Frederic pathenode secrets of the raw food diet. Frederic Patenoud: Secrets of the Raw Food Diet Raw Food and Weight Loss

10.07.2020 Complications

Raw food without embellishment

Radical ideas are much more powerful than common truths. But there is danger in their power. Radical ideas should be handled with the same care as an explosive device.

It is this "explosive" idea is a raw food diet. It can save your life; help get rid of "incurable" diseases; give you a consistently excellent state of health; return the joy of life; turn your life in a completely different direction... turn it around.

But putting this idea into practice can be a very difficult task. There are many traps along the way. Many have already fallen into these traps - and many more will fall if they do not understand what these traps are, how to notice them and bypass them.

Many ruin their health with the wrong raw food diet. In most cases, this is the result of bad or stupid advice. My book is an antidote to the false information that is spreading among raw foodists, harming people. It is a pity that no one gave me such a book in 1997, when I started on this path.

I first became aware of the connection between nutrition and health at the age of 16, when my mother introduced vegetarianism to our family. She decided to change something in her diet in order to lose weight. On our table suddenly appeared whole wheat bread, tofu, seitan and other strange things. The meat gradually disappeared.

My mother's interest in nutrition was quickly transferred to me - I began to read books that she bought. Slowly I became a vegetarian, although I did not call myself one yet. The final chord came a couple of years later when I read John Robbins' Diet for the New America. Under the influence of this book, I really became a vegetarian - she completely convinced me of its benefits.

I became a vegetarian with joy and interest. I remember with what delight I discovered all these new products, for the first time I made purchases in stores healthy food, learned to cook new dishes, tried at every opportunity to lure friends and relatives into his new faith. That was great! But it wasn't vegetarianism that changed my life, it was the raw food diet.

One day, I stumbled across Herbert Shelton's little book Food Combinations Made Easy. She made me strong impression. Shelton argued that man, like other frugivorous animals, should eat only fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. This idea opened a wide gap in the cozy, newly built world of a vegetarian who could not imagine life without grain products. Until now, I thought I had found the perfect diet, and then some guy comes along and says that I should give up not only meat and milk, but also grains, legumes, vegetable oils, salt, seasonings - and everything boiled and processed! I felt like I was being challenged. I need to know more about this, I thought. It can't be true!

On the same shelf where I found Shelton's writings, I came across strange-looking books in French by one Albert Mosseri, and I was completely stunned to find that he was saying the same thing! Our natural diet should consist of fruits and vegetables - plus perhaps a small amount of nuts and seeds. In addition, these books on natural hygiene said that each of us is 100% responsible for our own health. They argued that all the diseases we suffer from are due to wrong lifestyles - mostly from wrong diet, and that by returning to a simple raw diet of fruits and vegetables, with fasting if necessary, one can not only be cured of all these diseases, but also to regain excellent health, which is nothing but our original, natural state.

So, I began to study works on natural hygiene. I remember with what feeling I looked at the cover of Mosseri's book. There was a picture of a bowl of fruit, some chestnuts, and some strange pumpkin. The design seemed so simple, but at the same time it fascinated. I remember the struggle going on in my soul. “I know this is IT, these guys are saying very sensible things. But in order to accomplish all this, I must completely change my life, turn it in a completely different direction, abandon all my plans! These are the thoughts that plagued a twenty-year-old Canadian boy living in Quebec. And I thought I was the only one.

So, I took on the case alone... and without much success. I was rushing back and forth, my diet was in turmoil, and too much inside of me started to move - I did not know what to do with it. I needed to meet new people, escape from my hometown, see what was happening outside of it. Once on the Internet, I found out about the book by Arlin, Deeney and Wolfe "The first law of nature - a raw food diet."

This book gave me a powerful impetus to a 100% raw food diet. I contacted the authors in San Diego and arranged a meeting. For six months in Canada, I lived on a 100% raw food diet, made a couple of friends raw, and worked to save some money. And then I got ready to go and took a 72-hour, six-stop bus ride to California.

In California, the raw food diet flourished, but I noticed a lot of contradictions and confusion in it. But I was suddenly captured by the general flow, I felt like a part of everything that was happening. Along the way, I got carried away with the idea that a raw food diet is the answer to everything. I believed that it would solve not only all my problems, but - ultimately - all the problems of mankind. Perhaps this enthusiasm was necessary to encourage me to take decisive action (as it certainly happens with many), but he, no doubt, led me on the wrong path ...

While living in California, I tried to give the impression of a self-confident enthusiast, while my health was slowly but surely deteriorating. For such a young guy, it was too bad! I felt a constant lack of energy. Often I was overcome by a cloudy heaviness in my head, inability to concentrate, I had no strength even for ordinary, everyday activities. I believed that I was going through a detox, which would eventually end, and I would find "paradise health." Unfortunately, that day never came - the "detoxification" lasted without end.

Gradually my diet became more and more dominated by seeds and fats. I used to eat six avocados a day, a bunch of nuts and seeds. To curb my cravings for cooked food, I started using vegetable oils, salt, spices, garlic and other products that he had previously avoided in Canada, following the precepts of natural hygiene. Since the last thing I wanted to do was go back to varenka, I invented all sorts of substitutes for dishes and products that I yearned for, and rushed headlong into the abyss of raw food recipes. Raw pies, raw chocolate, raw lasagna... you can't count them all. Everything is raw, everything is natural, everything is healthy, but…

A year later, I got really sick - for a whole month. But I didn’t say anything to anyone - after all, I’m the same great raw foodist and I have to be healthy as a bull. These illnesses didn't fit with my image, so I locked myself at home and starved until I felt relieved.

This incident clarified a lot for me: I realized that a raw food diet cannot be followed haphazardly. However, I still had no idea what needed to be changed. Eliminating nuts from the diet for a while after fasting really helped, but it was still far from "paradise health". Where is this inexhaustible energy that allows you to dance all night long? Where has the fire of life gone?

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Frederic Pathenode
Raw food secrets


Raw food without embellishment

Radical ideas are much more powerful than common truths. But there is danger in their power. Radical ideas should be handled with the same care as an explosive device.

It is this "explosive" idea is a raw food diet. It can save your life; help get rid of "incurable" diseases; give you a consistently excellent state of health; return the joy of life; turn your life in a completely different direction... turn it around.

But putting this idea into practice can be a very difficult task. There are many traps along the way. Many have already fallen into these traps - and many more will fall if they do not understand what these traps are, how to notice them and bypass them.

Many ruin their health with the wrong raw food diet. In most cases, this is the result of bad or stupid advice. My book is an antidote to the false information that is spreading among raw foodists, harming people. It is a pity that no one gave me such a book in 1997, when I started on this path.

I first became aware of the connection between nutrition and health at the age of 16, when my mother introduced vegetarianism to our family. She decided to change something in her diet in order to lose weight. Whole grain bread, tofu, seitan, and other strange things suddenly appeared on our table. The meat gradually disappeared.

My mother's interest in nutrition quickly passed on to me - I began to read books that she bought. Slowly I became a vegetarian, although I did not call myself one yet. The final chord came a couple of years later when I read John Robbins' Diet for the New America. Under the influence of this book, I really became a vegetarian - she completely convinced me of its benefits.

I became a vegetarian with joy and interest. I remember with what delight I discovered all these new products, for the first time shopping in health food stores, learning how to cook new dishes, trying at every opportunity to lure friends and family into my new faith. That was great! But it wasn't vegetarianism that changed my life, it was the raw food diet.

One day, I stumbled across Herbert Shelton's little book Food Combinations Made Easy. She made a strong impression on me. Shelton argued that man, like other frugivorous animals, should eat only fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. This idea opened a wide gap in the cozy, newly built world of a vegetarian who could not imagine life without grain products. Until now, I thought I had found the perfect diet, and then some guy comes along and says that I should give up not only meat and milk, but also grains, legumes, vegetable oils, salt, seasonings - and everything boiled and processed! I felt like I was being challenged. I need to know more about this, I thought. It can't be true!

