Alla Akbar what does it mean. What does the Tabier mean? Allah's alleviation with the words "Allah Akbar". Application phrase in everyday life means

06.12.2020 Sport

Almighty Allah is the only Godworthy of true worship and ministry. It exists forever, without beginning and end. It is not subject to time, and time for it does not change. And there is no one and nothing that would be a little bit like him. He is a living, all-in-law, all-seeing, surviving and almighty.

The great creator approves good, but it makes all the bad. He agreed on everything and rules over him. Only in his will, the world may disappear. He is the Vladyka of the Judgment Day and the Lord of all things. Equating to Allah anyone - the grave (shirk).

The Most High provided a great mercy by a man, giving him a blessing and mind and exalt over other living creations. The benefits for the human mind consists in obtaining knowledge about Allah and its velats. He (Most High) helps to comprehend the truth of all things, leads to reverence and obedience to him and commands relentlessly follow the path of knowledge about him.

The true perfection of the Most High is not able to realize none of those living, except for Allah himself. Even (may Allah bless them and welcomes) and the angels are not given to know the true greatness of the creator. However, some superior qualities of the Creator can still be approximately described on the basis of the fact that Allah himself reported about himself through the prophets. This allows us to talk about its existence and absolute perfection.

The finest names of God:

"Allah has the most excellent names. Therefore, appeal to it through them and leave those that deny its names "(Koran, 7: 180).

The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and welcomes) said: "Truly, the Most High ninety-nine names. Everyone who remembers them will fall into paradise. "

The name "Allah" is considered the highest, indicating its divine essence, so this list does not turn on. "Allah" consists of two parts of Al-Ilya: the word "Ilyah" means "the Divine, the one who worship", a certain article "Al" indicates the uniqueness and uniqueness of the Creator.

If the names of the Most High come from derivatives of verbs, this means that it has these qualities, and the laws and investigations flow from these names. For example, the established penalties are not applied to the robber robberies in the deed. In the Holy Scripture it is said that the Creator exists compassion for those who repented, because Allah is gracious, merciful and forgiving. All names correspond to the qualities of Allah through which it operates in the world created.

The following names of the creator are mentioned in the Quran: Ar-Rabb (Lord), Ar-Rahim (merciful), Ar-Rahman (gracious), al-ahad (single), al-Hey (alive) and others.

Allah Akbar - Allah the greatest

Tabier or Allah Akbar (on Arabic Allahu Akbar) - This is an Arab inscription and the expression that means "Allah is the greatest."

This is a sign of joy and exclamation, this is a combat cry used by the warriors of Islam. When an important speech comes to an end, in approval sign, one of the gathered exclaims: Tabier! The rest to this choir answer: Allah Akbar!

Value Akbar in English

(1542-1605), more known as Akbar the Great, the third emperor from the Dynasty of the Great Mughal, who ruled on Penostan. Born in 1542 in Cinda (now Pakistan Province), where he spent the first 12 years of his life. In 1555, his father Emperor Humayun, devoid of throne by the usurper, reiterated Delhi, who turned into a center of literary and artistic revival. In 1556 Humayun died, and Akbar at the age of 14 became the emperor. Four years later, he expelled his regent Bayram Khan and began to restore the empire to him, including Rajputan, Gujarat, Bengalia and Kashmir. The main part of his long reign was devoted to subordinate to the recalcitrant rulers of Northern India and establish a durable world in the country. Akbar brought order assembly of filters and taxes and, like his grandfather Emperor Babur, contributed to the development of trade.

Akbar showed a living interest to all religions, including Christianity, which he was told by the Father Claudio Akuaviva and other Jesuits. From 1582, he tried to approve a new mystical creed in the country, which called "Dean and Ilahi" ("Divine Vera"). Akbar supported the discovery of both Muslim and Hindu schools, patronized artists and writers. Built the new capital of Fatihpur Sicry. The last years of his life was overshadowed by the court intrigues and the conspiratorial activities of the Son, Tsarevich Selima. Akbar died in 1605, the throne inherited Selim under the name of Emperor Jahangira.

Russian Colier dictionary. Russian Dictionary Colier. 2012.

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Another meaning of the word and the translation of Akbar from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian to English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More Meanings Of this Word and English-Russian, Russian-English Translations for the Word "Akbar" in dictionary.

  • Akbar - (name) (from Arabic) the greatest, senior.
    English-Russian-English dictionary of slang, jargon, Russian names
  • Shadad Akbar - Saad Akbar
  • Allah Akbar - Takbir
    Russian-American English Dictionary
  • Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsandzhani - Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani
    Russian-American English Dictionary
  • Akbar Great - AKBAR THE GREAT
    Russian-American English Dictionary
  • Allah-Akbar - about. See Pirallahi
  • Takbir - Allah Akbar
  • Akbar - Akbar Great
    American Anglo-Russian Dictionary
  • Hashemi Rafsanjani.
    American Anglo-Russian Dictionary
  • Alllah Akbar - Allah Akbar
    American Anglo-Russian Dictionary
  • Akbar, Basilan - Akbar Great
    American Anglo-Russian Dictionary
  • Akbar The Great - Akbar Great
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  • Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani - Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsandzhani
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Most people are already accustomed to the phrase "Allah Akbar"As an integral part of the news associated with the next terrorist attack. Flashing of these words Against the background of cruel frames from tragedy places in the media led to the fact that the expression was firmly rooted in the heads and associated with danger.

