The main reasons why elbows itch. Itchy elbows - causes, how to treat a rash and redness on the bends of the elbows Irritation on the elbows and knees itches

05.07.2020 Information

Elbows itch with various diseases. Sometimes these are manifestations of an allergic reaction or other diseases. Not always people take care of the skin of the elbows properly. Many are limited to the fact that from time to time they lubricate this area with a nourishing cream. As a result, with irregular care, the skin quickly changes its structure. It becomes rougher, problems such as dryness and cracks appear. And if at first only itching is felt, then pain will appear over time.

Main reasons

The causes of itching and peeling often have nothing to do with systemic diseases. Itching can be a cosmetic problem due to overdrying of the skin. This is not always due only to improper care. It also happens that such a situation occurs in the absence of good nutrition, when the body receives less vitamins.

But if there are red spots and blisters, other accompanying symptoms, then we are talking about at least a skin disease, and sometimes a more serious pathology.


Eczema is considered by many to be a form of chronic allergic reaction of the body. But this is an inflammatory process, which is also associated with other factors - diseases. endocrine system, CNS, intestines. Eczema also appears during pregnancy, since during this period all chronic problems become aggravated. The process begins with the fact that small pimples appear on any part of the body, including the elbows. Gradually, their suppuration begins, and after a while they burst, crusts appear on their surface. The process is accompanied by itching.

The skin on the elbows becomes red, swollen. Joins and secondary bacterial infection as the person combs the pimples.

Treatment of the disease depends on the cause and forms of eczema. Since most often an allergic reaction occurs, antihistamines are used to relieve itching. Mostly systemic drugs of the second and third generation - Zirtek, Erius, Claritin.

At severe course diseases, it is necessary to take corticosteroid hormones - first they are prescribed in the form of tablets, then a week later - already as external agents. The most popular is hydrocortisone ointment.

Since psychosomatics plays an important role in the development of eczema, light sedatives are prescribed - valerian preparations. B vitamins and ascorbic acid also play an important role.

Eczema also develops in a child. This is where prevention plays an important role. proper care skin care and nutrition, in which potential allergens (chocolate, citrus fruits, etc.) are excluded from the diet.

A diet is also recommended for adults, especially during an exacerbation. This is mainly a dairy-vegetable diet in which the source of protein is dairy products and to a lesser extent boiled lean meat. It is recommended to eat neutral vegetables - zucchini, pumpkin, etc.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is not an allergy per se, but a predisposition to it. It develops as chronic illness, characteristic symptom which is increased itching. Elbows itch most often, but there is also irritation in other parts of the body. The skin first turns red, then it becomes dry, scales appear on it. If there are scratches, a bacterial infection penetrates.

At mild form atopic dermatitis The main symptoms are itching and dryness. Most often, the symptoms of the disease are observed in children. Due to constant itching, their concentration decreases, sleep is disturbed.

The cause of atopic dermatitis is usually, in addition to the presence of the predisposition itself, contact with the allergen, long hot showers, increased sweating and changes in hormonal levels. In women, it happens after childbirth. Hard water and impaired immune defenses also provoke the development of the disease.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis is complex:

  1. 1. Taking antihistamines (Zyrtec, Claritin, etc.).
  2. 2. Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs(Indomethacin) - if necessary, if there is severe redness and swelling.
  3. 3. In severe cases - detoxification therapy (reception of enterosorbents and the introduction of rheopolyglucin).
  4. 4. To improve immune protection - Timolin and others similar preparations(if there is a threat of a bacterial infection).
  5. 5. Light sedatives.
  6. 6. Vitamin therapy - complexes that include ascorbic acid, vitamins PP and group B.
  7. 7. Glucocorticoids, mainly in the form of ointments for external use.

To speed up healing, ichthyol or naftalan ointments, menthol creams, etc. are prescribed. Non-steroidal creams based on activated zinc pyrithionate (Skin-cap) have proven themselves well.


A rash that looks like blisters that appear after nettle burns is of an allergic origin. Urticaria is one of the common diseases that occurs in both children and adults. It can be a reaction to a variety of stimuli, including cold or direct sunlight.

But since the elbows in such cases are usually covered by clothing, such blisters on the skin appear more often due to contact with other allergens. These are insect bites, some medications(including antibiotics), food allergens (citrus, chocolate, seafood, etc.).