On the same shelf where I found Shelton's writings, I came across strange-looking books in French by one Albert Mosseri, and I was completely stunned to find that he was saying the same thing! Our natural diet should consist of fruits and vegetables - plus perhaps a small amount of nuts and seeds. In addition, these books on natural hygiene said that each of us is 100% responsible for our own health. They argued that all the diseases we suffer from are due to wrong lifestyles - mostly from wrong diet, and that by returning to a simple raw diet of fruits and vegetables, with fasting if necessary, you can not only be cured of all these diseases, but also to regain excellent health, which is nothing but our original, natural state.

So, I began to study works on natural hygiene. I remember with what feeling I looked at the cover of Mosseri's book. There was a picture of a bowl of fruit, some chestnuts, and some strange pumpkin. The design seemed so simple, but at the same time it fascinated. I remember the struggle going on in my soul. “I know this is IT, these guys are saying very sound things. But in order to accomplish all this, I must completely change my life, turn it in a completely different direction, abandon all my plans! These are the thoughts that plagued a twenty-year-old Canadian boy living in Quebec. And I thought I was the only one.

So, I took on the case alone... and without much success. I was rushing back and forth, my diet was in turmoil, and too much inside of me was bouncing around - I didn’t know what to do with it. I needed to meet new people, escape from my hometown, see what was happening outside of it. Once on the Internet, I found out about the book by Arlin, Deeney and Wolfe "The first law of nature - a raw food diet."

This book gave me a powerful impetus to a 100% raw food diet. I contacted the authors in San Diego and arranged a meeting. For six months in Canada, I lived on a 100% raw food diet, made a couple of friends raw, and worked to save some money. And then I got ready to go and took a 72-hour, six-stop bus ride to California.

In California, the raw food diet flourished, but I noticed a lot of contradictions and confusion in it. But I was suddenly captured by the general flow, I felt like a part of everything that was happening. Along the way, I got carried away with the idea that a raw food diet is the answer to everything. I believed that it would solve not only all my problems, but - ultimately - all the problems of mankind. Perhaps this enthusiasm was necessary to encourage me to take decisive action (as it certainly happens with many), but he, no doubt, led me on the wrong path ...

While living in California, I tried to give the impression of a self-confident enthusiast, while my health was slowly but surely deteriorating. For such a young guy, it was too bad! I felt a constant lack of energy. Often I was overcome by a cloudy heaviness in my head, inability to concentrate, I had no strength even for ordinary, everyday activities. I believed that I was going through a detox, which would eventually end, and I would find "paradise health." Unfortunately, that day never came—the “detox” went on and on.

Gradually my diet became more and more dominated by seeds and fats. I used to eat six avocados a day, a bunch of nuts and seeds. To tame my cravings for cooked foods, I began to use vegetable oils, salt, spices, garlic, and other foods that I had previously avoided in Canada, following the precepts of natural hygiene. Since the last thing I wanted to do was go back to varenka, I invented all sorts of substitutes for dishes and products that I yearned for, and rushed headlong into the abyss of raw food recipes. Raw pies, raw chocolate, raw lasagna... you can't count them all. Everything is raw, everything is natural, everything is healthy, but…

A year later, I got really sick - for a whole month. But I didn’t say anything to anyone - after all, I’m the same great raw foodist and I have to be healthy as a bull. These illnesses didn't fit with my image, so I locked myself at home and starved until I felt relieved.

This incident clarified a lot for me: I realized that a raw food diet cannot be followed haphazardly. However, I still had no idea what needed to be changed. Eliminating nuts from the diet for a while after fasting really helped, but it was still far from "paradise health". Where is this inexhaustible energy that allows you to dance all night long? Where has the fire of life gone?

On top of that, I was just working on the Nature's First Law portal - in the "heart of the world raw food diet." There I started my own raw food newsletter "Just Eat An Apple" (Just Eat an Apple) and planned to start working on a recipe book (along the way In fact, I became a good raw food cook).

During those first few years in California, during a period of strict raw food dieting, I didn’t feel completely exhausted all the time – I thought a lot, trying to understand why the system did not work in my case the way it should work, according to books. And I was not alone: ​​I met many people who were experiencing the same thing. But, blinded by the ideal of the raw food diet, we could not admit to ourselves what was really going on.

When I returned to Canada in 2000, I retired. I started eating boiled food again and, oddly enough, I felt better. The improvement was due to the fact that I stepped back from my uncompromising position as a strict raw foodist and was able to see the raw diet "as is". I saw in it a tool that can be used clumsily, but you can use it properly. Now I just had to learn how to use it properly.

A lover of extremes, I rediscovered cooked food with the same thoroughness and methodicalness with which I once mastered the raw food diet. Slowly, carefully, I tested the varenka on my own body. I tried bread, I tried cheese… I drank wine on dates in restaurants. I felt what it was like to order a croissant in a Parisian cafe. I realized that I can no longer eat the same way and still feel “normal” like all “normal” people - the raw food diet has changed my whole body too much. My body reacted to traditional foods with a powerful rejection. It was necessary to find some way out, and urgently, because I knew that such food was not for me.

Returning to the starting point, I rediscovered natural hygiene. I carefully re-read Mosseri and Shelton, whose books I studied before my trip to California. They once turned my life around and gave me the courage to leave my hometown for two and a half years with only $600 in my bank account.

After reflecting on all my experience, this time I was able to fully comprehend the fundamental principles of health postulated by Mosseri. I saw their action in everything that happened to me and to others. I finally understood where I was wrong and why, and thanks to this new understanding, I could now really experience the benefits that the founders of the raw food movement promised me.

I began to return to raw food in small steps. First, I realized that the most important thing is to eat mainly those foods that are characteristic for a person, species: fruits, vegetables and, in a small amount, nuts and seeds, and avoid grains, legumes and seasonings. Particular attention had to be paid to hunger, food combinations, and the amount of fat, nuts, and seeds in the diet. In addition, I have found that I feel much better after roasted root vegetables and steamed vegetables than after a lot of nuts and seeds or complex raw foods.

This book is a summary of the secrets I have discovered about the raw food diet. Each chapter contains a lesson, a message to myself that helped me see the big picture again. Some chapters are imbued with a warlike, fighting spirit - they reflect internal struggle through which I passed. Other chapters are more positive in tone - they reflect the insights that came to me.

I realized that the principles of a raw food diet are not so easy to put into practice. It's very easy to eat raw food to harm your own health without even realizing it at first. If you are an aspiring raw foodist, you can count yourself very lucky to have this book in your hands. There is too much bad advice circulating in the world of the raw food diet, and I'm glad you got the right guidance right from the start.

My main problem for many years was the lack of energy. I often felt squeezed like a lemon, despite the fact that I ate the best food in the world. It took me a long time to understand what was the matter. Unfortunately, the only advice I've heard from other raw foodists is, "Keep eating raw until you're detoxed."

All the raw dieters I've met along the way - both sane people and fanatics, and all sorts of combinations of both. I got to know people who, as it were, “raw-food” for many years in a row, and then suddenly they again began to eat bread and meat. Others swore in the name of the Raw Food Diet that they would never go back to boiled food, and suddenly you found them, without a shadow of shame, eating hot tortillas stuffed with beans. How could this happen?

Some people are able to quickly figure things out on their own. It takes them four days to understand what others - like me - realize only after four years. Reason and intuition they have in perfect order. But for people who are restless, prone to extremes (as many of us are), it is not easy, especially if our only guide is a few books stuffed with bad advice. Unfortunately, this can be said about most books on the raw food diet. I offer you this book as a sensible textbook on the raw food diet.

The once famous book "Fit For Life" misled people into believing that they practice natural hygiene by the very fact that they correctly combine bread or chicken with other products. Today, raw foodists are being misled into thinking that they eat healthy raw food simply because their food has not been heated.

