Why a headache: possible causes, features of the manifestation of pain and when the alarm should be beaten. Causes and types of headaches, how to deal with them? What does headache mean

27.08.2020 Sport

A sharp pain in the head occurs from a variety of reasons. It depends on their characteristic features. The pain can be chronic, sudden, striking different areas of the head.

Often, people suffering from cephalgia are in no hurry to contact the physicians, and resort to independent treatment.

Wanting to break out of the circle of suffering, without thinking, as follows the crisis, they take drugs. If headaches are constantly repeated, then you need to seek help to doctors. A sudden headache can be a manifestation of serious and dangerous violations in the work of the body.

Cropped headache has the form of short-term outbreaks lasting for a few seconds. But there are cases when painful sensations are preserved for a long time. For cephalgia, the periods of calm and renewal of pain are characterized, at the moment of which a person feels itself well, that is bad.

Select the primary and secondary shape of sharp headaches. The occurrence of primary cutting cefalgia is associated with neurological diseases, psycho-emotional loads.

Secondary (symptomatic) sharp pains in the head often arise against the background of disorders in the brain circulation system, with intoxication and other diseases. Frequent sharp headaches may also be a signal about the pathological change in tumors - tumors.


An important feature of the disease is a very strong pain of not the whole head, and half of it. It is accompanied by other symptoms: weakness, fear of light and nausea. Among the causes of hemicrain - hereditary factors and various vegetative-vascular disorders. With migraine, headaches are sharp and spasmodic, due to changes in the tone of brachiocephalous and intracranial vessels.

During the occurrence of pain, a dermographism is often observed: one head area can redden or, on the contrary, to pale. If the difference in the color of the skin is not noticed, it is possible to tight the head tight with warm tissue. You need to lie in a darkened room and avoid noise.

In most cases, attacks last for 2-7 days.

Head cluster pain

The pain is manifested by episodes (clusters) episodes lasting 15 minutes to an hour. During each transient outbreak, the pain happens so strong that a person can lose weight for a short time. For this syndrome, a specific order of pain appear is characteristic.

First feels the breadth of the ear, then burning pain behind eyeball, Tearing and blocking of the nasal passage. Mostly pain is localized in one part of the person.

Cluster headache is acute and characterized by cyclic flow. It may continue from several days to weeks or months, stopped suddenly and not disturbing for a long time.

The causes of the manifestation of this disease are still unclear. But when studying the disease, doctors found that they mostly suffer from mature men of strong physique. It was also revealed that the disease is more common in persons abusing alcohol.

Basically it happens when the aneurysm is broken. Distinctive symptoms of the disease are: an instantly sharp headache arising as if they hit something heavy on the head, nausea and repeated vomiting.

In cases of rupture of shallow aneurysm, a person may not even guess the presence of violations in the brain circulation system. Pains can be short, can be in the back of the head and occur only with nervous, mental overwork or physical tension.

Syndrome of the occipital neuralgia

A characteristic feature of the course of the disease is unpleasant pain, often felt in the back of the head. At the same time, pain can spread to the temporal and eyelas. The causes are incorrect posture when walking, long-term foundation behind a computer, unbalanced nutrition, in which there are no important minerals, spinal injury or protrusion of the cervical vertebral discs.

Most of the cervical muscles

A sharp headache with this disease is most often manifested in the form of point unpleasant adhesion that extending to the neck area, forearm and chest. The disease is accompanied by the presence of the inflammatory process in the cervical muscles and their seal, as well as violations in exchange processes organism.

A headache is predominantly when touching it. The complete absence of pain can be observed alone, in a lying position.

The causes and pathogenesis of the mositis were not finally understood. A catalyst can be an emotional stress that is accompanied by a strong tension of muscles. The disease can be subject to both young and older people.

Frequent sharp headaches may indicate the presence of a neoplasm. As the tumor grows, a fainting attacks, dizziness, periodic partial loss of vision are joined to heavy headaches.

According to morphological features, a malignant and benign tumor is distinguished. The main method of diagnosing the tumor is testing for the presence of antigen CA 15-3 and a number of other oncomarcresses that detect the disease at an early stage.