Basic principles of treatment of urticaria:

  • elimination of contact with the allergen;
  • normalization of the digestive system;
  • the use of drugs for local therapy.

For several weeks, you will have to follow a diet that excludes the products mentioned above, as well as:

  • sweets;
  • smoked meats;
  • canned vegetables;
  • fatty meals.

At the same time, antihistamines are prescribed - Claritin, Zirtek, Erius. Urticaria flows into different forms, and with a cholinergic type of disease, you need to drink M-cholinergic blockers - Belloid.

Vitamin therapy plays an important role. Patients are advised to take ascorbic acid, riboflavin, calcium pantothenate and other vitamins and minerals. In order to reduce vascular permeability and reduce swelling and inflammation, it is recommended to drink calcium gluconate. It is usually prescribed simultaneously with rutin and salicylates.

Glucocorticoids are taken only in severe cases of the disease. Usually drugs for external use in such cases are considered less effective. But as an additional measure, the doctor prescribes prednisolone ointment.

Sometimes, along with a rash on the elbows, urticaria develops on the mucous membranes. In such cases, Quincke's edema occurs. It is dangerous because they swell Airways. With it, adrenaline is injected, but this is done only by an ambulance doctor.

Infectious diseases

Sometimes acne and itching on the elbows are caused not only by allergic, but also infectious diseases although the symptoms are similar. Fungal lesions externally manifest as atopic dermatitis. Scabies, which causes red, itchy patches, resembles eczema. In each case, the diagnosis is made only by a doctor.

With a fungal infection, nystatin ointment is used. With scabies, you need a remedy such as benzyl benzoate - they lubricate the affected areas in order to destroy the scabies mite.

The situation is more complicated with the treatment of other diseases that provoke a rash and itching. For example, psoriasis is a pathology that is still not well understood. With it, itching and rash are usually psychogenic, and sedatives are recommended, but specific treatment has not yet been developed, although drug development is underway. Often applied ichthyol ointment and other non-hormonal agents. It is recommended to give up hot showers and baths so as not to aggravate existing problems.

Itching also occurs in diabetes. In this case, you need to normalize the level of glucose in the blood. It is necessary to use external agents - moisturizing and nourishing creams with an anti-inflammatory effect. It is important to follow a specific diet prescribed by your doctor.

Sometimes itching is the initial manifestation of joint damage. In this case, you need to undergo a complete examination, which will help identify the pathology. Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal ointments are usually prescribed.

In order not to hide reddened and cracked elbows under clothes, it is worth finding out why the elbows itch and peel, the reason comes from the outside or still from the inside. And as soon as the answer to this question is received, you need to immediately begin to fix the problem. Peeling of the elbows is not uncommon today, so many means have been developed with which you can forget about this inconvenience forever.

Causes of peeling skin on the elbows

Few pay attention to their own and other people's elbows. It would seem that what could happen to them and why give great importance this part of the body? In fact, everything is much more serious than it seems at first glance. Sometimes harmless, barely noticeable exfoliating skin particles are replaced by a serious rejection of coarsened epidermal cells, which may indicate serious diseases.

There can be many reasons for bottom deviation, the most common of which are:

  • insufficient care or its absence;
  • the use of unsuitable hygiene products (alkaline soap, antibacterial alcohol-containing compounds that dry out the skin);
  • the specifics of the work, which involves a long stay in a sitting position (emphasizing the elbows, putting them on the surface of the table, people themselves add a problem to themselves in the form of a roughened and subsequently flaky dermis);
  • lack of vitamins and microelements (A, D, E, iron, magnesium), which is especially noticeable in the spring;
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, allergies);
  • diseases of the endocrine system diabetes, hypothyroidism, etc.);
  • disruption of the adrenal glands and pancreas;
  • anemia;
  • emotional overload, stress, depression;
  • malnutrition;
  • unsuitable clothing material;
  • regular stay in conditions of high humidity;
  • fungus;
  • hereditary factor.

In the fight against peeling, when elbows often itch and peel, the first step to victory is to correctly identify the cause: after all, this is the only way to choose a means of targeted action and eliminate the disease in a short time.

Why do white and red spots appear

Many patients in their complaints focus on spots on the elbows that precede scaly spots. There may be several reasons too. To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor, after a visual examination, prescribes a comprehensive laboratory study.

The color of the spot also affects the identification of causes. White and red spots can provoke various reasons:

If the push that stains are formed , any disease has served, the doctor prescribes individual treatment and monitors the progress of its implementation, conducting examinations and directing for additional tests.