We hear many words and ideas, but they contain little facts and little wisdom. There is an obvious lack of fundamental principles leading to serious confusion. People who go to raw food festivals and conferences come back elated... but sometimes completely confused. Why? This is because although all the speakers advocate a raw food diet, there is no unity among them regarding what a raw food diet means. One says that the best food is fruit, the other says that fruits feed the mold that lives inside us. One promotes nutritional supplements- the other, on the contrary, declares that they are unacceptable. One recommends fasting on water - the other argues that it is dangerous, and advises drinking juices instead. And so on. All this discord is caused by the fact that the majority of raw foodists, both teachers and students, in equally have no idea about the fundamental principles of health. The lack of fundamental principles in any science leads to its collapse. This deficiency is especially evident in the raw food movement, whose leaders cannot agree on what a raw diet should include. Meanwhile, these fundamental principles really exist. They were discovered 170 years ago by natural hygienists in the United States and members of the German Back to Nature movement. In this book, you will learn some of the fundamental principles of natural hygiene and see how to apply them to a raw food diet. Along the way, we will debunk some of the myths that exist among raw foodists. For most of us, a raw food diet is something new and unfamiliar, and therefore we cannot avoid mistakes and extremes, sometimes even terrible ones. But in the end, after all the mistakes, it's time to clean up, put everything in order. And having started tidying up, the first thing they take out is the garbage ...

For many people, a raw food diet has become a kind of religion, where boiled food is evil, and raw food is salvation. Many books exaggerate the benefits of a raw food diet and overlook its practical application. Some raw foodists even believe that any raw food is better than any cooked food. Like, all you need is to eat raw and refrain from boiled at all costs. However, many have learned the hard way that health and natural nutrition do not come down to this simple formula.

As he says folk wisdom, best the enemy of the good. In everyday speech, we also often use the expression "not to see the forest for the trees." You should not strive so hard for impeccability, try to become holier than the pope - otherwise you can go crazy. Many raw foodists, including myself, promoted the fact that my friend Dr. Doug Graham calls the raw/not raw philosophy. This is a simplified reduction of all the principles of health to one question: "Is this food raw?" Instead of asking, “Is this good for me?” or “How does this product make me feel in my body?” - some raw foodists want to know only one thing: is it raw. From vegans, we hear about the same thing: is it vegan food?

An adherent of the philosophy of raw / not raw shied away, for example, from steamed vegetables, while without hesitation he devoured a whole jar of raw almond paste in a week or even a day. He avoids anything cooked, never considering that some of his raw eating habits may be more harmful to him than certain "non-raw" diets. A committed vegan rejects all animal products, but at the same time often consumes salt, vegetable oils, sugar, industrially processed and synthetic food - after all, all this is “vegan”!

Natural nutrition requires a clearer approach. Raw food is not a religion! Our style of eating should be based not on a simplified spell, but on the rational laws of physiology. Raw food and veganism are justified and efficient systems, but not in the form in which they are sometimes practiced, especially in last years. In this book, you will learn how to make eating raw food give you strength and breathe new life into you.

Chapter 1. How to determine our natural diet

The first question we need to answer at the very beginning, before we talk about eating raw or cooked food, is this: what kind of food is biologically compatible with the human body? Or, to paraphrase, what is our - human as a species - natural diet? Nutritionists seek to determine our diet through various tests, chemical analyzes, laboratory studies and calculate the exact ratio of nutrients we need. The end result of these efforts will be a formula that establishes how much zinc a person needs per day, how much calcium, etc. Ultimately, a person following such a biochemical approach will be forced to eat according to the tables. This he eats for calcium, this for iron, and so on, not counting the long list of nutritional supplements, synthetic vitamins and other pills that he must take on a daily basis to provide the body with “everything it needs.” As a result, the theory balanced nutrition”- a theory that is refuted by the example of any wild animal.

In addition, there is no consensus among scientists about exactly what amounts of nutrients we need and where to get them. In the end, the problem of nutrition turns out to be so confusing that everyone involuntarily raises the question: is it possible at all to know what we should eat? It seems that food is the most natural thing in the world - it is a thing so complex that only a specialist with a scientific degree after laboratory research can tell us how to do it.

Whenever they tell me: "Eating is so difficult ...", I answer: "For some reason, wild animals do not think so." I remind you that wild animals do not see any difficulties in nutrition - they simply eat the raw, natural food for which they are biologically adapted.

No tests and analyzes will ever be able to determine exactly what we should eat, because such an approach to nutrition is infinitely far from nature. As an alternative, promoters of natural hygiene use a different approach - biological. According to this approach, it is necessary to determine the place of man in nature in terms of the nature of nutrition. We have to find out if we are carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, or just frugivores. Once we figure out what category of animal a person belongs to in terms of nutrition, it will be easy to determine which foods best suit our biological needs.

The rational approach to nutrition, which I rely on in this book, boils down to the following rules.

First, identify our natural diet. What foods are intended for us by nature?

Second, pay attention to any factors that may conflict with this optimal nutrition. Do not allow lack of sleep, do not forget about physical activity, refrain from bad habits (coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, medicines, etc.).

Third, eat as much natural food as possible. This means: raw, unprocessed, whole, not "enhanced" with seasonings, salt, etc.

logical approach

Herbert Shelton writes about how one of his predecessors, Dr. Densmore, tried to define our natural diet: “In trying to resolve the question of the normal diet of man, Dr. Emment Densmore used a line of reasoning that can serve us well. First of all, he noticed that animals in their natural state feed on what is directly produced by nature and does not require rearing or breeding. Man, on the contrary, eats what he has produced by growing or breeding. Not feeding on the direct gifts of nature, man has made his life artificial.

Then Densmore came up with the following thought. Since nature has provided all animals with food natural to them, it can be assumed that she has done the same for humans - that is, she has produced food that is as natural to us as grass is for herbivores or meat is for predators. It is impossible not to note the logic of this hypothesis based on the principle of the unity of nature. It is based on the fact that man, to the same extent as a lion or a deer, is a child of nature, which provided for his natural needs. So, if man, like all other animals, is destined for a certain kind of food, then what kind of food or what kind of food is it? In other words, what exactly is human food?

Densmore sought the answer to this question in several directions. Scientists agree that the ancestral home of mankind is located in regions with a warm climate - in the tropics or subtropics. Deprived of tools and fire, man had to live in that part of the world where he could get the direct gifts of nature with the help of the only "tools" with which he is anatomically equipped, and such gifts of nature that are suitable for food without artificial preparation.

If man originally lived in a warm climate, Densmore argues, and, like other animals, ate what nature directly produced, then this food must have grown there in the wild and is most likely common there today. And the southern forests are known to abound in sweet fruits and nuts. It is quite obvious that such a train of thought leads directly to the conclusion that tree fruits are natural food for humans.

Let's add only to this fascinating passage that nuts in warm countries are available only in season and these nuts are fresh, not dried. Vegetables and edible vegetation, on the other hand, grow in abundance throughout the year, and, apparently, man has been eating them since the very beginning of his existence.

Let's not forget that with the advent of agriculture, people began to grow and consume products (especially grains) that are hardly intended for us to eat. By reducing the consumption of wild fruits, once the basis of our diet, we ceased to participate in their distribution and reproduction. For this reason, if you happen to wander through the tropical jungle, almost everywhere you will be surprised at how little edible you can find there.

At the same time, countless types of delicious wild fruits still grow in some areas. We are talking about the jungles of Southeast Asia, where some species of great apes live. Eating favorite fruits and any other natural food, animals carry the swallowed seeds in themselves and then regurgitate them with excrement elsewhere, thereby spreading this type of plant. Thus, after hundreds of years, they create the most suitable food environment around them. Therefore, edible wild fruits are found in abundance only in the habitats of these animals.

What is our place in nature?

“All the anatomical, physiological and embryological features of a person clearly indicate that he belongs to the class of frugivorous. The number and structure of teeth, the length and structure of the gastrointestinal tract, the location of the eyes, the nature of the nails, the functions of the skin, the properties of saliva, the relative size of the liver, the number and location of the mammary glands, the location and structure of the genital organs, the features of the placenta, and much more indicate that a person its nature is a frugivorous mammal.

Since there are no purely frugivorous animals (they all eat green foliage and other parts of plants with pleasure), a person can also eat greens without violating his natural nature. As noted above, the green parts of plants have certain advantages over fruits. Real practice has shown that the addition of green vegetables improves the fruit and nut diet ”(G. Shelton).

