Long incessant coughing in a child. Cough in a child: etiology, classification, ways to treat the child constantly coughing causes

22.09.2020 Analyzes

Cough can be a manifestation of many diseases, different for reasons and character, but most often occurs during acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory organs.

Cough is always a consequence of irritation of nervous endings (coughing receptors) located in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

At their essence cough - defensive reaction The body and the mechanism of cleansing the bronchial tree, but in case of diseases he can bother the child strongly, break sleep, worsen overall well-being.

There are many stimuli cough receptors. First of all, these are viruses and others infectious agentscausing inflammation in different departments of respiratory organs. An important stimulus is a mucus, in excess produced by both infectious and allergic inflammatory processes. It should also be known that the respiratory tract irritates various natural particles, inhaled chemicals.

This is especially characteristic of children with an allergic tune, having increased sensitivity of respiratory organs. So, for bronchial asthma cough and other signs of the disease, up to the attack of the suffocation, arise not only when exposed to allergens (home dust and ticks, animal and mold and mold), but also from such stimuli, like cold air and cigarette smoke, paint smells and household chemicals, smoke campfire and cosmetics. It should be noted that asthma may proceed in the form of a cough variant, without wheezing and difficulty breathing.

Cough is sharp and chronic if more than 3 weeks lasts.

A sharp cough in a child in the overwhelming majority of cases is associated with sharp respiratory diseases (ORZ). They are usually caused by viruses and are characterized by the inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Little children are more sensitive to viruses, have imperfect anti-infectious protection, so in the first 3-5 years of life they are subject to Orz. They contribute to the supercooling of the body (cold), the inadequacy of the child.

For chronic cough You should refuse to diagnose a regular viral infection and find out its causes. These, in particular, include inflammatory nasopharynx diseases: rear rhinitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis. Plugging the mucus in the respiratory tract from the nasopharynx with these diseases causes cough, usually morning. In addition, children can complain about the feeling of the presence of the secret in the throat. Without the treatment of nasopharynks, it is difficult to cope with this cough.

A long cough after ARS may indicate the accession of a microbial infection or an allergic process that viruses are prone to provoke and strengthen.

Cough is divided into 2 types: n eproductive, dry (without sputum) and productive, wet (with a wet wet). It is necessary to remember these types of cough and about a different approach to its treatment.

At ARZ in the first 2 days (at the beginning of infection), the cough is dry, then becomes wet, a small amount of sputum appears. Usually 7-10 days cough stops.

The character of cough depends on which the respiratory tract is amazed. So, inflammation of the pharynx (pharyngitis) In the first days, except cough causes a sense of misunderstanding and pain. With inflammation of the larynx cough there is a rude, barking. If at ARS occurs inflammation of trachea (often with flu), it appears dry, painful ("adsad"), often a long cough. Day cough without signs of acute disease can be psychogenic, especially from older children and girls.

Against the background of the ARZ, inflammatory diseases of the bronchi can develop - different forms bronchitis. They are characterized by a longer cough with a different amount of sputum, in the lungs, with listening, wheezing are determined. In children of the first years of life, in addition to simple bronchitis, obstructive bronchitis often occurs. They are peculiar in except for coughing whistling wheezes in the lungs and the different degree of breathing, right up to pronounced shortness of breath.

Signs of obstructive bronchitis are similar to symptoms of asthma. It should be borne in mind that obstructive bronchitis, especially a repetitive, emerging in children with manifestations of food allergies and from families with the presence of allergic diseases may be the beginning of asthma and it is necessary to treat it with anti-asthma means.

The microbial inflammation of the lung tissue leads to pneumonia, which is also accompanied by a cough, although it is usually worried about the child less than with bronchitis.
Parents often ask whether to deal with cough, suppress it? As a rule, there is no need for this, although it matters the kind of cough and its severity.

In the initial period of the ARZ, when the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract is irritated and inflamed, to reduce dry cough enough home tools: rinse the throat with warm alkaline solutions (2% solution of soda or mineral water without gas), drink 10% grave grave, Steam inhalation. Cough as manifestation easy Viral infection and colds usually stops in a few days without any treatment.

With a more pronounced cough for its relief, soothing and softening local action On the inflamed mucous membranes are prescribed resinking tablets and pupintes containing plant components, for example, menthol (phalia, bronchikum, sinuspret). Some of these drugs include substances that suppress infection (Faringosept, Septolte, Laipront, Lizopen, Tussimag).