Headache, like a separate syndrome

Fortunately, sharp headaches are not always a consequence of dangerous diseases. So:

  • the severity in the head may appear due to tight headscarf or wearing tightly sitting glasses;
  • with prolonged location in a closed room, the lack of oxygen provokes headaches;
  • sharp pressure oscillations cause pain in the head;
  • the head may be sick with the body intoxication as a result of alcohol poisoning, nicotine, household chemicals, low-quality food products. In this case, adsorbing agents that have the ability to absorb toxins are well helped;
  • headaches often appear with increased nervous excitability. It is mostly necessary to rest good vacation and funds that strengthen the body. It is possible to receive sedative preparations of plant origin;
  • some people have a special sensitivity to temperature drops and weather changes.

Diagnosing and treatment methods

Primary task successful treatment Sharp headaches are timely formulation of the correct diagnosis and detection of root causes.

A visit to the neurologist's doctor is the necessary stage in the diagnosis.

Primary consultation from the doctor consists of:

  • poll survey about symptoms, studying complaints;
  • estimates and definitions of reflexes.
  • specific tests aimed at studying possible deviations in the work of the nervous system.

After the first inspection, the neurologist prescribes a number of standard surveys: measuring the pressure and removal of ECG to identify extracardial pathologies, a laboratory analysis of blood and urine, an extract of the eyebound with an oculist. On the secondary inspection of the patient comes already with the finished results of analyzes for further consultation.

Significant assistance in identifying the disease. modern methods Research as:

  • positron emission tomography;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;

Treatment primarily provides for the elimination of causal factors for the appearance of harsh headaches and includes an appointment. medicinal preparations, rational psychotherapy, climatherapy, hydrotherapy (radon baths, circular shower), classes medical physical education and respiratory gymnastics, needlerapy.

Medical treatment is appointed with the stage of the disease and remission. Drug therapy includes the reception of anti-inflammatory, painkillers, sedatives. With neuralgia of the occipital nerve, the doctor may assign the blockade of the nerve innervation zone using an anesthetic drug injection.

To prescribe painful drugs and ointments should exclusively doctor. Many of them have a number of contraindications and side EffectsTherefore, self-medication can lead to even more severe consequences.

Treat your health carefully, do not self-medicate and, if necessary, immediately contact the doctors. To the question why he suddenly sick headed, you can reliably answer only an experienced specialist. Properly diagnosed effective treatment It may forever save you from painful headaches.

Today, we are increasingly facing such a state as a permanent headache, or, scientifically, cepalgia. She exhausts, squeezes all the forces every day; In this state it is impossible to simply exist, not to mention the work. The head may be sick, regardless of gender, age, classes. Not to mention that in itself this condition is already quite dangerous, it should be mentioned about the concomitant signs exacerbating the problem, such as violations of vision, memory, speech, coordination, weakness and numbness in one half of the body or part of it (for example, Some fingers on hand).

If the head constantly hurts, it can mean a lot. Headache is able to arise due to various kinds of infections - sluggish caries or sinusitis. Also, it should include polyps deep into the nose or ears, tumors and other intracranial education. Due to the injuries of the head, the pathologies of the development of the skull, the face, neck daily pains are quite natural. Vascular disorders (migraine) and elevated intracranial pressure bring a lot of suffering by adding their symptoms in the form of a change in smell, nausea, dizziness and lights.

Lack of fresh air, regular physical exertion, as well as excessive exacerbation of unpleasant sensations. Insufficient blood circulation worsens the nutrition of the brain, and the lack of movement causes osteochondrosis. Salts that are deposited in vertebrae are shifted so narrowed from the sluggish blood flow of the vessels. As a result, the head constantly hurts. This is the Beach of all modern office workers.

Great influence on frequent cefalgia have metabolic disorders and hormonal disorders, for example, diabetes. And the substances that we use may be very cunning. If you are taking medicines, the body will react to new drugs introduced into it. Or, on the contrary, being without the support of the chemical "crutches", when you just finished taking, will begin to be capricious and try to adapt to new conditions. Continue the topic of allergies, both obvious and hidden. Hypertension, hypotension, arterial hypertension and other pressure changes also in the list of reasons why the head is often hurting.

The human body is arranged in such a way that in a minute, the muscles are compressed, getting ready to protect what is hidden under them. Such emotions as an excitement and fear cause spasms, and the head is not an exception. Pain from voltage is a frequent phenomenon, because the current conditions almost constantly make us experience stress. If stress becomes chronic and consciousness can not overcome his, "caring" subconscious mind to strive to hide him in themselves in order not to distract consciousness from pressing things. And then, it would seem, unfortunate pain in the head coming with even greater force.