The most common cause of these spots is psoriasis. It is a chronic disease that can take sharp shape or be in remission. The disease is recognized by spots on the body: from pale scarlet to deep red with dry plaques on the surface, they can cover the entire body. In addition to aesthetic discomfort, they are accompanied by itching.

Attention! It is impossible to completely cure psoriasis, you can only temporarily “muffle” the activated foci with the help of tablets. Therefore, it is worth starting treatment immediately in order to slow down the process of development and flow into a difficult stage.

When the elbow reddens and itches, and subsequently also peels off, this can be the cause of hormonal failure, so a visit to the endocrinologist is a mandatory step in the initial stages of problems with the elbows.

Cosmetologists also often face the problem of peeling of the elbows and recommend that clients familiarize themselves with all the individual characteristics of their body in order to select the right cosmetics, food, clothing, household chemicals and other items.

The main rules shared by the leading cosmetologists of Russia are a few steps to prevent the appearance of peeling. Recommendations apply to everyone:

  • proper hygienic care (refusal of alcohol-containing products and cosmetics with parabens, dyes, enhancers and preservatives);
  • regular moisturizing of dry skin of the hands - from the shoulder to the fingers (creams, lotions, milk);
  • periodic visits to the doctor and testing;
  • for people with a predisposition to allergies, exclude foods that provoke such a reaction from the diet;
  • cleansing the body with the intake of absorbents (strictly after agreement with the attending physician);
  • white spots on the elbows, where the skin is already peeling, may not contain any danger - in this case, this flaw can be easily removed with the help of special cosmetic bleaching agents;
  • in many cases, avoiding alcohol completely eliminates the problem;
  • in case of stress and nervous breakdown sedatives and sedatives will be useful;
  • diet and proper nutrition;
  • the use of moisturizing and nourishing creams after peeling and scrubbing;
  • the use of exfoliating products based on fruit acids.

Red spots almost always accompany the elbows, which itch and peel, and also make it difficult to “disguise” them (especially in the hot season). Therefore, cosmetologists recommend a working express method for getting rid of redness: wipe your elbows with a slice of lemon or other citrus fruits. A cotton pad soaked in rice water or grapefruit juice is also suitable for wiping. After wiping, mashed cabbage leaves are applied to the treatment site.

It is important! Often, red spots indicate an allergic reaction of the body and may be accompanied by similar irritation on other parts of the body (neck, back, legs, feet).

How to get rid of peeling and spots

After the diagnosis is revealed, the only unconditional conviction is conscientious adherence to the doctor's instructions. Only after a full course of treatment and taking all the necessary drugs, you can expect a result. For more information about the causes of peeling and spots on the elbows, as well as methods for their treatment, see the video:

If the cause of white or red spots on rough and cracked elbows is not a disease, then there are many ways to get rid of them. The most effective means:

  • sugar peeling is prepared on the basis of sugar and sour cream, combined in equal proportions (20 g each). Mix well and rub into the elbow area for 5 minutes. This will allow you to speed up blood circulation, activate metabolic processes and remove external keratinized plaques;
  • a herbal compress will soften and moisturize the dry skin of the elbows and peeling will come off in a matter of hours. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction of chamomile, calendula and succession. 10 g of each plant pour 50 g of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, add 3-5 drops essential oil and wrap their elbows at night;
  • potato compresses are left for an hour at the places of peeling, all that is needed for this is grated raw potatoes and a cloth to fix the product;
  • compresses from orange slices and sea ​​salt. After 15-20 minutes, cleanse the skin with a massage washcloth.

Advice! If a product based on salt, citrus and other substances has entered the cracks and provoked a burning sensation, immediately rinse it off with clean water. Treat the elbow with a soothing cream.

Concerning pharmaceutical products, then in the fight against flaky elbows, on which spots are present, "Citrin", "Exoderil", "Suprastin", "Flukanozol", "Klaretin", Markin's, Rybakov's, Makeev's ointments have proven themselves.

Repairing dry skin is not always easy. Therefore, this process requires a lot of time and patience. You should not save on medicinal and cosmetic products so that the problem of cracked elbows is not supplemented by allergies. And you can supplement any treatment with a harmless baby cream, which will always provide the skin with the necessary level of moisture without damage to appearance and health.

