How to remove inner excitement. Effective ways to combat excitement. What is the excitement in psychology

10.03.2021 Recipes

How to stop worrying - what to do if the excitement does not retreat?

- When are we nervous?

- When are we nervous?
- 7 lessons about how to stop nervous
- How to calm down right now
- How to get rid of excitement - instructions for action
- How to stop concern?
- Conclusion

Nervousness and mandrage, this is a sense of discomfort that you experience on the eve of important, responsible events and events, during psychological loads and stress, in problem life situations, and just worry about all sorts of trifles.

It is important to understand that nervousness has, both psychological and physiological causes and manifests themselves, respectively. It is physiologically related to the properties of our nervous system, and psychologically, with the characteristics of our personality: a tendency to experiences, reassessment of the significance of certain events, a sense of uncertainty in itself and what is happening, shy, excitement for the result.

We begin to be nervous in situations that we consider either dangerous, threatening our life, or for one reason or another significant responsible. I think that a threat to life, not so often looms in front of us, by the streets. Therefore, I consider the situation of the second kind in everyday life for nervousness in everyday life.

The fear of failure, look in an inappropriate manner in front of people - all this makes us nervous. With regard to these fears, there is a certain psychological setting, it has a little attitude of our physiology.

Therefore, in order to stop nervous, it is necessary not only to put the nervous system in order, but to understand and realize certain things, let's start to realize the nature of nervousness.

- 7 lessons about how to stop nervous

Lesson 1. Nature nervousness. Need a protective mechanism or interference?

a) nervousness does not bring any benefit, but only interferes.
b) You can get rid of it through work on yourself.
(c) In everyday life, there are few valid reasons to be nervous, since we or our loved ones are rarely threatened, we basically worry because of the trifles.

Lesson 2. How to stop nervous for any reason?

Remember all those events that turn you into nervousness: causes the boss, pass the exam, expect an unpleasant conversation. Think about all these things, appreciate their importance for you, but not apart, and within the context of your life, your global plans and prospects.

At such moments, focus on the purpose of your life, think about the future, distracted from the current moment.

Such psychological setting is very helpful to stop nervous for any reason.

Lesson 3. Preparation. How to calm down before a responsible event.

Release your head from thoughts, relax the body deeply exhale and breathe. To relax, the most infallive breathing exercises will help.
It must be done like this:

a) inhale on 4 bills (or 4 pulse strikes, it must be addressed, it is necessary to make it more conveniently on the neck, and not on the wrist)
b) Keep air in yourself 2 bills / strike
c) exhale 4 bills / strikes
d) do not breathe 2 bills / strikes and then inhale again in 4 bills / strikes - all from the beginning

Breath! Do not breath. 4 seconds Inhale - 2 seconds Delay - 4 seconds Exhalation - 2 seconds Delay.

If you feel that breathing allows you to make deeper breaths / exhalations, then do the cycle not 4/2 seconds and 6/3 or 8/4 and so on.

Lesson 4. How not to succumb to nervousness during an important meeting.

a) Picture calm.
b) Keep track of facial expressions, gestures and intonation.
c) Eliminate all nervous markers.
d) do not hurry.

Lesson 5. Soothe after the meeting.

Whatever the outcome of the event. You are on the platoon and still feel tension. It is better to take it off and think about something else. Try a lot not to reflect on the past event. Just throw out all thoughts from my head. Get rid of the subjunctive ignition (if), everything has passed, bring your breath in order and relax the body.

Lesson 6. Do not generally create reasons for nervousness.

Usually weighing nervous factor is the inconsistency of your preparation to the upcoming event. When you all know, confident about what you worry about the result?

We must try not to create stressful factors for yourself in the future! Think on and prepare for business and important meetings, to do everything on time and not to delay at the last moment! Having always a ready-made plan in my head, and better somewhat! It will keep you a significant part of nerve cells, and in general contributes to great success in life.

Lesson 7. How to strengthen the nervous system and how to stop nervous on trifles.

