Vulgar acne. How to deal with them? Why acne vulgaris can not be treated independently vulgar acne reasons

27.09.2020 Glucometers

Local therapy is used when acne is light and middle degree severity. A specialist discharges ointments, creams, lotions that are applied directly to the place of defeat with acne. Preparations typically include:

  1. Retinoids (Vitamin A derivatives) - inhibit the formation of comedones, reduce inflammatory processes, exhaust the dead cells on the face.
  2. - It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
    Clindamycin or erythromycin (antibiotics) - apply with inflamed comedes.
  3. - It is used as an exfoliating agent, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

During local treatment, doctors sometimes prescribe several drugs combined. For example: retinoids and antibiotics, benzene peroxide and antibiotics, retinoids and benzene peroxide.

General treatment - is carried out in cases of severe odds. In this case, drugs used inside:

  • Antibiotics (tetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline, metacycline, sometimes erythromycin and bispetol). Medicines are applied by courses. They reduce the number of bacteria and struggle with inflammation. Long use of antibiotics is prohibited.
  • Contraceptive pills are applied in the case of hormonal disorders, a consultation of a gynecologist, an endocrinologist, is needed before applying such drugs. These medicines are often appointed to women whose acne is strongly inflamed before menstruation.
  • Isotretinoin - inhibits the secretion of the skin, fights with bacteria, prevents inflammation.

In addition to treatment, dermatologists offer procedures that help faster to get rid of acne and improve appearance Skin. This can be scrubs (use almond, glycolic acid, etc.), microdermabrasion (mechanical peeling of horny skin cells). The effect of treatment: smooth and purified skin, the pores are narrowed. Laser treatment is often used.

The drug in severe acne

In the severe form of acne, treatment with drugs containing. The medicine has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the production of sebum. This is one of the most efficient drugs against acne, which allows you to completely get rid of the disease. Treatment with a drug is long and has a number of contraindications, therefore it is carried out only under the supervision of the doctor.

During the use of the drug, it is necessary to take tests every two months: control the level of cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar level, liver parameters. It is forbidden to use the drug during pregnancy, it can cause irreparable harm to the fetus. Therefore, it is necessary to apply all precautions to not be pregnant during treatment. The doctor is obliged to write birth control pillsthat need to start applying a month before the start of treatment.


With a severe form of acne, it is strictly forbidden to engage in self-medication, squeeze acne, to make mechanical cleaning of the face of the house, this will not lead to an improvement in the appearance, and may aggravate the existing problem. The result of such treatment will be extended pores, irritation, bleaching of the skin and scars, increasing face. It is possible to infect acne and blood infection, at best the inflammation will continue and form new lesion lesion foci.

Daily trouble skin care

Daily care is required. For faster treatment of vulgar acne and maintain effect from therapy, use soft pharmaceutical preparations For problem skin. Wash the foam in the evening or. Then wipe the areas with vulgar acne with a tonic, and apply a moisturizing cream.

Use regularly (1 - 2 times a week) cleansing scrubs, problem skin masks so that the face looks fresh. It is possible to use a tone cream or powder during makeup, provided that they are created from powdered minerals. Such cosmetics does not score pores, well absorbs excess skin and relieves irritation. Remember the simple rule: wash the sponges, tassels that touch the skin during makeup, bacteria feel perfectly in these subjects.

Skin problems especially in youthful age frequent problem modern generation. Vulgar acne is one of the varieties of acne, striking both boys and girls. In the article, we will deal with why this occurs, how to get rid of it and ways of treatment.

The essence of the problem

When blocking song gland The plug is formed or in a simple black point (eel). Such a process occurs due to a strong, long-term accumulation of sebum and chipped skin. The next step is to enter the secondary infection and the development of the inflammatory process, such a plot becomes painful when pressed.

ICD 10 Classification and Pathogenesis

The international classification of illness 10 revision consists of a variety of classes and codes, thanks to which the doctor can distinguish one or another disease. In this list of ICD, vulgar eels are a generally accepted disease having their L70.0 encoding.

The vulgar UGRI of the ICC 10 revision includes such a mechanism for the development of acne:

Skin fat is produced in large quantities.

Disruption of integrity, elasticity of the epithelium.

Defeat and reproduction of bacterial infection.

Increasing inflammatory process around hair follicula.

In the photo: so formed white, red and black acne

Pathogenesis of the disease, of course, acts on general state The patient, but to a greater extent there is not so much physiology, but the psycho-emotional state of a person. In the adolescence, the child's relationship with society is only lined up, but due to ugly, the harmonious development of the person can break.

