Miometrics inhomogeneous - the diagnosis is delivered, and what does this mean? Diffuse change of myometrium - Frequent gynecological problem Diffuse focal changes in the uterine myometry

07.09.2020 Recipes

Miometry is one of the strata of the uterus, which is muscular and is in the middle of the shell. Its inner side is covered with endometrial. In the normal state, the myometrium is in calm, but if there are any factors of impact, the muscles begin to shrink and come to Hypertonus.

What is hypertonus?
Local hypertonus myometrium is not a normal state of the uterus and occurs with local thickening of myometrium. With its appearance, treatment and stimulation must be carried out. When entering the child can lead to interruption of pregnancy.

The main role in childbirth is given precisely myometry, because due to the fact that his muscles begin to shrink, the fruit pushes through the generic paths to the outside.

In what state is the state of the myometrium affects the condition of the hormonal background (the amount of estrogen and oxytocin should be normal).

Three layers of myometrium (layers consist of smooth muscle fibers):

  1. Longitudinal - Suites from circular and longitudinal muscle fibers.
  2. Circular (vascular) - turns in itself tubular rings and vessels.
  3. Sublifier - includes longitudinal fibers, is the thinnest layer.

The cuts of the uterus occur due to the multi-layerness of the myometrium. The uterus is considered healthy when the myometrium is in a homogeneous state.

Changes for diseases

Myometrium pathology changes the thickness and size of each layer. The beginning of the menstrual cycle is characterized by 2-3 millimeter size, and the middle 14-15 millimeter size.

Also changes in myometrium are characteristic of endometriosis or adenomyosis. During ultrasound, changes in myometrium during endometriosis may be invisible due to the fact that they are most often too small. But it is these changes that lead to the structure of the myometrium becomes inhomogeneous.

Endometriosis is one of the most common diseases among women. It is the pathology of the mucous membrane of the uterus and cervix. It is characterized by the growth of endometrial cells beyond the uterine cavity.

One of the main determining parameters on the ultrasound is a echostructure. Which at its normal state has low indicators (with endometriosis, the indicators are 1-5 mm).

Endomiometritis is characterized by inflammation of the front wall of the mucous and muscular sheath of the uterus. Often endomiometritis makes itself felt quite strong pains, which cause infectious bacteria (usually after childbirth or abortion).

Chronic endomyometrite arises due to improper treatment. Develops gradually. First penetrates the walls of the endometrium, and after the muscular layer disrupts. It is important to know that endomiometritis develops only if there are defects on the mucous membrane of the uterus. Symptoms manifest themselves in pain in abdominal cavity and characteristic discharge. Diagnosis of endomyometritis and its chronic form Does not cause difficulties.

In the event of myoma and inflammation of the uterus, the homogeneous structure of the myometrium is also violated. Mioma is a benign tumor and in its occurrence, there is a violation of the echostructure of the myometrium and calcification begins. The diagnosis is carried out using intrauterine ultrasound, or three-dimensional echography.

Another disease in which the homogeneity of the myometrium is disturbed is a myometrite. Its development provoke infections on the mucous membrane of the uterus. Symptomatics is comparable to symptoms of endometriosis.

Heterogeneous myometrium

Changes that occur with inhomogeneous immunity with hyperhethogenic inclusions can provoke the appearance of not only uterine diseases. Inhomogeneity of Miometry by early stages It usually does not show itself any symptoms, and is detected only with a propycal inspection of the gynecologist. But if you do not have time to identify violations in the early stages, the symptoms may begin to show themselves from a very unpleasant side.

Symptoms of heterogeneous myometrium:

  • Painful monthly;
  • Pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • Painful sensations when ovulation;
  • Bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle;

Causes of appearance:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Injury during childbirth or cesarean section;
  • Disorders of the inner layer of the uterus;
  • Psycho-emotional violations;
  • Failures in work thyroid gland;


Nowadays, medicine makes it possible to determine the emergence of diffuse changes already in their early appearances, which significantly increases the possibilities for successful and rapid cure. The main method of diagnosis is an ultrasound, which determines the atypical structure of homogeneous myometrium.

Methods for the ultrasound:

  • Before the procedure, the woman drinks significant volumes of water in order for her bladder It was filled as much as possible.
  • Ultrasound using a vaginal sensor does not require cooking, but may cause discomfort with deep penetration;

Indications for Ultrasound:

  • Failures in the menstrual cycle;
  • Pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • Infertility;

What does ultrasound reveal?

  • The size of the uterus;
  • Position of the reproductive system;
  • Size and volume of endometrial;
  • The structure of myometrium

Other diagnostic methods:

  • Inspection of the gynecologist;
  • Biochemical blood tests;
  • Bimanual study;
  • Conducting the MRI procedure;


For any patient in the treatment and diagnosis of violation of the endometrium structure, an individual approach is produced. In determining the method of treatment, the doctor relies on the age of a woman, the location of the violation, the severity of the lesion, general state Patients and presence in the history of the disease have already suffered diseases.

The main task in the treatment of heterogeneity of myometrium is to reduce the activity of the disease of the causing failure in the layers of the muscular layer of the uterus.

Treatment is carried out in three ways:

  1. Conservative - treatment with hormonal means. The estrogen hormone level is directed, which causes the active growth of malicious cells.
  2. Operational - carrying out a gentle operation (laparoscopy), or surgical intervention implies a complete removal of the organ (laparotomy).
  3. Combined - a combination of gentle operation and treatment with hormonal means.

Frequently asked Questions

How does the heterogeneity of myometry for pregnancy affect?

The appearance of hyperheogenic violations in the myometry and the appearance of hypertonus, ways to cause miscarriage or provoke premature genera. This is due to the transfer of vessels through which food and oxygen comes to the fetus. Hypertonus (maybe hypertonus on the rear wall) arises due to declines of progesterone in the body, increase androgens, inflammation of the organs of a small pelvis, strong emotional shocks, when the uterus is underdeveloped. So that such problems do not occur, try to control the level of hormones, carry out timely treatment Sex infections and protect yourself from stress.

How long is the homogeneity of Momehotium?

Myometrium homogeneity will recover immediately after you pass the course of treatment from the disease that violates it. In order to avoid the emergence of these diseases, try at the very first symptoms to contact the doctor, with menstruation pain - are also not the norm. Therefore, if it seems to you that with your body, something is something wrong occurs, please contact your gynecologist.

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One of the most popular research methods is ultrasound. Sometimes, according to the results, the patient reports that it has diffuse changes in the wall of the organ. There are questions as far as dangerous, are there exist effective methods Treatment. With the problem of this kind of woman faced quite often. The consequence of anomalous changes in the structure of the uterine muscles may be a violation of the reproductive function. If pathology is found at an early stage, it is easy to eliminate it. In running cases require operation.


What is a similar pathology

Diffuse changes Myometrics arise as a result of the development of endometriosis in the uterus, that is, the pathological growth of the cells of the mucous membrane, lining its cavity. The process can be distributed both beyond the uterus and amazing the muscle layer of the wall (myometrium). If pathology affects the muscles, it is called adenomyosis, and diffuse changes are observed on the ultrasound. The walls of the uterus look thickened and inhomogeneous due to rustling of endometrial cells in them.

As a rule, diffuse changes are found in women of reproductive age (most often 25-30-year-old). They are less often observed after the onset of menopause.

In myiometry there are several layers: internal (consisting of longitudinal muscles), medium (from circular muscles and blood vessels) and outer (longitudinal muscles are covered with a solid serous shell).

In adenomyosis in the myometrium, individual cysts are formed, blood filled with blood, as well as cells formed by modified glands, embroidered from the mucous membrane into muscle layers. In addition to diffuse changes, the myometrium, in which there is an extensive lesion of its wall, there are also nodal (in some sections, isolated from each other) and focal (moma - benign tumors).

Degrees and consequences of adenomyosis

The depth of pathological changes may be different.

1 Degree of adenomyosis. Endometrial cells germinate only into the surface layer of muscles.

2 degree. Their penetration of myometrium thickness occurs.

3 degree. Endometrium sprouts to the entire depth and reaches the serous shell.

Complications of developing diffuse changes of the myometrium can be the formation of submissible myomatous nodes, as well as the appearance of cancer cells in the myometry. Pain in the uterus arising from the development of pathology makes a woman to give up sexual life. The consequence of endometrial hyperplasia and progressive changes in the structure of the uterine wall becomes infertility.

If diffuse foci of endometriosis is a bit and they do not significantly affect the flow of the cycle processes, then conception, in principle, possibly. However, the threat of miscarriage at the same time is very high, since the born endometrium does not allow the fetal egg to penetrate the uterine cavity and gain themselves in it.