Anti-infective additives are expedient because viruses can activate the microbes that are in the upper respiratory tract, especially in children with chronic foci of infection in the nasophal (adenoitis, chronic tonsillitis). These drugs, moreover, contribute to the transition of dry cough into wet, and therefore removal of sputum.

When the child's cough should not be flipped, giving him sharp, salty food, seasonings, crumbs, cookies, nuts, seeds, very sweet or acidic fruits and berries, as they have an irritating effect and enhance cough. Children are necessary in sufficient quantities. It can be: fastening tea, fruit and liquid kisins, milk with soda. If there is no allergies, you can give milk with honey. Purchability and stuffing enhance cough, so the room should be soaked more often.

Reflexing by weakening the cough may distracting procedures. However, given the frequently found in children a tendency to allergic reactions, they are not advised to use rubbing and compresses with fragile substances, to overestimate the role of mustard pieces, as their smell also enhances cough.

It should be suppressed strong dry cough, The child gives a significant concern that deplete and breaking sleep.

In past years, codeine was used to suppress the cough reflex. It refers to narcotic substances and is now in pure form practically not applied. However, with acute unproductive cough for a short time, modern preparations containing small doses of codewayin can be assigned to children under the age of 2-2.5 years in combination with other components, for example, paracodine, codipright, neocodion.

Reduces cough glaucine incoming, in particular, broncholithin. Figure effective tool From cough of any origin, even with cough, is the syncode - the drug of central action, but not related to narcotic.

Moist cough You do not need to suppress, treatment here is intended to clear the bronchi from sputum.

For this purpose, expectorant means (mercolics) are prescribed. There are a large number of such drugs that are acting with different degrees of activity on the mechanisms of sputum dishemament. Weaken of them of vegetable origin (a sheet of coltsfoot, a lacter root, chest elixir) affect only the promotion of sputum. Altea's root medicine, Mukaltin also contributes to its discharge.

Modern effective expectorant means include acetylcysteine \u200b\u200b(ACC, Mukosolvon, Fluimucil, Mukobane, Carbocysteine \u200b\u200b(Mukosol, Mukopront, Floofort), Carboxymethylcysteine \u200b\u200b(Mukodin), Bromgexin (Bisolvon, Solvin), Ambroxol (Lazolvan, Ambrosan, Ambrozan). Some of them facilitate The evacuation of sputum, thinning mucus and changing its structure, reduce the degree of her adhesion to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Others regulate the production of mucus with special (glass-shaped cells) and submissible glands.

On the choice of expectorant means should always be consulted with a doctor and remember that muscolics do not replace treatment aimed at the essence of the disease, and are only one of its components.

For example, with a cough caused by the exacerbation of bronchial asthma, it is necessary as soon as possible to remove the spasm of the muscles of the bronchi as possible, after which the sputum is independently independently and in expectorant means there is no need.

For sharp bronchitis With a wet cough, a short-term course of treatment is usually required (up to 10 days), it is useful to combine it with a massage, and also remember that expectorant drugs are more efficient with abundant drinking. With protracted bronchitis, exacerbations of chronic bronchopulmonary diseases may require longer treatment with mercolitics, but it should be carried out after a detailed diagnosis decoding. Incorrect weeks to use expectorant means, without sobering in the details of the disease and the causes of cough.

Often coughing children should be hardened, and they need to take care of their parents.

They should think about timely treatment The nasopharynx diseases of their kids, without postponing it, not counting the rhinitis and the sinusitis of "non-serious" pathology. Given the propensity of contemptional children, it is important to carry out the prevention of allergic diseases, primarily bronchial asthma. If the diagnosis is set, treatment must be carried out in accordance with the modern principles.

A constant and incessant cough in a small child is a reflex process that is a protective reaction of the body aimed at preserving sufficient humidifier of the mucous membrane of the respiration organs, as well as for the outflow of pathogenic sputum, which accumulates as a result of pathogenic activities of infectious or viral microorganisms. Despite this lasting dry cough in a child without any other symptoms inflammatory process In the lungs, it is not always a sign that the baby has a pulmonary disease. Such behavior of the respiratory system is often due to the peculiarities of the physiological development of the child, as well as the conditions for his residence.