In order to stop nervous, you also need to bring the body and mind to the rest state.

a) You need to regularly meditate.
b) Exercise and carry out a complex of supporting measures (contrast shower, healthy eating, vitamins, etc.). Sport strengthens the nervous system.
c) Walk more, spend time in the air, try to sit less in front of the computer.
d) engage in breathing exercises.
E) Throw bad habits!

- How to calm down right now

Stressful situations, experiences and unreasonable concern persecutes people all their lives, and in order to become happy, you just need to properly arrange priorities. It is not necessary to take everything "close to the heart", many of this statement does not give anything, they do not know how to stop worrying and continue to be nervous. Help this problem yourself and familiar is very simple, find out how to overcome your fear and be happy exactly at the moment so that it does not happen.

1) Perceive yourself and your actions with optimism.

The senses of duty and responsibility for their actions are vaccinated since childhood, some parents, a little overdoing, inspires their complexes and a constant feeling of guilt, from here and there is a feeling of permanent experience for their words and actions. To overcome it, you need to convince yourself in the correctness of your actions, as well as follow the following rules:

a) Remove the feeling of guilt.
b) get rid of fictional problems.
c) free from fear.
d) be yourself.

2) Believe only in the best.

Evaluation of the problem or an unpleasant case should be carried out only after this happens to provide for the course of events, it is better to immediately think about what can happen in the worst case. Declaring everything "on the shelves" may turn out that there is nothing terrible in the future, everything is explained and deciding. To eliminate such fears, it is necessary to determine for yourself:

a) goals in life.
b) expand priorities.
c) Interesting business.

3) appreciate you have.

It is impossible to wait for something more and not to attach to this effort, the ideal conditions themselves will not be created. Of course, sometimes favorable circumstances arise, and then only worth it to take advantage of them correctly, and rarely who can do it unfortunately. Most often, the possibility is hidden under the controversial problems, after their decision immediately shows ways to solve problems.

Please note a few tips:

a) Live today.
b) Limit communication with unpleasant people.
c) Do not pay attention to everyday little things.

4) Do not regret yourself.

It is not possible to stop worrying immediately, but adhering to the councils under consideration can be a short time to cope with this difficult feeling and achieve any goals, as well as infect those surrounding with your optimism. The main thing is to remember that all thoughts are material, their execution gives a joyful mood and faith in the best future, for which it is worth living.

- How to get rid of excitement - instructions for action

Tip 1. Do not fight with excitement.

During periods of strong excitement, do not try to get rid of this state.

This struggle sometimes takes more strength than simple excitement. Therefore, instead of fighting excitement, accept it, feel, find the reason for your excitement and then it will be easier for you.
Also find the pros in the excitement situation, and then it will be much easier for you.

Tip 2.. Suit!

The excitement caused by fear is dragging all the muscles in our body.

In such situations, it is easy to overcome the excitement! You just need to provide the body with a physical shake. When endorphine rushes into your body, the excitement will noticeably retreat.

Tip 3.. Do not worry on trifles.

Very often we worry about the fictional situation.

For example, they did not have time to pass a report today and begin to worry that tomorrow will be late. But you can simply tell the boss that work on the report has been tightened a little.

However, in fact, we will complicate your life.

Tip 4.. Breathing helps in the fight against excitement.

Try to apply the breathing exercises Herry Herminson called Ball Breathing.

Sit, close your eyes and imagine a tennis ball. Make a slow and deep breath, representing how the ball is slow and smoothly moving away from the belly to the throat. Exhale - and the ball is just as slowly moving down.

Having done 10 repetitions, you will noticeably relax and you can overcome excitement.

Tip 5. Tune in to positive and stop worrying.

In periods of excitement, we are often overwhelmed by phrases, like: "I can't", "I am a loser", "I will remember exactly", etc. But know, - these phrases are just limiters in our brain.

Repeating dayd day about failures, you will really become a loser.
That is why start programming yourself right!

Speak yourself:

a) I will do it!
b) I'm better than everyone!
C) I can all!

Many psychologists are confident that constant scrolling of positive phrases helps a person to cope with excitement and seek the goals.

- How to stop concern?

Here are some tips on how to stop worrying and start enjoying life right now!

1) Play with yourself in the game "What is the worst thing that can happen?".
Imagine the worst script to be able to prepare for its implementation or try to prevent it.