It's not necessary to go far: the incident that happened a week ago, when he knocked down by the Pickup of people in Lower Manhattan.He jumping out of his pickup, waving his arms and shouted these two words in Arabic.

But what really means one of the most famous phrases in the world?

New York Times and CNN issued articles dedicated to the study of this phrase. Contrary to the common idea that the words "Allah Akbar" simply mean the phrase "God the greatest"In fact, this is a powerful declaration used by Muslims in many cases and prayers. These are the first words of the fathers who whisper their newborn. And Muslims express their gratitude to God with its help.

As Senator said John McCain, that these words give marginala, does not make them " hate tool" Republican compared the phrase with the Christian statement "Thank God", putting them on one step.

The only difference between these phrases is that "Thank God" does not inspire fear to anyone. Why is the phrase "Allah Akbar" is sometimes used as a combat cry? It is worth noting that the use of the phrase "Allah Akbar" is concerned even from Islamists.

Professor from the University of Southern California Richard Greira Demedzhyanwho specializes in Islam explained website The value of the phrase Allah Akbar: "It means the greatest God. Jihad's terrorists use this statement, because they believe that God is on their side. But Muslims who do not want an evil to anyone, just use this phrase, but only during the prayer of Allah, and they have no intention to kill anyone. "

Hassan Shibl, Executive Director of the US-Islamic Relations Council in Florida (CAIR), the largest Muslim organization of civil liberties in the United States, commented on the recent attack in New York: " This is the biggest act of heresy: shout out the glorious name of God when I committed the worst crime against him».

Dr. Zarnab Chaudri (right), representative of the Council for US-Islamic Relations, Civil and Political Activist. Photo: facebook..

Doctor Zainab Chaudri, which is a representative of Cair told NY Daily News, which for Muslims "Allah Akbar" is a powerful expression that can give strength and persistence in difficult times.

« For me personally, this saying helps to find a sense of equilibrium in a imperfect, an increasingly chaotic world,- Recognizes Chaudri. - It serves as an important reminder that regardless of how difficult, destructive or dangerous times, Allah, or God, controls the situation».

Professor Hatham Bazyan, the founder of the College of Costan, believes that the use of terrorists of the phrase Allah Akbar is a real insult for God.

« This action illustrates the loss of hope and faith of a person in the real power of God over all and all"I'm sure Bazyan.

What does "Allah Akbar" mean? Updated: August 20, 2019 by the author: Katerina Moskalez

We are not responsible for the content of the publications of columnists. The editors may not agree with the opinion of the author. All materials retain the author's style, spelling and punctuation.

What does Allah Akbar mean?

Interest in Muslim culture arises in connection with their activity in the television, unfortunately, not always positive. Because of various speculation, Allah, Akbar began to relate, as a dangerous and certainly aggressive.

In fact, if you figure it out, what does Allah Akbar mean, to know its literal translation into Russian, the phrase will stop scaring you.

Muslims of the whole world consume this expression, this is a whole Arab phrase. The literal translation of it is most of all. Interpreters are allowed by interpretations, for example, "Allah the greatest" or "God is great."

Muslim culture is closely connected with religion, it plays a crucial role in the life of everyone. Allah is the main and only God in Muslim culture, his authority is unshakable, and its laws must be strictly executed.

The meaning of the phrase "Allah Akbar" can be interpreted in this way: God Allah is most of all people, regardless of their role in society, welfare, kinship, and so on. The indisputable authority and power of Allah absolutely. He makes it necessary to follow the laws and punish those who violate it, he is strict, but fair.

So, now the expression is understandable. When is Muslims use it? It is taken to pronounce in front of prayers, which are many. Arriving "Allah Akbar", a person starts a secret ritual, getting ready to communicate with God.

He begins a prayer, rejected by everyday life and household problems, uttering every word, he draws inside himself, leaving secondary things far behind. The phrase applies not only as preparation for prayers, but in various life situations.

Men pronounce her as a joyful exclamation when communicating, as well as in combat situations, it serves as an analogue of the Russian "Hurray!". Under meetings of honorary citizens or public speeches, Allah Akbar necessarily sounds from the mouth of respected people as approval. In some cases, it is replaced by traditional applause after solemn speech.

What does the phrase "Allah Akbar" mean? Muslims call it "Tabier", it is not only a combat tide, this is an erroneous opinion associated with a constant broadcast from the mouth of radical people in hostilities.

In fact, the expression is multifaceted and carries a deep philosophical meaning, wisdom is enclosed in it. The connection of all Muslim culture and meaning "Allah Akbar" is quite large. Islam is a monothetic religion, because God is alone, this is built on this.