If the painful sensations are tormented every day, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor - a therapist or a neurologist, and a number of surveys scheduled for them are. It is possible that you will be guided by surveys and to other specialists.

Types of headaches and their symptoms

Select four types:

  • Vascular. The feeling of pulsation, sawing, the head is stupidly whining and spinning, it periodically darkens before his eyes. It hurts, go to bed, walk in the header, happier. This is usually caused or reduced pressureWhen blood is stood in vessels and stretches them, or elevated when the blood pushes at the arteries with too much speed and presses on the surrounding fabrics, or osteochondrosis, when the salts, laying off on the bone, shift blood flow.
  • Likvorodynamic. Dizziness, nausea, pressure in the frontal side of the skull, temporary leaning impairment. Under hypertension, pain is increasing, it subsides depending on the various positions of the body. In hypotension, it is especially painfully standing. The reason lies in the increase in secretion spinal fluid. Because of it increases intracranial pressure.
  • Neuralgic. Acute or cutting, sudden, accompanied. If you put pressure on the sore point, then there is a distribution of neighboring sites. Possible redness and swelling of the skin, changes in its sensitivity. An unpleasant feeling almost does not pass even from the admission of painkillers. They are capable of launching weeks and months. Provoke them for long and excessive physical exercise in combination with supercooling. This explains why microtraums and inflammation of nerve roots arise. Also, nerve fibers can be amazed by various toxins, which accumulate in the body due to infection (for example, botulism), contact with heavy metals (lead, mercury) or abuse of strong alcoholic beverages.
  • Muscle tension. Painful lubrication, feeling of squeezing, compression, limitations, sometimes you want to scratch. Arises against the background of overvoltage of the eyes, from the abundance of various odors, loud music, with fears and unrest, lack of movement, pressure on various parts of the head (tight gum for hair, hats, uncomfortable pillows and glasses).

Prevention and help with headaches

There is a ban on some products and procedures if you constantly hurt a head:

  1. Sausage products may contain increased quantity Nitrites - dyes that give the product a pleasant pinkish color, and artificial flavors.
  2. Chewing gum, chocolate, sweet soda, some types of sweets - phenylethylamine substance.
  3. Sugar substitutes, such as aspartam and additives E 961, are able to provoke headlife. They are contained in gas production, yogurt, low calorie desserts, candy, cough and vitamins.
  4. Cheese, Red Wine, Smoked Fish, Nuts, chicken liver - Amino acid Tiramine.
  5. Spices, soy - vegetable protein monosodoglutamate.
  6. Alcohol. After a small dose, the unpleasant sensations can relax and disappear, but later they can return. And what if you suffer from Cefalgia constantly?
  7. Smoking. Nicotine spizms muscles.
  8. Reception of a large number of painkillers.
  9. Cold. Ice compresses and washing. Nothing other than the additional spasm of vessels and muscle tension will not give.

If you have not yet been able to find out the causes of your frequent torment, try to help yourself and at least somehow facilitate the attacks are possible by the following harmless means:

  • Fresh air. Regular walks and frequent air ventilation will supply the organism with oxygen.
  • Herbrails. Make a little lavender or chamomile and drink like tea. After that, try to sleep.
  • Compress. In warm or slight cool water - how you like it - you drip a few drops essential oil Mint or lavender. Then wet a towel or a piece of cloth and attach for some time to forehead and temples.
  • Self-massage. Slightly lower your head, massaging the pads of the fingers, moving from our forehead to the back of the head. Come on each zone several times. It will also be solicing also the neck and ears.

Treatment can only be prescribed by the doctor. Do not engage in self-medication, swallowing pills to grievous day day. If Cefalgia pesters you constantly, as soon as possible. medical helpTo find out why and how dangerous your condition, and what to do with it.

The phrase "headache" is used by people in almost all cases of disabilities in order to not explain what, therefore, headache (GB, Cefalgia, Cephalgic syndrome) is a diagnosis for all occasions. Meanwhile, not all pain in the head is the same by origin, intensity, nature, localization and duration. In this regard, to clarify its reasons, a large number of different analyzes and research is often required.

Why does pain in the head appear?

Why exactly the head is so sensitive to all the processes occurring in the body? This is explained by the presence of a large number of painful receptors located inside the skull (solid brain sheath and its sines, large arterial vessels, meningeal artery, V, VII, IX, X intracranial nerves, spinal cervices). Perceive pain and receptors that are located outside the skull box (skin and fabric under them, artery, tendons, aponeurosis, mouth and nasal cavity, teeth, middle ear). Only surface veins, skull bones and the spongy bone of the skull (diploe) remain indifferent in this regard.