The second step is to imagine what you would be grateful even in an undesirable situation. This exercise for gratitude teaches you not only to be ready for the worst, but also see positive in it!

And most importantly, if you can imagine the worst, you can imagine the best!

2) Get rid of habit of worrying (yes, it's a habit!).
Get rid of thoughts that are upsetting you, and choose thoughts focused on the positive result. Control your consciousness and stop worrying!

3) Be "here and now."
You are worried about what can happen in the future, or what happened in the past. But the truth is that you create the future now! Therefore, if you want to stop worrying, your thoughts should be devoted to what is happening now. Concentrate and think, feel, act and speak well ... from the point of view of the present. Such thoughts, feelings, actions and words improve your future!

4) Help others.
There are countless people who are much worse than you. Help them as you can. This will help you objectively look at your own problems, will develop a sense of gratitude, and you will not have time to think about your problems when you help other people (or animals, the environment, etc.).

5) Speak positively with yourself and about yourself.
How many times a day do you scold yourself for the errors that make? How many times a day can you say "I" with something negative?

For example:

a) I'm poor
b) I'm alone
c) I can't do it,
d) I will reject.

Do not say so! "I" - a word with strong energy! No need to exercise yourself with these life situations. When you eliminate a similar negative from your speech, your mental state will improve and you will be less susceptible to worry. And you will have motivation to positive actions.

6) Action gives you confidence and control.
Act. Think rationally, analyze the situation, weigh all the options and choose the best action option, based not on reflexes or emotions, and on the calm implementation of the steps necessary to improve the situation, on what you want - on the best scenario you visualize.

The action supports your activity, helps to focus consciousness not on anxiety and causes pleasant feelings, because you better feel control over the situation at least because you do something yourself.

- Conclusion

Almost every person on the plan at least once so experienced excitement and anxiety. Some people are constantly experiencing this feeling. Sometimes this concern does not have any reason, but a person still continues to cheat himself on trifles, losing the precious time, which he could spend on his self-development or on loved ones and friends.

How often do you worry about things that do not cost your attention? And how to stop worrying without any reason?

First of all, you need to realize that your excitement will not bring you any benefit. Only harm. Train confidence. Confident people have almost no reasons for excitement.

And stop worrying about what does not depend on you, it is useless. It is stupid to spend time on what only spoil your mood, it is better to spend it to improve your skills and increase your self-esteem.

Material prepared diolea specifically for the site

Worried perfectly normal. In fact, all people are sometimes worried, although they are trying to hide this fact. Are you preparing to an important event or face an unexpected situation? In each of the cases, you will come to the rescue, several ways to cope with excitement and take yourself in hand.


How to prepare for an exciting situation

    • sweating;
    • dry mouth;
    • shiver;
    • tense sensations in the stomach;
    • difficulties when trying to focus;
    • stuttering and trembling voice
    • heart palpitations;
    • dizziness;
    • superficial breathing;
    • unconscious desire to bite nails and fierce;
    • protective body language (crossed arms and legs).
  1. Replace excitement thoughts with positive judgments. Excitement is an adrenaline emission, energy production. In minutes of excitement, our brain is engaged in understanding of the set of ideas that correspond to the increased tension of our feelings like: "I can't cope with", - or: "I definitely do not come for this." It is not always possible to relieve the flow of thoughts, but it is possible to replace them with positive judgments - the affirmative descriptions of their own abilities from the first person. Consider examples of such statements that will allow you to refute and relieve negative thoughts:

    • "I am the best candidate for this position";
    • "I was well prepared and play a great deal in the play";
    • "I can cope with the task";
    • "Everyone is expected from me a good result on the exam, so I justify all the expectations."
  2. Use visualization methods. Imagine that you are not only successfully cope with the task, but your success becomes deafening. Feel dedication and confidence, focus on the slightest details of what is happening. Scroll through the whole sequence of events and feel satisfied after a successful task. This method is often used by athletes and proved its effectiveness already in the process of competition.

