Annual statistical compilation. Search results for \\ "Stat Sat \\". Indicators of economic efficiency based on indicators: specific gravity of unprofitable enterprises, growth rates of income from the use of state ownership

20.05.2021 Information

Unfortunately, not only the general public, but also in the environment of scientists-economists, published figures were taken on faith and due to analysis, and even more doubt, were not subjected. Meanwhile, any person living in our country and the separating misfortunes of his people, they had to alert. In fact, if you believe, then for the marked years, GDP growth amounted to more than 1.5 times. Taking into account the current year, growth compared to 1998 should come closer to 200%. If we are not dealing with the next Potemkin village, but with objective reality, then such a significant increase is not a needle in a haystack, which can be easily lost. A similar increase in the public product produced in the country should have so much to improve the position of the country, which could not not feel every resident. Meanwhile, if we felt, then their deterioration, and not an improvement.

In this regard, one part of doubt in the reality of growth is associated with its sources. Let's start with the fact that such growth can be obtained by entering such powerful factors that are unthinkable without qualitatively different, compared with the period of recession, the participation of the population in this process. However, the only noticeable change in this area concerns the cessation of delays with the issuance of wages. But it still remains so low that no additional employment enthusiasm can cause. We are no longer saying that with an economic boom, the salary should grow significantly.

In all models of economic growth, it is assumed that an increase in the national product can be achieved due to two sources (though, in different ways are referred to in different theories): First, due to an increase in the number of employees; Secondly, and mainly due to increasing productivity, which usually accounts for up to 4/5 growth. In view of this, it is quite natural that the proportion of growth at the expense of which sources was obtained? In principle, it can be assumed that some kind of growth can be obtained by increasing the number of economics employed in the real sector, since there are many unemployed in the country. But was it? As for the growth of labor productivity, it is impossible when the age of the equipment is shown above.

So due to what made declared economic growth?

Another part of doubt is connected with its influence on related indicators of economic situation. The real growth of the economy may not have a number of mandatory consequences. If, for example, production increased capital goods, that should have been updated the technical base of production. As shown above, nothing like that was.

If, for example, production increased consumer goods and services , there should have been to increase the well-being of the population, which actually decreases all the time. The mortality rate increased over the years of reforms, a decrease in life expectancy, the fall of the entire standard of living of the majority of the population, accompanied by various forms of social protest, are evidence that there is no improvement.

The currency revenues received due to the rise in prices for energy carriers in the global market, and even included in the exchange rate on the exchange rate together with the total monetization of the economy, its nominal (monetary) value, which the farther, the more difficult to determine the physical volume of the product created in the country . In addition, in view of the excessive duration and scale of inflationary processes, the corrective value of the GDP deflator is reduced every year, and as a result, the real volume of GDP is increasingly distorted. But according to the dynamics of real GDP, it is only possible to judge the actual rates of economic growth. Therefore, confirmation of the growth in adjacent indicators is required. If there is no such confirmation, it means that there is no growth.

I am afraid that in our situation we desired issued for valid. The exaggerated volume of GDP creates the appearance that the growth of the economy is achievable by itself, without much effort. If so, then what to deal with complex investment projects and programs of scientific and technological progress, when without this everything goes well? That is why the deceptive picture causes us harm. She disorientates us with what we should do in the name of your present and the future. Instead of nominating the sources of genuine growth of the national economy to the focus of business, states and the entire population, we introduce yourself to a dangerous misconception. Bees that are incomes that are issued for growth, completely returned to the country, but this is also not. At best, only their part is returned, which the current holes are laid. But such a ladies can have only a temporary effect, hiding the fact of climbing the country to the edge of the abyss. As a result, the country is drawn into an oil and gas dollar trap of imaginary well-being, and the economy in the meantime is deeply immersed in the OMUT of technical degradation, the way out of which year is becoming increasingly difficult. If oil prices fall, the economy will not be able to resist on their blurred supports. If the collapse occurs, no reserves of the Central Bank and the stabilization fund will be saved.

The only guarantee of our economic (and political) sustainability can be high technologies on the basis of which only one can create a competitive economy, to take a suitable place on the world arena and ensure its population a worthy level of welfare. Initiative in this case, according to the example of developed countries, it was supposed to take on private capital. But Russian capital was unable. Its replacement could be the Russian state power, but drawn into the web of falsely understood liberal values \u200b\u200band putting themselves dependent on the more developed countries, it also related to their hands and legs.

In this case, we mean the postulates considered above a self-regulating market economy. According to this idea, economic growth is carried out by itself, and therefore there is no need to develop a strategy to ensure active state actions. All neoclassical growth patterns proceed from the inherent inherent production and capital freedom and capital freedom. In advanced competition, this assumption is considered a sufficient prerequisite for spontaneous economic growth.

So, built on this and a number of other similar prerequisites, the R. Solou growth model involves the equilibrium growth of the capitalist economy in the conditions of market freights. And what happens to the economy if it deviates from this trajectory? In this case, according to R. Harrod and E. Domar, centrifugal forces will come into effect, which will further exacerbate the situation, and this will lead to a deep depression or an uncontrolled increase in prices and inflation. Prevent such an adverse development of events and are called upon active Keynesian measures to stimulate economic growth. First of all, we are talking about increasing employment through the expansion of aggregate demand. R. Solou argued that nothing of this is not necessary, since the capitalist economy has an internal mechanism of spontaneous return to a sustainable economic growth trajectory (Steady-State-Growth).

The R. Solow's approach reflects the following equation:

Δ k \u003d sf (k) - nk,

where: k. - capital investigation, equal to the ratio of capital fund to the number of employees ( K / L.),

Δ k. - Increased capital,

s -savings on the employee

f.(k.) - release to an employee equal to the ratio of total production to the number of employees ( Y / L.),

n -the growth rate of labor.

This formula is called the fundamental equation of neoclassical growth theory . It binds capital gains (Δ k.) with savings per employee ( sf (k)) and the values \u200b\u200bof investments that would require to maintain capital accounting at a constant level under these growth rates of labor force ( nK.). It should be noted that in the neoclassical theory of investments are always equal to savings. In this way, sf (k) You can consider the amount of investments per unit of labor. The R. Solow equation claims that δ k. Determined by the difference between investments to the employee, and the amount of their value that is required to maintain the achieved level of capital investigation at this rate of growth in labor force.

It turns out that the capitalist economy returns to the trajectory of sustainable growth whenever any external forces deviates it from equilibrium. This is clearly shown in Fig. 7, taken by us R. Jones (Jones, 1975, p. 83).

Figure 7. Model of economic growth R. Solow

On the abscissa axis postponed the capital of labor ( k.), and on the axis ordinates - release to the employee ( y.). Curve f.(k.) reflects the connection of the issue to an employee with capital capital, i.e. Intensive production function. sf.(k.) I. s * F.(k.) - This is savings to a different level employee, relevant to investments. For each k. Value y. It is divided into savings and consumed parts. Curve nK. It is an increase in capital assembly corresponding to the permanent, exogenous growth rates of labor force.

Consider the properties of the graph when the capital is valued k 1. and savings on employee sf.(k.). With these values, the model of investment on the employee exactly corresponds to the investments necessary to expand funds at the level of natural growth in labor, i.e. sf.(k 1.) = nK 1.. This means that according to the fundamental equation Δ k 1. \u003d 0. It is also clear that the release to the employee ( y.) Increases the same pace. (Otherwise, the requirement of an intensive production function of an unambiguous compliance with the capital and productivity of labor would be disturbed.) Consequently, the economy is on the trajectory of sustainable growth, i.e. Guaranteed growth rates R. Harrod.

In areas of graphic located left k 1., investments exceed natural level, i.e. sf.(k.) > nK.. According to the fundamental equation, in such a situation Δ k. \u003e 0 and capital repairs will increase. At the same time, in areas of schedule, the right k 1. The other on the contrary, and capital remedies will decrease. It means that the economy will be to the natural growth rates, i.e. Strive for equilibrium.

R. Solow is asked: What happens if for some reason savings suddenly will increase sharply? His model offers an optimistic answer. When shifting curve sf.(k.) in s * F.(k.) At the first moment, equilibrium will be broken, because Investments will exceed the level of natural growth rates. However, soon the shift mechanism for the equilibrium trajectory, described above, will earn again, but now at the level of capital k 2..