Medicia treatment

In addition to the medication approach to the treatment of vulgar acne, a dermatologist can assign cosmetic procedures, scrubs, masks, peeling.

How to get rid of vulgar acne can know only a dermatologist, so if you suspected the skin problem, quickly head to the hospital, because statiya Cured much easier. The doctor can offer both local treatment and the use of medicines.

Local therapy is used only in the event of a light and medium skin lesion acne. The specialist may register ointment from vulgar acne, lotion, cream and others. It helps to cope with acne.

Such means most often include such components:
Retinoides or Vitamin A. derivative helps to reduce swelling, hyperemia and reduces the formation of comedones and.
Azelainic acid - acts as an antibacterial agent and relieves inflammation. Azithromycin or erythromycin antibiotic used with inflammatory acne.
Benzole peroxide - besides the fact that it relieves inflammation, it is well exfoliated with oroging skin.
Under local treatment, the doctor often appoints a combined therapy, which also includes medicines.

General medicia treatment It occurs in severe launched cases, but apply such drugs:
Antibacterial agents. The course and the duration of treatment select only the attending physician. They contribute to the destruction of the causative agent, reduce inflammation. There should be no uncontrolled reception.
Contraceptive - before taking the gynecologist should be visited, prescribed in hormonal disorders.
Isotretinoin - reduces skin production, relieves the inflammatory process and fights bacteria.

Vulgar acne treatment, which is not a lung case, requires patience and effort. In addition to the medication approach, the dermatologist may assign cosmetic procedures (very popular and effective) gentle to.

Folk treatments

With the help of homemade masks and creams, you can get rid of the angry rash

Herbs tincture will also help:

With the primary appearance of acne, it is necessary to use therapeutic drugs that hinder the growth of bacteria and the further development of acne.

Important is the right nutrition especially at a young age. Sweet, flour and acute only accelerate the process of the appearance of acne. It can be used that will help improve skin skin.

Do not launch the development of the disease, you need to treat the bottom at once.

With the right approach to your health, you will not comprehend the heavy degree of lesion by vulgar eel. Easy degree is treated much faster and more efficient.

Vulgar acne (acne vulgaris) - inflammation of the sebaceous gland and surrounding tissues, provoked by golden staphylococcus. The disease is the most frequent complication of seborrhea (hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands).

Vulgar acne appear in the puberty period and gradually pass by 30 years. The rashes bring aesthetic discomfort to a person, so it is important to know about the methods of treatment and prevention.

Causes of the appearance of rash

During adequacy, adolescents are changing a hormonal background, and the production of sex hormones is significantly intensified. Not always the young organism is able to cope with such a load. Against the background of the joining of provoking factors and vulgar acne appear:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improper nutrition (oily, salt, smoked food, fast food, soda, coffee, chocolate);
  • pathology nervous I. endocrine system;
  • imminent immunity;
  • avitaminosis;
  • stress physical exercise, sleep disturbance;
  • smoking and alcohol consumption.

The predisposition to vulgar acne is often transmitted by inheritance. The process of rash is long. Basic stages:

  • under the influence of hormones increases the production of sebum;
  • pathological factors reduce the sustainability of the body to bacteria;
  • falls a protective skin barrier;
  • microbes (Golden Staphylococcus) begin to actively multiply;
  • fixed iron is affected, and then the surrounding skin and subcutaneous fatty fiber.

The number of acne Vulgaris may increase under the influence of hot food and emotional factors. Favorite Localization - Face rib cage and back.

What types of rash are found?

Vulgar acne is a common name for skin manifestations in the adolescence. Distinguish between several forms of acne. Everyone has a characteristic clinical picture:

  1. Pink Uchri - Education on the skin of nodules of pink-blue color. A long course of the disease leads to thickening of covers and an increase in the size of the nose. Develops more often in adulthood. In this case, the type of rashes can be detected tick-iron.
  2. Black acne (comedones) - The most common appearance is found at any age. It is a cluster of organized cells, skin saline and dust in glands. This formation is easy to find on the wings of the nose, forehead and chin, as well as on the chest and on the back. When pressing the "Black Head Worm" appears.
    1. Papulse - Inflamed comedones. At the base of the black point, infiltrate and nodules are formed.
    2. Pustule - The reaction is more intense. The nodules are blushing, the center is formed empty. After a time, the eel is revealed and heals with the formation of a crust.
    3. Indulatory Vulgar acne - 3 severity. Infiltrate has the size of the cherry bone, the process is deepened. Education becomes painful. After healing, the scars remain sometimes.
  3. Character - Inflammation of the follicle. Multiple rashes, deep, often caught up. When opening, fistulas can be formed. Such vulgar acne always leave after themselves serious keloid scars.
  4. Necrotic - The defeat of the follicular apparatus together with the row. Characteristic for men. On the forehead and temples are formed nodules with bleeding and purulent contents, often covered with crusts.
  5. Premenstrual - Women appear before or during menstruation on cheeks and chin. After menstruation, they often pass themselves.