    • For example, if you worry before talking to a person who is presented to you, imagine how you start a cheerful and fascinating conversation, in which everyone is smiling, and a person sees you in a completely new light.
  3. Take yourself and your abilities. This is necessary for concentration on the current task, and not on embarrassment and shyness. Not everyone has the same level of preparation, so do not judge yourself strictly when they are difficult. Take yourself and your current qualifications in this issue.

    • Determine the expected level and pleasant bonuses. Your expectations can be overestimated. Perhaps for testing work on geometry is quite enough "Troika". Of course, the "five" is even better, but necessity You can call "Troika"!
    • For example, if oratoritious abilities are not your horse, then do not judge yourself strictly for reservations and some knocks. Realistic expectations that are based on the awareness of their level, make it possible to escape from subjective self-esteem, which often becomes the cause of excitement.
    • Avoid overestimated expectations. It is unlikely that you will take the first place at the first combat martial art competitions. The pressure will only strengthen the excitement and anxiety. A more realistic task will be successfully conducting the first fight.
    • Truthfully appreciate your advantages and disadvantages to understand your level of skill and build expectations. What ways there are ways to take ourselves.
  4. Take your excitement. It may seem illogical, because you are trying hard not worry! Nevertheless, attempts to suppress feelings and emotions, as a rule, lead only to the aggravation of the problem.

    • Allow yourself to feel anxiety, but admit that anxiety is far from synonymous inability to cope with the task.
    • Please accept the fact that the excitement is a natural reaction to the situation, like sadness, joy and anger. Do not run away from emotion. Admit your feeling and do not let him crush you.
    • The excitement shows that you do not care. So you will handle better people who do not care.
  5. Start your diary. When the brain is afraid to forget the information, it repeats the information again and again. Our brain is able to cause exciting thoughts by excessive concentrations on experiences and fears. Record your thoughts, especially repeating to free yourself from the duty to keep them in mind. The diary can become a kind of basket for thoughts that you do not want to think about constantly (like self-criticism and condemnation).

    Communicate with others. In the presence of reliable support, a person can not only be distracted from excitement. In conversations, it may be found out that people do not notice your excitement so much as it may seem. It is also useful to remember that all people are periodically worried. This means that others understand you, especially in situations that are considered important and deserve your attention.

  • If you believe that you are dealing with a severe psychological problem, it is better to contact a specialist to find the right and safe decision.



Reasons for excitement can be the most different. It may be a performance before the big public, the turnout into law enforcement agencies and even communication with unfamiliar people. Anyone is discomfort due to excitement, but thanks to the development of psychology and in-depth study of the mechanisms of this phenomenon, many ways have appeared to cope with this.

Depending on the degree of excitement, a person should take various actions:

1. Weak excitement.

It may arise before an important telephone conversation. Such a situation, as a rule, does not have too destructive influence on a person. Such a type of excitement to win is difficult due to the weak severity of emotions.

The easiest way to cope with many negative emotions is a deep breath. It may seem nonsense, but in fact, the thoughts of a person are directly related to his physical condition.

Properly made deep breath normalizes heartbeat, and it will also take care of the right setting for the whole organism:

  • inhale must be done with a closed mouth;
  • in the lungs, through the nostrils, the maximum amount of air is very slowly recruited;
  • after the end of the breath is made a pause of 1-2 seconds;
  • also, with a closed mouth, air is very slowly produced;
  • at the end, a permanent pause is made.
Do not fall at such moments: just enough to allow easy and body to determine yourself when you need to make a new breath. The total number of repetitions for this exercise is not limited.

More than 90% of people note that after such respiratory manipulations, they feel relieved, and the most common situations when it helped were anger and excitement.

To learn more about the breathing technique to reduce the excitement and anxiety, you can from this video.

2. Average emotion.

The most good example will be the situation of people who are for the first time go to an unfamiliar city. Here in the course it is worth allowing more serious ways to combat excitement. The most common is the change of focus and relaxation.

When a person is to have an event, but it is necessary to wait for it, and accelerate the process of a person is not able, it remains only to cope with excitement and wait. In such situations, it helps changing the focus, that is, a banal change.

Fully refuse any negative-painted news and events. They with a 100 percent probability will worsen your excitement, and it will increase repeatedly.