In this way, in the neoclassical theory, it is the function of the growth of investment at the level of the natural dynamics of labor (NK) determines the long-term trajectory of sustainable economic growth . It is easy to notice that the R. Solow model works only when the freedom of substitution of production factors.

The theory has caused a lot of objections, most of which cannot be brought here. But one of them can not get around. Japanese economist R. Sato fundamentally investigated the applied aspect of the model R. Solow and showed that in the economies of developed countries, the spontaneous transition from one level of equilibrium to another and as a result of this to the new trajectory of sustainable growth, it will take exclusively a long period. He wrote: "Using a neoclassical growth model, we presented the main relationships between the period of adaptation and the value of the parameters, as the economy moves from one equilibrium state to another. As a result of the application of the model to various economies, we showed that the period of fixture is extremely dolologist. Full adaptation during the transition from one equilibrium to another, essentially, is never achieved. In our example, the achievement of 90% of the full device takes from 50 to 150 years. "(SATO, 1962-1963, p. 22-23).

Such an assessment of the theory of R. Salou sharply reduces its practical value and proves that it cannot underlie the Russian strategy.

Hardly anyone of the Russian leadership tried to figure out the neoclassical, and even more so in other theories and models of economic growth. Just in the time of time, within its capabilities, it learned their general meaning: over time, everything is ruled by itself in accordance with the optimistic spirit of the neoliberal concept. But if someone from the power of Imuchev met with Western growth models, it would be found that, strictly speaking, the Russian situation does not correspond to even a neoclassical model, not to mention others.

Thus, in the above-mentioned theory of R. Solow, growth depends on the intensity of the use of production factors - labor and capital, in other words, this means that growth is achieved mainly due to technical progress. Based on this and using American data R. Solowa argues that about 4/5 production growth per worker is a consequence of technical progress. Moreover, he divided capital for various generations, depending on the age and showed that the generation of equipment of a later release is more embodied technical progress and determine the growth rates. According to this theory in the Russian economy, which from year to year moves to an all older technical base, it cannot be growth at all.

After what has been said, the question arises: what theory and growth model we need?

It seems that our conditions are more consistent with the theory of economic growth developed in the 1920s. Soviet economist A. Feldman. She again was opened in the West R. Harrod and E. Domar in the 1940s. As we often happen, the primary discoverer of the theory of economic growth not only did not receive recognition in his country, but, on the contrary, he was removed from his post in the State University, and in the 1930s. Subject to repression. However, familiar with this model Odessit Evsey Dymari (Domar) emigrated to the United States, where the research continued in American freedom. In his publications, he stressed that his work is the continuation and development of the theory of G.A. Feldman. Thanks to this, the latter became known and recognized in the West, and later with us (see Capital Theory ..., 2004, p. 170-186). As for R. Harrod, he came to similar conclusions regardless of the city of Feldman and E. Domar, applying Keynesian ideas to the modern capitalist economy.

But be that as it may, the development of the theory of economic growth we need is merit of these three economists and, in my opinion, should be contacted, first of all, to their heritage. Without the opportunity to stay in more detail on the rich content of these authors, we will briefly formulate their essence: the rate of economic growth is directly proportional to the volume of investments and inversely proportional to the capital intensity of products. . No one can ensure the development of the economy without complying with this law. Every percentage of growth has its investment price, and if it is not possible to pay it, then the real expansion of production is impossible. If you believe the above data, then economic growth is obtained from the air, without special investment and technical progress. But if it were so, there would be no problem.

We should be free from this kind of delusions. In search of an alternative to these ideas, the theory of growth M. Kaletsky is of particular interest to us, which denied the possibility of the existence of a single model for all conditions. He argued that "that each social system is suitable for the relevant theory of growth" and that "the same formula of the growth rate of national income should be interpreted in a different way, depending on the social system with which we are dealing with." (Capital theory ..., 2004, p. 191). The most complete statement of these views can be found in his book "Essays theory of the growth of the socialist economy, published in Russian by the publishing house" Progress "back in 1970

In the light of the Kaletskian approach that gives paramount importance to the social conditions specific for this society, the works of domestic developers of growth theory (A.I. Notkin, A.I. Anchushkin, Yuzarenko), in which our conditions found the most complete reflection. This is an invaluable heritage of our theoretical thought we must adopt if we want to find an answer to the question of what kind of growth theory we need.

Of particular importance is the theory of high-quality heterogeneity of acade technological resources. Yu.V. Yarerenko (see Yaremnko, 1997A, 1997b, 2001). Summarizing the experience of the planned economy, it reflects those features of the domestic economy, which remain - and, most likely, will remain for a long time - decisive for its growth processes. The starting point for this system of views is the statement of the inhomogeneity of technological resources, which can be conditionally divided into two opposite classes: high-quality and massive. The same level of GDP can be provided either fewer first or greater magnitude of the second factors of production. The lack of quality resources can be compensated by the use of more of their mass analogues (compensation effect). In turn, mass production factors can be replaced with fewer qualitative.

From this it is clear that the focus of the attention of Yu.V. Yaretenko is the problem of substitution, around which, as shown above, the entire discussion is rotated about the theory of growth. One of the most original Soviet economists provides important arguments in favor of the absence of non-slasses of freedom of substitution of production factors. After all, the transition to the new structure of resource consumption involves other technologies, and their implementation requires time and costs. It can be said that we are talking about peculiar and, as far as we can judge, which does not have an analogue abroad, a technological selection model, but only developed not for a separate company (as is done in Western theories), but for the national economy as a whole.

However, Yu.V. Yarerenko goes on, showing a deep connection and interactiveness of the technological (the ratio of compensation and substitution effects) and the cost structure of the economy. If the economy relies on the use of mass resources, they must be cheap enough. If high-quality, then they should be available. This determines the significance of the concept of the economic functions of a number of sectors of the national economy. In the economy, in which growth is achieved due to the increasing use of mass resources (compensation), the entire load falls into the sector, creating these capital benefits. Such is the method of ensuring equilibrium in the planned economy. In the USSR, extensive economic growth required increasing production of electricity, metals, increasing capital construction, etc.

By the 1980s. Sources of cheap labor and minerals approached the end, and the economy demanded changes. However, according to Yu.V. Yarerenko, the technological structure of the national economy did not resolutely corresponded to the radical transition to the market. All the problems of the Soviet economy, according to Yuri Vasilyevich, rested, as in the wall in "technological heterogeneity". This capacious concept reflects the fact that the greatest part of the qualitative resources of our country was concentrated in the military-industrial complex. As a result, civilian industries embodied costly technologies. That is why the development was carried out at the expense of increasing injection of mass resources, and that's why their cheapness was critically important. With pricing liberalization, I warned Yu.V. Yaremnko, mass resources are treated. In the absence of a proposal of high-quality investment goods, civilian industries will not switch to resource-saving technologies, as reformers predict, and simply collapse.

According to the calculations of the academician, 2-3 five-year plans were required to implement the planned method of technological restructuring, which will begin to begin effective market reforms (Yaremnko, 1997 A, p. 25). Of course, these common judgments were completely rejected in the fourth of market enthusiasm on the grounds that we, they say, "no time to wait." Where the reformers were so hurried, now it became visible to everyone.

It should be emphasized that, unlike the Nobel laureate R. Solow, the Soviet economist was not limited to the abstract wording of its growth theory. They developed a unique mathematical model that allowed to process a huge array of data on the distribution of technological resources in the Soviet economy and on the relevant industry proportions (see its detailed description in: Yaremnko, 1997 b, ch. 1-8). I would like to say that, despite the abundance of travel consultants, foreign funds and paid grants, the neoclassical concept of the growth of the Russian economy does not have the shadow of a quantitative justification similar to those who were equipped with the theory of Yu.V. Yaretenko. The above-mentioned material on the price dispens pit and the technological degradation of the economy fully confirms the conclusions of the Soviet scientist.

Thus, the neoclassical theory of growth, which has a pronounced ideological slope, cannot serve how much reliable reference to the effective economic policy of our country. Insolvent theoretically, it is completely refuted by the inactive crisis itself of our economy. The key to understanding the social mechanisms that prevent the development of capitalist economy is contained in Marxist and Keynesian approaches. A full-fledged alternative to the market radicalism was developed by the best representatives of the domestic economic thought.