There is a strict order in nature. Looking at various animals in nature, we see that each of them is adapted to a certain type of food, which best meets all its needs. The diet of animals is usually limited to just a few types of food, and those that can best be processed in the body of a given animal.

Take, for example, our teeth. Among biologists, it is generally accepted that the shape of the teeth is extremely important for the classification of animals. Even in primates, whose diet consists mainly of fruits and vegetables and very little animal food, teeth are more adapted to eating meat than in humans.

Now take and open the mouth of your cat or dog, and you will see long fangs, pointed, conical in shape, closing on both sides. Now look at your own fangs - they are only sharp enough to bite into an apple. Even if you try to bite your finger with such fangs, you can be sure that you will not be able to injure yourself to the point of blood. But just do not try to repeat this experiment with your dog!

Our jaw can move left and right, which helps when chewing fruits and vegetables. But in a cat, the jaw is not capable of lateral movements - it is perfectly adapted only to pierce into the flesh, tear it and swallow whole pieces. Our teeth, on the other hand, are best suited for chewing fruits and vegetables.

Carnivores have such acidic stomach juices that they can digest bones. They swallow meat without even chewing it, and at the same time it is perfectly digested. In comparison with predators, human gastric juice is very weak. What happens if you don't chew even one tiny almond or sunflower seed? You know very well what will happen. This nut or seed will come out completely undigested.

Now look at your hands. They are designed to grab and peel the fruit. Carnivores and herbivores eat only with their teeth. Even omnivores (which modern biologists tend to include humans), such as pigs, eat the whole fruit - with the peel and everything else. They can't peel an orange - they don't have hands to do it. But pay attention to how primates eat - it's amazing how similar they are to us! They also have five-fingered hands with which they grab and peel fruit. They peel bananas and oranges quite “humanly”, and chimpanzees even crack nuts with a stone. This is only a small part of the possible observations that can be made when trying to build a classification of all animals on earth and find a place for man in it.

Modern biologists tend to believe that humans, like pigs, are omnivores. In other words, supposedly everything is good for us to eat: fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, seeds, grass, whatever. However, this contradicts the discoveries made by the great physiologists of the last century. Physiologists ranked man among the frugivorous. Carnivorous means animals that feed primarily on fruits and vegetables, such as primates.

Primate Diet

Let's take a look at the diet of primates.

Gorillas. Mountain gorillas eat mostly green vegetation (95%), partly because they have a hard time finding other food in their natural habitat. In season they eat some fruit. According to the findings of very serious primatologists George Schaler and Diane Fossey, gorillas do not eat any animal food. In experiments conducted at the San Diego Zoo, gorillas were given a choice of fruits and greens. Curiously, in the end, the gorillas still preferred fruits and ate only them for three months of the experiment.

Chimpanzee. They eat mostly fruits, some greens, nuts and sometimes meat. Animal food makes up less than 5% of their diet. Orangutans. They eat mostly fruits, some greens and nuts. When there is little or no fruit at all, they lean on green foliage and also eat some insects. Orangutans have access to a wide variety of sweet, delicious fruits- lychee, wild fig, chempedak. They especially love durians.

Bonobo. Of all animals, bonobos are closest to humans. They are strikingly similar to us in many ways. Bonobos are now recognized as a separate species, distinct from chimpanzees. While chimpanzees can be aggressive, bonobos are calmer in nature and handle conflicts differently (namely, through sex!). Their diet is also close to our ideal diet: it is mainly fruits and a plant that resembles sugar cane, as well as various greens, young shoots and buds. They don't seem to eat nuts at all. But they eat some insects, perhaps small fish and small animals, but no one has ever seen them hunt like chimpanzees. Animal food makes up less than 1% of their diet.

Based on the diet of primates, it was not easy to understand what the ideal human food should be: different types primates and even in different groups of the same species, food preferences and habits vary greatly. Nevertheless, we know for certain that their main food (with the exception of gorillas) is fruits. In addition, all primates consume greens in significant quantities. Animal food is present in very small quantities.

Russula's Diaries

Modern man is increasingly drawn to primitive manifestations. And even the most recent achievements of civilization sometimes fade against the background of some "newfangled", ideologically presented "savagery". Take, for example, a raw food diet - an unchanging dietary trend that is gaining more and more admirers. I involuntarily wanted to figure out what is the “trick” of this peculiar philosophy of nutrition, the benefits and harms of which are inextricably linked with each other.

In the culture of raw food, a lot of statements are mixed up, sometimes exclusively subjective. Therefore, novice raw foodists need to study the issue in detail in order to avoid disappointments and offensive mistakes in the future.

You can, of course, blindly believe the statements from the series: “A raw food diet contributes to spiritual development, longevity, impeccable health and excellent physical shape.” And maybe not blindly. Because, for example, you can’t hide spoiled teeth from others, and thinned enamel and caries are common problems of fanatical “russula”.

However, we will return to the teeth a little later, but let's start with the “gray matter”, nestled comfortably a little higher.

Well hello brain! Well, hello, raw foodist!

Harvard primatologist and anthropologist Richard Wrangham believes that it was the use of fire for cooking that transformed apes into highly intelligent humans. Because human brain began to develop much more actively from the moment the direct owner of its rudiments began to process food in a thermal way. And all because heat-treated food contains more calories, and this factor actively contributes to the speedy formation of brain neurons.

“Your brain just won't be able to function properly if you don't provide it with enough energy that can only come from cooked food!” says Wrangham. Studying the culture of a raw food diet, he came to the conclusion that such a nutrition system is not enough for a healthy full development. Moreover, the raw food diet can have the most negative impact on the growing children's body, especially on the children's brain ...

Raw foodists reject this theory indignantly and proudly display photos of their cheerful, healthy children on social media.

Look at these kids, of course, very nice. On the other hand, how can one evaluate the intellectual development of a child from such photographs? Unless the kid himself, having matured, will post his own blog on some resource and tell how the raw food diet helped him in life.

Raw foodists can't live with their teeth?

Some raw foodists are convinced that living food is excellent for self-purification. oral cavity and self-whitening of teeth, and consider that mechanical cleaning is unnecessary for them. At the same time, they literally disarm with the argument: “Not a single animal in nature brushes its teeth, because it eats right.”

Apparently, these citizens simply did not sniff the same monkeys. I don't think macaques or gorillas breathe the scent of orchids. On the other hand, they have really good teeth - and this must be admitted!

Personally, it always seemed to me that animals do not brush their teeth, because toothpaste is rarely sold in forests and deserts. Plus, it's hard to imagine an elephant or a hippo wielding a toothbrush. I immediately remember a cartoon about a crocodile who was brushed by a hummingbird bird ...

Some books say: "Practice a raw food diet and your teeth will become healthier." However, many people forget that by eating any food or drink, with the exception of water, we change acid-base balance in the oral cavity. Accordingly, if the pH balance is not restored in time, the teeth, in the literal sense, will have a hard time.

Raw foodists believe that all the vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy teeth are found in apricots, apples, currants, grapes, gooseberries, carrots, cherries, peaches, pineapples, cucumbers, cabbage, green peas, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, legumes, germinated wheat.

However, one person said that almost all of his fruitarian acquaintances have problems with teeth that turn noticeably yellow or even turn dark brown, and some have periodontal disease and fillings have fallen out.

The russula lady also complained that before the raw food diet her teeth, nails and hair were in excellent condition, and after 2 years of fruitarianism, her teeth became sensitive to cold, hot, sour, etc. Even to the touch of the tongue. In addition, the enamel has become monstrously thinner, caries has intensified with might and main.

True, another fan of the raw fruit diet easily managed to solve the problem of tooth sensitivity. She just bought the right toothpaste.

However, there are still positive examples:

“After 1-2 months of a raw food diet and not brushing my teeth, a strong plaque formed, my teeth turned yellow,” says the vegan raw foodist. “However, I decided to continue not brushing my teeth. Wanted to wait a bit. There was some inner certainty that proper nutrition The body will return to normal on its own. And he was right: raw food did the trick. After another 2 months, the teeth became white, the plaque disappeared.

“Dentists say that tooth enamel is not restored - it's not true!” - Reassured by another fan of the raw food diet. “At the time of the transition to a raw food diet, I had a dimple with a black spot on one of my teeth. Now this dimple is gone, and the blackness has disappeared.”