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Causes of skin itching on the elbows can be insect bites, improper care of delicate skin, various skin diseases: lichen, scabies, etc. At the first sign of excessive discomfort, you should consult a dermatologist. Until then, you need to stop using cosmetic products or try to relieve itching yourself with medicines. After the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe treatment depending on the cause of the condition. In some cases, you just need to change your lifestyle, in others a long therapeutic course is indicated.

Causes of itching

The "culprits" of this condition may be a genetic predisposition. In this case, the skin of a person is very thin and delicate, and any touch of the tissue causes irritation. These reasons also include wearing clothes made of coarse and synthetic materials.

If a person daily engages in activities that involve emphasis on the elbows (sedentary work, where the employee props up his head with his hands or leans on a hard surface), then the skin in this place begins to coarsen. This leads to peeling and microcracks, pimples.

People engaged in hard work in the garden, butchering meat and fish products, prefer to wash their hands with antiseptics up to the elbow at the end of the working day. As a result, natural sebum is eliminated and the area is dried.

A similar condition is called xerosis - increased dryness of the skin that occurs due to exposure to aggressive agents. Thus, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity due to improper and inadequate care. This phenomenon can occur both on the outside and on the inside of the elbow joint.

Rash on the inside of the elbow

Predominance in the diet harmful products negatively affects the functioning of body systems, due to which peeling forms on the skin, including on the elbows. This is especially true for deficiency of tocopherol, retinol, cholecalciferol, iron. Other causes of itching include:

  • insomnia;
  • long stay in the water;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • hormonal changes;
  • overwork;
  • stressful situations;
  • depressive states.

During pregnancy, the occurrence of severe itching elbow skin. This condition goes away after the baby is born. It can be called:

  • metabolic disorders due to hormonal changes in the body;
  • problems with tactile sensitivity (paresthesia);
  • the occurrence of allergies due to hypersensitivity in pregnant women.

Elimination of provoking factors

If the cause of itchy elbows is a genetic predisposition, wearing rough cloth and xerosis, it is enough to start properly caring for the skin of this area. It is worth making it a rule to apply moisturizers every day (for example, a fat cream), and once a week to do baths and compresses.

It is useful to make special baths for the elbows with castor, almond oils and glycerin. For compresses, lotions from honey, alcohol and vinegar, tomatoes, starch are used.

With a lack of nutrients to eliminate discomfort in the elbow bend, you need to take complexes of vitamins E, A, D and iron.

If itching is caused by problems with nervous system(anxiety, overwork, insomnia, etc.), light sedatives based on valerian and motherwort herbs are indicated. With a long stay in the water, the itching will stop after some time after reaching the land. For treatment of hormonal disorders, you should consult a doctor. With dysbacteriosis, it is required to take Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin, Linex, i.e. probiotics.

Allergies and skin diseases

If red spots, a rash appear on the elbows, then the cause is hidden in acute or chronic inflammation of the skin - eczema. Other symptoms of the disease are peeling, itching, and the appearance of crusts. The cause of eczema is inflammation of the dermis layer, which often occurs when there is a malfunction immune system. The initial signs of a pathological condition are the occurrence of the listed symptoms on the elbows. Further, the pathology spreads throughout the body.

Itching can be caused by a chronic disease - atopic dermatitis. The disease is accompanied by itching, rash. Skin pathology is the result of food allergies, malnutrition or medication. In this case, the components are not perceived by the human body and are rejected as foreign.

One of the types of dermatitis, when the elbows itch, is urticaria. External manifestations of the disease resemble a nettle burn. In addition to small red dots, there is severe itching.

Lichen psoriasis or psoriasis causes itching around the elbows. When the disease occurs, crusts with white scales, acne. Such formations are observed on both elbows.

Treatment of skin diseases

For the treatment of eczema, topical application antiseptic solutions, hormonal ointments, corticosteroids, topical calcineurin inhibitors, cytostatics, antihistamines. TO the latest drugs include Suprastin, Zirtek, Tavegil, Claritin. If the bubbles on the skin of the elbows begin to open, lotions with antiseptics help (2% solution boric acid or potassium permanganate).

Hormonal drugs should be approached with caution, because they cause a number of side effects.Such ointments include:

  • Locoid;
  • Elocom;
  • Advantan;
  • Triderm.