Video: What is adenomyosis, signs on ultrasound, treatment principle

Causes of diffuse changes

The main reasons for the growth of the epithelium to the myometry are considered:

  1. The pathological effects of hormones on endometrial cells. The state of the uterus normally changes throughout the cycle, and the process of updating its mucous membrane is regulated by estrogen and progesterone. An important role is played by a hormone oxytocin, which enhances the reductions of the myometrium. Thanks to this, the uterus is freed from the old endometrium. The cause of diffuse changes in the uterine muscles is the lack of oxytocin and excessive production of sex hormones.
  2. Availability endocrine diseases (thyroid gland, pituitary glands, adrenal glands), the consequences of which the hormonal background is becoming.
  3. Incomplete removal of exhausting endometrial, blood stagnation in the uterus. Such a state is observed at the end of menstruation if the blood is not completely derived due to the weak contraction of the muscles of the uterus. This may also occur after complicated delivery, when a woman has a weakened generic activity or the uterine wall was damaged. Endometrial particles remain in the uterus after scraping, abortion, internal surgical surgical operations by laparoscopy, as well as cesarean sections.
  4. The formation of scars and adhesions as a result of the inflammatory process.
  5. The tendency to the wrong formation of the epithelial layer of the uterus can be hereditary caused by genetic disorders of the production of hormones in the body or anomalous development of the uterus.
  6. The occurrence of diffuse changes of myometrium often occurs against the background of transferred emotional stress or physical overwork.

Addition: Endometrial cells fall into the muscle of the uterus not only due to its germination from the basal layer of endometrial, but also with blood flow or lymph (hematogenic or lymphogenic path).

Signs of the appearance of diffuse changes in the wall of the uterus

At the initial stage, symptoms are usually absent. Monthly can be only a bit painful due to the insignificant squeezing of nerve endings in the muscular layer of the uterus. As the epithelium is germinated in the deeper layers of the pain of pain during menstruation increase.

Menstrual bleeding becomes strong and long. They can notice the clots (particles of the mucous membrane). The duration of the cycle also increases.

There are oscillations of brown highlights. Usually, such a "masculine" appears 2-3 days before the start of menstruation, preceding bleeding, as well as after them.

Because of the abundant and long bleeding, women develop iron deficiency anemia. As a result, symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, headaches, apathy appear. Syncs may occur.

In the gynecological inspection, an increase in the uterus is found. During the palpation of the body, pain is felt due to the tissue swelling. The pulling or still pain at the bottom of the belly is felt not only during menstruation, but also on other days of the cycle. It also applies to the crotch, the crushes, lower back, the thigh area. Pain also occurs when pressed on the pubery and during the emptying of the bladder.

It becomes painful sexual contact. After him, traces of blood appear in the mucus. An indicator of diffuse changes may be the inability of a woman to conceive a child despite regular sex sessions without using contraceptives.


Ultrasound is carried out and characteristic echo-discovers indicate diffuse changes in myometrium. Echogenicity (the ability of the tissues of various organs to reflect ultrasound) is normal. The myometrium looks homogeneous, the image is painted in gray. The pathological changes in the thicker of the wall indicates the appearance of light spots and winding bands in the painting.

The thickness of the mineometry increases due to the formation of ferrous cells in its layers. The contours on the border of myometrium with endometrial are fuzzy. Increased uterus becomes more rounded. The surface of the organ is uneven, blurred.

In addition to ultrasound, it is assigned to conduct hysteroscopy (endoscopic examination of the inner surface of the uterus). This method is used as diagnostic laparoscopy. This method is good because it allows you to immediately remove small nodes and neoplasms detected in myometry.

Sometimes during diagnostics, the scraping of the uterine cavity is carried out. It is resorted to this method if the diffuse-inhomogeneous changes affect endometrium, it is necessary to prevent its further rustling into the myometrium. However, such a procedure can, on the contrary, provoke aggravation of adenomyosis.

To clarify the nature of diffuse changes, blood tests for sex hormones and oncomarkers are prescribed.


The choice of treatment techniques depends on the degree of detected diffuse changes of myometrium, as well as on the nature of the manifestations. Conservative (dosage) treatment is prescribed or surgical operation.

Medicase treatment is carried out mainly with small pathological changes in the muscle layer of the uterus. Prescribed drugs to reduce the level of estrogen in the blood. Suppression of their production is achieved by antigonadotropic drugs (data, non-laminated), slowing the synthesis of pituitary hormones (LH and FSH). These hormones stimulate the formation of estrogen in follicular membranes of ovaries.

Progesterone preparations are used (viselel, uremines, duphaston, clomiphene). Receigues raises the chances of the onset of pregnancy in women of reproductive age leads to rapid restoration cycle. Treatment continues within 2-6 months. Often, after the cessation of drugs, relapses arise.

Surgical treatment in the nodal form of adenomiosis is to laparoscopic removal of individual nodes. If the changes are diffuse, the foci are scattered throughout the volume of the uterus, then the operation is carried out only in cases where a woman has severe pains, uterine bleeding, anemia. With a significant diffuse damage to the wall of the uterus, it is removed using laparoscopy (through punctures in peritoneum) or laparotomy (through a cut on the stomach).

Before talking about changing the structure of the uterus wall and understand what diffuse changes in myometrium, it is necessary to consider the very concept of "myometriy". What is it?

The myometrium is a muscle stratum of the uterus, consisting of 3 layers of smooth muscles.In this case, all 3 layers have a different structure and are located in the following sequence:

  1. The outer layer (suitoroic) - includes longitudinal and circular muscle fibers, and outside are covered with a serous sheath.
  2. The middle layer (muscular) is considered the most powerful, because it consists exclusively of circular muscle fibers. It is in this layer that the main main vessels, carrying out the trophic of the whole uterus.
  3. The inner layer (longitudinal) - consists of longitudinal fibers.

Due to the listed layers of the uterus, it is capable of acting as a fertilization during pregnancy, and at the end of the length of the hatching, the cutting of the muscles helps expel the fruit during childbirth.

If a woman detects a diffuse change in myometrium, then these removal is called endometriosis, and with ultrasound examination (ultrasound), the doctor sees inhomogeneous myometrium. Among the gynecological diseases, such a subsection occurs quite often and is the cause of infertility, because the modified structure makes it impossible to implant the fertilized egg.

Causes of changes in myometry

With diffuse changes in myiometry, an atypical growth of the mucosa of the uterus and the rotation of the endometrium cells into the thickness of the muscular layer is occurred. The accurate cause of the development of this pathological process, scientists cannot identify. However, there is a genetic predisposition and a hormonal theory of the occurrence of the disease, according to which endometriosis develops as a result of violations of hormones in women's body (elevated level estrogen and reduced progesterone).

Initially, this kind of hormonal disorders contribute to the growth of the endometrium, and then it can provoke its rejection, accompanied by severe bleeding.

The rejected cells somehow penetrate the basal layer of the endometrium and begin to germinate into the myometrium. Ultrasound is observed up to 4-5 cm, its echostructure is violated. In addition, with endometriosis in the muscular layer of the uterus, changes with hyperheogenic inclusions are determined, diffusely located in the thickness of the organ, the size of which is 1-5 mm.

Inhomogeneity of myometrium develops for several reasons, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • abortion or any other interference in the uterine cavity;
  • childbirth trauming the inner wall of the uterus;
  • cesarean section;
  • diagnostic scraping;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • genetic predisposition to the disease;
  • stress as a consequence of neurogenic violations.

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Signs of diffuse changes of myometrium depends on the speed and depth of the propagation of endometrioid tissue in the muscular layer of the uterus.

Most often on initial stages Symptoms of this disease are invisible. It is customary to distinguish 3 degrees of endometriosis:

  1. At the first degree, a slight germination of the internal layers of myometrium occurs.
  2. With a second degree, the germination of the tissue occurs until the midishrosis.
  3. For a third degree, the endometrioid tissue is germination through all layers, up to the serous membrane of the uterus.

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Diffuse changes of myometrium - diagnosis and signs of the disease

According to scientists, in 1/3 cases of female infertility, endometriosis is diagnosed in patients. Woman spend an ultrasound, where the doctor sees that the inhomogeneous myometrics, which means it was subject to change. The causes of the occurrence and symptoms of this kind of change can be absolutely different. Some patients note pain in urination or in front of menstruation, others - to discomfort during sexual intercourse, and thirds have bleeding between monthly. Pains arise against the background of edema of tissues and the compression of the nerve endings in the uterus wall. Usually, painful feelings Have a new or fitful character, can be given to the crotch area, loin and thigh area.