As practice shows, the causes of dental problems in raw foodists are as follows:

Firstly, sugar and acid found in foods, especially in fruits, shift the acid-base balance in the mouth towards increased acidity, which destroys tooth enamel. After a certain time after eating, the pH balance is restored. However, in the case of frequent meals, recovery does not have time to occur.

Secondly Nuts, seeds and dried fruits leave food residue in the mouth, creating an ideal breeding ground for acid-producing bacteria, which are the cause of cavities and other dental diseases.

Thirdly, raw foodists may ignore foods rich in calcium and magnesium in their diet, which does not help strengthen tooth enamel.

In order to protect your teeth from all these problems, it makes sense to take the following preventive measures:

1. Rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth after every meal.

2. Brush your teeth thoroughly 2 times a day or more. Preferably at least 3 minutes. It is especially important to clean and rinse your mouth after sleep so that all the substances excreted during the night do not remain in the mouth and enter the body with food.

3. Make sure that dehydrated foods (dried fruits, seeds, nuts) do not take up a large share of the daily diet.

4. Eat more greens and seasonal fruits. For raw foodists, beginners are advised to consume sesame milk, which contains a lot of calcium.

5. Use organic toothpastes and brushes (miswak), dental floss.

Raw foodists believe that you can brush your teeth with eggplant: bite off a piece, chew until gruel, and then brush your teeth with this gruel. There is also an opinion that honey is much more effective than regular toothpaste. They also recommend the daily use of a teaspoon of clay with a pinch of sea salt.

Raw food diet. Questions of psychology

In addition to the pleasant consequences in the form of weight loss, a raw food diet often leads to obvious distortions in the spiritual plan. Comprehensively affects the personality of a person. And all because the transition to " living food"significantly changes the psychology of a person. Significantly infringing on their interests in food, the raw foodist is proud. Lives with attitudes like: “raw foodists are always healthy”; “to be a raw foodist is to be a real person”, etc. Often the feeling of being chosen goes off scale, turns into contempt for those who continue to eat traditionally.

Some raw foodists are really "covered":

“I used to think that most people can't be wrong about nutrition. But when I switched to a raw food diet, I suddenly realized that I was surrounded by people of a different worldview! At home, on the street, in the subway, on TV, at work - everywhere smug, fat faces ... ”- Writes a raw food fan. - “But how can you be calm when they say that there will be an allergy from tangerines if I eat them in kilograms, but there is no allergy!How can you be calm while watching chlorinated chicken being boiled in the kitchen? Or when “friends” convince you to drink beer with fish? Or when they mockingly ask: “When will you return to normal nutrition? Where does raw food calcium come from?I could not find words to express all that indescribable range of emotions that I experienced! Until one day I realized that the world absolutely does not care! I have not been able to convince a single person of the benefits of raw food!”.

A raw foodist often tries to impose his principles on others, even if they are a thousand times useful, but direct pressure rarely brings a constructive result.

And for the raw foodist himself, the factor of a cardinal change in the sensations associated with gluttony is important. It is one thing when a person is accustomed to experiencing the pleasure of delicious food, and quite another when food turns for him exclusively into a source of energy.

I remember asking a whaler if he liked the taste of whale meat, to which he said: “I like the effect that this food gives. Strength appears, you do not feel the cold. You cannot survive in Chukotka without such meat. And at the expense of taste - this is a secondary question ... "

Raw food diet. The quality of life

According to statistics, raw foodists in old age feel better than many of their peers and do not plan to spend their pension on medicines and visits to doctors.

However, one should not forget about other statistics, because among long-lived people there are meat lovers, chicken lovers, and fish lovers. There are even drinkers and smokers.

Accordingly, there is no point in turning addiction to a particular diet into a dogma. If you yourself decided to become a slave to food ideology, this does not mean at all that you need to fanatically lure into your raw food sect people who feel great periodically eating juicy Argentinean steaks or boiled chicken.

The main problem of raw foodists is that for many of them this nutrition system will turn into a philosophy of life, almost into a religion, which, instead of helping as a physically and spiritually healing diet, simply subjugates his brain, body and soul ...

Critical days turn into holidays

Many women and girls are afraid to switch to a raw food diet, because this diet often leads to a cessation menstrual cycle. However, in his book “Living Nutrition”, A. Ehret optimistically states that menstruation stops “when the female body is completely cleansed thanks to a healing diet.”

The general essence of a number of scientific works on menstruation is as follows: the greater the level of slagging female body, the more abundant, more painful and longer critical days. The cleaner the body, the more painless and shorter the menstruation.

But how personal experience raw food fans share:

“After my periods stopped, I did ovulation tests, they were all negative. The diagnosis is polycystic. Due to the sharp weight loss, I had a hormonal failure. ”

“After losing periods and ovulation, she continued to eat raw food until the instinct of self-preservation won out.”

“Lost periods and ovulation on pure CME. Together with the doctor, they began to add some animal products, and when the follicle began to mature, she immediately hurried to conceive a child ... ”

“I'm already in my 2nd year without menstruation (the last 6 months of CME without breakdowns, before that there was a transitional year with small and infrequent breakdowns). However, I don't panic. I feel great.”

“I have not had critical days for six months. Disappeared as soon as I switched to CME.”

“I tend to believe that the absence of menstruation is an indicator of a woman's health, but vice versa. I felt a decrease in pain during menstruation after eating only raw vegetables and fruits for half a month. ”

“ After switching to a raw food diet, for the first time in my life, I did not have to take painkillers during my period. Although I used to drink 10 tablets a day. In general, I enjoy life and hope that I no longer have to wait for the fateful day with bated breath.

As practice shows, even after a long complete cessation of menstruation, menstruation can resume if a woman returns to her usual diet after a raw food diet.

raw food menu

For a raw foodist, juices are food. In addition, a very healthy eating option is one type of fruit or vegetable at one meal. For raw food beginners, the menu can be expanded with seeds, nuts, cereals, sprouted legumes.

In addition, any raw foodist should not forget about the greens - a storehouse of various nutrients, in addition to fruits and vegetables.

Raw food and weight loss

“At the beginning of the raw food diet, the weight was about 90 kg. In the third month, I lost weight to 62 kg.” - shares his experience raw foodist.

As practice shows, when switching to a raw food diet, the body begins to clean up the “heaps of garbage” accumulated on traditional nutrition as much as possible. The duration of such weight loss depends on the individual characteristics of the body: it can last six months, a year, maybe longer.

Over time, again, taking into account the individual characteristics of each organism, the previous weight may return. Many raw food girls look at themselves in the mirror with horror and cannot understand where the “excesses” in the waist and hips come from. It is quite possible that high-calorie foods such as avocados, nuts, durians, etc., become sources of excess weight.

Chew without crunching, live without being sad!

Eating soaked and sprouted nuts and grains is more beneficial than eating the same foods in a dry form. but digestive system in any case, it works in full. To be convinced of this, it is enough to swallow a few pieces of a nut or a handful of seeds.

The exceptional value of germinated seeds lies in the fact that sprouts are truly "live" food. And including it in the diet is a unique opportunity to eat a holistic living organism that has all the natural biological properties and being in the phase of maximum vital activity. Under natural conditions, germinating seeds during the first few days exert all their strength to win the fight against millions of microbes, form a root as quickly as possible, gain a foothold in the soil and bring their first leaves to the sun. It is during this short period that a person should use them in order to obtain strength and health from such an unusual product.

According to Brazilian scientists Susana Herculano-Huzel and Karina Fonseca-Azeveda, for the full operation of all systems, a person would have to continuously chew raw food for 8-10 hours a day.

Raw foodists consider the statements of both experts to be complete nonsense and declare that these scientists have not tasted real living food in their lives. Based on their own practice, they say that chewing raw food takes 5-10 minutes longer than the usual heat-treated dishes.

As you know, folk wisdom says: "Who chews longer, he lives longer." Well, or like Ilf and Petrov: “Throughly chewing food, you help society.”

