Glucose in the urine: What does this mean and what are the rules when analyzing? Why does sugar appear in the urine in a child?

26.08.2019 Analyzes

Glucose is a substance that is absent in the urine healthy man. It is allowed in small quantities that they usually do not pay attention to, denoting in the letterhead with the results of the analysis as "traces".

Such phenomena are considered normal, for example, in pregnant women, especially in the second and third trimester - after all, the burden on the body at this time increases significantly, and the kidneys may simply not have time to filter all sugar. But a significant increase in this indicator in urine analysis is usually alarming and a doctor and a patient. Of course, it is impossible to diagnose on the basis of the urine analysis alone - for this it will be necessary to carry out additional research.

A woman with a diagnosis of gestational diabetes, a doctor usually prescribes monitoring the blood glucose level throughout the rest of the pregnancy, as well as after childbirth to identify the possible evolution of gestational diabetes in diabetes. The following tables show different thresholds to interpret blood glucose results. These thresholds are recommended by the American Diabetic Association.

Normal glycosuria should be unwrapped. As the glucose glucose level increases and glucosuria increases. In addition to diabetes, increased glycosuria is observed during treatment with drugs such as estrogens, as well as in some kidney diseases. Moderately high blood glucose concentrations often indicate the presence of prediabet.

It is important to know that the fact of detection itself increased level Sugar in the urine is not a reason for panic. Such a phenomenon may be caused by natural factors and have a temporary character.

But if you are experiencing symptoms sugar diabetes either another disease, or blood test assigned to you additionally also showed elevated sugar - Perhaps there is a serious pathology in your body.

This situation, if it is not the subject medical care, often develops in type diabetes. Low glucose concentrations in the blood are also observed in cases: - insufficiency of adrenal glands, - alcoholism, - drug intake, such as paracetamol or anabolic steroids - increased liver failure - hypophized deficiency, - hypothyroidism - insulin overdose, - insulin - increased malnutrition .

Are there any other things? Hypoglycemia is a decrease in blood glucose concentration. This reduction begins with impact on nervous system And causes such symptoms as sweating, heartbeat, hunger, tremor, anxiety. If hypoglycemia is worsened, it is later affixed by the brain, causing confusion, hallucinations, problems with vision, and sometimes comes and even death. The true diagnosis of hypoglycemia requires that three are "Triad Whipple".

The reasons

The first question arising from a patient who was found glucose in the urine - what does this mean?

Should I beat the alarm and suspect diabetes mellitus, or can you calm down and blame all the day eaten pastries?

The final decision can be accepted by a doctor. The determination of the presence of glucose in Urin occurs in several ways:

Primary hypoglycemia - a rare disease that is usually diagnosed in childhood. Patients may have symptoms of hypoglycemia without reducing blood glucose levels. In this pathology, diet changes consisting of a reception of several small dishes and small snacks per day consisting of complex carbohydrates, and not simple sugars, can be sufficient to facilitate symptoms. If dietary measures are insufficient and there is an emptyker hypoglycemia, intravenous glucose therapy may be required.

If you do not suffer with diabetes and not diabetic, you have no reason to measure the level of sugar in the blood of the house. Regular examination of medical visits should be enough. However, if the diagnosis of diabetes was made, your doctor may assign a blood glucose self-controlling level, especially if you have type diabetes. This self-control is performed using a glucometer or, sometimes associated system, the principle of which is to use very small blood volumes or interstitial fluid to measure the level of glucose.

  • The overall analysis of urine, during which attention is drawn to other parameters - the presence of erythrocyte, leukocytes, cylinders, mucus, protein, salts, bacteria and other substances indicating the presence of the disease;
  • Samples of Nildera and Gainnes. In the first case, the presence of glucose says the sediment in the urine, in the second pathology, the change in the color of the fluid is indicated;
  • Test strips on glucose, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

The condition of the presence of glucose in urine is called glucosuria. Sugar in Urin is usually present for two reasons:

You will be given a guide in which you will tell, what should be the values \u200b\u200bof glucose in the blood depending on the time of day. Regularly checking the blood glucose level, you will see if your diet or treatment is suitable. Not in most cases. Glucose is usually present in the urine only if the amount in the blood is so large that the body needs to get rid of it in the urine, or if there is a kidney disease, which causes glucose leakage in the urine. However, glucose in the urine is sometimes used as an indicator of stupid hyperglycemia.

  • An increase in blood sugar;
  • Deterioration of kidney filtration abilities.

Such a phenomenon can be physiological, that is, being caused by natural factors. In this case, it is not hazardous to health, unless there is a permanent nature.