This collection continues the series of annual news "Information Society Indicators" of the Institute of Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (IICEZ) of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (HSE). It provides information on the activities of the organizations of the Information and Communication Technologies Sector (ICT), information technology (IT), sectors of the content and media, foreign trade in ICT services and services related to ICT, as well as data on the infrastructure indicators of the digital economy. The indicators of the use of ICT in the organizations of the entrepreneurial sector and the social sphere, state authorities and local self-government, households and the population are given. Special attention is paid to the statistical assessment of the development of electronic commerce and online interaction of business and population with authorities. Special sections are devoted to regional and international comparable.

The publication uses the materials of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation (Russian Ministry of Communications), the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation (Russian Ministry of Culture), the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia), the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank Of Russia), European Union Statistical Service (Eurostat), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), United Nations Department of Economic and Social Development, World Economic Forum, World Intellectual Property Organization, Own Methodical and Analytical Developments, and Also, the results of special surveys conducted by ICEE HSE.

The publication was prepared on the basis of the work of the fundamental research program of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (HSE) and using subsidies in the framework of state support for leading universities of the Russian Federation "5-100".

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm; ISBN 5-7798-0013-8
On the region in the bottom 2003, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012: Official ed.


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TitleRussian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat
Receipt date 15.10.1998
Catalogs Books (published from 1831 to the present)
Information about responsibilityState com. RF statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia)
OutputMoscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-
Physical Description15 cm
ISBN.ISBN 5-7798-0013-8
NoteOn the region in the bottom 2003, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012: Official ed.
SubjectEconomy - Russian Federation - Statistical Materials
Russian Federation - National Economy - Statistics
BBK codeU9 (2) 0-05


2019. - 2019. - 549 p. : Tab.; ISBN 978-5-89476-465-8: 460 copies.
Storage: SVT Stat U / 6;
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
2018. - 2018. - 522 p. : il.; ISBN 978-5-89476-450-4: 600 copies.
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;
Storage: SVT Stat U / 6;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
2017 / [Rate: A. E. Surinov - before and etc.]. - 2017. - 511 p. : Tab.; ISBN 978-5-89476-435-1: 750 Ex.
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;
Storage: SVT Stat U / 6;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
2016 / [Rate: A. E. Surinov - before and etc.]. - 2016. - 543 p. : Tab.; ISBN 978-5-89476-418-4: 900 copies.
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;
Storage: SVT Stat U / 6;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
2015 / [Rate: A. E. Surinov - before and etc.]. - 2015. - 543 p. : Tab.; ISBN 978-5-89476-400-9: 900 copies.
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;
Storage: SVT Stat U / 6;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
2014 / [Rate: A. E. Surinov - before and etc.]. - 2014. - 558 p. : Tab.; ISBN 978-5-89476-377-4
Storage: SVT Stat U / 6;
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
2013: [Rate: A. E. Surinov - before and etc.]. - 2013. - 573 p. : Tab.; ISBN 978-5-89476-356-9
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;
Storage: SVT Stat U / 6;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
2012 / [Rate: A. E. Surinov (Pre.) And others]. - 2012. - 573 p. : Il., Table; ISBN 978-5-89476-333-0 (in per.)
Storage: SVT Stat U / 6;
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
2011. - 2011. - 581 p. : Il., Table; ISBN 978-5-89476-315-6 (in per.)
Storage: SVT Stat U / 6;
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
... 2005: 2005. - 2005 (OJSC Type. News). - 477 p. : Il., Table; ISBN 5-89476-164-6 (in the region)
The collection contains data characterizing the state structure of the Russian Federation, the production and use of gross domestic product. Presented information on the population, its employment and cash income.
Storage: FB 12 94-1 / 192-1;
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;
Storage: CZ2 U051.9 (2) / P76;
Storage: MFK 801-11 / 573;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
2010. - 2010. - 558 p. : Tab.; ISBN 978-5-89476-290-6
Economy - Russian Federation - Statistical Materials
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;
Storage: SVT Stat U / 6;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
2009. - 2009. - 525 p. : Il., Table; ISBN 978-5-89476-269-2 (in per.)
Storage: SVT Stat U / 6;
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
... 2003. - (OJSC Type. News). - 398 p. : Tab.; ISBN 5-89476-129-8 (in the region)
The collection provides information on the socio-economic situation of Russia in 2002 compared with previous years. The book is designed for senior management personnel, management workers.
Storage: FB 12 94-1 / 192-1;
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
2008. - 2008. - 510 p. : Il., Table; ISBN 978-5-89476-245-6 (in per.)
Storage: FB 12 94-1 / 192-1;
Storage: SVT Stat U / 6;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
2007. - 2007. - 494 p. : Il., Table; ISBN 978-5-89476-221-0
Storage: SVT Stat U / 6;
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
... 2004: 2004. - 2004 (OJSC Type. News). - 431 p. : Tab.; ISBN 5-89476-171-9 (in the region)
The collection provides information on the socio-economic situation of Russia in 2003 compared with previous years.
Economy - Russian Federation - Statistical Materials
Storage: FB 12 94-1 / 192-1;
Storage: FB 12 94-1 / 193-X;
Storage: MFK 801-11 / 572;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
2001. - 2001. - 397С.; ISBN 5-89476-092-5
Storage: FB 12 94-1 / 193-X;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
... 2002: 2002. - 2002. - 398 p. : Tab.; ISBN 5-89476-103-4 (in the region)
The collection provides information on the socio-economic situation of Russia in 2001 compared with previous years.
Storage: FB 12 94-1 / 192-1;
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
2001 / [Rate: V. L. Sokolin - before and etc.]. - 2001. - 397 p. : Il., Table; ISBN 5-89476-092-5
Storage: FB 12 94-1 / 192-1;
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
2006. - 2006. - 462 p. : Tab.; ISBN 5-89476-218-9
Storage: FB 12 94-1 / 192-1;
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
2000 / [Rate: V. L. Sokolin et al.] - 2000. - 396 p. : Il., Table; ISBN 5-89476-052-6
Storage: FB 12 94-1 / 192-1;
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
1999 / [Rate: V. L. Sokolin et al.] - 1999. - 416 p. : Il., Table; ISBN 5-89476-034-8
Storage: FB 12 94-1 / 192-1;
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;

Russian Federation in numbers ...: short. Stat. Sat / State com. Russian statistics (State Statistics Committee of Russia). - Moscow: Rep. Inform. ed. Center, 1993-. - 15 cm.
1998. - 1998. - 427 p. : il.; ISBN 5-89476-013-5
Storage: FB 12 94-1 / 192-1;
Storage: CSB 16B1 / P76;
Storage: OMF 801-99 / 1016-4;

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of transformations carried out in the Russian economy in terms of developing its manufacturing sector, in particular metallurgy and mechanical engineering

  • Official website of the rating agency RosbusinessConsulting [Access Mode]

  • Russian statistical yearbook. 2010: Stat.SB. / Rosstat. - M., 2010. - 813 p.

  • Russia in numbers. 2011: Bron.Stat.SB. / Rosstat- M., 2011. - 581 p.

  • Concentration of production in the basic sectors of the Russian industry - M.: NNO "Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Law", 2008. - 170 p.

  • Official website of the Federal State Statistics Service [Access Mode].

  • Official website of the Expert RA rating agency [Access Mode:].

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  • Relative indicators of the development of industry sectors: growth rates, ahead of ahead.

  • Relative indicators of the concentration of production and capital, which uses: the dynamics of the number of employment, the concentration coefficient, a change in capitalization;

  • Financial performance indicators: liquidity ratio, own working capital, autonomy coefficient;

  • Indicators of economic efficiency based on indicators: the specific gravity of unprofitable enterprises, the growth rates of income from the use of state ownership.

  • There is an increase in production of manufacturing production by pace, exceeding the general growth rate of the economy

  • There is an advanced development of manufacturing industries compared to mining

  • 3. There is a gradual increase in revenue from the use of state and municipal property.

  • 4. There is a decrease in the specific gravity of unprofitable organizations for the period 2007-2010 in the economy, as a whole, from 43.0 to 27.8%

5. Capitalization rate

  • 5. Capitalization rate

  • The most effective of the manufacturing industries under consideration is metallurgy

  • Capitalization market leaders are companies of mining industries, communications and banks.

  • 1. Reducing the number of people employed in manufacturing industries from 19.1 to 15.4% while increasing the number of people employed in the economy from 2000 to 2010. by 4.7%.