In the event of a child's continuous and incessant dry cough in a child, you should not waste time and immediately visit the pediatrician's doctor. According to the results of the primary consultation and inspection, you will have to take a complex of blood tests, urine and bacteriological sowing of the mucous membrane of the larynx. In general, the causes of the incessant cough in a child can be as follows:

  1. Low moisture level. Children's organs of the respiratory system are all the time in the formation stage, which indicates the intensive division of the cells of the bronchial wood and the pulmonary fabric. In order for this process to take place without failures and complications, a comfortable microclimate with a humidity level of 65-70% should be maintained in the apartment. To achieve these indicators, it is enough just in the morning and in the evening to carry out wet cleaning. If the air indoors, where the child is too dry, then the mucous membrane of the trachea and the bronchi begins to disperse, the respiratory receptors and the baby becomes a capricious, it torments the dry cough, which stops for some period, and then appears again. At the same time there are no signs of inflammatory diseases. The body temperature remains within the normal range.
  2. Dehydration. Children independently of age categories drink very little fluid. Parents must constantly control how much the child drank clean drinking water throughout the day. It can not replace compotes, tea, juices and other drinks. Insufficient admission to the body of water leads to the fact that the nasopharynk, larynx and oral cavity Heat, due to excess dryness, bronchial spasm arises. Such a pathological condition of the respiratory organs can continue for a long period of time and manifest itself with greater or less intensity, depending on what level in the body of the kid passes the water-salt exchange.
  3. Smoke indoors. Some parents do not change their habits and despite the fact that in the house there is a small child continue to smoke cigarettes without leaving the dwelling. Nicotine and others harmful substancesThe tobacco products are irritated to the tender mucous membrane of the respiratory system of children and lead to the development of chronic dry cough, provoked by systemic irritation of receptors responsible for the formation of bronchial spasm in the case of smoke and other harmful components.
  4. Allergy. One species of the manifestation of an allergic reaction is the spasm of the bronchial lumen. In fact, these are the first signals and prerequisites that the child is inclined to such a disease as a bronchial asthma. Prolonged dry cough in children with a similar type of allergy appears or at the time of direct contact with the potential allergen present in the air, or as they accumulate in the blood. At the same time, an allergy in a child, manifested in the form of a bronchial spasm, is able to occur not only from particles of dust, disputes of mold mushrooms, pollen, pet wool, fluff and feathers of birds, but also from consumable foods that are not absorbed by the organism.
    Long dry cough in children, provoked by an allergic reaction, is most dangerous, as it is able to grow into heavy asthmatic seizures, make a child with disabilities and form a dependence on antispasmodic and bronchology medicinal preparations. The normal development of the organs of the respiratory system is also suffering. The kid risks grow with a weak and low immune status, and this is always the vulnerability of the body in front of any infectious and viral causative agents of the disease.
  5. Nervous dysfunctions. For the stable functioning of the organs of the respiratory system, the child should grow and brought up in a comfortable psychological environment. If there is frequent conflict situations in the family, the baby does not pay enough time and it develops under constant stress conditions, then dry cough occurs as a consequence of the nervous system dysfunction. This is a common spasm of several organism systems at once, which lead to the fact that the brain under the influence of nervous oveugulation sends chaotic signals to spizming various muscles responsible for the normal operation of certain organs. In addition to the cough attacks on the nervous soil in a child, various teaks can be observed, the movements of rituals, repeated as the stress situation occur. The baby disappears in the baby, intestinal disorder occurs. Due to muscle spasmodation bladder Retributing Enuresis (urinary incontinence).
  6. Chronic bronchitis and colds. This is the most common cause of a long dry cough in a child. The only and prerequisite condition of the bronchial spasm of the specified nature of origin is the presence in the bronchial tree of the focus of inflammation, provoked by a previously not dulcious infection, a virus or strong supercooling of the body. How not strange but increased temperature In this case, it is rare. Diagnose this cause of a long and incessant cough is the easiest way, because for this you need only to inspect the child, listen to his breath, make fluorography for the identification of focal inflammation and, if necessary, resort to others diagnostic measures (Ultrasound, MRI). Bacteriological sowing of sputum separated from the lungs is a prerequisite to eliminate the possible presence in the bronchial trees of tuberculosis sticks.

The specified list of possible causes of occurrence in children of a strong and incessant for a long period of time of dry cough is not exhaustive.

Each child develops individually, grows and is brought up in different social and living conditions, it receives nutrition of various levels of quality. Therefore, other indirect causes of developing chronic bronchial spasm are not excluded.