Headache can give any pathology affecting pain receptors and the launching mechanism for the development of cepalgia. Many diseases manifest pain in the head, and sometimes it is generally the only sign. In this regard, it is important to find out what happens to: a compressive, pulsating, powder, squeezing, stupid or acute. Important criteria for diagnostic search are also:

  • Duration of pain (permanent or short-term);
  • Frequency of attacks (GB, which occurs often or on occasion to occasion);
  • On the impending headache, the harbingers or the attack begins suddenly;
  • Availability or absence neurological manifestations, dizziness, vibrations of blood pressure, nausea and / or vomiting, visual disorders and speech disorders;
  • Localization (temporal area, dark, frontal or pain in the head, one-sided or covering all head).

In addition to the striking variety of options, it would seem, one symptom (GB), attacks differ in the severity of the flow:

  1. The pain may be light, not particularly affecting disability, it is enough to drink a tablet, lie down and everything passes;
  2. Middle severity, to cope with the various means of headaches (folk and drug);
  3. In other cases, the attack is able to lead to incredible suffering, to proceed painfully and long, depriving a person not only the joys of life, but also to work.

Causes of Cefalgiy

Headache is caused by various reasons, which also have a certain meaning, because everyone knows that GB, with an increase in temperature due to a cold, will be held on recovery, while permanent or frequently repeated episodic pain requires additional diagnostic methods.

The emergence of cephalgia may be due to:

  • Vascular mechanism -, slowing down blood flow, excess intracranial, hypoxy;
  • Elevated or lowered;
  • Tension of the muscles of the head and neck with excessive (static) loads and stress with activation of the transmission of pulses in neuromuscular synapses;
  • The impact of various pathological processes for nervous endings;
  • Combined action of listed mechanisms.

The launch of the above pathogenetic mechanisms carry out certain factors that are considered the main causes of headaches:

  1. Changing blood pressure As a result of the increased sensitivity of the brain vessels to the lack of oxygen. Oxygen starvation is a provocateur and, naturally, a strong headache accompanying it. More often than GB, associated with an increase in blood pressure, is localized in the back of the head, however, with high numbers, patients often mark the knock in the temples, nausea, dizziness, visual disorders;
  2. The ratio of such factorslike ambient temperature, humidity and air composition, atmospheric pressure entails a chain reaction of oxygen equilibrium disorders, which contributes to the occurrence of cephalgium, which especially affect people having;
  3. Sharp change of weather conditions (Flew from one climatic zone to another) causes meteorological reactions, characterized not only by the headache, but also by other symptoms. Nausea with vomiting, weakness, dizziness, cardialgia - a sign of biorhythm failure and stereotypes human organismwhich when changing climatic belts comes into an uncomfortable state. In addition, not only the change of climate, but also flyman himself It may adversely affect the health of a person who already has a vascular problem, therefore it becomes clear why hypertensive is not recommended to drastically change climatic conditions, and with the help of air transport - especially;
  4. Lack of motor activity (hypokinesia);
  5. Stress, psycho-emotional and physical exertion, starvation.

Again got the head ... frequent and chronic pain

The reasons for frequent headaches when a person considers himself almost healthy, as a rule, lies in the wrong lifestyle when work in the office is so tightened that it is forgotten about walking in the fresh air, the need for physical education disappears, and the psycho-emotional background does not pay due attention at all. Thus, the prerequisites for the occurrence of frequent headaches are:

    • Hypoxia (oxygen starvation), which for smoking people is harmful in doubly, so you can not doubt that the "heavy, tired" head will remind itself from day to day;
    • Hypokinesia, developing in hypodynamine and leading to breakdown, fatigue, weakness and ... Head pains;

Types of GB for International Classification

The causes of headaches often determine their types and classification.

Excluding the episodes of Cefalgia healthy peoplewhich from time to time arise simply due to overwork or lack of sleep, headache in the ICD-11 is divided into primary and secondary. In addition, in a separate (third) part, a group presented by cionial neuralgias, central and primary pains and other GB is allocated.

Options for primary headaches

TO primary Cefalgias include:

  1. Various options;
  2. Headache of stress (muscle tension, psychogenic factor, occipital neuralgia);
  3. Extremely painful, truly "hellish" cluster headaches, which are called bundles, as they arise in the form of a series of seizures (clusters, beams);
  4. Other types of primary GB.