If external agents do not give results, then systemic treatment with corticosteroids, injections and taking Dexamethasone, Prednisolone tablets is indicated. In severe cases, cytostatics are prescribed - drugs that slow down cell division. For the treatment of eczema on the elbows, Cyclosporine A and Methotrexate are suitable.

Non-hormonal drugs are topical calcineurin inhibitors. The mechanism of their action is aimed at eliminating inflammation and itching of the skin. Names of popular agents: Protopic, Pimecrolimus.

For the treatment of atopic dermatitis, tablets, injections, and the use of moisturizers are indicated. Urticaria disappears on the 10th day of therapy after taking antihistamines. The use of antibiotics for this disease is prohibited, as drugs can cause allergies. The cause of psoriasis is malfunctions in the functioning of body systems, so the therapy consists in taking vitamins and topical preparations. Treatment with drugs depending on the cause of the condition:

skin disease Drug group Names of funds
Atopic dermatitismoisturizing ointmentsproducts based on thermal waters, lanolin-based
glucocorticosteroidshydrocortisone, fluticasone, mometasone
immunosuppressive macrolidesTacrolimus, pimecrolimus
antihistaminesLoratadine, Suprastin, Clemastine
Hivesantiallergic agentsTavegil, Zyrtec, Telfast
injectionsFenkarol, Diphenhydramine
vitaminsvitamins B12, C, nicotinamide, beta-carotene, magnesium
sorbentsActivated carbon, Polysorb
PsoriasiscorticosteroidsHydrocortisone, Flucinar, Prednisone ointment
vitaminsTacalcitol, Daivonex, Calcitriene
pills and injectionsPsoralen, Cyclosporine, Methotrexate

Infectious pathologies

Itching is caused by a fungal infection that spreads from the fingers or head to the elbows. The disease is called "mycosis".

Symptoms of infection:

  • redness;
  • severe itching;
  • dryness;
  • peeling;
  • oval spots.

Scabies is characterized by the appearance of red spots, inside which are black dots. With itching in the elbow bend, it can be determined that the tick did not have time to spread to other areas.

Elbows can itch due to lesions with lichen planus. With this disease, tubercles of red color appear, having a depressed center. If you drop water or oil on the affected area, the subcutaneous mesh will become visible.


For the treatment of mycosis, the reception of various groups is indicated. antifungal drugs such as polyenes, azoles. The first ones include:

  • Natamycin;
  • Nystatin;
  • Amphotericin B.

Azoles include Clotrimazole, Itraconazole, Ketoconazole, Fluconazole, Miconazole. Other drugs that help in the treatment of mycosis include:

  • Amorolfine;
  • Griseofulvin;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Potassium iodide;
  • Naftifin.

Treatment of scabies occurs with the help of acaricidal agents. Extremely effective are the ointments Benzyl benzoate, Medifox, Sulfur. Therapy for lichen planus is complex with the help of drugs:

  • Immunosuppressants: Cyclosporine A, Chloroquine.
  • Hormones: Metipred, Prednisolone.
  • Synthetic interferons: Ridostin, Neovir.
  • Vitamin A derivatives: Acitretin, Neotigazon.
  • Antihistamines: Phencarol, Diazolin, Clemastin.

Assign antibiotics from the group of macrolides and tetracyclines. The former include Sumamed, Erythromycin, and the latter - Metacycline, Tetracycline.

The inflammatory process of the skin is always accompanied by various manifestations that can occur on any part of the body. Elbows are no exception.

General description of the problem

Itching and peeling of the skin on the elbow joints are formed quite often. Many people suffer from similar manifestations, but they are not always treated with due attention.

When caring for the skin of the face and neck, hands and nails, few people spend time on their elbows. As a result, the skin in these areas quickly changes its structure. It becomes rough, compacted and overdried. Over time, cracks appear on it, which cause not only discomfort, but also pain.


Itching that occurs in the elbows is not a disease.

This is a painful condition of the skin that occurs as a result of internal pathologies. A dermatologist will help determine the causes of the manifestations, to whom you need to contact if a problem occurs.

One of the main factors that provokes the inflammatory process in the elbow joints is too dry skin in this area.

Due to the lack of moisture, the elbows peel off, and an unpleasant itch occurs. Such manifestations may appear as a result of improper body care, or malnutrition.

The causes of inflammation of the skin of the elbow joint may also lie in more global problems that are associated with human health.

These can be allergic, infectious diseases or diseases associated with pathology. internal organs.