Treatment - what to do if a child has a permanent dry cough

The first action that must be fulfilled by the responsible parents is to show your child a pediatrician doctor. The doctor will independently appreciate the health status of the baby, will write down all the directions for the surveillance and surveys that are necessary in a particular case. For the treatment of prolonged and incessant dry cough, the following procedures can be assigned and medicinal products, namely:

  • antibacterial and musolithic preparations when identifying in light sloping chronic inflammation, provoked by infectious microorganisms infection (the type of medicine is selected only by the pediatrician on the basis of the data on the strain of the revealed bacteria);
  • sedative medicines in the case of a kola's couss formed on the nervous soil when accommodation under constant stress conditions leads to nervous disorders and uncontrolled muscle spizming chest;
  • antihistamines and broncholy preparations to remove the attack of an allergic reaction and prevent accumulation of allergens in the body, which are wires of bronchial spasm;
  • abundant drinking and taking vitamins to normalize the water-salt balance of the child's respiratory system and the saturation of its tissues by minerals, amino acids, vitamins and other useful substances necessary for the stable functioning of the respiratory organs;
  • consultations with a children's psychologist, so that the child suffering from the nervous cough did not have a recurrence of the disease after the course traveled by sedatives.

Of great importance for the complete recovery of the baby and the relief of the manifestations of a long dry cough have beneficial conditions of residence and child development. If the doctor considers that during the period of passing the therapeutic course, the child should be hospitalized in the conditions of the stationary department, then you should not argue with a specialist and it is necessary to strictly carry out all the instructions of the doctor. A long dry cough in young children is very difficult to treat and requires a solid approach.

Folk remedies for the treatment of cough

In coordination with the attending physician, recipes of alternative medicine can be used, which will help eliminate the symptoms of dry cough. For a children's body, it is best to use the mixture of medicinal herbs, of which anti-inflammatory tea is preparing.

This treatment technique of course relates to the category of pulmonological ailments that are provoked by an extremely inflammatory process. chronic form flows. For the preparation of healing tea, it is necessary in equal proportions to mix for 10 grams of dried daisies, a chasty and a hunter.

After that, a mixture of medicinal plants is poured 0.5 liters cold water and boils on low heat for 20 minutes. As the decoction is cooled ready for use. Medical tea It is recommended to give children aged 3 to 12 years to 100-150 grams 3 times a day 10 minutes before meals. If a small child is capricious and refuses to drink a medicine due to a specific and a bit of bitter herbal taste, then a little honey or sugar is allowed to add. In some cases, for the harmonization of taste sensations, a small amount of lemon juice is extruded. After 5-7 days of reception of the specified folk remedyThe prolonged dry cough of the inflammatory nature of origin changes to the productive, the remnants of sputum are out of the lungs, irritating respiratory receptors and the child goes on the amendment.

For many children, the cough becomes the usual state. Parents should not perceive such a state of affairs as the norm. If the child coughs even without temperature, then you need to do treatment. It is also important to create the most comfortable conditions for breathing a small family member.

No matter how paradoxically sounds, but an adult or a child can cough and good if it contributes to the elimination of dust and microbes from the respiratory tract. Epithelium bronchiol constantly produces mucus. Together with outsided particles from inhaled air, it is removed by moving microscopic growth of cells - cilia.

Even healthy children cough 5-6 times a day to free the respiratory tract from the accumulated mucus.

Diseases of respiratory organs under which cough arises:

  • When trachekit viscous sputum creates traffic jams in the lumen of the bronchi (see Figure). Cilia do not have time to remove the mucus, an adsatory cough occurs.

  • For acute laryngitis or damage to voice ligaments There is a barking cough. The disease of viral nature causes a narrowing of the lumen of the larynx, difficulty breathing in children aged 5 months to 3 years.
  • With the cereal, the kid before bedtime looks almost healthy, but suddenly wakes up at night from the front cough, his breathing becomes noisy.

At the first signs of the cereal, the "ambulance" should be called, to give a patient a warm drink, to ensure high humidity in the room.

  • With cough, the child can cough from 5 to 20 times a day. Prevention (vaccination) is considered to be the most efficient means.
  • For edema and bronchial spasms A spastic cough appears. At the same time, shortness of breath arises, he is heard even at a distance whistling wheels. The reason is that the thick secret is accumulated and is not displayed.

What to do if the cough does not pass for a long time

"How to treat a child?" - The question often arises from the parents. It is necessary to understand "Multipoints": learn to distinguish dry, wet, barking and other cough varieties. Why is it so important? The fact is that various pharmacy preparations and folk remedies are used for different conditions.