  • 2. Insufficient solvency and financial stability of enterprises, especially this applies to their own working capital.

  • 3. Dependence on external sources of financing in the production of vehicles

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№3 [Russian Foreign Economic Bulletin, 2006]

The magazine established by the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade in 1996 is an authoritative scientific and analytical and educational monthly edition in the field of foreign economic activity. On the pages of the journal, current problems of the global economy and international relations are addressed, the most important issues of Russia's export and import policy, increasing its competitiveness in various commodity markets are discussed. Among the authors of articles published in the journal are well-known scientists and highly competent specialists of many sectors of the economy of various regions and cities of Russia. The magazine became actually the center of attraction of foreign economic ideas of the whole country.

Article 11.<...>Article 13.<...>Article 15.<...>Article 16.<...>Article 19.

Preview: Russian Foreign Economic Bulletin No. 3 2006.pdf (0.2 MB)


The population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the 1970-1990s. Reproduction, resettlement monograph

Sib. Feder. UN-T.

The monographs consider the problems of the emergence and development of the process of depopulation in Russia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. For the first time an attempt was made of a comprehensive study of the demographic history of the Krasnoyarsk Territory since 1970 until the beginning of the XXI century. Revealed the relationship between the economic and demographic development of the region during the two Krasnoyarsk decade (1971-1990) and liberal reforms of the 1990s.

.: Stat. Yearbook. Krasnoyarsk, 1994; About demographic processes in the Krasnoyarsk Territory: Stat. Sat<...> .: Short Stat. Sat<...> ., 2009; Krasnoyarsk Regional Statistical Yearbook. 2010: Stat. Sat<...> ., 2010; Krasnoyarsk Regional Statistical Yearbook. 2011: Stat. Sat<...> Krasnoyarsk: Stat. Sat Krasnoyarsk, 1990.

Preview: Population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 1970-1990. Reproduction, settlement.pdf (0.3 MB)


The work performed the dynamics of financial and real investments in the Russian economy, their relationship was revealed, including in the context of the main activities and industries, the causes of imbalance were identified. The problems of the stock market and bank lending are considered special attention is paid to the issue of state participation in the investment process.

<...> : Russian Story Stalls.2004: Stat .SB.<...> Russian statistical student, 2011: Stat .SB.<...> : Russian Strait Sophisticated Yearbook.2011: Stat .SB.<...> Russia in numbers. 2003: Prix. Stat. Sat / Rosstat. M., 2003.


Industry and Entrepreneurship of the Chuvash Republic from the 18th century to 1997 Scientific anduxiliary Literature Index

National Library of the Chuvash Republic

This bibliographic pointer is the first experience of the systematic publication for industry and entrepreneurship of Chuvashia. It includes sources reflecting industry history from the XVIII century. until January 1, 1998, published in Russia and the modern Chuvash Republic. The initial date is determined by the fact that the XVIII century. - This is the time of the first publications on the topic, the final - the time to complete the selection of the material.

National Economy of the Chuvash ASSR: Stat. Sat / Stat. UPR. Chuvash. ASSR.<...> Chuvashia for 70 years: Stat. Sat / State Statistics Committee RSFSR, Chuvash, Rep. UPR. Stat.<...> Chuvashia for 50 years: Stat. Sat / CSB RSFSR, Stat. UPR. Chuvash. ASSR.<...> .: Stat .SB / State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, Chuvash, Rep. UPR. Stat.<...> . Sat 293 Chuvashia for 50 years: Stat. Sat 295 Chuvashia for 40 years in numbers: Stat. Sat 297 Chuvashia for 15 years

Preview: Industry and Entrepreneurship of the Chuvash Republic from the XVIII century to 1997.PDF (0.4 MB)


To achieve sustainable rural development, an important tool is to monitor the level of socio-economic development of municipal areas of the countryside, which as a control tool is an integral part of the management cycle. The functional feature of the monitoring is to provide "feedback": the possibility of identifying the needs of the management facility, evaluating the effectiveness and effectiveness of the selected methods and tools of influence on it from the subject. Monitoring will help choose the right directions for the development of municipal areas, which will be able to bring the countryside to a new level of development.

Environmental protection in the Omsk region: Stat. Sat / Omskstat. - Omsk, 2015. - 69 p. fourteen.<...> Environmental protection in the Omsk region: Stat. Sat / Omskstat. - Omsk, 2014. - 73 s. fifteen.<...> Environmental protection in the Omsk region: Stat. Sat / Omskstat. - Omsk, 2013. - 74 p. sixteen.<...> Environmental protection in the Omsk region: Stat. Sat / Omskstat. - Omsk, 2012. - 65 p. 17.<...> Environmental protection in the Omsk region: Stat. Sat / Omskstat. - Omsk, 2011. - 64 p.


The article reveals the national features of the farm movement in Russia. During the years of economic reform in the country, the farm structure was formed. The formation of the farmer sector occurs with significant economic and social difficulties. The negative trend in the development of the farm sector of the economy is the unbalancement of the ratio "crop - animal husbandry", which has established 80 to 20%, instead of a scientifically based 50: 50%, providing the necessary introduction to the soil of organic fertilizers. The number of major "manufacturers" of organic fertilizers - cattle - in the country decreased by 2.7 times. The removal of nutrients from the soil without replenishing with organic fertilizers leads to land degradation. Livestock development becomes the main strategic task of the farm sector of the economy

Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2006. - C. 400; Russian statistical yearbook. 2008: Stat. Sat / Rosstat.<...> . - M., 2008. - P. 437; Russian statistical yearbook. 2009: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2009. -<...> . Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2006. - C. 406; Russian statistical yearbook. 2009: Stat. Sat / Rosstat<...> Russian statistical yearbook. 2006: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2006. - 852 p. eleven.<...> Russian statistical yearbook. 2008: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2008. - 847 p. 12.


Social potential of the region as a factor in the development of northern territories

In the monograph, theoretical and methodological and practical issues of the implementation of social potential in the development of northern territories are considered. A functional model of the social potential of the region has been developed. The technologies of reproduction of the social potential of the region are proposed.

Stat. Sat Archoblstat.Arhangelsk. 2000. P.75.; Regions of Russia: Stat .SB. In 2 tons<...>Stat .SB. M. Rosstat 2006, C.20.21; Regions of Russia. Stat .SB.<...>Stat .SB. M. Rosstat 2006, p.24.25; Regions of Russia. Stat .SB.<...>Stat .SB. / Rosstat.<...>Stat. Sat Arkhangelsk, 2005. P. 45; Arkhangelsk region-60 years. Stat. Sat

Preview: Social potential of the region as a factor in the development of northern territories (1) .pdf (1.3 MB)


Despite the visible well-being of formal macroeconomic indicators, Russia's development in recent years is encountered to serious barriers arising from the economic policy. The competitiveness of the Russian economy continues to fall rapidly. One of the reasons for this is hundreds of billions of dollars of the overall, obtained from the export of natural resources, used to modernize it is not effective enough. The editors of the magazine publishes excerpts from the report of corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the supervisor of the National Institute of Development S.Yu. Glazyev, made at the Scientific and Practical Conference "Strategy of the Socio-Economic Development of Russia in the Context of Globalization", dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the National Institute for the Development of the Branch of Public Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

.: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2003.<...> .: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2005.<...>Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2006.<...>Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2005.<...>Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2005. P. 375; Finance of Russia. 2004. Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2004.



The training manual includes theoretical material with the latest statistical data at the Economic and Social Geography of Russia. The structure of the manual displays the overall and regional partitions. In Section I - III, issues of natural resource potential, population and inter-sectoral complexes of the Russian economy are considered. The author of the section N.A. Ivanishchev. Section IV presents an economic and geographical characteristic of 11 economic regions of Russia. The author of the section A.V. Yakushev. The content of the benefits successfully integrated modern geographical information from statistical information and comparative analysis of Russia with the countries of the world. The manual is intended for students of the preparation directions: 44.03.01 Pedagogical education, profile geography and 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two preparation profiles), biology and geography profiles, geography and economics, geography and foreign language. It can be used by teachers of geography during the lessons and control of the results of training, extracurricular activities of the geographical orientation and training of students for the surrender of OGE and EGE. Recommended by the publication at the meeting of the Department of Geography and MPGD, Protocol No. 1 dated September 20, 2018, agreed with the educational and methodological commission of the Institute of Natural Science and Economics.