After time, the woman may appear acyclic bleeding, entailing iron deficiency anemiawhich is accompanied by apatine, lethargy, dizziness, headaches, drowsiness. Such a condition cannot be cured until the blood loss is eliminated.

Besides familiar ultrasonic research Small pelvis organists can also assign an endoscopic study. If these survey methods reveal, which is changed, they are talking about the presence of endometriosis and the need for a course of drug therapy, allowing to get pregnant and make a healthy child.

Diffuse changes in the body of the bodies of the uterus (adenomyosis, endometriosis) are one of the main causes of female infertility. Every third case of the impossibility of conception is caused by them. The disease is manifested various forms, has several development stages and is often combined with other pathologies of reproductive organs. The occurrence of endometriosis is due to several reasons. The main provoking factors are considered to injury the uterus mucosa and a variety of neuroendocrine disorders.


Miometry is a muscular uterine frame formed by three layers of smooth muscle fibers. It provides the execution by the body of its basic functions:

  • Protective capacity for the fetus gradually increasing in size with it.
  • Exile during childbirth through rhythmic muscle contractions.
  • Quick refund to the same sizes after the child's appearance. Thanks to the contractions of the muscles of the myometrium for about 6 weeks, the uterus is reduced by weight and volume of more than 10 times.

Each layer of myometrium differs from 2 others by structure. The outer, covered with a serous shell consists of circular and longitudinal fibers. The average formed by circular fibers is the most voluminous and carries the main load. It also contains large blood vessels providing the uterus with everything necessary. Internal formed only by longitudinal muscle fibers.

Diffuse changes in the structure of myometrium are caused by the pathological growth of endometrial cells with the advent of benign tumors. The inner mucous membrane of the uterus under the influence of various intensity of traumatic interventions is growing into it, forming a neoplasm. In this case, the woman is diagnosed with "adenomyosis of the uterus". The disease develops by type of internal endometriosis. With one of its species (genital internal), the endometrial tissue is growing in myiometry. More often diagnose the diffuse form of changes, there are also noded (moma) and focus.

Depending on the severity and extensity, the process is divided into the following stages:

  1. 1. The first is affected by the inner layer of the longitudinal muscles of myometrium.
  2. 2. The second - pathology covers the average layer of myometrium.
  3. 3. The third - endometrial tissue reaches the outer layer of the uterus.
  4. 4. Fourth - the tumor process captures the feet of peritoneum.

In addition to the uterus, endometriosis can be localized in other genital organs: ovaries, vagina, uterine pipes. With extragnenitative forms, adjacent organs of the peritoneum (intestines, bladder, ureterals) are affected, and in the case of hematogenous propagation by the body, pathology can even spread to the pulmonary fabric, conjunctival, kidneys.

Causes and symptoms of pathology

There are several versions explaining the occurrence of the disease:

  1. 1. The theory of hormonal development. It assumes the direct relationship of violation of the production of hormones and the appearance of endometriosis. This is confirmed by the change in the activity of endometrial foci in different phases of the menstrual cycle and their spontaneous extinction during pregnancy or under menopause.
  2. 2. Implantation theory. It implies an implantation of endometrial cells with hormonal activity into damaged tissues of other genital organs during abortion, traumatic genus, caesarean sections, operations in the uterus.
  3. 3. Hereditary predisposition.
  4. 4. Negative shifts in the work of nervous and endocrine systems due to stress.
  5. 5. Infectious diseases of the genitals.

Numerous studies confirm the correlation of more frequent development of endometriosis in patients with diseases of the thyroid gland and violations of the hormonal function of the pituitary.

Sometimes pathology proceeds asymptomatic, but more often manifests itself as follows:

  • painful and (or) long menstruation;
  • intermediate bleeding;
  • pain at the bottom of the abdomen during ovulation, during urination and (or) sexual intercourse;
  • excessively intense menstrual discharge;
  • the lack of pregnancy under the abolition of all contraceptives.

Diagnosis and treatment

Two research methods are used to diagnose this pathology:

  • Ultrasound. Ultrasound is capable evenly or unevenly absorbing and reflected depending on the homogeneity or heterogeneity of the tissues studied. In case of endometriosis, the ultrasound is clearly visible to the inhomogeneous structure of the myometrium, which allows you to diagnose pathology and evaluate the vastness of its unnatural changes.
  • Endoscopic. It assumes the introduction of a hysteroscope in the cavity - a special optical device with a thickness of about 4 mm. It allows you to visually inspect the inner cavity of the organ, to estimate the general condition and, if necessary, take a sample of a biopsy fabric.

Endometriosis relates to diseases difficult to treat. It depends on the stage and intensity of the disease and are carried out in two ways:

  1. 1. Hormone therapy. Signed by a specialist strictly individually taking into account all the features and concomitant diseases of the patient. As an alternative to oral reception, there is an intrauterine spiral with a hormonal action, which is set for a period of 5 years. Even with a competent selection of drugs, such treatment does not always give a positive effect.
  2. 2. Surgical intervention. It is used at the 4th stage of the disease to remove endometrial tissue by cavity with outdoor surface Uterma and other affected organs. In particularly complex and running cases, complete removal of the body of the uterus is required.

The necessary prevention of endometriosis is a regular visit to the gynecologist, abortion failure, timely treatment of infectious and other inflammatory processes In the small pelvis organs, competent recovery after childbirth, timely diagnosis and therapy of any hormonal disorders.

When climax and during postmenopause, endometriosis gradually disappear and spontaneously. This is due partial, and then the complete cessation of cyclic menstrual processes and associated hormonal activity. Diffuse changes in myometrium are easier to keep under control when identifying in the early stages. Later appeal to the doctor can lead to the inability to have children.

What is myometriy? Miometrium - the middle layer of the muscles of the uterus, which consists, in turn, of three muscle becks. His structure is as follows:

  1. The first interlayer (it is an outer) - the suberozic layer of muscles, which are located in the longitudinal and in a circular direction. A serous shell is embroidered over this layer.
  2. Under the first layer is the strongest - medium. It is represented by circular muscles. This layer contains in its structure of the artery and veins that feed the uterus.
  3. The inner layer is represented only by longitudinal muscle fibers.

Thanks to these three layers, the uterus has the ability to shrink, extending blood during menstruation and fruit during pregnancy. Estrogen hormones, oxytocin and progesterone affect muscles. Their allocation is most intense during period of monthly and pregnancy. Normally, a woman should not feel the uterus. It is felt only when fighting, birth or pathologies.

Characteristic signs

What are diffuse changes in myometrium? You can not consider such changes in any disease or diagnosis. This is just the conclusion of a doctor-diagnosticist on the state of the structure of the uterus tissue. From these observations and make a diagnosis of the patient. Basically, myometrium diffusely inhomogeneous represents benign neoplasms arising due to improper functioning of the endometrium.

During ultrasound examination, it is often noted that the structure of myometrium is non-uniform. All foci pathologists are usually located at different points of the uterus. Then begin to study the problem in detail. Endoscopic examination can be applied.

Often diffuse changes in myometrium is a symptom of more serious pathology. And the reasons for this symptom can be:

  • changes of the hormonal background of a woman;
  • autoimmune diseases (thyroiditis);
  • operations in the uterus: Cesarean section, removal of third-party bodies, etc.;
  • miscarriages, abortions;
  • blood diseases (anemia);
  • infectious diseases;
  • adenomyosis, endometriosis;
  • stressful situations;
  • genetic predisposition.

The risk factors include women after 40 years who suffered childbirth, as well as operations in the uterus. Adenomyosis, endometriosis - one of the most common causes of diffuse changes in the uterus.

Adenomyosis is a pathological process, which is characterized by germinating endometrial in the muscular wall of the uterus. It is worth noting that the endometrium sprouts into the muscle only in places. As a result of this germination, the muscles begin to thicken around the problem space. This case is denoted by the focal form of adenomyosis. If there are no foci, they talk about diffuse form.

However, this pathology occurs quite rarely and it can be confused with endometriosis. Very often, when the inhomogeneous structure of the myometrium is noted during diagnostics, 2 diagnoses are put at once: adenomyosis and endometriosis.

The reasons may be: congenital pathology, postpartum problems and inflammation, unsuccessful surgical operations.

Symptoms of adenomyosis can be:

  1. Menstrual cycles with pain.
  2. Unpleasant sensations during sex.
  3. Bleeding from sex tract outside the period of menstruation.
  4. Pain in the abdomen.
  5. On the ultrasound and during palpation there is an increase in the size of the uterus.

