: orthodoxy (Christianity) and orthopraxic (Islam). It was noticed that some dogmas repeat each other word for word, some things, on the contrary, differ (Christianity "approves" the separation of parents and children when the child grows up, Islam prescribes the continuity of the family, helping their parents until the end of their life). But, in fact, we see that both religions are trying to put a person on the same path: the path of morality, morality and love for other people.

In conclusion, I would like to note that, unfortunately, the modern pace of life (striving for wealth, success in a career, striving for constant entertainment and shopping (consumer society)) destroys traditional family ties. At the moment, parents have neither the time nor the energy to bring up their children traditionally, and the children have no desire to bring up something moral in themselves. This, probably, can explain the Islamization of the world. Due to the orthopraxic nature of Islam, the traditions of upbringing are not forgotten, and the culture of Islam does not weaken. Perhaps it is worth moving from xenophobia to restoring our traditions, and also stop calling the conflict of culturelessness a conflict of cultures, because cultured people will always find a common language.


1. The law of God. Publication of the Moscow Compound of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, 2008

2. Rozina O.V. Spiritual foundations of Russian culture. - Moscow "Science and Word" 2009

3. Once for a lifetime. Priest Ilya Shugaev. Ed. 5th. Moscow: Russian Publishing Council Orthodox Church, 2007.

4. On family life according to the teachings of St. Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow. - M .: Blagovest, 2013.

5. About family and upbringing. St. Petersburg. Moscow. 2002.

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One of the serious issues facing many people in adolescence is the question of the permissibility of sexual relations before marriage. Let's try to ponder if there is a positive case for staying chaste and free from the temptations and dangers of premarital sex.

Fortunately, such reasons exist, and there are not so few of them. Chastity gives us time and opportunity for spiritual growth, the development of our personality. We reserve the freedom to choose our path in life, knowing that this freedom will not be affected by sexually transmitted diseases or early pregnancy.

Think about how your plans for getting an education or your future career could be disrupted if, for example, at the age of 17 you find yourself with a child in your arms.

Many adolescents - both boys and girls - worry that giving up sex will speak of their old-fashionedness, they will feel like "black sheep" in the company of their peers. However, in a world where many simply go with the flow, agreeing with the opinion of the majority, rejection of something may, on the contrary, indicate that you are a deep, thoughtful and mature person. As for relationships, they will be much deeper and more loving if you use words and actions that reflect your love and care for another person, and not purely physical actions to express feelings.

Many people think that getting married and having a ring on their finger somehow opens the way to self-control. Is it so? Can someone who has not previously learned to control their feelings be able to instantly change after marriage? The growing divorce rate suggests that the problems existing in our life do not disappear, but simply pass into married life. A good marriage is built on trust, camaraderie, and love. If the spouses loyally and sincerely love each other, then they pass these qualities on to their children. Therefore, it is often said that a good family is the foundation of a good society. If now we first of all think about our spiritual, moral growth, about how to become a harmonious person, then this will help us in the future to create a happy, emotionally prosperous family.

Chastity frees us from feelings of fear, shame, and guilt., which often accompany sexual relations before marriage. Research shows that psychologically speaking, there is a very significant difference between people who engage in premarital relationships and those who abstain from them. One of the most significant differences is that adolescents who chose the path of chastity were distinguished by the ability to make balanced, deliberate decisions; they seriously thought about their future and planned it. On the other hand, those of the guys who entered into premarital relationships often admit that they did not think about events that were more than a week or a month ahead of them. Not surprisingly, with this approach, they sometimes got into unpleasant stories. And yet some people think they exist REASONS to justify having sex outside of marriage. Let's look at some of them and try to assess how reasonable they are.

Before getting married, some couples find it necessary to make sure that they are sexually compatible.

Since sexual intimacy is an important part of marriage, some people find it very important to "get to know each other" before getting married. However, recent research has shown that this is not at all the case:

The evidence from sociological research contradicts the widespread notion that living together before marriage provides a stronger foundation for marriage. It turned out that couples who lived together before marriage divorce 30% more often during the first five years.