The article was prepared on the basis of research food


raw food diet(or "live food") is a nutrition system that excludes the use of products that have passed heat treatment(this is the fundamental difference from vegetarianism).

With a raw food diet, raw vegetables, fruits, seafood, nuts, honey instead of sugar, juices, water are consumed. The main advantage of a raw food diet is the cleansing of the body. Also, this nutrition system helps to lose weight.

A sharp transition to raw food diet dangerous to the body. Before switching to a raw food diet, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, consult a doctor and a nutritionist. It is necessary to switch to a raw food diet gradually so that the body calmly rebuilds, avoiding stress. The goal of the raw food diet is to replace some foods with others that are lighter, cleaner, and healthier.

Raw food blogger recipe: “Raw squid is just yummy!”

“Today I put aside all my fears and decided to try raw seafood. In the store with the poetic name "Ocean" squids were bought. Raw, uncooked, purple. Instead of the recommended seasoning mix, I made my own. The method is very simple - I read the names, sniffed, wrinkled my forehead and decided what to put, what not. Then he thawed the squid. Took off the skin. Cut into pieces, covered with seasonings prepared in the manner described above. Then he squeezed the juice of 1/3 lemon (for 200 g of squid) and mixed. Bliss! Such yummy! Reminds me a bit of heh - this is a dish of raw fish with an insane amount of spices.

Raw food secrets

"The Raw Secrets": Raw Vegan; 2005

ISBN 0-9730930-0-5


This book is called in the US and Canada one of the most practical and "down to earth" on the topic of raw food. It can help beginners avoid fairly common mistakes, and more experienced ones can help dispel doubts and excessive expectations on many pressing issues. Frédéric Paténode has been active in educational activities in the field of natural nutrition, natural healing and self-knowledge for more than 10 years.

Frederic Pathenode

Raw food secrets


Raw food without embellishment
Radical ideas are much more powerful than common truths. But there is danger in their power. Radical ideas should be handled with the same care as an explosive device.

It is this "explosive" idea is a raw food diet. It can save your life; help get rid of "incurable" diseases; give you a consistently excellent state of health; return the joy of life; turn your life in a completely different direction... turn it around.

But putting this idea into practice can be a very difficult task. There are many traps along the way. Many have already fallen into these traps - and many more will fall if they do not understand what these traps are, how to notice them and bypass them.

Many ruin their health with the wrong raw food diet. In most cases, this is the result of bad or stupid advice. My book is an antidote to the false information that is spreading among raw foodists, harming people. It is a pity that no one gave me such a book in 1997, when I started on this path.

I first became aware of the connection between nutrition and health at the age of 16, when my mother introduced vegetarianism to our family. She decided to change something in her diet in order to lose weight. Whole grain bread, tofu, seitan, and other strange things suddenly appeared on our table. The meat gradually disappeared.

My mother's interest in nutrition was quickly transferred to me - I began to read books that she bought. Slowly I became a vegetarian, although I did not call myself one yet. The final chord came a couple of years later when I read John Robbins' Diet for the New America. Under the influence of this book, I really became a vegetarian - she completely convinced me of its benefits.

I became a vegetarian with joy and interest. I remember with what delight I discovered all these new products, for the first time shopping in health food stores, learning how to cook new dishes, trying at every opportunity to lure friends and family into my new faith. That was great! But it wasn't vegetarianism that changed my life, it was the raw food diet.

One day, I stumbled across Herbert Shelton's little book Food Combinations Made Easy. She made a strong impression on me. Shelton argued that man, like other frugivorous animals, should eat only fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. This idea opened a wide gap in the cozy, newly built world of a vegetarian who could not imagine life without grain products. Until now, I thought I had found the perfect diet, and then some guy comes along and says that I should give up not only meat and milk, but also grains, legumes, vegetable oils, salt, seasonings - and everything boiled and processed! I felt like I was being challenged. I need to know more about this, I thought. It can't be true!

On the same shelf where I found Shelton's writings, I came across strange-looking books in French by one Albert Mosseri, and I was completely stunned to find that he was saying the same thing! Our natural diet should consist of fruits and vegetables - plus perhaps a small amount of nuts and seeds. In addition, these books on natural hygiene said that each of us is 100% responsible for our own health. They argued that all the diseases we suffer from are due to wrong lifestyles - mostly from wrong diet, and that by returning to a simple raw diet of fruits and vegetables, with fasting if necessary, one can not only be cured of all these diseases, but also to regain excellent health, which is nothing but our original, natural state.

So, I began to study works on natural hygiene. I remember with what feeling I looked at the cover of Mosseri's book. There was a picture of a bowl of fruit, some chestnuts, and some strange pumpkin. The design seemed so simple, but at the same time it fascinated. I remember the struggle going on in my soul. “I know this is IT, these guys are saying very sensible things. But in order to accomplish all this, I must completely change my life, turn it in a completely different direction, abandon all my plans! These are the thoughts that plagued a twenty-year-old Canadian boy living in Quebec. And I thought I was the only one.

So, I took on the case alone... and without much success. I was rushing back and forth, my diet was in turmoil, and too much inside of me started to move - I did not know what to do with it. I needed to meet new people, escape from my hometown, see what was happening outside of it. Once on the Internet, I found out about the book by Arlin, Deeney and Wolfe "The first law of nature - a raw food diet."

This book gave me a powerful impetus to a 100% raw food diet. I contacted the authors in San Diego and arranged a meeting. For six months in Canada, I lived on a 100% raw food diet, made a couple of friends raw, and worked to save some money. And then I got ready to go and took a 72-hour, six-stop bus ride to California.

In California, the raw food diet flourished, but I noticed a lot of contradictions and confusion in it. But I was suddenly captured by the general flow, I felt like a part of everything that was happening. Along the way, I got carried away with the idea that a raw food diet is the answer to everything. I believed that it would solve not only all my problems, but - ultimately - all the problems of mankind. Perhaps this enthusiasm was necessary to encourage me to take decisive action (as it certainly happens with many), but he, no doubt, led me on the wrong path ...

While living in California, I tried to give the impression of a self-confident enthusiast, while my health was slowly but surely deteriorating. For such a young guy, it was too bad! I felt a constant lack of energy. Often I was overcome by a cloudy heaviness in my head, inability to concentrate, I had no strength even for ordinary, everyday activities. I believed that I was going through a detox, which would eventually end, and I would find "paradise health." Unfortunately, that day never came - the "detoxification" lasted without end.

Gradually my diet became more and more dominated by seeds and fats. I used to eat six avocados a day, a bunch of nuts and seeds. To tame my cravings for cooked foods, I began to use vegetable oils, salt, spices, garlic, and other foods that I had previously avoided in Canada, following the precepts of natural hygiene. Since the last thing I wanted to do was go back to varenka, I invented all sorts of substitutes for dishes and products that I yearned for, and rushed headlong into the abyss of raw food recipes. Raw pies, raw chocolate, raw lasagna... you can't count them all. Everything is raw, everything is natural, everything is healthy, but…

A year later, I got really sick - for a whole month. But I didn’t say anything to anyone - after all, I’m the same great raw foodist and I have to be healthy as a bull. These illnesses didn't fit with my image, so I locked myself at home and starved until I felt relieved.

This incident clarified a lot for me: I realized that a raw food diet cannot be followed haphazardly. However, I still had no idea what needed to be changed. Eliminating nuts from the diet for a while after fasting really helped, but it was still far from "paradise health". Where is this inexhaustible energy that allows you to dance all night long? Where has the fire of life gone?

On top of that, I was just working on the Nature's First Law portal - in the "heart of the world raw food diet." There I started my own newsletter on the raw food diet "Just Eat An Apple" (Just Eat an Apple) and planned to start working on a recipe book (along the way In fact, I became a good raw food cook).

During those first few years in California, during a period of strict raw food, I didn't feel completely exhausted all the time - I thought a lot, trying to understand why the system did not work in my case the way it should work, according to books. And I was not alone: ​​I met many people who were experiencing the same thing. But, blinded by the ideal of the raw food diet, we could not admit to ourselves what was really going on.