What to do when a pathology is found?

Treatment is carried out hormonal and nonteroid drugs. In difficult cases, the uterus is carried out - removal of the organ. Endometriosis is similar to the principle of pathology with adenomyosis. The difference is that endometrium germinates in all layers of the uterus, and not only in the muscles. In addition, benign neoplasms are formed. More than 1/3 of all examined women with diffuse changes in the uterus were hurt endometriosis. Symptomatics is also similar to adenomyosis.

There are several forms of pathology:

  1. Genital endometriosis - involvement in the pathological process of both external and internal genital organs;
  2. Extgazenital endometriosis - in addition to the genitals, other organism systems are affected: gastrointestinal, urinary system and even respiratory system;
  3. Mixed form - a combination of the two forms above in the pathological process.

Treatment is carried out conservative (with the help of drugs) or surgically. Quite often, these paths are combined for the best result. If we talk about preparations, then the hormonal agents are mainly prescribed. However, this can greatly aggravate the state of the body as a whole, as the hormonal background of women is changing. Because of this, there may be problems with the menstrual cycle and fertilization.

The surgical method is more radical. This by doctors can explore the foci of the disease, or (in the worst case) remove the uterus at all. Diffuse change in myometrium can be provoked by other reasons.

Hormonal background women depends on external factors affecting its body. Stresses, diseases, bad external environment, hard work and family problems often affect women's health in the best way. Autoimmune diseases, such as the autimmune thyroiditisAlso strongly affect the hormonal background and health in general. This means that it is worth a full examination of the patient.

To treat stress and resist external factors, it is worth resorting to the following actions:

  1. Normal sleep. It should last from 8 to 9 hours.
  2. Right and balanced to eat. You need to include breakfast, lunch and dinner in your diet. It is impossible to skip meals, especially breakfast.
  3. Refuse bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs).
  4. Make up your routine. It is very important for rest and work to be harmonized.
  5. If any psychological problems are disturbing and you need to speak, you can do this by contacting a psychologist.
  6. Start doing sports. Physical exercise Positively affect health and help to raise the mood.

Anemia is characterized by the inability of red blood cells to transport oxygen to the tissues of the body, as a result of which problems may arise with organs. Diffuse change is also the consequence of anemia. To understand whether the man is sick, it is necessary to assess its condition for some criteria:

  1. Is there a shortness of breath in humans.
  2. Rate skin color - with anemia it becomes pale.
  3. Evaluate the heart rate - frequency frequency may be observed.
  4. Are there any pain in the head.
  5. A strange appetite is a traction for eating chalk, land and other inedible things.
  6. Hair loss and nail fragility.

Causes of anemia:

  • bad diet (need to add meat, apples, grenades), concomitant diseases (Crohn's disease);
  • pregnancy;
  • loss of large amounts of blood.

To correct the situation, it is worth resorting to the rationing of the diet (add beef, liver, apples and grenades, seafood, etc.), reception of drugs with iron. If you follow these recommendations, the anemia will soon pass. But before this it is worth consulted by the doctor.

Diffuse changes in the uterine myometry are a certain reason for concern about their health, but it is quite curable. It is not worth late with the treatment of uterus diseases, as this may irreversibly affect the ability to give birth. If they begin to disturb the pain and gets off menstrual cycle, you need to go to a gynecologist without any doubt.


In the structure of the muscular layer, there are three components:

  • Internal, which consists of longitudinal fibers;
  • The average representing a circular muscle. This layer is the strongest. Due to the presence of blood vessels, the uterus is ensured by the necessary useful elements;
  • The external consisting of longitudinal muscles and covered with a serous shell.

The ability to decrease is ensured precisely by the presence of different layers of myometrium. This ability is necessary to ensure the release of menstrual secretions. In addition, such a structure of myometrium helps the uterus to perform the function of the so-called "repository" during pregnancy. As the fetus grows, the uterus also increases in size, and after the end of the hatching period with the help of all the same muscles, the expulsion of the fetus from the body of a woman occurs.

Causes of changes in myometrium

The exact reason for the appearance of such a trait, as diffuse changes, science is unknown. It is believed that endometriosis appears and progresses due to hormonal failure in the body, when the estrogen level rises, and progesterone, on the contrary, decreases.

At first, hormonal disorders lead to diffuse changes of the moderate type myometrium, then endometrial rejection can occur and, as a result, abundant uterine bleeding.

In general, the main causes of the heterogeneity of the myometrium are:

  • Severe childbirth with injury to the wall of the organ;
  • Cesarean section;
  • Scraping of uterus in diagnostic readings;
  • Operational interventions in the uterine cavity (abortion);
  • Disorders in the work of the endocrine system;
  • Genetic tendency to gynecological diseases;
  • Experiencing and stress;
  • Inflammatory diseases and infections.

How to reveal

With the appearance of unpleasant sensations and the first signs characteristic of endometriosis, a careful diagnosis is prescribed a patient. A visit to the gynecologist and the passage of ultrasound is needed to correctly diagnose. Assuming the presence of endometriosis can be at the reception of the gynecologist by increased size of the uterus. But only ultrasound diagnostics can give the most accurate result, which allows to identify diffuse changes in myometrium, determine the degree of heterogeneity of the echoostructure and the depth of the endometrium growth.

Echographic changes

The main indicator that allows diagnosing heterogeneous endometrium is diffuse changes in the echographic type. When conducting an ultrasound, such an indicator is estimated as echogenicity - the ability of tissues to reflect ultrasound.

If the functions and structure of the uterus are normal, then echogenicity will be low. Increased echogenic indicator means the development of adenomiosis of varying severity, which is characterized by an inhomogeneous echoostructure of the organ and blurred contours. For this pathology, it is also characterized by a noticeable thickening of the walls up to 4-5 cm, which is due to the growth of the endometrium.

There are three forms of endometriosis at which diffuse changes in the muscular layer occur: nodal, focal and diffuse. With diffuse form, small changes in the structure are noted. They are endometrium growth on the entire surface of the endometrium and myometrium.

The peculiarities of the diffuse form of the disease include:

  • Damage to the muscular layer with endometrioid cavities with a cellular structure;
  • The presence of minor hyperehogenic inclusions;
  • There are characteristic echo diffuses of diffuse changes, i.e. an increase in the size of the uterus and the change in its shape;
  • In the presence of point endometrium sections, heterogeneous heterogeneity is visualized in the structure of muscle tissue;
  • The surface of the uterus becomes inhomogeneous, the pain in palpation is felt.

In the nodal form of the disease, the growth of formations from endometrial cells, having a rounded form with a diameter of up to 6 mm and fuzzy contours.

Focal endometriosis is characterized by the formation of endometrioid formations with a size of up to 1.5 cm in separate sections. At the same time, the mobility of the uterus is reduced, and its displacement leads to severe pain.

Endometriosis as a frequent cause

Clinical manifestations of the disease can be different. It all depends on the severity of diffuse changes. Diagnostics allows you to identify three degrees of development of pathology by type of adenomiosis:

  • 1 degree: Myometrium has an inhomogeneous structure with minor changes;
  • 2 degree: Endometrial germination reaches the middle of the muscular layer;
  • 3 degree: Endometrium fabrics completely germinate in the myometrium, while can reach a serous shell.

At first, the flow of endometriosis passes asymptomatic, so women may not even guess about the changes occurring in the body. When the disease passes into a complex stage, marked characteristic signs. The main symptom is uterine bleeding and severe pain. Several separations appear in the middle of the cycle, and the menstrual cycle itself is extended in most cases.

The launched form of the disease often becomes cause of anemia, drowsiness, frequent dizziness and fainting. Until treatment be treated, these symptoms will not disappear.


The initial stage of the disease is often hidden (asymptomatic) current. However, further germination of the endometrium is characterized more pronounced. The main signs of diffuse changes of myometrium include:

  • Abundant bleeding during menstruation, accompanied by strong painful sensations;
  • Making pain at the bottom of the abdomen in the middle of the cycle;
  • Magoving selection a few days before the start of menstruation;
  • Noticeable increase in the size of the uterus;
  • A sense of discomfort with sexual contact;
  • Pain when pressing over the uterus region and when urination;
  • Problems with conception and tooling the fetus.

Treatment methods

If a woman has diagnosed diffuse changes in myometrium, it is necessary to choose the most correct therapy. For this, the severity of the pathology and the presence of related symptoms is first determined. To get rid of the effects of endometriosis, the following methods apply:

  • Medicinal (drug) treatment;
  • Surgery.