Natural factors temporarily increasing blood sugar are:

The urine strip used to detect sugar in the urine is simultaneously to detect the presence of proteins and ketones. What are the usual methods of treating diabetes? For type 2 diabetes, which is the most common type of diabetes, loss of excess weight, availability healthy nutrition, high fiber content and depletion in carbohydrates, as well as regular exercise can be sufficient to reduce blood sugar levels. However, it is very often necessary to achieve the desired concentration of glucose in the blood in blood, oral antidiabetics are necessary, which increase the secretion of insulin and the sensitivity of the body to insulin.

  • Reception in large amounts of food rich in carbohydrates - for example, sweets, or some fruits (bananas), flour and busty products. It is necessary to take into account the fact that it is impossible to get involved in such a food, because such a habit may result in excess weight and obesity, which are often the cause of diabetes;
  • Stress, emotional overvoltage;
  • Strong and intense physical exertion;
  • Reception of drugs - to increase the level of sugar in the body can substances such as caffeine, salicylic acid, acetyline, diuretics;
  • Pregnancy - often in the second and third trimester sugar in the urine of the future mother increases slightly. This is due to the increased burden on the kidneys. Usually, such a phenomenon disappears by itself after delivery.

If the sugar in the analysis of urine turned out to be increased once, and more such a problem was observed - we can assume that there are no pathologies in the body. So that the doctor does not start suspecting your ailments that are not really not, it is advisable to collect the material in the morning, an empty stomach, and in sterile container.

In the case of type 1 diabetes, insulin several times a day. Can a therapist-teacher help me? If you suffer diabetes, the therapist teacher can help you learn: - cook appropriate dishes for your illness. The diet is extremely important for minimizing sudden changes in blood sugar. - Determine and learn to treat hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. - Measure, write and write down the blood glucose results. - Adjust the treatment. - To give you the right type (s) of insulin, which best suits your needs. - Conduct other procedures well. - Keep track of your legs, skin and eyes to identify problems as early as possible. - Buy products for patients with diabetes and store them in good conditions.

Increased glucose in Urin can appear both as a sign of diseases:

  • Diabetes. This is the most common pathological cause The occurrence of glucose in urine and blood analyzes. This disease is associated with disorders in metabolism, a decrease in the amount of insulin produced by the pancreas, and the high concentration of blood sugar. Often it accompanies a person all his life, making it dependent on insulin injections, receiving sugar-overlying tablets and diets;
  • Disruption of renal function, which consists in reducing the ability of the organ to process sugar. Such a disease is called renal glucose, and his presence speaks normal level blood glucose with elevated indicators of the same substance in Urine;
  • Pancreatitis in acute form;
  • Brain tumors, encephalitis, meningitis;
  • Diseases that are accompanied by feverish states;
  • Endocrine disorders - for example, increased production of adrenaline, somatotropin, thyroxine in the body;
  • Poisoning toxic substances - strikhnin, morphine, chloroform, phosphorus;
  • Damage to kidney channels;
  • Renal diseases - pyelonephritis, nephrosis, cystitis, urethritis;
  • Renal failure.

In pregnant women, the excess of the Sahara indicator may indicate a gestational diabete, which threatens complications during a delivery, or an increase in the body mass of the fetus.

You will find all the information on the following links. Sugar diabetes is the most important and most frequent cause Glucosuria. In a healthy kidney, glucose is filtered into a ball and almost completely reabsorbed into a proximal tube. The physiological excretion of glucose is not detected by the strip.

The band: the left comparative scale, on the right - a negative case and a positive case. The search for glucosuria is carried out for each patient. Sugar diabetes is frequent disease, and the analysis of glucose in the urine is proven and effective method Screening. The absence of glucosuria does not exclude the diagnosis.

Read more about renal failure

Normal indicators

There is defined by doctors norm glucose content - if its content in the urine in an adult and the child has It does not exceed 9, 9 mmol / l., Usually in the letterhead with the results of the analysis, it is written either about the absence of this substance, or about its traces.

Obesity Hyperlipidemia Hyperuricemia or Gout Hypertension Coronary, Cerebral or Peripheral Blood Disturbances Hepato Gollar Disorders Chronic Infections urinary tract Chronic dermatological disorders. This list is added.

People over 40 years old people with a family history of diabetes. . However, it should be remembered that only one glucose is not enough to detect diabetes, other reasons can enter the game. Pregnancy glucosuria Pregnant women can have moderate glucosuria in case of chickenpox and especially in postprandial urine. Family glucosuria kidney glucosuria is present, while the concentration of blood sugar is normal.