Allergic diseases


The cause of skin disease is a chronic allergic reaction of the body. It is characterized by reddening of the skin and the formation of small bubbles that burst over time. The affected areas flake off, and a compacted crust forms. When combing, the skin is covered with a clear liquid. Deeper damage must be treated with an antiseptic, as spotting appears.

The first manifestations are usually observed on the elbows, which can later spread throughout the body. People who have a weak immune system are more susceptible to the disease. Eczema is treated with drugs local action prescribed by the doctor after examining the patient.

Atopic dermatitis

The characteristic symptoms of the disease are itching that occurs on the elbow joints. When combing, the inflamed areas become covered with a rash.

Various reasons cause a similar reaction of the body. It can be cosmetic or medicines, animal hair, plant smell, room dust, food and more. Dermatitis occurs when it enters human body substances that are not absorbed, but are perceived as foreign. As a result, antibodies are produced that cause skin rashes.

The treatment is carried out with the help of tablets or injections with antihistamines. Ointments are also used that help relieve itching and cleanse the skin from rashes.


A type of dermatitis in which the symptoms appear as red rashes, while the lesions are very itchy. Visually, manifestations on the elbows and other parts of the body resemble a nettle burn. The course of therapy with antihistamines usually lasts about 10 days.

Infectious diseases


This disease is related to fungal infections. elbow joints. The skin on the affected area turns red and begins to itch strongly. It becomes dry, which leads to severe peeling.

Infection with a fungal infection can occur from a sick person through his things or personal hygiene items. Treatment of the fungus should begin at initial stage its development, because the disease can spread to other parts of the body.


The disease is caused by the scabies mite. The disease is manifested by skin lesions between the fingers, which passes to the elbows.

The inflamed areas are covered with red spots, which have dark patches and itch. The patient is disturbed by an unpleasant itch, which intensifies at night.

An infectious disease that is easily transmitted through personal contact with the patient or through his personal belongings. Treatment consists in the use of topical drugs, which must be prescribed by a doctor.

Lichen planus

An infectious disease that is typical for older people. Inflamed skin on the elbow joints is covered with red spots. They have a slight elevation on the skin and look like tubercles, and their center is slightly depressed. Such manifestations are self-healing.

Reasons of a different nature

The cause of itching on the elbows can be other reasons, among which are:

  • Psoriasis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Joint diseases;
  • Pathology thyroid gland;
  • Various disorders in the work of internal organs.


Manifestations are expressed as bright red plaques, which are covered with dry silvery or white scales. They appear not only on the elbows, but throughout the body. Cell death causes severe flaking of the skin, which resembles dandruff. The skin on the affected areas is covered with blisters that burst and painful cracks form.

Most often, psoriasis is a hereditary disease. It is almost impossible to get infected by personal contact with a sick person.

Joint diseases

There are many diseases that violate the structure of not only the elbow joints. It can be bursitis, arthritis and many others. inflammatory processes, which are accompanied by the occurrence of itching in the affected areas. Inflammation can be complicated by purulent formations, which subsequently lead to the appearance of fistulas.

Pathology of internal organs

Itching on the elbows can occur as a result of a malfunction of the internal organs. It can be various diseases, connected with kidney failure, outflows of bile, inflammation of the thyroid gland and others.

The reasons for the manifestation should be determined by the doctor. He examines the patient and prescribes treatment.


It is not recommended to get rid of skin manifestations on your own. Treatment should not be to get rid of the symptoms, but to eliminate the cause of their formation. This requires a consultation with a dermatologist. The specialist examines the affected areas, using special tests that are designed to examine the skin.

If the skin of the elbow is inflamed as a result of an allergic reaction, it is first necessary to determine the irritant and protect its effect on the body. The definition of the allergen is carried out by a specialist. Treatment is with antihistamines. Most commonly used "Loratadin", "Cetirizine", "Fenistil", "Suprastin".

If your elbows are persistently itchy, visit a dermatologist to find out the reasons. The specialist will be able to make a diagnosis both during the initial examination, and in severe and incomprehensible cases, after undergoing a laboratory examination of the skin.

Why there is itching in the elbows and how to eliminate its causes, let's try to analyze these issues in this article.


  • Xerosis.