Primary headaches appearing due to the impact of some irritants, sometimes it is difficult to attribute to this or that kind. For example, idiopathic acute GB is more often due to migraine, but may have another origin. It arises in the eye, in the temples, in the parietal area, the duration of it is short-lived, just a few seconds (collections and everything), character - stuck, can appear episodically or flow as a series of seizures.

Chloride headachewhich is usually localized in the forehead area can be experienced when exposed to cold (weather, swimming in the hole or even food, such as ice cream). GB, who gives in whiskey, occurs with the protracted bronchitis (cough), and the headache of the voltage in other cases can tide at the most inopportune moment - during a rapid sexual contact. In general, all the reasons leading to the primary cefalgia and do not consider ...

Causes of secondary cefalgia

Looks somewhat different secondary headachewhich, being a consequence of the pathological process, usually does not cause a person by surprise, since it already has a problem in the form of a major disease. Thus, a group of secondary headaches accompanying other diseases may be Presented:

  • Post-traumatic cephalgias that have become a consequence of CMT (cranial and brain injury) and / or injuries of the cervical spine;
  • Pain in the head, due to vascular lesions of the head and neck;
  • GB with intracranial pathology of non-audible origin;
  • Poles that are the result of the use of some medicines or their sudden cancellation;
  • GB due to infectious diseases;
  • Cefalgia associated with violation of the constancy of the internal environment;
  • Psychogenic cefalgia due to diseases internal organs;
  • Symptomatic GB arising due to structural changes in the skull and the cervical spine, violations in organs of vision and hearing, the pathology of the nose cavity and putty sinuses, dental diseases ,.

sinus GB Secondly and arises due to "unreasted factors"

The most common view is the headache of the voltage

GBN has muscle nature

The headache of the voltage (GBN) annivers the people of both sexes, despite age. This is the most common form that arises for a number of reasons that occur at every step. It can be agreed that it is difficult to protect yourself from unrest, fatigue, calculate correctly physical exertion and strictly follow all prescriptions of medicine. GBN can provoke the factors of everyday life, Which person is not always able to prevent: stuffy room, strong wind, transport, lifting weight, alcohol and much more ... and how diverse the causes that caused pain, so inhomogeneous its manifestations.

The nature of Cefalgia patients are compared with the head of the head of the hoop, in the vice or in the helmet, which indicates a tightening, compressive (but not pulsating!) Pain. Usually GBN - monotonna, but its power has its own: Easy, "tolerant" or painful, accompanied by other symptoms (irritability, nervous tension, weakness, intolerance to loud sounds and bright light). At the same time, with HBN, as a rule, neither vomiting, neither nausea, and it does not have attacks.

In addition, GBN is divided into an episodic, which is found from half an hour to the crescent (but not more than 6 months per year) and chronic, when the head hurts a week and does not pass, the second, third, and in the total amount it turns out that the person does not part with it. Chronic pain - monotonous, exhausting, leading to neurosis and depressive states, a person from her gets tired, he does not please life and, as they say, "he does not cute white light." Exit in the chronic situation is one - a trip to the doctor for examination and treatment. First you can contact the family therapist, if any, or head to the clinic at the place of residence. Further treatment of headaches are likely to pass from a neurologist.

Cluster headache - "Privilege" of men

Cluster headache (KGB) refers to rare types of vascular GB, only 1% of people living on Earth know about it, and in the overwhelming majority (about 80%) are men. Female Half Similar "Pleasure" is extremely rare and then after complex surgery caused by gynecological pathology.

Cluster or beam GB slightly resembles a widespread migraine, however, it also has a number of differences, where the main seizure of the emerging seizures (clusters), which pursue a person from the day before the week is predominantly. It lasts the attack from half a minute, although it seems that Eternity passes, up to a few minutes, then pain sits on a short period of time (from 5 minutes to 1 hour) to resume again. And so 5-6 times per night for several days. The bundled GB ends as suddenly, as it starts, and after a series of attacks, it may not appear for several years, but a person who has experienced no comparable, sharp, "wild" headaches, difficult to forget about them. And other times there are even impossible to withstand them, in medical practice, there are cases of suicide, the cause of which cluster headaches have become.