The situation when the child coughs more than a month and does not help anything, happens when respiratory chlamydia. The disease is treated with macrolide antibiotics, such as azithromycin, give means from dry cough. Adequate selection of antobacterial therapy provides a cure after 10-14 days, even if the child coughs for a month or more.

According to medical statistics, children are sick with sharp respiratory diseases on average from 6 to 12 times a year. Therefore, if the child coughes 2 months, then it may be the consequences of the ARVI and the hyperactivity of the bronchi. The disease occurs when irritating the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract of microbes, their toxins.

It happens that the baby began to cough in the season of infections and continues to hurt more than 3 months. In such cases, experts recommend an immunocorrection, the reception of desensitizing drugs. When the cough in a small patient lasts long, pediatricians are prescribed physical, ozone, phyto, vitaminotherapy.

It happens that the child only coughs, and he has no other symptoms. In this case, from the diet of the baby follows remove potential allergens. They are rich in chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits, confectionery, strawberry, seafood. It is recommended to give more allowed fresh vegetables, fruits to which allergies do not occur.

Children inclined to allergic reactions should be treated with vegetable medicines. This remark refers to distracting procedures - footbaths with mustard and mustard pieces.

With difficulty swallowing and gastrointestinal reflux, states resembling respiratory diseases are noted. Then the kid for more than 4 months there is a cough at night, shortness of breath, whistling breathing.

You can understand the concern of adults who do not know what to do if the child coughes without stopping, how to help. The reason may be infections of the nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx. Sometimes the "banal" cold for 4-5 hours is able to hit the lower respiratory tract - the trachea and bronchi. Dry cough, together with the sternum pain occurs in the initial period of tracheobronchitis and bronchitis.

The child scrolls, but does not cough, he has a nasal congestion in the first days of inflammation of the pharyngeal almond (adenoiditis). Then the mucus flows through the walls of the pharynx, the child sick cough, without stopping, most often before bedtime, at night and after waking up. Similar processes proceed with rhinovirus infections, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx.

What to do at home before the arrival of the doctor or visiting the clinic, if the child is hoarse and cough:

  1. Giving in sore throat, dry cough at the beginning of a cold juice and drops with altea extracts, Malva, plantain ivy.
  2. Do not use substances annoying respiratory tract, do not smoke in the room where children are.
  3. More often to offer kid peeled non-carbonated water, warm fruit or herbal tea.
  4. Rinse the throat with water with cook or marine Solu, Calendula, Eucalyptus.
  5. Provide sufficient humidity and indoor air purity.
  6. Make steam inhalations (after consulting a doctor).

"Babushkin" method - breathe over hot steam - it is not recommended to use small children due to the danger of burns and the probability of the Bronchi edema. If the child is 2 months old cough, no temperature, then significantly improve its inhalation state using modern devices - nebulizers. For the baby you need to buy a convenient inhaler in the pharmacy with a mask. Medicinal Aerosol easily penetrates the respiratory tract, and the rate of the offensive therapeutic effect Compiled with intravenous injections.

If the child is breathing hard and coughs, he has an increased temperature, then parents should rather apply for medical help. For severe course bacterial infectionTo prevent various complications of the disease, systemic antibiotic therapy will be required. ORVI treatment is carried out with antiviral medicines.

How to help with wet cough

To reduce sputum viscosity, mercolytic and expectorant, both chemical and vegetable are taken. They reduce discomfort, accelerate the cure. It is not by chance that the wet cough doctors is called "productive", because in this way the respiratory tract is cleaned of microbes.

Mulitatic means:

  • acetylcysteine;
  • carbocysteine;
  • bromgexin;
  • ambroxol.

Pharmacy preparations S. active substances Ambroxol, acetylcysteine \u200b\u200bor carbocysteine \u200b\u200bgive children over two years after consulting with a pediatrician.


  • infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants (anise, coltsfoot, plantain, chamber);
  • syrups of licorice root and altea;
  • breast picking herbs;
  • mukaltin,
  • perptissine.

If coughing is a chest child, it is not recommended to use ointment and inhalation with essential oils, saponins. For children, older than one year is a warm drink with honey - natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory medicine. Ensure the removal of sputum warm tea S. linden color or mother-and-step.

It is impossible to simultaneously apply Mukolithic preparations and kolavoy reflex blockers - this can cause a significant accumulation of the secrecy of the secret in the respiratory tract.