Important! Only a dermatologist can correctly determine the type of rash.

To which doctor to contact?

Often, when the advent of vulgar eels, the girls are trying to disguise them with a tonal cream or powder. Such procedures only irritate the skin and take the course of the disease.

If you have noticed rash - consult a doctor. In this situation, a dermatologist or beautician can help you. Such doctors lead in specialized leather vispences and private clinics. If you are difficult to sign up for a narrow specialist, you can first go to the therapist. The doctor will appoint temporary treatment so that the situation does not deteriorate.

How to get rid of acne?

Additionally, for the diagnosis of vulgar acne, you will need to pass the overall and biochemical analysis blood. This will allow to assess the condition of the body.

After diagnosis, the doctor will appoint adequate treatment. Depending on the severity of the process, local and general therapy can be used.

The local acts on rash, relieves irritation and pain, drying the wound. This processing of rashes by anti-inflammatory means, creams:

  • In the morning, the skin is washed with special lotions for problem skin (Clerasil, Kleiskin) or a mixture of sea salt and soap. Face wipe with paper disposable towels.
  • During the day, the problem areas 2-3 times are wiped with salicyl or camphor alcohol.
  • Excellent on vulgar acne are the means that improve the regeneration of tissues - Panthenol, retinol-a.
  • Make a face mask several times a week based on blue or green clay.
  • Mazi with an antibiotic for external use helps to fight microbes provoking vulgar acne - levomecol, tetracycline, banocin. The tool is applied to each element with a thin layer if the cavity has already revealed - you can put the syringe inside.
  • Benzole Peroxide (Basiron AU) dry skin and exfoliates dead cells.

General therapy

To cure vulgar acne, often have to resort to more serious drugs affecting the essence of the disease:

  • Antibacterial agents are prescribed inward if the outer drugs did not provide due respect:
    • Amoxiclav 500 mg 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days;
    • Azithromycin of 500 mg 1 time per day for 6 days;
    • Ceftriaxone in / in 1 grade 1 time per day for 5 days.
  • Vitamin A, E, C, group vitamins B reduce the skin after vulgar acne.
  • Hormonal contraceptives for girls (Dianne-35, Zhanin, Yarina). For men, it is possible to use hormones only external (synestrol cream 0.15% for two weeks).

A good effect in getting rid of vulgar acne gives physiotherapy: UFO, darsonvalization, UHF, electrophoresis with zinc and ichthyol, cryoissage with liquid nitrogen, isokerite appliques.

1-2 times in six months can be carried out mechanical or ultrasonic cleaning of the face in the cosmetic room (not only in the sharp stage).

Important! In order for vulgar eels to stay in the past, not only adequate treatment, but also compliance with personal hygiene.

If, after healing, the rubrics of the skin remained, from them you can get rid of several sessions of laser therapy.

In order to prevent vulgar acne, it is important to care for your skin:

  • Take a shower every day.
  • Wash your face with caring products in the morning and in the evening, apply a moisturizing cream.
  • Once a week, use natural scrubs for the face and body.

Good in the treatment of vulgar acne helps and sea rest helps. Salted water disinfects and dry the skin, and the sun rays improve the restoration of tissues. Do not forget to use sunscreen!

The therapy of vulgar eels will not be complete and without a diet. If you do not limit yourself from harmful products, acne return again:

  • Eat less flour, salted and sweet.
  • Forget about fast food. High-quality food should be a good heat treatment.
  • Eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, porridge and low-fat meat.
  • Observe the drinking mode - 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

Any skin rashes are better treated in medical institution. Do not attempt to squeeze vulgar acne yourself!

The effect of drugs will come faster if you start their reception at the first symptoms. Do not tighten the visit to the doctor!

In adolescence, skin problems often arise. But many adults are tormented by the question of how to get rid of acne. This is actually a difficult task, and without an integrated approach, not to cope with it. After all, problems on the skin can be caused not only to the wrong leaving, but also internal reasons, chronic diseases, stress or hormonal disorders.