Another common phrase is translated as "there is no God, except God" or "There is no God, except Allah." Islam is strictly prohibited in different formulations deify anyone or anything. Even if you need to praise a person for grand achievements or heroic actions, it is always mentioned at praise that "Allah Akbar", which means you are well done, but this opportunity gave you that, we thank it, he is great.

How is used?

To understand what Allah Akbar means, it is necessary to consider examples of consumption in different situations. The emotional painting of the phrase "Allah Akbar" may be different, this is a multifunctional expression suitable for many life situations. Regardless of what a person is experiencing, crying or laughs, the expression is appropriate.

When the Muslim rejoices an unexpected successful or the birth of a son, he, smiling, says Allah Akbar, implying the greatness of Allah and his direct influence on his fate and everything that happens around.

If Muslim happens to Muslim, he says Allah Akbar as a reminder of the greatness of God and the humble waiting for his will, agreement with all the tests that he sends him.

Frightened Muslim will pronounce the phrase to remind himself about the greatness of his God and the need to face only his karas, and not the vicissitudes of fate. This phrase allows you to come to the state of rest and humility, it is more than prayer, it is a lifestyle.

An interesting phenomenon is praise or approval, when instead of traditional applause in European culture, Allah Akbar, "Allah Akbar" is heard, a great meaning was concluded. Allah mentioned at various occasions, trying to overgrow him every way.

Many of you are familiar to the phrase "On all the will of Allah", this expression can be heard when translating various Islamic appeals and texts.

Sacred phrase for believers

If a person says to the phrase, performing the act of jihad, then "Allah Akbar" is pronounced as the praise of God, appealing to his grandeur and blessing. For Russia and Europe, in recent years, the phrase has become associated with militant Islamists. In fact, it is not necessary to look so unilaterally to look at Muslim culture, because its latitude and principles are multifaceted and deserve a full-fledged study.

So, as now it became clear, the expression "Allah Akbar" refers not to war with incorrect and terrorist acts, the phrase is firmly intertwined with the life of every Muslim. It can be pronounced as a man's approval, with joy or in grief, in order to support close or appeal to wisdom. It is multifunctional and carries a lot of meaning and philosophy of Islamic religion and culture.

If you are not a commitment to Islam, you should not pronounce this phrase, as it has a sacral meaning for Muslims, who has been told by another religion, it can be incorrectly interpreted or, at a minimum, will not give the desired result.

It should be emphasized that irony on the theme of the praise of Allah or sarcasm can sadly turn into joker, as Muslims are zealously relate to religion.

Refrain from jokes on the topic "Allah Akbar", treat someone else's culture.

How often we hear loud slogans from the mouth of Muslims: "Allah Akbar!" What does this phrase mean, what does it carry, threaten or benefit, call for good or evil? Let's try to figure out.

"Allah Akbar", which means "Allah Great" (translated from Arabic) is the recognition of the sole creator of all things, the gracious Lord of all people, one of whose names is Allah.

"Allah Akbar" in Arabic means - the great Lord, the power and the power of which is above all the rest.

This phrase reflects the history of Islam from the very first moments of his appearance on Earth. The Prophet, who brought the religion of Islam to People - Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah), from the very beginning he fought for the main goal - to tell people about the unity of the Lord, about the creator, which is one volume of the power and the power of the surrounding nature. About the vigorousness of plea idolais and cult monuments, about delusion regarding the separation of God on parts responsible for various benefits - fertility, wealth, family or power.

God is one, and he is great enough that absolutely all the events and events, the processes and patterns of peace, the universe, galaxies and spiritual matters are subject to only one, his strength of government and grandeur.

Why do Muslims like this to pronounce the phrase "Allah Akbar"? What does it mean for them?

This is one of the formulas for the recognition of the greatness of the Lord, one of the phrases reflecting the true obedience of the Most High, the oath of the denial of other forces and dominance.

Each Muslim kid practically absorbs the mother's milk and understands what "Allah Akbar" means. This sacred phrase for Muslims sounds on their lips throughout their lives and accompanies all of their affairs.

This phrase is the first to sound in the ears of a newborn baby, which only appeared from the womb, when the father whisper to him in the ear of Azan, and this phrase finishes his worldly way to the deceased Muslim, when a funeral prayer read over his departed body.

With the words "Allah Akbar" (which means "Allah Great") Muslims enter the prayer, call upon each other in the mosque, begin all their good deeds, they make sacrifices and give gifts in the name of the Lord poor and in need.

With the click "Allah Akbar!" Muslims from the beginning of Islamic history were thrown into battle for the liberation of their rights and the protection of their families, saying that they were not afraid of any enemy, because all the power and greatness only in Allah.

With this phrase, Muslims are rejoiced and tasted, they get good and bad news, wake up and fall asleep, marry and give birth to children, thereby confirming and recognizing and recognizing that the only creator of all the existing - Allah, which has unsurpassed and not comparable.

In this formula, the power and power of the Lord worlds there is no calling for violence or anger, causing harm or damage. In these words, only the morality of any sincerely believer in a single man God who denies idols and does not recognize blasphemy, believes in the great domination of the Creator and calls for this.

Muslims teach this phrase of his children, with the pellery, being sought them to the monotheism.