Switch attention to good and neutral life situations in the world. Learn positive events in the life of people: buying a cute kitten, a puppy, building at home with your own hands, but still skip the information about the salvation of people. Even if everything ended well, the inner human logic does not sleep: "If someone was saved, then he was in danger, which means ... danger!", And now you worry, although not even aware of this entirely.

It helps to watch good movies-comedies or cartoons, but there may also be not the most joyful events (the same "Bambi"). Therefore, in advance, make a list of really positive stories with a minimum number of dramatic events. If you are familiar with movies, news or books, the main thing is to keep interest. Thus, you precisely switch your attention, and the excitement will go to the background.

Also suitable mental and physical relaxation. These include:

  • meditation, when you need to concentrate, relax and try to understand, with which the unrest (concentrate on emotional sensations);
  • relaxation toys: Balls with sand, magnets, china and other devices.

Most people are worried about the most responsible events in their lives or during particularly difficult life situations. Here you need to use previous advice and maybe moreover.

Everyone should try to determine without emotions: how much the reason for the excitement is disturbing. If the situation is not critical, it is also important to understand the human attitude and its emotion level. When the emotions are too strong, then you can contact a psychologist. A qualified specialist will definitely figure out problems and will appoint the right decision.

Main ways to combat excitement

Let's not forget that every person is unique. The fact that one calls in light excitement can also cause panic attacks. Therefore, we will analyze the most effective techniques that ideally help with excitement.

Let's start with psychological:

1. Praise.

The essence of the method is to resolve yourself to worry and encourage it. This is a psychological paradox, thanks to which the emotion of excitement is not clogged inside, but on the contrary - is produced and revealed.

The unconscious processes in the brain cease to concentrate on real things, to represent the unpleasant development of the situation, and there is a distraction from frightening reality. The exaggerated admiration of himself in a state of excitement dissolves negative emotions in a matter of minutes, and the effect is visible almost immediately.

The louder and absurd phrase praise, the person speaks himself, the better for the fight against excitement:

  • "My trembling hands are just perfect when I worry!";
  • "I love to worry, because I perfectly look at such moments!".
2. Substitution of concepts.

This technique is particularly effective when you need to expect some kind of alarming event. The bottom line is that if an accountant has a job interviewing, it is necessary to inspire that an interview on a different topic. The main thing is that a person be able to fulfill the upcoming work 100%, easy and simple.

When the installation is set, it should be fixed with a gesture (for example, clicking fingers). Before the interview, it will be enough to repeat the gesture used, and the brain will automatically substitute the situation, and the excitement will disappear instantly.

Laughter is discharge. When we laugh, we produce energy. This is the perfect method to get rid of it identical and from excitement.

All the work takes the brain skill to fantasize:

  • if the excitement situation is at work, imagine the boss in a ridiculous Penguin costume;
  • if the speech before the public, imagine them all in the famous hairstyle of African Americans - the Volumenny "Afro";
  • the reception is especially well when, being surrounded by people, to imagine that all of them with the stone faces begin to squint, as in the classroom of physical education.

Also help watching movies and favorite programs. They also deceive the brain, forcing him to focus on something else. But if viewing, desired by the desire of a person, it will not work.

Perhaps the question arises: "How am I deceiving the brain, if I understand that I am going to deceive myself?". The excitement, like all emotions, cannot be recreated with the effort of will, because they originate in the so-called unconscious. A person's mental processes, such as reading this article, are in conscious.

When a person sleeps, the unconscious does not remember the events of the day - only mimoled images are accidentally merged into a common dream, no more. Also, with psychological self-purification: the brain department, in which the excitement originates, does not have the concept that "on the mind" in consciousness. Try these options, and you will undoubtedly be surprised how anxiety will significantly decrease.

4. Movement.

During physical exertion and even the usual movement is released, the energy is released, which is spent for these purposes. But energy is consumed simultaneously on the physical and psychological / emotional level.

Having come home after an aggressive, heavy conversation, did you experience physical weakness, although most of the time did not really move? This most way can be used in the fight against excitement, at the physical level, getting rid of the negatively colored emotions overwhelming you.