Teenage Une

When the body is rebuilt, preparing for the performance of new functions for it, a large number of hormones begins. They affect the development of genital organs and all secondary signs that distinguish men and women. But except direct actionThe hormonal surge has a strong effect on the skin: the products of the skin is increasing. Even if the pores are clogged, and the selection cannot get out of the fiber of the gland, it continues to work in reinforced mode. In the clogged follicle, infection develops sooner or later. So the vulgar eels are formed. The photo below demonstrates the stages of this process.

What are eels?

There are several types of acne. They are distinguished by the appearance and degree of skin damage.

Papula. Small inflamed conical or semi-shaped seals, often with a black point in the center.

Pustules. A bubble filled with pus appears on the surface of the eel. Such acne dries up and disappear in a few days, leaving pigment spot or a small scar.

Inductive acne. This is deep, usually painful infiltrates. Outside, they look like bluish stains, slightly towering over the skin surface. These acne leave noticeable scars.

Conglobatic acne. If there are several pieces of indisive eels, they can be combined.

The mechanism of acne appearance

There are four main factors that provoke vulgar acne. The photo shows all stages of this process.

Seborrhea. Simply put, excess skin saline. Seborrhea is liquid when fat easily comes out of the ducts, the face is glorifying. Superficial acne develops on such a skin: Papulas and Pustules. With a thick seborrhea, salo accumulates deep in the gonducts. Inductive and congloglobate are formed, that is, subcutaneous acne. Treatment is complicated by the fact that the process is localized quite deeply, local means often turn out to be ineffective.

Disruption of keratinization. Too many burner cells accumulate in the follicle. Mixing with skin fat, they form a plug. It is necessary that it can be seen on the surface of the skin in the form of a black point.

Infection. A variety of bacteria live on the skin, which are not scary to a healthy person. But if favorable conditions are formed (clogged follicle with a nutrient medium), they will necessarily use microorganisms.

Causes of acne education

Despite the fact that the skin is subject to a variety of external influences, they are not always the main factor in the development of acne. If acne face, reasons can be deep inside. In adult people, skin problems arise due to infectious diseases internal organs. Often permanent colds and chronic inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx switch to the skin of the cheekbones and cheeks. The almonds act in this case by the reservoir for infection. Inflammation of the kidneys, germ, digestive organs also affect skin health and provoke vulgar acne. The reasons for these are easy to eliminate, haunting the main disease. Perhaps then the problem with the skin will leave without additional effort.

Another factor is the constant intoxication of the body. If a person eats up a lot of canned, exposed to the deep processing of products containing various nutritional supplements, unnecessary, and sometimes harmful substances Can accumulate in the body. The delay of toxins contributes to the low content of fiber in the diet, irregular intestinal emptying, constipation. In this case, no better remedy from acne than a special diet.

Effect of hormones on acne

If an adult appears vulgar acne in an adult, it makes sense to conduct an endocrine system survey. The reason may be hidden in violation of the work of the pituitary, adrenal glands or ovaries. Estrogens and oxytocin act on the skin positively, androgens and progesterone - negatively. As you know, both are both men and women are also present. Pink and vulgar acne are often hormonal. It's all about the sensitivity of the skin receptors to androgen. The concentration of these hormones is often rising in adolescence, adults also have hormonal failures. In women, the content of "bad" hormones in the blood increases in front of menstruation, sometimes during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

The reception of hormonal contraceptives has a two-way effect on the skin. Sometimes gynecologists even advise them to take them to eliminate acne. But before appointing such tablets, you must pass tests and fully figure out what hormonal background in the patient. Some oral contraceptives help to make the skin perfect, in others, on the contrary, cause acne. After the failure of them also arises hormonal imbalanceleading to increased oily skin. Individual features of the body cause such different reactions.

If each time acne appears before menstruation, it is a sign of lowering estrogen levels. These hormones not only protect the skin from acne, but also make it more taped and fresh, under their influence the body gets rid of excess fluid, that is, from edema. To stabilize the level of estrogen, the doctors prescribe vitamin E in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

"Map" Ugri

There is a certain relationship between the area of \u200b\u200bthe person on which acne appear, and the problems of internal organs.

Angry rash on the cheeks near the nose - you need to check the lungs. It is possible, smoking, allergic or overheating of the body have a negative impact on these areas of the skin. To eliminate problems, you need to comply with a diet, avoid eating oxidizing products - meat, sugar, coffee. Eat more green vegetables and exercise outdoors.