Drug therapy is based on the use of hormones: Gestagennes, antigonadotropins, estrogen-gestogen and other groups. All these drugs turn out to be very effective in the fight against diffuse changes only at the initial stage of development of pathology. When endometriosis is diagnosed in a running form, it is not always possible to achieve results.


If the conservative method of treatment with hormonal drugs did not bring the expected effect, surgery comes to the rescue. Previously, women who have been diagnosed with a diffuse change of myometrium, made an operation to remove the uterus, but now modern medicine allows you to use surgical intervention with preservation female organ - Laparoscopy.

Such an operation allows removing the foci of endometriosis, while restoring the reproductive function of the woman. However, after operational treatment There is a risk of recurrence - re-development of pathology. To reduce this probability, hormone therapy is prescribed to patients in combination with vegetable drugs to normalize the hormonal background.


The reasons

The myometrium acts as a muscular layer of the reproductive organ. In its composition, it has several types of fibers, a characteristic structure, as well as three shells. The first layer consists of a serous shell and circular muscle fibers.

The midish portion is the most powerful part, since only muscle tissues contains, while the structure is supplemented with large trunk vessels. The inner layer consists only of longitudinal fibers.

The structure of the uterus is inhomogeneous precisely due to the fact that the myometrium is quite diverse in terms of composite elements. The reasons for the development of diffuse changes may be somewhat, while they are divided into traumatic and small-acting.

In the first case, the inhomogeneous structure in the uterus can be due to previously transferred abortions, against the background of which pathological foci appeared. Malotioned causes are called childbirth, or a spontaneous interruption of pregnancy at which the miscarriage occurs.


If the structure of the uterine is inhomogeneous, which it means should clarify the attending physician. The fact is that such a state of the lining layer of the reproductive body can develop as a result of progression gynecological diseases. Consider several of the most common pathologies in which the structure of the uterine is inhomogeneous, which may mean.

Endometriosis. The presented disease is quite often diagnosed with representatives of the weaker sex of different ages. The main feature Pathology is that during its progression, a diffuse increase in the uterus is noted, namely, the endometrium layer.

Violations are detected by carrying out such diagnostic Event How ultrasound. It is this procedure that makes it possible that the endometrium began to grow outside the reproductive organ, and the echostructure is heterogeneous.

Endomiometritis. During the development of the inflammatory process, diffuse changes in the body of the uterine body may be occurred. The pathological center is located on the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ, as well as in the muscular layer. A distinctive feature of the disease is that it develops with severe symptoms.

Since the uterus has pathogenic bacteria, a woman seizes a complaint about painful syndrome high degree. Microorganisms can penetrate the reproductive body during the artificial interruption of pregnancy, labor activity, or when conducting diagnostic gynecological procedures.

Myoma. Considering the states under which the diffuse-inhomogeneous structure of the uterus is, what it is, and as manifests itself, it is necessary to remember about the Mioma, which is represented by a benign tumor. In the progression of this disease, the patient has changed changes in the homogeneity of the myometrium, and calcine develops. To confirm the diagnosis, vaginal ultrasonic screening or three-dimensional echography is carried out.

Miometrite. The pathological process, in which the structure of the uterus is inhomogeneous diffuse, can develop as a result of the oversaturation of the vaginal environment with infections in which bacteria settle on the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ. In the development of this disease, women will have symptoms similar to endometriosis, therefore, differential diagnosis is required.

During pregnancy

In women who carry a child, signs of diffuse changes in the uterus may be noted. What this should determine the attending physician, since such a condition is not a root cause of pregnancy, but acts as a sign, or complicating the concomitant disease.

In order to control the process of fetal development, a woman is prescribed ultrasound diagnostics. Thanks to this procedure, the doctor can also control the state of the uterus walls. That is why if the patient refers to a risk group with an increased likelihood of forming diffuse uterus changes, it is recommended to regularly do ultrasound.

This will help to promptly recognize the progression of pathology and appoint necessary treatment. As for the forecast for recovery, it directly depends on how correctly the doctor picked up the doctor, as well as whether a woman listened to the recommendations of the specialist.

If a woman during pregnancy has discovered a diffuse change in the uterus, which means only the leading specialist may argue. However, at the same time, it needs to be understood, such a state may cause premature genera or miscarriage. If the pregnancy still managed to endure, the type of delivery will also be determined to lie. With the increased probability of the gap of myometrium, the cesarean section is recommended.

It is strictly not allowed to independently make a diagnosis, as well as interpret the results of ultrasound research. If diffuse uterus changes were revealed, what it is, and whether it is necessary to immediately carry out therapy, determine the gynecologist. In some cases, there is no need, immediately begin treatment.

The doctor will definitely take into account all the features of the clinical case, to establish the causes of the development of this symptom, as well as the degree of severity of symptoms. Only after that, a decision can be made on how it is better to affect the body of a pregnant woman.

Taking over with such a condition as diffuse changes in the uterus, what it is, it is necessary to say that pathology can also be detected before pregnancy. In this case, the woman is definitely determined by the risk group, where patients are listed that have high level The probabilities of primary unbearable, spontaneous interrupt or placental failure can develop.

Be sure to make sure that a woman has no uterus myoma. In case of detection of a benign tumor, pregnancy is also worth putting on special accounting, since the development of abnormal states in the process of generic activity is not excluded, including the high probability of opening strong bleeding.

The same applies to patients who have a history of fibrosis or scar changes. All this can cause the trust of the generic paths in the process of dyg.


Now there are many methods, thanks to which you can identify diffuse changes in the uterus in the early stages, which will allow you to start treatment in a timely manner and quickly get rid of the disease.

The main methodology for identifying the pathological condition is ultrasound research. During the diagnostic procedure, the doctor has the ability to determine the echostructure of the layer. If the atypical state of muscle tissues is detected, it will become a direct signal for a specialist who can suspect the development of endometriosis or other concomitant pathology.

Ultrasonic screening is a fairly simple procedure, so before its patient does not need to conduct long-term preparations. Diagnostics is performed by means of a transvaginal sensor. In the process of examination, the patient may feel insignificant discomfort, since the sensor penetrates quite deeply.

The main occasions for destination ultrasound are the following states:

  • Lack of stability in the menstrual cycle, for example, if there are prolonged delays;
  • Worried pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • Woman notes atypical blood discharge in the middle of the cycle;
  • There are problems with the conception of a child, or develops infertility.

After the doctor carefully examines the uterine cavity, it will be able to accurately determine the size of the reproductive body, as it is located, there is either anomalies of the structure and other factors that may indicate the development of pathology.

If, during the diagnostics, the myometrium was characterized as a homogeneous, the probability of the presence of diffuse changes is excluded. However, when the atypical structure is detected, or the thickening of the muscular layer, an additional examination will be conducted, which will help you make a diagnosis.

In addition to ultrasound screening, a specialist can recommend conducting such medical procedures:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging, which will help estimate the structure of the fallopian wall;
  • Execution of a bimanual study, due to which the state of the reproductive body is determined;
  • Blood delivery for execution biochemical analysis, which will determine the level of hormones in the body of a woman;
  • Standard gynecological examination on the chair to determine the state of the cervix and vagina;
  • Careful anamnesis collection, which will give the opportunity to identify the accompanying symptoms, and also determine how long the woman has started.

Such a complete diagnostic examination is necessary in order to accurately determine the type of pathological process, the degree of its nestness, as well as to develop the most complete and proper treatment regimen.


Causes of changes in myometry

With diffuse changes in myiometry, an atypical growth of the mucosa of the uterus and the rotation of the endometrium cells into the thickness of the muscular layer is occurred. The accurate cause of the development of this pathological process, scientists cannot identify. However, there is a genetic predisposition and a hormone theory of the disease, according to which endometriosis develops as a result of a violation of hormone content in the female organism (elevated level of estrogen and reduced progesterone).

Initially, this kind of hormonal disorders contribute to the growth of the endometrium, and then it can provoke its rejection, accompanied by severe bleeding.

The rejected cells somehow penetrate the basal layer of the endometrium and begin to germinate into the myometrium. On the ultrasound there is a thickening of the wall of the uterus up to 4-5 cm, its echostructure is broken. In addition, with endometriosis in the muscular layer of the uterus, changes with hyperheogenic inclusions are determined, diffusely located in the thickness of the organ, the size of which is 1-5 mm.

Inhomogeneity of myometrium develops for several reasons, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • abortion or any other interference in the uterine cavity;
  • childbirth trauming the inner wall of the uterus;
  • cesarean section;
  • diagnostic scraping;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • genetic predisposition to the disease;
  • stress as a consequence of neurogenic violations.