Sexual intercourse is unlikely to help us know if a potential spouse will be a reliable, trustworthy person; physical intimacy will not tell us anything about the honesty of our chosen one (chosen one), his ability to deeply and devotedly love, take care of someone besides himself. Qualities such as loyalty, the ability to emotionally close, prudence, conscientiousness, decisiveness, flexibility, the ability to admit one's mistakes and forgive others, the ability to compromise in the name of harmony in the family, will not show themselves in relationships of sexual intimacy, but they will determine how happy your marriage will be. Sexual intercourse, on the other hand, can lead to mistaken marriage. Sex creates very strong emotional bonds between people, and this can mislead us, force us to continue relationships based mainly on physical attraction. As a result, people often find themselves trapped in relationships that they have already outgrown.

There is a point of view that sex is just a physical need, like food, and there is nothing wrong with satisfying it.

Physical needs, such as the need for food and sleep, are governed by natural laws. If we do not eat or sleep for a long time, we will die. However, the lack of sexual relations will not at all lead to such consequences. For example, followers of many religions who take a vow of celibacy and keep it throughout their lives are known for their longevity and health. Animals cannot control their sexual instincts, for them sex is not associated with love. However, we are not just highly organized animals. We can control our actions; for us, consciousness should be more important than instincts. Usually, before we act in one way or another, we think, make judgments and make decisions. We do not follow the first desire or impulse that comes to our minds.

"If a healthy young man follows his every sexual impulse, and as a result of every connection a child is born, then in ten years he will easily be able to populate a small village with his offspring" (CS Lewis).

However, human sexual aspirations are governed not by the laws of nature, but by moral principles determined primarily by love. Sex is not just an act of intimacy, but an expression of the love of two people for each other. Attempts to separate sex from the human person, to isolate it from feelings humiliate our human dignity.

Many do not recognize marriage, but are in constant contact with another person.

Marriage assumes that people take vows of mutual devotion. Of course, this does not mean that a stamp in your passport is a guarantee of your further happy life. In the end, it all depends on how much you both love each other and feel responsible not only for yourself, but also for your relationship. However, think about this. All these arguments about a life together, which depends only on love, and not some kind of external formalities like a joint trip to the registry office, may sound quite attractive, but do they sometimes hide behind them a latent fear of taking responsibility for the family; not only for the joys of love, but also for the problems that inevitably arise in relationships? When a person gets married, he thereby assumes quite serious obligations. When people just live together, it can resemble a happy family, but usually at least one of the partners reserves the right, in case of too great difficulties, to leave them, simply breaking off the relationship (especially since from an external point of view it will not be difficult to do this ). This awareness inevitably leaves an imprint on the very atmosphere in the family - even in moments when nothing foreshadows a possible conflict, partners still cannot be completely confident in each other, a feeling of insecurity remains, especially in a woman. According to modern psychologists, for most couples, marriage contributes to the harmonization of life; a woman gets rid of many anxieties, she gains confidence in her partner, and the fear of unwanted pregnancy disappears.

There is a popular belief among young people that love is a sufficient justification for sexual intimacy, even when both partners understand that most likely their relationship will not end in marriage.

Let's move away from this question for a start. Let's turn to the communication of two people. Each word and expression we use when speaking contains certain information. If we use some concepts too often and not for their intended purpose, then over time they will depreciate, they will lose the deep meaning inherent in them. The same is true for love. If you say to everyone "I love you", it will be very difficult to express love that is truly exceptional and unique. Each of us has a desire for a deep and sincere feeling for life, for a mutual relationship that also has a sexual dimension. Therefore, it will be much wiser if we maintain sexual intimacy for our relationship with our future spouse. Then our marriage will truly become a unique, inimitable relationship.