If there are expanded pores on the face, there are inflammation and swelling on the nose - it can talk about heart problems. It is necessary to refrain from acute food and enrich the diet of vitamin B and omega-3 acids.

At the temples and cheeks acne appear when the liver is overloaded and dehydrated. It is necessary to drink more clean water to restore the excretory function.

Pimples at the top of the forehead - reason to draw attention to the digestive system. It is necessary to reduce the number of refined products, semi-finished products and fats, there are more vegetable salads and fruits.

Inflammation below the corners of the lips on the side surface of the chin point to hormonal problems. Before monthly, acne is usually in this zone. Sometimes it is a sign of inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis organs. In addition to the main treatment, it is desirable to eliminate stress, get enough sleep and establish proper nutrition.

At the tip of chin, acne can signal a violation of the stomach. In this case, the purification of the body will help with a sufficient amount of water in the diet, the strengthening of immunity herbal tea and vitamin drinks.

Acne on the face: how to get rid of?

Therapy is selected depending on the degree of skin damage. Comprehensive measures include:

  • normalization of the process of oroging in the follicle;
  • elimination of infection;
  • suppression of semination of sebum;
  • lifting inflammation;
  • regular cleansing of the skin from pollution and oroging particles.

With a slight degree of acne, external means of acne will be cope. Himself proved tested by time of funds: salicyl, zinc, ichthivo ointment. In some pharmacies, special compositions are made from acne - the chatter, which is a mixture of antibiotics for outdoor use.

Modern means of acne on the face contain various substances. For example, the drug "Skinoren" operates due to azelic acid. It successfully struggles with microorganisms on the skin and reduces the selection of sebum, at the same time normalizing the process of keratinization. The zinyritis has an erythromycin antibiotic and is a good way to solve the problem, how to get rid of acne.

With the average degree of defeat, the doctor may assign antibiotics inside. Usually used erythromycin, doxycycline or tetracycline. We need to take them at least a month and only by appointing a doctor. After all, with long-term treatment, antibiotics can develop unwanted consequences For the body.

In severe cases, when large sections of the face and body are amazed by deep inflamed nodes and infiltrates, acne treatment requires the use of drugs containing large doses of retinoids. These drugs have contraindications, for example, they cannot be used pregnant and nursing. Vitamin A in large doses causes deviations in the development of the fetus. After the course of treatment, the doctors do not recommend planning a pregnancy for 3 months, since retinoids accumulate in the body and are not outlined immediately.

Acne treatment at home

Folk medicine offers various means of acne on face and body. Their total minus is that all of them are quite troublesome in use.

  • Aloe. This plant is actively struggling with infection and inflammation. For the procedure, it is necessary to squeeze aloe juice and impregnate them with a gauze folded into four layers. Make a compress on the affected area. Aloe pulls the pus even from deep acne, only you need to spend at least 40 daily procedures.
  • Propolis tincture. For the night you need to lubricate the problem areas of the alcohol tincture of propolis. In the morning it is recommended to clean the skin with lotion. The course of treatment is 30 days.
  • Cottage cheese. Dairy products - Excellent agent against acne. Soft homemade cottage cheese helps to remove subcutaneous acne And stains from them. Compress must be prepared as follows. To the napkin or gauze put cottage cheese with a layer of 0.5 cm. The density and thickness of the napkin should be such that the excess liquid from cottage cheese has absorbed into it. Obtaining a compress on the acne zone, you need to cover it with a film, and then strengthen and insulate a handkerchief or any comfortable bandage. Keep compress for at least an hour, but better leave for the night. First time, about a week, you need to do it every day. Then you can arrange a small leisure of the skin.
  • Lemon. His bactericidal properties Everyone is known. How to treat vulgar acne these fruit? You can make compresses from lemon juice for 10-15 minutes. In addition to suppressing the infection, the acid partially dissolves the rigorous corks and oroging cells, removes pigment stains and refreshes the skin. You can simply wipe the face with a piece of lemon twice a day after washing. During such treatment, you need to use sunscreen and avoid long stay on the bright sun. Lemon acid makes skin more sensitive to ultraviolet.

Masks from black dots

How to get rid of acne? It is better to prevent their appearance. If there are no inflammations on the skin, but there are contaminated comments, you can cope with them at home. Before applying any mask you need to break the skin slightly to open the pores, and it was easier to clean them. But it is worth remembering: inflamed acne can be heated, it will only aggravate the problem. When the skin is prepared, you need to apply one of the masks from black dots, massaging problem areas.