Signs of diffuse changes of myometrium depends on the speed and depth of the propagation of endometrioid tissue in the muscular layer of the uterus.

Most often at the initial stages of symptoms of this disease, invisible. It is customary to distinguish 3 degrees of endometriosis:

  1. At the first degree, a slight germination of the internal layers of myometrium occurs.
  2. With a second degree, the germination of the tissue occurs until the midishrosis.
  3. For a third degree, the endometrioid tissue is germination through all layers, up to the serous membrane of the uterus.

Diffuse changes of myometrium - diagnosis and signs of the disease

According to scientists, in 1/3 cases of female infertility, endometriosis is diagnosed in patients. Woman spend an ultrasound, where the doctor sees that the inhomogeneous myometrics, which means it was subject to change. The causes of the occurrence and symptoms of this kind of change can be absolutely different. Some patients note pain in urination or in front of menstruation, others - to discomfort during sexual intercourse, and thirds have bleeding between monthly. Pains arise against the background of edema of tissues and the compression of the nerve endings in the uterus wall. As a rule, painful sensations have a new or fitful character, can be given to the crotch area, the waist and the thigh area.

After time, the woman may appear acyclic bleeding, which entail the development of iron deficiency anemia, which is accompanied by apatine, lethargy, dizziness, headaches, drowsiness. Such a condition cannot be cured until the blood loss is eliminated.

In addition to the usual ultrasound study of small pelvis organs, experts can also assign an endoscopic study. If these survey methods reveal that the myometrium echostructure is changed, they are talking about the presence of endometriosis and the need for a course of drug therapy, allowing to get pregnant and make a healthy child.

Treatment of diffuse changes of myometrium

It is very important in time to identify the first signs of endometriosis in women and timely start appropriate treatment. After all, it depends on how much the overall health of the patient and its childbearing function will improve, which is of great importance for women of reproductive age.

If the ultrasounds were recorded, the echo diffuses of diffuse changes were recorded, the following types of treatment are used:

  • hormonal therapy;
  • operational treatment;
  • therapy with homeopathic preparations.

Treatment with hormones used inward, does not always have the necessary therapeutic effect. Most often hormonal drugs Only on time is able to block the growth of the endometrium, and after the end of the course, its development can begin again. That is why the next stage doctors prescribe supporting treatment.
As for surgical treatment methods, laparoscopy is most optimal in modern medical practice, which allows to significantly reduce the risk of developing complications and maintain the full functioning of the genital organs.

The treatment of diffuse changes of myometrium is considered quite effective using vegetable-based drugs, which are able to restore the hormonal background, increase immunity, and improve the work of most organs and systems.


The structure of the uterine myometrium:

Three layers of smooth muscle fibers
  • The outer suberozic layer is muscle fibers located longitudinally and around the circumference. Outside, a serous shell is visible;
  • The medium layer of myometrium is the strongest - is a circular muscle, in the cell structure of which vessels and veins are located, providing the uterus with the useful substances;
  • The inner layer includes longitudinal fibers.

Due to the presence of various layers of the Matika, the uterus becomes the ability to reduce that it is necessary to outward menstrual blood during menstruation.

Thanks to the Matter's myiometry, the fetal repository function during pregnancy, it grows together with the growth of the baby. And when the term of pregnancy is over - expels the fruit from the body of the mother with the help of the same muscles.

Most causes of diffuse changes are:

  • Endometriosis;
  • Adenomyosis;
  • Stress;
  • Anemia;
  • Bad heredity;
  • Cesarean section;
  • Abortions and various mechanical cleaning of the uterus;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Penetration of infection in the uterine cavity during menstrual bleeding;
  • Hormonal malfunctions in the body.

Signs of diffuse changes of myometrium:

  • Abundant and overly painful monthly bleeding;
  • Pain during sex;
  • Pain when urination;
  • Pulling pain in the abdomen for 12-16 cycles day (with ovulation);
  • Discharge of blood in the middle of the cycle;
  • Inability to conceive a child.

The diagnosis of diffuse changes of myometrium is made using:

  • Endoscopic study.

Echographic signs are detected when conducting an ultrasound, if the echo identifies some abnormalities or focal deviations, is raised under suspicion of the diagnosis of endometriosis or adenomyosis.


With adenomyosis, the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) grows into muscle tissue - myiometry and only into it, unlike endometriosis.

The score of the cases of this disease is small, since it is often difficult to distinguish it from endometriosis. There are often cases when women diagnose both diseases.

Sometimes adenomyosis proceeds absolutely asymptomatic, but the following signs are both:

  • Painful periods (the pain lasts all days) with the yield of blood clot;
  • Unpleasant sensations with sexual interchange;
  • Spontaneously emerging bleeding from sex tract;
  • A noticeable increase in the uterus;
  • Pain of the abdomen during palpation.

4 stages of adenomiosis are distinguished:

  1. The mucosa of the uterus is affected;
  2. The affected areas include endometrium;
  3. The tumor germinates to the serous uterine layer;
  4. The defeat of the organs of the peritoneum.

The causes of adenomyosis doctors consider:

  • Endometrial cell enter the muscular layer of the uterus (with surgery);
  • Congenital pathology;
  • Inflammation of the uterus after childbirth.

Most often, patients are "over 40" or during menopause.

Treatment of adenomiosis:

  • Drug:

Nonteroidal anti-inflammatory funds (ibuprofen);

Hormonal preparations ( oral contraceptives);

  • Surgical intervention is to remove the uterus (hysterectomy);
  • Taking warm baths.


Endometriosis is the rotation of the mucous inner layer of the uterus into the muscular layer with the advent of benign neoplasms.

Ultrasound diagnoses endometriosis in a third of women with diffuse changes of myometrium.

Endometriosis symptoms are largely similar to adenomyosis signs:

  • Pain during trips to the ladies and sex;
  • Painful monthly, irregular bleeding.

Several forms of the disease are isolated:

  1. The endometriosis is genital, in which the ovaries and the uterine cavity, uterine pipes, vulva and even external genital organs of a woman are affected;
  2. Extgazenital - when in the number of affected organs, in addition to sex, includes lungs, intestines and other closely located components human organism;
  3. Combined endometriosis is a mixture of two forms described above.

The treatment of endometriosis consists of the following items:

  • Treatment with hormonal drugs, which implements mandatory blood delivery to hormones;
  • Calculation of foci of the disease to prevent its further propagation.

Signs of stress:

  • Headaches appearing with enviable frequency;
  • General impotence;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Chronic constipation;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Lack of sexual desire;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Sweating;
  • Hand shakes;
  • Lump in the throat;
  • Nervous excitability;
  • Understated patient self-esteem.

If on the background of stress in a woman there is infertility, pain in menstruation, then you need to refer to a qualified specialist.

Treatment of stress or how to get rid of depression:

  1. Eat balanced, avoid diets;
  2. Sleep 8-9 hours a day;
  3. Not nervous on trifles;
  4. Talk about what you feel;
  5. Do not drink alcoholic drinks and not use narcotic substances;
  6. Leave the time for yourself;
  7. Communicate with relatives and best friends;
  8. Regularly play sports (endorphine is released - hormone of happiness).


The causes of anemia are the lack of hemoglobin or erythrocytes.

Signs of anemia consider:

  • Pallitude of the skin;
  • Heart palpitations;
  • Problems with hair and nails;
  • Pain in the head;
  • Traction for eating non-traditional products.
  • The reasons of anemia doctors consider:

    • Poor food (you need to eat meat, liver, grenades and apples);
    • The pathology of the absorption of iron by the body (for example, with celiac disease or the disease of Crown);
    • Sharp races of growth in kids (especially under the age of 3 years). When slowing down the growth of anemia undergoes itself;
    • Pregnancy;
    • Large loss of blood (with menstruation or injuries).


    Features of the structure of the layers of the uterus

    At any age, the normal structure of the layer of myometrium must be uniform, without pathological inclusions.

    At the beginning of the female cycle, the mucous layer (endometrium) is thin, usually 1 - 2 mm, in front of monthly bleeding, it can reach thickness 12 - 15 mm.

    After 45 - 50 years, the thinning of both layers gradually occurs.

    Since the mucosa and muscle tissue are interrelated, anomalous processes and pathological changes in the structure of tissues usually affect both layers.

    With normally proceeding pregnancy, if the patient before conceived was found signs of adenomyosis, the muscular layer of homogeneous and does not have echo-discoversion of diffuse changes.

    Thus, diffuse changes in myometrium are evenly distributed throughout the muscle thicker inhomogeneity in the structure of the tissue, which are viewed during ultrasound examination and indicate the development of adenomyosis.