<...> . Sat - m.: Rosstat, 2011; Russian statistical yearbook. 2017: Stat. Sat - M.: Rosstat, 2017.<...> . Sat - M.: Rosstat, 2017.  P. 19; Russia in numbers. 2018: Stat. Sat - M.: Rosstat, 2018. - P. 89.<...> . Sat - M.: Rosstat, 1994, 2013, 2017; Russia in numbers. 2018: Pros. Stat. Sat - M.: Rosstat, 2018. -<...> Russia in numbers. 2018: Stat. Sat - M.: Rosstat, 2018. 11.

Preview: Economic and Social Geography of Russia.pdf (0.4 MB)


The article on the materials of Western Siberia is analyzed the causes, dynamics and consequences of the agricultural crisis of the early 1980s., As well as the activities of state bodies to overcome its consequences. It is shown that a strong drought in the south of Western Siberia became the catalyst for the agricultural crisis. On the decision of the exacerbated food problem, adopted by Maya (1982) by the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU Food Program was sent. With the beginning of its implementation, the situation in the agricultural sector of the economy of Western Siberia has stabilized.

P. 25, 29. 7 National Economy of the Novosibirsk Region for 1981-1985: Stat. Sat<...> New bodies of 8 national economy of the Tomsk region for 1981-1985 were created: Stat. Sat<...> P. 23. 9 National Economy of the Omsk Region in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan: Stat. Sat Omsk. 1986.<...> L. 10, 1; Tyumen region in numbers (1981-1987): Stat. Sat Sverdlovsk, 1987.<...> P. 36, 43. 15 Omsk region for 50 years (figures and facts): Stat. Sat Omsk, 1985. P. 123-127.


The article analyzes the results of the development of the Industry of the Chechen Republic for 2006-2016, identified a strategy for the development of regional enterprises and territorial entities, outlined the theoretical foundations of the existence of territorial entities, reflected the functioning of industrial enterprises of the Chechen Republic, which mainly remain state-owned enterprises and have, as in Soviet times Supported belonging. Development of industry in the Chechen Republic in the period 2006-2016. Demonstrates low efficiency of the current economy of public entrepreneurship. Indicators of financial and economic activities of industrial enterprises demonstrate that large-scale deindustrialization of the Chechen Republic has occurred. Create an effective industry is impossible without compliance with the basic requirements of the market economy and the fullest improvement in the investment climate in the republic

Socio-economic indicators: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2016.<...> <...> Socio-economic indicators 2015: Stat. Sat ./ Rosstat.  M., 2015.<...> Socio-economic indicators 2015: Stat. Sat ./ Rosstat.  M., 2016.<...> Socio-economic indicators. 2016: Stat. Sat


Theoretical foundations of the professional and communicative preparation of the future teacher in the conditions of the Pedagogical University


Sat Teach, articles: The problem of superflasional unity. Ufa, 1982 1 P.L. 13.<...>Sat Teach, articles: learning oral speech and reading in high school. L., 1984 0.5 pl. fourteen.<...>Sat Teach, articles: Professionally directed foreign language training in a pedagogical university.<...>Sat Teach, articles: Functional and meaningful approach in training foreign languages.<...>Sat Teach, articles: Zyaa IPVSP "SA, SPb., 1998 1.2 p. 25.

Preview: Theoretical foundations of professional-communicative preparation of the future teacher in the conditions of Pedagogical University.pdf (0.2 MB)


Geography of Russia: General and Regional Review Tutorial


The training manual includes theoretical material with the latest statistical data on the course "Russian Geography". The structure of the manual displays the overall and regional partitions. In Section I - III, issues of natural resource potential, the population and inter-sectoral complexes of the Russian economy are considered. The author of the section N.A. Ivanishchev. Section IV presents an economic and geographical characteristic of 11 economic regions of Russia. The author of the section A.V. Yakushev. The content of the benefits successfully integrated modern geographical information from statistical information and comparative analysis of Russia with the countries of the world. The manual is intended to help master and teachers of geography during lessons and control of the results of training, extracurricular activities of the geographical orientation and training of students for the surcharge of OGE and EGE.

<...> <...> Russia in numbers. 2016: Bron. Stat. Sat - M.: Rosstat, 2016.<...> Russia in numbers. 2016: Stat. Sat - M.: Rosstat, 2016. 11.<...> .: Stat. Sat - M.: Rosstat, 2016. - 379 c.

Preview: Russian Geography General and Regional Overview .PDF (0.5 MB)


Geography of Russia: population, household and economic areas Tutorial for masters and teachers of geography


The training manual includes theoretical material with the latest statistical data on the course "Russian Geography". The structure of the manual displays the overall and regional partitions. In Section I - III, issues of natural resource potential, the population and inter-sectoral complexes of the Russian economy are considered. The author of the section N.A. Ivanishchev. Section IV presents an economic and geographical characteristic of 11 economic regions of Russia. The author of the section A.V. Yakushev. The content of the benefits successfully integrated modern geographical information from statistical information and comparative analysis of Russia with the countries of the world. The manual is intended to help master and teachers of geography during lessons and control of the results of training, extracurricular activities of the geographical orientation and training of students for the surcharge of OGE and EGE. Recommended by the publication at the meeting of the Department of Geography and MPGD, Protocol No. 2 of 10/27/2016. A coordinated with the educational and methodological commission of the Institute of Natural Science and Economics 01.11.2016

Source: Russia in numbers. 2016: Bron. Stat. Sat M.: Rosstat, 2016.<...> Socio-economic indicators. 2015: Stat. Sat M.: Rosstat, 2015.<...> Source: Russia and countries of the world. 2014: Stat. Sat M.: Rosstat, 2014. Tab. 23.<...> Russia in numbers. 2016: Stat. Sat - M.: Rosstat, 2015. 10.<...> .: Stat. Sat - M.: Rosstat, 2014. 11.

Preview: Russian Geography Population, Houseland and Economic Areas.PDF (0.2 MB)


The article identifies the problem of the development of the Bank's strategic management system, formulated the definition of the main elements of this system and their relationship, and also justified the role and place of comprehensive socio-economic indicators in the strategic management of the Bank's activities.

Socio-economic indicators. 2004: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2004; Regions of Russia.<...> . - 2005; Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2005; Regions of Russia.<...> Socio-economic indicators. 2006: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2006. - [Al. resources]. - Access mode<...> Socio-economic indicators. 2004: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2004; Regions of Russia.<...> . - 2005; Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2005; Regions of Russia.


the article discloses the relevance of studying the problem of the formation, implementation and development of the management capacity of women managers in higher educational institutions, analyzed statistical data, identified the purpose and main direction of research

Russia in numbers. 2013: Pros. Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2013. - 573 p. 2.<...> Russian Statistical Yearbook: 2012: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2012. - 786 p. 3.<...> Russia science in numbers: 2011: Stat. Sat - M.: Zisn, 2011. 4.<...> Women and men of Russia. 2006: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2007. - 255 p. 6.<...> Women and men of Russia. 2010: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2010. - 283 p. 7.


The subject of the study is the municipal formations of the Arctic, which have its own specifics of operation and development in comparison with the southern regions of the Arctic States. The purpose of the work was to identify the problem points for the development of the Arctic regions that influence the socio-economic situation of the municipalities of the Arctic, prospects and directions of their development. The theoretical and methodological basis was the works of domestic and over-ogre scientists on regulatory issues and stimulating the socio-economic development of regions and municipalities of the Arctic. The study is based on a comprehensive approach to the study of the functioning and development of municipalities in specific arctic conditions, as well as common and special factors for the development of these processes in AZRF, taking into account foreign research on issues. Analysis of the main indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the Arctic Territories showed that for all the Arctic territories a number of common problems of the development of municipalities are characterized, and the main forces of state regulation should be aimed at solving issues of human development, social and transport infrastructure, small businesses and special State support of the Arctic territories. The state policy to minimize the negative processes and the factors of the functioning of the Municipalities of AWF should be built with the foreign experience of solving such issues. The results of the study can be used by authorities and management in the development of budget, tax, investment policy, in the formation of programs and plans aimed at the socio-economic development of the Arctic territories.

; Demographic Yearbook of Russia. 2017: Stat. Sat. Strestat.<...> Socio-economic indicators. 2018: Stat. Sat / Rosstat.<...> <...> Socio-economic indicators. 2018: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. M., 2018. 1162 p.<...> Source: Demographic Yearbook of Russia. 2017: Stat. Sat. Strestat.