When a person begins to worry, it is often possible to notice the movements that help him cope with anxiety:
  • relocation with hands of something small: black, beads, coins;
  • relaxing devices (spinner, because it is not just a stupid toy - try to unwind it during excitement);
  • relaxing products when dealing with excitement: balls, sand bags;
  • rhythm's fingers returning: a favorite song or something completely vague;
  • washing feet (as when the leg does not touch the floor, as if the pendulum);
  • walking from the angle in the corner;
  • drawing or disagreement (no matter what the case is in the process);
  • any other socially safe actions associated with the movement.

This method cannot be attributed to neither psychological, or physical methods of combating excitement. This is a complex technique with which you can retire from the surrounding world and even your own thoughts.

You need to cover your eyes, calmly breathe in any suitable rhythm and ... come to compete. Agree with what is happening around - what it should happen. It is impossible to think about anything - it must be mimoled images passing through you.

The meaning is to close from excitement, saving extra energy and strength. First, stop disturbing the surrounding sounds, and then thoughts. It should be fixed as much as possible on your own sensations and try to feel the excitement within the body at the physical level.

The most important thing when dealing with excitement is not exacerbating the problem and do not "wind up". Using advice on the right struggle with this emotion, it is possible not only to significantly reduce its influence on the body and the human brain, but even foliage.

Our everyday life is simply filled with moments that can knock out and force to worry. This feeling is natural. All people are susceptible to unwitting. But this poorly affects the psychological state of a person, making soaps foggy, and movements are clumsy.

Some people in responsible moments are shaking hands or a trembling voice, others blush or, even worse, can not pronounce a word, ultimately, reducing all efforts to zero.

Each of us is always happy with the progress, the failures are distressed. But if you have frequent stress and stress - this is fraught with negative consequences. Strong excitement interferes in achieving goals, diseases are developing. It is important to learn to overcome negative emotions. For this we offer several exercises.

The first is relaxation. There are special audio discs for autogenic workouts. Or you can simply give yourself time, going on the journey, while listening to pleasant music. During relaxation, imagine pictures. It can be a quiet summer day in a pine forest, the rays of the sun make their way through the trees.

Or you are on the seashore. You must feel like you well, calmly, how your excitement goes and comes confidence. It is useful to vote for themselves such self-pressure formulas: "I'm calm ... I'm confident ...". Relaxing techniques are better to apply daily.

The second is a positive attitude. Strong peaceful excitement appears in people, heavily chasing the same serious thoughts in a circle. But such a mood creates vibrations in your consciousness, and they in turn attract the trouble. Now many people believe in the beneficial effect of positive, so maybe you should try to think about good?

Third - breathing. The breathing exercises will help to cope with experiences, and will also have a positive impact on the overall health of the body, saturating it with life force. How to cope with excitement and overcome fear? You will be helped by the most famous technique - breathing with alternating Nostrils.

To perform it, take a comfortable posture, keep your back straight. Take a deep breath several times and proceed to execution. Inhalet of the left nostril, then exhale right. And vice versa. Imagine that inhale calm and confidence, and exhale excitement. Exercises should be started with 3-5-7 minutes per day, increasing time for a month, reaching up to 20 minutes without breaks.

How to cope with excitement before the performance?

Very often, a person can not cope with the experience before the upcoming public speech. If you believe psychologists, the fear of the performance is among the top ten phobias.

Experts have long developed technologies, training how to effectively cope with excitement on the stage and receive pleasure from it.

If you have a panic fear before the speech itself, you need to do several exercises:

Now you know how to cope with excitement before the performance. But the main thing is not to fall as a face in the dirt during the speech itself. In practice, it is known that only 10% of success depends on what you say, the rest depends on how you do it. Therefore, to focus on stage, never start your speech immediately. For some time, wait silently, it will help you get used to the stimuli in the hall. And the audience will configure the perception of your creativity.

How to cope with excitement before the exam?

You can learn everything even on the "six" points, but starting to answer, do not know anything. Therefore, it is important to keep yourself in your hands and give everything that we managed to remember.