When I returned to Canada in 2000, I retired. I started eating boiled food again and, oddly enough, I felt better. The improvement was due to the fact that I stepped back from my uncompromising position as a strict raw foodist and was able to see the raw diet "as is". I saw in it a tool that can be used clumsily, but you can use it properly. Now I just had to learn how to use it properly.

A lover of extremes, I rediscovered cooked food with the same thoroughness and methodicalness with which I once mastered the raw food diet. Slowly, carefully, I tested the varenka on my own body. I tried bread, I tried cheese… I drank wine on dates in restaurants. I felt what it was like to order a croissant in a Parisian cafe. I realized that I can no longer eat the same way and still feel “normal” like all “normal” people - the raw food diet has changed my whole body too much. My body reacted to traditional foods with a powerful rejection. It was necessary to find some way out, and urgently, because I knew that such food was not for me.

Returning to the starting point, I rediscovered natural hygiene. I carefully re-read Mosseri and Shelton, whose books I studied before my trip to California. They once turned my life around and gave me the courage to leave my hometown for two and a half years with only $600 in my bank account.

After reflecting on all my experience, this time I was able to fully comprehend the fundamental principles of health postulated by Mosseri. I saw their action in everything that happened to me and to others. I finally understood where I was wrong and why, and thanks to this new understanding, I could now really experience the benefits that the founders of the raw food movement promised me.

I began to return to raw food in small steps. First, I realized that the most important thing is to eat mainly those foods that are characteristic for a person, species: fruits, vegetables and - in small quantities - nuts and seeds, and avoid grains, legumes and spices. Particular attention had to be paid to hunger, food combinations, and the amount of fat, nuts, and seeds in the diet. In addition, I have found that I feel much better after roasted root vegetables and steamed vegetables than after a lot of nuts and seeds or complex raw foods.

This book is a summary of the secrets I have discovered about the raw food diet. Each chapter contains a lesson, a message to myself that helped me see the big picture again. Some of the chapters are filled with a warlike, fighting spirit - they reflect the inner struggle that I went through. Other chapters are more positive in tone - they reflect the insights that came to me.

I realized that the principles of a raw food diet are not so easy to put into practice. It's very easy to eat raw food to harm your own health without even realizing it at first. If you are an aspiring raw foodist, you can count yourself very lucky to have this book in your hands. There is too much bad advice circulating in the world of the raw food diet, and I'm glad you got the right guidance right from the start.

My main problem for many years was the lack of energy. I often felt squeezed like a lemon, despite the fact that I ate the best food in the world. It took me a long time to understand what was the matter. Unfortunately, the only advice I've heard from other raw foodists is, "Keep eating raw until you're detoxed."

All the raw dieters I've met along the way - sane people, and fanatics, and all sorts of combinations of both. I got to know people who, as it were, “raw-food” for many years in a row, and then suddenly they again began to eat bread and meat. Others swore in the name of the Raw Food Diet that they would never go back to boiled food, and suddenly you found them, without a shadow of shame, eating hot tortillas stuffed with beans. How could this happen?

Some people are able to quickly figure things out on their own. It takes them four days to understand what others - like me - realize only after four years. Reason and intuition they have in perfect order. But for people who are restless, prone to extremes (as many of us are), it is not easy, especially if our only guide is a few books stuffed with bad advice. Unfortunately, this can be said about most books on the raw food diet. I offer you this book as a sensible textbook on the raw food diet.

The once famous book "Fit For Life" misled people into believing that they practice natural hygiene by the very fact that they correctly combine bread or chicken with other products. Today, raw foodists are being misled into thinking that they eat healthy raw food simply because their food has not been heated.

We hear many words and ideas, but they contain little facts and little wisdom. There is an obvious lack of fundamental principles leading to serious confusion. People who go to raw food festivals and conferences come back elated... but sometimes completely bewildered. Why? This is because although all the speakers advocate a raw food diet, there is no unity among them regarding what a raw food diet means. One says that the best food is fruit, the other says that fruits feed the mold that lives inside us. One promotes nutritional supplements - the other, on the contrary, declares that they are unacceptable. One recommends fasting on water - the other claims that it is dangerous, and advises drinking juices instead. And so on. All this discord is due to the fact that most raw foodists, both teachers and students, are equally ignorant of the fundamental principles of health. The lack of fundamental principles in any science leads to its collapse. This deficiency is especially evident in the raw food movement, whose leaders cannot agree on what a raw diet should include. Meanwhile, these fundamental principles really exist. They were discovered 170 years ago by natural hygienists in the United States and members of the German Back to Nature movement. In this book, you will learn some of the fundamental principles of natural hygiene and see how to apply them to a raw food diet. Along the way, we will debunk some of the myths that exist among raw foodists. For most of us, a raw food diet is something new and unfamiliar, and therefore we cannot avoid mistakes and extremes, sometimes even terrible ones. But in the end, after all the mistakes, it's time to clean up, put everything in order. And having started tidying up, the first thing they take out is the garbage ...

For many people, a raw food diet has become a kind of religion, where boiled food is evil, and raw food is salvation. Many books exaggerate the benefits of a raw food diet and overlook its practical application. Some raw foodists even believe that any raw food is better than any cooked food. Like, all you need is to eat raw and refrain from boiled at all costs. However, many have learned the hard way that health and natural nutrition do not come down to this simple formula.

As folk wisdom says, the best is the enemy of the good. In everyday speech, we also often use the expression "not to see the forest for the trees." You should not strive so hard for impeccability, try to become holier than the pope - otherwise you can go crazy. Many raw foodists, including myself, promoted that my friend dr Doug Graham calls the raw/not raw philosophy. This is a simplified reduction of all the principles of health to one question: "Is this food raw?" Instead of asking, “Is this good for me?” or “How does this product make me feel in my body?” - some raw foodists want to know only one thing: is it raw. From vegans, we hear about the same thing: is it vegan food?

An adherent of the philosophy of raw / not raw shied away, for example, from steamed vegetables, while without hesitation he devoured a whole jar of raw almond paste in a week or even a day. He avoids everything cooked, never thinking that some of his raw food habits can harm him more than certain "non-raw" diets. A committed vegan rejects all animal products, but at the same time often consumes salt, vegetable oils, sugar, industrially processed and synthetic food - after all, all this is “vegan”!

Natural nutrition requires a clearer approach. Raw food is not a religion! Our style of eating should be based not on a simplified spell, but on the rational laws of physiology. Raw food and veganism are reasonable and effective systems, but not in the form in which they are sometimes practiced, especially in recent years. In this book, you will learn how to make eating raw food give you strength and breathe new life into you.

They will be interested in what you cook and even try some dishes with pleasure (but definitely not all - they are not you yet, and they need to adhere to the position within themselves that they are ordinary healthy people like everyone else). But they will also get into the discussion without sarcasm and with sincere interest.

My mother belongs to this category - Thank God! She never went deep into my diet, believing that I would decide everything for myself sooner or later ... She didn’t ask anything about what and in what food I take, because she didn’t study this issue in depth and didn’t climb. Only now, after several years, she suddenly became interested in the question of hemoglobin for some reason ... And even more not because of deep knowledge, but simply because she remembered a familiar word)). In the first steps of my transition to live food, my mother sometimes tried something, but very carefully, that is, on the tip of a spoon. And somehow once my mother came to the dacha very hungry. For lunch, we have a salad with radishes, cucumbers and lots and lots of greens from the garden, plus raw walnut mayonnaise. Mom was careful at first, and then she tasted it and at the end she just licked the plate IN THE DIRECT SENSE OF THIS WORD! I just started laughing, and she couldn't stop herself - she licked the mayonnaise from the plate!)) After this incident, my mother began to taste our dishes more and more often. My husband and I live in the country during the summer. And last year, my mother simply made it a habit to eat raw food with us on the days of visiting the dacha. She was very fond of raw okroshka, Olivier salad, squash caviar and green salads with raw mayonnaise. Now my mother is a frequent visitor to our house. She gladly eats not only the usual salads such as vinaigrette and "Herring under a fur coat" with seaweed, but also tries all kinds of additions in the form of coconut flakes in salads calmly.

So secrets...

SECRETN1 - be patient.