Analysis of the transformation of the role of the domestic timber industry complex in the period 1945-2000. It was conducted on the basis of data obtained by the United StatesSyariStric Statches. The factory of the basic parameters of development, the author comes to the conclusion of the formation of the formation of the examination of peripherals in the perception of the state of the forestry complex, the influence of which was strengthened by the end of the life cycle of the oldest subproduction of the LPK - the logging industry.

P. 349-350. 35 Russia Industry: Stat. Sat / State Statistics Committee of Russia. M., 2000. P. 34.<...> Pp. 161. 38 Industry of Russia: Stat. Sat P. 128-129. 39 ibid. Pp. 143.<...> P. 369. 44 Industry of Russia: Stat. Sat P. 22-23.<...>Stat. Sat / State Statistics Committee of the USSR. M., 1988.<...> Industry in Russia: Stat. Sat / State Statistics Committee of Russia. M., 2000.


The main export-import operations of the Sakhalin region with Korean states are considered. The activity of the South Korean side in the development of versatile contacts with Sakhalin enterprises is noted; Analyzed the investment activity of the South Korean side; It is indicated by the limited nature of the economic contacts of the DPRK with the Sakhalin region; It is shown that in the future it is possible to activate the economic ties between the Sakhalin, the Republic of Korea and the DPRK.

US 13.0 Sources: Exterior Trade and Services of the Sakhalin Region in 2009, 2010-2013: Stat. Sat<...> . Sat<...> . Sat<...> Pp. 248; Sakhalin region in numbers (2009-2013): Stat. Sat Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 2014. P. 246.<...> . Sat


The history of the culture of Bashkortostan (a set of scientific and educational materials). Vol. 14. The activities of Bashkortostan club institutions (1985-2005) studies. Manual in the direction of preparation 100200.62 Tourism

In the study manual, for the first time on the basis of extensive actual material, the activities of Bashkortostan club institutions in the context of updating public life (1985-2005) are investigated. We characterize the conditions for the functioning of these organizations, their relationship with the content of club work. The process of creating a regional regulatory framework of club institutions, a new system of their financing and management system, upgrading the training of personnel is revealed. For the first time, the change of priorities in the development of various directions and forms of club work, genres of amateur art in Bashkortostan at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries.

Ufa, 2000; Russia in numbers. 2003: Short Stat. Sat / State Statistics Committee of Russia.<...>Stat. Sat Ufa, 1989. P. 241. 74 ibid.<...> Results 2001 Year: Stat. Sat Ufa, 2002.<...> Results of 2001: Stat. Sat Ufa, 2002.<...> . Sat / State Statistics Committee of Russia. - M., 2003. - 398 p. 3.52. Suspension in numbers. 2004: Short Stat. Sat / Federal

Preview: The history of the Bashkortostan culture (a set of scientific and educational materials) .pdf (0.7 MB)


The article discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of ensuring the food security of the country, identified the problem sectors of the agro-industrial complex of Russia and the main directions and activities that are able to solve food security problems

Yearbook. 2013: Stat .SB. / Rosstat. - M., 2013. - P. 686; c) excluding internal consumption in rural<...> (Russian Stat. Yearbook. 2013: Stat .SB ./ Rosstat. - M., 2013. - P. 686).<...> . Yearbook. 2013: Stat .SB. / Rosstat. - M., 2013. - P. 397.<...> . Yearbook. 2013: Stat .SB. / Rosstat. - M., 2013. - P. 401.<...> There has been a tendency to increase the livestock CE10 Russia in numbers. 2012: Pros. Stat. Sat ./ Rosstat. - M.


The article discusses the problems of air transport in Russia. An analysis of the carriage of passengers and goods by air and other modes of transport for January 1990-2011 is given. ACCURED ATTENTION on the issues of world competition, increasing labor productivity, improving the assessment

Moscow Modern National Problems of Air Transport Development The article review problems<...> . Sat ./ Rosstat - M., 2012, p. 302; Russian Statistical Yearbook: Stat. Sat / State Statistics Committee of Russia<...> . Sat ./ Rosstat - M., 2012, p. 300; Russian Statistical Yearbook: Stat. Sat / State Statistics Committee of Russia<...> Russian Statistical Yearbook: Stat. Sat./ State Statistics Committee of Russia. - M.: Logos, 1996. - 1202c. fourteen.<...> Russia in numbers. 2012: Pros. Stat. Sat./ Rosstat - M., 2012. - 573c. 15. Rubbagalter D.A.


Russia is still in the harsh conditions of the transition from one socio-economic system to another, and, apparently, it will be completed tomorrow, besides this transition to "normality", which was not. Nevertheless, the chances of the country's movement to civil society, pluralistic democracy and social market economy - with all delays and even kickbacks, which seems to take place today - persist. The main thing is to be able to learn lessons from the past and not to make new mistakes.

Russian Statistical Yearbook: Stat. Sat - M.: Goskomstat of Russia, 2000. 6.<...> Russian Statistical Yearbook: Stat. Sat - M.: Goskomstat of Russia, 2002. 7.<...> Russia in numbers: browned. Stat. Sat - M.: Rosstat, 2005. 10. Russia in numbers: brow. Stat. Sat - M.<...> Russia in numbers: browned. Stat. Sat - M.: Rosstat, 2011. 12.<...> Russia in numbers: browned. Stat. Sat - M.: Rosstat, 2013. 13.


Our country is still in the difficult conditions of the transition period from one socio-economic system to another, and rely on its early completion, apparently, does not have to. However, the chances of building a civil society of pluralistic democracy and social market economy in the Russian Federation, despite all the difficulties and obstacles. Defects of the modern economy of Russia are very serious, but this does not mean that they cannot be overcome. The main thing is to extract lessons from the past and not to make new mistakes.

Russian Statistical Yearbook: Stat. Sat M.: Goskomstat of Russia, 2000.<...> Russian Statistical Yearbook: Stat. Sat M.: State Statistics Complex of Russia, 2002.<...> Russian Statistical Yearbook: Stat. Sat M.: Goskomstat of Russia, 2003.<...> Russia in numbers: browned. Stat. Sat M.: Rosstat, 2005. Russia in numbers: Pros. Stat. Sat<...> Russia in numbers: browned. Stat. Sat M.: Rosstat, 2011. Russia in numbers: brow. Stat. Sat


The US and the EU announced the sanctions imposed in March 2014 against Russia's effects to the Russian Federation in order to force it to unconditionally fulfill the requirements of the United States and a number of Western countries regarding the position of the Russian Federation on the issue of Ukraine. The sanctions content indicates that they are aimed at the international isolation of Russia, the weakening of its economy, the discredit of the Russian president and the formation of the image of the ignition of Russia is not the first country against which the United States applies sanctions without their UN approval. The author cites examples of such sanctions, compares anti-Russian sanctions with Secretly implemented by President Reagan Measures on the weakening of the USSR economy, and also calls for Russia the consequences of economic and financial sanctions imposed against it.

Stat. Sat<...>Stat. Sat ./ Rosstat. - M., 2013. - P. 626.<...>Stat. Sat ./ Rosstat. - M., 2012. - P. 641, Russian Statistical Yearbook. 2013.<...>Stat. Sat ./ Rosstat. - M., 2013. - P. 571.<...>Stat. Sat ./ Rosstat. - M., 2013. - P. 587-588.


The article analyzes the most important of market factors - limiters of long-term economic growth: a weak level of competition and competitive relations and a high level of monopolization in the economy of the Russian Federation. The analysis made a number of conclusions and recommendations to eliminate individual public administration dysfunctions that prevent the creation of reliable prerequisites that ensure the long-term stability of economic growth rates.

Pp. 15 - 16. 5 Russia in numbers. 2016: Bron. Stat. Sat / Rosstat. M., 2016. P. 61, 201. Table 2.<...> <...> Pp 48; Industry in Russia. 2014: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. M., 2014. P. 54.<...> P. 56; Industry of Russia. 2012: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. M., 2012.<...> Pp 48; Industry in Russia. 2014: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. M., 2014.


The article discusses issues relevant to the study of scientific communications in Russia, trends are detected in the development of modern scientific communications, attribute for information culture and contributing to raising their role in the international scientific community.