Before the exam, you need to sleep well, it will help to gain strength. Important breakfast is important: porridge or cottage cheese, omelet, strong sweet tea. Otherwise, with time, sugar in the blood drops, and the head will think worse. Do not forget to take chocolate or fruits for snack and simple water.

In order to protect against everything that interferes focuses, be sure to turn on your favorite music in the ears, it will calm you and will remove the tension. In no case do not take soothing funds, it will make a sleepy fly from you, and the reaction will be inhibited.

Avoid those people whose species can be determined that they are directly devouring fear, because it is contagious.

And remember that the free pose on the exam will be a plus for you, because people who are confident in their answers calmly hold.

But, if you still want an excitement, and it seems to you that everything is missing, think about the fact that this exam is nonsense compared to the problems of the Universe. And you can peak about yourself: "I did everything that could, and then let it be what will be". After all, the worst thing that can happen is to relocate. But you do not know how bad item?

So you risk only an assessment. Why should she be bad if you are preparing? You have all the problems in your head, even if there are no reasons for them.

How to cope with excitement before interview?

If you decide to do to find a job, then in ahead of you is waiting for a lot of tests. One of them is an interview with the employer, this is an important event, your near future depends on it. The psychology of fear before the interview is very simple - this is the fear of unknown.

Proper behavior can outweigh your gaps in knowledge and be a big plus in making a HR manager.

First you need to prepare for the interview both technically and emotionally.

Take a list of key issues that an employer can set:

  • Why did you choose our company?
  • What attracts you to this position?
  • What is the previous place of work? Why did you decide to leave?
  • What were the achievements in the previous position?
  • Why do we need to go to work exactly you?
  • Actions in the first days of work on a new position?
  • How do you increase your qualifications as a professional?
  • What are you better than other candidates for this place?

It is necessary to remove the words from your lexicon: "I don't know", "I'll try", "possible". Replace them with phrases: "I'm sure", "I can", "of course", I am ready. ". Ask friends or relatives to lose with you a typical situation. Prepare your portfolio and documents that may be needed at the interview.

People tend to experience excitement in situations of subjective significance, for example, when taking to work or inviting a girl on a date. The excitement follows from the inner doubts, awareness of risks and alternatives. Situations of choice encourage excitement. It seems to man that his whole life depends on this choice, which causes the excitement ("And suddenly I am eating"). However, often people forget that the right choice does not happen. There is always a choice and its consequences with which a person can cope either. So is it worth worrying?

Excitement is a natural reaction (similar to reflex) on vital situations of choosing or demonstrating their achievements. Speech in public, the conversation for a significant topic, appealing for help, recognition in feelings - the main situations in which people experience excitement. But besides, we are worried about someone, and not because of something. Excitement is a wide concept. All possible situations do not list, therefore there is no single scheme overcoming unrest.

Sometimes the excitement is in the habit, becomes a stable characteristic. How does this happen:

  • A person has always a choice: to trust and control, rationally evaluate events or surrender to emotions, worrying. The problem is that the excitement arises subconsciously, the control requires large.
  • If there are often situations in which a person allows the wiping to cover itself, then such a reaction becomes behavior.
  • Human works selectively. If you concentrate on failure and excitement, then the option of a prosperous experience of the situation and the outcome remains unnoticed.

The excitement is negatively reflected on mental and physical health. At first, at the physiological level, the level of adrenaline increases, all the reserves of the body are involved, all forces are tense, all systems work at the limit. The possibilities of the body are gradually depleted, immunity decreases, favorable conditions for mental disorders, physical diseases, psychosomatic disorders are formed.

In psychology, the excitement is compared with the sensations that the organism is experiencing in vital situations. The excitement accompanies any and situations of demonstration of success in this activity. Uncontrolled excitement is able to reduce every effort, training, preparation.

Demonstrating the results of his work, a person understands that they must correspond to the spent forces and time. Therefore, there is a fear of distorting your own efforts. For example, the loss of the report or delete the working file from the computer is able to entail the nervous breakdown and the other (depends on the volume and value for the identity of the spent resources).