The reasons for sharp headaches in such situations are not fully clarified, evenly, as not found the exact scheme of the mechanism of their development. Meanwhile, there is no reason for the assumption that the sources of the KGB are:

  1. Expansion of the carotid artery (vascular character);
  2. Irritation of the nerves behind the eyes why there is pain in the eyes, which is considered characteristic sign cluster headaches;
  3. Significant hormonal imbalance (Structural changes of testosterone - male sex hormone).

Describing its state during an attack, patients mention sharp decorated items, stuck in the eye and getting up to the brain itself, torture, when from a living person is moving the skin of the face or dissolve it in acid. In a word, the symptoms of cluster headaches are pretty eloquent:

  • The incremental acute headache "Beyond the eyes" quickly joins the investment of the ear;
  • The eyes are blushing, tears flow;
  • Lays nose;
  • Throws into sweat.

With the first attack, the pain is usually one-sided, when repetition - recking on the entire head.

KGB do not imply independent therapySince traditional headaches are unlikely to give the desired effect, so, withsting one night, it is better to visit a visit to a doctor (a therapist or neurologist), which will determine the form, reason and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Cefalgia in children

For many years it was believed that the children had a headache rarely, although, as it turned out, this statement does not correspond to reality. Just small children are not able to correctly appreciate their feelings and indicate the localization of pain. They are capricious, their temperature rises, vomiting can happen, but, as a rule, adults include such manifestations to the symptoms of infection, which is completely clear because infectious diseases also have the beginning.

Older children can describe poor well-being in two words: "headache" and usually mark the place in the forehead. In most cases (more than 50%), these vascular pain caused by the presence. Migraneous pain is considered often phenomenon. As it turned out, migraine often begins in childhood And approximately 25% (from all GB) gives strong headaches from which girls suffer more.

sinus GB in children - a common phenomenon in case

Permanent headaches are tormented by kids who have different neurological pathology. Very much "hurts" when a simple touch to the child's head with water brain It causes a sharp headache.

Besides, sinusites are often complicated by ORVI in children And subsequently they can turn into permanent headaches, which are not very resulting to the tablets.

The treatment of headaches in children is engaged in a pediatrician, or rather, a children's neurologist, who is sometimes called a cephalgologist. It should be noted that such a profession, as it were, not at all, or it is so rare, which is the privilege of only large cities, however, it is clear that the cephalgologist is a neurologist who specializes in treating headaches. Adults in such cases go to their district doctor (therapist), which, if necessary, sends to a neurologist or other specialist depending on the cause of GB.

Pregnancy provokes headaches?

Headache during pregnancy - the phenomenon for this state is quite characteristic. In addition, headache and nausea in other cases are the first to prompt a woman about the coming change in her life. In pregnant women, cephalgia attacks, in general, the same circumstances as other peopleHowever, it should be borne in mind that the body begins restructuring to prepare for childbirth, therefore it becomes especially sensitive and faster to the environment.

Due to the changed hormonal influence, an increase in the volume of circulating blood necessary to ensure the nutrition of the fetus, a fluid delay, especially in the late dates, women often observe blood pressure fluctuations, and, in addition, often exacerbate chronic diseases. For example, migraine may progress, which also brings many suffering, and in a similar condition leads to constant headaches.

It should be noted that "Interesting position" can provoke migraine debutThat is, some women note that they considered themselves healthy, and a strong headache began to pursue with the onset of pregnancy.

A lot of problems also create diseases of the spine, which also have to carry a significant burden. Violation of the nutrition of a brain, which is often when cervical osteochondrosis, for a pregnant woman especially undesirable, because leads to blood pressure jumps, that is, to symptoms. The repetition of such states has a negative impact not only on the well-being and health of the future mother, but also on the development of the fetus, which is hardly comfortable from such stresses.

Pregnant women especially acutely feel the lack of fresh air, they even know his smell, so hypoxia is endured extremely bad. If a woman walks a little, leads a sedentary lifestyle, does not follow nutrition, ignores moderate physical exertion, is it awesome that she often hurts his head?

Meanwhile, frequent dizziness, nausea, vomiting and headache are considered toxicosis symptoms and almost the natural state of a pregnant woman, referring to which you can skip a serious pathology. In this situation, a woman should not try to remove his headache independently, because it is possible to harm the future child. The therapist or neurologist (depending on the cause), and the consultation of these specialists is appointed to the treatment of these specialists, and the female consultation, who observes a woman before childbirth, is appointed to the treatment of headaches during pregnancy.

Headache treatment

Cefalgia refers to those states that they say that need to treat the cause, not a symptom.