Recipe 1. To renovate a small red tomato, mix with whipped egg protein. Apply for 20 minutes.

Recipe 2. Beat the squirrel with a tablespoon of sugar, apply on the face. When the mask starts to push, carry out a cleansing massage: press your fingers to the skin and tear them sharply. Sweet squirrel gluits dirt and dead cages, during massage they depart.

Recipe 3. You can prepare a fragrant scrub made of ground coffee and sour cream. But it is impossible to apply it for painful acne. Coffee removes dead cages, and sour cream softens the skin. It may not even need to apply the cream after scrub.

How to remove stains after acne?

Find a way to get rid of acne - this is half of the case. On the spot of acne remains a scar or a pigment spot that can be saved up to a year. Proper I. timely treatment Vulgar acne reduces these unpleasant phenomena. If the stain is still left, home masks will help to get rid of it.

Recipe 1. Make a paste from cinnamon and honey powder mixed in equal shares. Apply the composition only on the stains, keep 20 minutes.

Recipe 2. You can wipe the stains with a mixture of rosemary essential oils, carnations, mint and lavender. To do this, it is necessary in a teaspoon of vegetable oil to dissolve 2 drops of rosemary oil, the rest take 1 drop.

Recipe 3. Cucumber juice will help clarify the skin. You can apply on the stains a mask from the pulp of cucumber for 10-15 minutes.

Diet against acne

Food is strongly reflected on skin health. If gastritis or other diseases of the digestive organs provoke acne, how to treat them, tells the corresponding specialist. Doctors have developed recommendations for nutrition during sharp periods or chronic shapes Diseases such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, dysbacteriosis. In any case, rational food helps cure vulgar acne and see the result faster.

Fats. What is in the first place to limit, of course, is fatty and fried food. It stimulates the activity of the sebaceous glands. Cheeses in this regard are of great disputes from nutritionists. On the one hand, this is a source of calcium and protein, on the other, the product containing a lot of fat. Therefore, during the treatment period from acne should be eliminated by cheese and whole milk. Some experts believe that acne can provoke hormones contained in milk.

Sweets and baked baking. You need to minimize these products. Sugar also activates the sebaceous glands and contributes to the inflammatory process. Flour products slow down the intestinal work, delaying toxins in the body and often lead to constipation. Any products with high glycemic index Contraindicated with problem skin. Candy is better replaced by dried fruits, and sweet sodes - natural juices and decoctions.

Cellulose. It is just necessary to ensure the constant flow of dietary fibers with food. Vegetables, greens, fruits contain fiber that cleans the intestines, speeds up its work, withdrawing all unnecessary from the body. You can buy bran at the pharmacy and add daily to porridge and other dishes. Valuable source of fiber are oat flakes and buckwheat. These are the most useful colors to combat acne.

There is no special diet from acne, the full nutrition must be established. Well include in the diet products such as fresh carrots and cabbage. These vegetables give the body necessary for the skin vitamins A and C, as well as fiber. Vintasy Rosehip, chamomiles useful to those who want to get rid of acne.

Removal of acne in the spa

Many prefer to trust the health of their skin to cosmetologists. A variety of effective procedures have been developed that not only remove unwanted inflamed elements and slightening plugs, but significantly improve the appearance of the face.

Peeling with glycolic acid. This substance is often used to remove acne. Other alpha hydroxy acids are also used, which are obtained from natural products, such as milk and fruit. Pulling cells under the action of such peeling are easily separated from each other. They are removed from the skin in with excess fat and pollution, freeing the pores.

Extraction. The procedure begins with a steam bath for the face. The pores are open at the same time, it is easier to remove pollution from them. Then the cosmetologist removes acne and comedones using a special tool - extractor. In conclusion, a tonic is used to prevent inflammation and tightening.

Exfoliation. This is a mechanical method for removing the surface layer of dead cells. Scrub or special device is used to clean the skin - exfoliator. Such leather exfoliation is usually used in combination with other acne treatment agents.

Galvanic procedures. The procedure consists in constant exposure to the skin of low voltage. It combines with other methods of cleaning and rejuvenation of the face. At the same time, acne and other defects are removed. Preparation and experience are required to perform electroplating procedures from the cosmetologist.

Many sun is good or bad?