  • This shape of glucosuria disappears after delivery.
  • Renal function does not affect.
  • Glucosuria can vary between.
This means that even a small glucose can be delivered with great reliability.

If sugar was found in a larger size, the doctor will appoint additional research. You need to beat the alarm if, in addition to this problem, you notice such symptoms:

  • Student urination, pain and burning during it;
  • Deterioration and other functions of the body;
  • Pain in the lower back and below the abdomen;
  • Constant weakness, dizziness;
  • Strong itching of skin;
  • Dry mouth.

All these signs may indicate sugar diabetes, or inflammatory process in kidneys.

Your explanation: urine analysis. Urine analysis is used to diagnose problems affecting renal and urinary system. There are three types of urine tests: the urine of the 1st type, there are 24-hour urine checks and urine culture, which are usually carried out in a clinical laboratory, and none of them requires starvation.

The urine routine analysis is made by collecting the first morning urine placed in a plastic container provided by the laboratory. The collection can be done at home, but the urine container should be taken in the laboratory about 30-60 minutes. Before sampling, a person must clear the inner area, refuse the first jet to remove impurities from the urine, and then collect the remaining urine.

In order for the results of additional research to be reliable, try one day before putting the material for them not to take alcohol, also refuse this time from diuretic and other medicines.

If you are actively engaged in sports, refrain from exercise 30 minutes before delivery.

People are accustomed to the term "sugar in the urine". But it is worth clarifying that there are many sugars in nature. In the body of a person are present: Levuliza, Lactose, Galactoza. Most often doctors are interested in blood glucose and urine (glucose), as an indicator carbohydrate exchange. Studying the question of why the level does not correspond to the norm, find out what pathology has broken the right course of assimilation of this substance.

This urine study should not be carried out during or after menstruation. If the urine analysis shows a positive result, the presence of blood and leukocytes, for example, nitrite can not have an infection urinary tractBut only the study of urine culture should confirm the presence or absence of urine, infection. However, the 1st type urinary test should not be used separately to diagnose the problem with urination.

Pregnancy urine analysis. This test is reliable, but when the test is performed too early or incorrectly, the result can go wrong. Ideal time for this test - one week after a day, when menstruation should appear in the morning after awakening, using the first morning urine.

It is known that the blood glucose rate is from 8.8 to 9.9 mmol / l, with healthy kidneys in the urine, not more than 0.06-0.08 mmol / l. Almost this is a negligible amount that is difficult to calculate the laboratory. Therefore, it is believed that glucose in the urine in normal conditions should be absent. Sometimes in the conclusion they write "Sugar traces".

In this case, you must make a new test after 1 week. This urine test is sufficiently sensitive to pregnancy detection, in addition, for example, tests for testing 1 type urine cannot detect pregnancy. Detailed search, which was searched for our visitors: urine analysis, diagnostic tests, Mutual quotes online.

Hot: Find a mutual comparison. Think about protecting yourself with good mutual. The search for glucosuria is carried out monthly during pregnancy and is aimed at identifying the disease due to excess blood sugar: gestational diabetes. Glycosuria is the presence of glucose or sugar in the urine. There is no sugar in ordinary urine.

Sugar rate in the urine in men is no different from women. In the elderly, a small increase is allowed by reducing organs of organs. The high concentration of accumulated glucose in the blood makes it difficult to reverse suction of the substance from the renal tubules, so the extra sugar is "reset" in the urine. Such a mechanism is valid for diabetes mellitus.

Glycosuria is very characteristic, although it is not specific, diabetes. It shows an increase in blood glucose level called hyperglycemia. Indeed, when hyperglycemia is too high, the kidney can no longer filter glucose and skip it through the urine.

Systematic monthly search

Glycosuria is systematically sought every month during pregnancy. This study is carried out in the morning urine simultaneously with the search for proteinuria. The presence of glucose in the urine of a pregnant woman can be a sign of gestational diabetes. When a positive glycury test, the doctor will ask for a blood test survey. If necessary, an induced hyperglycemia test may be requested, which is 2 hours after the intake of 50 g of glucose. Gestational diabetes is approved if the level of glucose in the blood exceeds a certain threshold.

How is the absorption of glucose?

Glucose is from food when processing in the intestine. Enters blood and is distributed into the cells of different tissues as the necessary material for the production of energy and the construction of structures. It can only penetrate the influence of the hormone of the pancreas insulin.