Traditionally used (analgin, spasmalgon, paracetamol, Askofen, etc.) help in cases of rare episodes of headaches caused by some domestic reasons.

In other cases, it is necessary to treat headaches, not forgetting about the main disease, the consequence of which it became:

  1. On suspension headache in the occipital region, inherent, affect not only hypotensive drugs and medicines that normalize the tone of arterial vessels, but also by other methods (massage, gymnastics, adherence to sleep mode, refusal of smoking and alcohol consumption);
  2. For treatment severe headaches for migraine use a number of drugs that are selected individually to each patient, as there is no clearly developed scheme for the treatment of this disease, since one helps vasodinating meansand the other is vasoconducting;
  3. Treat headache with cervical osteochondrosisLocalled in the back of the head and spreading to the forehead area and in whiskey helps non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with analgesic effect (naproxen, ibuprofen, ketorol), simple analgesics, antispasmodics, muscle relaxants (Tizandine);
  4. Remove Headache caused by neuralgia trigeny nerveIt is often possible to carbamazepine and its counterparts (Finlepsin), phenybut, backelopen. By the way, pain going along the nerve (triple), very intense, usually burning, sharp and, too, like a cluster headache, leading to the thought of suicide, so the intervention of a specialist in this situation is extremely necessary.

These are just a few examples, to list all the medicines from the headache is not possible, because each disease, the symptom of which is headache, requires its approach, and the schemes designed for a long-term reception must be marked by the attending physician after the patient survey. In a home first-aid kit, we can keep only the means from headaches released without a recipe designed to help a person who has a head as a result of banal circumstances.

Each person at least once in his life experienced a headache. Regardless of the cause and intensity, this symptom always adversely affects everyday activity. A man suffering from headache becomes irritable, scattered, he decreases performance, and he cannot absorb new information. Frequent occurrence of this problem may noticeably worsen the quality of life. Why does headache arise and how to deal with it?

Types of headache

Not many know that the head can sick in different ways. It is important to be able to differentiate the emerging symptoms, as this greatly facilitates the establishment of the cause and development of the treatment regimen. Most often are the following types of pain:

  1. Voltage pain. Her at least once in his life experienced every person. It occurs when an uncomfortable position of the neck or with a long static load on it. For example, if you sit at the table for a long time and write something, read or work at the computer. At the same time, the muscles of the neck and spins are experiencing a long stress, which is transmitted on the tissue of the head. Such pain can be compared with a tight hoop or a hat, which squeezes the head outside inside.
  2. Hypertensive. Often a headache occurs in people suffering arterial hypertension. It, as a rule, has a pulsating character, is often localized in the temples or the occipital region. The main method of its diagnosis is the measurement of blood pressure.
  3. Hypotensive. The lack of cerebral circulation also leads to the development of headaches. It occurs with arterial hypotension or the relief of the vessels that feed the brain. Such pain is accompanied by dizziness, and in some cases - syncopal states. To diagnose it also needs to be measured arterial pressure. Sometimes additionally it is worth investigating the functioning of the neck vessels.
  4. Migraine. How and why it appears exactly unknown. This is one of the most unpleasant types of pain. It appears suddenly, it is distinguished by the fact that it is localized in one half of the head. Such pain is accompanied by fear of light, the intolerance to loud sounds and a pronounced reduction in disability. It is very intense, is badly treated and can last a few days.
  5. Cluster pain. They arise mainly among representatives of strong sex. It is believed that men who try to seem strong, despite the internal vulnerability and sensitivity to cluster or bundle pains. A distinctive feature This species is the bake of pain. They arise as if beams, pass in a few minutes, and then can repeat again.

Pathological conditions and diseases that may cause headaches

It is worth it to immediately say that the brain itself does not have pain receptors. Even the operations on this organ can be made without anesthesia, pre-anesthesize all overlapping fabrics, which often make neurosurgeons. But the brain shell has a lot of pain receptors and are a powerful reflexogenic field. Also, nerve endings contain brain vessels.