They say acne pass in summer from the sun. It is not always so. The sun rays dried the skin, so a small effect can be useful. But it is not necessary to abuse: in response, the sebaceous glands increase fat production. The desire to silently light up often aggravates acne on his face. How to get rid of spots after acne? Just during the treatment, forget about the tan, use the sunscreen. The fact is that the place where the pimple was recently, sunbathes stronger healthy skin And it becomes much darker. So the spot appears, which is then difficult to withdraw.

How to prevent acne?

If you figured out how to get rid of acne, and successfully coped with it, you should not relax. The tendency to problems on the skin is not going anywhere. In case of errors in diet or care, they can return. Therefore, you need to constantly take care of health. Here are the main conditions for the beauty of the skin.

  • It is impossible to wash too often. Even if the skin is fat, excessive cleanliness does not help her, but it will reduce protective properties and resistance to infections. You need to use soft gels and foams for washing no more often than two times a day. And the hands are worth washing more often, and never touch the face with dirty hands.
  • Do not squeeze acne! The reasons for acne you do not remove, but new problems will be added. The infection can get deeper into the skin or spread to neighboring comedones. Pores when extruding rigorous traffic jams are stretched even more. Removal of inflamed acne, bubbles with purulent content leads to the formation of scars. It is better to wait until the pimple will dry up, then the trace of it will be less noticeable.
  • Constantly eat in food fresh fruits And rich in fiber vegetables in cheese and stew.
  • Use quality cosmetics. Do not abuse blunders and powder - they contaminate pores. Makeup always need to carefully delete.

Treatment of acne is a difficult task. But you can cope with even the most deep and painful acne. It is better to turn to a dermatologist who correctly select treatment. The main thing is to fulfill all the advice on skin care and eat right. It will help and continue to maintain the health and beauty of the skin.

Angry rash is an unpleasant phenomenon, to the same extent affecting the skin of both sexes. The age restrictions for acne also do not exist, but most often they suffer from teenagers, on the face and body of which the disease can manifest itself in the form of focal rashes or individual inflammatory elements, so-called vulgar or youthful eels.

Acne vulgaris is a chronic disease of the dermis, arising in most cases in the pubertal period (puberty) and expressed in the purulent inflammation of the hair follicle and the rowing gland. The main locations of localization are face and back, but often when the rashes are observed on the shoulders, chest, ears and neck.

Often such elements are called Rosacea. However, vulgar and pink acne have some differences among themselves. First, the spilled stagnant erythema and teleangectasis with ACNE vulgaris are usually absent. Secondly, the rash is typically characteristic of youthful age, while Rosacea appears in people over 30 years old.

The cause of the formation of vulgar acne is considered a hormone restructuring and a sharp increase in the hormones of the steroid structure - androgens (hyperandrode, which can manifest itself in the form of ovarian polycystosis, seborrhea, androgenic alopecia, hyperitrichoz). These circumstances contribute to improving the secretion of the fatty glands, the composition and consistency of which also undergo significant transformations: skin fat becomes viscous, thick, it is hard to leave the ducts, thereby provoking the pore clock. Inflammatory process Against this background, it develops rapidly, the complex flow is provided by bacterial agents.

Other (secondary) causes of the formation of vulgar eels:

  • disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases associated with the defeat of the endocrine system;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • weakened immunity;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Scientists also revealed a number of factors that reduce skin resistance, and, therefore, affecting the flow of a vulgar acne:

1. Unstable emotional or psychological background;

2. Premenstrual exacerbations;

3. ultraviolet radiation;

4. Excessive sweating;

5. Professional harm;

6. Improper nutrition;

7. Alcohol and smoking.

Diagnostics acne

In most cases, youthful skin disease occurs in a weakly pronounced form and is often considered as a physiological state. And only 20% of the suffering acne, according to statistical data, are treated for help from a specialist due to serious inflammation. The doctor at the first reception holds a thorough examination of the patient and assigns the necessary research to accurately diagnose vulgar acne and establish the cause of their appearance. These events are mainly:

  • Ultrasound prostatic gland, testicles, adrenal glands;
  • Uzi small pelvis organs;
  • blood chemistry;
  • study of the level of hormones (general testosterone, dehydroepiyndrosterone, dihydrotestosterone, androstedediol glucuronide);
  • study of the cover on the microbial flora.

Before discharge medicinal preparations Dermatologist or other specialist (therapist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, infectious person) can also be directed to test the body's reaction on antibiotics and, with a negative result, select the most effective means.