Glucose surplus are destroyed in two ways:

Gestational diabetes affects approximately 4% of pregnant women. This disease leads to a low degree of hyperglycemia, as a rule, for the mother, but can affect the child. These complications are mostly macros of the fetus, that is, a big child who can make it difficult to deliver. The child may also suffer from hypoglycemia at birth or from a lung ripening defect. This transitional diabetes occurs during the third trimester of pregnancy. . The treatment of gestational diabetes is based on dietary mode, as limiting quick sugars as possible.

  • processed in the liver in glycogen and there are postponed to "difficult" times;
  • reach kidney glomers, pass through the membrane and fall into the primary urine of the tubules.

Further path is determined by the threshold of reverse absorption. The average value of the renal threshold in an adult is 10 mmol / l. If blood sugar is less, it is absorbed back with the help of carrier proteins. When the specified value is exceeded, the absorption is stopped and some glucose passes into the final urine.

If the diet is insufficient to normalize blood glucose levels, insulin therapy may be required. This diabetes disappears after childbirth, but it shows a predisposition, so it can appear in future pregnancy or during menopause. In the long run, hyperglycemia can lead to complications.

Research and letter: Quebec Diabetes. Hyperglycemia and diabetes. In diabetes in children and adolescents, the 2nd edition. Glucose control objectives in the blood. In the urine, there is usually no sugar, except for traces. In normal conditions, glucose is absent in the urine; With normal circumstances, the kidney absorbs about 180 g of glucose glomerular filtrate every day. Glucose conveyors in the proximal test tube of kidneys provide for less than 0, 5 g per day with urine; Since the ability of resorption is limited, in the event that there is a large amount of sugar in the blood, the body will not fully restore it, and the part will dissipate during urination.

The threshold concentration in women in the third trimester of pregnancy does not exceed 7 mmol / l. This means that sugar in the urine during the overload of sweets they will appear earlier. In children, the threshold value is higher than in adults. The indicator from 10.45 to 12.65 mmol / l protects the child from the glucose level fluctuations for a period of addiction to a variety of food.

Types of glucose

Elevated sugar in the urine is not always pathology. 2 types of glucosuria are isolated. Physiological - more often low, lasts temporarily and decreases immediately when normalizing the content of glucose in the blood. Its reasons can be:

  • stressful situations;
  • reception some medicines (corticosteroids in the treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases);
  • pregnancy;
  • eating a significant amount of sweet dishes, flour products of carbohydrates, honey.

The most simple physiological glucose is classified as:

  • alimentary - associated with food;
  • emotional - under stress, fear;
  • dosage - under the influence of therapy.

Itsenko-Cushing's disease is reflected on appearance man

Pathological glucosuria can develop under states and diseases without kidney damage:

  • in diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, feochromocytoma, such an endocrine pathology, as an Incenko-Cushing disease;
  • chronic lesion of the liver due to a deposit violation;
  • acute pancreatitis when the pancreas stops functioning and cannot produce a required amount of insulin;
  • the lesions of the central regulation during meningitis, encephalitis, brain tumors, brain injuries, strokes.

Fever glucosuria - accompanies a significant increase in body temperature. Toxic glucose - is a symptom toxic action poisonous substances With poisoning medicinal preparations such as morphine, chloroform, strikhnin, phosphorus-containing connections.

The division of pathological glucosuria is common in medicine:

  • on the associated with the pancreas and the production of insulin;
  • not related to the state of the pancreas.

With each of the listed pathologies, the appearance of sugar in the urine always shows high level in blood.

Features of kidney glucose

Glucosuria of renal origin is kept against the background of the normal glucose concentration in the blood. However, during the study from urine, sugar, protein, sediment microscopy indicates the content of erythrocytes, cylinders, renal epithelium. These indicators mean a violation of the kidney filtering ability or reducing reverse absorption (reabsorption).

Filtering depends on the formation and composition of primary urine. But in the renal tubules, the solution is additionally processed. It is selected from it the necessary substances and absorbed into the blood. Therefore, there is no glucose in the rectangular urine of glucose in the secondary urine.

It is important that adsorption does not occur at the expense of diffusion processes from a highly concentrated solution into less saturated, but by the active operation of the cells of the epithelium of the renal tubules. Consequently, the defeat of the epithelial layer leads to a breakdown of reverse absorption and glucose removal with urine.

How to detect glucose in the urine with a laboratory way?

The definition of glucose in the urine is carried out in any laboratory of the medical institution. An analysis is one of the mandatory standards. The most reliable data on the sugar content in the urine is obtained in the study of samples from urine assembled per day. It is important to take into account that in the presence of massive bacteriuria, glucose is quickly decomposed. Therefore, the study is necessary as quickly as possible.