It is believed that the headache may be a symptom of encephalitis, but in fact it is not. Even an extensive pathological focus with many other symptoms may not hurt at all until the inflammation proceeds to the brain shell. This phenomenon is valid for other diseases. This often prevents the diagnosis of tumor processes in the brain. What diseases can cause headaches? Special attention deserves the following:

  1. Meningitis. This is inflammation brain shells with specific changes in the spinal fluid. May arise due to many reasons, but most often caused bacterial infection. The pain is intense, accompanied by photophobia and phoby, muscular rigidity and specific meningeal symptoms.
  2. Meningism. Subjective symptoms are similar to those observed during meningitis, but there are no changes in the spinal fluid.
  3. Tumor. The development of cancer cells in the skull cavity is not always accompanied by a painful symptom. But there are multiple signs of focal brain lesions: paresis, paralysis, reduced sensitivity.
  4. Shocking brain. It happens as a result of the head of his head about a solid surface. Moreover, a slight concussion may occur with a slight blow. Often this condition is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sometimes - loss of consciousness.
  5. Fracture bones of the skull. Such injury is more dangerous than usual shaking and requires urgent hospitalization. At the same time, not only the brain shells are hurt, which may not be listed, but also the bones themselves and the surrounding fabrics.

Headache does not necessarily indicate the states listed above, but it is worth remembering that it can be a symptom of these diseases.

Sometimes the appearance and cause of headaches can not even determine the doctor himself. There are integers scientific institutionswhich are engaged in this problem. They are looking for the causes of development processes and possible methods Treating headaches.

These rules will help reduce headache until there is a major treatment. Sometimes with the help of these simple methods You can also get rid of headaches at all. If this symptom occurs, do the following:

  1. Get out of fresh air or open the window. This will increase the concentration of oxygen in the blood and reduce the content. carbon dioxide. Even if such a reception does not save from headaches, it should definitely reduce it.
  2. Remove everything that squeezes the head. It applies to hats, dressings, hoars and even hair gum. Spit and tails are also worth spreading. Frequently released your head.
  3. Make a small workout. This advice for those who suffer from tension head pain. There are enough of several exercises on the muscles of the neck and the shoulder belt.
  4. Measure arterial pressure. If the pain is caused by its decline or increasing, it can only solve the problem, normalizing blood pressure.
  5. Tell. This will help reduce unpleasant feelings regardless of the type of pain and the reasons that caused it. It is worth accepting the most convenient position, it is desirable to lie in a dark and quiet room.
  6. Make a cold compress. A piece of gauze, handkerchiefs or any other cloth moisten in cool water and attach to the forehead. Turn over when it is warming up, and then repeat the procedure again.
  7. Refer to the doctor. If the pain does not pass or often repeats, accompanied by dizziness, nausea or other symptoms, consult a precinct therapist. He will appoint a survey plan to eliminate all possible types of pathology and choose the tactics of treatment.

In fact, analgesics were invented for pain relief. But, it should be borne in mind that they can cope not with all kinds of pain, and there are a number of contraindications and side effects. It is impossible to get involved in the reception of such drugs. In addition, they usually do not eliminate the reason for the appearance of a symptom, but only reduce its manifestations. Headache should be removed by the following medicines:

  1. Paracetamol. The most famous means that is widely used precisely when headaches. Indeed, with this symptom, the drug copes perfectly, but doctors will prescribe him not to love it. All because paracetamol does not affect the liver and has a risk of getting hepatitis in the process of treating headaches.
  2. Aspirin. Also often used when headaches. In addition to reducing unpleasant sensations, it is capable of reduced body temperature. This is a useful property if the pain is a symptom cold illness. In addition, uncontrolled application may cause ulcers of the stomach and renal failure.
  3. Analgin. It acts similarly to aspirin, but the antipiretic effect is less pronounced.
    Trigger. This is a spasmolytic who is effectively fighting with a pain caused by muscle tension and vascular spasm.
  4. Salpadein. Anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and anticast drug. It is more often used with cold manifestations.
  5. Ibuprofen. Refers to the same group that analgin and aspirin, but less often causes side effects and has a more powerful analgesic effect.
  6. Pentalgin. It consists of antispasmodics, stimulants and analgesics. Is enough strong drugBut has many side effects. Often it is impossible to use it. In addition, he is contraindicated athletes who are going to pass doping control.
  7. Migrenol. It is used to treat migraine. Ordinary analgesics and antispasmodics with this task rarely cope. It should be borne in mind that the drug has a sleeping pills.
  8. Imigran. Its action differs from migrane, but this drug is also used to get rid of migraine symptoms.

It can be concluded that the headache is often the symptom of many people. It may appear as a result of various reasons, most of which do not carry any threat to life and health. However, under certain circumstances, it is worth passing a number additional methods Surveys to exclude a serious brain pathology. Treat headache with various methods.

Video: 8 ways to quickly remove headache