Drug methods

The principles of treatment of vulgar eels are based on:

  1. eliminate problems with thickening (keratinization) of the hair follicle;
  2. reducing the secretory activity of the glands;
  3. anti-inflammatory activities;
  4. suppressing follicle microflora, especially Acnes PropionBacterium;
  5. shangly cleansing skin and external therapy.

The treatment of vulgar acne should be differentiated on the basis of the severity of the disease. Thus, with a light stage, doctors recommend using various compositions with the addition of sulfur, ichthyola, lemon juice. For daily care to teenagers with a fatty problem derma, you can use the lotions of Cleracil, Oxy-5, Cleaskin, with bacteriostatic, comedonolytic and drying effect.

Highly efficient in this case and cream skinoren, the basis of which serves azelain Acidthat helps not only suppress the growth of bacteria and reduce the content of free fatty acids In follicles, but also to prevent the development of volatile hyper- and depigmentation. Some doctors advise the treatment of light acne-illness to supplement the local use of antibiotics, for example, 2% erythromycin or tetracycline cream.

At the average severity of the vulgar acne, retinoids can be applied according to reviews, retin-A in the form of a gel (0.025%) or cream (0.05%), capable of eliminating clogging and eliminate follicular hyperkeratosis. If used antimicrobial preparations With benzoyl peroxide, then starting with a low concentration, for example, first Gel Oxy-5, then Oxy-10.

Antibiotics (doxycycline, tetracycline, erythromycin) It is advisable to combine with bifidumbacterin - a probiotic, normalizing intestinal microflora, and a nastato. After a month of therapy (in the absence of side effects), a specialist is often appointing another means to prevent the development of resistance (sustainability) of propion bacteria to treatment.

The heavy stage of acne disease requires a long application of both local and oral preparations. Girls with non-efficiency of antibiotics can be assigned antidegenic agents or combined oral contraceptives of estrogenic profile. Powerful action in the fight against complex, inflamed vulgar eel isotretinoin (roaccutane) - the synthetic analogue of vitamin A. It affects all units of pathogenesis acne, noticeably reducing the products of the skin and slowing the proliferation of epithelial cells of the fat glands.

Therapy at home

In addition to generally accepted medical methods for the treatment of vulgar acne, adolescents have ways performed at home folk recipes. For instance:

1. Compress with viburnum juice - efficient and simple means for self-election from acne on the back, face and other "favorite" places. For the procedure, it is sufficient to moisten the gauze in mallinous juice, slightly squeeze and attach to a problem zone for 5-10 minutes.

2. No less effective at home is the compress with aloe juice, which pulls the pus even from deep inflammatory elements. However, according to reviews to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to carry out more than 40 such sessions.

3. Propolis tincture - one of the best treatments folk remedies. To perform a cosmetic procedure, you need to lubricate the affected areas of the alcohol tinctuine of propolis, and purify the skin with a lotion in the morning. So should be done within a month.

4. For a very fatty dermis, it is effective wiping the face with a piece of lemon 2 times a day, because, as you know, this fruit of the citrus family has a strong bactericidal and drying property.

5. Cooking at home tincture of chamomile flowers and its regular use will make sure to get rid of the vulgar acne on the back when adding to the bath and from acne on the face with a five-minute holding moistened to the infusion gauze.

1. It is necessary to fully abide by hygiene:

  • wash and clean the face by caring products twice a day;
  • apply moisturizing cream selected by skin type;
  • peeling better meanscontaining fruit acids.

2. At first symptoms of the formation of vulgar eels, it is worth using cosmetic preparations that overwhelm the growth of bacteria, for example, a lotion Creacened.

3. No less important than care, the diet therapy against the vulgar acne, which consists in:

  • restriction of bread products and sugar;
  • laying on vegetables, fruits, fish, low-fat meat.

5. Vulgar acne should never be squeezing on their own at home, otherwise it is possible to apply an infection and aggravate the situation by providing new foci of inflammation.

6. The treatment will be more effective and faster if you start it immediately, not launching a disease.

7. Eliminate the skin defects in adolescents is desirable only in a medical facility, and specialized salons can be visited as prevention and removal of elements of the Package, which can offer:

  • exfoliation of glycolic acid;
  • extraction;
  • electroplating procedures;
  • laser therapy;
  • mechanical exfoliation.

8. Even homemade treatment For folk recipes should be coordinated with a cosmetologist.

9. In case of any by-effect And deviations from the norm (the growth of inflammation is growing, merging into painful nodes, scars and scars are formed on the site of vulgar acne) It is necessary to stop all actions and contact a specialist for help.