    Adenomyosis and endometriosis - what is the difference

    If the doctor discovers that myometrium fabric is diffusely inhomogeneous at the expense of focal changes, it means that the likelihood of endometriosis or adenomiosis is high.

    What is the difference between these two states?

    In case of endometrium, elements of the endometrium (mucous membrane of the uterus) at different stages are able to germinate in all layers of the organ, up to the peritoneal layer, and spread even beyond the uterus, penetrating into the ovaries and peritoneum (weary endometriosis).

    In adenomyosis, the cells of the mucosa are introduced only into the muscle tissue of myometrium, without going beyond its limits. That is, adenomyosis is considered as the first phase of endometriosis.

    The reasons

    The exact cause of the development of anomalous diffuse changes in the doctors in myometry is trying to identify through various kinds of research - theoretical and clinical.

    But at the moment there are certain confirmations of specialists that the causes of significant or moderate diffuse changes in myometrium, and therefore endometriosis can become:

    • medical interventions affecting the tissues of the uterus, including abortions, childbirth, caesarean section;
    • diagnostic scraping, cyst removal, uterus polyps, misa;
    • endocrine pathologies - thyroid diseases, diabetes, autoimmune processes, obesity;
    • function disorders, leading to hormonal disorders that provoke pathological growth of endometrial;
    • hereditary predisposition;
    • heavy and long-term stresses causing neurogenic violations;
    • sex infections of any character;
    • inflammatory diseases of reproductive organs;
    • long and frequent solar irradiation.

    Echographic changes

    EchoD signs of diffuse changes, recorded under the Uzi procedure, the main indicator of the inhomogeneity of the myometrium.

    Echogenicity - what is it? First of all, it is an important parameter in ultrasound diagnostics.

    The term denotes the ability of the tissue to reflect ultrasound waves. With the normal structure of the organ, echogenicity is low. The enhancement of the echogenicity of myometrium indicates adenomyosis of one degree or another. For abnormal zones, the blurring of contours and the heterogeneity of the myometrium echoostructure are characteristic.

    In endometriosis (adenomyosis) in muscle thicker, diffuse changes in the structure of myometrium with hyperhehogenic inclusions are fixed, that is, with anomalous seals having a very high reflectivity. In addition, ultrasound shows the thickening of the wall of the uterus to 40 - 50 mm due to the growth of the mucous layer.

    If the survey shows the inconsistency of the endometrium thickness of the menstrual cycle phase, and the structure of myometrium is diffuse, this means a high probability of pathology, the degree of which depends on the severity of echo-discovers.

    EhoDometriosis and types of endometriosis

    Endometriosis (or adenomyosis), in which changes in myometrium detect, has 3 forms:

    1. The diffuse form at which small structural changes are detected in the form of endometrioid growths along the entire surface of the mucous membrane and the muscular layer of the uterus.


    • myometrium is diffusefully affected by special endometrium cavities, which, with ultrasound, are defined as a cellular structure;
    • hyperehogenic inclusions may be insignificant - from 1 to 2 mm and quite large - 3 - 5 mm, scattered throughout the thickness of the body of the uterus;
    • characteristic echoid disclosures of diffuse changes in the uterus are considered to be a change in its shape and size. In the diffuse form of the uterus, it increases to size 5 - 9 weeks of pregnancy and looks like a ball, becoming even larger before and during monthly bleeding;
    • in the initial stage of the disease, the signs of diffuse changes of myometrium can be insignificant, and sometimes the structure of the tissue does not show the abnormal sites due to very small inclusions. Further, the endometrium thickening occurs, the echogenicity of individual sections is increased.
    • if point, linear endometrium sections are present in the muscular layer, muscle tissue with heterogeneous (inhomogeneous) structure are observed on ultrasound.
    • the surface of the uterus becomes uneven, in some sections - painful when tackling.

    Symptoms with diffuse changes of myometrium

    At an early stage, adenomyosis can leak without giving noticeable symptoms, but as endometrium is germinated, the following symptoms are observed in the thickness of the uterine wall and the appearance of inhomogeneity of myometrium:

    • abundant monthly bleeding, in which thickens of different volumes are present in the blood consisting of fragments of the mucous layer;
    • painful menstruation, since the born endometrium is rejected at more active cuts in the uterus;
    • muskaya pain in the lower segment of the abdomen during the ovulation period (exit of the egg) on \u200b\u200bthe 11-15th day of the cycle;
    • maching blood discharge between menstruation;
    • an increase in the uterus to the size of 8 weeks of pregnancy;
    • discomfort with intimate proximity;
    • soreness over the region of the uterus when pressing, when urinary;
    • difficulties with conception, early miscarriages with pregnancies.


    Since diffuse changes in myometry are considered as one of the symptoms of endometriosis on of different stages Development, their progression may result in serious consequences:


    To avoid unpleasant consequences when identifying diffuse changes in myometrium, it is necessary early diagnosis and active treatment of adenomiosis.

    Methods of getting rid of this pathology include drug, surgical and combined treatment.

    Drug therapy

    Treatment of diffuse changes of myometrium medicines aimed:

    • to prevent complications;
    • to stop the progression of pathology by suppressing estrogen products;
    • to keep a childbearing function;
    • to eliminate pain syndromes and warning oncology.

    All groups of drugs have a lot side Effects and serious contraindications, therefore are accepted only by appointing a gynecologist and after a detailed study of the full (and not familiarization) instructions for the patient itself.

    Main groups of medicines:

    1. Estrogen-Gestagenic contraceptive (Jess, Zhanin, Diana 35, Yarina, Demlen, Non-Ovlon, Marvelon).

    Capable to suppress ovulation and secretion of estrogen. Helps at the initial stages of structural changes in endometrials and myometry. It is prohibited with a tendency to thrombosis or high blood viscosity.

    1. Gestagenic drugs - Visanna, Duphaston, Norcut, Utrezhastan, Get Strangeon. Assigns with different degrees of degradation of myometrium.
    2. Antigonadotropic (agonists of gonadotropic rilizing hormones), among which Nementrans, Dunol, Bususorelin-Depot, Danogen, Lyucre-Depot, Zoladex, Diferelin.

    When used in injections, a significant atrophy of diffuse, nodal and focal changes in the body of the uterus is achieved.

    The main advantage of these drugs is a combination of a more pronounced therapeutic effect With a minimum percentage of side effects and relapses.

    With a combined treatment, including medicines and surgery, recurrences are diagnosed only in 7 - 12 patients from one hundred.


    Symptoms and signs of diffuse expansion of endometrial, endometriosis

    Among the most characteristic symptoms The abnormal growth of the inner mucous membrane of the uterus can be allocated as follows:

    1 abundant painful menstruation;

    2 uterine bleeding in the middle of the cycle;

    3 oscillations arising a few days before the start of menstruation, and after its end;

    4 impossibility of conception;

    5 discomfort during sexual contact;

    6 painful sensations of pulling nature in the lumbar region;

    7 Failures in the work of neighboring bodies, which manifest themselves in the form of constipation, rapid urges for urination or blood impurities in the urine;

    8 Painful sensations during defecation.

    It should be noted that at the initial stages, pathology does not exhibit in any way, so a woman can not even guess about it for a long time.

    Causes of changes in myometrium, why occur?

    Modern science tends to the conclusion that several factors are the main causes of endometriosis:

    1 heredity.

    2 hormonal imbalance. In favor of this theory, there are characteristic changes in the foci of the disease that occur during the menstrual cycle. In addition, endometriosis is capable of independently regressing during menopause and tooling the child.

    3 Moving endometrial cells and their subsequent fixing on the outer surface of the uterus and other reproductive organs. This can occur both during menstruation and against the background of surgical intervention, complicated childbirth, the introduction of intrauterine spirals and other things.

    4 Reducing the protective forces of the body and related neuro-endocrine pathologies. Provoke such a state can regular stressful situations, defective nutrition, various somatic diseases, sexually transmitted infections and so on. The connection of endometriosis with disorders in the work of the thyroid gland, autoimmune thyroid and the failure in the functioning of the pituitary gland is proved.

    Due to the abundance of various reasons for the development of endometriosis, its treatment is always comprehensive and is aimed at restoring the protective forces of the body, endocrine system and reproductive organs. In some cases, changes in the structure of the endometrium proceed asymptomately and it is possible to reveal them quite by chance during the ultrasound or planned gynecological examination.