Research and materials: Sat. Scientific articles (P. 173-174). M.: Science; Rodaeva, M.R. (2011).<...> Research and materials: Sat. Scientific articles. M.: Science.<...> Research and materials: Sat. scientific articles (Sat. 100; pp. 46-55). M.: Science; Saico, E.A. (2015).<...> Research and materials: Sat. Scientific articles (P. 172-173, etc.).<...> Research and materials: Sat. Scientific articles Sat. 100. M.: Science. P. 46-55. Khanova, A. (2004).


Social and demographic processes in Buryatia at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries.

Buryat State University

The monograph is devoted to social and demographic processes in the Republic of Buryatia during the country's economic reform. Socio-economic and political transformations in the country held in the nineties contributed to a fundamental change in the structure of society, many social problems gave rise to and led to marginalization and deep bundle of society. Social problems have become a reflection of the changes in the country. For historians, sociologists and everyone, who is interested in the history of society.

Buryatia in numbers: short stat. Sat - Ch. 1. - P. 34-36. nine.<...> Buryatia in numbers: short stat. Sat - Part 1. - pp. 23-25. 10.<...> Buryatia in numbers: short stat. Sat № 01-01-13. Part 1. - Ulan-Ude: State Committee Stat RB, 2003. - 76 p. 2.<...> Buryatia in numbers: short stat. Sat № 01-01-13.<...> Industry of the Republic of Buryatia: Stat. Sat 03-9. - Ulan-Ude: State Committee Stat RB, 1999. - 58 p. 13.

Preview: Social and demographic processes in Buryatia at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries..pdf (2.4 MB)


Mortality of the rural population of the Russian Federation on external reasons in 1990-2010: trends, features, real-scale assessment problems [Electronic resource] / Bogdanov // Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 18. Sociology and Political Science. - 2013.- №2 .- S. 124-134. - Access Mode: HTTPS: // Website / EFD / 467798

The scale, dynamics, main trends and features of the death rate of the rural population of the Russian Federation on external reasons during public transformations are considered. The problems of abacking mortality of the population from this class cause causes are analyzed.

P. 13-22. 2 Demographic Yearbook of Russia. 2010: Stat. Sat M., 2010. P. 221-358; FSGS information.<...> . Sat<...> Demographic Yearbook of Russia. 2009: Stat. Sat M., 2009.<...> Demographic Yearbook of Russia. 2010: Stat. Sat M., 2010.<...> Women and men of Russia. 2010: Stat. Sat M., 2010. Ivanova A.E., Semenova V.G., Zavrova E.V.


The article provides a methodological approach to assessing economic costs in the process of reproduction of the primary labor resource. A copyright approach to the assessment of transaction costs associated with the entry of graduates of educational institutions to the labor sphere

Guskova. - N.Novgorod, 2008. - 352 p. 5. Education in Russia. 2003: Stat. SB ./ Goskomstat Russia. -<...> Russian Statistical Yearbook, 2003: Stat .SB. / State Statistics Committee of Russia. - M., 2003. - 705 p. 7.<...> Russian Statistical Yearbook, 2004: Stat .SB. / Rosstat. - M., 2004. - 725 p. eight.<...> Russian Statistical Yearbook, 2010: Stat .SB. / Rosstat. - M., 2010. - 813 p. nine.<...> Social status and standard of living of the population of Russia, 2010: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2010. - 507 with


The location and role of integration in the livestock breeding of Belgorod and Voronezh regions are shown, problems of integration development and are shown to the development of integrated structures in the industry.

Socio-economic indicators, 2005: Stat .SB. / The Russian Federation.<...> Socio-economic indicators, 2006: Stat .SB. / The Russian Federation.<...> Socio-economic indicators. 2007: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2008. - 992 p. eight.<...> Socio-economic indicators. 2008: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2009. - 999 p. nine.<...> Socio-economic indicators. 2010: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2011. - 996 p.


In Russia, the 1990s, as you know, there were no conditions necessary for the competition mechanism to work on the formation of an effective economy. Naturally, the use of a variety of market tools characteristic of countries with a developed market economy in the country with economies in transition is encountered to significant restrictions. Nevertheless, the time for history in Russia has formed a competitive right space regulating and regulating competition; Many market tools and mechanisms are tested in practice; Concepts Competition and competitiveness firmly entrenched in business trafficking; There is a success in economic development.

Next followed decrees3 Russia in numbers. 2007: Pros. Stat. Sat / State Statistics Committee of Russia. - M., 2007.<...> Pp. 27, 306; Finance of Russia. 2006: Stat. Sat / Russia - M., 2006.<...> <...> . Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2007.<...> . Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2006.


Agrioecological aspects of the use of zeolite tuffs and organic waste in the soil-plant system (on the example of the Northern Forest Sports of the European part of Russia) the displacement displacement. ... Doctors of Agricultural Sciences

M.: Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev

The purpose and objectives of the research. The purpose of the research was to develop a methodology for optimizing the ecological and technological system for regulating soil fertility, obtaining environmentally friendly products of agricultural production, improving environmental conditions of the natural environment through the use of a complex of receptions and technological means of processing waste production and local natural minerals.

) // Sat. Features of soils about c. turf.<...> Water soluble iron core compounds of the taiga zone (article) // Sat. Dokl.<...> Water-soluble iron-organic compounds of sunflower plants (article) // Sat.<...> // Sat. Scientific Labor Voronezhsha, 1985<...> The role of soil fertility with intensive technologies of cultivation of agricultural crops (article) // Sat., Dokl.

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The article analyzes the factors affecting the transformation of the role and value of the family as the most important institution of socialization of young people. The author identified the main trends in the development of the socio-demographic situation in Russian and European societies.

Russian statistical yearbook. 2010: Stat. Sat - M.: Rosstat, 2010. 5.<...> Russia and the countries of the world. 2010: Stat. Sat - M.: Rosstat, 2010. 6.<...> Family in Russia. 2008: Stat. Sat - M.: Rosstat, 2008. 7. Antonov, A. I.<...> Socio-economic indicators. 2010.: Stat. Sat - M.: Rosstat, 2010. 9.<...> Youth in Russia. 2010: Stat. Sat / UNICEF, Rosstat. - M.: IIC "Statistics of Russia", 2010.


Thing. The increase in the critical technical and technological lag of Russia from the advanced countries of the world, the full decline of the machine-building complex and high-tech production, the highest degree of dependence on the external situation, low business efficiency and the disinterest of private owners in its increase, the growth of the shadow economy and the exacerbation of other social and demographic threats makes it Especially relevant the need to modernize the country's economic structure. Goals and objectives. Determining the priority directions for solving the issues submitted. The objectives of the article are to consider the characteristics of the successful attempts of the structural modernization of "new industrial countries" of Asia, as well as determining the significance and possibility of their application in the context of globalization to ensure the structural modernization of the Russian economy. Methodology. Based on statistical data, the specifics and the main essential traits of the development of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Korea, which have allowed them to provide them with high economic growth rates for a short period of time. Results. The effect of the considered features on the development of "new industrial countries" of Asia has been determined. The importance and the possibility of applying these features in Russian conditions is determined. Conclusions. It is concluded that in the process of implementing the structural modernization of the national economy, first of all, it is necessary to take into account promising trends and focus on national specifics. At the same time, as the most acceptable direction of structural modernization of countries with transitional economies in the context of globalization, a characteristic increase in the role of the state should be, on the one hand, acting as regulatory, stabilization force in recessions and economic recession, on the other - creating internal conditions for the development of market mechanisms .

Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzdat, 2014. 331 p. 7 Russia in numbers: Stat. Sat M.: Rosstat, 2015.<...> . Sat<...> . Sat<...> P. 358; Russia and the countries of the world: Stat. Sat M.: Rosstat, 2012.<...> M.: 2014. 254 p. 23 ibid. 24 Russia and the countries of the world: Stat. Sat M.: Rosstat, 2012.


Differentiated approach in state support for small enterprises the author's abstract. ... candidate of economic sciences

M.: Russian Academy of Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation

The purpose of the study is to develop a differentiated approach to building a more efficient system of state support for small enterprises in Russia. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set in the paper: to clarify the role and contribution of small enterprises in the development of a market economy; summarize the overseas experience of state support for small enterprises; identify the features of state support for small enterprises in various sectors of the economy; analyze the current practice of state regulation of Russian small enterprises at the regional level; Determine the directions of improving state support for small enterprises based on the use of a differentiated approach. The object of research is small businesses, as well as a system of state support authorities in the country.