If you want to gently calm the minds of your strongly minded relatives and then lure them into healthy eating, then the second secret is to catch their good mood and only at this moment try to gently start a conversation on the topic of health or offer them something from your food. Everything is very smooth and at your discretion. Speaking of which, try to present some real healing stories that amazed you, or funny weight loss stories with BEFORE and AFTER photos. If you treat them with food, then try to offer dishes that your relatives will surely like to taste. You do not need to immediately make a wakame seaweed salad or an analogue of black caviar from chia seeds with linseed oil- their tastes have not yet adjusted to yours, and outlandish dishes can only scare them away. But freshly squeezed juices and sweet smoothies with the addition of sesame, urbech and honey will come in handy. Yes, and raw ice cream from frozen bananas and berries with honey or dates has not left anyone indifferent.

Now my grandmother, who witnessed my transition to live food, is 91 years old. And every time I come to visit her, she tries very carefully to offer me something from her kitchen - the old foundations and beliefs cannot be altered. She thinks that I am suffering, and that this food makes me feel bad. I tactfully refuse and this topic is closed. Everything is simple. You just need to wait a bit and keep silent where required. And having caught her good mood, using this secret, I am very pleased to watch her drink freshly squeezed juice or smoothies with nettles.

SECRETN3 - we catch "dead-end" questions.

Yes Yes! Precisely we catch and precisely “dead-end” questions! And why in quotation marks? Yes, because dead-end questions - it seems so only to those who ask them! And you should benefit from it! You have just begun to develop, so all those questions to which you do not know the answer should only be to your advantage. Don't know the answer? - an extra reason to disassemble this issue from all sides! Isn't this the dream of every person who has embarked on the path of development? Moreover, you do not need to believe the first article on the Internet that comes across - it may not be true. Find several sources: watch videos on, dig deeper on the Internet, ask your acquaintances raw foodists - let them share their experience, read the answers on the forums, and so on. Yes, and try it for yourself in the end, if it's in your power! And ONLY THEN put in your head your personal opinion on what is happening. You don’t need to use such phrases as “I read…” or “I know…” in disputes until you tried it yourself.. You tried it and you already know. Read - means "I read here ..". You don't have to prove something you're not sure about based on just reading it on the internet. If you are not sure that you still cannot understand, you can always say “I am not sure of anything yet, just like those who write this ...” Proving the knowledge of other people is not the lot of raw foodists. Knowledge is what you have experienced. And this phrase can safely stop you in an unnecessary dispute.

And feel free to say “I don’t know this ... and it seems that no one knows yet, because human body not researched to the end to confirm this ... ". Scientific researchers are most often only theorists who have not tried all their research on themselves. Therefore, it is not worth being embarrassed that you do not know something - we are not Gods to know everything .... until the gods.

SECRETN4-feed the hungry.

This secret lies in the direct transfer of the family to live food. I used and still use this secret with my husband and mother, and also use it in my master classes - FEED THE HUNGRY PEOPLE! When a person is hungry, he is sometimes ready to eat anything, just to satisfy his hunger. If you have already practiced fasting, then you know very well that after hunger, a simple cabbage leaf seems to be the most delicious food on earth! And it works with everyone! When I transferred my husband to a raw food diet, I did not insist on his transition by boiling him chicken or fish for dinner. But for a side dish, I made raw salads. And she did this when he came home very hungry, so that he did not have the strength to refuse. Further is better. For the first course of dinner, I began to make raw borscht or okroshka first, but for the second, when some saturation came, I gave boiled chicken or fish with the same raw salad. And after a week of such a secret, which the husband simply did not notice, the chicken in the refrigerator simply deteriorated - he forgot about it, already sated with borscht for lunch! And only after that a phrase was heard from the Husband, which I by no means expected to hear: “Well, since I don’t remember about the chicken for several days, I think that I am ready to try a raw food diet on an ongoing basis ...” My joy knew no bounds! And after that, my perversions began in terms of live cooking, so that my husband would like it all as much as possible.

And even now, when the husband has been on live food for 3 years, there are foods that he simply does not like, and the benefits from them are incredible. For example, pumpkin is useful in all its manifestations, from juice to cake or just raw. Oleg did not want to accept it in any form. I didn't know what to come up with. The only option was to add and shake it into porridge so that he would at least not see it. Sometimes it rolled ... And then an idea came to my mind, the very secret that we are talking about now - to feed him hungry! After another fast, after a smooth exit on juices and smoothies, the first salad that I made for Oleg was WITH PUMPKIN! And what do you think? Now pumpkin is one of Oleg's favorite products! There was also a case with a release from hunger on tangerine juice, which Oleg hated from all juices! But since he had already decided to get out of hunger and start drinking juices, and in the cafe where we were sitting, there was only tangerine - there were no options! Now tangerine juice is our favorite for breakfast.

This secret/technique is very good to use with children. A lot of children were transferred to live food in this way - abstaining from food for a while, and then making all kinds of salads, raw cereals or smoothies. Works 100%!

And in general, you should try to eat at those moments when you are really hungry - this will improve your digestion, peristalsis and mood after eating! After all, everything should be done FOR PLEASURE!

SECRETN5 - GRADUALLY replace products with more useful ones!

If you always had gingerbread, cookies and sugar on the table, you DO NOT need to immediately remove everything from the table and shout “THIS IS HARMFUL! FROM TODAY WE WILL EAT HONEY! Such methods do not work with anyone - trust my experience!

Let's take it step by step...

  1. First, put a bowl of dates next to the gingerbread and cookies, another with dried fruits and SOAKED nuts (why all nuts need to be soaked, see) - ALLOWED for yourself ... You can also focus on those who are categorically against your changes with food "THIS IS MINE!" and smile at the same time. Then just watch how quickly nuts and dried fruits leave the table. You can even count to understand who ate healthy foods- for the sake of interesting, of course.
  2. Further more - in a week put honey on the table .... If honey has always been on your table along with sugar, then we take the next step - just “forget” to buy sugar home somehow ... Or first, just remove it from the table ... Hide it ... Look at the reaction. It will be stormy - return it back. And so on, according to the same scheme, all gradually.
  3. Then instead of sweets on the table, make raw sweets or chocolate (there are many dessert recipes).
  4. Put fruit in a bowl of cookies - a little at first. Then more and more... Watch the reaction.
  5. Change side dishes! For meat or fish, do not make potatoes with pasta or rice, but make delicious salad- (a large number of recipes can be peeped). “Forget” to buy pasta or buckwheat, or simply ADD some NEW salad to your meal.
  6. At lunch, try to make one raw food dish - for example, okroshka (not saying that it is raw food) OR a side salad OR a raw food dessert. Don't do EVERYTHING at once - our methods are GRADUAL AND SMOOTH!
  7. Surprise with unusualness - new combinations of products in raw salads may appeal to the family. Make a salad ostensibly just for yourself, "accidentally" making more than you need in case someone wants to try it.

SECRETN6 - Teach Children to Cook AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE.

This secret is applicable for children who have already learned to hold a spoon in their hands. The sooner you perceive children as adults, the sooner they will become adults.

At the time of your transition to a raw food diet, it can be difficult with teenage children, as in adolescence they “know everything” and may not always adequately perceive the change in your diet. But it all depends on your relationship with the children.

The main secret of N6 is TEACHING CHILDREN TO COOK AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE!!! At first, you can teach them to simply wash vegetables and fruits, placing a bowl of warm water next to them - let them splash. Then teach simple actions: throw everything into a blender, add honey to a smoothie or sauce, hold an immersion blender, grind seeds or seeds in a coffee grinder - children are happy to help in cooking if they are trusted. I have families of friends where children, spoiled by the attention of their mothers, are happy to cook and help ME in the kitchen when I come to visit them and cook something raw. And mothers do not believe their eyes, because it is easier and faster for them to do everything themselves than to entrust help to children.

In the future, the children themselves will offer you help in cooking or will cook on their own - because for children it really tastes better than something cooked by you.

And believe me, this SECRET works very well! The main thing is to TRUST children - they are much more mature than parents see it.

Use secrets, experiment and watch your loved ones! If you invest in your relatives a piece of useful and bright, they will be grateful to you. Good luck and patience to you!