Unified method

It is the use of indicator strips "glucotest", impregnated with a special substance capable of oxidizing glucose. When lowering such a strip in the urine, the chemical oxidation reaction causes the formation of hydrogen peroxide. It changes the color of the indicator. The reaction is high quality (confirms the presence of glucose), the concentration can be set in inaccurate, tentatively.

Indicator strips suitable for self-control patients with diabetes

Gainnessea method

Chemical reaction is used in alkaline environment With heating. Glucose is capable of transforming copper salts and forms a solution of yellow-red.

Benedict method

It is considered the most reliable because only 8-10 drops of urine are used for the reaction. In fact, it does not differ from the method of Gainnes. Changed only the analysis technology. The solution gives green painting in the absence of glucose.

Polarimetric method

Apply only in the case of a clear urine solution. All substances, pigments are preparing for this. Filtration is carried out in the presence of lead salts and acetic acid.

The device (polarimeter) is inserted a test tube with a transparent filtered solution. The use of the treatment of drugs from the Tetracycline group, streptocide, is affected for reliability.

Colorimetric method Althausen

Based on the formation of a color reaction with the subsequent comparison of the resulting solution with a standard scale.

Ortotoluidin sample

The reagent includes orthotolidine, which responds to the resulting hydrogen peroxide and is painted in the blue color of different shades. For quantitative determination, calibration solutions are prepared with a known glucose concentration. The definition of sugar in the urine is carried out on the calculations based on the most coinciding scale.

Why does sugar appear in the urine in a child?

Survey the child to determine glucose in the urine is necessary in the following cases:

  • baby became too fed, slow;
  • it is noted that the child constantly drinks water;
  • there were complaints of fatigue, weakness;
  • the student does not cope with the load;
  • footprints are visible on the skin;
  • frequently arising guns, teenagers;
  • the child is quickly gaining overweight or, on the contrary, losing weight.

After drinking the whole chocolate tile, the child's body will have to work well to bring extra sugar, of course, it will appear in the urine

It is not necessary to forget that sugar in the urine in a child may appear after overeating sweets, increased physical and mental load. To eliminate physiological glucosuria, a pediatrician will advise:

  • limit the reception of candies, chocolate, baking, jam;
  • carefully appreciate the value of sports workouts that increase physical Load, for the health of the child;
  • to talk and try to find out the situation at school, console in family problems, create conditions under which the child will feel like her beloved and necessary.

If control analyzes show resistant glucosuria, there is an increase in the withdrawal of the urine protein, the renal epithelium, red blood cells, cylinders appeared in the sediment, then it requires a full-fledged child survey for differential diagnosis Kidney lesions, pancreas and hormonal disorders.

How to cope with glucosuria?

Do not try to reduce sugar in the urine without the participation of the doctor. Upon receipt of the analysis requires consultation of the endocrinologist. Specialist:

  • recommends a balanced diet;
  • will understand the reasons for the appearance of sugar in Urin;
  • appoints the necessary analyzes for differential diagnosis of diabetes.

The identification of the effect of kidney pathology helps to decide how to withdraw a patient from a dangerous state of glucose loss with urine.

Treatment of kidney disease is carried out by courses, taking into account the affecting actions of some drugs. The absence of exacerbation says the cessation of protein, erythrocytes, glucose, normalization of the composition of the sediment, the reduction of leukocyticuria, the number of bacteria.

When confirmed by diabetes mellitus, the ability to absorb glucose on a blood curve is simultaneously checked as the main cause of glucosuria, tests on the functional ability of the pancreas are checked. Diabetes treatment includes:

  • physical activity mode;
  • meals with the exception of alcohol, light carbohydrates and fats restriction;
  • the use of sugar medicines in tablets or injections.

It is necessarily established degree of dependence on insulin, the stability of the body to the hormone. This shows the extent to which the patient needs substitution therapy.

Endocrinologist selects the form of an insulin drug individually

Among folk remedies There are plants capable of lowering blood glucose levels and then in the urine. These ways are not recommended to abuse. Anyway will have to be examined. Fitotherapy can be used only as auxiliary method of treatment.

Rescuratives have a sugar-based action:

  • from dandelion roots;
  • oats;
  • berries of blueberries;
  • leaves nettle.

Reshausts are comfortable to cook in a thermos, insist at least three hours. Drink during the day.

Sugar in the urine is a serious symptom of many diseases. The restoration of the normal work of the body requires a serious approach to solving the problem. The doctor will tell O. required measureswill prescribe a survey and treatment. But only the patient himself depends on the observance of the conditions, getting rid of the usual food. All difficulties can be overcome if you configure yourself to cure and prevent complications.