Signs of excitement

Signs of excitement are mental and physical reactions:

  • oledenal limbs;
  • sweating;
  • tremor hands;
  • awkwardness;
  • trembling voice;
  • forgetfulness, decrease in attention concentration, other cognitive deterioration;
  • breathing problems;
  • heart palpitations;
  • increase pressure;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • abdominal pain;
  • coordination violation;
  • redness;
  • other individual reactions.

Depending on individually personal features, different reactions to the excitement are found. So, one person will react with confusion and a stupor, starts to reject, stutter, and the other person will perceive it as an excitement and challenge, will become more productive and surpass himself.

Causes of excitement

The excitement arises due to the feeling of the lack of right to an error and awareness of the irreversibility of the process, the implementation of the situation "here and now." Customs precedes stress, and after excitement comes panic.

The premises of the excitement are:

  • chronic stress;
  • anxiety;
  • understated;
  • diffidence;
  • mistrust;
  • fear of uncertainty;
  • negative experience and cases of failure in such situations due to excitement or for another reason;
  • high level .

The excitement is the mood for a negative result, in an error. This installation is not always aware of a person. As a rule, the excitement causes an expected subconsciously error, it further reduces self-esteem and increases the uncertainty in itself, which is even more excitement next time. Vicious circle.

The source of excitement can also act joy, excitement from the upcoming event, positive emotions. Although positive emotions more often cause pleasant excitement, the excitement is accompanied by negative feelings.

How to cope with excitement

Rational analysis of the situation helps to cope with excitement.

  1. Differentiate the nature of the excitement: fear, anxiety, insecurity, lack of knowledge. Find the reason for this feeling, think how you can respond to it. For example, you worry when a close person is delayed. Worried in this case makes anxiety and fear that something happened. Solving the problem - the call to this person. Does not answer the phone? Present positive options, not just negative.
  2. Remember the situation in which you experienced positive emotions. Concentrate attention on these positive. Imagine the successful completion of the upcoming conversation, performances or another event. Full a successful result, secure these feelings, save them.
  3. A person at the time of excitement is limited to the description of the failure, and you go further. After all, do not stop you to move and live in case of failure, start moving in a new direction. Imagine an inverse situation: everything ended with failure. What are you going to do? Make an alternative for the development of events. Confidence and sense of control at any outcome will reduce the excitement. In life, there are always risks and alternative consequences of choice. Need to be prepared for any development in advance. This is called stress resistance, self-confidence, control over the situation.
  4. Reduce the significance of the situation. Often, situations are endowed with too much meaning, for example, the speech before the audience is perceived as a court over life and fate. But think: yes, it may depend on salary or career growth (however, it does not always happen), but does your health, life, success in a broad sense depends on this? Get rid of narrow thinking, learn to look wider. In the end, you do not knock out from the rut, if there was no desired product in the store. You accept this and are looking for alternative ways.
  5. Carefully prepare. Nothing increases self-confidence as good preparation, remedies, performance plan, playing the situation in the head.
  6. Analyze the positive and negative experience of other people. Failures and mistakes happen to all, but the surrounding quickly forget about it.
  7. The excitement stimulates the muscle tension in the whole body, from which the trembling begins. Do not wait for it and remove the physical stress yourself: shake your hands and legs, twitch, shake with all the body (so the actors' voltage is removed).
  8. Use the "Nasty" method to reduce the excitement directly at the time of its occurrence. If the excitement makes us breathe more often, then use respiratory techniques to calm themselves. Melt others.
  9. Trust to itself and the world, on the contrary, increases the body's protective forces and causes peace of mind.
  10. The vicious circle of unrest, described in the reasons, works in the opposite direction. That is, each victory, albeit small, increases self-confidence, gradually reducing the excitement, reduced excitement provides even more new success.

It is not necessary to completely eliminate the excitement, it is enough to realize it and control it. Do not be afraid to say ourselves "I worry, but there is still nothing yet, I control myself and the situation." It is completely impossible to cope with the excitement, since there are a huge set of situations and conditions for its manifestation. There is no single recipe, you need to increase overall stress resistance and self-regulation.

No need to deny the excitement, justify in front of me and others ("I did not come across something else"), finding an excuse of bad well-being for the type "Ate something wrong", "did not sleep." For successful overcoming unrest, it is necessary to recognize it and gain control over the situation.