.: Stat .SB. Strestat. M., 2006.<...>Stat. Sat / Rosstat. M.: 2004. P. 14; Ma Loi Entrepreneurship in Russia. 2005. Stat. Sat<...> Social and economic indicators. 2005: Stat. Sat. Strestat. M., 2006.<...> Calculated by the author of: Russian statistical yearbook. 2005: Stat. Sat. Strestat. P.377.<...> Socio-economic indicators. 2005: Stat. Sat. Strestat. M., 2006.

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Thing. Household savings as a potential source of internal investment in the economy of the goal region. The study of the main problems associated with attracting household savings, identifying trends and development prospects for the subsequent investment of household savings in the region's economy on the example of the Siberian Federal District.

Socially economic indicators, 2015: Stat. Sat<...> <...> This article 11 regions of Russia. Socio-economic indicators, 2015: Stat. Sat<...> Socio-economic indicators, 2015: Stat. Sat<...> Socio-economic indicators, 2015: Stat. Sat


The article describes the combination of the institutional market for the market - basic economic, political, legal and social rules, on the basis of which state competitive and antimonopoly policies are formed ..

Demographic Yearbook of Russia. 2002: Stat. Sat - M.: Goskomstat of Russia, 2002. 5.<...> Demographic Yearbook of Russia. 2013: Stat. Sat - M., 2013. 6. Kalnets S.<...> Russian Statistical Yearbook: Stat. Sat 2014. - M., 2014: - P. 464. 13.<...>Stat. Sat - M., 2014. - P. 260. 15.<...> Trade in Russia. 2013: Stat. Sat - M.: Rosstat, 2013. - P. 72, 76. 16. Phenelon E.A.


Poverty: issues of methodology, analysis and evaluation [monograph]

The work is devoted to the integrated analysis of poverty phenomenon in the system of socio-economic relations and its specifics in the transitional Russian economy. In the monograph, poverty is analyzed as a macroeconomic category, the legality of the use of the theory of "vicious circles of poverty" is proved for the analysis of the Russian economy.

The fundamental basis for the modern economic development of leading industrialized countries is a qualitatively new type of technological and economic text, in which knowledge and information play the role of the main production resource.

production Resource Play Knowledge and Information. State and innovation 1 Russia and countries of the world: stat .SB<...> Entrepreneurship does not create prerequisites for the study of scientific developments, their industrial 2 Russia and the countries of the world: Stat .SB<...> Innovative system of Russia: model and prospects for its development - M., Publishing House Rudn, 2004. 4 Russia and the countries of the world: Stat .SB<...> Russia and the countries of the world: Stat. SB. / Rosstat. - M., 2007. 2. Golichenko O.<...> Russia and the countries of the world: Stat. SB ./ Rosstat. - M., 2006 Copyright OJSC TsKB BIBKOM & LLC "Agent KNIGA-SERVIS


Problems of rooting the urban population in the Yenisei North in the 50s and 1980s of the twentieth century [Electronic resource] / N. Gonina // Bulletin of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences". .- 2016.- № 5 .- p. 5-16 .- DOI: 10.17238 / ISSN2227-6564.2016.5.5. Access mode: https: // Site / EFD / 512060

Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov

The purpose of this article is to consider the factors determining the fixing of the permanent population in the northern city on the example of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The Yenisei North is a typical example of the territory with extreme conditions - a person comes here either forced or from adventurous considerations. As a rule, most migrants do not want to stay here for a long time. Nevertheless, the population of the northern cities in the 1950s and 1980s gradually increased, rooted residents appeared. The traditional farm has developed an adaptive-adapted form of survival, based on cooperation with nature, basic skills were often borrowed from indigenous peoples. This form is effective and economical, it is the basis for natural population reproduction. A person becomes autonomous from the state system, but at the same time there is a tendency to conservatism, closedness, stagnation. The industrial stage of the development of the North in the Soviet period was based on the creation of an artificial environment, which completely depended on the city-forming enterprise (the construction of housing, electricity, heating, food, etc.). The quality of life of the citizen was determined by its status in the management system and production. The peculiarity of the northern territories was improved by industrial goods and higher salary relative to other locations - not only for elite, but also for simple workers. But this is not always the cause of rooting. Along with the comfort of life, the possibility of free self-realization in a favorable social environment played a significant role. It is this factor indicate Norilsk's memoirs. He also contributed to the rich cultural life of the city, which also influenced the decision of a person to remain for permanent residence or leave.

The article discusses the investment activity of the country's regions to attract foreign investment, identified on the basis of cluster analysis. The topic is relevant due to the increasing differentiation of regions on the distribution of foreign investment. The results obtained can be used by the leadership of the subjects of the Federation to assess the effectiveness of the policy of attracting foreign investment

Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2011. - 57 p. 2. Mandel I.D.<...>Stat. Sat / State Statistics Committee of Russia. - M., 2003. - 895 p. 4. Regions of Russia.<...>Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2011. - 990 p. five.<...> Russian statistical yearbook. 2001: Stat. Sat / State Statistics Committee of Russia. - M., 2001. - 679 p. 6.<...> Russian statistical yearbook. 2011: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M., 2011. - 795 p. 7.


The article highlighted the main negative trends of the domestic market of alcoholic beverages (reducing the number of legal manufacturers and sellers, the change in the structure of consumption in the direction of sales growth of spirits, unfair competition at the regional level, aggravation of the problems of alcoholization of the population, reducing sales of legal products with an increase in counterfeit volumes) requiring Adoption of immediate measures aimed at optimizing its regulation

The training manual is written for the purpose of methodical support of the educational discipline of the basic part of the professional cycle "Modern Publishing"

P. 10, 126; Printing in the USSR in 1985: Stat. Sat / WCP. M., 1986. P. 10, 123.<...> P. 10; Printing in the USSR in 1985 Stat. Sat / WCP. M., 1986. P. 10, 123.<...> P. 35. 2 Table Compiled by the source: Printing of the Russian Federation in 1991: Stat. Sat<...> Printing of the Russian Federation in 2000: Stat. Sat / Ed. E. B.<...> P. 98, 115, 158; Printing the USSR in ... year: Stat. Sat M., 1980-1987; Lensky B.V.

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The global economy stands on the threshold of a new wave of technological changes, sharply reinforcing the role of human capital in a competitive struggle both within the framework of national economies and in world markets. In the annual reports on the competitiveness published by the World Economic Forum1, the development of human capital is considered as one of the fundamental groups of factors, on the basis of which it is proposed to judge the level of competitiveness of national economies. In the Russian economy, the problem of the influence of the human factor determining the competitive rating in the post-industrial economy, relatively recently began to be deeply and actively studying.

The level and dynamics of wages in the context of the activities and sectors of the Russian economy in the 2000s are analyzed., Including the stages of recovery growth and stabilization. The basis of the rated wages, productivity, real labor costs is taken as the basis. Revealed qualitatively various trends in the ratio of wage and labor productivity at the level of individual sectors and activities on the background of a leading wage growth as a whole in economics.

National accounts of Russia in 2006-2013: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. M., 2013. 7.<...> Russia in numbers. 2014: Pros. Stat. Sat / POST. M., 2014. 10.<...> Labor and employment. 2007: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. M., 2007. 11.<...> Labor and employment. 2012: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. M., 2012. 12.<...> Labor and employment. 2013: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. M., 2013. 13. Fedorova L.


The relevance of the article is due to the fact that poverty and low-income, along with their accompanying significant scale of social inequalities, continue to remain among the most acute social problems of modern Russian society. The article analyzes the main factors of the low living standard of the significant number of Russians, the features of Russian poverty, and are also offered ways to overcome this social phenomenon.

P. 209-210. 10 labor and employment in Russia. 2009: Stat. Sat M., 2009. P. 386. 11 See: Shevyakov A.Yu.<...> P. 52. 15 Russian Statistical Yearbook. 2012: Stat. Sat M., 2012. P. 186. 16 See: Abalkin L.<...> Russian statistical yearbook. 2012: Stat. Sat<...> Russia in numbers. 2013: Stat. Sat M., 2013 (Rossija v Cifrah. 2013: Stat. Sb. M., 2013). SKS J.<...> Labor and employment in Russia. 2009: Stat. Sat M., 2009 (TRUD I Zanjatost 'V Rossii. 2009: Stat. SB.