The most common reason why elbows itch is the xerosis disease, which implies increased dryness of the skin. Xerosis can cause the following reasons:

  1. skin contact with harmful chemicals;
  2. the use of unsuitable or low-quality cosmetics;
  3. rubbing the elbows with a hard washcloth;
  4. frequent use of body scrubs;
  5. wearing clothes made of synthetic materials;
  6. age-related changes in the body;
  7. endocrine diseases.

All this causes irritation or an allergic reaction, resulting in itchy knees and elbows.

  • Neurodermatitis.

This disease is neurogenic-allergic in nature. Most often this disease affects children.

Neurodermatitis is accompanied by unbearable skin itching and characteristic combs. If it is not treated on time, the child may develop complications and become infected. Adults are also not immune from the development of this disease.

There are several causes of neurodermatitis:

  1. hereditary predisposition;
  2. frequent negative emotions and stress;
  3. harmful working conditions;
  4. various types of intoxication of the body;
  5. exposure to allergens from the external environment, etc.

  • Atopic dermatitis.

The disease affects the arms to the elbows and the elbows themselves, occurs as an allergic reaction. The body produces antibodies to fight the allergens, which leads to rashes and itching.

  • Eczema.

This disease occurs due to long allergic reactions. Eczema appears precisely on the elbows, where red spots appear, which soon peel off and become crusty. Elbows begin to itch unbearably.

  • Psoriasis.

The occurrence of this disease is characterized by the appearance of white scaly crusts that simultaneously affect both elbows. The inflamed areas itch unbearably.

  • Dysbacteriosis.

Oddly enough, but it happens that the elbow itches due to this disease of the body. The reasons are malnutrition, a malfunction in the immune system, the abuse of harmful foods.

  • Mycosis.

If, in addition to itching, you are worried about the appearance of oval-shaped spots on your elbows, then this indicates a fungal infection of the skin. Mycosis passes to the elbows from other parts of the body.

  • Scabies.

The elbow crease itched, and red spots with black dots appeared - hurry to the doctor until the scabies has spread throughout the body.

In addition to the above reasons, elbows can also itch due to the presence of other internal diseases, which can only be diagnosed by an experienced specialist.

Treatment and prevention

You can solve the problem of xerosis of the elbows by trying to exclude interaction with allergens and harmful substances that irritate the skin. Use only high-quality cosmetic and gentle detergents. If the cause of itching of the elbows lies in diseases of the endocrine system, start immediate treatment.

Prevention and treatment of neurodermatitis consists in carrying out general therapeutic measures aimed at eliminating the main causes of the disease. Depending on the type and severity of the course of the disease, psychotropic, antihistamine and immune drugs are prescribed. To prevent the development of neurodermatitis, experts advise:

  • timely treat children's eczema and atopic diathesis;
  • protect the skin from overheating or hypothermia;
  • avoid exposure to aggressive substances and allergens.

The latter advice also finds application in the prevention of atopic dermatitis, which is treated with tablets or injections of antihistamines and ointments for itching.

For eczema and psoriasis, a general drug treatment. In severe forms of psoriasis, hormonal creams are advised.

Prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis consists in the normalization of the diet. Pathogenic bacteria are destroyed and the intestines are filled normal microflora with the help of medicines prescribed by the doctor.

Mycosis and scabies are treated mainly with special ointments. Prevention consists in observing the rules of hygiene and refusing to use other people's things.

Treatment during pregnancy

If itching of the elbows occurs in a woman during pregnancy, then it should be treated with absorbents and drugs that help restore liver function. Baths with a decoction of string or chamomile help well.

Prevention of itching during pregnancy involves strict adherence to hygiene rules, the exclusion of any allergens from food and the environment, wearing breathable fabrics.

How to relieve itching, if the elbows itch quite often, at home.
You can take the advice of cosmetologists, as well as apply folk recipes to relieve or eliminate itching, for example:

  1. detergent applied to a soft brush, mix with a few drops of glycerin and massage the elbow;
  2. if the elbows are very itchy, lubrication with interior or fish oil will help;
  3. night compresses from olive or sunflower oil will give a good effect;
  4. very itchy elbows with dark dry skin can be washed with warm soapy water, rubbed with lemon juice, which heals cracks, and moisturized with cream.

Our elbows are constantly under heavy load, so the skin on them becomes rough and often itches due to the resulting dryness. In addition, there are many other causes and diseases in which elbows and knees itch. Regularly following all recommendations for prevention skin diseases, and using helpful tips modern cosmetology, using folk recipes, you will save your elbows from itching.