islam sunni prophet holy

Like Judaism and Christianity, Islam is the "religion of the Book." This means that for all three the center of religion is the book. For Jews it is the Torah, for Christians it is the Bible, and for Muslims it is the Koran. The Koran is the basis of Islam, for it establishes religious rites, legal and moral norms, way of life and rules of conduct for millions of Muslims. Without acquaintance with the Koran, it is impossible to understand the customs and traditions that exist in the world of Islam. At the same time, understanding the text of the Qur'an itself is not an easy task for the modern reader. The Koran (from the Arabic "al - kuran" - "reading aloud", "edification") is the holy book of Muslims, a record of prophetic revelations uttered by Muhammad between 610 and 632. At first, these revelations were transmitted in the community by word of mouth, from memory. Some of them were recorded by believers on their own initiative, until, finally, systematic records were kept in Medina at the direction of Muhammad.

The first full texts of the revelations appeared after the death of the Prophet in the circle of his closest companions. These consolidated texts differed from each other in the number and order of recording the revelations, in the writing of individual words. The decision to draw up a general text of the Qur'an based on existing records and testimonies of people who personally heard the revelations of Muhammad was made under the Caliph Uthman between 650 and 656.

The Qur'an contains 114 suras of various sizes. The first sura - "Fatiha", which means "Opening" - every Muslim must know (in Arabic). For followers of Islam, it means about the same as for Christians "Our Father". Most of the suras are composed of fragments of revelation, often unrelated thematically and uttered at different times.

In the revealed Book (as the Qur'an is usually called), along with clearly stated verses, there are revelations, the meaning of which does not lend itself to unambiguous interpretation. The most scholars and authoritative experts of Islam are engaged in their commenting.

Along with the Koran, the Sunna (literally - "sample", "example"; full name - "Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah") is a guide for the entire Muslim community and every Muslim in solving pressing problems of public and private life. First of all, it is a collection of texts describing the life of Muhammad, his words and deeds, and in a broad sense - a collection of good customs, traditional regulations, supplementing the Koran and revered on an equal basis with it as a source of information about what kind of behavior or opinion is godly, orthodox. Teaching the Sunnah is an important part of religious upbringing and education, and knowing the Sunnah and following it is one of the main criteria for the authority of the leaders of believers.

Islam presented to the Muslim five requirements that were of paramount importance.

The first most important provision of the Islamic creed is the shahada. Each religion contains statements that help its followers find the right guidelines in their lives. Shahada is a verbal testimony, an attestation of faith, expressed by the phrase: "La ilaha illa-l-lahi" ("There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah"). These words, spoken with sincere feeling in Arabic, signify a commitment to obey God and follow the prophet. These are the first words that a mother whispers in the ear of a newborn baby, and the last that a Muslim utters when dying. Although a Muslim believer repeats these words several times a day, at least once in his life he must pronounce the Creed correctly, thoughtfully, with full understanding and sincere conviction of its truth. During battles, the shahada was a battle cry. Initially, the concept of "shahid" (martyr) meant a warrior who fell in a war with the enemies of Islam with shahada on his lips.

Another important pillar of the Muslim faith is the obligatory prayer - salat (namaz - the Iranian term for prayer), which should be performed by an orthodox Muslim five times a day. Canonical prayer is performed according to a strictly defined ritual that developed during the life of the Prophet. The Qur'an calls a person a "worshiper" and considers every believer as part of a religious community. Therefore, prayer and worship in Islam is not only a personal duty of everyone, but also an act of common faith. Through prayer, a person reminds himself that he is not God. He is more a creature than a Creator. When people forget about it, they try to put themselves in the center of the universe, and this invariably leads to self-destruction. Man is a creature, and his life takes on the correct perspective only when he realizes it. So prayer for Muslims reflects the natural tendency of the human heart to pour out its love and gratitude to its creator, and also helps to maintain a faithful perspective on our lives and to submit ourselves to the will of God, our rightful master. Muslims pray five times a day - at dawn, at noon, in the middle of the day, after dusk and before dawn. The whole community, lined up in ranks, prostrate themselves before God and pray, turning their face to Mecca. Knowing that brothers and sisters in every corner of the globe are doing the same creates a sense of participation in a worldwide brotherhood, even when a Muslim is alone. The content of prayer boils down to praising God, expressing gratitude and pleading for guidance and forgiveness. Before prayer, ablution was mandatory. The Koran prescribes: "When you get up for prayer, then wash your faces and hands up to the elbows, wipe your head and feet up to the ankles." Water was endowed with sacredness, carrying, as it was believed, cleansing not only from physical pollution, but also from moral impurity. In the absence of water, it was allowed to replace it with sand. In the process of prayer, laughter, crying, extraneous conversations, and other actions that distract from the main thing - prayer are unacceptable.