    Echographic changes

    Echographic signs of the pathological growth of endometrial are its uniform or local thickening, which does not correspond to the day of the monthly cycle, as well as the heterogeneity of the structure. Under the term, echogenicity is meant the property of the tissue of the human body to reflect ultrasound waves. Healthy internal organs and various glands have normal echogenicity or, as it is also called, isohechene. If the ultrasound sensor fixes the strengthening of echogenicity and the heterogeneity of the structure of the tissue, then this may be evidence of pathological changes in the mucous membrane of the uterus.

    Confirm the diagnosis of endometriosis can detect foci with an anomalous density that are able to perfectly reflect ultrasound waves. In addition, with the help of ultrasound, the thickness of the uterine wall is determined and in the case of endometrial disease this indicator may vary in the range of 4-5 cm.

    EchoDometriosis and types of endometriosis, what are there?

    In medical science, there are three main forms of this disease:

    1 diffuse. It is characterized by the presence of foci of endometrial located on the mucous membrane of the uterus.

    2 knot. A rather rare phenomenon at which the novel lesions of the endometrium is diagnosed. Treatment, as a rule, operational, since the reception of medicines does not bring the expected result.

    3 outdoor or genital. It is the growth of endometroid tissue on the surface of the reproductive organs, with the exception of the uterus. In the overwhelming majority of cases, under the form of endometriosis, uterine pipes and ovaries are affected.

    The most common form of endometriosis is diffuse and during its diagnosis, a specialist conducting an ultrasound can notice the following changes:

    1 cellular structure of the inner mucous membrane;

    2 foci of endometriosis, which can be both small and quite large (about 0.5 cm). They are located over the entire surface of the uterus;

    3 Changing the size of the uterus. Sometimes this organ increases to the size corresponding to the 9th week of pregnancy. The shape of the uterus in a woman sick endometriosis becomes a spherical;

    4 Heterogeneity of the structure of muscle tissue;

    5 Overnight of the surface of the uterus. This leads to the appearance of pain during palpation.

    It should be noted that at the initial stages of the disease, even an experienced specialist may not notice signs of endometriosis, as they are very small and insignificant.

    Endometriosis - cause of changes in myometrium

    The detection on the ultrasound of the uneven structure and the thickness of the endometrium in most cases means the development of endometriosis - a benign process, as a result of which, outside the mucosa of the uterus, there is a growing of tissue resembling an endometrium structure. During the study, peculiar focal growing in myiometry can be found.

    Clinically this disease is manifested irregular menstruation and pains at the bottom of the abdomen and in the lower back area. One of the serious complications of the endometriosis is the impossibility of conception, since the defeat of the most important reproductive organs: ovaries, uterine pipes and uterus. At the same time, the absence of pregnancy is caused by not the hearth endometriosis itself, but its complications, for example, a lack of ovulation, a large number of adhesions in a small pelvis or the impossibility of implantation of a fertilized egg. The treatment of endometriosis is long enough and it is directed primarily to eliminate its cause if it is possible to accurately install. Comprehensive therapy It is to take hormonal drugs, conducting physiotherapy procedures and operational intervention, if necessary.


    What is a myometrium?

    This is one of the layers of the uterus (muscle), which is covered with endometrial. Muscular fabric in the uterus is playing an important function during a generic act, because it is with the help of its periodic cuts that the child is progressing by the generic paths.

    Now quite often women diagnose diffuse changes in myometrium. In its nature, they are some formations, a benign structure. Their appearance is due to the fact that the endometrium cells begin to function incorrectly, as a result, the mucosa begins, it will grow unemployed with it. Such a diagnosis threatens for each 3rd woman, the absence of children, infertility. These pathological changes in muscle tissue are called endometriosis, or adenomyosis.

    Causes to promote the development of changes in meometry

    Scientists put forward several theories for which endometriosis develops in fun or other reasons.

    1. Genetic predisposition.
    2. Hormonal changes. In the female organism, the quantitative ratio of hormones is disturbed. This theory can be confirmed by observing the affected cloth with a menstrual cycle, pregnancy and women in postmenopausal.
    3. Implantation theory. It implies that small endometrial particles that were rejected, contribute to the occurrence of the pathological process.

    These situations include:

    • injuries during the generic process;
    • abortions carried out by surgical way;
    • when during menstruation, blood falls into the uterine cavity, this is due to spasms (painful menstruation);

    Also, the reasons include stressful situations, diseases of other organs and systems, sexually transmitted infections.

    Studies show that diffuse changes of myometrium can cause malfunction in the work of the endocrine system (thyroid gland).

    Symptomatology that accompanies endometriosis

    The clinic is expressed in the following symptoms:

    • menstruation, which are accompanied by painful sensations;
    • bleeding (uterine);
    • allocations wearing a fashionable character a couple of days before the start of menstruation, and after graduation;
    • infertility;
    • pulling pain in the waist area;
    • maybe unpleasant painfulness With sexual intercourse;
    • disease defecation (rarely);
    • when the pathological process also affects the organs in the neighborhood, the occurrence of constipation, frequent urges To urination, maybe there is blood in the urine;

    If endometriosis develops in a neck, then in the middle of the menstrual cycle, a bloody selection may appear. When endometriosis affects the walls of the vagina, the selection of bloody several days before the start of menstruation, and after.

    It is worth noting, diffuse changes may not cause any clinical pictureIn such cases, a woman does not even know about the development of pathology.

    It is important to go to the planned inspections to the doctor by a specialist, which should include a visit to the Cabinet and Analysis.

    Diagnosis of endometriosis

    First of all, it is necessary to pass at the gynecologist, it estimates the visually the nature of the selection and condition of the neck and vagina, and only then prescribes the following methods.

    • inspection by a colposcope, this makes it possible to more accurately determine the boundaries subject to the pathological process;
    • cT scan;
    • frequently used method - WSD;
    • using a larposcope. With this device, it is possible to consider, the number of focal lesions, in which phase of activity they arrive;
    • use in the diagnosis of hysteroscope;

    Methods aimed at treating diffuse changes in biometrics

    Whatever treatment scheme prescribed a doctor, in any case, it should be directed to:

    • removing painful sensations;
    • avoid further progression of pathological processes in muscle tissue, inflammation;
    • treatment of infertility caused by diffuse changes of myometrium;

    The method of treatment will depend on the following:

    • symptoms;
    • stages of the disease;
    • age characteristics of a woman;
    • the patient will be pregnant;

    Based on this, you can use therapeutic treatment, and treatment with surgical intervention.

    Therapeutic treatment includes the appointment and reception of hormone-containing drugs. These include oral contraceptives of the combined type. You need to take such drugs at least 6 months. As you know, such contraceptives are aimed at suppressing ovulation into a woman, which in turn makes it possible to change the endometry. In addition, some symptoms with the beginning of the reception will simply disappear. For example, menstrual cycle comes to normal, soreness disappears.

    But like any drugs, hormonal contraceptives of the combined type have their own contraindications.

    Start receiving only the appointment of the doctor and after consultation.

    There are also many hormonal drugs, and even intrauterine helix, which are used in the treatment of endometriosis.

    Also prescribe medicationsaimed at removing spasms, inflammatory processes. Preparations of sedative action, multivitamins.

    Surgical treatment methods

    Surgical interventions with such pathology are carried out using microsurgery, namely laparoscopy. But as the doctors themselves say, a favorable outcome surgical treatment It is possible only if it includes medication treatment. There are 2 schemes for the treatment of endometriosis:

    1. A woman to start takes hormonal drugs, a certain course, and only after that - laparoscopy.
    2. A woman first make an operation, and she starts receiving drugs.

    In any case, both drug and surgical therapy, and their complex makes it possible to become a mother.

    What complications may not be diagnosed and not treated endometriosis

    The most dangerous complication can rightly be considered infertility, it can develop against the background of diffuse changes in almost 60% of women. Possible violations from nervous systemWhen the trunks of nerve endings are subjugated. Anemia is the consequence of frequent blood loss (bleeding). As a result, the woman quickly gets tired, skin pale, rapid heartbeat, weakness. The most threatening woman is a transition from benign education in malignant.

    Preventive actions

    Preventive measures should be applied, not only to those women who were not lucky enough, and they have broken, pathological changes are diagnosed and in the future treated, but also those who have not come across it. To such measures to relate:

    1. Being at any age, a woman should not neglect the planned inspections of the gynecologist. This will make it possible to exclude, or diagnose the disease.
    2. In the period when monthly, avoid sexual intercourse.
    3. If there is extra weight, then you need to deal with it.
    4. Apply converse (hormonal), in order to avoid not the desired pregnancy and abortion.
    5. Calm in any situation, in order to avoid stress.