When a child constantly coughs at night, because of this sleeps badly, you can skip the evening reception of an expectorant drug. Before beding, give a means of overwhelming cough. It should not be abused by such drugs, because the respiratory tract should be rid of the mucus and the causative agent of the disease.

It is no secret that many parents consider tuberculin sample (manta) by vaccination. In fact, it is a test to determine the sensitivity of the body to the koche wands. So a pediatrician will answer the question whether Mantoua can be done if the child coughs, she has bothered or has skin rash. In order not to distort the test results, doctors recommend transferring the sample a month later.

What to do parents if the child coughes Updated: January 25, 2016 by the author: admin.

Cough in a child is not a harmless symptom

Cough is a protective mechanism that is necessary to purify the air paths from the pathological secret. With the help of rare cough jerseks, there is a removal of clusters of mucus from the bronchi, trachea and larynx.

But if there is a permanent cough in a child, what to do parents how to help cope with an unpleasant symptom? First you need to consult a doctor who will determine the cause of cough, and then will appoint a course of effective treatment.

Cook varieties

To understand why the child constantly coughs, you need to deal with what happens and which one is observed in a particular case. The main varieties of cough will be discussed below.

Outly arising cough

This kind of cough is manifested in the case of sharp inflammatory diseases of the air paths and other areas of the respiratory system (Larygitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia). First there is a constant shaking in a child dry, unproductive.

If the child has a cough constantly observed in early and school ageThis can be triggered by the flipping of the nasopharynx in the larynx in the case of long-term naphyarthritis, adenoiditis, or with hypertrophic changes in adenoids. Such cough has a superficial character and quickly stops in the treatment of the underlying disease.

If the cough attacks are provoked by the protracted episodes of bronchitis, then wheezing are characteristic. At the same time, the cough may disturb the child between two weeks to the month.

If a tightening dry cough appears at school age, then its reasons may be such:

  • tracheitis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • cocktle (see ).

At the same time, the defeat of the upper respiratory tract may arise due to the progression of the inflammatory process of viral etiology. The cough has an attacking character, the attack is usually completed by the disorder of the dense mucous lump. If cough attacks are provoked by coup, then you can note the absence of wheezing in the lungs.

Recurrent cough

Such a type of cough is observed in children with such diseases:

  1. Bronchial asthma. Cough has an attacking character.
  2. Recurrent obstructive bronchitis. Characterized wet, spastic cough.

Recurrent cough needs correct differential diagnosis To select an effective treatment regimen.

Inhalation of corticosteroids - a way to relieve asthmatic seizures

Permanent continuous cough

This kind of cough may occur in the case of chronic diseases Respiratory system. The child almost constantly coughs, the attacks can occasionally weaken or amplify. A permanent wet cough can be observed with magnificent lung diseases. Prettyly rare causes of permanent cough are such pathologies as bronchiectatic disease, as well as a vice structure of cartilage bronchi, or Williams-Campbell syndrome.

With such a hereditary disease, like fibrousosis, due to excessive sputum viscosity, a painful, obsessive cough with manifestations of obstruction is observed. To identify the fibrosis, the study of electrolytes of sweat is assigned.

If with a constant dry cough in a child there is a change in voice, it reflects clinical picture Papillomatoza Lained. And with the fibrosing alveolitis, the bouts of dry cough, shortness of breath, thoracic deformation, the symptoms of the "pulmonary heart" are detected.

It is important to note such a kind of cough, like. It is unproductive, metallic shade. During sleep disappears, it is observed only during the time of wakefulness.

For a psychogenic cough, a regularity is characterized, as well as high frequency, suspending when conversing and receiving food. The causes of psychogenic cough can be stress in the family or school.

Methods of therapeutic correction of permanent cough

A specific course of pathological therapy provoking the emergence of a permanent cough in a child is determined by the doctor according to the results of the survey. At the same time, it is important not only to eliminate the cough himself, but also try to get rid of the reasons that provoked its appearance.

So what to do if the child constantly coughs? Pediatrician appoints as medicia treatmentand some additional methods Therapies of which are the most effective when conducting at home are inhalation.