The prayer building of Muslims is called a mosque (Arabic "masjit" - "a place where prostrations are made"). The first mosque appeared in the village of Quba immediately after Muhammad's arrival in Medina. The original appearance of the mosque took shape by the end of the 8th century, when they began to attach a minaret to it - a tower from which the call to prayer is proclaimed. The minaret can form a single ensemble with the mosque or stand separately. Inside the mosque, in one of the walls, a mihrab is made - a niche indicating the direction towards Mecca. The face of the person praying should be turned exactly there. Standing in front of a mihrab is like standing in front of God. From the very beginning, the mosque was not only a prayer, but also a public building with many functions. In the first centuries of the existence of Islam, prefabricated mosques were built together with the residence of the ruler, they kept the treasury and the most important documents, announced decrees, and conducted legal proceedings. Gradually, the mosque was freed from secular functions. To nail down the mosque, worshipers are required to be ritual cleanliness; they should be neatly dressed, behave modestly. When entering the mosque, it is imperative to take off your shoes. Women pray either in the part fenced off with a curtain. Or in special isolated galleries of the mosque. If Christians are announcing the beginning of a church service with a bell ringing, then among Muslims, before the obligatory prayer, the singing of a muezzin ("calling") is heard. Climbing the gallery of the minaret, he turns towards Mecca and, holding on to the lobes of his ears with his thumb and forefinger, chants the adhan (“prayer call”): “Allah is great. I testify that there is no God but Allah (pronounced twice). Go to prayer. Seek salvation. " Before reading the prayer, the muezzin says twice: "Prayer is better than sleep", and Shiites (followers of one of the directions in Islam) add the phrase: "Go to the best of deeds." The adhan ends with the phrase: “Allah is great. There is no God but Allah. "

The third obligatory prescription of Islam is fasting (Persian “Ruze”, Tur. “Uraza”), obligatory for all adult Muslims during the month of Ramadan (the ninth month of the lunar calendar). Ramadan - sacred month in the Islamic calendar, because it was in this month that Muhammad was originally called as a prophet, and ten years later decided to move from Mecca to Medina. In commemoration of these two great events, all Muslims who are healthy will fast throughout Ramadan. From dawn to dusk, they do not eat or drink. And only after sunset can they afford a modest meal. the course of Ramadan changes the behavior of the entire community. The pace of life slows down, the time for reflection comes. This is a period when social relationships are re-established, reconciliation is encouraged, and people feel more united with each other. Everyone, rich and poor, fast together. Fasting has several benefits. He makes people think, reflect on their spiritual state. He teaches self-discipline, since a person who is able to obey his requirements will find it easier to moderate his appetite at other times. It also reminds a person of his frailty and dependence on God. He makes people more empathetic, since those who have experienced hunger themselves are more likely to respond to the suffering of others. Muslim fasting has a peculiar character. During the daytime, it is forbidden to eat and drink. You can also not smoke, smell anything edible, pleasant to the smell. Abstaining from anything that leads to pleasure is necessary. With the onset of darkness, the prohibitions cease to apply. The Qur'an emphasizes: "Eat and drink until the white thread and the black thread are distinguished in front of you at dawn, then fast until nightfall." “It is permissible for you to approach your wives on the night of fasting.” (Quran) Fasting in the month of Ramadan is not just fasting and abstinence from pleasure. It is designed, first of all, to help strengthen faith in Allah and other religious tenets of Islam. Every day before dawn, a Muslim must recite a special sacramental formula - niyya, declaring his intention to observe fasting, turning to Allah for blessing and strengthening him in this godly deed. At the end of the day of fasting, a Muslim should turn to Allah with words of gratitude.

The duty of a Muslim is to make a pilgrimage (Hajj) at least once in his life to Mecca, where Muhammad first received divine revelation. The main rites of the Hajj, according to legend, were established by Muhammad himself during his farewell Hajj in 632. Upon arriving in Mecca, the pilgrims take off their clothes, which clearly speaks of their social status, and put on a simple robe, consisting of two pieces of cloth. All differences in position and prosperity disappear: the king and the slave stand equal before God. The first step is to walk around the Kaaba. This is followed by other ceremonies depicting scenes from the biblical story. Pilgrimage is not only a purely religious rite; it also benefits international relations. Hajj brings together people from different countries, showing that they have a common faith that unites them, despite possible conflicts between their states. Pilgrims learn about their brothers from other countries and return home with better understanding of each other. The fifth key pillar of Islam is zakat - a contribution to benefit Muslims in need. Muslim jurists interpret this term as "cleansing." Therefore, material wealth in life is very important, but some have more than others. Islam does not ask why this is happening, but it gives advice on what to do in such a situation. The answer is simple. Those people whose lives have been more prosperous should help lighten the burden of those who are less fortunate. Muhammad introduced such a procedure in the seventh century, establishing a mandatory annual tax for all. This money was to be distributed to slaves who wanted to redeem their freedom, the poor, debtors, prisoners and strangers. At the same time, the Qur'an emphasizes that the attitude of the giver is more important than the actual amount of aid. Pride, arrogance and empty words should be avoided. Then the giver can purify himself and atone for his past selfishness and irresponsibility. By paying zakat, the use of the wealth from which it was paid is made sinless. In suras, sunset represents a good deed, material assistance, alms. The establishment of a regular collection in favor of the needy members of the community took place, apparently, immediately after the Hijra.

These five precepts are related to the privacy of the Muslim. However, Islam is a religion with a pronounced social doctrine. The ideal of Islam is the same as in the teachings of Jesus: brotherly love. Islam not only talks about the true path, but also gives detailed instructions on how to achieve this ideal. By supporting trade and profit, Islam emphasizes the need for justice in all social relations.

The Koran, which contains the basic legal norms that have been developed in a number of supplementary textbooks, provides the basis for Islamic law. The set of prescriptions, rules that every Muslim must follow in his daily life (religious, civil, family) is called Sharia (direct, correct path).

Muslim law provided for the division of punishments into mortals, aimed at completely ridding society of the criminal; the avengers, called to serve the satisfaction of a sense of social justice; suppressing, reducing the possibility of future offenses; edifying, which should have mainly influenced the offender himself, keeping him from breaking the law. For example, suppressive punishments (hadd) were used, meaning flogging or beating with a stick with the number of blows from 40 to 100, in the case of apostasy and rebellion, if the court did not consider it necessary to execute the offender; blasphemy and demonstrative violation of ritual prescriptions; perjury and perjury; illegal sexual intercourse, if the perpetrators are not married. Hadd was imposed for molestation, drunkenness, drinking, getting involved in gambling, for fraud.

Muhammad banned gambling and drinking wine. Such steps seemed to Muhammad to be absolutely necessary for the purification of morals, for in pre-Islamic Arabia an addiction to wine spread, which became the cause of many crimes. The game of dice caused such excitement that as a result, not only property was often lost, but even wives and children. According to the Sunnah (examples from the life of Muhammad as a model and guide for Muslims), drunkards were personally punished by Muhammad with 40 blows of a palm branch cleaned of leaves.