Medical treatment of cough

The table below presents the main groups of drugs that are prescribed when coughing correction:

Group of drugs Target destination Examples of funds
Antibiotics Relief from bacterial infection Erythromycin, Clarithromycin, Azitromycin
Antiviral tools Relief from viral infection Kagelin, Rimantadin, Arbidol
Beneficial means Elimination of dry cough Butamirat, Glaucine, Dextromethorphan, Pentoking,
Mukolitiki Dissolving and lightening sputum Acetylcisteine, pulby (it is used in the treatment of fibrosis with the possibility of postural drainage), ambroxol
Anti-inflammatory means Inhalation corticosteroids are used in the treatment of bronchial asthma in the form of inhalers and solutions for the nebulizer. Also prescribed with the severe course of infectious inflammatory respiratory diseases. Becmenetazone, Fluticazone, bulvikort

Psychogenic cough is not stopped by drugs from the above groups. For its correction, neuroleptics are used, hypnotherapy. The course of treatment of psychogenic cough can occupy many months.

To help the child get rid of permanent cough, you need to adhere to such recommendations:

  1. It is important to strictly observe all the appointments of the doctor.
  2. Preparations need to be taken only on the dosages installed in the manual.
  3. A sufficient amount of fluid should be given to the child - it helps to withdraw a wet from the respiratory tract.
  4. Inhalation with essential oils (fir, pine, eucalyptus, mint) will help facilitate the condition of the child.
  5. It is necessary to air the room where the child is located, and also monitor the level of humidity in it.
  6. Any folk Methods Treatment can be applied only after the consultation of the doctor.
  7. To support the immune system, the child must be consulted with a specialist about the need to appoint a course of vitamins and immunomodulators.

Photos and videos in this article complement the answer to the question, if the child constantly coughes what to do. You should not neglect the recommendations of the pediatrician and regular visits to it to observe the condition of the child, because the health price of the baby is especially high.

"Doctor, we do not know what to do with a cough - we treat-treat, and he does not pass." "An integer? Can a doctor on the house? The child coughs strongly, can't sleep." Such complaints a pediatrician hears hardly more than anything else. What is cough, how to deal with him and do you need?

First of all, cough is a protective reaction of the body. With the help of it, he pushes out of the respiratory tract that the body is not at all necessary - from relatively large foreign bodies to small dust and microorganisms. The respiratory tract is fascinated by a special semicircle epithelium, which is driven by all foreign outwards with a mucus, away from the lungs and other parts of the respiratory tract - nose, larynx, trachea and bronchi.

Cough - an approached cutting of musculature - helps bring this process to the end. There would be no cough - any banal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract would turn into inflammation of the lungs. So, the cough is needed. But what? Of course, the one that is accompanied by the release of sputum. Doctors call it productive, all others - wet.

Other cough species - dry, boring, annoying, parole, which happens with cough, are not useful, they are very tired of the patient, they prevent him from sleeping, can lead to vomit, accompanied by pain in the muscles and in the end enhance respiratory failure.

That's how much unpleasant may come from this, in the general, the necessary and harmless symptom. To the cough, depending on its nature, and it is necessary to approach differently. All means of cough can be conditionally divided into three main groups: the so-called muscolitics - means of wetting, expectorant - reinforcing cough and soothing - reduce the activity of the cough center. In addition, some drugs have a combined effect - and a musolitic and expectorant.

In the treatment of cough, not only chemical drugs are used, but also a significant amount of a wide variety of herbs and homeopathic agents. In addition, numerous physical procedures are used to combat different types - from physiotherapeutic procedures, to various distractions (banks, mustard pieces, trituration) and, finally, a chest massage, which is of particular importance in young children who do not know how to cough , or in patients with medicinal allergies.

There is a certain sequence (algorithm) in the use of cough funds. The task is always alone - to ensure that the coughing from dry become wet and the child well cleared the sputum. Consider specific situations.

Whooping cough

With this children's infection, the cough arises due to the fact that the cough stick is annoying the cough center directly. It breeds in the nervous system. Sick cough can handle from everything - from loud sound, bright light, anxiety.

Cough with cough is very characteristic - it begins with a loud whistling breath, it lasts parry for a few minutes, the child just goes. He often suits the language so that it arises of his bridles. With a cough cough from terrible tension, hemorrhages can occur in the skelether of the eye and the skin of the chest. In young children, the attacks of a cough cough (reprises) may be accompanied by stopping breathing.

Leaving the prophylaxis and treating the pertussis aside, I will only say that there are absolutely useless drugs that dilute sputum and reinforcement (musolics and expectorant). Also are appropriate only preparations soothing nervous system And removing cough. By the way, such a "cough" character of cough is preserved in patients some time after healing from this infection (up to 1 year) and with all banal colds.