The prevailing belief among Europeans was that the Qur'an brought the enslavement of a woman, turning her into a slave to her husband. Yes, the Muslim woman did not find equality (however, then it did not exist anywhere), but Muhammad's reforms in the field of family law meant a step forward in ensuring the rights of women. In pre-Islamic Arabia, women had no rights at all. The power of the head of the family was absolute and unlimited. Nothing protected a woman from the arbitrariness of her father or husband. Often, especially in poor families, newborn girls were killed. To avoid bloodshed, they were buried alive in the ground. The Koran, protecting the life of babies, imposed an unconditional prohibition on infanticide. The wife was supposed to pay a ransom, which was received by her father. In marriage, the woman did not have any legal rights. She was not allowed to have her own property, go to court, and ask for a divorce. She was deprived of the right of inheritance to her husband, widowed, and could not remarry. At the same time, the husband did not bear any obligations towards his wife. The Koran put the family under its protection. Under Islam, the wife was given the opportunity to own property, independently engage in commercial affairs, and acquired the right to go to court and inherit from her husband. Henceforth, the wedding ransom was paid directly to her, and not to the father, as before. The husband was obliged to lead a truly married life, to take care of his wife's support, treating her humanely and fairly. The Qur'an says: "And from your property, which Allah has sent you, endow those who are married, dress them and speak good words." Of course, one should not forget that according to the canons of Islam, a woman is a “second class” human being. This attitude was conditioned by the idea of ​​secondaryness. The Qur'an states that Allah "created wives for you out of yourself, so that you live with them." It is not difficult to see in these words the similarity with the biblical myth of the creation of women. The Qur'anic prescriptions for inheritance derive from the view that two women are equal to one man. The testimony of two women was considered tantamount to the testimony of one man. A man was allowed by the Qur'an to have up to four legal wives. It was forbidden to marry close relatives. If a Christian, Jewish woman could become a Muslim's wife, then a Muslim woman could only marry a fellow believer. If a husband, divorcing his wife, subsequently wanted to restore marital relations, then he should have set one slave free. Yes, Muslim law did not forbid a man to have slave concubines, but the Koran forbade forcing slaves to cohabit if they wanted to lead an honest life. A child born of a concubine was recognized by the Koran as equal in status, born of a lawful wife. Muslim divorce was a very simple procedure. The husband, and that was quite enough, said to his wife in the presence of two witnesses: “you are free”, or he uttered the word “talak” (divorce, release) three times. After that, the wife had no choice but to collect her things and leave her husband's house. Grown children stayed with their father, the young ones could be taken by the wife. The Shariah, while retaining the initiative of the husband to divorce, at the same time established that a woman has the right to divorce only if the husband is terminally ill, suffers from sexual impotence, and has lost his mind.

An important requirement of the Quran was "jihad" - the struggle for faith. In one of the last suras of the Qur'an, it was emphasized that as long as the polytheists do not enter into enmity with you, you should not be at enmity with them, since Allah loves justice. And if they have forgotten their vows and are engaged in the reproach of your faith, they must fight with the mastermind of wickedness. Soon such concepts as "jihad of the heart" appeared, which meant one's own struggle to improve the faith; "Jihad of the tongue" - the believer speaks approvingly of God-pleasing; “Jihad of the hand”, which meant punishment for a crime against faith, and, finally, “jihad of the sword,” which meant a direct war with the infidels. When Muslim wars of conquest began, which had a direct connection with jihad, relations with enemies were built in different ways. For the pagans, there was only one choice: conversion to Islam or death. The "People of the Scriptures" (Jews and Christians) were offered a different choice: the adoption of Islam, the payment of a permanent tax (jiziyah), or war.

A characteristic feature of the Muslim religion is that it energetically intervenes in all aspects of people's lives. And the personal, family life of Muslim believers, and all public life, politics, legal relations, court, cultural structure - all this must be completely subordinated to religious laws.