"Live" cough with the so-called false criterion

"False croup", or a foliary, accompanied by a narrowing (stenosis) of the upper respiratory tract, is a rather dangerous and demanding immediate hospitalization. At home, you can leave the child only if the situation is repeated often and parents fully own the skills of helping such a child. However, in the latter case, he must be under the close observation of the doctor.

The essence of the disease consists in the edema of the drowsy space and reduce the lumen for air passage. This is usually joined by swelling of the mucous membrane and a very viscous sputter. These states may arise from two main reasons - acute respiratory infection and allergies. For viral cereals, the gradual increases of events preceding the temperature, cough rise. Allergic arises suddenly, with great swelling and as a result of this, a sharp narrowing of the larynx, but also quickly and passes with proper assistance.

I repeat: With these states, the doctor's emergency call is required! But how can you help yourself? The child needs urgently "twist". To do this, give him a large dose of any musolithic tool (if it is medicine, it is necessarily warm!). Start richly poke it. Open the window or window - Carry the room! Please, in the bath of hot water, take the baby to your arms and sign in with him in the bath for 10-15 minutes.

In no case do not fuss, do not shout, do not frighten the child - with anxiety, respiratory failure can increase. If you remained at home for one reason or another, do not go to bed - drop the child with warm water, let's make mercolitic and expectorant means and other drugs assigned by a doctor, make it a couple of times steam inhalation.

Cough with obstructive bronchitis

With obstructive bronchitis - as well as at bronchial asthma, the cough arises as always as shortness of breath. The essence of this state that arises most often among allergic children, is that the sputum generated in bronchi is very viscous, and the child cannot flip it. Bronchas are spoken around this viscous sputum, while the exhalation is especially suffering.

Unlike the "false cereal", where inhalation is difficult and lengthened, here it is an exhalation that becomes especially difficult. And here, as with the false croup, it is very important to use various muscolithics - medium-dangling means. And only when the cough becomes quite humid, it is useful to connect the actual expectorant means.

Be sure to eat a child - to do it at least twice a day, or even more often the simplest massage is a tender and kneading. For this, you, 10-15 minutes after the cottage of the drug, diluteing the wet, put the child to his knees head down and begins to make it a tender massage with the tips of closed fingers on the chest, periodically rubbing it with palm and pressing from top to bottom, so that the breast is pressed Inside. Ask a child to dilute or press the stalk spoons to the root of the tongue. Do not be afraid of vomiting - at the same time the sputum is also diluted.

Massage is especially important to children allergicians, which are contraindicated with many drugs. So children are contraindicated and the use of mustard pieces. Be sure to persistently give the child abundant drink. If the condition does not improve, shortness of breath is growing - do not hesitate with a doctor call!

Cough with ordinary tracheites and bronchitis

Most often begins as dry, unproductive. There is no sputum. The main task is to first achieve its appearance. In the first days - the use of musolithic preparations or mixed action preparations, then expectorant. If the cough became productive, the child flies well, all the drugs can be canceled, go to the thoracic massage. Do not forget to ride a child with warm solutions (mors, teas, juices). If there is no high temperature, you can apply from the first days distracting agents (hot foot bath, mustard pieces, rubbing). All this, reinforcing blood flow to respiratory organs, enhances the appearance of sputum.

Cough with viral pharyngitis

With the defeat of only the most upper respiratory tract departments - the pharynx is often observed by the annoying frequent, accompanied by sneezing. No functional load does not carry this cough and is very exhausting the patient. Here, help can be in conducting inhalations with herbs, oils, soda inhalations, cottages for the night of drugs soothing cough.

Long, tightening cough

This is a rather complicated problem. How to approach her? If your child coughs for a long time, it needs to be examined - show a otochinolaryngologist, check the reaction, consult a pulmonologist and a phthisiatra. It is necessary to know its long-term temperature reaction, pass clinical.

Causes can be very different, even fairly exotic. Thus, under Glice Invasia (ascariasis) there is a stage of passing ascaride larvae through the lungs, which causes a long strong cough in spring and autumn. But most often a long cough depends on the unsatisfactory state of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, from its allergy, chronic inflammation. Then the child can constantly form a mucus, and he will try to flip her. These state must be treated with specialists.

Often cough for 3-4 weeks remains the child after transferred by ARVI. The cough is exacerbated by the parents themselves, giving the child medicine from cough, which, having a mucolytic and expectorant effect, this cough themselves and provoke. So I achieved a wet cough and good expectoration, which usually takes 4-5 days - stop giving these funds, go to massage and warm drink. Cough will take place himself.

Mikhail Kukulevich, pediatrician